#and i love the cool butch lesbian pilot
master-missysversion · 5 months
Btw I fully believe that Angstrom should be as beloved as Sky from Midnight btw
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azoosepted · 6 months
my thoughts on canto v characters (because i said so)
YEAH, IM FEELING A BIT BORED SO HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS. enjoy my insane ramblings about characters introduced in Canto V (excluding unnamed ones of course. Sorry random club guest, even though your outfit induced neuron activation to my theatre kid brain, you’re not getting on this list.)
!! Spoilers for Canto V of Limbus Company !!
Smee: I’m gonna be real. She’s… okay. I don’t really care much about her though, and Canto V doesn’t really give much information about her for me to care about. Smee just exists to be nearly harpooned by Ishmael.
Pilot: AUUAUAUAUAUAUUAUAGH THE BOYE THE BOYE PILOT IS SUCH A BOYE I LOVE HIM. Honestly so thankful to the LCCB Team Leader for sacrificing their life for Pilot’s. He looks so squeezable. Love him.
Rim: OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG OBJECTHEAD GANG his design goes so goddamn hard. And he’s from the League, which is interesting to me. Most characters from the Sinner’s pasts so far are either affiliated with Team Red (N. Corp) like Gubo, Hermann, Jia Huan, Kromer (to an extent) and Sonya (also to a certain extent) OR they’re affiliated with Team Blue (Demian’s group) like Demian and now Rim. Demian’s little gang is very intriguing to me and I need more of it. Anyways Rim is funky and I like it.
The Indigo Elder: grandpa. hes cool. I gotta agree with a friend that the hana association really did him dirty with his title though. You’ve got these epic names like The Black Silence, The Blue Reverberation, The Red Gaze… and then there’s just. Indigo Elder. It’s him, the terrifying Indigo Old Guy. Still the honorary grandpa though.
Starbuck: yeah he exists i guess
Ahab: FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU you are so WELL WRITTEN AND DESPICABLE you fucking . BITCH (also stop making queequeg take hits for you in that one fight you piece of—)
Queequeg: I’m gonna be real. Ishmael should share. gueegdhfjfhjdjdjd butch harpooner lesbian… Queequeg is so cool i love her. The scene where she and Ishmael reunite made me smile uncontrollably. Ishmael is literally about to KILL her until Queequeg takes off the mask and i just. oh my god. i cant describe it i love both ishmael and queequeg so much. I can say with 100% honesty that Queequeg’s death made me sob uncontrollably. I just… god. Love her.
Stubb: lmao who
and that’s pretty much it. thats all the characters i can remember. god i love canto v its my favorite chapter so far. PM, keep up the good work. Keep cooking.
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juxtaposedrose · 10 months
Panopticon [oneshot, NSFW, F/F]
ok. by popular*** demand, here is 1.2k of obsessive evil lesbian mech pilot hatemasturbation. it is very much Not a sneezekink or adjacent fic but still blisteringly horny along a bunch of other axes particular to me, lmao.
some basic character context since these two are part of a larger setting:
Seo-Hyun: stringy spiteful arrogant little yandere. hoards secrets and deeply enjoys using them to pick her enemies apart. Pilots PHANTASIA, a drone-based hacking platform designed to gather a brain-liquifying amount of realtime tactical info and exploit it to the fullest.
Rhea: quiet twitchy butch service top. tall, dark, terrifyingly physical. breaks your arm as foreplay. Pilots RAPTURE, a shock-and-awe assault frame that'll scare you half to death before its lance takes care of the other half.
These two are on opposite sides of a war, and have hooked up once before (it went Poorly, to say the least). Seo-Hyun still can't keep the memories out of her mind, much to her frustration.
relevant tags: cockpit masturbation, overstimulation, degradation, light descriptions of gore, scent kink
You know what they say: you never really know a girl until you watch her capillaries twitch in 5D subjectivity-sync panorama.
Seo-Hyun leans back in the cockpit and frowns, brushing one scene away and flicking over to another. Around her is a broken-mirror constellation of moments in extrapolated spacetime, PHANTASIA's fractal s[y/i]m-sensorium arrayed in full splendor. She's pulling every feed indiscriminately, visual and infra and lancet anatomy and acoustic, a superimposed hypermemory cacaphony. There's no obvious order, no hierarchy, just a common theme:
Rhea, small talk, the way her words form like her mouth is overfull and she can't bear to swallow, Rhea, lips wrapped around the mouth of a bottle like she's ready to bite through it, Rhea, eyes like compound fractures, howling death from hoarse lungs, juiced on killswitch fervor, Rhea, vivisected, splined into diffuse anatomy, cushioned gelsockets and carbon-core bones and spiderwebs of latticed redundant nerves, Rhea, laughing, half-throttled by a tightened throat but betrayed by her shoulders, Rhea and her too-sharp grin, Rhea choking on a mouth full of blood and shattered teeth, Rhea supine staring at her with heaving breaths and matted hair and that same love-hate-fuck-kill expression, in that kiss-you-and-suck-out-your-spine way,
Rhea, glaring, knelt, cock thick and twitching against her waistband and sheened with needy pearlescence—
Seo-Hyun bites down on the inside of her cheek hard enough that only perfect interoception stops it from drawing blood. The fragment is gone not a second after it materializes—using passive voice is infuriatingly unconvincing, even to her—but the damage is done: the flush coloring her cheeks, the stinging in the side of her mouth, the flashfire induction coil of heat uncurling in the pit of her stomach. She glares, first at nothing in particular, then up at one of the hundreds of superimposed slivers of the culprit. Lets herself settle in the chair, crosses and uncrosses her thighs, fails to suppress a small shudder at even the cursory friction.
