#Or any Fish dishes
emeraldhazeart · 1 year
OK, this post gave me an idea, but just so OP doesn't get flooded with notes, I'mma make a separate post:
If you were a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Stardew Valley NPC, reblog with what your ingame "Loved" items would be. Anything giftable counts, doesn't have to be just food.
And what would your "Hated" gifts be?
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formicarum-rex · 8 months
no middle ground. i know that even if you mostly use it as one way there are probably situations where you'd use it the other way too. what is your knee-jerk instinct?
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milkweedman · 10 months
really understanding my very old recipe books where theres one weird ingredient thrown into everything, for no clear reason... like i get it now. my mom sent me home with a jar of lemons she pickled and im putting those guys in salads. im putting them in polenta. im putting them in rice pilaf. why ? cause i have it. and its good. if i had few spices but one specialty thing i could reliably get ahold of id go apeshit with that one thing too
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bertie-w-wooster · 1 year
maybe it's just me but I really don't think british food is that bad?? sure, I prefer other cuisines but I think the worst dishes and pictures are always used when british food is being criticised
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magazynkulinarny · 7 days
Macie tu coś do jedzenia?
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Jest taki fragment w Ewangelii św. Łukasza, który niezwykle mnie rozczula. "Macie tu coś do jedzenia?" - pyta Jezus uczniów już po Swojej śmierci i Zmartwychwstaniu.
Chwilę wcześniej staje przed nimi, a oni nie wiedzą: duch to czy człowiek, bać się czy cieszyć, wierzyć w to, co widzą, czy nie? Chrystus na dowód, że żyje, że jest z krwi i kości pokazuje im swoje rany na dłoniach i stopach.
W odpowiedzi na pytanie umiłowanego Nauczyciela podali Mu kawałek pieczonej ryby. Jezus wziął i zjadł przy nich... (Łk 24, 36-43)
Ujmuje mnie ukazanie piękna człowieczeństwa Syna Bożego po nieprawdopodobnej kaźni. Jezus odradza się w każdym aspekcie Swojej ludzkiej natury, również tak przyziemnym, jak odczuwanie głodu i potrzeba jego zaspokojenia. Nie przeistacza się w nadczłowieka, który nie potrzebuje jeść, pić, czy spać, albo żywi się jakąś kosmiczną energią, czy mocą Ojca.
Jest taki, jak my. Chce się pożywić i najzwyczajniej pod słońcem o to prosi: "Macie tu coś do jedzenia?". Okazuje tym samym zaufanie, niezwykłą otwartość i swoistą bezbronność. Podobnie jak dziecko, gdy mówi do matki: "Chcę jeść". Wie, że zostanie nakarmione.
Bóg, który powstał z martwych, przezwyciężył ludzki grzech i śmierć, ponownie zdaje się na ludzi. Nawet po tym, gdy Go porzucili i zaparli się ze strachu o swoje przetrwanie, nie wyczarowuje sobie suto zastawionego stoliczka, nie odwiedza karczmy, nie piecze na ognisku ryb, nie staje się samowystarczalny. Chce wrócić do swoich i być przez nich ugoszczony. Jak dawniej.
Jak piękna musiała być Jego twarz, gdy odrywał kawałki mięsa, wyłuskiwał z niego ości i jadł tą rybę, jaka szczęśliwa i błoga... Może nawet przymknął z zadowoleniem oczy?
Lubię przywoływać w wyobraźni tą scenę, zwłaszcza gdy przygotowuję na obiad białą rybę.
2 kawałki dorsza po 200 g 2 ząbki czosnku 1/2 cebuli skórka otarta z cytryny 2-3 łyżki soku z cytryny przyprawy: szczypta szafranu, 1/2 łyżeczki kurkumy, 1/3 łyżeczki curry gałązka naci pietruszki gałązka kopru 1/4 szklanki oliwy z oliwek e.v. pół szklanki śmietany kremówki sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Kawałki ryby osuszyć ręcznikami papierowymi. Skropić sokiem z cytryny, oprószyć solą, pieprzem i odstawić.
Cebulę i czosnek obrać. Cebulę pokroić w drobniutką kosteczkę, czosnek zmiażdżyć płaską stroną noża i maksymalnie rozdrobnić. Koper i nać drobno posiekać. Cytrynę sparzyć, wyszorować i otrzeć zeń skórkę.
