#about my writing tbqh
airanke · 1 month
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One of the dumbest things I've ever drawn 🤣🤣🤣
Please appreciate these two idiots if their story was a Rom-Com! It's a scene from a manga called "Do-Chokkyuu Kareshi x Do-Chokkyuu Kanojo (Super Straightforward Boyfriend x Super Straightforward Girlfriend)"!!! The panel is under the cut (also that's why you read it <<<<<<<<< that way)
Props to @celest-star-collection for sending me the panel!
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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fourthclone · 11 days
i got two replies out , woo . now i'm going to sleep .
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dandyshucks · 6 days
been coping with [gestures vaguely at family] by writing a little thing in my notes app of Guz and I having an exhaustion-fueled and stress-fueled argument and how we would handle that because good golly it is definitely better than how this family handles it lmao at the very least it would not be Constant Griping :')))
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
> Vacher created this drink after discovering the effects of Primordial Seawater after being diluted with normal water. He manufactured and marketed it to fund his experiments, earning a lot of money through doing so.
> Vacher was an adventurer from Snezhnaya who traveled to Fontaine.
> Marcel, real name Vacher, is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears as one of the main antagonists in the Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II - As Light Rain Falls Without Reason.
With all due respect, Genshin, can we fucking stop mostly using Snezhnayans as main antagonists in Genshin storyline and keep making Traveler have 9/10 people be a damn villain? This is getting very damn old. 'From Snezhnaya' and ofc I see negative connotations next to it or affiliation to it.
Hi, so, if I'm ignorant about this forgive me I'll catch up on the story quests this week.
I had to rant in tags. pls don't read if you don't want to hear rus-tatar's thoughts on representation of snezhnaya across the story AGAIN. i look back on remun's post and scream internally all over again.
P.S. I understand Harbingers are supposed to be the villains, Tsaritsa, yadda yadda but if Tartaglia's quest showcased Snezhnayan's culture in a better light, Genshin can get its shit together and write Snezhnayan NPCs better with some more quests to expose bits and pieces of their WARMER culture. They CAN give us more NPCs who can show doubt, concern, be friendly to others, try to help out. There are TONS of ways to do that.
#sorry im finally catching up on genshin storyline and the annoyed sigh and groan i let out is insane#makes me want to reblog remun's post again about how genshin continues to villainize every single person of snezhnaya and only showing#how they're the baddies and making everyone forget about the other parts of snezhnayans#when was the last time we've had an ok representation of snezhnayans? during the island and klee rerun i think#man been years#ofc we've got all nezhnayans as only villains (9/10 a snezhnaya traveler meets is a villain tbqh at this point)#never gonna stop saying how ganyu's quest was straight up fucked up#anyways yeah some rant on my side#negative tw#i say this writing a russian mafiosi yes but i wrote zarina for years and GENSHIN CAN MAKE SNEZHNAYANS BETTER#AND BRING UP THE FAMILY TIES LIKE IN TARTAGLIA'S QUEST#AND THE MIRROR MAIDEN WITH HER LOCKET WITH HER FAMILY (BROTHERS)#OR THE SNEZHNAYANS AT THE NORTHERN BANK WHO WE ALL SHIPPED FOR YEARS TO GET TOGETHER#like my god. please.#like lbr the anti snezhnayan agendas that appear in some people's minds is so fucking bad like you can see through their behavior#and its so upsetting. i will NEVER stop bringing this up because i've been a victim of stereotypes#i've been a victim of bad publicity of my culture and its just getting on my nerves#rant cw#vent cw#lets not forget how infuriating memories of zhongli's and ganyu's quests specifically that got me to be upset#because in BOTH of their quests snezhnayans were fucking awful#AND IN GANYU'S QUEST THE SNEZHNAYAN LITERALLY DID FUCKING NOTHING HE'S STARVING AND HE GOT BEATEN UP BY TRAVELER AND GANYU#WITHOUT BEING ASKED SHIT#oh lord anyways if zarina is very adamant about her stance on snezhnayans it's supported by game portrayals#thanks it's not just her being petty she has reasons to be#based on how game showcases others' views on snezhnayans she WAS fucking bullied when she joined#she WAS verbally abused by other students or even other graduates who thought she was with Fatui#because thats how fucking real that is and it HURTS and I PRAY SNEZHNAYA WILL BE DONE CORRECTLY#BECAUSE THIS SHIT KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT AND I KEEP GETTING EXTREMELY WORRIED...
