#angel who uses their wings to bat away hands from their cane
butchdykekondraki · 6 months
too many able bodied angels . wheres angels w disabilities . wheres the mentally ill angels . huh . where are they . its not statistically probable for ALL of them to be able bodied and neurotypical
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heyitsspiders · 4 months
Lucifer x Transmasc! Reader - Falling for the Fallen Angel - Chapter 8
Flying Lessons
Lucifer finally takes you flying, it's much harder than you remember.
a/n: finally all caught up
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When you woke up this morning and did your usual routine you realized the dull ache in your wings was gone. As you flexed them they didn’t hurt, they looked completely fine. You gasped as you realized you could ask Lucifer to teach you to fly. Ever since your moments in the sky, you’ve been yearning for the freedom that came with it. No longer being chained to the ground as you drift through the wind. 
But, that would have to be tomorrow. You didn’t want to leave Charlie stranded again. You tugged on your clean uniform, you had it deep cleaned yesterday and it was still warm as it hugged your form. Once you were presentable you walked out of your room, the sky still dark outside from how early it was. Most demons weren’t up yet. However, when you walked into the kitchen you found Lucifer, who was humming some song that you couldn’t put your finger on. It was relatively dark in the room but his eyes beamed like two little nightlights as he turned his head and spotted you.
A smile formed on his lips that spread to his eyes, “Goodmorning, my apple!”
You waved and smiled back, blushing at the new pet-name, “Goodmorning, Darling.”
You flicked on the lights and softly chuckled as Lucifer squinted and blinked several times as his eyes readjusted to his suddenly much brighter surroundings. You could see him much better now in the light, seeing that he wore his normal white overcoat and pink striped vest, however he was missing his hat this morning. His golden hair was a little messy, a few strands sticking up in places they shouldn’t be. He looked adorable.
Lucifer rubbed his eyes as you spoke, “What are you doing up so early?”
He removed his dark hands from his eyes and looked at you as he leaned on his apple topped cane smugly, his smile reappearing, “Oh, I figured I’d help around the kitchen again.”
You rolled your eyes as your smile widened, you knew he just wanted an excuse to love on you, but, you weren’t complaining. You enjoyed his company and even though he didn’t help with the cooking, he did continue to fix up the dishes afterwards. 
The two of you resumed your normal positions, you actually cooking and him hugging your waist, planting his soft lips against your neck. You were glad no one else was awake to watch you become mush in his hands as his kisses moved along your skin, of course only where he could reach. Your uniform did cover a good part of your neck but that never deterred him as he’d try to move it out of the way. You’d hiss at him to not to do that because you liked keeping it in tip-top shape, to which he’d pout before kissing your exposed skin. 
At some point as you were finishing up he had moved to sitting on the counter next to you. One of his hands idly played with your hair as the other lightly tapped his cane against the side of the counter, a quiet thump thump filling the comfortable silence. His hand suddenly found your fuzzy ears and despite being in Hell for a while now, you always forgot your ears had changed drastically and the action caused you to jump. A smirk formed on his face as he pressed on, trying to find some sort of secret spot behind the ears that cats and dogs always seemed to have. You glared at him playfully, you were a bat – apparently –  not a cat or dog. Plus, you were a demon.
Okay fine it felt really nice as he scratched your head. You leaned into his movements for just a moment before remembering you had a job to do. You cleared your throat, your cheeks heating from embarrassment as you continued on, hoping Lucifer wouldn’t comment on it. You knew he would, though.
“Aw, is someone enjoying their head scratches?” He cooed as he continued.
You batted his hand away, “Oh shush, you.”
He shrugged innocently but it was obvious he was going to use this against you at some point. 
You suddenly remembered your morning, “Oh, honey, look!” You said with a smile, flexing your now complete wings.
He gasped, his eyes lighting up, “Oh my golly! Your wings are healed!” 
You nodded happily, “Yeah! You can finally teach me how to fly properly!” You folded your wings against your back again, “However, it’ll have to be tomorrow. Charlie wants me to give her a good heads-up that I’m taking a day off.”
Lucifer nodded, a wide yet slightly nervous smile on his face, “I’m very excited. I’ve never taught someone how to fly before, I was planning on teaching Charlie but she hasn’t gotten wings yet. Not sure if she will, I don’t know if angelic wings are passed on.”
Once he brought up Charlie he didn’t stop, talking about times when she was much younger. It was very adorable to see how much love he held in his heart for her as he spoke. While you listened to him you finished up breakfast and when his rambling died down you smiled at him before pointing to the table.
“Make yourself useful and set the table,” You said teasingly, but it came out meaner than you meant it and quickly added, “please.”
Lucifer smiled at you and nodded, carefully grabbing the plates, bowls and other dishes and setting them neatly around the fancy cloth on the wood table. As he did you walked to the doors of the dining room, opening them and leaning out with a hand next to your mouth to project your voice.
“Breaaaaaakfaaaaast!” You called out, dragging out the vowels. 
Shuffling sounded from the lobby as multiple people got up and started walking your way. As the group got closer you made your way towards Charlie, who was happily talking to Vaggie about something.
“Hey Charlie!” You greeted with a wave.
“Oh, hey Twist!” She smiled back, “Did you need something?”
“Oh no, I was just telling you that I planned on taking a day off tomorrow so Lucifer could give me flying lessons.” You realized you sounded a bit too forward and back peddled a bit, “If, uh, that’s okay with you.”
She waved a hand dismissively, shaking her head with her iconic smile, “Go right on ahead, thank you for the heads up. Dad can probably whip something up before he heads out with you, so yeah, it's fine!”
You gave her a quick hug, “Thank you, Charlie.”
You were thankful Charlie wasn’t weirded out by you hanging out and even dating her father. She really was an amazing person and you couldn’t help but feel proud. Even with everything going against her she never faltered. You walked over to Lucifer, who was helping everyone get food, well, other than Alastor. Alastor would receive a glare and growl before he’d quickly shift back to his smile as he helped the others. You softly chuckled at his pettiness. 
When he finally settled in one spot you interlocked your fingers with his and you noticed the sudden lack of metal. You raised his hand so you could see it and all that was there was his smooth skin. 
No ring.
He took off his ring. 
How long had he not been wearing his ring? Was this new? Lucifer turned his head and peered at you curiously, following your gaze down. His eyes widened as it clicked before softly smiling at you, his hand giving yours a light squeeze.
You could feel tears well in your eyes. You knew he was still recovering from Lilith leaving him but here he was, without his ring. You never wanted to bring up his continuation of him wearing his ring, you knew it meant a lot to him. Lucifer and Lilith had been together for longer than you could imagine, you knew it’d take awhile. But here he was. 
You didn’t want to make a scene so you tugged him into the kitchen. He allowed himself to be dragged, the doors softling clicking behind the two of you.
“Are you-” Lucifer started but was shut up as you pressed your lips on his, wrapping your arms around him and holding the back of his head. His eyes fluttered closed and his hands moved to cup your face, his thumb softly wiping away the stray tear that slid down.
After a few heartbeats you pulled your mouth away from his, sniffling as tears continued to fall. He lowered one of his arms to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. The gentle yellow glow of his eyes as he looked at you with such love and affection made it even harder to keep backing the falling tears. 
“Is something wrong, my love?” He asked softly, his face faintly coated with worry.
You shook your head, “Nn- No, not at all.” You sniffed, “Not at all.”
“Why the tears?” He questioned, his voice soothing as his thumb gently rubbed your wet cheek.
“Your- You-” It felt like if you made complete sentences then your eyes would flood further. You took a deep breath and swallowed hard, “You.. You took off your ring.” 
Lucifer’s face showed that he was obviously still very confused on why this caused you to cry, a hint of fear in the man’s face could be seen. You guessed he was wondering if he had made a mistake at which you chuckled as you rested your head on his chest.
“I’m just really happy.”
You could feel Lucifer grin above you as hugged you tighter. He laid his head on yours, his fingers tracing patterns on your back as the two of you stood in each other's embrace. You had never felt happier as the warmth and safety Lucifer provided you washed over you, that sickening sweet smell of apples playing with your senses once more.
The rest of the day was filled with substantially less tears than your morning. After your sobbing fit and Lucifer hugging you, he cleaned up the dishes when everyone was done and after a few more hours you made dinner. Repeat Lucifer cleaning the dishes once everyone left and by the end of the day, you were tired. Fortunately, with Lucifer helping you, you weren’t as tired but you were still pretty exhausted. You collapsed onto your bed and fell asleep right then and there, still in your uniform.
When you woke up you looked extra disheveled with your clothes wrinkled and hair a mess. You rubbed a hand down your face as you groaned. If it wasn’t for your plans with Lucifer you would have rotted in bed for the rest of the day. Right on cue there were seven rapid knocks on your door. A tired smile spread across your face as you sighed, dragging yourself out of bed and opening the door.
“Goodmorning~!” Lucifer sang, a smile across his face which faltered as he looked at your current state. “Rough morning?” He chuckled which partly covered the worry that was present in his tone.
You groaned once more as a response, Lucifer laughing in response. “Come on,” he said as he turned you around and set his hands on your shoulders, moving you to your bathroom. 
“Huh? What?” You ask, confused as you neared your bathroom.
Lucifer pulled a stool from the cabinet that was usually used to set up the shower curtains – they were pretty high up – and pointed to it, “Sit.”
Without thinking you do so, which gained a smirk from Lucifer who leaned over and patted your head, “Good boy.”
Your face heated immediately and blinked up at him in surprise but he was already turning around to the tub. You rested your head in your hands, your elbows on your knees, as you listened to the water suddenly turn on. Your ears perk up at the sound, your head tilted back so your eyes could peer over your hands. Lucifer was.. Setting the bath? 
Blush consumed your face once more as Lucifer hummed, his half-lidded eyes lazily watching the choppy water steadily rise. You could see steam float throughout the air as the water finally reached the perfect height, in which Lucifer turned the knob and the sound of water fell away.
He clapped his hands, “Alrighty!” He smiled, turning to you. “Now, it’s time to clean you up,” which he said way too calmly.
“Lu-Lucifer- I can bathe myself-” You stammered, utterly surprised.
He waved his hand, “My apple, I’m fully aware. I was simply offering my help as this morning seems a bit rougher than usual.” His gaze softened, “However, if you don’t want me in here, I won’t mind either.”
You sighed and contemplated your options, eventually deciding having Lucifer bathe you was too much. “I think I’ll be fine.”
He simply nodded and turned to leave when you stopped him, “But- but if you want to keep me company I wouldn’t mind.” Your face was on fire.
He grinned at you, “Seems I’m staying.”
You nodded, avoiding his eyes as you unbuttoned your shirt and slipped it off. You could feel Lucifer’s eyes scanning every inch of you as you slid the rest of your clothes off before stepping into the tub. The warm water welcomed you as you laid further into it letting out a contented sigh, the steam enveloping you. Lucifer now sat on the stool that you had been on, his eyes practically glued to you.
You tried to start up conversation to fight back the warmth that spread across your face, “So, uh, you excited to teach me how to fly?”
He nodded and smiled, “Yes, I am. Are you?”
“I’m a little scared. I’ve been in Hell for a good chunk of time but these wings still feel so new to me,” as you spoke you began to clean yourself, never making eye contact or fully facing Lucifer.
“Ah,” he hummed. “That’s fair. No need to worry though, you got the Big Boss of Hell right here to make sure nothing goes wrong,” he said, flashing a toothy grin.
You smiled, still focusing on ridding yourself of overnight filth.
Small talk continued as you bathed until eventually you were clean. You felt infinitely better than when you woke up. The water was close to lukewarm as you stood up and let the water drain. The drain swallowed the water as you grabbed a warm towel, dragging it along your body until you were no longer heavily dripping water.
You walked back into your room and rummaged through your drawers, searching for something comfortable to wear as Lucifer followed you, still very obviously staring. You didn’t mind but that didn’t stop your entire body from growing hotter than well, Hell. 
You finally got dressed and Lucifer gave you a playful pout, looking disappointed, “Aww.” 
You shook your head and sighed, a smile forming on your lips, “You’re such a dork.”
He laughed before grabbing your hand, “You ready?” You nodded.
The two of you walked up the stairs to the roof and finally breached the closed doors, the breeze playing with your hair. You took a deep breath of the fresh air. Lucifer led you to the edge of the roof, a frightening drop left in front of you. You gulped.
“Now,” he said, his six beautiful wings unfurling from his back, spreading out, “spread out your wings, feel the wind pass and flow over you.”
You did as he said, your wings flexing out and feeling the wind. You looked to him for what to do next.
“When flying you can’t panic, otherwise you’ll flap your wings too quickly and unevenly, lose your rhythm, and tumble out of the sky.” Lucifer gently moved his wings back and forth, the red and white feathers shimmering, “It’s like swimming, except you aren’t naturally going to float.”
You swallowed hard and gave your wings a quick flap. Lucifer took a few steps backwards before running off the roof. Your heart sank for a moment as you watched him freefall before his wings acted like his parachute. He flew back up to you, still hovering in the air as he spoke.
“Now you try, I’ll be right here to catch you if something goes wrong.”
You took a few quivering steps before taking a deep breath in and out. You ran towards the edge, your wings spread as you jumped. You beat your wings rapidly but you couldn’t seem to catch any breeze evenly, tipping to one side before falling. Warm hands grabbed you under your arms.
“That was a good start,” he said, smiling down at you. Your heart pumped loudly in your ears.
He set you back on the solid ground of the roof, “This time, try just gliding. That should be much easier. Once you can glide we can work off that.”
