#The Zurich Explosion and the Fall of Overwatch
lovingoverwatchguys · 11 months
Soldier 76 and Tracer [warning: long post]
A lot of this boils down to headcanon, because this storyline is clearly incomplete (and will probably be expanded upon later...hopefully) and also is often implied rather than said aloud, but I really do think Soldier and Tracer have the kind of father-daughter dynamic in canon, the same way people give him and Dva one in fanon.
At this point, I think it’s pretty well-established that Jack wants to look out for Lena’s safety. Consider what he says when you select her in the Uprising event:
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(This line truly touches my cold, dead heart.)
And when he sees her get killed in-game: (I believe the ‘seeing teammate get killed’ voicelines were taken out of the game because there’s already so much audio clutter. Which is understandable, but a bummer, because there was so much relationship insight in them)
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Plus the iconic:
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A lot of the time, people have the idea of the new generation of Overwatch being the ‘kids’. The thing is, while someone like Cassidy might have been Overwatch’s kid, I’d say Lena was Jack’s kid in particular. He quickly takes a liking to her, and she admires him a lot. I think she even still would defend him. In the London Calling comic, despite her polite smile, she doesn’t seem to like the public perception of other Overwatch members:
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When you look at someone like Angela, who clearly holds resentment or at least regret towards Overwatch’s fall, versus Lena, who seems to remember it fondly and hate how people perceive it...it’s clear to me that she still believes in it. And not just in the abstract sense of ‘likes its original ideas’; she believes in how it was, including the leadership.
Including the Strike Commander. 
As of right now, we haven’t gotten a ton of canon material regarding the relationships between the characters between the time of Retribution and the Zurich explosion. We have the Ana comic where she ‘dies’, but that doesn’t really go very deeply into anyone’s mindset other than Ana herself. The scraps we have at least seem to imply that Lena fit right into the Overwatch ‘family’. 
With that thought in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if she formed a bond with the Strike Commander, even with the bubble he put himself in. She was certainly at least in touch with the people closer to him. She also seems to be quite familiar with Ana. 
I think Jack cares about Lena and has a specific protectiveness of her, moreso than the other ‘next generation’. Like some kind of father, if you will. (Also, the gay and lesbian thing might be a coincidence, but it’s still worth considering...)
Now, let’s talk about parallels. (Thank you to @lenaperseveranceoxton for inspiring parts of this post, echoing a lot of how I already felt, but giving a couple new details I hadn’t thought of, in this post )
There are a lot of things about Soldier 76 and Tracer that are similar, and I don’t think this was an accident or excessively basic characterization. And I think Jack picks up on this. (I’m unsure about if Lena does)
Now, I could talk about how he refers to her ‘potential’, but I think the biggest piece of direct evidence here is this part of the Uprising comic. Lena comes to try and convince Jack to put troops in London, despite the fact that many governments are very deadset on not doing that. (When you think about it, that probably does mean he put his surrogate daughter over the law...be gay do crimes moment.)
The thing that informs Jack to make the decision to send troops into London is this after his conversation with her: 
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The implication I got was that Tracer, with all of her spirit and belief in doing what was right, reminded Jack of himself when he was younger and more idealistic. It reminded him what he originally created all of this for.
And while this is hopeful and all, Jack does eventually lose that type of idealism (well, to some extent, but I already went off about that elsewhere). Meanwhile, Lena is left with it.
Now, there’s also Vincent and Emily. Lena is still with Emily, and her decisions are often influenced by her caring for her girlfriend. Lena will do things to protect her and retain their happy relationship.
Meanwhile, Jack split with Vincent over his job. Unlike some people, I don’t think Jack is still in love with Vincent as a person; Vincent represents the life he gave up for the Commander position, and how sad he is about that. It’s not even about who Vincent is now. Who knows if they’d even still be together? What it’s about is living a life with a family and not constant stress. Something simpler.
So, Lena is someone who hasn’t given up that life yet. But she’s still young enough that she someday could.
But all of that just leads me to the speculation that Jack doesn’t want Lena to go into this, because he fears that she’ll end up the same way he did. The idealistic person getting their dreams crushed by the cruel world of politics. He wouldn’t want her to be part of new Overwatch, because he thinks she’s putting herself in danger.
You know what I think would be cool? If ultimately, that was what pulled him back into this whole fight once and for all. Obviously he has plenty of reasons to want to go back, but I’d love if what pushed him over the edge was protecting Lena and feeling responsible for keeping her from what he went through. It’d be a nice parallel, and a moment where he could show how much he genuinely does care. And most importantly, it would show that he still has something to learn from the younger people. I think that’d be a good growth moment for him, and could even be a nice theme for the audience.
Okay, maybe I also just want them to have cute moments together. Maybe I want him to try and take her fishing or some other lame old man thing. Is that so wrong?
In conclusion: sometimes a family is a gay old man, his lesbian daughter, and her cute girlfriend.
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chronal-anomaly · 11 months
When overwatch went under, did Lena feel responsible?
Unprompted || always accepting!!
Not,,, necessarily.
At the point Overwatch went down, she had only been an active member of the strike team for a few years. While she was well-liked and supported as a team member, she only began leading missions near the final days ( like the Havana mission ), where the trouble that Overwatch was having was rumored to tear them apart.
While she did everything in power to keep things together, Lena recognized that these decisions and calls were much above her head. In the months following the Zurich explosion, she was detained and brought in for questioning for a few months, but they ultimately released her due to her lack of knowledge on the topic. She's got a lot of complex emotions around the fall of Overwatch, but responsibility for the eventually end isn't exactly one of them.
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dabbledrabbleprose · 6 years
The Fall
Reaper76 Week Day Five - Downfall
Read on AO3!
Overwatch was falling apart. Most of their friends were retired or dead, public opinion was at a record low, and both Jack and Gabe were scheduled to be put on trial for the London Uprising incident and the crimes Blackwatch had committed. Jack thought things couldn't get worse.
He was wrong.
*   *   *   *   *
Where the hell was everyone?
Jack hadn’t seen a single soul ever since his plane touched down six minutes ago. He’d been heading to his office, but when he couldn’t find even one living person in the normally busy Watchpoint: Zurich, he took a detour to roam through hallway after empty hallway, trying to see if he could find someone. Anyone.
Fifteen minutes and not a single soul in a base that employed hundreds of staff.
“Athena,” he growled into an empty room. “Please tell me everyone’s getting ready to throw me a big surprise party.”
The AI didn’t respond.
“Athena, where is everyone?”
“This is Strike Commander Jack Morrison, Overwatch Agent 001, Security Code OW0920-76. Computer: Athena, respond!”
“Computer Intelligence Athena is deactivated in present location, Strike Commander,” a synthetic voice responded, far more computerized than Athena’s oddly human-like tone.
“Who…er…what are you?” Jack asked. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
“I am CPU-486322. My personality was automatically activated upon Computer Intelligence Athena’s departure.”
“Where did Athena go?” Jack’s stomach churned with unease and he drew his Beretta, moving slowly through the base like he was clearing a hostile building.
“Computer Intelligence Athena downloaded all processing units into the servers at Watchpoint: Gibraltar at 04:32 this morning.”
“Computer Intelligence Athena was ordered to vacate Watchpoint: Zurich.”
“Where is everyone?”
“All agents and staff were ordered to vacate Watchpoint: Zurich.”
“The building is empty? It’s just you and me?”
“Negative, Strike Commander Morrison.”
Jack froze. “Who else is in the building with us?”
“Employee-2452: Müller. Employee-3211: Favre. Employee-2422: Schmid. Employee-3042: Anderson. Employee-”
The computer continued to drone on, listing employee numbers and surnames. Employees, not Agents. Probably mostly cleaning staff, locals who didn’t get the memo to not come in to work today.
“-2214: Federer. Agent-002: Reyes.”
“Computer, who ordered the building to evacuate?”
“Agent-002: Commander Gabriel Reyes.”
“Where is he?”
“Commander Reyes is currently located on level B2 in Conference Room A.”
Jack sprinted for the elevators. He didn’t put his sidearm away.
“What reason did he give for the evacuation?”
“Unstable radioactive material spill, creating radioactive contamination present through all levels of the building.”
“What is the current radiation level?” The elevators weren’t working. Someone with an intimate knowledge of sabotage had cut the power. Goddammit, Gabe. What was he doing?
“There is no abnormal level of radiation present.”                
Jack cursed and sprinted down the stairs, running out into the second level basement. He found Gabe leaving the conference room.
“Jack,” Gabe said, pulling up short and looking at Jack with wide eyes. He was wearing civilian clothing with both his hands stuffed in the pockets of his large, leather overcoat. “I thought you were in New York.”
“The U.N. decided to postpone my hearing and I was sent back here. I get to spend another week here before they court martial me and lock me away. You know. For hiding all the shit you’ve been doing with Blackwatch? All the shit I promised you weren’t doing? Speaking of ‘what the hell are you doing,’ I love what you’ve done with the place. A bit empty, though,” Jack growled. There was no humor in his voice.
“You need to leave, Jack. Now.” Gabe’s eyes flicked briefly to the gun still in Jack’s hand, before going to move past him, heading for the stairwell.
“Oh, no you fucking don’t,” Jack caught him by the arm. “Not until you tell me what the fuck you’re doing.”
“Jack, don’t do this. Not now,” Gabe shrugged out of his grip and kept walking, kicking the stairwell door open.
“Yes, now!” Jack followed as Gabe stomped up the concrete stairs. “You are going to tell me what’s going on, right here, right now. It’s the least I deserve after hanging myself protecting you from all the bullshit you and Blackwatch were up to! Are still up to, apparently! What secret mission do you have your hit-squad on now?”
“There is no Blackwatch. Not anymore.”
