#Piers Morgan is over party
brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline, Part 1 - An Update
I forgot the Daily Mail takedowns. Doh! (I kept that list separately and just totally forgot about it.) Tumblr is being weird when I try to update the other post so I'm putting the Daily Mail stuff here and I'll also add them to the main post.
First, some links that validate events on the main post:
Harry dating Sarah Macklin
Piers and Meghan have drinks
Doria papped after the relationship is outed
Meghan merches a H&M necklace and Harry is actually photographed (by Splash, of all people) outside Meghan's Toronto home immediately after his Caribbean tour ends.
Harry wants a bigger apartment and has his eyes set on the Gloucesters's home.
Meghan drops Reitmans
Harry talks about receiving therapy and help for his grief with Diana's death
4/30/2016: Kate revealed as the Vogue 100 (June 2016) cover star and story.
5/8/2016 - 5/14/2016: Harry is in Florida for the Orlando Invictus Games.
5/10/2016: Piers Morgan writes a "Good King Henry" article claiming Harry would be a better King than William.
6/12/2016: Daily Mail publishes a story about The Queen's tiara collection. (iykyk...)
6/28/2016: Harry appears with Coldplay at a Kensington Palace concert. This concert is often cited as proof that Harry is in London at the time they claim they were set up.
July 2016: (dates unknown)
Thomas Markle Jr. claims that Harry met Thomas during July 2016.
The Daily Mail claims Harry took Meghan to L.A. for a weekend of partying that sealed the deal and became officially boyfriend-girlfriend.
Meghan travels to Spain with Misha Nonoo. I think Markus Anderson is there too (there's a photo of a guy who looks like him with Meghan and Misha) but I can't tell.
9/8/2016: Harry is voted world's most hottest royal.
10/27/2016 - 11/4/2016: Harry is claimed to be in Toronto and a new version of how they met - in this version, they met at a charity event and Harry kept texting Meghan until she agreed to a date.
11/1/2016: Samatha Markle speaks out for the first time and a story about Meghan's fashion is published.
11/3/2016: Misha Nonoo revealed as the mutual friend that set Harry and Meghan up. Daily Mail publishes a "No one wants to marry Harry and he's desperate for love but Meghan isn't The One" editorial.
11/4/2016: Meghan pap walks and merches a hotel. Daily Mail publishes about Meghan's ancestry and that Meghan looks like Pippa.
11/5/2016: Meghan leaks that she wants to spend Christmas with Harry in the UK. Daily Mail publishes a "Diana wouldn't like Meghan" editorial.
11/6/2019: "Meghan, this is not how royals behave" editorlal published and Meghan leaks that she's very close with Princess Eugenie.
11/12/2016: "Harry, this is not how royals behave, stop calling us racists" editorial published.
11/14/2016: "Remember when Meghan had to choose between Prince William or Prince Harry" throwback article by the Daily Mail
11/15/2016: Meghan leaks that she will give up everything for Harry and the royal family.
11/16/2016: Meghan leaks that she wants private security from Harry and the royals.
11/19/2016: "Meghan the Kate lookalike" article published
11/21/2016: The royals don't like that stories and gossip about Meghan is taking over Harry's Caribbean tour and their work.
11/22/2016: Meghan's comment that she wants to "smash glass ceilings, don't wear glass slippers" is published. The subtext is that she won't be a cooperative associate of the royal family.
11/23/2016: An article about Harry making a tribute to Meghan while on the Caribbean tour is published. This is the very first "sweet nod" PR piece, though the phrase isn't actually used in the article.
11/25/2016: Daily Mail reports that William is not happy with Harry's love shield statement. This only fuels the rumors.
11/27/2016: Meghan and Priyanka's friendship is revealed.
12/9/2016: Yoga pap walk to merch Harry's bracelet
12/10/2016: Harry is hunting in Bavaria with friends and Meghan goes shopping in Toronto while the rest of the Suits cast attends Patrick Adams's wedding in California. Meghan claims she knew her attendance at the wedding would bring out the paparazzi and after discussing it with Patrick, decided to stay home to give them privacy. Rumors begin of a falling out between Meghan and the Suits cast over her behavior (e.g., entitlement and demands for special treatment) since dating Harry. Rumors that Meghan had an affair with one of her Suits castmates also resurface.
12/17/2016: The Markles sell photos of Meghan's childhood.
12/20/2016: Daily Mail writes about Meghan's topless photos and one of the first Kate hitjobs is published, an article that says Meghan has a better fashion style than Kate and that Kate should take inspiration from her.
12/21/2016: Daily Mail writes about Meghan's racy Suits scenes and an article claiming Meghan has been harassed and attacked by her half-sister is published, beginning Meghan's victim narrative. The Samantha article leads to speculation that Meghan dragged these issues up and into the public to bury her topless photos and sexy scenes. Later, it is also speculated that "Everyone Loves Classy" is meant to repair Meghan's reputation to make her royal appropriate.
12/27/2016: Yoga pap walk with Doria.
12/30/2016: A "Meghan is just like Diana" article is published, talking about Meghan's humanitarian work in and interest in Africa.
1/1/2017: The Daily Mail publishes more of Meghan's racy photos.
1/4/2017: Tom Markle Jr. confirms that Harry has met Thomas Markle "about six months ago" and that Thomas has known about the relationship since the very beginning.
1/6/2017: Another Kate hit job is published, stating that the Duchess will have to deal with being compared to Meghan, whose philanthropy is far more successful.
1/7/2017: Meghan leaks that she will be attending Skippy's wedding with Harry.
1/10/2017: The Daily Mail publishes photographs and stories about Meghan's first wedding to Trevor.
1/11/2017: Meghan spreads engagement rumors to E News! It's later confirmed that E News is one of Meghan's go-tos to leak info about the royals and her relationship so there's a solid confidence that she's trying to push Harry's hand.
1/14/2017: Meghan leaks to the Daily Mail that Harry plans to take her skiing in Verbier and her brother, Tom Markle Jr., has been arrested.
1/17/2017 - 1/18/2017: More information and details about Tom Jr.'s arrest are published.
1/20/2017: Kensington Palace announces that William and Kate are moving back to London in the fall when William's contract with EAAA ends in the summer.
1/22/2017: Meghan is papped at the airport in Mumbai, preparing to go home after 5 days in India for World Vision. There is some speculation that Meghan was a last-minute addition to the India program to get some good PR following her brother's drama but it's quickly debunked when a) veteran blogs point out that Meghan's strategy to bury bad news/criticism is a pap walk or a royal connection, not going off the radar and b) her November interview with Vancouver Star plugging the India trip is rediscovered.
1/27/2017: Meghan spreads rumors that they're really engaged now and Harry proposed over a glass of champagne.
1/28/2017: Kensington Palace announces that William and Harry have commissioned a statue of Diana for the KP gardens.
1/31/2017: Meghan tips off the Daily Mail about an article she wrote for The Tig about her dream bachelorette party. Rumors begin that this is Meghan announcing her availability to sponsors for merching opportunities in the UK when she marries Harry.
2/22/2017: A Cambridge hit job is published, pointing out that they don't hold hands and aren't affectionate in public.
2/25/2017: Meghan tries to convince us that she's firmly established in the UK with a group of society girls who've become close friends.
2/26/2017: Toronto pap walk to merch an elephant bracelet
2/28/2017: The Daily Mail publishes that Meghan has never met a freebie she didn't turn down.
3/5/2017: Meghan merches Cartier.
3/12/2017: Meghan leaks that Pippa doesn't want her at the wedding and has banned her with a "no ring, no bring" rule.
3/13/2017: The Daily Mail publishes a story and photographs of Meghan's very special episode of 90210. It's later that that Meghan leaked about William's dad dancing in Switzerland to bury this but more likely, it's Meghan's leaks that she will meet The Queen soon that are meant to bury the 90210 work.
3/20/2017: "Meghan is still the same girl I've always known, this fame isn't changing her" editorial by Lindsey Roth is published. This is in response to quiet-but-growing-louder speculation that Meghan has a new sense of entitlement, attitude, and rudeness.
4/3/2017: It's announced that Samantha Markle plans to write a book about Meghan. (Meghan gives her first brief against her sister the next day, on 4/4, largely in response to this news.)
4/8/2017: Meghan claps back against Pippa's "no ring, no bring" rule via an editorial.
