#and toru is just standing there w a smug smile
sttoru · 20 days
I wonder how older bf! Satoru meeting your parents would go? I wonder if they’d be side eyeing him bc he’s older
well.. LOL i think the first meeting would be awkward at the start bcs yeah like u said, he’s older, you’re still in uni / college while he’s already got a proper job ‘n everything 😓 i think any parent would be iffy at first if their daughter came home w a man thats a couple yrs older
but satoru being satoru, i think his charming character can definitely win the hearts of your parents in under a couple hrs of their first meeting :) no doubt that they’ll love ur bf after getting comfortable with him
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hq--fics · 4 years
I’m the one that asked for Hinata and you did such a great job! 💝💝Could you do fluff prompt #9 with the beautiful trash king Oikawa? 💖
A/N:  I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you for this new request :D Hope you like it 
Prompt list: here or feel free to request your own scenarios **Requests are open**
"Are we on a date right now?” w/Oikawa
Words: 1622
Warnings: none
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He really was his own worst enemy, he knew it and knew what he needed to do to make things simpler for himself but did he actually do those things? No, that would be too easy. Oikawa was always out for a challenge outside of volleyball; a way to better himself or at least make him look better even when he knew it would most likely go disastrously wrong. Only after getting himself into these situations did the realisation hit him sending him into a spiral of panic, searching for a solution. The solution to his current predicament was you, which is why he was shifting anxiously in his seat as he waited.
Your sudden laughter caused him to jump in his seat, nearly knocking over his untouched glass of water in the process. He looked up to see you standing right next to him and the smile he’d been preparing to give you fell when he saw your expression. The amused glint in your eyes, the sly grin curving your lips. You already knew. He scowled pathetically when you pulled your phone out of your pocket and stooped down to get him in the frame of the selfie. “Wh-what are you taking that for?” he asked watching you slide into the seat opposite him as you tapped a message with a small laugh brewing in your throat again.
“Haji.” You answered with a smug smirk pocketing the phone when the picture sent. “He bet me you’d turn up at the apartment to ask for my help. I said you wouldn’t last that long and that you’d come here.” Oikawa’s jaw dropped. Not only were his best friends betting against his misery but they found him predictable enough to make the bets in the first place. With a groan he laid his head on the table his pout growing when you giggled again. “Honestly Ru what were you even thinking?” he heard you ask and even after all these years he wasn’t immune to hearing your nickname for him. Tilting his head back to fix you a pointed stare he sighed.
“Well excuse me for trying to impress a potential girlfriend.” He grumbled, it had taken weeks of flirting to finally secure this date and his lie is what sealed the deal. “Iwa already lectured me last night about lying but if she does get a home cooked meal does it matter who actually makes it?” You watched him lift his head up from the table to sit back properly in his seat. “You do realise that telling her you could get her a table here would have impressed her just as much and would have been more truthful and less embarrassing for you?” you told him simply watching his eyes widening as the realisation hit him. The restaurant you were the head chef for was one of the hardest places to get in to it was that good. “Oh well. Too late now. So when is the date?” “This weekend.” He admitted before gasping in excitement, reaching across the table to clasp your hands. “Does that mean you’ll make the meal for me?” “No, I’m going to teach you to cook.” You answered getting out of your seat. “Come on we’ve got shopping to do.”
As far as consequences to his actions came this one was definitely an enjoyable one. Really it didn’t feel much different from the other evenings you would spend together. Only this time instead of being told to ‘stay the hell out of the kitchen’ he was now helping, following your every instruction as best he could while remembering the steps. “Would be a lot faster if we’d just bought the pasta and the sauce you know.” He teased watching you snap your head over to fix him with an utterly offended stare just as he knew you would. His laughter only grew when you flicked flour at him sending a dusting of white across his cheek and shirt. Laughing to yourself you took a small sip of wine you were both sharing and began to knead your half of the dough while he did the same with his share, trying to mimic your practiced movements.
