#angel who uses their sword as a cane
butchdykekondraki · 6 months
too many able bodied angels . wheres angels w disabilities . wheres the mentally ill angels . huh . where are they . its not statistically probable for ALL of them to be able bodied and neurotypical
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Them Having A Fallen Angel! S/O
Type of Writing: Random Idea Name: Them Having A Fallen Angel! S/O Characters: Lucifer Morningstar, Alastor, and Zestial Idea-Giver: Random Thoughts
A/N: I changed Vaggie to Alastor because all my brain's thoughts were going to was him while my thoughts of Vaggie having a Fallen Angel for an S/O kinda struck a blank, sorry for those wanting Vaggie, but I do know you Alastor fans are happy, huh? I also got no ideas for Angel Dust, I feel like crying right now... I want to write for him so badly!!! T-T
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Swearing, Blood, and Mentions of Death ⚠️ Spoilers for: S1 ⚠️
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Fallen Angel! Reader ; Protected the Hotel and killed multiple Exorcists
🦆 Lucifer and you have gone way back even before he ever met Lilith and the creation of the human-race
🦆 You were the angel that represented the purity that all Adam, Lilith, and Eve used to have long before it all went downhill
🦆 You also were one of the only angels to even look at Lucifer during his trial, though you couldn't fully defend him due to being held back, he could tell just how much you wanted to jump down and shield him and Lilith from the cold gazes of his family
🦆 This action eventually came to fruition when you had flown through the portal and began to defend each member of the Hotel by using the sword of a fallen Exorcist
🦆 Lucifer was busy handling Adam when he saw you come down and throw a sword, slicing an Exorcist's head open, alarming the sinners around you, and he could swear he could hear Vox yelling swears from miles away
🦆 He watched as you jumped down and covered the members in your wings, providing them with a shield as the golden blood coated your form
🦆 And he'd be lying if he said it wasn't attractive, you protecting these strangers as if they were your own young
🦆 Though, Lucifer was kinda sad that you were stripped of your position in Heaven due to the death of Adam. The guy was a prick, and you were losing your role to him just because a small demon girl had a hint of a psycho spree?!
🦆 When you were finally announced as fallen, Lucifer and the Hotel welcomed you with open arms, and he loved watching you lift Niffty up and give her small roaches to tear apart. He also loved watching you grab Charlie and hug her like a mother would
🦆 You offered so much support for the members of the Hotel after the Extermination that it was enough to make his heart swoon far faster than it ever did for Lilith
🦆 While Lucifer did feel bad because he was still married to his estranged wife, he couldn't help what he was feeling. After all, who wouldn't fall for someone so amazing and caring like you?
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Fallen Angel! Reader ; Defied Heaven and nearly killed Lute
🔘 When Charlie and Vaggie came back with the message that there was not only one, but two angels, that seemingly were willing to defy Heaven for the Princess' dream, Alastor had to admit, he was slightly surprised
🔘 Gripping his cane tightly, he wondered who these angels were and if they were going to cause any possible issue. It wouldn't be to weird if they were just poking someone in to ruin the Hotel, now would it?
🔘 But, during the battle against the Exorcists, he watched as Adam was kicked down to the ground from behind after he knocked down the Radio Demon's shield
🔘 He watched as an angel wearing a long cloak flew down and began to mercilessly slaughter Exorcist after Exorcist with little to no effort
🔘 He also watched as you lifted Niffty up and handed her a knife before throwing her at another Exorcist, and laughing slightly as they died
🔘 You really were such a twisted little angel, weren't you?
🔘 Alastor eyed you lightly as he fought with Adam, dodging his attacks before going nearly full-demon mode to kill him; he didn't promise for nothing, now did he?
" What the hell are you looking at, you smiling-freak?! " " Oh nothing... just the little angel down there going against their own kind, is all~ " " WHAT?! Y-Y/N? What in the name of Heaven are you doing, you stupid bitch! "
🔘 So Y/N was your name, huh? He'll need to remember that...
🔘 While he eventually had to flea due to his injuries, he could hear the loud cries of pain coming from a certain female Exorcist, and he chuckled, how ironic... for someone who pledged about their strength through such cruel and dirty words, she really was pathetic when pinned, yeah?
🔘 There was only two things he thought of as the Hotel was being re-made and he healed; How could he get out of this deal? and Why did you throw your life away for some random sinners?
🔘 He's definitely going to ask you about the latter once he came back
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Fallen Angel! Reader ; Fell with Lucifer and Lilith
🕷️ Ever since he was young and alive, Zestial has heard many different stories of the fallen duo; Lucifer, the King of Hell, and Y/N, the adviser of Sin
🕷️ You were hailed as the creator of the Sins, since each tally you had before becoming fallen was because of those actions
🕷️ Now, as the oldest Overlord in Hell, Zestial is very much acquainted to many members of Nobility in the twisted land of death, but he has always wanted to meet a fallen angel, specifically you
🕷️ So, when Carmilla came to the latest meeting with her daughters as a special guest beside her, he recognized you, as your very large and long horns that faded with blue flames at the tips reminded him of your descriptions in books he'd read
" Well how int'resting, a fallen angel, hm? What a unique findeth, lief Carmilla " " I have not heard someone speak in that way for a long time. " " Not many has't, mine own lief. So, what doth we all oweth the blessing to seeth such a wond'rful being of sineth? "
🕷️ You smiled and began to speak with the same 'Shakespearean'-undertone in your words like Zestial, making him smile lightly at your words of purity, it was obvious you still had the personality of an angel inside
🕷️ Ever since that fateful day, you had begun to attend Overlord meeting after Overlord meeting, so much so that Velvette was commenting how much you seemingly fit in the group
🕷️ She also began to try offending you, only for you to smile and allow the small flames on your horns to burst into tiny fits of fires close to a forest's
🕷️ Zestial was not happy despite his smile. Nobody was going to offend you, though he'd have to admit, watching you sit there and quip back just as viciously with such an angelic smile made his dead heart skip a dead-beat
" Wow, for a fallen angel and the adviser of Sin, you really seem to like hanging around with us sinners, yeah? How disliked are you by your own children, Y/N? " " Oh Velvette, I have a question; do you hate me? " " Isn't it obvious, you bright-faced shit? " " Ah! Well, go ahead and grab a chair and wait for me to care. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of your afterlife sitting in here. "
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yowyowyaoi · 9 months
Konan’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Zetsu
If I keep the bodies OUTSIDE is it a problem then??
Rather angelic-looking with the paper wings.
A 72-hour gengetsu just because he thought I was going to eat it?! Cat isn’t even my favorite meat!
Ah but you’re much more diplomatic in handling their complaints.
I’ve tried but you absolutely cannot reason with him when it comes to money.
It may be time to change hideouts soon, the two young ones have attracted too much negative attention here.
From Itachi
It was so good, thank you!
I appreciate the touch of color.
Kisame’s not here Kakuzu said he’d charge me and Deidara laughed. You are my last hope. PLEASE come and KILL THIS SPIDER 😓
Please come with I know you’d enjoy yourself.
The last time I rode on one he made it do a flip mid-air and I almost fell into the ocean. And he laughed so hard he threw up 😒
Define “too much” cake 🤔
He helped suppress the coughing but fever’s still pretty high.
I can take them in small doses. 
From Sasori
Don’t worry, an issue like that is almost child’s play to correct surgically.
You’re one of the few that I DO trust, my dear.
I’ll give it back when I decide he’s not as annoying anymore.
If I could eat I’m sure that would be delicious.
I love him more than anything but that arrogant brat can never actually KNOW how much I do.
Put a few drops in your tea, you’ll sleep like a baby.
You and Nagato should really raise the standards for whom you decide to recruit into this organization.
Please accompany me; I’m sure you’d love the wildflowers.
You either move his room down the hall or he’s becoming my next puppet.
From Kakuzu
I understand but we can’t afford it at the moment. Those three will just have to bunk together for the time being.
Thank you, my dear.
Harsh BUT it saved us hundreds.
Never anyone who didn’t fully deserve it.
Trust me, in the long run it’s a good investment.
Sasori may be better suited to treat that than myself.
I’ll speak to him about it but it’s like talking to a wall.
Purely an accident. A needed one, but still.
If they do it again I’m decapitating them both.
From Deidara
I mean I never have, but if I did, she couldn’t be anyone but YOU 💛
We were sword fighting! Shit I didn’t know that was Leader’s cane 😣
We can both make birds. Paper and clay. 
Idk I mean I kinda think that he likes me or something but I’m with Sasori so 🤷🏼‍♂️
My eyes feel fucked. I tried on Uchiha’s glasses, that bastard is BLIND af! I didn’t even think they could make lenses that strong!
Come with us fishing I swear you’ll have fun! I’ll bait your hook so you don’t gotta touch the worms 😁
I’m not sure but I bet a C3 would solve the problem.
He stuffed half a roll of toilet paper in there and flushed. He thought it’d be funny.
From Kisame
There’s no way you’re going alone. I’ll come with you.
My thanks. Samehada appreciates such treats.
Woman or not you’re quite strong aren’t you?
No need to cook mine at all. I prefer raw.
I could teach you if you wish. It’s a good skill to have.
Please join us for tea?
It’s outside your door. Thank you again.
Zetsu got to him first 😤
Itachi isn’t feeling up to it. Would you care to accompany me? The moon makes it very bright.
From Tobi
He bit me first!
Kisame ate them because he said he wanted a snack 😔
He DOES love me he just doesn’t know it yet!
Wanna see the spider I found in the garden?
I borrowed your lotion and i accidentally used it all 😓
Game night game night GAME NIGHT!!!
Blue. Like Senpai’s eyes 😌
Can I lick the spoon when it’s done?
No I saw Kakuzu kill him three days ago 
From Hidan
Yeah but my intentions were good for once!
Pls come show me how to do this I keep burning it 😓
Oh yeah I forgot … haha don’t freak out I’ll replace it 
You wanna come with? I bet you’d be great at it!
Tell him he can suck my dick, I ain’t doing that 🤷‍♂️
We’re gonna loot it, I’ll bring you back something cool!
Ngl you’d look HOT with my scythe 😍
I’ll beat that skinny twink’s ass 😤
Yeah but like he’s skin and bones that’s just kinda creepy 
I guarantee if you just listen to ONE sermon you’ll convert!
From Nagato
The prettiest thing you could ever wear is that gorgeous smile of yours ❤️
Well it’s far too late to replace them so I suppose we just have to deal.
Are you joking? Yahiko would have killed me!
Should have been a dating service and not a criminal organization, eh? 😂
Sasori said it would help ease the pain for when I’m standing.
Woke up today thinking of Chibi. I miss him 😞
No but if you come sit on my lap I bet I could make it better 😉
What about the others? Do they seem happy with it?
If I never see another drop of rain for as long as I live I’ll die a happy man.
My God how do you manage them?! I had to talk to Deidara and Hidan by myself and I thought I would kill them after the first two minutes!
I don’t care. You’re beautiful no matter what. 
