#also I swear I draw Matt I just couldn’t fit him here
h00tzz · 7 months
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Eddsworld more like GAYSworld haha-💥💥💥🔫
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
The Guy
Author’s Note:  Hello my lovelies!  I have to say, I love writing requests and taking part in Challenges.  It helps me sharpen my skills!  But, with the insane way the world is right now, I offered to participate in one... then lost the details.  So, with my sincere appreciation for @lancsnerd​ ,who kindly sent me a reminder about my missing “assignment”, I present the following! Summary/ Prompt:  A quote of “He’s the guy” and my boy, Loki Pairing:  Female Reader x Loki Warnings:  Swearing, Implied Smut, Fluff, Soft Loki
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“Are you gonna tell me what I want to know?  Or… do we have to do this the hard way?”  Gravel filled and low, the Winter Soldier had you pinned against the rough brick wall, his metal arm holding your wrists together.
“Ooph!  Bucky!  Get off!”  “Make me, princess!”  
Kicking your legs free, you swung around Bucky, locking him in a bear hug from behind.  Squeezing him with your thighs, your forearms wrapped around his strong neck, “Tap out, Buck!” Wheezing, staggering back, Bucky tried spinning you around but even his metal arm was unable to grab you, “Never!” Applying more pressure to his windpipe, you grunted, “Give me the win!” “No way”, you felt his hard hand grip your thigh, breaking your hold.  Suddenly you were untethered, above your feet was the ceiling of the gym, and then there was no breath in your lungs.  Bucky had managed to flip you over and slam you down onto the waiting mat with reverberating force.  Gasping loudly, you curved up to meet Bucky’s waiting hand, “You alright, doll?”
Shaking your head, sitting up, “That was a dirty trick, Barnes.  I had you and you know it.” “Yea… but you still haven’t answered my question, so I couldn’t let you win.”  Pulling you to your feet easily, Bucky threw his arms around you, his warm hug an easy way to make sure there would be no lasting damage from your sparring session. “Why do you want to know so bad?”  Lowering yourself to the workout bench, forearms resting on your knees, you kept a close watch on your sparring partner. Tossing you a towel, Bucky grabbed both of your water bottles, sitting down on the mat in front of you.  Wiping the sweat away from your forehead, slugging down the cool water, you kicked at the super soldier sitting criss cross applesauce.  Leaning back, resting his weight on his arms stretched behind him, “Because...  I worry about you.  I want to make sure you’re safe… and I want to believe this guy is good enough for you.” Considering his words, you snapped your bottle shut, nodding, “I get it, Bucky.  I really do.  I’m just… not ready to talk about it.” Sensing your hesitation, Bucky patted your knee, “Just know that I’m here when you are ready.  And if he fucks up, I’ll kill him.” Laughing, you stood up with a groan, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!” At dinner that night, Steve knocked into your shoulder, “Hey kiddo.”
“Hey Stevie!  How are you?” “It’s spaghetti night, what more does a guy need?”  It was an easy exchange, making you chuckle as he loaded a plate high with pasta and sauce before settling himself into the chair next to you. Unfolding a napkin to lay over his trousers, “Bucky told me you’ve met someone?” Flicking your eyes to the Winter Soldier, who all of the sudden was very interested in something Tony was saying, you munched on your garlic bread.  Swallowing thickly and patting your mouth clean, you turned to Steve, “Oh, he did huh?” “Yes… but he says you won’t give up this guy’s name?”  Concern was present on your friend’s face.  While you appreciated Steve's sentiment, it wasn't necessary, not entirely.  You knew what you were doing and you didn't want to be talked out of it, even by your well intentioned friends.
"I don't know why everyone cares so much.  He's a guy… I'm a girl… it's traditional and boring."
Swirling a fork through his saucy plate, lifting those dutiful blue eyes to yours, "So why the secrecy?"
Chewing, thoughtful, you considered Steve's question.  It was valid.  You were quick to acknowledge that, answering, "Um… because we're still in that love bubble.  Ya know?"
Chiming in, Bucky curious now, "Love bubble?  I don't know what that is… what does that mean?  Love bubble?"
"It's that time in a new relationship when… um… it's like…" words failing, you desperately tried to give structure to your argument.
Interrupted by Loki, sulking at the end of the long table, "She doesn't want to share her paramore.  Greedily, she wants to keep the pair in a love bubble.  Separate and safe from any interference.  Unpopped, if you will."
"Is that true? You don't want us to bug you?"  Bucky's eyes widened at the thought.
Shrugging, you dug around for another meatball, "Kinda… Look, it's not that I don't love you, Buck.  Or that I don't trust you, Steve.  It's just… all of you can be a lot to deal with.  And-" looking at the faces of each of your Avenger friends, "-my… guy… I really, really like him.  I don't want to scare him away."
Admitting it out loud, that was taking a lot of your courage but you were being completely honest.  This guy, he was just about perfect and you didn't want to blow that by bringing him around your overprotective people so soon.  Natasha, the group's mama bear, smiled.  "Seems reasonable to me.  Give her some time, fellas… if he's half as great as she says, we'll like him well enough."
Steve, smiling a little in your direction, "I don't know who he is… but it seems like he makes you happy!"
Bucky, over protective, kept hounding you, "When will I get to meet him?"
"Soon, Buck.  I promise." 
"I wonder who it is… this man you care about so much that you're protecting him from us, your dearest friends!"  It was Loki, musing from afar that made the observation, his sharp eyes on you.
"I told you-" It was Tony’s turn to interrupt, loudly calling, “FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” “Start a pool.  Five dollar buy in, guesses on who this guy is… whoever has the winning answer gets the kitty!” “Tony!  Not cool!  And, not necessary!  You guys don’t really need to do this!”  But your protests went unheard as chatter erupted and a round of bills were flung on the table. Steve, murmuring to Bucky across the table, “What was that guy at the coffee shop?  Cameron?  Carson?” Snapping his fingers, Bucky answered, “Carlton!”
“He’s my guess, Tony.”  “Shit, Steve.  That’s not fair… but, ok.  Ok, my guess is Matt.  That guy from the pizza place who kept bringing extra chicken fingers for you!  You’d never admit to a date with him!”  Bucky, smug and pleased, sat back content with his detective work.
“Natasha?  Thoughts?”  Tony was typing away, his interface with FRIDAY recording all the back and forth, compiling the list of possible boyfriend candidates. Tapping her lip, Nat watched you, “Hmm… Is it Warren?  The kid from China Star who rode the Kawasaki and always wanted to take you for a ride?”
Clint leaned over you, grabbing a breadstick as he threw down a ten, “I want to put Charles, from the IT department on the list… and Juan, the recycling rep.  Both of those guys follow you around like puppies and I could see you taking pity on at least one of them!” “Nope.  No way!  She went out with Charles once already.  He was the guy who ate her french fries at dinner.  Big No-No!”  “Rhodes, how do you remember that shit?  Fine, not Charles then.  What about Frankie?  The dude from the diner?”  Clint asked the assembled team, looking for someone to back him up.
Mortified, hiding behind your hands, you grimaced.  The list, it kept growing, and you could feel icy eyes of judgement lighting you up from across the room.  You knew you’d have to answer questions later.
Jane, having joined Thor at the table, was getting caught up on your situation.  Conspiring with her Norse God of a boyfriend, she chuckled, slapping a bill on the table with the announcement, “Our money is on Loki.”
Silence overtook the room.  Everybody stared at the small, brunette scientist, evaluating if her suggestion was real or a joke.  A guffaw broke out of you and quickly gathered steam, propelling you directly into a hiccup filled giggle fit.  In a flash everyone joined in, the idea of you and Loki being together was at once so hilarious and unbelievable. It was also diverting enough that the talk of your love life died completely.  Grateful and satisfied, you finished dinner without any other questions, even offering to do the dishes.  While you were scraping remnants into the compost bucket, you felt the room’s temperature drop, noticing that Loki had slid into the room, "Love bubble is it?"
Dropping the plates into the sink, plunging your hands into the soapy water, his strong ones glide over your shoulders, "Yes.  I'm really enjoying our little bubble of love."
“Me too.”  Pressing a small kiss to the curve of your neck, Loki pulled your body close, hugging you tightly from behind.  As Loki was nearly a foot taller than you, it was nothing to tip your head up, his welcome mouth finding yours for a soft kiss.  Curving your back, your bottom rubbed against his pelvis, his desire already rising. “Although, they had a lot of suggestions, my innocent little kitten.  Should I be worried?” Shaking your head, “No.  None of those… meatballs compare with you, Loki.” “Good.  That makes me glad… and I’m pleased to know how coveted you are, my pet.”  Roving hands took the liberty of sliding under the hem of your shirt, fingertips just grazing over your bra covered breasts.
