chicalepidoptera · 7 months
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@vampirefest ' Lestat's Birthday Bingo. Free space
"I have never seen anything as tender and endearing as these little mastiff pups. And the big dogs were like drowsy lions as they watched us. Simply magnificent.
I was too excited almost to make the choice. I brought back the male and female that the lord advised me to pick, carrying them all the way home on my lap in a basket."
The Vampire Lestat
For Lestat's birthday I wanted to fill the free space with a two panel piece dedicated to his chaotic adolescence and his beloved mastiffs. 🖤
Happy birthday, sweet prince!
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isabellehemlock · 7 months
Happy birthday to the Brat Prince! 🎂🎉🥳
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My third and final piece for @vampirefest Lestat Birthday Bingo! Thank you so much mods for hosting such a fun event, I appreciate the inspiration ✨️. If anyone would like to see my other two prompts, you can find them here & here.
See the sketch and my card below the cut ✂️
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vampirefest · 8 months
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Dear companions in darkness, the wait is finally over! We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our little guessing game, we got a lot of interesting answers.
For the month of November, we bring you a fun low-pressure bingo inspired by Lestat, that you can fill up at your leisure throughout the month.
You can use the prompts on the bingo card to write fanfics, make fanart, amvs, edits or any other creative outlet to show your appreciation for our beloved Brat Prince.
You can find the rules and guidelines for the event here. The link to the collection can be found here.
Don't forget to tag with #vflestatbirthdaybingo and/or tag us at @vampirefest so that we can find your posts.
Here is the complete bingo card for our birthday boy!
You can find the full detailed prompts below the cut.
Happy Lestat Month!
1. "My lord, the Wolfkiller": The killing of the wolves, a moment that comes to define Lestat for all eternity. You can explore this fundamental event in Lestat's life, the way it altered the course of his life and his family dynamics, and the symbolism it came to represent in Lestat's later life.
2. First love I The witches' place: For Nickistat lovers out there, this is your time to shine! It's also a chance to explore another formative moment of Lestat's life—his experience at the witches' place—when Lestat came to the fundamental understanding that there is no meaning in the end - not to the cruelty, not to the laws of men - all that exists is the one life he's living and the aesthetic of it all.
3. The performer: Actor | Rockstar: Performing is Lestat's second nature, either to present an image of himself to others to earn their love, or to hide this true self. From the time he is a young man, Lestat is awed by actors and artists, they create worlds and life out of nothingness. Some of Lestat's best and happiest moments are on the stage, acting or singing for his adoring public.
4. Rue Royale era: For decades, 1132 Rue Royale was the home of our favourite little vampire family. A family that, according to Lestat, shouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Here you can explore the dynamics between the unholy family, between Lestat and Louis, and the highs and lows of this period in Lestat's life. As Lestat said, he has never been as happy as in that little house on Rue Royale.
5. Free Space: This is your chance to explore any themes or moments in our brat prince's life outside of the prompts proposed. Let your creativity run wild!
6. "I don't like myself, you know.! love myself, of course. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself.": Use this prompt to explore Lestat's insecurities and his complicated relationship with himself, from his abandonment issues to his reflections on his body, his monstrosity and so much more.
7. Lust for life: Here you can explore Lestat the dreamer, Lestat the hedonist, Lestat the embodiment of hunger. He has a lust for blood, love, adventure, for a better life filled with more excitement and lived to the fullest. Lestat takes what he wants and follows his every whim.
8. Resilience: Lestat is the metaphorical cockroach of the Vampire Chronicles universe. Whatever life throws at him, he rolls with the punches and finds a way to survive and make the best of every situation. He always finds a way to reinvent himself and to keep moving forward. With this prompt, you can explore Lestat's defiance in the face of obstacles and his resilience even under the worst circumstances.
9. The Brat Prince | Prince Lestat era: Set your creations in the Prince Lestat era or simply explore Lestat's bratty nature that earned him the moniker "The Brat Prince".
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ladyvampir3 · 7 months
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The Wolfkiller
Almost snarling, I faced the animals and looked the closest of the two wolves straight in the eye. I spread my legs to anchor myself. With the flail in my left hand, I drew the sword.
The Vampire Lestat
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vkylociferart · 6 months
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"The Brat Prince" @vampirefest Lestat here with best boy Mojo the dogo >w<
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suikamelon6 · 7 months
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Nicolas de Lenfent and Lestat de Lioncourt in Paris before Magnus. Closer look at AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/49814089/chapters/129354157
Art for #vfkinktober #vflestatbirthdaybingo
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queerquaintrelle · 6 months
Lestat birthday bingo 3: the rockstar/thespian...
“We breathe the light, we breathe the music, we breathe the moment as it passes through us.” — Anne Rice
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leslutdepointedulac · 7 months
"I don't like myself, you know..."
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Lestat Birthday Bingo ~ Square 6: "I Don't Like Myself, You Know..."
I wanted to show Lestat's insecurities with thinking himself to be evil despite deserately wanting to be good to insecurities about his body, and worrying that his skin is too pale and hard, as well as his issues with abandonment and hating the idea of being left alone.
He thinks of himself as an evil monster, which, yeah he's done some pretty awful things, but I wouldn't say that makes him 'evil' or a 'monster'. Lestat can be good, he is good and even in all the bad, he's also done some good things.
Lestat's insecurities over his physical image, especially at the end of QOTD when he's with Louis. He worries that he might hurt Louis, or that he'll even be put off by him now that his skin is so much harder and whiter, almost like stone.
When he forces Louis to stay with him in IWTV because the idea of being abandoned again is quite frankly terrifying to him. The thought that Louis will leave him like Nicki (in a way) and Gabrielle did results in Lestat keeping Louis in an iron grip, which ultimately does more harm than good. He held on to tight.
