#Shenanigans with liz
the-cimmerians · 1 year
This is a good law-explainer. 
So, in plain English, the longest you can tie up title is 21 years past the lifespan of someone living at the time the document is signed. So you can say, "I leave this house to my wife, and then, upon her death, to any child we have who has reached the age of 21." Or if you're a lawyer for Disney and a real weisenheimer, you can say something like this:
This Declaration shall be deemed effective as of the Effective Date and continue to be effective in perpetuity unless all or certain portions of the provisions of this Declaration are expressly terminated as provided elsewhere herein; provided, however, that if the perpetual term of this Declaration is deemed to violate the “Rule Against Perpetuities,” or any similar law or rule, this Declaration shall continue in effect until twenty one (21) years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England living as of the date of this Declaration.
That's right, bitches! They said, "We're taking back control of this board forever. And if DeSantis and his goons go and change Florida law so that this is deemed to violate the Rule Against Perpetuities, then fine, we'll peg this document to the lives of King Charles's five grandchildren."
So in case you didn't catch that ... Disney staked its claim to the Magic Kingdom on a LITERAL PRINCESS, since the youngest of Charles's descendants born at the time of this Declaration is Harry and Meghan's daughter Princess Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, the only member of the British Royal Family born in America.
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nikiswonderland · 4 months
Cove and Cillian got a bit bored, and found Elizabeth’s skincare…
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cryptid-called-ash · 4 months
Soul eater headcanons because it’s 1:30am and I have insomnia (mostly the trio)
Reapers have two names. The first is their title (ie lord death and death the kid). The second is their true/personal name, one only to be shared with family and the closest of friends. Kid’s name is Eros, lord death’s is Orcus. Only Liz, Patty, and eventually Blackstar know Kid’s true name.
Reapers have a unique language called Archayk, which sounds like an odd mix of Japanese, old Gaelic, and French.
Crona is Afab nonbinary and asexual. They bond with Kid over their mutual lack of understanding gender norms and sexuality.
Crona has an ouroboros mark in the centre of their back because Medusa branded them as a child. When the gang find out, they go out of their way to help them feel better about it. Patty tells Crona how cool it looks, Soul saying he wants a tattoo like that, Blackstar comparing the mark to his star, Maka telling them all the interesting lore about ouroboros she knows. In time, Crona comes to see the mark not as symbol of Medusa’s control, but as a loving connection to their friends.
Kid lived in the death room for the first 6 years of his life, practically glued to his father’s side and speaking exclusively Archayk. He moved into gallows manor when he turned 7 and would live there alone until he partners up with the Thompson sisters.
Liz can’t cook for shit and patty is banned from ever setting foot in the kitchen, so Kid does all the cooking at gallows manor. And he’s pretty good at it too. It’s one of the things he learned to keep himself occupied growing up. He would beg Spirit to bring new ingredients when he would make his weekly check-ins.
As he didn’t have any real contact with people outside of Spirit, Marie, and his father; Kid picked up a lot of skills to pass the time. On the tamer side were skills like learning to play the piano and the harp, calligraphy work, embroidery and needle work, drawing, and (as mentioned above) cooking. On the more eccentric side were skills such as dueling and fencing, learning dead languages, gymnastics, throwing knives, studying both current and historical politics, and apothecary’s remedies.
Speaking of Marie, she tutored Kid before he enrolled in the DWMA. she is one of the very few humans able to speak the reaper language and so was able to teach Kid before he learned how to speak human languages.
Maka’s mother has a twin sister who is a witch, though Maka and her mother are not. However she chose a path of kindness and actively try and spread good through the world, in hopes that one day other witches will do the same.
Maka moved in with Soul after her parents divorce. They had been partners for a year at that point and Soul wanted to help his meister any way he could. Maka cried when he suggested she move in with him, hugging him for the first time. That’s when Soul started falling for her.
After Kid becomes a full-fledged reaper, it takes nearly 2 months for him to adjust to the name change. He’d been death the kid for most of his life, so suddenly being called lord death was a big change. It takes Soul and Maka even longer to stop calling him Kid. Blackstar outright refuses to call him lord, so he gives him the nickname Prince. And though he’d never admit it out loud, Kid loves it. Liz and Patty also don’t call him lord death, instead simply electing the call him brother in public and Eros in private.
At first Liz and Patty slept in their own room when they came to live at gallows. but after a particularly hard mission, the trio all slept in Kid’s room. Not long after they all just silently agreed that they would continue to stay in the his room together.
