#Or start trying to get a publisher
Only one more chapter to edit and then Finding Magic's 4th Draft is gonna be finished :D
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zmwrites · 4 months
friends: what are your favourite ways to shorten a manuscript? crutch words to demolish, sentence structures to remove, scenes to cut…. all suggestions are welcome!
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baejax-the-great · 13 days
Archive-locking the fics that YOU WROTE and are thus 100% yours to decide what to do with 'hurting people' is so silly tbh. Skill issue on their part. Wish those people could be normal about the amazing fics that writers like you put out & be understanding or at the very least respectful of the choices that writers make about how and where they make their fics available. Especially in light of recent ai training theft and nonsense & all that.
I hope this doesn't sour the fic writing & sharing experience for you too much. I love your writing & think you're very talented & skilled!
There seem to be dual attitudes I'm coming up against recently (and obviously these are not held by everyone, I don't even know that they are held by a majority, but they are certainly held by a plurality).
The first is that authors should be grateful that readers deign to read what they put out there. I think this stems from the "content creation" mentality and the idea that everyone who posts things wants as massive as an audience as possible (for monetization purposes which... isn't a thing in fanfic). I think this mindset also leads to readers demanding that people write specific tropes/pairings/whatever, or threatening basically to take their business elsewhere. "Nobody will read unless you do [X]." 1. Not true and 2. Okay, you weren't my audience.
(I also think authors circulating those posts about how badly they want comments/kudos feeds this mentality of readers doing authors a favor by even clicking on the fic. "Wow, if people are so desperate for attention, then mine must be worth an awful lot!")
Fanfic ain't a business, and I write for myself. Readers choosing to read my work isn't a privilege or an honor they are bestowing upon me (nor are comments for that matter), just as me posting my writing where they can see it isn't a privilege or an honor for them. We are both engaging in hobbies and a love of some media, and sometimes we will overlap and connect and sometimes we won't. Readers aren't reading out of altruism for attention-starved authors, and authors aren't writing out of altruism for content-hungry readers.
And there are those who will read these paragraphs above and think to themselves "wow, what an ungrateful author," and that's exactly the attitude I'm talking about. Don't get me wrong, it's delightful and rewarding to receive comments on fics and chat with people about Blorbo and the Situations. But it should be delightful from both sides of the exchange, or why the hell are we doing this? If I'm meant to be grateful for every commenter who jumps into my inbox, then every commenter in my inbox better be grateful for me, and I can tell you right now there is a population who is not. There is a population who sees me as a service provider for their entertainment, and whatever form I take in their brain, it is not shaped like a full person.
This attitude also leads to people thinking that things like lorefm are no big deal. Don't I want to get my work in front of more eyeballs (or ears)? Don't I want to broaden my audience? And once I put my work out there for readers to see, should I be shocked (or express any negative emotions at all) when someone plagiarizes/scrapes it for AI/demands updates rudely/reads it on a monetized youtube channel/binds it and sells it for profit?
The other idea I've been coming up against is almost the opposite of this--that because some readers form attachments to fic, deleting that fic (or even archive-locking it!) is actively harming those readers. Sure, they can't be bothered to hit the download button or get an AO3 account, but that's no reason not to think of these strangers first before doing what I want with my creative output.
Yall, life is ephemeral. There are things we will see and enjoy and never find again for one reason or another, and it's not harm being done to us, it's just the nature of existence. Having an emotional reaction to something does not give you any sort of ownership over that thing. Artists are allowed to change their minds about whether they want that art in the wild, particularly given that it's free. Maybe it's because I utilize the library a lot, but reading a book and then losing access to that book is not a crime against you, it's just a normal thing that happens. If you read something and it means that much to you, there are ways to avoid losing it (download it).
Seeing this particular attitude extend out to "not making your fic available for as many people to read as possible is harming them" is beyond bizarre. If I woke up tomorrow and deleted everything I have ever written, there would still be thousands upon thousands upon thousands of beautiful, emotional, meaningful fics out there for people to read. They would lack for nothing. Would some people be upset? Probably. Would I be hurting them? No, not really.