Sighing into Loki’s loving touch, “Not that you were much help!"
"What can I say?  I like seeing you squirm"  his lethal voice purred, warm against your ear.
Pirouetting in his arms, your damp hand brushing back a strand of dark curls, "Jane almost gave us away.” A small smile, almost sad, pulled down Loki’s lips, “Is the idea of you loving me so hilarious?”
“Not to me.”
His head dipped, lowering those pink lips to your own, almost colliding… when laughter, drawing near, broke your moment of connection. Effectively ending your private chat, Thor stomped confidently into the room unaware of the way Loki jumped back as if scalded, or the way your hands trembled at the possibility of discovery.  “Brother!  I need to speak with you!” Flicking his desire filled eyes to yours, Loki smirked, “Of course… to what do I owe the honor?” “I have asked Jane to be my bride!” “Brother!  It’s about time Jane made an honest man out of you!”  Loki, more than a little surprised but genuinely pleased for his sibling, hugged Thor close.  “YAY!  That’s so exciting!  Have you guys picked a date yet?”  Wiping your hands dry, leaning against the sink, you were happy to hear all of Thor's big news. Shaking his blonde head excitedly, “We shall be wed in three months time… and I was hoping that Loki would play for our special day?” 
Loki, blushing a deep rosy pink, “Thor… It’s been years.” 
“So?  What of that, God of Mischief?  You always find a way”, wagging a finger at his dark hued brother, Thor’s teasing grin was sweet. Piling on excuses, trying to gently defer his brother’s marital request, Loki added, “I don’t think I have a suitable instrument.”
That was enough for your mouth to hang open, “Wait… you want Loki to perform?  Like play music?  At your wedding?”  “Of course!  He’s the best chamber musician in Asgard.  Possibly the entire Nine Realms.”  Pride filled Thor’s words at Loki’s accomplishments, something you found impossibly charming, even if you couldn’t quite believe what he said was true.  
“Thor, really… I don't think-" Clapping a broad hand onto his younger brother's shoulder, Thor’s tone changed, “Music from home, Loki. It would mean so much, especially since… Mother and Father-”  
Loki held up a hand, stopping Thor from going further into emotional sincerity, unable to bear the rawness in his brother’s words.  Closing his eyes, agreeing, “Fine.  Ok, I’ll… I’ll do it!’  Loki could sense your watchful eyes on him, curious and questioning, as he gave into his older brother.    
With his easy smile spreading, Thor’s joy pushed the cloud of sadness away, “Our special day will be filled with music!  And flowers!  Jane has a whole… Pinterest board?  I don’t know what that is but she’s filled it with ideas-” spinning around to grab you off your feet, Thor continued, “And you’ll be invited too!  All of the team must come, not just my wayward brother!” Getting swept up in Thor’s passionate excitement, you laughed, offering up more congratulations and promises of attending.  As your toes touched the floor, Thor pulled Loki away, “Jane says you will take Darcy as a date for the ceremony.” Tilting his head, Loki shrugged shyly, speaking loud enough for you to hear, “Uh… actually, I already have a date.” Gripping Loki in a rib smashing hug, Thor squeezed his little brother tightly, “That is marvelous news!  Jane will be so pleased!  So, who’s the lucky girl?” Smiling, you watched them go, happy to see the pair so connected.  You didn’t need to hear Loki’s answer.  You knew who he’d be taking to Thor’s wedding.
That night, as you were toweling dry your cropped hair, a pop of green light signaled the arrival of your secret boyfriend.  He was positively electric, grabbing you by the terry robe covered hips, and kissing you swiftly.  Loki's hands rubbed over the soft fabric on your back until they cradled your smiling face, "Hmm… you smell so clean that it makes me think dirty thoughts."
Giggling, you rose up on your toes, curling your hands into his tangle of dark hair.  You bent his waiting mouth to your own, savoring the sensation of shared breath, as your tongue flicked over Loki's lips, “Dirtier than that?” Nodding, his heated look hungry, “Oh yes.” "How dirty are we talking?", you teased, resting your cheek against Loki's chest.  His rich laugh, rumbling through his core, joined your own.  Pressing his forehead to yours, Loki sighed sweetly, "I missed you…"
"I just saw you at dinner!"
"But it's been too long.  I… I need more."
Turning to hang up your towel, over your shoulder, "More what, my prince?"
"More of you."  Having gained on you while your back was turned, Loki was behind you now, wrapping his long arms around your waist.
Squealing, delighted, "LOKI!  Someone will hear!"
Dropping you quickly on the mattress, Loki shimmied up beside you, toying with the open collar on your robe, "So?"
"So… they'll find you here."
Thoughtfully, Loki’s proud look captured your own, "Maybe I don't care.  Not anymore… Maybe I don't want to keep you and me… us, a secret."
Swallowing hard, your gaze trapped by Loki's earnest expression, "Really?  You're ready to pop the love bubble?"
His fingertips brushed over the thin skin between your breasts, "Yes?  I… I think so.  Are you?"
Biting on your bottom lip, scrutinizing his handsome face, "Loki, I…"
Freezing, his hand stalled, and Loki sat back on his heels.  Looking out your window, shoulders slumping in resignation, "You don't want to tell anyone.  You are ashamed to be with me."
Swiftly sitting up, cupping his face with your hands, crooning, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"
Shrugging away from your touch, "You don't care for me, not like you claim to, if you won't declare your feelings for all to hear."
"Loki!  That's not it at all."  
Letting you tug him closer, Loki's tear filled eyes still refused to meet your own, "Loki… I… I love you.  And… I just don't want to share you.  Not yet, anyway.  That is-" putting your arms around his neck until you were nose to nose with the red-rimmed eyes of an emotional Odinson, "-my only reason for keeping our romance quiet."
Whispering, Loki was too shocked to shake you off, "You… love me?"  His voice wavered, as if the idea of being loved by you had never been a real possibility, as if something impossible was occurring right here and now.
On your knees, sighing, you started pressing tiny kisses along those sharp as knives cheekbones, "Yes.  I am crazy in love with you, Loki Odinson."
Loki had held you tightly before; in the night when terrific dreams haunted his sleep, in the night when he claimed your body for his own.  But this embrace, after telling the dark Prince the truth in your heart, had no equal.  
Still taller than you, even though you were both kneeling, Loki's right arm wove around your waist forcing your hips flush with his own.  His left supported your back, his hand cradling the nape of your neck, helping him kiss you soundly.  It was conquering.  
You were his.  Body and soul.  What's more?  He was yours.
Coming up for air, panting from the work of loving you, "My dove, my dearest one… I love you too."
Shucking your robe was easy and Loki savored the lavender soap scented skin he exposed.  If a spot of you wasn’t kissed, it was licked. If not licked, nipped.  If not nipped, it was caressed.  And Loki was very thorough. When you mewled, weak from forced pleasure, “Loki… please.  Make love to me.” he was eager to comply. “Look at me, darling girl.”  Puffing out your pleasure filled breath, skin dewy with perspiration, you met Loki’s eyes with your own.  Resting his hand over your heart, he lifted your own, letting you feel the pattern of his pulse.  “It beats for you and for you alone.” In the afterglow, laying in Loki’s arms, you stifled another giggle.  Groggy from exertion, Loki opened one eye, “What’s so funny?” “You never told me you play a musical instrument.” “You never asked.”
“Are you any good?”
“You’ll find out when you accompany me to Thor’s wedding.” --- With his heavy cello, Loki took a seat on the edge of the dance floor, taking just a moment to get settled.  A beautifully strange combination of concentration and relaxation mingled over the features you loved so dearly.  Fiddling with strings, taking a moment to tune the instrument, you admired his long, talented fingers as they took their place on the frets. The din of conversation was silenced when the first low note of Loki’s song echoed through the ballroom.  Everyone paused, entranced at the melody weaving its way through the throng of well wishers.  Many were surprised, but not you, not entirely. You knew how long Loki had been preparing for this moment.  It wasn’t all about making Thor’s day special, although, that was surely part of it.  No, he planned to seduce every single person with sound.  Giving all of the attendees a taste of what being loved by Loki was like, he hoped The Avengers would see that he was worthy of you in all ways. Mesmerized, the bow danced over the strings, each note perfectly played.  It wasn’t hard to picture those shapely digits dancing over your skin in the dark of night.  Sending a shiver up your back, you sipped at your champagne, unwilling to take your eyes off of Loki. “I didn’t know he was so talented.”  Bucky, stiff in his tuxedo, sidled up to you with Steve in tow. “Me either.  Look at those fingers fly!” “Guys… hush.”  Shooting a silencing glare their way, you let the music transport you, swaying just a bit at the soothing sound. Too soon, in your opinion, the last lingering note of Loki’s song filled the hall.  Rising swiftly, Loki bowed at the applause, then turned to the happy couple.  Thor hugged his brother close, while Loki kissed Jane’s hand with a gentlemanly air.  Conversations started again, quiet at first, then gaining strength as Loki strode across the room.  Snagging a glass of champagne from a passing tray, his eyes trained on you, Loki accepted accolades as he moved ever closer.  Another server took his empty glass as Loki finally made his way to you.
