#an answer to a Billy Russo prompt that just ends right in the middle without warning
I only recently updated my tumblr app and I almost just posted an unfinished draft because they moved the edit button to the other side 🤦‍♀️
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fific7 · 4 years
That Swept-Back Hair
Billy Russo x Reader
@omgrachwrites 500 Follower Celebration
AU Prompt: Friends with Benefits
Summary: How will Billy Russo react when his FWB finds another lover? Bearing in mind that he’s a complete hypocrite.
Warnings: Swearing, jealousy, fluff with mentions of sex.
A/N: Loosely based on S1 Billy, it’s non-canon & set in my imaginary Punisher universe.
(My GIF)
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»»——————————————— ⚜ ———————-————————-««
Your phone was jumping like a jack-in-the-box on your bedside table, the blue light of the screen illuminating the wall behind it every few seconds.
You rolled over with a groan, taking a moment before picking it up and looking at it. Of course it was Billy Russo, who else would it be at 1 AM on a Saturday morning?
The guy next to you in the bed also rolled over, covering his mouth as he yawned, eyes half-open.
“Everything OK, Y/N?” he asked.
“Yeah, Raf, just a needy friend.... gonna call them back, so do you mind staying hush-hush for the next few minutes?”
He yawned massively again, speaking through it, “Ahhhhrrrrr...yeah... no problem...”
You hit the ‘Favourites’ star next to Billy’s name in your contacts, hearing it start ringing.
It went to voicemail so you hung up, slid the phone onto the table and threw your head back down onto your pillow. Fucking Russo. Blows up your phone with missed calls & “Pick up!!” texts then doesn’t answer when you call back.
It rang two seconds later, just as Raf had turned towards you, opening his mouth to no doubt ask you about your ‘needy friend’. You rolled your eyes and grabbed it, but the screen went dark just as you did so.
You hit redial, it rang out, went to voicemail. “Fuck!” you ground out between your teeth.
Your head had touched your pillow again for about 5 minutes, when there was a staccato series of knocks on your apartment door.
You shot up in bed, quivering - ah hell, it couldn’t be, could it? Really?
Raf had dozed back off in the meantime & didn’t even stir when the knocks rang out sharply in the quiet apartment. Not much of a guard dog, you thought, quickly throwing on your discarded PJs.
You padded barefoot over to the front door, confirming via the peephole that Billy Russo was indeed outside in the hallway, leaning on your doorframe so he could place one eye right to it. You spotted an eyebrow wiggle as you made eye contact. Oh holy hell!
You straightened your shoulders, took the chain off and unlocked the door, swinging it open.
“Billy!” you said quietly, with a small smile, “What brings you here?” You hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him for about three weeks. Not that that was anything new.
He moved gracefully past you like the panther he was, even though you’d been trying to subtly block him from coming in. He was dressed in one of his sharp suits, so you guessed he’d been at one of the never-ending stream of events he attended.
Your mouth drew into a line. Whoever he’d gone there with must have bucked the trend and bailed on him. Otherwise he wouldn’t have turned up at your place when, in his mind, the night was still young.
He turned towards you, placing both hands on your hips as he did so, pulling you up against his muscled chest.
“Now, Y/N, why do you think I’m here, holding my best girl in my arms?” the New York accented voice purred in your ear.
He leant in and kissed you hungrily, deepening the kiss immediately to a passionate one.
You pulled away, escaping his grasp. His eyes widened in surprise, a small frown making its way onto his brow. A few locks of his dark hair had fallen forward onto his brow and he swept them back up with his fingers, a reflexive gesture for him.
“I tried to call you back,” you mumbled, “I’ve... uh... got a friend staying with me at the moment.”
He shot his trademark smirk at you. “Hey, that’s OK. We can be quiet for once, yeah?” Grinning now.
In true romcom fashion, Raf picked that moment to come wandering into the lounge, clad only in his boxers, both hands ruffling through his short hair.
Billy’s mouth dropped open. He made a quick recovery, though. Gestured with a thumb.
“So... this your ‘friend’?”
He looked Raf up and down. He was a 6 feet 3 firefighter with the FDNY, and to put it mildly, he was ripped.
He topped Billy by a couple of inches, and by a few pounds. Billy scowled at him.
Raf eyed up Billy too, turning to you and asking, “This your ‘needy friend’ you were talkin’ ‘bout, Y/N?”
Oh crap.
Billy’s scowl turned to a furious glare, aimed right at you. “Needy?!! Ah, fuck this, Y/N! I think we all know who’s needy around here.”
Your mouth rounded into an offended O, but before you could reply, Billy was out the door and it slammed loudly behind him.
Great - now all your neighbours were gonna be mad at you too.