Jack stared at Gabe’s retreating back, but Gabe didn’t so much as look back, hands still firmly in his pockets as he made his way up the stairs.
“What did you say?”
“Blackwatch is finished. I’ve dissolved the team. Did it weeks ago. What few Agents I had left are already in the wind.”
“…Why? Just…why? Why are you doing this?”
“Because Overwatch is finished,” he said, finally turning to look at Jack as he reached the landing of B1. His dark eyes burned with an intensity that took even Jack by surprise.
“Gabe, no. Don’t say that. Overwatch isn’t done. We can still fix this.”
“Oh?” Gabe rounded on him. “Still think we’re heroes, Jack? The whole world has turned against us. People are protesting us in the streets. We’re both up for hearings with the U.N. and will likely be facing jail time. And it’s not like we’re doing any good! Human and omnic relations are only getting worse, international crime is on the rise, Talon is stronger than ever, and half the world’s governments won’t even let us operate in their countries anymore! We’re a bloated corpse of what we used to be, Jack. It’s time for it to end.”
There was a finality in his final statement that put Jack’s hair on end. “…Gabe…what are you doing here?”
“I’m cutting the head off the snake.”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“You need to leave, Jack.”
“I can’t just leave!”
“You should!” Gabe snapped. “You should get the hell out of here and run while you can! You think they’re just gonna throw you in some prison for a few years and let you back out? Jack, if the U.N. finds you guilty of being involved with any of the shit we did in Blackwatch, they’ll hang you. Hell, they’ll hang you anyway. They’re looking for a scapegoat, and that’s us.”
“Gabriel,” Jack’s voice dropped into a snarl, low and dangerous. “Answer the fucking question. What are you doing here?”
Gabe didn’t answer, and Jack looked at him closely. His shoulders were tight and his posture stiff, a vein ticking in his neck, and Jack finally noticed that Gabe still hadn’t removed his hands from his pockets.
“What do you have, Gabe?” He didn’t remember doing it, but his handgun was aimed at Gabe’s chest.
Gabe’s eyes flicked briefly to the gun pointed at him, then slowly pulled his right hand out of his pocket. In his palm was a smooth, black rectangular box with a short antenna and a bright red button on the end, protected by a clear flip-top cap.
“A detonator?” Jack hissed. “You’re going to blow the headquarters?”
“I’ve got to end it, Jack. Overwatch is done with. We’re doing more harm than good, and it has to end.”
Jack grabbed the front of Gabe’s coat with his free hand.
“There are still people in this building, Gabe! You can’t do this!”
“I have to! We’re poisoned, Jack! We’re being corrupted from inside and out! We’ve got Talon spies in our ranks, Overwatch agents selling secrets to the highest bidder, and if you think Petras is clean, you’ve gone fucking blind. He’s on someone’s payroll, and it’s not one of the Good Guys.”
“What about you, Gabe?” Jack tightened his grip on the coat. “Whose payroll are you on?”
Jack had snarled the question out of anger, but gave pause as Gabe wasn’t immediately forthcoming with an answer. Gabe looked away and Jack’s blood ran cold.
“Walk away, Jack. You don’t want to know,” he said softly.
“No. No, I am sick and tired of you keeping me in the dark while I put my neck on the line for your sake. Who the fuck are you working for, if not me?”
“Who is paying you to blow up Overwatch headquarters?”
“It needs to happen. Overwatch needs to die.”
Jack jerked Gabe closer, the Beretta pressing into his chest, and he finally looked Jack dead in the eye.
Jack let him go in shock and took a half step backward.
“No…no…Gabe, no…”
“I’m not with them, Jack! This is the right thing to do!”
“How can you say that? After all that’s happened. Everything they’ve done. Everything we’ve been through together. After Gerard. After Ana. You…you traitor!” Jack was aiming with both hands now, shifting into an offensive stance, though the pistol shook in his hands.
“No! No, I…” Gabe made a growl of frustration and held the detonator tighter. “Dammit, Jack! Talon’s got its claws so deep in Overwatch that we’ll never break free! This is infiltration, damn you! This is what I do! Talon is spread too far and rooted too deep! Our best chance to take them down is from the inside!”
“What, like how you’re taking us down? Shit, Gabe! Are you even hearing yourself? You’re not infiltrating Talon, you’re being played by Talon! You’re being paid by a terrorist organization to blow up our headquarters and all the innocent people still in it! There are still civilians upstairs! Civilians!”
“It has to happen. I didn’t want you involved.”
“Well, too late. I’m involved now. Hand over the detonator.”
“I can’t do that, Jack.”
“Give it to me!”
Gabe flicked the clear cap off the detonator’s button and Jack felt a chill run through him. Gabe wouldn’t do it, would he? They were both still in the building. The stairwell was walled by solid concrete, but would that really be enough to protect them?
“No,” Gabe’s voice was even, and there was a conviction in his voice that froze Jack’s soul.
“Drop it,” Jack said. He aimed at Gabe’s heart, the heart that once belonged to him, and his hands no longer shook. “Don’t make me do this, Gabe. Please.”
“I don’t ask forgiveness. But I’m sorry.”
Reyes pressed the button. Morrison pulled the trigger. Neither could say who acted first.
Two hearts cracked down the middle as the base crumbled around them, and hours later, two broken men crawled from the rubble, alone, leaving their lives behind in the ruins of Overwatch.
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another list of random soldier 76 x reader headcanons
You know the kind of person that’s just absolutely head over heels for their significant other? That’s Jack. He has trouble expressing it, but he completely adores you. He thinks you’re his last chance at real love, and he cherishes having this opportunity.
He’s the type that has a little trouble being affectionate to your face with words. He’s more awkward than you might think. His love language is touch and physical presence; if he’s spending time with you, that’s what means the most to him. 
Since he loves touch, you’ll often feel him do small gestures like brushing his hand over yours or sitting as close to you as possible; this is his expression of affection. 
He talks about you to Ana - she’s had to suffer through many “God, he’s so great” rambles.
He thinks that part of why things went so badly before is that he didn’t show the people in his life how much he cared about them as much as he should have, so he makes sure to do things for you at least every once in a while. Just to let you know that you’re loved.
Here’s a self-indulgent one - he clings to things in his sleep. He has his whole life. If you fall asleep after him, you’ll feel him holding you tightly. Unfortunately, he always gets up around dawn, so he’s usually not clinging anymore once you wake up.
Jack still has a lot of nightmares; the most common ones are about the explosion at Zurich or about you dying. If he has one, he’ll wake up crying. Hold him so he remembers that you’re still here, but gently. He’ll be very vulnerable in these moments, so you have to be careful.
Sometimes Jack will have bad days where all he can do is stare at the wall. Ones where his depression and PTSD overpower him. When he’s like that, he’ll appreciate you just being with him. He won’t want to talk about it while it’s happening, so what you can do is be present.
He’s a little shocked that someone as incredible as you is with a sad old man like him, and he’s thankful for it every day.
Also, a suggestive one: you can tell that Jack is feeling frisky when he gets really handsy. He’ll be touching you all over as subtly as possible, putting his arm around your waist, etc. It’s subtle enough that he can get away with it in public, and he relishes that fact, because only you two know what he means. Just to tease you a little.
(if you have any requests for overwatch men/reader headcanons, especially ones for jack, hit me up )
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brighteyewrites · 3 years
Barely Breathing (But Still Alive)
How many times Did I miss the signs? My stupid heart It left me blind -One Step Ahead [A Great Big World] Prompts 4 & 25, Prompts 28 & 47, and Whumptober Day 5 | Overwatch (Pre-Fall) | Angela Ziegler / Gabriel Reyes
AO3 | FF.net | Works
Angela stared out at the city below her, one hand absently rubbing her wrist. It was a pretty view, if you liked that sort of thing. The surrounding buildings created a nice vista and a canal could be seen peaking out between a few buildings before winding under a bridge and out of sight. She wasn’t here for the view. By the time she’d arrived at this hotel, filthy with gore and dust, she’d been too exhausted - mentally and emotionally - to do anything but take a hot shower and topple into bed. Her friends had taken away the choice; considering the circumstances, she wasn’t sure that she wouldn’t have made the same decision they had. Angela shouldered all kinds of burdens, that much was true, but even she wasn’t that much of a masochist. After all, the view from the other side of the hotel wasn’t nearly as beautiful. Angela had realized the next day, when they had all met up in Sojourn’s room, just how horrible the view was. Sojourn had been standing at the window, arms crossed as she stared out at the ruins of the Zurich base. At the time, smoke and dust were still tainting the air. Now, nearly a week later, the air around the once grand building was clear. Trained searchers were still looking for survivors - or, more accurately, bodies. Two bodies, specifically. Her fingers bit into her wrist, nails digging so deeply that a small trickle of blood appeared. Her nanites healed it before she could do more than glance down at the blood on her fingers and wrist, smudging and partially covering the two letters there. GR. Without intending to, her eyes flicked to her opposite wrist, where a different set of initials - JM - were branded. Two men whose lives had been irrevocably tied to her own, whose bodies were still missing even after a week of searching. Whose bodies had to be there - because they had both been in the base when everything had come crashing down. Though Angela had so many questions, so many misgivings - that was something she knew was absolutely true. Jack had been there, as he almost always was. She’d been in a meeting with him in the Command Center on the fifth floor not even an hour before it had all happened. Even if that had been in doubt - even if she hadn’t seen him - there was plenty of video footage from before the explosions that proved it. That same footage was what guaranteed Gabriel’s presence as well; it had been Gabriel that had led the attack on Zurich base. Gabriel, the traitor that none of them had seen coming. Angela had known he was unhappy, but this… This was far greater than mere unhappiness. This was malice and hate, orchestrated so well that it could only be premeditated - and over a long period of time. This was a wound that had festered so deeply that not even she, his soulmate, could stop him. Not that Angela had known, at the time, that Gabriel needed stopping. If she even could. That conversation - argument - that had happened almost two weeks ago now, had been important. Angela had known, deep in her heart, that Gabriel had been hiding something from her - but this? Even now, Angela could barely believe that Gabriel had been the one to do this. It was a tragedy, of course. So many lives were lost in the skirmish and ensuing explosions. The organization - to include Blackwatch - was in shambles; everyone was scrambling to keep things together and minimize the damage. Emergency protocols were being enacted, funerals were being planned, and survivors were left reeling with loss. But for Angela, this was deeply personal. Overwatch was her home, her life, regardless of whatever misgivings she’d had in the beginning. Her family and friends were almost exclusively within the organization. Her home had been on the eighth floor in a small suite of rooms, a place she’d finally made her own over the years. Gabriel had known all of this - had known what an attack on Overwatch in general, and Zurich base in particular, would do to her - and he had done it anyway. To her, his soulmate. His hate for the organization - for Jack, who was supposedly his fated friend, his brother - had surpassed anything Gabriel had felt for her. Angela felt guilty, as if it had been her that had failed somehow - and maybe that was true, to a degree. If she had chosen him, if she had left with him that night - would it have changed anything? Could she have saved all those lives? He had taken everything from her, from all of them, without a second thought. Angela was supposed to be the most important person to Gabriel, the one who he would love and protect, and yet somewhere along the way she had failed him - failed herself. It was that failure that had led to the deaths of so many people that had been hers to protect. Maybe, if Angela had been better - with words or people or a million other things - she could have gotten through to Gabriel and saved them all. Saved him. Instead, Angela hadn’t been enough. Not for the man whose initials she bore, whose love she had felt, whose body was now lost to the fire and ruin of a home she could no longer return to. /span>
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
The credit for the title goes to creativepromptsforwriting.