Scooping you up, Loki spun you slowly in a circle, your gown snapping behind you in an emerald wave of chiffon and lace.  “Loki!  Come on, put me down!” “As my lady commands”, when your mouth passed close enough to his own, Loki kissed you as if you had never kissed before.  You pushed your hands through his dark locks, a hand on each side of his face, “You were amazing, babe.  Just amazing!”
“You really think so?” “Absolutely!”  His arm settled on your waist, keeping you tight to his side, as you were handed another glass of bubbly.
Bucky, leaning against Steve, wore a look of wide eyed shock, “Um.  Loki… what the fuck are you doing?"
"Agent Barnes, do I really need to explain?"
Mouth dropping open, Bucky gaped, "He’s the guy?  Really?  You’re telling me Loki is the guy?” “She’s not telling us, Buck… she’s showing us.”
“But Stevie…?  Loki?  You?  You’re the guy who makes her happy?  The one who she’s been covering for?” Pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, just a touch guilty, “I am.  And, I’m madly in love with her.” “I’m happy Bucky.  Stevie… really.  Loki is… he’s my everything.  I love him, too.”  
As your secret was outed, the group formed a circle around you and Loki.  Questions were shouted, congratulations extolled, Loki was clapped on the back more than once.  Natasha gave you a wink and the "ok", which was really all the approval you needed. 
“So, who won the pool then?”, Clint couldn’t help asking. “Me… and Thor”, the bride stepped right up to Tony with her hand out ready to take the prize money. “No fair!  He’s your brother in law now.  He probably told you!”  Rhodey chimed in, unsatisfied with the final results. Defending her methods, Jane spun in her wedding dress, “No way!  I used my powers of scientific deduction.  I knew she was head over heels for Loki the night we announced our engagement.” Wondering, you looked at Jane, “You did?  How?  I mean, I didn't tell anyone.  We didn't tell anyone ” “You didn't have to!  You two wouldn’t look at each other.  Dead give away.”  Counting her cash, Jane smiled at you. “That may be true, but I promise you this, Odinson… break her heart and I’ll kill you.”  Bucky shook Loki’s hand good naturedly, if a little too long, stopping only when Steve pulled him away. Gazing down at you, adoration evident in his face, Loki husked, “Not to worry, Agent Barnes.  She has my heart you see... and I plan to be her guy as long as she’ll have me.”
Tagging my Minxes:  @lancsnerd​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @lots-of-loki​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @sammy-jo1977​ @queenofmischief​ @iamverity​ @iluvsumbucky​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @wolfsmom1​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @mizfit2​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @jessiejunebug​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @crystalizedcaramel​ @lokislittlecorner​ @scrumptious-finicky-illusion​ @capcapcapsicle​ @jamielea81​ @caffiend-queen​ @thenatalie @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @is-it-madness​ @jenjen8675309​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @poetic-fiasco​ 
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elldell1204 · 4 years
Tented - Matt Casey x Reader
Anonymous: yesterday’s fic was amazing! may I request casey x fem reader on going on a trip together? maybe you could include some smut? thanks xx
Thanks so much for the request! I am getting them all and am working my way through. 🥰 So, I started writing this and then realised that I had read a fic with a similar concept to mine by @shelswrites​ so definitely go check out their’s here! ❤️ I don’t know whether to apologise or not for the smut that is in this, but there is definitely a lack of hot Casey smut on the internet, so I’m here to do my bit to fix that, even if that does mean I’m going to hell 😊😜 Enjoy! 😉
Warning: VERY NSFW, pure smut and swearing ;)
wc - 2,787
(Also, 😍😍😍 ⬇️⬇️)
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“Easy, Matt.” You scolded, throwing your arms out to grab onto anything you could find, hoping and praying that whatever you did wouldn’t get in the way of his driving, not that you cared when he was going fifty round a bend.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, I know what I’m doing. I drove the truck for three years before I became lieutenant, so a car is like that with training wheels.” He chuckled, a sound that twinkled in your ears to calm the racing of your heart. It was only semi-successful.
“I’ll remind you of that when we end up at the bottom of a cliff.” You huffed, trying to stop a smile spreading across your face to prove a point.
You had absolutely no idea where you were going. When you and Matt had gotten home from shift last night, he said that he had sorted out a surprise holiday for you both and shoved you in the car. He hadn’t even let you pack your own suitcase or look in the trunk. You sat for approximately a half hour before he re-emerged from your apartment building, the only thing in his hand being the blindfold you preferred to use in the bedroom, only it was now being used to keep you in the dark about where you were driving. ‘Yep, definitely prefer it in the bedroom.’ You thought.
Now, around forty-five minutes and several wrong guesses later, you were slightly frustrated, mildly travel sick and pulling up to your destination.
“We’re here.” Matt smiled, which you couldn’t see but could hear in his voice, which automatically brightened you up and returned you to the cheery and excited state you were in when you first started on your journey.
“Am I taking this off?” You gestured to the blindfold.
“Mmm…not yet.” He hesitated, and the next time he spoke he was close enough that his breath fanned over your ear and his hand was gently brushing your thigh. “You do look really hot in it right now. Reminds me of the other night.”
You visibly shivered, a heat flowing to your core at the thoughts that now flooded your mind. You released a shaky breath as Matt pulled back, opening the car door and stepping out.
“Jesus Christ.” You breathed to yourself. The things that man could do to you.
The sound of your door opening startled you, but the warmth of the hand that grasped yours calmed you immensely, and you chuckled. The warmth of the air hit your skin as you stepped out, a change from the air-conditioned interior of the car. Matt guided you along what felt like grass under your toes, stopping after about twenty feet.
“Surprise, baby.” He whispered in your ear as he carefully untied the blindfold. It took a few seconds for your eyes to adjust to the light, but as soon as they did, you were astounded by the view. A glistening lake stretched before you, cut off by an emerald forest on the other side as the golden streams of light from the sun cascaded over the tops as it set. Different layers overlapped where the ground was higher in places, offering endless opportunities for long walks and hikes. To your right was a clearing with picnic benches and spots for tents to be set up, only one of them currently in use.
You turned your head to the side to face Matt, a smile brightly illuminating your features and he couldn’t be happier at the sight.
“Oh Matt…” You sighed happily, reaching up a hand to cup his face. “This is gorgeous.”
“I’m happy you like it.” He wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and peppering sweet kisses up your neck. You hummed in content, fluttering your eyes closed to savour the moment.
“Is this because I told you I had never been camping before the other night?” You murmured.
“Mhmm.” He confirmed. “My dad used to bring me and Christie here when we were little, and I loved it, so I wanted to share it with you.”
“Well thank you.”
“We should probably get set up before the sun sets fully.” He said, and you nodded, turning and walking beside him back to the car to help out.
Matt practically put up the tent himself, since you just felt you were getting in the way as you didn’t have much experience, not that he minded; he was in his element. You instead decided to get acquainted with your temporary neighbours. They were on the opposite side of the row to you, about ten yards down, with you being at the closest to the water and them being the furthest. They were sat in a couple of camping chairs in front of their campfire, smiling and waving as you made your way over. Mr and Mrs Miller were a lovely couple, a couple of generations older than you but still very lively. You got to know them relatively well in the fifteen minutes you spoke to them, telling them about your jobs as firefighters and how it was your first camping trip. They told you about their grandkids, how they liked to travel to different campsites around the country now that they were both retired, and even offered for you and Matt to join them if you so wished. Matt came over once he was done with the tent, joining in the conversation before you bid farewell to go and unpack what was left from the car and get something to eat.
“So, do we have to piss in a circle around the tent now?” You asked Matt half-jokingly after swallowing the last bite of your sandwich that he had packed for you both. You were sat beside each other on the grass, looking out to the lake, the sun very low behind the trees. The Millers had gone to bed an hour ago, so you were the only people in sight for at least a mile.
“What?” He burst out laughing at your unexpected question, as you had previously been sat in comfortable silence.
“You know, to keep the bears away.” You shrugged, chuckling along.
Matt placed a hand on your knee as he came down from his laughing fit. “No, Y/N, there aren’t any bears around here, so we’re good. Although, be my guest if you really want to.”
“Oh, shut up.” You playfully shoved his shoulder as you smiled. “Do you have anything planned for tonight then?”