Rhea in the prefab's meager gym, sweat glistening off pumped trapezius, the glint of subdermals coiling up her spine—
One of Seo-Hyun's hands creeps across her syncsuit, brushing the already-sensitized cap of one of her nipples. She pulls in a sharp breath.
Rhea's lips, full and strong, deathcrushed against hers like she's kissing to win, the taste-heat-fullness of her tongue in her mouth—
The hand slides lower, fingers creeping between thighs, pressed against the cool, near-skintight clutch of the suit. She finds a rhythm, slow at first but unwilling to stay that way, a flushed resentful accelerando.
Rhea, soaked head to toe in blood, eyes bright and adoring, a still-beating ventricle clenched her teeth. "For you," comes her voice from unmoving lips, "all for you, Seo—"
Rhea's arms Rhea's mouth Rhea's tongue Rhea's cock Rhea's teeth Rhea's scent RheaRheaRhea—
"Ffuck," Seo-Hyun breathes, leaning back further. She can feel the slickness beneath the suit, the way it shifts under her fingers, can feel the way this makes her feel and hates it, needs it, needs more—
She shuts her eyes and pulls PHANTASIA's focus inward, wrapping herself in a deep-field scanblanket, and exhales sharply as she finds her prize. A half-millimeter of dark hair on her collar, thicker than her own, desiccated but still flush with bioresiduals, salt and shed epiderm and lipid fragments. She turns the Ardor's attention to it, then twists in the cockpit, pulling a folding survival knife from its place in her field carry with her free hand and taking a bundle of her syncsuit in her teeth. After a few dilated seconds of desperate sawing, the knife drops with a clatter, and a fist-sized patch of her own crumpled suit cuts free. Seo-Hyun shoves the fabric in her face like a chloroform rag, inhales greedily, and routes all twenty-four of PHANTASIA's mimesis clusters to olfactory.
The million-sample approximation of Rhea's musk hits her like a tide, ozone and iron and sweaty kevtex and camphor and cheap prefab soap and hot debasement dripping down her back and the noise it pulls out of her is so high and ragged and slaveringly hungry she flushes crimson as she hears it. Something like shame crawls from her stomach and she balls the hand holding the scrap into a fist and slams it hard enough against the Ardor's endoskeleton to jam a finger but even the sunburst of pain feels like a polybraid-tendoned hand pinning her wrist, like the lust-edged grunting satisfaction of an armbar dislocation, like her—
"F-Fuuuhcking useless brih—hhck," Seo-Hyun half-moans, hips bucking as her good hand works furiously against the heat-trap smoothness of the syncsuit. She’s so wet it’s all but frictionless now; it isn't enough—she pulls back and fumbles for the zipper, normally-surgical movements made sloppy and scrabbling by overboiling want, and plunges two fingers just below its terminus, fucking herself with rough, spiteful desperation. "Pathetic bleeder frhheak. Waste of a—ahn—a ffucking Ardor on a glazed-over h-hhammerbrai—hh!ned mutt—"
She imagines hissing it in Rhea's ear, imagines what she'd get back, the mewling repartee—and before she can second-guess, PHANTASIA has it ready.
"Yes," says almost-Rhea, half-whispered and thick with barely-shackled lust, 99th-percentile synthesis reverberating through her cockpit. "More."
"Yes. More? Dihh—hn—dsappointing even from you," Seo-Hyun hisses, less steady than she wants and too horny to care. "You're f-ffucking lucky I bother wasting breath when all I get back is your mh!—monosyllah—bic animal want. Garbage," She's getting close, the cadence of her fingers tightening to jagged staccato. "Whiiny, defective fuhh—hcktoys don't deserve to share my air or hear my voice, let alone be spoken to." She thinks of Rhea, the real thing, face tearstreaked hands bound cock throbbing at attention, begging for reminders of her place, and feels the molten wave building in her gut begin to crest.
"Yes, Sir," Rhea's voice, moaning now, the perfect swell of need, the perfect tint of shame—"I'm worthless. I'm nothing."
"Nnnh—no," growls Seo-Hyun, curling fingers in her core, the lightest brush of her thumb across her clit like the jolt of an arc flash, an erupting cascade of pleasure down her spine. "You’re worse—"
The sensorium shatters as Seo-Hyun does and for interminable seconds she has only her thoughts in her brain alone and the only thing there is her her her, gorewhore supplicant Rapture fuckbitch with voice like a lathe, her name a fucking curse, an oath, a profane prayer—
“Fuck you, Rhhmmnn—!!” She muffles the taboo into an arm and clenched teeth, hips twitching in the air as she rides out the most shameful and brainmeltingly intense subsync orgasm she’s ever had, endorphins crackling across every inch of her like sheets of cold fire.
Eventually, it settles, and she regains nominal control of her limbs and lungs again. In a drainpipe rush of sensory collapse, Seo-Hyun breaks sync from PHANTASIA, pulling back to solo subjectivity. For several minutes, she lays unmoving in her pilot’s chair, legs trembling, heady with oxytocin and adrenaline and fury and a hundred other things that for once she has no desire to dissect or categorize.
Next time, if she lives that long, she’s stealing a pair of boxers.
