#amnesiac bill au
trianglecats · 2 years
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Amnesia Bill where when he finally is released from the statue (accidentally released), he doesn’t remember a thing. Also he’s a innocent, adorable triangle.
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w1ldthoughts · 10 months
The Forgotten One Chapter One: Cheers to Four Years
Pairing: CEO!Jack Harlow x Amnesiac!Reader
A/n: First chapter of The Forgotten One Series! So excited to do my first Jack Harlow AU. It’ll be emotional and stressful but hopefully you all enjoy it!
Warnings: car accident description, hospital stay and description of injuries.
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When your alarm sounded that morning, you were ready to go. There was so much to do today with so little time to get it all done. With a mental list in mind, you tried to sit up in bed to grab your phone and type it all out but a heavy weight pulled you right back down to reality.
“Don’t know where you’re about to go without a good morning kiss or anything? On our anniversary no less? My god.” Jack whines, pressing his lips to your bare shoulder.
“I’m so sorry,” you laughed. “Happy anniversary baby, you’re the love of my life.”
“That’s better isn’t it?”
The man’s smile says it all. He pulls you further into his arms, allowing your upper body to rest on top of him. “This—this is better.”
“Ever since you moved in, I think I’ve slept a lot better. Having this be our home instead of just mine has brought me so much peace. You bring me peace. Happy anniversary y/n.”
The kiss started off slow, lips lightly brushing together and filled with anticipation. Jack’s hands roamed your body, his hands finding purchase on the small of your back. He drew small circles against the sheet that was still covering your body, deepening the kiss. “We should skip work today, spend some quality time celebrating. Four years is a pretty big deal, you know?”
“It is a big deal but I have a big meeting at work today that I absolutely cannot miss. So I gotta go before I’m late. You and I both know my boss is all about us being 15 minutes early or we’re late while he shows up whenever he wants.” You tell him with a giggle, poking his nose.
He watches you get up from the bed and huffs out a breath, looking miserable. “So you’ll leave your boyfriend in bed who loves you so much to go see your terrible boss?”
“Yes, yes I am. Because this is my dream job and on the bright side he’s very sexy. So at least I’ll have something to look at.” After getting ready, you give him one last peck on the lips and tell him you have a gift for him tonight after dinner.
Pulling into your parking spot at Churchill Downs Inc. will never get old. The company was a foundational part of the state of Kentucky and you were lucky enough to get a small HR position out of college and steadily worked your way up to Director of Operations. Another girl who started at the company at the same time you did had climbed the ladder with you along the way and without Cleo’s support and encouragement during some very trying times, there was no way you’d be where you are today.
After swiping your company ID, you took the elevator up to your office on the 13th floor, welcomed by your assistant Ben who held your favorite coffee in his right hand and an overview of who would be attending the meeting in his left. Cleo came in a few minutes later to give a numbers update for you to present to the board, and to make lunch plans.
“I’m probably gonna order us some Proof on Main because I’m not leaving here until 8 tonight. Need to meet with Elijah down in accounting to make sure we’re on track and he’s been kind of hard to track down so I’ll be here for a while.” Cleo sits down on the couch in the corner of the room. She claims it’s her designated spot. “What time are you and Jack going to dinner?”
“Reservations are for 6:30 I think. So I’ll probably head out around 4:45.”
“I seriously cannot believe you guys have been together for four years,” she laughs. “Do you remember when we—“
“We don’t have to talk about the dark ages. Not when we had cubicles by the bathrooms and packed tuna sandwiches for lunch because we had to save our money to pay bills.” A shiver went down your spine at the thought of living paycheck to paycheck while having to dress up for various fundraisers and galas on a very small budget.
“Those were the days. Wouldn’t want to spend my nights watching ‘Good Girls’ and eating ramen on the couch with anyone else. I love you and I’m really glad we get to do this together every day.” Cleo states proudly, wiping a fake tear from her eye.
You stood up from your seat to grab her hand in agreement. “I love you too. And I will see you in 30 after my meeting. Wish me luck.”
“Please, you don’t need luck. You run this shit.”
Walking into a board room to speak in front of a group of men lit a fire under you that was hard to explain. Yes, Cathy and Rachel were on the board as well but they had probably been sitting in these meetings since you were in middle school. You walked around to the front of the board room and handed out the information sheets, giving everyone access to the numbers you’d be referencing and where they came from in case there were any questions. The entire board was in attendance, except your boss. Of course he’d demand that everyone be early and he was nowhere to be found. After giving it five minutes to see if he’d show up, you began to speak.
