#and to also publicly abuse their spouse IT'S SUCH A COMMON THING RIGHT??
dicapriho · 2 years
it’s 2022 and celebs are still coming out with the bullshit “i worked with him he was never abusive or horrible to me, he was pleasant” .... are you fucking kidding me 
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stevensaus · 8 months
Accommodation Or Abuse: The False Choice Managers Have With #Neurospicy Employees
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Preface: You may notice that I do not name the prior employer or manager in this post. That is intentional, and for legal reasons. If you know (or guess) whom I'm speaking about, that's your conclusion, not mine. And if you think I'm talking about you... well, first, go read my Artistic License, and then... well, if the shoe fits, lace that right on up. This video on TikTok pretty much sums up my experiences at a prior employer: https://www.tiktok.com/@tamaravsthevoid/video/7279281953520585985 At that prior employer, there was literally no part of every day activities that did not involve something I had improved, reworked, or simply created from the ground up. Some of that work has gone on to be used in facilities on several continents. From the step-by-step instructions on doing complex procedures, to the Excel spreadsheet used to schedule customers, to the literal computer programs used to complete procedures, I "plugged a lot of holes in the bottom of the ship." I was also seen as insubordinate for a number of reasons. I suggested improvements. I pointed out that perhaps the Windows XP systems we were using in 2020 (yes, you read that correctly) should be patched for software vulnerabilities. I questioned vendors who claimed we had to upgrade Windows to replace a power supply... on a system that ran Linux. I noted the absolutely true fact that when you have three surveys returned, the statistics are utterly meaningless. I presented facts and logic, even when they were inconvenient. And, too often, I did not hide that I knew more about some topics than my "superiors". You would think that improving accuracy and performance would be the most important thing -- particularly in healthcare. That was not my experience. Not with that manager, or even with some of my co-workers. This eventually ended up badly for me. Even though I wasn't particularly interested in "recognition" or "promotion" or taking anyone's job -- just making my own job easier and more efficient -- the results for me were sadly typical for neurospicy individuals, as I suddenly had to find new employment right at the end of the pandemic. As I've learned more about my own neurospicy brain, I've realized that my experiences are common for people with my neurotype. And, sadly, so is the retaliation from allistics. {1} Even now, years out from not having anything to do with that employer, I recently had to block an old manager from snooping on my socials... and then saw where several of their subordinates (or subordinates of their spouse) started creeping on them as well. Which is kind of creepy and disturbing. Please stop; I know someone will show this to you. The irony of all of this is that none of it was necessary -- and is not necessary for other businesses, either. Neurospicy individuals can be a huge asset to a business. Providing accommodations for neurospicy folx is beneficial for all parties. Repeatedly, we see that autism doesn't hold people back at work -- discrimination does. And it's not actually that hard to manage and work with us. Hell, there's even easy to find tip sheets on the first page of any search engine (but here's a direct link to one). In the meantime, Applied Behavioral Analysis and "Autism Speaks" serve up an alternative world where neurodivergent individuals are browbeaten into simple conformity. They actively work to silence neurodivergent voices when they are inconvenient. At one staff meeting, my manager at the time dismissed concerns about customer feedback surveys by saying, "It isn't like we have anyone here who is an expert on surveys and statistics." Everyone looked at me. It was publicly known that I was also an adjunct teaching a research methods course -- specifically covering surveys and statistics -- at a local university at the time. That manager -- for not the first (or last) time -- demonstrated their pettiness and lack of leadership with that comment. So I offer this challenge to all of you who are -- or may be -- in leadership positions: Do you want to be a leader or manager who actually works with your neurodivergent employees? Do you want to have them in your corner supporting you, improving the workplace, and being an asset to the organization? Or do you want to be like my old manager, creating a hostile, toxic, and inefficient work environment because of the fragility of your ego? {1} I am not getting into the Americans With Disabilities Act for a lot of reasons, not least being the obstacles in getting an "official" diagnosis as well as the very limited "benefits" that such will get you. Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Read the full article
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
So you'll ignore actual evidence that is easily available and readily confirmed (just look on the Netflix website, you don't even need to subscribe) but you'll accept some third party "research" that, for all you know, was funded by the Illuminati? Why? Also, child marriages aren't common. Most people who get married in the Land Of The Eagle are adults. The exceptions are for extreme situations, such as to prevent bastardry, or destitute girls being abandoned by their families wihni support.
Since you’re out of touch with reality (it’s well known that you’re not the original holder of this account but you keep claiming it. Sad, fake human pet guy) I’ll make a point of explaining things very clearly.
Netflix created a controversial poster for the 2020 French film Mignonnes that they had purchased the distribution rights for and called “cuties” - the film is about a young girl from a conservative background getting involved with a dance troupe and exploring her femininity and finding her place in the world as a young woman and an immigrant. It’s a coming of age story that is making a commentary about the way that young girls are hypersexualized. Here’s the director, a French-Sengalese woman named Maïmouna Doucouré, talking about the movie in January of this year, long before it exploded into this nontroversy:
Debut feature Cuties, also produced by Zangro, revisits this milieu with the tale of an 11-year-old Senegalese girl, recently arrived in Paris, who falls in with a gang of girls obsessed with their looks who post images of themselves on social media.
Doucouré says the work grew out a desire to explore what it means to approach womanhood between two cultures as well as the wider theme of the hyper-sexualisation of youngsters in modern society.
She drew initial inspiration for the wider theme from an amateur talent show she chanced upon when her visiting her old neighbourhood in northern Paris.
“There were these girls on stage dressed in a really sexy fashion in short, transparent clothes,” she recalls. “They danced in a very sexually suggestive manner. There also happened to be a number of African mothers in the audience. I was transfixed, watching with a mixture of shock and admiration. I asked myself if these young girls understood what they were doing.”
Intrigued, Doucouré spent more than a year researching the topic, interviewing groups of girls she met in the street, in parks or youth associations, trying to find out what drove them to dress and dance so provocatively and then post clips publicly.
“I came to understand that an existence on social networks was extremely important for these youngsters and that often they were trying to imitate the images they saw around them, in adverts or on the social networks,” she recalls.
So. A French-Sengalese woman makes a movie about tween girls and the way they experience the world. It’s a coming of age film and generally well received.
And here’s where shit goes off the rails.
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Also you could have clicked on the link that *I* provided to see that there were over 200,000 child marriages in the US between 2000 and 2015 and that is *too fucking many child marriages* because *any* number of child marriages is too fucking many child marriages.
