dragonkid11 · 5 months
Nothing can escape its sight.
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soundwavereporting · 27 days
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advestager · 2 months
"What the hell are these losers up to in the comics" after Shockwave came back with his emotions, he didn’t become good because really he was always sketchy and you don't go through what he went and remain unchanged, he fell back in time and dediced to manipulate Cybertronian history with the end goal of bringing a fabricated Unicron to end it all so they can start over without faith. After much struggle Arcee and Optimus reach the blackhole at the core of Unicron and OP is like
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on one hand that's very optimus prime of him to do. on the other hand that bit where he jumps is just BEGGING to get memed and i can't believe how seriously that robot takes himself
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
Rewind for the character meme!
I Fucking Forgof To Do These Sorry
one aspect about them i love: LOVE that he's, like, both very charismatic and cheerful and kind and also just a little freak weirdo? like simultaneously. neither cancels the other out. i love it when a character is in quantum superposition of niceys and insane. like when someone is a little bizarre and intense in a way that's offputting but doesn't necessitate "fixing". you know
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: i think he has a LOT more agency in his own life than people think. i think he's aware he has obsessive tendencies and is just, like, following them, because what else is there to do on a thursday night. i think he's very socially shrewd and good at reading people. i also think he's fairly self confident
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: he has almost entirely undiscerning tastes in fictional media, and VASTLY prefers documentaries, biopics, historical footage, etc to like, entertainment media. He is autistic as fuck.
one character i love seeing them interact with: i mean. im gonna go for the obvious. i love love love love love seeing how different cd is around him especially post-elegant chaos, how he just melts into a more comfortable and vulnerable person. its sooooo cutesies. i love seeing them, like, WORK through shit with eachother also
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: WHIRL. i have no reasoning for this beyond "lmao can you fucking imagine". ok wait no i lied i do have reasoning. whirl both tried to kill and saved his life in the same day that one time. i literally want to sit in on them arguing about information creep just ONCE
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: "domey" as a nickname is derived from him accidentally saying the first syllable of "dominus" early in their relationship and then trying to save it, but cd immediately found the nickname so endearing that it stuck permanently. they both awkwardly ignore the origins
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sroloc--elbisivni · 3 months
TFP Optimus?
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i'm not tremendously a tfp person in general but if i think about optimus/orion too long i turn into pepe silvia. i have run into very few fanon takes on him i've enjoyed. i think there's a tendency to pick one dimension and overplay it, whether it's the perceived naiveté of orion pax or the demands of leadership or the relationship with the other autobots, and put a very one-dimensional character on the page--as a consequence, specifically, of looking at canon and going 'he has the personality of wet bread that means it's free real estate.' i also really don't care for any of the interpretations that paint the matrix as having overwritten or erased or stolen or imprisoned OP's existing personality. it simply Does Not Vibe for me. the pepe silvia comes in where it's like. i can SEE the cracks i can see the person underneath a character the writers seemed more interested in using as a plot device than an individual. it's like. you have made this character so much of a foil to all these other characters that you forgot you actually needed to create a character underneath the reflections. that's where the brainrot goes back to. there's a fascinating skeleton here you could flesh out but it feels like 90% of the interpretations i see go 'oh yeah an amorphous blob' and shove in a completely different underlying structure. it can be fun but very little of it seems interested in aligning with the show.
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honestlyvan · 10 months
Hey, Van, could you explain permet to me because I don't think I ever fully understood how it works or what happened at the end and how was it different from quiter zero? Please?
Oh dear. Gundam technobabble. Keep in mind that I'm writing this without having read any of the official additional material, this is just what I can glean from the show itself.
Alright so Permet's whole thing is that it can form a networks with itself under specific conditions. Presumably it means that anything with a sufficient concentration of Permet in it -- including human beings -- can act as components of that network, kind of like a big integrated circuit. For Gundams specifically, this means that the pilot becomes a part of the operating system of the mobile suit -- it looks like other Permet technology includes an additional layer of interfacing, which means they don't offload any processing onto the Permet networks of the user, Gund technology makes the connection go both way.
The upside is that controlling technology the way you "control" your body has immense benefits for stuff like reaction time, situational awareness and fine motor control -- the downside is that insides of humans are not nice and ordered like an integrated circuit, and so Permet trying to force itself into a structure like that clearly has some deleterious health effects. If I had to guess, it fucks with the subtle electric signals inside the brainmeats somehow, but why it causes high fever, I don't know. It also looks like constant exposure to things that activate the Permet inside a body is cumulative, like radiation poisoning.