“All you need to do is spread out your wings as you fall, the wind should catch you. Also, keep yourself straight, it’ll help you remain steady.”
You nodded, jumping right back off the roof after calming down. You dived as if there was a pool at the bottom, trying to keep your body as streamline as possible before flexing your wings outwards. You lurched painfully as your wings yanked you upwards as the wind caught you. 
You gasped as you floated on basically nothing. As you turned your head to call to Lucifer you tipped and began to plummet once more. You tried to right yourself only to fall in a different direction. You yelped as you realized that the ground was becoming a lot closer than it should and that you couldn’t stop it. Your movement was halted as you were grabbed from your crashing.
“Well, you did glide,” Lucifer smiled. “Now we just gotta learn how to not tip over.” 
It took a while until you achieved turning. Lucifer hovered somewhere off to your right and had you try and turn towards him as you glided. You kept tilting too far or not enough and either completely missed him or tried to greet the ground. You could feel yourself get frustrated but Lucifer’s patient smile kept it at bay. The sky was a much deeper and richer red than it had been when the two of you had originally come out when you finally landed in Lucifer’s arms – this time on purpose.
“You did it!” A wide, proud smile spread across his face before giving you several pecks all over your face in celebration.
You laughed cheerfully as he held you in his arms, your wings flapping to try and help hold yourself up. 
“I am so proud of you, my love!” He cheered, giving you one final kiss on your lips.
You hugged him tighter, smiling. Your wings soon stopped their fluttering and folded against your back as exhaustion set in. You fully let yourself relax in his arms, Lucifer softly chuckling in response.
“Tired?” He asked, humor tickling the edges of his words. You nodded as you rested your head on his chest. His heartbeat vibrated throughout your body as he carried you back inside and to your room. The last thing you remember before falling asleep was Lucifer setting you on your bed and then curling up beside you, his warmth causing your eyes to flutter close as sleep took you.
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A Mortifying Discovery: Part Two. Part One is here.
Desc: Colt’s been running around Starr Park for ages now, and had depended on Jessie as his navigator. But sometimes a map doesn’t do justice to what’s there.
Warnings: Referenced memory alteration/wiping. Amnesia. Fridge horror. Some angst.
Author’s Note: Hurt/COMFORT. Comfort comes around the end but it’s comfort. Happy ending.
Extra Note: posting this separate because scrolling to parts can be a bit difficult on mobile and I just wanna simplify it.
“Okay, creepy spooky haunted house with a radio,” he muttered, moving forward slowly through the dark. “You got this, Colt.” He looked ahead of him, watching the dark area. “Just a few minutes. Find the radio. Turn it off. Call Jessie.”
His mind worked in circles as he walked, and he kept repeating that mantra. He looked around, his eyes finally having adjusted to the darkness. The house seemed big, very big. But it was only because the windows are tall, he reasoned. It’ll all be fine. Just a few seconds.
He concluded that it had to be coming from upstairs after a brief search of the floor he was in resulted in nothing, and he heard the radio slightly louder as he was near them.
He moved to the stairs, carefully ascending them. Then he heard a creak. It was just a small one, then another. Looking down, he could see that all the steps squeaked at the slightest weight. It made him cringe as he took another step up, holding on tight. Another creak. A few steps later, the stairs creaked louder. He held onto the railing, biting his lip as he kept going. Then he was on the top step.
It was probably made like that for the creep factor, since the steps looked and felt firm enough, but it still managed to unnerve him.
Slowly walking around the hall, he glanced at every door, trying to figure where the radio came from, following the sound. Finally, he found a room that seemed to be the source, and he pressed his ear against the door to make sure.
“And so, listener…” Yep, that was most definitely the radio. He went to open the door, noticing it wasn’t locked. But it was jammed.
“Damn it.” Colt briefly shifted, pressing his shoulder against the door on the side with the knob, leaning all his weight into it. If he could get past it without breaking the door open, he would be fine. “Hurry up, you stupid…!” He urged, gritting his teeth as he heaved his entire body against the door.
The door gave away slightly, and Colt let out a groan when he noticed a chain deadbolt. However, his solution was in reach. He saw a golden cane, reached his hand through, and grabbed it. Once he had it, he used it to slide the chain out of the bolt, opening the door.
“Which of our senses can be trusted?”
When it swung open, he froze.
It was a bedroom, a large bed in the middle with the radio speaking on the nightstand next to it. In the bed was someone sleeping, breathing softly.
Colt gulped, stepping into the room slowly and propping open the door with the cane. He carefully made his way over to the radio, watching the resting person.
“Which of our thoughts can be believed?” Colt hesitated to reach out to the radio, looking at the sleeping person.
They were wearing a Starr Hat, just like he used to. A felt yellow hat with headphones. Without thinking, Colt reached to take it off of them.
“Which story that we tell ourselves can be regarded as truth?” As he pulled the headphones off of them, he faintly heard the voice on the radio coming form the headphones too. He briefly glanced at them, then at the person. “It’s important to remember tha-a-a-“
Colt turned off the radio, ignoring the voice continuing from the headphones as he looked for a place to put it, eventually placing it on the nightstand next to the radio. He had his eyes on the person.
Pointed ears and purple hair. Weird, but not the weirdest thing Starr Park could do to a person. They seemed to be sleeping deeply, like most guests of Starr Park, but he noticed that they were wearing something different. Something white stuck out form under the dark comforter.
He wasn’t sure if he should wake them up or not, seeing as they weren’t awake. He decided to go with the former. He leaned closer towards them. “Hey. Wake up.” He tried to make his voice sound soft and comforting, even though there was something about that person that made him nervous, and he hadn’t been feeling well for days. “You’re not in a safe place, you should probably get up.”
He waited patiently for him to wake up before he decided what to do next. As he thought, they began to stir, waking up slowly. He noticed how they buried their head into their pillow more, and their brows twitched a bit as their head slowly turned to look at him, making him stiffen a bit in his place.
After a moment of struggling against sleep, they seemed to give in again, stretching briefly and turning. Colt’s eyes widened as two white wings emerged from under the covers and behind their back before relaxing, and they curled up with a contented sigh.
Wings. Actual wings. From behind their back. That was not something Colt had ever seen in real life.
Colt blinked a couple times, trying to process what he had just witnessed. When he did, his brain shut down entirely, leaving him stunned and unable to react. He stared at the person on the bed, who seemed oblivious to everything.
He. He should probably call Jessie. She might be able to help, right?
Colt didn’t know whether to think or say anything. He didn’t even feel like breathing properly, which didn’t seem to stop him from being able to talk though. He found himself fumbling with the radio, numbly attempting to turn it on.
“Colt?” She said quietly. “Are you okay?”
“I...uh…” He trailed off, not sure what he wanted to say. What was he supposed to say? “I’m. Good. Nothing attacked me. Turned off the radio…but I think maybe I need your help with something….”
She was silent for some time before replying. “What?” He knew that tone; she was nervous and worried and he hated it.
“Why do you think this place had a radio?” His voice broke a little, but he ignored it. “I-I mean, mine had one just like it. I-it was playing the WKBRL stream and everything and… I found it. On a nightstand. In a bedroom.”
Silence. More than one minute passed before her shaky voice filled the silence again. “Is there someone there?” She asked in a quiet voice.
Colt stared at the winged person sleeping, biting his lip and nodding.
“Yeah.” He answered. “He had the Starr Hat with headphones too.”
Another pause followed that, and he could hear the panic in her voice. “Is he alright? Is he hurt?”
“I don’t know.” He replied. “I tried to wake up but and then - wings, Jessie. He has wings.”
“Oh, Mortis’s bats-?”
“No.” Colt cut in quickly. “No, no bats. He’s got wings. Two big white wings with golden feathers on his back. And they’re moving. Like birds or something. Like real ones.”
“…no, Mortis is a vampire. His deal is bats and dark stuff, not… whatever you just described. That sounds more like Crow. Are you sure it’s not-“
“He is right in front of me. He is a guy with purple hair, pointy ears, and two giant white wings on his back. Like some angel.” He shook his head slightly, then sighed. “Jessie, I am serious about this. He’s got wings.”
She didn’t reply. He heard her breathing become laboured as she took in what he had told her.
He could practically hear the gears turning inside her head.
“It. It sounds like Mortis, purple hair and pointy ears, but I’ve never…” He could almost hear her shake her head slightly. “It can’t be him. What do you mean he has wings?”
“I’d send you a picture if I could.” Colt answered simply.
There was a pause, and then he heard her let out a breath.
“Okay. Okay.” She said shakily. “Okay, I guess I believe you. I trust you. Just… be careful. Please.”
“Will do.” He replied. Then his focus turned to Mortis. “Should I…” He paused, hesitating slightly. Should he wake him up?
“We can’t just leave him.” She spoke quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. “Maybe he knows something. Maybe he can help. Strength in numbers.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Alright.” He stood up straight, pulling the cane out of the door and putting it on the floor beside him. Taking a deep breath, Colt moved closer to the figure.
He reached over to their shoulder, trying to avoid touching the wings, shaking it gently. The man didn’t move or respond to Colt’s touch.
With great effort he managed to shake him slightly.
“Mortis, wake up.” He murmured, shaking the body a bit. “Come on now.”
The man shifted slightly in his sleep, mumbling something. After a minute, the person’s eyes opened slightly and looked directly into his face.
Colt jumped, and took an involuntary step back.
He could see them blink, adjusting to the darkness of the room, before looking around slowly, looking at him. With a frown on his face, he watched his gaze turn to where the radio was still sitting on the night stand.
His eyes narrowed a little. There was something familiar about that face, but he couldn’t quite place it. He felt a pang in his chest; he didn’t want to remember.
He shook his head, focusing back to look at him, watching his expression.
“Uh…. hi.” Colt started.
“Who are you?” Mortis mumbled, actually reacting pretty calmly to the situation.
“Uh, Colt.” Colt said, holding out his hand for him to shake.
As Mortis looked at the offered hand, his eyes scanned Colt’s features and body language closely. “Where’d you come from?”
“Long - long story,” He dodged the question. He noticed Mortis reach for the radio on the stand, quickly putting his hand in the way. “No! That doesn’t matter,” He frowned a little when he saw Mortis’s face fall. He continued speaking anyway. “Just - listen to me please. Do you recognize me? Or this place at all?”
“Um,” Mortis frowned a little. “This place is…” He looked away, taking in his surroundings before he glanced at Colt again. “…I’m afraid I don’t recognize it…?”
A flash of confusion and mild alarm crossed Mortis’s face at the realization. He blinked, waking up slightly more.
“Apologizes, I don’t have a proper…” Mortis’s eyebrows furrowed and he tried to think. “Well this is terribly wrong.”
“What?” Colt frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I don’t exactly have any memories here,” Mortis seemed to shiver at his words, mumbling something to himself before speaking further, “Or any memories for that matter. My memories are… gone. Completely erased. No recollection whatsoever.”
Colt blinked a few times, staring at him for a moment. “Erased? So like everyone else here…” He tried to smile. “It’s - it’s not easy. I’ve been there. Starr Park-“
“No! No, you don’t understand.” Mortis threw his legs over the side of the bed, stumbling when he attempted to stand up. He seemed more distraught by this. “You do not understand the extent of my condition. You do not understand how far I have fallen.”
“Fallen.” Mortis echoed, and there was a certain weight to that word. But by judging from his expression, Colt could tell the Mortis wasn’t sure why. He repeated, softer, “Fallen…?”
Colt swallowed hard before continuing, unsure of how to approach this. “What happened to you here, Mortis?”
Mortis paused, taking a few steps towards the door, leaning against the wall behind him. He ran his fingers through his hair for a second, taking a couple seconds to calm down. His eyes caught the golden cane against the door, he raised his arm, reaching out to take it. He picked it up, looking at Colt for a brief moment. “I don’t remember. I can’t remember anything. Not a thing. Not even the…” He shook his head. “Not even…”
“Mortis?” Colt prompted.
Mortis lowered his arm, letting it hang by his side, the gold cane clutched between his hands. He breathed in deeply, staring at the carpet beneath his feet. “My memory is… gone. It’s all… a white void.”
Mortis held the cane closer, nervously wringing it in his hands. He stared blankly, presumably trying to remember something. He kept glancing up at Colt, seemingly hoping for a response, expecting a response, or something that might give him answers to the questions he had.
But there was none.
“That means your memory has gone, right?” Colt asked. “I’ve been there-“
“You don’t understand, I’m not supposed to forget. I don’t forget. What I am doesn’t forget!” Mortis cried. “I can’t remember who I am! I’m supposed to protect people, what kind of protector am I?!” He screamed. He took a shaky breath, running a hand through his hair, closing his eyes. His breathing began to quicken, getting shorter.
“Hey, hey, take it easy.” Colt tried to speak softly, keeping his arms at his sides. “Calm down, buddy. Just slow down. It’s okay…”
“What kind of protector am I, Colt?!” He yelled, throwing his free hand out towards him. “What happened to me? Where am I?!”
“Easy.” Colt said, stepping forward. “Take it easy.”
“I can’t take it easy!” Mortis shouted. “I can’t take it easy! I can’t take it easy!”
“Mortis, stop.” Colt said firmly. “It’s a long story, but the short version is that Starr Park - where we are - is a fan of memory wipes.”
“I am a creature of the light! My memory doesn’t get wiped!” Mortis screamed, holding the cane closer to his chest
“Mortis, you can’t know that for sure.” Colt’s expression turned more serious. “They did it to me.”
