#and goku and vegeta have haircuts Like That
duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Minus
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So I’ve been covering the Jaco manga, but there’s one last chapter to go over, and that’s the Dragon Ball Minus feature at the end of the collected edition.  The finale of the Jaco story revealed that Jaco was sent to Earth to intercept a Saiyan invader, which turned out to be baby Goku.  So Jaco was a prequel to Dragon Ball all along, and now Dragon Ball Minus turns the clock back even further to show how and why Goku was sent to Earth in the first place. 
So let’s unpack this a bit.  In 1990, Toei produced the TV Special “Dragon Ball Z: A Lonesome, Final Battle – The Father of Z Warrior Son Goku, who Challenged Freeza.”  The English dub shortened this to “Bardock: Father of Goku”.  If you’re not familiar with it, I wrote about it here.  The special was a grim tale of Goku’s father, a brutal, uncaring cog in Frieza’s war machine.  Before he dies, one of Bardock’s enemies curses him by giving him visions of the future. This allows Bardock to see horrifying scenes of Frieza destroying the Saiyan homeworld, as well as the life of his infant son growing up on Earth. By the time Bardock understands what’s happening, it’s already too late.  But as Bardock dies with his homeworld, he takes solace in a vision of his son growing up to confront Frieza someday. 
It’s a darker story than most of Dragon Ball.  While DBZ had gotten very violent, it was still pretty clear who the good guys were.  But Bardock was an antihero at best.  I’m pretty sure the only purpose of the psychic powers was to make the character at least a little sympathetic.  By giving him a peek at his own destiny, you can have Bardock confront his own mortality, and share in the audience’s appreciation for his son.  Without those insights, Bardock would just be one Saiyan among many, with nothing to make him stand out besides a familiar haircut and a famous son that he doesn’t even know.
The story goes that the special left such an impression on Akira Toriyama that he decided to canonize Bardock by writing him into the manga.  When Frieza first meets Goku on Namek, Frieza finds Goku’s face somewhat familiar, and he recalls that one Saiyan who opposed him right to the very end.  So even though the Bardock TV Special was anime-only, I think a lot of fans considered it to be canon, since Toriyama had included the scene of Bardock opposing Frieza from the very end of the special. 
However, to quote Toriyama himself:
“I really like the story of Bardock, Goku’s father. It’s quite dramatic, and the kind of story ‘I absolutely wouldn’t draw’ if it were me. It was like watching a different kind of Dragon Ball in a good way, so I thought it was nice.”  --Akira Toriyama, Interview on October 5, 1995, published in Daizenshuu v.6.
So he enjoyed the Bardock special, but if he had to create his own story about Bardock and the destruction of Planet Vegeta, then it would be very different from “Father of Goku”, which he “absolutely wouldn’t draw”.  Not because he disliked the special, but because it’s just not the kind of story that he would tell. 
I say this because I think there were a lot of fans who took umbrage with Dragon Ball Minus for changing Bardock’s backstory from the lore we got in the special. But Toriyama practically warned us all way back in 1995 that if he ever did a Bardock story of his own, it would almost certainly be very different. 
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So now that we’ve established that, let’s get down to business.  In this story, Bardock is killing aliens just like he did in the TV special, only he only seems to have one other Saiyan backing him up.  That unnamed Saiyan gets a call on his scouter, and he relays the message to Bardock: All Saiyans have been ordered to return to Planet Vegeta.  Bardock is immediately suspicious, since this seems to be an unprecedented move.  The Saiyans have been working for Frieza for some time now, and they’ve been spread out, conquering various planets for him.  Why would Frieza recall all of them back home at the same time?  When he sees Frieza’s spaceship in orbit around Planet Vegeta, he gets even more suspicious. 
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Frieza’s visiting the planet because he’s had his henchmen talking to the Saiyan locals, asking them about their folklore.  His goons dismiss the tales of the Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God, but Frieza refuses to overlook even the slightest possibility of a Saiyan growing powerful enough to oppose him.  As it is, he knows the Saiyans are too proud and willful to be truly loyal to him, so he feels justified in wiping them out before they inevitably turn against him. 
This... might just be my favorite character moment for Frieza.  A lot of DBZ was devoted to explaining and re-explaining his decision to destroy the Saiyans.  His reasons generally boil down to the following:
1) If the entire Saiyan population revolted, they could pose a threat to his rule (Early Namek Saga, the Bardock TV Special)
2) Frieza’s afraid of a Super Saiyan emerging from the Saiyan population and overthrowing him (Late Namek Saga, and Dragon Ball Minus)
3) Beerus wanted to destroy the Saiyans but was too lazy to make the trip, so he commanded Frieza to do it for him.  (Battle of Gods)
What sets this story apart from the others, though, is that we get to see just how Frieza heard about the Super Saiyan Legend in the first place.  He asked around.  And apparently this isn’t the first planet where he’s done this sort of thing.  “I’m sure they’re just the usual heroic legends we hear about all the time.”
At some point, it hit me that Frieza has an interest in this sort of thing.  Not that he’s particularly fond of alien legends, but the characters in those stories the only thing that can possibly challenge his power.  So he seems to make a point out of learning about those mythical heroes whenever he can, just so he can weigh the risks of the legends coming true.
And maybe if the Saiyans were more devoted to him, like Zarbon and Dodoria, maybe Frieza might have chosen to ignore the Super Saiyan tale.  But he knows the Saiyans hate his guts, and he probably only kept them around as long as he did because his father had gotten so much use out of them.  And he might have been willing to keep the Saiyans alive a while longer, but then you have to factor in Beerus’s command to destroy them.  So in this story, Frieza asks if all the Saiyans are back home yet, and his men report that most of them will return within a month, but they’ll have to wait for stragglers if they plan to get them all.  Frieza won’t do it, though.  He plans to destroy Planet Vegeta one month later, and he can deal with the handful of survivors later.  He can just tell them Planet Vegeta got hit by a meteor. 
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The story doesn’t spell it out, but I think Frieza accelerated his plans because he didn’t want to risk angering Beerus.  Not that Beerus was going to show up a month later to check his work, but Frieza had no way of knowing for sure, so better to blow 99% of the Saiyans away as soon as possible. 
And this is what saved Saiyans like Vegeta and Raditz.  Well, that, and the fact that Vegeta had no intention of obeying the order to return home.  Maybe he had the same suspicions as Bardock, or he just felt like he should defy Frieza wherever possible.  In this case, he could get away with ignoring the order, so he chose to ignore the order. 
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As for Bardock, he finds his wife Gine chopping meat in his home village.  The narration informs us that the Saiyan population is only several thousand strong.  They’re warlike, so their population doesn’t increase too easily.  That sounds kind of vague, but interpret it as you will.  Bardock embraces Gine and asks about their children, which I think rubbed some fans the wrong way.  Gine wasn’t even in the TV Special, so the idea of Bardock being a loving husband and father bugged some people.  Hell, I think some fans can’t stand the idea of Bardock being anything other than a relentless badass.
Gine explains that Raditz has already been sent out into the field, with Prince Vegeta as his partner.  As for Kakarot, he’s been in an incubation tank for three years, and it’s almost time to take him out.  As he looks at Kakarot, Bardock resolves to steal a space pod and send the boy to another planet. 
Now, this also bugged some fans, because this directly contradicts what Raditz told Goku about how and why he ended up on Earth.  According to Raditz, Saiyan babies were tested for their combat potential, and those with the worst scores were sent to relatively defenseless planets, where they could either die alone or conquer with a bit less of a disadvantage.  Saiyan elites, like Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta, were allowed to remain on Planet Vegeta and receive proper training and resources, so that they could fight as part of the Saiyan military. 
Dragon Ball Minus flips that idea on its head.  Yes, Raditz was correct about the Saiyan practice of “infiltration babies”, as Gine puts it.  That is a thing Saiyans do with their weakest children.   However, in this case, Bardock is using that practice without permission.  Instead of waiting around for the authorities to decide where to assign baby Kakarot, Bardock is going to send him to Earth, just to keep him safe from anything Frieza might be planning. 
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And, perhaps unintentionally, these differences provide a critique of “Father of Goku.”  Like I said earlier, the only real purpose of giving Bardock visions of the future was to make him sympathetic.  He could foresee Frieza’s treachery and realize he was doomed, but he could also foresee his son thriving on Earth, eventually rising up to avenge his people. 
But Dragon Ball Minus cuts the Gordian Knot in half with a sword.  Why does Bardock need psychic powers to predict Frieza destroying the Saiyans?  The Saiyans have resented Frieza from the beginning, so why would they expect anything less than treachery from him?  Bardock doesn’t need the gift of prophecy to figure this out.  He just needs to pay attention to what’s going on around him.  And as for his son, maybe Bardock could just care about Kakarot from the beginning. He doesn’t need to see visions of Goku growing up on Earth.  He can just see the baby floating helplessly in an incubator and then imagine what will happen to him if he’s still on Planet Vegeta when Frieza makes his move. 