"Data storms" are just what the larger expressions of a Permet networks are called. If I had to guess, I think the name comes from how these large networks inherit noise resulting from Permet reactions in the absence of a control system, becoming more chaotic the further their influence extends. In limited amounts, like the small-scale storms inside Gundam systems, a human consciousness can still exert control over them, organise them, but as the scale goes up, the amount of agitation the Permet inside a person is under exceeds some physical limit. The influence goes both ways, though, human biometric activity can become imprinted into a Permet network, like how Eri did with Lfrith.
Quiet Zero is basically an amplifier capable of forcibly organising ambient Permet. This includes Permet that is bound in extant systems, which is why it gives remote control over Permet-powered technology that gets within the zone of influence the large antenna structure provides for them. But, critically, I think both Eri and Suletta are amplifiers on their own, also, as a result of their physiology containing far more Permet than the average person.
Like, all Permet is connected to itself, somehow -- but most of it is too chaotic, and the trace from one end of the network to another is too long for any particular piece of information retained in the network through imprinting is too difficult usually. What Suletta and Eri did to convince Elnora was basically to use their extended reach to pull on the imprints stored in the various Gundams, stored with Eri, and stored within Quiet Zero's systems while they still had access to the large data storm.
But why that overloaded the circuit, causing it to break down... I'm not really sure. I think they may have just hit the upper limit of what is possible within the confines of the laws of physics of this universe. They extended the theory of what Elnora was trying to accomplish to, for a moment, remanifest everyone's imprints, instead of just Eri's. I also don't know why the entire structure and all materials containing Permet also disintegrated, although that could just be some kind of a cascade effect from whatever molecular or quantum links keep Permet connected with itself dissolving from being overloaded.
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bitegore · 2 months
Re: Bakura being dark skinned, just as Atem was dark skinned when he was alive and not possessing Yuugi bc he was Egyptian, thief king Bakura's (the spirit in the Millenium ring that posesses Japanese Bakura) original appearance was dark skinned bc he's also Egyptian
<- all of my yu-gi-oh knowledge comes from memes, a couple people's fan art, and like one fic. I tried to watch parts of the 4kids dub just to see how wild it was and was taken aback at bakura's appearance. But it has LORE. I understand now i think
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noritaro · 7 months
Idk if you have read Let The Poets Pipe Of Love by lord_squiggletits, but Blurr briefly shows up as a racer-influencer full of himself. It's small but if nothing else I think you would enjoy that.
oooo it has MegaOp too hell yeah- I'll read it later :0
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gaysontodd · 1 year
7, 16, 18 with whoever you ship Kakashi with
ty barbie<4 im going to do kakairu bc im on an iruka kick rn
who made the first move?
kakashi, but iruka is pretty sure he did bc lets be real. if kakashi was straightforward in any way hed just fucking die
weirdest hobbies?
look. neither of these men know what hobbies are. kakashi likes to read but as far as he’s concerned thats a lifestyle, not a hobby. so the answer is kakashi bc dude chill
who cooks?
okay idk where the fanon came from that kakashi can cook like a god but iruka could burn water, but i really truly think its the other way around. ish. iruka can make passable food out of whatever is lying around with the ingenuity of a broke 20-something; kakashi lives off of rations and boba tea. the tea is just my hc but in my heart of hearts im rigjt
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☕️ 📐
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?) Not really, most of my warmup sketches, if I try to do some, just end up as pieces of their own lol 📐 What's your favorite kinds of lines to draw? I'm really detail oriented, and I love adding Volume to my art with my lines, so stuff like fabric folds, petals on flowers, little knicks on bots armor and panel lines to help show shapes are some of my favorites
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Megatron + eating
This one's shockingly easy.
The only continuity in which I can imagine him not eating like a garbage disposal is TFA (and IDW1 after he eventually learns self-restraint). These are graded on how nice of a dinner guest they'd be.
I... just look at him. Zero manners. Just inhales everything. He defensively eats even though no one is going to take it from him without losing a hand. Slorps fuel down like he's breathing it specifically so no one else can have it. Absolute disaster. Terrible dinner guest. Everyone watches in horror as he chugs the entire punch bowl and then eats the bowl. 1/10 (the one is because he becomes the floor show)
This guy is a fancy man who eats like someone who has not only heard of manners, but decided to give them a solid go. He uses tableware and everything. Doesn't even horf things down like he's starving. Excellent dinner guest until it's murder time. 9.5/10 good guest, the deduction is for murdering the host.
