bobemajses · 9 months
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Jewish wedding celebrations in Sukhumi, Georgia (Abkhasia region), 1960s - 1970s
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catinfroghat · 10 months
The severance video edit that exists in my head is so beautiful
#i actually have 2 major ideas for it but my laptop is all full from red dead redemption 2 so i can't make any rn#I'm debating whether or not to do another play through before uninstalling because it takes 2 days to reinstall#also now I'm employed i have much more limited time so it's whether i want to spend it editing a video#or whether i want to just enjoy the summer whilst it's here and sit outside as much as possible#also i have another couple theoretical projects that are quite creative and I've been thinking about for a while#so i need to kind of choose one thing and stick to it for a while#i still have a half complete tomshiv video edit on my old laptop omg it was from tom's pov from season 3 though so idk if i like it anymore#waawaawaa i hate it maybe I'll do my tarot card project first because i have the notebook ready and waiting to be written in#I'm going to have to check it has enough pages though otherwise i will use it for my flag project instead which might be more useful#I'll start with flags of europe because i could do with learning more geography of eastern europe I'm terrible at it#but it's hard because do i just do sovereign states or do i include dependencies and what about disputed states?#i would have to choose early because if i do it alphabetically you have åland and abkhasia and artsakh...#is anyone still reading i wonder ... look at this: жадина говядина соленый огурец на полу валяется никто его не ест haha pranked
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zombilenium · 3 years
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Jonk, “Theater, Abkhazia”
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realhankmccoy · 2 years
Thinking of booking a flight back to Transnistria next year. I've only seen a little bit of it on a train ride from Kiev to Chișinău. This time I'd go to Tiraspol, Bender, and Rybnitsa.
Maybe in 2022. Nobody thinks they're legit except Abkhasia, Artsakh, and South Ossetia. Russia does and gives them all this money, but won't officially recognise them because it may be a Trojan horse into trying to take control over more of Moldova.
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linguisten · 5 years
Linguistic Diversity Challenge Day 3 —  Mingrelian
What is the language called in English and the language itself?
Mingrelian or Megrelian in English; endonym: მარგალური ნინა margaluri nina 
Where is the language spoken?
Semegrelo and Abkhasia regions of Georgia
How many people speak the language?
approximately 350.000 (Wikipedia: “between 300.000 and 500.000″); most of them bilingual in Georgian; no official status, not standardized
Which family does it belong to? What are some of its relatives?
Kartvelian > Karto-Zan >> Zan >>> Mingrelian
What writing system does the language use?
it is written in the Georgian script, basically following Georgian rules of orthography
What kind of grammatical features does the language have?
Your typical Kartvelian language with a syllable structure that occasionally commands respect, and an sweet variety of split ergativity where no formal distincttion between transitive and intransitive verbs exists, so ergatives only occur as symptoms of verbs in aorist; yay! 
What does the language sound like?
What do you find interesting about the language?
Mingrelian shares a noun classification scheme with other Kartvelian languages and classifies objects as:
'Intelligent' entities (humans, deities):  question mi? 'who?'
'Non-intelligent' entities (all others): question mu? ‘"what?’
It is the language i received fieldwork elicitation training with. Having been used to more “harmless” Austronesian languages, this gem here sure showed me the limits of my wits.
Resources: http://titus.fkidg1.uni-frankfurt.de/personal/manana/megrel/index.htm
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mapsontheweb · 6 years
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Czech Rail recalls 2018 diaries with maps containing ISIS, Russian Crimea, independent South Ossetia, Abkhasia and Nagorno Karabakh.