“Preventing bastardry” does not matter and legal recognition of fatherhood matters only insofar as it relates to child support payments so marrying a fifteen year old to a twenty year old to prevent their child from being a bastard is simply the state-aided assault of the fifteen year old. It is child abuse to abandon your minor child for getting pregnant and leave them unsupported, just like it is child abuse to abandon your minor child for any other reason.
HOWEVER if a minor child is married to an adult Child Protective Services doesn’t have the right to remove that child from the home, which means that children who are married to their abusers may have no means of escape - they haven’t been kidnapped, and they are not being held against their will (technically) but they have no means of support if they leave an abusive spouse.
"When a child reaches out to us and says, 'Please help me. I'm about to be forced into a marriage' or 'I was just forced into a marriage,' there's almost nothing that we can do to help her," Reiss said. "We could be charged with kidnapping if we help her to leave home. It's heartbreaking for me."
Child marriage is NOT an extreme edge case, it is tragically common and incredibly frustrating because it should be such an easy thing to fix (there is NO good reason for a minor to marry an adult, ever. Not pregnancy, not because they’re in love, not because of religious beliefs. Minors should never, ever marry adults, if a minor wants to marry an adult they should be required to wait until they are an adult so that they can do things like “finish school” and “have the sort of social safety net that we at least usually afford to children but if you’re fifteen and married you can’t report your abusive spouse to the cops and get into the foster care system, you’re just fucked” and “not rely on the adult who married them to make all of their medical decisions like whether or not to be allowed treatment for endometriosis” and “be able to get away from their abuser instead of being locked into a marriage because they’re too young to legally file for divorce since children can’t sign legal contracts except for marriage licenses, apparently”)
If you are curious about child marriage in the US there was an *excellent* and extremely comprehensively researched series written by teen vogue in 2017 that you can read here: https://www.teenvogue.com/tag/wedlocked
NOW. I’d like to explain to you that nobody takes you seriously because you’re raising a stink about a movie you haven’t watched and know nothing about while dismissing reliable research from reliable sources as “possibly funded by the illuminati” but the truth is that nobody takes you seriously because you’re the human pet guy.
Which is unfortunate, because kink shaming is bullshit and consensual adults doing consensual adult things isn’t a problem and people shouldn’t be shitty to you about it.
They should be shitty to you about your terrible ability to parse bullshit and your repeated insistence on spewing lies that Donald Trump vomited into your mouth all over the internet because you’re too goddamned blinded by your callow, sniveling ideology to rub two sources together for warmth in the middle of the cold, dark night of your intellect.
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gaythingliker69 · 3 years
TW: transphobia, mentions of hate crime
Hi, so since my post the other night I feel a sort of responsibility to tell people the situation of trans people in the UK. The short answer is it’s really bleak. The first thing I’ll mention is that in 2017 a trans woman was given residency in New Zealand from the UK as she faced “persecution” for her gender identity. The NZ authorities ruled that to send her back here would be “unduly harsh”. This must be at the forefront of everyone’s mind when trans rights come up in the UK, though it’s been forgotten over the last few years.
At that point the Labour Party was sort of ok for trans rights, with then leader Jeremy Corbyn calling for self ID. He certainly wasn’t perfect but he was better than his replacement. Corbyn was replaced by Sir Keir Starmer last year, and in his campaign for the leadership he refused to sign a pledge for trans rights, which was signed by his competitors Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy. The fourth contender, Emily Thornberry, refused to sign the pledge but spoke of her support for trans rights after the fact. Gemma Stone, a trans woman who said she was considering joining Labour but decided against it, described Starmer’s silence on the issue as “deafening”.
These days, Parliamentary support for trans rights comes from the backbenches - Members of Parliament who don’t hold a position as a government minister or shadow government minister. These include Zarah Sultana (the responses on that tweet are awful, but gives you an idea of what we’re up against) and Nadia Whittome of the Labour left, and Layla Moran of the Liberal Democrats, the first MP to identify as openly pansexual. Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish National Party, has called transphobia “not acceptable” in her party. However, Moran lost the LD leadership contest to Sir Ed Davey in 2020, so no party in Parliament in England and Wales has a platform for trans rights. Starmer has appeared to embolden transphobia by not cracking down on MPs like Rosie Duffield. We are very much on our own. Even on the far left, often accused of supporting trans rights as a means to undermine Western civilisation or something (I joke but I think you get my point), has major issues with it. The Communist Party of Britain has rumours and allegations of transphobia in its ranks, and the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) infamously referred to LGBT+ politics as “anti-Marxist” and “anti working class”. Are there no working class LGBT+ people? Regardless, even the people who are labelled as liking us don’t appear to.
And Johnson’s Conservatives are a non starter. Just this year, they proposed making unenrolled deed polls (a method of quickly changing your name) invalid. This would mean there is a publicly available list of trans people and other vulnerable individuals, like those trying to escape or disassociate from abusive partners. The process would require consent from any spouse (the only other process of this nature that requires this is gender recognition for trans people) and the addresses of those who have changed their names would be public knowledge. I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that is. It also appears there is little being done to stop the rise in hate crime, which were reported to have quadrupled last year. Politics is openly hostile from nearly every corner, it would seem.
In terms of healthcare there has been a similar decline. The BBC described waiting lists of over 3 years for gender clinics as “hell” (bear in mind this article was written before the pandemic hit the UK), though there were claims on Twitter that these times were up to 60 months in some places. These waiting times can lead to people taking the unfamiliar and often expensive private route. The High Court recently ruled that under 16s are unlikely to be able to give informed consent on puberty blockers, a troubling ruling that could have dangerous consequences depending on how the courts extend it in the future. The ruling that puberty blockers can only be used after you’ve gone through the bulk of puberty is a really curious one from a logical standpoint - they are not hormones, they are not irreversible. But I fear that’s what the courts or Parliament will come for next.
If you’re looking for an alternative source with different information from someone older, here’s a decent thread on how British transphobia partly emerged from the Skeptics in the Pub movement, making it unique to this hellish little rock.
This overview is really brief, and it would require me going a lot further in depth to go into how the media has fed into this, the controversies surrounding certain private doctors, or different groups and dog whistles they’ve adopted. But for now, I honestly feel quite helpless. There’s not much you can do to affect Parliament, especially not with the new laws coming in around protest in the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill. Petitions are useless unless they’re done through the Parliament website. If they gain 10,000 signatures they go to a petitions committee, then maybe the House of Commons itself. Only to be almost definitely voted down by Johnson’s Conservatives and their majority. Just please, spread this for all of us living here, and give any sort of suggestions for action. I fear this is going to get far worse before it gets better. We can but hope I’m wrong.