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max--phillips · 1 year
Fellow lesbian here with an important question. What women make you insane
Absolutely amazing question
First of all: any older butch/masc woman. Just. I still occasionally think abt a pilot I saw at the airport several years ago with short gray hair and these pretty eyes and just. Older masc women & butches
Also just. Anyone who is competent and has a skill that’s way cool. My #i just think that women tag will explain what I mean DKFNDNSK and I’ll tag this post with that so u can more easily navigate to it if u so choose
As far as celebrities go, like. Rn obviously Hannah Waddingham bc I mean. Have you seen her? I also love Janelle Monáe. Fuckin uhhhhhhhhhh I have apparently forgotten every celebrity to ever exist. Oh obligatory shoutout to Lady Gaga bc I mean. I love her.
Omg hey happy birthday to Adria Arjona!
Anyway. Also shoutout to Katee Sackhoff bc I’m pretty sure my mom watching BSG constantly when I was a kid and me seeing her as Starbuck is part of the reason I’m gay. Angelina Jolie. Charlize Theron. Angela Bassett.
That’s all the names I can think of rn but it’s safe to say most cool women I will lose my mind about to some degree fjdbdnsnsm
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portpebble · 4 years
Hi! I’m going to start off this post by saying that I adore The Lumberjanes. I’ve been reading the comics since middle school, when I was just coming to terms with my identity as a lesbian, and the stories that this series presents have helped me to love and embrace both myself and my identity more than anything. I am forever grateful for The Lumberjanes’ impact on my life, and will continue to support the series in any way I can. 
Now, I’m sure a lot of you are aware that recently this series is being considered for a cartoon adaptation on HBO Max! And I am thrilled! Lumberjanes is criminally underrated and I’m hoping that this adaption will help new audiences discover it! It’s also a huge step for representation (if done accurately) since the comics handle themes of gender identity, conformity to social norms and healthy relationships whether they be romantic, platonic or familial. 
However, I do have one minor concern regarding a detail that I found while looking at the possible new designs of the characters in some art for the show.
This is what one of the main characters, Mal, looks like in the art for the show
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Cool right? Yeah, I love the more punk look they gave her as well as the fun hair! But here’s what she looks like in the comics
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In the comics, Mal is portrayed as fat but in the art for the TV Show she is not. Which concerns me, because Mal is probably the only young, fat, butch lesbian representation I can think of. I really don’t want to erase that part of her. One of the things I adore about The Lumberjanes is that its cast is diverse and unique. And part of this diversity is the different body types that are portrayed! I just think it would be a real shame to erase part of that, especially considering that fat people rarely get positive representation in media. Why shouldn’t people who look like this be given accurate, multidimensional representation? 
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What I’m not trying to do with this information: Cancel the show or its crew. I think this was just a bad design decision, not something done out of malice. I would still really really love to see The Lumberjanes become a cartoon, more than anything. But I think these issues should be addressed! 
What I am trying to do with this information: Spread the word! Since the adaptation still seems to be in it’s works, the final designs can still change- a lot of original designs do while they’re in the pilot stages! If people can reblog, repost or just talk about this on or contact the creators of the show on this subject, it would be much appreciated. 
TLDR; Mal is portrayed as fat in the comics, but not in the art for the TV Show and I think we should spread some awareness in hopes of a change. 
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tentavamp · 4 years
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Here’s the sequel to my Stone Ocean Bad Girls Club headcanons for the Good Girls Club. This one is probably gunna’ have WAY more detailed information in it because I’ve worked on them a lot more. A lot of this comes from my canon-divergent fic series where those killed by Made in Heaven are brought back and the universes are re-merged with Pucci’s death, so a lot of “action” is implied to come after canon. Sans the fics... I guess... they’re just really angsty and sad lmao.
Jolyne Cujoh
Age: 19
Age: 19
Sexuality: Lesbian (Ew comphet)
Relationship to Others
Hermes: Loves her. A lot. But she doesn’t know, because it only seems to manifest in the desire to impress her at all times. Finds it frustrating that she doesn’t often return the “friendly” PDA, but is very understanding towards the discomfort she has about herself.
F.F.: Loves her as well. A lot. Is also very worried about her. She thinks the Stand is too reckless with her body for a creature that would die without it. But she likes listening to her ramble. She isn’t smart enough to get most of it, but Foo being excited is enough to make her happy.
-Is very ADHD, so her decisions are heavily based on intuitive impulse. They’re a little less intuitive when she’s panicking. She was able to overcome Jailhouse Lock because of her lifelong experience with memory loss.
-Somehow inherited her dad’s attitude towards gender. They both believe that they have to be as masculine as they can to be taken seriously, but Jolyne’s experience with her father and her outwardly loving nature have made it less severe for her.
-Is very clingy towards the people she cares the most about. God forbid she’s dating you. If she gets too excited, you have to wrangle her in every once in a while. Ironically, she enjoys playfully bullying and annoying the shit out of them as well.
-Romeo was a very unfortunate comphet boyfriend, but she’s unable to see her feelings for Hermes as a crush because her repetitive trauma with men has left her hesitant to explore love.
-Can’t cook for shit, and lacks a lot of life skills. She believes her street smarts make up for it, but only because her life has never been slow enough for her to think about being domestic.
-Can drive a motorcycle, but can barely drive cars.
