#ahsoka: master I thought you hated when master kenobi treated you like a baby
obiwanobi · 1 year
Just saw gifs of Hayden training for rots and he looks so young in it.
Sooooo do you think that at one point during the clone wars Obi-Wan looked at Anakin doing something silly or the light hitting his face in a particular way and suddenly he saw the 9-year-old boy he took as a padawan, like "…oh Force that’s a child. I know he’s legally an adult and we knighted him, but this is the face of a boy. Look at those cheeks. He should be taking a nap right now. Why is this literal baby on a battlefield. I’m going to make him some soup right now"
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jabbajambler · 3 years
When We Were Young
Obi Wan Kenobi x f!OC
Word Count: 2,063
*GIF by @ahsokastars​*
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         Rumors spread quickly through the ship after Kamino. Everyone knew of Obi Wan's lecturing and everywhere I went, people huddled together and whispered. Even the troopers began talking about what went down. I suppose they were all exhausted, tired of hearing about these war battles. Sometimes adolescent drama was the only thing that truly spiked their interest.
         I couldn't blame them. It certainly added something interesting to my life. Here I was, thinking I was going to become a hardened war general, but instead I was being babysat by the Jedi and told off for trying to help.
        I kept my head hung low as I passed on my way to the landing deck, blocking out their subtle remarks as I went by. It was like I was a Padawan all over again, being criticized by the Jedi masters in the halls. Well, that was still continuing on top of all the other drama and I wasn't even a Jedi anymore.
         The ship was fairly empty at this time of day, at least the hangar was bare. Everyone was debriefing or off on their own missions while I was assigned, yet again, to Anakin and Obi Wan. Although, I heard that Anakin's Padawan was joining us this time. That was the only plus.
         With the lack of people around, it was easy to detect the mop of red hair that stood next to the starfighter. Obi Wan was standing peacefully next to Anakin, a crease forming between his eyebrows as he spoke with his former Padawan. It was almost a serene scene if just the sight of him didn't fill me with a burning rage.
         It was so easy for him to prance around and act like nothing happened. He hurt me and didn't even bat an eye while doing it. He wasn't the man I once thought he was. Now, he was a model Jedi, exactly what everyone expected. I'm surprised they didn't build a statue when they already kissed the ground he walked on.
         Before I knew it, I was stomping over to them. I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to. I couldn't even take a moment to breathe and rethink what I was about to do. Instead, I plastered on a bright, only slightly suspicious smile as I sauntered up to them.
         "Hey, Aaryn." Anakin chuckled, his eyes darting over my deranged expression while I kept my focus on Obi Wan. He refused to look at me, instead turning his attention to his holocron bracelet as he reviewed the message. "How you uh- How are you doing? You ready for today?"
         "I'm great," I answered quickly and crossed my arms snug against my chest. "So, General Kenobi."
         He answered with a gentle, inquisitive hum, but his attention was still elsewhere. There wasn't anything interesting to look at, we had all been debriefed already. The message was vague but it was of high importance. There were no details or strategies, only the instructions to follow the call to the Crelythiumn System.
         "You plan on babying me on this mission too?" His blue eyes met mine, hazy and tired. The bags under his eyes were more prominent than before. They were darker and slightly purple in color. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he hadn't slept in days. "Or maybe you could put me on a leash and have me trail behind you, is that your plan? I must say that if you haven't learned by now, you never will. I'm not going to behave for you, you inconsiderate, stuck-up, thick-headed, ass-"
         "Enough." He interrupted. His jaw clenched and twitched as the red anger grew across his face. "You need to grow up, stop acting like such a child."
         I scoffed. "Maybe you need to stop treating me like one."
         "That is a childish response!" He snapped and took a step towards me. Though he wasn't too much taller than me, he seemed to tower over me at this moment. His face crinkled in frustration. What were once smile lines across his face were now turned into an angry frown. "You have the sense of a Padawan- no, a Gungan. It's no wonder you were never approved to become a knight."
