#alessio x crimson
lordofdestructionm · 1 year
Crimson's unspoken need
We know that Crimson was angry at Moxxie's mother for coddling him because it would "make him soft"
But there is also another reason that some are over looking
When she cuts up Moxxie's steak he doesn't get angry, he just watches and then tries to touch her foot with his. But she pulls away and he stamps his down in frustration
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It seems that he is just as upset that Moxxie is being looked after and coddled by the mother while his attempts to get any affection from his wife are rejected (no doubt deserved considering what a scumbag he is)
Being a mob boss he feels the need to present a tough front. But it could be he wants affection and love, even to be doted on by someone, though he would never admit it
And who is the one person we see do exactly that, at the same table and also to his right, that seems to very briefly cause his usual scowl to be replaced by a smile that is not the big fake one he uses for his "nice guy" routine?
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kellodrawsalot · 7 months
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The last thing you see before they dump your body into a lake
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blitzwhore · 1 month
i love sending you asks cause i love your content in general and you just seem like such a sweet person so hi again :3
hmmm,, striker x crimson and/or crimson x alessio (his bodyguard/right hand man)???
🥺🥺🙈❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, that means a lot! ❤️ I love getting these asks! :3
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This is such a funny ship because they're both such haters and they would never 😂 I feel like the only way they'd ever get sexually involved would be in a fuck-or-die situation, which is kinda hilarious to think about and I'm here for it 😂
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I love this ship man. I just love to imagine evil characters being the biggest hypocrites in the world. This is like the homophobic version of Striker/Stella. Crimson would be like "yeah I'm super shitty to my son for being queer. Yeah I've had gay sex and I would do it again. He's my bodyguard, he defends my honor and bodily integrity, of course he's going to tend to my sexual needs, it doesn't count". And everyone else would be like "????????!!!!??!" Meanwhile, Alessio knows that the two of them are dating. It's just Crimson doesn't know it. 🤷🏻 Just mafia things
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creatorharmonyevil · 8 months
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Stuffing my hand
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kalocart · 1 year
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Yall know what to do people, the bodyguard shark has a name. Now I BETTER see this instead of crimson with moxxie please
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Another fic request!
This one took a little while, I finally got it done. I always considered Crimson x Alessio a joke ship. Give the raging homophobe a boyfriend haha. But this was a fun request to do. Hope you all enjoy a little hurt/comfort from the mob boys
Another day, another gang war. That's life in the greed ring, at least for those in this particular lifestyle. Crimson was pinned behind a rusted out truck during a nasty shoot out. Alessio right beside him. Given the circumstances, nobody batted an eye at the mob boss tucked close into the side of his bodyguard. It was an easy way to keep him safe after all. The shots finally stopped as the enemy reloaded. This gave them a chance to move. Alessio took the lead, keeping Crimson on his right, out of the line of fire. They moved quickly, almost out of the yard when shots rang out again. Crimson was suddenly shoved behind a concrete barricade. He had closed his eyes to keep from getting too much debris in them, but felt Alessio covering him with his own larger body. The two were pressed tight against each other in the small space. Crimson’s head was so close to Alessio’s chest he could practically hear the shark demon’s racing heart beat.
“Al…” The mob boss began, but was quickly silenced by a hand coming up and covering his mouth.
“Hold on, boss. Something doesn't feel right.” The shark slowly peeked his head out from the barricade, only to be met with more fire. He quickly pulled back.
“Shit, they've got us pinned down.” He removed his hand from Crimson's mouth.
“Al, you're lucky this is a dire situation, otherwise you'd be dead for pulling that shit.” The imp glared at his bodyguard.
“Sorry boss. We need to figure out another way to get to the gate. It's the only way out of here.” The two looked around, trying to figure out another route. Crimson's eyes landed on a small opening on the other side of the barricade.
“There's a hole on the other side there. If we can move some of that rubble we should be able to get through.” The imp ducked under the shark’s arm and moved towards the hole. Alessio stayed behind him, keeping a distance in case he needed to turn around and fight.
Crimson moved the rubble out of the way, but he knew the opening would still be too small for Alessio to get through. He tried to think, they both needed to get out. Suddenly there was a large explosion from the other side of the barricade, making it all shake. Crimson nearly fell over from the shock of the explosion. Alessio caught him, keeping the imp upright. He stayed there for a moment, taking a breath before pulling himself away.
“We're almost out of time, Al. We need to move now, but the hole’s too small. I can get through, but you…”
“Boss, go. You need to get back to the mansion. I'll find another way, but you need to go while you can.” Crimson looked at Alessio in shock for a moment, then he glared at the shark.
“Are you fucking stupid? No way in hell am I leaving without you.”
“You don't have a choice this time, boss.”
“The fuck do you mean I…” Before he could finish Alessio picked Crimson up by his sides and shoved him through the opening. The imp stood up on the other side.
“Get back to the mansion. You'll be safe there. I'll be fine.”
“Alessio don't you dare…” But it was too late. Alessio moved the rubble back in front of the opening so Crimson couldn't get back through. The imp cursed under his breath, but ran away.
It didn't take long for him to get back to his mansion where the rest of his men already were. The ones that didn't die anyways. The others noticed their boss was banged up and bloody, so one of them brought him a first aid kit. Crimson took it, but wouldn't let any of them touch him, patching himself up alone. Only Alessio had ever been allowed to touch him. Another shark stepped forward.
“Hey boss, where's Al? Wasn't he with you?” Crimson didn't respond right away, finishing the patch job before speaking.
“We were pinned down. There was a way out, but it was small. Al didn't fit, so he had me go through the opening and said he'd find another way. He should be back soon…” The last part didn't sound as confident as he wanted. The others shared worried glances.