W moździerzu utrzeć razem czosnek i skórkę z cytryny, wlać oliwę, 2 łyżki soku z cytryny, wsypać szafran, kurkumę, curry i wymieszać.
Na patelni rozgrzać chlust oliwy z oliwek. Obsmażyć z obu stron (nie przeciągnąć) i odłożyć na talerz.
Na tej samej patelni podsmażyć cebulę, a gdy nabierze złotego koloru wlać oliwę z przyprawami. Chwilę smażyć razem, wlać kremówkę i trochę zredukować. Gdy nieco zgęstnieje osolić i popieprzyć do smaku. Spróbować i dodać czego trzeba: soku z cytryny lub innych przypraw.
Delikatnie włożyć rybę na patelnię i jeszcze chwilę polewać ją sosem, aż dojdzie.
Podawać na wcześniej przygotowanym kuskusie.
Możliwe, że Jezus nigdy nie jadł dorsza. Z dużym prawdopodobieństwem nie jadał też ryb morskich, bo były zbyt drogie. Owszem, handlarze przywozili wiele gatunków z fenickiego Tyru (obecnie Sur w Libanie), zachodnio-galilejskiego portu Akka (leżał obok Hajfy), Egiptu, a nawet z Hiszpanii i sprzedawali m.in. przed Bramą Rybną w Jerozolimie. Jednak były to produkty dla zamożniejszych. Mistrz z Nazaretu żywił się rybami z Jeziora Genezaret, czy przecinającej go rzeki Jordan. W Jego menu znaleźć się mogły: leszcz, jeden z podgatunków brzany, klenia i jelca. Z małych rybek poławiano smaczne sardynkopodobne „uklejki” tworzące spore ławice tarłowe (Alburnus sellal). Zaś królową Jeziora Tyberiadzkiego była i jest tilapia złota.
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mycotoxin · 4 months
I wonder if I would’ve turned out different had I not been raised vegetarian + pescatarian ‘til I was like 9
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yeonban · 8 months
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@deathfavor asked:  “ Soma. “ Seiroku’s voice is soft, a hand reaching out to gently brush over Soma’s cheek as he spares a glance from the corner of his eyes. Should they be sleep already? Probably. But this was worth staying up a bit later for. Seiroku sits up a bit from their futon, using the moonlight to help as he leans over Soma’s figure with a smile. “ Happy birthday. “  Never mind they haven’t yet fallen asleep to ‘start’ the next day – based on the outside it should be the next day technically. He bends down, pressing one kiss, then several to Soma’s lips, soft and gentle. “ I wanted to be the first to tell you. “ He whispers, thumb gently caressing his fiancé’s cheek. “I love you.”
   It’s definitely harder to be able to celebrate Soma’s birthday than his own. It’s a day full of tradition and it’s about the band as much as it is about Soma. And he’s plenty aware of both how important those traditions are and how long they are likely to take based on rough calculations. Hours upon hours. He’ll take the time together where he can. Now, and after they’ve slept and the morning comes and Seiroku forces himself to get up early alongside him because he’s not going to miss out on parts of Soma’s day.   Not even the hours of gifts and talks where he can at least be supportive in presence. ( And company alone Seiroku was content enough with. )
   It does feel near impossible to steal some time, but there is time between the gifts and feast where Seiroku manages to steal the star of the day away for at least a short while.  “ Next year, I’m scheduling at least a small, set time for you and me. “ Seiroku announces the moment he’s led Soma away, though there’s a smile on his face. Rather than go to their room however, Seiroku leads him to what was his old room before everything. “ I had to store my gift for you here so you wouldn’t accidentally find it. “  Seiroku explains with a small smile. He gives Soma’s hand a gentle squeeze before he lets go and turns towards the chest in the room.
  “ My gift is nothing fancy- “ Well, that potentially not true, but not fancy in terms of grandiose. “ -  but I hope you’ll like it all the same. “ With hundreds of gifts, it could be quite hard to think of something when Soma already could have anything. Nor was there something of the past that Seiroku could offer, when his own clan history was miserable. But there was an unexpected skill he’d been working on the last several months.