“Not really. We made it here quicker than I thought we would so I don’t have anything pre-planned. However,” Matt began to draw circles on your thigh with his thumb, leaning in closer to you, beginning to trail kisses down your neck, stopping at the junction of it to suck a hickey into your skin, painting it a sultry red that would shift hues as the days pass. “Christening the tent doesn’t seem like a bad idea.”
You let out a breathy moan, melting into his touch like a candle to a flame, his skin leaving tingles wherever it touched yours. He moved a hand to your shoulder blade and gently lowered you down on the grass so that he was hovering over you, his hands roaming your body like yours were roaming his.
“As much as I’m enjoying this,” You managed to get out as Matt coaxed your t-shirt halfway up your torso. “I have a better idea.”
He stopped his ministrations and lifted his head to look at you quizzically. All you did in reply was give him a mischievous smile before sitting up, taking him with you, and standing. You began walking backwards towards the lake, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt to tease him before pulling it fully over your head and throwing it to the side. Matt’s eyes were glued to your body, seductively walking backwards with a heat in your step, as he stood, doing nothing but watching you, transfixed. By now you had begun unbuttoning your jeans, unzipping the fly and pushing them off your legs, leaving you in just your underwear. It wasn’t anything overly risqué (comfortable lilac cotton with lace trim on both of the matching pieces) but it practically had him drooling.
“Ever been skinny dipping, Matt?” You said, voice dripping with lust like nectar from a flower, your teasing head tilt making his pants become uncomfortably tight.
“Someone’s feeling daring.” He pointed out, his voice seemingly deeper than before.
You winked in reply, turning around before pulling down your panties, stepping out of them then unclasping your bra, pulling it off your shoulders and throwing it to the floor. Your nipples were already fully erect, and because it was a humid summer’s day, you knew it wasn’t due to any cold air. Now fully nude, you looked back over your shoulder to see Matt getting undressed himself, a slight sheen of sweat glistening on his bare chest in the dim light that shone through the trees. You couldn’t help but turn around and enjoy the show, him pushing down his pants and boxers in one, allowing his cock to spring free against his stomach, granting it its much-awaited freedom. He lifted his eyes to see you watching him, biting your lip, and suddenly all your thoughts of running to the water’s edge dissipated, being replaced with him taking you right there and then on the grass.
“I don’t know about you,” He said as he walked the ten feet distance to you. “But I don’t think I can wait till we’re in the water.”
He was right in front of you now, his skin just begging for your touch. All you could do was nod, your bottom lip still trapped by your teeth until he reached up his hand to your face, his thumb tugging your lip free. He then threaded the same hand into your hair, the other one wandering down to grab your ass as he leaned in. You slid one hand up his chest and the other down to wrap around his cock, then you met him halfway, locking your lips in a devilishly hot kiss. You were both heavily aroused already, your nipples pressing hard against his chest, his dick twitching as you ran your hand up and down it.
In seconds you were laid down on the floor, Matt hovering over the top of you as he his lips began to drift over your jaw, down your neck, and to your left breast. His breath was hot and the occasional moan left his lips, but he stayed on his quest. He sucked at your nipple harshly, eliciting a moan from you. He peered up from his spot on your chest, quirking an eyebrow.
“You need to stay quiet, babygirl.” He smirked.
You sighed in frustration. You loved letting him know vocally what he did to you, even though he could tell by the way you writhed and squirmed beneath him. He went back to your nipple, licking a stripe up it as his left hand rolled your other between his fingers, pinching harshly every now and then to make your blood rush to your centre. He lightly bit the one he had in his mouth, and you had to clamp your teeth down onto your bottom lip to stop yourself from groaning. He soothed it by swirling his tongue before moving onto your other breast, his right hand dancing down your side softly, caressing your hip, trailing further and further down until it met your hot, wet lips.
You gasped out as his finger drew circles around your clit, his lips tracing patterns with kisses down your torso on their way to meet his fingers. You bucked your hips into his hand, grinding your wetness against him, telling him that this was all for him, that he had done this to you. You felt his lips turn upwards into a smile against your hip, letting you know he understood, as his teeth nipped gently at the skin there.
He finally arrived at his destination, drawing back his fingers, leaving you whimpering at the loss of contact. He pushed your legs further apart, his warm breath fanning over your glistening lips as you began to squirm in anticipation of what was to come. He knew he was damn good at giving oral, as did you, and he loved to hear you and see you work yourself up before the act.
“Please, Matt, please, I-I need-“ You started to plead, only to be interrupted by his tongue flattening against your aching nub, running back and forth in long, slow strokes that caused your muscles to tense at each one, however hard you tried to relax.
“Holy fucking shit…” You breathed out, bringing a hand to your mouth to muffle the moans that were bound to come. His mouth vibrated against you as he chuckled at your response, but he didn’t stop. He sealed his lips around your clit, making your head spin, swirling his tongue around and around. You reached out your free hand to entangle your fingers into his golden strands, tugging gently at them, just how he liked it. He moaned against you, sending waves of pleasure through your body. He continued to suck and lap at different spots to make to writhe beneath him, using his hands to pin your thighs down on either side of his head.
You felt your orgasm beginning to coil tighter and tighter in your stomach, and he seemed in no rush to get out of there, lavishing attention over every part of you, leaving nothing untouched. Sliding his hands underneath your ass, he pulled you further into him, filling his mouth with you as if he could never get enough.
“Matt, I’m…I’m close.” You panted, and he got the hint, removing his mouth with one last lick and moving back up to meet your lips once again. You could feel his hard on pressing against your core, teasing you whether it was intentional or not, as his tongue danced with yours and your lips fought in a battle to devour each other’s.
He was grinding against you now, just enough friction to make you beg for more but not enough to reach your high. He knew what he was doing, and he was enjoying it. Time for a taste of his own medicine.
You took his moment of weakness (in the form of a groan) to flip your bodies over, you now straddling him, lips still connected as you grinded down onto him. He was craving his release, as were you, and as much as you were relishing the moment, you gave in. You lifted your hips, wrapping a hand around his throbbing cock to line it up with your entrance before sinking down onto it, both of you releasing a guttural moan in unison, attempting to be as quiet as possible but failing pretty miserably. His hands were gripping your hips so hard they would probably leave bruises that would linger for days, reminding you of this night every time you looked in the mirror.
You tried to hold on, continue teasing him, but pure carnal pleasure took over, and soon you were raising your hips and slamming them back down, each motion causing a delicious bliss to flood your veins. Your movements quickened, both of you panting with how close you were to the brink of an orgasm, when Matt drove his hips up in time with you, the force at which he did making you lift a hand from where you were bracing yourself on his shoulder to your mouth, clamping it over it to muffle the scream you let free.
“Come with me, baby, I want to feel you clench around my cock.” Matt groaned, and you flew over the edge, hurtling into the most intense orgasm you had ever experienced, Matt joining you as you felt him release into you. You could’ve sworn you saw a galaxy of stars behind your eyelids as your legs shuddered with the force of your high, and as you lifted yourself off of Matt and collapsed next to him in a post-orgasmic daze, you took deep breaths of the fresh night air that enveloped you.
With some sense of reality restored, Matt placed an arm under your head, wrapping it around you to draw soothing circles on your shoulder as you both watch the real stars above your heads. You turned towards him to nuzzle into his neck, pressing lazy kissing along his pulse point as you enjoyed each other’s company, blind to the rest of the world, at least for a few minutes.
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glassbxttless · 3 years
Hi! Just here to remind you that this is an AU and Han isn’t actually a piece of shit like I’m making him out to be in here (:
This is also the final part in this little piece of the AU. I might start expanding it though (: (I’m sorry if it makes y’all sad. Just putting Matty through it /: )
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Matt Solo x Reader
Part Three
Word Count: 1,807
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, abuse, swearing
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You’re awake before Matt is, Randy’s still asleep on the futon and Ben isn’t in the room. You climb down off the bunk bed and your thighs are sticky from the night before. And you’re searching for the bathroom to clean up just a little before you face Han and Leia for the day.
Once you settle yourself into the restroom and wash up a bit, you instantaneously hear the yelling, the skin against skin slap. “Jesus fucking Christ— I just woke up.” Matt’s voice is gravely. “Can I eat something before I get your bitch fit, Han?”
And then everything goes quiet for a while. Matt’s never called his father by his first name to his face. He grabs the orange juice from the fridge, Ben is smoking a cigarette on the back stoop. Leia is stunned by the exchange between her husband and youngest son for a moment. You’re standing in the hall, just watching Matt pour himself a glass and takes a drink. He isn’t even wearing his glasses at this point. His face is bright red on one part of his cheek.