-Is absolutely terrified of losing Emporio for any reason. She’s willing to sacrifice the quality of her own life to ensure that she doesn’t perceive herself as abandoning him and mirroring her father.
-Tried to smoke weed once. Almost died.
-Still holds much animosity towards Gwess. Rightfully so, but over time, her cellmate has shown traits that remind her of some of her own weaker points, and she hates that. She wants to be rid of the discomfort between them, but Jolyne can’t bring herself to trust her being as vindictive and guarded as she is.
Hermes Costello
Age: 21
Sexuality: Butch Lesbian
Relationship to Others
Jolyne: She thinks Jolyne is really cool, but in the same way an alligator in a snapback on a skateboard would be cool. Her openness with affection intimidates her, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t wish she could love her... Too bad she thinks the girl’s straight... for now.
F.F.: Finds the Stand strange and awkward. It took some time for her to trust Foo, but she can see the pure goodness in her heart. Sometimes she very shamefully finds herself jealous of the time Jolyne and Foo might spend together, but she would never bring it up.
-Could not commit to helping her father and Gloria run the restaurant because she feared ruining such an important factor of their family. She wanted to put her effort into cross-country, hoping to bring in good money doing something without too many attachments that she knew she was good at.
-She still greatly loves cooking, because it reminds her of her time at home and outside of work when everyone in the family was happy. She retained the majority of what her father taught her.
-Has trauma relating to the constant expectation placed upon her to mirror Gloria in every way, and her identity was a result of that trauma and need to feel as far from her sister as she could possibly be. Her tight grip on herself has very slowly loosened over the years, even so far as to where she unknowingly has become a very Gloria-like figure towards Jolyne and Emporio.
-Is fairly uncomfortable with PDA, platonic or romantic. She’s more focused on action, and is much more likely to return affections in private, which is a luxury in prison. This is because she’s used to affections being somewhat rough and competitive, having spent her gay youth alone and in the bar scene. Neither her father nor her sister ever learned about her sexuality.
-Opposite to Jolyne, she’s not comfortable with the idea of raising a kid, and believes that Emporio needs something more than they can provide to live a happy, full rest of his childhood.
-Is actually a very strong runner, and was well on her way to being a candidate for a cross-country scholarship before she was forced to drop it. She still runs every so often to clear her mind, but she laments the loss of the only dream she feels she ever had.
-Despite her intelligence, maturity and strong personality, she secretly feels lost in life. She came from a home that instilled in her the need to care for her family, but she has none left. She had ambitions, but they were ripped away from her. She feels that she’s been reduced to living life day by day.
Foo Fighters
Age: 20
Sexuality: Inability to show preference or attractions on a human scale.
Relationship to Others
Jolyne: Cares about Jolyne more than her own life, because she believes the girl gave her that life. Wants to stay by her side forever, and is unaware that this would be considered a “relationship”. Absolutely loves Jolyne’s PDA.
Hermes: Still sometimes finds the woman intimidating and feels like she doesn’t like her too much, but she wishes they could get closer. She believes the two may have more in common than expected.
-Is always making silent observations about what it means to be human. Many of them leave her with more questions than answers, and she hates that she seems to fit in well enough without fully knowing how she’s doing it.
-Since she’s merely piloting Atroe’s body, her sense of touch is severely dulled. Her pain-tolerance is extreme, and is often the subject of many stupid experiments conducted by Jolyne and Hermes.
-Would absolutely be in a committed relationship with Jolyne if she knew what such a thing was. Being inhuman, she has no personal metric for love or sexuality, so her love can only be shown through her undying loyalty and mirroring Jolyne’s own affections.
-She’s an excellent shooter, and has become fascinated with the handful of cowboy and spy movies they have in the lounge because of this.
-Enjoys studying human anatomy, and has often joked about “creating new and useful body parts” for herself with her abilities... Well, half-joked.
-She keeps count of every single book she’s ever read, and she actually reads and retains information very quickly.
-Loves looking at the stars, but she doesn’t get to see them often.
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queeniecamps · 4 years
Do you have any show recs similar to camp camp? I need something to watch while I wait for season 5
*rubs my hands together like a lush employee near valentine’s day* hoohoo you came to the right place my dude
Alright, if you like CC for the adult humor, swearing, and a good mix of “kids say the darndest things”, might I recommend Wet Hot American Summer. It’s an R rated movie, with two TV:MA spinoff/prequel/sequel series on Netflix (’First Day of Camp’ and ‘Ten Years Later’ (I’m still working on both myself))
It’s got a lot of raunchy humor, and it parodies 1970s - 1980s summer camp nostalgia (as seen by the fashion), and there’s a lotta sex, love, drugs, and alcohol in it because raunch!!!
I watch the movie every summer because it’s USUALLY on Netflix but for some reason it’s??? down??? why??? they have the spinoff series, that’s so stupid asghfdgfh. 
idk, try and find it online, I personally love it. Also, the soundtrack slaps, so that’s a plus.
7/10 recommend it’s not for everyone.
If you like CC for the kids interactions, cartoony style, and episodes like “Camp Cool Kids”, you’ll love Camp Weedonwantcha.
This webcomic is absolutely adorable, the kids designs are super fucking cute and I’d protect them all with my LIFE!!!! 
There’s a bunch of different kids, and honestly, if you don’t like one kid, there’s bound to be at least one that you’ll like. There’s also a main trio, which honestly gives off some CC vibes (although, just to put it out there, this came first.)
