#and people wonder why i dont get on the tag on Twitter
marunalu · 1 year
You say you're a non-shipper but then why are you out there getting all pissy at people for LITERALLY ONLY SHIPPING BkDk and getting overly preotective of Izuocha??
Don't try take this as me hating on Izuocha/Ochako because OhMyGoD i MuSt Be A bKdK sHiPpEr AnD oChAkO iS gEtTiNg In ThE wAy Of My sHip
Just so you know I don't ship Bkdk really don't and yes I admit I love Izuocha
And I'm not doing this just to be rude/mean and try to be a bitchy ass piss baby I seriously wanna know
You call Bkdks hypocrites but here you are being so obnoxious and toxic over a ship???
Shipping is literally only saying hey wonder how these two would be in a relationship without everyone jumping you and telling you that ThIs ShIp WiLl NeVeR bE cAnOn BeCaUsE so and so
Everyone gets it, no way a shonen manga MC will be explicitly stated as Gay and I also get that you really hate bakugou, to each their own you have your reasons which are just as valid as everyone else's but why be so rude and toxic for no reason to people literally only enjoying their ship??
Just because Im a non-shipper I cant talk about my opinion about a ship I hate and its toxic fanbase on MY blog??? 🤨 If I get asks about that topic of course I answer them if Im in the mood or have time! And where am I rude or toxic? Im talking about MY opinion and MY thoughts on MY blog! If a bkdk shipper cant handle my critism of bakugou or their ship thats THEIR problem and not mine! I dont go to bakugou fans or bkdk shippers blogs and posts and attack them, I try to stay away from them as good as I can, unlike all the bkdk shippers who attacked, insultet and told me to kill myself! I never have done something like that and never would! So WHERE am I toxic?? Because I have an opinion I talk about on social media?? Then what are hardcore bkdk shippers of the caliber like dekakchan to you, who openly attack anti bkdk shippers and even other bkdk shippers if their opinion is not the same as theirs on a daily basis, say terrible sexist things about ochako, downplay every other relationship izuku has with his other friends and afterwards play victim when other people call them out for their bullshit?! Why arent you calling out that kind of people instead?!
If I had a problem with the normal part of the bkdk fanbase who just ship for the lolz I wouldnt allow bkdk shippers to follow me and would tell all of them to fuck off! All the bkdk shippers that follow me and I interact with accept that I hate bakugou and bkdk and never attacked me for it nor did I ever attack them! In my posts Im talking about the toxic part of the bkdk shipper fanbase who attack others because their opinion differs from them, because this people are the main reason why bkdk shippers have such a horrible reputation in the rest of the mha fanbase! Thats my right! I can talk and rant on my blog about whatever the hell I want and if people dont like that they can block me for all I care! Or at least blog the anti bkdk and anti bakugou tag, so they dont have to see this kind of posts. If they dont do that thats not my problem, simple as that!
And about the izuocha ship. While I dont ship it, I still think its a cute and wholesome ship like I think iidadeku or tododeku are too and Im supportive of all of them, but I dont look for fanfictions or fanarts of that ships, because Im not interested in shipping. Being a non-shipper doesnt mean, you cant defend a ship or support it though or that you cant like a ship, it just means its not where your main focus is on! Im supportive of izuocha, because ochako gets so much hate from bkdk shippers, simply because they see her as a treat to their ship and because she exists!
And about you saying that everyone knows and accepts that izuku and bakugou arent gay: man you never have read the bkdk posts on twitter, havent you?! 🤣
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anthraxplus · 10 months
forgive me for writing so much about tumblr but i have a lot of thoughts
here's the thing about tumblr. i've found it interesting how we continue to call our profiles our "blogs" even though they function differently to the common idea of a blog (like livejournal). but in a way, calling our profiles our blogs makes sense. they're our place to post things we've made or repost content we like. it's more personal than twitter, which has an "information" or "discourse" lens applied to it. the focus on twitter has increasingly been to encourage sharing of information (i.e news or opinions). tumblr's focus has always (afaict) been to encourage sharing of our creations, kinda lumping blogging in there as "self expression" or something to that effect. technically speaking, artists should be more at home on tumblr than on twitter.
but people using their blog as ONLY a blog (no reblogs, just their thoughts or creations - like a livejournal) are in the minority on this site, right? make no mistake, i follow tons of artists who use their blog in a very focused way, but mostly we're all reblogging other people's posts, putting their art on our blogs and riffing in the tags on people's jokes. it is very much a site of Content, Things To Share. the fact that we can blog on here almost feels oddly secondary. but, ok. tumblr is a site for people to post their creations/content, and said content finds an audience through being discovered or reblogged.
so why is it so damn hard to find anything?
like, ok, obviously we can do that. type words into the search bar and you will definitely find posts. but dont you often wonder why the hell some posts showed up in your search and others didnt?
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you're telling me filtering searches by top posts of all time isnt showing me the post that has this exact string of text (+- punctuation), but is showing me posts that... have those words in them, scattered, and sometimes not even that exact word ("piss" vs "pissing")?
what about when you try to search for a word or phrase that you KNOW is on a blog in some post, but searching for it brings up NOTHING? i just had to deal with this when searching someone's blog for a specific post i had just seen on my dash - i can only imagine tumblr told me no such post existed because it wasnt tagged with that word.
and all of this feels so obviously wrong, right? even without tags, we should be able to search for words or phrases in a more reliable way on both the site and our blogs. i dont think im alone in the thought that the search function is almost useless - even if it gives me what im looking for sometimes, it can be a struggle, and mostly it just doesnt feel worth it. this is how we can keep ourselves in insular circles and struggle to break out of them. it is literally easier to do this than it is to find new shit.
so, yknow, staff isnt wrong when they say this:
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tumblr does need growth, but not necessarily by attracting new users (though, idk, i wouldn't mind that). tumblr needs internal growth. this site is stuck in the early 2010s in a way that is baffling to me, and it has continuously failed to adapt to its userbase's needs in a way that honestly doesnt make sense, and when they do change something, it just ends up causing more strife between staff and users.
so, for example: tumblr needs money to keep functioning, obviously. the common practice is to have ads on the site. but oops, the ads suck and everyone hates them. ok, allow users the option to pay to get rid of ads. but oops, a lot of people dont want to give money to the site that continuously breaks itself (among many other complaints). ok, meet users in the middle and allow them to pay to advertise their stuff - this should be, like, the perfect mix of everything, right? being able to advertise your content on the content site? but oops, this is only a good option because finding new content is so goddamn hard that random people shoving their posts onto your dash is the only remaining viable option. when you have to rely on pure chance/luck for your posts to even be found, even when you do everything in your power to increase their visibility, you're not gonna want to stay here.
i feel like addressing the search function should be the staff's top priority before they implement anything else. we need to be able to find content on the content site. i think thats pretty obvious. once it works the way it already should have, then they can worry about what comes after. i think people feel this animosity with staff because we're struggling to continue to use this site while they struggle to find ways to get money out of us. i think if people felt they could actually use tumblr in the way it intuitively feels like it should be used, that kind of animosity would be more rare*. but until we get that, any change to the site is going to feel wrong.
fwiw though, i'm glad to see staff say that the site basically doesn't work. like. goddamn. took them long enough. i just hope (probably baselessly) that their acknowledgement of this issue will lead to some fixes that benefit the foundational usage of the site.