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nitewrighter · 4 years
Overwatch Ficlet Masterpost
Test-reposting because of updates and because when I tried editing it with new ficlet links, Tumblr OBLITERATED ALL OF MY LINKS. ALL OF THEM. A BLOODBATH. WHAT THE HELL. This is largely a means for me to keep the chronology of all the Overwatch fics and ficlets I’ve been doing in order to keep track of them (Because surprise! I tried to give them all continuity!).  Stuff in brackets is for general chronological reference/stuff I hope to write... if I ever get the chance....
I added AO3 links to all of them by request for the peeps on mobile.
Anyway this will be updated as I do more fic prompts.
Pre-Fall of Overwatch
Beginning of the Omnic Crisis (Ana and Sam) (AO3)
Omnic Crisis (Reaper76) (AO3)
Post-Honor and Glory (Anahardt) (AO3)
Golden Age (Reaper76) (AO3)
Rain (Gabe babysitting Pharah) (AO3)
Nerf this! (Original Strike Team with Pharah) (AO3)
Sombra and the Eye (Sombra) (AO3)
First Meeting (Amélie x Gérard) (AO3)
An Asshole and an Embarrassment (Shimada Bros) (AO3)
The Night Hanzo Killed Genji (Hanzo) (AO3)
First Meeting (Gency) (AO3)
Post Rescue (Gency) (AO3)
Recovery (Gency) (AO3)
Walking (Gency) (AO3)
Mercy Vs. Doctor Ziegler (Gency) (AO3)
The First Late Night (Gency) (AO3)
Moira Joins Blackwatch (Blackwatch, Moira & Gabriel) (AO3)
Experiment (Moira & Gabriel) (AO3)
Assassination (Genji) (AO3)
Road Trip (Gency) (AO3)
Sleepless (Gency) (AO3)
Watching the Team (Gency) (AO3)
Pre-Retribution (Gency) (AO3)
Post Retribution (Gérard x Amélie) (AO3)
Post-Retribution (Gency) (AO3)
The Left Hand of Justice (McCree loses his hand) (Okay I know Uprising and Retribution pretty much blew this fic out of the canon water but I wrote it before those events and like it, okay?)
Winston on the Moon (AO3)
Winston Meets Tracer (AO3)
The Death of Gérard LaCroix (Amélie x Gérard) (AO3)
Coping (Gency) (AO3)
Pre-Fall Drama Pt. 1 (Gency) (AO3)
Pre-Fall Drama Pt. 2 (Tracer and Genji Friendship) (AO3)
Pre-Fall Drama Pt. 3 (Gency-ish) (AO3)
Legacy: Aftermath (Reaper76 reacting to Ana’s “Death”) (AO3)
Another Late Night (Gency reacting to Ana’s “Death”) (AO3)
Yellow As the Sun (Gency) (AO3)
Making the Team (Gency and the strike team) (AO3)
Birthday (Gency) (AO3)
Post-Storm Rising Drinking (Gency) (AO3)
Post-Storm Rising Dinner (Gency) (AO3)
Post-Doomfist (Tracily) (AO3)
Post-Doomfist (Gency) (AO3)
Old Overwatch Cartoons (Gency + Strike team) (AO3)
Last Mission Together (Gency) (AO3)
Pining (Gency) (AO3)
Missing You (Gency /Mercy & Jack Morrison/ Mercy & Mccree) (AO3)
Genji in the Desert (Gency/ Genji Meets Zenyatta) (AO3)
On Traveling (Genji and Zenyatta) (AO3)
Zurich Headquarters Explodes (Mostly Angela and Gabriel but with some minor Gency at the end) (AO3)
Moira and Gabriel, Post-Explosion (AO3)
Baptiste in Port-de-Paix (AO3)
Baptiste and Symmetra (AO3)
Baptiste and Doomfist, Evaluation (AO3)
Tracer’s Post-Its (Tracer x Emily, spans from pre-fall of Overwatch to Post-Recall)
Tracer’s Pints (Tracer x Emily)
[Tracer Rescues McCree and McCree joins the team]
[Handful of Ficlets of everyone coming back together on Gibraltar]
Talon and Sigma (AO3)
Valentine’s Day (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Long Distance (Tracer x Emily) (AO3)
Coffee (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Reunion (Gency) (AO3)
Photos (Genyatta) (AO3)
Rain (Gency) (AO3)
Sparrow (Gency) (AO3)
Under the weather (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Touching the Ground (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Concert (Bunnyribbit) (AO3)
[Junkers join the team]
Junkrat Needs Shots
Cheesy Pick-Up Lines (Gency) (AO3)
Chateau Guillard (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Black Lily (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Dancing (Gency) (AO3)
Prelude to Volskaya (Gency) (AO3)
Volskaya Incident Part 1 (Gency with some Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Volskaya Incident Part 2 (AO3)
Volskaya Incident Part 3 (AO3)
Reunion (Ana and Pharah) (AO3)
Confession (Gency) (AO3)
First Kiss (Gency) (AO3)
Nightmares (Gency) (AO3)
Tea (Ana&76) (AO3)
Pining (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Morning (Gency) (AO3)
Symmetra joins the team (Symmarah) (AO3)
Symmetra on the Watchpoint (Symmarah) (AO3)
Getting to Know You (Symmarah) (AO3)
The Truth Has 2 Faces Part 1 (Symmarah) (AO3)
The Truth Has 2 Faces Part 2 (Ana and Pharah) (AO3)
Genuine (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Letters (Lúcio) (AO3)
You know... ;) (Gency) (AO3)
Fake Married (Gency) (AO3)
Bad at Romance (Symmarah) (AO3)
Horror Movies (Gency) (AO3)
Confession (Symmarah) (AO3)
First Holi Together (Symmarah) (AO3)
Sleepover (Gency) (AO3)
Eavesdropping (Gency and Anahardt) (AO3)
Jealousy (Gency) (AO3)
Aquarium Date (Gency) (AO3)
Video Games (Gency) (AO3)
Double Date (Gency and Symmarah) (AO3)
Cooking (Gency) (AO3)
What I Never Told You (Gency) (AO3)
Storm (Gency + Tracer, Mei, Symmetra, and Orisa) (AO3)
Date Gone Awry (Symmarah) (AO3)
Moving In (Gency) (AO3)
Flavors of Home (Gency) (AO3)
Argument (Gency) (AO3)
Hanzo Breaks Onto The Watchpoint (McHanzo, sorta) (AO3)
Jack Interrogates Hanzo (AO3)
Hanzo Meets Mercy (Gency and Slight McHanzo) (AO3)
Bad Dreams (McHanzo) (AO3)
A Conversation (Genji and Hanzo) (AO3)
Slip (McHanzo) (AO3)
Stakeout (McHanzo) (AO3)
Not to my Liking (McHanzo) (AO3)
Sparring (Gency) (AO3)
Beach Episode (McHanzo and Gency) (AO3)
Roller Coaster (McHanzo) (AO3)
“Show off” (Tracily and Gency) (AO3)
Stargazing (Tracily) (AO3)
Serenade (McHanzo) (AO3)
Double Date 2 (McHanzo and Symmarah) (AO3)
Names (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Rain (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Rain pt. 2 (Gency and Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Cabin Fever (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Tracer and Widow (AO3)
That one Sombra/Junkrat prompt I got
Emily Meets Spiderbyte (Tracily and Spiderbyte) (AO3)
Photos (Spiderbyte and past Amélie x Gérard) (AO3)
Sleeping and Healing (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
First Mission Post-Defection (Spiderbyte) (AO3)
“You do this often?” (Widowmaker and Soldier 76) (AO3)
Fake Dating (Sombra and McCree) (AO3)
Gardening (Bunnyribbit) (AO3)
Carried to safety (Orisa and Zenyatta) (AO3)
Science-y Stuff (Efi, Winston, and Torbjörn) (AO3)
Shadow (Spiderbyte and Reaper76) (AO3)
Ohaka Mairi (McHanzo and Gency) (AO3)
Wolves (McHanzo and Gency + Shimada fam drama) (AO3)
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pcrfide · 5 years
Thank you for those who have followed so far. Currently in the middle of updating the mains / network list for Miles and Jack. As usual, there is the distinction between the two. For those who don’t know- Miles is a moniker / nickname for Jack on a discord / rp server. His history / backstory is divergent than canon, and will reflect with a different set of tags / replies. 