   When Seiroku turns around, he offers a Soma a small kesi tapestry from high quality silk and vibrant colors. In the center were two sacred koi fish corresponding to each of their color schemes with Soma’s embroidered with the Date symbol like a crown on the head. Surrounding them and ensuring they were the center of the piece was a circular, flowy border styled to carefully replicate the pattern that adorns Soma’s outfits. In the background, in gentler and softer colors were woven stories and scenes – of the festival, of feasts with the clan, a moonlit scenery of their night talks. Woven proof of time together. Seiroku’s decades of knowledge and working with his own strings had made weaving a surprising talent for him to discover and learn quickly. It was something he could do for Soma that no one else likely would, something personal, and something that would last against even passage of time.
   “ I confess I’m no expert to weaving, it was my first full piece. “ He admits with a quiet laugh.  “  Took a long time.  “  Moments stolen on his breaks when Soma wasn’t around or inbetween lulls of patients or the times when Soma was gone or busy, hours poured into honing the skill and learning the difficult fabric, not to mention all that was poured into creating this seamless piece.  “  Although I already said it, I'll say it again. Happy birthday, Soma. “ He smiles, bright and full before standing on his toes to press another kiss to his lips. " I love you so much. " More than he could ever truly articulate.
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Murmuring a soft mm?, Soma's eyes open languidly after the gentle touch succeeds in stealing him away from the tranquility of near-sleep (he hadn't been asleep just yet, merely relaxed enough to be able to doze off in the near future) and he carefully takes in the sight of Seiroku rising from underneath the sheets to drape himself above him, covering all in his line of sight other than a sole ray of moonlight that merely serves to further highlight his fiancé's beauty. The view in itself manages to bring a smile to Soma's face, from his point of view oddly reminiscent of a sun resurfacing from beneath the moon at the end of a solar eclipse, and his smile only grows fonder once the birthday wish leaves Seiroku's mouth.
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❛ Looks like it's already shaping up to be a happy one. ❜  And despite what appearances might prompt one to think, this isn't something that happens frequently. It isn't that Soma dislikes his birthday (far from it), but he cannot recall any recent birthdays that could have been deemed as happy. Successful, yes; decent, yes; exorbitant, yes - but not once happy. Though the entirety of the band desires to celebrate his day of birth, offering him luxurious gifts upon luxurious gifts every time such an occasion comes around, it remains a much more formal event than Soma would rather it be. He enjoys the attention and feeling of importance it stirs within him, but it lacks the warmth he used to take for granted all those years earlier, during the times he could still spend with his parents and older brother, when he never once felt the pressure to show anything other than his bona fide reactions (glee, usually) to the presents.
Along with his family's absence and the increasingly busier schedules of the other grand generals that rarely allow for long trips unrelated to important matters (as well as their distancing from each other over the past decade), Soma's birthdays have long since lost their warmth, becoming something more akin to official business than a day personalized for him. He doesn't particularly mind the shift - it simply represents one more unspoken duty to follow through with, but this year is already far different from the ones before it. The kisses that pour down on him manage to rekindle the warmth he'd forgotten to feel on this day with such ease that he could laugh, and one of his hands reaches up to caress Seiroku's cheek in kind, guiding him down for another kiss before they finally agree to sleep and he softly whispers against Seiroku's ear. ❛ I love you too. ❜
It was certainly going to be a long day nonetheless, but perhaps this year Soma could afford to be even half as happy about his own birthday as his retainers have always been (for them, his birthday represents one more year of safety and guidance - for him, ever since the innocence of his childhood has eroded away, it merely became another sign of the unforgiving passage of time; though now he has something else to look forward to in the future besides the goal all bushi should strive towards - and he is currently sleepily snuggled against his chest).
Daybreak seems to come faster than usual, and although both his sleepiness and the comforting warmth of Seiroku's presence try to keep Soma inside the futon for a while longer, the red soul forces himself to wake up and start getting ready for what's to come. On any other day, he might have been able to do away with a few more minutes of rest, but on this particular day the schedule is strict enough that he wouldn't be surprised if his retainers were to come knocking on his door to make certain that he'll be on time; and so he mentally prepares himself for the ceremony ahead and leans down to press a kiss to Seiroku's temple, waking him gently instead of the banging that's sure to follow from their retainers if either of them aren't within sight in the next half an hour.