Update: 05/05/21
There have been some recent developments that I’m gonna note. I might use this as a sort of compilation document of documenting our position here.
Maya Forstater was a contracted consultant at the Centre for Global Development. Her contract wasn’t renewed in 2019 after a series of transphobic Twitter posts caused staff to complain about her. She received support from the Index for Censorship and was able to crowdfund her campaign. At the Central London Employment Tribunal, Judge James Tayler branded her views “not worthy of respect in a democratic society”. He said that her views weren’t protected under the Equality Act 2010 as they “violated the dignity” of trans people due to her insistence on misgendering. Judge Tayler did not say she couldn’t conduct so called ‘gender critical’ campaigns.
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Part of Tayler’s judgement from the above linked article, the judgement itself can be read here. Various views on the case can be found in the ‘Reaction to the tribunal judgement’ of the Wikipedia article.
Forstater appealed, and there is yet to be a judgement. However, the Equality abs Human Rights Commission has intervened to say that Forstater’s beliefs are protected under the Equality Act as they are philosophical beliefs. The irony in this should be clear. The equality watchdog making an effort to protect bigotry over people’s right not to face abuse. I’ll update this when the decision is handed down, which will be later in the year.
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Kylie Jenner’s Removal from Forbes’ Billionaires List Underscores the Basic Rules of PR
June 15, 2020 9 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Okay, I’ll admit it – I’ve never been a Kardashian fan. I’ll admit that “Momager” Kris Jenner and her offspring have achieved remarkable feats in garnering attention and revenue, two of entrepreneurship’s highest goals. But for me, the issue is the in-your-face actions the mom and her family are perpetually taking for celebrity’s sake. 
Kylie Jenner’s removal from the Forbes Billionaires List (after making the magazine’s cover in March 2019 as the world’s youngest self-made billionaire at 22) is a case in point. 
Granted, the family’s fame is perhaps most remarkable for the fact that it emerged on the back of tabloid headlines, Instagram popularity and reality TV.  The family already had wealth and stature from the legal career of Kris’s ex, OJ Simpson attorney Robert Kardashian (now deceased) and subsequent ex-spouse and former Olympian Bruce Jenner (now Caitlyn Jenner). But there was seemingly little to account for the family’s rise beyond daughter Kim’s small part as a closet organizer for Paris Hilton in The Simple Life in 2003, followed by a famously stolen sex tape. 
Whether you love the Kardashians or despise them, it is hard to dispute the business tenacity of any team that could sustain any program, let alone a reality TV show, for as long as Keeping Up With The Krdashians, which has been running since 2007 for 18 seasons so far. 
Mom Kris has been instrumental in helping the clan’s daughters, in particular, to parlay attention from Instagram and tabloid headlines into celebrity influencer roles and brands in clothing and beauty. Youngest daughters Kendall and Kylie have achieved perhaps the most traditionally legitimate roles, with Kendall, now 24, being named the world’s most highly-paid model in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Kylie, the youngest sister, has been acclaimed as the most financially successful as the founder and owner of Kylie Cosmetics (the outgrowth of the wildly viral Kylie Lip Kits business launched in November 2015). It is the claimed revenue for Kylie Cosmetics that served as the crUX of the aggressive PR bid for the Forbes billionaire ranking and record in 2019. 
As an expert in public relations, I would caution anyone to follow the roadmap that the Kylie team followed. They abused the rules of PR, and it came back to haunt them. 
Related: 6 Common Mistakes of DIY Public Relations
Rule 1: Beware the things you do for attention 
While gaining some form of attention and influence is a vital part of the game for most kinds of business, in my opinion, the kinds of business that exist primarily for the ability to monetize attention are treading on dangerous ground. 
When you actively seek attention for things the press wouldn’t otherwise cover, you are taking a risk. 
For example, in the midst of the global health crisis, I am seeing legions of companies wanting to promote themselves for doing good. “We donated masks; we’re making hand sanitizer,” they’re announcing. They want to be seen as heroes and they want the world to know. A competing agency even came forward in our own region, hoping our own “giveback” would be free PR to promote them for a campaign to do good. Um, no. 
While there are myriad examples of people and companies rising to support their communities in magnificent ways, doing so for the motive of “being seen” and promoting themselves as doers of good is a risk. For every kind of PR, consider the question first of who needs and wants the information and why. If the only entity helped is you, as promotion it’s a lousy reason to fill the airwaves, and it is prone to backfire as well. 
As someone who’s written columns for years, I am stunned at the audacity of people who conclude interviews with remarks like, “By the way, you need to include my name in the headline because I’m trying to fight down a bad story on ABC,” or “That story needs to refer to me as a ‘leadership guru,’ because I’m using it for my marketing afterwards.” Both of these conversations were finished on the spot and neither story appeared. 
In contrast, the founder of a distillery that converted from premium liquors to massive production of sanitizer for medical facilities, porta-johns and community members was extremely interesting to me and to others. Why? Because he spoke candidly about the realities of regulatory restrictions on transporting ethyl alcohol in quantity and the very real vulnerabilities the business faces in determining how long the pivot should last and whether it can or should resume its former operation when the pandemic is over. These are the stories that capture the attention of readers as they show others they are not alone in their fears and inspires them with the ideas that others have used. 
In the Kylie Jenner situation, her PR machine went wrong in relentlessly pitching Forbes the evidence they should consider in naming her the world’s youngest self-made billionaire. Even as a privately-held business, they offered up tax returns and normally confidential records to bolster their claims. The numbers seemed to add up and they got the press attention they were asking for. But in doing this, they broke Rule 2: 
Related: What to Do When You Wake Up to a PR Crisis
Rule 2: Beware the release of private financials
Publicly traded companies are required to disclose their financials. So if you’ve had an up quarter or down, the world will know it, and the SEC requires you report the information in a format that is available to all. This is a great move in transparency; however, in making a public company disclosure you must adhere to careful procedures ti ensure the information is in the right format and equally available to all observers at once. If you are a board member or stake holder who knows the information early, you are not allowed to trade on it or disclose it to others (as too many public figures have learned). 