4/9/2017: Meghan leaks that she loves Africa and Harry is taking her to visit again in October when Suits wraps.
4/20/2017: Meghan commissions a "Meghan is just like Kate" piece in the Daily Mail.
4/28/2017: Middleton hit job, accusing them of spending more time with the Cambridge children than their royal relatives. (Honestly, this reads more like a Charles hit job than Meghan's but it's part of a larger trend of Meghan sourcing stories that attack Kate.)
As always, corrections, additions, updates, and links are welcome!
Hopefully Tumblr stops acting up and I can incorporate these into the main post.
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shawolsos · 1 year
I've been thinking about Henry and Alex's wedding again
I think that it would be absolutely balls-to-the-walls fucking mental. It'd be a royal wedding that even my parents and I (very much anti-monarchist) would watch and enjoy. I want a royal wedding that would give Piers Morgan cardiac arrest six ways from Sunday.
Like, speakers on every street corner blasting Bowie, Jagger, Queen, Blondie, Gloria Gaynor, Taylor Swift and One Direction.
If they HAVE to sing God Save the Queen, I want it sang by Adam Lambert while Brian May absolutely shreds a guitar solo on the top of Buckingham Palace.
An autumn wedding because Henry told Alex that if a wedding happens during term-time, kids get the day off school and who is he to deny them that.
Mexican food and burgers and hot dogs, curries and fish and chips. None of this pretentious canopies and whatever else it is rich people have at weddings
Cornettos and wedding cake made of red velvet and funfetti.
Elton John singing "Your Song" as a first dance.
Queen Catherine leading Britain's nobility in the Macarena and the Cha Cha Slide and Martha having to drag Philip onto the dancefloor.
Foreign Monarchs and Dignitaries and the fucking Prime Minister's Cabinet becoming wild party animals for one night and one night only.
Jaffa Cake donuts, because they're a thing and they are the best thing ever.
The presenting team has Holly and Phil but also Baga Chipz, Lawrence Chaney, Suzi Ruffell, Tom Alan, Rylan, Nick Grimshaw, Graham Norton, Sue Perkins, Courtney Act, Trixie Mattel, Katya Zamo and the original cast of Horrible Histories (cuz Henry loved that show as a kid and you can't convince me otherwise)
The guest list includes Britain and America's gay icons except for Ellen. The entire Harry Potter cast and NOT JKR every James Bond actor they can get and kids from Henry's shelters.
Traditional CofE readings but also passages from the great FEMALE writers of Britain and classical mythology and Sappho.
Mexican love songs in the middle of the service, that make everyone tear up, regardless of whether they understand Spanish.
Their personally written vows would be exchanged in a private ceremony the day before.
Ellen and Oscar walking Alex down the aisle.
Shaan and Zahra being event coordinators.
St. George's Chapel being decked out in beautiful floral arrangements.
Pez and Nora being the best best man and woman.
Pez, June and Nora getting blackout drunk and ending up in the same hotel room.
Bea and Catherine staying back to help with the clean up and taking loads of left overs back up to the apartment to share with the staff.
Ellen, Oscar, Luna and Leo managing to slip away from their security and going to a nightclub in Soho and sending some very confusing but hysterical voice notes to Alex.
Henry stopping the car to get a donner kebab because he's English and drunk.
Apartment 6F becoming royalists for the first and only time in their lives and setting aside a whole week to watch everything related to it.
Street Parties in London and Washington going from the night before until the night after.
Sweet elderly people who have been in the crowd at every royal wedding for the last sixty years and have become very supportive of the queer community ever since their grandchildren came out to them.
A proper English Bloke™ who looks like he'd be homophobic but isn't and a bi girl with pink hair and a nose ring getting absolutely plastered together.
A sea of Union Jacks and Star-Spangled Banners being waved alongside every variety of Pride Flag.
It'd be a royal wedding that literally no other couple would be capable of planning.
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Sussex Brand VICTIM
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Follow the link Rebecca is tweeting...
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Prince Harry was quiet and sounded nervous as he stated his name “Prince Harry” and swore an oath on the bible in the witness box
I’ve never heard a barrister have to explain to the court the protocol on how to address a witness… “Your Royal Highness” in the first instance, then “Prince Harry”
Prince Harry says decision to “reluctantly” step back from Royal role was in large part “due to the constant intrusion, inciting of hatred & harassment by the tabloid press into every aspect of our private lives, which had a devastating impact on our mental health and wellbeing”
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Prince Harry writes in his witness statement “How much more blood will stain their typing fingers before someone can put a stop to this madness.” He explains the comment was directed more broadly at the tabloid press rather than specific Mirror Group Newspaper journalists.
Prince Harry’s witness statement is 55 pages long. He writes… “What I complain of here is illegal or unlawful, and that is something which I feel incredibly strongly about.”
I genuinely feel that in every relationship that I’ve ever had – be that with friends, girlfriends, with family or with the army, there’s always been a third party involved, namely the tabloid press.”
It created a huge amount of paranoia in my relationships. I would become immediately suspicious of anyone that was named in a story about me I felt that I couldn’t trust anybody, which was an awful feeling for me especially at such a young age.”
I feel somewhat relieved to know that my paranoia towards my friends and family had, in fact, been misplaced, although feel sad for how much it impacted my adolescence.”
In his witness statement #PrinceHarry makes several references to his late mother #PrincessDiana “There are even eight private investigator payments made in relation to my mother, which I have only learnt of since bringing my claim. This makes me feel physically sick.”
The Duke of Sussex singles out Piers Morgan for criticism
The thought of Piers Morgan and his band of journalists earwigging into my mother’s private and sensitive messages (in the same way as they have me)…
and then having given her a “nightmare time” three months prior to her death in Paris, makes me feel physically sick and even more determined to hold those responsible, including Mr Morgan, accountable for their vile and entirely unjustified behaviour.”
“As a consequence of me bringing my Mirror Group claim, both myself and my wife have been subjected to a barrage of horrific personal attacks and intimidation from Piers Morgan, who was the Editor of the Daily Mirror between 1995 and 2004
presumably in retaliation and in the hope that I will back down, before being able to hold him properly accountable for his unlawful activity towards both me and my mother during his editorship.
The problem is that, over the last 15 to 20 years, there are now incredibly powerful media companies who masquerade as journalists and who have, quite literally, hijacked journalistic privileges for their own personal gain and agenda, It’s an unbelievably dangerous place.”
I am bringing this claim, not because I hate the tabloid press or even necessarily a section of it, but in order to properly hold the people who have hijacked those privileges, which come with being a member of the press, to account for their actions.”
I feel there’s a responsibility to expose this criminal activity in the name of public interest."
Prince Harry attempts to lighten to mood by quipping “you’ve got me doing a work-out” as the defence barrister repeatedly asks him to pull out the huge bundles of documents involved in this complicated case.
Prince Harry has been asked to raise his voice in court. The barrister for Mirror Group Newspapers, Andrew Green KC, jokes “not in anger I hope!”
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lynzishell · 11 months
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Phoenix arrives at his new school. As he stares up at the building, with cliques of students chatting out front and making their way inside, he can’t help but wonder why the hell he agreed to come here. He could easily drop out, earn his diploma online, and move on with his life. Tempting…
For now, he makes his way inside, looking for the main office.
“Hey Phoenix!” calls the familiar voice of his new friend, Aurelio. They haven’t seen each other since the day in the park. They’d somehow forgotten to exchange numbers.
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Phoenix: Hey, man, how’s it goin? Aurelio: Oh y’know, another day in paradise. This is my friend Morgan. [Morgan waves distractedly while glancing around, clearly looking for someone else.] Aurelio: So what’s your first class? Phoenix: Not sure yet, I’m supposed to meet with the principal to g—Morgan: SOPHIA!!! Over here!
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They are quickly bombarded with squeals as a blur of blonde hair rushes over to tackle Morgan.
Aurelio: Aha, and this is Sophia.
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Morgan: Soo?? How was it? Did you LOVE it? Sophia: It was fucking amazing!! It was so hard, I literally played until my fingers bled, but it was fucking amazing! Oh my god Aurelio, you would’ve loved it, I wish you could’ve come. Morgan: I’ve missed you so much! You need to tell me everything! Sophia: Yes yes! I’ll fill you in… but first, who’s your friend and why is he looking at me like I’m a crazy person? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix, and I actually have to run. I still need my class schedule. I’ll catch up with you guys later!