“But you’re a-“ Mortis stammered, looking for a word and wildly gesturing with one hand. “You’re a - you’re a human! A mortal! You’re weaker, more fragile. I’m-“
“Stop it.” Colt snapped, taking another step forward, grabbing Mortis’s waving hand by the wrist. “If this is you trying to convince yourself about some weird internal complex or-“
“Listen to me!” The other shot forward suddenly, yanking his wrist violently away from Colt, glaring at him furiously. “Please listen to me!”
There was a long pause. Colt sighed, nodding a little. “Fine. What are you, then?”
“…” Mortis heaved for a moment, trying to compose himself after the outburst before answering. “I am Mortis, a creature and bringer of the light.”
Colt wasn’t sure whether to believe this guy, or if Starr Park had experimented on some person and brainwashed them enough to convince them that they were some angel. Either way, he thought that maybe he should just stop making assumptions and be a bit careful as he went along.
Especially now.
Colt nodded slowly, still unsure. ���Okay. That makes sense.” Colt shrugged. “So… what happened to you here? Why haven’t you got your memories anymore?” Colt asked.
“I don’t know.” Mortis admitted, “I have to confess that I’ve gotten no clue as to how or why I’m here. I don’t… recall getting here?”
“Any last memories?” Colt asked. “What’s the last thing you recall?”
Mortis stayed silent for a moment, glancing around on occasion.
“Home.” He mumbled it softly, but it sounded unsure. “I was thinking ‘Surely, this is home’, but I don’t know what home is…” He shook his head lightly before he looked back up at Colt. “I must admit, I feel rather lost.”
“Lost?” Colt blinked. “How so?”
Mortis shook his head again. “Nothing.” He muttered. “I… I was here for a reason.” He looked up as if something clicked. “I’m here to protect people.”
“Yeah, you said that.” Colt nodded.
Mortis glanced down briefly. “I protect people. But, I think I was scared… then I was safe? But that doesn’t make sense.” He said. There was something about how he spoke; it seemed almost like he wasn’t completely sure about what was happening either, like he wasn’t entirely sure that what he knew was true. “I was scared for… myself. Not just others.”
Colt narrowed his brows slightly, studying the other before deciding to say something. Maybe it would clear up things. “I’m guessing normally you’re worried for other people, being a protector, like some angel?”
Mortis’s gaze softened, and he stared at the ground quietly, nodding his head. “Yes… an Angel! I’m an Angel!” Mortis snapped out of the slight daze, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “Angels don’t forget! They can’t.” He shook his head before pausing for a long moment, eyes wide in wonder and confusion. “I can’t remember who I am…”
“You do, though.” Colt added.
“I know who I am. I remember my name, I remember the things I’m supposed to do, I know things; secrets never to be told, knowledge that is not to be spoken.” He paused. “But I don’t know a thing about… this.” He waved his hand to gesture to everything before putting it to his head. “It’s all a bright, white void.”
There was a moment of silence, with only the sound of fireworks in the distance. That caught Mortis’s attention, and he slowly turned to a window.
“…what’s that?”
“A firework show.” Colt sighed, “Happens every night. Same time. And it always ends up like this.”
“There’s- There’s fire.” Mortis walked to the window, forcing it open. “Are-are those screams?”
“…yeah.” Colt hesitated to answer, following Mortis slowly, trying to avoid touching his wings. “Same time, every night. Then the loop restarts after radio creep goes on some lecture-“
“They’re in danger!” Mortis turned to Colt, and Colt could notice his breathing picking up. “There’s fire, there’s explosions - what do you mean ‘then the loop restarts’!? What’s going on?”
“Long. Story.” Colt moved his hand to Mortis’s wrist, sensing that he was about to do something. “You should sit down for this-“
“No,“ Mortis yanked his hand away, now putting a foot on the windowsill and using his other hand to help himself climb out. “There has to be something I can do. Something I can stop.”
“MORTIS-“ Colt attempted to grab the angel as he leaped. However, when a firework went off, he flinched to hide instinctively. He hesitantly opened his eyes, looking out the window in a panic.
Mortis was laying on the ground, clearly having fallen. Colt cursed to himself, looking at the height, estimating that he fell about two stories. He briefly considered jumping down too, but after deciding he didn’t want to risk getting injured, he turned to the stairs and ran down.
Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he hurried towards Mortis. He stopped abruptly when he saw Mortis on the ground, breathing heavily, but moving. He saw as the angel propped himself on his elbow, shaking his head.
“Are you okay?” Colt quickly asked. He knelt down next to Mortis, inspecting his body for signs of injury. Mortis waved him off. “What were you thinking!? Do your wings even work?”
“I’m fine, and yes, they do.” Mortis used his cane to push himself up, ignoring Colt’s attempts to help him. “Have faith in me, I didn’t become a guardian for nothing.”
Mortis opened his wings, making Colt back away. He bent his knees, ready to launch himself into the sky.
Another firework went off, and he froze in place, eyes widening in surprise. He even stopped breathing for a moment, staring at the sky in… fear? Colt watched as Mortis shook it off, readying to fly again. He leaped.
He barely made a few feet off the ground when the firework went off, freezing again. The second Mortis noticed himself falling, he fluttered his wings, landing roughly on one knee. He let out another soft sigh, lifting his head slightly as he gazed at the scene before him.
The fireworks and explosions continued to go off around them, bright light making him instinctively freeze in… fear? Terror? He grit his teeth, barely noticing the corners of his eyes starting to sting as more flashes of light filled the sky.
Why was this so terrifying?
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
He was supposed to protect.
And yet…. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t react, because he had no idea what had just happened.
But he did, he was attempting to fly, to help people, and then… light. Light in the sky that made him freeze. He barely noticed himself hyperventilating until Colt touched his shoulder.
“Mortis. Look at me.”
Mortis took several deep breaths through his nose, trying to keep himself calm. It was difficult though. His vision was blurred from the tears beginning to spill over.
“I… I don’t understand any of this.” Mortis finally managed, “I don’t know why I’m scared of this. I’m scared for people - I always have been - but-“
His voice cracked, and he let out a chokes sob. He attempted to clear his voice frantically, gripping onto his cane with white knuckles.
“Light shouldn’t terrify me.” He whispered, taking shaky breaths. “I don’t… I don’t understand. This isn’t right. Why can’t… why aren’t I protecting those people… why… why can’t I help…” He closed his eyes tightly. “I… I need help.”
Mortis opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as the tears began to fall. He looked up at Colt, who was watching him carefully. “Help…” He repeated softly. “I need help.”
“Mortis?” Colt looked at his face, noticing Mortis staring wide-eyed at everything, as if he expected to recognize it. But he didn’t say anything. “Mortis, look at me. Please.”
Mortis didn’t say anything, only looked straight ahead as tears poured.
“Why am I so scared for myself?” He asked, quiet.
Colt blinked in surprise. “Maybe something happened. Starr Park is a pretty horrible place, they do lots of things.” Colt offered weakly. “Maybe they did something to you.”
Mortis shook his head. “No,” he paused. “I don’t - I’m an Angel, angels don’t forget, angels don’t worry for themselves, angels protect.” He stared. He was trembling. “I shouldn’t be here, and yet, here I am… and I’ve done nothing… nothing.”
Colt shook Mortis’s shoulder slightly, attempting to snap him out of it. “Hey, listen to me,” he said, hoping to get his attention without shouting. “Mortis? You there?”
“What kind of protector am I if I’m trapped like everyone else here?” Mortis turned to Colt, “I can’t even protect the ones in trouble.”
“What are you talking about?”
“My… My… humans. They were hurt. They were hurting. I was going to save, and yet here I am, stuck like this. I vowed to- I failed.” He curled up. “…how do I know that?”
“Seems like Starr Park couldn’t take everything away from you.” Colt shrugged. “But that’s good. Even if it’s not that much, it’s good. Yourname, where you’re from, why you’re here, what’s going on - kinda - it’s a good start.”
“How do you know?” Mortis’s question hurt Colt slightly, and he raised a brow at him wincing. “Colt?”
“You remember stuff about yourself.” Colt looked away slightly. “That’s more than I started off with.” He smiled.
Mortis looked surprised at how happy Colt sounded at his admission. “What about yours,” he questioned. “Where are you from? Where does Colt come from?”
“You really don’t want to know.” Colt chuckled, glancing at the angel. “Besides, I don’t know. I’ve been awake for a while and I get some deja vu here and there, but nothing more. No memories about my old life, real name, or Starr Park and whatever was going on.”
“Then why do you know so much?” Mortis asked, and that gave Colt an idea. He watched as he reached into his duffel bag.
“You see, I wasn’t alone,” Colt pulled out a radio, turning it on. “Mortis, meet Jessie. She’s the one who woke me up.”
A small, red light flickered to life, indicating that Jessie was currently connected to the radio. “Hi.”
“Hello,” said Mortis quietly.
“Is that-“
“Jessie, meet Mortis.” Colt put the radio in Mortis’s hands. “He doesn’t remember how he got here, but he does know some things about himself.”
“Really?” Jessie sounded altered at that. “What do you know? Hold on I need to get a- got a pen. Okay, continue.”
Mortis nervously looked at the radio, then at Colt, who nodded encouragingly. Slowly, Mortis looked down at the radio in his hand, then looked down at the ground below. He glanced up at the sky briefly, then back down at the radio in his hand.
He sighed shakily.
“I know… I… don’t like fireworks. It seems like it’s the bright lights - which is peculiar - being a creature of the light and all.” He mumbled. He clenched his free fist, looking down once more.
“I don’t… really remember how I got here…” He sighed. “But I know I was here to protect - to save people. People here were getting hurt, and I wanted to save them.” He squeezed his eyes shut, taking a breath before he opened them slowly.
“I don’t know what happened.” His grip tightened on the radio. “I’m not sure why. Something just… I’m here now. And nobody’s saved. I guess I wasn’t much help.”
“You can help us now!” Jessie didn’t seem to listen to his doubts, slightly surprising Mortis. “Nobody can handle Starr Park alone. Why do you think Colt’s here? He’s my help, I’m his help. We’ll be each others’ help!”
“Yes!” Added Colt quickly.
“And we’ll find a way out of here!” Finished Jessie.
There was silence between them, and Mortis found himself relaxing slightly when he realized that he wasn’t alone in his distress.
“Thank you.” Mortis said softly, and then after another pause, “We can find a way out of here… together.”
“Of course.” Said Jessie. “And we can help everyone! But we should get to know each other first. You know your past, right?”
“Yes,” Mortis nodded. “I’m an Angel. A guardian to protect mortals.”
There was a moment of silence before Jessie broke it.
“…do you actually have wings?” She asked.
“Huh?” Mortis looked down in confusion. “Of course I have wings! What do you mean?”
“Do they work? Can you fly with them?” Jessie sounded excited, thrilled.
“Yes, they do work. I can fly with them, I would now but-“ He was cut off by a firework, flinching. “…maybe after the fireworks?”
Jessie hummed in response. “So tell me about yourself. Your life before here.”
Mortis thought for a moment. “Well, the humans here, they were the most important beings in my life and I cared for them greatly. Then I ended up trapped here.”
“Like us.” Suggested Jessie.
“Not quite,” He disagreed. “The humans here, they needed me, and I was there to help.” He frowned slightly. “…It is frustrating that I cannot remember.”
“Yeah, that sucks, huh?” Jessie agreed easily, “but hey, you might be able to help us out. You know… with remembering, and things and… stuff. Just let me know. We’ll figure everything out.” She sounded optimistic, almost cheerful.
“Right,” Mortis murmured, but he found himself smiling at her words. “Let’s just focus on making sure we can make it through this.”
“Okay. Sounds good.” Jessie nodded, and a moment later she added with a slight sigh, “Together. Our own trio.”
“Oh, yeah!” Colt perked up. “I like that. That’s definitely a thing we could use.”
“Exactly,” said Jessie, sounding relieved.
Silence fell over their little group, and for a few minutes, no more sounds were heard from either of them. Eventually, the fireworks stopped, the newly formed trio where nowhere to be seen.
At least, they wouldn’t be seen by Starr Park.
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Louis Cyphre x Reader
Not related to the movie (Angel Heart) literally at all, just wanted to write about Robert De Niro Satan™ 💖✨
(Had to repost this, because it was impossible to find a way to read Part 2, and impossible to link Part 2 in my masterlist, so now it’s all in one post!)
TW: you’re in hell but I swear it’s not that bad, mentions of demons/the devil, horn stuff?
Word Count: 3.1k (in 2 parts)
Enjoy! 😈😈😈
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Part 1
The harsh pain in your shoulders and the unfamiliar feeling of the room around you made you aware, but the grogginess in your head only made you want to sleep. Sleep. You don’t remember when you fell asleep. You crack your eyes open only to realize you don’t know where you are… But that the bed you’re in is beyond cozy.
You pull the covers up over you more, but you also scan the room a bit. It’s incredibly luxurious. The room is fully decorated in black marble and gold. The sheets you lay on are black silk. You’ve never seen anything like it.
“Good morning, my dear, glad to see you’re finally awake,” a voice says from across the room. You turn to face the man as he approaches you. He has a very striking look. He bares a thick beard, long hair that is neatly pulled back and tied up, pointed white nails, a black and gold cane, and the nicest suit you’ve ever seen.
He sits on the edge of the bed and puts his cane aside before looking at you, “Are you alright, love? You look like a deer caught in headlights, although a very cute deer, much like a little fawn.” His fingers tuck some of your hair behind your ear, and then his hand lingers on your cheek for a moment. Despite the man’s startling look and the unsettled feeling you have, his presence felt very familiar to you.
