#OPs Shitty Ego Art
wilfywarfy · 1 year
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Someone played FNAF music in the discord, so I was inspired to draw these two weirdos
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wri0thesley · 4 years
we’ve been talking about hatesex recently in my self-ship server and i op, my finger slipped--
Subterfuge - Fem Reader x Prosciutto
warnings: not sfw, unsafe sex, hate sex, slurs. an unhealthy relationship, though that’s a given! afab reader, fem pronouns. 3k.
Your lip twists in frustration as Prosciutto looms over you, his own features contorted in anger, one of his hands slapping hard on the wall above where he’s gotten you pinned. There’s a fleck of blood on his forehead, above his eyebrow, but you’re not going to point that out - not when his mouth is spitting vitriol at you and there’s a vein his throat pulsing in time to the angry cadence of his words. You jut your chin out defiantly.
“--So stupid! Could have gotten us both killed, you’re always running into danger instead of stepping back and assessing the situation like you’re supposed to, if I hadn’t been here you’d be fucking mincemeat, idiota--”
“Well, if you’d act on impulse for once in your life instead of standing back and trying to do your bullshit analysing, maybe he wouldn’t have gotten away from us--” You hiss back, frustration bubbling in your chest, your entire body hot with righteous indignation. Prosciutto is absolutely always on your ass; pulling you up about silly things like improper handling of your gun and your stand not being quite precise enough and the way you speak to Risotto (that one always gets him; mafia culture is ingrained into his very fabric of being, and the fact that some of his team members are so casual with the capo of La Squadra di Esecuzioni seems to cause him physical pain). He will not leave you alone!
It’s not in the same way that he won’t leave Pesci alone - to Pesci, he’s encouraging but stern. To you, he’s just a pain in the rear end. Pesci gets told ‘good job!’ and ‘I knew you’d be fine!’ and ‘I know you can do it’ - you get told ‘idiota’ and ‘you’re a disgrace’ and, often: ‘you’d have been killed where you stood if I wasn’t here to bail you out like always!’
It’s bullshit he gets to be so nice to look at when everything that spills out of his mouth is awful to the highest degree. You’ll sometimes catch a glance of him out of the corner of your eye; adjusting his ascot, running his fingers through his hair, biting his lip so his overbite is even more prominent as he works - and your heart will do a funny little flutter. Then, of course, he’ll say something utterly heinous and your blood will boil and you think that you’d be better off if you never had to see him again in your life. 
“We don’t get where we are by acting on impulse!” He slams his other hand against the wall in punctuation of his words, caging you between his arms. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed and his eyes are burning hot and bright in the dim light of the alleyway. “If you can’t learn the art of patience and subterfuge, stupida puttana, maybe you’re not cut out for this line of work!”
“Maybe you should try telling that to Risotto!” You snap back. “He clearly thinks I’m cut out for it, despite the fact you’re out here telling him I’m a liability at every turn--”
“You’re infuriating!” He hisses, bending his head so that his face is closer to yours. Your body goes hot, your face flushing - and you hope that Prosciutto thinks it’s from incandescent rage instead of anything more flattering to his already massive ego. 
“Says you!” You spit back, which isn’t exactly the most witty of comebacks - but, of course, you’re not quite in the right frame of mind to think of anything that’s actually droll. Not when your breath is coming out in short pants, your chest rising and falling, and you can feel Prosciutto’s own chest pressed aggravatingly close against you. 
“I should have let you be killed,” he says, but his eyes are on your mouth instead of on your gaze. “That would have taught you a lesson.”
“A-and missed the chance to gloat to Risotto about how you saved my skin?” You say, breathlessly. “You’re never able to turn down a chance to massage your ego, Prosh--”
The nickname falls mocking from your lips, and something in Prosciutto snaps. His mouth bares teeth, a noise like a growl as he moves one of the hands caging you to roughly jerk your chin up. His eyes glitter bright and dangerous, his body close enough that you can scent his woodsy aftershave on the air and you can see that there are shadows beneath his eyes, a tiredness not hidden by ruthlessly sharp cheekbones and immaculate hair. 
“You need to learn to shut up, troia--” He says - and then he’s kissing you. 
You two get back to the hideout - a shitty little hotel room with two single beds and a leaking roof - in what seems like minutes, the heat of what Prosciutto had done radiating off of you both, the unspoken promise of what’s to come hanging in the air. He’s no gentler with you on the way back than he ever is - barking out commands, grabbing your wrists and pulling you to get you to move quicker, glaring at you when you stumble (his legs are longer than yours and you’re slow) - but he’s heated, desperate, the weight of what’s going to happen rolling off him in waves. 
When he’s locked the door behind you, you’re barely given a moment to breathe before you’re knocked against the wall again, your cheek pressing into yellowed wallpaper. One of Prosciutto’s hands presses against your hip, the rest of him pressing against your back - and a hardness digging into the softness of your ass as he grinds into you with a sibilant hiss of;
“Don’t think me doing this means I like you.”
“I wouldn’t want to think that,” you gasp back, your body prickling with heat, as the hand on your hip travels over you, your thigh and your ass and then his other hand is moving and squeezes your breast roughly through the thin material of the neat blouse you’re wearing. Prosciutto’s touch is heated but practised - and when he pulls on your hair, you’re helpless to do anything but let him bare your throat with breathless anticipation. 
“Pathetic,” he sneers, but lips and teeth worry into your bared throat even so, and before you know it you’re being pulled away from the wall so that he can get you out of your clothes. His hands are clearly used to the buttons and hooks and zippers of a woman’s outfit; he wastes no time in ripping your blouse from you, discarding it on the floor like trash. He wastes no time in tugging off your skirt. He wastes no time in caging your body beneath him on one of the shitty single beds, bed springs poking into your back. You can’t think of the bed springs and the creaking mattress, though - not when Prosciutto is rearing up onto his knees and his clever fingers are tugging at his ascot, pulling it off and tossing it aside, careful to make sure it lands on the other bed and not the filthy floor. . 