Liz is two years older than Kid and Kid is two years older than Patty. Soul and Maka are the same age. Tsubaki is a year older than Blackstar.
Liz loves to dress her little siblings and taught them both how to properly apply makeup. She especially loves getting them all matching dresses or shirts and wearing them together.
Tsubaki’s favourite tea is lemon and hibiscus with a teaspoon of honey mixed in.
Though they can’t speak it, the sisters can understand Archayk well enough to know what Kid is saying when he speaks it.
Blackstar becomes Kid’s right hand man when he ascends his father’s title. Blackstar is known as ‘The Shadow of Death’.
Kid’s sanzu lines don’t all close at the same time, rather they close one by one over the span of 2 years. The process is referred to as a coronation. The first line closes the night Asura is woken by Medusa, when kid is 14; the second closes when he’s 15 and he rejects the power of madness promised by Eibon, choosing his friends and sisters over his own desire for perfection; the third closes after Lord Death fights Asura for the final time and chooses to pass his power and title onto his heir, leaving Kid the lord of death at just 16 years old.
Liz and Patty are called ‘Death’s Angels’ after becoming Kid’s death scythes.
Soul has a bad knee from a car accident when he was a child. It usually doesn’t hurt very much, but when it flares up he can hardly walk. He wears a knee brace all the time and uses a cane during flare ups. The cane is covered in stickers the gang put on it.
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 months
Tumblr staff please stop touching things. I LIKED when filtered tags didn't show up at all in my search results as opposed to the "this post contains a filtered tag" box. I have absolutely no desire to see how much of a tag is full of a ship I hate (or anything else I blocked). I don't want to see it at all. It's blocked for a reason. There will never be a moment where I see that filtered post box and think "yes, I want to expand and see this thing I hate, that's precisely why I blocked it"
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nikikikiko · 4 months
soul eater au but make it my babysitter's a vampire
kid is a seer, maka is a spellmaster, and blackstar can throw hands with the supernatural like its no big deal
liz, patty, soul and tsubaki are the resident vampires
crona is a vampire with demon's blood (ragnarok)
lord death is in benny's grandma role and so is spirit, they're both benny's grandma. stein is too. they're all three benny's grandma.
Lord Death is like. one of the old ancient vampires but he's just a silly old guy vibing in the town he's super chill. he protects the town (or tries to) so the supernatural community loves him
Spirit is another vampire (Maka's mom was a spellmaster) and he was turned into a vampire to save his life at 18 (when Maka was born)
Stein is a spellmaster but he throws hands without powers half the time.
Asura meanwhile is a demon who USED to be a vampire and was sealed away for 800 years by Lord Death
Medusa & Arachne stay witches
the main group have a bunch of wacky adventures around their town as they grow into their magical abilities and weird ass shenanigans, romance blossoms, they enjoy high-school, and also have to fistfight a demon so he goes back to his naptime
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townofcadence · 19 days
Jumps on top of Naoto like the pixar lamp and flattens her in front of Artair
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Why did they do that? Why the fuck did they do that??? They Paper Mario'd her in the Junes Parking lot! They squarshed her!!
"HEY! STOP!" He's quick to move, pushing them off of poor Naoto, before rolling her up like a scroll. He tucks her under his arm and makes a run for it.
What the hell is wrong with people these days? They just smooshed a perfectly good detective! Now he'd have to find some spell or something to 3dify her again. And maybe give her some kind of charm to help with those little shits, if they were starting to cause trouble again.
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
nobody talk to me this is literally all i am going to think about for the next week
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bisexualalienss · 2 years
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Roswell, New Mexico | 4.01 "Steal My Sunshine"
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my brain trying to converge a VLD/RNM au, somebody take me out the back and shoot me in the head
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theklaapologist · 7 months
brothers karamazov got me down so bad i wrote a fanfic where dmitri and ivan were parents
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REO Speedwagon -”Live Every Moment” music video -candid tour moments scattered within the live performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZHYVYI-9Nk
Featuring a fly in the backstage lounge, Bruce carrying who looks like road crew member Liz Frye down a hall, manager Tom Consolo playing band dad and dragging the guys out of a revolving door when they start playing around too much with it, elevator fun, boredom in what looks like a bus or plane leading to complete shenanigans, and Bruce and Kevin having fun with the concept of going incognito.  This may only be a small representation of the wild life REO got into on the road back in the 80s.
