#Thinking about listening to it after tma
wolfythewitch · 28 days
Im literally foaming at the mouth rn you should listen to malevolent. The MC is significantly less jesus-looking but I believe you can change that
Your belief in me means a lot
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rauchendesgnu · 14 days
I see a lot of interpretations where the tapes are the thing that anchored Jon enough to find a way out of the Buried, which is not a bad theory, especially considering the Web's involvement in making Jon the perfect Archivist.
But. I don't really see a lot of interpretations where it's just Martin. We already know that Martin is Jon's reason for staying (more or less) sane during the apocalypse. Fuck the tape recorders and tapes. It's not them that anchors Jon, it's the intention behind Martin's actions. After being rejected by him, after having got used to the isolation of the Lonely, the fact that Martin notices and abandons, just for a moment, his plan to think of Jon instead, to choose Jon, is what allows Jon to come back.
(I know he's doing the entire thing to keep Jon safe, but Jon doesn't know that. And Martin actively taking a step against his plan is what then allows Jon to find his way back)
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you know, uh, sometimes the sound design in fiction podcasts is a little too good
i should not have been eating when i started The Picnic
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mongeese · 8 months
It should be a national holiday when the podcast I like releases a new episode
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myketheartista · 1 year
sooo red valley so far is a married guy who i KNOW hates his job, got wrapped up in some conspiracy shit with another guy who loves said conspiracy shit, and then they proceed to go on a road trip together to the location where the conspiracy shit occurred/probably is still occurring.
yeah, i think my favorite part is how quickly Warren succumbed to whatever the hell is going on in the tapes Gordon has been giving him and how absolutely stupid Gordon is when speaking to Warren. they are the epitome of bros sitting 5 feet apart in a hot tub. i love them.
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coolmariadotcom · 9 months
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gammija · 2 years
It's 'missing the RQ discord early-access channel' hours, those are the people who I'd rlly like to discuss [redacted] with
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mississpissi · 2 years
i got so caught up in thinking about these new characters in the magnus protocol that i forgot the teaser was a recording of martin… hmm… how is he going to tie into this? and more importantly- it’s still called the magnus protocol- how does jonah fit into it all ??
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behold, the first corner of the panopticon~!
got about a fourth of the way done mining out the massive pit underneath the ocean monument i'm turning into the institute so i decided to start construction to make sure all the proportions were right and it looks like they are! i'm super happy with it so far ^u^
ignore all the ugly scaffolding and temporary spawn-proofing slabs and torches lol
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siren-of-agony · 1 year
Finally coming back to this blog at the same time as falling back into a magnus archives hyper focus def does not influence my relistening experience at all
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unusualshrimp · 2 years
hm i think i will just Not listen to tma 2 or engage with news about it and wait to see what people are posting. and ONLY listen if the posts are mostly positive/reassuring
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asexualastarion · 1 year
Honestly tma should’ve ended after season four like I feel like SEEING the fear apocalypse made it super underwhelming
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scary-senpai · 2 years
Saw this on reddit and sorta thought of you, I kinda want to hear your thoughts on this theory because I think it's pretty neat:
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Ooh! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Thoughtful & Cherished Internet Stranger! That’s an interesting theory, for sure, and I had some fun thinking about it... haha, I’ll be honest, you did inspire a headcanon where Saitama, Garou, and Genos are all kids on the playground acting out the most amazing fight they can come up with and Saitama tells Genos he has to play dead for the whole scene because “you already got to fight Garou, now it’s my turn, and you keep interrupting my imagination with your stupid facts!” Anyway, it was the bit of levity I needed before getting my heart ripped to bits again. So, thank you for that--you were an unexpected muse!
While I am holding out that we’ll get a cheeky, in-canon explanation for the re-draws (it’s on my bingo sheet!)--or maybe Murata/ONE will eventually spill the tea on what exactly happened with this panel--I’m hesitant to say that the past few chapters have taken place in Garou’s imagination. If Garou happens to be thinking aloud, he’s painting an awfully specific picture full of characters that definitely exist outside his imagination (like God and Blast) , even though Garou hasn’t met them yet. Garou would also be telling a story that relies on information he doesn’t have (the way God operations, and that Genos is Saitama’s disciple). It’s implied that in Garou’s heart of hearts, he understands that his quest for ultimate evil is destined to fail (and possibly a thinly-veiled suicide mission), but the last couple of chapters portray an exceedingly specific type of failure through a series of complicated & unfortunate events. I realize this ask came in before the latest chapter dropped, but if all this were happening in Garou’s imagination, then I’d also expect him to be less surprised to suddenly find himself in outer space.
...I could imagine Saitama telling this story to Garou, though. Like, perhaps he’s eaten the weird pickled egg things in the upper left and he’s just spent the last couple of chapters tripping balls as Garou morphs into his Final Form, which is Mom Friend :-/
In any case, Garou doesn’t look like he’s ready to talk in this panel. There’s no indication that you asked me this question because I majored in feelings Social Work/Psych, but I’m going to get up on my little mental health soapbox anyway, because if I’m out here voluntarily writing entire thesis statements for serotonin Fanciful Internet Points, I may as well slip in something that is actually true and helpful so I feel better when my predictions go horribly wrong.... anyway, what we’re learning now is that talk-therapy is actually counter-indicated for some folks, particularly people that have experienced trauma (like Garou has). This is because when you recall a painful / unpleasant memory, the same neurological channels activate as when you initially experienced that thing, meaning that you’re literally reliving that moment--in which case, you tend to trigger a fight-or-flight response, or shut down.