“You might be desperate for me,” he sneers down at you, “But I’ve still got a modicum of class. Who knows. The dirt might improve your outfit.”
“That’s rich coming from the man who couldn’t wait to get them off me,” you bite back at him, and you rear up from underneath him to tear at the buttons of his shirts and finely tailored jacket. 
He growls in the back of his throat again, and before you know it you’re both tussling, the clothes slipping off Prosciutto’s lithe but muscled shoulders - he’s littered with scars, but as you run your fingers through the neatly combed hair to dishevel it and you drag your nails down his back hard enough to make him hiss through his teeth, you’re not thinking about that. You’re thinking about how fucking gorgeous he is when he’s been mussed up a bit, and how it really is unfair that he’s such a goddamn asshole. 
“Whore,” he hisses, ripping at your bra as he bares your breasts.
“Bastard!” You reply, tugging on his hair so that you can worry your teeth into the pulse point at the side of his neck, sucking and biting a blooming purple bruise into his skin. 
“Slut--” he says, as he shoves his knee in between your thighs and rips at your underwear, uncaring of the sound of delicate lace tearing. “You’re wet for me, puttana--”
“You’re hard for me--” You retort, as you feel stiffness press against your full thigh, radiating heat. You can’t resist taunting him, as you swallow around dryness in your throat and the realisation that the persistent ache of heat low in your body is all for him. “What, you’ve been thinking about how much you want to fuck me even as you’ve been telling me I’m a worthless disgrace? It’s shameful how quickly you got me underneath you. Anyone would think that you wanted this all along.”
He grabs a hank of your hair, sliding backwards at the same time as he yanks you up, his face contorting into something both mean and lovely in its ferocious intensity. 
“I should shut your smart mouth up,” he growls, pulling on your hair to get you to move your head towards his cock, freed from expensive looking silken underwear. He’s painfully hard, the tip of his cock ruddy in his hand and beading with pre-come. 
(His cock is just as pretty as he is; not too thick, but not too thin. A slight upward curve. It makes you sick with both disgust and want.)
“What’s wrong?” He jeers. “Intimidated?”
“By that?” You ask, your eyes flashing, and you open your mouth defiantly and drag your tongue against the slit, lapping up the hot salty taste of him and taking a kind of bitter pleasure in the hiss that you win from Prosciutto’s mouth. Evidently, he wasn’t expecting you to go at it with much gusto - but you are fired up, the heat inside you getting to a boiling point, and you are nothing if not a petty person. So you use your tongue on him, swirling over the head, sucking on the shaft, your cheeks hollowed out and your tongue lathing the length of him. His hips move against your ministrations almost of their own volition, seeking the tight warmth of your mouth. 
His hand in your hair tightens, pulling on you, trying to make you choke on the span of his cock as he pistons his hips - but instead of choking, you relax your throat and let him fuck into it willingly. He groans at the feeling of the tight opening of your throat snugly accepting his cock, and then his face contorts in frustration at the fact he let you see him enjoying himself. 
He’s gorgeous from this angle too; those prominent front teeth digging into plush lips, that sharp jawline, the way his unbound hair is falling over his forehead in soft waves. 
He lets go of your hair, pushing you back onto the bed, desperately grappling for control of the situation. Neither of you are really in control, now - both of you have pupils blown wide with lust and aches of heat and need deep inside of you, growing stronger and more needful as every moment passes. 
“Couldn’t even make me come with your useless mouth, huh?” He says, but his tone has lost a bit of its venom, wobbling as he tries to regain his dominance. “You’re not even good for that. Who knows why we keep you around.”
“Maybe I’m nicer to look at than you,” you snap, but your hands go to tangle in his hair and pull him down and he lets you draw him into a hungry, angry kiss with no more than token resistance. His own grip goes to your hips, fingers digging into the space where you curve out, your thighs pressing hot and needy and slick with your own want either side of his waist. 
“This is the only position any of us really want to see you in,” he growls. “This is the only one you’re probably any good at, and definitely the only one you’re good for--”
The tip of his cock nudges your clit, silky and searing, the slick glide of your arousal and your saliva from earlier and his own pre-come making the glide effortless against you. You hiss and pant, nails digging into his scalp, mind racing for a witty retort to what Prosciutto has just said--
But then, he’s sinking inside of you, inch by slow, aching inch, and your entire mind goes blank in favour of the way he fills you up clouding every thought you’ve ever had. Prosciutto has gone quiet too, laboured breathing as he enters you, lost in the sensation for a moment of how snugly and tightly and perfectly you and he fit together--
But neither of you are capable of being civil for long, and his hips and aching to drive into you until you’re a babbling mess apologising for everything you’ve ever said to him and telling him you’re good for nothing but taking his cock like this, warm and open and inviting and desperate. And your own body is aching to fight back; to thrust your hips against his in tandem, raking nails down his back and pulling his hair and biting at that porcelain skin until he’s marked all over with the fact that he couldn’t resist fucking the same person he’s been telling for the past few months is utterly useless.
Both of you clash, hips and teeth and tongue and words dropping from heated mouths, lost in the fact that neither of you can finish a syllable without your voices breaking and broken moans and needy whimpers dropping from your lips. You do indeed drag nails down his back and bare your teeth and hiss, your hips returning every one of his thrusts with a sharper one - and, he, too, succeeds in some ways. Your words and sentences are broken, needy things - driven by your desire to have him fuck you so hard you can’t feel your legs, something in which he’s absolutely succeeding. 
The silky glide of his cock inside you. The way his body hits yours at the perfect angle to sink deep inside you and grind against your clit with every deep, needful thrust. The way that his chest feels pressed against your bared breasts. The way your hands tug on his hair while his hands squeeze and knead at your breasts, so hard you know that he’ll leave bruises there tomorrow.