           An irritated huff of breath escaped me in a borderline laugh while I stood. "Oh, you must've experienced some brain trauma since then because you know that is not the reason. Or should I show you? We both know I'm fully capable of that as well." I hissed and reached for the hilt of my lightsaber at my hip.
         He grumbled as he, too, moved for his saber. I would never expect for a Jedi to react so harshly, but it seemed I brought out the worst in him.
         Before either of us could react, we were interrupted by a youthful voice. "Master Skywalker! Master Kenobi!" A young Togruta was barreling over with a beaming grin. "Who's this?"
          "This," Anakin draped an arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side, quickly moving me away from Obi Wan's menacing stare, "is my sister, Aaryn. Aaryn, meet my Padawan, Ahsoka."
         Ahsoka had a kind smile and bright blue eyes. She couldn't have been much older than fifteen. Her round face and short stature made this clear, but also the little hop in her step. Being a child in a war must be horrible, but I had no doubt that Anakin was keeping everything as interesting as possible.
         He was denied a childhood, something that haunted me forever. He knew what it was like to mature at far too young of an age, he wouldn't burden another child with that.
         Ahsoka gasped and ran up next to me as we climbed the ramp into the ship. "Anakin has told me so much about you! You're the new General, aren't you? Do I call you General Skywalker? Or are you going to be General Aaryn because of Anakin? Maybe there will be General Skywalker one and General Skywalker two!"
         "Enough, Snips." Anakin growled and sat himself next to Obi Wan in the pilot's seat.
         "Snips?" I questioned.
         "It's just what he calls me." Ahsoka smiled. "I'm so glad you're coming with us! It can get a little boring sometimes when it's just the three of us."
         Obi Wan scoffed, "I'd hardly call anything involving you and Anakin boring, Ahsoka."
         Anakin shook his head and tried to deny the crazy adventures that Ahsoka soon went into detail about as we took off. They were quite the pair, outgoing and a bit too adventurous for their own good. Reminded me of someone else I once knew.
         We quickly arrived at the location - the supposed location, at least. There was nothing around except for distant stars and planets, but there was a certain pull, I suppose. It felt like the Force flowed through all of the space around us, beckoning us to come closer. I was tempted, I hated to say it, to just jump out of the fighter and find out for myself.
         "Rex." Anakin activated the comms as we arrived. We were meant to meet a Republic Cruiser, but it was nowhere to be found. "Rex, do you read me? We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival. Where are you?"
          "Sir, we are at the rendezvous point," Rex answered with furrowed brows, "and there's no sign of you on our scanners."
         "Oh, come on," Anakin scoffed, "that's impossible. Something's wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates, and he's not here." Anakin was growing frustrated. His words started to speed up and he began waving his hands around as he spoke.
         Obi Wan hummed, his hand raising to run his fingers through his beard. "This is getting interesting," he said calmly.
         Rex's hologram began to flicker as it slowly wavered and dissipated. "Unable to find you. Where are you, Sir?"
         "Something's blocking the signal." Ahsoka spoke as she investigated the controls.
         As if luck wasn't already on our side, as soon as the words left her mouth, the electronics throughout the ship shut down. We were left in the dark abyss of space with only enough light to see the outlines of each other's shadows.
         "Not good." Obi Wan mumbled as we all frantically began pressing any buttons we could to get things powered up once again.
         "Everything's dead," Ahsoka's voice was grim, "even the life support."
         "This is really strange." I heard Anakin whisper right before everything came back on.
         "Well," I chuckled, "it seems like everything is back to normal. There's nothing to be concerned about."
          Ahsoka's eyes seemed to widen as her hand rose to point at the large, red and black diamond-shaped object that we were nearing. "Then what's that?"
         The ship beeped and trembled as we were pulled towards the planet-like-object. It certainly didn't look like a planet, not in the traditional sense. It glowed and was much smaller than any planet or moon that I'd ever seen.
         "It's pulling us towards it." Ahsoka looked between us all, gripping the two front seats while the diamond shifted and split, flashing us with a blinding white light.
         "It doesn't look too friendly, either." I grimaced and grabbed the back of Obi Wan's seat.