You pick the glasses up off of the ground, noticing the crack in the lenses, and walk towards him, handing them over quietly. “Do you wanna leave?” You ask him quietly as you slip them onto his face. He flinches just a bit, the stinging in his cheek is inevitable.
“Not yet. Got some shit to figure out this weekend.” He mumbles as he downs the rest of the glass. “I won’t hit him back.” You tuck a strand of his hair back and take a look at his cheek. “I’m fine, Sunny. Happens a lot.”
“He hit you?” You ask quietly and he just tips his head back and steps away to join Ben on the stoop, asking for a cigarette.
You take a deep breath as Leia looks at the boys on the stoop. “Does that really happen often?” You ask her as she starts cooking breakfast.
“Unfortunately.” She says quietly, “hasn’t done it in so long… I thought they were doing better.” She sighs.
“He doesn’t smoke at home.” You point out and move closer to offer your help with breakfast.
“Being around his dad and Ben does that to him.” She says softly as she starts frying up the bacon. You cut a potato into small pieces. Matt was upset as soon as he woke up that morning. Getting the shit smacked outta him when he walks into the living room for having sex under his roof. He’d gotten a good one in too, his face was still sore.
“I didn’t tell him.” Ben says softly as he flicks his cigarette out. “Guess he heard.” They’d been sitting together quietly, unsure of what to say. They’d each gotten their fair share of slaps and punches. They’d also gotten their fair share in. But Matt was almost thirty now, he wasn’t seventeen anymore. He wasn’t about to punch his dad's lights out for slapping him. He had a lot more shit to deal with and it’d definitely be a lot harder than he was intending.
“I don’t care, honestly.” Matt flicks the ashes away and takes another long pull from his own cigarette. “I’ll fuck my fiancée wherever I wanna fuck her. I’ll do it in his fucking bed next time. I don’t care.” He shrugs again. “I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for Sunny wanting to meet you guys. Woulda went another fucking year not talking to him.” He puts the cigarette out against the concrete and places the butt down, rubbing over his face.
Ben sighs and pulls the spare pair of glasses from his jacket pocket, handing them over to him. “Here. Shouldn’t be looking through cracked lenses.” The silver frames are shaped a bit different from the usual gold pair he wears, but the prescription is right and he’d do anything to get that giant line out of his vision. “Keep your glasses and Randy’s contacts on me, in case you need them.” He says softly.
Matt almost smiles as he exchanges the glasses. “Thank you.” He says softly.
Ben nudges his shoulder, “he’s just mad he isn’t getting laid.” Matt laughs softly and smiles, glancing at his hands. “I’m sorry. For what I did before.” Ben says quietly. “I don’t have any excuses for it— but I am sorry… and I’m really glad to see you happy.”
“Thank you.” Matt says softly and wrings his hands a bit. Both boys turn their heads when Leia opens the door, smiling sadly.
“Matthew? Let’s take a look at that, huh?” She says quietly as she moves past them to crouch in front of them.
“Mom, I’m fine.” He says softly. He may have always been a little upset that his mother never left him after he first hit Randy in one of his rage fits. “Barely hit me.” He lies as Leia looks him over.
“Don’t lie to your mama.” She says quietly as you step out to check on Matt as well. You were ready to get the weekend over, to go home. And you wouldn’t ever ask Matt to come here again, if he didn’t want to. “I’m sorry that he did that.” And that flipped a switch in Matt’s brain, one that couldn’t ignore what his mother let happen to them.
“You’re only sorry that you stayed with him.” Matt says and pushes her hands away a bit. “I’m twenty-nine and you’re still kissing his ass.” You bite your lip gently and walk forward to place your fingers against his bare shoulder.
“Matty? Be nice.”
“I don’t have to be nice to anyone here.” Matt snaps, his eyes are filling with tears and his chest is tight. “You and Randy are the only two people who haven’t fucked me over in one way or another.” Ben sits there awkwardly, you wrap Matt in your arms as Leia looks at him genuinely hurt. “I didn’t want to come here.” His voice is shaking. Almost thirty years of holding it all in and he’s breaking down in your arms. “I didn’t want to see any of you.”
You press kisses into his hair and ask Ben and Leia both to give you a minute.
Ben obliges and pulls Leia back into the house. Randy catches sight of them coming back inside and raises an eyebrow. “Everything okay?” And Leia just shakes her head.
Matt cries, pressing his face against your chest. And you aren’t sure if you’ve ever really seen him cry since you’ve been together. Matt hid his vulnerability so well, replaced it with anger, did his best to be better for you. You didn’t need anyone that wasn’t able to handle himself. “Let it out.” You whisper into his hair and gently run your nails up and down his back. “We can go home.” You say to him quietly. “And we don’t have to come back.”
Matt takes a few deep breaths and presses a deep kiss into the skin of your chest. “I should say something…” he wipes his eyes and you take in the appearance of the different frames. “I love you so much… but please, don’t ask me to come back here again.” His voice is quiet and you just nod.
“Go get dressed, Matty. I’ll drive us home.” She says quietly as you help him stand. And when you go inside and hear Han say something about Matt crying like a little bitch. You’re the one that loses your shit. “Excuse me?” You cock an eyebrow up as you push Matt forward to his bedroom. He’s so used to being the one in charge. The one that deals with your bullshit, but here he was so vulnerable and you are sticking up for him. “He’s allowed to cry. Especially when he has to deal with this bullshit. You should all be thankful he even agreed to come here because all you’ve done is treat him like shit.” You're pointing at Han now.
Matt re-emerges from the room with a t-shirt on now and his backpack pulled onto his back. His hair is disheveled and his face is splotchy. But he’s spent. He’s ready. He looks at his family quietly and takes them in. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be in the same room as them all again. Not until there’s a funeral.
And he thinks that maybe he should try with his brothers more, forgive his parents, and keep his distance from them. He needs his own boundaries. He needs to learn how to deal with his own emotions in a proper way. “Sunny.” He snaps his fingers and points to the spot beside him. You’d be offended if he didn’t wrap his arm around your shoulders and take a deep breath. “Ben, Randy, dinner at my apartment on Saturday?”
Randy nods, smiling a bit. “Of course… you need help with your stuff?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Matt nods and passes his bag to him before looking at his parents. He leaves your side for just a moment to pull his mom into a tight hug. He’d continue to call her and maybe in the future he’d be okay with inviting her over for dinners too. He kisses her head and smiles a bit. He even moves to hug his dad, knowing in his heart that he really doesn’t want to see him again. And he smiles tightly when Han rubs his head and says I love you, kid. He just nods.
You carry your own bag outside to where Randy was putting Matt’s into the car. “He doesn’t deserve this.” Randy says to you quietly. “He’s smart. He gotta outta here for a reason.” He shuts the back door and turns to look at you, “thank you for taking care of him, you know? He’s too smart for himself. Can’t take care of shit.” You chuckle. “And make sure he knows we’re here for him.”
Matt walks outside and heads straight for the car. You thank Randy quietly and climb into the driver's seat. Ben steps out and raps on the window with his knuckle until Matt rolls it down. And Ben offers Matt and Randy both another cigarette which they all enjoy. Ben smiles, “hey. We’re alright.” He shrugs. “You’re alright, Matt. Doesn’t matter what happens.”
“Still our baby brother.” Randy chirps with the cigarette between his lips and Matt turns a deep shade of red.
There was still so much you didn’t know about Matt’s family. But this one night— not even full weekend— has shown you why Matt stays so distant. And you reach over to take a long draw from Matt’s cigarette which has you all laughing. “Dinner on Saturday?” You confirm with the three of them who all just nod.
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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@sacklerscumrag @mrs-zimmerman @miraclesabound @fizzywoohoo @roanniom @thepriceofstars @2000andwhat @loganluckylover @themuseic
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sincewereahoe · 5 years
a star spangled banner
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Hello friends. 
I’ve decided to rework these and post them with OC. I still really love some of the stuff I previously wrote and would love to work on them. Feedback and comments always helped moved me along with that, so it would be great to have that again. If not it’s gucci. If you still like this stuff please support. Yanno the drill, as do I which means I probably won’t get any but yolo.
Also, all the people who get heated over this story...
eat cake bitch. 
To Sam a black tie affair was more like a strangulation. He hated ties, and hated this bowtie even more, but that was the required protocol for such an event. However, there was something Sam hated more than bowties, and that was being disrespectful. So he wore the black bow tie and tugged at it every few minutes.
“Mr. O’Bray you are seated here.”
Sam took his place at the large circle table that was decorated with crystal and picked up his name card. Placing it down he check those seated next to him, wondering if he knew any of their names.
There was someone named Christopher, who he had never heard of before. Then he checked to his right.
Theadora Rose Simpson.
He’d never heard of her either.