»»———————————————- ⚜ -———-———————————-««
You had then spent an uncomfortable half hour over a coffee with Raf, explaining the dynamics of your non-relationship with Billy.
“Now,” he’d said, brow furrowed, “let me get this straight. He’s part of your friend group, you see him every so often at a bar or at one of their places - but never his. He sees tons of other women but turns up here for booty calls whenever his busy schedule allows?”
He shook his head. “He’s using you, Y/N. What a selfish prick.”
You bristled, “Look, we go back quite a ways. Since he was in the Marines. I knew Frank first as we were neighbours when we were kids, and I eventually met Billy through him. He’s Frankie’s best friend, they’re Marine brothers.”
“And how long have you been ‘friends with benefits’?”
You muttered your response. “Sorry, what was that you said?” he asked.
“Three years,” you repeated reluctantly.
“Damn.” he said. “And what am I, exactly? Filler for whenever fuckboy isn’t calling?”
“No! Raf, you’re a really nice guy, and I love spending time with you.”
He stood up, heading to the bedroom. “Look, I’m gonna go. I need a few days to try and get my head round your fucked-up relationship with the suit-wearing Marine.”
He’d left shortly afterwards, saying he’d call. You weren’t sure that he would.
You met up with Karen for lunch later that day. You’d been co-workers first off, then had become good friends. She was currently dating Frank, your childhood friend.
You were so glad that he was back out socialising, in a small way, after losing his wife and kids in a brutal gang clash just over a year before. They and several others had been what the papers described, rather callously, as “collateral damage” while minding their own business in the public park the gun fight took place in.
Frank had understandably closed himself off to a large extent as he grieved and after a decent interval, you’d tried your best to draw him back out in a gentle way. You’d decided to indulge in a bit of Matchmaking Lite, and had invited Karen along to a night out with the rest of your friends. You knew Frank would be there and as you’d hoped, they hit it off right away.
You spilled what had happened the night before to her, grateful for a shoulder to cry on. She looked and sounded sympathetic, but you knew she wasn’t a big fan of your arrangement with Billy. She again voiced her astonishment that you still had it going on with him.
“Karen, without making you vomit by sharing too many details, Billy is just the absolute best in bed. He’s got the stamina of an ox. Several oxes, in fact.” You just knew your eyes had a faraway look in them.
Her mouth pursed in a ‘moux’ of distaste. “But still, Y/N, he’s just so damn selfish about it! It’s all on his terms.”
“You know he’s got commitment issues.”
She choked on her espresso martini. “Ya don’t say!!”
“It’s complicated.”
“Look, honey, I’m gonna be straight with you. It is anything but complicated. He spends 90% of his time at Anvil, 9.9% with other gals, and guess who gets the remaining measly 0.1%, the crumbs from his table?” She pointed her finger straight at you. “Coconut for the lady over there!”
You sat in silence for several minutes, turning over in your mind what Raf, and now Karen, had said to you. Eventually you nodded slowly. “You know what, Kar, you’re totally right. I just let the great sex blind me to all the rest of his fucking bullshit.”
Time to cut Billy loose.
Not that you ever had him tied down in the first place. If you were being brutally honest.
And you weren’t sure whether he’d even bother showing up at your place ever again.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
The next day being Sunday meant that some serious ‘Me Time’ was in order.
Sitting on the sofa, you stared off into space, thinking about the two men in your life. You huffed to yourself; you hadn’t heard from either of them so far, and that was probably for the best. You could do without being stuck in the middle of some kind of testosterone-fuelled conflict between the two of them.
Then you laughed out loud at yourself. Who were you kidding? You’d probably never see either of them again! You stood up, stretching out your shoulder and neck muscles. Time for a bit of self-pampering.
You had a long relaxing bath, gave yourself a leisurely mani-pedi, ordered in some pizza, and began to go through some layouts for work the next day.
You were a digital content editor at the newspaper both you & Karen worked for. It was okay as jobs went, but it didn’t set your world on fire. However, what did excite you was that the newspaper’s parent publishing house was about to launch a travel magazine, and you’d applied for a transfer.
What really made butterflies pop up into your stomach, though, was the fact that the magazine’s content editors would also be contributing instead of just collating. You’d already had an interview with the Editor in Chief, and should be hearing back within the next few days.
If someone else got that position you’d applied for, you’d just have to shove them out of your third floor office window at the very first opportunity.
While you were thinking of potentially becoming a murderer, there was a familiar pattern of raps at your door. Your heart sank straight through your boots.
You knew it was Billy before you opened the door. It sounded ridiculous but he had a certain way of knocking. Peremptory, demanding, with military precision.
He stood outside your door, tensed up and rigid, with a carefully blank look on his face.
“You alone?” he barked, by way of greeting.