Well we could always say we’ve disbanded the group, turn them loose, then hunt them for sport 😊
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pyromaniacbibliophile · 4 months
Snakes, Books and Radio
Crowley & Aziraphale & Alastor
Post S2 (good Omens) and S1 (Hazbin)
Alastor groaned. Despite what was said, Adam could fight well.. Then again, apparently he had been killed by Nifty and Lucifer so…
None of his tricks worked to heal the open wound and, without his staff, he couldn't do anything else. There was only one thing for it. Grabbing the two pieces of his cane, he stood unsteadily and, with great effort, opened a portal, shifted to his human guise and stepped through.
In Soho
Aziraphale made a beeline for his favourite chair, a book in hand. Just as he was about to sit, the bell rang suddenly. He sighed and said, as politely as he could,
"Sorry we're-" He stared at the figure in the door before changing his words "My Deer! I wasn't Expecting you!"
Alastor grinned pointy-toothed. Despite his human-looking disguise, he still had red eyes and sharp teeth.
"Zira. It's been too long. Forgive me for intruding, but I am injured. It is beyond my healing abilities… Would you assist?" The Demon said, clearly upset he had to ask for assistance.
"May I ask, why did you not merely use your staff?" the angel was genuinely curious. Alastor's staff contained power he had began putting in it from as long ago as 1919, when Crowley and Aziraphale had first made his acquaintance. It could heal most things.
The deer demon looked genuinely pained. " It is a very long story, I will be delighted to tell you everything later, but for now, let's just say it broke. I don't suppose you and Crowley could do something about that?"
Aziraphale was shocked but obviously consented.
"But of course! Do sit, my deer, I shall just go and fetch Crowley. Tea?"
Alastor dragged a chair over with a flick of shadow. "Thank you Angel, that would be most kind. Lemon, no sugar."
Crowley hissed unhappily, curling up further in hope the voice would go away. He was coiled in snake form on his and Zira's bed, trying to sleep. Unfortunately, his angel called again.
"Crowley? Crowley? We have a guest!"
Grumpily, he rolled out of bed and turned back to his usual human form. Flinging on a black dressing-gown, he manifested a large cafetiere of coffee, Heaven and Hell had stopped regulating their miracles after they had performed a 40 lasaroti miracle without even trying, obviously there had been no archangel to blame it on that time. Sauntering downstairs, he groaned grumpily.
"Nnnggg… Who iss it Angel? I wass sssleep- Alassstor?"
The demon in question smiled.
"Crowley. How are you, my darling serpent?"
Crowley smiled his own fanged smile, instantly changing his dressing-gown to his usual black clothes. "Well, well, well.. What brings you here, Deer? It's not even been a year since your last visit." Even as he said this, he smelled demon blood . Surely Alastor was not hurt?
"As you can no doubt smell, I am wounded. My staff has been broken and I require… Help" The Radio demon was obviously upset about requiring help.
He shared a look with Zira before coming to silent agreement.
"Just a quick miracle." His angel said.
"And then you tell us everything." he added.
"Deal?" both asked simultaneously.
Their Deer rolled his eyes but nodded.
Aziraphale turned to Crowley and held his hands. Both concentrated until there was a very small flash.
Looking over, it now was obvious that their friend was healed. He sat straighter and his staff was now whole, the only change to it's appearance was the newly carved serpent twined around a flaming sword near the top of the wood. If one looked closely, they would see the snake was wearing sunglasses and the sword had a small logo of a book etched into it.
"Thank you kindly." He purred. For a second his voice seemed to go static. "Now, you wanted the story? Let's see.. It started when Lucifer's daughter Charlie decided to redeem sinners…."
New part now up! 1919 ⏪ (press that)
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piichivii · 2 years
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[Image ID: A sketch on a white background with a warm reddish overlay, depicting a feminine and muscular Wizard101 OC with green hair in a low ponytail, tan skin, and pointed ears. She stands haughtily with a white cane in her right hand and her left hand on her hip. A recolored Enchanted Armament pet in red, white, and gold, floats by her shoulders. Her outfit is a red, white and gold techwear inspired outfit containing red and gold strips patterned with symbols for the School of Balance. She wears red and gold sunglasses and gold earrings. The sketch is signed "PIICHỊVY 2022". /.End ID]
hello wizzy friends, and thank u all for the warm welcome 🥺 u guys r so sweet n i hope the year has been treating yall well
i’ll b answering some comments on my last piece w/ some compositional notes + wip shot below the cut!
im obsessed with the title for this piece like. i dont know ur oc or whatever personal story/AU they've got but even so this is. powerful they're a balance wizard. they're the blind angel of Judgement. they've got Power Nova behind em: the birth of a new star they've got a smile on their face and their stance isn't rigid straight. they're swayed the dark soul is heavier than the light feather of truth are the 5 blades a reference to tarot? or like. blades in wizzy that buff your spells?
also a balance wizard w a god comex is so antithetical i love it
so gonna b real here “god_complex” came from me saving the initial sketch and thinking “man homegirl’s got some bde here” LOL. i’m not entirely sure if she does have a god complex or not, but i love your interpretation of the piece! frankly, i try not to get attached to the little details of my characters since i tend to be more concerned about crafting a larger and thematically cohesive narrative, so their characterization is really flexible. i actually find this concept of an antithetical sorcerer w/ a god complex REALLY saucy, so this has all been a happy coincidence of me just wanted to draw a fun cool scene. when i first imagined this piece, i’m fairly certain it was while my homies n i were pressing the delete button on a random boss LOL so really, it was a bit of my own hubris as a “god complex” than my oc’s! i haven’t gone past polaris yet so who knows! maybe she WILL go down her corruption arc :O
the only concrete thing here is that she’s meant to be a successor to ma’at (judgement), hence the whole judgement imagery. it makes me giddy inside as an illustrator to see that these compositional elements communicated that sufficiently 😊
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(like a fool i deleted my sketches so this is the oldest remaining screenshot of my sketch orz)
here r some compositional notes about the piece:
mistress of judgement—blindfold, wings, scales of time (include heart+maat feather) ((i also wanted to make the staff ridiculously huge to be cool; i included a counterweight at the other end but it got covered up by the sandstorm)), halo for the Cool Factor, khopesh ((this was later changed to the sword of kings, then later to dragonblade))
bladestorm encircling enveloped by wings ((or more accurately mechanics-wise, balanceblade+enchant balanceblade+bladestorm+enchant bladestorm+dragonblade; i like to imagine that in a solo context the 4 bladestorms would just stack up to b used later LOL initially i wanted to do the crossed blades, but it ended up being compositionally messy so i scrapped that. while sketching i DID consider tarot imagery though 5 and 4 didn't really fit akdhkfkf anymore than 4 blades encircling and it would've been messy, and less and it would've been lacking. also, initially the blades were pointed down, but i decided against it to better represent them as charms bc i couldn't stop thinking of the sword of damocles which would be more of a threat LOL))
power nova, framed by raised wings ((it's been my aoe of choice + i like the implication that balance as an "element" is part sand part (sun)light; i also wanted to somewhat evoke ra imagery too by having power nova as the sun w/ its rays of light))
swirling sandstorm below ((i was just really taken by the sandstorm animation update bc it's so sparkly and pretty—girl got such a glow up. a bit of a happy accident but my friend interpreted it as chastisement n i was like yea that works too LOL. another happy accident was the red cast ending up evoking balance of power c: although power play was such a fun meme play))
modified alhazzy fit w/ balance pattern trim + cowl + no shoes + inspo from kim kassas’s walk like an egyptian ((hoo boy that collection has so many hot fits. not historically accurate but idgf it fucks. i was having trouble thinking of a suitable design since none of the in-game robes really suited the image i had in mind but this collection was The One. anyways i absolutely Love the balance pattern trim and i'm Very Offended girls don't get to use maroon to match w/ it. i made a csp brush for this bc no way in hell was i gonna handdraw all those LOL. if u want the brush n some other assets i made or ripped from kingsisle u should check the source link ;))) also you can't see the toes in the final render but in my sketches i ditched the ugly boots it's just a lil soleless footwrap now. ALSO i’m distraught that it slipped my mind to give her these earrings that mimicked the pans of a balance scale 😭))
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(from the cities in dust fw 13 lookbook)
buff lady of the blades ((another happy accident was the final product exuding "muscular women think they're gods/know your place" energy. i'll draw that later after i finish some of the stuff i've been planning, if i remember about it LOL))
the "u know im cool" grin bc we abt to delete some mobs 😎 ((fun fact: my friend wants her to aoe him))
nyways thank u again wizzy friends n i wish u all the loveliest day and if someone is ruining it for u, we accept offerings to feed ammit she’s gettin hungy
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craftycalico · 2 years
Hi Hello I run the @angelxxreaper blog
Here’s a list of bullet points that should keep you up to speed in case you’re new and don’t wanna backread a LOT
axxr Philza is a literal angel of death who ascended some decades ago. Before Wilbur was created. He is an avian/elytrian hybrid. NOT A MAMMAL. HE IS BIRD. (yes he hatched from an egg). He is crow man
axxr doesn’t care about gender or pronouns. he is bird. He uses masculine titles and pronouns for himself but does not give a shit
axxr was involved in Ranboo’s revival in the bedrockverse, but only by advocating it to a pantheon of Gods who eventually agreed to let him return.
axxr and subtotechno are besties do not separate. They live together
AXXR USES MOBILITY AIDS. He has cane sword (made by Techno for Valentine’s Day) as well as forearm crutches. Do not be a dick about this.
axxr also has psychotic episodes sometimes due to the long period of isolation. Do not be a dick about this either.
The Antarctic Empire lore is CANON to this blog. So is Hardcore Lore, especially Season 4.
axxr has the ability to sense and see souls as part of his duty as a soul reaper. He is a fan of soul magic and used it to gain the colorzas.
He spent 500 years in isolation in the hardcore world, during which he assisted Ender in his conquest (willingly then by force later on), ultimately leading to Ender killing him when he was done using him. He was brought back by technicality.  
s2t ended up losing a life due to dreamon possession during tmmyrp’s exile 2. Shortly after s2t’s recovery, emduo and beeduo went to kill Dream. axxr specifically was in charge of flying Tommy to safety and then rejoining for ranged attacks later.
Ender returned to life shortly after. He tried every method under the sun to regain power and use Phil again. One of those methods was telling s2t that axxr made a bargain with death around 70 years ago to give s2t conditional immortality like him, at the price of collecting s2t’s weight in souls every year. This was done without s2t’s knowledge or consent. s2t left to clear his head (axxr and s2t did reconcile later.)
after a death scare from s2t during the final fight against ender, Void appeared and killed Ender once and for all.
axxr sometime after was contacted by Wilbur for help after Q blew up the wedding hall in LN. He flew in to remove them from the demolition site and tended to their wounds after the fact.
There was a fight about s2t continuously brushing off major traumatic events (such as his death by chicken and the Ender thing) that eventually led to them working on finding new ways to communicate with each other. (It’s getting better :) )
This event caused Red to trust him enough to reveal his real name to Techno (Benihime).