If you are privately held, however, while you must provide the information to your board, to the bank and to your private investors, you should seriously question the rational for sharing it with anyone else. Suppose you have a record-breaking quarter. Good for you! But if you blare it to the press and public, you have needlessly educated your competitors as well as the public you are trying to impress. Worse still, once you’ve opened the books, what will the press and public conclude when you later have a negative quarter and decline to answer the question, or wish you didn’t have to? Now the gauntlet’s been thrown, You will have to either provide the update or let the audience assume the answer you’re refusing to give is bad news. 
If the reason for disclosing is to let the market know your product is exceeding expectations, why not quantify the answer in another way, such as percentage growth or units sold? Even then, consider why you’d release information that could be put up for comparison later in the seasons to come. But the Kardashian team also appears to have also violated the most fundamental rule of public relations: Never lie to the press. 
Rule 3: You should never lie to the press
As reported, the PR team pressing the Kylie agenda produced tax returns to validate her company’s earnings. Sure enough, the numbers supported a business valuation of $1.2 billion, making Kylie Jenner a bona fide billionaire.
But what the PR team didn’t consider was this: Jenner is now selling the company to Coty, for $600 million. That is potentially understandable during a season in which the sales of many products have dropped. However, the information provided by Coty to its investors on the company’s prior results are orders of magnitude smaller than the numbers the PR team was giving to Forbes. The new numbers not only refute the billionaire standing, they reportedly indicate the prior tax returns provided were faked. 
The press reports bad news as well as good. But when a prior claim by a source is shown to be false, the press will report it with intensified fervor and the public will pounce upon it with glee. In this case, stock in the acquiring company has taken a sizable drop since the announcement. Watchers are speculating that the acquiring company may back out of the deal or even sue based on the stories of prior sales that appear to be as inflated as the founder’s plumped lips. (As background, Jenner disclosed in 2018 she had used and later removed the artificial fillers that had been widely reported by media.) 
The lessons to entrepreneurs in these events should be clear. Not all attention is good attention. Not all press is good press.
Used with care, celebrity status can be fine for advancing ideas and products. For example, a notable CBS newscaster in Houston, Dominique Sachse, has won two Emmys for her coverage, but she also broadcasts her real-life beauty and fashion ideas on YouTube and Instagram to an audience of millions. Public reports estimate her income and net worth to be many millions, but she has never disclosed or marketed her worth (nor has she attempted to aggrandize her value through aggressive attempts to “be seen.”)
In every case, honest communication is vital. And putting the interests and needs of your audience and customers first is the ideal approach to getting meaningful press. 
Related: 5 Public Relations Tips to Help You Write a Pitch Someone Will …
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source http://www.scpie.org/kylie-jenners-removal-from-forbes-billionaires-list-underscores-the-basic-rules-of-pr/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/06/kylie-jenners-removal-from-forbes.html
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asafeatherwould · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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michaeljames1221 · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
from Criminal Defense Lawyer West Jordan Utah https://criminaldefenselawyerwestjordanutah.wordpress.com/2019/08/19/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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aretia · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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melissawalker01 · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/187109918960
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advertphoto · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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coming-from-hell · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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mayarosa47 · 5 years
Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Family Lawyer Bluffdale Utah
Once you decide that the two of you are not capable of resolving your differences and that a mediator is not an option, you must change the way you see your situation and your spouse. You are no longer married in a castle by the sea, but are heading into divorce court with an adversary who is out to wreck you. There are certain steps you should take to protect yourself.
Hire a Family Lawyer Attorney
After doing your homework, hire an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer. Lawyer bashing is fashionable in our society, and some of them deserve it. But there are attorneys who are skilled in their profession, who ask a fair price for their services, and who will try to use the law to your benefit. Because divorce and custody and child support are all legal issues, in most cases, you need an attorney. Even if you mediate these issues with your former spouse, you should hire an attorney to read the agreement. An experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer can be your best friend and asset in your divorce proceeding. But choose wisely. Ideally, the domestic lawyer you want specializes in representing divorced fathers and has an established track record in winning favorable settlements for these fathers in terms of custody, division of property, spousal support, and visitation.
With few attorneys specializing in divorced fathers, you are not likely to find one. Finding one who specializes in domestic cases is more likely and you should hold out for one with this specialty.
Domestic law, the law that will affect you and your divorce, is specific to each state. If you have moved to another state, an attorney in your new state will not be knowledgeable about the domestic law in the state where your divorce proceedings will be held. There are enormous differences between states with regard to the laws governing custody and divorce. As a divorced father you must inform yourself of the custody laws in Utah and try to hire an attorney who has litigated cases in Utah.
Ask prospective attorneys to identify specific training they have had that makes them specialists in family law in the state in which the divorce will be held, the names of any professional organizations they belong to, how many divorced fathers they have represented, and the outcomes of several cases that have been to court. It’s your money you will be spending, and the average cost of a contested divorce is over $10,000.
Most attorneys offer an initial consultation at no cost. Interview at least two attorneys. In addition to their being a specialist in domestic law, make sure that they offer a refundable retainer. Lawyers charge between $100 and $300 an hour and many require a retainer or up-front money. A contested custody fight will require about 100 hours, and thus the total cost will be between $10,000 and $30,000. Most charge 10 to 15 percent of this as a retainer, requiring that you have between $1000 and $3000 up-front money. Because you want to get your money’s worth, make sure that your attorney offers a refundable retainer in case he or she withdraws from your case or you become dissatisfied. Otherwise, you have lost your money and will have to start over. You should also expect monthly statements detailing what your attorney has done for you day by day and the cost of his or her time. It is your responsibility to keep payments current. Should you not have money to hire an attorney, contact the legal aid society in your community and identify what resources are available to you. In the initial interview, discuss the degree to which your attorney will prioritize your case. A specialist who spends no time on your case is no attorney. An attorney who is available to talk with you on the phone (as an attorney and not as a therapist) and to work with you in preparing your case is the attorney you want. Judges are required by legislative statute to make decisions based on the evidence. But your lawyer must invest the time to present the best possible evidence on your behalf.
In the event that you don’t find a specialist, or can’t afford to hire an attorney, or can’t find one who will prioritize your case, you may want to represent yourself (called pro se). Although an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will discourage this, our legal system allows you to do so but it may not be in your interest to do so.
Don’t Use Your Former Spouse’s Attorney
It may be tempting to use your spouse’s attorney in an attempt to save money. Don’t. Your spouse’s attorney has her, not your, interests in focus and both interests cannot be served. It is unethical for an attorney to represent both the ex-wife and the ex-husband. At the very least, hire your own attorney to review any document your wife asks you to sign. You may be surprised at what you find.
