#and loser bf ellie
saintels · 22 days
𝜗𝜚 NSFW 18+
loser bestfriend ellie who all of a sudden turns into loser/sub top ellie after fucking you for the first time with the strap on she found in your closet.
she’s so fucking obsessed with the way you look when you bounce on her hips, nails tearing at her freckled skin as you string out the most beautiful sounds she thinks she’s ever heard anyone make in her entire life. her mouth drops open and she freezes as you fall into her, still trying to comprehend the whole thing as your face is buried in her neck, whimpering and gasping for your breath.
her hands tremble as they come up to wrap around you, long fingers tracing patterns into your skin in an attempt to calm you down.
she can’t fathom how needy you are or how you paw at her biceps in an attempt to get her to move her hips because you ‘feel so empty’. she can’t fathom the obsession you have of her that grows days after, constantly pressing against her or trying to get her alone or trying to be in her arms. she can’t fathom any of it except the part where she knows she’s fucking loving it.
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waitinqroom · 11 months
thinking about when i had a boyfriend but before he was my boyfriend and we were just talking i tried to tell him about how this one girl led me on really badly (i still have a buncha posts on here from fall 2021 about liking her, lol) as friends confiding in friends . but then after i told the story he tried to convince me that she didnt actually lead me on and i was just delusional
#like. what.#she literally led me on. like. she fuckin kissed me and shit#and i was so into her. and she knew it and she used it until she got what she wanted from someone else and then she dropped me into oblivio#she also used me again near the end of summer 2022 when i was getting over aforementioned ex bf but. i dont talk about that one with Anyon#anyways back to the ex. he literally just made me feel so. unwanted. all the damn time#and then expected me to basically just be his mother. cuz he had fuckin mommy issues that he wouldnt acknowledge#when . that wasnt what i fucking wanted at all. i just wanted to Be wanted and that was the one thing from a literal boyfriend he never gav#he never even complimented me or any of that shit. and he was So bad at kissing and touching me lmfao#he was. such an unbelievably Bad partner . like i still get hives thinking about it lmao#and i still dated him. for. a whole summer#and a couple months before that summer#and then i drunk called him several times in the months after that breakup#i was just convinced that no one else would ever even be interested in me. lol. so i just held on to him for a hot minute#but. then i pulled the hottest guy in my town (not exaggerating. he literally Is. like its a known fact. everyone agrees on it)#and he's a much better kisser.#and he's so much more fun to hang out with . like every moment with him feels like an a24 film or a lana del rey song#and now me and my friends always just talk about the ex as a meme bc. hes such a fucking loser#so. fuck him#(fuck him as in fuck my ex and fuck him as in literally fuck the hot guy)#hi ellie if youre seeing this.#r
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dumblilb · 8 months
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- I Knew Then (friends to lovers smut)
- Clingy!Ellie Headcanons (smut/fluff)
- Losing It Lately (loser!Ellie x bf!Reader)
- Anniversary!Ellie Headcanons (smut/Fluff)
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starrybl1ss · 6 months
lora's masterlist of shit.𖥔 ݁ ˖✧˖°₊ ⊹
--★vanessa shelly
world class sinner / dark,posessive,jelous vanessa x fem!reader
you drew stars around my scars / stargazing (fluff)
soft dom!vanessa eating u out
--★ ellie williams
cold! / snow day & ice skating (fluff)
boyfriend / trying to proof you that she's better than your bf
last friday night / getting drunk w/ loser!ellie at your party and makes out in the bathroom
making ellie almost pass out from overstimming
making ellie actually passing out from over stimming
--★ ada wong
love game / spy!ada getting drunk and ends up hooking up with reader in the night club bathroom stall
--★ others
(ellabs x reader) burning desire / ghostface!ellie & ghostface!abby fucking you after they revealed themself as ghostface
--★ series
E.W : enchanting secrets (hogwarts au)
part 1 (sfw)
part 2 (nfsw)
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elsweetheart · 1 year
Part 2 was AMAZING loved it so much! Love that what happened with the bf after is kinda up for interpretation, I’d love to think Ellie stood by the reader the whole time she broke it off or even that the reader just totally ghosts him 💅 either way an absolute slay of a reas will definitely be one I’ll go back to :D
thank you so much bby🥹🥹🥹
in my mind, they were all tired and delirious and just texted him “we’re done loser” on readers phone whilst giggling, before turning on do not disturb and having a sleepy makeout session <33
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angelhummel · 2 years
your glee/degrassi posts made me curious: which degrassi characters do you think are similar to the glee characters? i'd compare spinner and puck for example.
Oof not sure now I feel about that lmao. I have sooo many wildly fluctuating thoughts on Spinner that they all kind of average out into "he was ok" lmao. God honestly Spinner vibes for Finn more than Puck like aww I was a big dumb loser with no direction in high school, guess I'll become a cop/join the army (: I mean Puck too lowkey but that was just doubly dumb bc he was basically doing it for Finn like ?? calm down alksjfsdklgs
Plus there's so many more Degrassi characters than Glee characters so I feel like one Gleek is worth six Degrassians lmao
First of all Finn and Rachel want what Jay and Manny have, let's just say that. Super talented destined for stardom singer actor girl and her bf who works on cars and plays drums?? Janny outsold
Also with Jay and Alex I get Pucktana vibes. The ultimate lesbro lmao
Also Brittana are Palex and i dont ship either of them like the seemingly dark and brooding Latina lesbian with the soft spot for the preppy blonde bi cheerleader... Those dynamics look familiar
Quinn, I hate to do it to her, but a little Becky a little Darcy... Churchy good girl with the shitty parents who are oblivious to her struggles. Maybe also a little Jenna just for the teen mom thing but Puck could never and would never stoop so low to be a KC. Maybe also a little Fiona for Quinn??