         Obi Wan turned back to face the two of us, his voice gentle, collected, and demanding, but his eyes were filled with worry. "Everyone, strap yourselves in." He ushered Ahsoka back to her seat. "Looks as though we're going for a ride."
         We all quickly pulled out belts across us as the white light enveloped us. It hurt my eyes and   sent a splitting pain through my head. I thought it would go on forever. We just kept getting pulled deeper and deeper into the light. I remembered hearing Ahsoka call for Anakin before my mind went blank. Suddenly the light was gone and all that was left was darkness.
         I could see flashes of red, a shout, maybe a plea? Blue lights clashed as splashes of orange shot out around them. It was fierce - angry, even. Then there was a softer light, a gentle yellow cast on dunes of sand, followed by a pair of blue eyes. They were beautiful and familiar, but sad in ways I didn't understand. Finally, a nearing blood-red light. I felt the heat of it on my face, but before it could reach, I woke up.
        A gasp escaped me while I frantically tried to grab onto something just to prove I was back to reality. My hand met a gentle cloth and as I looked up, I saw the same blue eyes from my dream. They weren't so sad this time, but they were accompanied by Obi Wan's worried face.
         "Are you alright?" His voice was so sincere and rich, full of his accent that no one could quite place.
         I tore my hands from his arm and nodded, hardly remembering how to speak until I mumbled out a quiet, "I'm fine."
         The light was still bright outside the shuttle, but thankfully not as blinding. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, but all around us were tall, green plants. It was a beautiful sight to behold and it took everything in me to not throw myself out the door to see if the grass was as soft as it looked.
         "Where are we?" Anakin whispered.
         "Some kind of organic mass." Ahsoka spoke as she fidgeted with the controls. "All of our readings indicate that it's bigger than an asteroid. But at least the atmosphere is breathable."
         "Well, this is getting more unusual by the minute. I can't even lock down where in the galaxy we are," Obi Wan paused, the creases in his forehead became more prominent with his confusion, "or if we are even in our own galaxy."
         "Let me see." I pushed Anakin's hands away from the controls as I stepped up and started poking at the buttons. "The ship is fine, sorta. Nothing's working but there's no damage, either. I say we go explore, hm?"
         Obi Wan sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. "I have a bad feeling about this."
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arielsojourner · 7 years
PART 15 of Luke and Vader travel through time and save the galaxy.
--Rex found Chatterbox trying to keep Hardcase from bleeding out, tourniquet tied around his leg. Fives, no one dared move any further due to a spinal injury until a medic could be called to the scene. The body of the Chancellor was nothing but a black smear on the ground. And Luke . . . Rex found Luke curled over the shattered body of his father.
He holstered his weapon and took off his helmet. He approached Luke slowly, hands clenching and un-clenching. What could he say? When he lost batch brothers or close squad mates, on the battlefield they had been trained to leave the dead, to keep going no matter what. Grief came only in the darkness of the barrack bunk, or some quiet corner of the landing bay, brothers remembering those lost. Clones were bred to be soldiers in service to the Jedi, but now when Rex had more freedom and more opportunity than ever before in his life he felt truly powerless.
Luke’s head rose and his hands came up to his Father’s cracked mask. Carefully, he lifted first the helm and then peeled back the face plate. Rex swallowed hard at the sight of the man underneath. Behind him Jesse hissed under his breath in sympathy at the sight of the burned flesh. There had been talk when Vader had shown up on Umbara, whether he was a droid or if he was like Grevious, some sort of half man half machine, inhuman and monstrous. But there was a person under the armor, a man, covered in scars. Wordlessly, Luke balled up his gloved hand and began to smash first the mask and then the helmet to pieces. Rex stepped forward, reaching out to stop Luke before he hurt himself only to realize that his hand, his hand was a prosthetic. Rex wondered how he had lost it.
When the mask was dust, Luke reached for his father’s chest plate armor and untangled the respirator apparatus and smashed that as well. Finally, he took his Father’s armorweave cloak and slowly, carefully drew it up to serve as a shroud.
