#system experiences
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Please tell me we’re not the only system who deals with this ;-;
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paracosmic-gt · 3 months
Our experience of blackouts
Being a dissociative system is living a life where if I stop concentrating for a moment I "wake up" 4 hours later realising the past is a dream and I haven't been there this whole time.
My mind knows what happened, the memories are recorded physically.
But for me, I just...stopped. Then started again. Like falling asleep, you never know the exact point when it happens, and then all of a sudden you're awake again. All these memories are supplied, but to me they are dreamy and foggy. Not really mine but handed to me like a strange gift.
This is regarding autopilot, not switching. When we switch we are actually more aware of time passing than auto, which causes a massive gap. We are consciously engaging, but the autopilot means no one is home.
It is not sentient more than an idle screensaver on a computer. Bouncing around until we move a cursor, and never quite hitting the corner. We are still logged in in some sense, not entirely in the headspace...just in a dark quiet place between.
- J
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theselfishmachiness · 4 months
The worse thing that can happen is when semesters change in school and you’re in new classes and you’re learning the names of peers and then recognize a name and is confused where you heard it and learning like weeks later “ohhhh they have the same name as an alter. this is awkward.”
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sparkleplur · 7 days
Parents: *telling me all throughout my childhood that I'm an alien, that my autism makes act like an alien/ I'm too weird of a kid to be human, etc*
Child me: *splits an alien alter*
Parents: What that's insane, you're not an alien, are you psychotic ?
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poognthebrainbois · 3 months
Update on That Conversation with my mom for anyone who's following:
(For those who are just now hearing, my mom asked for "legitimate sources" on what I know about DID/OSDD and why I think I have it. So I collected a bunch of research. And we just now finally talked about it.)
It was way chiller than expected? Didn't get a direct answer on whether or not she "agrees" with me, but she's at least confirmed that she doesn't think I'm lying/making it up, and she thinks I should bring my "10 page paper" on it to my psych tomorrow and see what she says.
I will say, she did start by saying I did "too much" research and that "if it's that complicated, no wonder the doctor's aren't agreeing with you" which is... Not exactly the situation but alright.
But generally, she was almost impressed? That I had as much info as I did. Every time she said something contrary to the truth/some comment about "then what about____" I had a semi-immediate answer written by someone with a PhD.
She told me my back-up for "not having trauma" (I posted about it here) was total bullshit and it doesn't matter who wrote that and there's no fuckin way they can know that etc.
But whatever. Net positive I'd say. Psych tomorrow. Wish me luck.
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system-saftey · 7 days
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A System Safe Space <3
Hello! Welcome to a safe blog for systems to talk about their experience or vent. This is a place that systems can use for both positive and negative discussions!
You can send vents in the ask box, innerworld rants, discourse opinions, things you’ve experienced as a system, struggles, positive experiences, and more!
All fictives and introject are welcome here along with other alters/headmates as well!
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The Rules !
- Be respectful, no matter if your opinions on things
- Make sure to use TW//CW correctly
- Only traumatic systems are preferred but if you have a different origin you’d like to educate me on and explain to me how you’re a system then please do, but also know I don’t believe in any system besides traumatic. You are either a system with really well hidden trauma or you have something else happening mentally
- Don’t harass anyone that sends any form of asks! That being said if we feel an ask that’s sent is to unsafe to post or isn’t respectful or not properly warned, we won’t post it. You can ask why, and if you feel your ask may not be posted you can sign off anonymously (Ex: -Anon (🦋) ) or use your account without the anonymous feature
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- Our own experiences and vents
- Ask responses
- Personal discourse opinions
- System positivity
And more!<3
That’s all for this post, Remember you are loved, you are valid<3 have a nice day/night
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xenos-your-gender · 6 months
coined by me on november 20th 2:41 am 2022
a term for an alter / headmate / brainmate / tulpa / etc. that has synesthesia on the inner world but not while fronting / controlling the body, or does not have synesthesia on the inner world but does when fronting / controlling the body
(This is a flag-less identity feel free to reblog with a flag)
(Read pinned Google Doc)
Tags: @radiomogai @liom-archive @faunagender @mogai-sissy @mogai-luigi @beyond-mogai-pride-flags @pride-color-schemes @0-system-experiences-0 @genderstarbucks
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banesberry-anomoly · 6 months
Hi, hope these sort of asks are okay but I just seen something about language? So aaa sorry for the ramble! We feel the need to explain:
I think we may be a P-DID/OSDD-1A system but I feel like we still have a sort of introject based on real/fictional people. Which is it possible? I heard the term for -1a and p-DID systems it’s like “facets” or “fabelings” but idk, I know that both myself and two others in our little space took on identities that brought us more comfort than “Sad Kevin.” “work Kevin”, etc sort of thing. I personally feel I am Dr. Iceberg, I have pseudomemories and just I know a take on an “adult” “work sort of deal.
Time to over explain! but We’re usually always very blurry sometimes sharing this metaphysical steering wheel or someone’s being a sort of backseat driver (car analogy is how we explain our experience). Our memories aren’t good and our host/main person (idk terms) he said he usually feels like he’s watching everything in a dream like state. If that makes sense. :p just, is it possible for us as osdd-1a to have introjects based on others? I feel like others will call us out for “faking.” Or worse :(( we do plan to talk to a therapist when we have the funds and feel safe in doing so but you seem very knowledgeable and safer to ask. /gen.