Sign Nothing Now
As a good general rule, sign nothing now. You are too vulnerable. Once you sign, you may not be able to recover from the damage she can do to you for your signature. Eventually, you will sign a court order having a judge’s signature and that of the respective attorneys. This is the only document you want to sign unless an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer advises you to do otherwise.
Strike First
If your spouse is unwilling to settle your differences by talking with you or through a mediator, start the first inning of legal hardball. Contact an attorney, tell him or her you want out, and serve your spouse with papers. Beat her to the punch. Researcher Ruth Dixon and her colleague studied husbands who filed for divorce and observed that those who did so were much more likely to be awarded custody.
Stay in the Marital Home
Do not leave the marital home until your attorney tells you to. If you leave before the time is right, it could work against you. Husbands who leave their marital home can be charged with “abandonment,” which makes you look like the bad guy who now may owe your former spouse money in the form of “alimony” for leaving her. She may also charge you with abandoning your children to justify her getting custody and huge child support. Stay put until your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer tells you to move out.
React Quickly
Do not be surprised if a sheriff shows up at your door serving you with papers that give her temporary custody of the children. Translation: You lose legal control. Other court actions against you might be throwing you out of your house or seizing or freezing your assets. Fight such orders immediately. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will know what to do.
End Your Financial Relationship with Your Spouse
Because in most states one spouse is responsible for the debts of the other, your spouse may be angry at you and go on a shopping spree. The bills will come in later and you are likely to get stuck paying them. One wife went shopping and put $1200 on the credit cards in one weekend. Because her husband had more income and was leaving the marriage, the judge made him pay off all of her debts. Once you decide that the marriage is over, call the number on the back of each credit card and cancel the card and call any stores you have charge accounts with and close those accounts. Unless you move half of the money out of your joint checking and savings accounts and into a separate account, there will be nothing to stop your wife from taking all of the money out of the joint accounts and it will take you months to get any of it back. Only take half as that is the fair thing to do. Your wife can empty any account that has her name on it, and some wives do. If you and she own anything in common, fix it so that this is no longer the case. Otherwise, if you die, she gets it all. Your Bluffdale Utah family lawyer will advise you on this. You should also notify your local Credit Bureau that you and your spouse are no longer jointly responsible for any debts she may incur, and remove any business records from the marital home, preferably placing them in your lawyer’s care.
Exercise Caution in Your Personal Life
Now is not the time to take vacations, buy an expensive car, or move into expensive living quarters. Evidence of any affluence can be used against you to get you to pay more child support and/or alimony. And you will need money to pay your attorney!
Although you may have already become involved in a new relationship, do not consider moving in with her. In fact, don’t even be seen publicly with her. Judges view such behavior as abandoning responsibility to your wife and children and may punish you with stiff alimony and child support payments. Unless your formal separation agreement states that each of you can be with others, doing so can be used against you in court. Being free to date others during the period of separation is commonly referred to as “street legal.”
Be Alert to Sex Abuse Charges
One ploy used by divorced women who want full custody of their children and no visitation by their ex-husbands is to charge them with sex abuse. Although making a false charge of child abuse is a misdemeanor offense, few ex-wives are ever prosecuted. Fathers are vulnerable to such a charge by doing anything that can be regarded as suspect by a judge or jurors. Although bathing a 6-year-old or sleeping with one’s children can be innocuous parenting behaviors, they can be used against a father by an exwife yelling “sex abuser,” especially when the child in question is your daughter. So, as a divorced father, you must be aware that your ex-wife is at war with you and that by charging you with sex abuse she may succeed in keeping you away from the children. Be careful.
Don’t Abscond with Your Children
As noted earlier, don’t take off with your children without letting your former spouse know where you are going. Otherwise, she can use this against you and a judge can order that you only see your children under supervision. If you plan to go on a holiday with your children it’s a good idea to speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
As a married dad living with your children, access to them was never an issue. As a divorced father, unless the court document specifies that you have access to your children, you have no legal access. It is imperative that you determine the role you want to play in your children’s life/development and how much physical access you want to them so that this can be written into a court order to protect your role and access. What role and rights do you want as a father? Some fathers want full-time sole custody, others want joint custody, and still others want their ex-wives to retain custody while they have the traditional visitation of every other weekend, alternate holidays, and so on. Very few fathers want no contact at all. What do you want?
Primary Factors
A number of factors affect the amount of time a father wants to spend with his children and how much time he asks the court to award. An important factor is your children’s preferences. How do they feel and what do they want? You might simply ask them how much they would like to be with mom and dad. Most children have a preference for wanting to continue to be with both parents. But you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an expensive court fight if your children don’t want to be with you. Speak to an experienced Bluffdale Utah family lawyer.
Bluffdale Utah Family Lawyer Free Consultation
When you need legal help with a family law matter in Bluffdale Utah, please call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/family-lawyer-bluffdale-utah/
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Rock band Shinedown removes the stigma around mental health and addiction in “Attention Attention”
New Post has been published on https://cialiscom.org/rock-band-shinedown-removes-the-stigma-around-mental-health-and-addiction-in-attention-attention.html
Rock band Shinedown removes the stigma around mental health and addiction in “Attention Attention”
For Shinedown’s most new album, “Focus Interest,” the rock band resolved to get really personalized, and no song was a lot more vulnerable than “Get Up.” Front guy Brent Smith penned the anthem right after seeing his buddy and bandmate, bassist Eric Bass, battle with clinical melancholy.
At its main, the tune discounts with empathy. Smith’s lyrics reflect a shared expertise. Though he may not have endured the same struggles as Bass with depression, pain can — regretably — be a common human practical experience and that feeling of unconditional assistance and solidarity for his pal is the driving variable behind the track.
Remarkably, “Get Up” was not pre-planned. Bass created the music for it, and Smith did not share the lyrics or motivation for the tune until finally they recorded it. Nevertheless Bass realized promptly who the music was about when Smith laid down the vocals.
On a short split from the band’s entire world tour, Smith and Bass spoke to Salon about “Get Up,” psychological health, dependancy and how displaying vulnerability strengthened their connection with their lovers.
Let’s start off conversing about “Get Up.” Tell me about the solitary, the track and the information.