“Captain Rex,” the Jedi said quietly.
“Sir,” he responded coming to attention.
“The war is over. We have peace.” There was a long pause. Luke had said those words so many times, willing them to be true. Now at last they were. “I-I am not sure what I am supposed to do now,” he admitted, voice cracking with despair.  His hands shook over his father’s body. “We–we didn’t really talk about what we would do after the Emperor was dead.” Luke swallowed hard. “I think . . .  he didn’t expect to live. I didn’t expect to live,” he added with a self deprecating laugh. “Some half-trained Jedi defeating him, when he killed thousands of the very best.” He ran an exhausted hand over his face, wincing when he touched on the burns raw and red on the edge of his jaw.
“Sir, you need a medic,” Rex offered anxiously. He wanted to stop this talk, stop it now. Luke and Vader had always stood so calm, so firm, so competent like nothing could shake them. To know that they were simply hurdling towards this confrontation with that skrag Palpatine and never expected to come out the other side. . .  “You are injured. Let us–“
“This isn’t my place,” he murmured. “No future for him, for us. I don’t want to hurt them, they’ve been hurt enough–“
Rex stepped forward and took hold of Luke’s shoulders, drawing him back from his father’s body. Jesse and Redeye moved quickly to gently lift Vader’s body onto a stretcher. “Sir,” Rex urged. “We need to get you to a medic.”
“Sir, if Vader were here he would kill me for leaving you injured. I’m not sure that he won’t find a way to kill me even now if I don’t take care of you. Please, sir,” Rex said desperately.
Luke’s eyes never left the body. He finally nodded. He staggered to his feet, leaning heavily on the Captain’s shoulder and together they walked toward the waiting gunships.
-Even knowing that Luke had left to face the Sith Master, nothing prepares Anakin for the moment where the holoscreen had come to life and the Supreme Chancellor started screaming for the clones to kill the Jedi and drew a blood red lightsaber.  Now curled up on the floor, Obi-Wan’s arms around him, he still isn’t prepared for the screams, the crash of sabers, and Palpatine screaming about power. He catches the light from the holoscreen splashing across the walls and floor and over the bodies of the fallen.
“--worst is over, Anakin, I’m here and–“
Something blocks his view, and Padme is being helped by Echo to sit beside him. Desperate, he reaches out a hand to her, to the twins, she is here, she is breathing, the horrible nightmares that have plagued him for days have not come true. She is crying as she leans over him, hands holding onto him for dear life. He wants to tell her not to, not to hold onto him because he cannot be her bedrock, her certainty, her champion.
“--wouldn’t have gone to the Council, dear one, you must believe me that–“
The universe has cracked in two and Anakin cannot stop shaking, cannot stop the terrified sobs from spilling out.  He cannot save them. He cannot protect them. He is not good enough, fast enough, smart enough, strong enough, powerful enough. Nothing is safe. Nowhere is safe.  He hasn’t cried so hard since that day when his mother was dragged away by Gardulla to serve as a bet on a pod race.
“–please, nothing is more important, I know that–“
There is a tremendous crash and one of the few remaining windows blows out. Denal swears and then shouts that it is the Resolute that just crash landed.  Anakin squeezes his eyes tight shut. Ahsoka! Ahsoka is on the Resolute! And here he is on the floor unable to move. My Padawan, the Temple, my men–
“--I am sorry, I am so, so sorry,” Obi-Wan, that’s Obi-Wan still talking, he hasn’t stopped talking. “It’s going to be all right, I swear it. We will make it all–“
And all sound vanishes and Anakin knows what to do without thinking, he sits up and grabs Obi-Wan, Padme, and the babies close in his arms and reaches for the Force just as a wave of Darkness comes roaring through the room. It is like being buffered by a sandstorm of hate and rage, writhing evil, searching, murderous, still desperately hungry for him, for Padme, for the twins.
No, Anakin thinks and feeling his loved ones beside him, his men around him, he somehow finds the strength to stand his ground in the Force. NO.