*yes, there is animosity towards staff for other reasons - like, yknow, how innocuous selfies of trans women get flagged as "mature" (among other things) - but that's an issue of culture/enforcement and not necessarily the raw function of the site, so i feel like it's best suited for a different post
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blamemma · 1 month
this is gonna sound incredibly selfish but people (i mean daniel's fans) talking about all the hate they see in the tags or gods forbid twitter almost upsets me as seeing the hate myself
i dont wanna know that shit, i dont wanna be exposed to it in any way shape or form and seeing blogs i follow always talking about it ruins my mood
yeah i microdose on it a lil bit but thats literally why i cant be on twitter. i only follow 9 fan accounts on twitter and even then i just see so much hate because its a thing on twitter to defend daniel and sort of prove people wrong and if thats what they enjoy then so be it, but i usually only log on to twitter for a little bit just do checks and shit as to whats going on cause i cant deal with the negativity. over here, i dont follow a lot of people and the people i do follow are sane, lovely, wonderful people so i v v v rarely see bad takes but yeah it is upsetting when stuff gets brought up repeatedly
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bec-son · 2 months
Bit of a rant
I should really just, leave furaffinity and beg people to go to other sites but thats unlikely because of the biggest issue. Furaffinity is a "sanctuary" site that furries use but that so called "sanctuary" is run by a bunch of conniving, pedo protecting, minor grooming old guard bastards.
Everything that has been caused by that site from racists hiding to minors being groomed has been on their heads. You dont just let something that big be that long around without things becoming festering problems, i have reported so many images of underaged characters in nsfw situations that half of my reports have gone unanswered because they know ill pushback against their gross uses of putting it under the rug to hide it.
Sure ive gotten more things in to remove them but wonder why? Because theyve allowed it so far, its an open invitation for them to try and get something in, to see if the staff will allow it because so many of them are two faced creeps.
Dont get me fucking started on the owners laziness to proactiveness and urge to innovate the dust drawer known as his site.
A couple days before a MASSIVE raid that caused them SHUT DOWN NEW ACCOUNG CREATION i started to suggest things on the forums to address raiding and the owner said "sorry we cant dedicate resources to that" but lemme ask you, is it better to let a huge problem cut the flow of new users later down the line than to address the issue by spending money then and now? OF COURSE YOU DONT
That mf is so opposed to making sure the site can handle these things because you know what would happen? Itd dip into his personal funds for commissions
Then dont get me fucking started on the sites lack of video support, real account blocking, or tag management!!
If that site went to be closed, thered be a forceful shove for innovation and a new site. Sure there were others trying that but they did not have the drive. To push forward with their own goals and rules, bluesky is expanding rapidly because it has looked at what went wrong with twitter and said "you block a fucker and youll never see him again"
And i want that for fa, i want a group of tech furries to go "you know what! No more pedos, no more bigots, tag managment with set tags and keywords, and FINALLY VIDEO SUPPORT"
Rant over
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mejomonster · 6 months
Hello there! I saw your tags on my "Why do people keep recommending Dreamwidth as a Tumblr alternative" post, and I wanted to let you know that I actually have a guide to finding new stuff and people on Dreamwidth already written out! It should be relatively recent in my Dreamwidth 101 tag, but I can also dig it up for you if you like. Just maybe not for a while; I'm still catching up with all of the other notes on that post 😂
Thank you for sending this! I just went through your posts tagged dreamwidth, i think i found and liked the post you're talking about regarding how to find people on dreamwidth to chat with. I'll look into it more when i am setting up an account. <3
Ignore the below, its mostly just personal rant. ToT tldr: i think dreamwidth is cool and since i miss livejournal ill probs make an account regardless, but tumblr has some ways of using that just work better for some things i do regularly.
I plan to use dreamwidth eventually. Its just, ahh again like my tags ToT, the benefit of tumblr (over stuff like livejournal dreamwidth ao3) has been being able to easily have casual chats with people with shared interests even if they dont follow me or know how to find me specifically, long chats (unlike twitter), chats we can both save a copy of on our blogs just by reblogging. I do a lot of study blog stuff with sharing study ideas, where the informality of tumblr makes discussions warmer and more open to mentioning experiments and trial error than reddit (which language subreddits expect high quality informative additions mainly) and lets ppl find the discussion posts based on tags (again a bit easier than reddit and much easier for ppl to find then them trying to find Me specifically). And a lot of fandom liveblogging, which twitter is an alright alternative to but 1. Expects real name (and my job marketing i dont really want tied with grammatically messy giggling about some show) 2. Elon musk touching anything i make frankly 3 twitter is shortform so its not really compatible with 4000 word meta posts. Dreamwidth (and blogging sites) are. But then they're not super compatible with 20 other active show watchers finding you the same night theyre liveblogging and you all getting to chat excitedly.
Then as an artist... im glad tumblrs still up. Instagram doesnt encpurage reblogs, has a messed up algorithm, so its not good for new people finding you. Twitter is better with tags connected to public feeds, and reblogging culture, but elon musk is very cool with ai scraping any art posted and hes stolen art before personally anyway so i dont want my art near that. And then sites with no reblogging culture just are not great for spreading art to more people to find you. (I moved to tumblr after the deviantart exodus years ago, and while some ppl moved to twitter later as its also got common reblog usage which helps artists get more visibility, im just not super compatible with twitter ToT). I do wonder if eventually a new social media more artist focused will surface (since after deviantart pulled the "needs premium membership" push and ppl left, nothing really replaced it... tumblr is closest cause personal blogs allow for tagged/ personal blog Pages so you can organize art somewhat, compared to twitter or instagram. But tumblr itself was trying to push away from personal blogs too for a while, so who knows.)
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kenjiyabuki · 1 year
my thoughts on 1st ep of boc's very own glee project:
copied from my mydramalist comment as i just want to archive my commentary, even though i will prob drop this show in the middle from messiness fatigue...
it wasnt bad as i expected so i will keep on watching for now as i am curious about how the cards will be dealt when people start voting. i went on twitter to get a general fan consensus but the tag was ONLY and only filled with people talking about mile lmao his stans scare me a lil....
i like mile but it would be fun if every ep had a different boc actor as the mc
when all contestants were like "omg this challenge is hard, i cant lie for shit" it made me laugh bc this is literally an ACTING challenge 😭dont say you cant act in the acting competition. thai bls will never beat the actors cant act allegations
if im not mistaken we never see pond's face fully, its always from behind/side but seems like he is gonna play a big part, leading the discussions etc. i wonder whats the point of hiding his face? it really bugged me
first hidden story being ANOTHER homophobic post from past like..... we need to learn about digital footprints in school. kindergarten even.
ofc boc is brave for putting that shit in first ep but i felt like they tried to portray a certain image with discussions (about bullying, self reflection, masculinity etc) it brought on. i think the only thing it lacked was the discussion on what these contestants (esp the ones w homophobic past lol) feel about acting in a bl, why do they want to act in one and just about the genre in general. and i dont want pr perfect answers too, i want truth. like being called gay affected max this much but now he is competing to get a bl part, what does that mean for him aside from sweet cash?
mini challenge rules being changed as they go along felt messy and unstructured. hope it will improve bc it gave me so much second hand embarrassment i had to fast forward lol
that canceled guy was giggling and jumping when he was picked as the owner of the homophobic post by a landslide. my guy at least look like you got kinda offended. like you know why they picked you........
i would love to see more acting challenges like improv etc bc heavy emphasis on airing out these young guys' mistakes/traumas/personal lives is bound to get too exploitative. but that wouldn't be too surprising...
i dont want to pick favs bc im side eyeing all the boys rn but i'll admit i enjoyed mio being sleepy and confused the whole time
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boxwinebaddie · 6 months
Hey Uncle Nina, random question but what is your opinion on Henriel? (Michael x Henrietta) Or rarepairs, for that matter?
awww! while i will say that i haven't put much thought into their intimate/personal relationship, i am a friends to lovers girlie, they clearly have similar interests and i think they could definitely be super cute together, doing little gothy goth thangs (fangs), aw.
as for rarepairs in general...i am definitely in support of rarepairs! i know what its like to ship something that goes against the grain of what everyone is mainly shipping in a fandom, how frustrating it is to have almost no content for your ship/having to make it yourself and honestly...just getting harrassed for liking your more obscure ship! so in general uncle nina rocks on the side of rarepairs...
