greeningdeserts · 1 year
Agroforestry with oaks and hemp for more biodiversity, reforestation and soil improvement
Agroforestry, forestry and agriculture with oaks and hemp can improve soils, biodiversity and water balance, that's why Greening Deserts launched the program Agrarhanf.com, Bodenrettung.com und Eichenwald.org. Oaks harbor and enhance biodiversity more than any other trees!
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The contributions and projects are intended to support forestry and agricultural managers with useful ideas, impulses and innovative solutions. We recommend planting tree rows more densely in the beginning and then singling out individual trees as the years go by. In the beginning, larger trees can be planted and slightly smaller ones in between, which are then useful as replacements and for the region. This technique is very proven in Eastern Europe and the agroforestry is therefore also a kind of tree nursery. Agroforestry systems are less susceptible to forest fires.
Mitigation of climate change impacts through healthier and stronger ecosystems, higher soil and air moisture are essential for survival, especially with the increasing loss of cropland worldwide. Flowering trees and wildflowers on trees can attract more pollinators and important insects (beneficial insects) which, like birds, also reduce pests. Agroforestry is therefore one of the best ways to adapt to climate change and extreme weather events such as droughts. Alternative tree species with nutritious berries and nuts as well as hardy palms can be found on Greening Deserts project pages and naturally on the Leipzig Palms Project. In the meantime, there are also plenty of suitable industrial hemp varieties, just read the official regulations for the cultivation of hemp in Germany. We recommend undemanding, tall-growing and narrow hemp varieties for the production of hemp fiber. Bushier sorts for more leaves and hemp seeds, such as for food and feed. Commercial hemp can significantly reduce nitrogen and methane emissions, this has been confirmed many times by international researchers and studies. Some hemp varieties require very little water and can improve long-term biodiversity, nutrient supply and soil moisture. Similar to lupines, hemp can also be used as a green manure, for example if there are times when yields or growth are not so good in individual years, the plants can be added to the soil after harvesting together with compost and / or leaves. For hemp cultivation, no pesticides and very little fertilizer are needed.
There are multiple options of tree planting, especially drought-tolerant oaks! Planting of pre-germinated seeds, e.g. germinated acorns, transplanting of young plants and cuttings around old trees in open areas in the forest or at the forest edge. Purchasing perennial oaks and seedlings from nurseries especially for urban regions and urban areas where larger trees are needed. If there is extreme abundance of oaks and saplings in some years, they can be taken from old trees. Otherwise it would be a pity if they die in the forest due to lack of light or are destroyed by mowing on meadows in the park. As a result, many millions of oaks are probably lost every year. The projects, campaigns and initiatives should also change or improve this, for example by showing how to do it, giving useful tips and having many people follow the movement. Not only people from the concerned areas but also people from all areas and branches, also from the educational area, for example young people from schools and students from universities. After all, collecting and planting oak trees is not only a nice balance to intellectual work, it is good for health and properly implemented also a kind of sport. In addition, one is more outside in nature and can learn a lot.
One can harvest acorns very effectively in places with the raking and a special vacuum cleaner, sustainably and only a part at a time, especially at half mast and blast mast. As some clever farmers, foresters and forest owners have already done. Every year there are acorns in abundance, according to estimates several thousand tons, sustainable harvesting would not harm ecosystems, on the contrary... too much acorns are not good for soils! You can harvest acorns very effectively in places with raking and a special vacuum cleaner, sustainably and only a part at a time, especially with half mast and blast mast. As some smart farmers, foresters and forest owners have already done.
With healthy and natural feeds like hemp and acorns you can replace many of these feeds in the short term and in the long term! Especially oaks with large fruits are suitable for agroforestry, where rows of trees are planted in fields. Useful crops can then be grown between the rows. Acorns are good not only for animals, but also for humans, as a healthy addition to the diet or medicine. Acorn meal is very healthy and acorns with residual bitter compounds are good for the stomach and intestines.