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land-of-maps · 6 years
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Czech Rail recalls 2018 diaries with maps containing ISIS, Russian Crimea, independent South Ossetia, Abkhasia and Nagorno Karabakh. [1600x1151px]
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victorialiferu · 5 years
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See English ⏬ Это третий вид с Иверской горы, которая в Новом Афоне, в Абхазии. Виды на две стороны я уже показывала раньше. Фото вида на четвертую сторону не будет - там бескрайнее море, и как бы романтично это ни звучало само по себе, фото ничего не передает, кроме морского полотна любого цвета (в зависимости от погоды), сливающегося с небом на горизонте. А здесь вы видите сам город Новый Афон, разместившийся у подножия и на склонах Иверской горы, и вдали, ближе к горизонту - Сухум, столицу Абхазии. О масштабах гор можете судить по малюююсенькому храму Свято-Пантелеимоновского Ново-Афонского монастыря далеко внизу: 1) Это храм на самом деле огрооомный, как и кипарисы, его окружающие. 2) Монастырь находится тоже не на уровне моря, а на подъеме. Это же фото сделано с вершины высотой 344 метра над уровнем моря. Бывали здесь? Как вам? Да, это тоже #фото_из_архива 🇬🇧 It's the view from the third side of Iveria Mountain in New Afon, Abkhazia. The views from two others sides I had shown you earlier, & I will not show you the view from the fourth side: there is the endless Black Sea on the fourth side and despite of such a romantic sound of it, the photo does not show nothing but sheet of the sea which is mixed with the sky on the horisont. And here you can see the town of New Afon which is situated on the foot and the slopes of the mountain, and Sukhum, the Capital of Abkhasia closer to the horisont. You can imagine the size of the mountains comparing the size of that smaaal St.-Panteleimon Cathedral of New Afon Monastery which is tooo large in reality, as well as cypresses around it. Moreover, the Monastery is also sotuaned not on the sea level, but on the mountain slope. This photo was made from the mountain top of 344 highth above the sea. The great view, isn't it? 😃 Yeah, it's also #photo_from_archive 🏷 #NewAfon or #New_Afon #Abkhazia #viewfrommountaintop #travel #inspiration #contemplation #beauty #travelinspiration or #travelinspirations #lifestyle #styleoflife #Новый_ Афон или #НовыйАфон #Абхазия #видсвершиныгоры #путешествия #вдохновение #созерцание #красота #вдохновляйся #путешествуй #счастьеесть #счастье - это #стиль_жизни или #стильжизни (at Абхазия - Новый Афон) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2hAfvMI-ap/?igshid=l3lfu8flcoab
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supelenaua · 7 years
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The adventures from the first day didn't stop us, so after a stuffy night in a small room in a little hotel, we waited at the railway station square. After meeting with the group, we departed to the Abkhazian border. It took nearly an hour to pass it, and the most time was spent in our part of the border. The frontier guard from Abkhasia just opened the documents and returned them immediately.
In Gagra, we took in the remainders of the group and the equipment with the food for the whole trip.
This was the first backpacking experience for me and my friend, and this was the first hiking trip for the half the group, so when the guide suggested us modifying the main line and creating 3 halting days (instead zero), reducing daily trekking but this meant cutting off some interesting points of the trip, we took the vote for this his idea. Probably, this wasn’t the best decision.
The start point of the trek was in the place of Avadhara 18 km from Lake Ritza. We spent the first and the second night in the territory of the local shepherds. They warmly welcome us to pitch up our tents on their horse paddock and allowed us to use their fireplace.
The next day (Sunday) we had a radial walk to lake Mzy and to the river from the valley of waterfalls. The way to the lake run through the beech and fir forest, Alpine meadows to the small lake in the mountain cavity. There was a small piece of snow on the lakeside, where the mountain covered it from the sun and we had enough force to slide down this snow. This walk was only a light stroll before the real backpacking.
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satakentia · 7 years
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Atzgara river after the rain, Abkhasia by rusnature.ru
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oddiblogg · 4 years
Russland tar biter av Georgia
Russland tar biter av Georgia
I August 2008 krevde separatister med støtte fra Russland uavhengighet i de områdene av Georgia som kalles for Sør-Ossetia og Abkhasia. Like etter rullet Russiske stridsvogner inn i områdene å kastet ut Georgias styrker. Siden den gang har områdene vært en låst konflikt, der Russiske styrker står inne i Georgia for å sikre områdene. Områdene proklamerte så uavhengighet fra Georgia og erklærte seg…
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glamprixparty-blog · 5 years
Oto Nemsadze (f. 1989) er en av årets mange deltagere med erfaring fra The Voice. Georgierne har dessuten valgt Idol som sin nasjonale finale, hvilket betyr at han altså fikk muligheten til å representere landet sitt ved først å vinne Idol tidligere i år. Låta «Sul tsin iare» (som på engelsk kan oversettes til Keep On Going) fremføres bl.a. på abkhasisk, et språk som hovedsakelig snakkes i den delvis anerkjente republikken Abkhasia i Kaukasus, og det er første gang abkhasisk synges i Eurovision.
Belgia deltar for 12. gang.
Landets beste plassering er to 9. plasser i 2010 og 2011.
Landene de utveksler flest stemmer med er Armenia, Aserbajdsjan, Ukraina og merkelig nok Litauen.