Miles is pronounced exactly how it’s shown, but the latin translation literally means soldier, and was given to him by a Reaper whom he was conversing fighting with. 
Miles vs Jack
Miles Canon Verse:
Miles’ actual Gabriel Reyes / Reaper  is MIA as of this time, and Reaper is myth only. His Jesse McCree has likewise not turned up yet, leaving him fairly alone in his verse. He’s almost certain they’re literally dead. Jesse left before the advent of the fall of Zurich, with events proceeding as canon follows. 
However, he never resurfaced during Recall. Miles has searched for him in the Gorge, interrogated what he could out of the Deadlock Gang remnants there— but no one has seen or heard anything of the gunslinger since about five years ago. He and Ashe have an unsteady truce, with him staying out of her way and ignoring her shipments as long as she feeds him information if she comes across McCree’s whereabouts.
Currently- he’s working as both a bounty hunter and vigilante to figure out how deeply Talon’s claws went into the downfall of Overwatch and just how high up they went into the possibility of the UN council. He’s not entirely convinced they weren’t already there in the beginning. 
Physical Differences:
Lower hairline. Interface ports at jawline and temple. Prosthetic jaw, implants along spinal column to the back of his neck and base of skull. Raised, bumpy burn scars along the lateral and dorsal part of his torso along the right side to midpoint of body down to groin and over right leg to knee. Limited fine motor range in right hand. Thumb/pinkie finger can’t meet. Nerve damage. Myopia in both eyes from shock waves from explosion. Lungs scarred from smoke damage, but still functional— resulting in a deeper, thickened voice with a wet, rasping sound. 
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doctorscrders · 5 years
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angela is a lesbian. she struggled with acknowledging that fact during her twenties and jumped into harmful male relationships that impacted her poorly until she chose to address her sexuality towards the end of her twenties.
she is a vegan, and has been since she left foster care.
angela considers jesse to be her best friend.
she struggled heavily with a smoking problem, which varied from consistent to spotty, and was entirely due to the state of her life. under the gun and stressed? she’d smoke. shitty day? she’d smoke. even if she wasn’t stressed at the time, it was hard to quit after she started.
she moved away from smoking after the HQ explosion, she’s since started using nicotine patches but has an e-cigarette she carries on her in case the patches aren’t enough.
angela is farsighted and requires the use of glasses to read, and specialized contacts when in the field.
her go-to-way of dealing with shit tends to be diving headfirst into work. chances are high for locking herself in her office for days.
she’s not shy about revealing her body, scars and all… she knows how beautiful she is and isn’t ashamed to show it.
angela is open with her past trauma… maybe a little too open, she’ll happily reveal the details of what happened to her parents or her shitty first relationship… but she struggles to detail with the repercussions of what has happened to her.
60% of her wardrobe consists of turtlenecks and pencil skirts alone. 
she still attends medical conferences to keep up appearances to avoid getting caught up in the petras act. though she does get a few dirty looks from people due to her time with overwatch.
she built a negative reputation in certain circles in zurich after she failed to save the daughter of a prominent family after a devastating car crash.
she likes wine a little too much.
she considers the strike team to be her de-facto uncles and aunts… despite having a crush on jack when she was growing up. 
though she isn’t working anymore (at least with a salary), she still has a lot of money… she knew she should make use of it while she had a lot, so she has a steady stream of income from investments and owns her apartment block, and is paid to speak regularly at medical conferences. 
her apartment is a safe haven for her.
despite her actions post-fall, she considers everyone in overwatch to still be her family.
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Memory | Accepting
His grandparents still didn’t accept it, that much he knew- at least, if the nasty letters he’d gotten from them full of ‘fervent prayers’, slurs, and condemnations wasn’t enough before, after their private ceremony he’d simply thrown out letters that had the name “Morrison” in the return address line.
Until he finally got a call from his parents. The first he’d heard from them in four years.
‘We were missing out on the best years of your life because we couldn’t get past ourselves. We... We missed our only son’s marriage. It-it shouldn’t have taken that, Johnny-’
The call lasted four hours.
Grief, pain, trying to articulate what their words had done, the lack of having them with him during Overwatch’s explosion in growth and the stress that came with it. How much he missed them. His hands were hurting halfway through after a full day of paperwork and meetings, but he couldn’t stop talking to them- his mother signing apologies through tears, desperate for him to understand.
After the call, he spent the night talking to Gabriel, finding the letter they sent, finally- only having barely missed the shred pile. Inside was a similar but different apology and request to meet Jack’s husband. Gabriel looked at him with a expression Jack was too familiar with.
“I think it’s different, Gabe. In the call, they- I think they understand.” Gabriel’s brows furrowed. “I- I’m not saying that you have to like them. But I want to give it one more try, Gabe, I miss my parents. If they show they aren’t ready to accept this, then we come back home, no worrying about it anymore.”
The next day they flew out- not a particularly easy feat given their positions, but Jack knew the longer they put it off the more reticent he would be. He occupied his time teaching Gabriel the few signs he needed to brush up on. He was capable and could communicate well, but there were a few gaps to fill, and it kept both of them busy, but focused.
They were greeted with his parents, glowing and sobbing. It was hard to believe it’d been years since they talked- more since he had been home.
The first hour was all talking, signing, his parents getting to know Gabriel and falling in love with their “new” son-in-law. They had collected presents from the area. Most of the people couldn’t think to bat an eye at Jack’s orientation- though there was an amusing anecdote when one of their even more bigoted (now ex-)friend had taken a dig at Jack and his mother nearly tore the poor man’s throat out.
The entire day was the small round of presents and gifts- belated items about their wedding, and including a gift from that very person- baby clothes. As if the presence of those alone could encourage Jack to realize he had somehow made a mistake in marrying a man.
Food, comfort, home, and Gabriel. He loved their apartment in Zurich, but there was something here so painfully nostalgic and missed so ardently that having it with the addition of Gabriel had brought the beginnings of tears to his eyes more than once.
And here, with a silly, droning program on the television, both of them sprawled on the couch with his parents asleep and Gabriel’s head on his chest, almost dozing, Jack couldn’t imagine a happier place to be. In his heart of hearts he knew he would not retire- could not retire. But he could imagine that fantasy here. Or even perhaps an equally quiet home away from the world. Maybe a dog or two, some horses, cats. Anything, really.
But it wasn’t until he moved to pick up the slumbering form that he made one of the most delightful discoveries. Gabriel Reyes liked being picked up. He had him under the shoulders and knees, careful as he hauled him away from the couch and towards the guest bedroom- neither was ready to get back to the hotel for the night.
The way he leaned against Jack’s chest, the little giggle when Jack reasoned with him that he was obviously too tired to walk. He took his time carrying him up the stairs, little words of affection as Gabriel smiled and tucked himself against Jack. He couldn’t help the ear-to-ear sappy grin at the man in his arms, even as their tired conversation slipped into fatigued silliness.
He could allow it. And god, did it make him feel special to see such a beautiful smile.
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multiplayr · 5 years
"At least you and Gabe managed to have families."
Jack associates both Ana and Gabriel with having a family. In context, this statement implies Gabriel had a spouse and even a child(ren), comparative to Ana’s situation: she was married at one point, and had a daughter, Fareeha. It does not elaborate further regarding Gabriel’s marital status, but we can know with some confidence that, at the very least, Gabriel had a child, and he was a father. Otherwise, why associate Gabriel and Ana together, as having families, in contrast to Jack’s inability to have a family (Jack Morrison was not married, and it is unclear if he has children)? 
Marriage and relationships with Special Forces and Special Operations are often complicated, and it isn’t infrequent to have divorces, break-ups, and even infidelity occur. Soldiers (in particular, Special Operations, given their frequent deployments and classified information they are not permitted to bring home) and their relationships are often strained, or distant. The Overwatch organization is not exempt, and both Ana Amari and Jack Morrison have had long-term relationships that did not last. In contrast, Torbjorn Lindholm has a loving wife, and several children and/or grandchildren-----  here, we have a canon example of a relationship working out.  A marriage or relationship prevailing is not unheard of, either.  
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It is confirmed that the family Reaper was observing was not a random family. Given Gabriel’s current age as Reaper (58), we can assume that the family was either one of his children (and grandchildren), or less likely a spouse who remarried. At the very least, knowing that Gabriel had had a family before the fall of Overwatch & the Swiss Headquarters explosion would partly explain and even justify Gabriel’s deep, unfettered anger and hatred for Overwatch, and what “he” had done to him: 
“He did this to me, Ana. They left me to become this thing.”
Gabriel Reyes had not only lost his “humanity,” he also lost his family; his life, in every sense of the word. In canon, the sentience and humanity of cyborgs is disputed and controversial, as evidenced from Genji Shimada’s interactions with others. It would also explain Gabriel’s perceived desperation in researching genetics: recruiting Moira O'deorain, a controversial geneticist and genetic pioneer, to experiment on him, upon his explicit consent:    
“She was personally recruited by Blackwatch's commander, Gabriel Reyes, who wanted someone who could help advise him on matters pertaining to genetics.”
Gabriel was a man with something to lose, everything to lose. He was willing to take risks to avoid the inevitable: he was dying. The augmentation and experimentation done to him under the Soldier Enhancement Program was allegedly killing him. He did not want to die, because he had a family, a career, and a duty to uphold the reason Blackwatch existed at all.  