....speaking of rocking however and NOT rocking the boat specifically, i will say an exception to my acceptation of ships are ones that are obviously extremely gross like incest, assault, anything illegal or very immoral. particularly if its done in extremely poor taste. like i feel like if you are writing dead dove and its conscious, its tagged correctly and it isn't like...excuse me...torture porn that trivializes or romanticizes traumatic thematic topics, i support you.
but i really hate those like 'stan kwords himself and drinks himself to death bc hes a pathetic loser lol haha' fics...very sick to me tbh.
my final note on that and also, not to rock, rock, rock that boat is there are definitely ships that i dont particularly like or agree with, but i certainly will not threaten to kill you over it. do you...i guess. lmao.
but yes! the ncu supports rarepairs, i just happened to like style and got lucky because a lot of other people did too! i also ended up being fond of bunny/kenjorine and bendy which is realtively well accepted and...i will say i want to get more familliar with creek and write them one day...i do not actually know that much about them tbh.
in terms of actual rare pairs though...does reidi count? because i really like reidi? ( i kind of want to write a chance to write reidi tbh ) i also support bebrietta? and uh...tolkien and clyde? craig and clyde sometimes aha. do pip and damien count? uhhh really any of the girls shipped w each other...probably other stuff? yall will have to englighten me to more rare pairs and ships that you enjoy!
so i'll be honest...the real reason i don't know about a lot of rarepairs or engage in ship related stuff is...please take this lightly and im sorry if this hurts anyones feelings but ive felt it for a while/i know its hypocritical because i write fanfic for the south park fandom...
i kinda...hate the south park fandom...a lot...specifically sptwt...soz :/
i just think it can get really nasty in there sometimes? immature?
there's a reason why my twitter is mainly used to update you guys on my writing/writing process and be moderately silly. it feels like a comfortable and safe place to do so, a place of information.
i sometimes hover on the 'for you' side of twitter and i always fucking regret it because it's so chaotic and intense and kind of...gross, tbh?
i respect and love every one of you and i believe you are all good and wonderful people who curate conscious content/arent Like That...
but everyone getting into discourse every five seconds, trying to kill each other, the delusion, people spelling like theyre in first fuckin grade ( some of that seriously gives me a seizure ), infantilizing the characters, treating the HEAVY AND FUCKED UP issues they talk about on the show like theyre jokes or valid ( its partly the shows fault but some of yall minds are getting turned into mashed potatoes ), the echo chamber of just...ignorance and stupidity...bad takes...and CRINGE in general...like i get second hand embarrassment, dude.
i know its for fun and all...but there is a reason why when when i go to write my fanfics, i take the dark ass issues they talk about in south park and try to write gritty but respectful/socially aware, honest and authentic accounts of the effects those scenarios can cause/how that effects yourself/your relationships/your world...so people treating stuff like that like its so haha! Funny!!! uwu!! SiLlY XD is like...
i saw this post that was definitely a joke but it said something like "thirteen year olds should be able to drink and get drunk lmaooo" and it made me....soooooo viscerally angry???? because like???? that is so SICK AND FRIGHTENING TO ME???? i know stan has drank since like eight but that does not make it good??? thats actually devastating????
and even its its not a joke it horrifies and devastates me that you are using a platform and fandom with other young susceptible people in it and desensitizing them to extremely harmful substance abuse and fucking...making light of it. actuuuuually so sick and twisted. jail pls.
maybe its something about being an educator who cares deeply about everyones safety/particularly young minds but...soz not to get too dark...i had a very serious party girl phase in hs and college where i drank very heavily as a coping mechanism, i almost died, it almost ruined my life and its why a lot of stans experience feels upsetting and authentic to me ( bc it was my life & almost my death sentence )
and its really not something that i think anyone, especially 13 year olds, should be joking about getting into because i fucking love and worry about you all out there...i love south park but it pisses me off sometimes because it waters down and bastardizes really fucked up shit...idk maybe i'm being a hater...i love tiktok and twitter and stuff but i am really worried about what its doing to peoples perception
anyways...sorry for being on my soapbox...that has been sitting in my chest for a while. if you actively enjoy sp twitter and the fandom i'm sure your side is lovely and even if i don't think it is, i love you all and i want you to have fun. it just...freaks me out and gives me the ick tbh.
lastly, i'm sorry if my stories seem less canon because of my lack of interaction with the actual fandom and content...i will say i think i've hopefully done a good job of using a lot of context around the basics of south park and adapted them into literature that is both reminiscent of the show we love, the characters that we identify with, while also creating a more mature universe, taking trauma seriously and taking a sort of 2d comedy show and making it into more like...a modern take, a grittier movie adaption...a more serious literature?
idk...i'm trying to take a silly show and make it more serious, sympathetic, dynamic and resonant if that makes sense...
and its hard to tell, but i really hope i've done that and i'm sorry if this is all terribly pretentious, i just am a Kyle and i'm a hard line abt this.
tldr: i love you guys very much, i'm sorry for being a hater, thank you for reading my rant/my pretentious fanfictions, i'll shut up now
-uncle nina, hater arc
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fizzingwizard · 7 months
bots I reported today:
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on the off-chance any of y'all aren't bots... sorry. but what can I do when your icon and blog and likes are all totally blank *shrug* (i dont really think any of these are real people lol)
it is interesting though what we have accomplished. the obvious pr0nbots with their pics link and sexy messages have - well, they haven't gone away, but they aren't throwing themselves in my face so much. I see them only occasionally now in my followers/inbox, but I still see them often in the tags which is... fun
and the obvious bot names, like "sexy young female," "rando with some numbers," or just "keyboardsmash-at-tumblr," are much fewer too. they have learned that their usernames need to sound like a human made them and not a cat who likes warm things to lie on. but also it needs to not sound like an alien pretending to be a person. so they've gone "adjective + noun" and are coming up with semi-intelligible names. it even looks like they're twisting ending sounds to make it look like they're a person making a pun, or a person whose preferred username was already taken so they settled for a close-but-not-quite version.
however I wonder why they've given up on having reblogs or likes. because that's the big giveaway right now. (bots take note lmao.) I guess it was decided that, since seeing the generally unrelated mess of reblogs and likes coupled with the nonsense username didn't work, it was better to be as tight-lipped as possible and mystify people so they couldn't tell if you're a bot for sure? because we'll all be too reluctant to block someone who might just be a hapless Twitter refugee who has no idea their blog looks in every way like it was made by a bot hahaha
also think it's interesting that several of these barely-coherent usernames appear to suggest liberal values without really suggesting anything.
i do wonder if reporting bots actually does anything. it seems to be changing how bots play the game at least. but since I can't tell how many blogs I've blocked, it's difficult to judge if/when they're finally deleted. I just looked, and the majority of bots I've blocked within the past several months anyway are still on my block list, but their icons have become mosaics, as if instead of getting kicked off for being bots, they've been stamped as mature blogs. which some are... but they're also still bots. hogging usernames. many of which it's hard to believe anyone would want but still...!
