#and knowing that being on a boat is basically tommy's happy place… my heart
fritzes · 2 months
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yushox · 2 years
They're both young, basically immortal and best friends. Ofcourse they would do dumb shit.
Kristin is barely containing her laughter as Phil signs the certificate after Techno.
Wilbur looks upset, looking up at his adoptive mom "You're not leaving us right?"
Kristin kisses the teens chocolate hair "Never my little chick."
"But, dadza is marrying Techno... doesn't that mean you have to leave?" The young boy asks innocently.
"No baby, I will never leave you, not for anything. I do have to leave for work, but I'm sure you understand that. But for something like this, no, I love Phil too much to ever consider leaving. Plus, he's happy with Techno, and Techno is our closest friend, I have no reason not to trust him with Phil."
Hearing that whispered to him calms Wilbur considerably.
Years pass, and Wilbur takes another shot "So Dad.. how is your marriage with Techno going? Any intriguing fights or..?"
Phil blushes slightly as he smiles sadly and takes a shot "Just one "fight" that happened a little while ago, he was visiting Dream, gave me a will just in case the worst happened and we both knew the chances of the worst happening. I thought he meant to hit the stasis chamber three months after the visit, but instead he wrote three days. He proceeded to call me all kinds of words synonymous to "old" and "blind" and he even brought me glasses knowing perfectly well that the only thing I have difficulty seeing is glass and transparent objects. They didn't help jack shit and I couldn't even see the lenses in the first place."
Wilbur, drunk out of his mind, bless him, is in tears from laughter at this point.
After his laughter dies down though he asks the one question Phil dreaded this whole evening "Say, where is he? You said he was up and about, surely he would have come by to drink with us by now."
Phil silently takes a shot before speaking shakily, his heart still hurts, even after getting so used to this part of life "...Hes actually.." another shot "..he went to conquer the kingdom of Gods Will."
"Wait, what do you...?" Willbur asks confusedly.
"Wilbur, he only had one life left. And over the years, over the eons, he only told me and Kristin, that he was Ill. And that there was nothing we could do about it except give him more and more minutes," another shot "but eventually, Will, eventually even he would succumb to such illness."
Will stares at his dad "no..."
Phil looks at his son "During his last few days awake he called you, Tommy, Tubbo, and even Ran, his sons, albeit he was more like Ranboos mentor than father." Phil sobers himself up, a benefit of being an angel "He died peacefully last week. I was the one who drifted his boat into the sea. He asked for noone, but me to watch him drift and sink."
The younger man also sobers up quite quickly, tears springing out of his eyes.
After those sobering news both men decide to settle down for the night. The silence cutting the air like a knife.
Philza ends up unable to sleep because of his sons sobs downstairs.
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shepard-ram · 3 years
New Day Brings New Faces [Hc!Reader & Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo]
(Mostly P!fluff, Request: I am that person who will request a part 2 for your fic- I am a sucker for these kinds of things and that fic was a hella good pick me up, thank you-
(I haven't been able to stop thinking about scenarios I am so happy to provide more crossover comfort. I am totally down to make this a full series. And the hermits are actually here this time!)
[Part 1 -Ambassadors Work]
[End Busting -side episode]
You woke up stiff and lightly shaken, literally someone was gently shaking you. When you fully opened your eyes you met three faces. Your admin, mayor and his right hand shared the same confused, slightly worried expression. You glanced around looking for their source of concern, looking at your lap and- oh, oh yeah.
Your mind helpfully recalled the events of the previous day. It was Ranboo who had his head in your lap, barely an inch way Tommy and Tubbo layed next to you two. The three boys still fast asleep. With a quick glance at the sun you knew you had barley been asleep for an hour.
"I'm sure you have alot to say." Xisuma had finally said something after seeing you had collected your thoughts.
"Yeah, I do." Chuckling, still in a sleep clogged voice. "Please don't wake them up." You quickly added in a more hushed voice. "They deserve some rest." That didn't help their confusion, until you had explained why you had taken the boys with you.
"Was it really that bad?." Scar had asked after your summary. They shared a similar look to the one you wore when you realized how awful that place was.
"Yes it was." When you remembered something. You handed them the book with all the things you had learned over your visit. "I was given a tour, that has more than I can think of now." Letting out a yawn, already dozing back off.
"I know that things like this are decided by the whole server, but can you please let them stay for at least a little while." You made your request In the most sincere tone you could manage. "When they wake up I was planning on taking them to my base. Let them wash up, maybe get some clean clothes and a proper meal- and just take it easy before meeting some of the others."
"I don't see why they wouldn't let them stay." Bdubs responded. That made you smile. "But you should probably wake them up, surely someone will pass by soon." You nodded, beginning to slowly nudge them awake.
"Should we go?" Scar asked.
"No, they should meet you guys." He nodded sitting on the railing of the stairs. You watched the three groan from both the early awakening and the non-ideal bed they had been on. As soon as they saw the three unknown hermits they almost jumped back in various versions of shock. Tommy specifically looked like he had gone to draw a weapon had they been able to tavel through worlds. You hushed them standing up to introduce your friends, "Good morning boys" you started in a soft voice trying to keep them calm.
"Who are they?" Ranboo spoke first, he had been the least startled from the beginning.
"A few of my friends, Xisuma, Scar and Bdubs." You pointed to each of them as you spoke.
"Oh Scar and Bdubs? We were told about you" Tubbo said smiling towards you.
"Really?" Scar grinned.
"Yeah we got a history lesson" Ranboo explained before turning to X. "I don't think you were mentioned though"
"You didn't tell them about our admin?" Bdubs teased. Before you could make a retort Tommy fully got up, breathing much too quickly.
"Admin?" Making the connection in your head you rushed to his side. Trying to get him out of his frazzled state.
"Hey, trust me he's nothing like dream, -here breath" you guided Tommy back to the ground Tubbo placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Xisuma hesitantly kneeled in front of the teen.
"I was told a little about your home, I don't want to scare you." His efforts seemed to reach him, "If there's something I can do to make you more comfortable please tell me" Tommy nodded full exceptance marked with him putting out his hand, which X met with a smile and handshake. From there the two sets of three properly introduce themselves to each other. You felt a soft, warm pride wrap your heart watching them get along.
As the Hermit trio left to start the days work you told them the day you had planned, opening a nearby ender chest to retrieve some elytras. They watched in fascination as you produced four identical sets, along with enough rocket's to get you all to your base.
Tubbo seemed off-put as you strapped on your wings, "Do we have to fly?"
"The server's pretty big, it's pretty much a necessity."
"Oh, okay- I just" seeing him worryingly eye your rocket's you offered an alternative.
"you know we probably don't have enough time to teach you how to fly right now, and we aren't running on full sleep." You reasoned, "There's a nether tunnel can take. Completely enclosed, no flying needed- only an optional boat."
"Boat?" You smiled already leading them toward the nearest portal.
By the time you had reached the portal that connected to your base the boats you had used were dented and marked from basically being used as bumper carts. The four of you stumbled through the portal still laughing about the race you had took on the way there.
"Here I'll get you guys some food then we'll get some proper sleep." A yawn marked your proposal. They let out varying levels of enthusiasm while taking seats on the coaches and armchairs that filled this part of your base. "When we wake up I'll get you actual beds." You promised.
Yet when you returned with some golden carrots and steak they were already passed out on the spot. You didn't fight the tired smile that formed, going to get them some blankets. You set the food on a nearby table before heading to your own bed. Despite the bright, almost noon sun outside the window, you knew you wouldn't have any trouble sleeping. With a few ideas of what to do and what to show them, you let familiar comfort take you back to rest.
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rainecreatesstuff · 3 years
escaping is not the same as running away- chapter 3
thoughts are not for the lonely:
Characters: Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, Michael_Beloved
Relationships: Ranboo & Tubbo (qp), Tommy & Tubbo (p), Tommy & Ranboo (p), Ranboo & Michael_Beloved (f), Tubbo and Michael_Beloved (f)
Warnings: Mentions of martyrdom and martyr ideologies, descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks.
Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, and Michael continue their journey to escape the SMP. Includes Bench Trio goofs, Allium Duo heart-to-hearts, and Michael_Beloved. Enjoy! :)
Ranboo glanced up at the sky as he rowed. The moon was reaching its apex, shining down brightly on the waves that surrounded them. A few clouds dotted the sky here and there, but overall, the skies were clear, giving a view of a beautiful starry sky. Tubbo was gazing at the stars with admiration. Ranboo wondered if his husband had ever seen the night sky so clearly before.
“Hey Tubso, you alright there?” Tommy asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Yeah, no, I’m good.” Tubbo glanced back to Tommy for a moment, then returned his gaze to the sky.
“What’re you thinking about?” Ranboo gently poked Tubbo’s foot with his own.
Tubbo pulled his gaze down to Ranboo, and paused for a moment, as if he were recollecting his thoughts.
“Just can’t remember the last time the sky was this clear.”
“God, yeah, last time we saw this many stars must’ve been before L’Manburg, huh?” Tommy rowed a few meters ahead of them, then took his hands off the paddles and stretched.
Looks like they were taking a break, then. Ranboo slowed the boat down, bringing it to float beside Tommy’s.
“Was the light pollution all that bad in early L’Manburg?” Ranboo stretched his back, bringing his hands above his head.
“Eh, early-early L’Manburg not so much, but once the walls were built…”
“Yeah, we had torches on the top, and also buildings n shit were popping up all over the place, so.”
Ranboo hummed.
“Then, of course, Manburg was pretty shit, and there was a bunch of light, and you were there for New L’Manburg, which glowed like a Christmas tree that's been set on fire, so, y’know, not a lot of stars.” Tubbo carefully shifted Michael in his arms as he spoke, laying the toddler down so his head rested on Tubbo’s lap.
“There were a lot of lanterns,” Ranboo stated grimly.
Tubbo laughed.
“Yeah, there were. Gotta admit they were pretty though.”
“Oh, definitely. Definitely fit the aesthetic.”
Tommy snorted.
“‘The Aesthetic.’ You can say spruce wood.”
“Oh shut up, spruce is a great block to build with.” Tubbo cut in.
“You could have chosen oak wood and cobblestone, but you went with spruce.”
“Yeah, ‘cause we didn’t want it to look like an abomination.”
“Oak and cobble are lovely blocks! You know why so many villages are built with them? Because they look good. You know why so few villages are built with spruce? It’s a lesser block.”
“Mhm, you’re one to talk about what looks good. Not like you’ve built several ugly cobblestone railroads.”
“My railroads are beautiful.”
Ranboo laughed as quietly as he could at the back and forth, not wanting to draw their attention away. They continued arguing, and Ranboo saw Michael stir a bit.
Tubbo’s head shot in his husband’s direction, then down at Michael, who was blinking sleepily. Tubbo’s face became one of pure agony.
“It’s alright, go back to sleep. Sorry about that Mikey.” Tubbo gently ran his hand through Michael’s mane, soothing him back to sleep.
The toddler mumbled something half-heartedly, and was out again. Partially against their own wills, Ranboo and Tubbo both let out a sigh of relief.
“Who knew all it took to make Tubbo go soft was a piglin child,” Tommy said, an amused smile on his face.
“You haven’t dealt with a toddler that doesn’t want to sleep before man.” Ranboo gazed at Tommy with what he hoped would be read as horror.
Tubbo laughed quietly as Tommy snorted.
“Can’t be that big of a deal.”
Tubbo perked up.
“Great! Once we’ve got our houses and stuff built, he can stay in yours for a night! I’m sure you’ll have so much fun!” Tubbo spoke with a practiced smile and a faux-cheery tone, his eyes aflame with something sinister.