“Um… I’m okay, just woozy.” You rub your eyes trying to wake up a little more.
“Here, drink this. It’ll help you to feel better.” As if pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the man had a teacup and saucer in his hands. He hands it to you and you take a sip. It’s very good, slightly sweet. “It’ll help with the pain in your shoulders as well.” He stands to walk out of the room.
“Hmmm? How did you know about that?”
He swiftly exits the room.
You sit and sip your tea for awhile.
• • •
Before you know it, you’re waking up again… The tea must’ve put you to sleep, but at least you feel well-rested and your shoulders aren’t sore anymore.
You lie in the large bed, mind wandering. You’ve never been to this place before, never seen this man. Yet, you feel safe here. Before long, you find yourself thinking about how he compared you to a fawn. It was an odd compliment, but it gave you butterflies in your stomach. You really wouldn’t mind if he touched your cheek again, too.
“Darling, are you hungry? I made you breakfast,” he looms over the bed with a nicely made tray of food in this hand. He nearly gave you a heart attack.
“Oh… um, sure.”
A warm smile comes to his face as he sets the tray on your lap. There lies a beautiful assortment of food: fresh fruit, croissants, milk and juice, and even a boiled egg propped up in one of those fancy caramic egg dishes. He taps the shell of the boiled egg with one long fingernail, “Boiled eggs are very symbolic to me. I have one with breakfast each day.”
You give him a small smile, and then there’s a long pause. “Who are you?”
“Louis. Louis Cyphre.”
“And this is your home?”
“And where is that?”
“Hmmm… I’m not sure you’re ready to hear this, but you have to find out sooner or later. You’re in Hell, to put it simply.”
“Hell?! What do you mean Hell?!” Your mind is but racing.
“Here, honey, eat a little something,” he says handing you a croissant, “Hell, as in the Underworld, as in one of the many afterlives, as in eternal damnation.”
“This doesn’t seem like Hell… It’s so nice here.”
“Yes, well, this is my home, so it can be how I want it to be.”
“I don’t understand. Aren’t you also here to be tortured or something? You don’t look like a demon to me… Who are you?”
“(Y/N), I already told you, but I’ll make it more apparent, just for you, sweet girl… I’m Louis Cyphre, Lucifer.”
“Lucifer?? Like Satan?” It comes out of your mouth before the realization sets in. “You’re the Devil?”
This doesn’t scare you as much as it should. Why should you be scared of him? He’s been nothing but hospitable and caring towards you.
He sits next to you placing his hand on your cheek one again. It makes you feel warm. “No harm will come to you while you’re here. Quite the contrary, you’ll be treated like a queen.” He pulls a grape from the tray in front of you and places it in your mouth.
“But why? I thought Hell was for suffering.”
“Hmmm… It’s a story for another time, but let’s just say I decided to keep you for myself, rather than letting you stay in your afterlife.”
“Oh… Well, that’s very sweet. I suppose being here is much nicer than what I would’ve faced, being that I got sent to Hell.”
• • •
After this, he spent much of his time courting you, and the time you spent with him was magical, to say the least.
He always served you the tastiest food, seemingly pulled from thin air. You met many ghouls and demons; some were friends, some were “in the business,” and some you saw grovelling at Louis’ feet for mercy. He would take you to spectacular places, completely unimaginable and nothing like you’d ever known. But when you confessed to him that you really missed plant life and the night sky, he made you a garden filled with beautiful botanicals where the night sky and constellations could be seen at any time of day.
You spent a lot of time there.
• • •
One particular day, you are sitting in the gardens on a small bench with Louis, just enjoying the breeze and the smell in the air. He has one arm around your shoulders and the other is resting on your lap holding your hand. Your shoulders still hurt a lot of the time, but at this point it was normal and you just assumed it had to do with the way you died.
“Yes, Louis?”
“May I kiss you?”
“Hmmm…” You smile and look at him, “on one condition.”
“Anything for you, my heart.”
“Show me your horns.”
He scoffs. “Horns?! What horns?” He really was bad at lying to you; you thought it was sweet how even the Demon King could be rendered weak by love.
“I know you must have them. All of the other demons do. And like wings or a tail or something… I wanna see it.”
“Why on Earth would a sweet girl like you want to see those things?”
“Well… I like you a lot, Louis, and I want to be able to love all of you, not just the parts you show me.”
A blush comes to his cheeks, but it’s quickly followed by a bit of sadness, “I don’t want to scare you away…”
“You won’t scare me. I’ll still know it’s you.”
There’s a long pause before he says, “Close your eyes.”
You place your hands over your face, and they were only there for a few seconds before you feel Louis’ hands pulling them off of your eyes.
Of course the first thing that catches your eye is the horns. Tall, black and dark brown, gently spiraled up into the air, and quite pointy at the end. Then there are his eyes, a deep but glowing shade of red, and full of hesitance. Clearly he’s afraid you won’t like him like this. His fingernails are now much longer and black, more like claws. As he adjusts his seating, you notice the gnarly black wings that hover behind him. They’re like bat wings, and while they are very intimidating, they look out of place, somehow, like they aren’t supposed to be there.
You were sure that he could take a much more frightening form, but he still wants to protect your from some things.
“Can I touch them?” You ask.
“Your horns. Can I touch them?”
“Yes, but only you.”
Your reach up and lightly grace your fingers over the rigid texture of one of the horns. You push it lightly, causing Louis to tilt his head back. You giggle, which seems to put him at ease. You wrap your hand around the horn and pull his face close to yours for that kiss you promised him. When his lips met yours, he wrapped his arms around you holding you close. Your arm drops from his head to wrap around the back of his neck.
After a long, sweet kiss, you both pull away breathless. And you see that Louis is back to the way you’re used to seeing him.
“Aww, Louis… I really liked your horns.”
“You did?”
“Yeah! They look very good on you. Will you please put them back?”
“I suppose, anything for you, sweetheart.” And just like that, they were back. You couldn’t explain why you liked them, you just did. “Please don’t use them to tug me around too often…” He says with a chuckle.
“So you’re saying it’s okay sometimes?” You laugh.
“Mmm… Sometimes, yes, only if I get a kiss out of it.”
• • •
That night, you share a bed for the first time, and even though you’re only cuddling and sharing kisses, you both thoroughly enjoy the closeness. He knew everything about you, which made you uneasy at first, but now that you had seen him in a vulnerable position, you felt you could trust him. With some trust established, you found yourself falling for him quickly.
As you’re lying next to him, you can’t keep your eyes or your fingers off of his horns, and an idea pops into your head, “So ya know how you’re like this big powerful Overlord of the Damned or something?”
This earned you a hearty laugh from the man, “Yes, I know.”
“Well I was just thinking about your horns and how they’re so cool, and how you made me that garden outside, and well…”
“Well?” He gives you a playful look.
“Well… could you give me horns?”
“You want horns?”
“Yeah! They’re cool! And, like, why shouldn’t I fit in with the demons a little?”
“Honey, you don’t fit in with the demons,” he says through a laugh.
“Okay well I still want horns.”
“Hmmm… You want horns, huh? Well alright.” He scoops you up off the bed and takes you to stand in front of the mirror. He leans in towards your ear and whispers, “Close your eyes.”
You clap your hands over your eyes and sit there with a smile. You can feel the excitement vibrating through you; your whole body is buzzing… It’s making your shoulders ache really badly actually…
Louis firmly presses his hands into the spots where your shoulders hurt, then he wraps his body tightly around you. “Open your eyes,” he says with a small twinge of panic in his voice. But all of your worries fade away when you see your newest accessory in the mirror. You gasp and immediately your fingers are tracing over the shape of your new horns; they’re just above your ear, and they curl back like a ram’s would. Completely different from Louis’, but you like that.
“Do you like them, princess?”
“Oh, yes, Louis! Thank you so much… They’re so pretty!” You’re nearly squealing with enthusiasm.
“Good, darling! I had pictured you with little deer antlers, because you so remind me of a little woodland fawn, but there are some things I have no control over. It seems you’re one of them!”
“Hmm, are you saying you’d like to control me?” You give him a coy look.
“No… But I am glad I can do this,” he wraps a hand around one of your horns and pulls you towards him, smiling against your lips while kissing you.
• • •
Part 2
Louis watches you as you lie in bed sleeping. You used to sleep so peacefully, but your dreaming has become wild and more powerful in the past few weeks. His eyes gloss over your sleeping form: a frustrated look on your face, your body glowing a beautiful gold color, and the wings on your back stretching and fluttering. Every once in a while you kick or a light moan escapes you, so Louis holds you close attempting to bring you some comfort.
He wonders how long he'll be about to keep this from you. He wonders how long he has until you demand to know the truth and then hate him for it.
He can suppress your energy and keep your wings binded when you're awake, but you've become far too powerful even for him when you're dreaming. Almost as if your body needs to make up for lost time for not being in its proper form.
And when you're awake, he knows you'll only be riddled with headaches and the pain in your shoulders that has only gotten worse. He hates torturing you like this. Despite being in Hell, you weren't here to be tortured.
With that thought, Louis makes up his mind. He stops trying to suppress you in any way, and he'll answer for it in the morning. But at least you'll sleep well tonight and wake up rested without any more pain.
• • •
As you wake up, you feel the warmth of Louis next to you, so you decide to just keep your eyes closed and nuzzle into his neck feeling his beard tickle your forehead. He gently places a kiss to you head and squeezes you to him.
You tilt your head back expecting your usual morning kisses, and Louis does not disappoint; he never does. He is beyond good to you, doing his very best to make you comfortable and happy at all times.
You pull away from his lips and crack your eyes open for the first time that morning. You're greeted with the sight of his face close to yours, wearing a sweet smile; his eyes flashing just a hint of worry. He pulls you in for more kisses, much more needy than the usual morning routine. As things turn passionate, you feel a weird shift and something brush against your arm.
You pull away and turn to look. It's a big white wing. You sit up turning side to side, quickly realizing they're attached to you. "Louis?! What is this?"
You spring out of bed and run to the mirror. As plain as the nose on your face, there's a large set of wings on your back. With the wings and the horns, you certainly are starting to look the part of being the Demon King's girlfriend.
"Louis, you gave me wings?! They're sooo pretty! I gotta say it's a little bit of a big surprise, maybe we should've talked about it first..." You can't stop looking in the mirror, "Do you like them, Louis? And did you pick what they look like this time, or was it like my horns?"
You turn towards the man in the bed, who hasn't said anything in a while, and confusion quickly washes over you when you see the look on his face: pure worry, and a little bit of redness around his eyes and the tip of his nose, like he might cry.
"Louis..." You're worried you'll make it worse. "What's wrong?"
He inhales sharply, "Nothing, honey. You look wonderful." His lips pull into a smile, but again, he was bad at lying to you.
You crawl back into the bed and sit next to him, running your fingers through his long hair. "Ya know, for being the Devil and all, you're a bad liar."
"Hmm... yeah," He gives you a half smile.
"Just tell me what it is, baby."
He always melts for you when you call him that.
"I- I just, uh..." You listen intently while he pauses for a moment. "Well, ah, your wings... They've always been there," it was all he could get out to start.
"Huh? No they haven't. I've never had wings before."
"You've had wings longer than you realize. They're the reason your shoulder blades always hurt. Notice how it doesn't hurt anymore?"
"Oh. Well, why? Why couldn't I see them?"
"They were binded. I binded them," he hung his head, disappointed in himself.
"Louis... Will you please tell me what's going on?"
He takes a deep breath and smiles at you, but it's bittersweet. He places a hand on your cheek, because he knows you like that. "You're an angel, sweet girl."
"Like... from heaven?" you question.
"Like from heaven," he repeats with the slightest chuckle.
"Well," you wrap your arms around him, "how did I end up here?" Your tone is almost chirpy. Louis is surprised how well you're taking this; he expected you to be upset with him. Right now, he's the only one really upset.
He puts an arm around you, and lies back on the bed, cuddling into you. He answered all of your questions, knowing you were a curious little thing, and slowly he felt a weight lifted off his chest. Despite being responsible for the eternal torture of many souls, he couldn't stand being dishonest towards you or doing anything to hurt you.
After a lot of conversation, it basically boiled down to this:
He loved you while you were alive, and he couldn't stand being without you, so he stole you from heaven. He kept it a secret from you because he was scared you'd hate him, but he had no clue you would overcome the spells he had placed on you.
"I knew I was in trouble when you put those horns on your own head, as if you'd done it a thousand times before," he said, scrunching his nose at you.
"What?! I didn't make these horns!" You put your hands on the horns on either side of your head.
"You did! When I told you I had no control over you, I wasn't just referring to the design of those things." His fingers traced over the curl of one of your horns.
"Well, since you aren't the one that gave me my wings, do you like them at least? I know they're not all scary like yours..."
"Oh, hush, my sweet! They look lovely on you. You make a beautiful angel."
"You're so good to me, Louis. Even if I could go to heaven, I wouldn't go unless I could take you with me!"
The man next to you chuckled lowly, "Well, until that time comes, you'll make the best little Demon Queen."
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years
Spooky Gratitude
A little girl gives a gift to an odd creature on Halloween night. Years later, the creature returns to show it's gratitude on a day that was promised disaster.
Halloween, a day where people celebrate the times of magic, mischief and monsters. To dress as monsters, play innocent pranks, carve pumpkins to light up the night as magical jack o' lanterns and grant delicious goodies to those who say the magic words of the Halloween Spirit: Trick or Treat.