And this might irritate some Bardock fans, but at least this way he gets some agency and character development.   The dirty little secret about “Father of Goku” is that Bardock is a puppet of fate in that special.  The Kanassan is destined to give him the curse of foresight.  And once Bardock has that curse, he’s powerless to prevent Planet Vegeta’s destruction.  He sees Goku’s future, and seems to approve, but he has no control over that either.  Others make the decision to launch Goku into space, and so everything Bardock does in the special is futile. 
Sure, “Father of Goku” kind of works because of that futility.  I’d argue that “futility” is a theme of the story. That’s what makes it dark.  But I prefer Toriyama’s take, where Bardock suspects that he’s already doomed, but he still gets to make a choice to do something about it.  By sending Goku to Earth, Bardock gets to make a difference, even if he doesn’t realize how big a difference it will be. 
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As they prepare the pod for launch, Gine asks why they don’t just all leave the planet in pods, and Bardock explains that Frieza would just track them down with scouters.  Kakarot, with his miniscule power level, can escape, but they’re trapped here, on Planet Vegeta, while they wait to find out what Frieza has planned for them all.  The two of them say their goodbyes, and Gine makes plans to contact Raditz to tell him where they’ve sent Kakarot.  She also promises to retrieve the boy if Bardock’s fears turn out to be unfounded.  But we know how that will turn out. 
So they watch the pod leave in an emotional scene. 
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But the launch has not gone unnoticed.  The Galactic King has discovered the Saiyan invader heading toward Earth, so he orders Jaco to intercept it.   He clearly isn’t too concerned about the matter, though, since he regards Jaco as one of his least reliable Patrollers, and the Earth as a backwater planet of little importance.  I guess he sort of cares, but not enough to send the best.
But we already saw how Jaco handled that mission.  He missed Kakarot’s arrival on Earth, and he was adopted by Son Gohan instead, and grew up to become Son Goku, who would confront Frieza on Namek.  And now you know.... the rest of the story.   Paul Harvey... Good Day?
So that wraps up Jaco.  The only real issue I see with all of its retcons to Dragon Ball lore is the fact that Jaco has such close ties to the Brief family, and he even gives Dr. Brief his spaceship to reverse engineer, and yet this never came up in the Namek Saga, when the good guys desperately needed a way to travel through space.   Instead they use Kami’s old spaceship, which took a month to make the trip, and then Dr. Brief reverse engineered Goku’s space pod, which made the journey in six days.  Maybe Jaco’s ship was slower?  Or they just forgot about it?  Oh well. 
I’ll be taking a break for a couple weeks, and when I get back, we’ll star in on Dragon Ball Super. Until then, keep watching the skies.
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fandom-trash-xl · 9 months
Little Headcanon Ramblings: On Saiyan Hair
Ok, so the one key thing we do know about Saiyan hair is, according to Vegeta, its shape doesn't change beyond its original- basically a justification as to why the year spent in the time chamber didn't faze Vegeta's iconic spiky shape while Trunks experienced growth due to his human genetics (also shown with Gohan throughout the series).
However, this doesn't necessarily mean that growth is completely stunted- as long as the same shape and form is the end result. At the very least, the volume likely fluffs out with time as the Saiyan grows, their spike size remaining consistent with their head.
But what about when the hair is cut? We've seen Goku lose half a spike and it regenerating later, though we can attribute this to a visual gag. But, we see Vegeta in GT with his signature spikes significantly filed down... and I find it hard to believe the Prince of Saiyans would allow his royal Saiyan mane to be shorn down if it's not going to grow back.
So, I'll go with the headcanon that Saiyan haircuts aren't permanent, and, when their hair gradually grows back, it returns to the original shape, then it stops again. Lose a spike? It'll eventually spring back up again until it's an identical regeneration of the last. Hence, Vegeta can tolerate Bulma snipping around trying to give him something new (but he may not like it at first).
Since the U6 Saiyans seem to be more domesticated and less brutish (still have the battle lust), I think they would be more prone to get haircuts, perhaps as something for special occasions and events. Haircuts for style-changes, knowing it'll inevitably go back to the classic shape, is not a common occurrence and, since the hair stops at a certain point, they wouldn't need routine trims. Hair salons for Sadalan Saiyans are treated as a specialty shop rather than as an upkeep thing- pretty much equivalent to buying prom-wear. A new style of temporary do usually means something special has come up or a party's in the works. I feel like I could spin up some designs for temp styles for the main trio~
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kayzig · 1 year
anyway, based on several prior discussions, Vegeta is the perfect model to base your character expectations on in D&D/a tabletop game/group RP situations/etc
I WILL be elaborating on this so:
there are some people who want their character to be kind of initially pathetic and jokey and you know, that's fine, you can go be Krillin or w/e, this isn't about that
but if you set out with the expectation to be a Vegeta, you are actually setting yourself up for the best expectation because for every moment where you do something really badass
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you just also know you are going to have a moment where you absolutely hilariously deal with embarrassment
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and that is okay because people still ABSOLUTELY love Vegeta (and on a lesser note we also all love Gohan in spite of his haircut for the arc where we go to Namek, but anyways not the point)
it is different from setting out to make a character "badass like Goku" and wanting that personality, because Goku has enough inherent gaffs and authentic funny moments from being a low intellect but fairly high-charisma character, and he is easy to have go along with a party, because he WANTS to help people.
Vegeta (and actually, a lot of other characters who began as "villains" as Z Fighters) is a great example of also choosing someone who is a VERY different alignment/goalpost from the rest of the group, but understanding a shared goal at the rest of your party's table is what's holding the story together.
Did your starter goals of becoming immortal and destroying Frieza not come together? Talk with your DM about how maybe you need to have a focus that grounds you to the setting more (like having a wife and kid, just...saiyan....) and how you can make your character work into the story, and not how you can force the story to be all about your character.
there are lots of other subtleties/etc about ttrpg and character creation that could also affect this but this is the specific one that was on my mind irt our space prince, please enjoy your day
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Why don't you like the way GT handled the Next Gen characters like Pan, Trunks, Bra, Uub, Goten and Marron?
In short, GT tried too hard to recreate OG Dragon Ball and failed at it (imho). Some things worked, a lot of other things didn't. Character depiction of the Next Gen is one of those things that failed.
The longer answer...
• PAN 👎👎👎
With Pan, she was written to be Bulma.
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(Link to full interview here.)
And honestly, that was a BAD idea imo. She is the daughter of Videl & granddaughter of Chi-Chi. Pan should've been written to behave more like those two if anything.
Not to mention they didn't do much with Pan at all besides have her in the "damsel in distress" role like teenage Bulma. It was a waste of time and waste of her character imo.
I hear that the Japanese version of GT has Pan written better. But, I've watched a few episodes in Japanese & the characterization is still similar. Just that the dialogue isn't as bad. So I just ain't a fan of GT Pan.
I'm a fan of Super Hero & EoZ Pan. She's adorable, fun, & based off of her lineage, her personality feels very natural & in character.
The interview I linked above shows that he kinda filled the "Bulma" role too. But, with Trunks, it makes more sense for HIM to have elements of Bulma since he's her son.
But, oddly enough, GT Trunks didn't seem to have any influence from Vegeta besides being able to turn SSJ. He actually fills the "Yamcha" role as well as the "Bulma" role. He seems more like Yamcha & Bulma's son.
Despite being a main character, he didn't do much if I remember correctly.
• BRA 👎
I actually don't mind her depiction in GT. She's basically Bulma 2.0. Bratty, kinda rude, likes shopping, looks EXACTLY like Bulma. But...
The only thing I can remember that I didn't like about her was that grown men were hitting on her. That's just creepy...
(Also something to share about Bra. According to Daizenshuu 7, Bra's character bio says that she's 1 yr older than Pan in GT. But in the GT Perfect Files, it says Bra is 1 yr younger than Pan. Kinda confusing before Toriyama showed in DBS that Pan was born before Bra.)
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• UUB 👎👎
He reall was wasted in GT. We know he's the reincarnation of Buu who somehow inherited his power too. And he was seen training with Goku at the begining of GT. But we barely see him involved.
He's Goku's student, yet he didnt even go with Goku on his journey through space? He has all of this potential, yet does nothing of importance after being trained by Goku? He merges with Majin Buu, yet nothing still? He wants to fuse with Gohan or somebody, yet that idea gets rejected for no reason but to leave things to Goku & Vegeta?
GT Uub is just a waste of an interesting idea imo.
What does he do in GT? Seriously. Yeah, he has a girlfriend and does a little here and there. What do we know about him tho? Not much besides he has Gohan's haircut but pushed forwards instead of to the back.
Why didn't the writers have him get on the ship with Goku, Trunks, & Pan? His inclusion would've given Toei a way to develop his character and even gave Trunks somebody to bounce dialogue off of. We could see how he interacts with his father & niece too. Instead, we really got nothing.
And just my opinion, but Goten would've fit better for the "Yamcha" role than Trunks did.
• MARRON 👎👎👎👎
Oh Kami... Don't get me started on GT Marron.
So to be positive first, I like her design & her voice in JP & ENG. But why did we get ANOTHER BULMA?! What do I mean? For some reason, GT Marron is bratty, rude, and obsessed with shopping. Who is this? Bulma???
