#answereed asks
jayesprite · 5 months
Dirk Lalonde (Roseways), symbol is a purple witch hat, godtier is Prince of Light. Normal outfit would be some Beetlejuice shit with the button ups and the goth stripes and the rags and tatters from various injuries. This would be a normal sprite presumably with no neck to speak of, but if you do a full hero mode edit, could you please include the Dirkcapitation scars? Thank you very much, love your work, have an excellent week.
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symbol by deepseaspriteblog !
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siberian-xanadu · 4 months
I'm glad to see Styx vs ELO is shaping up to be a knock-down drag-out fight lol. I'm also looking forward to seeing how far Weird Al makes it I feel like he might get pretty far
Honestly, I think Weird Al is gonna get pretty far because I think people will keep voting for him For The Bit, which is fine and absolutely hilarious. I honestly wouldn’t be shocked to see him as a finalist!
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angelpuns · 7 days
If it's okay asking what's the next arc is gonna be about?
Hmmmm it's kind of hard to summarize since its TECHNICALLY part 2 of the larger New Normal arc, but I guess it's about....what everyone is doing to try and get back to normal and also to help Leo. It's kind if just about their new routines, like the last one was.
This one talks more about Mikey and how he's doing as well, though its still from Leo's perspective so it won't be super in detail
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
I just imagine Chrollo getting all giddy on the inside over that cup of coffee. The banter, the subtle flirtation, its 👨‍🍳 💋. Incredible for such a short piece
whenever you make something that doesn't contain ingredients that could possibly kill him, he considers it a win.
thank you very much though!!! i've been having a lot of fun with the interaction prompts these past few days. there are a few characters that i could write just chatting with the reader about whatever and chrollo is one of them. he's such an interesting conversationalist. he's always looking for a way to pick the brain of the people around him, which is something i like about his character. he has a habit of doing it to almost anyone he comes across. zeno, kurapika, even neon... he's an inquisitive man. vaguely condescending, but still inquisitive.
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vanhelsingapologist · 11 months
question, what happened with Demetria at Castle Ravenloft cause I remember awhile back something with her being kidnapped if I remember that correctly
You do remember correctly!
Massive spoilers ahead
So the first time around, Volenta had intercepted our party about halfway to Vallaki. Demetria ended up being nearly killed and then dragged away, but our barbarian (rip) saved her life by holding off Volenta’s attention. This gave us just enough time for Strahd to arrive, who absconded with Dima’s barely conscious form.
They ended up keeping her in Ravenloft to ‘heal.’ This was three days of in-game time that consisted of Strahd subtly manipulating, gaslighting, and trying to coax Tatyana out of Demetria. He’s told her that they were meant to be married, that she was killed escaping an assassination attempt, and that the positive surges of emotion she feels he uses (read: strahd’s charm) are her true feelings emerging. I think he believes the last one wholeheartedly. In the meantime, I got to play my backup, a half dusk-elf named Emilia.
Demetria returned to the party after the St. Andral Debacle, and Emilia was written out.
She’s back in Ravenloft NOW because Strahd came to the Abbey of St. Markovia to check up on Vasilka and to retrieve an old enemy that we had brought back to life. Our Bloodhunter tried to stop him and he bemusedly went to kill him for interfering.
There was some bargaining on the behalf of the party, but the Bloodhunter was defiant one last time so Strahd killed him in two turns, stating he regretted that it had to happen. We also found out that our Warlock’s children were being held captive in Ravenloft in exchange for manipulating the party to Ravenloft’s ends.
Terrified for the fate of the party, our Druid (who is also spying for Strahd) pulled Dima aside and proposed a plan to keep Strahd off the party’s back, as we’d just gotten the tome and the sunsword: go to Ravenloft. The Warlock told Dima to pretend to be falling in love with him to keep his children alive. It’s all so, so bad.
