fagtainsparklez · 1 year
thinking about how, when boomer and sam reunited on the smp, boomer makes a comment about how they suspect sam isn’t using his real body. we know that sam hasn’t been utilizing sam prime since first splitting from it, which was, from the state of the castle surrounding him, at least hundreds of years ago, if not more. this tells us that 1. boomer and sam have not spoken since sam prime figured out immortality, 2. boomer is at LEAST old enough to have been around for sam prime, making them at least hundreds of years old and 3. boomer hasn’t/doesn’t age, as sam makes no remarks on them looking any different
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pipthehuman · 6 months
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i cant sleep
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cursedbeniebaby · 12 days
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jesterkilljoy · 4 months
did yall know juliet simms was lilith czar because I FUCKING DIDNT???? even typing this i literally had to google it again to make sure like ?????? i didnt know that what the hell i fucking love both people??? both personas????? idk but i just. im shocked i love this
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Ohhhhh I have a lot to say about stuck inside!
(As a disclaimer, I’m gonna be comparing the original stuck inside with the version that had cg5, and I’m more favorable towards the OG)
Stuck inside is really interesting to me cuz it’s intentionally cheesy (affectionate). You can’t write the line “I’ll make them unalive (whoops!)” without it being a little tongue in cheek. The song is from Williams perspective, but it does a less used version of him.
The events are usually presented as dark and evil and, you know, in a horror story. In stuck inside, it’s sugarcoated and almost comedic— all the focus is on William, acting like this is just a regular Tuesday. The tone is brighter, William is describing awful things but he seems flippant towards it— “it wasn’t pretty but it needed to be done”. We’ve seen these events a thousand times, so there’s almost a sense of discomfort hearing about his acts in a way that’s so nonchalant.
The song is almost pop-y, lighthearted— until the bridge. We’ve been seeing these stories from Williams perspective, we aren’t fully grasping how awful his crimes were. But the bridge is from one of his victims. They aren’t sugarcoating it. They explain how they died, how they’re furious, how they won’t stop until they kill William. The false sense of what’s almost comedic is ripped away— there’s no silly words like “unalive”, “yikes!” and “whoops” anymore, just death. We’re suddenly forced to see the story for what it is. If this were a movie, this would be the moment where it goes from horror comedy to just straight-up horror.
And then it snaps back to the chorus, and it goes back to using the comedic tones. William assures the listener that he’ll be fine.
(Adding in CG5’s verse in throws off the balance— rather than a jarring and purposefully uncomfortable shift into the dark side, it feels more gradual in a way that doesn’t make quite as much sense. Don’t get me wrong— it’s a fun verse! But it feels like it should be part of a companion song mostly from the kids perspectives, not this song specifically)
And there’s another thing— the chorus shows that the protagonist of this song is deeply selfish. There’s no apology for his actions, he offhandedly mentions why he’s doing things but never lingers on it or explains further. The chorus is about him. He says “it’s alright, I’ll be fine.” They’re sustaining HIS life. He doesn’t think he survived. Nothing about the kids.
I dunno, those are just my two cents
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
idk if this is weird or not but i love getting comments in different languages. It’s like a little surprise I just go “oh ho ho whats this” and drop it into google translate like im opening a present.
Idk it’s just fun
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Bro geography is fuckin wild, like with most maps its so easy to forget that:
russia and alaska are practically touching (they look like that one michelangelo painting)
alaska is also fucking way bigger than north american maps usually imply
Theres just. So many islands, everywhere. What are they doing. Why are continents so crumbly
How did people even get to some of those islands? Like dude hawaii is just sitting in the middle of the pacific how did human beings get there
Sandwich islands???
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changecomesforyou · 2 years
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oh my god guys im going to get into silver smiting SILVER SMITHING
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
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its reversable and has paopu fruit on the other side! the deez nuts bracelet was a gift but doesnt fit so its on there with a paopu fruit charms i made to match with someone :)
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lowqualitycleric · 2 years
Wait Caleb Dragon can still cast magic?!?!?!?!
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cozylittleartblog · 28 days
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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tibli · 3 months
I love when arthropods have a pseudopupil. It's so whimsical and cute, and they come in so many varieties!!
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little kitty cat eyes!!!
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bombastic side eyes!!!!
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cartoon character eyes!!!!
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bigass anime eyes!!!!!
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BE NOT AFRAID eyes!!!!!
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sprinklethetangerine · 9 months
So I'm watching Mystery Incorporated.
I just finished the episode Nightfright. That's it, best episode, forget everything else, all the others can just leave.
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kabru and mithrun's fun succubus adventure
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gaysonlyocean · 11 months
DUDE IT WAS SO COOL the one I remember the most was a small little old house, roof falling in and shit and they left everything. There was an old tv too, I wanted to look around more but everyone wanted to go :[ -defnotadam
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