Ppl will say "Well, 18 liked shopping too." Yeah, but 18 wasn't a brat and cold harted like she's innacuately portrayed to be in GT (thank God DBZ & DBS Android 18 exist). GT made 18 uncaring towards Krillin except when he died. So OOC. So if they make 18 OOC and give Marron the personality of her OOC mother, then she becomes a brat.
I DO NOT like GT Marron nor do I like GT Android 18. Terrible portrayals of characters I like. And it seems like in the DBS manga, Toyotaro writes 18 to be cold-hearted towards her husband in a similar way that GT did. Meanwhile Toriyama and the DBS anime properly portray 18 as a loving wife who is tough. And they have Marron being a sweet fun loving girl too.
So there are my reasons. I just despise how innacuately GT depicted characters and how so many of them have aspects of Bulma. I'd rather see better adaptations of these characters in the main continuity.
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breezytealy · 1 year
6, 9, 17 :D
The questions!
6) Which saga is your favorite? 
UHMMM Right so - The Great Saiyaman Saga is my favourite because of the low-stakesness of it, and seeing Gohan interact with the rest of the world, I love all the worldbuilding snippets! But, I don't think it would work as a standalone series, as I feel you need the rest of the show to really understand why it's a good breather? It's the eternal conundrum of loving slice-of-life fantasy, really hard to pull off without knowing the full stakes.
So if I was going to pick standalones, I'd pick the standalones that I did watch, which was The Saiyan and Namek Sagas. I hadn't seen Dragon Ball when I started watching DBZ but picked it up quick, and I thought the arc of Goku "suddenly you're an alien and dead", and the Vegeta/Goku battle, and how Vegeta grows into the main cast and is against Frieza making this complex set of alliances, I thought that was smashing! Plus Frieza was great to hate!
9) What is your favorite fight?
If I had to rewatch or reread, I'd probably go for Cell Saga Gohan fight, as it's so gut-wrenching. But if I have to pick one that's stuck with me, it was Trunks' entrance in "Another Super Saiyan?". Imagine watching that at like, 12 or 13 with no idea who Trunks is, just this cool dude with a great haircut (for the time) who shows up and one shots the guy they barely took out in the previous saga? That sword slash is iconic, and it blew my fucken mindddd
How it was summarised at "real speed" in SuperHero really gets it across, too - that cut cut cut lull - BLAST - yea! So it's fave for being so out of nowhere :)!
17) Which anime ending is your favorite?
I don't recall the DB/Z/GT ones, I'm not sure what we had in the UK as we'd have to be dragged out of my grandparents' house a few minutes before the show ended so no nostalgia there!
So my love is with the Super ones! I love the video for Hello, Hello, Hello by Good Morning America the most - that beginning montage (though I can never work out Goku's neck at the end? I think his chin makes his neck look h e n c h haha)This song is also super uplifting to me? Very hopeful.
But an equally good banger is Forever Dreaming by Czech no Republic :) Can bop bop bop along to this one
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nella09archive · 7 months
Marriage. 119
Chapter 119: Memory lane
Today was looking really beautiful, till the sky turned dark. It didn’t last long. My guess is that someone summoned the dragon. I wonder what for. I just ignored it. It’s probably nothing big, and if it is, I know my boys could handle themselves. I hope everything is ok. I just went on with my day. I was in the middle of making lunch, and prepping for dinner and Goten after school snack, when I heard the front door open. I look back, but nobody was there. Probably just my imagination, but just in case, I stood alert. I just started cutting carrots, when I felt hands over my eyes. I tried elbowing the person, I hit nothing. I tried kicking, and turning around, but still nothing. I tried taking the hands away from my face, and that’s when I felt that I knew who these hands belong to. I couldn’t help smile, as I tried to feel my way back to the cutting board.
I went back to cutting, and happily humming. “So, does this mean I’m not eating lunch alone?” I didn’t hear anything, but the hands did loosen their grip on my face. “Don’t I get a kiss?” I felt a kiss on my right cheek. I couldn’t help giggle at that. “I need my eyes to continue cooking. Unless, you’re helping me.” I then felt the hands leave my face, and it took a moment to readjust my eyes. I then tried to look back, but a certain head was on my shoulders. “I want another kiss. I miss you.” That’s when I felt those hands grab my breasts, and had kisses dropped on my neck.
“I miss you too, Chichi.” I tried slapping his hands away, but he just wouldn’t let go.
“Goku. I’m trying to cook. Please let go.”
“No. You said you wanted a kiss, but I want more than a welcome home kiss.” I couldn’t help giggle at that. Well, until I felt a sneaky hand making its way into my pants. I try to tell him to stop; that I have to finish cooking. But those skilled fingers of his has already started working me up. “I really missed you. Just a little taste.”
“Goku, stop it. Please.”
He started whining. “So, mean. But fine. What’s you making?” He took his hand out, and just hugged me. I told him stew, and asked why he was home, and how long. “There’s a little tournament coming up in 5 days, between universes. Would you like to come watch? You’ll be traveling in space, and get to watch me fight.”
“That sounds lovely. But that doesn’t answer why you’re home. Also, what you mean by universes? And is there some type of prize involved? Who’s fighting? And why space?”
“Me and Vegeta are going to train in the ROSAT till tournament day. I’ll explain that one later, when Goten is home. Well, there’s these wish orbs, kind of like planet size dragon balls. And the team who wins, the God of Destruction of that universe gets to make a wish. Our universe is 7, and we’re fighting against universe 6. Which is like our sister universe. If I understood Whis correctly.”
“Oh, interesting. So, are you two training starting tonight or tomorrow?” He said tomorrow. “Good. I want to hear all about what you been up to in your training. I really miss you.”
“I miss you too. Does Goten have school that day?”
“He does, but I could take him out for the day.”
I then was turned around, and came face to face with a concerned Goku. “Who are you, and what did you do to my Chichi?” I couldn’t help but giggle.
“Goten does really well in school. One day wouldn’t hurt. Compared to 5 years. Now, let me get back to cooking.” He smiled, and turned me back around. “Oh, Goten said you’ll take him to get a haircut when you came back, why? I already got him a new haircut.”
“Chichi.” He kissed my cheek. “But did he say he wanted a haircut? Or what haircut he wanted?”
As I flew home, from school, I couldn’t hold in my excitement. Sometime in the morning, Trunks and me sensed that our dads were back on earth. But since we were in school, we couldn’t rush to see them. Now that school was done for the day, I rushed home. I can’t wait to see dad, and tell him what I been learning from mom. And even tell him about my training.
When I got home, I notice that the door was open. Mom hates that. So, I quickly sense where my parents were, and they were inside. But why was the door open? When I stepped inside, I could hear my parents arguing. I wonder why. “GOKU! NO!”
“Oh, come on! It’s not fair!”
“What’s not fair? She’s not even one yet!”
“Who said it had to be now? It’s when she’s old enough and wants to. Not like I’m saying the moment she could walk I’ll train her.”
“Goku, stop it! You’re not doing it, and that’s final!”
“But Chichi. It’s not fair! You was Goten first teacher. And Piccolo was Gohan’s. Why can’t I be Pan’s? On top of that, it seems right I be her first teacher. After all, my grandpa was my first teacher.”
“Goku, we’re not getting into this right now!”
“Getting into what?” I couldn’t stop myself. Whatever this was sounded interesting. My parents just looked at me for a moment, before looking angry at each other. Dad called mom a meanie, before walking over to me. “What happened?” He said it was nothing for me to worry about. Then went on about asking how was my day. “It was ok. Me and Trunks were kind of upset we couldn’t leave school to see you two. We even noticed that the sky turned black. Did you guys make a wish?” He told me how they couldn’t really make the wish, and that there was a tournament coming up. “Oh cool. Wish I could take part.”
He ruffled my hair. “Maybe another time.” He then looked back at mom. “If, Chichi allows it.” I then looked back at mom, and said please.
“Maybe. I’ll think about it.” I could help smile at that. Dad then reminded me about the whole haircut thing. I told him it was alright for now. That we could do that after the tournament. He asked if I was sure about that, and I was. I worked on my homework, and had my after-school snack. Once done, I wanted to show dad what I been working on. When we got outside, I was so excited. Since dad could sense ki better than mom, maybe he’ll be able to point out better my mistakes. When I told him to sit down, close his eyes, and just sense me, he looked really confused at first. But then he had a big smile, as he did what I said.
After taking a deep breath, I started my kata, like I been practicing. It was also hard to contain my excitement over dad being here. But once I got into the rhythm, everything fell into place. Well, so I thought. When I was finished, dad was still sitting with his eyes closes, but something was off. I tried walking to him, and saying I was done. But he hasn’t moved a muscle. “Dad?” The moment I tried to touch him, he moved behind me. I wasn’t even able to follow him, and it was surprising.
“So, Chichi taught you that?” It took me a moment to blink, and then I nodded. “You did pretty good. Before you know it, you’ll be better at it than me and your mom.” I looked at him in amazement. And asked if he really mean it. “Yup. Funny thing is, your mom caught me off guard with that, when we were in the 23rd tournament.” I asked him how. “Let’s just say your old man wanted to know everything about your mom. I was too nervous to just talk to her. And since I learned about sensing ki, I thought I gave it a shot at sensing hers. Boy was I surprised how calm and controlled her ki was. Not even my friends knew how to fully control their ki. It was a complete shock to me. It kind of made me want to know your mom even more.” The whole time, dad was blushing and smiling as he talked about mom. He looks so happy talking about mom. Reminds me about how happy mom looked when she told me stories about him.
