#Plural community
jakubmeow · 3 days
"You can't just ignore, or be neutral about syscourse!"
Yes you can, just because somebody has a disability and wants to be involved in the community, doesn't mean they have to constantly fight with fakeclaimers, or endos, etc etc.
People are allowed to just chill out, have a nice time.
A lot of people cannot take threats and such, if they fight, they will be getting threats and such. I can handle threats, I can handle people being ignorant, but many people cannot handle that, and that is why they should not involve themselves in discourse.
I'm not claiming anybody is weak, systems are very strong people, and you won't ever be able to truly understand the horrors they went through that caused them to be one. They are the opposite of weak.
Don't feel invalid because you can't involve yourself in this constant war. Take a breather for yourself.
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indigochromatic · 1 day
Some Basic Advice About EMDR for Systems
(drawing on our own experiences, reading about it, and comparing notes with our therapist)
This is mainly aimed at systems who are considering doing EMDR or planning on it, but want to know what the process is like and what to look out for, with some personal experiences sprinkled in.
Under the cut, because I talk a lot:
General Concept
I think the big picture in our experience is that EMDR is/was like…an intensifier for the kind of headspace/internal system interaction processing work that a lot of systems do naturally, at least a little, especially if they have decent internal communication. This has both upsides and downsides/areas to be cautious about.
A lot of EMDR pre-work (often called “resourcing”) is about making sure you have a good toolbox of “mental tricks/techniques” to be able to handle unexpected intense emotions, feelings, and/or imagery etc that often comes up when you get into trying to work with traumatic stuff. This is in my opinion very important, and something your therapist should take at least a few sessions to talk with you about even if you already have good tools for it already, just to make sure they know your strategies and you’re all on the same page. Also super common and normal to spend some time developing extra ones if needed—stuff like “the box” for temporarily containing crisis emotions when needed, having a mental “safe space” that you can come back to, etc. Also, EMDR specifically tends to often be a little rigid/scripted in the types of visualizations and metaphors you’re “supposed” to use, but in my opinion a good therapist should be flexible enough to adapt to equivalent images/techniques you may already have (like, “imagine you’re viewing the traumatic memory on a movie screen, or out the window of a train going through a tunnel” is a common instruction; if, say, your headspace has a lot of fantasy elements and it makes more internal sense to be viewing the memory via…scrying in a dish or something, your therapist should be down with you doing that instead, if you want to).
As for the sessions themselves, a big thing we don’t hear articulated a lot is that, in our experience  and that of some other folks we know, EMDR has a tendency of being…like, sneakily intense: It doesn’t necessarily hit you all at once in the session, which may just feel like “ok, that was Some Therapy Work but I’m chill”, but then over the rest of the day and maybe even the next few days, it’s not uncommon to keep feeling a lot of emotional intensity/vulnerability, having more intense “internal conversations and/or realizations”, etc. For this reason, EMDR is generally supposed to start with a very mild memory-to-process, like 4-5 out of 10 max.
Notes of Caution and Stuff to Keep In Mind
Especially for folks who already heavily dissociate from emotional trauma, it’s super easy to think you’re “going too easy” only to find that the memory has a lot more emotional baggage than you realized—really go easy on yourself when you start, EMDR is like psychology power tools and you absolutely can hurt yourself. (We’ve heard from plenty of systems who had bad therapists who did not adequately support them in doing EMDR, and absolutely fucked them over by starting too big and retraumatizing the hell out of them— this isn’t meant as fear-mongering, especially if you really like and trust your therapist, but just genuine “hey, EMDR can be very volatile stuff, which is part of why it can be so helpful, but also means that it’s important to not skip out on the safety precautions and self-care”.) What this means in practice is often stuff like: (our recommendations at least) - trying to schedule breaks/easy days immediately after - possibly getting someone to drive you home, especially if you know you’re going after a Big Thing, because the dissociation hangover immediately after can be pretty real - start with a memory that feels "too easy", and scale up if a week later it still felt trivial/like you’re fully over it, because it’s way easier to ramp up than try to do damage control.
Our personal experience, in tl:dr form, was that it felt like the core of the technique was really useful for us, and mirrored some of the most useful instances of self-processing we’d had before while also kind of serving as a “shortcut” to it—but, it was pretty intense and we didn’t really like/fit well with the therapists who we were working with at the time, which is why we stopped (didn’t want to keep doing an emotionally intense thing with folks we didn’t trust).