One particular town had a very special cryptid that only appeared on the night of this spooky holiday. An odd doll with a carved pumpkin for a head that wandered the streets. Trick or Treaters who passed the odd being often found extra candy in their bags. If they were good hearted, these spontaneous treats were tasty and delicious.
Those who were naughty however, ended up candy that tastes like their most hated food from broccoli to even liver. They called this oddity the Halloween Jack, after the Pumpkin King himself. Strangely, no one had ever tried to offer a treat to the cryptid. No one knew what would happen if the Halloween Jack was given a treat. Well until now.
A little girl was skipping down the sidewalks with joy in her step. It was a star filled Halloween Night alit with the sound of doorbells ringing and the cheer of childish 'Trick or Treat'! This little girl had locks of blond and eyes of bright sky blue. Her costume was a black witch's hat paired with a purple dress lined with black, frills, little white stockings to little black shoes, and a little wand topped by a pumpkin.
She carried two separate buckets in her hands: a pumpkin and cauldron. Her small plastic cauldron contained a good chunk of chocolate and mixed candies. The plastic pumpkin one strangely had the same but the inclusion of freshly wrapped Halloween cookies. Blue eyes looked around at the various houses and the treaters at their door.
The little girl was about to go to her next house when something made her stop. It was a small child who strangely didn't have a bucket of goodies like her and other children. His costume consisted of a light beige bodysuit with a small green cape around the neck and a jack o' lantern on his head that had axe through part of the top as yellow looked through the eyeholes.
She never saw a costume like it before. It looked so real and well made that it had the child baffled. How come someone with a nice outfit doesn't have any candy or treats on a Halloween night this lively? Blue eyes looked over at the orange bucket in her hands before looking back at the oddity.
Yellow eyes soon turned to the sound of skipping getting closer until they met a kind blue. "Hello. I love your costume. It's pretty cool but I noticed you didn't have a bucket. You can't go trick or treating without one." The little girl then held up the orange bucket in her hand. Yellow eyes widening upon the gesture made.
"Take this one. Everyone should be able to enjoy Halloween. My name is Eva. And I hope you like the treats." The little girl smiled brightly at the pumpkin headed being. Yellow lights curled into akin to a smile as the cloth covered hand took the bag. "I'm Pumpkinmon. Thank you."
Years later, the little girl known as Eva grew up. She never saw the child called Pumpkinmon after that fateful Hallow's Eve as the memory slowly faded with age. The child soon blossomed into a beautiful young woman of two rambunctious twins. Children whose father was an actual demon known as Sparda.
Sparda was hated by his kind for protecting humans and even mating with one. On one fateful night, his enemies decided that he should pay for his treachery. A night that was promised sorrowful spill of blood but…
"Vergil! Vergil!" The voice of a crying mother echoed through the forest night. Feet running in important haste belonged to an older Eva. Her short blonde hair now long and lovely, chubby face smoothed in a beautiful and caring one, and little body now a lean, elegant and curvaceous wonder. Red coat fluttering with the wind of urgent steps as she made way through the wooded path.
Her oldest son was in danger. They had a fight and he ran away to his quiet place, a playground at the edge of the forest. None of them were aware of the monsters that would attack them tonight. Her youngest son Dante was hiding in the closet but Vergil was in the open. She had to find him.
Eva immediately stopped when something large had blocked her path. It was a monster, a demon. The vile beast resembled a pale lethargic phantom cloaked by a long tore black cloak, a blood red scythe in hand. She instinctively took a step back when four more of them appeared around her in every direction.
Eva wasn't blind to the killing intent well aimed on her being. They wanted vengeance in blood and flesh. These demons wanted her dead. Her and her children. "Let me through you bastards! I won't let you lay a figure on my babies!" She hissed with fury, uncaring of the claws or blades that could rip her to pieces.
Picking a stone, she chucked it at one of the Hell Cains before her. The item whacking its head earning a baleful roar in utter rage. All of them moved their scythes to the side, every bladed staff in position to bring down a fatal slash once they were close. They were ready to lunge, ready to reap this woman's soul until…
"Trick or Treat Wallace!" A suave distorted male voice ripped through the air. A wall of pumpkins manifesting around the defenseless woman as the reaper demons charged forth. These pumpkins immediately exploded upon contact with the abominations turning all attackers into pumpkin scented ash.
Eva, who was unharmed, could only blink in grateful surprise. Someone or something had just protected her but who? "Mom!" The cry of a young boy rattled her thoughts with hopeful tears. Running from the woods towards her was a little boy with eyes of blue and slicked back hair of white. "Vergil!" She cried as she embraced the child who ran in her arms.
The young mother and son whispering soft apologies to each other while they sobbed in an emotional hug. "I believe this young man is yours." The male voice from before had both Eva and Vergil turn their heads at the source. Older blue widened in surprise at a very familiar sight.
Standing or floating before them was an odd being. A 12 ft daintly lean man in a luxurious long coated purple trim white tuxedo decorated by golden pumpkin shoulder pauldrons, a green cravat by his neck, purple downward angel wings hung from the back like a scarf, a black top hat with goggles sat delicately on a horned jack o' lantern head and in his hand was a cane topped with a bat winged pumpkin.
An old memory dug itself out from the deep reaches of her mind. Of the little child with a pumpkin head on that Halloween night. The one who she gave a bucket full of treats as a child. "Pumpkinmon?" Eva questioned, her words riddled with surprise, joyful remembrance and hope.
The figure let out a soft kind chuckle as the little boy Vergil sat confused in his mother's arms. "I'm NoblePumpkinmon now. I have grown since that fateful Halloween, just as you blossomed into a beautiful mother. Your kindness that night had blessed me with what I needed to bloom myself." He held up his hand as a well aged but familiar plastic pumpkin bucket appeared.
She could only look at the bucket with a smile from that special memory. The day she realized that there were mysterious wonders in this world they lived in. "I couldn't let the one who granted me kindness lose their life without us meeting once more. Your other son is waiting for you, dear Eva. I hope your family prospers with every Halloween." The bucket then floated over to two.
Eyes widened from the various candies, toys and baked goods held inside as Vergil's hands took the black handle with wonder. "Goodbye Eva. May we meet again someday." And with those words said, NoblePumpkinmon flew up into the sky before disappearing into the darkness.
One year later, upon their return the Sparda Manor had been magically repaired overnight. That night, Eva told the tale of Pumpkinmon to her children but also her husband who miraculously returned that very same day. He also had some assistance from a 'pumpkin headed angel', which made the woman smile warmly.
She never knew that her gift to the strange being that night when she was a child had spared her family from a nasty fate. As time went by, the woman didn't see any signs of NoblePumpkinmon. Maybe he returned back to his home, wherever it was.
Tonight was Halloween once more, the house was strung up with decorations but also charms to ward off any unwanted guests. Eva's sons were getting the last touches of their costumes done with help from her husband. Dante was going as a vampire but Vergil's costume was a bit special. His outfit was based on the very creature that saved them last year, NoblePumpkinmon.
The only difference was instead of wearing a pumpkin head, the pumpkin bucket that was returned had been painted to look like the head instead. A sight that only warmed the young mother's heart. Eva was checking on the pumpkin pie that was in the oven when the doorbell rang throughout the house.
Being curious as it wasn't time for Trick or Treaters yet, she walked over to the door. Eva didn't expect what she would see upon opening the door but she would be lying to say if it wasn't welcomed. For standing on her porch was someone she hoped to see again.
NoblePumpkinmon had returned but he had two friends with him. They looked like what he was on the day they first met, Pumpkinmon but one had an orange scarf and the other had a purple ribbon instead of little green capes. "Trick or treat!" Eva couldn't help the small chuckle that came from her lips.
"I thought it would be nice to visit you once more but with my family this time. Halloween is a time for friends and family to share in delightful tricks but also delicious treats after all." The smaller Pumpkinmon cheering in agreement upon their father's words.
"Well come on in. I got a pie baking in the oven. Plus, my family has been wanting to see you again." Who said good friends can't be made on Halloween much less a miracle? For it was this holiday that a family survived the most disastrous night of their lives.
And it all started with a little girl giving a bucket of sweets to a mysterious being with a pumpkin for a head on Halloween night.
And that's it! Eva and Sparda are alive. Today is Halloween and I wanted to write a little ficlet for it. Pumpkinmon and NoblePumpkinmon sounded like the perfect thing to use in this particular situation. These Puppet Digimon are created from data that embraces this spooky day of the year so they are also the kind to repay kind gestures on that special day too. Hope you guys have a great Halloween!
Tagging: @astral-space-dragon , @synchronmurmurs , @buns-with-a-book , @sakkajagga , and @queenmuzz
This is Pumpkinmon and NoblePumpkinmon. Not my art btw.
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales Of Arrival Chapter 2
Welp, I was gonna update Heroes After All next but I ran out of steam after that had a constant stream of updates for a while. So I decided to work on this fic instead. Here is where things start picking up: 
Chapter 2: Seeking Feeling
Kratos woke up on the bed he was provided. He checked himself quickly. Still was stuck in the form this strange "Noibat" creature. It wasn't a dream. He still had no clue what was going on. He sighed.
He heard a knock on the door. He went over to check and opened it.It was Edbark. 
"Hey Kratos! I gotta show you around!"
Kratos sighed. "Please, show me around."
Edbark dragged him by the wing, taking him everywhere, explaining everything too fast for Kratos to fully process - the sleeping quarters they came from, game rooms, strategy rooms, the guildmaster's quarters - wasn't he just here yesterday? - the storeroom for equipment, the storeroom for food and items, sentry posts, the infirmary - he was also there yesterday - the vendors outside, bathrooms... 
Finally they came to a mess hall, attached to a kitchen and a bar. In the kitchen a strange apple-pie-dragon was busy cooking despite his squat body while a spiny purple rhino-rabbit handed drinks to thirsty Pokemon. 
"And this is where everyone eats and drinks! Oh, you probably need breakfast, don't you?"
Kratos' stomach rumbled. It seemed this new body needed food more than his angel one. 
"...Yes please."
"Okay! Come on we'll get you something."
Edbark and Kratos headed over to the apple pie dragon, who was shovelling mush into bowls from atop a platform.
"Hey Chef Bramley! What have we got today?"
"Oh, Edbark!" said Bramley, his ear-like eyes perking up to take a look. "And... a new friend?"
"This is Kratos! You're serving your special spiced oatmeal porridge today yes? We'll have some!"
"Oh, of course! Coming right up!"
Using his mouth to manipulate a ladle Bramley scooped oatmeal porridge into two bowls he sprinkled strange colorful beans on top of before pushing toward the two.
"With complimentary Gummis. Enjoy!"
"Thank you!" said Edbark.
Edbark carefully manipulated the bowl with his paws, moving it twoards a table. Kratos gripped the bowl in his wing claws and followed, finding a purple rat in loose bits of clothing and armor already there. 
"Hey Edbark!" he said. "'Bout time you got here!" He raised an eyebrow at Kratos. "Who's this?"
"Hey Ricki! This is Kratos!" said Edbark. "I found him unconscious with barely any memories outside of town... Only knew he wasn't a feral by his weird coloring and the belts he was wearing."
"Yes, that's me, the poor poor amnesiac," Kratos said.
"Ow, geez, that's rough," said Ricki. "Well you can sit with us, we'd appreciate the company!"
Kratos noticed the three of them were sitting far away from any other Pokemon, save the ones at the bar.
"Why are you two by yourselves?"
Riki rolled his eyes. "We haven't formed a proper Adventurer Squad yet. They think they're better than us."
Edbark looked to a small blue canine sitting across from them a fair distance away.
"Uh, hey, Stella? You can still totally join us!"
Stella gave them a look before scooching further away. 
"Why do you even bother trying to convince her, Edbark?" said Ricki. "She's cold as ice. Stick in the mud. She's never wanted to even acknowledge us."
He looked over to Kratos. "You rescued this guy right? Recruit him instead!" 
"What? Hell no!" said Edbark. "He's got amnesia! I can't ask him to be on an Adventurer Squad! And even if I did the Guildmaster would never allow it!"
"Well, why would you need me?" said Kratos.
"Every new Adventurer Squad needs to be approved by the Guildmaster himself," said Ricki. "And he won't approve of just me and Edbark by ourselves! We've tried!"
"So we've been looking for a third mon to hopefully convince him we've got what it takes," said Edbark. "But no luck."
"It's stupid is what I tell you," said Ricki. "Stoakes has approved two-person Adventurer Squads before! It's like, the minimum, and he recommends three or four, but still."
Kratos thought to himself. Did he really need to babysit a bunch of children again? Especially when neither of them were his son?
"Well, good luck with that," said Kratos. 
Edbark sighed. "It sucks... The opening ceremony of the Seeking is tonight! If we don't get our act together by the time everyone sets off for it we'll have to wait another year!"
Kratos raised an eyebrow. Didn't Stoakes mention that? "The Seeking?"
"Oh no no no," said Riki, "don't get him going he'll-"
Too late. Edbark turned toward Kratos, eyes sparkling. 
"The Seeking is the most wonderful thing! Everyone gets together for a big festival! The queen of Spectroma - that's the nation Rainbow Wing City is the capital of - shows up! Ho-Oh himself shows up! And then shooting stars called Reality Shards fall out of the sky and Adventurer Squads have to gather them all for a big ritual to stave off the darkness!"
Kratos barely stopped himself from frowning. Something about this seemed familiar in a way he didn't like.
"I see. Fascinating."
"Ha! Kratos gets me!" said Edbark.
"Whatever," said Ricki, nibbling his oatmeal porridge, making sure to eat the strange jellybean-like items along with it. Kratos poked at his.