“Dad? Could you tell me stories about you and mom?” He looked at me confused.
“Why? What stories could I possibly tell you?”
“Maybe stuff before you and mom got married. Or even before me and Gohan came along. Mom and Gohan always told stories of you. But dad.” He ruffled my hair. “I want to hear how you saw mom.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“Come on. A quick one. Dinner isn’t ready yet.”
“Ok. I’ll tell you one of my favorites.” I got so happy. He sat down, and set me on his lap.
It was the day after the party, and I had joined Chichi in her dance lessons. Well, more like watched. She wasn’t going to be princess anymore, but she still took the lessons. Something about honoring a promise till her wedding day. It made me smile knowing she, too, kept all her promises. Another thing that we have in common. She’s so wonderful. “Hey. Why are you smiling? What are you thinking about?”
My face started heating up with the realization I was daydreaming. About her, no less. As I saw her walk over to me, I couldn’t help admire the way she’s able to keep those books balanced on her head. I tried telling her it was nothing, but she didn’t look like she believed me. Even when she’s mad at me she looks wonderful. Especially with those flowers surrounding her. it felt like words were stuck in my throat, as she spoke to me. She asked again what I was thinking. “Nothing special. Why do you dance with books on your head?” Before she could answer, her teacher told us that she’ll be right back, and for Chichi to continue practicing. Chichi then asked if I wanted to join her. “Sure.” She then hands me a book, and it feels heavier than any book I know. “What type of book is this?” she started giggling and opened the book, to reveal that there were weights inside. “So, it’s like my weighted clothes?” She nods.
I then stood up, and join her in the open floor. At first, I tried to follow her dance moments, but it felt weird. But seeing how she did it was just amazing to watch. I ended up suggesting to spar, and whoever drops the book first has to dance. I was happy she agreed. I was surprised how well she could fight with weights on her head. I had to do a lot of balance training, but not like this. For me, the goal was slightly different. Or maybe, not so much. I might have been stronger, but she was more graceful in her moves. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. My face started burning up, as I followed her movements closely. Without warning, she tripped me, which made me drop the book. Not fair! She started giggling, and reached out her hand for me. Instead, I pulled her down. “Hey!”
“You cheated.”
“By being memorizing.” Now her face was red, and she told me to shut up.
“Wow dad. Mom sounded really amazing to have you not focus.” I couldn’t help smile at that.
“Yes, she was, and still is.”
“But I still won fair and square. Plus, seeing you dance was funny.” That’s when we looked up, and noticed that Chichi was standing next to us. “Dinner is ready.” Goten ran ahead of us. But before Chichi made it to the door, I grabbed her around the waist. “What’s the matter?” I dropped a quick kissed to her neck, and told her that I love her. “Love you too, Goku.” With that we entered our home. Dinner was amazing like always. We even had family bath time, which was super fun seeing them smile. Once me and Chichi got into bed I couldn’t help snuggle super close to her. “What’s the matter, Goku?” Nothing. Just want to hug you. “But?” Oh, come on. I miss you. I want to cuddle and smoother myself in your scent. “Goku?”
“Chichi. I’m going to be in the ROSAT with Vegeta for what would be like 4, maybe 5, years. I want to enjoy my wife, in the simplest way possible.”
“Oh, really? So, no?” She held my face between her breast.
“No. I rather that be my prize for when the tournament is over.”
“Awe. I feel special now. Night, Goku.” She didn’t let me go, but I’m not complaining. Good night, Chichi.
When I woke up, the next morning, I was happy to see my Goku still sleeping. He must have been really exhausted for a long while. I wouldn’t mind staying in bed till he woke up. But that was too short lived, as he started mumbling as he started to wake up. I couldn’t help pet his head. “Mm.” I know how much he loves that, when he’s waking up, and falling asleep. It took so long for us to changed who woke up first. Goku used to wake up so early, and he would wait till I woke up, before doing anything. Then, when I finally starting waking before him, it took forever to get out of his grip. Looking down at his current peaceful face, reminds me when I finally woke before him.
I finally did it! I woke before Goku! When I stared at Goku, I was expected to see a peaceful face, but it was nowhere close. He looked troubled. Is this his true face? He’s always smiling around me, but sometimes I wonder if he’s hiding something. We only been married for maybe 2 weeks, and somehow it felt he still didn’t fully trust me. I could easily accept that. But the way he looks right now upsets me. I couldn’t help myself, and pet his head. It’s ok, Goku. I’ll wait for as long it takes for you to actually trust me. I can’t blame you. I’m still iffy around you, too.
As I continued petting his head, he started mumbling in his sleep. So cute. He mumbles. When I took my hand away, he had a frown. Uh? I pet him again, and he smiled. “Mm.” Oh my. So cute. He likes being pet. Super cute. I tried pulling my hand away, and that’s when he wake up. Well, more like his eyes shot open, before he blinked a few times. Does he have trouble sleeping? When he finally looked at me, he had a big smile. “Good morning, Chichi.” Uh? I’ve seen him smile all the time, but this one seems sad. I told him good morning, and that I should go make breakfast. Before I left the bed, I pet his head. That’s when I saw a sweet smile cross his lips. I like that one.
The day went by peacefully, but my mind was still on how Goku looked when waking up. I wonder. That night, as we got ready for bed, he went to snuggle me, but I stopped him. He looked sad, till I snuggled his head to the top of my breasts. He seems confused, and asked what was I doing. I just started petting his head, and humming. It took a while, but he started to relax, and even hugged my waist closer. Before I knew it, he had fell asleep. And the face he made was priceless. He looked so relaxed and at peace. From then on, he couldn’t fall asleep unless I did that again.
When Goku finally woke up, he kissed me and said good morning. “Did you sleep ok?”
“I always do, when I’m with you.” I couldn’t help smile at that, as my face got hot. “It’s hard to fall asleep when I’m away from you.”
“Is that why you took that photo of me?” He started giggling, before he gave me another kiss. “I’ll call you down, when breakfast is ready. Want pancakes today?”
“Yeah. And maybe some eggs, if it’s not too much.”
“With bacon, and fresh orange juice?”
“You know me too well.” He gave me another kissed before laying back down. As I got out of bed, I felt him spank my butt. Hey! I looked back at him, and he was smiling. “Mine.” My face just started burning up, and I rushed to get ready for the day. As we ate breakfast, there was a knock at the door. I just shouted that they could come in, and it was Vegeta. What a surprise. He usually is like Bulma, and wakes right in.
“Want some pancakes before you two go?” He just sat down. Guess that was a yes. I quickly made a huge stack, and handed it to him. “Hope you like blueberry.” He just grunted, before digging in. His usual angry expression lighten up a bit, as he ate the pancaked. It was always nice to see how my cooking affected people. It made Piccolo go from drinking just water to asking for seconds. It was Goku’s absolute favorite. That’s something coming from someone who loves to eat. And my cooking made an angry Vegeta look less angry.
Once breakfast was done, I was about to start on the dishes, when Goten had started them. I was going to say something, but I’ll let it go. Vegeta was waiting by the door, for Goku, and I couldn’t help ask. “You think they’ll be enough food in that food for the both of you?” He just shrug his shoulders. I figured as much. I quickly went in search of my secret stash of protein bars. “Here.” He just looked at the bag in my hand. “This is yours. I’ll give Goku his own.” He took the bag, and nod his head. Since the whole thing after Cell, we were on more friendlier terms.
Once Goku came down, I gave him his bag. And told him he could only eat his. With that I saw the boys go off, and I went to check on Goten. He was watching me the whole time. Guess I have to find another place to hide my stash. It’s hard to have anything food related around them. Thankfully there’s one place they’ll never look, and that made me happy. Soon, Goten asked if we could train today, and if Trunks could join us. I saw no reason why not. With that, I made a quick call to Bulma, and Trunks was over within the hour. The rest of the day was pretty fun.
When me and Vegeta got to the look out, we were greeted by Mr. Popo and Dende. Mr. Popo asked how long we were staying in the room, and he was surprised. “Oh my. Just give me some time. I’ll need to stock up some more.” With that he went to the room. As we waited, we just stood around till he came back. “It’s all ready. Is that the only clothes you going in with?”
“Yup.” He looked at Dende, before looking back at us. He asked if we were serious. “No. We came prepared.” We both pulled out a capsule. With that, Mr. Popo took us to the room. Once inside, I asked Vegeta how he wanted to start this. We picked which bed we wanted, and how we would spend out time here. From there, we did a warm up spar, before really getting into our training.
For the first year, it felt like torture watching him go through the same routine over and over. He was like clockwork. It was annoying that he barely changed it up. At least I tried to do rotate my training around. Well, before lunch anyway. After lunch, was when we trained together. We usually went his way. Oh, if I even suggest something, it was quickly turned down. At least, when it was time to sleep, we were on good terms. But during that time, I couldn’t help think about my time in this room with Gohan. My little boy.