It was another four hours. Crimson paced the room so much he could have put a hole in the floor. His mind was racing. He didn't know what else to do. He wanted to go back and look for Al, but it was too risky. Al would be fine right? He was always fine. He was Crimson's bodyguard for a reason. He was strong, and loyal, and brave, and…he would always come back, no matter what. The imp’s breathing got faster as he felt his legs becoming heavy, but he kept pacing, worried if he stopped moving, he'd lose his cool. But soon he heard the sound of the front door opening. He rushed over just in time to see Alessio barely managing to drag himself inside.
“Al!” He hurried over to the shark demon just as he collapsed. The others quickly joined Crimson, lifting Alessio and quickly bringing him in, putting him down on the couch.
“Don't just fucking stand there you clowns, someone call the doctor. You two, stop the bleeding as much as possible. We'll patch him up and keep him breathing until they get here. Hurry!” The other sharks hustled around the imp, doing everything in their power to keep Alessio alive. Crimson sat on the couch, putting Alessio’s head in his lap. He turned the shark's face to look at him.
“Don't you fucking dare close your eyes Al. The doc’ll be here soon. Just keep looking at me, alright. You're gonna be fine. You're fine. Just keep looking. You need to keep looking at me.” Alessio seemed to hear him. The shark kept looking Crimson in the eye. A barely noticeable smile came to his face as the imp stroked his head. The others moved in a flurry around them, but Crimson tuned them out, focusing completely on Alessio.
Soon enough the doctor arrived and Alessio was whisked away to one of the upstairs rooms. Specifically to Crimson's own bedroom.
“My bed is bigger, he'll have more space to work.” That was Crimson's reasoning, at least to his men.
The doctor kept everyone except his assistant out of the room while they worked, which didn't sit right with Crimson. Two more hours passed. He was pacing again. Right outside the door. He twitched and looked up at every painful sound he heard coming from the room. He'd told the rest of his goons to head home for the night, so nobody could see the panic and fear that crossed his face every time he heard Alessio scream or groan in pain. Finally, the doctor opened the door again, allowing Crimson inside. He stepped in to see Alessio under the covers. What parts of him that were sticking out were mostly covered in bandages. The doctor turned to Crimson.
“Thankfully nothing important was seriously damaged. He should make a full recovery in about two weeks, so long as he stays on bed rest.” Alessio groaned at the words, which almost made Crimson chuckle, but he kept it in.
“Thanks doc, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything else stupid for a while.” The doctor nodded. The two left, closing the door behind them. So now, Crimson and Alessio were alone.
Crimson walked over to the bed. His legs felt heavy again. He crawled up onto the large bed next to Alessio. The shark shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, but couldn't.
“You idiot.” Alessio looked over at Crimson. His eyes widening when he saw the tears spilling down the imp's cheeks.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? WE COULD’VE FOUND ANOTHER WAY!” All the worry and fear Crimson had been feeling couldn't be held in any longer. He laid down on Alessio's lap, sobbing. Alessio knew he was the one and only person who could ever see Crimson this way.
“I needed to get you out. I made sure you were safe…”
“AND YOU ALMOST GOT YOURSELF KILLED IN THE PROCESS! DON'T YOU GET IT! I COULD HAVE…I…I could have…” His sobbing made it difficult to speak anymore. He curled up against Alessio. The shark demon moved his arms to wrap around the imp, wincing a bit as he was still in a lot of pain.
“I could have lost you. I almost did. What the fuck would I do then, huh?” Alessio gently ran a hand through Crimson's tousled hair.
“You would have found a new bodyguard.”
“Fuck off, you know that's not what I mean.” They both stopped talking for a minute. Crimson's sobs had quieted to sniffling. Alessio continued to run his hand through Crimson's hair.
“I'm sorry, Crim. But…I'm still your bodyguard. And no matter what…else we have behind closed doors, it's still my job to protect you.” Crimson sat up and glared at Alessio.
“And just how the fuck are you supposed to protect me when you're six feet under? Look at you! You can't protect me like this, you can't even stand up! “ A pang of guilt rang in Alessio's chest when he looked into Crimson's eyes again. They were slightly swollen from crying so hard, and behind the anger was a mixture of sadness and relief.
“Just…please. Please don't do that again. I can't lose you too, Al. You're all I've got left.” Alessio leaned down, placing a quick, gentle kiss on Crimson's forehead.
“You're right, Crim. I'm no use to anyone like this, especially you. It was stupid. Forgive me?” Crimson sat there, trying not to think about the blush coming to his cheeks. He finally smiled. He rested against Alessio again, careful not to put his full weight on him. He reached up and gave a peck to Alessio's jaw.
“Alright, I'll forgive you this time. But like I said, don't ever do something that stupid again. I…I need you here with me.”
“I promise, Crim. I'll always be here for you.”
The two smiled at each other. Alessio leaned down again so he could properly kiss Crimson on the lips. The kiss was tender and warm, not something you'd expect from a mob boss and his bodyguard. When they parted, Crimson let out a weak yawn. The stress and emotion of the day finally catching up with him. Alessio chuckled lightly.
“Come on now, we both need our rest. I'll let Hank know in the morning he'll need to take over bodyguard duty for a little while.” Crimson nodded.
He got up and changed into his pajamas before crawling back into bed and curling up under the covers, tucked against Alessio's side. The shark wrapped a protective arm around the imp, allowing himself to lay down fully. Crimson turned off the light before returning to his place beside Alessio.
“Goodnight Alessio….I…I love you.” Alessio smiled, though Crimson couldn't see it.
“I love you too, Crim. Always. Goodnight.” With that, the two finally allowed themselves to drift off to sleep.