Sometimes people have negative emotions because of our actions, but that doesn't mean we did anything to them. This is one of those times.
Lastly, this AI and everything else bullshit really has taken a toll on my enthusiasm for posting my work. It's one thing for companies to try to pillage every thought, every word, every stroke of a pen or paintbrush to enrich themselves while actively making the planet an unbearable and inhospitable place to live, it's another when fellow fans are telling you that "Whelp that's just life, what did you expect, give us your content anyway or you're a bad person and if you complain, then I'll be taking my business elsewhere, you sensitive, entitled creative, lol."
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ettawritesnstudies · 1 month
long story short: My short stories aren't selling as consistently as I hoped they would, and with publishing and wedding costs on the horizon, I'm hoping memberships will be a more effective way of making income, so I'm curious to see what people are most interested in seeing!
Tagging @abalonetea because I know you do patreon and that's similar so I'm curious to see what's worked for you in the past?
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batsplat · 21 days
In 1996 Vale raced a rotary-valve 125cc two-stroke that weighed 70kg and was good for 140mph/225kph. In the year he reached his retirement age he raced a 1,000cc four-stroke that weighed nearly 160kg and nudged 220mph/350kph. It is inevitable that such motorcycles need to be ridden in different ways. The essential difference between racing a low-powered bike and a high-powered bike is the speed the rider uses through corners. The best way to achieve fast lap times on a lightweight bike with relatively little horsepower - like a 125 or 250 - is to use as much corner speed as possible, by taking flowing lines through the turns. On the other hand, a 500 or a MotoGP bike has a lot of horsepower (too much, in fact!), which if used correctly has a huge effect on lap times. Therefore Vale had to change the way he attacked corners when he graduated to the premier class in 2000. After his first few races on a 500 he understood that the secret to a fast lap time on a big bike was to focus on corner exit, so he could unleash the engine's power as soon as possible. This required sacrificing corner speed, the gain in acceleration in corner exit more than compensating for the loss of time in the middle of the corner. "You need to go slow mid-corner, then lift up the bike really quickly and give gas when you are on the fatter part of the rear tyre," he said. "If you don't get it right, you're either slow or you crash." The first man to set him right was rival Sete Gibernau. Vale had a lot of crashes during the winter of 1999/2000, because he was trying to ride the bike like it was a 250, using flowing cornering lines on the edge of the tyre. Gibernau told him what to do, but like any keen young racer, Vale ignored the advice and kept falling off. Gibernau was correct, however. The 500 had double the power of a 250 - about 180 horsepower - and a two-stroke engine delivers power and torque in an aggressive and unpredictable way, so it's asking for trouble to swoop through corners on the edge of the tyres and then open the throttle.
Mat Oxley’s Valentino Rossi: All His Races
At the time, I was falling a lot. And for many different reasons. Part of it had to do with my style in 250. In 250cc you can go into a turn bent right over and you can even open the throttle all the way on the turn, accelerating as you go through it. OK, it's not the easiest thing to do but it was possible and many of us had mastered it. You can forget about doing things like that on a 500cc. One of the problems with the 500 is that, at first, you feel totally confident. That's what happened to me. I felt very sure of myself, I pushed ahead, keeping my 250cc style. And, as a result, I kept falling off. It happened in my second test, at Phillip Island. And it was a very bad fall. Gibernau had come up to me before the test and actually warned me: "Look, you bend the bike too much, treat it as if it was a 250cc. You can't do that. You should use your body more rather than bending the bike." "Gee, thanks, yeah, I'll do that..." I replied, not really taking him too seriously. I asked myself, "Who is this Gibernau who thinks he can tell me how to race?" Of course, I paid no attention to him. And that was a big mistake. Two hours later I had a terrible spill. I was going very fast and, all of a sudden, I felt the rear tyre lift itself off the track and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air. It was an incredible flight. When I finally landed it was with the kind of thud I'm sure to remember for a very long time.