Hello there! I think you may have gotten the term mixed up a little bit. You can use whatever is most comfortable for you, but Facets is a term more commonly used for median systems rather than multiple systems.
Regardless, yes, it is entirely possible to have introjects in a P-DID/OSDD-1A system. We know lots of those types of systems with introjects! As far as Im concerned, most every type of system can have introjects if they feel thats what they are.
I know there are cases of a brainmade alter 'becoming' an introject, its a little hard to explain, but my personal understanding of it is this happens either through fusing with fragments, or kinning becoming something a little more personal to that headmate.
The car analogy is a great way to decribe your experiences! If you want to know some terms for those, fronting is when a headmate is in control of the body, co-fronting is kind of a secondary to that, and then co-consious is when your sort of watching, but may still be able to do things like type or speak with the body to communicate. Theres also passive influence, which is when said alter is not aware of whats going on in front, but may still affect what happens.
It made us really happy that yall trust us enough to ask about this stuff, even just on anon. I hope this helps! And dont listen to anyone that tries to fakeclaim you. I hate fakeclaimers, so much. Yall know whats going on with yallselves the best. Stay safe out there anon.
Feel free to come to our inbox again, or dms if yall are comfortable. And this goes for everyone, we love talking about this kind of stuff and answering it. :]
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sparethedreamer · 3 days
Being a system like
Earlier: "Ah! We've been doing so well lately. Our mental health issues have really been manageable! Go team!"
2 hours later, while sobbing "Everything has been so overwhelming lately T-T I can't even deal with one more thing"
That evening "I am SO UPSET about this issue and I NEED to vent! People are awful! I hate everything!"
10 minutes later, "...and that's why I believe balance should be more highly valued. People need to work on seeing things from different perspectives. It'd make everything so much easier!"
45 seconds after that: "Who am I? What was I doing? Hello?"
Now, "Huh, I think I might have just switched. What a wonky and strange sensation that never fails to amaze me. Oh, it's late, what were you all even doing? I'd better put us to bed, I guess." (I do not sound like that!) (You do when I'm writing it XD)
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simplyaskfellowplural · 5 months
hey, we consider ourselves monoconscious, tho we may not be? considering that the current fronter can hear the others in our head- can monocon systems do that or is that limited to non-monocon systems (not just polycon but muto/hydracon systems too)?) (@duskfallsorrels) (also if we're not actually monocon that means that the oc our alterhuman blog is named after also isnt monocon lolllll)
💙 Typing (He/They)
Hi! Thanks for the question! Second Monoconscious question for this blog! Very exciting! We've understood a bit more of monoconscious systems than our last ask we got, but definitely still have more educating ourselves to do!
Onto your question. So we did look up on Tumblr here from plural and other Monoconscious blogs to see if anything anywhere had something similar, along with Reddit and Discord! We did find at least 2 specific posts, while not necessarily answering your question, they do offer some community if your system isn't already following these blogs. No matter what the answer is just remember you're always valid!
Here's the first, and here's the second!
Now, within our albeit limited understanding of Monoconscious systems, technically speaking by definition, your experience possibly wouldn't fall under monoconscious, as within what we've understood, fronting in monoconscious systems is similar to feeling like you just are a different person or something similar, and that communication could happen if A fronts, and then puts the note or says what they wish to, and then B fronts and they can remember/see the communication from there.
But, it's also very important to remember within community terms, it takes understanding them, then understanding what you yourself experience. So while you might not fit that specific experience, you could still be monoconscious. At least to our understanding. If other monoconscious systems would like to pitch into the conversation and offer another viewpoint or advice feel free!
For other Questions / Advice check out our List!
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thehavochouse · 4 months
we have someone with a similar role to your temporary host. we call them the backup host, they act as the host whenever the host is unable to front for a while
its actually a really important thing to our system bc very few of us are able to consistently front for extended periods of time without losing stability. if the host goes down, we all go down. having a backup is Essential
That's a great way to call them!!!
Kinda same but we like...have our co-host who could be seen as the backup host. Aka front when the host is unavailable. And THEN there's the temporary host who fronts when no one else fits the needs.
Like during very stressful times our co-host wouldn't be able to handle fronting so the temporary one takes the place
Idk system experiences are so different and so interesting and I love hearing how others experience their lives.
(sorry if some sentences don't make sense, still very out of it)
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daylighteclipsed · 4 months
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theselfishmachiness · 4 months
“_____ alter doesnt like me :( “ trust me when i say this, you are not the only one.
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sparkleplur · 1 month
anyone who's a system also have a nonhuman host who happens to be an OC? wanna see how many beings out there are like me :3
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poognthebrainbois · 2 months
Y'know how weird it is to watch an actor in their character's costume/setting, acting as themself rather than the character that you're used to?
(ie Misha Collins in The French Mistake, Tom Holland in Peter Parker garb talking in his actual accent, or even Thomas Sanders in his Sanders Sides bloopers)
That's kind of how I imagine it feels for our friends to watch another alter front in the body, when they know me (the host) better than the others.
Like it looks like an entirely different person, but still in a familiar way, rather than the "scary" way that "acting like a different person" is often described.
Anyone else think of it like this, or have another view of it?
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littlemizzlinguistics · 5 months
Studying linguistics is actually so wonderful because when you explain youth slang to older professors, instead of complaining about how "your generation can't speak right/ you're butchering the language" they light up and go “really? That’s so wonderful! What an innovative construction! Isn't language wonderful?"
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