Sorry this is so long and I may have missed some things (I’m big summarizing) but if you have any q’s feel free to ask me or axxr himself lol
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saintsenara · 3 months
Hogwarts staffroom edition!
thank you very much for the ask, anon! i actually back all of these...
rubeus hagrid/severus snape
a headcanon which will have to be pried from my cold, dead hands is that hagrid realises that snape is on the side of the good and that dumbledore's murder was arranged. it fits with hagrid's unwavering - and, some might say, childlike - faith in dumbledore to always be one step ahead of the game and to be capable to extraordinary magic, as well as with hagrid's obvious conviction that dumbledore wouldn't be fooled by anyone and, therefore, that if dumbledore trusted snape so openly it was because snape was trustworthy.
i like to think that hagrid clocks the need to keep quiet about snape choosing to send ginny, neville, and luna to hang out with him in the forest after they try to steal the sword of gryffindor [since he inevitably does this to misdirect the carrows into thinking their only crime was some minor disobedience, so that the fact pupils with known resistance connections were looking for the sword didn't get back to voldemort]. i also like to think that snape pre-warns hagrid that he's about to be arrested after he throws his "support harry potter party", and then fails to intervene to prevent hagrid's escape.
which is to say, i think you could do a cracking bit of hurt/comfort during the war with these two.
minerva mcgonagall/quirinus quirrell
quirrell is inherently giving "fondness for being told his work is bad and then caned by a strict older woman, possibly leather-clad", so yes.
poppy pomfrey/dolores umbridge
now, i have to be slightly careful with this one, because of course all my nurses are angels, who work tremendously hard, are poorly paid for the privilege, often face abuse and mistreatment from their patients, and are often talked down to by doctors because they dare to question their genius.
but it is also true that - like many professions which allow you to tell people what to do - nursing certainly attracts some... authoritarian types.
by which i mean, while madam pomfrey's standard fanon characterisation seems to be that she's a really sweet and nurturing type, the fact that her bedside manner canonically seems to amount to "shut the fuck up and eat your chocolate" means that she could quite easily be written in a somewhat nurse ratchet-y vein.
which makes her umbridge's ideal woman.
filius flitwick/firenze
yeah go on. think of the uses the size differences could be put to.
argus filch/pomona sprout
he's more than happy to sweep her greenhouse, if you know what i mean.
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daisysolovely · 1 year
Aemma Targaryen part 4
A Pawn
Hi guys, I’m back :)).
Summary: Aemma realised a shocking truth... 
The Aemma's series: Losing an eye, Aemma's dragon, A ruby eye, A Proposal
P/s: Tumblr still hasn’t let me reply to any comment yet so I’m sorry if I haven’t replied to your comment, I’m so sorry :((( Any feedbacks would be appreciated because your comments are my motivation to continue writing and perfect my writing. Thank you so much XD
Aemma sat far from the pit as she waited patiently for her brother, Aemond who was in a duelling section with Ser Criston Cole. The one-eyed prince had promised to assist her to fly on Vermirthor. It had been years since she claimed Vermithor and nobody allowed the cursed princess to contact the dragon without assistance. 
Aemma’s hands played with the braids of her silvery hair while listening to every grunt and sound of the men and swords clatching together. And a sense of nostalgia flew to her like a wave of the ocean, softly but overwhelming. The pit used to be her favourite place, once upon a time, when her family was still civil and the children were acting their age. She remembered the sound of Lucy's and Jacerys laughing as they fought Aegon who was an all too easy target while her uncle Daemon would be next to her, commenting on how Aegon needed to improve his swordsmanship as the Rogue prince didn’t afraid to show her his disapproval. 
It felt like an age ago when it was in fact a couple of months. Too much had happened and Aemma’s heart raced as she recalled every bit of the events. She and Aemond lost an eye, and then her brother-in-law -  Ser Laenor Velaryon died. The cursed princess had a complete breakdown upon hearing the distressing news for Laenor was a kind cousin and brother-in-law to her. She had sent letter after letter to share her condolence with her sister and wished to be Rhaenerya’s shoulder if the eldest princess ever needed it. Some Rhaenerya would reply, and some remained unanswered. 
“I am finished, sister.” Aemma raised her head upon hearing Aemond’s voice, another drastic change for the last couple of months was Aemond who had grown unbelievably mature and stoic. He might not be much of a talker before but it was because of his shy tendency, that now was a whole different story. She felt as if he had become more observant and sneakier. The cursed princess didn’t know whether she should be happy for him or not. 
Aemond helped his sister stand up as he placed the cane in her hand gently. The prince carefully guided Aemma through the hall while maintaining an appropriate distance between them, unlike Aegon who was glued to Aemma’s body most of the time. “It’s been a while since I ride Vermithor.” The prince said for the sake of starting a conversation. 
While he might become quieter, he disliked not talking to his sister. Aemond enjoyed hearing her angelic voice and learning about his sister. 
“I’m sure he misses you, you’re his favourite after all.” The princess giggled as she recalled the way Aegon would moan about Vermithor’s biased tendency as the eldest prince believed the dragon hated him. “Sadly, now he wouldn’t be able to fly with you as often for you have a mightier companion.” She said with a playful pout and Aemond found her tease refreshing. People were tipped around the topic of Vghar nowadays and only Aemma seemed to treat it as if it was a normal occurrence. 
“You are his favourite, Aemma. The dragon merely tolerated me.” The prince said nonchalantly and it was true, Vermithor’s fondness for the cursed princess was unquestionable. Besides, how could anyone not love her? It was impossible, the prince thought to himself. 
Giggling, Aemma shook her head as she swayed her holding cane hand playfully. “At least, he likes you better than Aegon. Your brother wouldn’t stop pestering me about how ill Vermithor treated him” 
“He’s an idiot.” Aemond huffed slightly. 
Aemma’s face morphed into a disapproving scold, “He’s your brother, Aemond.” Said Aemma sternly, her under-meaning didn’t go unnoticed by the one-eye prince. She was aware that Aemond had started to protest against their brother and so far, he was winning. Yet, she dictated the strained relationship between these two or just in her family in general. 
“Nyke ȳdra daor raqagon zirȳla” I don’t like him, the prince said stoically, switching effortlessly to High Valyrian tongue. 
“Ao ȳdra daor emagon naejot raqagon zirȳla, yn ziry's aōha ānogar se Aegon didn't emagon nykeā easy glaeson raqagon ao pendagon, Aemond. Ry hen īlva, īlon're ry suffering, sepār hen different ōdres se cause.” You don't have to like him, but he's your blood and Aegon didn't have an easy life like you think, Aemond. All of us, we're all suffering, just from different pain and cause, replied the cursed princess. Usually, she would never put the harsh truth on her brother’s shoulder for he was still too young. But the past few months had proven that the one-eye prince was stronger than Aemma thought.  
“Iksos bona skorkydoso ao feel bē Rhaenerya?” Is that how you feel about Rhaenerya, the boy asked and caught Aemma by surprise at the mention of her sister. 
Shaking her head, Aemma raised her hands to hold his cheeks as she stared ahead, giving the impression that she was looking straight into his eyes. The red ruby eye glistened as the sun hit it, creating an oddly alluring sight as it somehow fit well with her violet eye. “That’s a whole different matter, more complicated.” She gave him a brief answer, vague enough for him to understand but not enough for an inside look. “Rhaenerya isn’t like Aegon by any means.” She mumbled. 
Aemond tilted his head lightly, enjoying the soft touch of his sister. A hint of empathy glinted in his eye. She was the only person in Red Keep who hadn’t heard about Rhaenerya and Daemon’s wedding and he felt sorry for her. Who knew Aemma would know of her admiration for her older sister as the cursed princess always talked so highly of the Realm’s delight. And while the geographic distance between the two sisters caused a small drift in their relationship, they still loved each other dearly. Thus, Aemond found it ironic how the eldest princess didn’t even bother to tell her beloved sister about her new marriage. 
It was understandable why the Realm’s delight secretly married her uncle, but to hide it from the least judgemental person in their family who always held her in the best regard? Aemond could never understand. 
But Rhaenerya wasn’t the only reason why Aemma hadn’t heard about the affair. The eldest prince played the quintessential part in this. After the event of Losing an eye, Aegon censored everything around Aemma, what she could hear and who she could meet. What the prince deemed as unfit would never appear in front of Aemma. The news of Rhaenerya’s marriage apparently was one of those units. 
“How so?” The one-eye prince hummed. 
“She has a very calming presence, always knew when I was upset and she paid attention to the smallest thing. The knowledge she has is admirable as well, the things she taught me were brilliantly valuable and I couldn’t stress enough just how great of a company she is.” The cursed princess smiled as she recalled the fond memory she held with her eldest sibling. “You should ask your mother, I think she would know a thing or two about Rhaenyra.” She said in an absentminded manner, it was anything but. 
“I don’t think you would think so highly of her if you know what she did,” Aemond said, his word meticulously calculating as he eyed his sister who held a frown expression. He could see her curiosity had peaked. His sister was a curious creature who would stop at nothing to get her answer… 
“I beg you pardon?” 
“I think you should ask our brother… he would have a better explanation…” A smirk made its way to Aemond as he said sarcastically. If his brother had decided he had the right to control their sister, he should be prepared to explain it to her. 
Raising an eyebrow, Aemma was confused at what part did Aegon play and what her sister had done exactly? A part of her seemed to lean on the possibility of Aegon drunkenly doing some foolish antic like he sometimes did, but her gut told her that it was something entirely different. 
As her curiosity began to rise, the princess made a sharp turn as she decided not to visit the pit. Riding Vermithor could wait but the cursed princess would be damned if something happened to her two most beloved siblings. 
Aemond could see the gear turning in Aemma and he couldn’t help but find sick satisfaction in knowing that he had pushed Aegon’s position in their sister’s heart on a hang. Now, all he needed was to wait. And Aemond had all the patience in the world for that. 
For Aemma, he would wait a thousand years. Because she was worth it. 
Meanwhile, Aemma stormed toward Aegon’s wings with an unbelievable speed. Her mind had different case scenarios, none of which had the happy ending she wished for. As she stood in front of Aegon’s chamber, the cursed princess took a deep breath. She could feel the stare of the maids on her and didn’t understand why,  assuming that they probably thought she was eccentric for her appearance and disability. 
If only she knew they were admiring her for daring to be in Aegon’s presence alone… 
Pushing the double door with all of her strength, the princess stepped into the eerily silent chamber. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that her brother was still deep in his slumber. It must be one of those mornings, she thought to herself. And by those mornings, she meant when Aegon got too drunk the night before, he couldn’t bear the strength to wake up the next day and instead slumbered in his chamber all day. Until his mother went to fetch him, that is. So far, Alicent was nowhere in sight. 
“Aegon.” Said Aemma softly as she carefully narrowed around his chamber. She hadn’t been to his chamber for a long time, after she knew about him sneaking whore in his room. She couldn’t bear to be in a room where Aegon had done something like that. It simply didn’t sit right with her for some odd reasons. 
Finally, reaching her destination, Aemma sat at the foot of Aegon’s bed. The cursed princess carefully placed her cane beside her as she crawled onto his bed, something she hadn’t done since she turned ten. Skillfully, she pulled the cover away from the prince before lying down next to him and throwing the blanket on her. 