Brent: It was like lightening hit each of us with inspiration at that time, because I was so concerned of crossing the line with our friendship – because I experienced hardly ever carried out a thing this private in advance of in regard to me and him – that I didn’t want to offend him. And I didn’t want to upset him, due to the fact I adore him. He’s my associate, and he is my bandmate and we create with each other. This was a pretty particular issue that I just expressed to him. And he wasn’t upset at all. I was so concerned to cross the line with him, but Eric just eradicated the line.
That music was this sort of a sounding board for the rest of the tunes that became “Consideration Consideration.” I imply, “Get Up” was a huge pivotal instant for not only us, but just in the earning of the album. It was a very powerful minute.
Eric: We truly feel like “Get Up” just in essence unlocked this history. Brent and I experienced conversations prior to that tune about some of the subjects that we had started to write about – which was substance abuse problems – and some of the things we experienced been by with each and every other above the previous couple of decades, dealing with that and working with my depression.
We have fallen apart, we place ourselves back again together once more. Let us create about it, but it took a music like “Get Up” to make it OK to do that. Here’s a little something which is been seriously individual for me. My wife, my shut family and my bandmates had been definitely the only people who knew something about my severe depression concerns.
We took the shackles off at that issue, and we reported, “Let us just compose truthfully. Let us create the tale of what has took place to us above the past few decades and make the report out of it.” People are going to determine with that. Individuals enjoy honesty, particularly our supporters. They really like the reality that we’ve published one thing that is so personal, still they can come across a piece of them selves in each one of this songs – primarily a music like “Get Up.”
Eric, were being you ever afraid to let Brent produce this tune or to publicly open up up by way of new music about your struggles? It’s a quite susceptible situation to be in.
Eric: It is a susceptible location to be for sure. I wasn’t actually afraid of it. I failed to know what I was heading to say to other persons. I consider extra than nearly anything, a lot more than staying worried — I understood that, for the reason that it was heading to arrive to gentle, that this is what I go by, and a ton of folks go via the similar matters — that I was going to have to have interaction men and women in conversation. And they have been heading to engage me in discussion, inquiring issues about it. I’m normally frightened that I am not heading to have the correct reply for them. You know, for the reason that I am not a therapist. I’m dealing with this just like they are. And, so, seriously for me, the only apprehension I have experienced with it is: What takes place if any individual is genuinely achieving out to me, and they seriously require assistance?
I was never worried about any kind of stigma or anything with it to be trustworthy with you. It’s truly been quite a relief to be able to articulate some of these things and communicate to folks about the points that I was afraid of chatting to individuals about. I never generally have all the solutions for them, but just partaking them in discussion about it and getting a dialogue, even if it truly is for a few minutes in a meet and greet, which is actually been pretty therapeutic for me.
Read through A lot more: The Beatles’ wrestle to end “The White Album”: How negative did it get?
I want to speak about some lyrics from the music. “I am on the vibrant side of being hell bent / So, get it from me, you are not the only one/ Who cannot see straight.” They are really highly effective.
Eric: They’re really some of the coolest lyrics in there, and they’re very particular to me actually.
I appreciate the fact that Brent – when he wrote the song – he wrote the 1st verse genuinely just about the two of us. And I try to remember that currently being anything that just sort of definitely grabbed me and was really emotional for me, truly, due to the fact from the to start with verse out of the gate, I know he’s crafting about me when he’s speaking about “clinging to the mild of working day” and “medicine will not do a lot, it just numbs your mind.” Then he turns it on himself and says, I guess it “may well seem a minimal intensive/ I am on the vivid aspect of currently being hell bent/ So, acquire it from me, you’re not the only 1/ Who are unable to see straight.” He is conversing about himself.
Brent is a super-rigorous man, and he’s been down some truly tricky roads. He is conversing about having difficulties with his dependancy issues and recognizing that he has to regard that – just like I have to regard my depression. And that’s why he’s saying, “You might be not the only just one/ Who are not able to see straight.” I know I am not on your own when he claims that. I usually beloved that line in the music.
I am intrigued if your romance or your connection to your followers has strengthened or transformed since of the honesty of this track. 
Brent:  The astounding issue is that, whether it can be someone that has been with the band since the pretty to start with album or they are just variety of finding out who Shinedown is – in particular with this album, and these songs – the significant factor to do with the viewers, genuinely, is to let them speak. We have penned the content, but we want them to be capable to converse about it, since they may perhaps not have at any time talked about it.
We meet up with a great deal of men and women on tour, and a large amount of periods they just want to explain to you their story or what they have been via. And, actually for us, it is really about listening to them and giving them our time. We at times never even have to say nearly anything to them, due to the fact they do speak about the lyrics, and they discuss about the tunes and they talk about the music. They know that it is really very legitimate from us, mainly because we are not able to pull tunes out of slim air. It has to be actual. So, a great deal of times, it is really just enabling them to converse. Which is what we try to do as a band – and to give them a platform – just as a lot as they’ve supplied us an wonderful system.
Eric: The accomplishment of Shinedown is just what Brent just said, is the fact that it really is trustworthy. We really don’t at any time make something up. That’s also been the success of rock ‘n’ roll music, and a good deal of persons will say rock ‘n’ roll songs is useless. But Kurt Cobain was currently being brutally honest, as well – it obtained inside of of men and women. People latched on to what he was saying. Shinedown is a absolutely distinctive band then, that we have a entirely diverse information. But we are not writing music for the club – we are creating what we know. We’re composing our ordeals down and performing them by way of music. If a kid can listen to our track and go, “He’s composing about a little something that he knows that he is lived by, and I have lived as a result of the identical issue,” it provides them hope.
What do you feel is significant for individuals to bear in mind and acknowledge as we continue on to try to clear away the stigma all over psychological health and fitness?
Eric: The important point for people today to keep in mind, who never suffered with any type of depression troubles, PTSD, psychological wellbeing, anything at all like that is: The persons who have the dilemma don’t realize it any a lot more than the folks who don’t have an being familiar with. You experience unfortunate. You don’t know why you really feel unfortunate.
My spouse, who thank God does not experience with any of this, who’s been with me for 24 several years. And she to this day will not fully grasp nearly anything I go by means of, but she understands that it is really authentic to me. When she sees that I’m down, she doesn’t go, “What’s wrong with you? You have no purpose to be frustrated!” and commence listing the reasons why I shouldn’t come to feel the way I come to feel.