You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at him. “Why, hello Billy. How are you? I’m fine, Y/N, how are you? Yeah, I’m great.”
He glared right back. “I asked if you were alone.”
“That’s highly unlikely, Billy, seeing as how I’m so needy!”
He huffed and marched inside straight to the sofa, sitting down and leaning his arms on his spread-apart thighs. He clasped his hands together, letting them dangle loosely between his knees.
“You said I was needy first.” Sulky face.
“Hey, are we back in school or something?”
He looked up at you, dark eyes staring into yours intensely. “Why d’you get with another guy, Y/N?”
Straight to the point, then. OK, you were going to return the favour.
“What, I’m not allowed to have a life? D’you think I’m going to just sit around, waiting to gratefully receive 5 minutes of your attention every few weeks? Like some kind of fucktoy, to be picked up and dropped at will? Seriously?”
He clenched his fingers until the joints went white. “I thought you were happy with the way things are between us!!?... our... our arrangement. You’re important to me. And you know I care about you!” Not meeting your eyes at this last comment.
“Huh!!!” You leant against your kitchen island, you weren’t going to get into Billy’s orbit. Too risky.
“So important that you spend all your time at work, while bedding half of Manhattan? Leaving me with the crumbs from your table, as someone put it recently.”
He shot up from the sofa, fury in his eyes. “Who fuckin’ said that?!”
You shrugged, “It’s not important. What is important is that our arrangement, as you call it, is over. Since you put it in such business-like terms, think of it as a contract which has been terminated.”
Billy stalked across the room until he was an inch away from you, eyes boring into yours. “No.”
You laughed in disbelief, eyebrows arching. “You think that just cos you say ‘No’ it’s not gonna happen? Because no-one ever says no to Billy Russo, is that it?”
He grabbed you, lips finding yours in a ferocious kiss. One hand crept up the nape of your neck, his fingers running through your hair, while the other hand pulled your hips to his. He had an impressive erection. You gasped as you felt the pressure of it against you, but pushed him away, escaping to the other side of the kitchen island.
“Just go, Billy. Please.”
He stared at you, wide-eyed, those dark pools of his looking suspiciously glossy. Was he...? No way.
Billy turned on his heel and slammed out of your apartment. Again.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Billy knocked his beer bottle off the table with his elbow, as he leant forward to drunkenly wave a finger in his friend’s face. Luckily, it fell onto the grassy verge below, rather than the decked patio they were sitting on in Frank’s back garden.
Frank grabbed his finger. “Russo!!! Chill out, man.”
“She tol’ me... t’go, Frankie, I was kissin’ her an’ she jus’ said Go!” slurred Billy. Frank squeezed his eyes shut at the whiny tone then looked back at him.
“Bill! We all warned you she wouldn’t put up with your bullshit forever. You should’ve known this was comin’ bud.”
“Bu’ I... I... love her,” he blurted, then stared at Frank, eyes wide, part horrified, part terrified.
“Got a strange way of showin’ it, Bill. Picking other women over her, until you decide it’s time to hook up. Surprised she’s stood for it so long!”
Billy swayed slightly in his garden chair, just staring back at him, nodding repetitively like a bobble head every so often.
“I gotta get her back, Frankie.”
“Whooo,” Frank huffed out a big breath, “well, ya always did like to choose the impossible missions, Russo.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were beginning to understand what having a stalker was like.
When you left work the following day, the first person you spotted on the sidewalk outside your office building was Billy Russo.
You hesitated, shocked, then nodded and said quietly, “Hi Billy,” before continuing your short walk to the subway.
He fell into step alongside you. “M’gonna show you just how much I care about you,” you heard, then he was gone. Just gone, into the crowd of commuters around you.
That was just the beginning. Every morning, one single rose of the palest pearly pink would be delivered to your office, laying in a swirl of black chiffon within a silver gift box.
Texts would drop into your phone at unexpected hours. “Please forgive me. Let me back into your life. I love you, Y/N.”
The first time you saw those words, you nearly dropped your phone. What the....?
Gourmet meals and bottles of rosé prosecco would be delivered to your door, precisely 30 minutes after you’d get home. Was he watching you or something? A little shiver ran up your spine. He was still a sniper, after all.
You would catch glimpses of Billy when you left the office, and outside your apartment. Without a shadow of a doubt, he meant you to see him, he would never be so visible on a real surveillance job. But he didn’t ever approach you.
Then you got your dream job. You, Karen and a bunch of your colleagues went to your regular bar after work for a quick celebration. There was a toast proposed to your new job at one point, and one of your male colleagues grabbed you in a friendly bear hug after they’d all shouted “Cheers!”