Every syllable and broken word and whimpered mess of a moan is nothing but an invitation for him to go faster, rougher, harder - and for you to give back as good as you get. You pull back at one point to see that Prosciutto’s eyes are brighter and more alive than you’ve ever seen them, his cheeks pink, his lips bitten to redness. You know you’re all undone too - your eyes glimmering and your face flushed and your chest heaving. You can see that there’ll be bruises covering his skin tomorrow in the same way there’ll be marks of this night all over you - and the thought of marking him in this way leaves you feeling oddly fulfilled. The knowledge that you can leave a lasting impression of yourself on this arrogant, puffed up, self-important--
He grinds his cock, spearing himself entirely inside of you, against you and you’re brought back to earth with a moan. 
His thrusts seem to be hitting you deeper now, more needily. He plunges himself in the slick depths of your channel, your walls pulsing widely around him, your body making a conscious effort to keep him there and suck him further in and fill you up so well you can’t move - and Prosciutto clearly has enough experience to know what it’s leading up to. One hand sneaks between you both, delving between your silky folds, to find the swollen nub of your clit--
You whimper, hot sparks of pleasure emanating from your core. Your face goes hot. 
“You going to come for me?” He snarls, “After everything you said, you’re going to just come for me like a desperate little bitch?”
You don’t know what he’s doing with his fingers - how the patterns he’s drawing over you and the way his cock is rocking inside of you are mixing together so perfectly that you’re unable to hold on, but all you can do is clench your legs around his waist and your fingers in his hair and wail as your orgasm washes over you in heart-pounding pulses. You might have called out his name, garbled in a mess of ‘fuck’ and ‘yes’ and ‘God--”, but that’s a secret both of you will take to your graves as the fluttering clenching of your walls claims Prosciutto’s attempt to remain dignified and he rocks his hips a final few times without you in a frenzy. You can’t even bring yourself to care that he came inside without checking - it’s fine, but what an asshole, it’s just like him - as you feel hot ropes of his come spill deep into you with every needy flex of his hips. He groans your name as he comes--
But that’s your secret.
He stays inside you, breathing heavy, as both of your orgasms subside, his breathing slowing and some of his flush subsiding. He looks down at you as he pulls out (you wince at the feel of the gush sticky wetness that accompanies that), his face unreadable. You look up at him, too, your chest surging with every gasp. 
“I need a cigarette.” He says, rolling off the bed, and fumbling for the silver cigarette case in his jacket pocket. He hunches over, elbows on knees, as you pull yourself up and look at him. 
He, as you’re sure you do, bears the scars of the tussle you’d had. His hair is in disarray, hanging all over his face and shoulders. Red marks from the scratch of your nails mar his back, as do purple-red bruises where you’d bitten and sucked love bites into his skin. 
“Let’s never talk about this.” You say, after a beat. Prosciutto pauses, before he turns his head, one perfect eyebrow raised and the corner of his mouth curled into a smirk.
“Ah.” He says. “You’re finally learning subterfuge.”
You really hope he didn’t teach Pesci in the same way. 
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sergeant-spoons · 3 years
leo sun + aquarius moon / infp-t
I’m kind of a loner but i have a small group of friends that can stand me 😭 anxiety and depression babe✌🏼extremely insecure. will fight anybody for being shitty to another person (racist, sexist, etc) - low key/high key have a temper. history/english nerd, curly girl club, close friends describe my vibe as april ludgate but slightly less weird. catch me trying to be an art hoe w no artistic ability. forget hot girl summer, it’s sleepy girl summer! tall girl club! desperate for some sort of love and validation but will totally keep you at arms length. literally just want someone to treat me like their princess. if they do, i will actually turn to mush 🥺 ok this is long i am so sorry
Heya Anon! No worries, more details is more for me work off of. 🥰
I ship you with... Babe Heffron!
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He would get along so well with all your friends. Shared interests or not, they just like him a lot. Especially because he makes you happy.
You want validation? This man will never stop talking about how great you are. Is always working to inflate your ego (in a healthy way) and strengthen your perception of yourself.
He says 'I love you' a million times a day but it never loses meaning or sentimentality.
Would also fight anyone being shitty like that and absolutely has. Though he'd prefer if you didn't get hurt in the pursuit of justice, seeing you riled up is pretty hot.
If anyone did lay a finger on you, he'd go nuts. He'd call up Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye and Joe Liebgott and, hell, Major Winters too, why not, assemble his posse, and give the asshole who hurt you what-for. You'll probably never see that jerk's face again.
He was never too interested in history or English before he met you and overnight he fell in love with not only you but both those things. Now you geek out over everything under the sun and wow it's wholesome.
He thinks so incredibly highly of you no matter what and he likes to remind you of that, especially if you're in a bit of a funk.
Loves your hair. Loooooves it. Thinks you look so good no matter how you style or cut it or if you have the worst bedhead known to man. He greatly enjoys patting your head or kissing your curls if you'll let him.
(Side note: OP has not watched Parks & Rec but she did just read the whole wiki synopsis for April Ludgate and OP is impressed by the comparison of you to said character).
He disagrees that you have no artistic ability. You have definitely come home to find something you made pinned up on the fridge like you're a child with a proud parent. When you ask him about it, he brightens up and tells you he's going to get a frame for it soon and hang it up somewhere special (unless you talk him out of it).
Sleepy girl summer = sleepy Babe summer. He will stay in bed and cuddle for the whole day if you want even though you were both supposed to be up hours ago. He loves holding you, making sure you feel safe in his arms, keeping you close like the greatest treasure he's ever known (because, in his eyes, you are).
Sometimes he pouts that he can't kiss the top of your head because you're about the same height and begrudgingly you will bend your knees to oblige him. He will smatter your face in kisses and thank you right after, so who's the winner here, really?
It took him a little while to get you to open up to him, but once he did, you would be hard-pressed to find a more determined man when it comes to showing you how much he likes (and, soon, loves) you.
Absolutely would treat you like a princess, nay, a queen.
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emma-what-son · 4 years
I found more comments:
Reddit 2017: Not OP, but I know a crew member from Beauty and the Beast who said she was extremely demanding and incredibly rude.
Quora Jan 2020: I have a friend who works in a palace. He's met Donald Trump, Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, many more politicians and lots of well known celebrities. Yesterday, when I saw him at a New Years Eve party, I couldn't help but ask him this very question! His answer will shock you.