“Okay so I’m going to keep it short and just go over some big picture things for you all so everyone is on the same page regarding the schedule. We have racetrack inspections starting Wednesday and the repair crew will come in some time after to give a final ‘all clear’ and—“
The door opens and he walks in wearing a beige knitted top with olive green pants and brown New Balance 550s. How wonderful it must feel to be a modern day CEO. And comfortable. He simply sat down at the opposite end of you and was immediately handed all the necessary paperwork to catch up.
“As I was saying, we’re starting the newest season in the fall. Sports books open back up in six weeks which means that we need to beat out the numbers from last quarter. You all know that we had record breaking numbers in both wagers at $796 million and profit, which was at $319 million. From where we’re at today this quarter’s target numbers are $803 million in wagers and $360 million in profit.” You looked to the table at the impressed faces staring back at you, feeling proud. There was a very limited number of questions and the meeting was adjourned, everyone heading back to their respective offices, except for your boss who stayed behind as you grabbed your stuff.
“What could you possibly have been doing to show up to this meeting 12 minutes late?” You questioned him as he scrolled through his phone, very unmoved by your annoyed tone of voice.
“I’m sorry,” he put his phone down and stood up, placing his hands on your shoulders, making you relax a bit. “My girlfriend and I have pretty big plans tonight and I just had to make sure that Sadie cleared my schedule. You know she forgets things sometimes.”
You scoff, feeling tension in your shoulders again. “That’s because she wants to fuck you. So badly. Everyone knows that.”
“Well sometimes good things happen when you have sex with your boss. Like a four year, extremely stable, healthy and sexy relationship? Best thing that ever happened to you?” Jack beams, kissing your forehead.
“Hm, I guess life with you isn’t so bad, boss.”
“Hey enough with the dirty talk y/n. We’re on the clock.” He states, walking in front of you, getting ready to open the door.
“I literally didn’t say anything remotely sexual.”
He stops right as his hand touches the door handle, turning around to face you. His ocean eyes filled with pure adoration. “You don’t have to say anything. Just know I want you, all the fucking time.”
“Good thing you have me all to yourself then, huh?”
Your boyfriend gives you a knowing look, “I can’t wait to show you tonight how grateful I am to get to be with you.” He pecks your cheek and fully opens the door, heading back up to his office.
Before you knew it, 5pm hit and it was time to head home and get ready for dinner. You opted for a black leather miniskirt, a black top with an olive green trench coat and boots. Jack was leaning on the kitchen counter, typing away on his laptop clad in an all black outfit. Of course. After showering you with compliments and sneaking in a few cheeky kisses, it was time to leave.
The two of you headed off to the restaurant and were immediately seated in a private section for some much needed peace and quiet. He never really drank but for this occasion, he ordered two glasses of their most expensive wine.
“Cheers to us. Four years down, the best time of my life.” Jack declared, a light clink of your glasses hitting each other the only other sound in the room. “Here’s to so many more adventures together. I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you too. Cheers bubs.”
He laughs, shaking his head at the nickname that secretly made his stomach tingle. “So…gifts. I know we said we wouldn’t make a big deal out of it this year but I feel like we’ve been working so hard and haven’t actually gotten to spend time with each other for more than a day outside of work in the last few months…”
“Jackman, what did you do?” You mused.
“We’re going to the Maldives in two weeks. Just you and me and a California king bed overlooking the second most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. The first is you being naked if I wasn’t making myself clear.”
“No, I got it.” You reassure him with a giggle. This was really the man you chose out of all others in this world. “And I think it’s a great idea. Thank you my love.”
“Anything for you, pooks.”
Now it was your turn. “I’ve literally been looking for something to get you for months because what the hell do you get someone who already has everything they could possibly want? And I figured it out. You’re always in the office until late and I miss you. So I got an upgrade for your home office and it’s being set-up as we speak. It's a noise canceling Livit Studypod so you won’t have to physically be in your office to get that quiet feel you need when you’re trying to focus. That way I can just be downstairs if you need a break or whatever.”
“That is actually perfect, you’re a fucking genius.”
“I know.” You respond, taking a bite of your food. “It’s why you fell in love with me, even if I didn’t like you. Not even a little.”