“So this girl you’re going to so much effort for. She the one?” you joked. “Oh yes, I feel we’ll be married by next week.” He returned with a laugh, his grin spreading when you gasped dramatically. “Such an honour to witness true love, am I invited?” “You’re my caterer obviously but I suppose you could stick around after people have eaten.” “You’re too kind Ru.” You drawled before staring at him intently. “Seriously though? What made you go for this one? Haji said you’ve been fixated on her for a while.” Oikawa paused in his movements to look at you; quietly impressed you could continue to knead the dough while looking at him. Apart from Iwaizumi you were the only person he could be fully honest with and still feel completely at ease no matter what. “I wanted to shake things up. It’s been a while since I properly dated anyone. I wanted to see if I could finally balance my career and a relationship. Making a good first impression might help in the long run.” He explained. “Show them I’m worth their time and worth being with even when I’m not there because of work...” You were all too familiar with Oikawa’s run of bad luck with relationships starting all the way back when you were in school and how it left him insecure even to this day. “Toru.” You spoke his first name fully and seriously, grabbing his full attention as you took the dough from his hands. “You’ve always been worth that. You just haven’t met the one that’s worthy of you.” Letting the conversation end there you continued preparing the meal.
The two of you shared your meal, laughing and talking at complete ease but towards the end of meal Oikawa’s smile faltered. As much as he tried to forget your words earlier he couldn’t. His mind analysing every syllable that fell from your lips, the shift in tone, the resolute sincerity in your statement. It all replayed in his mind like the tapes of volleyball games he’d stay up to all hours fixating on. “Why do you think I’m worth it?” His question fell and he watched as you remained relaxed in your seat as though you were expecting it. With a coy smile and shrug of your shoulders you let out a gentle smile.
“Maybe I’m biased?” you suggested, idly running your finger along the rim of your glass of water. “You were my first love and first heartbreak, can’t blame me for wanting the best for you even if it isn’t me.” “Wh-wh-WHAT?!” Oikawa shouted in shock watching you grin. “Remember, we were meant to get married and then you broke it off because I used your green crayon.” “That was when we were six!” He slumped back in his seat with a groan and laughter escaping his lips in a strangled mess of sounds, for a moment he thought you were being serious. For a moment he felt his heart skip a beat. “And you didn’t just use my green crayon you used it all until there was nothing left. My alien pictures suffered because of that.” He chuckled at the memory before staring at you apprehensively. For a moment he debated saying nothing but he was his own worst enemy after all and he just couldn’t help himself. “Think we’d still be married?”
“Without a doubt, you know I’m the only one that can handle you. I’m also the only woman you’ve ever known that never got annoyed over your commitment to your goals.” Oikawa found himself nodding in agreement. Growing up that was true, you had your own focuses and interests to keep you busy but you were also always there when he and Iwaizumi needed you. He always did think that if you hadn’t been dating someone in high school he would have asked you out back then. He couldn’t even remember that guy’s name or face but he still felt the dislike he had for him.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when you lifted the plates and took them to the kitchen. For a moment he chewed his lip and contemplated his next move. Thinking to hell with it he got to his feet and leaned against the doorframe with his usual charming smile on his lips. “You know as dates go, this has to be one of the best ones I’ve had.”
“Are we on a date right now?” You asked with a smirk and questioning arch of your eyebrow, you knew when Oikawa was playing and this was definitely not one of this times. Setting the dishes in the sink you turned to watch him approach, your eyes scanning his form as he leaned against the counter beside you. “That’s completely up to you,” he told you with a simple shrug. “Personally I’m counting it as a date; we had a meal, talked, laughed, enjoyed each other’s company. Ticks most of the boxes if you ask me.” You stared at him with a warm smile.
Liking how the mood in the room was you decided to let yourself be brave and turned. Slowly your fingers stroked the back of his neck while your other hand trailed up his chest. Coaxing him down you pressed a kiss against his lips, smiling lightly when he responded. Parting briefly you grinned up at him. “Now we can count it as a date.” You told him before being pulled back against him for a second and deeper kiss.  
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