Between the two of them, they convinced Dima to go for another three days, leading to Ravenloft Imprisonment: Electric Boogaloo. Only the Druid is there too, seeing what betraying the party could potentially win them in terms of safety. So the party has like a couple days of breathing room, but Dima’s being mentally fucked with 24/7.
Currently, Strahd has succeeded on biting Demetria once and believes he’s succeeding in seducing her. He is not. Dima’s stay is drawing to a close, and Strahd has already started fucking with the party again via Rahadin, so it didn’t even work the way we wanted it to. I think he knows we have the tome, and if he does, we CANNOT pull the ‘Dima go back’ card again. We’ve used that up, and my DM will thwart us.
Also, I’ll mention that my DM is pretty much superhuman at making sure everyone has time in the spotlight. I don’t always mention everyone else’s plot lines because my writing’s already so fuck-off long, but our Warlock is super tied to Strahd, our Bloodhunter is/was VR’s second, less impressive apprentice, our Druid is the chosen of the Fanes + a double agent, and our Cleric has a big Mother Night/Lycanthrope plotline.
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brofightiscancelled · 1 month
mr rice can u please share your thoughts on ososan s1 and 2 vs s3 differences , like the direction they went that was less meta referencing the reboot nature of the show, and more on the mundanity and sisyphean nature of being directionless young adults (who are also virgins). Personally the bits focused more on the mundane were rlly good I think. U dont wanna see the matsus do chores? Play hide and seek? i personally enjoyed it. also, your omusubi thoughts if u have any?
i could probably write a thesis paper on this, and idk how having watched all 3 seasons back to back in the year of our lord 2024 affects my opinions, but ill try to keep it brief (1029 word stream of consciousness )
tldr: S3 lost sight of The Bit
dont get it twisted i LOVE slice of life stuff. i like characters. season 3 had some of my all-time favorite segments (pizza, the way home, mt takao). however to me what felt off about the season was moreso like… the Ratios. the Overall Season Balance, Ebb and Flow, it was all wrong. s3's skits were as a whole longer, fewer, and less funny. i did tier lists of every single segment from each season and i was shocked how fewer segments s3 had compared to s1. theyre too freaking long. and not even funny!!!
i didn't realize how.. idk stale? s3 was getting until cosplaymatsu and then i was fucking gulping for fresh air like FINALLY SOME GOOD FUCKING OUT-OF-CONTINUITY BITS!!!!!!!!!!! 
the thing is to me i think the Bit should trump all. s1 finale took this very literally, trampling all over the emotional cliffhanger for the Bit, but i think s2 finale also valued the bit of "well s2 is over so all that's left to do is die" while also retaining the emotional flow of facing mortality. i think s2 had the best finale for this reason btw. but ask me aboit that separately
to me osomatsu-san's Core Bit, at least that it started out with in s1, is "-kun is about these sextuplets being identical, so it's funny that they're all different as adults". the differences between them was in and of itself a punchline!! six same face!! to me as soon as you lose sight of this you lose my interest. no -kun flashback for s3e1 was a death keel. also, fuck you inumatsu
s2 took this core bit and ran with it a little further, now a little more confident in their characterizations they used the differing personalities as new comedy material. it's probably the platonic ideal of how ososan can combine its identities of "60's anime remake" and "jyushimatsu cordyceps"
i think s3's bit is, if there is one, at best, "there is no joke. we deadass just haven't done anything of value". which i just don't think is a good bit. it's one note, it's not versatile, and it gets dangerously close to being at the audience's expense- i think you can convey the lethargy and sisyphean existence without also making the audience feel like they wasted their time (i.e. the absolute worst sin a piece of media could commit). So the bit isn't good and they're not even dedicated to it in a way that matters. 