Crimson awoke at some point in the darkness from a nightmare, but calmed when he felt Alessio's strong protective arm around him and his soft snoring next to the imp's head. Crimson smiled to himself. In that moment, in the darkness, he felt truly safe. A rare feeling in his line of work, and while he'd never admit it, one he deeply loved, just like the shark that provided it.
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defectivefanboy · 1 year
Hi darling! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering, I wanted to request! You really write very well and keep up with the good work! So anyways.. Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their girlfriend wear a lingerie?
Thank you so much! Have a lovely day/night!!
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Imma go ahead and ignore that icky word that's in there and make it S/O because I want to write Alastor. Here is my request page for anyone who wants to in the future. Please take a read before you come into my inbox :D
Can I request smut for Alastor, Lucifer & Crimson reacting to their [REDACTED] wearing lingerie?
Overall notes: Stories written on this blog are GN until specified. While this story uses they/them pronouns, and while I don't mind female readers on my blog/interacting, love my girlies, hey girlies~, but I do not write female reader, and if you are a fetishizer. fuck off??? ew. How would you even do that on an x reader???
C/W: NSFW topics, Each character will have their own respective warnings, Sexual content, duh, no pronouns used, Bottom! reader favored, Established relationships. OOC?, I mean this would never happen, so yeah ooc
Notes: the giggle I had to stop when I got to Alastor good god, but Lucifer was honestly the funniest and most enjoyable to write. I had a smile on my face the whole time
Crimson ♧︎...
C/W: Slight Voyeurism (mention of his right hand man Alessio), Degradation, he def has a sir kink, don't lie to me, mention of stealing/sugarbaby (hes an asshole) mention of stalkers? admirers?? idk he just mentions people leaving you gifts,
For being an old (mafia) man. He's not opposed to a little dress up
Only if its you though. He would NEVER
He would be into something with a little more class.
Never will his darling look like some 2 cent floozy
So none of that crotchless bull honky. While he wouldn't be mad at it, he would rather leave more to the imagination. Something to work for, y'know?
And he would certainly work for it.
You really wanna get him going? Accentuate your hips. That's something him and Moxxie can agree. They like their darling with a little bit of width~
If you are gonna wear something for him, you best put on a show while you're at it.
He waits to do business after dinner, so why not let him enjoy his meal
For an asshole he has some manners now
Always making you cum once or twice before even taking your outfit off.
It likes to wait before unwrapping his gift <3
But once he gets more accustom to your interest
He's definitely going to be the one buying you the set
well its his money that's being used, Al is the one who goes and picked them up. Poor baby...
"You're so needy, baby. But did you need to go and make yourself out to be a whore in the middle of a meeting?" Crimson said as he placed a hand on your waist. His desk might not be the most comfortable place, but it will do for now. It's not like he can ignore you when you got all dolled up for him.
"I don't remember buying this one. Alessio leaving you gifts now too?" His fingers slid under the thin fabric as you let out a soft whine before answering, "I got them,.. custom made, sir." you said, trying to steady your breathing as his hands wandered between your legs. You let out a yelp as he spreads your legs out more for himself.
"And where are you getting this money from, huh? Hope you're not stealing it from me, brat." He gives you a soft glare and a questioning look as his eyes scan over the fabric that covered you, before his spotted the embroidered 'C. Knolastname' on the front of the waist band. With his index finger and thumb, he hooked them around the band and traced the deigned. Crimson gives you a smirk and placed a kiss right under your belly button before moving down.
"Hmm... maybe i do have a use for that ring then after all, but i should repay this favor before hand. Right, (Y/n) Knolastname?"
Lucifer 𓅰...
C/W: light choking, another one with a superiority kink, mentions of god (he calls himself it), size kink for the fact I thought this man was like 5'8-10 come to look up his like 6'2-3, slight crack fic (because he wouldn't take anything seriously until truly needed, he giggles when you change in front of him, it's always a crack fic with him)
god how my perception of these characters have been warped
but he has most definitely bought you outfits before, probably the only one to go out of his way to get matching ones.
Even got a few custom ones made, you can always tell by the little duck embroidered somewhere on them.
He's game for anything you wanna wear. He isn't gonna stop you, if anything he's gonna encourage you to wear more.
He's helpless for you in such a pretty outfit and it's all for him?
He feels loved and he's sure to pay that back ten fold in the bedroom.
You might not allowed to be in heaven, but he can show you what it was like~
I maaay..be a bit delusional, but in private I feel like he's all giggly and shit.
Oh an he definitely was the first time you pulled this from your hat of tricks.
Almost a little to giggly i'd sat, to think the ruler of hell would be this flustered over an article of clothing is beyond me
But once he starts to become use to it. He starts to expect it. What? He is the king of Hell after all.
And he truly expects to be treated like one. (He's a brat when he doesn't get attention)
Be it sinner, hell-born, or even the 'perfect OC/that everyone loves who is half angel half devil/stronger then god/etc' he's gonna ask you one thing constantly...
"Please, my angel of death? Just one time, for me? Then i'll never ask again. Promise."
"I'm not wearing a duck tail while you fuck me. When- Where in hell did you even get these made?" you asked as you held up the pair of yellow lingerie with a duck tail sown on the back of the waist band.
"You shouldn't need to worry about that, my love. All you need to worry about is wearing them for me." He said with a light sigh and a shrug of his shoulders, a soft smile resting on his face.
"Again, I am not. fucking. wearing. them, you prick-!" As soon as you got the name out you felt yourself against the wall. The soft smile gone from Lucifer's face as a dark look pooled in his eyes, an unsettling stare never leaving yours. Before you could apologize, his hand wrapped around throat, his index finger pushed your face up to his as he spoke with a low voice.
Almost like that cheery devil was just a front...