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onlyzhuyilong · 8 months
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“Ma Zhe is very different from Artist Zhu Yilong” (sir, he’s at Cannes - ain’t no way Long Ge just walks around his kitchen on a Tuesday afternoon in a tuxedo just for lols - oversized t shirts or a hoodie and comfy trousers or knee length shorts. If Ma Zhe went to Cannes he’d definitely brush his hair, and put on a suit jacket or blazer over his sweater and stomp around with a lit cigarette hanging out of his mouth frowning at everything.)
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
we're missing Liam Kosta in this club viciously tonight friends
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miss-polly · 5 months
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brother-emperors · 1 year
mga kaibigan, mga taga-Roma, mga kababayan, dinggin ninyo ako: does anyone know if there's a tagalog translation of shakespeare's julius caesar around, either as a pdf or to buy or literally anything
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thedeafprophet · 11 months
tbh evolution was never going to get any approval from me since the inclusion of godfall lmao. like that was just. bad.
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
Bare bodies pressed against one another, Kaveh had already sunk deeply within Zarina, a hand gliding across her lower back and soon down her waist. They had already been intimate for a moment, kisses and breaths exchanged, the architect having instructed her to get on her knees, bend over and have him. Have what he had to offer, feel his pulsating desire for her as he would allow his cock to thrust repeatedly, deeply.
Though, that was not merely his plan, for what had followed had been a shift, his weight pressing slightly on top of her back, lips linger by her ear. Here, hushed whispers would be left for her enjoyment, the curious hand on her waist seeking her clit, stroking it generously as thrust would slow down.
"I love you," Kaveh whispered by her ear, hips sliding slightly away before falling back in, sweet thrusts meant to entice Zadina further, to make her long for what he had to offer. "Has anyone ever loved you this good? So hard? So..."
A deep, seemingly firm thrust came as a sole finger traced its tip over her clit, lips kissing by her ear; "... unconditionally." While he loved their intimacy, the way their bodies seemed to be made for each other and how they always urged the other to take on new knowledge, it was her mind and heart that fully reached out to him. Zarina's mind was exceptional, and she was bright, so bright that Kaveh found himself at his knees for her.
"Zarina..." Pressing deep within her, he let his erection rest inside her, feeling her walls shift as finger kept tending to her clit, teasing and caressing it over and over. Another kiss by her was followed with a warm, yet seemingly dominant end, a slightly possessive tone rare to sound from the architect; "... I'm so glad you're mine."
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It’s not rare for them to change roles on who decides to be the more dominant and assertive one, but Zarina’s never been so… excited to have someone’s control over her, to have someone have her like this and be so obediently listening to the orders given. It’s not harsh, Kaveh’s voice is akin to honey and sweetness that makes her get drunk on just a couple of kisses alone. It makes her heart flutter in her chest when she sees a more assertive gleam in his eyes, the way his voice takes on a bit of a different tone (yet still so loving and warm). It’d be a lie to say she isn’t looking forward to these moments, perhaps waiting with baited breath because it never stops sending shivers down her spine and small electric shocks across her body. He’s ruining her reputation as the controlling and assertive one, but she doesn’t care. Finally, she enjoys fully and wholly when these moments happen and she is so easily letting him take control. 
Today is no different. Not when his kisses alone made her moan, eyelashes fluttering as she’d be so eager to please, so eager to love him, so eager to have him, so eager to please him. After all, he always does the same. So she listens and does as she’s asked, getting on her hands and knees, bending down to have her ass up and chest pressed against their mattress. She makes her comfortable by hugging the pillow, wondering just how messy her braid will get tonight for a brief moment. 
Well, any and all thoughts would become irrelevant when she’d look back at Kaveh and feel her heart jump in her chest. He looked majestic, as he always did. The colors of his eyes, the way the dim light in the room made his hair look so pretty, the physique. And oh, she could feel herself clench around nothing when he’d tease her, making her yearn for him more and more only to fill the room with a sweet moan when he’d sheathe himself inside of her. This position wasn’t unusual but it was rarer than expected, solely because they preferred to see each other’s faces and have an easier way kissing, but this? Oh, the depth and the angle made Sokolova arch her back, hugging her pillow a bit tighter. Every single time he fucked her like this, she knew it’d be a long, messy one, but she loved every single second of it. 
“Kaveh—!” Her voice is a softer whimper when she feels him move, making her body take all of him. From more shallow thrusts to deep and rough ones that would drag sounds out of her, so sweet and tender in their shared room; calling out to him, letting him know only he makes her feel this way. She can feel her cheeks flush and can sense the heat travel down to her neck and shoulders, her plump lips open in gasping for air and letting the architect know just how much she enjoyed his touch. On her pale, white skin the marks left by Kaveh already start to appear as pretty drops of colors on a canvas. Her back muscles tensed and relaxed with each thrust, causing her to push her ass against him, so he could sink deeper into her and give her every single bit of himself. It feels good, it feels hot and she can’t help but want more. She could feel him, feel his touch, feel his gaze on her and it only turned her on more. The wet slaps only adding to the heat of the situation, she can feel herself reaching closer to the peak but then Kaveh stops but doesn’t pull out. 