Valentino Rossi in his 2005 autobiography, What if I had never tried it
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silverview · 6 months
inspired by this post, i did a little bronoun analysis of my iasip fics...the full spreadsheet has a lot more numbers in it but you get the gist
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i don't think my word list is particularly controversial but i would welcome other takes. i manually checked to make sure i didn't count times these words were used as regular nouns (e.g. "that man there," "help your buddy out")
apparently my favourite bronoun by % is man, followed by dude, then buddy, then bro
arguably a main factor in overall % is basically dee-centricity – the more dee talks, the less the boys talk (to each other), the less i use these kind of words
anyway, the key figure here is that these 4 words (used as bronouns) account for 0.194% of the words in my iasip fics to date. now i want to know other writers' figures & see how i measure up, and how those figures compare to actual canon dialogue
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ilkkawhat · 1 month
He kept telling himself that he got out of the Dark Place, but he wasn’t fully convinced that this wasn’t just another layer. His earliest days in the Dark Place were spent in Bright Falls, after all. But there were no stalking shadows here, no eclipsing echoes…so far, at least. They didn’t all appear at once, at first. Part of him was also aware that he rarely became physically tattered as he was in this instant; only in the deepest part of the loop did he ever get wet in the waves of the ocean trying to drown him. Somehow that made the dirt on his face feel real. The grime in his fingernails peeling away in his wringing hands was real.
The crunching leaves beneath his feet felt real enough, the wilderness somehow feeling refreshingly foreign after being trapped in an endless night in a suffocating city.
The batting of branches and disgruntled scoffs from the agent, clearly a fellow city dweller, ahead of him were real.
And so was the snap of a twig that sounded like it came from behind them. 
A shiver passed through Alan, an eerie sense of someone approaching him, swinging an ax in slow motion—he motioned to duck out of the way but his batteries were empty and he nearly fell forward—the pull of exhaustion had blinded him into this momentary hallucination of a ghost, and after an audible gasp and a brace for impact, he opened his eyes to discover what was really behind them—
Just a deer.
“Uh, Wake? Is there something on my jacket?” 
It was then that Alan became painfully aware that he was gripping Casey's sleeve, in the same exact manner that Alice would when they would venture into haunted houses.
“What? Oh, sorry…”
“Doing an awful lot of apologizing. Makes me wonder if there’s something else you’re apologizing for,” Casey added in an accusatory tone, though he was smirking as Alan frowned and released his grip on the agent’s jacket. “Relax, Wake. You’re not a suspect…yet. You’re just part of the mystery.” 
“Right,” Alan muttered, hanging his head. “A-agent Casey, I just gotta ask—’
“I’m sorry?”
“The answer to your question, did the chicken come before the egg, did I come before your stories, is yes. I’m older than your books, probably older than you, kid.”
“Oh. Small world, then, huh?” Alan tried to crack a smile, win over the grumpy man ahead of him, but he stiffened and wiped his nose with the back of his sandy hand instead.
The agent scoffed and continued on.
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daydadahlias · 4 months
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coquelicoq · 3 months
i've gotten so used to my daily practice of reading french aloud that now when i have to read something boring in english for work i default to reading it aloud. which takes way longer and also i feel like i retain even less information than i would otherwise, somehow. the upside is that my oral reading cadence in english, even of dense scientific articles, is rather excellent nowadays. i could read scientific articles out loud for a living, if that was a thing people needed me to do. which they do not, because screenreaders are a thing. maybe i could read crusty PDFs out loud for a living? but anyway all this is to say shoutout to my man alexandre dumas and also my other man victor hugo for training me to read run-on sentences in my second language. after that, dry journal articles in my first language are easy peasy.
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wildberryjams · 5 months
Hello ♡ It's been a while!
It's been over a year I think? I haven't kept track tbqh
I'm not really back, because I want to be noncommittal as possible (since I have a tendency to disappear when my motivation to write does)
But this is me saying that I'm finally working on under the rose again! ♡
I'd all but abandoned it months ago, but yesterday I had a burst of energy and managed to write a couple hundred words. Tonight, the total is 1300. It's not much, but it's a start!