on the bright side though:
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suenitos · 10 months
its rlly interesting hearing everyones canon events for what got them here the diversity in peoples reactions to dream or dnf or dteam and parasocialism etc is actually breathtaking. anyway here's mine (with most of the journey as a bonus) that no one asked for. WARNING IT'S LONG:
i was more of a slow burn in that i first became aware of who the hell dream (i think george too?) was during summer 2020 when the maia thing was happening (i think it was trending or something and EVERYONE knew her from prom dress so i was like hey i know her!), though i dont remember all of the details i just remember thinking "ok!" then closing the twitter app. didn't pay it any mind.
later i started to get dteam content on my tiktok fyp from compilations and thought why the hell not and started to watch them on youtube. i found the mc tag video and was HOOKED with the solo dnf challenge videos. fell out of it for a while because online school then came back officially on november 16 when unus annus ended and lmanberg exploded and i needed something else to obsess over to cope with isolation. i dont quite remember when quackity came into the equation but he was THE reason i got into cdnf (and lore too i guess) because he gave us the only pov of the dethronement and that was the first lore stream i watched live. i remember recognizing him from the raids and discords got talent videos and got more into him and dteam at the same time especially as 5/5 became a thing (so you can see why i was hurt really bad when april happened lol)
another part of it was heat waves.. i was pretty opposed to it at first because after dan howell's coming out i thought rpf was inherently invasive to content creators. and to be fair there was a lot of freaknasty shit written about phan that made them uncomfortable! but since i have no morals i caved and read it anyway under the justification that everyone kept saying this is really good characterization and writing so why not! (up until chapter 3 was released at this time) i finally decided to register for an ao3 account along with thousands of other people (before the waiting list got really long lol) and read it and well. here we are
the parasocial drontroversy was happening around this time too and i sort of talked about it but that indirectly caused me to lurk for the entirety of 2021 mostly on tiktok and twitter and twitch (i knowwww. it was pretty bad). part of that too was because of the drontoversies so i avoided engaging directly until i knew for sure that dream wasn't the evilest man ever. i was really cautious about him because i had this assumption of his character (white cis het (lol) man raised republican) but after seeing his growth and learning a bit about him i grew out of my initial timidity and embraced the stan label (in secret). i was also a big youtube viewer too i loved the animations people made and still do! a xanyleaves manhunt animation also convinced me to watch manhunt and dteam (any object show fans here lol?) i got sick of doing that and not dumping everything in my brain somewhere my irls wouldn't see so i lurked here for a while and officially joined in january 2022. it was pretty fun! but then after a while you could tell the wheels were falling off the wagon!
i left for probably a month following the drituation drop (still lurking for updates etc) but then decided to come back with a different account because 1. i decided for myself that it was ultimately a nothing burger after seeking out evidence when i was ready 2. i was sick of using that blog as a sideblog and this is all i blog about anyway 3. i was lonely :( i missed the few mutuals i had and seeing life on the dash. i also just wanted to help build something healthier from before. i think the christmas streams were the first time i felt READY and sure to actively come back and my time here here has been really wonderful for the most part. this is MY toxic radioactive echo chamber dumpster and i love being a bacteria living in it.
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kim-ruzek · 1 year
its obvious this child loves adam more than kim just like you burzeks hate mom kim and prefer dad adam no matter how much you deny it! your friend lauren admitted she hates that mack call kim mom and likes dad adam more! your other friend mina has made dad adam thread but not mom kim thread! you all can deny you dont hate mom kim and pretend you like dad adam and mom kim equally but all your actions show otherwise! whenever there is dad adam scene you all talk about it for days. but when there is mom kim scene you all barely talk about it. theres only been 1 cute mom kim this season for only 2 minutes vs atleast 5 cute dad adam scenes and no one of you all noticed or complained about this. if this way other way around you all would have complained about this. this is why i wish kim will die because you all disrespect her too much and does mack! mack does not deserve kim!
I'm sorry I have no idea who the fuck you're talking about. My only friend who's called Lauren lives in Wales and has absolutely no interest in fandom (and also primarily goes by her nn lol) so idk who you think are my friends but I don't know them.
Also your facts are further wrong because we do gush and scream over cute mom kim scenes. I literally still get tags recommended to me like that whenever I type Kim.
And there's been more dadam scenes this year because his focus has been all about him really stepping and growing into the role of dad...whereas Kim already has with her mom storyline, this year for her has been about her own mental health growth.
Yet again I have no idea who those people are (twitter folks? My twitter is primarily used for the rookie and keeping up with my old na pals) but they don't speak for everyone and they don't speak for me. Because I adore mom kim (actually more than I adore dadam, so you're wrong on that front. Although it's only just about, and more because Kim is my favourite character marginally over Adam and also because mom and daughter bonds to me are so special especially single mothers).
Plus anyone who hates Kim's child calling her mom has misunderstood the whole last three seasons and most likely has internalised misogyny.
Finally, you don't want Kim to die because we've "disrespected" her (because one you've clearly seen a lot of my posts and others which show otherwise) but because for whatever reason you hate Kim/Adam/Burzek because here's the thing, people who are passionate about a character doesn't wish death upon them to escape perceived bad writing because death is an extreme and horrible thing.
And they sure as hell don't think a literal child doesn't deserve her wonderful adoptive mother.
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I posted 567 times in 2022
That's 566 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (8%)
522 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 250 of my posts in 2022
#hannah's dairy entry - 36 posts
#kuroko no basket - 31 posts
#jjk - 30 posts
#knb - 29 posts
#jujutsu kaisen - 24 posts
#hannah talks - 17 posts
#akashi seijuro - 14 posts
#tumblr games - 13 posts
#aomine daiki - 13 posts
#nanami kento - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#that balcony opposite my building with millions of different kinds of flowers basically filling up the place
My Top Posts in 2022:
ask: aloha, im new, an i was wondering uh..why dont you like JK rowling if she made harry putter *potter (sorry it doeint *doesint* let me backspace) but you like harry potter? sorry i dont mean to be rude or offend im actually really curious and would love to know <3 (if u dont wanna anzer *answer tat is fine lol) (IM SO SORRY FOR THE MISSSPELLS)
Hi! Firstly, welcome to my blog and the spelling mistakes are totally fine, I've faced them before. 😁😁 Now, I support the LGBTQ+ community and believe that someone's sexuality or gender does not matter in society. I was exposed to the terms 'gay' and 'lesbian' at a young age, and my parents explained them to me. However, they told me that homosexuality is a 'disgusting' act. I did not want to believe them, though. I always thought that if a boy liked another boy, or if a girl liked another girl, it was totally fine. It's like in fairytales, it's true love. Except, there are two princesses/princes. J.K. Rowling is, in very short words, a TERF. Why? It started on Twitter where JKR 'accidentally liked' a transphobic tweet. The tweet was something about trans men being 'men in dresses'. People all around the world started throwing hate comments at JKR saying things like "You are Voldemort" and stuff like that. Why people did not get a reply to the hate comments was because JKR stayed off of Twitter, as she says on her website. J.K. Rowling liked another post, yet again, on Twitter, which caused another outbreak of hate comments. But soon, JKR started to openly show her support for a person called Maya Forstater, a British tax advisor who wasn't renewed because of her transphobic posts. On her website, she lists the reasons why she is worried about trans activism, or something and you can check it out here.
I hope this did not bore you to death 😐, but, I needed to show just how much I do not support JKR. (I thought a long answer would show that.)
22 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Imagine you’re at a party. You’re single. However, three guys you like are present. (They’re also hopelessly in love with you.) The games are:
Spin the bottle (kiss)
7 minutes in heaven (make-out)
truth or dare (oral)
You’re forced to participate in all three games. The games are rigged by your and his friends. Each game is a different guy. Pretend you have a choice. Gojo, Aomine, and Kento which act of sin?
Nonnie! I absolutely LOVED this question!! Okie, let's get started.