The potential for more sustainable livestock production is enormous. In Spain, animals are partially fed on oak trees. Iberian acorn-fed pigs eat only acorns, grasses and herbs from pastures. Acorn fattening and pig fattening could also in Germany not only reduce feed costs, costly and environmentally harmful procurement of feed. It would protect together with increased hemp cultivation soils and forests worldwide, since soils are destroyed less by deforestation and harmful crops. Of course, meat consumption or production should also be reduced globally - especially overproduction and senseless waste.
There is simply too much food being wasted, thrown away or going bad; improved distribution and preservation through better or faster drying could help. At the same time, less environmentally damaging crops such as corn, canola and soy should be grown along the way. Particularly intensive agriculture damages soils; oily plant parts can seal soils or repel water. This is fatal when prolonged droughts dry out the soil severely and rain then does not seep in well in many places or even runs off completely on the surface.
In order to bring forward topics such as species conservation, biodiversity, education, climate and environmental protection, as well as to promote a more sustainable forestry and agriculture, we want to increasingly involve schools and universities in our actions as well as projects in the years until 2030. The Oak Park and Oak Forest project Eichenwald.org was established together with the Schools Forest Initiative in 2019 and 2020.
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We want to plant about 50,000 trees for and region, together with schools and school classes. The floodplain forest could be extended by a few meters at the edges! If one the relationship of the enormous meadows and open spaces which lie around the Auwald and forests in Saxonia one asks oneself why no or so few forest extensions were made until today. There is enough space around the alluvial forest and forests in Saxony. One does not need therefore necessarily a new forest to plant. Already on a meter band more forest at the edge of the forest thousands of new trees could be planted! If the work and projects are finally financially and actively supported, the actions and projects can be implemented more quickly, even by the end of 2023. Otherwise, due to lack of money and time, all the work and other important projects of the founder can unfortunately not hire helpers, get equipment or stuff is needed and will plant the oaks themselves over time and then plant out somewhere else. Then, unfortunately, there will be no Leipzig forest expansion with many important tree species and oak varieties. Because without any payment and support it simply does not work, especially under the current circumstances and plight of the founder, which lives since spring at subsistence level. The Oak park and forest actions since a few weeks takes almost all working time and free time, if there comes no support thousands of sprouted acorns will be planted in buckets, pots and bags. This saves a lot of time and ways.
Almost 40,000 oaks have already been planted over the years in Germany and regions of Europe. These are now well adapted to the drought, because they were planted out early and thus could root deeply. In Leipzig and region about 12,000 oaks were planted out! The founder of the Urban Greening Camp and Vertical Farming Startup has collected acorns from many different trees, these can then be easily put into the ground when they have germinated. The germination rate is very high and the mortality rate very low because oaks root very quickly and deeply - so they survive drought years quite well as we have unfortunately had more often now.
Oaks support more biodiversity than any other German or native trees. Individual specimens with hundreds of species have been discovered and recently even a world record with well over a thousand species! As some Greening Deserts articles and projects have already well shown or extensively explained. Projects and programs like the Trillion Trees Initiative have been exploring these relationships for years, especially the relationship between biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and trees that are essential for the survival of many other species. If we save, protect and propagate key tree species on which many other species depend, we also protect many thousands of species in the plant and animal kingdoms, as well as soils, waters, microorganisms, insects and fungi! Key species and endangered tree species should be primarily introduced into ecosystems and forests. Various EU organizations and official bodies were informed the years several times - also directly by email and contacted with many letters, unfortunately ignored by many or answered only superficially. The Urban Greening and Vertical Farming Startup not only wants more creative urban greening with tree containers or raised beds and planting walls. It also wants to establish more mini-forests in Leipzig and the region, also to create hotspots for biodiversity. Municipalities, farmers and forest owners from all over Germany are invited to provide parts of their area(s) for this project.