“Dad, what is this place? It’s so weird.” We only been in this room a week, and Gohan still was amazed. The first week was just to get him used to the room, and he seem to adjusted better than I did. “Dad?” I looked down at him. “After everything is over, can we come in here again?” Uh? That caught me off guard. I asked him what for. He was fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke. “It would be nice to spend more time with you.” I just ruffled his hair, and tried giving him the biggest smile I could.
“When this is over, you won’t need this room to spend time with me.”
“But dad.” What? “I would have to go to school after everything is over. We won’t be able to spend days together. Not saying we have to be here a full day. It would be nice to at least spend a few hours, at least.”
“But that’s not how this room works. But we’ll spend all your free days together.” He looked happy at that, and finally laid down. As I watched him fall asleep, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The possibility that everything would be fine afterward sounds like a dream. I really hope everything turns out ok. I would like to see my little boy continue growing. I would even like to be there for his sibling. I rub his check one more time, before I went to my own bed to sleep.
During the second year, Vegeta finally changed up his routine. It took some convincing, but he finally changed up. Before long, he was doing my routine. And when I switched up, he did so too. Before long, we were training at the same pace. We almost became a mirror of each other. And when we sparred it was tricky for either of us to get the upper hand. We soon had to figure out how we were going to solve this problem. “How about we try to come up with a new technique? And fighting style. Then try to perfect it.” He seem to disagree at first. Saying how his fighting style and techniques were already perfect. “Fine. How about we learn each other moves?” He also seem iffy about that.
“Why would I change my fighting style? And why should I try to copy your fighting style?”
“It’s good to change this up. Plus, you could always change it to fit your style. It was just a suggestion.” He gave me a look, before saying fine. “Should I go first? Or do you want to go first?” That was our goal for the third year. We had to learn each other’s style and techniques. When doing so it opened our eyes at how flaw we were. It made us tried harder to fix those flaws, and it ended up with us getting better at them. Even learning each other technique was fun. Learning galick gun was pretty fun. Before long, we were not only able to do our techniques quicker, but also less effort and more powerful.
Now we were reaching the fourth year, and that was the most awkward year ever. During the first year we had a pattern. Slowly during the second year that pattern went away. During the third we forgot what break and sleep was. We even forgot what food way. Now on the fourth year, we decided to actually take a break. This is when we finally took note of a few physical changes. When did Vegeta had facial hair? Why does my face itch? When I went to scratch is when I felt hair on my face. In a panic I grabbed Vegeta shoulders and asked what was going on. “What?” I pointed to my face. “Oh. Yeah. Sayians do grow facial hair after years of intense battles. We kind of did what would take years of training, in less time.” I still didn’t feel any better about this. “Also, Nappa said, a sayian could even will hair growth. But always asked why his hair didn’t grow back. He said sayian natural hair doesn’t grow, everything else does.”
“So, you’re telling me, we could willing grow our hair on our faces?” He nodded. “What about our tails? Can we willing grow those back?”
“Hey! Didn’t you say yours was permanently removed? And what about your eldest?”
I let his shoulders go, and just sat. I felt really bummed out. “Yeah. And we asked Kami to permanently removes he’s too. But what about yours?” He sat down.
“I guess it was just not needed, still I became much stronger. Well, that’s my theory.”
“What if we could grow back our tails? Wouldn’t that be something? Maybe even make us stronger.”
“Kakarot, shut up. We should probably study for that written test. Sorry, but I doubt your abilities when it comes to that. so, let’s take half the year to work on that.”
“I’m not sure if I should feel insulted.”
“Why? I have yet seen if you’re even able to even comprehend a complex situation. So, forgive me if I’m skeptical of your ability to do anything outside of fighting.” It took me a moment to understand what he just said. But when I did, I felt hurt.
“Did you just call me stupid, in a very wordy way?” He looked taken aback. “I’m just slow, but I’m that stupid.” I actually felt really mad about that. Ever since I met Bulma, everyone been calling me stupid. It’s not my fault I didn’t know things, that everyone else knew. Not my fault I didn’t grow up like them.
“Fine, Kakarot. Prove me wrong.” He then pulled out a capsule I didn’t know he had. After he released it, there was a table with a few books on it. And even pencils. He then handed me a sheet. “If you could do all this by yourself, I’ll stop calling you an idiot for the rest of our time here.” Deal. As I tried to get through the first page, I couldn’t help think of that time Gohan had me study with him. He was so upset that he had to do another page.
“But mommy! You said one more page and then I could play with daddy. I did one more page. Why do I gotta do another? Daddy.” I couldn’t help pick up Gohan from his chair.
“You did say one more page.” Chichi also looked upset.
“He got half the page wrong. If he could get the next page all right, then he could play.” Gohan started to tear up, and held me tighter.
“But I don’t wanna.”
“Gohan, listen to mommy.”
“But I don’t wanna. Daddy.” I really don’t like it when he gives me the crying pouty face. It always make me say yes to him. But I also didn’t want to get in trouble with Chichi. She’s doing her ‘I mean it’ pose, and that’s hard to get through. I can’t believe this. I don’t want a sad Gohan, or a mad Chichi. This is so hard. What should I do? What can I do? “Daddy, could you help me?” Crap! Anything but that. I looked to Chichi, and she had a smile. She then said how that was a good idea. Not good. Then Gohan looked super happy, while cheering how I get to help him today.
I’m doomed. As I tried to help, it ended up him teaching me. For once I felt super embarrassed about my lack of schooling. But to see Gohan smile, when I got something right was just as rewarding as Chichi’s smile.
I think Vegeta was getting mad at how long I was taking to answering everything. He even tried helping. “No! I got this.” It was at the end of the day when I finally finished. I then gave it to him. As he checked my work, I was feeling really nervous. I really hope I got the answers right. Before long, he handed the sheet back to me.
“So, you’re not a complete idiot. But you right about being slow. Let’s work on that.” That actually made me happy. So, for most of the year he helped me answer questions faster. Then the rest we ended up putting in extra training. It’ll it was finally time to leave the room.
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tenshindon · 3 years
love yamcha dragon ball cause he’s simultaneously a renowned baseball player and undoubtedly loaded as fuck but he’s also so lowkey about that and it’s very easy to imagine running into him at 7-11 at two in the morning on a snack run and you just see him huddled by the fridge thinking of whether he wants to get two arizona teas or three while he’s bundled up in a puffy winter jacket because he can’t handle anything below eighty degrees
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
This is actually an ask all about fashion! Prior to DBS I loved that the characters had different looks in each arc. New Kanji for Goku's gi, new battle armor for Vegeta, new haircuts and stylish outfits for Bulma, etc. I don't like how there was a regression for Goku and Vegeta in particular, they took a step forward in ROF and then a step backwards in the latter parts of DBS. Do you like Goku's BOG gi and Vegeta's Cell Arc armor too much to care or would you like to see them in new attire?
I think there's something to be said for an iconic look, and I think there are reasons related to both characters that they stick with a certain look. In ROF, Goku and Vegeta had new outfits, yes, but I don't think I'd have been happy to see those carry forward, simply for the reasons they've stuck with said looks for so long in the first place. In Goku's case, his dogi is his Turtle School outfit. It's symbolic of who taught him how to really tap into his potential, who really taught him the fundamentals of combat, who set him on his life path. The kanji evolved as he got new teachers, yes, but by the end, the kanji was wholesale gone, symbolizing Goku's growth, that he'd become his own master of his own style of fighting. They added the new gi and had Whis make his "mark" on it intending for the same effect, but given Whis wasn't really actively his teacher beyond that arc, I'm kinda glad that got ditched, and I ADORE the fact that Goku still goes back to that outfit. It shows how much he still reveres Master Roshi and the memories made under his tutelage, and maintains his connection with Krillin as well. Vegeta's is a bit more straightforward, I think; he simply likes the outfit that most closely resembles what he always used to wear. It's a symbol of his heritage, his people, something he's had a really strong connection to in life. I don't really see him wholesale giving that up for the sake of an aesthetic change. It keeps him connected to what he lost... and also maybe reminds him of his sins just a little bit. Doesn't let himself forget what he used to be, but also shows his desire to do something to sort-of redeem the legacy his species left behind them. And in fairness, their fashion and looks still evolved over time. They grew beards for a minute, they wore suits, they had different casual clothes that would appear, Goku had his work outfit, etc. But I kinda feel like they wear what they wear for a reason, y'know? And I'd be sad to see them lose that.
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blundergato · 3 years
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Here is my semi-definitive tier list on Gohan’s looks, mostly but not completely based on his hairstyles.
Bowl cut is undefeated. It’s Gohan’s best hairstyle by far and if you disagree, you’re wrong and have bad taste and I’ll personally throw you in the gulag. Toriyama’s character design peaked with bowl cut Gohan. It helps out that he had the best outfits during his bowlcut era.
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(Other rankings explained under the cut)
However, I understand that the sheer magnificence of the bowl cut is unsustainable. Gohan simply could not keep this hairstyle forever because it’s too good (this is not sarcasm, I’m dead serious). 