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Aurelio: Way to go, Soph, you scared him off! Sophia: oh whatever [laughs]
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Phoenix makes his way to the principal’s office around the corner. As he steps inside, the woman behind the desk stands to greet him. Mei: Mr. Realta, I presume, come on in. I have your paperwork… here we are. This is your class schedule, along with a map, and this will be your locker and combination. Unless you have any questions, I’ll let you be on your way. Phoenix: I’m good. Thanks.
Pleased with how quick and to-the-point the meeting was, he made his way to his locker to check the combination before heading to his first class.
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As usual, the first day was pointless. As the teacher drones on about expectations and schedule of exams, he’s already plotting how to get out of this tiny, boring town. He’d need to get a job. He has some money saved, but not enough to get him far. If he had a job, and the money for a down payment, would Julian co-sign for him to get a studio apartment in the city? He felt the one thing holding him back was being too young to sign a lease, and he still had six months before he turned 18.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the bell. Lunch time, finally.
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As he makes his way into the cafeteria, he spots Aurelio and his friends from this morning.
Morgan and Sophia are deep in their own conversation as he takes the seat across from Aurelio.
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Phoenix: So, is there anything to do in this town? I’m going stir crazy over here. Aurelio: Usually, no. People hang out by the thrift store in town, or out at the pier sometimes. Buuuut… I did hear there’s a party at the Bluffs tonight, if you’re interested. Morgan: Seriously? Sophia: Yup! It’s nice out there today. Storm rolls in tomorrow so it might be our last chance for a while. Aurelio: You in? Phoenix: Yeah, I’m in!
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Just then someone takes the seat next to Phoenix. He’s immediately annoyed by how close the guy sits next to him, clearly trying to make a point as he leans in.
Wolfgang: So who’s our new friend? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix. [hoping to convey his irritation in his tone]
Wolfgang chuckles to himself, but Morgan interrupts him before he can speak.
Morgan: What do you want, Wolfgang? Wolfgang: Easy… y’know, Morgan, we used to be friends.
Morgan rolls her eyes.
Wolfgang: I overheard you guys talking about the party tonight. I’m collecting money for supplies if you want to pitch in. Morgan and Sophia: (in unison) We’re good. Wolfgang: What about you, Penis? You want in?
Phoenix smirks, there it is, the push… ok, more of an annoying nudge… but it was enough. But just as he’s about to speak, Aurelio reaches over and hands Wolfgang a twenty, throwing him off.
Aurelio: Here. You can go now. Wolfgang: Why thank you. I can always count on you, Leo.
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As Wolfgang walks away, Morgan and Sophia are staring daggers at Aurelio.
Aurelio: What? Easier than trying to get it myself. Sophia: Oh, you’re trying to get it, alright.
Aurelio just laughs, leaving Phoenix thoroughly confused. He’s clearly not in on whatever joke this is. But the bell rings before he can try for any explanation.
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Poses by StarrySimsie, rebouks, Simmerianne93, SamsSims
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boozles · 5 months
Boozle's Top Ten Movies 2023
So, this was another list in my 2023 review that was super difficult to put together. According to my Letterboxd 2023 list, I watched 178 new movies this year. (Looking at all the dramas and movies I've watched, I honestly do not know where I found the time to consume so much content?! Working from home has its plus side, I guess?)
So, it's been a bit difficult to narrow my list of favourites down, but this is what I ended up with...
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(i) Barabarian (2022, Dir. Zch Cregger) This film was NOTHING like what I thought it was going to be. Split into three tales that merge together to tell the story of one house and it's history, this movie managed to surprise me and be unpredictable at each turn.
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(ii) The Outlaws (2017, Dir. Kang Yun-sung) This is the first movie in The Roundup series (the fourth movie is due out in 2024) and I have to say this is my favourite Korean action franchise. Ma Dong Seok is perfect, and the action sequences are mind blowing. It has the perfect balance of crime, action and comedy, and is a definite recommendation if you're looking for a good Asian crime movie.
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(iii) Evil Dead Rise (2023, Dir. Lee Cronin) I absolutely love the Evil Dead franchise, and I had initially been a little wary at this sequel due to the fact they were taking the deadite insanity into an apartment block instead of the usual little cottage in the woods. I am so glad I was wrong, because this movie was probably the best horror to come out of 2023. The cast were amazing (Morgan Davies was a stand out) and it managed to feel like an Evil Dead film but with a fresh perspective.
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(iv) Dark Harvest (2023, Dir. David Slade) Okay, I couldn't find a gif from the movie so y'all will have to make do with this still image. Now, I fully expected Dark Harvest to be a lame b-movie with terrible effects and a lame storyline, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! It managed to keep me captivated, and it was extremely aesthetically pleasing. I'd love a sequel with Emily returning to town.
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(v) Five Nights at Freddy's (2023, Dir. Emma Tammi) Gosh, I was so happy when I enjoyed this! I am a huge FNAF fan (though for a while I kept it on the downlow due to Cawthon's support of Trump/the Republican party) and I adore the lore, as wild and complicated as it is. The movie really managed to keep me captivated, and kept me guessing, whilst still staying true to the original canon. I cannot wait for the second installment.
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(vi) Guns Akimbo (2019, Dir. Jason Lei Howden) This was a wild and fantastic film. I love watching Daniel Radcliffe get further and further away from the HP movies and prove that he's a great actor. Also, I just love Samara Weaving.
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(vii) The Meg 2: The Trench (2023, Ben Wheatley) Yeah, I'm surprised to see this on my list, too. This movie was just so much fun. That's all. The effects were great, the acting was pretty good, and I just like watching sharks take out humans. IF YOU DON'T WANT EATEN BY A SEA CREATURE, STAY OUT OF THE SEA.
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(viii) Ichi the Killer (2001, Dir. Takashi Miike) I don't know why it took me over 20 years to finally watch this classic, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying it! The acting was insane, the story was batshit crazy, and the effects were fantastic. I'd expect nothing less from Takashi Miike, tbh.
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(ix) Salo, or 120 Days of Sodom (1975, Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini) Okay, hear me out - was this one of my favourite movies of the year? No, it really wasn't. However, it's the movie that has probably left the biggest scar on my mental psyche of the year, therefore I had to include it. I've been fascinated by Marquis De Sade ever since I saw Quills years ago, but I never watched this movie because I knew it would do something to my brain. If you've seen the movie (or even read the book), I'm sure you understand what I mean when I saw one chapter in particular REALLY fucked me up to the point I couldn't eat chocolate for quite some time afterwards, and I struggle to not throw up when cleaning my cat's litter box these days. It takes a lot for a movie to scar me in a way that makes it pop into my mind every now and then, and this movie did that. However, I'd like to add that the point of the film isn't just to shock, but I am terrible at witing coherent analysis. If you haven't seen this movie, I would suggest doing a little research before watching, just to make sure you can handle it; it is full of triggers that I don't even want to mention because I'll probably get blacklisted. But yes. Whilst it may not be a favourite of the year, it sure left a huge impact on me.
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(x) Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022, Dir. Daniel Scheinert, Daniel Kwan) I think everyone loves this movie, but I was surprised at how much I loved it! The whole message of the movie is just so brutal and honest, and whilst I know that it's probably people of Asian heritage that can relate to it the most, I feel like we all can find something in the relationships that we can relate to. The cast were fantastic and I'm so glad to see Ke Huy Quan on screen again! Heartwarming, sad, and absolutely hilarious.
Honorary Mentions: (i) Midnight (2021, Dir. Kwon Oh-seung) (ii) Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum (2018, Dir. Jung Bum-shik) (iii) Glass Onion (2022, Dir. Rian Johnson) (iv) The Night House (2020, Dir. David Bruckner) (v) I Saw the Devil (2010, Dir. Kim Jee-woon)
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Seen Elsewhere on Tumblr
“What if all men disappeared for a day? They’re safe, well, happy, being looked after for that day but they’re not here.  What do you do in this world?”
And I realise they meant it to describe this feminist paradise where no one’s getting shot or killed or raped, but honest to god, not only would I not do much different, I’d be able to do less because the public transport I rely on is driven by mostly, you guessed it, men.  Get a taxi? Oh honey.  Guess who the cabbies mostly are.  NHS?  My local hospital trust just lost a third of its staff, ranging from consultant medics and surgeons to a big chunk of the IT department to a lot of cleaners and porters and catering staff.  Hope nothing catches fire or you don’t need a plumber, because guess who is mostly in those jobs.  Even getting a takeaway is going to be an issue, because you never see a woman bringing your Deliveroo order. 
Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson are gone but we’re still stuck with Katie Hopkins and Jan Moir.  Also JK Rowling.  Camilla getting to be Queen Regnant for a day is not an improvement either.  And in politics, the absence of half the Tory Party still leaves Suella Braverman, Priti Patel, Nadine Dorries and Liz Truss to wreak havoc, among others.  Mind you, they’d be outnumbered by Labour and Lib Dem MPs, so who knows. 
OTOH, if your car breaks down or you need a leak fixing, if you do get a professional out, you can expect a fair price and no bullshitting or being talked down to. Ladies in the construction and mechanic trades can expect to make a fortune.
On the other hand, you get quite a few people not disappearing when they expected to, or a few people disappearing who were previously living as women, so quite a few people are learning something about themselves, or possibly they already knew but get a bit of gender validation.
If you’re in an abusive relationship with a man, or even one where you just weren’t happy, a day’s space might give you the opportunity to make changes.  Quite a few relationships might hit the rocks as one party realises they don’t miss the other.  Polyamorists with lovers of more than one gender might notice a shift in relationship dynamics - or perhaps it’s their girlfriends who realise just how much more freedom they seem to have with her husband not in the picture and no one harassing anyone for a threesome... unless he was the driving force in them hooking up and the two of them realise they don’t actually have that much in common alone.  (Not applicable to polyamorists with healthier relationship dynamics.)
But many, many more relationships would just be the partner left behind staring at an empty chair over breakfast and realising they just miss him.
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Former-President Trump while in office could usually turn to Fox News for comfort. There were differences from time to time, and Trump made headlines occasionally by going after personalities on Fox — most famously Megyn Kelly during a 2015 GOP presidential primary debate.
But for the most part, Trump, a rabid cable news follower, could tune in to find Fox News star hosts heaping praise on him and his administration while lambasting his critics and political enemies.
Trump still has his supporters on the network, but the dynamic between a former President openly flirting with another run for the White House and Rupert Murdoch’s top media asset is definitely changing.
For one thing, Fox is more focused on President Biden, a subject of relentless prime-time attacks, than Trump, and the network didn’t air Trump’s speech this week in Washington, D.C., even as it did air a portion of an earlier address Tuesday by former-Vice President Mike Pence.
“Trump’s superpower is getting all the coverage. That’s not happening anymore. Fox is not covering him 24 hours a day,” said Daniel Cassino, a media expert who wrote a 2016 book about the network’s influence over American politics. “So it seems that is leading to frustration that he’s not dominating Fox the way he did before.”
That tension boiled over this week, when Trump lashed out at Fox and its flagship morning program, “Fox & Friends,” after two of the show’s longtime co-hosts threw cold water on polling suggesting young voters felt Trump was the best choice for Republicans looking to win back the White House.
Other Murdoch-owned media properties have separately fired off editorials critical of Trump in the wake of damaging revelations from the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
“Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial,” The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board wrote last week. “Mr. Trump utterly failed his.”
“Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused,” the board declared.
The New York Post, also owned by Murdoch, ripped Trump in a separate editorial.
“It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again,” it wrote. “His only focus was to find any means — damn the consequences — to block the peaceful transfer of power. There is no other explanation, just as there is no defense, for his refusal to stop the violence.”
Trump in a statement on Tuesday complained that Fox, the Journal and the Post “have always been against me, until I won.”
News Corp. declined to comment on Trump’s recent attacks.
A representative for Trump did not return a request for comment on suggestions that he has fallen out of favor with Murdoch.
Spats between Trump and Murdoch’s conservative media empire are not unheard of.
The former President was infuriated by the outlet’s decision to call Arizona for Biden on election night and famously sparred with one of its former top anchors, Chris Wallace, before the election on a number of occasions.
Several of Fox’s top personalities were also critical of Trump following the 2020 election.
The recent ascension of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to the national spotlight has given Murdoch’s news outlets a new face to put forth for its millions of viewers and readers as a potential successor to Trump as the leader of the Republican Party and conservative movement.
British pundit Piers Morgan, whom Murdoch recently hired to host a show on United Kingdom-based TalkTV, penned an op-ed in the Post earlier this summer explicitly urging conservative voters in the U.S. to “dump Trump” and throw their support behind DeSantis.
“I think that Trump is quite frankly a dead weight for Fox and Murdoch,” said A.J. Bauer, a professor at the University of Alabama who researches and analyzes trends in conservative media. “He did a lot of very helpful work for them, he boosted them for four, five, six years, but they’re not loyal in the way that he expects and the way he needs in order for his political winds to shift.”
Some say that if Trump wins the GOP presidential nomination again, Murdoch and the former President could put their public feuding aside, as they have in previous years.
“If Trump runs for president in 2024 and buries the field, there will be plenty of time for Murdoch to do what he traditionally does: Place his bet on the leading pony,” Jack Shafer, the longtime media writer, said in a column reacting to the editorials from the Journal and the Post this week. “Like a pair of powerful gangsters who quarrel over how to divide the spoils, Murdoch and Trump will reconcile if they determine it’s in their mutual interests to reconcile.”
Trump also still gets plenty of coverage on prime-time Fox that he likes.
Host Laura Ingraham on Tuesday night reacted to news of the Justice Department including Trump in its ongoing investigations into Jan. 6 by calling it “a political vendetta to prevent someone from running for office and succeeding and winning the presidency again to millions and millions of Americans.”
Fellow prime-time host Sean Hannity, a longtime personal friend of Trump, has routinely denounced the Jan. 6 panel as a “witch hunt” lacking merit.
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parodyroyalle · 2 years
Hi Parodyroyalle, i found your post via Skippys blog. what do you mean by : The maths would then lead me to believe the timeline reblogged about Tom Bowers book is correct. He is a great investigator. He pin pointed Canada being the place and the time before Harry. what do you mean by Canada being the place? the place for what? and what is the timeline in TB's book? i have sooo many questions, and i hope you have the time to answer. Tysm.
Hi Anon
Thank you for your ask.
We have been compiling lots of data for years.
By maths we are referring to the timeline.
The observation that recently sufficed in TB book came from the Piers Morgan interview I believe this was rebloggd. It was featured in a live that may be available. Let me go grab link. Here you are:
9:03 in:
TB reminds the Public that the genesis took place in Canada before Harry. This is one, a reference to Markle's relationship with Tom Markle and additionally, if you have been following the Skippettes, you may know about Soho House Toronto. Ex relationship with Cory, the Toronto reports featuring Markus Anthony and others.
This is an example of one of the many gems dropped because it confirms what we know and that is major twist in plot took place and the location reads Canada. Canada is the place where the police report was made that prompted the engagement enouncement and protection from Harry. Skippy's blog most likely has the reblogs still from this time period. There were a lot and this is merely my quick summery over years of recap. So what clicks for me may not click for you. I reblogged a link on the time line that relates to the above for refresher.
Seems to simple to fit into anything until paired with the timeline.
A most recent example of the Timeline and Canada being mentioned again by online sleuths such as Skippy, Skippettes and Anon's is the photos from the Platinum Jubilee where the never before seen public photos were shown re Markle and 'Birthday Party'. The cushions were noticed to be from... you guessed it... Canada and more specifically, Toronto. We were able to get a photo from the public domain and many reblogs that confirms cushions in background at time Markle was allegedly acting in Toronto. I tried to find something from archives so here is an old gem dropped:
TB's book helps bridge the gap on the timeline making it a definite Canada location example Toronto and then the years which comes back to 2016.
We then took the timeline of CV and the Anon drop about the Money or alleged payment and applied it to KC.
Cory and Markle are reported to have met in 2014 as per google search which brought up the link above. This confirms the timeline of 2014 onwards.
Now, we circle back to the connection of KC where Jal and Markle and branch out the connections from there. The other reblog can confirm how many people are inside Jal's sphere of influence and then take a look at Markles first public reported A list friends and cross reference with the list to wedding.
By this we can see that not only was Jal helpful with World Vision and other philanthropic connections, there is a major step up in circle of connections. What strikes interesting is Jal is never mentioned and World Vision has since changed their website. The question is why would someone who matches all the criteria: activist, inspirational leader with A list contacts reportedly 'inspire' Jal at the same time where social posts show Jal balancing work in Toronto and UK during the same timeline Angelina is seen in the video reblogs with Jal.