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Nanami Kento - Truth or Dare. I choose him for this cause I think he'll be really understanding and wouldn't tease me too much about an embarrassing answer. And for dares, I don't think he'll make me do something to make me uncomfortable. dare me to kiss you pls .
I just found out that truth or dare is oral. Like, the, THE oral. and since my blog is SFW, i'm not going in detail. But my answer remains the same. People above 18 years of age probably understood what I meant by THE oral.
Gojo Satoru - 7 minutes in heaven. I honestly couldn't choose between this and Spin the Bottle. I chose 7 minutes in heaven cause I think he'll be much more experienced in this kind of stuff, you know. Sure, I'll have to endure some of his teasing but the reward i'm getting is good enough to make up for it.
Aomine Daiki - Spin the Bottle! For a boy who spends his whole life playing basketball, I don't think he has any experience being in relationships. I actually wanted him for 7 minutes in heaven, but most of that 7 minutes will just be one kiss and us being blushing, stuttering idiots. So yeah, spin the bottle.
This was really cute and I LOVED answering this. To be honest, I wanted all three of them for all the three *ahem* activities. But, that is not possible.
33 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Aomine Daiki x Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend, Aomine, was away for a practise match between some other school. You, however, wanted cuddles. Pairing: Aomine Daiki x GN! Reader Warnings: None, just fluff Words: 538 a/n: I started writing this at 2:20 p.m. This is supposed to be gn!reader but I visualized a fem!reader when writing this. This is proofread but please give feedback. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“It’s cold.”, you whispered to yourself, silently hoping that Aomine could somehow hear you. Maybe the wind can carry your whispers to him. It was snowing slightly. Not enough for a blizzard or anything. Just little specks of white on the roads and pavements. As if the wind had sent your message to your boyfriend, you heard the keys jingling and a rough, deep voice calling out “Baby, I’m home!”
You run over to Aomine, jumping up and latching your arms around his neck, giving him soft, quick kisses on his cheek and down to his jaw.
“Daiki! Finally, you’re home. I’ve been waiting for so long and I want to cuddle.”, you whined.
You gave him your pouty face, slowly blinking your eyes and giving your boyfriend more kisses, trailing down his neck. Aomine has still not let you down, enjoying your kisses. After what seemed like eternity, your boyfriend placed you on the ground.
“C’mere baby. We can cuddle here.” Aomine said, guiding your red loveseat.
Aomine laid down first and opened his arms, gesturing you to come and cuddle up next to him.
His eyes drifted to your feet, and he smirked slightly.
“Oh! You’re stealing my socks too, now? Can’t get enough of me babe?”
“Shut up, Daiki.”, you said, slightly slapping his chest, “I missed you, and your socks are big and warm.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”, he took you arms and started kissing your palm before he pressed his lips onto yours.
Aomine’s kisses varied from soft to passionate and rough. Right now, he was softly kissing you, lightly licking your bottom lip for permission to enter and you happily complied. It spread sparks of pleasure around your body. A euphoric feeling filling you body. Aomine’s lips on yours was the only thing you registered, completely blocking out anything else that was happening around you.
Aomine slowly pulled away, both of you slightly panting. You grinned before whispering his name, repeatedly.
“I love you so much, Daiki. And you’re right, I can never get enough of you”, you whispered.
His fierce blue eyes were oozing with warmth and love as he stared at you.
“I love you too, Y/N.”, Aomine whispered, pecking your lips.
“But I love you more.”, you teased, smirking slightly.
“No, I love you more.”
“In your dreams, Daiki.”
“That should be my line.”
“Huh? I couldn’t hear you.”, you giggled.
Aomine shifted so that he could hover over you and started tickling you. Your giggles and laughs filled the room. Even Aomine started laughing out loud. His warm laugh reached your ears and you giggled more.
“The only one who can love more is me!” you boyfriend said.
“Fine, fine! I surrender! Please stop!” you shouted, still laughing.
Aomine pulled his hand away and returned to your original position. You put your head in the crook of his neck before you felt your eyes slowly drooping.
You gave him a small kiss on his neck before you quiet snores filled the room. The last thing you registered was Aomine hugging you more tightly and a kiss on the back of you head.
(You can ask to be tagged in my posts)
See the full post
148 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Akashi Seijuro x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Akashi Seijuro x Fem!Reader Warnings: my writing, tooth-rotting fluff Word count: 548 a/n: OOC Akashi I think. I am just writing this for myself but I'm just sharing it here for those who are willing to read stupid fics too. U can also request for something if you have anything on ur mind. just check the rules in my blog before requesting something. The ending is also very stupid cause i didn't know what to write. P.S.- I overdid it with the tags. ignore them... if u want to.
You were sitting on Akashi’s lap. One of his arms was wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly whilst the other handheld the book you were reading together, open. As he reached out to turn the page, your quiet voice called out.
“No, don’t turn it yet, I’m not done.”
“Well, how can I ignore your requests, fair maiden?”, your boyfriend said, before putting his hand back in its original place, around your waist.
“So cheesy, Sei. We should read something else other than medieval romance, then.”, you teased.
A warm, deep, velvety chuckle filled the room. Akashi’s hand slithers up your shirt and rests on your stomach.
“You’re right, darling. As much as I love reading, some books influence me. Nevertheless, I’m not taking back what I said before.
You giggled and turned to look at him. He set the book on the side table before turning his attention back to you.
He looks beautiful wearing his reading glasses. It was rectangular and was perched on his nose delicately. Akashi was looking at you from above his glasses. You reached your hand up, and took it off, setting it on the side table, above the book, carefully. Then, brought your face closer to his and lightly brushed your lips on his cheeks.
“You’re so pretty, you know that?”, you asked before proceeding to kiss his nose.
“Shouldn’t I say that to you, my love? You’re beautiful.” Akashi teased, pushing a strand of your hair that escaped its hair tie prison, behind your ear.
“Gorgeous” Kiss on the crown of you head.
“Attractive” Kiss on the top of your head.
“Appealing” Kiss on your forehead.
“Alluring” Kiss on the bridge of your nose.
“Bewitching” Kiss on your nose.
“irresistible” Kiss on one of your cheeks.
“heavenly” Kiss on your other cheek.
Akashi pressed his lips onto your, your cheeks dusted with red from what he said you were. You could feel Akashi smirking against your lips. He won the teasing game, fair and square. Just as he was pulling away, you pecked his lips slightly before pulling back yourself.
“I don’t know how you know all those words, especially the last one. I thought you were telling me that I’m like fruit punch or something. Or fruit pulp. Or studious. Does studious make sense, though? Maybe fruit juice who studies well. A smart fruit juice. A smart fruit! What’s a smart fruit, though? Maybe apples, cause they’re better than doctors.”
You boyfriend let a laugh he has been trying to hold back for so long. His beautiful laugh broke you out of your own thoughts.
“Huh? What happened, babe?”
“Nothing, darling. You were rambling.”
“Well,”, you said, smiling a little, “If it is annoying, I’ll just go.”
“No, no, love! I meant to say that its adorable.”
You laughed before wrapping your arms around his body and snuggling your face into the crook of Akashi’s neck.
“I love you.”
“I know,”, Akashi said softly, “I love you too.”