Jack sighs, thinking back to a time that felt like centuries ago. “And now look at you. Can’t get enough of me.”
“If that’s what you tell yourself so you can sleep better at night then I’m gonna let you have it.”
On the way home, you and Jack were belting out “Candy Girl” by New Edition. He remembered going straight right after the light turned green. Everything happened so quickly after that, but also the world seemed to be going in slow motion. The other car must have been going at least 60 mph when it hit the passengers side. There was glass…everywhere. His all black Aston Martin DBX spun eight times before smashing into the median, leaving behind an overwhelming smell of burned rubber and gas. Bystanders watched in horror as the Prince of Kentucky and his longtime girlfriend were pulled out of the totaled car, placed on stretchers and heaved onto different ambulances. The scene looked catastrophic and all anyone could do was pray and hope for the best.
Two days went by. Two days full of national news coverage about the young CEO of Churchill Downs Inc. and the accident. The man who hit them walked away with a few bruises on his face and a broken nose from the airbag as well as getting arrested for driving under the influence. The only sounds that could be heard in Jack’s hospital room was the steady beep of the machines and his dad Brian’s soft snores. It was the first time in 37 hours that he’d actually slept. His mom was sitting next to the bed, nursing her ninth cup of coffee in the last day.
The first thing he felt when he woke up was the searing pain in his left shoulder. Then the fact that his lips were chapped and he was in desperate need of some water. He blinked his eyes open and attempted a deep breath, groaning at the painful sensation that resonated throughout his entire body.
“Jack? Sweetie, hi.” Maggie whispered, tears escaping the exact same blue eyes that were now staring back at her. “You’re awake. How—” she blew out a breath that she’d been holding since she arrived at Norton Hospital. “How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? I can—I can call someone to give you more meds or—”
“I’m fine, mom.” He rasps out his voice hoarse from lack of use. “How’s y/n? I need to see her. Where is she?” Jack mutters, getting himself ready to stand up from his bed. His dad and Clay pop up immediately, broken out of their sleepy daze to ease him back down.
“You can’t go anywhere bro.” Clay tells him. “You broke your collarbone, a grade two concussion and got a pretty nasty cut on your shoulder.”
His dad places a comforting hand on his good shoulder, “just take it easy son. She’s just next door and we’ll take you to her when you’ve got a little more energy.”
“Fine.” Jack scoffs, feeling too tired to argue. “Is she okay at least? Can you tell me anything?” The trio exchange looks that make him feel like they’re preparing him for the worst. “Somebody please tell me. I can—I can handle it.” He whispers, trying to settle his breaths. And even though everyone in the room knew that he definitely would not be able to handle it, they had to tell him.
Maggie sat at the side of the bed and placed a hand on her son’s leg. “Honey, she’s not awake yet. And it’s not looking good. The—impact of the crash caused some swelling in her brain and they had to put her in a medically induced coma. They’re still running tests but she,” his mom pauses at the look in her son’s eyes. It was like the light had gone out in them and the more she spoke, the more despondent he looked. “You should probably get some more rest. We’ll grab you some water and food so you can get your strength back? How does that sound?”
He didn’t respond, just gave her a simple nod and reclined the bed back a little so that he could lay down more comfortably, even with his injuries. The thought of you sitting there helpless and in pain was ten times as painful as his collarbone or anything he was experiencing. His family stepped outside and he knew they were whispering about him but all he could hear was the consistent dripping sound of his tears onto the pillow under his head.
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lonelysa1lor · 2 months
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So for this AU there's 2 set 'eras' of time. Pre/During and Post Parable. These doodles take place during the time Stanley and Bill are trapped in the parable.
If each image has a title they would go like this:
1]The amazing comfort Bucket
2]The infinity hole is not that infinite
3]Skip Button ending
4]He's getting his steps in [Adventure edition]
5]Fish tank friend monologues
6]What does the 8 Button even do [press itt]
7]He kept throwing chairs at the ceiling and then running away
8]What a normal relationship between an amnesiac and the invisible entity that narrates his life [also an amnesiac]
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amiharana · 1 year
more revalink headcanons from this post part 3
previous revalink hcs here: x x
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor:
you thought i was gonna say link but it's actually revali
link developed a habit of cleaning up after himself and leaving no trace when he was getting hunted by yiga at some point during botw, so he immediately picks up his dirty clothes to put in a hamper
revali doesn't do it a lot, but sometimes he forgets because there are more important things to prioritize, like training or jumping after link falling into lake totori because he forgot his paraglider
who forgets to run the dishwasher
link, our resident little amnesiac <3 he prefers actually taking the time to hand-wash the dishes and doesn't like the dishwasher too much
he's like one of those asian parents that uses the dishwasher to dry dishes rather than actually using it for washing
who pumps gas for the car
revali because the last and only time link pumped gas for the car, he spilled gasoline all over himself. what the fuck. how did you do that.