What ensues conforms to what Soma is used to - a quick debriefing of his schedule for the day, the meet and greet of visitors from the Date's allied bands and the seemingly never-ending line of vassals hoping to outdo each other with the grandiosity of their speeches or the beauty and rarity of their presents. The grand general's expression doesn't change through any of it, remaining just as calm after the hundredth gift as he'd been after the tenth, but halfway through the gift-giving ceremony he subtly grasps Seiroku's hand under his haori, intertwining their fingers and offering it a gentle squeeze as a sign of gratitude for enduring this with him despite not having to (his retainers might've been displeased with his absence, but either of them could've easily talked them into allowing Seiroku to do anything else), before he settles on rubbing his thumb against the back of Seiroku's hand in smooth motions. He has long since gotten used to these formalities, but this must be the first year Seiroku has had to sit still in silence, listening to person after person talk for hours on end when they weren't even directly speaking to him.
Soma's composure doesn't crack even after the gift-giving ends, remaining as spotless as though the ceremony hadn't involved hours upon hours of maintaining a stiff position and being forced to socialize from a captain's standpoint (because while it might be "Soma's" birthday, it is undoubtedly celebrated as the captain's birthday). It's only when Seiroku's mildly aggravated comment hits him that Soma's carefully crafted expression breaks into something partly apologetic and slightly amused at the display, as well as deeply fond at the thought it inspires. Seiroku is the only one capable of confidently bossing him around like this even just in jest (and he isn't jesting on this matter), but come "next year" and they'll be long married. Soma can only promise him this now, but in a mere few months' time Seiroku will be able to officially make any changes he wishes to his upcoming schedules (within reason). ❛ Next year you can have me for the entire afternoon or evening. We can schedule the feast around whichever one you choose. ❜ 
The grand general's attention shifts away from his yellow soul once their surroundings become different than what he'd originally expected them to be though, and he closely watches as Seiroku opens the door to his first ever house at the Date, leading him inside of it. It has been quite some time since Soma has last stepped into this room (despite everything having started here), and underneath his confusion a feeling of mild nostalgia kicks in. It hasn't been that long ago all things considered, but it certainly seems that way after everything that has transpired between the two of them lately. No sooner does Soma bemusedly contemplate Seiroku's rooms turning from one to three (from this, to their shared one, this one and the spare one he's gifted Seiroku within the castle) that his beloved's statement brings him back to the present moment and the grand general turns around to face him, glancing down at the gift resting in his hands.
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Soma's eyes widen immediately upon contact with the tapestry, having expected a gift, but nothing nearly as heartfelt as the one currently bestowed upon him. He freezes for several seconds as a hand reaches to gently touch it & ultimately takes it into his own hands, surveying it much alike to a child receiving its first ever toy (a feeling of bafflement, a feeling of wonder, and to separate his reactions from a child's - a pang of the heart). Receiving gifts is nothing out of the ordinary even on other days of the year for someone of his status, nevermind on the day of his birth, but fifteen years have passed since he's last received something as Soma rather than as the captain, and he cannot recall even one instance in which he's ever been presented with something that didn't in some way relate to his future or life as a leader.
Kitetsutos and wakizashis of the finest calibers one could possibly forge or order, horses and motorbikes more refined than the next, vibrant and rare cloths and materials from far away lands, Hi no Moto's first-rate sakes - as long as it could be named, Soma was bound to have received it at least once, if not repeatedly. However, they all have one thing in common. Each gifter generally strives towards one of two goals: to prepare (or aid) him to lead and battle, or to gain his personal favor for later use. Even on the few instances his and the other grand generals' schedules have matched enough to meet and exchange gifts, they too had, without fail, fallen into one of the two categories. It's both a saddening and heartwarming realization, looking back on his past experiences, that even people who have known him for most of his (and most of their) life couldn't yet achieve what has taken Seiroku a mere few months to. He's been Soma's first on more fronts than the red soul has even bothered to count, and yet, as though dissatisfied with only just that many, his fiancé continues to go above and beyond to make him feel seen, loved... closer to a person rather than the concept of immovable power "Date Soma" has become synonymous with.
❛ ..."No expert"? If you hadn't told me you made it, I would've been convinced you commissioned it from a professional. ❜  It's his first thought on the matter, honest and true, and although he's already uttered a response, Soma's eyes remain glued to the tapestry, slowly taking in both the effort it must've taken for it to be woven this flawlessly (Seiroku admits it has taken him a long time, and while Soma can most definitely see why, the fact that Seiroku would personally spend his time weaving it rather than sparing himself the trouble by ordering one from their many tapissiers renders him speechless) as well as the details his love has carefully chosen to add to it, each more recognizable than the next. None merely there to fill potentially empty spots on the tapestry - every single one a precious memory of theirs that Soma can still vividly recall and which he's glad to see somewhere else than only in the confines of his memory. They're scenes of easier and happier times than customary to a bushi's daily life... of memories that they can both look fondly on rather than lament about (he's had more than his share of the latter, after all, as they can be found even on some of the walls in his room).