"does there have to be a bit" well yes! I think so. it's a gag anime. i guess that's the crux of my argument. if you dont have the balls to commit to character development you MUST commit to the bit. i think s3 fell flat for me bc it couldnt commit to anything
i watched osomatsu-san with a dear friend of mine who, bless their heart, still can't tell the sextuplets apart 3 seasons 2 mini serieses every bonus episode and 4 movies later. but they could still enjoy s1 and s2 because the matsus and their personalities were vehicles for the punchline- not the focus. as soon as they started writing about the matsus themselves and losing sight of the Bigger Picture (the bit) they got very lost. and im aware theyre an outliar viewer but i don't think it's unrelated. 
i think mt takao is a good summary of this issue. there's no bit- we're just slice of life moments with the brothers. but then tbey feel like they need to make a joke, lest people start expecting them to actually let these boys find happiness, so they just do a "and then we all died, jk, we can't actually accomplish anything of value" punchline at the end. it's a disservice to people who are invested in the characters, and for people who aren't, it's just not funny!
omusubi thoughts: theyre cutes. i could tell watching them that they were probably quite disliked for derailing the season so i immediately became like, fans in a hater way. lol 
i think their core bit is good: showa anime meets modern robots who don't Get It. but their storyline doesn't tie into their Bit, and its attempted tie-ins with the sextuplets never emotionally resonated. episode 12 was, affectionately, a huge waste of time (though the sheeh payoff made me woop and holler) considering i couldnt even get over my suspension of disbelief that the sextuplets would actually give a shit enough about them as People to bust their asses saving them (which, after their self actualization, they clearly still were treating them like machines. so it's like yeah i knew that shit was fake)
but like yeah after that they weren't their Bit anymore. they just became characters. maybe that's the summary of my issue w s3? no one is their Bit anymore. everyone's so attached to the Characters now that no one values the Bit anymore. we've gone so far into gap moe that ichimatsu isnt even scary anymore. if rental girlfriends had happened in s3 it'd be totty with the tiger cage 
but anyways. omusubi are interesting to me because i said earlier how s3 doesnt want to commit to anything, but it does seem like they wanted to commit to telling full character arcs, but had trapped the sextuplets into a Popularity-Induced Personality Prison where they've become too popular to meaningfully change, so they tried to do it with new characters and side charas (nyaa single mother arc peak). so like… i enjoyed the omusubi character arc bc it was at least something solid to grasp onto in this season with writing more fleeting than sand 
(but again, it still got invalidated and didn't matter in the end!)
in the end it is hard to cheer for characters if you know fucking nothing will matter in the end (very similar to my aggretsuko review i wrote in my head and didn't post anywhere), so if they're not at least funny about it i'm like What's the point.
a faustian tale, etc  
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melatonindepicts · 8 months
Prebby art
You're nice
I feel I can talk with you at anytime
I'm sure whoever you are, your art and work is beautiful and amazing too <3
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eideticspider · 1 year
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@biitchcakes asked: ❛ you’ll always have a home with me. ❜
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{✗} The tears rolled down her cheeks, hot against COLD skin. In her free hand, she gripped the ornate invitation on cardstock. It crumbled in her grip. Resting her head against Jessica's side, she let the tears fall, silent sobs shaking her body.
Goddamn it. She SWORE she'd never let a man make her cry like this.
"It's not FAIR for me to feel like this, I know--I just...RATIONALLY I knew this day was going to come. I disappeared for ten years, how could I expect him to put his life on hold? I...We were SIXTEEN..." Cindy wept, throwing the offending paper to the side.
It wasn't fair to be so upset about her ex-boyfriend (ex? What's the proper term when you don't officially break up, but you just hunker down in a bunker for ten years?) getting MARRIED. But it wasn't fair that they lost all that TIME either.
Her voice was thick with tears before she looked back up at Jessica. "You're AMAZING, you know that?" She whispered, wrapping her arms around her friend.