The storm subsides and he looks around and they are all still here, they are all still breathing, the twins now wailing and crying, the holoscreen blessedly silent and off at long last. Anakin draws one shaky breath after another and then reaches to help Padme sooth the children.  Leia’s face is all scrunched up and red as she howls her displeasure and Anakin wraps his Force presence around her checking, checking, and she is all right. Luke, what about Luke? Padme is rocking him even as tears drip down her cheeks. Obi-Wan reaches out and runs a careful hand over his son’s head and sighs in relief. They are all right, they are all right and Palpatine is dead.
The Force shudders around them, reverberating with aftershocks. Anakin blinks trying to clear his vision. He needs to get up, get to the crash site to check on Ahsoka (he can feel her, she lives), go to the Temple and assess the damage, the Senate, he has to get to the Senate where Luke and the others have fought Palpatine. He can’t tell if they lived or not, the holoscreen feed knocked out by the Dark Force storm, but if he could just get up–
“Sir, evac will be here in 10, what do we need to take?” Echo asks softly, crouching down to his General’s level. Anakin cannot find the words to answer.
“Evac? Evac where?” Obi-Wan says.
“Off planet, sir. We have orders to remove you from Coruscant as soon as we had a window of opportunity. The Dauntless just came out of hyperspace and we need to move. Senator, what do we need to bring?”
Padme looks bewildered. “I-I don’t have any, I haven’t– I was going to go to Naboo to have the babies and, and –“
Echo nods, “We’ll take care of it, ma’am. Kix,” he said, calling the medic over. General Skywalker was deathly pale and sweating. Echo is sure it was shock and the Senator isn’t much better being only a few hours post labor. General Kenobi looks like he is punch drunk after staying awake for too long on too many stims.
“The Council,” Obi-Wan says abruptly, trying to engage rational thought. “We need to report to the Co. . .” Obi-Wan trails off as Anakin literally and violently flinchs away from Obi-Wan at his words, leaning bodily over both babies being held between him and Padme as if protecting them from danger. “No, no you’re right,” he backtracks quickly, placing a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “Medical facilities on planet will be stretched thin; the Dauntless will be perfect, thank you.”
-Appo found Cody trapped under a fallen pylon on what was left of the bridge and Ahsoka collapsed nearby, both barely breathing due to smoke inhalation. There is the question of which medical facility to take them to. Finally, the decision is made and they are taken to the Temple and treated in the mostly intact healers wing along with many other brothers (there was a fight, he later heard, the Jedi didn’t want to let them bring the wounded into the Temple but Dogma, Dogma of all people, forced them to open the Temple to treat the clones). There were wounded among the Jedi Order but no fatalities. The same could not be said for the troopers. Members of the Coruscant Guard killed by sabers lay side by side in what probably was the Jedi equivalent of a mess hall. Even more members of the 501st and 212th lay there as well, killed by fellow clones, refusing to use lethal force on those still chipped even to save their own lives. The scars of Krell ran deep. Appo felt a sick sort of pride in knowing that none of the Coruscant Guard had been killed by the combined clone forces defending the Temple. Injured yes, dead no. He also found for the first time that he was deeply uncomfortable around the Masters and other Jedi who lead the Temple defenses. He couldn’t help resting his eyes on the sabers at their belts and thinking how many of his brothers they had cut down rather than subdue through some other method. Appo realized how grateful he was that with the sole exception of Krell, the 501st had worked with only the best Jedi commanders and generals.
-When Ahsoka wakes she pushes at the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose with clumsy fingers. The medical tubes and elastic ties on the mask are cutting into her lekku.  She fumbles around until she pulls off the mask and immediately regrets trying to breath without it.  Things start beeping around her and then someone grabs the mask and presses it back against her nose and mouth. She looks up and sees Cody sitting (floating, he’s on a hover chair) by her side.
“Put the mask back on, sir,” Cody croaks, “Or the medics are going to come down on you hard.”