Sometimes Ranboo was reminded of just how happy he was that he wasn’t Tubbo’s enemy.
“Ahahaaa… yeah… sure…” Tommy rubbed the back of his neck, “Let’s keep going, yeah?”
Tubbo cackled, and Ranboo rolled his eyes fondly.
“I thank the gods above every day that you’ll never have the opportunity to be a suburban mom.” Ranboo took the paddles back in his hands and began rowing again, straightening out so he was travelling in the right direction.
“Fuck you, I’d be a great suburban mom.”
“Yeah, that’s my fear.”
“He’d be terrifying. He would rule the neighbourhood with an iron fist. Michael would be an iPad kid.” Tommy tossed in.
“Oh gods, no. Not an iPad kid.”
“Yes, Ranboo, an iPad kid. And you would be a malewife.”
Ranboo spluttered, laughing.
“I- why?”
Tommy levelled him with an unimpressed look.
“Well, look at you.”
Tubbo turned away sharply, holding a fist to his mouth in a desperate attempt to stop himself from laughing. The other hand still ran soothingly through Michael’s hair.
“Gee, thanks, Tommy, really- really means a lot, man.”
Tommy snickered as Tubbo coughed into his fist. Tubbo eventually regained his composure, and turned back to Ranboo.
“Aw, it’s okay Boo. You’d make a great malewife.”
“I hate every part of this. I’m going back.” Ranboo mocked jumping out of the boat.
“Noooo, Boo, I didn’t mean it. You’re not a malewife I promise.”
“When we find land I am throwing you.”
“You will not.”
“I will.”
“The decision has already been made, Tubbo. There is no going back now.”
Tubbo groaned lightheartedly as Ranboo laughed quietly to himself. Tommy laughed beside them.
“Tubbo will simply kick you lots. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
Tubbo froze, and Ranboo paused, slowly turning to face Tommy.
“Wait, have you never picked up Tubbo before?”
“Not successfully.”
Ranboo grinned. Tubbo glared at him with fire in his eyes.
“Ranboo. I will make you regret every decision you have ever made if you tell him.”
“Jokes on you, I already regret most of my decisions,” Ranboo turned back to Tommy, “So, like he just doesn’t let you, or…?”
Tommy’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“I- yeah? Like he just kicks you, right? And then squirms out.”
“Tommy, my friend, you have been going about this the wrong way,”
“Ranboo I swear to all things holy if you mutter another word-“
“So, basically, you kinda just have to-“
“Put your hands under his arms and hold him out, like a-“
“I’m going to kill you-“
“Displeased cat.”
“You’re so dead. You are all types of dead. I am going to push you out of this boat.”
Tubbo reached over and shoved Ranboo as much as he could without waking up the toddler asleep on his lap. Ranboo laughed evilly as Tommy watched the two with confusion.
“What, and he’ll stop kicking?”
“Oh, no, he’ll still kick, but his legs won’t be able to reach you. He’ll just tire himself out until you can carry him normally.”
“I hate you so much.” Tubbo pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand.
Ranboo giggled, “Aw, thanks, love you too, Bo.”
Tommy was looking between Ranboo and Tubbo with something akin to awe.
“Ranboo. My friend. You have made a revolutionary discovery. You have done the gods’ work.”
“Tommy if you even try to pick me up, I will just kill you in your sleep.”
“Ah, but now I have the knowledge that I can simply just pick you up and you will be rendered defenceless.”
Tubbo huffed.
“You two are lucky you’re my friends.”
“We are,” Ranboo said without thinking.
Tubbo visibly softened, like a switch had been flipped. He looked as if he was about to say something, then stopped himself, tilting his head downwards to look at Michael as his hand combed through the kid’s hair. Tommy fake-gagged, and Tubbo rolled his eyes affectionately.
“Shut up, Tommy.”
Tommy laughed, and a pleasant quiet settled over the trio. Ranboo and Tommy rowed in silence as Tubbo began humming a song Ranboo had never heard before. They continued on until it must’ve been one or two in the morning, what with the moon being where it was. Ranboo was beginning to grow sore, and he was sure Tommy must be as well. Tubbo yawned as Ranboo slowed down the boat, Tommy coming to a drift beside them.
“Should we take a break for now?” Ranboo let go of the paddles, not waiting for an answer.
“Please.” Tommy shook his hands before pulling them to his chest and examining them.
Ranboo hoped he hadn’t gotten any splinters. Those would be a pain to deal with right now.
Tubbo rubbed his eyes before turning his head back up to face Ranboo.
“Do you want me to take over for a while?”
“No, you need sleep too, you haven’t slept well recently.” Ranboo reached across the boat to brush Tubbo’s hair out of his eyes, making eye contact with him briefly.
That was something Ranboo had been noticing recently. As much as Tubbo did try to accommodate for his usual dislike of eye contact, he hadn’t found himself becoming agitated at eye contact with Tubbo for a while. If he held it too long, it became uncomfortable, but he suspected that it was mostly just social awkwardness, nothing Enderman-y. He did find that he enjoyed making eye contact with Tubbo though, just for a couple moments when they were safe at home. It felt the same way that giving a hug did.
Tubbo blinked once, then drew his gaze away from Ranboo’s. Ranboo tried to ignore the disappointment that came with it.
“I’ll be fine if I need to.”
“Yeah, but you don’t need to. Get some rest. I’ll be fine.”
Tubbo eyed him suspiciously.
“You’ll wake me if you need anything. Got it?”
“Of course.”
“… Alright.” Tubbo carefully pulled Michael into his arms, then slowly sat down on the floor of the boat.
Ranboo turned around and grabbed a blanket from one of their bags, draping it over Tubbo and Michael. He passed Tubbo a rolled-up hoodie, which Tubbo put behind his head to act as a sort of travel pillow. Tubbo yawned again, pulling a yawn from Ranboo and Tommy as well.
“Goodnight, Boo.”
“Night Bo.”
“Night Toms.”
“Sleep well Tubs.”
And with that, Tubbo promptly passed out. Ranboo quietly giggled to himself at how quickly Tubbo fell asleep. A part of him was glad Tubbo felt so safe around him, but another worried how tired he must have been to have fallen asleep like that. Ranboo turned around, surveying their surroundings.
A shoal was just a hundred or so metres away. He pointed it out to Tommy, who groaned theatrically, then picked his paddles back up and began rowing in the direction of the shoal. Ranboo followed, and they carefully docked their boats as best they could in the sand. Ranboo grabbed a piece of rope from his own bag, and tied his and Tommy’s boats together.
“Just in case.” He smiled, and Tommy nodded.
Tommy stretched, and got into a similar position to Tubbo’s. Instead of falling asleep, though, he turned to the horizon, watching the waves.
Ranboo opened his bag completely, checking on Enderchest, who seemed displeased. The cat meowed unhappily as Ranboo picked her up, placing her on his lap. She stepped off his lap and onto the seat, batting at his hands as he tried to stop her. She settled on the edge of the boat, looking down into the shallow water curiously. With a quick whap at the water, her ears flattened, and she returned to Ranboo’s lap.
He pet her for a while until a loud purr rumbled from her throat. Ranboo opened his inventory, grabbing a couple small fish, and fed her.
“Get why Tubbo calls you a catboy now.”
“C’mon, man, it was so peaceful.”
Tommy cackled.
“You did start purring the second your cat did. You are literally just a big cat.”
Ranboo tried to will his tail to stop hitting the floor in an annoyed manner. It did not work.
“No. Go to sleep.”
Tommy laughed, but pulled a blanket onto himself.
“I take it you don’t plan on sleeping?”
“No. I figure someone should stay awake, just in case something happens. A storm could roll in, or something.” Ranboo idly pet Enderchest as he spoke.
He didn’t mention that being surrounded by water prevented him from calming down enough to sleep, but it seemed like minor enough of a detail to leave out.
Tommy hummed.
“You mentioned… You mentioned Tubbo hasn’t been sleeping?”
Ranboo bit his lip.
“Yeah. He’s, uh, he’s been staying out later, not coming back until well after Michael’s gone to bed. And then he’ll usually stay at his desk for a few hours before I can convince him to come to bed. At least, at least when I’m around.” Ranboo sighed.
“Can’t say I haven’t found him asleep at his desk when I’ve come to visit, though.”
“Really?” Tommy seemed taken aback.
Ranboo frowned.
“I mean, yeah? It’s not really all that surprising that he stays up late, I mean, when I’m there I usually have to like- lure him to bed with promises of like, his favourite breakfast or something in the morning.”
“Is that.. abnormal, for him?” Ranboo’s tail swished against the floor.
“Uh, no, not the overworking part. Surprised you find him at his desk though. As long as I’ve known him he’s always woken up at sunrise.”
“Even when he’s been up late?”
“Especially then,” Tommy picked at a loose thread in his blanket, “He slept pretty lightly most nights, but especially when he was up late, so he’d wake up the second the sun got in the windows.”
Ranboo hummed. That was… weird. Since he began staying in the same house as Tubbo, Tubbo usually wouldn’t wake up until at least eight or nine. He told this to Tommy, whose eyebrows raised with surprise. Ranboo watched as Tommy bit his lip, then looked up at Ranboo pensively. Ranboo suddenly felt the urge to sit up straighter.
“Just thinking.”
“You. And Tubbo.” Tommy’s gaze drifted over to the goat hybrid, who was still fast asleep beside his son.
“What about us?”
“… Just that it’s good you help him sleep ‘n take care of himself ‘n shit.”
Ranboo felt his face grow warm against his will.
“Oh, I don’t- I don’t think it’s me, I think it’s probably just ‘cause he’s, he’s uh, not president and stuff anymore? So he’s probably been a lot more relaxed.”
Tommy looked at him amusedly.
“I’ve known Tubbo for a while. When we first met, he’d wake up at sunrise to take care of his bees and check up on his redstone machines. He was a bit like a farm boy in that regard,” Tommy said, turning his gaze back to the ocean.
“Then, the independence war happened, and we were trained to wake up at sunrise every day. Even when we stayed up until ridiculous hours, sitting around a campfire and singing and being dumb, Wilbur would be in our bunks at five in the morning with a bell. You don’t just lose that kind of training. Hell, I didn’t lose it ‘til I stayed with Techno.”
Ranboo wondered a bit where this was going.
“Then of course there was the Schlatt presidency, and Pogtopia. And I think I saw Tubbo sleep a total of three times when he was with us. Then he was president, and I’m not sure his sleep schedule ever improved.”
Ranboo hummed.
“Yeah, I get that. I, um, used to wander around L’Manburg at night sometimes and, and he was usually also out, or his lights were on.” Ranboo recalled.
“Exactly. Even when he first started Snowchester, as far as I know he never stopped waking up at sunrise. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out he didn’t sleep much.”
“Yeah. He, uh, he seemed like- gaunt, almost.”
Tommy sighed.
“Point is, you’ve gotten him to break that habit, which is pretty fucking awesome, so. Good job, or whatever.”
Ranboo felt distinctly out of his area of expertise. He hadn’t really done anything. If anything, he’d probably annoyed Tubbo into sleeping in.
“I- um, thank you? But honestly, I really didn’t do anything.”
Tommy glanced back over to him for a moment.
The two fell into a soft silence, the only sound being the waves gently lapping against the side of their boats. Enderchest curled up in Ranboo’s lap, falling asleep quickly as he pet her. Tommy yawned, drawing a yawn from Ranboo as well.
