#and forces the kid to go sleep
nerdpoe · 7 months
Danny's having a shit fucking day.
Skulker threw him into a building so ecto-infested that Danny actually got a concussion.
Then at school he'd gotten green paint spilled on his shirt.
The day continued on that fucking train of luck.
He'd gotten fucking waterboarded in a toilet by Dash.
He'd gone to turn in his homework, only to realize he'd only dreamed about doing it in the thirty minute nap he'd gotten before school.
The schoolbus splattered him with a muddy puddle.
He lost one single shoe to the gutter in front of the busload of classmates.
The Observants didn't give him any time to breathe and immediately dragged him into a meeting about tax law, subtly insinuating that he was stupid when he was too tired to keep up.
Then, the icing on top; he'd gotten summoned.
The Justice League, trying to summon the High King of the Infinite Realms to force the creature into a contract where it would never attack their dimension, is met with uh.
Not what they thought.
A worn, soaking wet, one-shoe-only teenager covered in paint and mud with dazed eyes staring at them from inside a summoning circle that's impossible to escape from.
Then he breaks down, sinks to his knees, and to the absolute horror of everyone there; starts sobbing uncontrollably.
Black Canary is desperately trying to calm the kid down, Zatanna is ripping apart the traps she herself helped set up, Constantine is trying to justify himself to the rest of the League (he was the one who made this seem like a good idea), and Flash has already gone to get some extra sweats for the kid.
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maudiemoods · 1 year
Redesigning the ship again and probably not for the last time aaaaa I read some of the feedback and I really took it into consideration!! A bigger ship does seem a lot more necessary, especially with a ton of kids living full time on board! I adjusted the living area so it expands past the original shape of the ship, plus two towers because the one just looked kinda weird and off proportions! I'm also thinking about adding wings or fins to the ship because it seems like it's missing something like that? Idk
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Also, little helper guys!! They're extremely easy to assemble and sun and moon or kids can build one for extra/personal help! They work like a hive mind so they're basically sun and moon just small! They can be disconnected from sun and moon and can become their own ai by experiencing their own things! A lot of kinds have personal sun and moons! Even when they are their own ai, sun and moon can still see and hear through them! So I guess they're not as disconnected as I said fjekjdjs also! They can be shut down immediately, no matter how connected to sun and moon they are! But they only do that if they step wayyy out of line, which doesn't happen often!
It takes a lot of energy to keep the little guys around! So when they're knocked out of orbit, they eventually all have to be shut down. Sun and moon will be completely alone for a long time before y/n find them
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rosepetalsthings · 7 months
Tim deserves so much praise
Like his speech and inflections are just so Orin at the end it's uncanny. You can tell how fun he had doing it.
Also fun fact, you can't have Gale be kidnapped if you romance him. Coincidentally you also can't perma kill Yenna before this
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yardikins · 3 months
I present my ”Not canonically stated to be Force-sensitive but there are things in canon I think are hinting to it so i say they are” duo
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mod2amaryllis · 5 months
sometimes the daughter-of-two-actors inside me sleeps but then josh groban sings sondheim for npr and I'm back baby
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One thing I'm mildly obsessed with is the idea, that we see in a couple of texts, that the Tuatha Dé regularly "put on" another form, even though might have a "true" face or appearance.
Like, how much of that image of perfection that they convey is them naturally looking like/obviously medieval writers writing them to conform to a specific image, and how much of that is them very consciously projecting the image that they WANT to project?
Do they have stretch marks? Do they have lines under their eyes, or dark circles? Do they have scars from battles that took place centuries ago? Do they have laugh lines or frown lines? Like.
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soundcrusher · 1 year
This was supposed to be me messing around with expressions...
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I really should stop tormenting Reg!Phoenix. Or maybe I should torment him more, so that I finally get a kick in my butt to write about his and Reg!Tankcrusher's relationship.
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I mean, this isn't really a positive reaction. Especially when one considers what his old crew did.
Makes one wonder what Reg!Tankcrusher did, doesn't it?
featuring @cuppajj's Sentient Lost Light
(And I'm really sorry for messing them up cuppa! I somehow have unlearned how to draw them. ^^' I'm going to do better next time, I promise!)
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squirmydonnie · 5 months
CW: unreality/ nudity/ self harm?.
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lestatlioncunt · 1 year
my solution to the overwhelming vastness of the resevil lore that intimidates me is sitting in bed choosing which random movie i'll pick as background noise tonight while i ask myself would leon passively accept massimiliano's loud and messy self when he watches the football matches, join him in the mess or hate his guts as massi is once again shouting and clapping his hands and swearing and the neighbours are knocking on their door holy shit
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What if I just don't sleep. What then.
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Does anyone have any tips on talking to Airbnb hosts about having a bachelorette party at their house? Everything is saying 'no events or parties' but I cannot stress enough to the host that we are not intending on drinking heavily or going crazy!
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emometalhead · 9 months
I'm in so much pain it's not even funny
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hoffmanstits-enjoyer · 10 months
*Peter finally getting to spend some time with his boyfriend's group of misfits*
Quentin: okay, okay— truth or dare, baby?
Peter, excited: truth!
Quentin, laser fucking focused: how many hours have you slept this week?
Wanda & Namor: *enjoying the rare visage of Beck giving a shit*
Peter: ...dare
Quentin: go to bed, Pete
Peter: i don't like this game anymore
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computerpeople · 11 months
ppl hated me in hs because i was a snitch
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1eos · 2 years
this new wave of overly permissive/entitled parents raising children and never teaching they're not the center of the universe + more early age mental health diagnoses are going to create a wave of adults that have 0 idea how to cope with their own problems beyond attempting to control the behaviors of everyone around them and calling them ableist for daring to defend their rights to exist....this goes triple if they're white
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metagalacticx · 1 year
do you guys think liam would ever abandon mason in a dead end town to go live halfway across the world be honest
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