#anti daxtons
loveourfuture-c · 2 years
Me anytime the show runners mention the “love triangle” in interviews:
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awesomechocolatesauce · 11 months
It's so wild seeing people call Ben an "abuser" and feeling disgusted that a show would romanticize him.
Like... that's an extreme take. I feel like they've skipped quite a few steps to get to that point.
It's like "GAH! A flawed character! Let's burn them at the stake!"
I know it must suck that the ship you wanted didn't end up together, but damn! Calm down!
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mattiebluebird · 2 months
Case fic AU of Duke's training year centered around his identity as Signal (big hero, works for/with Batman, above everyone else) vs. Lark (friendly neighborhood hero, fights for the little guy, does things his own way) told as he & the WAR crew investigate a strange new drug that gives people meta abilities, with several B-plots of the other Robins becoming heroes in their own right. Is that anything.
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throwbacktears · 11 months
being a daxton shipper and reading through the nhie tag like
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heycoyotegirl · 11 months
thinking about how devi comforted herself by listening to the voicemail where mohan calls her his perfect girl and how nalini says that she'll find someone who loves her exactly as she is and then how paxton, who fell for her because she was unapologetically herself, tells her not to reinvent anything because she's good as is only for her to end up with ben like
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emmamayhews · 1 year
I went from ‼️🚨😭🚨‼️😏
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to 🍅🍅🍅 real quick
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fishyyyyy99 · 9 months
Some of y'all give Margot way too much credit. Yes, she got Ben to respect her and to value art (and art helped him cope with his stress), and to not worry so much about his grades. But I honestly feel like she was only able to do it because he had already grown quite a bit by the time she met him. He was already more open to respecting other people's intelligence thanks to Fabiola and Paxton, and he was already a little more relaxed because of his conversation with Paxton, and most importantly, his conversation with his dad. Margot isn't some super girl who got Ben to calm down in a way that no other girl could achieve. And she also wasn't the first non-Devi person to get him to respect her intelligence.
Also, for the people who claim that Devi was more vulnerable with Paxton than she was with Ben - Oh like the time she moved into Paxton's house after she had that huge argument with her mother in season 1? Oh wait, that's not what happened, is it? Devi almost always tried her best to downplay her emotions with Paxton. For example, as soon as she says that she feels like everyone in her life is done with her, she asks him to forget she said that, and that it was weird. And his response is to kiss her. How is that a sign of great emotional intelligence? I think Paxton had some really wise moments, but I honestly don't think he's so much more mature than Ben or Devi (as some people claim). They had their fair share of wise moments too. And all three of them had their own flaws. Paxton is just less obviously off-putting than Ben and Devi. I mean I'm not put off by them, but I'm talking about the people who might dislike their "mean" or "crazy" sides.
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mynonclicheblog · 1 year
not gonna lie, it cracks me out that daxtons are like “they can never copy the iconic window scene!” but the thing is, do they even know that the show isn’t trying to “copy” their ship but trying to make narrative parallels?? the fact both scenes take place on 2x09 (before prom) and 4x09 (after prom) means it was intentional. They’re aiming to illustrate the differences in each relationship by having them execute a similar moment that ends very differently (and i have a theory about the 409 benvi scene being a emotionally heavy moment).
A lot of the scenes between benvi x daxton that are similar are supposed to BE similar because that’s a common narrative tool when exploring narrative differences in love triangles.
Sometimes i feel like people complain and act like they haven’t seen typical media devices before.
e x a c t l y !!!!!!!!! exactly exactly exactly exactly exactly-
narrative parallels to display key differences in dynamics, my beloved. emotional growth arcs that explore one's wants vs their needs, my beloved. relationship dichotomies that symbolize dream vs reality, my beloved
tbh this is why i'm a hoe for a good love triangle so long as it's well-written and plainly fleshes out these comparisons in the subtext. people complain about love triangles when "it's obvious who they're going to choose", but those kind are my FAVORITE, babey! show me ALL the reasons why persons A&B have a deeper connection than A&C! i eat that analytical shit up!
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
why is this so true? just because someone is the 'more attractive' one, does not mean they are the better choice
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bewilderedbuck · 2 years
will forever find it funny how d*xtons throw a fit over "david," a nickname devi has shown absolutely zero negative feelings for, yet they don't ever say anything about "crazy devi," which has negatively affected her and led to her having a breakdown in dr. ryan's office because she genuinely thinks she is crazy.
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loveourfuture-c · 2 years
“Sure, Ben and Devi are in love BUT Paxton and Devi care about each other”
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awesomechocolatesauce · 11 months
"If I were Devi, I would've picked Paxton."
Well, you're not Devi. She didn't love Paxton and she moved on from him.
Paxton didn't pick her, either. He moved on from her.
Ben never moved on from Devi. Devi never moved on from Ben. They dated other people to distract themselves from each other, but they were always drawn to each other.
In the end, there wasn't a choice. There was only Ben for Devi and Devi for Ben. You don't have to like it, but that's how it is.
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the-paris-of-people · 11 months
Why am I actually so excited for Paxton and his new love interest? She looks super cute and fun and I love Paxton and I want him to have a great love story that isn't Devi because I don't think she's the one for him. Genuinely so excited for him.
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wintergirl86 · 9 months
I totally get being upset over your ship not getting the endgame. The universe knows I've been there lots of times and it's no fun, lol. But to reduce a whole, complex show with well-handled subject matters so important such as grief (and different coping mechanisms), friendship, teenage insecurities, family and coming-of-age processes to such a small thing is kinda sad, unfair, and frankly a bit pathetic.
Degrading and trashing a good show just because its writers didn't make your romantic fantasy canon is on another level of childish. It's fiction guys, grow up a little and move on.
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OK I'm just going to say it, I die a little more inside every time I see a Benvi coopt the scene where Nalini tells Devi that one day she'll find someone who loves her exactly as she is and make it about Ben. Did her mom saying that to her help open Devi's eyes to what Ben was really saying when he said "I like your personality"? Absolutely. Was that the point of that scene? Abso-fucking-lutely not. The point is that Devi's friends, her family, all of the important people in her life have always loved her exactly as she is and that she never needed to change to be loved. She was always loveable, but she is the one who couldn't see it or didn't believe it.
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heycoyotegirl · 10 months
ok so "crazy devi" was obviously shitty but that said, it's interesting how devi actually embraced the nickname and used it as leverage (intimidating shrimp) unlike the shitty nicknames that ben gave her
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