revali is afraid link will somehow cause an explosion at the gas station so he handles all the gas pumping for the both of them
who drives when they’re going somewhere
revali because he's the one who can drive like a normal person between him and link, and link enjoys being a passenger princess
functionally link can drive if he has to, but he doesn't even like driving that much. he prefers his little motorcycle over the car and it stresses revali out because it's a lot more dangerous than a car.
who rearranges the furniture
revali. he's obsessed with like feng shui and mario kondo-isms. you should see revali's house in animal crossing, shit's fire but he's crazyyy.
link comes home and he feels like every other day the couch is in a different position like at first it was next to this wall, and now it's basically halfway into the kitchen revali wtf are you doing
who falls asleep with the TV on
link because he falls asleep so easily
i'm projecting a little bit but i fall asleep with the TV on a lot because i like hearing the sound of people talking? i think the psychological reason is something that goes back to like. hearing human voices is comforting and allows us to relax or some shit like that idk anyways link is just like me fr
he also likes to watch disney movies with revali for the sole purpose of singing along and then falling asleep in revali's arms <3
who gets to use the bathroom first
link because revali takes fucking forever in the bathroom because of his skincare routine
it's worth it though because revali's complexion is perfect and link likes to do face masks with revali :>
link lowkey be taking fat shits sometime idk it's because he eats everything even if he knows it's gonna make him blow up the toilet
who decides the temperature for the ac/heater
link because he's sensitive to temperature changes with his fleshy vulnerable hylian skin
revali's skin is a lot tougher both as a rito with insulative feathers vs. human au, so he doesn't mind when it's too cold. if it's too hot, he will die on the spot
link and revali are lowkey that one thermal equilibrium couple post
who sets up holiday decorations
they both do :) revali has a heavier hand in what kind of decorations and how they should be placed, but link does most of the actual physical putting into place
revali does a lot of staring thoughtfully at decorations and moving them around slightly even after link is done giving into revali's demands about how the star should be facing at a 45.29º angle to perfectly reflect light or whatever
who leaves the lights on
revali hands down
canonically speaking, rito can't see in the dark so i assume revali is just as blind in the dark
in a human au, revali probably has glasses/contacts and his eyesight is especially terrible if it's dark, so he tends to leave lights on so he can fucking see
their electricity bill go crazyyy though
who uses the bathroom with the door open
link. fucking menace.
he's like the inverse of a dog with separation anxiety trying to go with you to the bathroom, he'll go to the bathroom and he leaves the door open so he can see/hear where revali is. why does he do this? i have no clue because why would he be anxious 😭
every time revali complains about it, link just starts belting 'leave the door open' by silk sonic
who fixes the plumbing (or calls the plumber)
revali is the one who calls the plumber
link is too embarrassed to face the plumber because he blew up the damn toilet because of his ibs and is the reason why the plumber was called
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fleetsonourgecentral · 9 months
Now that I re-read everthing in this blog I have a ask
How did Scourge Meet the Amnesiac/Good Fleetway Super?
Also a question for your Royalty Au: Because Sonic is Brown this means Kintobor IS still around right? Or does still Kintobor turn into Robotnik?
Oh man who knows... my problem is I don't stick to one timeline, I always mess around with where in the timeline Scourge crash lands into the fleetway dimension, because why have one meal when I can have them all? So it really depends... is this set in canon when Super is with Ebony? Is this post comic, after Super and Sonic have somehow been separated again and his chaos energy chills out enough for him to be good again? Has Scourge seen Super's murderous state, or only heard of it? So many options....