"Oh, how far from grace you have fallen, my dear. Seems you already forgotten your god. But that's no trouble at all, for tonight..." His grip on your neck got tighter as he got closer to your ear and a sinister smile made itself at home upon his pale face. Y'know, you really only notice how big he is when he gets like this... oh that wasn't a complaint. Not when his presence alone encaged you against the wall, let alone the possessive grip that he had on you.
"I'll teach you how to praise my name once again."
Alastor 𐂂...
C/W: Teasing, sadly abo mention, WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME I AM RIGHT, blood mentions, possessive behaviors, light choking, mentions of cannabalism, duh, playing more into the abo, uhm, sniffing? idfk leave me alone its late. oh ft: a guest at the end.
Another man with class, just not as much. I mean, come on, he's still a sinner~
though when you present yourself to him in your outfit, he can't help, but raise a brow as he tried to keep down his smile at the sight.
Definitely a big tease, a BIG tease
Especially when you look so cute for him, squirming under his indifferent gaze. Oh how he wants to squeeze your cheeks and leave you begging for release~
He's also one for a game of cat and mouse.
so when you go out into town with him make sure to slip his favorite pair of lingerie under your clothes
And if you're one wear revealing clothes, then I hope you're ready for a possessive (and bloody) overlord, ad pray for anyone who thinks they can touch you, let alone come near you.
oh AND OHHHH wanna know how you really got him? How you really got to him??? When the static cuts out and that Louisiana drawl' comes out of him. (I would die. again.)
(If I say he has a rut would that be considered A/b/o? I mean he is a deer demon, same with other demons in a similar case)
for someone who normally has a distaste for touch that isn't initiated by him, He'll enjoy a night or two (on the rare occasion) where he lets you indulge yourself
though, do be careful now, he's a gentleman up and foremost, but he's not always a patient man at that. He's always willing to return the favor tenfold~
And if you already couldn't tell, he loves the color red, basically lives in it. So it's safe to it sets something off in him
be the cannibal in him, or maybe he just likes the color a little too much
but at the end of it you'll more marked up then a rough draft <3
"Bless your heart, Dear. Did you think I wouldn't notice... your little getup? His clawed fingers trailed your sides as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. His frame trapping you in your seat and god, would it be terrifying for any mere sinner in this position, if it wasn't for the playful twitch of his ear that told you otherwise. Someone was enjoying this more then he let on...
It wasn't the first time you had teased him in public, but it was the first time people really had the courage to come talk to you. To give the poor souls benefit of the doubt, you were just sat at the bar talking to husk. Though, you would also think the red pinstripe outfit and microphone that rested at your side gave itself away.
"And it seems i'm not the only one. Now, if I were to kill everyone in this god forsaken hotel. Whose fault would that be, hm?" A clawed hand made it's way around your throat as it softly pulled you back, letting him have full access to your neck. Burying his face in your neck, he took in a deep breathe as static radiated off him.
"Or maybe I should have you for a meal tonight. You do smell quite... appetizing, my darling. Such a shame I have to ruin that pretty little outfit of yours." Before you could even gasp a grumbling and angry voice rang out, bringing you both back into reality.
"Can you two not fuck at my bar please? You are just as bad as that damn spider."
"Oh of course Husker! We'll get out of your fur right now actually! Wasn't like these pathetic things were going to get a taste of you anyways."
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pinkandpurple360 · 6 months
im not even a huge fizzarozzie stan, but why are you so obsessed with warping the ship into being this huge dumpsterfire of toxicity that fizz needs to leave in order to reunite with his “soulmate” blitzo?
“Ozzie doesn’t understand him” bruh Ozzie is literally the only person who understands him he said so himself. And even the person who you’re closest toowill be kinda perplexed if the guy you hated for 10+ years suddenly becomes your bestie.
“They’ll be taking some time apart and might take a look at this codependency issue.” - lol no way viv’s doing that lol shes going all in on them being a duo. Like dont get me wrong I think they’re a bit too uwu joined at the hip for me but it’s not this horrible ship where fizz is kept in a gilded birdcage forever.
“I think karma will hit him and he’ll get his own version of what he put Moxxie through. Specifically Asmodeus, Fizz to a lesser extent.” in a perfect world I’d actually hope this would happen but considering Viv portrayed all of Hell as fangirls for them, this is 1000% Not Happening.
”Fizz definitely isn’t his first ever love, if the demonology is anything to go by. The story of Sarah in the Book of Tobit is Asmodeus’ most famous story so to exclude that would be a disservice to the character.” Viv spoils her plot points through Twitter likes, she confirmed Tobit/all demonology stories aren’t canon to Helluva unless directly stated :/ and she’s liked many versions of tweets basically saying Ozzie has never had romantic feelings ever until Fizz and never will again after he dies.
and Blitzø is his own brand of fucked up, even more so than Fizz and Ozzie combined. No way in hell those two would work out without some SERIOUS therapy on Blitzø’s end.
I think you actually clearly are a big fizzarozzie fan? you’re blowing the one time someone criticises the ship out of proportion, getting defensive, and using dramatic words like “obsessed” “warping” and “soulmate” I’m literally the 1% here. There are lots of shipping spaces you can go instead. The way the fandom treats this ship like a fragile gem shows it could do with some looking at. When people refuse to let you critique something that’s how you know it’s hiding some problems.
Who is warping anything by just noticing the events that happen and interpreting them in a way you don’t agree with?
Oz misunderstands him more than he understands. They bicker, they miscommunicate, and in the end they try again. and it isn’t all about blitz, because Oz never understood why he needed to compete in the contest at the start of Oops, he doesn’t notice fizz hiding things from him, he doesn’t listen to fizz when he worries that eyes are around, and confesses his love without Fizz fully agreeing to it. Sure Fizz hugs him or laughs it off but can’t they have some agreement on when it’s a secret and when it isn’t? He doesn’t understand Fizzs identity crisis, his need for approval from mammon, his past, any of it.