My favorite hairstyle for Gohan that I think he should have kept basically forever was his Cell Games hairstyle.
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It’s not the bowl cut, but it’s pretty close.
This hairstyle strikes the perfect balance between new and being Goku-esque, which is perfect for this version of Gohan when he surpasses his dad and becomes the new hero. In my alternate universe, Gohan keeps this hairstyle and also becomes the protagonist, also the Boo saga disappears and Super ceases to exist and....wait what was I talking about? Oh yea, this hairstyle rules and is very shonen main character.
The other looks I put in this tier were when he trained with Piccolo, which is very similar to the one above, baby Gohan because he’s super cute and the Great Saiyaman....because it’s the Great Saiyaman. Great Saiyaman might be the best character in Dragon Ball.
A-Tier are also Piccolo training era looks, but not as good.
Gohan’s high school look is decent. It’s got a charming messiness to it and I think it worked well for him until it was ruined later on by becoming the generic Android saga Yamcha looking hairstyle. I wouldn’t have minded his high school hairstyle as his default look but it’s also a hairstyle that varied WILDLY in quality.
Bad tier...everything AFTER high school Gohan. His Ultimate hairstyle sucks ass. It’s generic, it’s ugly and he develops an atrocious widow’s peak that rivals Vegeta. Like I said before, he looks like Android saga Yamcha and I don’t think Yamcha has EVER looked worse. This hairstyle sucks complete and total ass. His outfit choice is also bad. Gohan wearing Goku’s gi worked in that specific moment as a tribute to his father, but I do not think it should be Gohan’s default clothing...ever. Most of the others are just variations on that hairstyle because it’s the one Gohan got stuck with forever unfortunately. It somehow looks even worse in Super along with having some of the ugliest clothes I’ve ever seen. His GT hairstyle is marginally better than the Super version, but it’s still a variation on the worst Gohan hairstyle so it sucks.
I also put Gohan’s weird tracksuit look here too. The tracksuit makes me physically ill. It’s the worst outfit Gohan has ever been stuck with. What makes it even worse is his weird ass haircut. It’s like they were trying to sort of recreate his hairstyle from the Cell Games, but in an understated way. What we end up getting is nerdlord Gohan. This hairstyle is CLOSE to being good, but swerves hard into dumpster territory. It’s weird. This look is terrible and is also associated with a meme because it’s so bad.
Trash tier...Future Gohan and this is based entirely on his hairstyle. It’s horrible. I do not know what’s going on with it. It looks like his head is mostly low cut, but with some tufts of hair hanging out. It just looks terrible. His clothing is fine because he’s trying to take on the heroic mantle that Goku left behind. It works well for the story, but CHRIST HIS HAIR IS SO BAD.
Anyways, Bowl Cut is the Best Cut.
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hakaaishin · 6 years
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Also nice subtle character growth here, Gohan actually said before that he was a Saiyan like Kefla, only from Earth. If I recall that’s a line Goku’s used a few times before? He goes onto say that he wants to rely on his human side more rather than his Saiyan side. Effectively taking a different route from the other Saiyans who have risen to divinity via SSG and SSB, naturally. He said he wants to keep evolving more so as a human hence his Ultimate form that goes back to the Buu Saga with Elder Kai telling him that Super Saiyan was overrated and played out compared his potential unlocked which allows him to function at 100% all the time no strings attached versus Super Saiyan’s stamina drain and simply multiplying effect.
I gotta say, it’s refreshing to watch Gohan fight and take on a challenge and enjoy himself without turning into an egotistical asshat who blows it all in the end like with Cell his power got the better of him and that lead to Goku’s death. Then against Buu he fucked around and didn’t end things fast and then Buu only powered up by absorbing Piccolo and Gotenks then Goku had to step in later to help make things right. It almost comes off as a compliment and sweet throwback to his dad to say he’s a Saiyan from Earth and wants to fight like his dad used to. I remember Goku saying that to Raditz when he first appeared at the Kame House and kidnapped Gohan as a toddler.
He challenges Kefla with the objective of keeping her busy and eliminating U6′s strongest while Goku can focus on Jiren. He goes onto fight it out, end things in a Double KO and eliminates U6 from the ToP. I think it’s refreshing that as an adult Gohan has wised up and not made the same mistake a third time. He finishes Kefla and that’s that and fulfills his role while clearly enjoying himself and that’s portrayed as a positive thing narratively. Although the fight definitely should have been fleshed out I do understand the manga’s monthly schedule on-top of its need to catch up for “DBS: Broly” simply doesn’t allow adequate pages / time. But I do appreciate the overall spirit of the match and the character’s weight behind it. 
Finally after much debate, this confirms that the trademarked bang Gohan had in Ultimate during the Buu Saga was simply his haircut for that arc. and not necessarily apart of the potential unlocked-thing like how his Vegeta eyes are still present at the EoZ. 
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sugirandom · 5 years
End or year meme: 3, 4, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45 (As usual a lot of them XD; )
3. Do you feel your age? Sometimes, yes and sometimes no. I mean the fact that I can’t rebound from sleep issues as easily and that my energy isn’t as high certainly makes me feel my age, interacting with younger people and realizing how far apart our mind-spaces can be makes me feel my age but my parents don’t treat me the age I am and sometimes with the way they treat me I feel more like a teenager…(not to mention I’ve had strangers assume I’m younger because of my height…) so it’s kinda yes and no.
4. Did your appearance change in anyway? I suppose so yeah, inevitably I gained back the weight I lost in Japan, even though I wasn’t there long enough to lose as much as previous visits. I got a haircut twice in the year but nothing drastic…so there’s that too.
10.What song sums up this year for you? Oh gosh…I hmmm…that’s not an easy one..a huge part of the year was about waiting and struggling to get things in motion, after a rough beginning but it’s ending well…so I guess I’ll go with Sekirei by Gackt because… well I guess to sum it up simply (at least by my understanding) he sings about the pain and struggles he’s facing through the cold winter but by the end of the song he mentions that he sees a Sekirei which in Japan is usual a signal that spring is coming. It’s pretty common for songs to use Winter and Spring as suffering and the end of suffering and having SAD I can relate to that so…yes that’s the song I chose for this year.
15.Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears?Dragon Ball Z tbh…I still focus on my other fandoms but that’s the ‘new’ one…tying to figure out how Bulma, Vegeta, and Goku as a Polyship would play out because separately  the ships (in all iterations) are precious to me but why not go for all three? (I’m still obsessed with my usual ships too. My bestbro and I are also currently obsessed with our crackship…that is sort of a legit ship too of Cooking Mama (from the video game) with Cooking Papa (from a manga of the same title).)
20. Did you develop a new obsession? No, not really…the panels I went to at Anime Pavilion reignited a lot of passion I had for Voice Acting but I wouldn’t say I have any new obsessions.
26. Do you regret doing something?  Not really any regrets, I’m disappointed that I couldn’t figure out how to pursue voice acting while I was home but a lot of that had to do with the fact that I just couldn’t get a job here in the U.S. so therefore couldn’t financially support getting a voice coach so that’s not in my control and is pointless to feel regret over..so no regrets, just disappointments.
27.Have you done anything that scared you? Nothing that’s caused that deep kind of long-lasting fear no. A little thing I did that was scary at the time was when Poppy left the key to our house in the house and we couldn’t access the spare key I had to climb into one of our windows which was terrifying but…I made it without falling or getting hurt so I’m actually proud of myself. 
34.Did you have to cut ties to someone?  Yes, a lady I was talking to on the dating site I was using for a few reasons. None of it was her fault but a lot of the personal drama she was going through was sort of giving me PTSD with my ex so I distanced myself. She also gave me the impression that she wasn’t going to get into that stuff initially so that didn’t help…
35.Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year?  IDK, I can’t say there’s anyone majorly important that wasn’t last year. I don’t turn on and off that quickly with people. In terms of just following someone on youtube though I have two new youtubers I’m following that I wasn’t before so does that count? I’m now following a guy called Macdoesit and that’s big because despite my of course being really into the LGBTQA+ community I’m not usually following specific channels that are LGBTQA+ and this guy is the first one..
36.Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? Well, the best friend I had a long time ago in high school has stopped trying to keep in contact with me completely so I’ve basically stopped caring about her because why waste energy on someone who doesn’t give you any time of day?
40.Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? I guess my mom being as sick as she was… and me having to take care of her. I thought it would ease our relationship and my issues with her but it didn’t at all and if anything caused a little more tension in areas.
41. Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? Hmm…I’m not sure..I don’t feel like I’ve changed a whole lot this year…I mean I guess I wasn’t expecting that I’d go back to applying to jobs in Japan but after 6 months of being unable to get a decent-paying job offer here in the U.S. I joked about trying to apply for jobs in Japan again and when Poppy responded positively to it I realized it quickly wasn’t a joke..so I guess it’s not an exact event but I’m surprised that I went back to that.
42.What are you most proud of accomplishing? I guess I’m just proud of myself for continuing to bounce-back. I initially felt like I was being an idiot for wanting to go back to Japan knowing that three out of four trips had such negative events in them yet I’m still able to believe that I’ll find the right fit or at least a temporary fit for me to get enough experience to work towards something better…that and I feel like I nailed the job interview I had….it wasn’t easy… an hour and a half interview.
44. Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? Yeah, seeing a lot of the Voice Actresses at Anime USA made me feel like they really did know what they were doing and it was nice to see their passion for voice acting. I’m always happy when I get the feeling that they have passion for their work. I didn’t know anything about Monica Rial as a person for example and I’m not a fan of her voice work so that’s all I had to go off of but seeing her at the voice acting panels really made me respect her as a voice actress and a kind individual despite me still not liking her voice work that much.
45. Did your opinion of anyone change for worse?
The former high school best friend as I mentioned before but that was going downhill quickly anyway…umm a few people I knew from high school who I realized thanks to facebook are actually shallow people but they weren’t friends so I guess it’s not a big deal. Some youtubers thanks to drama.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Now that you pretty much wrapped up the Baby Saga, I have to ask a question. During your original Dragon Ball GT Retrospective in 2019, you said that Baby is actually a good villain once you ignore that nonsense with the Machine Mutants and the Luud Cult and it seems like you changed your mind on that. Is Baby really a good villain or is he only a good villain in comparison to the other GT villains?
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Let me put it like this: Baby is a good villain in the sense that he's thoroughly evil, and he has a consistent motivation to do evil things, and he also represents the opposite of what the hero represents.
I mean, he basically hijacks the whole world, and turns everyone into a population of slaves who adore him. He takes Goku's relationship with the Earth and flips it on its head. Now Baby is the Earth's hero and Goku has to fight against his adopted planet to defeat him. Baby doesn't train to get stronger. Instead he uses the strengths of others, like how he took over Vegeta's body and used the others' powers Bulma's scientific genius to enhance it.
There's also no depth that he won't stoop to. He fights dirty. He picks on defenseless enemies like Pan. He attacks, betrays, and abandons his own followers without a second thought. Baby is either a perversion of everything the Tuffles stood for, or he's actually what the Tuffles stood for, which is pretty chilling to consider.
And he's basically in a position where he has to be this vile, despicable menace. The Tuffles created him to take revenge and Tuffleize the universe. He can't just blow that off and become a farmer. He has to control other people's bodies and infect people with his eggs, because that's the only way he can achieve his goals. The closest he ever comes to doing anything noble is when he decides to kill Goku face-to-face, instead of taking over his body like he did to the others. And that turns out to be a huge mistake, since it allows Goku the opportunity to defeat him.
So he's a solid villain. He is not one of these mythical "good ideas" that GT apologists like to talk about. Baby's whole deal is just a mashup of past Dragon Ball villains.
He's a Tuffle doomsday weapon, like Hatchiyack.
He mind controls the entire population of Earth like Garlic Junior.
He's a Saiyan-hating autocrat, like Frieza.
He was created in some sort of incubation tank, and had to develop into his "perfect form", like Cell.
He uses Vegeta to achieve his goals, like Babidi
He uses the Oozaru form to turn the tables on Goku, like Vegeta.
He absorbs the powers of others to get stronger, like Majin Buu.
A lot of the Machine Mutant stuff is very reminiscent of Meta Cooler from Movie 6.
Again, it's not a sin to re-use ideas from other characters. I'm a firm believer in "Talent borrows; genius steals." The trick, though, is that you have to repurpose the ideas you take and disguise them like something original.
For example, the Androids Saga in DBZ was heavily inspired by the Terminator films. That's no secret; one look at Trunks' haircut and 16's everything should give it away. What makes it unique, however, is that Toriyama didn't just do a shot-for-shot retelling of the Terminator movies. His villains were created by a human scientist (Dr. Gero) instead of a supercomputer (Skynet). While the Terminators were relentless killing machines skilled in infiltration, most of Gero's assassins weren't even interested in killing their target, and they didn't even try to be subtle. All 17 wants to do is joyride in an ice cream truck.
Then you have Cell, who seems like he has more to do with Cronenberg movies than the Terminator franchise. He's an unexpected bad guy from an alternate future, kind of like Biff Tannen in "Back to the Future II," but he has all the powers of strong characters from the past, kind of like Serpentor from G.I. Joe. Did Toriyama swipe ideas from those stories as well? Maybe, but somewhere along the way, he ended up combining so many things together that he wound up with something original. The parallels are still there for critics to notice, but no one's filing lawsuits over 17 and Cell, because it's understood that they're distinct, unique characters, even if they were inspired by other works.
Baby's problem is that his creators just swiped ideas from just one property: Dragon Ball. And that's a terrible way to go about it, because the target audience is already familiar with Dragon Ball, so every time Baby does anything, the viewer is going to recognize it as something they've seen before in the same show. It makes Baby look rather authentic. You see him do stuff and he looks like he belongs in this franchise, because it's consistent with what you've seen before. But none of it is innovative because he's not doing anything new.
Now, if they had cast a wider net, and been a little more clever about it, Baby could have turned into something truly special. Suppose the writers had borrowed ideas from the 90's Batman movies, or "Knight Rider" or literally anything else. You'd have to do a lot of tinkering just to make it fit in to a series like GT, and that's where the creativity comes from. Then, when Baby does something, it's not going to be exactly like a time Frieza or Vegeta did something similar. He'd bring his own unique flavor to it. He'd whip out a gadget from his talking utility belt, and it'd be totally fresh.
I think this is why I like the concept of the Tuffles in general a lot more than I like Baby specifically. When I saw Kamin and Oren in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, I was thrilled, because it looked like someone had taken the Baby IP and done something genuinely fun with it. I think there's a mission in one of the games where Kami and Oren Tuffleize the planet Sadala in Universe 6, and you have to fight all the mind-controlled Saiyans to liberate the planet. It's basically the Baby Saga on a different location, but it still sounds a lot more appealing, because it's not saddled with Baby himself.
I sometimes think of trying to do stuff with the Tuffles in my fanfic, but I've never been able to come up with a good angle for it. There's a good story to be had from the Baby lore, but it's not the Baby Saga itself, because I just finished watching it, and it's a mess.
And I guess that's the trouble with Baby. Is he a good villain? Yeah, I think he clears the bar. Is he a great villain? I don't know if I'd go that far. But good? Sure, especially if you separate him from all the bullshit before his debut. But he's a good villain based on unoriginal ideas, and the execution was thoroughly botched. It's like if Tommy Wiseau put Dracula in "The Room". It doesn't matter how good a villain Dracula is, he's not going to come across well.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
The 14 Most Fabulous Foreheads in Anime
In a medium known for fantastical hair defying both gravity and humanity’s ability to produce pigments, one often overlooked facial feature is the humble brow, oft invisible behind multicolored curtains. This is a crime. The smooth expanse of skin is the workhorse of the head, acting as a necessary buffer between face and hair, criticized if it’s too small or large but rarely complimented on its own merits.
A forehead can be a point of charm or even lend a quiet dignity to those who carry it, so when an anime is brave enough to feature a character who leave it exposed, that is truly noteworthy. For this reason, I’ve compiled a list of the 14 most flattering foreheads in anime to finally give them some much-deserved love.
14. Rossiu - Gurren Lagann
It’s rare in an anime for us to be able to see such a wonderful forehead throughout its entire lifecycle, from the youthful roundness of a young boy when he’s first introduced to the dignified brow of an older gentleman in the epilogue. His forehead seems to have calmed with age, his uneven hairline giving the appearance of a plane barely contained within the perimeter of his follicles, fighting to break free and run wild over the entirety of his head.
13. Isidro - Berserk
Talent only gets you so far. It takes years of struggle to attain your dreams and cultivate your natural abilities. Isidro takes this to heart with his unusual foreland. Perhaps the least naturally gifted on the list, Isidro has made it work with his hairstyle, short and trimmed back around the temples so his hairline stops at the top of his ears, adds some significant width to his forehead which, when matched with his particularly spherical skull, makes for something that’s almost too big and broad to be called a forehead.
12. Tsuruya - The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
Perhaps the most underappreciated forehead on this list. Tsuruya has a lot of personality and a ton of hair which, unfortunately, distract from her greatest features. While you may be drawn in by her fang and her charming way of talking, don’t forget that her knee-length hair seems incapable of putting any coverage over her impressive zenith, with even her shorter bangs seemingly suspended in the air without falling against her brow. Almost as if she had some sort of supernatural power…
11. Howard Marks - JOKER GAME
Just LOOK at it. Marks absolutely owns the forehead game when it comes to raw size. This guy could let his bangs hang and still dominate 90% of the competition, but he’s proud of his mass and keeps a smart cut to put it on display. It’s not every day you see a forehead that look like it starts at the corners of someone’s mouth. While it may not be the most aesthetically pleasing shape given the size of his face, Howard’s got the head shape of a man who always has a bright idea.
10. Alex Louis Armstrong - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Don’t try to convince me that male pattern baldness is at work here, because the only explanation for that head is a bold decision made by one of the most daring and stylish State Alchemists. Knowing he had a true treasure resting upon his head, Armstrong did away with his hairline to show the true majesty of his skull in its entirely, leaving only a single lock to highlight his particularly impressive dome. Armstrong’s obsession with bodybuilding would never allow him to overlook the container for his most impressive muscle... his brain.