"What are these beans?"
"Those are gummis!" said Edbark, eating some himself. "They're what makes Poke-society go round!"
"How so?" said Kratos.
"Oh no you're going to get him going again with the expo-"
"They're one of the things made from the leftovers of a Mystery Dungeon! They make a Pokemon's brain less feral, so Pokemon can live and work together without, you know, trying to kill or eat each other!"
Concerning. "Mystery Dungeon?"
"They're these big warps in reality that turn the surrounding area into a hazardous dungeon! They spread like a disease and can only be destroyed by going to the bottom and destroying the core!"
Kratos disliked what he heard about this world the longer he stayed here.
"I see, thank you."
"Can we eat now?" said Ricki, looking at his porridge longingly.
"Yeah, I'm done," said Edbark, "Unless Kratos has any more questions.
"I know all I need to for now," said Kratos.
He started hesitantly eating his porridge and Gummies. He felt he was going to get involved in something eventually. He just wasn't sure what.
And that? That scared him.
In a dark throne room, a Decidueye sat, looking around from her throne. Mainly because she was bored, waiting for something.
Finally something did come, in the form of a Steenie, in a uniform, looking very nervous. The Decidueye leered down at her.
"Are the preparations ready?"
"Y-yes Empress Nyra, they're all ready for tomorrow."
"Good. The Seeking is tomorrow. We must make sure it all goes exactly as planned."
The Steenie shifted awkwardly. Nyra rolled her eyes. "Yes?"
"Since I helped get this done, Empress... Would you put in a word for me to advance in the ran-"
The Steenie froze in place as a shadowy arrow stopped just shy of hitting them.
"No. Your boldness entertained me so I let you off light. You'd best get out of here before I decide on more painful ways of using you for entertainment."
The Steenie yelped and exited the throne room as quickly as she could. The door closed behind her with a bang.
Nyra slouched and gave a bird smirk.
The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Kratos was now being dragged from the Adventurer's Guild By Edbark, Ricki in tow, to a public stage in the middle of the city built around an altar. The trio sat in special nooks built into the stands as more Pokemon piled in.
There was murmuring among the crowd. Then cheering as a strange pastel witch-like Pokemon wearing jewels on her "hat"  and a lemur holding a cane came up to the altar. 
"Look! It's Queen Ceridwen! And her assistant Pari Passu!" said Edbark. "Come on, Edbark, I'm sure even Mr. Amnesiac knows them!" said Ricki.
"I don't, actually," said Kratos.
"...Carry on then," said Ricki.
"People of Spectroma!" said Ceridwen. "It is time once again for the grand festival of all realms, the Seeking!" 
The crowd's applause became even more raucous. 
"Tonight, the stars shall fall, lighting a path for our brave Adventurer Squads... And joining us for this event..."
A rainbow glow. A flapping of wings. A massive orange and gold bird with iridescent shimmering feathers alight upon the altar. Kratos sensed great power emanating from it, greater than the angelic power he once had.
Then it looked straight at him and paused. Kratos could feel a tingling down his tiny bat spine, as if this bird's eyes could see who he truly was.
"Who... Is that?"
"Ho-oh..." said Edbark, entranced.
"He's the patron Legendary of Spectroma," said Ricki. "He's like, a god..."
A god? Kratos remembered the lies of Cruxis, the ones Yggdrasil spun, the ones he partook in. What qualified as a god was rather nebulous to him. Yet this Ho-Oh, at the very least, felt like one.
"Greetings, all of you," said Ho-Oh. "It is an honor to be with you all. May your strongest hearts, souls, and minds be ready for the Seeking... and for the rest of you to be ready to celebrate!" 
He gestured a wing toward the starry sky. 
"But let us watch and wait for the Reality Shards to fall!"
The crowd fell into utter silence as their heads looked up at the stars. For a while - Kratos couldn't tell how long - everything was dead silent.
Then a sparkling green streak soared through the sky and touched down far away. Then another. And another. The cheering resumed as more and more kept raining down.
"Are those..." said Kratos.
"Reality Shards!" said Edbark. "They say Arceus themself makes them!"
"Arceus? Who is tha-"
There was a rumble. A red and purple shooting star far different from the others careened through the sky and landed somewhere distant with a boom. There were gasps of horror and shock as the crowd - and even Ho-Oh, Cerwiden, and Pari Passu started panicking.
"Is that not supposed to happen?" said Kratos. "It is definitely not supposed to happen!" said Ricki. "What was that thing?"
Then Kratos felt it. Not only was Ho-oh staring into his very being again, Cerwiden was too. Pari Passu, meanwhile, was trying desperately to calm the crowd.
"Everyone! Calm yourselves! It's probably nothing! Maybe! Oh, of all the times something goes wrong it has to be the Seeking..."
The group had made it back to the Adventurer's Guild. The Pokemon around them were murmuring to each other in worry.
"How did this happen?"
"Is this an omen? Of what?"
"Did the Empire do this?"
Kratos' sharp ears picked up on the empire thing but did not act on it. He was too focused on Ricki and Edbark.
"What are we gonna do?!" said Edbark.
"We can't do jack shit!" said Ricki. "We have no clue what's going on!"
"Easy, you two," said Kratos. "We'll figure something out..."
Kratos felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around. It was Guildmaster Stoakes.
"Er? Kratos? Unusual request at a time like this but... You have an audience with the Queen. And Ho-Oh himself."
Edbark and Ricki gasped. "Wow really? Cool!" said Edbark.
"What does she want him for though?"
Kratos sighed. He should have seen this coming.
Kratos was led by Stoakes and his two assistants, to the second castle, through winding hallways, to a throne room where he saw quite the menagerie. 
Queen Cerwiden was there. Pari Passu was there. Ho-Oh, sitting on a gilded perch, was there.
"What do you all want with me?" said Kratos.
"My apologies for dragging you in so suddenly," said Cerwiden, "But Ho-oh sensed something strange and powerful about you, I did as well, and given the situation... We needed to investigate."
"We sensed something unusual about him as well," said one of the Metang.
"Yeah!" said the other Metang. "Like his brainwaves were giving off real freaky vibes!"
"Ferrite, Pearlite, you could have told me that earlier..." said Stoakes, crossing his arms.
"Point is," said Ho-Oh, "Kratos. Who are you? And what do you know, if anything, about that meteor? Is it the Empire's doing?"
"Who I am is complicated. But I do not know anything about this meteor. Nor this empire."
Kratos felt his mind being probed from multiple directions.
"He is telling the truth." said Ferrite.
"No lies here!" said Pearlite.
"What did I tell you two about probing people's brains without asking?" said Stoakes.
The two slunk back in shame.
"Sorry..." said Pearlite.
"We won't do it again." said Ferrite.
"So you are a separate debacle from the meteor and the empire..." said Pari Passu. "Regardless, Lord Ho-Oh's question of "who are you" still stands. We can deal with "complicated"."
Kratos sighed. Then he told them everything. The last four thousand years or so, Mithos, Yggdrasil, Yuan, Anna, Lloyd, Lloyd's friends, the quest they all went through... the only thing he left out (since he did not feel the probing Psychic presence of Ferrite and Pearlite) was any mention that none of those involved were Pokemon. By the end of his very long tale the jaws of all the other Pokemon had dropped in shock.
"Incredible... You're a Legendary from another world and you were sent here..." said Cerwiden. "But why?"
Legendary? Kratos certainly wouldn't describe himself as such. "Your guess is as good as mine. The voice didn't tell me."
"This voice could still be affiliated with the Empire!" said Pari Passu. "It could be part of their plan!"
"It could be," said Cerwiden, "But this Kratos gives off a feeling he is not against us. He could help."
"Well what do you suppose he do?" said Parri Passu.
"Hmmmm... Perhaps he could help us investigate the meteor," said Ho-Oh.
"That's a good idea!" said Stoakes. "Given what he's been through he'll be well at home in an Adventurer Squad."
"Hmph," said Pari Passu. "Well Kratos? Are you up for it?"
"I accept," said Kratos.
"See, he's not up for it, time to find someone el- wait, really?"
"As Stoakes said I'm... Qualified."
"We are grateful for your assistance, Kratos Aurion," said Cerwiden, bowing.
"Alright!" said Stoakes. "I'll get you signed up with one of our most skilled Adventurer Squads straight away!"
Kratos thought a bit. About Loyd, Genis, Collete, Sheena, the others...
"Actually," said Kratos. "I want Edbark and Ricki's help."
Stoakes' eyes widened. Ferrite and Pearlite looked at each other in disbelief. "Those two?" said Stoakes."They aren't fit to form an Adventurer Squad just yet!"
"Not by themselves maybe," said Kratos. "But as you could ascertain from my tale I have seen young people like them do great things. And if I were to help them..."
Stoakes put a paw to his chin. "Now you mention what you said about your son and his friends I can kinda see your logic. Hm..."
He nodded.
"I think we can make this work."
Some time later, back at the Adventurer's Guild, Edbark and Ricki stared at Kratos and Stoakes.
"So wait," said Edbark. "Kratos is being sent on a big mission to investigate the meteor during the Seeking... and he wants our help?"
"He said he thinks you two have potential!" said Stoakes. "And honestly, about time I give you two a shot at the Adventurer Squad life."
"...Holy shit." said Ricki. "We made it!"
"Woo!" said Edbark. "Finally! Thanks a ton Kratos!"
"Don't start celebrating just yet," said Kratos. "The road ahead will be hard. I was assigned partially to prepare you for it."
"Right, right," said Ricki, nodding.
"Also! Before I forget..." said Stoakes.
He produced three small badges with a Rainbow Wing insignia on them.
"These are your Guild badges! If you need help, use these to Teleport back to the guild anytime from a waypoint or inside a dungeon!"
Edbark and Ricki took the badges eagerly, Kratos less eagerly. 
"We won't let you down Guildmaster Stoakes!" said Edbark.
"Or at least we'll try not to!" said Ricki.
Stoakes chuckled. "Well at the very least I and Kratos have your back. But... don't you all need a team name?"
"Oh! Oh, uh, this is hard..." said Ricki.
"Hey! Why don't we let Kratos pick?" said Edbark. "He's the reason we're in this team in the first place."
Kratos did a headtilt. Then thought. And thought. And thought some more. Until something finally came to him. 
"Team Symphonia."
"That... actually has a nice ring to it," said Ricki.
"We'll take it!" said Edbark.
Stoakes nodded. "Alright, we gave Kratos some instructions on where to go to start off with but you two know the maps better than he does, so help him if he gets lost, okay?"
"Got it!" said Edbark.
"Well, you three best get prepared. Good luck out there. May Ho-oh's wingbeats guide you."
Ricki and Edbark nodded and waved Stoakes off as they left, Kratos following. One thought was on his mind.
Something was inevitably going to go wrong. Probably multiple somethings. He needed to be prepared - and he needed to prepare Edbark and Riki.
At last our heroes are on the move! But what will they find? Find out next time! ...Whenever that is. 
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Fictober - Vampires (McCree)
You bet your ass I used a nickname from that list of nicknames by Denny’s during this. I’m also pretty sure that this is my longest piece so far. What can I say? McCree’s my huckleberry.
An old non-Overwatch RP scenario I did a few years ago inspired this lovely little piece.
Alternatively titled “Oral Fixation?” Enjoy.
You hummed along to some song on the radio as you pulled your second batch of Halloween cookies from the oven. You swayed a bit to the beat and bumped the oven door shut and placed the assortment of ghost, pumpkin, and witch hat shaped cookies on the kitchen counter.
You weren’t always a hugely festive person but when it came to the last three months of the year, you jumped on the holiday fanatic bandwagon. You’ve had the house decked out in anything and everything Halloween since September twenty-fifth and by noon on November first the Halloween hovel would be turned into a Thanksgiving cabin; the day after Thanksgiving struck Christmas tree hunting and colored lights strung up around the outside and inside of the house. Of course, making Halloween treats and pumpkin spice goodies until Christmas preparations rolled up--where pumpkin spice would turn to sugar cookies and candy cane--was a necessity and this explained the several end table trays around the house filled with homemade sweets, tupperware containers being filled with cookies and sent off to neighbors, friends, and family, and no lack of candy for trick-or-treaters when the time came because an entire kitchen cabinet was filled with bags of store bought candies.
You were taking in your wonderfully festive handiwork when something caught your eye outside the kitchen window. However, you saw nothing when you peeked outside, so you shrugged and carried on with your business. You plucked freshly baked cookies of the cookie sheet and placed them in a swirled pattern on a large plate.
“Hey, babe, cookies are done!” you hollered. You were hoping to get Jesse’s attention from where he was hanging out upstairs; he was the biggest fan of your homemade treats, after all, and one of his favorite parts was watching you using the icing to draw pictures.
Still, you were given no response.
With a shrug you got the icing ready and muttered, “Fine then. I’ll decorate these beauties on my own and you won’t get to see it.” You put the bag of icing’s tip to the first cookie’s surface and began to work. After a moment you added to yourself, “Maybe I’ll eat the first cookie too.”
Suddenly, the same movement from outside caught your eye again, this time coming from the back door’s window. You stopped your icing mission, eyebrows raised curiously.
“Don’t you dare be trying to scare me while I’m in the middle of the most tedious part cowboy,” you warned, placing your icing on the counter and wandering over to the door. However, a nervous shiver crawled up your spine as you peered outside for a few moments, then checked the door to make sure it was locked for the night; you were sure Jesse was upstairs cleaning his Peacekeeper, which made this scenario all the more creepy.