Tommy stared out the side of his boat opposite to Ranboo, his gaze settled on the horizon. Ranboo wondered again how Tubbo had managed to convince Tommy to come with them. Of course, Ranboo was almost certain that if Tommy hadn’t come, they wouldn’t have left in the first place.
Even if he and Tubbo hadn’t been as close recently as they used to be, Tommy was Tubbo’s person. His “other half,” if you want to get cliche. There was no Tubbo without Tommy. At least, not the same Tubbo.
“How are you holding up with… with leaving?”
Tommy rolled his head back in Ranboo’s direction.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Memory Boy?” He grinned.
It was still deflection. Ranboo bit his lip.
“So. Um. I take it not that great, then?”
Tommy laughed quietly to himself.
“I don’t even know at this point. One second I’m over the moon and the next I feel like screaming.”
“I get that,” Ranboo spoke softly, “Or, I guess I don’t get it, really, but I understand. You guys have been there a lot longer than me. There were probably a lot of places and people that were really important to you.”
Tommy hummed.
“Yeah, something like that. It’s weird, innit? Knowing you’ll probably never see some of those people again.”
Ranboo had to agree. The fact that he might never hear Niki’s voice again nibbled at the back of his brain like a mouse. He hoped she’d be open to talk through their communicators, but really, at this point it was a coin toss with most people in the SMP.
“A bit, yeah. It feels kinda odd knowing that I’ll probably never pass by Foolish working on some big project again.”
“Or by Eret’s castle. That’s one of the big ones for me. Don’t know why, honestly.”
“Fair. Her castle was kinda like… a staple of the SMP.”
“The only thing that hasn’t been blown up at some point.”
“Gods bless the power of pride flags.”
Tommy laughed, his head falling back and hitting the seat gently. Ranboo smiled.
“The two greatest powers of the SMP: Withers, and six stripes of colour.” Tommy quipped.
“I mean, Techno’s house was technically blown up.”
Tommy threw him a curious look. Ranboo giggled to himself for a moment.
“Okay so, you know how Phil will like, hyper-focus on things sometimes?”
Tommy nodded.
“So, basically, he was showing his flock something, I think it was some trinket he’d found while he was adventuring. I guess he must’ve left the doors open, because this creeper just walked like, right in, nothing stopping it, and blew up.”
Tommy snorted.
“Dude, Phil was freaking out. Techno was literally on his way home from the Nether and like half of Techno’s chests and paintings and stuff had been blown up. So I go over to see what’s happened, and Phil is just sitting on the floor surrounded by pieces of paintings like it’s a puzzle.”
“Oh god, the old man has no spatial reasoning, did he fix it in time?”
“He saw me walk in, yelled ‘Don’t just stand there, help,’ and then threw a box of ripped up paintings at me.”
Tommy laughed, loud and clear, and Ranboo grinned.
“So we’re sitting there on the floor frantically putting these paintings back together, and Phil’s getting messages from Techno saying he’ll be home soon, and that’s just making us mess up more. And you’ve seen Techno’s house, half the paintings have the exact same colour palette, so we end up getting half of it wrong and slapping it on the wall anyways.”
Ranboo laughed quietly as Tommy buried his head in his knees to avoid laughing.
“Long story short, we did eventually get them figured out, and Techno walked in like, literally a minute later. Thing is, we forgot to cover up the scent of gunpowder, so.”
“Oh god, what did the Blade do when he found out?”
“Oh, man, it was terrifying. It was Phil, so of course Techno didn’t care, but Phil was gonna blame it on me. I would’ve died, man, that would’ve been it for me.”
Tommy chuckled.
“Nah, Techno’s got a soft spot for you. No way he’d kill his favourite random teenager he picked up off the street.”
“Oh! Speaking of that!”
Ranboo opened his inventory, carefully pulling out the netherite Techno had given him. He handed the full set to Tommy, who looked at it with awe in his eyes.
“Yoooo…” Tommy whispered, running his hands over it.
His hand paused at the collar of the chest plate, where the enchantments were inscribed.
“Techno made this.” It wasn’t a question, more of a statement.
“Oh, yeah, I guess his writing is pretty recognizable.”
“No, I mean,” Tommy began handing it back to Ranboo, “He probably wouldn’t want me to use it, ‘specially if he gave it to you.”
Ranboo frowned, pushing the armour back.
“He gave it to me for you.”
Tommy looked taken aback, his mouth open slightly and his eyebrows high on his forehead. He pulled the armour back to his chest, running his thumb over the engraved enchantments.
“Good thing I left him the axe, then.” Tommy muttered.
Ranboo hummed.
“Do you want to try it on?”
“Nah, it’ll fit.” Tommy stared at the armour a moment longer, then woke from his stupor, opening his inventory and carefully placing the four armour pieces inside it.
If Ranboo didn’t know any better, he’d think Tommy was in shock. He was just kind of staring ahead of himself, a soft frown on his face. His hands fiddled with the blanket at his chest, and he chewed on his lip.
“Tommy? Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry, just thinking.”
“You seem to do that a lot.”
Ranboo continued petting Enderchest, praying silently that the lull in the conversation wasn’t an awkward one. He couldn’t always tell, so moments like these were a bit stressful. He felt like he should be filling it up in some way, but at the same time, he didn’t want to make Tommy talk if he didn’t want to.
“I, um, I know we’re not like, super close or anything, but if you ever need to talk, I’m here to listen.” He offered Tommy a smile, and Tommy smiled back awkwardly.
“Thanks big man.”
“Of course.”
Tommy stared at the water again for a few moments, before drawing in a breath.
“How has Techno been? Since, uh, since Doomsday? Haven’t really spoken to him.”
“Oh! I think he’s been doing pretty well. I uh, know it’s kind of a sore topic, but, uh, I think blowing up L’Manburg kinda got most of the vengeance out of him so, that’s good.”
Tommy snorted.
“Oh, Niki’s kind of been hanging out with us recently. Not a lot, but I think Techno really enjoys having her around. She’s very skilled and I think he respects her a lot.”
Tommy smiled.
“Good for them. He and Niki were friends back in Pogtopia, you know? So it’s nice they’re like, talking again.”
“Yeah. It was nice having Niki around. I think being around us also helped her. She seems happier than when she started coming around.”
“Yeah, Niki’s awesome.”
“Phil really likes having her around too, they’ll bake together some days. The crows love her, but they love pretty much everyone, so.”
Tommy stifled a laugh.
“Please, do not remind me of the birds. I was outside one day and I guess they thought my hair looked like gold because they decided to start plucking it.”
Ranboo laughed.
“You’ll be happy to know I’ve added one more bird to the ranks then.”
“You are everything that is wrong with this world.”
His laugh dissolved into a giggle, and Tommy giggled as well. The air had loosened again, and Ranboo could barely hold back his sigh of relief.
“But uh, yeah, Techno’s been well. He hibernated for a long while, and he’s been training quite a bit, but every time I’ve spoken to him he’s seemed pretty happy. Uh, until today, that is.”
“Did he give you trouble leaving?”
“Not really, but I think before I explained everything he kind of thought I was just leaving them? So he seemed kinda bitter at first, but once I explained everything he seemed fine.” Enderchest nearly rolled off his lap as he spoke, so he gently picked her up and placed her back in his bag, zipping it up halfway.
“That’s probably my fault.” Tommy’s voice was tinted with regret, the emotion evident on his face.
Ranboo bit his lip.
“I don’t think it’s your fault. He kind of put you in a difficult situation. Everyone did, if I’m being honest. You were kinda forced to choose between two people you cared about which pretty much never ends well.”
“I don’t regret choosing Tubbo. Do regret leaving Techno a bit. Weird innit?” Tommy rolled his head back, “That I can both regret and not regret the same decision.”
Ranboo hummed.
“I mean, I don’t think so. You were kinda forced to make two decisions, one being going with Tubbo and the other being leaving Techno. They were on opposite sides.”
“That’s your whole thing, yeah? Choosing people, not sides.”
“Yeah. I try not to choose sides whenever I can. I think it’s unfair to have to choose between people just because their ideologies don’t perfectly match up.”
“Fair. Would’ve been interesting to have you around during the first war. ‘M glad you didn’t come until later.”
Ranboo tilted his head.
“Why’s that?”
Tommy shifted uncomfortably.
“There was a lot of choosing. Dream used to be our friend, y’know? Then, of course, Wilbur started L’Manburg and I guess Dream lost it a little bit. It was kinda like, if you weren’t on our side, you were on theirs, which obviously doesn’t make much sense in hindsight.” Tommy sighed.
“Just, you probably wouldn’t have had a very good time. Wilbur was… a little extreme at times. D’you know I died twice during that war?”
“I didn’t.”
“Yeah, once in the final control room, then again in a duel with Dream.” Tommy rubbed his chest as he spoke, like he could still feel the wounds.
“Yeah. Wilbur had a bit of a ‘Your country is more important than your life’ approach to things. Not that he wanted us to die, but. Y’know how it is.”
Ranboo distinctly did not “know how it is.” He wondered how often Wilbur spoke like that. He could feel dots connecting themselves as Tommy spoke.
“Did he say stuff like that a lot?”
Tommy shrugged, “Eh, not all the time, but quite a bit, yeah. You’re leading a war, you kinda have to give the big speeches about martyrdom ‘n all that.”
Part of Ranboo wanted to hop into Tommy’s boat and give him a hug, though he knew Tommy was still re-adjusting to touch and wouldn’t appreciate it. He and Tubbo must have been, what, sixteen? And they had one of the people they looked up to the most telling them their country’s independence was more important than their own lives. Whether he believed it or not, Wilbur must have been a pretty bad guy to even consider putting that thought in their heads.
Ranboo felt a bit ill just thinking about it. He was reminded of all the times he’d panicked at some stupid thought he’d had, and Tubbo had been forced to help him out of it, and felt a bit guilty. Tubbo must have gone through so much worse than anything Ranboo could ever imagine. He deserved to rest. So did Tommy. Everything about the situation was just so messed up.
He was glad they’d gotten out before something else went wrong and added onto the ever-growing list of reasons why Ranboo wanted to protect Tubbo and Tommy.
“Don’t look so upset, man. That’s just how war is.”
“You shouldn’t have been there. You don’t deserve to go through that.”
Tommy’s lips tightened into a line.
“Maybe not. But what’s done is done. Nothing we can do about it now.”
“You know that what he was saying isn’t true though, right? Nothing is more important than you being alive and safe.” Ranboo spoke in a soft tone, his voice quieting even more so than before.
Tommy stared at him.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” His voice went a bit high pitched, and he cleared his throat, “I, uh, yeah, no yeah, it was a bunch of bullshit.”
“M’kay, good,”
Tommy was eyeing him weirdly, he could feel it, even as he didn’t see it. He shifted in his seat, biting his lip. His hands began fidgeting with the hem of his jacket.
“I just, um, know what it’s like, a tiny bit, to have thoughts kinda like that in your head, and it’s not- it’s not fun, so. Just wanted to, uh, make sure you’re okay.” Ranboo smiled as best he could.
Tommy watched him curiously, but didn’t push.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” He shrugged.
“Okay.” Ranboo sighed to himself, making sure Tommy wouldn’t hear.
Deep conversations were hard.
“Are you gonna at least get more comfortable? We’re probably gonna be here a while.” Tommy said as Ranboo shifted again.
“Probably a good idea.” Ranboo carefully sat on the floor of the boat, opposite Michael so he could sit comfortably with his knees to his chest.
As he readjusted, Tubbo groaned in his sleep. Ranboo moved carefully, grabbing Tubbo’s hand in his own and holding it. Tubbo squeezed back in his sleep, and Ranboo had to stop himself from audibly cooing.