See the full post
271 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
boyfriend! nagi who presses lazy morning kisses to your face whenever he wakes up earlier than you (which is rare) "wake up princess, i want some kisses too y'know"
boyfriend! nagi who relishes in the kisses you press to his cheeks and his cutey patootie nose and his beautiful, closed eyelids and finally a small, barely there, peck to his lips.
boyfriend! nagi, who loves sleeping, but loves you more, so he sacrifices it to come with you to the grocery store at 3:00 in the morning to get that exact same ice cream you asked for before going to sleep.
boyfriend! nagi who loves it when you ramble about your day while massaging hair. "use your nails too baby. love the feelin' of your nails s'much"
boyfriend! nagi who comes with you to see you get your nails done and keeps telling you to get sharper, longer tips cause he loves how it looks on you. "do those long ones you had last week, baby. the ones that feel good when you play with my hair."
boyfriend! nagi who gives you his hoodies to wear before a match. "you can keep this, babe. i have another one anyways."
boyfriend! nagi who loves the good luck kiss you give him before a match and when you wave to him from the stands when during a match.
boyfriend! nagi who loves you so much, that he'll brag to all his friends about you. "yeah, that's my girl. my baby."
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this was written for @/garoujo who loves nagi seishiro and blue lock. I barely read 10 chapters of the manga, but I have enough characterization after reading emmie's (@/garoujo) fics. credits to @firefly-graphics for the pretty dividers and @vespersposts who supported me all throughout! you can ask to be tagged through ask or dms.
388 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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berries28 · 1 year
oh! that was you! i was wondering if the similar usernames were just a coincidence or not! i hope you liked the fics!
sorry to hear you got ship hate... it's really sad to think that people are hurting others over what's supposed to be fun...
if it's ship hate i received, then, um... last week, i found someone saying they wished liphiyo shippers would die, several people say liphiyo shippers are homophobic, people go 'liphiyo shippers are delusional, how could you possibly read canon and seriously come away shipping that?', there was hate on tiktok that namedropped my twitter account, i got a warning in a honeyworks discord for violating ship hate rules by "talking about liphiyo so much that it made aiyuu fans uncomfortable," the admin and the mod of that server then insulted me on twitter, someone said to my face that me shipping liphiyo was gross, sometimes when i talk about shipping liphiyo, people say "i see hiyori as a compet lesbian" or "they're siblings" over what i'm saying, a friend pretended to be hacked just to insult liphiyo to my face and take her bad day out on me, and i got threatened with a call out post for harassing people i've never met because they said i was the one harrassing her...
looking back on it... that's a lot....
the classic "i hope ____ shippers die" its like tumblr is still stuck in 2010... and tiktok truly scares me, there's like several name-drop 'expose'/hate posts there several times a month in my country. As popular as you are though (i mean, you kinda carry the liphiyo ao3 tag your shoulders) its inevitable to get hate. I hope you're able to keep writing regardless!
i'm also sorry you were warned not to talk about your fav ship in discord for talking about it and that it was by aiyuu shippers too (i mean, thats what discord is FOR yk?) but its also important that we don't inadvertently make people uncomfortable, you know? I feel VERY uncomfortable with aimona (idek the ship name anymore, its basically Aizou and Mona, i just remember that i had it blocked way back) because it made me uncomfortable, but discord doesn't have a tag block so if it makes a group of people you'd like to co-exist with uncomfortable, they have a right to ask that it be done less. Its why I dont talk about LIPXLIP infront of irl friends, because one of them have trauma from her own idol fan days (of a kpop group) and requested i not talk about it too much infront of her. The hiyoko anime was pretty intense too, a lot of kpop fans were reminded of past real life anti-fan stuff-
IM GETTING SIDE TRACKED!! What i mean is, being an in-denial AiYuu fan from before Samishigariya just to avoid hate, i truly get what you're going through! But its really important in a public fandom space like discord that people dont feel uncomfortable, as there are no blocking systems for topics. I hope you still have fun with liphiyo on tumblr and ao3, i see your asks often and it seems like you found your people! Not to mention how popular liphiyo is after the hiyoko anime
(psst add me to the honeyworks discords you're in, i barely talk to anyone from the fandom on here and dont know any haniwa/ lipxlip fans irl)
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
What I dont get is like. The people who think Izzy Deserves Worse... first off no he doesn't by any actions->punishment scale that isn't insane even for a grimmdark pirate genre this show isn't. Second why would you think it isn't extremely rude to tell people who like Izzy this??
Like I hated Calico Jack nearly every second he was on screen. He annoys me. It's not even that he's evil or whatever I just find the Jack Ass genre he's from bordering on a squick. (Also this is one connection to Ed's old life that is DEMONSTRABLY WITH NARRATIVE INTENT both a huge dick that lives for senseless violence and a manipulative bastard. Somehow the hate for him is less virulent lol) And I don't think even he Deserves to get his toe cut off and fed to him for killing Karl??? (In fact I hope he's alive and comes back to cause trouble bc hating him and seeing Stede hate him is fun in small doses) But even if I wanted to see him tortured horribly and dead I still wouldn't post that on his tag or go up to people who like him to tell them this in detail and they're horrible for liking him?????
It's not even that they hate Izzy or want to imagine drawn out torture porn for him that's like. Fine. Write it down and stick that up on ao3 with the correct tags im sure more people are into that. But to act like it's the Moral and Good thing to want this to happen in canon and everyone who disagrees is glorifying abuse and not see the contradictions there is????????? Puritan logic is truly something else. They get to the result first (hating a thing) then work the logic backwards (so the thing is morally impure and you not liking it is a sign of your virtue. Everyone who disagrees is evil) so the result is impossible to budge
(I dont use twitter bc it's a cesspit but Ive had to block so many morons on the Izzy Hands tag here bc they're either fully malicious tagging the hate or cant be trusted to know that if you write his name on the post it'll go to the tag anyway)
Im not even going to send this on anon I dont care lol
(I think the first paragraph of this is referencing the person who said Izzy would get his comeuppance under one of my posts, that I replied to. If so, I want to clarify that they didn't actually mean it that way, and came back to explain as such. It was just a matter of miswording.)
People who come into Izzy Enjoyers' askboxes to bitch that he's The Worst baffle me. The first time I received an abusive ask about him I had simply mentioned him in passing on a Blackbonnet post (along with Jim and Lucius and at least one other). The second time was the same thing. It was clear that I liked him, else I wouldn't have included him, but I wasn't feral about him yet. It was only once I told the anon how wrong they were and deep-dived on Izzy's actual characterization in the show that I realized how much I loved him and how much he really didn't deserve all the shit he gets.
Then again, the anons I got after that post, one of them told me they hoped I got shanked for liking him, and I thought that was downright hilarious because they were wishing a pretty nasty death on me and meanwhile Izzy's (who they said was abusive and terrible) worst crime was he tried to get Stede mercifully executed. It was just very funny to me. They were acting like their perception of Izzy, which they deemed made me immoral because I like him. Makes me wonder what that says about them.
I think if the toe scene had been in Black Sails, it likely would have been a sexual assault (see: my comments on the framing of that scene) rather than the toe thing, which although wasn't contextually played for laughs, it was somewhat used as a... muppety, over the top thing that Ed comments on having done in the past? Because it's over the top and vaguely cartoonish, it becomes a lot less dire than what something like Black Sails would have done, and more fitting of the show. But even on something like Black Sails, what Izzy did receiving a punishment like that would have been something that-- Well, a bad guy did. Someone who our protagonists were actively fighting against. (I do respect OFMD for being willing to push Edward down that morality scale, with the faith to bring him back up, actually)
Calico Jack fit a purpose but he really was deeply irritating, and it wasn't helped at all by the fact I love Black Sails' Calico Jack, who is, and I have said this before, the only Black Sails character who could flounce into OFMD and fit right in, right along with his stupid little sunglasses and mullet.
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And no, Calico Jack definitely doesn't deserve his toe cut off and fed to him for killing Karl (which was definitely deliberate. He did that on purpose. Whether he did it to push the crew to turn against Ed or whether he did it because he just enjoyed it, well, idk either way, but it was deliberate through and through).