The comic’s super-expressive, the kids are fun, and occasionally the people behind it will tell stories of their own experiences at camp, which adds a lotta charm.
Later on, I wound up fucking CRYING during this one chapter, and then more kept coming. This fucking comic came for my heartstrings and ran with ‘em. You grow really attached to these kids real fast, I tells ya.
There’s also an animated Pilot that was pitched to Nickelodeon!! Don’t fucking hold ur breath, Nick sucks at handling pilots (Adventure Time being an AMAZING example)
I see a lot of ppl that watch this also seem to be into CC, so that probably says something about it. If you like CC and maybe want a bit of a cleaner series (although, if I remember, they do SOMETIMES cuss, but I think maybe just baby swears. I need to reread this lmao)
Overall, 10/10 recommend, but it’s on hiatus, 67+ sad points :((
If you like CC for episodes like “Spooky Island” and maaaaybeee even “Quest for Sleepy Peak Peak”, you’ll probably enjoy Lumberjanes (Also, if ur LGBTQ+ you’ll probs like it in general)
Created by Noelle Stevenson (lady behind the She-Ra reboot on Netflix), this comic series revolves around a cabin of girls in a tough lady lumberjanes summer camp, all going around solving some mysteries around their camp in a dark fantasy coming-of-age adventure.
There’s a lot going on and over 60+ issues at this point and I’m trying to catch tf UP!!!!
But the characters?? fucking ADORABLE character designs, and the LGBTQ+ representation?? (we’re talking lesbians, non-binary characters, butches, femmes, the whole wazoo!! Noelle herself stated on Twitter “assume my characters are gay unless stated otherwise”, something like that, and it SHOWS!!!!)
Also, at some point, I remember there being some boyscouts in there, so any WoodScouts and FlowerScouts fans will enjoy this
8/10 recommend, it’s just fucking long and my local comic shops shut dOWN!!! WTF!! I NEED TO READ!!!
Honorable Mention bc I personally haven’t read it but it looks cute, Steven Universe: Camp Pining Play
I guess the title says it all, it’s a Steven Universe comic, about a play, about Camp Pining Hearts. I’ll read it at some point bc it looks cute and Rebecca give me a CPH SPINOFF PLEA S E
10/10 solely because of the shoes on the cover, I fucking love the details
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If you guys have ANY additions to add on, please do, tyyyy
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backpackbrigade · 5 years
Backpack Playlist 6/13/19
I’m lazy!! And have been looking for a job!!!! So I forgot to actually post this!! RIP me!!! Anyway, here’s some good tracks I put together last month when it was actually June 13th lol. Playlist links at the bottom!
“Keyboard Song” - Arthur, Sweet Memory - Single (2018, PLZ Make It Ruins)
Imagine walking around at night alone, smoking a cigarette and contemplating all of your mistakes and failures. Then you kinda just say fuck it and stop sulking and just go out and have a good night. That’s the entire story of this song, and I am in love with it. Arthur is really just starting to make moves, but these moves are so interesting!!!
“Amour plastique” - Videoclub, Amour plastique - Single (2018, Self-released)
I’ll have a lot more to say about Tik Tok later on in this playlist, but here’s a strange and really weirdly catchy French lo fi pop track that made the rounds on the app because of a certain famous user who ended up getting caught up in an abuse scandal! Who knew that young white men posturing as “leftist” or “alt” are also really shitty and excuse abuse!! Either way, this song really kinda bumps and stays in your head all day.
“Yeah Right” - Vince Staples, Big Fish Theory (2017, Def Jam)
Yes, I’m putting SOPHIE tracks on back-to-back playlists, and I really don’t care! She can make a fucking banger of a club-rap song, and Vince/Kendrick just make the most of an incredible beat. Also apparently Hari Nef was sampled on this track, but I cannot figure out where.
“Neanderthal D*ke” - Tribe 8, Fist City (1995, Self-released)
Won’t pretend I discovered this track on my own, but the Popcast episode about Riot Grrrl turned me onto Tribe 8, and they fucking rule. There is literally a lyric about feminist theory being too uptight for butch lesbians, and there’s a lot to be said for their takedown of theoretical analysis that doesn’t allow queer women to live their true selves.
“Hard Feelings/Loveless” - Lorde, Melodrama (2017, Universal)
:) let me cry in peace pls (:
“The Associate” - The Associates, Fourth Drawer Down (1981, Union Square Music)
Weird industrial electro rock with some wild fugue moments that are great when you’re driving late at night and need to just get out of your head.
“There You Go” - Ruru, Far Out (2018, Self-released)
I found Ruru through Bandcamp, they’re this rad lo fi indie band from Kuala Lumpur, and everything they’ve put out so far has been top notch. Love this track bc it reminds me of smoking in my bathroom when I was 16 and playing fuzzy guitar vibes.
“Chemistry” - umru & Lewis Grant, Search Result - EP (2018, PC Music)
New-ish PC Music signee who worked on some Charli stuff for Pop 2, looking forward to seeing him expand and make some more emotive stuff like this.
“Dragons” - Princess Nokia, Metallic Butterfly (2018, Rough Trade; original release 2014)
Princess Nokia rereleased this album this year, and I’m so glad she did tbh. Her vocals just always give me chills, and the beat on this track is so quick in the best ways
“Do Your Best” - John Maus, Love Is Real (2007, Ribbon Music)
Spooky sad ambient vibes, heard it on the High Maintenance soundtrack from last season, my ideal listening experience would be in the back of a cab on the way to the airport to leave a city for the last time.