One scenario could be he and Sonic find out about Super at the same time. Sonic is pissed, and desperate to deal with Super, Ebony is Against It, and Scourge is like I'm. Just standing here. No clue why Sonic is so angry about Super, because he hasn't unlocked that bit of backstory yet
Whether or not he's already seen what Super is capable of would also dictate his initial impression, I feel. Like, if he's seen Super try to murder people, he's gonna be just as wary as Sonic about him. If he doesn't have a clue about Super's Silly Murder Era though, I imagine he probably won't initially be very impressed by him, because Scourge is a dick who looks down on people he views as weak cowards, and Super as a pacifist would fit that bill in his eyes. What's he so scared of Sonic for? Sure, Sonic is pissed for reasons he doesn't understand, but so what? It's not until after their encounter and Sonic tells him about what Super has done he finds himself seeing Super as someone more than just that one weak, cowardly hedgehog Sonic has a problem with for some reason
Tldr the circumstances of their meeting is entirely down to whim lmao
As for the royalty au, oh man honestly I still haven't figured that out what's going on with Kintobor yet fdhsdfkjs. I know he doesn't turn into Robotnik - if Robotnik is in the au, they'll be separate people - but where he is I haven't figured out yet. A victim of a cruel monarch in another kingdom, perhaps, which is part of the reason Sonic has such a bone to pick? Or perhaps they were poor, and Kintobor didn't make it, and Sonic detests the monarch for hoarding so much wealth while their people starve? Or maybe he's fine and alive, helping Sonic with the rebellion, or maybe he's far away and has no clue about what Sonic is doing. Idk, too many options and I haven't settled on any of them it helps knowing I'm not gonna write a full fic for this au, so I don't have to commit to any single idea lmao
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chunky-ruckus · 10 months
Unfinished fic: Did the Eagle Envy Prometheus?
Hi gang! I'm pretty much done writing fanfiction for this fandom (just lost interest). I have a few fics I was excited for, and I figure I'd share the bones of what they were. So here's fic 1! I think there are 3-4 half written fics in total. This fic was basically a VTMB au wherein Marvus gets turned into a nosferatu.
Prose written:
You see him many times in your life, but he saw you first when you only caught him looking.
Leaned up against the sign for Santa Monica’s Protestant Church of the Blood and Body (God’s got a plan for you!), the smoke he exhaled gave the impression he was fading away from the world, only here as a visitor.
  He smiled at you then, Cheshire cat smile sharp with canines, his lips as full and flushed as cherries. And the smoke was all around you.
You know now that his eyes are a rich, laughing brown. But back then, you would have sworn you saw purple.
And when the girl at the counter of the 7-eleven joked that you looked like you’d seen a ghost- the resume in your hand crumpled where you held it tight- you weren’t entirely sure you hadn’t. 
Snippets / Ideas:
You stroke his hair as he convulses, continue to soothe even as your fingers catch on locs that refuse to stay rooted in his skull. He curls around you, clenches his body tight like a comma, like it’s not over yet. Just stopped for a breath, carry on! And he doesn’t move but to tremble. 
“God, please,” he says, with eyes closed tight as if he can pretend it’s not happening. 
Whether he’s praying to you or to God Himself, you aren’t sure. You aren’t sure it matters. You hold him there tight against your chest while he screams, muscles pulling skin taught through the tension.
And nobody saves him. Nobody is here to catch his soul.
You hold him tight around the middle and he thrashes and writhes, bringing you both to the ground, his own muscles his puppet strings. “I believed,” you breathe into his skin, “I believed in you.” And he?
He believed in God.
His ashen skin is feverish, tugged tight over his straining muscles like it could split open at any moment, spilling out like overripe fruit, his pomegranate blood all over you and the ground. He curls around you, a comma curl, as if to say, just pausing for a moment, or more to come, just need a breath! 
And you hope, you hope, you hope.
“God,” he says. “Please,” he says, with eyes and body clenched tight as fists.
Suddenly, that very heat spears you through, to your core. It spills in rivulets down your cheeks, pattering on your shirt above your collarbones. 
He dies there in a pool of blood that could be his shadow, with no cross on his chest, no gospel in his gasping: death, in odium fidei.
Working the graveyard shift has always suited you; some symbolism of death has always surrounded you anyway. [Insert here about how they’re amnesiac, though whether it’s because of how good they’ve gotten at denial or something real is up for interpretation]
[more here]
And here you are, home sweet home. Su casa.
Flipping the light switch is mostly a psychosomatic quirk; the lights outside are as bright as it’s getting, here in your home.
You’re not in denial; you know you’re considered homeless. This could all be taken away from you with a bad brush with the authorities, or a worse brush with the local teenagers.