There’s a moment in the video where Neal Doughty plays with a fake boob, but I’m not sure I’d manage that without getting flagged.
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arobinwithoutbatman · 11 months
@thelonelyherothing continued from here
Red skin, huge arm that looked like it was made of stone though he could be wrong, broken horns. Looked like a huge stereotypical devil. Similar enough in appearance to some imps he'd once encountered and he didn't particularly enjoy that encounter seeing as he could hardly remember it. The height he was used to, thankfully. He'd been loomed over by Batman and Red Hood though this guy was most definitely taller than both of them. That difference alone helped push the unfortunate association with the imps to the back of his mind where it belonged.
"I've met weirder." He shrugged.
He tried not to wrinkle his nose at the cigar smoke. He didn't enjoy it around Penguin, he didn't like the smell of cigarettes either. Hell, the different smell of smog was what clued him into the fact that he definitely wasn't in Gotham. That and the skyline.
"Mind telling me where I am? Lost my map."
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epitomees · 1 year
I’m to punch your writing bad vibes so get your butt ready.
To be slightly personal, your writing has been one of my inspirations for a while now. If I had to describe your style, it doesn’t dip into overly flowery purple prose that makes it difficult to tell what is going on, but it's meaty enough to put me into a character’s shoes and really give me a sense for the emotions they feel and why they feel that way. Little details like usage of punctuation, bolds, italics, caps, etc. truly sell your muses as their own person, complete with distinct voices. These little things may go unnoticed, but to me, It’s the little things like these that really show how much care and effort you put into your writing.
And generally, it really gives me motivation to sit down and write, whether it’s for a reply or something personal.
Your writing is very satisfying to read, and I know I’ve said it multiple times before, but it has truly opened my eyes to characters I would have normally been apprehensive or understood little about if not for you. There’s something about how you write P5 related content that makes me wish you were in charge of the game. You really hit all the things I enjoy about the game and seamlessly incorporate it to your writing, as well as improve its shortcomings.
(To be slightly personal again, your enthusiasm for this game, through IC content or OOC posts, is one of the reasons why I’ve been able to slowly come up with ideas on how to slap my P4 muses into P5, but more importantly, enjoy the game for what it is. Without you, I have no doubts that it would have taken me much longer to appreciate it.)
Of course, your writing achieving this effect would not be possible without your understanding of the game, its themes and its characters. Not just P5, mind you. P4, too. Despite me knowing the events of the game almost by heart, you always bring up something fresh about it that makes me view it in a new light and keep the P4 era going in my heart, and by P4 era, I mostly mean Naoto.
I know you’ll make me fall in love with P3 all over again soon, so I’m looking forward to that :^)
There is a lot more for me to say, you being a cherished friend is one of them, and also that you are a horrible little gremlin for encouraging my illness known as Naoto Disease, just to name a few things, but that’s for a later date, since I don’t want to make this ask stretch on for miles.
PS remember that I won’t stop loving you dani-lion xoxo
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((You are a damn good, genuine friend, Liz. I needed to hear this.))
#out of cards#mun stuff#chibitantei#long post#((....I really have nothing I can say to this#there have been times recently where I get too into my head about my blogs here and whether or not my writing has been bland or boring#and I let it get to me...which then kills my motivation to write anything#whether it's long form or something short#I don't feel like I'm portraying their voice the way they want me to or I'm doing a horrible job characterizing them#it's an internal struggle because then I have my logical side start fighting this emotional side#I know it's just me letting my thoughts get to me but man...it tires me out when I'm fighting with myself#this is a hobby and it's supposed to be fun; that's what I remember at the end of it all#I think I just let my perfectionist side get to me sometimes because there's a lot of amazing writers here#and I feel like I have to keep up with them in order to be seen as a good writer#including you Liz#your writing style and characterization have been an inspiration to me as well; from the time I first delved into Persona RPC#I needed this...I really needed to hear this so thank you so much for punching the bad vibes and negativity#I know I put this all in tags but...thanks to anyone who happens to read all of these#we'll be back to the regularly scheduled shenanigans and fluff and angsty-riddled threads#but again thank you thank you THANK YOU Liz; you know I love you so so much as my friend and the friendship we have is so important to me#I won't let these writing bad vibes stick around <3))
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cryptid-called-ash · 4 months
The Thompson sisters but they’re resonance forms are actually tommy guns
You know
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These babies
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bluerosesburnblue · 16 days