He blinks once, twice, thrice, making a serious effort to not tear up. It's never been easy to make Soma cry (a feat that has always required either great anguish or great happiness - mostly the former rather than the latter) and he won't do so now either, not when thousands of people are looking forward to seeing him again in the next few minutes; but that doesn't stop his eyes from growing slightly hazed from the tears threatening to spill before he forcibly pushes them back to where they came from.
His gaze lingers on the kesi tapestry in silence for a bit longer (still in mild disbelief) as he appreciates every aspect of it (the handiwork, the times they've spent together that remained etched into Seiroku's memory, the thoughtfulness and consideration behind it all) before he frees one of his hands to reach for his love's and squeezes it, eyes finally rising to meet his gaze. ❛ Thank you, Seiroku. It's by far the best gift I've received. And I don't mean just today, but on any of my previous birthdays too. ❜  A loving smile blooms from underneath the barely avoided threat of staining vulnerability as Soma can't help himself from not only returning the kiss, but placing more to Seiroku's lips before choosing to rest his forehead against his beloved's as they have for countless times. ❛ I love you. ❜ A whisper, low and tender, as though it could've otherwise disturbed their moment, and the red soul refuses to return to their vassals for at least a while longer, opting to instead pay attention to every microscopic detail of this moment, to engrave it into his memory as accurately as Seiroku has engraved their many others onto the tapestry.
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A few more seconds pass in comfortable tranquility to allow them to enjoy the moment in its entirety before Soma exhales amusedly at something and ever so slightly increases the distance between them, though his tone leaves no room for any misunderstandings that might've ensued from the statement alone. ❛ Though "second best" might fit it better overall. ❜  There is no better gift he's ever been presented on a birthday, that much is certain, but he has received one on another occasion that could effortlessly top even this one (and it does, even if the tapestry is a close second).
Soma's gaze doesn't waver away from Seiroku's, upholding the eye contact even as he brings their intertwined hands higher up and places the palm of Seiroku's hand against where his heart lies in both a throwback to the day they have chosen to take this road together (matching Seiroku's thoughtful gift of memories) as well as a way to swear on his life that this is the truth he sees without verbally doing so. ❛ I don't think anything can really compare to the gift of meeting you. ❜  Every word the grand general utters is the unfiltered truth (red souls never feel inclined to spout lies, and neither does Soma) but he wants Seiroku to be as certain about this fact as someone can be. The grip on the kesi tapestry remains delicate even when it grows slightly firmer as to not accidentally drop it, and Soma leans in for another kiss after the statement settles, no longer capable of keeping himself away from the one who is, undoubtedly, the love of his life.
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clarrolx · 10 months
can you give me some yusheng (shunde raw fish) facts please? he's my favorite but i didn't finish his event due to my weak team :(( thank you!!
Aaaaa!!! Thank you! For asking!
I'm sorry you didn't get to finish, but depending on how far you got some of what I'm about to say may be repetitive, sorry about that.
For others, Shunde Raw Fish is also called Yusheng in the event, and Hazel Grouse Soup is called Feilong. It's shorter to type, so I'm going to refer to them as that lol
During the latter half of the event, Yusheng and Feilong get body swapped, they both have a hard time controlling each other's bodys.
But it's when Feilong finds out just how strong Yusheng's body is that Yusheng shares that the reson he won't fight Feilong is because he once lost control of his strength and ended up drowning a whole village. He's been scared of his own strength ever since.
There's another reason as well. Once he fully accepts and uses the strength called 'The Dragon King's Will', his father, the current dragon king and leader of the Oceanids will pass on. Yusheng will get all the power and responsibility at once!
Anyways, that absolutely happens. I actually have the final chapter, before the epilogue recorded on my phone so I'll see if I can figure out how to upload it. It had a fully voiced song. The hype was very real.