After a few minutes of hesitation and checking to see if the movement happened again, you made your way back to the counter and continued your work. Five cookies in and you’d mostly forgotten about the events that had happened, until a growing shadow on the kitchen counter from something walking up behind you caught your attention. You couldn’t help but hold your breath; Jesse had never been a quiet person but whoever was behind you was dead silent. You for a knife nearby, in what you hoped was a discreet fashion, as you waited for the intruder’s next action.
Then a low voice, clearly Southern but attempting to mask it with some other unrecognizable accent, hummed against your ear, “Good evening, darling.”
“Jesse motherfucking McCree,” you breathed, relaxing and leaning heavily on the counter in front you. “I could have stabbed you. What the fuck is that accent you’re trying to pull off?” You dropped the knife you had just caught in your fingers and turned around to face your partner.
Jesse took a step back with a wide and cheeky grin plastered on his face, cosmetic vampire teeth plainly visible where his canines were. He wore a well-tailored black tailcoat suit of slightly shimmery material with a long cape of black satin draped over his shoulders. His jacket had only the center button done up, revealing a collared white dress shirt that clung to the man’s broad chest and the white bow tie that matched it. The cowboy’s hair was slicked back, shining in the kitchen light from the amount of product needed to force the usually unruly mess down, and his irises were blood red as a result of colored contacts. His eyebrows and facial hair were controlled and styled with just as much effort as the hair on his head and subtle eye makeup--shadow, liner; everything but fake eyelashes because his were already those of gods--was not subtle enough to go unnoticed by you.
When you glanced down, however, he was still wearing those god forsaken roughed up cowboy boots.
“How the hell did you sneak up on me in those?” you inquired aloud. Then you met his cocky gaze with a quirked eyebrow. “How the hell did you sneak up on me period? I thought you were upstairs cleaning your gun or napping or something.”
“I snuck into the pantry when you went to the bathroom earlier,” Jesse replied. He dropped the bad Dracula accent for the time being but kept his proud stance.
You stood on your tiptoes to glance over his shoulder at the small dark room he’d exited, then looked at him incredulously. “That was like an hour ago. You stood in there for an hour?”
“Genji was doing the flashy thing outside the windows.” Jesse took the edges of his cape in his hands then raised his arms, giving him the appearance of bat wings. In his bad accent, he asked, “Do you know who I am?”
“An ass who put way too much effort into this?” you answered, pretending to answer his question. “Oh, wait, I know. Someone who not only isn’t going to eat the first cookie but who is also going to sleep on the couch tonight.”
“Vampires don’t sleep,” Jesse countered, though his grin deflated slightly and his pointed eyebrows furrowed.
“Hm, you’re right,” you replied, “Do I have a stake anywhere?”
“Aw, angel cake,” Jesse said, dropping his act completely and shuffling up to you, “did I bother ya that bad? I’m sorry, bubbles. I just wanted t’ do have some Halloween fun; I thought you’d enjoy it.”
You turned back to your work pointedly and gestured at the cookie you had been working on when Jesse initiated the final act of his prank; the cookie’s icing was smeared and you had dropped the bag of icing on the others that had already been decorated, ultimately rendering your icing mission pointless. “Boy, you ruined the cookies.”
Jesse wrapped his arms around you, overall wrapping the both of you in his thick cloak, and rested his chin on your shoulder. His facial hair softly tickled your cheek and you look see out of your peripherals that he was now pouting. “Sorry, sweetheart.”
You felt a rush of regret for making him feel bad. You weren’t really upset with him, after all, just the fact that he--and Genji, apparently--had made you think someone had broken into the house.
“You smell like hair products,” you commented. You leaned back against his chest and turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss to his jawline.
“I am wearing a lot of ‘em, so it’s not surprising,” he replied, partial grin grin returning. He discreetly tried to reach over and scoop up some discarded frosting on a finger, only to get his hand smacked away. He let out a whine, similar to that of a puppy wanting attention, and placed his arm back around your waist.
“They’re still not done,” you warned.
“Could use the frosting for somethin’ else,” he mumbled; it earned him a smack to the shoulder. “Ow!”
“Vampires don’t feel pain,” you said with a snicker. “Now shove off, Dracula. I fix this mess.”
“How about I drink your blood instead, blah,” Jesse suggested, the terrible accent returning. He began to sway with you where the two of your stood and buried his face in your neck, tickling your soft skin with both facial hair and the edges of artificial fangs. You shivered slightly, then felt McCree’s smile widen against your neck before he started nibbling on your skin, quietly murmuring “nom” as he did so.
You felt blood rush to your face and your knees wobble a bit; damn this cowboy vampire man.
“Is Genji still around?” you asked suddenly.
Your vampire cowboy raised his head and gave you a look of confusion. “I sent him off after his part was over. Why?” He paused, then continued slowly with raised eyebrows, “Do, uh, ya want him to be?”
“Jesus, Jesse.” You rested your head back against his shoulder and laughed, which was a very nice feeling after being mildly terrified a few minutes before. After calming down you squeezed McCree’s arm and replied, “That is not at all what I had in mind, my dear Dracula. I just figured Genji peekin’ around while you’re giving me hickeys is not the prefered scenario.”
“We can go somewhere else for me to give you hickeys,” Jesse suggested, giving you a light tug back against him.
“Sorry, cowvamp,” you replied, slipping out of his grip and looking at your mess of a cooled cookie plate. “I have cookies to fix and finish. We can talk about frosting, hickeys, and bloodsucking later.”
“Sounds like an ideal way t’ spend the night to me, sugar.” Jesse hummed and moved to lean against the counter beside you. He eyed the cookies.
“You put a finger on those cookies and I will consider stabbing you again,” you stated. You started to carefully remove the icing tube from the mess of cookies.
“Here’s an idea though,” Jesse said carefully,” How about I eat the frosting off the icing thingy? There’s no use for it being outside the tube if it’s not on the cookies.”
“How about you help me decorate the cookies,” you countered, “so we can move onto more fun events of the night.” You wiped the frosting tube clean with a rag hanging from a drawer then set it aside while you used your fingers to clean up the messy cookies. Sticking a frosting-covered thumb into your mouth, you glanced over to the man questioningly.
You were greeted with a look that made you wonder if you were about to be picked up and hauled to the bedroom at that moment. Then Jesse grabbed the tube of frosting, gave the cookie plate a red-eyed glare of determination, and asked what he should do first.
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demi-angel-novel · 6 years
Chapter 8: Lets get ready to rumbllllllllle!!!
     I am about to die today.  Why? because the next class I have is Combat Training and again it’s on the other side of the school.  Right before CJ and I were about to sprint Mrs. Aquila stopped us and showed us a rune pad which teleports you to a location in the school.
“Oh, right I forgot about that!” CJ said smacking his forehead
“You mean to tell me there were teleporters here this whole time and you forgot about them when it came to this class?!”  A silver light illuminated on CJ and I realized I was literally sparking with electricity from anger.
“My bad come on let's go!” he said quickly trying to defuse what anger I had.
“Fine,” I breathed out with the electricity dying down.  We stepped towards a bronze stone circle with gold runes etched into the metal that read teleport.  That went around a silver circle in the middle of the metal and when we pressed it a list of places appeared ranging from dorms to the outside and to a place that said Angelus Civitatem.  But what we needed was the combat arena.  When we picked our destination we each glowed the color of our S.E as we were teleported in front of another rune circle.  In front of us were two marble columns that had two stone statues of angels facing each other with their swords crossed in front of each other in the air.  They each wore armor that hung on their chest with long robes that reached and parted at their ankles.  And just like the statues at the front of the school, they looked too realistic. 
     When we walked into the area we saw broken, chipped, fractured and downright destroyed brownstone floors, with black wood platforms that hung in the air suspended by silver chains arranged in a spiral formation that stretched from the center of the arena to the edges of it.  As we walked in farther it became more apparent that this was shaped like the collision but even more grand.  Having white marble walls with golden wings facing each other with bleachers scaling up the walls.  In the middle of the floor stood a literal army of students surrounding a man that had short Black hair with a spike in the front with and black and silver chin strap beard below it.  He had fairly tanned skin with gunmetal black eyes.  He wore a gray tank top that showed off his muscles tucked into his black gym shorts.  On his waist was a dark brown scabbard that held a Roman gladius.  Around his neck was a white whistle and coming out of his back were two purple wings.  With a pair of purple sandals.
     When the trumpets sounded and everyone got into the class.  The teach picked up, a round shield and drew his sword and when he did he struck it multiple times to gain everyone’s attention.
“Ok listen up class, this is combat training I’m your instructor Coach Raider.  Now let’s get this cleared up now,  I am not your mother or your father, your, uncle, cousin, none of that!  I’m here to teach you how to fight and survive a fight and that's It!  I won’t hold your hand or console you.  If you are familiar with my wife Mrs. Aquila you know we don't play and if you think her training was bad then you will not enjoy me.  First order of business is the warm-up.  I want you to sprint, yes you heard me sprint around the entire arena for 50 laps! Wearing these weights on your arms legs and chest.  I won't go too hard on you these are only light weights so step up!”  He picked up a large number of weights and one of them fell cracking the floor as well as kicking up a small dust cloud.
“Oh, there goes one leg weight.  Somebody grab it already that’ll make putting the weights on you quicker”  When someone went to grab it the weight stayed they could only lift it up a millimeter and then was left breathless.
“Oh, yeah I forgot to add this if you slow down I add ten more laps to everyone.”  This caused an uproar from everyone.
“Everyone be quiet or else ill add 20 to your regular laps!”  This quieted everyone up instantly.  After 20 minutes he managed to get the weights on everyone even the ones who tried to run away.  These weights are impossibly heavy as soon as he put them on me I almost instantly face planted.  If I did I probably couldn’t get up again after.  This literally took all of my energy to not fall.  And it looked like I wasn't the only one going through this.  Even Arden was struggling and he had to get bigger ones than the rest of us.  
“Everyone comfortable?” he yelled.  We all responded with annoyed angry groans.  “Good now let's get started!” he blew his whistle and we each tried our hardest to complete his to complete the task.  We each trudged along slowly with each lap feeling more unbearable than the last.  For some reason after each lap the weight increased when I looked towards him I noticed his spirit energy stretching out affecting us and from this, I saw that he was using gravity.  This as- guy, was increasing the weight after each successful lap.
“Come on guys its only 2 laps you have 48 to go push through it!”  After an hour we all finally finished the hell he put us through.  Each of us was on the ground praising the lord for this hardship to finally end. 
“Alright I’ll let you all have a two-minute break then we’ll get on to the combat portion”  After exactly two minutes he forced each of us up and had us meet back up in the middle of the Coliseum.
“Okay for this next part of class, we will start by having you select your preferred weapon.  We have everything from sticks and stones to swords and shields, to instruments, and so on.  If you already have a weapon just sit there and wait for everyone to get theirs.  For those of you who are getting your weapon I implore you think on it while I am talking because you will be timed on how quickly you can get your weapon and get back into position if you take longer than I say then you will sprint around the class again with double the weight until the trumpets sound for you to go to lunch. Now  GO!” he started the clock as everyone rushed to get their weapon with some tripping over said weapons.  When everyone gathered back together everyone was armed to the teeth.  Some had guns, others had bats, and I think I saw a chainsaw in their somewhere.
“Alright, for today I want you all to fight each other. Now before you say anything this is to judge on how much experience you have as well as to know who to get to be your trainer.  The reason I am not teaching you all is that it would be impossible, you each possess a different weapon, some not at all.  The time it would take me to train you all separately in groups would take too long so tomorrow I’m going to set up sections for you all to learn at ranging from firearms, powers, blunt objects, swordsmanship, which I’m in charge of, polearms or spears, etc etc.  For this project you shall each fight in four against each other in said group, now break and find your partners”
“Coach! have mercy!” a guy yelled crawling around the Coliseum pleaded.
“No! you knew the consequences!  what are you all waiting for I said go!”  Everyone scattered and hooked up with people.  Me, Cj, Arden, and Noel hooked up together. when it appeared everyone had acquired a partner coach said.
“Alright, when I strike my shield begin!”  He drew his sword and struck his shield 7 times.  After we heard it Noel and I drew our weapons.  Arden possessed a black war sledgehammer,  Cj possessed a medieval long sword with an orange cross guard and silver blade.  In Noel’s hands were a dark brown violin and a brown bow with a gold razor-sharp string connected to it.
The air hung with anxiety and cautiousness as we each faced each other. Until Arden delivered a war cry and charged towards me.  Not one to get their head smashed in I rolled out of the way of the downward swing hitting the floor instead.  When I finished rolling I pushed myself up with the cane and unsheathed the blade.  My eyes looked frantically around me keeping an eye on everyone.  CJ seeing Arden charge joined himself.  He charged towards me which was smart because I didn’t have myself grounded yet.  When he swung his sword I barely managed to block it with the guard on the sword.  When I made eye contact with CJ his face was deadly serious and calm which is uncommon for him so it kinda freaked me out.  I knew I needed to make a distance between us so I used the other part of the cane and pushed him away to create at least a small amount of distance.
As soon as I pushed CJ back I saw Noel swinging her bow towards me.  Out of instinct I lifted the wooden cane and stopped the incoming swing but what surprised me was the speed in which I did it.  I'm not that fast normally as I thought about it I heard a faint crackle of electricity going through my body.  Of course! lightning!  I decided to increase the output that was coursing and when I did everything seemed clearer and slower to an extent. 