The above is an example of a new narrative being peddled about why Markle allegedly cut ties but who is also linked to them? Jal.
The above is an interview.
The above is more info re ONE YOUNG WORLD.
Does that sound familiar? It should.
Thank you again for finding me. I stand by my opinion Tom Bower is a great investigator. I hope this helps answer how the country Canada fits in, more specifically, Toronto. Apologies for the quick summary. Ask us any other questions and we will fact find. A reminder that this is a mix of opinions linked to open source fact hunting on the web. I can't same I am good at math haha but this is a quick timeline. We are in class today so any follow up questions will be answered later.
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cant-think-of-one · 4 days
You know what I find funny about all of this? Is that all these people claim to be 'good' Christians and decent folk. Yet right now they claim that the hush money trial was over a trivial matter...remember these 'good' Christians shout at the top of their lungs about family values, but their worthless leader FUCKED a porn star while married! Like motherfuckers in the BIBLE people were stoned for it! It is a crime in the bible! "Thou shall not commit adultery" Mary Magdolin was going to be killed for it if Jesus did not step in. That is how serious it is in the bible. You lying cunts who call yourselves Christians keep spitting in your savior's face. You fucking hypocrites keep coming after other people living their lives and trying to force us to adopt you worthless beliefs (because they are worthless if you continue to support the orange turd). You want us to conform, but when you are judged, you claim persecution. FUCK YOU! I WILL PERSECUTE YOU IF I AM FORCED TO FOLLOW THE BIBLE, but lucky for you my faith in God does not follow the old testament. Trump got what he deserved in this case. Piers Morgan is a shit stain and the Republican party are NOT Christians. They covet everything but Jesus. If sinning is a thing, then congratulations to the Republicans you are all going to hell with the rest of us for your lying, cheating, and calling for violence. Enjoy the devil's dick mothertruckers.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
“But also, there was the Platinum Jubilee too. Maybe something happened there - like maybe Eugenie got fed up with Harry’s tantrum about being demoted to sit “behind” her and Beatrice. I feel like that could’ve made Eugenie rethink things and then whatever happened over the summer or with the funeral, it really hammered something home for her.”
Go back to the coronation and watch Harold entering behind Jack and Eugenie. He’s just exchanged what appear to be neutral pleasantries with Beatrice and Edo who’ve reshuffled so he can walk ahead of them ( protocol be damned since he should have walked behind Beatrice as the highest status person of the group).
Anyhue, Jack and Eugenie say something to him which we don’t see, and Harold responds with a smirk then says something to Eugenie which includes physically miming her big belly - she was very pregnant - which angers her. She turns sharply to the front with her face in a mixture of rage and embarrassment while trying to pull her coat / outer garment around her as if to make her belly smaller. She never looks or talks to Harold again. 
The way they procession in, Eugenie should have been seated next to Harold, but instead she takes the inside seat next to Edo so that Jack sits next to Harold. Beatrice and Edo sit down exactly as they’d walked in. 
IMO, like Princess Mary with David Duke of Windsor, Eugenie kept up with Harold because she genuinely love(d) him. He is her closest male cousin in the family, and for a variety of reasons she kept in with him and showed public support, even visited him February 2022.
However, something happened in the spring - summer of 2022 so that she distanced herself. The Queen’s death in September 2022 saw ALL the cousins distance themselves from Harold. 
She was papped in Miami in December 2022 and in LA in February 2023 - didn’t hope across to Montecito to see Harold unlike the previous year. 
She hasn’t shown any public support to Harold or Meghan on her IG or anywhere since spring - Summer 2022. 
The Sussexes keep posting that they are in touch with her or visiting her in Portugal, but there is no reciprocal confirmation.
Instead, she or her other friends post pictures of her in different cities that show she’s nowhere near the Sussexes eg Sussex send out PR articles that claim they are in Portugal possibly visiting with her, and Eugenie and friends post pictures of themselves in Lamu, Kenya and London, UK during that timeframe. 
The Sussexes post pictures of themselves in the Carribean and Eugenie does the same except her pictures are from a different island and she’s surrounded by her group of friends and all their babies.
Afew months ago, BOTH Eugenie and Beatrice made a point of being publicly papped with Piers Morgan who has revealed on a few occasions that he is friends with their mother too. 
This weekend, Eugenie was pointedly papped with Cressida who has publicly called Harold a bad person. 
And that’s before you throw in the 2 times in as many months when she’s publicly shown that she’s with the home team now - Kate’s christmas concert and praising KC3 & William on a recent podcast she did.
I think that Eugenie, unlike Princess Mary with David Duke of Windsor, has cut Harold off. 
People refuse to see the change or perhaps are skeptical because she was so public about her support. 
Beatrice has never been in Harold’s corner. My guess is that she tolerates him because he is family, her sister’s favourite cousin /party buddy, and her mother included him in family time eg family vacations. 
The most time Beatrice spent with him in public was during his relationship with Cressida who is a family friend and the sister of Beatrice’s best friend, Isabelle Branson. Isabella and Cressida spend alot of time together and during this relationship, Harold ended up hanging out more with Beatrice and her friends, the Bransons, and their charity Big Change. 
All of that stopped when Harold and Cressida broke up. 
Apart from attending their wedding, i’m not sure that Beatrice has ever acknowledged Markle in way. Similarly, Markle talks about her friendship with Eugenie, how Fergie helped her learn to curtsey, how she thought Andrew was The Queen’s servant, but not a single word about Beatrice.  
Really great summary, anon. I don’t think Beatrice ever cared for Meghan - I feel like the end of her relationship with Dave Clark and their subsequent breakup really opened Beatrice’s eyes to a lot and, obviously, Edo being around too certainly made a difference as well. She might have liked Meghan in the beginning because Eugenie did and Harry was her cousin, but it was short-lived.
(And I also feel like Beatrice and Harry weren’t as close as Harry and Eugenie -- Harry and Eugenie have the same chip on their shoulders for being second-born so I think they bonded more strongly over that. I don’t know that William and Beatrice had a similar ‘firstborn’ bond but they seem like they had been getting closer around Philip’s funeral. I can’t forget the way William looked at Beatrice when they were leaving at the end of Philip’s funeral - such a small thing and barely lasted two seconds, but it spoke a whole story.)
Reading this summary, especially your point of Eugenie attending the Christmas concert - reminded me of an earlier one. Maybe the 2021 concert? I don’t remember if it happened before or after the service, but most of the cousins were together and they were all greeting Kate, except Eugenie, who was getting a little bit of the cold shoulder from everyone. I wonder if this moment had anything to do with pushing Eugenie closer to the Harkles because all of a sudden, there was a lot of “Eugenie and Harry” PR and then also there she was in LA at the Superbowl. 
(And yes Eugenie was very offended and upset by Harry’s gesticulations of her size at the coronation. I felt so horrible for her in that moment and you know it made her upset before they even sat down because of the way she adjusted her coat. But I bet you Harry doesn’t think he did anything wrong; if he thinks it was fine for Meghan to call out Kate’s hormones, he thought it was fine to call out Eugenie’s size.)
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d2kvirus · 3 months
Dickheads of the Month: February 2024
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of February 2024 to make sure that they are never forgotten.  
Murder boner with a uniform the Israeli Defence Force showed just how committed they are to self-defence by responding to Belgium's refusal to cut funding to the UNRWA by bombing the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation office in Gaza, which is an impressive one-two of bombing a civilian building while technically declaring war on Belgium
...and then the Israeli Defence Force bombed the shit out of Rafah at the exact same moment when their American pay piggies were busy watching the Super Bowl - the Super Bowl which featured a commercial from the Israeli government portraying Israel as the poor innocent victims who are only concerned about getting those hostages back. That would be the hostages which Israel have done a remarkable job of killing with their saturation bombing campaign while Netanyahu has actively refused offers of a ceasefire which would allow them to be returned without the risk of the IDF shooting them for waving white flags
...meanwhile the Labour Friends of Israel Twitter account apparently could smell burned toast as they went on a massive stream of conscious screaming session which claimed that antizionism is a byproduct of Soviet propaganda. Gee, I wonder which paid lobbyist for Israel whose name just so happens to be Luke Akehurst had their fingerprints all over that one, given Akehurst has previous for tweeting that exact same sentiment...?