Ahsoka uses one unbandaged (bandages? really?) hand to hold onto the mask and takes a few deep breaths. “I think you can call me Ahsoka,” she says. She looks around recognizing the Temple’s architecture. She peers at Cody whose leg is propped up and covered in bandages rather than bacta which has Ahsoka worried about a bacta shortage on Coruscant of all places.  She peers around the rest of the ward and sees troopers and Jedi in the beds, healers and clone medics and med droids buzzing around. “Master Anakin, Obi-Wan, the men–“
“Echo reported in that General Skywalker and Kenobi are alive and are with Senator Amidala. Troop casualty numbers were higher than we hoped for,” Cody says softly. “The Jedi at the Temple suffered some injuries but no deaths. There were some deaths out in the field before the chipped clones could be stopped.  Many of the injured have been taken to the ships in orbit for treatment, the hospitals and med centers are overflowing. There were some civilian casualties, but not as many as there could have been. Everyone else survived except Vader. His injuries were too severe. He died shortly after the Sith Master.”
Ahsoka closes her eyes and just breaths. She isn’t sure why but the thought of Vader’s death fills her with a strange sense of sadness, of loss. No, she wasn’t sad for Vader, she was sad for Luke! She tells herself firmly. Luke has lost a father whom he loved when no one in their right mind should or frankly could love a Sith. She shouldn’t feel upset about Vader’s death. He was darkness and pain and barely controlled violence. But as much as he avoided her during their brief time together (except to criticize her beliefs and the way she held her sabers!), she saw that he could be quirky, just as obsessed with machines as her Master, and that he cared deeply about things other than himself and power, even if he showed it in all the wrong ways. 
Sith killing Sith, that is a good thing, right? It is a good thing Palpatine is dead. It is a good thing that Vader wasn’t around anymore to try and take power or do Sith things. It is a good thing.
So why does she feel like crying?  
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arielsojourner · 7 years
Part 10. 
-Barriss Offee is a padawan on the edge of Knighthood. Her master has recommended her for the trials but for now she is on the battlefield and when she is not fighting and watching troops and civilians die in a war that doesn’t seem to end, she is in triage, healing as much as she can. Her Master instructs her to finish escorting the injured to a medical facility and then travel to Coruscant for her trials and hopefully her knighting before taking command of her own Battalion.
It is while she on the transport to one of the medical facilities for clone troopers that she first hears the rumors, the gossip, the whispers. The war is over, they say. Jedi are working with reformed Sith to stop the war. Troopers that were once enslaved are free. Kamino has gone silent, the cadets have vanished. There are no more new troopers. 
When she arrives at the medical base, her patients are whisked away and the Commander of the base, a clone medic named Patch, seems cautious around her. She asks to speak to the Kaminoan doctor and finds that he is not present. She demands to know what is going on and Commander Patch relents and explains. Before she can finish reviewing the records, medical charts, recovering troopers, and security holo recordings of the Jedi visit in detail, a trooper comes in to tell her that Master Unduil has asked that Barriss contact her immediately and explain why she has been delayed. Patch and the others are silent, watchful, and tense as they wait for her answer. She gives the trooper her gratitude for passing on the message and then asks Patch to provide her the more detailed medical scans and genetic profile of the clones so she can being to figure out how to use the Force to heal the problem, to manipulate another living being at the genetic level. He eagerly complies. While they have been able to remove the chip from all the clones passing through the station, without a Jedi, the genetic fix was proving more challenging.
A month later, while Barriss Offee is using her commandeered transport and a crew of troopers and medics to travel a rotating circuit from medical station to medical station healing clones, her name is placed on the Missing in Action list at the Jedi Temple.
-Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to think. He sits in the middle of Senator Amidala’s wrecked living room allowing the med droid to treat his ribs and his throat. Even though he is not looking he can feel the joy, the staggering sense of relief mingled with fear, and the love Anakin is feeling as he holds his wife and greets his children. It is heady and strong. If that wasn’t bad enough, he can feel Anakin twining his Force sense around his family, connecting to the little lights that make up his children, literally bonding with them.  Obi-Wan scrubs his face wearily and takes a deep breath. It doesn’t matter if Anakin is attached to his wife, his children, to Ahsoka, the clones, to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan is just as attached to Anakin. He will no longer deny it to himself and not just because of Vader, certainly not! Not because every nerve in his body feels scraped raw by the betrayal, hurt, and anger  Vader poured into him when he had hesitated to help his friend. He is admitting his attachment because it is the truth.