Umm Karofsky and Riley are the same character. I think the only reason I like one and hate the other is bc Max could act :| Sorry bout it
I already went on record saying that Miles Hollingsworth is just fanon Sebastian Smythe alksjfslkfjs
Mercedes and Liberty a very little bit?? Mainly when it comes to Rachel/Emma & Manny acting like they were always such close besties when it's like ?? 75% of the time yall were hating on her!! Umm Terry for superficial body image issues lol. And ugh I don't know how I feel about this but maybe a little Clare?? Like in regards to keeping her faith and her relationship to sex etc etc
Actually I can very clearly see Kurt and Finn as Marco and Spinner bc I imagine s1 Finn would rather choke to death on a piece of food than let a gay guy give him the heimlich <3
Oh duh Kurt and Tristan. bc Finn and Owen (: But also bc they both have very theatrical personalities and similar arcs with body image issues and also they're both iconic
Artie is like JT and Toby's son idk
Kitty gives me early Holly J mixed with early Becky vibes
Tina maybe. Ellie and Ashley vibes :x I'm sorry alskfjslkfhs. And also superficially Leia in that they are both Asian and the show didn't care about them (:
Brittany is Lola (derogatory)
Whew that feels like a lot lmao but that's all the ones I can think of right now!! Lmk what you think!
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silverislander · 3 years
s. any fandom tropes you can't resist?
i am SUCH a sucker for the tropes we got in canon,, best friends to lovers?? beautiful. mutual pining?? sign me tf up!! also a huge fan of general oblivious gay panic on either side, esp since dina is just naturally sort of a touchy/flirty person and ellie tends to not realize when she's being attractive 🥺 it's so cute to read and fun to write too. so overall just let these two be oblivious gay losers and cute together and i'm in!
t. any fandom tropes you can't stand?
okay there's only like 2 trends in elliedina fic that i absolutely HATE, like i might actually stop reading if these happen (unless the fic is Really fantastic, and it usually isn't)
jesse is an asshole ex/bf
dina somehow cheats on jesse OR ellie
there's a LITTLE more wiggle room w the jesse one bc if it's an au, there might be a decent reason for him to act this way, but i just really dislike it the vast majority of the time. he's a kind, funny, loyal guy!! why would you just throw away the possibility of him being a good friend to dina and ellie for cheap drama? the comedy potential (esp w ellie and jesse, bros extraordinaire)!! the nice sweet moments!! this ESPECIALLY goes if he's acting straight up abusive. let's stop pretending like rescuing someone from abuse is romantic, ok?? it's not cute.
the one abt dina on the other hand? i haven't seen it done in a way i have liked yet and i probably never will. it goes against everything we know abt her (being incredibly loyal to the point of following ellie to seattle and being v kind and loving to the person she's with, even after a breakup like w jesse) and it's such a tired old biphobic stereotype! she's better than cheating on anyone and we all know it. again, it feels like throwing away a great character for cheap drama.
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leatherhead · 5 years
answer 21 questions and tag 21 people
★ tagged by: No one just saw people doing it and stole it lol
★ nickname: elly, dusk, dusky, bff and his bf call me bun
★ zodiac: capricorn
★ height: bout 5′9
★ last movie i saw: into the spiderverse
★ last thing i googled: crows
★ favorite musician(s): atm mother mother and infected mushroom
★ song stuck in my head: both the battle themes for persona 5
★ other blogs: @furbypunk
★ do i get asks: no lol
★ following: 279
★ followers: 148
★ amount of sleep: 6 hours a night average maybe
★ lucky number: 21
★ what i’m wearing: godzilla tshirt and sweatpants
★ dream job: video game concept artist or just idk illustration of some sort would be nice to make a comic or write a book but no energy. Anything involving animals would be nice too
★ dream trip: scotland
★ favorite food: cheeseburger, sushi, meat in general also potatoes MUSHROOMS
★ play any instruments: lol no
★ language: english
★ favorite song: idk it depends
★ random fact: im not interesting enough to have anything to tell you im just a tired loser that loves video games
★ describe yourself in an aesthetic: swamp
im not tagging anyone but ur free to say i did if you want to
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marlindotzip · 7 years
Léon & Reeve !!!
me(wtf ellie why the fuck would u want to date my two biggest fucking losers i don’t understand ellie)
(jk i lov u)
Léon :
cons : -doesn’t know how to take care of someone (and also of himself for that matter)
           -isn’t comfortable at all
           - tastes like the cornflakes you left in the bottom of the packet and nobody want to eat it anymore (and he doesn’t know how to kiss probably)
          -talks way too much
pros : -pretty passionate in general so i guess he would be a very loving person
         -can teach you rad magic stuff
         -i guess you can do a lot of things with him since he has no love experience and he’s pretty curious in general ??
          -he’s tall if it’s something you’re into idk ??
           -shit it’s hard to find 5 pros
Reeve :
cons : -has killed a lot of people i think ??
           -probably smells weird
           -grew up in a abusive home and doesn’t support to be hugged  and that sort of things
           -has certainly no idea how to do the do
           -just very bad at socializing in general
pros : -will be very thankful to be loved
          -would probably memorize stuffs you like and would tried very hard to be nice
          -you would have a necromancer bf it’s a pretty rad thing to say in public
          -man idk he’s not a good person how am i supposed to find so many pros
          -i give up
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