Gabriel was married, even throughout his career as Blackwatch’s Commander. He was a father, and a deeply family-oriented man who compartmentalized and organized his time with his family (both biological and emotional), and his work. Blackwatch, under the United Nations’ Special Operations Group and Special Activities Division, could not divulge the nature of their profession to “outsiders” (neighbors, teachers, girlfriends/boyfriends, civilians in general). Only his immediate family knew, to an extent, that he was a member of the secret cadre within Overwatch known as Blackwatch.  
Gabriel inevitably “dies” in 2071, in the middle of a United Nations investigation against Overwatch, as an alleged coup broke out at the Overwatch Swiss Headquarters in Zurich which caused an explosion. His spouse, a widow. His children, fatherless. They could not even bury him. 
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confusedunit · 6 years
The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same - Chapter Fourteen
Gabriel needs to know.
He knows he does. He needs to know what happened in the past, what he can’t remember. He decides on Sombra’s room as his place of research. It’s likely the most secure room on base. Or...one of them, at least.
He asks Sombra to help him. While he doesn’t need her help to get into his own files, he knows he needs...the emotional support. He’d have asked Gerard as well, but with the man always running off on his own self decided ‘missions’, he doesn’t exactly have the option.
“Guess it’s just the two of us, huh?” Sombra looks over at him. “...Are you sure you want to open these, Gabe?”
“They’re my files. I might as know what the hell they are.”
She’s quiet for a bit, watching him settle on his beanbag. “...Okay. Opening files...now.” She taps a few of her holo-keys, before she looks at him. “Which one to start?”
“Might as well start with the earliest. Password’s-”
“7-3-2-7-3-7, I know.” She smirks. “You’re not subtle. How has no one realized who you are?”
“First of all, I took my codename literally because I wanted those close to me to know who I am. Secondly, I wasn’t ‘Reaper’ before now, so no one had any hint at my password. Third of all, shut the fuck up and open it already.”
She chuckles and opens the file. “Yeah yeah, hold your horses.”
The holoscreen lights up in front of them, Gabriel’s face coming into view.
He panics, slamming his hands on the keys, pausing it.
She looks over at him, quickly. “Gabe?”
“...” He can’t help but stare. “...It’s been...A long time.”
She blinks, confused, before her eyes widen. “...Oh. You don’t look different because you’re hurt. You...look different because you forgot what you look like.”
His eyes are wrong: red and black, several smaller ones surrounding his left eye today. His face is ashen, facial hair too dense, bruises under his eyes and along his cheekbones.
“We can stop, if you-”
“Just...give me a minute.”
It takes him almost ten minutes, but his face is closer to how it had been. His eyes are back to two, and brown. His facial hair is closer, but still not quite right. The bruises are gone. But the ashen skin remains.
“...You could talk to her about that, you know. She’ll help you.”
“...It’s unimportant.”
“No, it isn’t-”
“Sombra. Drop it.”
She sighs, shaking her head slightly.
“Play the file.”
She taps a few keys.
The Gabriel on the screen looks amused. Recorded in his office, from what can be seen of the background. Nothing broken, no injuries, so before a mission it seems like. “Well, I know I haven’t had much to document for the last while, but that’s because everything else is either classified, which means documented somewhere else, or Jack’s problem, which also means documented somewhere else. Future me’s gonna hate that, but that’s a problem for him to deal with.”
His voice isn’t right, anymore. God, has it really been so long since he heard his own voice that he...forgot that too? What else has he forgotten?
“Buuut, we got a new team member. Not like the kids, either. Joining of her own volition, which is a refreshing change of pace. Pretty sure if we had people join in any shadier ways, I would literally disappear.”
He was so happy, at the time. So pleased that they were finally following rules. What a fucking fool. Rules were never safe, for him. He should have known.
He smirks at the camera. “She’s some kinda doctor, I think Jack said. He seemed kinda unsettled by her, but I gotta admit, she definitely gets results. I’ll do my best to keep an eye on her, make sure that it’s all on the up and up. But having our own in squad doc? That’s gonna take tons of pressure off of Angie. She’ll probably be pretty happy she’s here. Maybe now, the kid can finally take a breather, I swear, she’s gonna work herself half to death someday.”
He’s so stupid. Keep an eye out, and he saw nothing. Did he really see nothing? Or did she trick him? Was he corrupt? Can he even be trusted? Can he trust-
“Anyway, I better go check in with her. She should be landing in a few minutes, and I don’t want to be late. She seems pretty punctual. Maybe we’ll get along.”
Gabriel can’t take anymore. He reaches out and slams his hands on the keyboard, closing the file entirely. He’s shaking.
Sombra startles. “Shit-” She’s almost instantly up and at his side. “Are you okay?”
He hunches over, wrapping his arms around his knees. How could he not have known? She’d been off since they met, and he’d done nothing...
He looks up at her. “...I should have known.”
“I should have known not to play this for you, not with next month coming up.” She sits next to him, wrapping an arm over his shoulders. “...Do you want some tea?”
“Lemon.” He looks away.
“Please.” He pretends that his voice didn’t just sound strained.
She sighs, slowly pushing herself to her feet and leaving the room.
Jack grumbles as he wakes, pressing at his face. He slowly sits up, looking around the room.
He’s still in his old office, but it looks...different. It takes him a few more moments to realize why: The empty booze bottles are gone.
He grunts once, reaching for a half filled bottle on the floor. He brings it to his lips for a sip.
There’s a knock on the door, before it opens.
He startles badly, dropping the bottle to the floor and scrambling for his mask.
The door clicks shut. There’s a tired, long suffering sigh. “Jack.”
He tenses, mask halfway to his face. He slowly looks over. “...Wilhelm.”
Reinhardt smiles at him, sadly. “Are we not on first name terms, anymore?”
He lets his mask fall to the floor, grimacing when it lands in the puddle of whiskey. He sighs. “...Ana send you, then?” He looks away, rubbing at his temples.
“No. I sent myself.” He takes a few steps closer. “It wasn’t hard to realize what you were doing.”
“Save it. I don’t need, or want, your concern.”
“I know you don’t. That’s why I’m here.”
He blinks slowly, looking over at him. “...Huh?”
“You don’t want help. That’s why I’m here. Because you need it.”
“I’m not your charity case, Wilhelm.”
“No, you’re not. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to have us lose you.”
He huffs. “We’re soldiers. I’m gonna-”
Reinhardt rests a hand on his shoulder. “That is not what I meant. I meant the drinking, Jack.”
He’s quiet for a bit. “...I have my reasons.”
“I know. I am...familiar, with them.” He looks over at him as he sits next to him on the couch. “...Do you remember when you first met me? How I used to make jokes about why I drank more beer than water?”
“You used to say your German beer tasted better than our filtered water.”
“Yes. I was lying. Attempting to cover up a problem with a joke. But someone caught me.”
Jack closes his eyes. “...Gabriel.”
“He confronted me. Do you know why I joined Overwatch, Jack?”
“It was his death I was mourning. Wondering what would have changed. Hoping that if it was a little bit easier to get through the day, maybe I could do half of what he did. Being with all of you helped me. By the end of the Crisis, with Ana’s help, I had stopped drinking.”
He opens his eyes, looking over. “...You started, again. After Ana.”
“...For a bit. McCree set me straight, though I doubt he remembers it.”
“...How did you know I was here?” He changes the subject, uncomfortable with thinking about the implications.
“I noticed your office was getting a lot of use. Athena wouldn’t, couldn’t, tell me. So I used my codes.” He makes a face. “I don’t like doing that, but it was the only option I was left with.”
“...” He sighs. “...After Zurich fell. I...was the fourth in line to take over your position. You, Ana, Gabriel, and myself. And I was the last one left.” He looks off. “We were all grieving, and I had to try to pick up the pieces.” He’s quiet for a bit. “...Attempt to contact last of kin.”
“...Oh.” Jack closes his eyes. “...Well, guess you know, then.”
“We’re still here, Jack. We’re still your family.”
“I know. And that’s why I can’t be. It will only put you all in more danger. I’m keeping secret for a reason.”
“You’re keeping secret because you want to die, Jack.” Reinhardt’s tone is a bit more sharp.
Jack blinks, looking over at him.
“...I do not mean to sound harsh. But it is the truth.”
“...You’re not wrong.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“I know you are scared. But you don’t have to be alone. Not anymore.” He pulls Jack into his arms.
Jack barely keeps from trembling. “...”
“...He wouldn’t want to have done this to you.”
He feels a string he’s held tight for years, since the explosion, since he’s lost everything, suddenly snap. He collapses against Reinhardt.
“We are here for you.” Reinhardt holds him close. “We are here for you, Jack...”
Angela is about to regret even speaking, she can already tell.
She’s pushed through her crying, and her breaths have calmed somewhat. She knows what’s coming.
Zenyatta gently runs his fingers through her hair. “...If I may ask...”
She slowly sits up, pulling a bit away from him as she rubs at her face. “...We were working together, doing research, before...Before I joined with Overwatch. I was trying to work on the Caduceus, mainly the wings and my staff, at that point. She...had been working on genetic mutation, and attempting to develop a strong healing spray/salve. The amount of good that could have done for the world...”
“Easy...” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“We were...close. But she was too driven, at times. Her empathy, even then, was slim. The greater good was more important, always.” She quiets, looking down at her hands. “...Almost always.”
“...Did she ever-”
“No. Not on me. ...Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use some of her research.”
“...You got self experimentation from her, then.”
“Do not credit her with what she doesn’t deserve.” She speaks with disgust. “It is illegal to do certain tests on others. It is not illegal to do those tests on yourself. We followed the same book. That does not make us the same.”
“I...did not mean to imply...”
She calms, slumping slightly forward. “I know. ...I know.” She lets out a soft breath. “...She had been doing tests on herself for a while. One day...” She rubs at her eyes. “...She went too far. I tried, but...”