He just doesn’t know what to do with this truth. Is he still a Jedi? Can Anakin even be considered a Jedi? Has he failed in the one task his Master had asked of him at the moment of his death? What will the Council do? He looks over his shoulder to the bedroom and shakes himself. Since when is the birth of two babies, the children of his dearest friend and his wife a failure or a cause to mourn? How did being a Jedi come to this? No, he cannot and he will not call himself a failure nor Anakin. They are all still alive and breathing. They have survived this latest battle and together they will survive the next. Somehow they will find a way.
Obi-Wan sees Rex come back into the apartment. He hates (yes, hates) to disturb Anakin at this rare moment of happiness amidst a day of hell, but they have no choice. The battle is not over. He rises and goes to get his former Padawan so they can plan.
-“What’s the next move, sir?” Captain Rex asks Luke as he watches Vader’s cape vanish down the hall leaving Luke to meet with himself, Fives, General Skywalker, and General Kenobi.
“The attack against the Senator is a desperate, reckless move. He will know soon that his attempt at murder and kidnapping failed. Wires and Slice have managed to block news reports on the attack but that will not last for long.”
“Who? Who is behind the attack on my wife?” Anakin demands. Obi-Wan places a hand on Anakin’s arm trying to send calm to his former student, trying to help him regain the equilibrium the day has thoroughly shattered. If there was time, he would drag his former apprentice to meditate or better still take him back to sit with his wife and children in peace. Obi-Wan knows that is impossible so he tries to anchor Anakin as best he can.
“The Sith Master Sidious,” Luke replies to the question and then turns to Rex. “The clone commandos we were able to incapacitate will be treated, their chips removed. We must find a way to treat all the rest of the Coruscant Guard as soon as possible. If they have all been triggered we must hope that there is a way to reverse the same by verbal command that our slicers have not yet found.”
Anakin pulls away from Ob-Wan and moves right into Luke’s personal space. Luke does not back away but meets Anakin’s eyes. “You know who he is.”
“Tell me.”
“No,” Luke says gently and then looks at Obi-Wan.  “There will be an attack on the Jedi Temple and it will be without mercy.  The men from 501st, 212th, and the 104th  should fortify the Temple as best they can from the outside and the Jedi from the inside.  It is too late to evacuate though I have asked Commander Cody and Ahsoka to stand ready to provide air and orbital defense in case of bombardment. Captain Rex, I know it is difficult to ask clones to face other clones, but will you lead the defenses on the ground?”
Rex considers the request for a long moment.  It makes him sick to think of brothers chipped and out of control being sent to kill Jedi younglings, padawans, and elders, but the thought of facing them in combat makes him think of Umbara and Krell. If Rex was triggered he would want someone to stop him before he killed Jedi or civilians like some battle droid, no matter what. Brothers will do this for other brothers as a mercy. He nods sharply agreeing to the task. Luke says “Stun and incapacitate if you can. We will try and reverse any kill order given.”
Anakin is now barley tracking the conversation. He visibly trembles, but cannot contain himself. “Why won’t you tell me? I can defeat him!”
“Because the attackers will be back and you and Obi-Wan must stay and defend your family.  Because Coruscant is not safe, the Temple is not safe and you cannot safely leave the planet either. And because . . . because I do not want to hurt you or see you in pain,” Luke finishes quietly. “Fives, are you sure you want to come?”
“Just try keeping us away. Hardcase, Chatterbox, and I are going.  Brothers deserve the chance to be there to meet the monster face to face for all he’s done.”
Luke’s eyes go blank for a moment as he reaches out to his father with the Force and then they come back into focus. “Load up the ship. We will drop Rex off at the Temple on our way. Fives, tell Slice and his team to be ready.” He pulls a commlink from his belt and holds it out to Obi-Wan. “Use only this secured link. Assume all other communications are tapped, even the ones at the Temple.”