Finally, a bit about EMDR and "maybe I'm plural but I'm not sure, and/or may not have great in-system communication": yeah, this is a case to be especially slow and careful, for all the aforementioned reasons; what my instinct/recommendation would be in those cases is to: 1) make sure you learn a lot of resourcing techniques 2) try to check in with yourself(s) frequently and with compassion/intent-to-collaborate, "ask the inside of your head how it's feeling" and even if you're not sure whether the "reply" was just your own thoughts or a headmate, listen and try to engage with/respect those responses and emotions 3) if you start getting warning signs/back-off signals/sudden intense feelings, listen to them and lighten up, pause the session if you need to, do some self care etc, even (especially) if you don't know why you felt that way and it seems 'odd/random', and really you're super curious about what's going on and just want to figure it out. Like...you and the inside of your head and/or other system members are trying to navigate a complicated D&D maze together, in the dark, and you each only have part of the map--so you have to work together and trust each other, especially listening to warning signals even when your "part of the map" doesn't show anything to worry about there. And the more you work together and trust each other, the better everything gets, including therapy work.
When it's "Death By A Thousand Papercuts"-type Trauma Instead
If you're not sure where to start because there aren't a lot of obvious "Big Bad Memories" that feel like they adequately explain the issues you're having, some recommendations:
-> First, note that "no Big Bad Memories are immediately coming to mind, idk" is super common in systems and also in CPTSD, way more than I think most folks realize, so know that you're not alone and also that it doesn't mean you don't necessarily have stuff deserving of help and support.
-> So yeah, there's kinda two things imo you can try. The first is, if your therapist is on the more flexible side, you can try doing EMDR with either "this specific memory wasn't too bad, but it's representative of an ongoing pattern or theme that wasn't great" (say, loneliness at school or something, and you pick a specific lunchtime memory, which wasn't really That Bad in the moment, but you were kinda sad and/or upset about it and it feels representative of the overall trend you're trying to process/heal). Or you can try just doing the EMDR process on the theme itself, at the abstract level, and see what comes up--again, I'd really recommend starting with a much lower-stakes issue/theme than you think you need, just because it's really easy to underestimate, especially for systems and other folks whose brains dissociate a lot. (And especially if you know your system has episodic amnesia--e.g. event-amnesia/blackout amnesia--as well as emotional amnesia.)
The second is, there are other "more flexible" types of similar somatic therapy techniques (brainspotting is the name of another one, and there's more I can't think of rn) that might fit better instead-- tldr, totally worth asking your therapist about the whole situation, and asking what they'd feel most qualified for/comfortable with, in my opinion. You don't need to be doing Specifically Exactly EMDR to do somatic trauma therapy, even though EMDR is one of the more well-known modalities for it, and finding a version that feels right and not like you're forcing anything is really valuable (and you're not 'being picky' if it takes a while to find one; you're allowed to want to find one that feels right).
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urdarlingangel · 1 day
hello!! i am looking for some endo-friendly blogs to follow at the moment! please interact with this post or follow me so i can find some supportive blogs, and maybe make some mutuals. ^.^/
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pluralpolls · 2 days
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a-system-of-giving · 2 days
A System of Giving 2024
Happy pride month!
We voted on doing the exchange in June, which means it's time for 2024's plural gift exchange!
A System of Giving is a pro-endo gift exchange on AO3 where plurals (and questioning plurals!) can write plural fics for other plurals! When you sign up, you can request plural-related fics from any fandom, and then you'll get assigned someone else's request to write
SIgn-ups, rules, and FAQs can all be found here:
This year, we also finally set up a Discord server. Chat with others who are doing the exchange and stay up-to-date on the challenge here: (completely optional to join)
Sign-ups close: 8th June
Assignments due: 8th July
Works revealed: 10th July
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bunzfluffle · 2 days
Yo yo can we ask the plural community something serious for a second?
How has your experience went while reaching out to councillors/therapists/psychiatrists ect?
How did they respond?
Were hoping to reach out to a psychiatrist in the future
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moonpool-system · 18 hours
Polling because we're interested in creating stuff but want to see where the most interest is! If you would want multiple, vote for your favorite and let us know the others in comments or tags!
Also please consider checking out our personalized fronting pins!
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the-alarm-system · 1 day
does anyone else get kinda twitchy when co-front with someone else? like our hand starts to kinda move all weird or one eye closes and etc- Ardyn
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mafyuki · 2 days
fun game: give your sysmates warrior cat names (if you have more than you can do just pick some youre close with/front a lot/whoever you want to do)
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proendocultureis · 2 days
Traumagenic who were in pro-endo places all along culture is thinking that you're endogenic at the start but than slowly realizing you traumas & what causes your plurality when you are already prepared for that
Because if we were in only anti-endo spaces we'd probably discover our traumas too early or we'd fakeclaime ourselfs to the point of fully regreting plurality & any of this would probably lead us to really bad condition
Just glad that we could have normal journey of self-discovery❤️
Traumagenic who were in pro-endo places all along culture is...