Aemma smiled as she remembered Rhaenerya used to call her a cover hogger due to her tendency of taking all the cover whenever she slept. 
The princess could feel Aegon’s body next to her and she simply waited. It didn’t take long for Aegon to stir as the cold air finally hit his naked body. Groaning, the prince patted around to find his cover. Much to his dismay, he couldn’t find it. 
Reluctantly, the prince finally opened his eyes. And he was glad he did, for he was greeted with the sight of his beautiful sister, laying on his bed, his cover on her as she softly hummed a lullaby. A sight he longed for and the thing that kept him going in this dysfunctional family. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.” The princess said teasingly as she felt Aegon stirring. 
“What a pleasure to have your presence in my chamber, sister.” The Prince lazily said, his voice ruffed from just waking up as he teasingly grinned. “I think you’re the only lady who’s brave enough to visit my chamber alone, not to mention laying on my bed uninvited.”
“Should I leave then?”
“No!” Ageon hastily replied, his hand going to grip hers. “I am quite content if you must know.”
The princess hummed, and a teasing smile bloomed on her beautiful face. “But in all seriousness, what have I done for you to grant your precious presence in my chamber?” He wasn’t dense, Aegon was aware of the reason why his sister purposely avoided his chamber. It was painful evidence of how unworthy of her he was. The prince swallowed bitterly. 
“Aemond and I had a conversation previously.” The cursed princess informed her brother, and her fingers traced the embroidery of the cover carefully. “And a certain topic had caught my attention. Aemond advised me to seek you out.” 
The eldest prince stiffed all of sudden and sat straight up. His bare chest was covered in nothing but the sunlight and had Aemma been less focused on the topic, she would be mortified by the way Aegon’s bare skin rubbed against hers. It was inappropriate and the two knew it. Yet, one was too caught up in their mind while the other enjoyed the feeling too much to care and also because Aegon was a pervert at his core. 
“Don’t you think it’s unwise to take advice from a boy like Aemond?” Questioned Aegon, his tone was unkind and the words were emphasised harshly. 
“I think that you’ve been underestimating Aemond, brother.” The cursed princess stated calmly. “He only told me to ask you about our sister.” 
“What matter of Healena could I possibly know?” The prince huffed and decided to play a fool. “You know I don’t like her. She’s such a freak.” The last was said venomously and it fueled an uncomfortable feeling in Aemma. 
Sighing, Aemma rolled on her side and opened her arms as a gesture of invitation. As if on cue, Aegon scooted into her arms, his head resting on her arm while her other arm caressed his hair gently. Her touch seemed to ease his ponding mind as he let out a sigh of relief, causing the cursed princess to giggle. This was a habit of theirs any time Aegon drank too much and woke up with a headache. The prince had claimed that her massage helped ease his pain away better than any potion out there and while Aemma didn’t buy his claim, she still complied nonetheless for she did not wish to let him suffer. 
“You know which sister I am talking about, Aegon.” The cursed princess purposely lowered her voice, knowing how loud the noise could impact her brother after a night of drinking. She would never understand why Aegon chose to put himself under all this torture for a short-lived pleasure. It didn’t seem like a fair sacrifice in her opinion. 
Aegon whined when Aemma massaged the right spot on his head. The prince allowed his body to relax in her arms, yet his mind was an entirely different story. Aegon’s mind had geared quickly as he bit his lower lips. “Same but different, I could care less about Rhaenerya and you know it. I never did, not when she stayed at the Red Keep and especially now that she was miles away. Did something happen?” He asked with a fake innocence in his tone, but the stern expression suggested otherwise. 
The prince was livid with his brother and certain that the one-eye prince was behind this. Yet, as he watched his sister's lips forming into a pout, Aegon knew he had lost this fight. The truth was he had controlled people around Aemma for months now. But he only wished to protect her and that was his only intention. He couldn’t possibly let anyone taint his angelic sister and she deserved to be protected. Thus, he censored what she could and couldn’t know. The news about Rhaenerya would devastate Aemma’s little heart and Aegon could predict the outcome perfectly. The eldest prince was certain that his little brother could too and yet, he set up a trap for Aegon to fall in. 
“You know something, don’t you?” Aegon heard his sister whispering and his eyes went wild. His arm tightened around Aemma’s waist as he buried his head deeper into the crook of Aemma’s neck. “Are you the one behind this?” Aegon shook his head and Aemma let out a sigh of relief. That was all she needed to know. 
Smiling knowingly, Aemma stroked her brother’s curls. The cursed princess asked softly. “This thing will hurt me if I know, won’t it?” 
As she predicted, Aegon nodded while letting out a whine. Her brothers… They tried to act so differently yet at their core, they were the same, at least to her. Two softies who had overprotective tendencies. The cursed princess felt Aegon burying his head deeper into her neck. “But I have a feeling that I must learn about this.” Aemma pried. “She’s my sister, Aegon. I would want to know if this was you or Aemond or Heleana. So please, tell me, brother.” 
Aegon closed his eyes and knew that he was defeated. She was using her soft tone, one that he could never refuse. Aemma knew so too. “I don’t wish for you to know.” Admitted the eldest prince. “But if you want to know so much… Rhaenyra married īlva uncle isse secret paktot tolī se funeral hen zȳhon late valzȳrys.” Rhaenyra married our uncle in secret right after the funeral of her late husband. 
“Oh.” was all Aemma could mutter out loud. 
“You aren’t surprised?” 
“I suppose not, I always know there was something between the two…” And indeed, she did. She wasn’t stupid and could feel the tension between her sister and their uncle whenever they were near like how she learnt about her sister’s affair with Ser Harwin Strong. Yet, she always kept it to herself. 
She was visually impaired, but she wasn’t blind to the world around her. 
Aegon’s face fell as he watched Aemma lose in her thoughts and how conflicted she seemed. Her small face formed into a frown as she curled into a ball. With a sigh, Aegon changed their posture and spooned his sister. The prince decided to change their role as well as he began to stroke her hair reassuringly. Truthfully, he didn’t understand what she was going through, but he would be with her regardless. 
Aemma rubbed her arms as she bit her lips. She was happy for her sister, truly. But it hurt, learning it through her brother instead of Rhaenerya. It also upset the cursed princess how quickly her sister married their uncle. Yes, the two had waited for so long but she found it disrespectful to Laenor. 
Perhaps Rhaenerya didn’t intend to keep it from her? Maybe the Realm’s delight only wished to hide from their father but unintentionally hid it from her in the process.
She wished she was trustworthy enough for Rhaenerya to tell her. Maybe if she could read her letter, Rhaenerya would tell her more. 
The cursed princess listened to the soft breath of her brother and after a few minutes, she pushed him off. It didn’t sit right with her that Aegon had hidden this from her. By the way he spoke, he had learned the news for a while… Yet, he never told her. 
The pain of betrayal continuously suffocated the young princess. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her two closest siblings hiding things from her. Things that she had the right to know. 
“You lied to me…” She whispered. It hurt her more as she confronted him. Something was worse when it was spoken out loud. 
Frantically shaking his head, Aegon sat straight up. The cover pulled around his lap as his eyes manically focused on her ruby eye. It shone under the dim light of his room, an indication of his devotion to Aemma. The eldest prince had never been so scared in his life, not even his grandsire affected him the way she did. The small princess didn’t even raise her tone yet the impact she created was enormous. “My only wish is to protect you, Aemma. I never intended to lie to you.” Aegon pleaded. He ignored the pounding pain in his head as he sat, hands holding hers as a gesture of begging. “You know where my loyalty lies…” 
“I know…” replied Aemma, but the sharp pain in her heart wasn’t easy to ignore. And the two both knew that the cursed princess couldn’t tolerate betrayal.  
“I knew that Rhaenerya’s action will hurt you and look at you now, sister. I only protected you, don’t you see?” Said Aegon in the softest voice he could mutter but the murderous look on his face betrayed the meaning of his words. “Don’t push me away, Aemma… I love you and I only have you. Look at what Rhaenerya did, she hurt you and yet, you are willing to forgive her. But when it came to me, you couldn’t tolerate it even though my intention was for your good.” 
The more Aegon pleaded, the more torn Aemma felt inside. His words were a sharp knife cutting through her skin over and over. She didn’t mean to hurt him… she never wish to hurt anyone as it went against her nature. And her brother was right, he only wished to protect her… Why did she have to make a scene when he had such good intentions? Rhaenerya had their uncle but Aegon… her little brother had nobody but her. Aemma knew he had an unhealthy attachment to her. 
“I am sorry.” She said shakingly, tears rolling down her cheeks. Confusion and bitterness emerged and settled at the bottom of her stomach. She didn’t know what to think. But her instinct was to comfort him. “I was being sensitive.” 
Kissing her tears away, Aegon hushed as he shook his head. “It’s alright.” 
Aemma nodded as she hid her face in his pillow, preferring to be in solidarity. But much to her dismay, someone pushed the door open. 
“Aemond.” She heard Aegon hissing beside her as if the name was venomous. 
“Sister.” Aemond ignored his brother and his murderous glares as the second prince kneeled beside Aemma’s side of the bed. A bouquet was held in his hand. “Heleana and I made you a bouquet. We wish to make you feel better.” 
Aemma pulled away from her pillow, a smile appeared effortlessly on her beautiful face as she offered her hands so Aemond could place the bouquet on it. It was a sweet gesture but Aemma couldn’t stomach it, not when she now understood why her brother insisting on her seek for Aegon. He could have told her but it would not have the same effect as Aegon confessing his action… Aemond did it on purpose…
A thought sent shivers down her spine… 
She was just a pawn in these two’s competition…
The cursed princess wondered if she truly knew her family as she originally thought… 
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bdslab · 5 months
asterix in d&d is fun cause essentially his highest stats are charisma and dexterity with slightly above average in other stats. I'd say wis is higher cause of his insight and survival skills but honestly his understanding of how people operate is SEVERELY hindered in cities. I'd say class-wise he'd fit more of a paladin archetype imo… now while it may seem weird to have a paladin who largely fights unarmed, i think it works out since most of the time when he doesn't have the potion he's using a sword. other weird thing is the lack of armor but eh for paladin oath… for as chaotic as the series gets i honestly feel like he fits the tenents for the oath of devotion? Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor, Duty… Like I said he fits the basic paladin archetype pretty well. DEVOTION PALADINS ARE ALSO KNOWN TO INCORPORATE WINGS ONTO THEIR HELMETS SO Anyway, onto obelix. Obviously highest stats are strength and constitution (like game breakingly high numbers you shouldn't have), mediocre wis and cha, and a serious hit to dex and int to make up for the outrageous str and con stats in order to let unarmed combat be viable for 5e and not be a monk obelix has to have the tavern brawler feat. after that… barbarian would be my best guess. the lack of armor works well with barbarians and there can be something said for the rage kicking in a few times ahtibat1 For barbarian path… I'm not as familiar with these but actually Juggernaut works pretty well. Melee attacks have the ability to launch foes 5ft away, you're impossible to topple, and structures are cakewalk to take down. actually it's perfect Cacofonix is a bard that forgot to spec into charisma honestly cacofonix probably has pretty decent constitution for how often he's hit over the head with a hammer. he probably has some good int as well, mediocre for the rest (charisma dump stat though). College of valor fits well with the large numbers of fights around the village Getafix is a pretty standard druid. good wis and int; decent dex, con and cha; fairly poor strength. Circle of the Land is a pretty literal description of what's depicted in the comics and movies (oral tradition led by elders meeting to keep secrets & magic within the community). vitalstatistix is an up and up champion fighter unhygenix and fulliautomatix are berserker barbarians but because it's a kids book there's no death and blood when they rage geriatrix is a kensei monk except instead of a sword his weapon is his cane now. dogmatix is a dog
people are always like "devotion paladins are boring and have to be perfect angels" but honestly it doesn't say anywhere they can't blatantly disrespect authority if they don't recognize that authority in the first place what im getting at is that asterix being a rude little bastard calling caesar "jules" is fine. honestly can you imagine the audacity. he's less than 5ft tall & caesar's conquered all gaul* and he's like "fuck you i won't use your proper name"
*except a little village in armorica paladins of devotion have to lead by example and honestly, disrespecting caesar and accidentally tanking the economy is a pretty decent example lmao
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Meet Hannah Artemis Hook;
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Fc: Maia Mitchell.