It is a win-win situation for everyone as such a mini-forest promotes a good climate and insect diversity in the region, in addition various tree species can also be planted more densely to use them in the future for further reforestation or forestation in the region, this is not only logistically sensible, but also saves money, time and resources. The small forests can serve as a diverse nursery or growing forest, so to speak. Greening Deserts founders have been creating the concept for several years and to date it is mature, because it is to be implemented together with the emerging movement of agroforestry and agrovoltaics throughout Germany and then Europe. The main project can be reached under GreeningCamp or GreeningDeserts.com, in addition the Trillion Trees Initiative and various forest projects will support this movement in the future.
Greening Deserts founders and researchers explore with various projects not only drylands and arid ecosystems, but also wetlands such as floodplains, riparian forests, wet forests, bogs or swamps, lake and river landscapes. Long-term studies of marsh trees and wetland plants have been carried out, including photographic studies and in such a number of wetlands of Europe. Swamps and bog forests have been documented over many years. Results will be published with the projects and project developments like Eichenwald.org, MoorForest and SwampForest.org in the future. The international platform will then be accessible at WetForest.org. For years we have been recommending the reforestation and expansion of peatlands, which can store more carbon CO2 than any other ecosystem, and to further reduce emissions, especially methane emissions, trees should be planted. Swamp or bog trees such as swamp oak or bald cypress grow relatively fast and together with organisms such as bacteria and fungi can stabilize the water bodies or wet soils, in some cases even bind methane as well as convert it. Wetlands without trees warm up faster than moist forests which cast shade and are much cooler than open areas. This is also a reason why wetlands release more methane, forest ecosystems suffer from droughts or extreme drought, store less carbon and can even release it - especially through forest fires and dried out or destroyed soils. Mixed forests and tree species that favor soil moisture also have a much lower risk of wildfire. Trees can cool the area by many degrees, even in urban areas, almost all cities should know this by now.
Air pollution, insecticides and pesticides are not only a threat to bees, they also endanger many other species, especially near agricultural and livestock farms. Many of the trees and forests typically found in forestry are monocultures and conifers such as Douglas fir, spruce, pine, larch and fir - unfortunately, these do not provide much nectar. Nearly 80 percent of conifers were felled because of damage. At just under 70 percent, the share of damaged wood in total logging in 2019 was more than three times higher than in 2010. As already described in the article on the Leipzig Oak Park of Diversity project, strong tree species such as oaks are also affected. Whether due to pests, powdery mildew or drought stress, the plants suffer greatly from the drought. Like many deciduous trees, oaks belong to the deep-rooted species, which fetch water from lower soil layers. What they do not need themselves, they release closer to the surface. This makes oaks good soil regulators, for example through pronounced symbioses with microorganisms and fungi. Oaks and other robust trees are suffering from climate change, as are many people and animals. Tree damage and forest degradation result not only from fires, drought and heat waves, but also from fungal infestations, pests, snow breakage, storms, floods and environmental toxins - as well as air and water pollution.
According to climate research, long-term studies and weather experts, extreme drought is becoming normal in Europe in the summer. In spring, many places around the world also lack the water needed for healthy plant growth. Soils and forests can hold less water because the important reservoirs are not only dried out but damaged, i.e. the storage capacity is reduced and in some cases reduced for years. When middle and deeper soil layers harden, humus layers turn to dust or are destroyed, even a lot of rain will not help for the time being. It then takes years of moderate rain and some plant growth until these soil layers are loosened and watered again. Trees, hedges and other plants that can form complex, strong and deep roots need several years to loosen medium and deep soil layers again. This is why ground cover, soil conservation measures and deep rooting plants like thistles are so important. Greening Deserts has therefore started the project SoilRescue.eu and TrillionTrees.eu.