Bidraget fremføres i semifinale 1 den 14. mai
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Insights Into The Secret Political Police 40
What are the consequences for Russia? (2)
Putin's earlier professional career – in the KGB and then head of the FSB - had been in the service of US. Imperialism.  No two ways about it.
Путин «занимал посты директора Федеральной Службы Безопасности Российской Федерации с 1998 по 1999 год, секретаря Совета безопасности Российской Федерации в 1999 году. С 1977 года работал по линии контрразведки в следственном отделе Ленинградского управления КГБ. С 1985 по 1990 год служил в резидентуре советской внешней разведки в ГДР, работал в Дрездене под прикрытием в должности директора дрезденского Дома дружбы СССР—ГДР. 20 августа 1991 года в звании подполковника уволился из КГБ СССР. В 1991—1996 годах работал помощником ректора ЛГУ по международным вопросам, возглавлял Комитет по внешним связям мэрии Ленинграда, был советником мэра, первым заместителем председателя правительства Санкт-Петербурга. С августа 1996 года начал работать в Москве в должности заместителя управляющего делами Президента Российской Федерации. После недолгого пребывания во главе ФСБ РФ и на посту секретаря Совета безопасности Российской Федерации в августе 1999 года был назначен председателем Правительства Российской Федерации”. (Путин, Владимир Владимирович, Википедия)
One can take it for granted that Putin played no small role in the destruction of the German Democratic Republic and its absorption as a poor cousin within a united capitalist Germany.  Under CIA auspices.
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry...
In the previous section we noted: “...the post-soviet objectives of the imperialist elite and the former “soviet,” now Russian, bourgeoisie were not identical.  In short, the Americans (and some Europeans) wanted decisive control of the Russia's wealth and political domination of the country, including its foreign policy. While the great majority of the Russian ruling class, fighting for its own place in the capitalist sun, was forced to counter - however reluctantly, especially at the start - these wholly rapacious foreign strivings.”
Capitalism – based as it is on fierce exploitation – is inherently a brutal system.  For the bourgeoisie of any nationality, the profits they make today are always less than the profits they want to make tomorrow.  Not infrequently, exploiters of different countries can agree on common objectives (like the destruction of socialism wherever it exists), but inter-capitalist struggles are never far below the surface.
Total subservience of the Russian elite and continued imperialist colonization of the Russian people would have led to an intolerable situation in the country: foreign expropriation of the vast basic wealth of the  country, break up the country into numerous smaller entities;* further mass impoverishment of the Russian people and consequent popular unrest; subordination of Russian foreign policy to the aims of the US.  It goes without saying that such a turn of events would have been decidedly counter to the interests of the Russian bourgeoisie. - as well as to the vast majority of Russian people.
The basic orientation began to change.  Notable events:
Чечня: The two wars in Чечня (listed by Wikipedia as 1994-1996 and 1999 – 2009) ended in the defeat of a CIA-sponsored terrorist-separatist irregular force and signified that the Russian ruling class and government were not going to tolerate the breakup of the Russian Federation – whatever US and Western imperialism wanted.
No unbridled economic sellout to the US: The conviction of МБ Ходорко́вский in 2005 for fraud and the dissolution of his company ЮКОС — at one time among the largest oil companies in Russia – as well as the exile of American swindler William Browder signified that American and other foreign financiers were not going to take control of the Russian economy.  Moderate foreign investment was welcome, but on Russian terms.
Georgia: US stooge М.Саакашвили, at the time President of Georgia, attacked South Ossetia in 2008 with the aim of murdering or driving out (ethnic cleansing) all the non-ethnic Georgians. Russian peacekeepers were also killed in the attack. Had the aggression been successful, Abkhasia, another autonomous region at the time within Georgia, would have been next.  A massive influx of impoverished refugees would have greatly worsened conditions in southern Russia and, no less dangerous, would have demonstrated a vulnerability of Russia to defend sympathetic peoples or even defend itself.  
The Russians won the short ensuing war.  That victory was  - and continues to be - severely criticized by the US and NATO countries and was a decided break with US-dictated policy.
Ukraine: In 2014 the US struck in Ukraine by engineering the overthrow of a vacillating and cowardly President Янукович and installing a pro-US neofascist junta in Kiev.  The new, highly unstable regime is viciously anti-Russian.