You were looking past his arm as he hugged you, and found yourself staring into Billy Russo’s dark eyes. Casually dressed, he was leaning on a high table near the door, a beer in front of him.
Billy lazily pushed back from his table, strode over to you, swiped you out of the guy’s arms, wrapped his own arms round you and planted a kiss on your temple, with a nonchalant, “Hi, sweetheart.”
Karen, who had heard all about your last encounter with Billy, looked thunderstruck. You’d be getting interrogated later, that was for sure.
He, meanwhile, landed another kiss right next to your lips and said, “See you later at home,” giving you a quick squeeze before walking off.
Your female colleagues meanwhile were swooning over Billy, one of them commenting that she wasn’t surprised you’d kept so damn quiet about your hot boyfriend. You gave Karen a meaningful look and just smiled back at them all, neither confirming nor denying anything.
However the feeling of Billy’s body against yours, the delicious smell of him, his lips on your skin, had set your heart racing at a dangerous speed. You really did try to push those thoughts aside.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Flopping down onto your sofa when you got home, you laid your head back on it and thought about that evening. As expected, Karen had questioned you ruthlessly as you left the bar together, like the perceptive investigative reporter she was.
Talking as you walked to the subway, you’d given her every detail of all the deliveries, glimpses of him and texts you’d received in the last few days. Karen had stopped walking, looking at you in surprise. “Y/N, why didn’t you tell me about all of this before now? Hell, Frank told me he had some crazy plan to win you back, but I never really thought...” her voice trailed off.
“Is it working?” she asked next. “Mmmm, yes and no, to be honest,” you said. “Don’t let it!” she said firmly, “This is what he should have been doing all along, instead of treating you like a total afterthought.”
You nodded, “Can’t argue with ya on that,” you agreed. “Is he going to turn up at your place, d’you think?” she asked. “Wouldn’t be surprised,” you laughed, “I think that was Billy giving me a heads-up.”
So as you’d been 90% expecting, the familiar knock at the door came about 15 minutes after you’d got back. You got up and after checking the peephole, sighed and opened it. “Hi, Billy.”
This was like déjà vu. Billy brushed past you and sat himself down on the sofa, in the same pose as the last time. Head down, hair falling forward and hiding his eyes from you. This time, you bit the bullet and sat at the opposite end, leaning against the armrest so you were facing him.
“Well, Billy.... leaving aside the stalkerish overtones, I guess I should thank you for the roses, gourmet meals and prosecco.”
He swung his head towards you, eyes wide. “They were just to get your attention. Frankie told me it’s what I shoulda been doin’ anyway, all along.”
You nodded, “Yeah, he’s not wrong.”
Billy heaved out a big sigh, head dropping. “I know I’ve been a complete shit to you, Y/N. Took you for granted.” He met your eyes again, “Truth is, I was fallin’ in love with you, and I really didn’t know how to handle it. I thought it was... just sex to you, so I... I was a coward and tried to ignore it, and acted like I didn’t give a shit about you. I just couldn’t have you kick me to the curb if I told you how I felt.”
You were genuinely shocked - Billy had never talked about his feelings before. You’d accepted this in the past, telling yourself it was due to his upbringing in the system.
“So you meant what you said in your daily texts, then?”
He nodded, still looking straight at you, “Yeah...I meant it, I do love you, Y/N.” Then he quickly looked down again.
Before you could stop yourself, you’d leant along the sofa and your fingers were pushing that silky hair off his forehead. He looked up at you, taking hold of your wrist and kissing your pulse point softly. You stood up, saying “C’mere, you,” and took hold of his hand, pulling him up along with you.
He put his arms round you, burying his face into your hair and just holding you. “I’ve missed you,” he mumbled. You laughed, “What?! Even though you hadn’t seen me for weeks before the night you landed on my doorstep?!”
“I know, I know, you don’t need to remind me I’ve been a complete prick. I’ll be honest, I think it took me seein’ you with that guy, and him actin’ like you were his, to give me that kick up the ass I needed.” The dark eyes looked down at you, and he sniffed, “He still around?” You shook your head.
“Nah. I think he thought I was completely insane for still being with you.”
Billy laughed, “Maybe he’s right....” he looked at you, serious again. “You willin’ to give me another chance, Y/N? I promise you I’ll do it right this time. The whole dating thing, asking you to be my girlfriend after three dates, all that stuff... everything.”
“Everything? Like, what if I say no sex to start with? And no running off to other women to scratch that itch? You’ll swear to all that? Really?!”
“I swear to you, on my Ka-Bar.”
“Wow,” you said, knowing that the knife was never out of Billy’s possession. It was an integral part of him. Maybe he was serious after all.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
A small kiss on your cheek woke you the next morning. Those eyes, those dark liquid pools, stared into yours, while a thumb ran over your cheek. “Mornin’, sweetheart,” smiling down at you. Reaching up, you ran your fingers into his hair, moving it off his forehead. “Morning, sweetheart,” you echoed, smiling back.