He told me that the rudest celebrity he ever met was before he even started his job at the palace. His hometown was close to Oxford University and every day he would take the bus to his job at the time. A student of Oxford University at the time was Emma Watson (aka Hermione Granger from Harry Potter).
My friend took the same bus as her every day as she travelled to University. He said that any time someone would approach her or simply ask her a question she would always “shut them the fuck down". She would sigh loudly, roll her eyes at them and sometimes even swear under her breath before giving them a half-arsed answer. He said that she was always very abrasive and rude which stopped him from ever approaching her himself.
This shocked me! As I always imagined her to be quite down to Earth.
Quora Dec 2019: From what I’ve heard, Emma Watson is famously hard to work with. Bruce Willis is full of himself, Tobey Maguire is such an asshole that one of the crew tried to pay Joe Mangianello to punch him “on accident”, Edward Norton likes to try to control the whole production and give himself more scenes, Joaquin Phoenix sometimes takes method acting too far, Christian Bale is extremely rude to crew members, Amber Heard is extremely abusive, and Jerry Seinfeld has the biggest ego in the business.
Reddit April 2020: I used to live in Santa Barbara, CA and worked in a very fancy restaurant there so I had several celebrity run ins, I've served Oprah, Rob Lowe, the Kardashians, I watched Emma Watson's boyfriend break up with her, but the best run in ever was with Jason Segal.
Not sure who the boyfriend was, but breaking up in public like that was a shitty thing to do.
Reddit Dec. 2019: My old coworker dated Emma Watson for a couple of years. I saw her a few times on his phone when they FaceTimed, which was surreal. They were very much into art, culture, and theater, and spent a lot of time in New York. He seemed super happy with her, and wore the spotlight well, though most details we asked for were kept private... he was in the process of looking at rings when the relationship ended.
My first thought was Will Adamowics. There were rumors that he was thinking about buying a ring.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of March 27th, 2019
Best of this Week: Detective Comics #1000 - Various Writers and Artists
Possibly more controversial than I'm thinking it'll be, I'm glad Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo did the job of reintroducing Slam Bradley into the DC Universe. Slam Bradley, of course the way I choose to remember him, was one of DC's first characters and the precursor design to modern day Superman. He was a 1930s dick (detective in this case) who made his name in infamy with racist depictions of Chinese people being swung by their braids with toothy grins. He's likely the reason DC won't reprint some of the early Detective Comics works in a compendium.
This is without a doubt, a great celebration for one of the greatest comic book characters of all time, if not THE greatest. The difficulty in reviewing something like this, much like Action Comics #1000 (if I reviewed that one, I don't remember) is that so many stories have their ups and downs, hits or misses and there's so much ground. But some of these were so good that this book is getting an entry all on it's own this week.
He's been made better in recent years with a badass run as a side character in Ed Brubaker and Darwyn Cooke's Catwoman (2001) as a cool former police officer with a son by the name of Slam Jr. on the force. He was probably some of the best parts of his short time there and was very compelling in interactions with Selina.
Kevin Smith and Jim Lee have arguably done some of the best and WORST Batman projects ever, but through the good and the bad, both have immense talent and their tale “Manufacture for Use” added a beautiful layer to the significance of the metal plate that his emblem is made out of.
The book is simple enough, a montage of Batman fighting his greatest villains shows in the background while his alter ego, Matches Malone, has a conversation with a merchant peddling in the various pieces of gear left by villains. He has Harley hammers, crazy quilts and even freeze guns, but there's only one weapon Malone is interested in; The Gun belonging to Joe Chill. The weapon that killed The Wayne Family.
He and others had been leaving Batman clues since his first days as a hero to have him join a guild of detectives, solving unsolvable or very difficult cases and knowing that Slam is one of the detectives along with Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, The Question, Detective Chimp, Elongated Man and his wife, Sue Dibny is relieving and fantastic.
I'm glad DC hasn't shied away from him given his past history. Even his inclusion in Superman of China based on his former character, warts and all, seemed like DC was kinda ashamed of it, but here he is, as awesome as he was later in life!
Upon seeing it, Alfred questions why Bruce would keep it as a trophy, nothing the ridiculousness of The Penny and the Dinosaur, he sees the gun as strange or even perverse. Batman, however, wishes to never see it cause anyone pain again, melting and forming it into an oval adorned with the symbol of a Bat.
Batman has dedicated his life to stopping crime in Gotham at all costs, but not everyone see his methods as being right or just. Doctor Leslie Thompkins has been looking over Bruce since his parent’s murder and oped that he would take his pain and do something productive with it, actually fix Gotham, but instead she sees how vengeance has consumed him, turning him into something of a violent monster himself and she’s not wrong. They meet each other on the anniversary of his parent’s murder in Crime Alley and are beset upon by a group of teenagers whom Batman viciously slaps the hell out of. Dr. Thompkins stops him out of fear and Batman looks like the real villain here.
If that isn't chilling...
Brian Michael Bendis is a GREAT Batman writer. Checking out his 15 pages in the Batman Walmart 100 Page Giants, much like Daredevil, Batman is a character that is PERFECT for him. “I Know” drawn by frequent Bendis collaborator, Alex Maleev, is amazing. Penguin started becoming disillusioned with the meetings put together by villains like The Joker on how to finally get rid of The Batman, Penguin begins to muse about who had the money to fund Batman. I believe he proposed the idea to the others, but they all shot him down, citing times Batman showed up when Bruce was a hostage or how he “blubbered like a baby.”
Penguin didn’t let it go, however, and prepared Suicide Bomb Penguins to attack Wayne Manor while Bruce was hosting a ton of high profile Gothamites. It would have been the end of Bruce Wayne.
Warren Ellis writes some very character driven stories, but when he has to get technical, he is a master as good as any. In “The Batman’s Design” he goes over Batman’s methodology when taking on criminals, treating things like a chess game that he’s already won. He leads the criminals to a trap and plays them like a fiddle, setting off an explosion that knock out or send some flying, determining a sniper’s location and just being so terrifying that the leader just hands him a bomb switch before his ass gets destroyed.