Getting comfortable in his seat he played with his cufflinks when the guy who was Christopher sat down, and told Sam to call him Chris. He was a middle aged fellow, blonde hair that was slightly over gelled, but even Sam felt inferior with how good looking he was. Sam quickly found out he was with a congressman from a state he’d already forgotten but all Sam cared about was that it was a blue state.
They chatted for a bit making small talk as the room and tabled filled up when suddenly he felt someone on his right. Looking up his heart shattered.
Dressed in all black, she was sleek and elegant. Her hair smoothed and pinned on one side the other free, her lips draped with a strong red colour. To Sam she was pinnacle of classic dark American beauty.  
“Yes, Michael. We will have to do dinner soon.” She smiled politely as she gave a wave to the person she was saying goodbye to.
Snapping his mouth shut, Sam turned down and looked at his glass of liquor, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he reached for it.  As he continued to keep his eyes away he still could see out of the corner of his eye as she sat down, smoothing out her slim fitting dress and placing her little bag to the side.
“Hello,” she said to everyone at the table that was within speaking distance.
The person on her right quickly engaged in conversation and Sam was thankful because that meant he might have some time to prep himself for the impending interaction.
“Hello,” she smiled, extending her hand while exposing perfectly white teeth behind the matte lip. Quickly he took it and gave a nod as if she was royalty and returned a version of a greeting.
“I’m Theadora.”
“Sam O’Bray.”  
When he said his name he felt so average. Internally he cursed his mother for not giving him a more impressive name.
“Ah Christopher,” she smiled as her eyes drifted. “So good to see you again.”
Both of them exchanged a few words but then there was a chime at the front of large chandelier hung room, and everyone turned. Sam was turning over his chair to look when Theadora leaned in closely, speaking low because the room was already quite.
“I think they are punishing you by putting you in that chair.”
“Huh?” Sam said regretfully, because she was so perfect and all he could do was make grunts in reply. She smiled.
“Your neck. Be careful not to look over too much, you’ll be stiff tomorrow if you do.”
“Oh,” he breathed before she smiled and then turned to look with everyone else. He knew he was supposed to turn right away too but he just couldn’t help himself. He just had to take her in a little longer before he did, his eyes sparkling at her with caution and a juvenile amount of interest.
The next hour was filled with long speeches by people that Sam really didn’t know, but the one thing he knew was that they all were far more important than him. Not to mention, Theadora looked so absorbed and entertained by what was going on up front that he couldn’t help but want to be interested too. As if somehow that would make him more, interesting? Intelligent? Desirable? 
He hadn’t had thoughts like this in so long. He knew that paying attention wouldn’t be how she would grow interested him. 
Occasionally she would make a joke and Christopher would laugh and Sam gave his fake laugh that he’d perfected over the years. He didn’t understand the context of anything she said so he had to seem like he got the inside joke too even though he didn’t at all.
Sam couldn’t help but notice, however, when they all stood for most prominent man in the room to enter that Theadora turned and glanced at Christopher. The look wasn’t an obvious look, because Sam was still trying to figure if she hated him too.  
Finally all the long speeches followed by hollow clapping ended and everyone turned to their dinner plate as waiters came and placed their food. Everyone ate and drank at the table and Sam felt very out of his element.
“Oh boy,” suddenly Theadora said leaning to him, “we’ve alienated you from the conversation.”
She turned up to Christopher, whom Sam had slowly caught on had a very good relationship with Theadora, and looked for support. Christopher smiled and jumped in.
“We tend to do that.”
“Well,” Theadora said patting her lap before reaching for her tumbler, “what do you do Sam? You aren’t newly elected are you? I feel I should have kissed your ass more if you were?”
Sam laughed uncomfortably. Wishing he could have said he was newly elected to make himself seem more important. 
“Ah, no I’m just a reporter at T.I.M.E.”
“Oh,” she breathed, reaching for her wine, “I really should have been kissing ass then.”
Her and Chris laughed.
‘I’m not that kind of reporter,” Shawn quickly clarified. “I do more photography than anything. I’m pretty new to the gig too. So I don’t have much important to throw around.”
“How did you get a job there?”
“Ah well, I was free lancing at TIME magazine. I wasn’t really doing much but I always was trying to get in and do something worthy. Just waiting for my little break. I managed to be at the right place and right time, with my camera of course.” 
She was listening deeply with her hand under her chin, but softly smiled to let him know she was listening before he turned away again to the group to speak. 
“I managed to be inside the protest last June. I got some pretty cool shots, and showed them to my manager and he knew right away someone should see them. It happened pretty fast but the following issue a couple of my pictures were in the article.”
There was a couple hums of impressment around the table, and Sam waved his hands.
“It really wasn’t much and I was on a temporary contract at first, but it was my small little break, and since then they’ve had me out doing a lot more. Slowly falling into political stuff? So I guess that’s how I ended up here.”
Someone across the table then jumped in speaking to Sam. At first Sam was careful, listening and trying to absorb everything he was saying but then no question came and he realized his limelight within the conversation had been hijacked towards someone else. 
When the  attention had no longer been on Sam for quite some time he felt Theadora lean in, making sure not to be rude.
“So you’re still at TIME then?” Her eyes were twinkling again but the look on her face was amused, as she conveyed she didn’t care for the person rudely taking over Sam’s moment and boasting about themselves at the other end of the table. She instigated their own little secret conversation on their side of the table.
“Ah, yes. They gave me a position. Nothing big, but it was really nice to be offically hired.”
“That really amazing Sam. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll have to get a copy of that issue. I’d love to see what you did.”
Sam perked up, way too overeager. Not because of his print issue, but because she wanted it. “Would you like one? I can get you one. I swear I have probably twenty copies sitting in my apartment. I got really excited every time I saw it on a stand and I just had to pick one up every time I saw one on the street. Which is a lot in New York, like a lot.”
She laughed. “I would love to have one.”
Suddenly someone at the front of the room took a microphone and the conversation was forced to be over, but Sam looked over to say one last thing.
“I’ll send you one.”
Giving a soft smile as their eyes connected she mouth the words ‘thank you’ before turning to the speaker.
Once dinner was over the official dance began and soft jazz began to play from the band on stage. Sam continued to remain at his table to talk as did Christopher, but most importantly Theadora too.
Throughout the night, through the last few speeches, Sam had been catching her eyes on him. The first few times she looked away quickly and smiled, trying to pass it off as just a glance and not stare, but after the fourth time she stopped. 
Instead she just softly smiled before looking down and nervously fiddling with something. Sometimes it was her dress, other times the jewelry on her wrist, or her hair, but every time she did Sam felt himself drawing to her. The low elegant candlelight romanized the room
Or maybe he was just crazy? The idea she would be looking at him in any capacity other than the person sitting next to her at dinner seemed one fabricated from his own desire, rather than reality.
As conversations at the table kept going he cared less and less if he was wrong.
They were in the middle of another one of Christopher's wild stories when someone approached from the back. The voice was deep.
For whatever reason Sam felt as if he has watched Theadora tense up. “Todd.”
“Would you like to dance?”
She looked up and smiled. “I’d love to.”
Sam couldn’t help admire how pretty she was, even as he felt a pang of jealousy that he hadn’t thought of asking her to dance first.
Trailing off she linked arms with the man to the dance floor. Sam watched on for a few moments.
“Not going to ask anyone to dance?” Christopher asked.
Sam shrugged. “I wouldn’t even know who? What about you?”
Christopher shrugged too. “I don’t really feel the need anymore? You do this long enough and you realize every single one of those dances are nothing more than a negotiation.”
Christopher tipped his glass to Theadora as she turned like grace around the room. “I bet you more than anything Todd is talking her ear off about the CTRA Bill we will be voting on next week. Trying to swing her vote, or confirm it. I never know with her.”
“Oh?” Sam said again, wishing he’d at least brushed up on something before coming tonight. Christopher caught on.
“This is all gibberish to you isn’t it.”
Sam gave an uncomfortable laugh. “Pretty much, yeah. I wish I knew more. I feel really out of place.”
Christopher gave a warm and understanding smile. “Ah don’t worry. You’re been the best company we’ve had in a long while. Problem is we don’t even know how to have conversations outside of work. That’s our fault.”
Sam smiled.
“Well don’t worry if you don’t understand. You’ll see by the end of the night.”
They exchanged a look and smile before he looked back to Theadora only allowing himself to watch her chatting and smiling as she looked up at Todd before it became too weird.
Sam then realized he still didn’t know exactly what Theadora did. It was obvious she was political member, but a young one so what could she possibly be voting on? He wanted to find out but without looking like an idiot. He knew he could probably pull out his phone but he worried about someone seeing over his shoulder. He said if he didn’t figure it out within the hour he would sneak off to the bathroom.