The destruction of soils by extensive agriculture, surface mining and drainage accelerates land degradation. A major problem is the hardening and water repellency of soils due to greasy or oily surfaces. Fats, oils, and waxes from plant parts fall to the ground with the particulate matter. Rain then cannot penetrate the top layer of soil and runs off superficially. Factors such as soil type, plant species, temperature and the degree of desiccation determine how water repellent the soil becomes. Often, soils cannot be loosened by plowing until after harvest. However, if the drought lasts for a long time, there is a risk of soil erosion by wind - especially in the fall there are more winds and storms. We can all only hope that there is not another winter drought, as this would damage the soils for years to come. Already in 2018, more soil conservation measures should have been implemented, such as covering with ground covers, emergency irrigation with extra canals, ponds and rainwater storage above ground or underground. There are some other effective and innovative methods such as agrophotovoltaics, hemp cultivation, and desert bamboo.
Due to tree mortality during drought years, Germany is missing billions of trees; these cannot be replanted quickly by private and state forestry companies. This is compounded by more difficult conditions due to extreme weather and future droughts. Many of the new forest plantings since 2018 have died, often far more than half of all young trees. Movements like Fridays for Future and school groups should be involved in a variety of reforestation and planting activities - such as collecting seeds, planting trees and wildflowers. Especially for children and young people, it makes sense to combine healthy exercise, nature and fresh air with meaningful actions for people and the environment. During the actions you can not only learn a lot but also get a better understanding of nature and the environment. Especially in this autumn there is a chance to collect millions of acorns for new plantations and to plant perennial trees. This can be done basically all winter long if it gets as mild as 2019, there were even weeks in January and February with spring temperatures.
Reforestation and other tree planting activities should be concentrated more in the fall and more in the spring with the current climate conditions. This will give the young trees more time to root deeper and have a higher chance of surviving in a new drought year. Of course, extra watering can be done, and often a simple plastic bottle with drip irrigation is all that is needed. This simple irrigation technique is often seen in Africa and India. So you don't need to buy new products or techniques for watering trees, there is already enough plastic waste! SchoolsForest and 'Schools Forest Up' is a project idea of Greening Deserts and together with other planting actions, in a community, could plant the areas with forest damage faster than you think.
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Contributions and quotes of Greening Deserts founder Oliver Caplikas:
Agroforestry is one of the best ways for forestry and agriculture to adapt to climate change and extreme weather events such as droughts. It allows for more sustainable agriculture and ecological forestry, as an agroforestry using only trees as a type of nursery is also possible. #ClimateAdaptation
Climate protection, nature conservation and environmental protection is species protection, so it is also human protection.
Europe should finally wake up and promote more hemp cultivation to support biodiversity, CO2 storage, ecosystem restoration and soil improvement - especially in drought regions and areas with deforested or degraded soils. More sustainable agriculture is possible if hemp production increases in European countries. Healthy agriculture with hemp also requires no pesticides and very little fertilizer or some green manure and mineral fertilizers such as rock meal every year.
Greening Deserts and Trillion Trees Initiative has been informing EU and parties for years about the problems of burning fossil fuels like wood and coal. Don't burn trees and forests, use hemp and rice straw for building, animal feed.... #agriculturalhemp.com #hempcultivation #industrialhemp.
Greening Deserts has launched new sustainable organic farming projects. One of them is called #Agrarhanf.de, a German project for industrial hemp that can improve biodiversity, animal and soil health - and reduce carbon and methane emissions! #organic farming #hemp fodder #hemp pellets.
Hemp can help improve air, climate, soil and water quality. Hemp plants support biodiversity and protect forests. Global hemp cultivation can reduce climate change impacts such as deforestation, desertification and global warming.
Hemp paper like hemp toilet paper can reduce deforestation and global warming worldwide! Prevent forest dieback with #hemppaper, improve biodiversity and soils with hemp farming. #agricultural hemp #soil saver #soil conservation #climate saver #utility hemp.
Feeding agricultural hemp to cows can lower their stress levels and improve their overall health. Hemp could replace corn, soy and other polluting crops - saving forests, soils and rainforests! Like sea grass, agricultural hemp can reduce methane emissions from cows!