The US victory was hardly a complete one, however; the important Crimean region was lost and became part of Russia, thereby aborting the US-NATO hopes for capturing the large and strategically crucial Russian naval base in Sebastopol.  Moreover, the highly industrialized Donetsk and  Lugansk regions became independent. Increasing poverty and dissatisfaction with the CIA-neofascist Ukrainian government and its stridently anti-Russian invective and policies leave open the strong possibility that other mainly Russian-speaking areas of eastern Ukraine will also eventually opt for separation from the CIA-Kiev junta.
Sharply conflicting policies over Ukraine have left the United States and Russia at loggerheads, with little chance of resolution in sight as the US openly arms Poroshenko & Co. with modern weapons.
Syria: Lavish United States and ultra-reactionary Saudi Arabian support of incredibly vicious terrorists was directed at overthrowing the legitimate Syrian government headed by President Bashar al-Assad. The aim was to duplicate in Syria the US-NATO-terrorist victory in 2011 over the progressive Libyan government headed by Muammar Gaddafi.
The terrorists were close to victory in 2015, when Russia intervened, mainly with air power, in support of the Syrian people, government and army.  As a result of the combined efforts of the Russian Federation, the Syrian Arab Army, the Lebanese liberation movement Hezbollah and Iranian forces, the tide has been decisively turned. It is widely expected that the main terrorist forces are on the verge of a total strategic defeat, although other, “moderate” terrorists openly supported by the US remain active and imperialist subversion and military involvement in Syria increase.
Needless to say, the still-incomplete defeat of terrorism in Syria is a direct rebuff to the merciless anti-human policies of United States imperialism.
As a result of the above (and other) conflicts of interest, Russian-American relations have deteriorated to near-confrontational status.  Even as the Putin-led government continues to exonerate US neo-fascist President Trump and strives to avoid principled opposition to the totality of reactionary American politicies.
Nonetheless, even restrained Russian resistance to vicious US imperialism was not contemplated when the CIA finally succeeded in achieving its decades-long goal of destroying the Soviet Union.
To be continued...
* as was actively promoted by one of the most influential US imperialist ideologues Zbigniew Brzezinski
Перед нами -  коварный и опасный мошенник, расист, лжец, псих и фашист Дональд Трамп, порочный Конгресс, нацистские ФБР - ЦРУ,  кровавые милитаристы США и НАТО >>> а также и лживые, вредоносные американские СМ»И».
Правительство США жестоко нарушало мои права человека при проведении кампании террора, которая заставила меня покинуть свою родину и получить политическое убежище в СССР. См. книгу «Безмолвный террор — История политических гонений на семью в США» - "Silent Terror: One family's history of political persecution in the United States» - http://arnoldlockshin.wordpress.com
Правительство США еще нарушает мои права, в течении 14 лет отказывается от выплаты причитающейся мне пенсии по старости.  Властители США воруют пенсию!!  
ФСБ - Федеральная служба «безопасности» России - вслед за позорным, предавшим страну предшественником КГБ, мерзко выполняет приказы секретного, кровавого хозяина (boss) - американского ЦРУ (CIA). Среди таких «задач» -  мне запретить выступать в СМИ и не пропускать большинства отправленных мне комментариев.   А это далеко не всё...
Арнольд Локшин, политэмигрант из США
ЦРУ - ФСБ забанили все мои посты и комментарии в Вконтакте!
… и в Макспарке!  
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baedrian · 7 years
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Russian -Georgian friendship monument ~ อนุสาวรีย์มิตรภาพระหว่างรัสเซียกับจอร์เจีย ที่เป็นเพียงแค่สัญลักษณ์ แต่หาใช่การกระทำไม่ ทุกวันนี้ รัสเซียยังพยายามแทรกแซงอำนาจทางการเมืองของจอร์เจียอยู่ตลอด ผ่านดินแดนที่เปราะบางทางการเมืองอย่าง Abkhasia และ South ossetia ที่อยู่ในเขตแดนของจอร์เจีย ที่รัสเซียคอยให้การสนับสนุนอยู่เบื้องหลัง ซึ่งเป็นบริเวณที่นักท่องเที่ยวไม่ควรเดินทางเข้าไป เพราะอาจจะเจอลูกหลงได้ #russiangeorgianfriendshipmonument #gudauri #valley #caucasus #georgia #baedrianaroundtheworld (at Gudauri, Dushet'Is Raioni, Georgia)
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sergiisem · 7 years
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Gagra, Abkhasia, Georgia, uncredited 📌Выбрать компанию или проект просто, если ВЫ знаете 5 критериев выбора тогда не промахнетесь... ✅Лучший и доходный бизнес сегодня заполни анкету - узнай про возможности https://clck.ru/AvQjL
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