Viv also likes Crimson x Chaz fanart, art of ValAngel and Vox being a couple, art of Fizz dying, art of him being immortal, art of characters dating ocs. Art of her own self inserts, art of Blitz shape shifting into a dragon, art of Blitz and Fizz having reciprocated love, art of Alessio being Moxxies stepdad, Etc etc. That’s not enough to go on.
“The first and last time he’ll ever experience love” that is just plain weird. And obsessive. Not to mention bad writing. I’ve never heard anyone talk like that. He’s way too possessive of Fizz. He has to live his entire life with Asmodeus and die in his arms in his tower where’s he’s all alone? I hope not. That’s almost worse than him being made an immortal imp.
“She’s going all in on them being a duo” what are you talking about. Like what does this mean. She also said a main character might die and some of them don’t get happy endings.
What do you mean it’s 1000% not happening? Denial much? It already did in S2E6, with the article, the way the staff negatively react, the fact mammon said he’ll regret revealing it? The people at the show are literally Fizzarolli’s fandom, safe to say they aren’t everyone.
All demonology is not canon is just a straight up not factual statement, she makes constant references to demonology. His design is inspired by it, his apparent disapproval of monogamy is inspired by it, why would his biggest story not be referenced whatsoever? Isn’t it possible that Ozzie had his heart broken before and that’s why he’s afraid? Dang. Chill out.
As for your last paragraph, I think you just hate Blitz, ignore the fact that he’s going through development, and need to chill out. Pump the breaks a lil. Soulmates don’t exist.
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I am merely a curious human being
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drades-lair · 11 months
Fandom: HelluvaBoss
Pairing: Crimson x Alessio
Rating: T
Greed’s haze hung heavy this evening, a rain of bullets the only thing breaking through it as Crimson and Alessio ran across a bridge in the downtown district. Crim grimaced while shooting over his shoulder at a group of rival imps currently following them when a bullet nicked his upper arm on the left side. Alessio turned immediately unfortunately in the time it took him to turn around Crim was hit again except this time it was in his side making him yelp in pain, grasping the railing of the bridge to brace himself. Alessio was moving towards Crimson when a grenade rolled close by, exploding moments later forcing Alessio to recoil yet he still managed to catch sight of Crimson being forced over the railing of the bridge by the explosion followed by a splash as he hit the water below.
“Crim!” Alessio exclaimed moving to the railing, peering to the water below where he saw crimson’s blood smearing the surface of it. The rival imps had run off after the explosion leaving Ale an opening, shrugging off his jacket and toeing off his shoes Ale tossed them to the ground before leaping off the railing into the polluted water below. As a shark demon he easily swam through the water quickly catching sight of Crim’s unconscious form swiftly sinking into the depths. Alessio grabbed Crimson then swam back to the surface, pulling the unconscious imp onto the shore of the riverbank where he laid him on his back. Alessio leaned down to listen for breath from crimson’s mouth finding none prompting Ale to tare crimson’s jacket open, starting chest compressions while breathing into his mouth.
“Come on Crim! Damn it, stay with me!” Ale pleaded when suddenly Crimson took a deep inhale of air followed by a short coughing fit. Relief passed briefly over Alessio’s face before he realized just how much blood Crimson was losing by the minute. Shrugging off his red button-down Alessio wrapped it around crimson’s torso causing him to exclaim in pain which made Ale grimace as he scooped him up bridal style.
“I gotta get you back,” Ale absently commented.
…back at the knowlastname mansion…
Ale took Crimson into the dinning room where he placed the imp on the table before calling the private physician. The physician arrived an agonizing 20 minutes later in which time Ale had managed to strip the clothing from crimson’s torso as well as removing his shoes. Alessio moved aside to allow the physician to work on Crim, cries of agony escaping his boss as the physician dug out the bullet from his side making Ale grimace deeper. Ale helped to hold Crim still while the physician tried to repair the damage done by the bullet, the imp’s claws raking along Ale’s forearms weakly as he screamed in pain. After an agonizingly long time the physician declared there was nothing further that he could do, stitching the now large incision closed on crimson’s side as blood dripped from the table onto the floor. Alessio helped transfer Crimson from the dining room up to his master bedroom where he laid the imp on the four-poster bed to allow the physician to finish up while Ale went to get changed. Upon returning Ale spoke briefly with the doctor then moved to crimson’s side, the imp was panting with sweat coating his skin while his hair stuck around his face. Ale set about cleaning Crimson up then changed him into a pair of his boxers and a robe for comfort’s sake making sure to be mindful of the wounds as well as his IV line. Grabbing a cool cloth from the bathroom Alessio wiped crimson’s face, frown settled deep on his own features.
“Please…stay with me,” Ale begged quietly.
Through out the night the physician kept an eye on crimson’s condition along with Ale who sat in the bedroom simply watching. Come morning Ale stirred after falling asleep for a little while only to hear Crim moaning prompting the shark to get up from the armchair, he’d been sitting in to head over to the imp’s side. Crimson was lightly shifting his head side to side while making soft moaning sounds, Ale gently placed a hand on Crim’s shoulder.
“Crim? Crimson…sir?” Alessio asked.
“Hmm, ugh…Ale?” Crim questioned, eyes blinking open with a pained wince.
“Yes, sir. I’m glad you’ve come around,” Ale stated with relief in his tone.
“Tsk, you worry too much, ah!” Crimson exclaimed in pain when he accidently moved too much.