...but thanks to chocolate teapot Lindsay Hoyle proving to be even more spineless than usual, an attempt by the SNP to call for an unconditional ceasefire was scuppered by Hoyle legging it out of the chamber before changing the rules, all because a (so far unnamed) member of Keir Starmer's Labour Party effectively blackmailed him by saying fuck over the SNP on one of their three Opposition Days during parliament or Labour would run Hoyle out as Speaker the moment they come to power - and were openly gloating about doing this in texts with journalists
...yet the inflatable dartboard that is Lindsay Hoyle tried to twist his breaking of parliamentary rules after being blackmailed by Keir Starmer into some waffly bullshit about MPs being threatened, which fascist pitbull Suella Braverman immediately seized upon to say Islamists now run the country while Lee Anderson grunted something about Sadiq Khan running London for the sole benefit of his Islamist mates
...which saw knuckle dragging neanderthal Lee Anderson have the whip withdrawn within 24 hours, albeit less because of spreading rampant Islamophobia and more because he didn't apologise for appearing on GB News to spout rampant Islamophobia - and continued to double down, because GB News were paying him an extra £50 to display their logo on his Twitter profile
...but nice of the Israeli Defence Force to render all the Westminster MP's waffle about needing protection to be utterly risible by massacring Palestinians trying to get food - and then trying to paint themselves as the victims, which might have worked if the official IDF line didn't go through three iterations of their version of events over the course of an afternoon and still have difficulty explaining where all those bullet wounds came from
Ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak showed what an ultra-relatable nice guy he is when he bet Piers Morgan £1000 on Morgan's show that he would get planes deporting people to Rwanda - and promptly found the Westminster sleaze watchdog knocking on his door for a breach of parliamentary standards, which Sunak couldn't exactly deny given there were countless video clips of him breaking parliamentary standards on Piers Moron's show
...and then ultra-relatable nice guy Rishi Sunak decided the best way to win over the crowd was by making a joke about gender identity at PMQs - while the mother of Breanna Ghey was in the gallery, leading to a lot of tone policing from Keir Starmer about how inappropriate it is to make those comments when the mother of somebody murdered in a transphobic hate crime is within earshot, but apparently Starmer had no opinion the numerous other times Tories made similar comments at PMQs
Totally normal behaviour from billionaire manchild Elon Musk in which he started in getting absurdly aggravated by Disney casting a black actress in the next Pirates of the Caribbean film which is in no way related to Disney pulling their advertising from Twitter due to the amount of fascists Musk lets have free reign on there, fascists like stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik who is egging on Musk to buy Disney because that's how demented his behaviour is now, while also paying the legal fees for Gina Carano to continue with her obvious nuisance lawsuit against Disney
...and soon after billionaire manchild Elon Musk got into a spat with Matt Taibbi which was somehow both childish and borderline psychotic where Musk claimed Taibbi was dead to him all for...posting on Substack
...yet because billionaire manchild Elon Musk hadn't shared enough of his dogbrained takes with the world, he then prattled about how all Democrat voters are illegal immigrants - but the interesting thing is this tweet did not get Community Noted, meaning that he is disabling Community Notes from his increasingly unhinged posts
...soon followed by billionaire manchild Elon Musk getting exposed for having burner accounts created for the sole purpose of engaging with his own posts , so how did Musk respond when Liam Nissan exposed the Adrian Dittmann account was one of Musk's self-fellating burners? By banning Liam Nissan, once again proving what a FREEZE PEACH absolutist Musk really is
...and because billionaire manchild Elon Musk had a taste for banning people from his FREEZE PEACH platform, he then went and banned Yulia Navalnaya's account for reasons unknown (but easily guessed)
...and then billionaire manchild Elon Musk decided to show what a stable tech genius he is by kvetching how he couldn't log in to his new laptop without a Windows account and howled about how that would install the Windows AI, which literally anybody who buys a new laptop would be aware is complete bollocks
The increasingly unhinged Kemi Badenoch thought that it would be a bright idea to try to pick a very public fight with Henry Staunton after Staunton, who Badenoch sacked from his role in charge of the Post Office when she needed a sacrificial lamb, stated that the government policy was delaying compensation to all those affected by the Horizon scandal until after the next general Election - which consisted of the Department of Trade & Business releasing the letter which they handed to Staunton, where the first priority of the three listed was "Effective financial management and performance, including effective management of legal costs, to ensure medium term viability" which only served to support Staunton's claims, especially as engaging with the Horizon enquiry was the third of the three bullet points
Unifying force Keir Starmer discovered that Keir Starmer's Labour Party had a policy in their £28bn green investment fun - so of course he ditched it, less than 24 hours after talking it up while giving vague platitudes about a national credit card being maxed out which is economically illiterate bollocks, also less than 24 hours after Rishi Sunak called out Starmer's list of u-turns (while deciding to chuck in some casual transphobia which will forever be enshrined in the Hansard) making the decision even more boneheaded
...and it turns out that Rachel Reeves was responsible for binning the green investment fund pledge after a £10k donation from climate skeptics, because what better credentials are there for a prospective chancellor than binning a pledge which offers potential jobs and growth in favour of pocketing ten grans from people who think the global climate is actually not that bad at all?
Stochastic terrorists Chaya Raicik though she was going to fluster Taylor Lorenz in an interview by showing up wearing a t-shirt with Lorenz's face on it, only to be completely wrongfooted by probing questions such as "Why?", "Who?" and "What?" in response to her comments which left Raicik so desperate to try and not look like a moron she showed Lorenz a porn clip mid-interview because of reasons, and then spent the next couple of days ranting and raving about how unfair it was that Lorenz posted full clips of the interview which Raicik agreed to in context online, which is an interesting take from somebody with a track record of posting people's details online without consent and waiting for the bomb threats to rain down
It's likely that Miriam Cates thought she was being clever when she sneered about the Commons vote on a ceasefire in Gaza wouldn't be where it ends, as next people would ask for a boycott against Israel, and then a block on selling arms to Israel, and then wanting to see Israeli war criminals tried in The Hague...which sounds an awful lot like the measures taken against Russia for the past two years for a naked landgrab witch hospitals frequently getting bombed
MAGA Riefenstahl, or Dinesh D'Souza as most people call him, responded to the "death" of Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison by spouting some claptrap about how Joe Biden was planning on Donald Trump meeting a similar fate, because handwaving the fact Navalny was held in solitary confinement and tortured is the sort of thing that makes people question the credibility of somebody who claims to be a documentarian
I hope that Rishi Sunak replaced his advisors after their lunkheaded decision to do a live Q&A with the GB News audience which started badly when Sunak refused to take questions from the box in spite that being the whole point of the exercise, then waffled for minutes as the moderator didn't intervene, came face-to-face with wife beating antivax crank John Watt screaming at him about vaccines, and ended with one of the audience asking where they can file their expenses claim that sort of blew the lid off the whole exercise
Nice job by Azhar Ali for managing to spout conspiracy theory gibberish about October 7th in his Labour campaign ad that only served to allow the Tories to have the stick marked "Labour Antisemitism" to beat Keir Starmer's Labour Party over the head with - though for some strange reason the likes of David Baddiel and Rachel Riley have not demanded that Starmer resign as the fish rots from the head and other such utterances they were using on a weekly basis for Starmer's predecessor in spite a complete lack of any Labour MPs spouting conspiracy theory gibberish about Israel...