It won’t discriminate. It doesn’t issue what your age, race, social financial position is, it gets you. It will provide you down and when you’re having an episode or when you happen to be down and out, it doesn’t subject. None of that stuff issues. You can’t even give people a rationale why, since you will not know why you experience the way you feel. That’s type of the saddest factor for the sufferer and the most frustrating matter for the person who is observing them go through.
It really is important to bear in mind they cannot assist this, and for God sakes, the worst thing you can do is get started giving them factors why they need to be satisfied. They want to go look for enable, they need to locate men and women who can help them out of this circumstance they are in.
We just will need to develop a more delicate modern society — produce additional of a narrative, a lot more of an atmosphere exactly where individuals sense like they can go discuss to another person about this. I am residing evidence that chatting about it — not even chatting with anyone in specific — just articulating what I’m heading by way of has served me a good deal in the past handful of months. I can truly come to feel a distinction.
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Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Scripts 71
Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Scripts 71
November 29, 2017
I Stella Carrier Humbly Call Upon What I Imagine To Be The Influence of Benevolent Spirits From the Heavenly Realms, my higher self, and my celestial spirit ally team for creativity in both my writings and all other areas of my life both present and future. I also welcome any and all forms of spiritual assistance and divine intervention in all areas of my life both present and future.
I am creating heaven on earth.
I am learning to be in the right place at the right time at all times.
I am learning to live all areas of my life in alignment with my divine life purpose for both the present and future
My psychic/intuitive abilities, creativity/imaginative abilities, and my ability to tap into my wisdom are expanding each and every day.
I am in the process of manifesting and ensuring a bright future for myself
I see through various situations with great wisdom and clarity with discernment as to what information to go by
I am in the process of simultaneously sharpening both my logic decision making and the imagination helpful to think outside the box for solutions in various areas of my life.
I love and honor everything I create.
My life is full of miracles.
I am free to do those things that bring me joy.
My soul guides me on my path.
I ask for and receive a seed of inspiration to bring me answers and solutions. I now know what to do.
Once I make a decision, all the forces in the universe are mobilized to bring about my highest good.
I ask my higher self and soul to show me answers and solutions.
My sixth chakra is awakening. I see through the eyes of my soul.
My mind is tuned to the higher planes of reality.
I have wonderful, supportive friends.
Stella Carrier Law of Attraction Scripts 71
I Stella Carrier enjoy a close connection with my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team of the heaven worlds of divine love and divine happiness both present and future. I Stella Carrier learn to create heaven on earth and for my afterlife for both myself and those who surround me both present and future. Both my sweet and handsome husband Rusty Ridler and I Stella Carrier experience the essence of love, good luck, and good fortune in all areas of our lives both present and future. I Stella Carrier contribute to the greater good of both myself and others both at my University of Maryland College Park food services job both present and future and at my volunteering for both present and future. Many of my customers, coworkers, and leaders are beyond happy and satisfied with my intense commitment to customer service and creative job performance both present and future. I Stella Carrier aim to give my professional best in my current University of Maryland College Park food services job both present and future and I obviously prefer to work at the University of Maryland College Park food services job for the rest of my time of residing in the Washington D.C. area if for my highest and greatest good of both myself and those who surround me. However, regardless of what my human ego prefers in all areas of my life both present and future, I trust that my heaven higher self and my heaven spirit ally team are collaborating together to help me Stella Carrier tap into my logic, wisdom, and intuition to live my life in alignment with my life purpose and becoming more independent, to help me both be a better financial provider for both my husband Rusty Ridler and I, as well as to always be in the wisest and most beneficial place at the wisest and most beneficial time for both present and future.
Wednesday November 30, 2017I must preface sharing this latest Law of Attraction Script by making it clear that I prefer to work at my current University of Maryland College Park food services job for the rest the time that I reside in the Washington D.C. area. Because I am a temporary employee,  if my current employer allows me to stay and approves my contract to be extended for Spring 2018,I would just make sure to find legal ways to pick up legal income around my current University of Maryland College Park food services job during the times that the cafeteria I work at is closed for the school semesters due to the rule of temporary employees only working during the school breaks if asked. Last, but not least, I am the type of employee who would make sure to give my current employee at least a three week notice before relocating as courtesy with the understanding that it is their discretion and choice if they choose to allow me to continue to work after giving my notice. I pledge to write this in both today’s scripts and the past reviews I am about to write as I have been made both logically and intuitively aware of the rumors that must be flying about me especially when a well meaning person at my job asked me if I would return the next day. Yes, I should have used that opportunity to explain that I would make sure to give ample notice when quitting and that I Stella Carrier prefer to be extended at my University of Maryland College Park food services job for the Spring 2018 academic semester, it was just that I followed my intuition to refrain as even I understand that their question might have been refrained in a different way than I intendedIt is common knowledge to even a woman such as myself that a person must be careful about what they write online about their current andor past employers as anything you comment online even if not work related can be used to analyze you both as a current employee and a job candidate. Additionally, most job search articles, even when it appears that they are tailored to the employee are actually meant for the hiring manager to analyze an  employees intentions and behavior and so it is important for a person to be very careful what they write in even the job search articles. With that said, even with me looking at this well written article I prefer to work at my current job for the rest of my time of residing in the Washington D.C. area if it is allowed. Additionally, regardless of how I am publicly perceived, I would make sure to give my current employer at least a three week notice when quitting as even I now know why it is necessary and wise to give them ample notice regardless of whether they expected you to quit or stay for the long-term.