“Ugh. How long do you think you two are gonna be all gross and husbandy?” Tommy asked with mock disgust.
Ranboo stifled a laugh.
“If all goes according to plan, forever.”
Ranboo broke into a giggle as Tommy snickered from the other boat.
“Whatever. Just don’t be gross in front of me. Frankly, it’s weird.”
“I literally just held his hand.”
Ranboo rolled his eyes affectionately.
“Alright Mr. I Built Myself A Girlfriend.”
“I’ll have you know she was wonderful and treated me right.”
“She was a log with a jack o'lantern on top.”
“Small details.” Tommy made a gesture of waving Ranboo off.
“Mhm, mhm.”
“If you were not allergic to water I would be splashing you with it right now.”
Ranboo snickered.
“Aw, you do care.”
“Alright fuck it.”
Tommy made a show of drowsily splashing water against the side of Ranboo’s boat, and Ranboo snorted in amusement. Tommy sighed like he was exasperated, then yawned.
“Try to get some sleep dude.” Ranboo’s tone softened.
“You shouldn’t have to be up all alone,” Tommy mumbled tiredly.
Ranboo made a mental note to himself to write down that tired Tommy was sweeter than awake Tommy.
“It’s alright, if I need anything I’ll wake you up, alright?”
“Wake me up, not Tubbo.”
“Okay, I will.”
Tommy eyed him suspiciously, accidentally making eye contact with Ranboo. Ranboo decided it was definitely worse than eye contact with Tubbo, but nowhere near as horrible as it used to be with Tommy. Slight discomfort, not panic-inducing.
Baby steps, he supposed.
Tommy glanced away quickly.
“It’s alright.”
“I’m gonna sleep now.”
“Okay. Goodnight.”
“Night Ranboob.”
Ranboo sighed loudly and saw Tommy smirk as he closed his eyes.
And then there was one.
Ranboo took the opportunity to write in his memory book. With his luck, he’d wake up at some point in the next few days expecting to be back in the tundra, and he didn’t want Tubbo to have to pull him out of that panic.
He jotted down the events of the day, and some of the things he’d talked about with Tommy. He left himself a small reminder to keep a close eye on Tubbo, to make sure he was doing okay. And on Tommy, as well. And Michael.
He hoped they’d made the right decision by doing this. Maybe it was foolish to run off so quickly, without letting it sink in. It worried him to think that they might regret it later down the line. But right now, at this moment, Ranboo couldn’t find much in him to care. All he could focus on was the fact that now, his family would be safe. No more war bunkers, or TNT cannons (unless Tommy happened to be bored, he supposed). They could just grow up, and raise Michael, and live without the fear of death lurking around every corner.
Maybe they would regret it. One day. But today was not that day.
And so, Ranboo settled into the night, listening to the distant caws of seagulls and the occasional chirp from dolphins. He sat, and listened, and allowed himself to hope and daydream for a while, as the moon shifted in the sky. Eventually, the sky began to turn orange, the early rays of the sun peeking above the horizon.
He watched the sunrise, and for the first time in a while, he felt at peace. Not the faux-peace they had created back in the SMP lands, but really, truly peaceful. He felt as if he was finally coming home after a long day in the mines. Tired, but calm, and warm. And he could be with his family, and laugh, and feel safe.
Safe. What a precious, beautiful thing to feel.
A soft groaning arose from the other side of the boat. Ranboo turned, and saw a pink ear twitch. Soon, a tiny, hoof-like hand rose from the blanket and rubbed his son’s tired eye, who finally blinked his eye open and looked at Ranboo.
“Hey, bud. Good morning.”
“Good mornin’.” Michael yawned, crawling out from under the blanket carefully, and flopping down beside Ranboo, leaning on his side.
Ranboo gently rubbed Michael’s arm, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“Did you sleep well?”
Michael groaned in response, and Ranboo giggled. He really did take after his other father.
“Do you want some breakfast?”
Michael nodded, and Ranboo opened his inventory, grabbing some bread. He ripped a small piece off for Michael, who looked at it for a moment in contemplation, then promptly shoved it in his mouth. Ranboo sighed.
“You’ve spent too much time around Mimi.” He smiled, petting Michael’s mane.
Michael grinned up at him, taking another bite of bread. Tubbo began to stir across from them, his eyes blinking open slowly.
“Morning Bo.”
Ranboo was met with a groan. He giggled to himself quietly.
“Five more minutes.”
“You can have as many minutes as you need.”
“It’s too early for you being nice, ‘m gonna accidentally tell you to fuck off. Leave me alone for like- just one more minute.” Tubbo mumbled.
Ranboo laughed, and Michael giggled beside him, chewing on his bread. Tubbo stared up at the sky, then glanced around, getting his bearings. Eventually, he brought his gaze back to Ranboo, and Ranboo leaned forward a bit until Tubbo got the hint and moved to bonk their foreheads together.
“Ugh. It’s too early for your husband shit.”
Ranboo sighed good-naturedly.
“Good morning, Tommy.”
He looked over to Tommy’s boat, where Tommy was stretching. He seemed a bit tired, but not as grumpy about waking up as Michael or Tubbo were.
Tubbo stretched as well, then reached into his inventory, retrieving some baked potatoes and steak. He handed them to Ranboo and Tommy, then took some for himself.
The group ate in silence for a while, letting the morning set in. Ranboo finished, and returned to his seat as Tommy did in the boat next to him, grabbing the paddles.
“Ah, no, I’m rowing now. You did it last night.” Tubbo stood carefully, gently kicking Ranboo’s shin.
Ranboo bit his lip. Tubbo had been so tired, and had gotten so little sleep. Ranboo could survive a couple more hours of rowing if it meant Tubbo got a bit more rest.
“Oh, that’s alright. I’ll be fine, I’m not tired.” Ranboo offered him a smile, to which Tubbo raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t care. Sit your bony ass down on the other seat or I’ll skin you.”
“Why do you always jump to skinning me?”
Ranboo sighed. He supposed Tubbo could row for a bit, and then they could trade again…
“Fine.” Ranboo carefully moved around Tubbo, sitting on the seat opposite him.
Michael jumped up, sitting beside Ranboo and leaning into his side again. Tommy reached across the boats and untied them from each other, tossing the rope down onto the floor of his boat. Tommy and Tubbo began rowing, heading North.
“Hey, Tommy, are you sure you don’t want me to row for you for a while? You didn’t get much sleep last night, so…”
“I got enough. Rest, dumbass.”
Ranboo sighed, resigning to spending the next couple of hours doing nothing. He released Enderchest from his duffel, to which Michael squealed with delight. Enderchest purred as the toddler pet her gently, eventually curling up beside him on the seat.
Ranboo retrieved one of Michael’s books from his bag, and read to him for a while as the toddler clutched his plushie with one hand and pet Enderchest with the other. Ranboo finished the book, and returned it to its place in Michael’s bag. He opened his inventory, grabbing a couple small fish, and turning back to Michael.
“Here, can you feed Enderchest for me?”
Michael nodded excitedly. Ranboo smiled warmly.
“Alright. Hold your hand flat, like this.” Ranboo demonstrated with his own hand, holding it flat with his palm facing the sky.
Michael copied his movement, holding his hand out flat towards Ranboo. Ranboo carefully placed the fish on Michael’s hand, and the toddler wrinkled his nose. Ranboo laughed gently.
“Okay, now you can just move your hand in front of her, and she’ll eat them up!” He carefully guided his son’s hand in front of Enderchest, whose ears perked up at the scent of fish.
Her eyes opened, and she gingerly took one of the fish from Michael’s hand. Michael giggled, leaning backwards. Ranboo steadied him from behind, a grin on his face. Tubbo watched across from them, his eyes and smile soft. Ranboo’s tail wagged happily, gently slapping the inside of the boat.
Enderchest plucked the last fish from Michael’s hand, and Michael pulled his hand back, flapping it happily.
“Can I hug you, Mikey?” Ranboo asked.
Michael nodded, and Ranboo scooped him up, enveloping him in a hug. Michael hugged back as tight as he could, then pulled away, bumping his forehead against his dad’s. A soft purr rumbled from Ranboo’s chest, and Michael flopped down beside him again.
Ranboo yawned, and Tubbo lifted an eyebrow.
“Did you not sleep well last night?”
Ranboo paused. The tendrils of anxiety started gently tugging at his stomach and lungs. He could tell Tubbo he hadn’t slept, but then he would ask why, and Ranboo didn’t want him to think they were bothering him in any way…
“Oh, no, I did, I’m all good, just still a bit tired from travelling all night.” Ranboo smiled what he hoped was a convincing smile.
“What the fuck are you on about?” Tommy’s brow furrowed, “You stayed up to keep an eye on the boats.”
“I, um, fell asleep after you did?”
Tubbo frowned.
“That shouldn’t be a question, Boo.”
“Right, um, sorry, but, I really am okay! You know Endermen need less sleep than humans?”
“That’s a lie.”
Ranboo wrung his hands nervously. Shoot, he’d probably just worried Tubbo more, and it wasn’t like there was anything either of them could do about the issue anyways. He didn’t really feel all that tired either, so it wasn’t really a problem. It’s not like he’d continued to travel all night, he had rested, he just hadn’t, y’know, slept.
“Did you not sleep at all? We could have taken turns, if you were worried. You don’t get to sacrifice your sleep just ‘cause you want us to sleep.” Tubbo watched him carefully, as if watching for any tells he might show.
“It’s, it’s not that, well, maybe it is, a bit? But, um not- not totally, at least, um…” Ranboo rubbed the back of his neck as his friends looked at him quizzically.
He really didn’t want to worry them. Or make them feel guilty. But he was probably just worrying them more by lying. Right? Or maybe not, maybe they were just upset that he’d lied, not worried. But Tubbo looked worried. Ugh, this sucked.
“So, you know how we’re, like, surrounded by, by water?” Ranboo began nervously.
Tubbo and Tommy nodded cautiously. Ranboo bit his lip, and saw something click in Tubbo brain.
“Is the water stressing you out?” He asked, slowly coming to a stop.
Ranboo gulped.
“Well, no, not- not really, it’s not like, stressing me out consciously, but, I think it might be an Enderman thing? Like, instinctual, or something. I, uh, I can’t fall asleep in boats, though. There’s just- too much water, like everywhere, and, uh… yeah,”
Tubbo looked at him sadly, and Ranboo felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. Great, now he’s made Tubbo feel bad, and Tommy probably did too, and Michael was probably confused why everyone was upset, and he was just stressing them all out, and they should have just left him behind-
“Woah, Boo, it’s alright, we’re okay, breathe.” Tubbo placed down his paddles, grabbing Ranboo’s hands as Tommy’s boat drifted up beside them.
“I’m sorry.” Ranboo said quietly.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything. Breathe. In for four, hold for six, out for seven, remember? Just like you do with me.” Tubbo exaggerated his breathing, and Ranboo copied him as best he could.
Guilt continued to tug at his stomach for making Tubbo deal with him.
“There we go. Alright. We’re not upset, or angry, or anything. I just wish you’d told us sooner so we could’ve figured out a better travel plan.” Tubbo explained, rubbing Ranboo’s hands.
Tommy hummed.
“We should be near land soon enough, so we can take horseback from there. We can probably rest for a while once we get to land too. Tubs and I will be tired from rowing anyways.” Tommy said lightly, gesturing behind him as he spoke.
“Yeah, I- yeah, don’t, don’t worry, I’m all good. I’ve stayed up much longer than this, I’m fine.” Ranboo said nervously.