It seems that Mayim Bialik is determined to tank her career cheerleading for Israel's continued genocide in Palestine, as this month she was proudly promoting a children's book trying to whitewash what is happening written by a California resident - a children's book where all the artwork is AI generated, this missing the entire point of Bialik's protesting against studios using AI during the SAG AFTRA strike a few months ago
This month Liz Truss is blaming a Civil Service filled with trans activists for her run as Prime Minister crashing to a halt so quickly, and definitely none of the things that actually exist such as the billions she wiped off the UK economy in a single afternoon
...and then Liz Truss somehow sounded even more mental by attending the CPAC conference where she sat there with a gormless look on her face when Steve Bannon called called Tommy Robinson a "hero" and repeatedly resisted calls to distance herself from those comments, which makes her comment about how she felt "safer" when there was a Republican president when doddering past the cameras on her way completely nonsensical
The inflatable dartboard that is Ofcom somehow concluded that there is no reason to take action against GB News after a segment where the increasingly demented Neil Oliver blathered on about how people who got vaccinated for Covid are dying like flies of the definitely-not-made up condition that is "turbo cancer", meaning that Ofcom guidelines apparently consider spouting utter bollocks to be perfectly fine
If you were wondering how far from normal Andrew Bridgen is these days, he decided to remind us by stating that medical staff who administered the Covid vaccine should receive the death penalty for their part in this "atrocity"
Militant TERF JK Rowling responded to the increased reporting of the Breanna Ghey murders' names being revealed by picking that exact same day scream a lot of remarkably misogynistic things at a lesbian author to demonstrate how she is so determined to protect women as her TERF fanbase always claim
...though Posie Parker decided to go one further by responding to the judge saying that Brianna Ghey's murder was a transphobic hate crime by claiming that transphobia doesn't exist. So much for never, ever losing, eh Kelly-Jean?
Dossier fabricator Alastair Campbell wanted to appeal to the younger voters by telling them to "get off their high horse" over Gaza and vote Labour, which not only patronises an entire chunk of potential voters in one sentence but also served as a reminder that he campaigned for the Lib Dems in the 2019 election campaign
Labour Together mouth breather Josh Simons decided to go on LBC and while there thought it was a good idea to say, on the air, that you can put smuggler gangs on the Bibi Stockholm and ship them all up to Scotland for all he cares, which in one statement did so much for the vote in Scotland - that's the SNP vote in Scotland
...and then Keir Starmer decided to go on record saying his first priority when forming government wouldn't be anything to do with fixing the NHS or reversing fourteen years of austerity or anything else that might look like a policy, instead it would be replacing Hamza Yousef as First Minister of Scotland. Good luck getting votes north of the M25 with that one!
Maybe it's not a good idea for Lauren Boebert to tweet about the "Biden crime family" at the exact same time as her own son is being charged for a spate of break-ins and car thefts with a chaser of assault, harassment and prohibited use of weapons, because when her own son appears to be on a one-man crime spree it does tend to cause people to look into the crimes and misdemeanors of the rest of the family, and there's plenty of those...
Self-important blogger Paul Staines had a brainwave when throwing his £0.02 into the vitally important story of Angela Rayner selling a house which she owned by posting the birth certificate of her son to Guido Blog to prove that she lived in the house which she owned prior to selling it, which GB News proudly broadcast on their channel soon afterwards, because neither considered the minor issue that this was obvious doxxing of Rayner, her son, and also potentially puts the owners of the house which Rayner owned and later sold at risk as now the address was out there
So nice of David Zaslav to change his mind again and decide that, actually, he'd rather not let another studio buy the rights to Coyote vs Acme and instead prefers that Warner Bros pocket the tax write-down they'd get for banishing the film to the Phantom Zone and fuck over everyone who worked on it let alone wanted to see it
Dumbest take of the month goes to Riley Check for his bold proclamation that cancer is "generally harmless", thus causing a significant percentage of the world's population to wish several variants of cancer on him so he can test that hypothesis
This month Taylor Silverman decided to try and get on the Riley Gaines grift for her sporting failures by blaming trans athletes for her lack of winning anything. This is the same Taylor Silverman who once finished 34th in an event while a 10-year old finished in the top five, and in another event finished 34th while a 7-year old made it into the top twenty. Maybe shut the fuck up, Taylor...
Tax-dodging homunculus Alan Sugar was once again pissing and moaning about people working from home on BBC Breakfast - but this time added to his failure to admit to being a commercial landlord who doesn't make a penny if people aren't in the office but also doing so via Zoom instead of attending the office, which undermined the point he was pretending he was making just a tad
As if the name House of Illuminati wasn't reason enough to run away screaming at the mere sound of it, the AI-fuelled obvious scam that was their Willy Wonka immersive experience which managed to combine Dashcon and the Fyre festival in a Glaswegian warehouse that somehow managed to not have so much as a block of Dairy Milk on site is certainly another reason to head for the hills
Noted plagiarist James Somerton decided maybe now was a good time to pop his head above the parapet, and once he did he tried to explain away the industrial scale plagiarism which he was caught out for by claiming it was all the result of a head injury - in a video plagiarising H.Bomberguy's "A measured response" title, FFS...
And finally we had registered sex offender Donald Trump actively encouraging Vladimir Putin to attack NATO, which is a perfectly stable genius thing to say and definitely not the runner-up of the 2020 presidential election actively encouraging Russia to attack the US's allies
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toscanoirriverente · 7 months
Author Douglas Murray has clashed with Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan over the ongoing pro-Palestine marches and whether a majority of the participants support Hamas. “You don’t honestly think they are all pro-Hamas these people?” Mr Morgan asked. Mr Murray pointed out “anyone who chants ‘from the river to the sea’ is in fact”. “They are not all doing that – I’ve watched the videos and there are some who are chanting and some who aren’t,” Piers Morgan responded. “Here’s a challenge Piers," Douglas Murray said. "If you had decided to go on some kind of march and in week one you discovered that you had the BNP (British National Party) on your side calling for the murder of all black people, would you not wonder whether or not you should go on week two and would you not drop out by about week three?”
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
Was Jeremy Clarksonsilenced? by u/Mickleborough
Was Jeremy Clarkson…silenced? On 30 June 2023, IPSO - the Independent Press Standards Association in the U.K. - found that a piece, published in December 2022 in the Sun, by the broadcaster, journalist, and game show host Jeremy Clarkson, describing his hatred of Meghan ‘on a cellular level’, was sexist. However, it was not deemed racist. Article by Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph: archived / unarchivedQuestion for your consideration: Did Meghan have a hand in this finding? Consider the following.BackgroundClarkson apparently wrote the column after watching the Harry & Meghan ‘documentary’. For context only - IPSO found that the references below (amongst others), taken collectively, amounted to sexism:- Suggestion that Meghan had used ‘vivid bedroom promises’ to turn Harry into a ‘warrior of woke’- Dreamt of the day ‘when she is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant “shame!” and throw lumps of excrement at her’ (apparently a literary / cultural reference to Game of Thrones)The complainantsThe article attracted over 25,100 complaints - the most ever received by IPSO. The Fawcett Society, described as ‘a leading women’s charity’ and Hacked Off, which describes itself as ‘campaign for a free and accountable press’, seem to have been amongst them.There is no indication that Meghan lodged a complaint. IPSO’s governing codeIPSO’s Editors‘ Code provides, amongst other things:- It does not regulate opinion. It is not set up as the thought police; it does not judge taste.- It will act only on complaints by the party affected. (It is permitted to complain on someone’s behalf to correct factual errors.) This was intended to protect IPSO from being triggered by activists.ConclusionIPSO finding an opinion to be sexist, and not complained by the subject, is considered to be a setback for press freedom. It appears that the volume of complaints - seemingly via email - shook its nerve and caused it to go against its code.Over 25,100 emails - query whether they were all from real people. Meghan may not have complained to IPSO (she doesn’t read tabloids), but she does have access to her squad of loonies - most vocal online - and bot farms. There’s no evidence that Meghan was behind this avalanche of complaints, or even that she sanctioned it - but one does wonder. There are shades of Piers Morgan leaving Good Morning Britain after declaring: ‘I don’t believe a word she says.’ Meghan both lodged a complaint with the network ITV and wrote to its chief executive personally ‘demanding his head on a platter’. She doesn’t do things by halves when rooting out opposition - including YouTubers. Why doesn’t she go after Tom Bower and Valentine Low? post link: https://ift.tt/ft1oZF5 author: Mickleborough submitted: July 05, 2023 at 09:47PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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Highlights of the Most Unique Event Venues in the Bay Area
The Bay Area of California is widely renowned as an area of incredible beauty and diversity. From sweeping ocean views and lush vineyards to rugged mountains and vibrant urban centers, the Bay Area has something to offer everyone. With its abundance of unique and unforgettable event venues, it's no wonder that the Bay Area is one of the premier places for hosting special events. From rustic barns and lakeside cabins to grand ballrooms and modern art galleries, the Bay Area's event venues offer a variety of options to make any event truly unique and special. In this article, we'll share some of the highlights of the most unique event venues in the Bay Area, including breathtaking waterfront locations, versatile indoor and outdoor spaces, and luxury accommodations. Whether you're looking to host a corporate retreat, a private wedding, or a grand gala, the Bay Area has an event venue that will make your event truly unforgettable. Event Venues Bay Area range from traditional ballrooms to outdoor venues with breathtaking views of the bay.