21 signs it's time to quit your job
By Rachel Gillet
I preface this article by making it clear that I completely understand and believe that unless it is in true self defense, it is wise to avoid laying a hand on your spouse regardless if same sex marriage or marriage between opposite genders. Yes, I was unexpectedly drawn to this story like a moth to a flame because I am an American born female with partial Puerto Rican and Menominee Indian Ancestry who has been married to a sweet and amazing husband since January 22, 2004. I have been aware for quite some time that I must keep secret that as a minority woman involved in an interracial marriage that I am always going to have to mind my p’s and q’s and wisely be on both calm and level headed behavior when it comes to my marriage with my incredible husband because of my intuitive and logical awareness of racist stereotypes when it comes to minority women especially if they are involved in romantic relationships. I was significantly raised by my late adoptive mother who was an American born Caucasian woman who was married for some time to my late adoptive father who was also American born but of Mexican and Aztec Indian heritage which influenced me to be privy to even at a young age how other people may perceive interracial marriages. Therefore, I find this story on Naya Rivera to be tragic because I would have hoped that she was already wiser to the stereotypes but I hope that she does strive to set things right with her husband Ryan Dorsey regardless of whether he takes her back and regardless of the outcome of her career. Yes, obviously the husband must be believed as this article does create a perception that Ryan Dorsey filed the abuse charge with evidence of domestic abuse. Even as a happily married woman, I am aware that the spouse filing a domestic abuse charge must be believed regardless of gender and regardless of whether the romantic union is interracial or the same race. However, this article tragically proves, even if my view is in the minority as an American born mixed race minority woman, that a minority woman entering in an interracial relationship must especially be on her best and wisest behavior when involved in an interracial romantic relationship-whether marriage or romantic partnership because of the common knowledge of the stereotypes surrounding Hispanic andor African American woman who are romantically paired up with Caucasian men.'Glee' star Naya Rivera arrested, charged with domestic battery after allegedly hitting husband
Good Morning America
November 26, 2017I myself am an American born woman who is blessed to be government assistance free as both my amazing husband and I are blessed with good jobs with good leadership. However, I would not dare judge anyone who does use welfare, foodstamps, or housing assistance as it is common knowledge that there are good people who have to utilize these programs at one time or another. It is also common knowledge that Trump ending welfare as Bill Clinton knows it is going to potentially affect American citizens and children across various racial ethnic groups as it is common knowledge that various races utilize welfare. My point-I already had a feeling that President Donald Trump was going to eventually implement measures that would create challenges for even some of his supporters from modest socio-economic classes. I actually have some Caucasian family members from my late adoptive mother’s side who I sense might be Trump supporters who are going to be potentially affected by this measure (which is why I must avoid posting this story on my facebook even though part of me would like to if I didn’t think it would hurt their feelings andor morale). My point-judging from the looks of this article it looks like President Donald Trump is going to get his way in ending andor dramatically cutting welfare programs and I reluctantly say that his reign on going after programs that help people from middle class or more challenged socio-economic classes may continue unless another politician wins the Presidency in the year 2020.
Trump wants to end welfare as Bill Clinton knows it
I am going to give Lauren Gill of Newsweek the benefit of the doubt that she is racist-free and maybe conducting a psychology experiment in the spirit of the song Business of Emotion by Big Data feat. White Sea to see how men and women of the general public would respond and so I will bite while being wise and careful about what I say. First off, it is obvious that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are passionately in love with each other and yes they are going to be married for certain. I do think that the royal family are supportive of their marriage and not just for show as it is common knowledge that interracial relationships are much more commonly accepted and seen as less taboo in Europe compared to the United States even although mixed race marriages are becoming more common in the U.S. Last, but not least, even I know that Meghan Markle will not be alone as a minority woman in European royalty as online sources also list that the country of Lichtenstein has Princess Angela who is married to Prince Maximilian of Lichtenstein.
Meghan Markle 'Won't Be Allowed to Be Black Princess' by Royal Family, Experts Say
Lauren Gill,Newsweek 15 hours ago
All of the friends of Meghan Markle seem like they are going to be both encouraging and powerful friendships. However, I confess that the story of Benita Litt who works in public relations with her own public relations industry in California and as the business brain sounds very interesting and accomplished to me because of her story appearing to be that of a very self made, business savvy and wise woman.   Congrats and the best to both Meghan Markle Prince Harry and the squad of friends featured in this article.
Who Will Meghan Markle's Bridesmaids Be? See Her Powerful, Strong Squad of BFFs
Who Will Meghan Markle's Bridesmaids Be? See Her Powerful, Strong Squad of BFFs
November 27, 2017
First Published: October 4, 2017
Who Will Meghan Markle's Bridesmaids Be? See Her Powerful, Strong Squad of BFFs
November 27, 2017
First Published: October 4, 2017
Benita Litt: The Business Brain
Hopping over to her hometown of LA, Meghan spends much of her time there with one of her oldest friends, Benita, Benita's husband, and their two girls, whom Meghan refers to as her "fairy goddaughters." Benita runs her own agency as a brand curator, helping companies including Netflix, Samsung, and Jo Malone develop their brand identities. Meghan spends her time with Benita and her daughters crafting, cuddling up, ordering in pizza, and even having a little tree-trimming party. Benita and Meghan also vacationed
Angela Lansbury means well and has only good intentions with her very public statement on women who experience sexual harassment. However, it is also common knowledge  to even a woman such as myself that even women who are outside the mainstream beauty andor intelligence ideals can be at times the subject of sexual harassment especially if the person who inflicts the sexual harassment knows that their sexual harassment target may not be believed if the sexual harassment target is not perceived as attractive, socially popular, andor intelligent as the man inflicting the sexual harassment.
Angela Lansbury Says Women Must Sometimes Take Blame for Harassment
Nina Golgowski 1 hour 27 minutes ago
I wish only the best for Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle, Prince William and Prince Harry. However, I agree with the online commenters who make it clear that comparing Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton in their earliest engagement public announcements is like comparing oranges to apples because Meghan Markle is culturally an American and a very gifted and talented actress. While Kate Middleton may not yet have had the chance and time to build up her public at ease persona and maybe she came from a completely different cultural background (as it is well known that she was British Born) that maybe might have indirectly influenced her to be wary of the spotlight at first. However, it is obvious even to a woman such as myself that both Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton romantically love their men very passionately.Body language experts compare Harry and Meghan's engagement interview to William and Kate's
Lauren Sharkey
Yahoo Style UK
•November 28, 2017
Bob’s Discount Furniture Website
songs for me to keep in mindGDFR by Flo Rida feat. Sage the GeminiOnly Girl in the World by RihannaHotel Room Service by PitbullHold it Against Me by Britney Spears released January 11, 2011 her birthday is December 2, 1981, January 11, 2019 8 year anniversary of song release story ideaThunder by Imagine DragonsThis is What You Came For by Calvin Harris feat. RihannaAs the Rush Comes by Motorcyle (Gabriel & Dresden Chillout Mix) song length 622 released January 2004Heaven by DJ SammyThat’s What I Like by Bruno MarsScream and Shout by William of the Black Eyed Peas and Britney SpearsFrom Amazon musicThrough Glass Stone SourYouth of the Nation by P.O.D.Party Hard by Andrew W.K. sources I prefer to keep secretPossum Kingdom by the ToadiesSo Alive by Love and RocketsAddicted to Love by Robert PalmerThat's What I Like by Bruno MarsWild Ones by Sia and Flo Rida
Hall of Fame by William of the Black Eyed Peas and The Script
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