Tubbo stared at him for a moment.
“You gotta understand why that’s not reassuring.”
Tommy stifled a laugh beside them, and Ranboo huffed.
“It’s true, though. I can, I can handle it, y’know? I’m not gonna, like, break just ‘cause I’m awake for longer than usual.”
“You should still get some sleep.” Tubbo argued.
Ranboo’s ears flattened against his head against his will, and Tubbo noticed, his expression softening. He glanced away for a minute, as if thinking, then snapped his fingers.
“What if we covered your eyes?”
Ranboo frowned.
“That sounds horrible.”
“You mean like with a blindfold?” Tommy asked.
“No, of course not a blindfold. What would he do if we got attacked or something?” Tubbo leaned down grabbing the blanket he and Michael had used to sleep.
“I mean, like, what if you slept with a blanket over your head? That way you wouldn’t be able to see the water, and maybe your Enderman instincts would chill out a bit.”
“Like a parrot.” Ranboo grimaced.
“Uhhh… Sort of, yeah.” Tubbo said, grinning.
“Alright, well, you heard the man, down on the floor with you.” Tommy said, pulling a theatrical groan from Ranboo.
“Seriously, Tubbo, I’m fine, I’d much rather just like, nap, once we find land.”
“Nope,” Tubbo said, popping the ‘p,’ “Sit on the floor.”
Ranboo obeyed hesitantly, and Tubbo tossed the blanket over his head. Ranboo’s tail whipped back and forth across the boat in annoyance, and he could feel himself blushing profusely.
“Is this revenge for something?” Ranboo asked lightheartedly.
Tubbo giggled, and Ranboo smiled, though the other two couldn’t see it. He heard something plop down beside him, and was then greeted by Michael shuffling under the blanket, curling up beside him. Tubbo cooed quietly, and Ranboo heard Tommy scoff. He wrapped an arm around Michael, who gently headbutted his shoulder.
“Do you think it’ll work?” Tommy asked.
Ranboo paused for a moment, biting his lip. As much as he hated to admit it, he could feel the tightness in his stomach alleviating as more time went on under the blanket. His foot was pushed out far enough that it was touching Tubbo’s, and with Michael beside him, the instinctual nervousness he got when he didn’t know where his… his “haunting” was, lessened. Enough that he could actually feel the effects of exhaustion in his muscles.
“It probably will and I hate that.” Ranboo finally said.
Tommy and Tubbo cackled, and Ranboo huffed. They delighted in his suffering, and it was horrible. He could feel the sticky tendrils of anxiety loosening from his throat, though, and he could feel his eyes becoming heavier. Another yawn escaped him, and his tail slowly came to a stop, curling around him and Michael. Tubbo sighed happily.
“Get some sleep, Boo. We’ll keep rowing for a while, and we’ll wake you once we find land, alright?”
Ranboo hummed affirmation, his eyes already sliding closed. He felt something placed behind his head, and leaned against it like he would against a pillow. It was soft, probably one of Tubbo’s hoodies. Distantly, he hoped Tubbo wouldn’t be upset at him for using it as a pillow.
He heard Tommy and Tubbo start bickering about something or other, accompanied only by the waves and, occasionally, the distant squawks of seabirds. His eyes slid shut as his heartbeat slowed, and his brain drifted to thoughts of flower fields and apiaries.
20 notes · View notes
ts-2020-olympics · 4 years
EPISODE 4 - "Tribe Swap and TBH This Couldn’t Have Gone Any Better” - Pete
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Tribe swap anyone? So right off the bat, I see that Jacob C. is the tribe captain. I immediately go to him and ask him to pick me for his tribe, so that I can pick Sammy and Sammy can pick Kevin and Kevin can pick a newbie and that newbie will pick a newbie and then that newbie will pick a newbie. GUESS WHAT? It worked!!! We did exactly that, and with all of us working together to build the tribe I think I realized I can trust them for now. I still know that Sammy has an idol, and so that’s useful information. Eventually we are gonna need to get him to drain it but I think maybe it’s gone now, if he could only use it for a few rounds. That’s also probably just what he wants us to think. I also hit a bump in the road with the information I’m holding. I’m trying to play this game very game-focused and not my usual hehe social game is gonna get me there way, even though in this cast...they really don’t care so maybe social would be the way to approach it. Either way, I ended up telling Kevin what I said about Beck in my last video confessional (I know you didn’t watch it so I’ll summarize; beck wanted to exclude kevin from an alliance that was Kevin’s idea). My only regret is that it might have been too soon to plant any seeds of doubt with Kevin about Beck, and that I might be getting played by both of them. But, on the other hand maybe it was the perfect time? We are going to merge....a long time from now. Like a super super long time from now. But, I don’t know I think telling him initiates a trust between us that I don’t have with the other people in this game. I’d really like to go to the end with Jacob C and maybe a random newbie. It just feels so far out of reach at this point, theres literally like...at least 7 more premerge boots and I really hate that. I despise big casts, and especially with this twist because there’s so much time in the middle of the round where everyone is just kind of like...sitting. And I don’t do well in those types of situations. So, it’s feeling bleak right now BUT if I do make it to merge, I’ll be very happy and then if I do make it to FTC I’ll be very happy and then if I don’t win, that’s to be expected and the usual state of what happens.
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This tribe has my 2 "enemies". I don't trust either, I just tried to vote out Billy again too so that's cool. I'm going to go ahead and make friends with Jordan and stoner since they are loners, and we just need one more on top of that to make a new happy family. The thing with voting me out is, when you get me going, I will demolish the game, and given I'm a lot more comfortable in a tribe of 7, it shouldn't be that hard. Taking full control premerge is one of my favorite things to do, but you need a clear cut enemy to do it effectively. I have that enemy, no one else does. Let's see what we can do here.
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Alright, so here's the ordeal.   First off, Bailey got medically evacuated due to getting three strikes (which might have stated this already in past confessional, but whatever,)  and secondly, Will lost out at arena, also getting the eliminated slot.   That left 21 people, and as my suspicions were, I expected a swap to occur, and that one did.   Went in expecting probably wouldn't be one of the first round picks, but ended up getting picked on tribe quicker than I anticipated.   Anyways, I am now on a tribe with Beck, Ben, Caeleb, Juls, Karen and Tommy.   I just couldn't be more happier to be with more active people on a tribe, instead of there just being myself and two others active on my original tribe.   Now, time to hope this new tribe can end the Yushu losing streak and come out as the sole immunity winner with today's challenge.   Then, finally, in regards to the Olympic Village, four times now where I have found nothing, but I went down each end of the village, so I at least now have some sort of insight to all the paths I can take in future village searching rounds.
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HELL FUCKIN YEEAAAHH TRIBE SWAP!! and tbh this couldn’t have gone any better I think. I’ve got jacob c, eve, and sammy here and if we all vote together then that’s enough to be safe. I’m also maybe forming a bond with Landen cus they seem pretty cool and maybe I might be able to land a good social position in this tribe??? Hopefully someone secretly hates somebody so i can jump on that shit to keep me safe
okay so i’m sucking ass at this maverick bird game and i’ve only really performed well in one challenge ever so i’m in danger girls. everyone else here is used to challenges and have all this experience and then there’s my dumbass who has no fuckin clue what he’s doing. i could easily be first out this tribe tonight if no one wants to rock the boat and they all just vote based off challenge strength
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I hate this challenge and I hate these flash games. That is all. 🙃
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so i'm gonna try to keep this short because i have lots of writing to do for a history class, but basically, i've been praying for a swap to get away from the disaster that was sonkei, and last night, i finally got my wish! I wish we had gotten a break day to talk to everyone, because those are always nice when you swap, but i think i'll be able to do fine without it. my tribe breakdown could NOT have gone better! though i didn't end up with anybody i knew particularly well, i ended up with some people i've been talking to AND getting along with. Sammy is someone i love and someone i'm even buying a shirt from lol, nothing to do with the game he just told me about some of his graphic design work and i saw his shirts and i was like... let me buy it. Jacob, i love and we have very similar music taste. Then Nicole i've chatted with a bit, we're not close or anything but i like her! Pete, Eve, and Kevin were all entirely new. I think there's a lot of potential with pete, we've already bonded over crazy people in past games and our anxiety in games. whereas with eve things started off on an... AWKWARD foot, and with kevin, well i just suck at convo and he's not great either. some people are soooo dry and i just don't get it and as far as that goes i'm honestly struggling with some of these conversations like how r ppl so dry... but that being said i get along with everyone on this team and i think it's a really strong team, so i'm hoping that when results come out in like 15 minutes, i'm not proven wrong and we win! i tried really hard on the challenge and while i like everyone on the team (Jacob/Sammy specifically may be very useful as i'm also close with caeleb and they're working together.. Could be a good lil alliance type thing, potentially. I dunno.) i'm not 100% sure how safe i will be at tribal and really i just really, REALLY want a break from tribal. i'm very much #OverIt, and at this rate i genuinely might turn into Denise like Caeleb was joking about. I'm just sick of tribal council at this rate and I really don't want to go again, the arena makes these dynamics impossible and if I'm going to keep going I'm gonna have to keep managing everyone that goes there and back too.... OH BOOM RESULTS CAME OUT DURING TRIBAL AND WE WON! Thank FUCK. But the rest of that still stands about the confusing dynamics, how things are everchanging, and how avoiding tribal... I'm happy about it and hopefully I can continue to do it? I also need to talk things over with Billy, smooth over that dynamic and get him knowing I really do want him till the FINALS. I need him to trust me and the last tribal did not work for that. So it's go time. Thanks for helping me out, Miraitowa, my bomb af run begins now.