That’s what I see when I look at this panel--a person who is so overwhelmed their body has shut down to protect them from the pain that’s coming. I think Saitama might have had better luck just lying down beside Garou in the water as a silent-but-comforting presence rather than planting him on one side of a table and asking him to share. I understand the rationale (visually being equal, the metaphor of coming together and seeing each other face to face) but that setup of having someone staring at you while you try to bare your soul can actually be super uncomfortable/intimidating. There’s a reason “this character turned their face away” or “they turned aside” is such a powerful and significant action when you encounter this in a story/stage direction/shot. It’s a moment when a character hides/shields themselves or their companion from an unpleasant truth. For better or worse, there’s some agency in having the freedom to move your body that way. And if you notice Garou’s posture from the start of his interactions with Saitama, Garou almost never faces Saitama directly—Saitama stands wide open but Garou keeps his body angles to the side (like he’s halfway towards a fighting stance)—essentially making himself smaller, ostensibly so there’s less of him to hit, even early on in the scene when he dismisses Saitama as a non threatening, low ranking hero.
All that being said, I do understand the appeal of this theory. I want everybody to come home in one piece after having learned a valuable lesson about friendship/teamwork/etc. But that’s kind of the rub, and one of the reasons why these sort of plot twists are inadvisable: when something happens in a character’s imagination, there are no stakes and no risk. It’s hard for a general audience to get invested in the journey when a narrative is framed that way--and it’s also harder for a character to learn from scenarios they’ve independently fabricated… because if they had that kind of foresight, they generally have all the knowledge they need to be successful, and since plots usually hinge heavily on character growth, a character knowing all there is to know about their situation usually signals the end of the story.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are exceptions to everything—I, for one, would love to know how much forethought Garou put into this whole ultimate evil thing, but I’d be content to know what he daydreams about, and since you planted that idea in my brain I’ve had a little fun imagining how one might implement that. But while there are no hard-set rules to storytelling--only tools--this kind of plot twist feels like something that would get nixed by an editor/producer/other commercial stakeholders because it is generally regarded as heavy-handed, if not cliché.
BUT. I do think we’ll get some sort of battle that takes place in Garou’s mindscape--a bit like Mob Psycho (Mob vs. Minori)--confirming his demons and making better choices to come through to the end. I suspect that’s separate from the Saitama battle. While I’m sure Blast has a cure for Garou (assuming Saitama doesn’t punch the Devil out of him, first), it seems like part of Garou’s battle needs to come from harnessing his own willpower and fully committing to his “true self” (if there even is such a thing--as humans, we’re all just a mess of ever-changing electrified brain meat)... since temptation (to inflict pain on others, to obtain power) got him into this mess, it follows that resisting temptation would get him out of it.
So, thank you so much for the ask! I really enjoyed thinking about this, and I hope that doesn’t come across as disheartening or anything :-/ I have been very, very wrong about things before, especially the Magnus Archives! I am actually a fan of stories that frame low-stakes situations in high-stakes ways while still encouraging character growth! I’m thinking of Community, where the episodes lovingly and expertly spoof things Mad Max or Spaghetti Westerns through a campus-wide game of “The Floor is Lava” or “Paintball,” respectively. Even if the setup is clown-shoes, the character’s emotions are usually real and that’s what really carries the plot through. In “The Floor is Lava” episode, Abed tries to prolong the game forever because he knows that when it ends, his best friend Troy will be leaving community college to go on his next adventure. The ending is Abed and Troy coming to terms with that, and it does actually make me tear up when I watch it... or here’s another classic Troy and Abed moment where the writers mash up the traditional zombie movie (“Troy! Be the first Black man to make it to the end!”) and splice it with a heartfelt star wars moment (“Abed, I love you.” “I know”) and even though (in theory) it’s a moment of life-or-death self-sacrifice, we just know and trust that everything will turn out okay.
so yeah, if we did have this as a plot twist, then I think ONE/Murata are one of the few folks I’d trust to pull it off in a satisfying way. ONE, in particular, is a breaker of tropes and for sure, this arc has taken us to some wild and unexpected places, so, who knows?
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katealot · 2 years
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iintervallum · 2 months
the way alice dyer has such a hold on me I'm still thinking about different headcanons for her ahhh
I've doodled her a lot too trying to figure out her design, when i finally have free time I'll unleash my different oiar crew designs because i have many ideas for them all
i do hope this time there's no "locked in" designs for the characters because seeing peoples widely differing designs is a lot of fun!
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kribus · 2 months
I actually like how after every episode of tmagp some tma-listeners analyse statements like sommelier when he talks about some rich wine like hmmm this one is clearly the lonely with a slight hint of the stranger and maybe notes of the spiral and I think I can sense some desolation in here
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