Chris and Sam eventually joined another conversation at the table before the dance was over and she returned.
“What are you three jabbering on about?” Theadora suddenly said as she pulled up a chair and sitting down so close she was almost on Sam’s shoulder with the angle.
“Phones” Sam said softly as Chris and someone else he’d already forgotten.
“Phones?” She laughed. “Of course. They finally let us use something other than Blackberry. Who is team who?”
“Well Chris is team iPhone and he is an android.”
“Ah, of course Android.”
“So I take it you’re iPhone.” Shawn asked and immediately she scoffed. 
“Oh no. I can’t handle that little SE they allowed. S6 is far superior. Bigger screen too.”
Sam peered down. “Bigger screen? Can you even hold it in those tiny hands?”
She laughed as she held them out and examined them. They too were flawless. 
“And what does your big hands use then?”
Sam chuckled as he held up his large iPhone, latest model. She shook her head at him in a playful before the argument between the two across from them picked up. Her eyes went large at how silly they were being by yelling over something so trivial.
“Only grown men with nothing better to do would fight over this.”
Sam was about to make a comment but he noticed a new figure creating a shadow over her shoulder. He looked up which caused her to do the same.
And then with a few more words she was standing up for another dance, and that’s what happened for the rest of the night. 
It became musical chairs for her. She would come back after the dance and would sit down only for a few moments before another white man, way too cocky, or way too old was asking her to dance.
It reached the point Sam would watch her being approached on her way back to the table, unable to even make back and sit down. By that point Sam knew it was useless to even bother.
“Wow that Bill C3C or whatever must be really pressing tonight.” Sam commented as him and Chris sat again alone at the table. Chris laughed
“Ahh, well as much as it is pressing, that’s not the reason they surround her like vultures?”
Sam laughed. “Chris you gotta know I don’t understand your vague observations anymore.”
Chris gave threw his head back and nodded. “Okay, okay, fair enough. Okay, well not to be crass, but… look at her.” Chris turned and as did Sam, even if he didn’t need to. He knew how stunning she was.
“Now, add that with being the youngest woman in congress.”
Sam nodded slowly finally getting his answer on what she did. It shocked him because congress was huge, and rare - extremely rare with how young she looked. He got it now.
“Smart, beautiful, successful,  in power- ”
“Single.” Chris added.
“Oh yeah,” he laughed almost with a tone of mocking. “ Why do you think they circle her like vultures? I hate to say it because she’s so much more than it, but they only look at her as a cute thing they can flirt with. She plays the game well, but trust me she knows they would use and toss her, the married ones in particular for obvious reasons. She knows, and that’s why she plays the game the best because they think she’s the same sorority girl from college they played with.” He paused firmly. “She’s not.”
“She’s serious about this. The most serious person in this entire room, and that includes that disgrace of a man up front.”
Sam turned to watch as Chris admired her from afar. His words flowing absentmindedly from an honest daze, almost as if Chris had forgotten he was speaking out loud.
“All those stupid men, passing her off like she’s nothing but a hot piece of ass. Fucking fools dancing with Lady Lazarus. What did Sylvia say? Eat men like air. She will that’s for sure, she was bred for it.” He paused for a few moments, still lost in his own thoughts. “She’s already something, but one day she’s really going to be something.”
Sam listened intensely before Chris turned and looked him dead in the eye. 
“That woman is going to be president one day.” 
Sam didn’t answer and he didn’t have to as Chris turned away to look again. “And I think it’s going to be sooner than anyone thinks.”
Sam waited to answer, the topic so intense that there wasn’t any doubt even though the light daze of alcohol he was skimming along. “You think?”
“Oh yes.”
“I don’t doubt you, but why do you think?”
Chris smiled before reaching for his drink. “Because even I would want to vote for her.”
Sam’s brow furrowed together, confused. “Would? Why wouldn’t you?”
There was a small pause and for some reason, the tension in the air was suddenly thick. A rush of anxiety, for no logical reason it came through Sam’s whole body. He felt whatever was about to be said wasn’t something he wasn’t ready for, and the smirk on Chris’s lips only added to the feeling.
“Because she’s a fucking Republican, Sam.”
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Blood & Family
Part 6
Blood & Family Masterlist
Summary: Astraea meet the rest of the Mikaelsons. Esther invites everyone to the ball and links her children, then tries to kills them. Astraea ends up badly injured.
Word Count: 2539.
“Damon, let me out” Astraea demanded.
“Not happening” Damon was standing in front of the door.
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“And till when do you think you can keep me here?”.
“As long as it takes”.
“Stefan, you’re the sensible one, tell your brother to let me go”.
“So you can go back to Klaus? We’re doing this for your own good” Stefan told her.
“And since when do you care? You’re only focused on revenge and you, you never cared about anything other than your brother and Elena”.
“And you’re Klaus’ friend, so it makes you a part of my revenge plan” Stefan smirked.
“Believe it or not, I actually care, A” Damon informed her.
“If you do, then you’d let me go”.
“You’re staying her tonight, end of discussion” Damon ordered.
After midnight, Astraea tried to sneak out, but Damon caught her “going somewhere?”.
“Just wanted to get some fresh air” she lied.
“You know, you were never good at lying, so get back to bed, unless you’d like me to carry you again”.
The next day, the three of them went to Elena’s house and she informed them that it was Esther, their mother who was in that coffin and she forgave Klaus and wants to live in peace with her family.
“So Klaus is fine?” Astraea asked.
“I guess so”.
“Does that mean I’m free to go?” She looked at the Salvatore brothers.
“Not quite yet” Damon teased.
The doorbell rang and Elena opened, but there was no one there. She found two envelopes on the floor. One for her and one for Astraea. It was an invitation to the Mikaelsons ball.
“That’s it! I have to go out. I need to dress shop. I’ll see you at the ball” Astraea left in a hurry.
She couldn’t find a dress that would fit the theme of the ball, so she decided to check on Klaus.
She knocked on the door, but it was already open. She heard some voices and went to see the source.
Rebekah was sitting on the couch getting her nails done. Finn was getting dressed and Kol was looking at himself in the mirror.
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“Rebekah, you’re back! I thought I’d never see you again, I’m glad I did. I- uhm was looking for Klaus. Have you seen him?”.
“Astraea, come on in. Don’t be shy” Rebekah welcomed her.
“Klaus is befriended with a human?” Kol couldn’t believe it.
“Kol, Finn, this is Astraea. She’s a friend. Astraea these are my brothers Finn and Kol” Rebekah introduced.
“A pleasure to meet you, Madam” Kol kissed her hand.
“Oh, hi! Pleasure to meet you too” she smiled.
“To answer your question, he’s with our mother” Rebekah replied.
“Uh, sorry. What?” She was taken by Kol.
“Nik. He’ll be here shortly. You’re welcome to wait here” Rebekah elaborated.
“Oh, right. Ahm, alright”.
“So, Astraea. How have you come to know my brother?” Kol asked.
“It’s a funny story actually… or rather a weird one. He sacrificed my aunt and cousin at the altar to break the werewolf curse. Then, a friend of mine was bitten by a werewolf and Klaus’ blood’s the cure, so his brother made a deal with your brother. He’d save his life if he and I came with him” she explained.
“And you went with him, even though, he murdered your aunt and cousin?” Kol was confused.
“Well, yeah. I didn’t want to lose anybody else. And my cousin is still alive, so”.
“Why did you stay with him after you returned?”.
“I think your brother is a great person… or a hybrid”.
Kol scoffed and Rebekah snorted.
“A great person? How long have you know him, exactly?”.
“Long enough to know he always gets what he wants and if anyone stands in his way, he’ll get brutally murdered. But I also happen to find him not completely evil”.
“Try a thousand years. You’ll change your mind”.
“Hope, you’re here!” Klaus was surprised to see you.
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“Klaus! You’re alive and well. Can we talk?”.
They left the room and went to the main hall.
“They can still hear us, you know?” Klaus reminded her.
“Doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I left. I didn’t want to, but Damon forced me and you know I’m helpless against two vampires” she apologized.
“You don’t have to apologize. There’s nothing you could have done. I’m actually glad that you left. My brothers would have torn you apart, just to punish me” Klaus expressed.
“So you’re not mad?”.
“One more thing. Thank you for the invitation, and as much as I would've loved to come, I can’t”.
“Why not?”.
“I don’t have a dress. I went to look for one today, but I found nothing”.
“Why didn’t you say so from the beginning. I have a couple of gowns that I’m sure would fit you perfectly” Klaus assured her.
“You have dresses? Might I ask why?” She raised her eyebrow.
“Don't worry! I don’t wear them. I collected them through the years. It Would be a shame to let them go to waste and be forgotten”.