I don't talk about my personal life for many reasons, but this year has been one of the most difficult I've ever experienced. The last thing on my mind has been Will and Azul, as much as I wish they'd kept occupying every inch of it like they used to.
That spark is coming back, I think! ♡ (More in the tags since this is getting long)
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emeryleewho · 1 year
I hate the way a lot of people in publishing are so married to the "writing rules" that they forget what makes writing great is deviance. Yeah, good writers master the rules, but brilliant writers master the rules *so they can break them* with purpose and meaning. Things that are only allowed to exist within the constraints of what was written before them will never be revolutionary.
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lesenbyan · 15 days
Sometimes I get the Urge to make a Big explanation about my view and thoughts on the universe, like, metaphysically and then like. Remember it doesn't matter and no one cares.
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heraldofcrow · 11 months
Logarius can go to HELL.
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
writing a slow burn enemies to lovers fic is. a lot harder. than I had expected.
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oatbugs · 8 months
. anyway after writing the tags 4 this post i told my research partner i will no longer follow his dreams lmao. still helping w it but i need to engage in research that i find satisfying
#i think ive been waiting for something for a while and i will spend the next year waiting for it too#i thought i felt panic but i have decided to read it as anticipation. the thrill of rejection or of moving forward or the latter as#a result of the former. i left you with your backpack unattended in the cafe because on fridays i am done#putting my life on hold for another whim-without-a-warning#this cross country service is delayed by 26 minutes so i will grab a bucket and start shovelling the water away from the tracks#everyone is moving on in some different way and im sorry if you think im mean for telling you getting so drunk will disable you from#recording your brainwaves effectively but it seems like you think i owe you an awful lot. one year ago in four days my friend got me hegel's#science of logic for my birthday and i thanked him for proving to me the existence of things this is what i do he said#and then he will spend the rest of his life breathing philosophy and i dont want to spend the rest of my life#breathing someone elses dreams i wait for the moment of realisation. this is now a 30 minute delay. i was supposed to worship beautiful#things and that is what i will do. i think i have a best friend and i know i have a lover and i know to#restrict my love the way you have. im sorry. i hope you understand when i tell you. i am now sitting on the floor in the luggage section of#this incredibly busy train and i saw a photo of her with her boyfriend and her hair in braids smiling like a fool this is the#except a week ago you told me you almost took too much this time to live. you are a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and you know you#have already changed the world and it somehow was not enough. now you are smiling without any makeup on next to him#and yesterday you cried in an airport in the states when you were too full of love. this is the most extraordinary human being i have met.#tomorrow he heads off to princeton while his best friend heads to harvard. he goes there to make the world a better place. he is the most#extraordinary person i have ever met. the issue with human beings is that we are incredibly good at almost dying and keeping going.#you try to kill yourself and publish a paper and give a talk. you negotiate the seperation between your own parents and submit another#phd application. i am surrounded by extraordinary people with extraordinary minds and incredibly broken happy hearts.#i only see you smile when you talk about robotics. i still dont know how manifolds work and i love the concept anyway. i dont know.#i do know that i refuse to live unsatisfied.#you can keep drinking. im going to drink this reality up#i think i was a horrible person and i refuse to engage with that mentality again no matter what it takes.
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spaceshipkat · 4 days
MOTA got me back writing fics because Bucky and Buck are k i l l i n g me, but I’m unsure if I should even post them (ao3). Thoughts?? Advice??? 🥺
ahhh HELL yeah!! welcome to the clegan writer fanclub 🫶
and honestly, anon? i say go for it!! i was hesitant to write any mota fic (for a variety of reasons, one being i'm first and foremost an original fiction writer and i already have a mota-inspired original manuscript i'm developing, and i worried about crossing streams and losing momentum for either my fics or my original manuscript, but thankfully neither has happened--and i posted my first clegan fic a month ago today) but i'm SO glad that i did, and i'm equally glad that i posted them to ao3. the response has been overwhelming in a very good way and incredibly uplifting, and really helps with my motivation
but beyond that, i think three good reasons to post your fics are 1) you enjoy writing them, 2) you enjoy reading them, and 3) you did something incredible that not everyone has the chops to pull off and that deserves to be celebrated. i wrote my fics because they were stories i wanted to read and hadn't yet found in the tags (i've also reread them countless times since i posted them, bc i wrote them for myself) and because i thought they might be stories other people want to read, too.