Important because Yusheng tries to sacrifice himself at the end, but Feilong runs in and takes his place and dies and it was all very gay. Like if anyone wants to ship them, the material is everywhere
After everything in the event, we get to see that Yusheng has become the king of the oceanids. Also, mc was able to bring back Feilong by remaking the dish and using the Tale of Food. But it took a year, he also doesn't remember anything and immediately tries to fight Yusheng again lol
Other random facts I have gathered because I was lucky enough to roll him:
- He's a great cook
- He fasts intermittently due to the fish used for Shunde Raw Fish being starved for a bit for the dish.
- Yusheng has no qualms about using his sword for cooking, it's also good training to him apparently lol
- MC and Yusheng spar and train together.
- He rides dolphins around sometimes for practice balancing
- Both Yusheng and Feilong earned their way to becoming dragons. Though, Feilong was supposed to be a Phoenix but trained as a dragon. Sweet dumb boy.
Sorry this isn't super coherent and I don't have too much more. I haven't had the chance to up his affection much. I'll post the finale video soon, so if anyone wants to check it out.
Thank you so much for sending this ask. Please ask more if you want or jump into my dms, I don't bite ^^
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isekyaaa · 11 months
I find Diluc lowkey funny at times because he comes across as the type that seems like a cultured responsible gentleman. He can't drink vodka without passing out. But then you look at his preferred eating habits and like it's basically meat, meat, decadent tastes, severe lack of vegetables, more meat, and an almost complete dislike of fish.
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shennanigoats · 1 year
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Last Minute Mushrooms
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darkaac · 10 days
literally what's the point
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unityrain24 · 2 months
ghhh... got lost under mexican cooking tutorials...
#they look so yummy....#i've never cooked mexican food so im not very familiar with how it works#like when i cook from scratch it's often japanese food (and sometimes chinese) so im familiar with those condiments/seasonings#and techniques and such#so you could leave me without a recipe and i'd be able to make something decent#i mean im not like super SUPER familiar with it but that's because i dont cook often enough for that. but as far as cooking familiarity goe#japanese is what i'm most familiar with#cannot say the same about mexican#i want to try out some mexican recipes#and also do some more of the chinese ones#also like middle eastern cooking.#also i'd like to figure out how to cook vietnamese food that doesn't just taste like fish sauce#i'll use like a QUARTER of the fish sauce a recipe says. and i can still. only. taste. fish sauce.#and everything smells like it too.#idk how vietnamese places manage to not get that to happen#unityrain.txt#tw food#also. i am very into finding authentic/traditional recipes for things. which is not at all how my mom would do it lol#if i wanted a recipe for dumplings i would either take my time to find chinese cooking blogs and read the “about” section#or find cooking tiktoks/videos where the grandma is helping and cannot speak any english so the granddaughter translates#and then compare like recipes from multiple places#but my mom would just. go to the first mommy blog that comes up where the suburban mom of three running it's entire asian seasoning#consists of soy sauce garlic ginger power and a fuck ton of cornstarch#needless to say. “”ethnic“” dishes my mom would find did NOT taste great.
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genpact-kinfessions · 2 months
man you ever just get kin mems from listening to a song that's not even related to your kin like at all. like girl tell me why i'm getting unidentified genshin mems from a goddamn persona 5 track. Hello? Huh? What does this mean for me (yall should play persona 5 royal btw game is awesome. childe is so joker(p5) but like more insane I PROMISE IT'S WORTH ITTTTTT) — 🎹
Oh for sure! It's quite funny how it works out like that sometimes ^^
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blackcatanna · 3 months
PSA: fresh spinach is really good!
I don't know why it's taken me so long to figure this out but maybe is because I only ever had it mixed with other leaves when fresh and then cooked or from frozen as an ingredient in other things... But yeah I got two bags of it during my last grocery order (it was on sale and I wanted to make green smoothies with my new blender) and am just adding it to everything! It doesn't have much flavour but it just feels FRESH and CRUNCHY but in a more delicate way than lettuce... You know?
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kethabali · 9 months
omg first cooked meal in ages and it did not disappoint hm i think i'm ready to go back to light cooking that was definitely worth it i think the issue is me trying to rush through it and not having any distractions to keep me patient but now i cracked the code to cook relaxed so i cook it exactly how i want
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doriskats · 10 months
These are some keto recipes
Here are three keto recipes for you to try:1. Keto Baked Salmon with Lemon and Butter:– Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).– Season salmon fillets with salt, pepper, and garlic powder.– Place the fillets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.– Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the salmon.– Top each fillet with a pat of butter.– Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the salmon is cooked through and…
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