“I see”.
“After you” he led her to a room where he kept all the antiques he collected through the years.
“You can have whichever you want. I’ll be outside, if you need anything” he showed her to the gowns.
“Thank you”.
“Don’t mention it” he closed the door and left.
She looked through the stuff and found drawings, jewelry, historical pieces and artifacts and was fascinated by them.
“I have to go. Caroline called, she needs help, but thank you for the dress. I’ll see you tonight”.
“Hey, Caroline! What’s wrong?”.
“Rebekah invited Matt to the ball. I wasn’t planning on going, but now I have to. I don’t have a dress” she sighed.
Astraea looked through her clothes and found a big box, when she opened it, there was a stunning blue dress inside.
“What’s wrong with this one?”.
“It’s- uhm it’s from Klaus”.
“He must be feeling generous today” Astraea commented.
“Nothing. I think you should wear it. It’s beautiful”.
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“You look stunning” Kol complimented.
“You don’t look bad yourself” Astraea blushed.
“Care to join me for a dance?” He offered.
“I’d love to”.
“So, Kol. Why did Klaus dagger you?”.
“Why does Nik do anything?”.
“Fair enough”.
“I don’t know why, but I swear your gown looks familiar” Kol tried to remember where he’s seen it before.
“That’s because it’s not mine. I borrowed it from your brother, which I’m sure he stole from someone in the 18th or 19th century” she informed him.
“I figured. You can’t seem to stop staring at him” he noticed how she was looking at him and Caroline dancing.
“It’s nothing like that. They’re kind of look fit for each other, which is weird”.
“Why so?”.
“Because she’s in a relationship with another friend of mine, who is actually sired to your brother. He even made him bite her once, but then cured her”.
It was time to change partners and she ended up dancing with Klaus.
“Klaus!” She didn’t expect him to be her partner.
“Good evening, love! You look-“.
“I was gonna say beautiful”.
“Well, thank you. You look handsome. I didn’t know you could dance that good”.
“Well, I had a thousand years of experience”.
“Right. This is great! Whenever I need a dance partner, I’ll give you a ring” she joked.
“Not so fast...Hope, you should stay away from Kol” he warned.
“He’s dangerous”.
“So are you. But I’m still alive. Don’t worry, I’ll be just fine. There’s something I need to talk to you about”.
“Then talk”.
She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear “Your mother requested to see Elena, alone. I thought you should know”.
“How did you know?”.
“It was written on the back of the invitation”.
“I see you’ve been rejected” Astraea teased.
“Have you come to laugh at me?” Klaus asked.
“On the contrary. I actually got out to get some fresh air and overheard your conversation with Caroline. Sorry that your horse was murdered, by your father”.
“It’s not a big deal. So, you like horses?”.
“Yeah. As you said, they’re loyal, unlike people”.
“Elijah! What are you doing here?” Astraea was surprised to see him in the Salvatore's house.
“I could ask you the same thing”.
“I was looking for your brother, but no one was home, so I came to see if Rebekah’s here, since she was here in the morning”.
“Rebekah is a little busy at the moment”.
“Do you know where she is?”.
“With Elena”.
“Since when does she like hanging out with her? I thought she wanted to kill her”.
“She does. She’s holding her hostage”.
“What? For what reason?”.
“My mother plans to kill us all-”.
“So that’s why she wanted to see Elena alone yesterday” Astraea concluded.
“You knew about this?” Elijah asked.
“She said that it was nothing and that she only wanted to apologize, but I could sense she’s lying now I know for sure. Does Klaus know?”.
“Not yet”.
“I’m on my way out. I’ll tell him if I see him. He’s not answering his phone”.
Astraea entered the grill and saw Alaric there and sensed something was about to happen.
“Ric! What is going on?” Astraea asked.
“Nothing. Why would you think that?” He lied.
“Cut the crap, Ric. I know that Rebekah has Elena and that Esther is gonna kill her family tonight, so what are you planning now?”.
“Alright. They’re all linked. So, I’m going to dagger Kol and allow Elena to escape, then Esther could still kill them all” Ric explained.
“I see. I’m gonna get a drink”.
“Evening, darling!” Kol greeted at the bar.
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“A glass of water, please! Kol, hey!”.
“You come to a bar to order water? Who does that?”.
“Apparently me. I need to be sober for this. Have you seen Klaus?”.
“Why do you keep asking about him as if he’s a lost little boy?”.
“I have to tell him something”.
“You can tell me, I’ll make sure he gets your message”.
“Your mother is planning on killing you. Now can you please tell me where he is?”.
“You’re all linked. Finn is with her right now, but I have no idea where. I have to talk to Klaus to see if he has any idea”.
“He went after the blonde girl from yesterday. Caroline, I believe that was her name”.
“Ugh, finally, I thought you were never gonna tell me! Thanks!” Astraea rushed outside to look for Klaus.
“Klaus! Klaus!”.
He felt pain in his chest and stood up.
Caroline was apparently distracting him “what is it?”.
“What did you do?” Klaus questioned.
“What did you do?” This time he was angry and grabbed her.
“I didn’t do anything. Stop it!”.
“Kol” he realized it had something to do with him.
“Klaus! Here you are! I’ve been searching for you. That majestic device in your pocket is called a phone, you answer it when it rings or vibrates” Astraea said.
“I don’t have the time, Hope” Klaus kept walking.
“You’re such an arsehole. I came to warn you. I know what your mother is planning to do. She linked all of you and plans to kill you tonight. Finn volunteered. Oh and Rebekah has Elena, so Ric is gonna dagger your brother to allow Elena to escape from your sister. I thought you should know that. No need to thank me”.
Klaus hurried to find Kol and undaggered him and he was about to kill Damon.
“Stop!” Astraea tried to catch her breath after running after him.
“We still need him. If you don’t tell me where they are, Rebekah’s gonna kill Elena right now” Elijah threatened.
“They’re coming, Mother” Finn informed Esther and she told Bonnie and her mother to hide in the building.
Elijah, Klaus and Kol have finally arrived.
“My sons, come forward”.
“Stay beside me”.
“It’s okay. They can’t enter” she and Finn were in a salt circle, with a pentagram drawn inside it and on each pointy end, there was a torch.
“That’s lovely. We’re stuck out here, while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are, Finn” Kol mocked.
“Be quiet Kol. Your brother knows virtue you cannot even imagine” Esther said.
“Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would he an atrocity” Elijah expressed.
“My only regret is that I did not let you die a thousand years ago” Esther admitted.
“Enough. All this talk is boring me. End this now, Mother, or I’ll send you back to hell” Klaus threatened.
“For a thousand years I’ve been forced to watch you. I felt pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you’re no better. All if you, you’re a curse on this earth, stretched out over generations. If you’ve come to plead for your life, I’m sorry, you’ve wasted your time” Esther informed them.
“You talk too much” Astraea came from behind her and stabbed her through the back, but it only made Esther get angrier. She used her magic to put Astraea on her knees and made her eyes, ears and nose bleed “Ah, Klaus’ little toy. This will teach you both a lesson. It’s gonna hurt”.
“Stop it, Mother!” Klaus screamed.
Just as she was about to finish her off, the fire increased and she had no power. Finn grabbed her and ran away, while Klaus rushed to Astraea’s side.
“Here, drink this” he bit into his wrist.
“No! Take me to a hospital” she refused.
“Come on, Hope! Don’t be so stubborn, take it” Klaus repeated.
“I said no. Please!” She insisted, before passing out. Klaus carried her as quickly as he could to the nearest hospital.
When she woke up, she was in a hospital bed, and a peripheral cannula was inserted into her vein. She saw Klaus looking out the window and looked worried.
“What happened?” She asked.
“Esther tried to kill you and she nearly succeeded”.
“I know. I meant why couldn’t she?”.
“Damon turned your friend Bonnie’s mom into a vampire. He did it right on time, a minute later you would’ve been dead. How could you be so reckless?” Klaus informed her.
“I was doing this for you”.
“And you almost died. Don’t ever try to do something so stupid again, understood?”.
“You mean I shouldn’t try to save your life in the future? Well, sorry, but no can do. I can’t just stand and watch my friends die, when I know there’s something I could do about it”.
“In the world of the supernatural, there’s nothing you can do about anything. You’re just a delicate human, who’d die from anything”.
“Yeah, there’s no need to remind me of that” she was already in pain and now it only got worse.
“Are you alright?” He noticed the way she was trying to hide it.
“I will be. I need to be alone” he was making her feel worse and that’s the last thing she needed.
“Fine, but don’t think this conversation is over. We’ll resume it after you’re feeling better. Good night, Hope”.
Tags: @aomi-nabi @mypage-myfandoms @cigaretteswithcoffeee
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