His natural inclinations for how to eat are a lot like G1!Megatron, only having the actual excuse of "fuel is in short supply and there's a very real chance someone will try to take it from me if I'm not quick," because early IDW1!Megatron is an absolute dork who would get beaten up for his lunch money. By Impactor before they became friends.
Later on, no one's going to take it because casual murder is very much a possible outcome, but defensive eating it hard to unlearn and can be a useful intimidation tactic.
However, he is also aware of the concept of manners. If he wants to sit in the bar with his buddy Impactor, he needs to NOT make a horrible mess by inhaling every drop of fuel. It takes serious restraint to not chug fuel on sight.
By the end of the timeline, when the risk of someone just fucking taking his fuel is essentially zero, he has an easier time with being a pleasant dinner guest who does not inhale everything, but he's still struggling to not down it more quickly than conversational norms expect. 7/10 because he's sincerely giving it a go.
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bigweldindustries · 10 months
Axel, what's a cemetery bag?
my grandfather has a bag specifically of things to take with him on his frequent cemetery visits. we were taking the piss out of him at dinner over it and my dad was like "you have followers on the internet please ask them if a cemetery bag is normal" LMAO
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soundwavereporting · 8 months
Soundwave 4 and 19?
character asks!
4. Favorite line
I love all of his interactions with Cosmos in #43 but this exchange in particular (along with the "I know where Germany is" line) lives in my head rent-free because Soundwave can be such a dick and I don't think that's explored enough in canon or in fic.
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19. Vices/bad habits
Overworking! Self-isolation! Co-dependency!
And canonically, apparently getting drunk/overcharged?
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heavenpierceher · 8 months
🐹 I used to think you were scary but then I got to meet you
YOU THOUGHT I WAS SCARY...... 😭 im so sorry. but also like How
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sroloc--elbisivni · 2 years
listen 12 dancing princesses au except it's the 12 cityspeakers of cybertron. for this au in the normal course of things the Prime is supposed to be Cityspeaker for Cybertron itself but due to Golden Age Fuckery/Quintesson Occupation/Functionist Regime, pick your bad guy, this has gotten lost over time. so instead, every week 12 shafts to the core of the planet open and the 12 cityspeakers for the 12 major cities of cybertron descend into the heart of cybertron to try and fix what's broken as best they can. all their efforts are not enough.
this was a megop au specifically that i was turning over, where megatron was bonded to Kaon because someone higher up thought it would keep him under control. Every week a path to the core opens up at his feet, every week he goes down alone, and every week he is returned to the surface having given as much of himself as he can. orion, his friend, and maybe...lover follows him after watching this happen over and over and watching it slowly destroyed megatron the same way it has destroyed every other cityspeaker, wearing them down one piece at a time.
the story put around is that only cityspeakers can endure the pressures of the center but the truth is that in the heart of the planet is where Primes are made, and only cityspeakers are ineligible to become Primes because they've already been bonded to these entities. orion sets foot in the Heart of Cybertron and the planet feels him, the first person it has been able to touch in CENTURIES, and it sings to him and says mine, mine, mine and--
--and it is in so much pain. megatron who became Kaon, had to go from normal to feeling in an instant its foundries melting under his skin and starvation of its citizens in his veins and injuries taken in its arena holds optimus through the first wave of a planet screaming inside his head
i have no idea where this ends but i know it features copious amounts of my loves Enormous Entities Trying To Interface Via Mortal Forms, networking with something the size of a city, fixing what has been broken even as it's trying to kill you, and some of that oh so tasty fairy tale juice. maybe even three trials passed to claim the matrix in the vein of the original story.
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honestlyvan · 8 months
Van, I'm bored, you must entertain me, give me an unpopular opinion about, uh, Bumblebee!
Why would you set me up to fail like this? My Bumblebee opinions are notoriously milquetoast, I like pretty much every iteration of him and actively think that if we have to have an Autobot who is in every thing ever, I'm glad it's Beepy Boy.
The one thing I'm sad only seems to exist in fandom is "Autobot PR frontman" Bumblebee. He'd make a great political animal, being able to talk his way around every situation he's ever put in and mastering the art of lying by telling the truth. It would also produce a cleaner break for Bee out of the role of being the default audience surrogate bot, I think, if he was made sneakier and more practiced at playing social games. As far as extroversion goes, the ability to doctor that spin and maintain control of a narrative is rare as far as heroic traits go.
Failing that, someone should give him a knife and let him start stabbing. He'd make a good spooky murder gremlin also.
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