You and Billy had shared a bed but nothing else, except hugs and hand-holding. You were in your PJ’s - well, camisole top with matching shorts - and all Billy had on were his boxer briefs. You couldn’t deny you’d had thoughts of just leaping on him during the night... let’s face it, he was one hot dude. And he knew how to ‘look after’ a woman in bed, as he himself put it.
But no, you were determined he was gonna have to work for it, just like he promised he would. So you’d had to show some self-discipline, well, a lot of it, actually. He’d passed the first test - he’d actually stayed all night. Usually he was gone before the morning light stole through the curtains.
Now, he kissed your bare shoulder and leapt out of bed, like he was back in the Marines. He stood still for a moment, sideways next to the bed, having a leisurely full body stretch. Billy knew full well you’d be totally enjoying the view. A little tease from him to remind you what you were missing.
The sunlight, which stole through a small gap between your curtains in the otherwise dim room, picked out the sculpted muscles on his back & torso. Then he turned slightly more, ensuring you wouldn’t miss seeing the hard-on he was currently sporting. You shook your head, with a slight smile on your lips. The cocky big bastard.
“Where you off to, Billy?” you asked, thinking to yourself, if he’s headed to Anvil, he can fucking shove his second cha......
“I’m gonna make my beautiful almost-girlfriend a cup of good Italian coffee.”
You smiled at his departing back as he disappeared out of the bedroom. “Oh, Billy?”
His voice drifted back through from the kitchen, “Yeah, darlin’?”
“Can I please get some toast with that, too?”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
You stretched luxuriously, nestling your head into your pillows.
Looked like you were going to find out what having a panther on a leash was like.
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justauthoring · 5 years
Fix One Thing (1/?)
Prompt: And that morning, you woke up with the sun shining on your face and the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. You were enveloped in warmth and it instantly brought a smile to your face. And when you turned, you met his eyes, filled with love and adoration and you were happy. 
Please check the Marvel MCU MasterList for more parts!
A/N: I couldn’t help myself. I finally started watch season two of The Punisher and don’t get me wrong, I love Frank but like Billy... yes, he’s an ass and a murderer and just all things bad but I couldn’t help myself.
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Word Count: 1,536
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“No, no--!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N! You cannot tell me you weren’t flirting!”
“I wasn’t!” You exclaim, a burst of laughter leaving your lips as you throw your head back, kicking your feet out before you in a fit of excitement. With a wide smile, you shift, moving so you’re cushioned into the corner of the couch, licking your lips slowly. “Okay, maybe I was. But only a little!”
“I knew it!” Mia explains through the phone, “you were making total heart eyes at him.”
“I wasn’t making heart eyes,” you tsk, rolling your eyes slightly as you grab a strand of your hair, twirling it between your pointer and middle finger. “Liam’s just a friend from work that I maybe sort of like, but I definitely wasn’t making heart eyes at him.”
“But you were flirting.”
Your lips part, moving to argue, but you find yourself ending up short. “Only a little though,” you repeat, unable to fight the smile that grows on your lips. “He is cute though, isn’t he?”
“Girl, if you hadn’t been flirting with him, I would’ve taken my chance,” Mia giggles, causing you to roll your eyes. “Plus, you deserve this,” she continues, and you feel your smile fade, if only a little, at the implications of her words. “After everything that happened to you last year, you need this.”
“A year?” You repeat softly, finding your hair particularly fascinating in that moment. “It’s been that long already?”
“Have you gone to visit him?”
“No,” you say without a moments of hesitance. “After everything he did... lying to me like that, I never want to see his mangled face ever again.”
“Especially now that you have Liam.”
Snorting, you shake your head; “oh, haha.” Then, pausing, you bite your lip, the grin slowly growing on your face once again as you let your eyes wander over your clothes. “Actually, speaking of Liam... I may or may have not invited him over for dinner tonight.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, feeling a sense of giddiness flood you.
“Ooh! What are you wearing? Tell me everything,” Mia says in a rush.
“You know that black dress I bought a few months ago?”
“That’s what i’m wearing.”
“Damn, this is more than just a date.”
Scoffing, you shake your head, fully aware Mia can’t see you. “What!” You exclaim, feigning innocence. “I haven’t been on a date in months, and I rarely get to dress up anymore, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. This is just a nice little dinner date.”
Mia pauses a moment, before; “maybe with some extra desert.”
Your lips part in indignation; “Mia!”
“What?” She laughs, “you know i’m right.”