I HOPE JACK IS ALIVE TOO ACTUALLY!! I want to see him and Izzy interact. More than that, I want to see him come back on board and Ed forgives him because eh, he forgave Izzy so he has to forgive Jack really, doesn't he, and it's all water under the bridge now isn't it, so you just end up with Ed going full jack-ass again with Jack, and Izzy and Stede off to the side, bonding against their will over how much they hate Jack.
I can just see it in my head, you know?
Stede: mm, i wonder Izzy: What Stede: What? oh, i didnt know you were there. no, i was just talking to myself. last time jack was here he said his last two crews mutinied and tied him to an anchor and threw him overboard, and i was just wondering-- Izzy: If it was true? Oh I guarantee it was bloody true. Fucking git, I can't stand him. Stede: ... Izzy: ... Stede: ... actually Izzy: ? Stede: I was actually wondering if our anchor could be spared for a night Izzy: I'll fetch the rope, you distract Edward
Plus, Stede being jealous of Jack is adorable and I love it, and him and Izzy recognizing jealousy in each other over it being pointed at someone else rather than each other? Nice.
But even if I wanted to see him tortured horribly and dead I still wouldn't post that on his tag or go up to people who like him to tell them this in detail and they're horrible for liking him?????
Right? It's so fucking weird they're like this!!!
It's not even that they hate Izzy or want to imagine drawn out torture porn for him that's like. Fine. Write it down and stick that up on ao3 with the correct tags im sure more people are into that.
Oh, no no no, they can't do that. That would be wrong. Hurting a fictional character is the same as hurting a real person. Unlike spewing venom and death wishes into their inbox!
But to act like it's the Moral and Good thing to want this to happen in canon and everyone who disagrees is glorifying abuse and not see the contradictions there is????????? Puritan logic is truly something else.
YESSSSSSS. Oh yes. And it's weird to see people so vehemently arguing that something like the toe scene could ever be moral and good?? It's weird. And they act like Izzy is abusive for yelling at Ed a bit, but Ed isn't abusive for cutting his damn toe off without his consent!!
They get to the result first (hating a thing) then work the logic backwards (so the thing is morally impure and you not liking it is a sign of your virtue. Everyone who disagrees is evil) so the result is impossible to budge
This is precisely it, yeah. Idk if you saw this post but a nonnie asked why people try to say Izzy is so manipulative and I boiled it down to: if Izzy is Bad and Manipulative, Ed is free to be an uwu soft baby who has never done anything wrong himself, it's all been Izzy.
I think it probably just starts with people seeing the fact that a lot of us love Ed and Izzy's chemistry (and Izzy and Stede's!) and would love to see more of that chemistry, and thusly want to explore or write about it, or root for more to come of it in canon (look, I would love to see Ed and Izzy have a furious make out scene, okay? give me that, show, please. even if it was a flashback or something) and they feel threatened and afraid that this ship that they don't like might win out over their main ship.
I think a chunk of that fear comes from how accessible the writers are now? Back in Ye Olde Days if you wanted to tell David Jenkins how much you love Izzy, you'd have to write a letter or an email or something, and send that off as fanmail, and his secretary would probably read it, or his intern or whatever, and that intern or the studio execs or whatever would eventually be like, "You know, the fans really respond well to Izzy. It seems like having more Izzy and Con would be good for ratings."
But nowadays, I can go onto Twitter, @ david Jenkins and start yelling about how much I love Izzy and Blackhands, and there's a pretty good chance he'll read it. Con spends half his life yelling at tories and the other half of his life retweeting spicy Izzy art, a lot of which includes Blackhands or Steddyhands or even Gentlehands. It's very clear that the cast and crew and thusly also the writers are being exposed to this ship and its shippers, and I think that terrifies the kind of people who feel that those ships threaten their OTP's canonity. (Is that a word? Canonness? Canananananofnsnks)
(I dont use twitter bc it's a cesspit but Ive had to block so many morons on the Izzy Hands tag here bc they're either fully malicious tagging the hate or cant be trusted to know that if you write his name on the post it'll go to the tag anyway)
I use Twitter and it really is a cesspit. What's funny though is on Twitter I've never been yelled at or sent abusive asks for daring to like a character, unlike here on Tumblr where I have received many, yet I feel much safer and more comfortable on Tumblr than I ever did on Twitter. Go figure.
Im not even going to send this on anon I dont care lol
tbh the izzy haters seem more intent on yelling at izzy-likers and izzy-neutrals that mention izzy in passing than yelling at izzy lovers like you and I
it's truly a weird thing
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 years
I see a lot of people nowadays, especially amongst the liberal work side of twitter labeling themselves “asexual”. And what I’m about to say is of course not any proven fact, but I’ll use my own situation and feelings on the matter:
I don’t think I believe asexuality is real. Not a true lack of sexuality naturally. I think “asexuality” linked to trauma of some kind is possible. If I had to speak of my own experience, I guess i’m in a way what a lot of people nowadays would label asexual. I have no sexual thoughts. I have no interest in sex. I dont dream of ever having it. If I masturbate it’s without a single thought in my mind. I’m totally clinical about it. I’m very good at it, it goes very quickly. It’s stress freeing.
The reason I’m like this is many. I know them. I could probably recover from this given EXTENSIVE expensive therapy. I do experience attraction, but I don’t want to have sex with those people either. I cannot place myself within sexual *imagery* even in my mind.
My self esteem is totally non-existent. I have no self worth. I have so many anxieties it’s suffocating. I cannot fathom anyone wanting to have sex with me. And I cannot fathom wanting to have sex with others. It’s a want that has never crossed my mind.
Because of all of this, when I see people online say they are “asexual”, I simply think to myself “Ah. This person has very deep issues mentally to address.” Or perhaps “they are just too young to know(i’ve seen young teens label themselves asexual, it’s very odd that it has become a trend)”
I think anyone can live without sex. I do however think the majority want sex. And that’s part of our biology.
However they are claiming a lot lately that some people are just born asexual. Like it’s an actual sexuality, like homosexuality or bisexuality or heterosexuality.
It’s so stupid. Why are we labeling this stuff as if it’s a sexuality and not just trauma or unaddressed issues within yourself.
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I've got a bit of a long reply so bear with me, anon and friends.
I'll discuss the topic at hand first, since that was your rant to me, anon. To be honest, I have limited knowledge about asexuality beyond two (brief) girlfriends who claimed it in the past. The state of briefness wasn't because we couldn't have sex, but that I wasn't told they felt themselves to be asexual until I had developed feelings. But in both those instances, they did have some level of trauma that could, realistically, influence their future endeavors with partners. Of course, personal experiences do not equate to solid evidence of everyone's experiences, but I did find it interesting.
Do I think asexuality is an actual sexuality like being a gay, straight, or bi? I don't know, but I have my doubts. The former three associate with your intended partners while asexuality speaks on an ability to engage with said partners, not pertaining to the partners sexes themselves. So if you were to tell me you were asexual, I still wouldn't know what your orientation technically was. And having to tag it on after lesbian, gay, or straight does make me wonder about it. The fact that many people who consider themselves asexual are not only uninterested but feel discomfort at the idea of it seems to be as you say (however overused the term may be) a trauma response of some sort or an overwhelming anxiety of not being able to perform well or embarrassing themselves. I certainly had some apprehension at a time, especially since I lost it my virginity at 18 which is considered fairly "pathetic" to some people. I think the older people get, the worse that fear can become as people begin to expect you to be out having sex, and if you haven't had time to overcome that anxiety of performance, you may just label yourself as someone uninterested.