Zarina blinks, confused at first at the sudden stop, stopping herself from hugging the pillow to try and get a better look at her beloved but then she feels the shift. It all happens in a moment, his chest pressed against her back, a hand next to her to keep himself not fully on her but this already makes her whimper when she can feel how much deeper this position let the architect’s be, so fucking deep and filling her to the brim, causing her body to tense at the fullness and lack of movement. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, Kaveh, that’s so, so …. Ah,” she utters his name, but a higher pitch call out of his name happens when she feels his hand slide from her waist to her stomach to then lower until he reaches her clitoris. It ached and hurt to be touched, and even the slightest brush against it made Zarina’s pussy clench around Kaveh, much stronger than before but this sense of deepness and fullness makes her lightheaded as she feels her chest press into the mattress, her whole body reacting to the closeness of her beloved so strongly and she feels drunk on him. On the heat of his body against her, almost being a blanket atop of her, and fuck. He’s so fucking deep and his thrusts are so slow, but she can feel each vein, each curve, each inch of him shaping her inside to fit him. It feels deeper, it feels so much closer and her lower part of the body reacts to his generous stroking of her clit, causing it almost move away from his skilled finger but it’s nigh impossible with how flush against her he’s pressed. It was hard to breathe from stimulation, but that lightheadedness is making her feel like never before.  “Mhmm…”
His whisper against her ear is making her almost hide away in the pillow, muffling her sounds but she doesn’t. Her sight is swimming and she feels the twitching in her thighs at those slow but deep thrusts, he doesn’t pull out far enough, it only makes her feel like he just keeps fucking into her, trying to reach even further and it drives her insane. It’s sweet, it’s slow, it’s so close; he is so close to her and she feels her mind melt under him and his love. 
—I love you.
“L-Love you too…” She has to say back, voice too soft as she fears that words will become a jumble if she doesn’t try to keep it short. Her brain and body are all concentrated on the stimulations provided, each brush against her clitoris and each sweet slide inside of her. Zarina attempts to listen to his voice, to what he says, she really does, but it becomes a blur bit by bit as she cannot help but feel her body scream for more stimulation.
—Has anyone ever loved you this good? So hard? So...
The way he thrusted into her makes Zarina clutch the sheets, letting out a high pitched moan. She doesn’t hear what he says after, just feeling the soft and tender kiss to her ears. This action made her whole body feel like it’s tittering on the edge, her breathing deep and ragged. She knows she’s drooling on the pillow by taking such deep breaths, but this isn’t what causes her eyes to roll back. He keeps talking and she wishes she can pay attention to respond to him, but not when right after that sharper shove, he buries himself into her. She almost slides forward from the weight on top of her despite how much he tries to ease it off her (but she’d love for him to let the gravity take its hold and lay just a bit more of her). It’s hard to breathe, she feels light headed but she wants more. Her body trembles under him, so tense and begging for more, to move and to fuck her nice and raw. She already feels that peak approaching, it’s so close but this isn’t enough to push her over the limits. It’s the best. He’s the best. He’s more than the best, he’s her only one. 
As he buries his cock deeper into her cunt, Zarina feels her mind simply shut off. Her body begs for release, but this is causing her body to spasm, muscles tense and her walls to clamp around his dick so much tighter, tigher than before and so fucking greedy. Like her body both begs for him to move but also to stay so deep inside her, filing her to the brim and not letting her go away. Her body aches to get some semblance of distance, but their closeness prevents it and she cannot help but feel the tears spill down her cheeks, such pretty crystal tears and she can feel her nipples rubbing against the sheets and they feel so rough despite always being so soft, but it’s all so much and she loves it, loves it, loves it. It feels just a bit like he’s teaching her a lesson for always teasing him, she finds such dominance from him to be… too hot, too fucking hot for her brain to function properly for her pussy not to drip at the sight or sound of it.
Despite her misty mind, she can catch the last part of his words ‘mine.’ Of course, of course, of course she is. She is his, who else’s? She’s his, his love, his beloved, his sweetheart. She prays she won’t accidentally propose to him when he melts her brains away with such a sensual and sexual showcase of his love. 