Becky Cloonan does a great job of alternating between cool and warm tones for when Batman is in the shadows vs contending with explosions he’s setting off. Batman looks slim, but imposing regardless. This is definitely some of her best art so far!
Now… if you ask any of my friends from when I was in The Navy, they’ll tell you about how I waited in line for Batman: The Arkham Knight. I was excited. I was elated. The conclusion to an amazing trilogy of games that shaped a newfound love for the character for me! And it bloody sucked. I HATE Arkham Knight with a passion. If it’s not The Batmobile, it’s the Joker, if not the Joker, it’s the Knight himself, if not him, then Scarecrow as the shitty final villain.
I really loved the noir tone that was set by Elizabeth Breitweiser’s colors over Steve Epting’s art. Things are very dark and cool. Batman is shrouded in shadow and Doctor Thompkins acts as a small light by comparison. There is great contrast when action happens with warm tones as Batman slaps the teens and Batman standing in the shadows as Leslie and the kids are under the one light is powerful.
Suffice to say, I was not pleased when it was said that The Arkham Knight would finally be appearing in comics different than his video game counterpart, but… I dunno, I kinda like him here.
His characterization seems to be that of someone who has lived in Gotham and has seen Batman’s methods of treating the poor citizens, the weak and the sick. He sees Batman as a cancer, a darkness that needs to be exterminated for Gotham to truly thrive. The best thing, there’s precedent for this kind of character.
One of the first few arcs for Detective Comics involved a cool set of villains known as The Victim Syndicate, people who have been hurt or grievously injured in Batman’s relentless pursuit of crime. These guys put Batman’s team through the ringer, almost turning Stephanie Brown against him completely as Tim Drake had been presumed dead at the time. Another casualty of war. If I remember right, The First Victim noted that there was someone or something coming for Batman soon and if that’s the Arkham KNight, then I am excited.
The Victim Syndicate was one of James Tynion IV’s best ideas during his run and I really hope whoever the creative team is for Detective Comics thus forth lives up to the quality. Peter J. Tomasi and Doug Mahnke are both amazing, so I have high hopes if its them.
But Penguin had an epiphany. Ending Bruce Wayne would not end Batman. Batman would become focused. Driven. Possibly to the point of killing. Bruce Wayne is the only thing keeping these villains alive, so Penguin relents and never reveals what he believes he knows, until years later when Bruce is old and mute… but who says that Bruce has lost a step? He zaps Penguin who is taken away as Bruce tells him that he knew, pretty much calling him a “coward ass bitch” as he’s taken away.
Overall, while there were few misses, this collection of stories had great ideas, great characterization, heart and was just fantastic. Looking forward to another 80 years!
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This one was just cute. The Batfamily interacts with each other and take a FANTASTIC family photo drawn by Tony S. Daniel. Starring, Batman, Alfred, Nightwing, Batgirl, “Robin” Damian Wayne, Red Hood, Batwoman, Catwoman, “(Red) Robin” Tim Drake, Spoiler, The Signal, Cassandra Cain Ace the Bathound and Huntress. It’s a well put together double splash page and everyone, even Bruce seems happy.
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
Fic update
Okay, i finally have time and motivation to continue working on 3 of my most important fics. It’s too gay to be fucked 3, Garrett/Andrew PWP (yes pwp cuz im nasty), and a big multi-chapter YT FGO AU that no one cares about lmao.
It’s gonna get fucked 3 is 70% done, still fixing some last part of the chapter before i send it back to my friends to be beta-ed. 
Garrett/Andrew PWP is sadly still 20% WIP, mainly because lack of... motivation. Hopefully Shane’s new series contains more Garrett/Andrew interactions to boost my motivation to continue it lmao.
YT FGO AU still... 10%. I still haven’t decided if i want to make it some slice-of-life genre where its about the YT Servants interacting with each other or more serious story with heavy plot (kinda like a fusion between FGO’s Lostbelt+Singularity arcs). Although i already have a long list of Youtubers who i will use in the fics (all bbs boys will be featured ofc). More talk about this AU under Read More.
Okay, now yall know. I just want to give a little bit of update since i keep gaining more and more followers and i dont want to give an impression of this blog being abandoned. Wish me luck and thanks for still sticking around waiting for my not-so-good writings lol.
Oh, hey! If you read this, oh god do you actually care or show interest in this AU???? Hit me up boi and lemme know so i wouldnt be so depressed thinking no one would read this shitty AU lmao.
Current list of Servants who would appear in the first arc/chapter is: Vanoss, Laurenzside, and Moo Snuckel. I think maybe those three will be like FGO’s Mashu, who will stick around until the end of time lmao. Other than those three, there’s Ohmwrecker, Gloomgames, Kubz Scouts, Cartoonz, and Garrett Watts who also played major part in the first arc/chapter. I will also possibly adding Andrew Siwicki and Jacksepticeye, although i still haven’t deciding what their role going to be.
Oh yeah, Daithi de Nogla and Mini Ladd will also appear. Although they are not Servants like the other, their role is going to be a normal human who manages Chaldea (kinda like Romani Archaman and Da Vinci lmao).
Below is kinda like in-game stats of the 8 servants featured first. I do this so i will remember what skill and class they have, and also because creating a stats of them is really fun lmao. I wont show what their NP gonna be though, because it’s a secret winkwink
Vanoss aka Bat Owl, Evan Rarity: SSR Saber Cost: 16 ATK: 1.841/11,755 HP: 1,695/11,554 Grail ATK: 13,112 Grail HP: 12,768 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Linear Star Absorption: 86 Star Generation: 10 % NP Charge ATK: 0.82% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 19.4% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQABB (Quick: 2 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 4 Hits) Skills:  - Charisma C Increase party's ATK for 3 turns. - Disengage A Remove own debuffs. Recovers own HP. - Superhero Strength A Charges NP gauge. Increases own NP strength. Noble Phantasm: ??? 