“...” He gently takes her hands. “I’m here.”
“I panicked. There had to be something I could do. I tore through her research, and mine, looking for an answer. And I found one. ...Two.” She looks up at him. “I had been coming up with a series of nano machines, designed to be administered after muscle loss, so that they could take a patient’s genetic code and rebuild new muscle, perhaps in the future even bone. Meanwhile, she had started development of a serum that was supposed to push the body’s own electrical signals to cause function enough that even dormant nerves could be revived. I...” She pulls her hands away, rubbing at her eyes again. “I combined the two.”
“And it worked?”
“I tested it on myself, first. You tell me.”
“...Oh. That’s why you...haven’t changed.”
“...I will discuss that at a later time. But I...used those both to revive her. She was...the happiest I ever saw her.” She’s quiet for a bit. “...But after that...she changed. I don’t know if it was a side effect of her self experimentation, if I was just too late, or if she had pretended the whole time, but...her empathy was gone. We parted ways shortly after.”
“...I’m so sorry, Angela.”
“I was young, and stupid. It never meant as much to her as it did to me.” She takes a rough breath. “...I never knew she would go this far. If I had known...” She covers her mouth. “If only I had known...”
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pumpkinofthedale · 7 years
themxerte replied to your post “With the introduction of Moira, and the discussions and scandal a lot...”
Universes. And yeah those are maybe weak spots but I simply don't believe that a company that has the whole game dedicated to the grey moralities of how you see good and evil differently from a different point of view (World of Warcraft) would make such a damn boring, not complexed evil character.
Heya friend, I was wondering if you had actually taken the time to read my entire 1.5k word post detailing how I think Moira fits into the reaper story line.
However if you have read it and still feel that I feel that way about his characterization, allow me to elaborate and include and cite actual evidence. I love Gabriel Reyes and I firmly believe that he will be the epitome of grey morality within the story.
That being said there is nothing, nothing within the story saying that Reyes didnt get some of his powers before the fall of overwatch. In fact given the track it seemed the devs would go down earlier, I’d argue it was canon that he had at least some of them since SEP at the very least. I still think it’s canon that he had some of them before the explosion.
I also never said that he got his smokey wraith powers before the introduction of Moira. I said that I believe something was wrong DNA wise because he was an earlier test subject within the SEP program than Jack, and that his DNA, the fabric of his existence, was deteriorating causing a boatload of problems that no one was willing to risk getting caught up in major legal trouble to fix. I believe his body smoking is part of that. It’s probably something completely out of his control until Moira enters the picture.
 The way the devs worded their unveiling of Moira at blizzcon and her relationship to Gabriel Reyes, they implied that it’s plausible that Reyes didn’t necessarily get his powers from Moira, but instead Moira got her powers from studying Reyes’ DNA and it’s degeneration. A theory heavily backed up by in-game lore:
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“Repairing Degenerative Genetic Structures” with a large post-it note that says “Draft”
Not to mention the blizzcon panel
Geoff Goodman: “It [Her Fade ability] has some similarities to Reaper’s wraith form…uh which is…it’s funny how that works out.” Michael Chu: “You know, we obviously - there’s a…there’s a close relationship between Moira and Reyes-slash-Reaper, and I think one of the fun things we were able to do is to sort of hint at some of those things in her, uh, abilities.” Geoff Goodman: “She’s helping Reaper out and is like, ‘You know, I think I could make this better, I have an idea.’”
Blizzcon 2017
On to my other points:
“We sort of saw Overwatch really open up to the world, and listening to players and the stories they were telling and what they imagined the Omnic crisis to be really made us second guess what we were doing in First Strike,” said Kaplan. “We thought, ‘Hey, if we go down this path, it really closes all these doors.’”
Fan theories about the Overwatch cast’s pasts abound, and players produce fiction, art and other original content in droves. Although animated shorts and digital comics have had success in filling out the game’s universe — particularly the most recent comics, “Uprising” and “Reflections” — the Overwatch team found that a 100-page graphic novel no longer made sense as supplemental reading material, six months into the game’s life.
“Part of the magic is that everything is not tied off and explained to players,” Kaplan said of keeping Overwatch’s canon less defined. “There’s a lot going on in Overwatch right now where I think that the story in players’ heads is often even cooler than what we can deliver to them.”
Jeff Kaplan May 2017 during a polygon interview
One very important thing to remember is that early previews of that 100 page graphic novel showed Gabriel Reyes as an ominous figure with heavily shadowed lighting. I believe that fan input especially on how Reyes is characterized, and the theories involving him had a lot to do with the cancellation.
 Yes, Gabriel Reyes manipulated Overwatch into helping innocent lives in Kings Row during the uprising comic. Even as Reaper he’s shown to kill very very few people. Like 2 people on screen max, and neither of those people were innocent. They worked for Vialli one of the top talon “bosses”. 
I’m not saying that Reyes is going to just let innocent people get caught in the crossfires of his plans. Kings Row can’t boil over into a full out omnic uprising because that will absolutely be a catastrophe that could trigger another full-out omnic crisis. He’s shown to be more pro-active in making sure people are safe than Jack is.
And Talon doesnt know about his involvement with the capture of doomfist or Overwatch’s intervention. This is extremely important information to remember. Gabriel Reyes is a man who works in the shadows, and I firmly believe that he has no firm allegiance to anyone, but rather to the ideal of making sure that nothing like the Omnic crisis ever happens again while he still lives/functions.
Every single one of his talon missions that would have brought the world closer to an omnic crisis (Katya’s assassination, retrieving information about the whereabouts of former overwatch agents, stealing doomfist’s gauntlet, killing Jack or Ana) has completely and utterly failed. The man is a tactical genius and so far every mission save picking up doomfist and infiltrating talon and killing vialli’s men, has failed. Against people he’s worked along side before. 
There is absolutely no way he doesn’t know what they’re capable of. The dude outsmarted god ai programs, you really think he wouldn’t have been able to calculate his former friends’ actions and adjust his missions accordingly? Hell, he even knows it was sombra that fucked up the assassination, and he did nothing about it.
Gabriel Reyes is an incredibly intelligent and calculating man. He was probably the president of the chess club in high school, and as every chess player knows, you have to be at least 2-3 steps ahead of your opponent. On any normal type higher level you should know the next ten moves and each possible outcome. Someone on Reyes’ level has hundreds of different moves calculated at any given time.
So now imagine for a moment, that Gabriel Reyes is not some soft goober of a man some people make him but instead a calculating morally grey person who understands exactly what is at stake if talon wins. He’s lived through one crisis, but the world is only just beginning to truly bounce back. It was essentially Armageddon. It cannot happen again.
Talon has infiltrated overwatch.
Talon has infiltrated blackwatch.
Talon has has most likely infiltrated the UN.
Conventional methods of tracking and dealing with spies hasn’t been working. The head of the Overwatch anti-talon task force is dead and his wife is missing. He is doing what he can to help, ie sending mccree to kings row to deal with the uprising situation as well as manipulating overwatch to help. Sending Genji to help apprehend doomfist. Things that talon doesn’t know about because it isn’t strictly blackwatch shit going on. It’s a man on vacation, a commander checking in with his friends and updating them on a situation. It isn’t direct involvement at kings row. It’s manipulation.
But overwatch is strangled in even more red tape and controversies and it’s failing. It cannot properly do its job anymore and Gabriel Reyes is running out of options. Mccree and genji have left; who can he trust but himself.
I believe he did plant the bomb to blow up the zurich base. But I also happened to notice that only Jack was caught in the blast besides him. None of the main overwatch agents were caught in the explosion. He has cool smokey wraith form so he can probably survive, that’s probably one of the ways he was able to survive, though there were obviously some serious complications. I’m sure other overwatch members died in the blast, but he seems to have waited until the base was relatively empty. 
Talon can trust him now. Something went wrong of course he has a vendetta. 
Except, he is ineffectual. His direct actions with winston to secure the names and locations of former overwatch agents in order to fulfill that vendetta prompts winston to recall the old agents. His actions with Hakim and talon reunite Jack and Ana when he has a chance to kill both of them. Overwatch is being reformed except this time, it’s not under the UN’s control. 
Meanwhile reaper, seeming terrorist with a vendetta against overwatch who “inadvertently” cause overwatch to reform a few years after the fall as an independent organization away from the control of the UN and likely away from the clutches of talon’s shadow puppets there.
But he also has their trust which means that innocent people have also likely died by his hand in his quest to infiltrate and take out talon. I also have no doubt in my mind that he probably would kill Jack or Ana or any of his friends if they do actually interfere with his plans just as i do believe that if he felt that it was necessary, he would let innocents die.
“What’s important to us is that their motivations are not purely rooted in being evil, despite how they might seem on the surface.  As we reveal more about these characters, we want people to be able to empathize and understand their beliefs.  Because sometimes what makes a villain a villain is the extent to which they’re willing to go to reach their goals.  And one thing that we find most important when we’re talking about our villain characters is that there is nothing to say that a villain cannot be as charismatic or more charismatic or as likeable as a hero character - because, like the old saying goes, ‘every villain is the hero of their own story.’”
Michael Chu early March 2017
Reyes has a lot of potential to be an almost antihero. Someone who does some shady under the table shit, but only because he thinks it will help the world. I think Blizzard has realized this and why it hasn’t cemented a lot of things in canon. They want to wait and see what it is that fans could seriously enjoy. They love fan feedback. That’s why they created Moira! That’s why they cancelled the 100 page graphic novel about the omnic crisis! Because they want to be able to see their story evolve just as much as the fans do.
anyways. I’m not putting this one under a cut so people don’t have to take the time to click the button to see ALL of what i have to say about the subject (even though I have tons more to say, but I’ve spent so much time on this that I kind of want to be done rn)
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dontcallmejoel · 7 years
Overwatch is dead.