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New Yushu, new us! Honestly, I'm really pleased with the tribe, but it sucks to see one of our own go. I have to, with a heavy heart, vote for Karen to go to arena. If all goes well, and I hope it will, they'll bring home the gold for us. :) 
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wooooooo i'm nervous about tribal! unfortunately tribe yushu cannot catch a break even with new tribe members. voting out karen is best for my game but i'm afraid that me pushing for them to leave shows my cards a little too much and i fear that if we go to another tribal next round i'm gonna be in a bad position. i'll do what i can to maintain the connections i have rn and hopefully keep my life in this game going!! on that note. anxiety might kill me
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Well I'm so MAD I LOST THE ARENA, I WAS IN LAST PLACE LAST PLACE! Then all of a sudden I take off and I literally was in first by 10 minutes and I get STUCK on the LAST CLUE and everyone else passes me and beats me. Which leaves me with no medal. Maybe this will lower my threat level because I keep flopping in all the comps but I literally have been trying to win these challenges and I just suck. However, I did make a key social connection with Beck during my time at the arena and I think this could be a good connection for my game. Then the swap comes and I'm like :V and I start messaging Beck because it's schoolyard pick and he messages me and says "If I pick you, will you pick someone I want?" and of course in my head I'm like "Well no duh I want to be in the majority" so I agree and he says "Darcy" so I know he has a tight bond with Darcy so whichever way Beck votes Darcy may follow. Then Darcy chooses Caeleb which I thought was a bit random but maybe they had talked a little and without any hesitation Caeleb chooses Juls *side eye emoji*. Juls I get a read that she is someone who is super dangerous. She's extremely likeable and has made no enemies despite going to tribal 3 times and everytime the person voted out came back. I think she may even be my biggest threat on this tribe. I don't necessarily know if she'll come for me but I don't want to find out. Then Juls talks about bringing Landen aka her partner in crime and in my head I'm like "Please god don't let Landen on this tribe." Thankfully the tribe right before it got to us picked him and she picked Ben because we wanted challenge strength and then Ben randomly chooses Karen aka the person who I wanted out first if Shosha ever want to tribal council and who has bombed most of the challenges this season. Then to make matters worse we BOMB this Immunity, I think these OG Blue people are cursed because they have been going to tribal every round besides the first round of the game. So now my closest ally in the game on my tribe is Beck. We call and Beck tells me about the dynamic how him and Juls know each other and he backstabbed her and he thinks she may want revenge. However, I believe they are about to host an ORG together so it's going to be really hard to convince him to turn on her because then she might say something if she's voted out because they will be hosting together. At the point I was at I was fine with Karen going home over Juls first because Ben said "Let's go for Juls." Then the targets ended up switching around and now everyone wants Karen, which I was still fine with until I get a message maybe an hour later from Karen saying "I really think we should stick together." and then I'm like well I guess this means if Karen stays I'm her #1 and that's very important on a tribe that'll only get smaller, so now I don't want Karen to go home but her odds are looking so narrow that she avoids the arena. However, I think she can pull out a Gold Medal and if she does leave I hope she does come back. I kinda view the tribe as there's the three of the OG Blues (Ben, Darcy, and Beck), the duo of Juls and Caeleb, and the sorta a duo of myself and Karen but nobody really sees us as a duo. Then Juls and Beck have a strong connection, Me and Beck have a strong connection, and Beck and Darcy have a strong connection. Beck has already voiced to me about blindsiding Ben, who I don't know if I can trust but at this point I'm not against it but I rather see Juls go, she's a way bigger threat and I don't think she will return with a gold and it causes tensions if she does return between Beck and Juls and it's off of me. My plan is to just keep Beck as close as I can I need to be his #1, I'll even take a close #2. This way I'm able to secure my safety in the tribe. I'm also trying to get closer to Caeleb in the route we end up going for Juls next and she doesn't come back I think I may be able to scoop him up as a number for me while being on this tribe and developing a bond that can last a while. Ideally Juls leaves tonight however, it'll sadly be Karen with that being said my perfect scenario is Karen wins the gold medal comes back, if we go to tribal again we meaning (myself, darcy, ben, and beck possibly karen) blindside Juls/Caeleb sending Juls home and she looses in the arena, I scoop up Caeleb, keep Karen close, Beck close, and then go for a blindside against Ben using (myself, karen, beck, and caeleb) even if Ben returns I think he'll feel most betrayed by Beck, and keep my options open from there. This way I'll start taking out people I feel like are dangerous that won't be targeted and I make my threat level smaller while creating strong bonds with people, and have other people be mad at each other. Hopefully all of this while we win a few immunities so that we aren't completely decimated by the time we get to a swap.  
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This swap is good, I either wanted Billy or Nik out and that seems to be happening. Nik and Sarah aren't talking to me. I'm immune. Y'all confusing
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Pretty sure I sent in confessional already this round, but why not, let's send another.  I don't got too much to add since my past confessional, but my tribe lost immunity.   Seeming like the vote is going to be Karen, but who knows, could be me, or could be someone else, I am not fully certain how this vote will end up playing out.
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i love my new tribe with my whole entire heart!! sm i going to tribal again? maybe so. HOWEVER, they’re all angels and i can’t wait to continue to work with them 
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hello i'm retracting my previous confessional bc now i actually have a reason to vote out someone who isn't karen. the vote is flipping on ben which i'm okay with because apparently he did something that upset caeleb and i want everybody to be comfortable playing this game. so hey, at least i know i'm safe tonight
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Anyway so my UTR game is over and now it’s time to make a confessional! We’ve swapped tribes or whatever and of course I get swapped onto a tribe without nicole or Kevin so basically my back is against the wall /:. Anyway so I have tommy, juls, caeleb, Ben, becks and Darcy on my tribe now and they all suck at challenges apparently sjdbdjdndj like I didn’t do well on immunity but I didn’t even try which in retrospect wasn’t a good idea because now these freaks are targeting me as the weakest. So Ben and becks last night were basically like yeah we’re probably voting for you /: like first of all....fuck u, the only reason you tell me that is because you don’t think I have a chance to save myself, I don’t want your stupid pity confession, at least TRY to strategize with me. It took everything in me not to snap at them, I mean I kinda went off on becks but w/e they can’t be so naive. Anyway so I was talking to nicole and Kevin trying to save my ass and we figured out that I would have majority if I got me & tommy and the two people who were on other tribe so that was my mission for today. I think I talked enough with both caeleb and juls to convince them to work with tommy and I but I’m also a little weary /: I can’t be too sure and that scares me so anyway I’m gonna look for an idol hopefully I find something and hopefully no one is playing my ass right now or else it’s GG to me /: also becks is on board with voting Ben which like yikes if Ben finds out lol. Ben messaged me recently so I need to deal with that because I assume someone told him something ugh why do these newbies suck ):
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Sooooooo I really need to keep my mouth shut sometimes. I didn't want Nik or I to go so I thought that we could avoid it, however chris didn't wanna swap. This really sucks because I didn't want Nik to go but I didn't make any effort to try and save him, which is odd for me. Had Chris and I voted out Sarah, it would've been fine. However, I'm now probably gonna be the biggest target in this tribe. BRING IT BITCHES I'M READY.
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Maybe I should watch more of the actual Survivor show, but I'm now fully realizing that how well someone plays the game does not directly correlate to them winning...it's all politics and drama 🙃 
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These people are literally insane. This is hilarious. I'm still on thin ice but this position is a lot better than my last one. Billy sucks. Common theme. Nik showed up at the live tribal but not to anyone's dms.
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After seeing the MESSY ass tribal Sonkei just had, AGAIN, I am so glad I finally got the fuck off that tribe and onto a new one. The curse of Suckei really does exist, it's an absolute trainwreck tribe... That being said I had to laugh, and it might go down as one of the best tribes in history. Those iconic trainwrecky Survivor tribes are just.. ugh. That being said, I am SO SICK OF EMMA SURVIVING. PLEASE KICK HER ASS THE FUCK OUT OF THE GAME LIKE I HATE HER! ......Okay moving on from that outburst :) One thing this does remind me of though, is that I need to become more active in my pursuit to understand dynamics. I kinda wanted to take a step back and just observe during the swap, because usually I overplay out. And here, I just want to chill, and let people kind of forget that I ran shit on Original Sonkei. Forget that I was the leader there, who dominated everything with an iron fist (even if sometimes accidentally... Trainwreck vibes!) and just think of me as a cute derpy 16 yr old player again. That was my plan, but I'm starting to get nervous. This late in the game and I'm still in no official alliance chats, I may be losing Billy, and i'm ANXIOUS about the future. I definitely need to work harder on things moving forward, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.
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psa krispy kreme is evil like they have bullshit random ass “deals” like 8 days a week for NO REASON like this one time it was New Year’s Eve so duh it’ll already be busy but corporate decided hey let’s do an annoying ass BOGO for $2 deal to torture our retail workers and I was working fucking drive thru that day and lemme tell you there have been very few times my patience and emotional strength have been toyed with by the force of god and i sure as hell wasnt prepared to have it at fucking 8 in the fucking morning i was so tempted to just tell every customer we make our donuts with bleach and orphan meat. it’s fucking 1 AM and i told myself i’d sleep at like 8 or 9 like a responsible adult but nooOOOOoo i just HAD to forget to eat so i have to make food and eat it so now i’m at midnight and gotta do this challenge or whatever so now i have fuckin 5 hours for my ugly ass to get enough beauty rest to be a lovely customer service representative of Krispy Kreme Enterprises™ and i’m gonna hate waking up i’m dreading it i have so much to do. i got off topic but yeah fuck arena fuck everyone in this game go eat a dick i’m upset and idk what else to say i ran out of angry words fuck that challenge and fuck billy dude why is he still here fuck the fuckin olympics nobody benefits from them except the greedy billionaires at the top like not even the athletes benefit that much they still gotta work average jobs like the rest of us like i always though olympic athletes were rich and shit but no they get screwed over royally and the places that host the olympics get shit on horribly it’s just an all around awful event doing nothing but spreading blind nationalism which is dangerous fuck america dude america’s a piece of shit and i’m allowed to say that i’m from florida fuck you anyways i’m tired bye fuck this  
and fuckin who the fuck is ben dude like no Nik was robbed bring Nik back fuckin ben from fuckin wannabe yujo tribe didn’t he go in a unanimous vote yikes also shoutout to whatever dumbass cancelled his vote that was a waste like why didn’t you save that shit dude fuck arena btw and fuck sonkei lmao loser ass tribe go win a challenge or something wow people are really gonna hate me when then airs but oh well i’m venting i’m at a breaking point and i don’t wanna fuckin go to work dude fuck fuckin yushu and fuck sonkei just throw the whole tribe away it’s Yujo final 3 bitches and fuck everybody else 
literally like i was added and my phone was still loading ALL the messages from all that fucking lag and already they started the round before i knew what was going on so i was just blind going in so fuckin stoner ass weee bitch got it when i wasn’t even there like ooh you won a challenge against nobody go fuck yourself by the time i could see the messages it was already over and they were like “sns you were here :/// go die i guess lmao loser” so yeah i’m a lil heated and it’s fucking 1:30 i can only get 3 and a half hours of sleep fuck this 
okay now it’s real strategy time. Nik just got robbed and I found out from Sarah that Billy’s leading the new Sonkei and wants her out next. Okay first off how the hell was he not voted out for not even doing the challenge? Second, if he’s targeting Yujo’s then he’s officially made the biggest mistake in the game. Eve and I are now on a mission to lead the Sonkei tribe to get rid of Billy as he should’ve been day 1. I think I can maybe convince Jordan and Chris, we just need 3 to have a chance. 
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After swap 1
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After nik got voted out
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after winning arena
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I’m fucking tireddddddd of going to tribal this game is not shaking out how I want it to. 
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TRIBE SWAP BLESS THE TRIBE SWAP! i did truly like caeleb sammy and jacob a lot as people but like I was so going home if we lost its crazy. Now hopefully I can work with them without such tight a line keeping us together. ANYWAYS! we swap and I am in a fantastic position, i basically just took over tribe in terms of power. First thing i do is allign with stoner which is so funny to me. I realized hes someone whose general clout in the community is more disliked than me, so maybe i can make him my goat. I wonder if hes thinking the same about me. I wanted to work with billy but that guy is crazy like and that would be fine, if he was just normal crazy, but hes also the type of crazy thats like flip a vote at tribal for no reason and like I cant deal with that. I thought he had potnetial for a jordan pines minion, but sadly I think he might have to go. Anyways we lose teh challenge and em wants to target nik, em is somoene i super vibe with tbh so we get on board. HOwever she doesnt watn to tell sarah and im like OPPORTUNITY. I have had some great bonding with Sarah and think I have secured her loyaly to myself. I let her know about nik and got her to play dumb while still keeping her in the know. Now i think shes really loyal to me So after all that heres where stand. i have a 4 person alliance with me Stoner Em and Jacob which will likely take out billy if we lose again.the plan is the use sarah as a fifth on the side but my plan is a lil different. I want to keep sarah as tight to me as possible and when the time comes to take her out, do what I got to do to keep the people I think will progress me furthest in teh game. I don't think I am in danger of going this tribe swap so I need to use this opportunity to make sure I am okay for whatever comes after it.