Your words are interrupted by the sound of your doorbell ringing. It instantly catches your attention, causing you to sit upright as your eyes widen. “I think that’s him,” you mumble to Mia, feeling your nerves get the best of you. “Wish me luck?”
“Good luck!” Mia reassurance, “make sure to tell me everything afterwards.”
“Sounds good,” you nod, standing up to your feet. “Bye.”
“Have fun! Oh! And make sure to use protection.”
Rolling your eyes, you hang up the call, calling out a “i’ll be there in second” when the doorbell rings once more. Tossing your phone onto the couch, you brush back your hair, quickly straightening out your dress before making your way over to your apartment door. You inhale deeply as you set your hand on the doorknob, mentally preparing yourself.
You deserve this, you tell yourself, you’ve got this.
Your words instantly halt the moment you open the door. It almost feels like your entire body freezes, your muscles seizing to work properly as your eyes land on his. On Billy Russo’s.
You flinch at the sound of his voice, taking a step back. For a moment, you debate just shutting the door on his face at the flood of emotions that hit you like a slap across the face. And you go to do just that. Your hand lunges out towards the door, prepared to slam it shut, but Billy shoots out his arm, stopping you before you’d even begun -- all while never taking his eyes off of you.
He takes a step in, and everything seems to just snap.
“Get out.” Your voice is dark, cold. Rough. There isn’t an ounce of hesitation. “Now. Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
“Did you not hear me?” You snap, your narrowed eyes meeting his once more (and it takes every bit of strength not to break down then and there in front of him) and you keep your chin raised despite the way your body begins to shake, violently. “Get the fuck out right now.”
Holding up his hands, Billy shakes his head; “let me explain myself--”
“I think I know everything I need to know--”
“I don’t remember anything.”
You halt, head jerking back in surprise at his words. Suddenly, your anger begins to fade and you just find yourself confused, standing there like an idiot just staring at him. For a moment, your eyes wander across the scars that mare his face, and you have a mental image of what his face looked like before it healed. When it was even more mangled and bloody and... You wished it’d stayed like that.
Billy, at your silence, takes another step forward, shutting your door behind him. For a split second, your body jumps, but you don’t say or do anything.
“The last thing I remember is still being in service,” Billy continues, and you swallow thickly, making sure to keep a safe distance between the two of you. “I know... I know I did something wrong. Bad. And by your reaction, i’m guessing it hurt you. But I remember you and I remember us.”
Clenching your fists, you shake your head; “you expect me to just believe you? Believe that you just forgot everything?” You snap, unable to stop the way your voice raises. “You destroyed me, Billy,” you hate the way his name sounds leaving your lips. “You... broke my heart. It took me months to recover from what you did to me and everyone else. What are you even doing here?”
“I remember that morning,” Billy begins, staring down at you with warmth. The way he used to look at you before everything went wrong. It reminds you of when you’d been in love with him, when you’d stop anything and everything just for him because you had been so infatuated with the man you hadn’t even been able to think clearly or rationally. “With us, when I asked you--”
“Stop,” you whisper, your eyes falling shut. “Don’t.”
You don’t want to relive that moment. Because it’ll just break your heart all over again.
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
Biting your lip, you look away; “so you came to me?”
“I love you,” your body tenses at his words. You can’t... “And I know you once loved me.”
“I should call the cops on you,” you hiss, finally turning to look at him. Taking a moment to asses his appearance, you scoff. “By the looks of it, you’re still suppose to be in that damned hospital room.”
“I wouldn’t blame you,” Billy whispers.
“I should call the cops,” you repeat, unsure if you do so for yourself or Billy.
Billy says nothing. He simply holds his hands up, as if telling you he won’t stop you.
Your entire body shakes, turning your head over your shoulder to gaze at your phone that lies on the couch. For a moment, you debate whether to move, to call, or to not. You should. You really should. Because this man... this criminal not only ruined your life but plenty of others. He is worse than just some criminal. And it took you months to get better from what he did; all his lies and mind-games.
But even after months of therapy, you’d never been able to fix one thing; you were still in love with him.
Sighing, your shoulders fall, giving Billy the answer you need.
“Here,” you call softly, making your way over to the bathroom. Opening the door, you step back, giving him room to enter. “Clean yourself up. I think... I think I still have some of your clothes left in one of my drawers.”
Billy nods, and you move to leave, but then his hand reaches out, grasping your wrist. You gasp, a burst of fear flooding you, but when your eyes meet his, it just vanishes. And it kills you; makes you hate yourself. Because you should hate this man. You should, by all rights, be afraid of him.
But you’re not.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
For a moment, you just stare into his eyes, gaze never wandering. Then you nod, pulling your wrist out of his grasp with ease and making your way to your bedroom.