“Y-yours,” she pushes out, delight obvious in her tone, mixed with breathlessness and body screaming for more. She has to spread her legs just a bit, her hips still moving whenever he plays with her clit, making her let out softer whimpers and mewls and it makes her take shorter breaths. She’s going insane, in the best way for him and him alone. And he’s still so fucking deep inside her, she can feel him so fucking well and she’s afraid she’s going to come undone with just his words alone. He’s close to making her lose it, to make that tense thread snap and make her call out his name yet again like a prayer. “Only… only yours…! 'm yours.” 
Pauses come from the way she feels her body twitch and tense when his fingers brush against her bundle of nerves, it’s so featherlight but if he presses just a bit stronger she’s afraid she’s going to lose. Her eyes are watery and she feels how dry her throat is, but it feels amazing, it feels fantastic. 
“Please, please, I … Ah, I, fuck, c-call me that again,” she curses again, pressing her lips together. With how close Kaveh is, he can see the expression she may have. The way she bites on her lower lip to try and talk but having to repress the urge to moan, to beg, to plead. Well, not the latter two, actually. “I-I can’t hold it back anymore, Kaveh, please. You’re so deep, please, move. It feels so good, ‘m losing m’ mind,” jumbled up mess comes out of her mouth, she doesn’t exactly look at his face despite how close her is. Her mind is clouded with lust, her body is on its last thread that he doesn’t dare to snap, and her walls pulsate around him. She can feel the wetness between her legs, the leaking. She knows that one move of his hips like before would become her undoing.
“Love,” she whines, her hand reaching from under the pillow to place on top of his. It’s almost cute. Her asking for him to perhaps hold her hand down, pin it against the mattress and finally fuck her brains out. She wants to indulge his possessiveness, his greed, his desire for her. Let him have her, she wants to give herself to him. Every last bit of herself. Oh how she wishes she could say that, but her mind’s melting and her body’s begging for release. It’s noticeable by the way her body’s slightly shaking. “P-please make me cum. I-I want… I want more.” 
Oh how she wants him to overstimulate her, make her cum but still fuck her as he chases his own release. And if he wants to cum inside her? She’ll let him, possibly even wishing for him to fuck his own cum into her for the next round. Precautions were taken, but if he wishes to cum on her body, she’d be quite pouty he didn’t cum inside her mouth. She’d ask for that as her reward tonight.
"Only you can... Only you."
Well, the night is still young. And she's more than ready to beg and plead for more.
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megarywrites · 7 months
This part i’m writing is making my skin crawl so much i can’t wait for him to die (it happens in the next chapter lol)
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remyfire · 11 months
It's really been a month since I finished Scratching The Itch huh. Time is FAKE.
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heart-bones · 1 year
my eyes h u r t I've been writing for hours ⚰️
I might actually reach the end of like. the first part.
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iraqueer · 1 year
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realizing that my mother in law is doing (truly impressive) mental gymnastics to paint me as a horrible bitch doesn't make the fact that she's yelling at me any better.
reasons I'm a snake in the grass
I gave my 2 year old son a bottle of milk and fruit but not on his high chair (I shouldn't have given him so much when he would make a huge mess and the fact that I did is proof that I'm intentionally trying to piss her off)**
her other daughter in law was influenced to move out by her aunt over the phone so my mom must be doing the same to me (I barely talk to my mom cuz she throws a fit everytime or gives me a fuckin ted talk on how my mom ain't shit) and I'm planning on leaving so that's why I'm intentionally pissing her off as part of my mom's grand plan (imagined)
**a frequent favorite phrase of hers is that I'm the one who makes her into a bad person through my incompetence and stupidity
she needs a reality check and I need some boundaries but literally she's so sensitive and she knows she's being unreasonable cuz she doesn't act this way(as much) in front of other people. and she doesn't treat her other daughter in law like this (but the other daughter in law moved out and honestly I respect her for setting boundaries and you know what other daughter in law litterally complained to me about how mil was so like I really shouldn't act surprised that she ended up acting the same with me)
anyway I'm getting closer and closer to leaving in the middle of the night with my kids but I want to do so gone girl style where I burn every one who pushed me to this point. except she wouldn't understand she's the fuckin reason.
jk I could never if I could I wouldn't be in this fookin mess. but I would want to leave a letter that very explicitly says this is your fault since my mil has the world's biggest victim complex. litteraly she constantly tells me that shes being attacked by the world and everyone hates her and is jelous of her because shes prettier than everyone smarter than everyone and theyre giving her the evil eye from jealousy because they wishe they could be like her and its like bro maybe you're the problem????perhaps???
like she makes herself out to be this great person to strangers and people outside but the closer you get to her the more fucking mean she gets.
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