“Yale” - Bread Pilot, Yale / Seeing the Elephant - Single (2019, Self-released)
Not my usual type of indie rock, but there’s something about the lead vocalist’s voice that pulls me in. Can’t super explain it, but I’m into the pretty straightforward rock-y vibe.
“Cha Cha” - Freddie Dredd, Cha Cha - Single (2019, Self-released)
Back to Tik Tok — this track is only making the rounds bc of a meme format (much like Old Town Road tbh), but the sample intro and outro are so fucking catchy, and they vibe weirdly well with Freddie’s scream vocals. Great track imo
“Stay Flo” - Solange, When I Get Home (2019, Columbia)
Honestly my favorite track off her new record, her vocal delivery is superb. And the lyrics, we love a take down of male fragility :))))
“Mother Maybe” - Kadhja Bonet, Childqueen (2018, Fat Possum)
Some really fucking cool soul music from a label I wouldn’t expect to sign alt-soul? Always thought Fat Possum was more navel gaze-y folk indie stuff. Love this track tho
“Bizarre Love Triangle” - New Order, Brotherhood (1986, Warner Records)
If you’re not already listening to this track, idk where you’ve been since the mid-80s
“Better Off (Dying)” - Lil Peep, Come Over When You’re Sober, Pt. 1 (2017, Self-released)
RIP :’(
“Golddust” - DJ Fresh, Kryptonite (2010, Breakbeat Kaos)
I remember when this was charting in the UK when I was in 8th grade, it’s a banger of a 2010 club track, it feels like it kinda set the stage for the vocal-oriented alt club music that took over for the next five years.
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dynared · 7 years
Honest Voltron Characterizations
@alluraofaltea posted something similar and while I don’t agree with some of her items, I did think it sounded like a fun idea, to see what people’s interpretations of the characters were. Special thanks to @fenfishtrap for pointing it out to me.
I’d love to see others do this too -
Keith - Hi, I’m the main character...I think. The show really can’t decide. I mean, I fit all the requirements, I’m the best pilot, my character design looks like it was pulled right from a Go Nagai manga, but I’m also a complete hothead, make the same mistakes over and over, and don’t learn from my experiences. One second I’m being told I should lead the team, the next I’m put out of focus for an entire season because my actor got a role that paid more. I would have a Freudian excuse for all this, except the only people who saw my moping about my mom were hardcore fans that watched an internet exclusive blog entry. Thanks to that everyone thinks my lack of character development means I’m flaming gay. Well, this season I’m going to try moping about not getting in the f*cking robot. Maybe at least that will lead to fans hooking me up with a hot redhead girl.
Also I’m half Galra which means either nothing or I have Hitler genes baked in.
Shiro - I’m the main character when the executives are done with the script editing. I’m also, depending on the fan describing me, either a shell shocked prisoner of war that just wants to sip a Corona on a beach and really should be out of the line of fire, Optimus Freaking Prime and the Chosen One, or a gay pedophile. My relationship with the Black Lion is about the same. Also I may or may not be a clone. I’m pretty sure that I’m supposed to be the Roy Fokker to Keith’s Hikaru/Rick Hunter, but I kinda suck at it on screen. Thankfully there’s fanfic because Shiro loves you baby. ❤️
My robot arm makes for a killer Winter Soldier cosplay at least.
Hunk - I’m the FOOD GUY. Get it? Because I’m fat which means I like to eat and literally have no other character traits. And yet out of everyone, I’m canonically the most successful with the ladies, so I have that going for me. Chicks love a guy that can cook. I’d mention my other skills and personality traits, but they’re kind of nonexistent, while my Japanese counterpart in GoLion was a judo master because over there, heavyset, stocky frames are common in sports like judo and sumo. Nope, I’m all about the food, and looking like an idiot. Usually because of food.
Pidge - Hi, I’m Katie, although everyone calls me Pidge, and it took four seasons to explain the nickname. Better late than never, right? Thanks to progressive writing, I’m now a girl, but everyone thinks I’m either trans or gay because I don’t have D cups. Yay being progressive. When the show bothers to focus on me, I’m actually pretty kickass, but the fandom still treats me like I’m made of porcelain. I may or may not have a crush on Lance (not that I’d ever admit it) but the fandom is also quick to label anyone who thinks so a pedophile. Even though he’s only two years older. Progressive! At least my brother thinks I’m cool.
Lance - Thank you, thank you. I am clearly the favorite character of the entire fandom even though most of said fandom portrays me, the confident ladies man and bundle of issues, as either a self loathing gay man or a male Disney Princess. The best way for the fandom to gay up something is to add me to it when I would rather find a hot girl to take with me on my lion. Then again, this is the same fandom that thought “hey man” was me flirting with Keith. More essays have been written about how I’m the real hero of the series and Keith’s alleged love for me than on the root causes of the US Civil War. I just want a girl to know the real me, you know?
I’m also canonically Cuban (not that it’s ever acknowledged in the show) which makes me one of a very few non-sterotypical Hispanics in animation alongside Miles Morales. And yet my fandom often portrays me as a MEXICAN stereotype instead. No, I won’t sing “Gasolina.” Shut up.