It's also how Lestat comes across as vain which, again, he can be. But at the end of the day, it's also just a front to hide behind, because he thinks the only reason anyone could possibly like him, is for his looks and not for him.
Idk, I could go on really but I get too sad thinking about it for too long. I don't like thinking too much of Lestat being anything but his generally happy-go-lucky-self or else I'll start bawling, but this is also an important part of his character, so here we are.
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desertfangs · 7 months
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Delicate Desires [AO3] Louis/Lestat - Explicit - 3,212 words
I know, I know, I don't really write Louis/Lestat these days but they were my first VC ship (and honestly one of my first fandom ships ever!) and I love them so much. So I hope I did them justice. (I promise I will get back to writing Devil's Minion soon, LOL!)
I really wanted to write something with them for Lestat's birthday and the Rue Royale Era is one of my favorites. I definitely think Louis left some spicy stuff out of the interview (or Daniel cut it out later, I don't know.) This is pretty mild for the explicit rating and it's canon compliant action but I feel like if there's any question, always go for the higher rating, you know?
This was also written for @vampirefest's Lestat Birthday Bingo - for the "Rue Royale Era" square.
Louis’ door finally opened, startling him. Lestat adjusted himself on the chair, making sure he looked disinterested and bored. He glanced up only briefly when Louis came into the room. 
“Finally, he emerges,” Lestat said, keeping his tone droll. “What is it that you do in there?” 
Louis looked faintly abashed, turning his head. So delicious to watch him writhe under the most mundane questioning. “I was getting dressed.” 
“Certainly took you long enough.” 
Lestat looked him up and down with exaggerated purpose as if evaluating his efforts, but in truth, he had to admire how Louis looked. The black brocade vest hugged his narrow waist and cinched the billowing white shirt he wore beneath it. The silver buttons gleamed. His long black hair was neatly tied back with a ribbon, though a strand had already escaped and dropped delicately over his pale white face. His beauty always took Lestat’s breath away.
“I suppose your effort is passable.” 
Louis clenched his jaw tight in irritation. Lestat loved how easy it was to rile him up and get a reaction. 
Louis looked around the room, no doubt searching for signs of Claudia.
“She went out on her own. She can do it herself now.” He tried to mask his bitterness.
Louis sighed, his shoulders sinking. “I suppose it was bound to happen eventually.” That frustration, at least, was something they shared. 
Lestat stood. “Let us go out together instead.” 
Louis frowned. They did not hunt together. Louis did so alone, wandering around like a directionless vagrant until some unfortunate crossed his path. Every so often when she insisted, he would take Claudia with him, but mostly she went with Lestat—or now, by herself. Louis was a solo hunter, phantom death lurking alone in dark alleys.
“I prefer to go alone,” Louis said stiffly, tugging at the bottom of his vest. “Have a good evening.” 
Lestat moved in front of him, blocking the door and grinning wickedly. “I intend to.”
Read the Rest on AO3
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thefairylights · 6 months
Time has changed the metaphor, it's mine, it's mine. chapter 2/4 Lestat birthday bingo event.
It is the very first of Lestat's birthday that he spends with Louis. Post episode one and two, while loustat are in their honeymoon era.
Second chapter and using the bingo square, Rue Royale Era. This is full of flirting and sweetness and well, a whole lot of smut and explicitness. It isn't Lestat's birthday if he isn't getting some sex. It's like some sort of rule, or so he says.
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amc-iwtv · 7 months
Anatomy of a Love Seen: When The Pawn
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For the Lestat Birthday Bingo event held by @vampirefest I posted the third chapter of my fic Anatomy of a Love Seen. This is for prompt The Performer/Actor/Rockstar. The first day of reshoots is not going well. Louis seeks refuge on a balcony, overhears a conversation, and has a sighting that makes him think of the good times with Lestat. Armand spirals into mania.
16.5K words in this chapter. Fiona take the wheel! Take it from my hands. I can't do this on my own. @dreamofme9 helped greatly.
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chicalepidoptera · 7 months
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@vampirefest ' s Lestat Birthday Bingo. Square 1: My lord, The Wolfkiller
For the Wolfkiller card, I didn't represent the red velvet cloak that we all know and love but a wolf pelt instead. I wanted to emphasize the rawness of the act of killing the wolves while framing it like a legendary fairytale. The pelt as if some ancient hero's trophy but also as an object that recalls some sort of opulence, that's why he's wearing it over his shoulder like a diva would do with a feather boa. He is nude underneath, vulnerable, sensual and defiant.
"The wolves didn't wound you on the mountain, did they?" he asked playfully. "You haven't become a werewolf, have you, Monsieur, unbeknownst to the rest of us?" He stroked the furred edge of the velvet cloak I still had over my shoulders. "Remember what the good father said, that they had burnt a good number of werewolves in those times. They were a regular menace."
I laughed.
"If I turn into a wolf," I answered, "I can tell you this much. I won't hang around here to kill the children. I'll get away from this miserable little hellhole of a village where they still terrify little boys with tales of burning witches. I'll get on the road to Paris and never stop till I see her ramparts."
The Vampire Lestat
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isabellehemlock · 7 months
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For the @vampirefest Lestat Birthday Bingo 🖤
The prompt "Resilience" featuring human Lestat in Magnus' basement.
Bingo card underneath the cut:
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vampirefest · 7 months
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ladyvampir3 · 6 months
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"Drink, prince," she whispered. "Take the strength you need to do as I would have you do."
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vkylociferart · 7 months
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"My Lord The Wolf Killer" @vampirefest
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