so some advice! this is how i approached writing and posting any fanfic, since i came to it as an original fiction writer pursuing tradpub where the best way to keep writing is to write first and foremost for yourself (it's truly the only way to keep writing when you're pursuing tradpub--i'm not even being facetious here). i had not written a single word of fanfic until april 2022.
anyway, enough yapping. my advice is under the cut because this got long. and while this ask is about mota, my tips cover pretty much any fanfic someone might post to ao3 (should anyone else be after some advice about posting or writing fic!):
tip #1: try not worry about the number of views, kudos, comments, etc etc that you receive. YOU enjoy what you wrote and had fun doing it, which means it was worth writing, so try to go into posting to ao3 without expectations. i know it's easier said than done (i myself still struggle with this, separating my feelings about writing fic to their reception), but it's something important to, at the very least, keep at the forefront of your mind and remind yourself of as often as needed once you click "post."
tip #2: everyone can get picky about what stops them from reading certain fics. for me, one big reason i'll stop reading is when an author overuses epithets. for instance, if i wrote this passage from peacetime like a liminal space:
Gale is still there in the soft light of the hotel hallway, the leather of his A-3 jacket gleaming and crusher cap angled just-so, toothpick a taunt and temptation both in the corner of his mouth. He’s smirking and, if John didn’t know better, blushing as he gives John a quick once-over. John looks down at himself. Lipstick is still smeared on his nipples. Clearing his throat, he tugs the robe tighter shut, shielding his chest from Gale’s sight.
as this instead (the things i changed are bolded):
The blond is still there in the soft light of the hotel hallway, the leather of his A-3 jacket gleaming and crusher cap angled just-so, toothpick a taunt and temptation both in the corner of his mouth. He’s smirking and, if John didn’t know better, blushing as he gives the taller man a quick once-over. John looks down at himself. Lipstick is still smeared on his nipples. Clearing his throat, he tugs the robe tighter shut, shielding his chest from the other's sight.
it's a big turn-off for me, and i thus likely won't read the fic. it's the same way everyone will have different reasons they put down a traditionally published novel. what floats my boat might not float yours and vice versa, and that's 100% fine. therefore, if you enjoy writing epithets, then go forth and write epithets. this is fanfic. we're here to have fun, not grade each other.
tip #3: do not be afraid to "market" yourself, aka post about your fic on tumblr as often as you fucking want. share passages while you write. ramble about what made you choose a certain turn of phrase, or a certain plot point, or the color of the curtains, or what you believe a background character was thinking in a scene. talk about the writing process. make moodboards. go hog-wild because you should be proud of your accomplishment, and proud of your writing style, and proud of that first kiss you labored over and want to shout from the rooftops about. ignore the people who say that talking about your writing makes you egotistical or a braggart. you are allowed to be proud of your work.
tip #4: tag appropriately. there's quite a few posts out there with general to-dos for tagging your work, and two of the most important ones are ratings (for instance, if your fic has on-page sex, tag it as "explicit," or if it has graphic violence but closed-door sex, tag it as "mature") and proper archive warnings (for instance, if a major character dies--if you include Curt's death in more detail than simply mentioning it, and if Curt is a main character rather than a background or secondary character--select "Major Character Death." in the case of Curt, i don't think you need to tag this unless he's, say, one of the love interests or a POV character. you don't need to tag this if he's a background or secondary character, or if his death is simply talked about/mentioned). another important one is "dead dove, do not eat" as well as a tag for what that dead dove is--even if it's a spoiler. if there's rape, you tag Rape as well as Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, because readers need to know what the dead dove is. it's not enough to simply use the tag, even if the explanation is a spoiler.