Allura - My original incarnation was the grandmother of shipping cartoon characters together, but because I’m the same age as Keith as Lance, as well as, let’s face it, my “character design change”, I am now a Strong Independent Black Woman That Don’t Need No Man, or a butch lesbian stereotype. This is despite two characters declaring me beautiful on screen. I may or may not have feelings for Keith but they’re about as consistent as who the lead character is. A lot of fans wish I just stayed in the castle ship even though I’ve gone on and on about wanting to honor my fathers legacy by being a pilot. People keep calling me “Space Mom” when I am terrible with kids. Again, probably because of my “character design change.” Without it, I’d probably be everyone’s waifu.
Lotor - The show can’t decide if I’m supposed to be Prince Zuko to Keith’s Aang or the Char Aznable to his Amuro Ray. Probably the former given the show’s complete hatred of all things mecha. I run things for about six episodes before being kicked out of the command room because it’s easier to write Zombie dad. The showrunners complete hatred of giant robots means I get to fly in a series of increasingly silly looking ships. Also I am NOT a rapist! Sincline was, and I am not Sincline! My old crush on Allura is gone, but let’s face it, it would never work out here. Also someone made a homemade body pillow of me, am I’m not sure if it’s flattering...or incredibly disturbing.
Zarkon - I make Cobra Commander look nuanced, and I am literally a zombie. I’m also the only one of these idiots smart enough to fight Voltron with a robot of my own, which you THINK would mean my dumbass son would make more of them.
Voltron - I’m supposed to be the latest incarnation of what Americans think of when they think of giant robots like how Mexico thinks of Mazinger Z and France thinks of Grendizer. Instead I’m a glorified cannon that is woefully out of place in this super cereal space opera. My five lion components apparently have minds of their own...maybe? Most fans (and the writers) forget I even exist even though the damn show is named after me! The show itself seems to have no idea how to use me, so I guess we’re all in the same boat. I’m pretty sure there’s more fanfic starring Shay than there are about me. Fans don’t even want me in a hypothetical video game, and Japan would rather bring back Combattler V for the next Super Robot Wars.
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38-planes · 7 years
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The Wild Child Of “Come From Away”
Logo: New Now Next [April 3, 2017]
Jenn Colella, one of Broadway’s few out leading ladies, talks playing a real-life hero, making out with Idina Menzel, and lesbians in open relationships.
On September 11, 2001, after terrorists flew jets into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, authorities closed United States airspace to all air traffic. In the remote Canadian town of Gander, Newfoundland, 38 passenger jets suddenly landed on the airstrip, and were grounded until further notice.
Instead of treating them as intruders, the town opened its homes and hearts to 7,000 strangers from all over the world. By the time the visitors departed, cultures had come together and lifelong friendships had formed.
The hit musical Come From Away tells this sprawling story with a foot-stomping Celtic band and a dozen versatile actors portraying some 50 real-life characters, many of whom flew in from Newfoundland to dance onstage with the actors on opening night.
The show packs a political punch at this ungenerous moment in America—a point that hung in the air when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited Donald Trump to attend a recent performance. (The President declined but sent Ivanka.) Critics took the musical’s subtext to heart. The Washington Post called it “an exuberant antidote for what ails the American soul.”
For extra exuberance, there’s star Jenn Colella, one of Broadway’s few out lesbian leading ladies. In Come From Away, Colella sings her heart out as real-life pilot Beverley Bass, one of the pilots who landed at Gander on 9/11. But Colella, 43, been attracting fangirls ever since she rode a mechanical bull in Urban Cowboy, rocked the butch title role in The Beebo Brinker Chronicles, and played one-half of a lesbian couple in If/Then.
On the phone in her dressing room before a recent performance, with her girlfriend chiming in, Colella told us about her life as an irresistible wild child, from her current relationship à trois to the occasional makeout session with Idina Menzel.
How would you describe the story of Come From Away?
Jen Colella: For me, it’s about welcoming people because they need help. I don’t know where we got away from the habit of being kind, but kindness and compassion is where we live. We all have access to it, and it requires practice.
How was it for the cast when Justin Trudeau and Ivanka Trump came to the show? How was it for you?
It was extraordinary to have them here, and have them together. People are drawn to this show who know that everyone is good at heart, people who are drawn to a sort of kindness movement that’s in the air right now. Justin knows that’s the best possible way to lead people, and I believe Ivanka does as well, or else she wouldn’t have joined.
Did you speak with Ivanka?
We didn’t. It was Justin’s night. He made a speech before, and I believe Ivanka ducked out a little early out of respect, so as not to take anything away from him. But the show is direct address–we can see the audience very clearly. She was truly enjoying herself and smiling and laughing and crying and was really in it, so I know she had a good time.
You play Captain Beverley Bass, who blazed her own trails as the first female captain for American Airlines. She seems like the most clearly defined hero in Come From Away. How did you two meet?
After our final preview [at La Jolla Playhouse], Beverley and her husband Tom arrived at a restaurant across the street. We spotted one another from across the room. She came over and said, “I think you’re playing me,” and I said, “I think you’re right!” I’m so grateful that they’ve chosen me to play this badass pioneer for women. I feel the privilege and responsibility of it.
Like all the actors, you play several characters in Come From Away. Aside from Captain Beverley, you play this enchantingly gay-looking woman in a T-shirt and vest. Was my gaydar going off correctly with that character, or is she just Canadian?
She’s just Canadian! Actually that character, Annette, is quite male-crazy. She likes the men that come off these planes. But I have faith that Annette would be open to women as well. I’m going to throw that into the show tonight and see how it plays.