San Francisco's Iconic City Hall
San Francisco's City Hall is an iconic symbol of the city, standing proudly at the center of Civic Center Plaza. Built in 1915, the building is an architectural masterpiece, featuring the signature dome and rotunda of the Beaux-Arts style. The building has been featured in films, television shows, and is home to the Mayors office, the city's Board of Supervisors, and other government offices. Inside, visitors can explore the grand marble staircase and rotunda, the grand assembly room, and the Mayor's office. The City Hall is also the site of many of the city's biggest events, such as the annual Pride Parade, and the occasional presidential visit.
The Exploratorium at Pier 15
The Exploratorium at Pier 15 is a hands-on science museum and interactive learning center that is a must-see for families and science enthusiasts alike. The museum offers a host of activities and exhibits, from the science of sports to the physics of sound, and from the chemistry of cooking to the biology of insects. The Exploratorium also offers workshops, lectures, and special events, such as the annual Maker Faire. Located on the waterfront, visitors can also enjoy the stunning views of the San Francisco Bay.
Moscone Center: A Prime Exhibition Space: 
Moscone Center is a premier exhibition space in San Francisco, offering over 700,000 square feet of event space. The center is home to a variety of events, including conventions, trade shows, and conferences, as well as a range of corporate events and galas. The center features a wide range of amenities, including full-service catering and audio-visual capabilities. Additionally, Moscone Center is one of the few venues in the city that allows for outdoor events, providing stunning views of the San Francisco skyline.
Intimate Weddings at The Julia Morgan Ballroom
The Julia Morgan Ballroom is a stunning venue for an intimate wedding. Located in the Merchants Exchange Building in the heart of San Francisco, the ballroom is a breathtaking space for a wedding ceremony and reception. The ballroom was designed by renowned architect Julia Morgan in 1909 and features an exquisite interior with a grand staircase, marble columns, and crystal chandeliers. The space is perfect for a traditional or modern wedding, and is sure to make your special day truly unforgettable.
Oakland's Historic Fox Theater
Oakland's Historic Fox Theater is a stunning venue for concerts and other events. Built in 1928, the theater was designed in the popular Art Deco style of the era, and features an impressive interior with a grand staircase, red velvet curtains, and an elaborate ceiling mural. The theater is home to a variety of music and comedy acts, as well as other events, such as movie screenings and dance performances. The theater also offers an intimate setting for private events, such as weddings, birthday parties, and corporate functions.
The Magic of the Fillmore
The Fillmore is an iconic music venue in San Francisco, known for its unique history and vibrant atmosphere. Located in the historic Fillmore district, the venue has hosted a number of legendary acts, such as The Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, and Jimi Hendrix, as well as modern acts such as the Black Keys and the Foo Fighters. The venue offers an intimate setting with excellent acoustics, and a lively atmosphere that is sure to make your experience memorable.
The Majestic Mountain Winery
The Majestic Mountain Winery is a stunning venue in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Located on a sprawling estate of vineyards, the winery offers breathtaking views of the rolling hills and lush vineyards. Visitors can explore the grounds and take a tour of the winery, as well as sample the estate-grown wines. The venue also offers a variety of event spaces perfect for weddings, corporate functions, or any other special occasion. This majestic setting is sure to provide a memorable and unique experience for any event.
The Bay Area is home to some of the most unique and diverse event venues in the world. From historical buildings to modern art galleries, there are a variety of interesting and memorable venues for any kind of event. Whether you're looking for a place to host a wedding, corporate retreat, or birthday celebration, the Bay Area has something for everyone. With such a wide range of options and experiences, it's easy to find a venue that perfectly suits your needs.
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
Ashley Roberts shares a very cheeky pic as she bares a boob #AshleyRoberts
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Braless Ashley Roberts shared a very playful photo on Instagram on Thursday, in which she bared her boobs. The former Pussycat Doll singer, 41, posed alongside her Heart FM co-host Amanda Holden, 52, for a series of snaps. She wore an Yves Saint Laurent combo consisting of a lemon colored cropped shirt and a matching mini skirt meant to look like boxer shorts. In one picture, her shirt had ridden up exposing her cleavage, but she playfully posted it anyway, superimposing a graphic to hide her modesty. Amanda also looked incredible on the day wearing a strapless black bustier jumpsuit that accentuated her waist.
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Braless: Ashley Roberts shared a very cheeky picture on Instagram on Thursday as she bared a breast while causing a storm with Amanda Holden in a cropped shirt
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Designer beauty: She wore an Yves Saint Laurent combo that consisted of a lemon colored cropped shirt and a matching mini skirt that looked like boxer shortsAnd Ashley stood together on a balcony in front of a beautiful sunset and simply wrote, "Landscape."It comes after the blonde beauty looked incredible in a gray outfit as she headed out to dinner with her famous pals at Mother Wolf in Hollywood on Tuesday. The radio host added inches to her figure in a pair of towering pointed toe heels and slung a matching oversized blazer over her shoulders. The beauty carried her belongings in a white bag and accessorised with multiple gold earrings. Ashley styled her long blonde locks in a neat updo and let her fringes frame her face. Ashley was greeted that night by Amanda, her fellow Heart FM co-stars, Strictly Come Dancing judge Bruno Tonioli, Match Of The Day pundit Gary Lineker, broadcaster Piers Morgan and X Factor star James Arthur accompanied. The group beamed for a photo while enjoying a lavish dinner with Amanda's husband Chris Hughes and their eldest daughter Lexi, 17, and Piers' son Spencer, 29. Piers wrote: "Two pop stars, two judges (well, three, technically), Britain's most notorious opinion maker (not me), a model, a sportswriter and a showbiz exec. My kind of dinner party.'It comes after the broadcaster shared a selfie with Gary, Amanda and Bruno as the group hit town in Los Angeles - after defending the Match of The Day host on Twitter last month.
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Views for days: And Ashley stood together on a balcony in front of a beautiful sunset and simply wrote: "Landscape"
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Looking good: Amanda also looked incredible on the day, wearing a strapless black bustier jumpsuit that cinched at her waist
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From fabulous: Ashley looked incredible in her ensemble as she caused a storm on social media
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'My kind of dinner party': It comes after Ashley was joined by Heart FM co-star pal Amanda Holden, Strictly Come Dancing judge Bruno Tonioli, Match Of The Day pundit Gary Lineker, broadcaster Piers Morgan and the X Factor on Tuesday night star James Arthur was joined
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The group beamed for a photo while enjoying a lavish dinner with Amanda's husband Chris Hughes and their eldest daughter Lexi, 17, and Piers' eldest son Spencer, 29Piers recently celebrated his birthday and took a two-week vacation from his show Piers Uncensored. Posting on Instagram on Tuesday, Piers shared a snap of the surprising group at the iconic Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood. The four beamed as they crowded into the picture by a swimming pool, enjoying an evening together. Accompanying his post, the always divisive host wrote, "Midnight in Hollywood... and opinions are flying."Piers stood alongside fellow former Britain's Got Talent judge Amanda Holden, 52 - while Bruno Tonioli, who recently replaced David Williams in the show's cast, posed behind them. Peering out in the top right corner of the snap was a grinning Gary Lineker, 62, who Piers recently defended on Twitter after being removed from the Match Of The Day.Morgan tweeted: "WTF? How pathetically spineless. I am now calling on the BBC to suspend any presenter who has spoken out publicly on news or current affairs - starting with Sir David Attenborough and Lord Sugar.He added: "Memo to everyone who agrees to present MOTD tomorrow: see you and will judge you accordingly. Read the full article
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newslobster · 2 years
Explained: Why Cristiano Ronaldo Didn't Receive GBP 17 Million Payoff From Manchester United Over Contract Termination | Football News
Explained: Why Cristiano Ronaldo Didn’t Receive GBP 17 Million Payoff From Manchester United Over Contract Termination | Football News
Cristiano Ronaldo‘s second stint at Manchester United ended on an ugly note as his contract was terminated following a ‘mutual agreement’ between both parties. The dramatic change in Ronaldo‘s fortune came following his explosive interview with British journalist Piers Morgan. The Portuguese forward had made some grave accusations against the Red Devils in the interview, prompting the club…
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