Fic Title: The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook.
Nickname(s): Bam-Bam, Scream Queen, Hook, Slimeball, Snot ball, Batty, Sailor Mouth, Mouthy, Human Disaster, The Jack of All trades, Clumsy, The Messenger, The Chameleon, Nightmare Queen, Butterfingers, Glowy Pyshco, Moody, Dreamer, Dream Queen, The Fairy Child, Brownie, Shortie, Han, H, Hannie, Little H, Chatty, Heartbreaker, Sweet Tooth, Angel of Vengence, Slime, Slimeypirate, Slimey, Moonflower (only by Gothel), Hannahabelle, Wild Card, and Hannah Banana (used only by people who wanna catch these hands).
Sexuality: Unknown.
Pronouns: She/her.
Birthday: December 2nd at 8:00 pm.
Height: 5"4 ½.
Hair Color: Brown with a White and Teal streak.
Eye Color: Brown.
Place of Birth: Isle of the Lost.
Hobbies: Writing, Storytelling, role playing, gaming, drawing, listening to music, reading, and swimming.
Likes: Exploring, magic, road trips, sailing, her old doll, her baby blanket, sword fighting, hanging on rooftops, food, pranks, fire, and building traps.
Dislikes: Spiders, bugs, rats, Ignorance, needles, how clumsy she is, songs with no lyrics, long sleeves on shirts, heights, bullies, being picked on, the dark, being alone, being abandoned, and losing her friends.
Favorite musicians: Cavetown, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Melanie Martinez, The Dragonslayers, etc.
Physical Quirks/Scars: Very short nails (from biting them), sideways anchor tattoo on her right knee, small dot scars all over her left hand, healed cuts on her feet, and 6 tattoos. (A skull and crossbones with a sword running through it on her wrist with the words 'Family doesn't end in blood' surrounding it. A hooked cane on her left shoulder. A small winged hook on her right shoulder. A crocodile and flower compass on her left shoulder blade. A rope and sword on her right one. And she small skulls on her other wrist. One on fire, one with a black cat on it's head, and one with a hook necklace on it's head).
Family: Hugo (stepdad), Varian (Bio Dad/Donator), Cassandra (Bio Mom), Andrew (step dad), Captain Hook (Adoptive Dad), Zarina (Adoptive Mom), Mama Hook ( adoptive grandma), mother gothel (disowned grandma), Ulla (grandmother), Davy Jones (Adoptive grandfather), Captain of the guards (Adoptive grandfather), Ginny Gothel (Adoptive sister/bio aunt), Mason and Glenn Gothel (bio uncles), Harriet and Cj Hook (Adoptive sisters), Harry Hook (Adoptive Brother), Peter Pan (Possible Adoptive Brother), etc.
Honorary Family: Hades, Persphone, The Fitzherberts, Yong, Nuru, and The Stabbington brothers.
Friends: Chad Charming, Audrey Rose, Bobby Hood, and her crew.
Pets: Icarus (Owl) and Midas (Racoon).
Love Inserest: Prince Haul Ryder Bjorgman.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Introvert or Extrovert: Niether. She's an ambivert.
Occupation: High school student and pirate captain.
Extracurriculars: Art Club, Creative Writing Club, School News Paper, and Archery.
Favorite Animal: Frogs.
Favorite Color: Red, Black, and Gold.
Favorite Book: 'A Light In The Attic' by Shel Silverstein.
Favorite Food: Spicy chicken sandwiches.
Favorite Drink: Sam's Cola.
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Fear Street Trilogy and Batman Beyond.
Background: Once upon a time, Cassandra wanted a kid but her on again off again boyfriend, Andrew, wasn't available to have kids so they used Varian (this is when he was around (30) as a donor and Hannah was the result. For the first few months of her life, she was passed between her four parents (Cassandra and Andrew: Hugo and Varian) until Gothel murdered her bio parents. She was found by Captain Hook who along with his wife, Zarina, adopted her. Thus how she became Hannah Hook. She eventually went on to become a pirate captain after winning her ship in a poker game at 6. She is every bit her parents' child. All of them. In one. Even though she doesn't know it.
"Family" by Mother Mother.
"The Mutineer" by JT Music.
"I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young.
"Adventure Is Out There" by AJR.
"She's a rebel" by Green Day.
"Control" by Hasley.
"Everyday Superhero" by Smash Mouth.
Please don't be mean. Varian and Cassandra weren't romantically involved-- their relationship is strictly platonic. Varian was just a donar and they both were nearly 40 when Hannah was born. So please don't leave any mean comments.
Inspired by @thecaptainsgingersnap and @theinnerworkingsofoc .
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sintoknow · 7 months
where does it come from, the thread that ties us together? (for michael)
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life begins and ends in water, as does she. from the lifeblood to the red sea, which here becomes a motif through the simple downpour of rain. everything is torn to its bare essentials, everything is as it always has been; the archangel, who here is a sharply-dressed man, holds an umbrella over @mekhashephah, which had been his cane, which was his sword, glinting with the might of heaven, where odd light catches and pools.
heaven's first angel and the first woman. this was never part of the story. saint michael has many roles that twine into one god-given purpose, and lilith, too. that they are stood here, together, amidst an empty street on earth had never been intended. at its crux, he knows it is partially his fault, for bowing his sensibilities to a human girl a thousand years ago, and never having let her go, hoarding her for centuries. perhaps, intuitively, he knows it has always been her; the same way he knows it has not been her, not since the beginning. this dichotomy sits between them, but he disregards it because it does not matter to him.
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❝ you are so certain there is some grand meaning behind it — perhaps i'm just here to keep an eye on you and make sure you stay out of trouble. ❞ it's not a jest in its entirety, yet a flicker of amusement reaches his eyes. he says this brusquely over the sound of the rain breaking against the damp pavement. the crisp, autumnal air swirls, twining small leaves and petals into the breeze which land at his feet as a show of courtesy to that which is holy. ultimately, his answer is as unsatisfactory for her as it is for himself, yet he offers it to her nonetheless, for he has no other.
gently, then, michael grasps her chin and tips it upward, scowling when he catches a glimpse of the shadows beneath her eyes, like ink on water. the soft act is a contradiction to his habitually hollow, empty tone, ❝ you're not sleeping well. why? ❞
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antibigotwhumpblog · 10 months
Deadly Principles Pt.3
(Prev, Next, Masterlist)
Cw: Whump, Captivity, Toxic Christianity, Light Mouth Gore, Light Eye Gore
She was not at all shocked when he rested the cane by his side. They studied each other. Heleigh refused to break his gaze.
"I carry the strengh of God in me, you see," She reputed, "Child, He is all you need."
The blonde rustled beneath his grey suit, and revealed a vial of foggy liquid from his shirt pocket.
"I told you to stop talking," He growled behind his white lips, "You will keep your mouth shut in front of me."
He raced towards her, and squahed her jaw in his hands. Her mouth was forced open. He popped the cap to the vial, and splashed the contents onto her face. The horror of the pain blinded her, and she screamed. The liquid melted the skin of her nose, drilled holes through her tongue as her spit evaporated, and boils swelled underneath her left eye. She could only hear the sizzling of her own skin.She could no longer see him, but she felt the man adjust to her side, careful not to let his suit touch her. The ropes on her wrists spurred alight as he untied them.
He whispered to her, "I see no God in you. Watch how you fall."
He released the rope on her right wrist, and her body toppled over her knees. Her upperbody suspended backwards by her left wrist. Her armpit and side stretched beyond their limits, and her organs thrumed in anguish. She cried out, and attempted to curl her arm to no avail. She fumbled her right hand towards her mouth, but ripped it away when the children's tears on her tongue burned her fingertips. Funnily enough, she couldn't feel her tongue anymore. Her other arm dropped to her side now, and she pulled her head straight. The man circled her. Her left eye was sealed shut, and her right was semi blocked by a black veil. She could only occasionally see his leg. Her stomach panged again and again unrelenting. She was left desperate for a reason why. She didn't understand how she was supposed to convert this man towards the love of God, even though she previously always understood God's reasoning no matter who was put in pain. The all-too-familiar sound of bone swung through the air drained all the blood from her veins. The man hadn't untied her wings, and instead struck them with the cane. It felt like a sword hit her wings. Her body exploded with anguish. It was then she felt the inexplicable urge to fight back, and to harm the man behind her. That thought stopped her heart quicker than any beating ever could. She stared ahead in horror as he brought the cane down again. The utter terror never left despite interruptions of absolute anguish that made her scream. She'd pressed her palms and face into the concrete, her back on full display as her folded and tied wings were hit again and again. The man even risked contact with her to kick her wings with his boots. She had thought the deafening stomach pain was bad. Heleigh inbetween the torture could only think about the purpose. It was the highest sin to hurt a human, a child of God, when their soul duty was to protect and deliver them. This all had to be about faith. That even in lack of understanding God still uses his angels to bring lost human souls to protection, love, and happiness. Heleigh felt the moment when her wings shattered. She believed God felt it. She dragged her face against the concrete so she rested on her chin. Her body twitched after every ache. Her wings trembled. Her vision was limited to a sliver, in which the mortals legs and lower torso were present.
"Be ot afray. Go-d-s 'ove sha hea-eel your soul 'ike E 'ill my e-in-gries," She proclaimed.
The man glared down at her, "You, Heleigh, of all creatures on Earth, cannot guide mine or any soul towards clensing."
He acted as if he were in need of tongs as he lifted her off the ground by her wings. The mushed like liquid under his fingers. Her scream was cut short by unbearable pain, and then she shrieked. He pinned her to the wall with his knee, and stretched her arm to its corresponding bind so far from the ground. She crumpled against his knees in a mess of sobs. She refused to awknowledge his proximity and frail body. He said something once she was hung back in her cross-like suspension although he knew she was far too consumed with her own pain to listen. He scowled at the blood on his pantleg, and strided out of the room.