9. Nico Robin - One Piece
Robin is a lady who likes to keep secrets, never letting on that, among her many charms, was a singularly magnificent forehead until two whole years after her introduction. Originally hidden behind an impressive set of bangs, Robin eventually settled into a new look, pinning them back with a smart set of shades. Almost like an important haircut, her new open embrace of life as a member of the Strawhats is mirrored in the space above her eyebrows. To think she might have been locked away and one of the greatest foreheads of our modern era hidden in the dark forever.
8. Eijiro Kirishima - My Hero Academia
An aspect of Kirishima’s quirk that may be overlooked in favor of its combat utilities is its ability to accessorize his personal precipice. His hair stands upright like a crown adorning his immaculate hairline in a manner that you’d have a hard sell telling anyone is natural without a lot of product or some evolutionary aid. The red is particularly striking, drawing the eye in toward the apex of his face. His hair is my hero for doing so much to show off one of the best foreheads in UA.
As with all things, Takagi-san is a tease. Her enigmatic, Mona Lisa-like smile is matched in mystery by the unknown geometry of her forehead. From even just the small glimpse we’re given, it’s obvious she’s been gifted with a rare cerebral expanse, but its outer perimeter is obscured by two curtains of hair. You have to watch her closely not only to avoid the inevitable prank, but catch the rare glimpse of her hairline.
6. Ushiyama Tatsuma - Golden Kamuy
This guys got both form and function that puts him head and shoulders, especially head, above the impressive competition in Golden Kamuy. Up against some impressive hairlines and even a one villain with an unfair forehead prosthesis. Although some may be shocked at its shape, all foreheads are beautiful and this one's uniqueness truly shines, even drawing attention from his pronounced judo ear! His large frontal bone is surprisingly symmetrical, adding some welcome new geometry to the forehead game, and can even deflect nails!
5. Charmy - Black Clover
The foremost magic knight under Yami is also the member of the Black Bulls with the foremost forehead. Only one word can accurately describe Charmy’s forehead, and that is “magical.” Her bangs fall naturally down either side of her sparkling expanse like a Victorian frame. You can actually see the mana creating a fine sheen upon her brown like the sun rising over the horizon. Such great skin must require a healthy diet.
4. Shima Tetsuo - Akira
With a dome like that, no wonder Tetsuo has overwhelming psychic power. Accentuated with a swept back hairstyle, Tetsuo’s considerable summit is one area where he’ll never fall short of Kaneda. Tetsuo's whole head seems designed to accentuate the area above his eyes, with low, thin eyebrows making his most significant feature even more immense. It looks like you could fit another face between his eyebrows and his hairline.
3. Haruno Sakura - Naruto / Boruto
In a series about redemption, perhaps none were so impressive as that of Sakura’s forehead. Originally a source of shame for Sakura, which she attempted to hide behind her hair. As she grew older she realized that it was nothing to be ashamed of and, nowadays, proudly shows off her brow, even adding an accent to draw the eye. Sakura’s forehead was always perfect, she just needed to discover its true beauty.
2. Vegeta - Dragon Ball Super
He may never become the strongest warrior in the universe(s) but Vegeta will always dominate when it comes to one field. Foreheads. It wouldn’t be Dragon Ball if there weren't broad competition. One of Krillin’s original techniques was blinding enemies with the shine off his sleek dome, the Android twins have immaculate planes framed by perfect hair, and SSJ3 Goku has the manliest brow since the neanderthals. All fall before his magnificent widow’s peak, nearly dividing everything above his eyes in two. It’s one limit that Goku shall never surpass.
1. Saikawa - Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid
A shining beacon of hope in our dark world, Saikawa’s forehead is a gift. It’s wonderful sheen acts as her own personal headlight, illuminating her path not unlike a certain reindeer. Brilliant as it is, her brow begs the question as to how blinding it may be once fully revealed. Even among a cast of magnificent dragons, her forehead remains unmatched. Most terrifying of all, Saikawa has yet to even fully grow into her own head. A mere elementary schooler, one can only wonder at her true upper ceiling.
Hope you had fun brow-sing this list. Who possesses your favorite forehead on the list? Is size, shape, or shine more important? Is there a forehead I’ve fore-gotten? Let us know in the comments below!
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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lovediva1313 · 5 years
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt
A short reindeer sleigh Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Ride through the snow and an exhilarating ride on a sled pulled by a team of huskies. So you can feel just like Santa Claus and his Warm up in the cosy koto tepee with mystical shaman and enjoy an enthralling Lappish story. Afterwards, why not have a go at tobogganing in the snowy wilderness, throw snowballs and build snowmen.Adults can keep an eye on the kids from the warming hut whilst enjoying the roaring open fire and hot berry juice. Meet Santa Claus, Santa’s really busy in December, but he still has time for all the boys and girls who want to tell him what they’d like for Christmas. He has a Take a break And enjoy a warming, hearty lunch with soft drinks before you begin the rest of your adventure. Explore Santa’s village. Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Unisex During your stay you will visit Santa’s very own village, where you can wander around the various gift shops or stop for a warming drink Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Don’t forget to send a letter at Santa Claus post office, where your letter will be stamped with Things got even better when I read that Purdue Volleyball bounced back from a tough loss to defeat Indiana in straight sets! I almost forgot to mention my awesome haircut experience at Brothers Barber shop in Muncie right after school. The popcorn goo is gone folks! You just have to cut negativity out of your Life is full of positivity! It’s fun to see the big picture even through the murkiness of negative situations!Hope does indeed come in all colors! We want to get the shirts done and ordered asap, so the money will be due thursday. If you do not pay one of the then you will not get a tshirt. This is the last week we will be letting people get fan shirts! Only because we want to get them in asap! So if you want one, please right on the wall, and pay to a volleyball player! You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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beautshirt79 · 5 years
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt
A short reindeer sleigh Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Ride through the snow and an exhilarating ride on a sled pulled by a team of huskies. So you can feel just like Santa Claus and his Warm up in the cosy koto tepee with mystical shaman and enjoy an enthralling Lappish story. Afterwards, why not have a go at tobogganing in the snowy wilderness, throw snowballs and build snowmen.Adults can keep an eye on the kids from the warming hut whilst enjoying the roaring open fire and hot berry juice. Meet Santa Claus, Santa’s really busy in December, but he still has time for all the boys and girls who want to tell him what they’d like for Christmas. He has a Take a break And enjoy a warming, hearty lunch with soft drinks before you begin the rest of your adventure. Explore Santa’s village. Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Classic Ladies
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Hoodie
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror LongSleeve
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Sweatshirt
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Unisex During your stay you will visit Santa’s very own village, where you can wander around the various gift shops or stop for a warming drink Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Don’t forget to send a letter at Santa Claus post office, where your letter will be stamped with Things got even better when I read that Purdue Volleyball bounced back from a tough loss to defeat Indiana in straight sets! I almost forgot to mention my awesome haircut experience at Brothers Barber shop in Muncie right after school. The popcorn goo is gone folks! You just have to cut negativity out of your Life is full of positivity! It’s fun to see the big picture even through the murkiness of negative situations!Hope does indeed come in all colors! We want to get the shirts done and ordered asap, so the money will be due thursday. If you do not pay one of the then you will not get a tshirt. This is the last week we will be letting people get fan shirts! Only because we want to get them in asap! So if you want one, please right on the wall, and pay to a volleyball player! You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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lovediva0303 · 5 years
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt
A short reindeer sleigh Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Ride through the snow and an exhilarating ride on a sled pulled by a team of huskies. So you can feel just like Santa Claus and his Warm up in the cosy koto tepee with mystical shaman and enjoy an enthralling Lappish story. Afterwards, why not have a go at tobogganing in the snowy wilderness, throw snowballs and build snowmen.Adults can keep an eye on the kids from the warming hut whilst enjoying the roaring open fire and hot berry juice. Meet Santa Claus, Santa’s really busy in December, but he still has time for all the boys and girls who want to tell him what they’d like for Christmas. He has a Take a break And enjoy a warming, hearty lunch with soft drinks before you begin the rest of your adventure. Explore Santa’s village. Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
Tumblr media
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Classic Ladies
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Hoodie
Tumblr media
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror LongSleeve
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Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Sweatshirt
Tumblr media
Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror Unisex During your stay you will visit Santa’s very own village, where you can wander around the various gift shops or stop for a warming drink Broly Son Goku Vegeta shadow in the mirror shirt . Don’t forget to send a letter at Santa Claus post office, where your letter will be stamped with Things got even better when I read that Purdue Volleyball bounced back from a tough loss to defeat Indiana in straight sets! I almost forgot to mention my awesome haircut experience at Brothers Barber shop in Muncie right after school. The popcorn goo is gone folks! You just have to cut negativity out of your Life is full of positivity! It’s fun to see the big picture even through the murkiness of negative situations!Hope does indeed come in all colors! We want to get the shirts done and ordered asap, so the money will be due thursday. If you do not pay one of the then you will not get a tshirt. This is the last week we will be letting people get fan shirts! Only because we want to get them in asap! So if you want one, please right on the wall, and pay to a volleyball player! You Can See More Product: https://hottrendtees.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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