He’d walked forty-seven miles through the Scrublands along a highway that needed a fresh coat of bitumen, whistling all the while as the sun beat down something fierce. Not his usual method of travel, it took too long for one and he wasn’t a man who had a lot of time to spare on things like travel. Too much needed to be done, too much to plan for, and he was overdue to send Reyes another report on the state of The States. There was a voicemail on his Blackwatch server he hadn’t had a chance to listen to before news of a Talon strike pulled him to a less savory part of the desert with no wifi terminals he could secure and no ride. But there was something soothing about the great wide open, the way nature never moved faster than she meant to, the way she hadn’t changed her tune in the three decades it’s been since he last gave her a good listen.
By the end of that walk, though, Jesse had enough of the sun and wind, and needed a drink and place where his legs could decide whether or not they wanted to fall off and abandon him for his abuses. The flag in the center of this tiny town hung limp at halfmast, the few people out and about pensive, though it’s not until he finds the bar that Jesse knows something’s happened.
It’s full, but mournfully quiet. The bartender seems lost in thought. Above the bar, the light screens are all on the news, where Watchpoint Zurich dominated the feed.
Every head in the bar turned when he walked in, a fact he couldn’t comprehend until he’s processed that the pile of rubble on the screen was his former headquarters, or that he was reading the lips of the news anchor right,
...Gabriel Reyes, among the list of confirmed casualties...
...Overwatch Headquarters in rubble, dozens still missing as rescuers attempt to sort through the wreckage...
...all signs point to an internal source for the explosion...
Someone steers him to the bar, where the bartender pours a generous shot of whiskey, concerned about the shell-shocked man in his bar. Jesse shakes his head. “Water. Bottled, if you please.”
His voice, but it sounded funny, like it’d come from someone else’s mouth. He had work to do, and not much time to do it. And in his chest, the chasm began to widen.
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blissaster · 7 years
Adventure of Reaper and Jack the Cat
Aka even as Reaper, Gabriel’s instinct to nurture doesn’t go away.
Reaper was trying to keep his reputation as merciless mercenary in tact. But it was hard when he had a cat following him around.
Reaper was acting on impulse when he decided to go to Morrison’s grave. He was not sure what he would do once he was there. One thing for sure, it was not to adopt a cat. But he did. 
And here I thought, Gabriel died in Zurich explosion.
At first, Reaper refused to name the cat. He tried to reason, he would not get attached to it if he did not name it. Or if he did not even know its gender. (It was a he.)
Later on though, he got tired of calling the cat Cat (he hissed at him like crazy when called Kitty) and picked a name for him.
He named him Jack the Cat. Why, he was not sure. Maybe because he had skewed sense of humor; he found it funny that a cat had the same name with (ex-)Strike Commander of Overwatch. His cat, at that. (He named the cat, he might as well call him his.) 
Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve grown sentimental in your old age. He pushed that thought aside.
When he found Jack, he was nothing but skin and bones. His fur was matted and so dirty, Reaper thought his fur was gray. He only knew it was white after he bathed him.
The first time Reaper bathed Jack was a mess. Water sprayed everywhere. Jack either clung to his shirt like it were a lifeline or tried to escape his grasp, yowling loudly. And who knew a skinny cat like Jack could let out yowls that loud? 
Most of the times, having enhanced hearing was a good thing. Bathing Jack was not one of those times.
Once he was clean, Jack ran to his cot, settling there. With a roll of his eyes, Reaper let him. He did not plan to sleep anytime soon anyway.
Not long after he settled in front of his computer, ready to work (so many traitors to hunt, so little time), he was surprised to find Jack jumping onto his lap and stayed there. He was weighing the pros and cons of pushing the cat away. 
In the end, he decided not to, since the cat did not bother him. Who knew stroking a cat could be very therapeutic?
Reaper had no problem working with Talon. In his mind, it was nothing but a bunch of extremists. His working-alone, trust-no-one schtick was getting boring real fast though. 
Working in the dark, dealing with casualty, he was used to that. But even as Blackwatch Commander, he was never alone. (Until everyone left you alone.) 
Well, working alone had its own perks, of course, but he would be lying if he said he did not miss the raucous crowd of the old crew.
Having Jack the Cat helped. At least, he could talk to him without feeling (too) crazy. In any case, talking to a cat made him less insane than talking to himself.
Another perk of talking to his cat was that he never talked back. He could talk about the progress in his investigation, his mission, or on the rare times the mood stroke, his time in Blackwatch, and his cat would listen.
He could not know if Jack the Cat was really listening or not, but at least, he was there when he ranted for hours about nothing and everything. He could pretend his cat was smart enough to understand him.
Reaper knew he did not only look like personification of Death, he also smelled like one: rot and decay. So it was a wonder Jack the Cat would follow him. 
He would not look gift horse in the mouth though.
Reaper would not admit it (he had a reputation to keep, okay?) but, the first time he saw Jack vomited a hairball, he almost panicked. “Is he supposed to do this??” Then he found out that yes, it was normal for a cat to vomit hairball.
Once he was calm, Gabriel realized he would be the one to clean the vomit. He glared at the cat, who was looking at him with (faked) innocence. The bastard!
A/N: The use of “Gabriel” instead of “Reaper” at the last part IS intentional. 
I don’t know how I could fall into R76 Hell (or Heaven, depends on your point of view) when I don’t even play the game!
Why Reaper76 tag? Because that IS the end game. I know where I want to take this. So, it will make this “crack-treated-seriously”, I suppose. 
I made this because apparently I write something stupid when I am stressed while I love all the angst I get from R76 fanarts/fanfics, I also love silly/funny/sappy things. And I love cats. If it’s not clear enough.
If there is something wrong or if you have more ideas, please, don’t hesitate to tell me. 
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jessejackreyes · 7 years
Okay, so this is an excerpt from the third chapter of a fic I am writing. The whole thing is posted on Ao3 right now, but I kind of wanted to post this separately in the hopes of getting feedback specifically on this part. It is an action scene and I am trying to get better at those because I have very little practice with them.
The context necessary to understand this scene is pretty simple. After the explosion at Zurich, Gabriel became Reaper and started his life as a vigilante while Jack became 76 and became a terrorist that works with Talon. The two of them have fought twice before, with Gabriel escaping each time. They don't know each other's identities. Reaper and Ana rejoined the newly recalled Overwatch and no one but Ana knows who Reaper is. Its an r76 thing that will eventually get to a reunion of some kind.
If anyone has any thoughts on it, good and bad, I would love to hear it to try to improve my flow and style when it comes to fight scenes/action scenes. Thank you for the consideration :)
The Past Haunts Chapter 3
They had just begun to get a feel for the other members, just begun to learn how to work together on the field when Reaper was sent out on a retrieval mission. McCree, Lucio, Hanzo, Genji, Lena and Reinhardt accompanied him. They expected heavy resistance, hence sending along the crusader with the rest of the rather large team, but everything started out really well. They were coordinated, everyone listened as McCree led them; he made a great leader when he stopped acting like an idiot. Talon hadn’t expected them and they managed to blow through their grunts with ease and take the package, some kind of computer core in a thick briefcase.
They were awaiting their evac, package in tow, when it happened. Reaper felt a slight pain in his chest briefly before his entire body exploded in agony. He fell to his knees as he tried desperately to break himself apart and escape whatever was causing him this pain, but no matter how hard he tried, he stayed solid, rooted to the spot.
Before he could even begin to figure out what to do he heard two gunshots and a loud pained scream, Lucio. He turned to face where the scream had come from with great effort, only to come face to face with a familiar mask. The rest of his team must have also turned towards the intruder. Reinhardt charged the man before anyone could speak or even really react. Lucio screaming in pain was all he needed to react.
Jesse called out to him clearly noticing, at about the same time Gabriel did, that the response had been expected, goaded even. 76 walked forward calmly as a rocket powered metal giant flew towards him in a frenzy. The mercenary was dragging Lucio along the ground behind him by the hair, Gabriel could see him bleeding. The poor kid’s kneecaps were blown out so he couldn’t skate around. Reinhardt reacted predictably as the masked man held the bleeding, whimpering DJ between him and the rushing crusader. The rocket booster cut off before he accidentally hurt Lucio and the large man stumbled to stop and regain control of himself.
76 dropped the Brazilian, who fell to the floor in a pained heap. The terrorist took advantage of the crusader’s momentum and lack of balance and bodily threw him over his shoulders where the old German hit the ground with a loud thud, dazed for the moment. An arrow shot down from Hanzo’s perch, atop the nearby roof as 76 made swift work of removing Reinhardt’s helmet, the archer being the first person to react sensibly to the situation. The masked man nimbly dodged the silent projectile. Spinning swiftly, a strange mechanical bar glowing in front of his eyes. The damn mask was a tactical visor, of course it was, that was how he noticed the damn arrow in time.
With mechanically enhanced aim his rifle shot a trio of missiles at the building the sniper was perched on. Debris flew everywhere as an explosion rocked the building’s foundation and the portion of it the sniper was on collapsed. Hanzo lept away from the roof to avoid being buried by the collapsing structure, a mistake as three quick pulse rounds found purchase in his body, one in his dominant shoulder, one in the stomach and the last in the chest, inches from his heart. The archer fell heavily from the air, facing the ground bleeding and unmoving.
Reaper growled as he struggled to move. This was bad, the kid was their medic and he was down while the elder Shimada was bleeding out very quickly. McCree, Tracer and Genji all reacted in near unison. The gunslinger was forced to roll away from the falling debris to get a clear shot, bringing his gun out as he did so. Genji unsheathed his sword with a roar and dashed nimbly towards the man who had just shot the cyborg’s brother. All the while Tracer pulls her own pistols out and rapidly blinks to the other side of the masked man, checking up on the still dazed Reinhardt.