1 note · View note
Abusive Parents: Desmond’s father, a veteran of the first World War, is a physically abusive alcoholic, though the movie goes to lengths to humanize him despite his faults (Mel Gibson himself has problems with alcohol). It is shown quite plainly that he does love his sons and wife, but his experiences in the horror that was the Great War and his subsequent alcoholism have turned him into the person he is. It also helps that he saves Desmond from being court-martialed by presenting a letter from the Brigadier General.
Adorkable: Desmond Doss. Just look at this first interactions with Dorothy in the hospital.
Adult Fear: Desmond’s parents get a heavy dose of this in the beginning when Desmond and Hal get into a fight ending with the former knocking the latter unconscious with a brick. Hal thankfully survives, but Desmond and his mother are aware that Desmond could’ve killed him.
The Alcoholic: Desmond’s father is a slave to the bottle.
Artistic License – Military: During the basic training scenes, none of the recruits have shaved heads, which is the standard for recruits going through boot camp. Given the hard work Gibson put in to make certain the film was as historically accurate as possible, this is very puzzling.
The Atoner:
Badass Pacifist: Doss, a conscientious objector who ends up saving 75 of his comrades during one of the most ferocious battles of the Pacific War as a combat medic. Without firing a single bullet.
Batman Grabs a Gun: Towards the end, Doss is seen picking up a M1 rifle. It’s ultimately subverted as he still stays true to his “Thou Shalt Not Kill” belief and is instead using the rifle as a grip for a makeshift stretcher to evacuate Sergeant Howell.
Bayonet Ya: The Japanese soldiers use their bayonets to make sure their enemies are really dead.
BFG: Smitty Ryker wields a M1918 BAR with lethal effect, mowing down dozens of Japanese soldiers.
Big Damn Heroes: Desmond of course saves the lives of his fellows as a medic. More surprising is when earlier in the film, during Desmond’s trial, his father arrives with a letter from the Brigadier General that exonerates Desmond, saving Desmond from being court-martialed.
Biopic: Of Badass Pacifist Desmond T. Doss.
Blind Alley: Hiding behind a dead corner in the tunnel, Desmond successfully evades capture by the Japanese.
Boom, Headshot: A lot of people take this, and we see the results that aren’t Pretty Little Headshots.
Both Sides Have a Point: The army is not inherently wrong for being anxious about having a soldier who doesn’t want to kill anyone, or even touch a weapon. But Doss, who believes that it would be wrong for him to not be a medic on the battlefield, feels that doing so would violate his religious beliefs, and it’s noted that forcing him to do so would violate the same constitutional rights they are fighting for.
Bottomless Magazines: Some scenes have soldiers firing their guns a lot longer than typical. Most notably with Smitty and his BAR and Sergeant Howell with his M3 “Grease Gun”.
Bulletproof Human Shield: Smitty uses a rather gruesomely mangled corpse of an American soldier as a shield while charging the enemy.
Catapult Nightmare: Desmond has two. In the first, he relives a memory of his fight with his father (see The Atonerabove), waking up abruptly when the gun goes off during the struggle. The second one is during the night on the ridge as he and Smitty are resting in a foxhole. Desmond sees a flare go up overhead and lifts his head to look out of the hole, only to find himself face-to-face with a squad of Japanese soldiers, who then proceed to storm the hole, killing Smitty while one of the soldiers is about to kill Desmond with a bayonet. Desmond wakes up right as he’s about to be killed.
Chekhov’s Skill: Sergeant Howell makes fun of Doss’s double-loop knot, but Doss later uses this knot to help lower wounded soldiers off Hacksaw Ridge … including Sergeant Howell.
Combat Medic: Doss joined the army for this, as despite his religious convictions in regards to killing he did believe the war was justified. However, the army’s job description and his personal belief eventually clashed and led to his court-martial. He eventually fits more in the role as The Medic.
Compressed Adaptation: Some events have been time-compressed.
Cool Boat: The Iowa-class battleship supporting the troops offshore counts, as it saves Doss from getting assaulted by the Japanese at a critical point in the battle.
Cut Himself Shaving: Doss not only refuses to name the men in his unit who beat him during the night, but he goes a step further by denying he was even beaten at all, saying to an astonished Howell, “I sleep pretty hard”.
Daydream Surprise: Desmond has one where he and Smitty are killed by Japanese soldiers. It’s only after his Catapult Nightmare that the scene is revealed to be a dream.
Deliberate Values Dissonance:
Determinator: Doss was resolved to save as many lives as he could, even if there’s just a remote chance of helping them, until he either collapsed or died trying.
Dies Wide Open: Smitty. Doss closes them while in tears.
Doesn’t Like Guns: Desmond’s become allergic to guns as a result of his traumatic confrontation with his dad when trying to protect his mom.
Domestic Abuser: Desmond’s father would sometimes be physically abusive to Desmond’s mother.
Do Not Do This Cool Thing: Stated in-film by Tom Doss, Desmond’s father, when he lectures his son about how everyone wanted to do the cool thing, and then die from it.
Drill Sergeant Nasty: Naturally, Sergeant Howell mocks Doss for his pacifist convictions during training. He also ends up turning the rest of his squad against Doss for claiming he doesn’t want to pick up a gun because he’s a coward. However, after Doss gets beaten up by his squad members, Howell takes pity on Doss and shows greater respect for his principles. But he still believes Doss doesn’t belong in the army and should quit.
Drowning My Sorrows: A defining characteristic of Desmond’s father.
Earn Your Happy Ending: After going through absolute hell to rescue the 75 men, Doss earns the respect and admiration of his comrades and superiors and eventually gets back to the US where he lives a long happy life with Dorothy and their son Tommy on a small farm in northwestern Georgia, despite his injuries and the lingering effect of the tuberculosis he contracted during the war. Desmond and Dorothy were together for just shy of 50 years, until her death in 1991. Desmond remarried Frances Duman in 1993, and remained with her until his death in 2006 at the age of 87.
Et Tu, Brute?: Desmond suffers a moment of this when even Dorothy calls him prideful for being unwilling to at least hold a gun. She quickly takes it back though, realizing that she loves him because his principles make him different.
Expy: Smitty Ryker resembles Richard Reiben from Saving Private Ryan. Both are athletically built BAR gunners with generally abrasive personalities and initially butt heads with the protagonist of the film until finally resolving their differences during the concluding battle of their respective films. Unlike Reiben however, Ryker does not survive the story.
Fire-Forged Friends: Doss and Smitty Ryker start off very antagonistic, even before Doss’s status as a conscientious objector was revealed, but they end up being close to another to the point Doss refuses to abandon his dead body even when in imminent danger of getting killed by the Japanese.
Foregone Conclusion: Those aware of Doss’ achievements know that he’ll survive the horror of Okinawa.
Get It Over With: In his Troubled Backstory Flashback, we see Desmond pointing a gun at his drunk father who begs him to pull the trigger.
Gorn: It’s a film about World War II directed by Mel Gibson; this is to be expected. The battle sequences are drenched in horrific, bloody, realistic violence. People have their limbs blown off, intestines spilling out of their bodies, bodies exploding in bloody fashions, exposed nerves and bones and a decapitation. The camera does not look away from any of this.
Grave-Marking Scene: After Desmond enlists, he confronts his father about his decision at the cemetery where his father’s three best friends are buried, all killed in the battlefields in France during the Great War. Thomas revels over the anguish he’s faced in the wake of their deaths, and does not wish to face the same with his sons.
Grenade Hot Potato: During the Japanese fake surrender scene, Doss sees two Japanese hand grenades coming and smacks one away with his palm and kicks the other away, but one ends up wounding him.
Heroic B.S.O.D.: Doss has one after Smitty’s death. He asks God what he should do and finds his answer in saving as many injured as he can.
Hey, Wait!
Honour Before Reason: Doss refuses to hold a weapon, even for training purposes at the threat of court martial.
How We Got Here: The film begins with Desmond being carried on a gurney. Then, the scene cuts to him as a child.
I Have a Family: A wounded soldier frantically says he has kids when another medic soldier tells Desmond to give the solider some morphine and leave him. Desmond gives the wounded soldier some morphine, but doesn’t leave him.
Improvised Weapon:
Irony: A pacifist soldier ends up saving the lives of over 75 soldiers, even after being branded as a coward and even beaten by many of them.Sergeant Howell: Private Doss does not believe in violence. Do not look to him to save you on the battlefield.
I Surrender, Suckers: A group of Japanese soldiers emerge waving a white flag, but then toss grenades at the Americans.
Jerkass Has a Point: Jerks they may be, the men in army are right that a battlefield isn’t the best place for a pacifist.Captain Glover: If one of them attacks you and some wounded soldier, what are you gonna do? Hit him with your Bible?
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Smitty. He acts quite assholish to Desmond because of the latter’s nonviolent beliefs, even smacking him with his bible. He was also against another group of men for beating up Doss for the reason. And later on, he proves to be quite brave and selfless in battle, and even admits that he can be an asshole.
Jumped at the Call: Desmond Doss does this and enlists in the Army despite his pacifist beliefs. He states that he could’ve just stayed home working at a plant, but felt it was his duty to go out and that it wasn’t right to sit at home peacefully while boys go out and fight and those who couldn’t waste away at home.
Jumping on a Grenade: One American soldier contains a grenade’s blast by forcing an enemy soldier to jump on one. Another protects his company by trapping a grenade between the enemy and himself, though he doesn’t die and is recovered by Doss later.
Kiss-Kiss-Slap: Desmond kissing Dorothy without her concent - yet also without much resistance - lands him a slap afterwards.
The Lady’s Favour: Before heading off to Basic Training, Dorothy gives Desmond a compact Bible with a picture of her inside. He loses it after he gets hit by a grenade, but his comrades manage to recover it from the battlefield and give it to him before he is shipped to a hospital.
Libation for the Dead: Opens with Tom Doss pouring out some whiskey at the gravesite of his fallen comrades from World War I.
Love at First Sight: Desmond falls for Dorothy the first moment he sees her.
Ludicrous Gibs: As covered under Gorn, and being in a battle as bloody as the one from Saving Private Ryan, both the struggles and post-struggle battlefields are a messy shower of dismembered bodies.
Made of Iron: Andy “Ghoul” Walker. In the first assault on Hacksaw, he gets blown away by a mortar round and comes off with a head bump. Later, he gets wounded again in the Japanese counter-attack. Despite that, he still is present in the final assault on Hacksaw at the end of the film.
Man on Fire: The Americans use flamethrowers, and there are several shots of men in flames running about as well as scenes showing still-burning corpses.
Meaningful Echo: When Doss makes a double-loop knot at basic training, Howell mocks it by saying he’s supposed to be “tying a bowline, not building a bra”. Doss jokingly repeats it back to Howell as he uses the same loop to lower Howell down the ridge to safety.
The real reason for Desmond refusing to hold a gun was because he nearly killed his father with his own gun after having enough of his abuse to his mother and himself and despite having all the hate in the world for his father, he doesn’t kill him and this incident shames him from ever holding a gun.
And while it may not have completely cleaned him of his sins, Doss’ father coming to his defense with a letter exonerating Doss from the court-martial.
Desmond was not actually wounded and evacuated in a daylight assault at Hacksaw Ridge. He was wounded a couple of weeks later in the Okinawa Campaign.
In reality, Desmond’s bible went missing as he dragged himself to safety. Months after he was shipped home, he found it in the mail; his entire company, who once mocked him for his convictions, searched up and down Hacksaw until they found it.
After Doss’ first date with Dorothy, he kisses her without consent, resulting in a smack. While it does show that even she found it creepy and unsettling and was ultimately quick to dismiss it, his actions does show how differently they treated things like this back in the 1940s.