But I also think trauma is another reason, like you say. Sex is, however you have it, an intimate act. Bearing your whole body to another person and allowing them to see you. You can't hide behind angles or the shift of your clothing. That can be scary. So to have that kind of trust betrayed or violated could easily leave someone feeling traumatized. Without a doubt. I've been extremely lucky to not have that trust broken or violated, so it's hard to me to even consider what that might feel like. But I always keep my ears open to things and I don't write my opinions in stone. But so far as what you say, I pretty much agree with you anon.
vvvvv (cw, mentions of suicide) vvvv
Now ...you know what I'm about to say, right? You know I gotta mention that stuff you said earlier about yourself, right? I can't just let that slide, anon. Not in my neck of the woods.
Your worth doesn't lie in your sexual appeal to others. I'm not writing this with pity in my heart and naively thinking I will change your life. You've got scars and trauma that I'll never know about and have no business asking about. I'm gonna get a little personal here and maybe this might explain why I push so hard to make all you all the other gyns feel worth something. I have, in my life, tried to kill myself four to five times. I honestly don't remember. The last second to last time, I took an entire box of certain pills and spent the entire night slipping in and out of consciousness. When I woke up the next morning, I sobbed so hard my chest hurt because I thought I was finally going to be dead.
I hated myself. I hated who I was. How I looked. I'll never be able to explain to you now much I hated myself, anon. I thought I was dirt. I called myself the n-word. I just wanted to get out of everyone's way and be gone. I hurt myself, I did it all.
I don't know your story, and I don't know why you think you have no worth but honestly? Fuck that. Just fuck that, completely. You do matter. And I'm not fucking asking if you think you do, I'm telling you that you do. Regardless of what has happened to you or whatever rancid fucks made you think you were less than, your worth has remained intact. You still matter. You still deserve love, like everyone else, whether your realize it or not. I'm not even talking about sex. I'm talking about feeling loved by others and ESPECIALLY by yourself.
So here's the thing. I care about you now. I've been made aware of your existence and now it's too late. I've put stock into you and your come-up and that's just too fucking bad for you if you don't like that.
You deserve happiness, anon. I'm not gonna debate it with you because it's not up for discussion. You deserve to love yourself and to smile when you see who you are and how you've endured your trials. And if you need to vent or talk, you hit up my ask or messages and we'll have a chat, alright? 💜 You fucking take care of yourself, anon. 💜💜
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Nobody wants to see a repeat of the exact same story ALL the time. Personally i find it weird and annoying and its posting etiquette which is a actual thing, look it up. If someone is not showing your face in a post, doesn’t matter if you are there, why would you go and post the exact same thing not just something similar? Or post to let it known that you were there. Yes they should say something but shes not a child straight into the social media womb, must her hand be held through everything?
They went out to dinner with Kats dad and he posted the food as did Sam. Kat didnt even post about it yet she goes and posts mention not only that shes there but where they were. He posts the dogs and throughout it you keep hearing her trying to talk to make her presence known (someones filming they shouldnt have to tell you to pipe down), then goes and posts the exact same thing. Not just the dogs playing, not Colby playing with ‘em but her doing the same thing. It reminds me of an annoying younger siblings that must do everything the older one does. With his room, come now… she couldnt have started recording once at the window? Its not her room and she just HAD TO get an image of her walking to the window and showing both windows to showcase she was in his room. She has been gatekeeping photos of just them two from edc and hmmm i wonder why? Look at her twitter, you really think he didnt say something? She promised Colby photos not core4. She deleted the tweet that said “i gotchu” regarding it. She has a subscription and somehow her fans know where they’ll be in Europe when once again the boys are staying mysterious about. Colby had literal stalkers, the boys have had break ins, if they chose to tell their sub service they’ll be in the UK, thats on them, thats not a green light for then her to say where they’ll be or for how long to the unsubbed masses. Remember someone not long ago mentioned florida BEFORE it was announced Kat was doing playlist?, who do you think sold “core4 florida” to the fans??? Because it wasnt Kat. Now they’re saying Australia so wouldnt be surprised if in a few you hear snc mention it and her tag along again.
On your question about posting the same thing.Ive seen this issue with literal people before, shoot from different angles but not the same angle same image. Also wait to post dont do it back to back especially if the audience is the same. Plus just because you’re in the same environment doesn’t mean you HAVE TO post the same thing to show you are there. If your presence or someone elses is being kept a wrap then the proper thing to do is not post it but she does not miss a chance this one. He can post a pic of his white claw and you can almost on cue expect her to post the exact same thing right after. Personally not just from a social posting stance, but i’d be annoyed as hell.
i'm so sorry, but… posting etiquette? that's not an actual thing. it's the internet for god's sakes. also, there are no rules to when you want to post and whether or not your friends just posted the same thing. that's all made up.
she's literally only done this a couple times max, i don't see the issue. it's not like she's trying to copy their exact story, and then pass it off as hers. she's in the same place as them, possibly next to them, and films the same thing. why is that a problem? even if her audience is the same as theirs, do you think a majority care?
and again, if it was an issue to snc or kat, then they would handle it. clearly they either don't notice (probably bc they don't care) or… they don't care.
and the post of colby playing with the dogs, that she later posted something quasi similar, isn't that strange to me. they're at a party at a friend's house. they were both playing with the dogs, or at the very least seated next to each other. why would she have to be quiet at a party, when there was music and other ppl talking in the background?
and her in his room, again, i don't think it's all that deep. she might have just wanted to post the front like he did. in this instance, sure, she did copy him. but again, i don't think it's that big of a deal.
the edc thing i never saw but i can see it happening. i remember her saying she had pics from edc she never posted, and she still hasn't. maybe he told her to not post the extra pics, maybe she forgot and so she deleted the reply, maybe she deleted the reply bc the pics weren't good enough to post. idk.
if she is outright telling fans where she is, more so than just saying "oh we're in this town" but giving out info on the place they're staying at or investigating, that's a bit weird. someone should tell her to chill on that. snc have said to us on xplrclub vaguely where they're gonna be, but again, if she's going above and beyond just tagging the town they're in, then someone should tell her to stop.
personally, besides the last thing, i don't see this as an issue. if she wanted to post verbatim the same thing as snc and kat for the next 100 years, then she can do that. bc unless snc and kat tell her to chill, it's not an issue to them. they see her stories, they follow her. and if she was told to chill and keeps crossing a boundary, again, it's on them to either cut her out or lay down the law harder.
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kqtmansmokeschronic · 10 months
I need to relax, i be getting paranoid.
i really start wondering if people even who they say they are. the internet is such a toxic shitty place. ive only ever met two people on the internet i trust, my boyfriend and an old friend i met her on tumblr. I'm just gunna say it plainly i get paranoid "killa" is just actually one of them. One of those people that stalks us around the internet, why else would someone act like your friend and then disappear? twice? is that even his discord? why tf did he make a second one? is it cause if he didnt we'd recognize it? or is he just another person to take advantage of us holding our hand out? you think id feel discouraged but i dont, it makes me still want to fill the FMAW crew, keep making a community around our videos and our content, we're going to be better, and not a single one of them will ever have the benefit of being friends with us, so my paranoi more extends to having to throuroulghy vetsomeone before giving them anything, i dont even trust thhis temp tag that we met IN a lobby. they all know our names, they can easily join our lobbies, i dont understand why we're so important, im not even relevant they only stalk me because i refused to back down from supporting my friend. makes no sense man they all go on and on about how we're irrlevent but mention our names on twitter and see how many mothercukers pop out to say sumthing, upload a video to youtube just to watch the comment start filling up with comment from BRAND NEW youtube accounts, keep stalking us, we're gunna keep winning.
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