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twiyke · 11 months
3 4 11 19 >:))
3 here 11 here 19 here
4. Favourite things to draw? to absolutely nobody's surprise, CHARACTER ART !! especially dynamic poses and expressions. BUT !! i also really love drawing fantasy/mythology animals and steampunky mech stuff. fantasy biology/cryptozoology is actually a special interest of mine, and i adore cozy steampunk but mech details take forever to draw so i don't do it a lot.
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Sayori are you alright there? I'd hug you from here if I could man..
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Thanks for your concern, though! Heheh <3
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neotickles · 1 year
1. Yes of course
2. I didn't say you couldn't fight back, I said I wasn't going to make it easy for you
maybe I don't wanna fight back
nuh uh nope. not fair! you should make it super easy! it's the nice thing to do! <3
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You already answereed what I wanted to ask, so how about 7 and/or 8 for the writing ask game :)
Hello! I've been sitting on these two questions for a while, but I think I have a pretty good answer that applies to both:
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. 8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
His hand landed on the door heavily and it made a noise that sounded like what he imagined the end of the world to come with. The world ends not with a bang, but with a whimper. The world ends with a knock on a hotel door.  The world ends when, for the last time, Nils stands on the other side, waiting for Vincent to open up for him. The world ends when, for the last time, the door swings open and a ghost of a smile tugs on Vincent’s lips. The world ends when, for the last time, Nils almost smiles back. The world ends with a knock on a hotel door somewhere in Uppsala.
“Then why am I here?” Nils persisted.  Vincent huffed loudly, frustration and guilt and heartbreak all rushing to the surface again. A wave about to crash for the first time in years. “Because I need you!” As if it wasn’t painfully obvious enough. Vincent needed Nils. Like humans needed air, like fish needed water, like honey needed bees. It was a fact of life. The sky was blue, the clouds were white, and Vincent needed Nils. “I — I need you. One last time. As my best friend. As — as my more than that. I needed… I just needed…” He took a deep breath. The sky was blue, the clouds were white, and Vincent needed— “ You. I needed you.” 
Both of these are from The Last Time, my sad nilcent fic. I truly believe that fic is one of the single most beautiful things I've ever written and I'm never going to get over it. Every once in a while I go back and read it just to remind myself that at some point I was able to do that and I can do it again.
ask me fic stuff
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b1adie · 3 months
GAH now i have 2 ghost messages in my inbox… im just gonna clear it so if u ever sent me an ask and i never answereed.. try again now!!
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phoenix · 5 months
The ACTUAL storytime I wanted to share because of that poll.
This isn't really a case of me winning a trivia contest thing, but it is so perfectly *me* that I wanted to share.
Back in high school, we threw a yearly winter carnival, during which I mostly just tried to avoid participation and hiding in whatever odd corner I could find.
But one year they dragged me out into the light of the classrooms, and I decided I'd at least participate in the Trivial Pursuit games being played.
At one point, someone was asked the question, "What is triskaidekaphobia the fear of?" and sure, most people reading that right now know what that word is, but to a bunch of high school students in the 90s? Not a single one of them had an ounce of a clue.
Welll...exactly ONE single student knew. A single student me. Because that's who I am. I knew that word. Of course I knew that word, even then. Y'all know that word by sheer proximity to me, if nothing else.
And I am internally *screaming* because the person being asked didn't know, they thought they might know, they wanted to try and figure it out, but they were NOWHERE CLOSE.
And everyone else around the table was the same, once the answeree had kinda given up, and everyone else was wondering what that word could possibly be.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting on my side like Bart Simpson being tormented with the Happy Little Elves
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Because I couldn't just blurt out the answer to someone else's question. Not yet.
But finally, they officially gave up, "Okay, okay, Foe, you've been flailing and thumping your head on the desk for five minutes, what is the answer??"
"...How in the FUCK do you know that??"
And the answer is simple, because 13 is my lucky number. I love the number 13. I am a triskaidekaphile.
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-panic anon
[hello newfound panic anon!! you. ask. answereed here!]
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