And as you enter your bedroom door, you see yourself in the mirror, seeing your reflection and you’re reminded of your date. Reminded of how excited you’d been. And now... now none of that matters anymore.
It both breaks you and makes you feel numb.
Let me know what you thought? Remember, reblogging always helps!
Requests are open for Medici and The Punisher characters!
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banditthewriter · 6 years
Intervene - Billy Russo
Prompt: Loved all your stuff lately. Hope you know that. I've had a shitty week dealing with an ex showing back up in my life. This ex was abusive, physically and mentally. I ran into him at a bar & it was not the best interaction. So I'm requesting a Billy story, where he's there to intervene in a situation like this. Whether they know each other or he's just there, completely up to you. Prompter: Anonymous
Warning: Some brief, vague mentions of domestic abuse. Be kind to yourself.
Tags are at the bottom. Let me know if you would like to be added to one of my tag lists!
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***** The bar was close by your apartment complex which was the reason you were there as often as you were. Tonight you weren't celebrating or drowning your sorrows; tonight you were just relaxing before you had to go home. Your neighbor was there as well. He owned his apartment whereas you rented, but he wasn't stuck up about it. He was definitely attractive but beyond a smirk or a wink every now and then, you hadn't had much interaction with him yet. To be honest, you weren't even positive about his name. You knew his last name was on the mailbox—Russo—but his first name escaped you. Did it start with a W? For some reason that didn't sound right. While you pondered names that fit your neighbor's face and personality, you missed the door of the bar opening. You didn't miss the person who entered dropping down in the seat next to you. "Look what the cat dragged in," he murmured. Immediately you were on red alert. Every nerve in your body was screaming for you to run, to just grab your stuff and disappear. Kyle was the guy you thought you would spend the rest of your life with. In fact you probably would have had to if your family hadn't saved you from making the biggest mistake of your life. The emotional abuse was something you had just accepted as part of his personality. The physical abuse was a different story altogether. "What, can't say hello to an old friend?" His hand, cruel and yet somehow still so soft, started to move over your bare arm. "We used to do more than talk." Terror. Immediate, blinding, white hot terror started to spread through your body. Even your brain's screaming for you to react, to leave, was frozen in fear. His hand started to grip your shoulder when you heard your name being called in a friendly voice. "Y/N, I'm sorry I'm late." Your neighbor came up to you, smiling at you in a way that made you less afraid. The way he positioned himself between you and Kyle answered your unasked question of what he was doing there. And the smile he gave Kyle was one that made you think your neighbor was well aware of the type of person Kyle was and was just looking for a reason to show him how he felt about that. "Do you mind? We have plans." Kyle's face was a calm and collected mask but you were certain he was feeling anything but. His fingers gripped hard for a second before he released you, stepping back with his hands in the air. "You two have fun," he said with a sneer before he turned and walked to the other side of the bar. "Shit," you breathed once you were able to speak. "Thank you..." "Billy," your neighbor provided as he sat down beside you. "Billy Russo. I'd offer to shake your hand but I don't want him to think we didn't actually have plans." You laughed, a sound tinged with terror, and nodded your head. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N. Thank you for stepping in." "I know people like that," he said with a glance over to the corner where Kyle had retreated. "They only respond to alpha male interference." "Alpha male," you repeated on a laugh. He was smirking and you shook your head a bit. "Men." He didn't seem offended by your teasing. Instead he waved down the bartender and got a drink. He was sitting in a position that gave him a view of the room which included where Kyle was. You were grateful. "How long were you two together? If I can ask," he added when you turned a little too quickly to look at him. "Six months? He uh, he changed about half way through. I thought I had finally found the one and it turns out I just just found the one that was intent to put me in the hospital." A ripple of fury went through Billy, visible in the way he became tense and his eyes started to squint. Without thinking you reached out and touched his hand, pulling his attention to you rather than scanning the room for your scumbag ex. "I don't think he was looking for me. I just moved to this area so this was just a coincidence. Definitely means I won't be frequenting this bar anymore though," you said with mock disappointment. It was enough to pull Billy back to the present. He shook his head with a light laugh, picking up his beer with a little toast against your bottle before he took a long swallow. "People like that make me sick. People that pray on the trust others have placed in them." Something made you think he was talking from experience. You couldn't see someone hurting Billy as he was now, but maybe that was the point. Maybe he had built himself up in a way where no one person