“Dooku told the truth, didn’t he?” Obi-Wan manages to rasp around his still healing vocal cords. “The Sith is on Coruscant, in the Senate. Anakin is right, he needs to be there. There is a prophecy.”
“Always in motion, the future,” Luke counters to Obi-Wan who is taken aback to hear Master Yoda’s oft repeated phrase, and then faces Anakin. “This is your place. You are needed here. You must hold the line because when he realizes that he has failed and he cannot grasp you or your family in his claws to twist you all to his purpose, his anger will be terrible. Trust me.”  
“And why would you do so much? For me, for my wife, for my troops, for my Padawan? You intend to go in my place, fight my fight. I did not ask this of you. Why are you doing this? Who are you?”
“I am a Jedi, like my father before me and we are here to rescue you, rescue all of you.”
-The Galactic Holonet flickers and then every station, every channel cuts out and is replaced with Senatorial Security Feed. The galaxy watches first puzzled and then with growing shock as the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine draws a red lightsaber and attempts to kill the young Jedi who has asked him to step down on charges of being a Separatist, murderer, kidnapper, torturer, and for committing treason to name just a few charges. 
Sentient beings over tens of thousands of worlds call loved ones to come watch; they comm friends and family that they need to turn on their holonet now.
The Supreme Chancellor doesn’t deny the charges. Instead he starts screaming that he will not be denied his rightful place at the head of a new Sith Empire. He screams at the clone troopers to “Execute Order 66 and kill the Jedi, kill all the Jedi everywhere!” and one of the clones refuses and punches the Supreme Chancellor in the face.
-On Coruscant near the Temple district, the ground shakes as Republic cruisers begin open bombardment of the Jedi Temple. In the skies above, Ahsoka Tano, Master Plo, and Commander Cody launch an offensive to cripple and stop the attack by clones triggered through no fault of their own. 
-At the Temple, Masters Windu and Fisto of the Council were hesitant at first to believe Captain Rex when he told them to head to the lowest levels of the Temple, but as the first of the towers begins to crumble and fall, they send the younglings and padawans deeper into the Temple and hope that will be enough. Outside the Temple, troopers from the 501st, 212th, and the 104th stand shoulder to shoulder armed with weapons set to stun, with sheilds, and with batons as the home guard of Coruscant advances like a wave from all sides of the Temple plaza.
-In the midst of pitch battle in the Supreme Chancellor’s office, Republic guards face off against clone troopers armed with lightsabers and out of nowhere a dark shape looms and crashes through the transparisteel window and joins the Jedi in his attack against the Supreme Chancellor with a blade as red as blood. Palpatine starts throwing out lightening, lightening! from his fingertips. The dark warrior blocks the attack and the Jedi moves in and disarms Palpatine driving him back to the precipice of the shattered window. The galaxy watches stunned as Palpatine stops screaming long enough to cajole the dark warrior, appeal to him as an ally, asking him to rule the galaxy with him as a true Sith.
The masked man presses his blade forward and spits back “I will never join you!”
“You have failed, Chancellor,” the Jedi declares. “You are unmasked for who and what you really are. Your crimes are visible for the galaxy to see. The war you engineered to con, trick, and kill your way to power has failed. The war is over.”
Palpatine screams his denials and lunges at the Jedi, grappling with him. The dark masked man rushes to help, but Palpatine and Luke trip over the edge of the shattered window and plummet into the darkness below. All over the galaxy, in homes and on ships, in public places, people exclaim and gasp in horror. The dark man yells a name lost to the roaring wind and jumps after them. The clones rush to the edge; one of them says “Chatterbox, the computer, the files. We have to stop the kill order!” and the one in the now tattered gold cloak starts ripping apart the Chancellor’s desk and computer, activating a comm and yelling for “Slice, Gin, and Wires” to get started now.
“Hardcase, you’re with me,” the clone trooper then declares and he and his fellow clone jump.  
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