I was googling you, and the first thing I saw was this hashtag: #jennfuckingcolella. Do you have lesbian fangirls?
I do, and it feels so good! Everybody’s respectful, but, yes, to receive that kind of energy from women fuels me. It feels, again, like a privilege and a responsibility. And I’m so thrilled that I’m out and the age that I am, and I feel confident and capable to be a good role model for gay women.
How do women reach out to you?
Some fans will see shows many, many times. I have one awesome fan—I don’t know if these people are even gay, to tell you the truth—but one girl has my signature tattooed over her heart.
I’d say that’s a clue.
She hasn’t come out to me, you know? So I don’t want to assume. But I get a lot of baked goods, sweet cards, flowers. Chicks are so good at gifts, right? I ride a scooter around town, because I’m like a 12-year-old, and one of my fans actually presented me with a new scooter. Yeah, they mean it. It’s awesome.
Let’s go back to the tattoo: Did you autograph her chest and then she went and got the autograph tattooed?
She’d seen If/Then many, many times. She said, “Hey, will you sign this piece of paper for me?” I did, and then later she came back and showed me her tattoo. Isn’t that awesome?
You sometimes subbed in for Idina Menzel as the lead in If/Then. What was that like?
Idina is an amazing person, and super sweet and fun. She and I like to flirt a lot. We made out a couple of times, which was super, super hot and fun. I like to tell as many people that as possible. Great kisser.
How exactly did that come to pass?
The best part is, my girlfriend is in the dressing room with me right now, and she keeps looking up and giving me these like sexy little smiles. Anyway, Idina’s straight—mostly—in the way that I’m mostly gay. And I would just wear her down at parties, just walk by and say, “We should make out.” Just trying to constantly put little seeds into her beautiful brain. She took me up on it once or twice.
Aside from making out, did you and Idina ever sing together?
Onstage, we had many opportunities to sing together, and that voice is just inimitable.
As is yours. In fact, speaking of Idina’s great roles, did you ever do Elphaba the witch, in Wicked?
People are always asking me that! I finally had to tell them to stop asking me to come in, because I am terrified that I would lose my mind and my voice. I’m going to leave that to those professional belters and try to save this loud-ass belt that I’ve got for as long as possible.
Although it would be really cool to do a gay Elphaba.
I hear you. I hadn’t thought about that. You know what, though, I want to play Bobby in Company. [A 2016 London production reversed genders to feature a woman in the famous leading role of a commitment-phobic bachelor and the loves of his New York circle of friends.]
Your girlfriend’s listening in, so she’ll appreciate this. What kind of woman is attractive to you? Do you have a type?
I like people who are balanced in their masculine and feminine energies. I like girly girls who aren’t afraid to wear ripped jeans and play in the mud. I joked when my girlfriend got here, “You dressed like a little dyke for me today!” She’s wearing ripped jeans and her big belt and a cut Women’s March t-shirt. Yeah! Then as I’m getting older, I realize that what I find sexy is someone who’s smart and kind and funny. I’m attracted to the whole world, is the truth.
Any quality in a woman that’s a deal breaker for you?
Yeah. An unawareness, right? If someone treats a server unkindly—snaps at a server, or anyone in the service industry—that is such a deal breaker for me. I can’t.
Does your girlfriend like seeing you in uniform as Captain Beverley onstage?
[She repeats the question to her girlfriend.] She likes seeing me in everything.
I was going to ask you about starring in The Beebo Brinker Chronicles [the 2008 Off-Broadway adaptation of Ann Bannon’s iconic novels of lesbians before Stonewall]. Has anyone ever talked about filming it?
Lily Tomlin was one of our producers on that play, and she and Jane Wagner talked about possibly filming it during that time, but I haven’t heard any more about it. So, yeah, we can put that back out in the universe as well.
Definitely. Those lesbian pulp paperback days were very sexy.
True. That was one of the sexiest shows I’ve ever worked on. It was fun to be the butch lesbian that all the girls were swooning over.
Not that different from your real life, is it?
[Laughing] It was fun to have that as my job.
I know I’m asking in front of your girlfriend, but do you see yourself in the future marrying and quote unquote settling down? Are you interested in kids?
I’ve been married a couple of times.
To women?
Yeah. My joke is, chicks love it when you propose. I had two wonderful marriages, and I’m a big fan of the institution of marriage if it is truly an equal partnership. But my girlfriend and I are in an open relationship, and that feels really lovely and right for me right now.
So you’re both seeing other people?
She’s actually married to a man. I’m kind of dating them both. They have a little kid whom I adore. And I’m also dating someone else, and, you know, my girlfriend just got on OKCupid, and it’s all very open. There’s a lot of respect and a lot of communication and a lot of trust. It’s quite lovely.
Usually lesbians can’t do that, at least the lesbians I know. Gay men can stay together 50 years, and they manage to keep their exterior lives very hot and vital and yet preserve these lasting relationships. What’s different about you that you can do that?
What I’ve found is that if women are intimate with one another, there’s such an emotional connection that happens. That’s what can be scary for the primary partner: If you have an emotional connection with someone else, how is there going to be any room left for me? But our hearts are much more open and capacious than we give them credit for. There’s no better or best in my world of love. I have boundless love. So the more I can trust myself and love myself, and trust and love my partners, then I’m finding there’s an infinite amount to explore.
Come From Away is now on Broadway at the Schoenfeld Theatre
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