Given the time period, the racial slur for Japanese people, “Japs”, is used quite frequently.
During the Japanese counter-attack, a few soldiers take mortar shells, clang the primer on their helmets, and throw them at the incoming Japanese troops.
Inverted when Doss uses an M1 Garand as a grip for a makeshift stretcher for Sergeant Howell, never using it to fire at his enemies.
Messianic Archetype: Doss’s dedication to saving people comes from his religious belief, so the movie frames him as a Christ figure. This is a favorite trope of Mel Gibson’s, and he employs a lot of Christological imagery.
A Minor Kidroduction: After the How We Got Here scene, Desmond (with his brother, Hal) is seen as a child a scene later.
Missing Mom: Smitty tells Desmond that his mother left him at an orphanage as a child and he’s never seen her since.
Momma’s Boy: Desmond gets his strong faith from his mother. The reason he starts his belief on never holding a gun is because of his actions trying to protect her mother from his father.
Mr. Fanservice: The only reason to have Milt ‘Hollywood’ in the picture.
Multiple Demographic Appeal: The first act centers around the love story between Desmond and Dorothy which clearly caters to the female audience while the second and third act are depicting the brutal reality of war which is more appealing to the male audience.
My God, What Have I Done?: Sergeant Howell is clearly shocked when seeing the beating Doss received from the other men in his unit, and knows a lot of the blame is on him since he’d been repeatedly telling the men they couldn’t rely on Doss to help them in combat, and punishing the entire unit for Doss refusing to pick up a rifle or work on Saturdays. Situations like this are the very reason why it is now strictly forbidden to punish an entire unit for the actions of one member.
Naked People Are Funny: Milt 'Hollywood’ Zane suffers from this after Sergeant Howell forces him to complete training while naked.
Narrating the Obvious: Just so the audience knows what going on, Desmond says out loud “We just lost our cover.” when the Navy ends its bombardment of the battle field.
Never Give the Captain a Straight Answer: Played literally when a private calls Captain Glover to make him aware of 'Hollywood’ and other injured having returned from the battle field via Doss’ hands.Private: Captain. There’s something you gotta see.
The Nicknamer: Sergeant Howell during the start of boot camp assigns several nicknames, a few stick like 'Ghoul’ and 'Hollywood’. Desmond also earns the name 'Cornstalk’.
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Several draftees of Doss’ unit beat him to a pulp at the training camp for his refusal to fight as it caused them to suffer as well.
No One Gets Left Behind: This is Doss’s raison d'être after the first battle. Resolved to save as many lives as he can before either collapsing from exhaustion or dying, he continuously pushes on regardless of his own safety. When he’s finally forced to flee, he takes Smitty’s body with him.
Not Afraid to Die: Even before setting foot anywhere near Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond is fully prepared to give his life for his country and the men he served alongside with, exemplified by the fact that he was willing and daring to die unarmed.
Oh, Crap!: Doss has this moment while he’s pulling wounded off the battlefield after the other troops have pulled back. The Navy ends its bombardment because there are still soldiers on the ridge, but for Doss, the explosions were the primary things forcing the Japanese soldiers to keep their heads down and the dust and smoke raised by them kept him from being seen.Doss: We just lost our cover!
Orbital Kiss: Downplayed. When Desmond and Dorothy kiss on the mountain top, the camera does a 180° turn around them.
Papa Wolf: Desmond’s father fought his way into the military proceedings to deliver a letter to the judge that would keep Desmond from getting court-martialed.
Peek-A-Boo Corpse: Desmond’s Oh, Crap! moment when bumping into a hanged Japanese in the tunnel system underneath the battle field.
Pet the Dog:
Playing Possum: Desmond plays dead on the battle field in order to avoid being detected and killed by the enemy forces.
Pocket Protector: Surprisingly averted. The attention given to Dorothy’s bible opened up the possibility for it to play a larger role in saving Desmond’s life but it didn’t come to be.
Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: Captain Glover delivers one for his company in the final assault attempt at Hacksaw.Glover: Let’s go to work.
Punch a Wall: While incarcerated at Fort Jackson, Desmond finds himself backed into a corner, being treated like a coward, a traitor and now a criminal just because he WON’T kill, pushing him close enough to the breaking point that he dukes it out with a brick wall.
Reactive Continuous Scream: The first day on the ridge, the unit’s cover is blown when a “corpse” sits up and screams, causing the soldier facing him to scream as well. This goes on for a couple of seconds until both are killed by enemy gunfire.
Reality Is Unrealistic: Mel Gibson decided not to include some of the more unbelievable aspects to the story.
A Real Man Is a Killer: Doss does his very best to avert this.
Redemption Equals Death: Smitty dies in battle not long after he and Doss bond and move past their initial antagonism.
Right Under Their Noses:
Runaway Groom: Discussed. The priest at Desmond’s and Dorothy’s wedding mentions this trope as a possible reason for Desmond’s no show.
Save the Villain: During his excursion in the Japanese tunnel system, Doss ends up face to face with a wounded Japanese soldier. After a moment of registration, Doss simply applies first-aid onto the enemy soldier despite knowing full well what the Japanese could do if they found him. Also noted is that the Americans picking up the wounded that were lowered down from Hacksaw Ridge mentioned that Doss not only lowered down their fellow soldiers, but wounded Japanese as well.
Say Your Prayers: Desmond draws strength and courage from his faith through prayer through the ordeal he faced at Hacksaw Ridge. The second attack is held up for 10 minutes because Desmond was still busy praying.
Seppuku: The closing scenes of the battle on the ridge show the Japanese commanders going through this to show that, this time, they really have been defeated.
“Shaggy Dog” Story: During the Japanese counter-attack, Doss encounters an injured medic from the unit that merged with Doss’. He attempts to administer aid, but the medic insists that the plasma infusion should go to someone who needs it more than he does. Doss then finds a wounded Andy “Ghoul” Walker and administers aid with the plasma, but a stray bullet ends up shattering the container. In the aftermath of the battle back at the wound station, it was revealed that the medic who refused the plasma didn’t make it because he ended up going into shock due to lack of plasma.
Shell-Shocked Veteran: Desmond’s father is this, having witnessed horrors during the Great War.
Shell-Shock Silence: Desmond has such a moment at his first visit to the hospital when all voices around him drown out as he is looking around the busy emergency room.
Shoot the Medic First: As per the environment of the Pacific War, a fellow combat medic points out to Doss that the Japanese put a premium on medics, and he advises Doss to remove all medic markings while giving Doss a helmet without a cross.
Survival Mantra: Doss carries on through the night seeking out surviving wounded men and carrying them to the ridge by repeating “Please Lord, help me get one more.”
Survivor Guilt: Desmond’s father is hinted to have this, as he lost his three closest childhood friends on the battlefields in France during the First World War.
Sympathy for the Devil: Desmond’s father may be a physically abusive alcoholic, but one can’t help but feel sorry for him as more of his past is seen. He served in the Great War, in which he bore witness to seeing his best friends killed and now feels he’s the only one who seems to bother remembering them. He’s not abusive towards his family just for the sake of it and he clearly does love them, it’s just that he’s in so much pain inside that he can’t help being what he is.
Thousand-Yard Stare: Some of the fellow soldiers Desmond and his troop encounter during their arrival at Hacksaw Ridge have this blank look on their faces due to the horrors they have witnessed.
Thou Shalt Not Kill: Doss’s conviction through and through. He is even a vegetarian because of it.
Title Drop: “That’s our objective! Hacksaw Ridge!”
Troubled Backstory Flashback: The traumatic incident where Desmond points a gun at his father is explored in two flashback scenes.
Very Loosely Based on a True Story: A number of events were changed or left out of the movie:
Vomit Indiscretion Shot: One American soldier pukes on-screen.
War Is Hell:
“Where Are They Now?” Epilogue: The film ends with video and photos explaining what happened to Desmond after Hacksaw, along with clips from interviews with the real-life Desmond, his brother Hal, and Captain Jack Glover. Desmond was later awarded the Medal of Honor by Harry S. Truman for his courageous actions at Hacksaw Ridge, was married to Dorothy until her death in 1991, and passed away in 2006 at the age of 87.
You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Sergeant Howell’s reaction twice to Doss using a M1 rifle to make a makeshift stretcher and to Doss using a double-loop knot (which Howell had mocked during training) to lower him from the top of the ridge.
Zerg Rush: True to World War II Japan, the Japanese soldiers attempt a Banzai charge that only ends up being stopped by a battleship dropping shots directly on the battle area.
Doss is initially persecuted by those he later saves.
Doss’ shower after his long night on Hacksaw Ridge looks like a bucket of water baptizing him, as water and blood flow down, the same as flowed out of Jesus on the cross.
After his second day at Hacksaw Ridge when he is med-evac’ed, Doss’ trip down on a gurney is shot as though he was ascending into heaven.
Sergeant Howell, whose has been one of the many military personnel to give Desmond a hard time because of his nonviolent beliefs, is visibly disturbed at the beating Desmond took by some of the other men. And, for the first time, he gently tries to persuade Desmond to just pick up a gun.
As much of a Jerkass Smitty was during boot camp, even he felt that some of the other men attacking Doss in the middle of the night while he was sleeping was taking things too far.
Smitty offers one of his cigarettes to one of the soldiers who has been at Hacksaw Ridge longer and is traumatized by it.
After being injured and taken off the battlefield, Doss actually rolled off the stretcher when he noticed a man more injured than him and demanded they take him instead. While they were gone, he was shot by a sniper, shattering his left arm, and he crawled 300 yards by himself in the hellfire of battle to safety. This was omitted because Gibson feared that nobody would believe that had happened.
While lowering men down the ridge, a Japanese soldier had Doss in his sights several times, and every time he did, his gun jammed, preventing him from shooting him. This was also omitted amidst fears of unbelievability.
Doss has the idea to cover an injured comrade and himself with dirt to hide from incoming Japanese soldiers.
The Japanese are revealed to have the entire ridge tunneled, allowing them to show up anywhere.
While dodging enemy fire, Doss hides inside a Japanese tunnel, where he must dodge more enemy soldiers. In one corridor, patrols miss him because he uses the darkness to his advantage by standing in a corner facing the wall and possibly because the Japanese never expected an American inside said tunnel.
The event of Desmond almost shooting his father after a fight with his mother. In real life the fight was between Desmond’s father and his uncle, and his mother stepped in to take away the gun, getting Desmond to hide it. Desmond also had an older sister, Audrey, who was not portrayed in the film.
Desmond didn’t meet Dorothy while she was a nurse at a hospital. In fact she didn’t become a nurse until after the war. They met when she came to his church selling Adventist books. He also didn’t miss their wedding by being put in a holding cell, as they were already married by that point.
Desmond’s prior combat at the Battle of Guam and the Battle of Leyte is skipped over, making it seem as if the Battle of Okinawa was his first combat experience.
The assault on Hacksaw Ridge seems to only last a few days, although Desmond’s Medal of Honor citation covers events over about 3 weeks, and the Battle of Okinawa itself lasted 82 days.
There are also the events covered above under Reality Is Unrealistic which were left out as Mel Gibson felt the audience wouldn’t believe them as part of a true story.
The film does not shy away from any of the gore and savagery that happens between the Japanese and the Americans in the fight for Hacksaw Ridge.
Doss’s father invokes this when both his sons sign up for active service, as Desmond’s younger brother Harold enlisted in the Navy. Having survived the Great War, he naturally doesn’t want them to go into battle only to suffer as he did, and tells them that whatever they might think of war, it’s infinitely worse than they can possibly imagine.
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