Greening Deserts projects like agricultural hemp help farmers, growers and foresters with biodiversity, soil and climate protection by providing useful hints and advice, such as soil improvement, effective plant breeding, sustainable nutrition, cheap and environmentally friendly feed sourcing.
For several years, Greening Deserts projects have been recommending politics and business to finally promote / encourage soil improvement with agricultural / industrial hemp on a large scale. See article Hemp cultivation in surface mining. Not much has happened to date. #agricultural hemp #hemp paper #hemp seed
Many companies in Germany are dedicated to paper production, hemp paper production is largely absent. The machines or production is set on waste paper or pulp. German machinery and paper manufacturers do not produce hemp paper on a large scale. #hemppaper
We don't have much time left to stop global warming and the loss of biodiversity, of which cities and urban areas are a very large part. The simple formula applies: Urban Greening = Urban Cooling. That is why the projects like Greening Camp and the private organization GlobalGreening.org, among others, were founded. Global greening is the only large-scale and nature-based solution to noticeably cool the planet and particularly affected regions. With this, it may be possible to get back below 1.5 degrees by 2050.
We hope that Europe and Germany will finally use more hemp for biodiversity and large-scale soil improvement and drought protection. Drought or drought tolerant plants and trees such as sweet chestnuts, oaks,.. can improve agroforestry and ecological forestry in the long term and sustainably.
*Acorn fattening, also commonly called eckerich in German-speaking areas, was a widespread agricultural practice in Central Europe until the 19th century. Domestic pigs were driven into the woods to gorge themselves on acorns, beechnuts and chestnuts. The word "fattening" originally referred to the tree fruits used as cattle feed. Later it was restricted to acorns and beechnuts used as pig feed. Today, the word mast is generally used to refer to the "fattening" of animals. In addition, the seed production of oaks and beeches was called, for example, eckerich, ecker, acker or acker. From this, the acker was derived from an agricultural point of view. - Wikipedia
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naturugarten · 10 months
Die Große #Klette hat sich im ganzen #Garten & Hof ausgebreitet. Fugenritzen und ungenutzte Blumentöpfe haben es ihr besonders angetan. Sie wird häufig von #Wildbienen und #Hummeln besucht.
PS: Reife Kletten sollten nicht berührt werden, die Klettenhaare können zu Haut- & Augenreizungen führen.
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art-by-secret · 8 months
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Ten years ago today Bsal was found in Germany. It is a disease that basically gnaws into the skin of newts (kind of like flesh eating bacteria) and once infected the salamander cannot survive on it’s own. Over these past ten years thousands of salamanders have died and they are still dying. But these ten years also taught us ways to help the firesalamanders and other newts against Bsal!
Most important steps:
1) stay on the official path when walking in the woods and make sure that dogs or other pets stay on the paths as well
2) disinfect your shoes (or bike-tires, dog-pads etc.) after a walk to avoid spreading Bsal to another area
3) if you find a firesalamander DO NOT TOUCH THEM but instead take a picture and send it together with the coordinates to the responsible authorities of your city (in Germany it would be NABU or alike…)
4) inform others so they can help too :)
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greeningcamp · 1 year
Global Greening Deserts projects for biodiversity conservation and worldwide reduction of carbon and methane emissions on a large scale
The global program and project organization MethanStorage.org was launched by Greening Deserts founder Oliver Caplikas in the summer. The potential danger of exceeding tipping points as well as possible and innovative solutions to reduce methane emissions in relation with permafrost problems and forest fires were recognized in time. In the run-up the WetForest project for wetlands was founded, including the sub-project MoorForest, which aims to establish more wet forests and forested peatlands, marshlands or moorlands that could significantly reduce global methane emissions from wetlands. This is because shading grasses, shrubs and trees in wetlands keeps them cooler and cools them noticeably during droughts or heat waves. Logically, this reduces methane emissions, and climate-resilient plants and drought-tolerant trees also help protect wetlands as global warming increases. The plants in wetlands are usually better adapted to extreme weather events anyway. It would be great if German as well as European experts for wetlands, peatlands and marshlands join our projects like SwampForest or MoorForest.org.