It’s nice enough, anyway, to be homeless in the city. You’re not paying the electric bill to keep the McDonald’s sign across the street on, and it’s just enough light through the window to read your book by. 
It is homelessness absit invidia; you don’t know any other life, and you’ve built your superego around it. Karl Marx, eat your heart out. You’ve never had a dream job, never dreamed of working, but you’re living well despite. You have enough money to keep this place clean. Enough wits to steal food. And friends who have your back.
Nobody needs to know how much your life is your grave, how your habits build your tomb.
The graveyard shift you work is only half of the metaphor. Pressure radiates like you could rip open your ribcages on hinges.
You don’t know where you came from. You can’t remember a life, lived. Some days, it feels like you simply crash landed here, right in the McDonald’s parking lot across the street. You have no memories of home, no memories of your parents. There are days where you aren’t even sure you’re one of the local species, some alien life form that just appeared here in all of their collective narratives.
You let the dark swallow you whole; day will break in a few hours, and you won’t squander the light.
You stare down at your receipt, zeroed out by Chixie at the till.
The plastic bag hangs by your side, cutting into your fingers, condensation from the gatorade wetting your thigh.
Zero, as a number, did not exist naturally as the other numbers did. There has always been one atom, two people, millions of shades of feeling: all countable, all present. But the concept of nothingness as a meaningful, mathematical concept came later, from an Indian mathematician who’s name has been lost to time.
You wonder, with Marvus’s absence so conspicuous in your home, if that mathematician felt like this at the time. Now you see: you are not currently one minus one, but have always been one plus zero. The evidence is in what’s missing. What’s always been missing. 
MSPAR asks for Marvus’s number and he gives them bible verses instead.
John 6:55: For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. // Matthew 26:28: for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.
Meet Marvus → He befriends them slowly → He gets them to break inside the church with him at night so he can pray. He’s been a very bad protestant, so he’s making his own forgiveness here on earth. Talk about fear of dying (So when you said God had a plan for me, you meant you had a plan for me) He’s a soundcloud rapper (or so MSPAR thinks), and he sends them a link to his mixtape. They don’t listen to it, not having internet at home, but are intrigued by the titles.→ Weeks go by without seeing Marvus at all. → They break into the church late at night on a hunch one night (the stained glass of cain and abel is smeared with blood) and find Marvus holding his neck. MSPAR investigates and notices two bite marks, burst capillaries spreading away from them like a map. They joke about someone fancying themselves a vampire and Marvus laughs lowly. Parallel to his bad end: at least, if he’s dying, he’s somewhere where he feels safe. MSPAR holds his hand and he drifts off to sleep. → MSPAR wakes up to the sounds of Chahut opening the doors to the church. They drag him- he’s sleeping heavily- to their beat up old car. Then they put on their hat and go to work. → Marvus isn’t in their car when their shift is over, and they notice that their monster has been drained of drink and their car doors were all locked.  → Chixie is playing at a jazz bar one night and MSPAR goes to watch her sing. Once her set is over, they notice Marvus standing outside the window, watching. He waves once MSPAR sees him. He plays cat and mouse with them, leading him through the streets and towards a club with loud, pulsing base. MSPAR notices his eyes are more predatory, and he looks sick. He wears an ascot even though it’s hotter than hell, and they get a little hot and lusty out on the dancefloor. MSPAR licks a bead of sweat off his neck and Marvus shudders, nearly fainting. MSPAR thinks thats just the sexy mood, but it ends up that Marvus needs to leave. He’s clutching his elbows and grinding his teeth. → They make it out, MSPAR suggests a slushie run, hoping to keep the tone light. And there’s nobody on duty right now, it should be safe. Under the flourescent lights, Marvus transforms a bit more into a monster. (Insert snipper here). Include: he stumbles and pulls one of the levers for a red slushie, and red slushie is all over him like blood. He’s so cold, colder than even the ice should make him. Once he finally settles down, MSPAR desperately searches for a heartbeat and, upon finding none, rips open his shirt to press their ear to his chest. His body is a nightmare, full of pockmarks and pale and sinewy. They’re about to call emergency services before he grabs them suddenly by the wrist and says no. Just take him back to his car. His car is this bougie ass limo with tinted windows. MSPAR is p much hysterical, and Marvus tries to calm them down as best he can. → A few more weeks go by, MSPAR hasn’t seen Marvus. They end up hunting him down to an abandoned building behind a church; you can hear the church music playing muffled through the walls. He looks awful, fully transformed into a nosferatu. MSPAR tries to act like they aren’t scared; Marvus talks about his worth now that he isn’t beautiful anymore. There’s wires all over the floor; he’s watching his old music videos. [insert feeding scene here; should parallel a sex scene].  