@oveliagirlhaditright I'm putting my Missing Link thoughts in another post because it would be too long, and honestly I have SO MANY thoughts about why the basic premise of KHML was a bad idea (completely separate from my own distaste for the "Ephemer is Xehanort's ancestor" stuff that might be in it)
Because you're right to mention Pokemon Go and it really, REALLY feels to me like it's just trying to ride the hype from the mobile ARG boom that started with Pokemon Go a whole eight years ago. Because KHML as a concept doesn't even seem to be utilizing any of the unique features of an ARG that make them appealing
There's two real franchise-based mobile ARGs that I ever remember hearing about: Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite*. These two projects do make sense to me, as opposed to KHML because of the way that both franchises make use of the central concept of the augmented reality feature. They're additions to reality, which both series already played around with. HP takes place in our reality, but with a "what if magic was real and just hidden" premise, so it's insanely easy to make an ARG that's just "yeah, you're one of the people in on the secret magical society that always existed in the real world." Pokemon takes place in an alternate version of our world; every location in Pokemon is based on a real-world location. So that's also a natural progression for it, and it's easy to pretend that the "reality" you see in the ARG is just the Pokemon world. Other than location names and the presence of Pokemon, the Pokemon world is practically identical to reality
That is literally the central concept of an ARG. To make the game part of reality. And that just doesn't work with KH, a game about flying through space to reach Disney worlds. Sure, some of us might have wanted to pretend to be Keyblade wielders as kids, but did we want to be wielders in our small backyards? Not even imagining that they were another location, but the yards as they were? No! We wanted to be in the Disney worlds! Or Traverse Town! The central facet of ARG gameplay doesn't mesh with the functionality of a story-based canonical title. And so what do they do to force it to work? Complicate the lore with the Astral Planes, which completely take the "reality" out of Augmented Reality aside from... a map? Like, it might have worked with Quadratum depending on how much of "our reality" that ends up being, but that's not at all what they're doing
Additionally, ARGs are not conducive to story-heavy games! You're supposed to play them while walking around town, maybe stopping for a few minutes to take a break. Or you play them on work/school breaks. You need to be able to pick them up, play a bit for 10 minutes, and put them down. The typical gameplay cycle for most ARG players does not include 20 minutes just to watch cutscenes to get the Exclusive Lore before being able to do anything, and the people who like KH for the story aren't going to want to wait all the time for their mobile game energy to recharge before they can get their cutscenes (a thing that even KHUx did away with for story chapters after some time!)
The entire decision to make KHML an ARG, to me, feels like corporate checking off a box of "style of game that got popular in recent memory" and trying to copy it rather than thinking of the gameplay as a medium in and of itself to tell a story. Nothing about the ARG concept works with what KH is at its core, and I honestly feel like they unintentionally admitted that when it was announced that you'd be able to play it without leaving home. What is the point of making it an ARG at all if you're going to remove literally the only benefit that it has as a medium, as opposed to something that could benefit the story you're trying to tell? We are a long way from the days of TWEWY making revolutionary use of the DS technology to have its gameplay tell a significant part of its story
In an ideal world, I think that KHML should have been an MMO like we thought KHx was going to be back when it was announced. They wouldn't have to mess with the lore to make it work, other players running around would help to "populate" Scala ad Caelum in a natural way, people could form "families" with their friends to further the bloodlines narrative, and MMOs can function on the drip-fed narrative style that they wanted. It doesn't even have to be a big-budget MMO like FF14, because I actually do like KH3's artstyle and KHML's simpler usage of it (it manages to be distinctive and colorful, working in hallmarks of Nomura's hand-drawn style while still being more detailed than the PS2-era). It could just be... basically what it is now, but they add in new Disney worlds every couple of months to keep the story going
And now here we are, with a game that was supposed to be out by the end of 2023 still missing (lol) and only having had two betas by the near-midpoint of 2024 because they're having developmental issues that I would personally guess have to do with the game's self-defeating nature. I find it very frustrating
*Adding in, Wizards Unite literally ran for less than three years (June 2019 - Jan 2022) before shutting down so even being tied to a big-name franchise couldn't save it. I have a strong hunch that the Covid-19 lockdowns played a huge part in killing the ARG boom so it's doubly insane to me why Square Enix thought trying to bring it back was a good idea
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fedoraxcrowned · 2 years
What, did you expect me to post something fluffy on this fine Shipday?)
Nah, bring on the angst, I say (and @nightmdic can confirm it's true, our Discord server is soft angst fest, heh)! 😜
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