“Oh, this is good” I muttered as I also realized my brain was processing faster along with it.  I swung the blade towards her but she raised her violin to block it.  Shes probably using her spirit energy to sense where we attack.  When I was about to move again I saw her bring her bow to the strings of the violin and play a powerful note sending out a shockwave of sound around her sending us back.
“Crap!” I slammed the sword into the ground to stop myself from moving any more than I was already.  Immediately after she charged towards me so I pulled my sword out as quickly as I could and met her with it.
CJ did the same as I did and wedged himself but Oak powered through it and continued toward CJ barely hitting him as he rolled out.Right after he rolled he swung his sword at Oak who countered with his own swing hitting CJ due to him having a longer reach.  Sending him flying back a little.
Me and Noel continued our fight  I pushed her back with my blade and let the shaft of the cane slide in my hand revealing the scythe blade.  If she can sense me there has to be a limit I just have to find it.  I charged towards her watching her movements and swung the scythe with her blocking with the bow so instantly after I swung my sword to be met with the violin.  Knowing I had the strength advantage I pressured her by pushing farther and farther. until she slid her bow free and attempted to strike me.  Using the hook of the scythe I pulled her towards me kneeing her in the stomach but getting cut in the process on my shoulder.  Pain roared in my arm almost making me drop the shaft but I was able to focus my thoughts as we both decided to back up.
CJ and Oak continued fighting with CJ quickly realizing this guy was a literal tank.  Oak had a few cuts and bruises but he kept going like they were nothing while on the other hand CJ steadily became more and more tired especially from getting hit in the side from Oak’s hammer.  Oak swung once again with CJ  barely dodging with him nearly getting struck on the shoulder but actually hitting the ground once again.  CJ seeing Oak’s hammer inside the ground decided to retreat towards me and Noel.
“Hey guys “pant” help me with Arden he is a literal tank he shrugs off each blow and I really need help.  Because I’m pretty sure you guys don't want to fight him alone neither” he said rapidly  We looked behind him to see Oak retrieving his weapon with a hearty laugh saying.
“Cleofis face your challenger like a man do not run!”
“yeah, let's do it what’s the plan?”
“I don’t know I didn’t think I’d get this far”
“How about each one of us draws his attention as the other two attack,” I say
“I’ll go first,” Noel said  “He’ll have the hardest time hitting me, and I can distract him the easiest”
“Alright be careful.  CJ let’s get prepared!”
Noel rushed over to Oak and began to Send shockwaves towards him but of a higher frequency to actually do a little damage.
“Ah! Noel! You have stepped oof Up!” he boomed causing her to jump slightly. As he slowly made his way towards her until he was an Inch in front of her until
“Now!” I commanded; me and CJ charged towards Oak.  CJ swung at him with his sword  but like CJ said shrugged them off and attempted to grab CJ but I ran quicker than normally and hooked his ankle with the  scythe as I slid beside him nearly making him fall due to my momentum
“CJ tackle him!” I cried  He rushed and crashed into Arden sending him tumbling towards the ground with each of us having our weapons pointed at him with  each of us tired from exertion CJ, Arden, and me from physical and Noel from spiritual overuse.  
“hahahahaha! you all managed to defeat me I am happy for it that was enjoyable!”  
“dude “pant” you are too strong,” CJ said breathlessly
“yeah seriously, it took each of us to drop you what did your parents feed you?!”
“Hahaha! Well I was blessed with the strength of Samson so that’s probably why”
“Oh, that just isn't fair.”
A whistle broke our conversation as the coach called us to huddle up.
“Good job class you’ve all exceeded my expectations I'm proud of you all.  You showed good hustle and the ability to think and move under intense strain and pressure.  That's incredible alright ill let you all rest up for today come up and get some Gatorade we’ve infused it with healing runes so any injuries you have will heal right up as well as leaving you with a feeling of refreshment.  once again good job”
We all slowly walked towards the cooler due to us each feeling like road kill.  But like he said as soon as we drunk the Gatorade we were instantly hit with new energy and our injuries healed.
“Dude Mrs. Aquila needs this stuff on standby”
“Pffft yeah she does”  We each continued talking until the trumpets blared two times signaling lunch time.
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Louis Cyphre x Reader
Not related to the movie (Angel Heart) literally at all, just wanted to write about Robert De Niro Satan™ 💖✨
TW: you’re in hell but I swear it’s not that bad, mentions of demons/the devil, horn stuff?
Word Count: 2k
Enjoy! 😈😈😈
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The harsh pain in your shoulders and the unfamiliar feeling of the room around you made you aware, but the grogginess in your head only made you want to sleep. Sleep. You don’t remember when you fell asleep. You crack your eyes open only to realize you don’t know where you are… But that the bed you’re in is beyond cozy.
You pull the covers up over you more, but you also scan the room a bit. It’s incredibly luxurious. The room is fully decorated in black marble and gold. The sheets you lay on are black silk. You’ve never seen anything like it.
“Good morning, my dear, glad to see you’re finally awake,” a voice says from across the room. You turn to face the man as he approaches you. He has a very striking look. He bares a thick beard, long hair that is nearly pulled back and tied up, pointed white nails, a black and gold cane, and the nicest suit you’ve ever seen.
He sits on the edge of the bed and puts his cans aside before looking at you, “Are you alright, love? You look like a deer caught in headlights, although a very cute deer, much like a little fawn.” His fingers tuck some of your hair behind your ear, and then his hand lingers on your cheek for a moment. Despite the man’s startling look and the unsettled feeling you have, his presence felt very familiar to you.
“Um… I’m okay, just woozy.” You rub your eyes trying to wake up a little more.
“Here, drink this. It’ll help you to feel better.” As if pulling a rabbit out of a hat, the man had a teacup and saucer in his hands. He hands it to you and you take a sip. It’s very good, slightly sweet. “It’ll help with the pain in your shoulders as well.” He stands to walk out of the room.
“Hmmm? How did you know about that?”
He swiftly exists the room.
You sit and sip your tea for awhile.
• • •
Before you know it, you’re waking up again… The tea must’ve put you to sleep, but at least you feel well-rested and your shoulders aren’t sore anymore.
You lie in the large bed, mind wandering. You’ve never been to this place before, never seen this man. Yet, you feel safe here. Before long, you find yourself thinking about how he compared you to a fawn. It was an odd compliment, but it gave you butterflies in your stomach. You really wouldn’t mind if he touched your cheek again, too.
“Darling, are you hungry? I made you breakfast,” he looms over the bed with a nicely made tray of food in this hand. He nearly gave you a heart attack.
“Oh… um, sure.”
A warm smile comes to his face as he sets the tray on your lap. There lies a beautiful assortment of food: fresh fruit, croissants, milk and juice, and even a boiled egg propped up in one of those fancy caramic egg dishes. He taps the shell of the boiled egg with one long fingernail, “Boiled eggs are very symbolic to me. I have one with breakfast each day.”
You give him a small smile, and then there’s a long pause. “Who are you?”
“Louis. Louis Cyphre.”
“And this is your home?”
“And where is that?”
“Hmmm… I’m not sure you’re ready to hear this, but you have to find out sooner or later. You’re in Hell, to put it simply.”
“Hell?! What do you mean Hell?!” Your mind is but racing.
“Here, honey, eat a little something,” he says handing you a croissant, “Hell, as in the Underworld, as in one of the many afterlives, as in eternal damnation.”
“This doesn’t seem like Hell… It’s so nice here.”
“Yes, well, this is my home, so it can be how I want it to be.”
“I don’t understand. Aren’t you also here to be tortured or something? You don’t look like a demon to me… Who are you?”
“(Y/N), I already told you, but I’ll make it more apparent, just for you, sweet girl… I’m Louis Cyphre, Lucifer.”
“Lucifer?? Like Satan?” It comes out of your mouth before the realization sets in. “You’re the Devil?”
This doesn’t scare you as much as it should. Why should you be scared of him? He’s been nothing but hospitable and caring towards you.
He sits next to you planning his hand on your cheek one again. It makes you feel warm. “No harm will come to you while you’re here. Quite the contrary, you’ll be treated like a queen.” He pulls a grape from the tray in front of you and places it in your mouth.
“But why? I thought Hell was for suffering.”
“Hmmm… It’s a story for another time, but let’s just say I decided to keep you for myself, rather than letting you stay in your afterlife.”
“Oh… Well, that’s very sweet. I suppose being here is much nicer than what I would’ve faced, being that I got sent to Hell.”
• • •
After this, he spent much of his time courting you, and the time you spent with him was magical, to say the least.
He always served you the tastiest food, seemingly pulled from thin air. You met many ghouls and demons; some were friends, some were “in the business,” and some you saw grovelling at Louis’ feet for mercy. He would take you to spectacular places, completely unimaginable and nothing like you’d ever known. But when you confessed to him that you really missed plant life and the night sky, he made you a garden filled with beautiful botanicals where the night sky and constellations could be seen at any time of day.
You spent a lot of time there.
• • •
One particular day, you are sitting in the gardens on a small bench with Louis, just enjoying the breeze and the smell in the air. He has one arm around your shoulders and the other is resting on your lap holding your hand. Your shoulders still hurt a lot of the time, but at this point it was normal and you just assumed it had to do with the way you died.
“Yes, Louis?”
“May I kiss you?”
“Hmmm…” You smile and look at him, “on one condition.”
“Anything for you, my heart.”
“Show me your horns.”
He scoffs. “Horns?! What horns?” He really was bad at lying to you; you thought it was sweet how even the Demon King could be rendered weak by love.
“I know you must have them. All of the other demons do. And like wings or a tail or something… I wanna see it.”
“Why on Earth would a sweet girl like you want to see those things?”
“Well… I like you a lot, Louis, and I want to be able to love all of you, not just the parts you show me.”
A blush comes to his cheeks, but it’s quickly followed by a bit of sadness, “I don’t want to scare you away…”
“You won’t scare me. I’ll still know it’s you.”
There’s a long pause before he says, “Close your eyes.”
You place your hands over your face, and they were only there for a few seconds before you feel Louis’ hands pulling them off of your eyes.
Of course the first thing that catches your eye is the horns. Tall, black and dark brown, gently spiraled up into the air, and quite pointy at the end. Then there are his eyes, a deep but glowing shade of red, and full of hesitance. Clearly he’s afraid you won’t like him like this. His fingernails are now much longer and black, more like claws. As he adjusts his seating, you notice the gnarly black wings that hover behind him. They’re like bat wings, and while they are very intimidating, they look out of place, somehow, like they aren’t supposed to be there.
You were sure that he could take a much more frightening form, but he still wants to protect your from some things.
“Can I touch them?” You ask.
“Your horns. Can I touch them?”
“Yes, but only you.”
Your reach up and lightly grace your fingers over the rigid texture of one of the horns. You push it lightly, causing Louis to tilt his head back. You giggle, which seems to put him at ease. You wrap your hand around the horn and pull his face close to yours for that kiss you promised him. When his lips met yours, he wrapped his arms around you holding you close. Your arm drops from his head to wrap around the back of his neck.
After a long, sweet kiss, you both pull away breathless. And you see that Louis is back to the way you’re used to seeing him.
“Aww, Louis… I really liked your horns.”
“You did?”
“Yeah! They look very good on you. Will you please put them back?”
“I suppose, anything for you, sweetheart.” And just like that, they were back. You couldn’t explain why you liked them, you just did. “Please don’t use them to tug me around too often…” He says with a chuckle.
“So you’re saying it’s okay sometimes?” You laugh.
“Mmm… Sometimes, yes, only if I get a kiss out of it.”
• • •
That night, you share a bed for the first time, and even though you’re only cuddling and sharing kisses, you both thoroughly enjoy the closeness. He knew everything about you, which made you uneasy at first, but now that you had seen him in a vulnerable position, you felt you could trust him. With some trust established, you found yourself falling for him quickly.
As you’re lying next to him, you can’t keep your eyes or your fingers off of his horns, and an idea pops into your head, “So ya know how you’re like this big powerful Overlord of the Damned or something?”
This earned you a hearty laugh from the man, “Yes, I know.”
“Well I was just thinking about your horns and how they’re so cool, and how you made me that garden outside, and well…”
“Well?” He gives you a playful look.
“Well… could you give me horns?”
“You want horns?”
“Yeah! They’re cool! And, like, why shouldn’t I fit in with the demons a little?”
“Honey, you don’t fit in with the demons,” he says through a laugh.
“Okay well I still want horns.”
“Hmmm… You want horns, huh? Well alright.” He scoops you up off the bed and takes you to stand in front of the mirror. He leans in towards your ear and whispers, “Close your eyes.”
You clap your hands over your eyes and sit there with a smile. You can feel the excitement vibrating through you; your whole body is buzzing… It’s making your shoulders ache really badly actually…
Louis firmly presses his hands into the spots where your shoulders hurt, then he wraps his body tightly around you. “Open your eyes,” he says with a small twinge of panic in his voice. But all of your worries fade away when you see your newest accessory in the mirror. You gasp and immediately your fingers are tracing over the shape of your new horns; they’re just above your ear, and they curl back like a ram’s would. Completely different from Louis’, but you like that.
“Do you like them, princess?”
“Oh, yes, Louis! Thank you so much… They’re so pretty!” You’re nearly squealing with enthusiasm.
“Good, darling! I had pictured you with little deer antlers, because you so remind me of a little woodland fawn, but there are some things I have no control over. It seems you’re one of them!”
“Hmm, are you saying you’d like to control me?” You give him a coy look.
“No… But I am glad I can do this,” he wraps a hand around one of your horns and pulls you towards him, smiling against your lips while kissing you.
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