could ever tear him down. He didn't seem like the kind of person that allowed himself to be vulnerable for a reason. The two of you changed the topic after that. You talked for a while about your jobs. He owned a military contracting company that worked overseas and did security here in the states. Your own job sounded boring in comparison but he asked questions as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. As the night dwindled down towards midnight, neither of you wanted to leave. It had been a better night than you had expected and that was all due to Billy. "Want me to walk you home? I mean, I do live right next door, so I'm headed that way anyways." He paid the bill as he said it, a smile on his face that made you laugh. You stood up and let him start to lead you from the bar. You were barely out on the sidewalk before a familiar and unwelcome voice met your ears. "You're going home with him? Didn't think you were a slut," the voice called out. Your shoulders raised in immediate tension but Billy simply put his hand on your back to guide you forward. A glance at him told you that he was completely in control so you took a page from his book and decided to ignore him. A hand reached out to touch your arm but before it even made contact, Billy proved that being out of the Marines didn't mean he had forgotten his training. He had Kyle's arm yanked back behind him in seconds. Kyle had tears in his eyes as he called out every four letter word under the sun. "The only reason I don't break your arm is because you're not worth the medical attention. I'll put this in simple terms so that you can understand it," he said, voice low and menacing in Kyle's ear. "Leave Y/N alone. I don't even want her name coming out of your mouth. If you come near her or try to touch her again, I'll make sure the medical attention you receive is from the best morgue in town." With one last pull that caused Kyle to cry out, Billy released his arm and immediately moved back to you. You met his eyes and smiled in gratitude as he once again began to guide you down the street. The walk back to your building was peppered with small talk. It wasn't until the two of you were on your floor that you remembered your manners. "Thank you Billy," you said as you turned to him, stopping in the middle of the hall. "Not just for what you did, but for keeping me company all night. The threat of running into him has basically haunted me since I ended things." "You're welcome," he said easily, his body relaxed but you knew now how misleading that was. "I meant what I said. If he bothers you again, let me know. I won't actually kill him, but I do have some friends in law enforcement who would be happy to lock him up." "I appreciate it." Uncertain how to continue, you turned and pulled out your keys. After a moment's hesitation, you turned around to see that he was still watching you. Tonight had been wonderful but beyond feeling safe, you also enjoyed yourself. There had been laughter and you felt like you had started to get to know the man you shared a hall with. With that in mind, you gave him a smile. "Would you like to get dinner with me sometime?" His answering smile made your stomach flip. "You took the words right out of my mouth." With another smile and a nod, you turned back to your door to unlock it. When you stepped in, he gave you a nod and walked over to his own door at the other end of the hall. Things were starting to look up.
Let me know if you want to be added to my Permanent Tag List @hermioneshandbag @smiley-celine @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @sinceimetyou @starless-skyox @cafeconsoya @youveseen--thebutcher @citation-is-here @mightymelly @realduckvader @1550kilogramsofsilver @hxbbit @rockintensse @missphanosaur18 @thepuffyeyedpuff @kararanae23 @yessy2012 @okiemaybeinakinkyway @gingerstarlight @siriusement @marauderskeeper @russosprettydiamondnow @xinyourdreamsx @wickidlady @mahalobro @curlyhairedblueeyedangel @sassygirl25 @maraudereestauderelb @rainyboul @cutie-bug @random-quartz @holamor @lea----b @heyitslexy @detectivebourbon @coffeenmoscato @reneeissancewrites @presstocontinue @elisemockingbird @assbuttwithwings @geeksareunique @siriuslovesmarlene @assassinofmasyaf @delicatelilyflower @l-l-c-m-w-b @whovianayesha @hiddenprincess @yannii04 @jeanettexkillian @brighteststarinthesky @kilyra @gallxntdean @sweetvengeancee @lady1505 @thedarklightwithinus @ateliefloresdaprimavera @siriuslyimmoony @raggedyman @fcavalerro @kryyta @myplaceheavenorhell @astrangeevent02  
Let me know if you want to be added to my Billy Russo Tag List @piink-magnolias @hoodedhavok @aylinnmaslow @musingsofbanana @figlia--della--luna @bluebird214 @rileyblues @nerrdstark @that-bwitch @phanttasmagoric @lainey-lane @queenisabella789 @colddecember-night @j-finco @arthoeaesthetixbs​ @tomhiddlestonsbeard @mischiefs-never-managed @romanceyour-ego @evyiione @drinix @sweetheart-im-the-boss @movokepwc @katieswinforddiaries @benbarnesfanforever @releasethekracko @itsjustmylifeconfessions @nostalgic-uncertainty @ironstank @aveatquevale- @clarasworldofwonders @ladyblablabla​ @thehanneloner @onebatch--twobatch @hellostarposts @girlwhoisfearless @maria-beretta @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @marcelskittel @fictionwillneverdie @avipshamitra @hysteriadarling @living-on-rice @raquelbc2003 @hello-la-v-en-rose @tiredofthisgeneration @marveliskindacool @thebansheewholiived @cloudywithachanceofcupcakes-blog @jessicahh @flightoftheflightrisk @slamharder @giggleberts
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