personally, i try not to use too many additional tags, as i find the more tags a fic has, the more likely i am to skip over it while scrolling for something to read. i really only want the important ones. to continue using peacetime like a liminal space as an example, this is how i tagged it:
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i included Post-War and Post-Canon because i wanted people to know exactly when this fic takes place. i used Getting Together because that's kinda the main plot of the fic, as well as Pining and Idiots in Love. i used Angst with a Happy Ending because i wanted readers to know there is angst, but that there is a guaranteed happy ending (personally, if a writer uses just the Angst tag but doesn't have an additional tag for Happy Ending, i'm unlikely to read the fic unless i'm in the right mood for a potentially upsetting ending). i used POV John Clarence "Bucky" Egan because i personally appreciate knowing whose POV i'll be reading in before i dive in. i love both Bucky and Buck as narrators, but other people might have preferences, and the first three mota fics i posted were all from Buck's POV--people might have expected this one to be from his POV, too. last, i used No Infidelity for this fic when i didn't for my others because (and this is veering into mild spoilers if anyone reading this hasn't read the fic yet, so skip to the next ✈️ if you don't want to be spoiled) it isn't made clear to John or the reader until maybe 75% in that Marge and Gale aren't actually a couple, and this is a big issue John and Gale have to talk about in order for Gale to reveal he and Marge are one another's beards and have never been a real couple. therefore, even though that tag is technically a spoiler, i felt it was important to include all the same. ✈️
tip #5: while there is a caveat in the next paragraph, do try your best to match a character's voice--not only will it help your fic feel more authentic, it's good practice! that was the thing that worried me most when i first dove into writing fanfic, because i appreciate when an author can match a character's voice really well and i worried that i wouldn't be able to match another writer's characters. sometimes it takes me a minute to really feel comfortable in a voice (i'm still not 100% happy with how i wrote Stede in some of my ofmd fics, to be honest, though i'm insanely happy with how i've written Buck and Bucky), but i always appreciate the endeavor because it helps me change up the voices of my narrators in my original fiction.
all that being said, don't kill yourself trying to match a character's voice. it's not worth your mental health, nor your motivation to write in the first place. it gets easier the more you practice, so practice practice practice. i've also found it helps to 1) rewatch certain scenes that provide a good example of how a character talks (if you're writing a more serious fic from Bucky's POV, try rewatching that scene he and Buck are walking through the yard of the stalag and Bucky is lamenting the fact he didn't set life up right; if you're writing a more lighthearted fic, a good study is pretty much the latter half of episode 2, when Bucky talks to Croz and Bubbles, then sings Blue Skies) (for Gale, a good scene to watch to get a feel for how he "confesses" or talks about important, tough subjects is the scene in which he tells Bucky about his dad at the end of episode 2; a high-emotion scene could be when he orders Friedkin in episode 3 to stop panicking and trying to bail because they're going to take everything the Germans have to throw at them, since the outburst is very unlike Buck's usual calm demeanor). and 2) find a certain piece of music to get into a character's head, i also recommend doing the same for the vibe of a fic. again with peacetime like a liminal space, i listened to Måneskin a lot. i also like to listen to Post Engines, Pre-flight from the mota soundtrack when i'm writing Gale's POV (it's the song that plays in episode 1 when the Hundredth is prepping for their first flight by going over the checklist).
that's all i can think of rn (and i've gotta get back to this proofread for work), but if anyone has any advice, feel free to add it!
on the whole, mota has been the most welcoming fandom i've joined in a long time, and i've made so many new mutuals (hello my lovelies!) since i started talking about it on here and posting my fics on ao3 (also got a helluva lot of new followers--i'm so happy y'all are here 🫶). it's been such a wonderful fandom that i think you'll really enjoy posting your fics, anon. i'm behind on reading fics atm--i read for a living, so sometimes i don't have the brainpower to read for fun, and also i don't read other people's fics while writing my own--but i'd love to read yours whenever they're up!! 💖
i hope the above ramble has helped!
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