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kxlinthesky · 11 months
EPISODE 5 LIGHT NOVEL Chapter 4-5 English Translation
Owl’s legs pounded against the ground as he sped straight toward the roaring volcano spewing its haze into the air. When he burst out of the thicket near the church he found himself, for better or worse, on the edge of the barren wasteland found near all volcanoes. This therefore made it rather easy for him to spot that up above.
“Owl! Get on!!” Tristan was hot on his heels astride his knight, its hooves thundering along the earth. He caught up to Owl in a flash. Owl reached out and grabbed his arm as he passed, hauling himself up onto the horse behind him.
 He turned his attention skyward from the back of that horse.
And there, hovering above them, was the man he’d been chasing.
He cut quite the sublime figure, hanging above the mouth of the volcano and humming a hymn to himself. Each flap of his wings battered the air. The people of Teos had always wanted to behold this very sight for themselves.
 Here, before his eyes, an angel was descending upon the earth.
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Unlike the island’s inhabitants, though, there wasn’t a speck of reverence to be found within Owl. No, he nearly tore his throat asunder with the weight of his fury. “MASTEMAAAA!!!”
 “My, my.” Mastema’s gaze lowered, staring at Owl with an uncanny glow burning in his eyes. His eyebrows raised. “How surprising. You know, it’s rather impolite of all of you to come all the way here without an invitation.”
“We finally found you, Mastema!!” Owl leaped off the horse and pulled his gun in one fluid motion. “Give Ellie back!!” He clicked the safety and prepared to fire, a transmutation circle already flaring to life around his hand.
Yet even with the muzzle trained firmly on him, Mastema didn’t so much as twitch. He looked down at Owl as though he was as inconsequential as a mouse used for experiments... no, to him, humanity itself was nothing more than bottom-feeding clams caked in mud and filth. Harmless, powerless little clams. Only the rare few who produced pearls were of any value – only those he could farm those precious pearls known as “azoth” from.
“Ellie?” Mastema chucked, low and dripping with derision. “Tell me, who in the world is Ellie? You can’t possibly be referring to this.”
He raised his arms a little, drawing all eyes to the tiny girl in his arms, the girl Owl and everyone in his orbit called “Ellie”... the girl created by a forbidden art. She was a “flask,” born as a homunculus, transformed into a statue and hidden away, and somehow dragged back into the light as a work of art. At the moment, she was unconscious – in fact, it didn’t look like she’d moved at all since she’d been taken. Her scarlet hood flapped in the wind.
“Shut the hell up!” Owl’s hand trembled. His fingers twitched on the trigger.
“Stay calm, Owl,” Tristan advised, as unflappable as ever. He tilted his head to stare up at the angel. Behind his implacable mask, one could see the soldier who’d walked many a battlefield in his time. He twirled his cane. “Hey, Mastema. I came to continue our match.”
Mastema looked down on the pitiable loser. “Our match has already been decided, Tristan,” he answered. “It’s checkmate for you.”
“Checkmate, you say?” Tristan slammed his cane into the ground. A massive symbol flared to life at its end. “What makes you say that? The king is still here!”
His alchemical chessboard appeared at his feet, from which eight soldiers – pawns – leaped out to stand before him, swords drawn.
“Owl! Stop him!!” he shouted.
“I know!” Owl took aim. “Transmute –”
A golden circle sparked to life around the muzzle of his gun.
Circles upon circles mixed and overlapped, honing his accuracy to a fine point and gathering all the strength in his body. He pulled the trigger.
A beam of golden light shot out of his gun and straight for Mastema’s forehead in a single, unwavering attack.
“Do you really believe such paltry power could even hope to reach me?! How naive!!”
But Mastema simply swept his arm and flicked the golden light aside like it was nothing. The bullet shattered.
“Ah...!” Owl took a step back. He’d poured so much into that technique, and it’d gone up in smoke.
“You pitiful creature,” sighed Mastema. His eyes slid shut regretfully. “It’s truly deplorable to lay eyes on one who doesn’t know their place. I’m not one of the Possessed – you can’t disassemble me with alchemy, O helpless mouse.”
Owl’s teeth gnashed together.
Mastema’s eyes opened again, the light within them shining even brighter. “Now sit quietly down there where you belong.”
“Something’s coming!” yelled Tristan.
That was all the warning Owl got before he saw half of the pawns Tristan had summoned get blown up into the air. A gasp slipped out of his lips unbidden; he hadn’t even gotten a glimpse of what hit them. All Mastema had done was blink, and yet he’d somehow decimated the gentleman’s ranks.
“Ugh...!!” Tristan staggered and fell to his knees. The blowback from losing his pawns had knocked him off balance.
“Father!!!” Owl turned back to help him stand, but –
“Don’t worry about me! Keep your eyes on the enemy!”
Owl halted.
Above them, Mastema gracefully raised his arms overhead. “Oh, yes, keep your eyes on me. Don’t look away. For you have the great honor of gazing upon an exalted presence as you die.”
Countless transmutation circles flared up around Mastema, each one spewing burning red magma. They hung overhead like a boiling storm cloud, poised to release its red-hot rain and wipe out all life below.
“Farewell, O great detective,” he whispered.
The cherry red downpour began to fall.
Owl immediately bent over Tristan, prepared to shield him from the coming onslaught.
But just then, a new voice cut through the air. “I’ll stop him from moving! Keep firing!”
The priest appeared in front of them, having chased them all the way here. He’d already Demonized into his vampiric form, crimson droplets dripping from the end of his saber as he flung it around.
“Peering Windows of Twilight!” Clemens shouted. “Let beasts be caged! Pierce through, Prison of Stakes!!”
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Countless windows appeared and boxed Mastema in. Each window spawned a gigantic stake dyed a deep, dark red, each stake pointed squarely at the angel. He watched these banes of a vampire’s existence rocketing toward him, utterly entranced. “How interesting,” he murmured. “A vampire.... Ahh, it hurts me so to have to end such a rare specimen... but.”
His extraordinary gaze turned to Clemens.
“You are nothing more than a tiny, impudent little bat, to think you could cage an apostle like myself!!”
He switched Ellie to his other arm and snapped his fingers. A gale whipped out from his hand with an earsplitting roar, slicing the stakes to pieces like a knife through butter, leaving the shards to crumble and vanish without reaching their target.
Clemens remained unphased. “An angel who’s never communed with God, an apostle? Don’t make me laugh! I myself was once a member of a choir...!!!”
And with that, a terrific shout burst from his mouth – no, not a shout, but the ultrasonic waves of a bat, so high and so powerful that they produced a shockwave inaudible to human ears. The blast of sound warped the air around it as it sped at Mastema. It hit his wings dead-on.
To the saints marching in
No retreat, so falter not
Our flags wave in the light of honor
 The sounds coming out of Clemens’ mouth weren’t just unintelligible gibberish, either. He was singing.
 The only fear is fear of failure
Our friends become our heroes
And my body becomes a gun
 “A priest like me can manage this just by singing, you tiny little canary!”
The high-pitched song grated on everyone’s ears as bloody stakes shot through the open windows once more. Mastema’s eyebrows drew down. “A hymn, hm? It sounds like a war song coming from you.” He snapped his fingers again, sending another gust of wind to slash the stakes apart. The angel laughed mockingly from above – no matter how many times Clemens tried, the outcome would be the same.
But in the next moment, a different voice spoke up. “Yes, a war song for one’s allies!!” Ralph sprung out from behind Clemens and leaped into the air, closing the distance between him and Mastema in an instant with sharp claws poised to pierce the angel’s windpipe. Like Clemens, he had also already Demonized into his werewolf form. “Master Clemens’ song was not meant to reach Heaven, but me!”
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Needle-sharp fangs jutted out from Ralph’s gaping mouth. A ferocious, guttural growl rumbled in his throat as he rocketed up toward Mastema.
The angel didn’t even spare him a single glance, though. “I know exactly how you fight, Tristan!!” he shouted gleefully. With a single powerful flap of his wings, he sent Ralph careening away. “This was your real aim...!”
Another flap slammed into Ralph’s other side, where a soldier – one of Tristan’s pawns – had its sword poised to slash through the arm holding Ellie, ready to take her back. Mastema, however, neatly dodged the blow and cast the pawn aside triumphantly.
“I know how many times you’ve used important pieces as decoys, after all,” Mastema finished, flitting through the air as if he was dancing. When he finally slowed, he tilted his head down to meet Tristan’s eyes.
“True enough,” Tristan admitted with a nod and a shrug. “I may have let you see too much of my fighting style. But don’t get the wrong idea, Mastema.”
“I’m not your opponent right now.” Tristan stabbed his cane into the earth, summoning his chessboard. And standing atop it was –
“Keep your eyes on your real enemy, Mastema. The one you provoked was me!”
Owl stood tall, gun at the ready and transmutation circle already twinkling to life around the muzzle. One circle became two, then three, the magic strengthened and refined to the point it looked ready to fire off at any moment.
But even in the face of a force of magic powerful enough to produce a plasma ray, Mastema merely gave a scornful little chuckle. “And here I thought you were a touch smarter than that.” He spread his arms wide, as defenseless as he could be. “Your bullets will never reach me. I wonder, if I keep obliterating your feeble attempts, will you finally realize your own helplessness and fall into despair? Go ahead, give it a try.”
“Unfortunately for you, I happen to like running experiments.” Owl flicked the safety off. “And I’ll run them as many times as I have to!”
BANG! A beam of golden light shot out of the gun and raced straight for Mastema. The angel simply scoffed, not even trying to avoid it. “Sorry, but I have no interest in playing along with your silly little tests,” he said. His wings folded in front of him, forming a thick feathery shield. The bullet slammed into the wings... and shattered into thousands of microscopic scarlet shards. His expression didn’t so much as twitch – why would it, when he knew from the start what would happen?
But while he was distracted the pieces of the bullet scattering in the air, Owl shouted, “Transmute – wave molecule!” and slammed his hand into the earth, producing a roaring flame that he promptly sent hurtling at Mastema. A normal flame couldn’t hope to reach the airborne angel – but just then, the fragments of the bullet burst alight as well. Each piece popped and sparked like a miniature firework, flaring to life and dying out in seconds.
“Guh...?!” The smoke from all the tiny fireworks blanketed Mastema. He sucked in a breath and bent backward, hurriedly flapping his wings to clear his sight. The gusts of wind warped the air around him. He pressed a palm to his mouth with a choked groan, “This is...!”
Owl carefully observed his reaction. “I see,” he said with a nod. “Apparently angels are also susceptible to poison. I should write this down.”
“You should be careful. Danger is a necessary component of any experiment.”
Owl loaded a fresh bright red bullet into his gun. The new ammo looked strangely like a crystal. Mastema squinted at it, unsure of what exactly it was.
“The symbol of transformation and materialization, Owl whispered. He aimed once more. The transmutation circle flickered to life around the gun. “Dragon’s blood.”
“Dragon’s blood?!” Mastema gasped.
BANG! Owl pulled the trigger once more. The bullet shattered against Mastema’s shield technique once more. And the flames and fireworks covered Mastema in a smokescreen once more.