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xxdemonic-angelxx · 2 years
Look at him. He's just a little bean. Also first digital piece I've done in a really long time. Made him while thinking of the Guardian Demon and also the Amnesiac bill cipher AU. So I decided to make him with both in mind. I introduce, a boi who doesn't know what the fuck he did all he knows is he feels like he fucked up and has to protect Dipper and his family.
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leahlozers-blog · 2 years
hey remember that one amnesiac bill au drawing you did. :]
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Hello! Omg I haven’t gotten a question in years but yes I do I made a couple actually, my art looked so bad back in the day so unfortunately it’s burned within my memory
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ask-anmeisac-bill · 2 years
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weevmo · 3 years
Hi! Would you mind me asking whatever happened to the amneasic bill au? I was a big fan, bye! :D
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Heya! I get a lot of these asks so; I’ll just say the Amnesiac Bill AU is a few years old now and I haven’t drawn much for it in a good while, it’s kind of dead at this point. Gravity Falls still holds a very special place in my heart; and I’m so happy so many still love this au! Here’s a little doodle <3
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mintartem · 4 years
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My contribution to the Chibi Stan but with a small Amnesiac!Bill. King made me do this.
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alcorian · 4 years
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May I interest you in some amnesia AU bill in these trying times
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tswwwit · 3 years
im curious, would dipper try to trick bill in any way if he got amnesia like how bill tried to trick dipper?
Dipper wouldn’t try to trick Bill into anything, so much as he would avoid certain topics. (i.e. their relationship, the whole Ford thing, the fact that Bill’s a demon in a weird human form) All while trying to solve the Bill amnesia problem himself.
It’s not like Dipper can ask Ford, after all, and his best source for brain stuff just got semi-mindwiped. Dipper’s too stressed out to think of tricking Bill, he’s focused on getting him back.
Unfortunately for Dipper, Bill’s intelligent, he still knows more about mind stuff than he should, and he’s definitely attracted to Dipper. He’s also a lot more direct about it without the demonic flirting coming into play.
Overall, Bill has a great time figuring out how to solve his own brain problem while pestering this cute guy, and Dipper alternates between being stressed about the situation, and flustered by a Bill who’s blatantly coming onto him.
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lonelysa1lor · 2 months
Question, who are the Timekeeper and the Curator in this AU??
Bleep bloop :3
The Timekeeper and The Curator in the AU are the Axolotl and The Oracle. While there's no official Jheselbraum Art for this AU yet (though there is a doodled meme if you look in the TSPP tag), There is a design for what the Axolotl looks like made by @theautismgoblin !
In this AU, Ford types out 'EVERYTHING' instead of 'STANLEY PINES'. Due to this Bill never finished his message for the Axolotl, he was too slow. But since Bill is an immortal entity made of energy, and the energy that Bill has cannot be eradicated. Only changed. Combine this with the slowly decaying mind of a Human man in his late 50s (on a good day) and you wind up unintentionally creating a place between time and space! Yippee!
Jheselbraum, seeing this occur, rolls up during the early days of the parable loops (after Bill 'created it') and begins messing with it in order to keep Bill in a loop, hoping to hold him there until he dies. Sadly, this means Stanley is also held in the loop, but they were both meant to be erased in the first place. So it's not really that bad of a thing, just speeding up a lag in the system.
The Axolotl is mostly unaware of this occuring until they manage to pick up on Bills location, they find the gap and witness The Parable. They are unable to simply grab Bill and Stan and get them out of there because it would probably do more harm than good. A giant powerful entity attempting to hand pick two amnesiacs in a place that is already on the edge of collapsing at any moment doesn't make a recipe for fun, who would've thought?
The Axolotl instead chooses to try reach out to Stanley more subtly (Stanley has already been getting vague memories back at this point,but nothing concrete). Appearing in clocks and computers, sometimes he can be found chilling in the bucket! He also makes an appearance during the Museum Ending instead of Jheselbruam.
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ford: i will murder you, demon
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Help can someone help me find more amnesiac bill content :( I just discovered it and it's so precious but I feel like I barely found any :((
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