Moo aka Moo Snuckel, Brock, Early Bird Rarity: SR Rider Cost: 12 ATK: 1,259/8,084 HP: 1,573/11,160 Grail ATK: 10,325 Grail HP: 13,882 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 195 Star Generation: 8% NP Charge ATK: 1.4% NP Charge DEF: 5% Death Rate: 26.90% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQABB (Quick: 2 Hits. Arts: 1 Hit, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Feather Illusion C+ Chance to stun one enemy. Reduces NP strength.   - Sharpening A+ Increases own Buster and Quick performances for 3 turns. - Superhero Strength B Charges own NP gauge. Increases own NP strength. Noble Phantasm:  ???
Lauren aka Laurenzside, Protector of Universe, Cosmic Deity Rarity: R Caster Cost: 7 ATK: 1,128/7,215 HP: 1,236/8,600 Grail ATK: 8,657 Grail HP: 11,055 Attribute: Sky Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 84 Star Generation: 11% NP Charge ATK: 1.80% NP Charge DEF: 5% Death Rate: 38.7% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Female Commands Cards: QAAAB (Quick: 3 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Cosmic Blessing A Grants one ally's invicibility for 1 turn. Charges their NP gauge. - Clairvoyance (Demi-God) Increases own Critical star drop rate. - Lunar Light B Recovers party's HP. Remove own Debuffs. Noble Phantasm: ???
Kassie aka Gloom Rarity: R Alter Ego Cost: 7 ATK: 1,177/7,113 HP: 1,650/9,421 Grail ATK: 9,818 Grail HP: 12,812 Attribute: Man Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 100 Star Generation: 10% NP Charge ATK: 0.43% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 36.4% Alignments: True・Neutral Gender: Female Commands Cards: QQAAB (Quick: 2 Hits, Arts: 1 Hit, Buster: 2 Hits, Extra: 4 Hits)  Skills: - Samantha Increases own Buster performances for 3 turns. Chances to inflict Charm on [Male] enemy. Cancel other skill's effects.  - Hannah Increases own Quick performances for 3 turns. Gains critical stars generation every turn for 3 turns. Cancel other skill's effects. - Vera Increases own Arts performances for 3 turns. Recover own NP every turn for 3 turns. Cancel other skill's effects.  Noble Phantasm: ???
Jay aka Kubz Scouts Rarity: R Assassin Cost: 7 ATK: 1,288/7,062 HP: 1,571/8,662 Grail ATK: 9,633 Grail HP: 11,990 Attribute: Man  Growth Curve: Reverse S Star Absorption: 102 Star Generation: 20.4% NP Charge ATK: 0.24% NP Charge DEF: 4.12% Death Rate: 28.7% Alignments: Chaotic・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQQAB (Quick: 4 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Planning B+ Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns. - Threaten C+ Chance to reduce enemy's NP by 1 Reduces ATK for 3 turns. - Presence Detection C Chances to removes their Evasion buffs. Grants self Evasion for 1 turn.
Ohm aka Ryan, Ohmwrecker, The Red Demon Right-Hand Rarity: R Saber Cost: 7 ATK: 1,232/8,012 HP: 1,388/8,063 Grail ATK: 10,455 Grail HP: 12,550 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 90 Star Generation: 10.5% NP Charge ATK: 1.33% NP Charge DEF: 3.12 % Death Rate: 30.2% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAABB (Quick: 3 Hits, Arts: 3 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 4 Hits) Skills: - Battle Continuation A Grants self Guts status for 1 time, 5 turns. - Proof of Friendship C Chance to reduces one enemy's NP gauge by 1. Chance to inflicts Stun for 1 turn. - Teamwork C Increases party's Arts performance for 1 turn. Increases party's NP Strength for 1 turn. Noble Phantasm: ???
Cartoonz aka Luke, The Red Demon Rarity: SR Rider Cost: 12 ATK:  1,612/9,447 HP: 1,673/11,076 Grail ATK:  11,018 Grail HP: 12,667 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Semi S Star Absorption: 165 Star Generation: 10% NP Charge ATK: 1.18% NP Charge DEF: 2.77 % Death Rate: 30.2% Alignments: True・Neutral  Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAABB (Quick: 4 Hits, Arts: 1 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 6 Hits) Skills: - Pirate’s Honor B+ Increases own attack for 3 turns. Grants self Guts status for 1 time. (Revives with 1 HP.) Reduces own debuff resistance by 50% for 3 turns. [Demerit] - Voyager of the Storm A Increases party's NP damage for 1 turn. Increases party's attack for 1 turn. - Demon of the Sea EX Increases own Buster performances. Increases critical strength for 3 turns. Gains self-Invisibility for 1 attack. Reduces own defense [Demerit] Noble Phantasm: ???
Garrett aka Accused Wizard, Eternal Mage, King of Badger Rarity: R Caster Cost: 7 ATK: 1,312/7,556 HP: 1,752/8,272 Grail ATK: 10,126 Grail HP: 10,885 Attribute: Man Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 48 Star Generation: 11.4% NP Charge ATK: 1.43% NP Charge DEF: 3% Death Rate: 36.2% Alignments: Chaotic・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAAAB (Quick: 2 Hit, Arts: 3 Hit, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 5 Hits) Skills: - Jokester B+ Chance to reduce one enemy's NP gauge by 1. Charges own NP gauge. - Immortality (False) Gains self-Guts status for 1 time, 3 turns. - Spellcraft A+  Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns.  Noble Phantasm: ???
Okay, there you go. Some of the stats are from FGO’s servants lol and if it looks too OP for you fgo players, dont sweat it. The stats doesnt really matter in the story so lol.
Those are the characters that will appear on the first arc minus Nogla and Mini. Since i haven’t really decided to put Andrew and Jack, i won’t show their stats here but their class will be Lancer (or Caster, haven’t really decided it either) and Saber, respectively 
P.S: There will be ships, it won’t be the focus of the story if i use the heavy/more serious plot but there will be :P
Again, thank you for your attention and hopefully i can finish all this soon enough.