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sophieinwonderland · 13 hours
Do you have any experience with meds causing internal communication difficulties? One reason I was excited to go on ADHD meds is the hope internal communication would become easier, that we'd be able to have longer conversations with less garbling and stupid interruptions but...quite the opposite has occurred. It's so fucking quiet in here.. I'm worried I've harmed him. @darkplanets
We have no experience with medications at all, really. Our only medication is an inhaler.
I've heard conflicting reports on how ADHD medications interact with plurality. I think for some it helps, but for others, yeah, it make things more quiet.
Which kind of makes sense, right? Like, singlets report the medication quieting their thoughts, so maybe it would also quiet the thoughts of other headmates in some systems.
Having said that, I doubt seriously that it's done any real harm. It probably is just making them a bit... sleepy.
Or possibly more accurately, giving the fronter more processing power.
Because a lot of models of plurality present the brain as being a computer, with headmates being different programs the computer is running. But computers have limited processing that's divided between different programs.
So if processing power in the brain is a finite resource, then maybe increasing focus directs the processing power towards the fronter and makes it more difficult for other headmates to think in the background.
Either way, I doubt seriously that the meds are doing any real damage to your headmates besides quieting their thoughts a bit.
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c0ntaminxted · 13 hours
i love my headmates. i love my headmates. i love my headmates. i love my headmates.
i love them all. i love my brother, i love my friends, i love my father figures and my caregivers. i love my fellow persecutors and i love the protectors i haven't seen in months.
i love the pets, i love the npcs, i love the world we've cultivated together.
i love my system. i love all of it.
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Wish these anti-endos would just actually read pro-endo resources and have intelligent discussions instead of spewing hateful bullshit 💀
They want to be blocked instead of opening their minds to not being full of hate.
"I don't care about what you have to say!"
Then stop saying hateful things and not expecting people to have a response.
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protectingtulpas · 1 day
hi, sorry to bother you, but i wanted to ask for help with smth. im a singlet, but ive tried making a tulpa before. however, a good bit through developing her, i kind of just. lost motivation? like, i wanted to make her and have her around, but i felt like i just couldnt, idk. now im afraid to start again because i dont want that to happen again, like i can’t trust myself to do it right. do you have any tips for getting around this?
Heyo! So here's the thing- bringing back and finishing up half-formed tulpas isn't too uncommon, especially since a lot of people will want to bring back and make sentient their old imaginary friends and such. If you want her in her life, you have to be sure and dedicate yourself to it! You have to want them for your tulpa to be there. You gotta commit!! This is a person you'll be with once they're past a certain point of forming, so make sure you give her attention like one. If you have problems with motivation or executive function in general, then try passive forcing and involving your tulpa in your daily life more - you can show her the things you like and shit, or do little activities together and stuff. Ask her about her opinion on things as ya go about your day! Make it natural. You'll be spending your lives together from now on anyways, so it's good to get in the habit early!
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urdarlingangel · 13 hours
hello hello!! i made this post earlier but totally fucked up the advertisin so i'm redoin it SOB
i made!! an 18+ endogenic-friendly discord server!!!
it's called rat club, it's rat-themed (or at the very least, rodent-themed) :3 i have a hamper nd i love rodents to DEATh itty bitty guys !!! so i wanted to make it themed like that eheh
pls note that i wanna keep drama/discourse/syscourse outta the server!! this is supposed to be a safe-space, so i just ask that we keep things civil nd more oriented towards a positive atmosphere!! ^w^
the link below will never expire so take your time in joinin us!! but we'd really appreciate more members, as it is just myself nd a lovely friend of mine there right now! i plan to be vry active cuz i LOVE INTERACTIN WITH PEOPLE SO!! pls join omg i will KISS U
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thefeathercollective · 15 hours
very nervous to be making this post because this is something we'd been keeping to ourselves but.. especially after our Big Boy Trauma happened (which was way after system formation) and since when we learned to switch... we fit the criteria for OSDD-1.
literally the only criterion that we can say doesn't happen is the distress and impairment one, which is why we still call ourselves non-disordered for short. we never had all the "symptoms" (for lack of a better word) and were in distress about them within the same timeframe.
it's essentially why we hate it when people say that did/osdd and non-disordered plurality are fundamentally different? like, hi... all that really happened after trauma did its thing is that we dissociate a decent bit more (already did before, we think due to our adhd) and have to help each other out around triggers sometimes.. we're still plural in the same ways...
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