Mastema screeched in anguish. “Poison!!” He writhed in midair, his wings beating overtime, trying desperately to rid himself of the toxic cloud wreathing his body.
“I used the McCreech’s texts for reference. Looks like it really does have an effect.” Owl sounded almost boastful as he flipped his coat up to reveal the scientific implements hanging inside, including a particular mineral. “Cinnabar... a mineral made of mercury sulfide. According to what I read, the smoke it produces under heat is completely incompatible with angels, or something like that. Better be careful; if you keep destroying my bullets like that it’ll only spread!”
A third bullet shot through the air, smashing against Mastema’s transmutation circle and once again shattering to pieces, which Owl immediately ignited. The resulting cloud of smoke was comprised of mercury vapor... poison, in other words. Apparently even angels faltered in the face of mercury poisoning.
Clemens watched with interest. “What an intriguing experiment,” he murmured. “Perhaps I ought to participate as well.” With a twirl of his saber, he shouted, “Behold, this bat’s thousand gunners!” His windows split apart even further, completely surrounding Mastema. One of them appeared in front of Owl’s gun as well.
Mastema unconsciously sucked in a breath at the sight. Those windows – he’d seen those on the train, piercing Cerberus’ body clean through. The bullet back then had gone in one window and had shot out of every single other window simultaneously. And now it was going to happen to him, surrounded on all sides by thousands of those very portals. If he destroyed all those bullets, and they all went up in mercury smoke....
“– You WORMS!” Mastema roared.
“FIRE!” Clemens yelled.
Owl loaded a new bullet and pulled the trigger. It vanished the instant it passed through Clemens’ window.
“Now accept the judgment of blackened blood!” Clemens pointed the tip of his saber directly at Mastema. On cue, the windows opened, and a hailstorm of bullet fire shot out, cracking and bursting against his feathers....
Or so they thought. “Insolent little trick!!” With a single, even more powerful flap of his wings, a maelstrom whipped up around Mastema and blasted all the bullets off course without damaging a single one. “Pesky rats! I will be the one passing judgment on you!!” As he rose higher in the air, combing fingers through his slightly disheveled hair, he yelled, “Playtime is over!!”
His burning red eyes, filled to the brim with overwhelming hatred, fluttered closed. Then he opened them again. It was nothing, the tiniest movement he could have possibly made, and yet above him a gigantic transmutation circle appeared, wide enough to blot out the sky.
“What is that...!” Owl’s group could only stare in wide-eyed shock. The ancient script was inscribed along the circle, each character glowing a sick, ominous violet. Ice trickled down their spines at the sight.
Mastema flapped his wings. “This land and the flask have granted me power beyond your wildest dreams.... And now, you will feel despair. Flee! Flee for your pathetic lives!! Go ahead, crawl away like the insignificant little beasts you are!!”
The ground began to heave beneath them.
“What’s going on?!” The group closed ranks, ready and waiting for whatever would come as the earth trembled. Something was boiling beneath their feet, ready to burst out of the planet’s crust. The vibrations left them reeling, barely able to stand upright, and yet none of them tore their eyes away from Mastema for even a second.
Then, with a rumbling, deafening BOOM, the volcano erupted.
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Was it truly an eruption this time? Was it spouting smoke? Lava? No one dared to breathe. However, it wasn’t smoke coming from the volcano’s maw, and it wasn’t lava – it was a brilliant flash of violet light. The stupendous surge of energy exploded from the mountain in a dazzling, blinding pillar. Twisters began roiling around them, springing to life from the outpour of power.
Mastema stared up at the roaring sky, utterly ecstatic. “Ah, what a marvelous sight – the great salvation known as ‘destruction.’ This is the mercy of Heaven granted unto all without even time to mourn!!” Perhaps, to him, this moment in time was akin to gazing upon a magnificent painting in a quiet museum.
The angel danced above them. Stones threatened to crack around them. The earth vibrated, ready to tear itself asunder. The maelstrom threatened to rip the trees from the soil.
 Our God
Our Guide of Love
I am Lightning
A lance to shatter your sorrow
 The wind whipped even higher as he hummed his hymn.
 “The island... is going to break apart...!” Clemens shouted over the hurricane threatening to consume the entire spit of land.
 Owl aimed. The sound of his gunshot got lost amid the roar of rushing energy. His bullet, laden with all the power he could muster, trailed more light than ever before as it hurtled for Mastema –
“It’s no use!!” Mastema flicked the bullet away like it was nothing more than a fly. “The same trick won’t work twice, you worm!!”
And his eyes fell to Owl, and his eyes fell shut, and his eyes fluttered open.
“Behold! The end of the world!”
 – Something was coming.
 In that moment, Owl came to a realization.
They were about to be attacked.
But he realized too late. Before he could react, one of the tornadoes roiled into his line of sight, heading straight for them and blowing the rest of Tristan’s pawns away. The soldiers meant to protect him splintered into bits as the tornado swallowed them whole. Then the force of nature encroached on Owl, poised to swallow him next, surrounding him completely. It would consume him in an instant, quicker than the speed of light.
Owl watched it approach as if in slow motion, his eyes glued to the roiling mass of wind and water.
But just then –
 “You stupid detective!!!”
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Snow-white wings fluttered wide before his eyes – but no, those weren’t wings, that was a huge cape. Dozens of cards appeared from within the flapping white folds to encircle Owl.
“Rampart Crevasse!!”
Ice shot forth from the cards, forming a glacial rampart wall around him made of solid, sharp ice. But though that wall halted the tornado’s surging advance, the sheer aggressive force of the maelstrom splintered it apart the instant they made contact. The ice melted into mercury. The tornado and the glacial barrier had vanquished each other.
“Damn it all! We had a perfect chance and everything...!” The person turned and shouted, “Owl! Are you really that stupid when you decide to go on the offensive?!”
“Hude Lou?!” Owl gasped.
It was indeed the phantom thief, having once again shown up out of nowhere.
“You really came!” the detective continued. “How did you make it –”
“I’m the one asking the questions here! You can’t even put up a decent defense! And here I thought you were someone worth acknowledging – now I look like an idiot for even letting it cross my mind!”
“I have some defensive techniques! But his wind keeps getting stronger, and you know what my element is! Besides, Fath... Tristan was right there.”
“Hahaah, that makes sense. You’re so good at being protected – that makes you, what, the princess element?”
“It’s fire and you know it!! Quit making stuff up!”
“Relying on your precious papa makes you a pretty little princess!”
The two fell into an argument as easily as breathing. They came back to themselves quickly, though – this wasn’t the time for a back and forth. Two pairs of eyes tilted skyward. “We can talk about this later,” said Hude Lou. “We need to get that girl back!”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Owl growled. “I’ll protect Ellie!”
He readied his gun, but Hude Lou pushed him aside and stepped in front. “I’ll go first. You follow!”
And just as he said that –
 You get lost super-easy in the forest, after all.
 Something flashed in the back of Owl’s mind.
“... Huh?”
But the silhouette that appeared behind his eyelids for a split second crumbled to nothing in the face of the howling wind. What was that just now? he wondered, his gaze falling to the side.
But the fragment of memory was already long gone, lost to the dark reality spread before his eyes.
 Floating in the blackened sky, Mastema gazed down upon the two of them. “Well, well, it seems the pitiful mice are multiplying.” To him, Hude Lou’s entrance was just one more pebble in the road to shatter under his heel. “It’s good of you to go out of your way to receive your judgment in person.”
He blinked again. When his eyelids fluttered open, transmutation circles flared to life in the sky above him. They were smaller than the violet pillar of light, but what they lacked in size they more than made up for in number; a spectacular number of circles spread across the sky, propagating at an explosive rate like a particularly contagious virus. They covered the entire sky in the blink of an eye, each one inscribed with the ancient script, each one roiling with power.
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Peering up at the spell, Mastema began to sing again.
 Our God
Our Boundless Voice
I am a Fang
A shield to bear your fury
 The pillar of light erupting from the volcano grew even larger. The raging wind grew even wilder, slicing through the air like a sharpened blade.
 “Inescapable World!!!”
CLACK went Tristan’s cane against the ground. The golden chessboard spun to life at his feet. In the blink of an eye the alchemical board widened, spreading without end far into the distance... farther, farther it went, until it encompassed the entire island.
“I won’t let you do as you please, Mastema!”
As the name implied, there was no leaving the world he had created, and angels were no exception.
But still Mastema threw his head back and roared with laughter. “AHAHAHAHAHA!!! You won’t let me? Such confidence, Tristan!”
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Tristan’s declaration was just so funny! It took some time for Mastema to get his laughter under control. When he finally did, he slowly opened his eyes wide. The transmutation circles around him shot out beams of dark violet light that struck the chessboard below and slowly began eating away at it, burning it away to nothing.
“What a shame. They may call you the ‘Imprisoning Noble,’ but that only applies to earthly matters. I am an angel who calls the beginning of the end of this world! Your power isn’t even worth wasting my time on!!”
Mastema’s spell circles rotated in the air. Tristan eyed the ancient script etched into them. It only took him a second to decipher them, and the instant he did he froze. “...  It can’t be... don’t tell me you plan on connecting Heaven and Earth...!”
Mastema let out a theatrical, regretful sigh. “You have held in your hands a power that marked you as beloved by Heaven, Tristan. But you chose the wrong person to bestow that power upon – you bequeathed it to your only son. What a foolish sin to commit.”
 Our God
Our Eternal Mercy
I am a Flame
An axe to melt away your pain
 Mastema’s singing rang throughout the sky. More globules of red-hot magma swirled to life around him, as if resonating with his voice, and began to fall onto the group below.
“Ralph!” Tristan shouted.
“I’ll cover you!” Ralph promptly broke into a sprint. He leaped through the gaps between the molten rock and made to clear away the projectiles heading for Owl and Hude Lou with his claws. But the rocks Mastema had summoned apparently weren’t just regular clumps of lava – Ralph’s claws, capable of slicing through steel like butter, began to crack.
Clemens noted the pained look on Ralph’s face and rose up to shield him. “Pierce through, Prison of Stakes!” he called.
Thousands of scarlet windows encircled Mastema once more, opening in the space of a breath to allow thousands of gigantic bloodred stakes to shoot out and box him in. And yet his stakes, in the end, were as easily destroyed as last time.
“Worthless, pointless, meaningless!” crowed Mastema. “Let all return to ash! Let nothing remain! Let everything burn!” He rose even higher in the sky, his gaze fixed upon the volcano still spewing its violent violet light. “Fall to your knees and pray! Today you shall be liberated from all suffering! This world shall be saved through the eternity granted by your noble deaths! Here and now, all sins shall be cleansed!”
Mastema held Ellie over the open volcano.
 He’s going to throw her in, Owl realized.
 He ran as fast as his legs would allow, and then some.
“Stop!!” But even so, Hude Lou was just a split second faster. “Glacier Road!!”
The thief yanked a card from under his cape and threw it at his feet, spawning a flurry of ice crystals that solidified into a freezing pathway.
“I’ll get you this time!!” He raced up the icy road.