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opisafascist · 7 years
"I can't take criticism so I send out my minions from 4chan out to get you" blocklist
I’ll be honest, I do not get what are these peoples deal but they seem to always get on the bad side of everyone and they can get to this very contrarian personality from 4chan /v/ so I’ll just take that a hint to making a list of them, they aren’t fascists by any means, crypto-fascists at the least, but they often gobble up the worst of people from this website and have probably been co-opted by fascists multiple time because of their apatheticness and coyness, the whole “I’m not a SJW! I don’t like protesters, fighting for something is dumb!” kind, shit they aren’t even probably right-wingers so this is a very special blocklist because I keep seeing them on tumblr whenever something bad happens, in fact i see so many fascists on this site only follow these people, so it’s probably better to block them to cut off their social rings immediately. 
--The list that has probably already been made once--
moontouched-moogle - Not much interesting to talk about here they’re just this hive mind for /v/ people. They kind of helped me build this list a bit. 
thefeelofavideogame - This guy never catches a break of not minding their own business and can’t help but feel cynical about anything but just ‘vidya’
nentindo - This one deserves a special mention because they’re 15 years old so it’s better to just block them and ignore them in advance rather then let them act elitist, i mean jeez kid you’re 15 you BARELY experienced life yet. Like really this amount of them surrounding themselves by adults that don’t wish them the best is an unhealthy obsession for them at it is. 
inkerton-kun - Dontcha hate when a porn artist has to have a ‘personality’
steven-universe-official - Kind of like the grand papi of this gang, I don’t even need to tell people to block them because I think about everyone does already due them sending their weird combination of anti-feminist fans around sending hate to anyone that would do criticism against their shitty attitude, technically in the recent years they kind of toned down on going around spewing bullshit and being THE uncle tom but it’s good to double check
dream-cassette - Oh this one I’ve heard of the most! Used to make child porn by the name of hoshime, in the name of rule 34, along the lines she deleted her original blog because she believed the obviously fake “down with cis” situation was the biggest EXAMPLE OF BIGOTRY in the world and the not absurd at all rival towards inequality (ignoring how it works systematically) and ever since then she’s been hanging out with the anti-sjws. 
thathomestar - I think they used to be a 100% gamergater but then again almost everyone here on this list was at one point. They still have that suspicious aura of “all the misery in the world is the left-wing’s fault for fighting back against their human rights being removed rather than just submitting!”. Says everything that is politically incorrect is just a joke, might be just a weird case of /pol/’s law (haha, get it?)
mr-cappadocia - Also an infamous gamergater, they sorta hold a grudge so much against social justice they end up sounding like they’re high on sherm. You know those try-hards that sound REALLY hard to sound politically incorrect? Yep! They sound like that. I also recommend blocking leopirate too as they are also a hotspot for gamergaters. Both are pretty terrible Islamophobic people. 
takashi0 - The OG Anti-SJW Brony of Tumblr! What a title. 
shitpost-senpai - I don’t even know why this guy’s on this list they’re just a 100% obvious fascist to the point they won’t stop being antisemitic about everything but hey, I guess because they like anime and metal gear rising that’s enough for them to fit in this blocklist... They’re also constantly being reblogging by this social ring of people and could just be the reason why a sum of people don’t trust them. 
maoh - They hate it when people fight back against oppression in general, the old cuck-like mentality of “No, don’t do anything, don’t fight back and die and it will be a win!” without knowing that peaceful protest holds no consequence and allows fascists to do anything they want to do at any time while removing human rights. They’re very petty about god damn children rather than just let them be too. What kind of an adult is this? Kind of funny that they changed their description recently from “I dislike the left-wing of tumblr” to “zero tolerance for faux morality and art censorship”, dude got some brand new codewords to pass off “I hate criticism” and “I’m a nazi sympathizer cuck and I’ve been brainwashed by the enemy to say that violent dynamics, no matter how history shows the story otherwise, is ineffective in justice and is villainous, anyways let me just frantically love an anime where they beat someone up”. It’s basic praxis and how the world works! 
shameshack - Ey! the-cringe-channel, known for producing their own cringe content because for some odd reason they keep ignoring the academic values of things and brush ofF everything in the world as mindless paranoia but probably aren’t a very smart person themselves and would rather waste their life making fun of kids and fueling the quickly made anti-sjw blogs on this website that all have urls like “tumblr-is-dumb-because-i-hate-minorities”, out of everyone who acts coy about why people dislike them, this one acts the most coy out of them all, what a malicious kind of guy. I really don’t know if they legit don’t get how things work in the real world because they take silly things seriously and serious things as if they were silly. Have you ever tried living life once where you have to don’t have to keep insecurely looking down on others that are just harmless oddities to fuel your ego or what?
--End Of List-- 
Just copy and paste each url onto your blocklist if you wanna. 
Again I repeat these guys aren’t “fascists” and will deny they’re “anti-sjw” (Even though they don’t do anything to show for it besides say “Oh don’t worry we make fun of anti-sjws too! But we sound exactly like them when we go against our vague idea of social justice”), but fascists and crypto-fascists always seem to be around these people because they act coy about it all the time for the sake of being contrarians. They don’t want to care about them being followed by neo-nazis, just the power of having many followers that come straight from 4chan’s /v/! Almost the same as sympathizers.  
It’s the same odd link towards people who take video games and substancless anime too seriously and... Neo-Nazis, seriously what’s up with that? Anyways be careful when you criticize anime or them and don’t have them checked! 
Special mentions: KanColle fans I guess? Moe anime attracts a lot, and I guess that’s what happens when a medium genre is 100% bottom feeders towards substanceless girls just being cute, blogs with gray backgrounds, the nihilists that blog about trump jokes “ironically” (poe’s law), youtube celebrities, it’s more about ethics in games journalism and not objective game design. It’s not like they can’t be analytical ABOUT EVERYTHING right. Like how video game game design isn’t the only analytical theory in the world to take into consideration when criticizing media. Why is it always the gamers? 
Won’t say it again! Act coy about it all you want but take the loss because you guys have negative connotations and never really worked on it. 