“Sir, please stay still. You were shot in the side and thrown over the bridge by the grenade explosion,” Ale explained slightly tightening his grip on crimson’s shoulder.
“Ugh, shit! Got it good this time,” Crimson grimaced.
“Yes sir, just relax. I can get you anything you need,” Ale assured him.
“Whatever,” Crimson retorted, settling back.
Ale continued to fuss over Crimson for the next couple weeks while he healed seemingly unbothered by how close he’d come to death if the way he started almost instantly making plans as well as phone calls regarding business was anything to go by. As soon as Crimson was capable of walking again, he got dressed although in a little more casual garb and started going to his office downstairs again. Ale entered the office a few days later to discuss the days work then upon asking if Crimson needed anything and receiving a no, Ale prepared to leave however he paused with a hand on the door handle, shooting a glance over his shoulder.
“Sir, please be more careful from now on,” Ale subtly begged.
“I’ve told you Ale, I’m fine. Once more you worry too much,” Crimson retorted although he couldn’t help the small smirk that crossed his features as Ale left the room.      
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lordofdestructionm · 9 months
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m0nst3rm4gg0tz · 3 months
Name: ST1CK3RZ_D0ES_4RT nicknames: M0NST3R_M4GG0TZ,BLakE, ST1CK3RZ
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Im 14(Mar 18 is bday)
Hazbin hotel/helluva boss/invader zim(mainly) fan
Will do art trades/requests
been drawing for 9 years
IM A HUGE FAN OF CHAZ, ZIM, GIR, SKOODGE(mainly) and alessio
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im a furry(be nice don't like that in a furry,them block me)
make things
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over 18
cyber bullies/trolls
twitter: ||PSYCH0_G!RL||
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Biltzo x stolas(cannon)
ZaDr(zim x dib invader Zim)
TaGr(tak x gaz invader Zim)
MaGr(mini moose x gir invader Zim)
crimson x alessio
lonna x vortex
barbie wire x verosika
Chaz x moxxie
Radioapple(hazbin hotel ship) Less fav:
lonna x moxxie
lonna x blitzo
just any proship in the 2 shows
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blitzwhore · 3 months
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Helluva Boss as textposts part 12/?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
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groovypersonkoala · 3 months
He's mine, you stay away from him// Helluva boss// Alessio x Crimson and...
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 14 al 20 Febbraio 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, finito il festival nella riviera dei fiori, è tempo di pensare alla vostra iscrizione al contest del fighissimo Arezzo Wave https://www.arezzowave.com/concorso-arezzo-wave-band-2019/ CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ ᴥ SABATO 16 FEBBRAIO ᴥ ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve). fa tappa qui il tour europeo dei messicani LORELLE Meets The OBSOLETE duo krautrock/shoegaze supportati da Fernando (New Candys) e Andrea (Orange Car Crash) in apertura i vigorosi TALK TO HER (SHYREC / Three Blackbirds) e il loro moderno postpunk, a seguire djset CHECcO MERDeZ (Made In PoP / LAMETTE) & The Lagoonies. https://www.facebook.com/events/1913298225404178/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 14 Febbraio ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA dalle 19:30 serata a sostegno dell'operazione Mediterranea con esposizone di disegni dell'ottimo Claudio CALIA e altri, in più proiezione del documentario "Footballizazion" tra Libano, Siria e Palestina. ᴥ ECLETTICO WILSON via Martiri Libertà 32 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) San Valentino alternativo con il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU dalla Sardegna. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) San Valentino in Jazz con il duo Francesca BERTAZZO HART e Beppe PILOTTO. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) per la rassegna Jazz in Vega ospite l'ARCADIA TRIO con il featuring del grande trombonista ROBIN EUBANKS (Us). ᴥ Ostaria Dai KANKARI via Fosse Donne 93 MARANO di Mira (Ve) canzoni d'amore con GERARDO POZZI in trio. ᴥ POMOMERO osteria creativa via Castelletto 84 MAROSTICA (Vi) da Birmingham BENJAMIN YELLOWITZ cantautore dalla voce blues e dalle atmosfere scure. ᴥ Osteria RIVE Jazz Club via Rive 14 CARTIGLIANO (Vi) San Valentino alle Rive con le canzoni di Joe SANKETTI e Titti CASTRINI, poesie sottovuoto di Max ZANELLA e Con Il Sole Dentro, inoltre opere esposte. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) serata frizzante con le KILL THE MAYOR trio femminile punk'n'roll. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) San Valentino tutto in levare con i divertentissimi GENGI SKA. ► VENERDÌ 15 Febbraio ᴥ La STANZETTA ass.culturale via Leopardi 25 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) in concerto qui la brava cantautrice-cantastorie ERICA BOSCHIERO. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) per la serata Dischi Soviet, ospite il combo trevigiano ALCESTI alternative-pop/SISMA mvmnt. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA tra songwriting mediterraneo e nordica elettronica ecco MAKAI moniker per Dario Tatoli, tra cassa dritta e set acustico. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) rock alternative dal retrogusto nineties per le band RUSTYCAGE e RUMORdiPIETRA. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) sarà qui JESSE DAYTON fenomeno cowpunk, già chitarrista degli X e di Rob Zombie. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) power blues con riferimenti seventies per i ZEE ZEE QUEEN. ᴥ Spazio CAFFELARTE via Postumia 166b PAESE (Tv) Sweet Noise presenta Music in the Air con la cantautrice sicula NÒE e il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) punkrock night con i concerti per i locals DOUBLE SWINDLE e da Imola The INNOCENT. ᴥ CRICH CORNER via Barberia 23 TREVISO in versione acustica saranno qui i QUARTO PROFILO. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) con un nuovo ottimo disco si presenta qui il collettivo rock progressive MAD FELLAZ. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) in giro a festeggiare i diec'anni d'attività, sarà qui il power trio THE SADE damned rock. ᴥ Csa ARCADIA via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) in collaborazione con Disorder, fa tappa qui il tour europeo del duo messicano LORELLE meets The OBSOLETE psych/kraut con Andrea (Orange Car Crash) e Fernando (New Candys) a supporto, in apertura gli eroi locali MOTHER ISLAND psych/garage + djset. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) serata Alte Rejects con i FECCIA ROSSA punk-OI! (Vr) e The NICE GUYS punk'n'roll (Roma) + Aupa djset. ᴥ LUCA's BAR via Jolanda 122 STROPPARI di Tezze sul Brenta (Vi) dalla Sardegna il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU, che presenta il suo nuovo disco "Weak like a Man". ᴥ Osteria S'CIAVINARO via Pertini 15 VOLPINO di Zimella (Vr) serata Rebel con live voce e chitarra per il bravo Simone ZAMPIERI e djset Whisker Pno. ᴥ CICLONE Cafè via Martiri Libertà 20 CASALEONE (Vr) qui la giovane band NOETICA pop-rock che presenta il nuovo disco "Visioni" . ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) presentazione ufficiale del nuovo disco "Il Male Accade" per la band ULTIMO ATTUALE CORPO SONORO cantautorato alternative, in apertura Le FUGHE de le MATONELE agroblues. ᴥ Osteria Ai PRETI interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA dall'Irlanda folk'n'blues per il duo The OCELOTS. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA da poco è uscito il loro nuovo disco per WWNBB e stasera saranno qui a presentarlo, BE FOREST (shoegaze/wave/Pesaro), in apertura SUBMEET (noisepunk) + djset. ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Oberdan 10 CEREA (Vr) prima serata del Festival locale con i locals The FROG punk/metal a far compagnia ai BLANKETS hc/punk. ► SABATO 16 Febbraio ᴥ CATAI ponte San Lorenzo 1 PADOVA dalle 20 appuntamento Catemose tra chiacchere e buona musica, si esibirà il bravissimo TRÈ BURT (Sacramento, CA) afterfolk radicato nei paesaggi americani. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA super ospite questa sera in versione one-man-band ANDY MacFARLANE e il suo rock'n'roll mutante (già leader dei R&R KAMIKAZES, The HORMONAUTS e altri). ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA in apertura ALBERTO ALMAS che presenterà ufficialmente il proprio disco "L'Amor Te", a seguire l'istrico duo rap UOCHI TOKI in "Realtà Virtuale". ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA Zombie Punk night con gli svizzeri NEUTRAL BOMBS assieme alle vecchie conoscenze SUPERHORROR + djset R'n'R All-Stars. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) secondo evento Fuzz-o-Rama che vedrà ospiti le band ATOMIC MOLD stoner/doom/Verona e i grandissimi MESSA scarlet doom/Pd-Tv. ᴥ Corte dei GORGHI via Argine Circondario 255 TRECENTA (Ro) secondo VOODOO CARNIVAL per l'Ungawa Tiki crew, suoneranno LOS INFARTOS garage'n'roll adrenalinico Teramo e MFC CHICKEN garage-r'n'r-r'n'n da Londra e poi grandi djset LUKINO e POLTRO. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) da Bologna il rock progressivo dei SINTESI Del VIAGGIO Di ES, accompagnati dai FAVERAVOLA. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) doppio concerto questa sera, si parte con L'ENTRATA di CRISTO a BRUXELLES rock sperimentale d'autore e poi LO STRANO FRUTTO cantautorato immediato per Teno (ex Melt/Muleta). ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO serata SISMA mvmnt che presenta l'italo-nigeriano FADI cantautorato con retrogusto nineties. ᴥ Il PRINCIPE in BICICLETTA via Castellana 1 San VITO di ALTIVOLE (Tv) live energico ed intenso per i SERPE IN SENO alternative rock. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO travolgenti ed accattivanti con il loro fit metal i/le GO GO PONIES. ᴥ IL BARETTO piazza Lancieri Milano 8 MONASTIER (Tv) ospiti live della serata la cantautrice sicula NÒE e il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ CLUB 27 via Romanina 29 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) dalle 21:30 in versione trio il cantautore Giorgio BARBAROTTA. ᴥ Bar al CASTELLO strada Brussa 501 CAORLE (Ve) da Capota gli amici di Porky's Internationale ospitano il duo francese TEQUILASAVATE y so HIJO BASTARDO trash'n'roll voodoo mex-masked. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) musica folk celtica e medievale scandinava per gli SPIRITUAL SEASONS (Ukraina). ᴥ MATTEOTTI wine bar piazza Matteotti VICENZA ospite live dell'enoteca culturale la giovane e brava cantautrice CAMILLA FASCINA. ᴥ LATTERIA 2465 calle de la Laca 2465f VENEZIA dalle 19 il potente trio TARGATO VE bluesfunk per Jacopo CAMPI, Marco BOLOGNINI e Corrado BATTORTI. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) serata HITS, con il live dei vicentini LÄSER alternative rock post grunge, a seguire djset IL KING. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) sonorità infernali e pesanti per i GUFONERO punk-HC Rovereto e per LA CUENTA drone/doom Firenze. ᴥ IL BRUCO circolo Operaio via Cristoforo 69 MAGRÈ di Schio (Vi) tornano qui per un'epica reunion LES TOTEM ZION BEAT afro-reggae + Fifty Dreads selecta. ᴥ La CORTE SCONTA via Roma 8 SANTORSO (Vi) folk rock cantautorale per Le CORRIERE della SERA. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) collettivo di musicisti d'estrazione diversa che si ritrova per dar vita al progetto The GOOSEBUMPS BROS tra blues funk e reggay. ᴥ The FACTORY via Garibaldi 37 CASTEL d'AZZANO (Vr) release party per gli ELECTROCUTION, death metal da Bologna, che presentano il nuovo "Psychonolatry", accompagnati i milanesi BLACK RAGE e ULTERIOR. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) evento di musica progressive con la presenza sul palco degli O-R-K, collettivo con LEF, Pipitone dei Marta sui Tubi, Mastelotto dei King Crimson e Edwin dei Porcupine Tree. ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Oberdan 10 CEREA (Vr) seconda e ultima serata di Festival che vedrà impegnati SYDYAN trio acustico cantautorale, Il DIABOLIKO MENESTRELLO e da Cesena IO & la TIGRE duo femminile indie con attitudine punk. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA closing party per il PATH Festival con ospite il produttore inglese MUMDANCE accompagnato dai liveset di MANA e OiO. ► DOMENICA 17 Febbraio ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo Cordial Massacre che vedrà impegnati i MAAT MONS trio metal tutto matto e gli sfortunati HOBOS grande metal/punk a cui recentemente hanno rubato tutti gli strumenti. ᴥ OLD SALOON Birreria via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo metal con i potenti TYTUS accompagnati da KROSS of KHAOSS, WAR HYMNS e HELL/BOYS. ᴥ Studio 33 GIRI via IX Strada 21 Z.Industriale FOSSÒ (Ve) dalle 18 ospite sul palco il bravo campositore e chitarrista ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO. ᴥ Osteria al MAJO via Camerini 6 PIAZZOLA sul Brenta (Pd) aperitivo istrionico con il cantabarista ONE MAN PIER. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) dalle 19 unica data veneta per il tour europeo per TIM HOLEHOUSE cantautorato indiefolk da Londra. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) per l'Acoustic Sunday torna ospite STEVE FOLK chitarrista e pittore. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 ci sarà ALBERTO ALMAS che sarà qui a presentare il suo lavoro "L'Amor Te" sonorità no-wave synthpunk. ᴥ CUCÙ cocktail Bar piazza delle Erbe 7 VICENZA per l'aperitivo dalla Sardegna il cantautore blues Andrea CUBEDDU, che presenta il suo nuovo disco "Weak like a Man".   ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 aperitivo in collaborazione con Rosa Parks APS che presenta lo spettacolo "il Timido Anticristo" di e con DANIELE FABBRI. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA dopo cena con il duo Franco NESTI e Jacopo JACOPETTI in viaggio tra jazz e musica popolare brasiliana. ᴥ DUMP largo Baio 7 TREVISO nel dopo cena troverete il bravissimo Marco IACAMPO e il suo caldo cantautorato. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) dalle 20:30 serata ehtno world music con Jennifer CABRERA FERNANDEZ che presenta il progetto 3RD ROOT. ► LUNEDÌ 18 Febbraio ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) Go Down records ospita i danesi The SONIC DAWN rock acido/psichedelico, con un disco nuovo nuovo da presentare. ► MARTEDÌ 19 Febbraio ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) evento speciale stasera con il live del power trio canadese TUNIC abrasivo arty postpunk. ► MERCOLEDÌ 20 Febbraio ᴥ GREEN STREET Club via Dante 87 PADOVA stasera in vetrina c'è la musica di Andrea CUBEDDU cantautore sardo blues. ᴥ GASOLINE via Fornace Morandi 25 PADOVA dalle 20 festa per i vent'anni del locale con l'esclusivo live de LINDUSTRIA dark/wave/synth/postpunk, che presenteranno il nuovo disco, con il supporto di ArcellaGround. ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Ponte Corvo PADOVA vinelli, cicchetti, birre artigianali e il concerto del TRIO MEZCAL etno-jazz. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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I've been giving more thought to the Crimson x Alessio ship lately. Especially the idea that Crimson is gay, but extremely secretive about it because his reputation would take a massive hit. But I also believe it could have literally put his life in danger if anyone knew about his true feelings. For as bad as Crimson is, he never discouraged Moxxie from pursuing a relationship with a man. He disapproved, mainly because Chaz was a gold digging asshole that took advantage of Moxxie, but he never straight up forbid Moxxie from being with Chaz or made Chaz stay away from Moxxie. If we assume Crimson is actually more lenient with Moxxie than his own father was with him, it makes some sense. And it's why he thinks Moxxie is gay and Millie is his beard. Because Moxxie's mom was his beard. He only married her, likely as an arranged marriage, to keep people from asking questions and keep his father off his back.
My working theory is that she found out about his thing with Alessio and threatened to expose him and take Moxxie away and that's why he killed her. In the flashback of Moxxie hiding under his parents bed we know there was a slap, but it's kept kind of vague of who slapped who. We're supposed to assume that Crimson slapped her, but we're seeing this from little Moxxie's perspective, and he doesn't have a good view from his hiding spot. So I believe that it was the other way around. She slapped Crimson, likely because she discovered him sleeping with Alessio.
Don't get me wrong, Crimson is still a piece of shit. He's an abuser and a terrible person in general, there's no getting around that. But the idea that he has this extra depth is interesting. We don't know anything about Moxxie's grandfather and how he raised Crimson. We can assume by the way Crimson himself acts that he was even more of a hard ass.
And Alessio is completely loyal to Crimson. We know that he cares deeply for Crimson, and would lay down his own life to keep Crimson safe. I believe that Alessio and Crimson could truly love each other, and keeping their feelings secret means keeping the other safe. These are my thoughts.
Since we're getting new little shorts in the coming months, I think it would be interesting to get one about an average day for Crimson and Alessio. Ending with them snuggled up in bed together, nobody the wiser.
What do you guys think?
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