Mastema’s lips curled into a sadistic leer. “My, my, what a shame, indeed.” He tipped Hude Lou a wink. The ice was suddenly swallowed up by the roiling wind, and it shattered before the thief reached Mastema. Hude Lou gnashed his teeth and skidded to a halt, having lost his path up.
Owl had followed Hude Lou up the path, and now he shoved past the thief and leaped into the air.
 “You were so close.”
And with that final whisper, Mastema raised Ellie high, then casually tossed her away.
 A guttural scream tore itself from Owl’s throat.
 Her tiny, tiny body plummeted into the mouth of the volcano. There was no stopping her descent.
Owl lunged, his hand reaching out for her, but to no avail. He knew that, though, so his next move was swift. He leaned forward, ready to dive into the volcano himself –
“Stop, you idiot!!” Lightning quick, Hude Lou’s hand clamped around Owl’s arm like a vice.
And at the same time, Owl’s outstretched fingers, for a split second, clenched around Ellie’s robe.
And Owl’s vision burned pure white.
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original written by Nagaya Kawaji here
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cyrah-is-cool101 · 2 years
Punch Out AU: Vampire City Au #2
This is the sequel of this post. Please Enjoy! 
Cast (Super Punch Out!): 
Birdie, alias ‘Yellow Peregrine Falcon’ 
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- Birdie is an American Half Human Vampire but he’s also a Monster Vampire, similar to Hippo but he can turn into a falcon-like beast. He goes by Yellow Peregrine Falcon due to his quick reflexes and sharp killing streak. Birdie is BFFs with Mac and Mika. 
Weapon of Choice: N/A 
Gabby Jay, alias ‘Ange De La Mort’ (Angel of Death) 
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- Gabby is a French Hydrokinesis Vampire, a neutral class of vampire that has the ability to manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form. He is the head waiter of a restaurant and bar called ‘The Devil’s Den’, where vampire and human elites hang out. Gabby is also in charge of a group of undercover assassins that also act as security for the Devil’s Den. 
Weapon of Choice: Combat knife (Death’s Blade) 
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Bob Charlie, alias ‘Music Man’ 
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- Bob is a Jamaican Half Human Vampire but is also a Umbrakinesis Vampire just like Disco. He works part time as a DJ and a vampire killer that targets Were-Hunters at the same time by luring them into any nightclub he works at, he was given the alias of Music Man. 
Weapon of Choice: N/A 
Dragon Chan, alias ‘The Red Dragon’ 
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- Dragon is a Hong Kongese Monster Vampire, similar to Hippo and Birdie but he can transform into a dragon-like beast and has pyrokinesis abilities, similar to a Pyrokinesis Vampire. Dragon is a skilled fighter like Mac and martial artist, under the mentorship of Hoy Quarlow, a Chinese Vampire who owns a martial arts school for vampires and Dragon is one of his best student. 
Weapon of Choice: N/A 
Piston Hurricane, alias ‘The Weather Man’ 
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- Piston is a Cuban Atmokinesis Vampire, an elite class of vampire that has the ability to control and manipulate the various forms and aspects of the weather itself. He goes by the Weather Man because whenever he gets annoyed, he would strike fear towards criminals, common or elite. 
Weapon of Choice: Sword cane 
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Masked Muscle, alias ‘N/A’ 
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- MM is a Mexican Cannibal Vampire, similar to Mika and Hugger. He is the owner of an underground wrestling house and organization of vampire killers that hunt down Were-Hunters, common and elite criminals. 
Weapon of Choice: N/A 
Heike Kagero, alias ‘The Deadly Beauty’ 
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- Heike is a Japanese Kyūketsuki (Vampire), similar to Hondo but he can transform into a kitsune. Heike is a professional dancer, entertaining elites but he also a vampire killer, luring elite criminals, particularly Yakuzas, because of his appearance similar to a woman. 
Weapon of Choice: Kabutowari (Skull breaking knife) (Red Sakura) 
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Mad Clown, alias ‘N/A’
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- Clown is an Italian Cannibal Vampire and is also a the mob boss like Hippo who also try to keeps the balance of the underworld and is the owner of a children’s hospital. 
Weapon of Choice: Tommy gun 
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Narcis Prince, alias ‘The Golden Boy’ 
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- Narcis is a British Blue-Blooded Vampire, a noble class of vampire that descend from a long line of royal vampires and has the ability of weapon manipulation. Narcis runs his father’s company after his father was killed by a Were-Hunter and now, he uses his connections to eliminate elite criminals. 
Weapon of Choice: Sword (Golden Strike) 
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Hoy Quarlow, alias ‘Shadow Master’ 
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- Hoy is a Chinese Pyrokinesis Vampire, similar to Bull. As mention, he is the mentor of Dragon and owns a martial arts school for vampires. 
Weapon of Choice: Staff 
Nick and Rick Bruiser, aliases ‘The Deadly Duo’ 
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- Rick and Nick are American Twin Vampires, a common class of vampire that are born in twins. Rick is the brawns and Nick is the brains, killing off common and elite criminals, giving the title of the Deadly Duo. 
Weapons of Choice: Twin pistols 
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caeca-iustitia · 9 months
The Imperial Consort is a common sight to the common folk of the Holy Empire; an angelic figure swathed in white. Their goodwill and kind demeanour have endeared them to their subjects faster than anyone could have anticipated.
The myth that they're an angel sent by Greagor herself comes from their typical attire; usually being very similar in style to each other with the odd exception.
They are often seen wearing a plain white halter-top gown made from a soft, stain-resistant material that brushes the floor. Underneath they wear a pair of white high heels that seem to ring out with every step they take, no matter the material they're walking on.
Their hands are covered by plain, white silk gloves unless they are using magic; at which point they remove their gloves to reveal that their nails are painted a deep shade of blue.
Over their dress, they wear a simple yet refined cloak that fastens at the throat and exposes their pale shoulders. The cloak itself is a deep blue in colour and has a sheer quality to it that helps it not feel too much. It fastens at their throat with a golden clasp which gets covered by a brooch.
The brooch has six points, each with a gemstone embedded in it. Half the points have a small red gemstone to represent Joshua whilst the rest have deep red- almost black- gemstones to represent Clive. The centre holds an opal of unparalleled brilliance that they use to represent Dion.
Their face draws interest due to the elegant porcelain and gold masquerade mask that hides the upper half from view; highlighting the dark blue lip colour they always seem to have.
The mask is beautiful but many question why they wear it. Even more so when one eye- the left one- is covered by an elegant golden rose that would inhibit the wearer's vision. Few, however, are brave enough to ask.
In truth, their husband forced them to wear it to cover up the scarring around their missing eye as he found it abhorrent to look at; demanding they abandon the simple eyepatch they had worn before.
The consort wears surprisingly little jewellery for a person of their status; though they do wear somewhat expensive pieces when they do. The piece that they're seen most often wearing is a cuff earring shaped like a golden dragon which sits on their right ear and is only just visible behind their hair.
The only other piece of jewellery they wear on a semi-regular basis is a pendant which was the only gift that their husband ever gave them and they only wear it to appease his ego. It is a small golden pendant shaped like a 4-pointed star. It has small blue crystals along each point and a small, natural pearl nestled in the middle.
Instead of expensive jewellery, the consort tends to accessorise with other things like fans, canes and a long cigarette holder.
Their favoured folding fan bears a frame carved from rare and expensive wood; handcrafted to fit their palm. The silk used to make the rest of the fan is pure white in colour with decorative golden wyvern tails painted onto the surface. A simple dark blue tassel hangs from the base of the fan. The fan was a gift from Lord Byron as a token of appreciation for caring for his nephews.
They have a handful of canes but their most infamous one is a porcelain cane with a large chunk of deep blue crystal embedded in the top. At first glance, one would be forgiven for thinking it is a simple cane as it appears to be quite regular outwardly. However, due to their inability to openly carry a weapon, they had this cane specially crafted to contain a long, thin blade that they may use should their life be threatened.
The cane was once used to fend off an assassin who attempted to take the consort's life during a visit to see an opera. The assassin was unaware that the consort had both the sword and a dagger that was strapped to their ankle- which was hidden due to the long gown they wore that evening. The blade proved invaluable in saving their life as they were able to keep the attacker away until the guards seized them; leaving the Emperor looking quite upset.
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dannahe · 1 year
Your Favorite Dark Chocolate Probably Contains Lead and Cadmium
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The holiday season always encourages consumption of sweets: candy canes, cookies, and chocolates galore. But apparently, there’s a dark side to dark chocolate: a recent test by Consumer Reports of 28 dark chocolate bars found lead and cadmium, two dangerous heavy metals, in every single one of them.
According to the report, Ghirardelli, Mast, Taza, and Valrhona had the lowest levels of both metals. Popular brands like Tony’s, Lily’s, and Godiva were among the highest in lead, while Lindt and Dove were among the highest in cadmium. Meanwhile, Theo, Trader Joe’s, and Green & Black’s were among the highest in both lead and cadmium. Both of these metals, when found in high enough concentrations in the human body, are linked to birth defects and cancer. A bit of a twist for sure, considering many of these chocolate brands advertise themselves with healthy-sounding buzzwords like “organic” and “fair trade.”
Heavy metals and dark chocolate When it comes to our health, dark chocolate is a bit of a double-edged sword. Cacao beans contain beneficial antioxidants, and the higher cacao content of dark chocolate means the dark stuff has more of those antioxidants than its more processed, sugar-laden cousin, milk chocolate. However, because the soil in which cacao beans are grown contains lead and cadmium, dark chocolate also contains higher levels of those heavy metals.
It doesn’t mean the products are being pulled from the market—lead warnings on candy are nothing new. Earlier this year, we found one on a bag of green-tea-flavored Hello Kitty marshmallows. (In that case, the potential issue was the green tea powder, which carries the same lead risk as cacao.) As it turns out, lead warnings have actually been around since the days of hair metal and shoulder pads. Proposition 65 became law in California way back in 1986, warning customers that chemicals or metals in consumer products may cause cancer or birth defects.
You’ve surely seen the labels on everything from DVDs to sunscreen; in fact, the labels have become so pervasive that their impact may actually be undermined. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2020 that many consumers believed the warnings were akin to the boy who cried wolf. A soapmaker told the paper, “I think the original intent was very positive. But political forces became involved to make Proposition 65 overwhelming, overreaching, overdone and overblown.”
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Is it safe to eat dark chocolate or what? So, should we be extra cautious about our chocolate consumption? Yes and no. The Consumer Reports test used California’s maximum allowable dose level (MADL) as a guideline, then measured whether the levels of cadmium and lead in each chocolate bar was above or below that threshold—which isn’t the same as determining whether the chocolate poses immediate danger to the consumer.
A toxicologist explained to NPR that California’s MADLs for these heavy metals are purposely set very, very low, “and going above them by a modest amount isn’t something to be concerned about.”
“If you make sure that the rest of your diet is good and sufficient in calcium and iron, you protect yourself even more by preventing absorption of some lead and cadmium in your diet,” he added.
So go ahead and enjoy some dark chocolate this holiday season. Just have a side of spinach ready to go with it.
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