This isn’t a “Reach” like a lot of you guys keep blaming it to be one or just belittle it as just “discourse” (the most thrown around word ever), the fact is just that you simply won’t accept the weight of your actions by either doing bullshit yourselves or allowing fascists to co-op your communities because you guys aren’t actively critical at all despite your contrarian image. 
Anyways this blog’s been moving slow (Which is good! Unless they've just been more secretive) to the point I gotta make a list out of these infamous dudes that i’m pretty sure everyone on tumblr already blocks or at least is suspicious about the people who reblog from them so i’m gonna go jack off to hentai rather than cowardly reblog ecchi to my blog to remind people I do indeed jack off to anime have no mistake about it. 
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
I am stupid
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
(I never said I was Picasso, so sorry for the art XD click for better quality!)
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These are the 9 I have so far! Each ego has their own, and they all have special abilities relating to that ego (Found below the cut!)
Illinois: Escort decides whether you're going to the beyond, or into the pits. A possessed axe that he found on an adventure. It also has the ability to catch fire!
Annus: Forged from the sands of time, this sword can be summoned in any sandy terrain. If you lose your life to this blade, you will be turned into sand.
Bim: Scoreboard is themed after his love for gameshows! The number on the handle displays your kill count (Bim has quite the number) and, a special feature: The Hire My Ass in the actual blade lights up!
Bing: The Knee-Cap Cutter is a combo sword and skateboard! The 2 engines (Shown helpfully in red) are there to help him go even faster! The skateboard texture makes the sword even more painful.
Eric Derekson: Fauna. Yes, I know it looks like a leaf, but shush. Since I don't think Eric could bring himself to hurt someone, this sword has a solution: Animals! Yep, it summons up any animal Eric needs!
Yancy: Jailbird is an interesting case where its not exactly a sword, but rather, a blunt force object. Made from prison bars sent in by his friends at Happy Trails, Yancy has very helpfully marked his territory with red marker.
Host: Allegory (Get it? Alle-gory) has a ton of poison damage on it. The blood on the tip and the bloodied bandages on the blade are extremely dangerous. The handle is made so that Host has a better grip, giving him a lesser chance of dropping it.
Google: Database uses Google's glitches to it's advantage! Running throughout the whole blade, the push of a button can make the entire thing glitch out, making for a painful demise and simple clean up.
Wilford: Ah, my love! Themed after ice cream, Neapolitan shoots out boiling hot fudge from it's point, leaving those in the way in a world of hurt. If you're really unfortunate, you might just get hit with the cherry bullets.
I might make more, but these are all I have so far!
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
Feel like I haven't fed yall in a minute. Here's a crude Wilford sketch
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
YOU! You're Late!
Figured it's about damn time I properly introduce myself. Everyone else has a pinned post, so I'm gonna bandwagon XD
You can call me Wilfy! This is my sideblog where I talk about Markiplier, and basically just vibe
Here you can find shitposts, roleplaying, and just overall chaos
I hope you find my account to be exactly what you're looking for!
Boundaries/Rules/Small guides below!
Fighting, Flirting, Dancing
Flirting and fighting is allowed, but nothing explicit. If anything explicit (i.e. Heavy NSFW) is sent to me, it won't be answered. Other subjects such as gore will be tagged as such. If you're a minor, please do not send/ask for NSFW. Those that are 18 and over may interact with my NSFW blog, @carnivalofchaos (MINORS DNI WITH THE NSFW BLOG.)
There will be adult language. You have been warned. If you'd like me to tag something, please let me know.
Life Needed a Bit of Madness
My account is a mess, but I'm gonna attempt to clean it up a bit. These are the tags I use for RP partners, certain kinds of posts, and etc. (And no, I'm not gonna sort my old posts. I have 2,500+ at the time of writing this and that would just be atrocious)
Late Night With Wilfy: posts that are made after 9PM (my time)
OPs shitty ego art: Art I make that's based around the Markiplier egos
OPs shitty writing: Any writing I make
Musical Madness: Tag I use for my RP threads with freebirdyance Yancy, and anything Wilford X Yancy
Grumpy McGrumperson: Tag for Enzo
Fidget Blanket: Tag for panickedsalesman Eric
What universe is this?: Other fandoms I get sent stuff about
Interview Time!: Asks
I have one labeled anon. If you want to be added to my anon list, send in an ask!
Do I Know You, Friend?
My inbox and messages are always open! Feel free to talk to me about anything! I hope to be a friend, a guide, or... Whatever you need me to be! Speaking of which...
Some people just call him DADDY!
I currently have about 15 internet children, and chances are, you'll see them a lot. We love and respect them here. I always welcome more internet children, so please, feel free to stop by!
It's For Everybody, Not You-
As a roleplay account, I had to find SOME WAY to differentiate the characters. Here's a guide to help you figure out who's who!
Pink: Wilford Warfstache
Purple: Darkiplier, Bim Trimmer
Orange: Bingiplier, Eric Derekson, Ed Edgar, Host
Red: Actor, Captain Magnum, Yandereplier
Blue: Google, Jim's, Dr. Iplier, Stan the Water Man
Green: Silver Shepard
Bolded Black: Yancy
I'm not the best at most of these characters. I mostly do Wilford and Stan, so I'd recommend going to the MANY better characters accounts for most of these.
You Should be Kind and Courteous
Be kind. That's the most I can ask for. I hope that we'll be able to vibe together, and have just a good ol' time.
Welp, here we are, you survived the way through.
"Why don't we have a little fun?"
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
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Ignore this. Just a normal ice cream. No symbolism whatsoever. Totally normal ice cream cone. Everyone walk on by.
@freebirdyance you too. Ignore this.
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
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A lil Google doodle for ya
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
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This isn't how I imagine my Wilford, but I just had to doodle something because my heart said so
He's a disaster
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
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Eric because I wanted to. Someone help this man.
(Click for better quality ig)
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wilfywarfy · 2 years
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Lmao I can't draw anatomy, but I can sketch... barely
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