76 didn't even bother to dodge the sword being aimed at him. Instead, he used his arm to catch it, the blade sinking down into his forearm, through the armored jacket, stopping only once it hit bone. He staggered back, but no pained sounds escaped from behind that mask. McCree followed up with a quick shot that lodged itself in 76’s shoulder instead of his heart as the staggering back threw his aim off slightly. The gunslinger regained his bearings, recovering from his roll and lined up a shot straight to the bastards head.
Jesse pulled the trigger, the mercenary spun as he and the ninja grappled and suddenly Genji was his target instead. The cyborg reacted quickly, his sword dislodging itself and with a quick spin he deflected the bullet away from himself. A swift hard kick to the back his legs collapsed Genji to his knees as 76 plunged a combat knife into his right shoulder in the perfect spot to render it nonfunctional. A shot caught the mercenary right between the eyes, his mask chipped slightly but held against the revolver’s shot.
The gunslinger adjusted, aiming instead for the man’s heart. The next shot impacted, right in the sternum, as the masked man brought the butt of his rifle down hard on the side of the cyborg’s head. The ninja fell to the ground stunned as three more shots rang out. 76 could not dodge the cowboy’s bullets entirely, but none of them found the target they were actually looking for. Anyone else would have gone down after 4 bullets to the chest, but this man hardly seemed bothered by it as he brought his rifle to bare.
Tracer was back in the fight, Reinhardt climbing to his feet behind her. She was on their assailant in a split second, though not fast enough to stop the first shot out of that rifle. It found purchase in McCree’s mechanical shoulder with a loud clatter, rendering the entire contraption useless, his gun falling from the metal hand. Tracer interrupted any plan to follow up as her guns firing forced the man with the rifle to dodge away.
She blinked around him dodging and shooting, his armor absorbing her individual shots much more effectively than the cowboy’s. After a few seconds of this treatment 76 brought his rifle to bear at an empty spot and fired another trio of rockets. Moments before they exploded against the ground Tracer blinked nearby. The edge of the explosion caught her and she lost her footing. She reversed herself in time a few seconds before the man could get a good shot at her, but he seemed to have been expecting that. As soon as she reappeared a short distance away the butt of his rifle made contact with her chest with a loud crack. She attempted to blink away, but when she vanished this time she did not reappear.
76’s attention strayed too far from the big German man behind him as a massive hammer swung down at him. The mercenary had only a split second to move his arms to take the brunt of the hit as it sent him flying several feet through the air. A soft grunt of pain escaped the masked man for the first time in the fight when he landed with a thud. There was no time to celebrate anything at the sight as 76 recovered quickly to toss a grenade into the center of the group of fallen agents.
The crusader did exactly what his namesake would imply the moment he realized that his friends were in danger. He threw himself on the grenade so it would only harm him. His armor was thick and he was tough, he could take it. There was no explosion, merely a discharge of electricity that easily wound its way along the surface of Reinhardt's armor and into his body through hole where his helmet should have been. His body convulsed briefly and then was completely still.
“Don't move,” Jesse’s voice called out as 76 rose back to his feet. The mercenary ignored him, instead moving to reclaim his rifle. The cowboy shot, his aim wide. “I said freeze,” The man’s voice was somewhere between pained and seething with hatred.
“You're the only one left,” That distorted voice taunted Jesse. “Think you can do this on your own?” McCree didn’t respond and the mercenary ignored his gun. “Do you know what this is?” He asked holding up a metallic cylinder to the cowboy. Reaper recognized it immediately and from the looks of it so did the gunslinger.
“Biotic emitter,” Jesse replied quickly, suddenly unsure of himself. The device could deploy specially engineered nanites that very effectively healed wounds in the field. The nanites were very expensive and had a very short life span once the field was activated, so these devices  were rare and expensive.
“That's right,” His tone was condescending, Gabriel could just imagine the smirk beneath the mask. “Your archer friend is bleeding out quickly and the kid is not doing much better. You give me what I came for willingly and this little trinket makes sure they don’t have to die right now,” Reaper knew McCree well enough to know what he would do. The thought confirmed when the cowboy slowly lowered his gun. “Now drop it,” McCree did as he was told, it was stupid to give up his only weapon against the mercenary, but he wouldn’t let his teammates die if he could help it. “Good boy, now get me that computer core you stole.”
Jesse did as he was told, the case was not really hidden, in fact 76 could probably see the damn thing from where he had stood. It sounded like he simply wanted to gloat. Reaper watched the exchange, watched as the mercenary smashed the butt of his rifle into Jesse’s temple and he fell to the ground unconscious once the handoff was complete. He watched in stunned silence as the masked man dropped the biotic emitter to the ground between Lucio and Hanzo and a soft yellow glow enveloped them, surprised that he kept his end of the bargain.
He stood in the middle of the biotic field himself, stretching his arms and legs as the nanites worked to repair the damage done to his body as well. Once he was satisfied with their progress he turned to face Reaper for the first time since the encounter began. He sauntered over to where Reaper still fought to move his body, the briefcase holding the computer core in one hand, rifle lazily held over his shoulder with his other hand. The man suddenly turned his head slightly to the side and he spoke to someone who was likely monitoring his progress.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, your agents were worthless, but I got the package. I'll be at the extraction point in ten. Don't make me wait,” The mercenary’s attention returned to the only conscious opponent he had left. “Nice team you've got here Reaper,” The wraith growled in response, still unable to actually form words. “This new Overwatch is, at the very least, entertaining. Can't say I've had this much fun in years,”
Gabriel did not understand why this asshole hadn’t killed his teammates, why he was wasting time right now. It only infuriated him more. This man was toying with him, with all of them. If he didn’t kill Reaper right now there was no way in hell the wraith was going to return the favor when the tables were turned. Being merciful was never his strong suit.
“This brings the score in our little game to me with one win and you with two,” 76 squatted down to bring his mask level with Reaper’s own. “It would be a waste to kill you and your friends while I am currently losing,” Was this asshole really treating their fights like it was some damn game? “I'll tie up the score next time, after that I won't have any reason to let you and your heroic little friends live. Consider it incentive to improve your performance,” There was a short pause as those red glowing eyes stared at Reaper. “I'm tempted to take off that mask and see what's underneath it, but i suppose that would be unsportsmanlike right now. I am losing after all,”
76 turned away with a cruel laugh, it sounded inhuman through the mechanical filter he used. Gabriel could only watch helplessly as the man calmly walked away, his prize in hand. Several minutes passed and the buzz that held his body agonizingly in place faded away. He moved rapidly the moment he could, ignoring the agony left behind that still attacked his form. Hanzo had a pulse, was breathing, same with Lucio who must have blacked out at some point because he was also unconscious. He let out a sigh of relief before calling back to HQ.
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prettylittlepasha · 7 years
time for me to be self indulgent and post overwatch poke au shit.
okay so mccree’s team;
he totally has a lycanroc (midday form) that he’s had since he was a little kid and it was a rockruff. he found it digging through trash looking for food and fed it his lunch for school bc it looked hungry. mccree fed it every day for weeks before that little rockruff even let him get close. it took three months before the rockruff followed mccree home one day. they’ve been best friends ever since, it evolved when he was in deadlock. the lycanroc is pretty mellow and even tempered, likes to nap in places that get good sun and get tum scritches. a filthy traitor who will look jesse in the eyes and walk the hell away to anyone offering it table scraps.
he never intended to get a mudsdale. it started out as the meanest little mudbray that terrorized the fuck outta deadlock for days before the higher ups decided to throw mccree at it for shits and giggles. mccree got the shit kicked out of him when he tried to pull that old school cowboy shit where you approach horses real slow and they suddenly decide they’re okay with the cowboy. it took a hell of a battle with his lycanroc to get the little shit to stop kicking him and every other deadlock nearby before jesse caught it. it hated fucking everyone but mccree bc mccree won it’s respect, still kicked and bit the shit out of anyone who got too close. thankfully it mellowed out a lot after it evolved into a mudsdale, still has a nasty fucking temper tho and really knows how to throw it’s weight around.
mccree has a klink bc it matches his spurs and i think it’s fucking hilarious, that’s it, that’s the whole reason.
mccree accidentally catches a komala. it happens on a blackwatch op, he went in with some of the other blackwatch agents to clear out some assholes running an underground smuggling ring. he found a scared komala in a cage and couldn’t bare to see it locked up and when he let it out it just attached itself to his leg and didn’t let go no matter how he tried to coax it. jesse brought it back with him and now it’s hardly ever in it’s pokeball bc it likes to ride around on his shoulders, arms, and legs. it likes to wear mccree’s hat whenever it gets the chance and mccree takes about a million pictures every single time.
mccree caught a rapidash when he left blackwatch and was on the run. they kind of keep running into each other on accident bc mccree hides out around it’s territory. jesse likes having someone new to talk to, and it gets along really well with his other pokemon (mudsdale loves having another horse around; it let’s komala fall asleep on it’s back). rapidash sort of just stuck around bc it’d been lonely and jesse was easy to get along with and his pokemon are a good team together. plus: mccree is the best at chin scritches.
mccree’s absol used to be gabe’s. the pokedex entry for absol says that it can sense disaster and will appear before people to warn them. it showed up  before gabe to warn the overwatch strike team about an omnic attack on where they were hiding out for the night. jesse woke up a few weeks after he left blackwatch and it was just, There. that how mccree found out about the zurich explosion. he still doesn’t know if gabe sent it to him or if it found it’s way to him after the fact. absol is older than all of his pokemon, hell, it might have been older than all of gabe’s pokemon too, he doesn’t know. it tends to be a bit mothering bc of this, to his pokemon and to him and there’s a part of him that wants to resent it, bc it reminds him of gabe, but he can’t bring himself to. absol is capable of mega evolution and is a fucking beast in battle.
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