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More wildfires or fires in rainforests and southern wetlands are releasing a lot of carbon and methane, can make forests and wetlands sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Arctic areas are warming 3 to 4 times faster than the global average, further accelerating and increasing natural emissions. Warmer northern areas such as Siberia and the aftermath of the war in Ukraine have significantly increased global methane emissions. One should also not underestimate the share of the military complex and the defense industry, as this is much related to the fossil energy industry, especially the gas, coal and steel industries. The concrete industry and construction industry are left out here, otherwise this would go beyond the scope of the article. Many people wonder why there has been such a rapid increase in methane in the atmosphere in recent years. The answer is relatively simple, it is the considerable emissions due to the increase of man-made emissions and factors, especially due to "bridge technologies" like gas power plants and increasing gas production and consumption. Plus rising emissions from agriculture and the coal industry, with particularly large amounts of methane released from coal mining areas, gas and oil pipelines. Plus large methane emissions from increased forest fires and thawed permafrost, as well as methane emissions from worldwide wetlands and Northern Hemisphere lakes. Particularly large amounts of methane have been released from warming wetlands in Africa, Europe, North and South America. One should not forget Russia and Asia, of course, as well as Australia and many of the intense forest fires that have released incredible amounts of methane. All of this has also triggered or passed a couple of tipping points. The Arctic is warming many times faster as the rest of the world, so parts of the ocean with methane deposits are warming faster than thought. Methane concentrations in rivers, oceans, and lakes are increasing due to global warming, warmer rains, and warmed waters. This is also a reason for increased methane emissions from wetlands, especially in the taiga and tundra.
It is logical that wetlands without trees warm up faster than moist forests that cast shade. This is also a reason why wetlands release more methane. Forest ecosystems suffer from droughts or extreme drought, store carbon poorly, and may even release more methane - especially from forest fires and dried out or destroyed soils. There are some large-scale solutions such as wetland forests, methane-eating bacteria, and aquatic plants that could reduce or even stop emissions. Mechanical solutions such as capping the lake bottom with an additional layer of clay or similar material from the region! Small lakes can be filled in. Trees can cool the area by many degrees, even in urban areas, this has been known for years! Sad that many officials and responsible people of EU and UN have ignored the projects for many years. To date, not a single project has received any active or financial support. The human future and many species are in real danger if they continue to be ignored, especially the important CESRPP program and Greening Deserts developments and projects for ecosystem restoration, global biodiversity conservation, reforestation and regreening. There is really not much time left, as extreme developments and events related to rising emissions and global warming have left humanity with even less time than before. If Greening Deserts main projects and the Species Rescue Program do not finally receive support, next year may already be too late. In the worst case, most people and species will not survive - also because those responsible ignored the urgent projects and did not act in time. It is just crazy how many billions they spent for destruction, pollution and war, but not a single cent in the most important projects for humanity.
In order to establish and protect forests in peatlands and wetlands, we need support as quickly as possible, because in just a few years this will no longer be possible in some regions where tree planting is planned, e.g. in southern Europe and North Africa. The new program for global methane reduction MethaneStorageOrg should be supported as soon as possible so that millions of moor or swamp trees can be planted. Natural or typical organisms like bacteria, fungi and water plants can be used which are useful for the wetlands, especially those which can bind and convert methane! Greening Camps can be quickly deployed as mobile storage facilities with containerized systems. Pre-germinated tree seeds and cultivated plants could then be effectively deployed in appropriate regions. For larger areas such as northern Canada and Europe, balloons and airplanes can be used for seeding. For years, Greening Deserts has been recommending the use of seeding balloons which, like drones, can also sow plant seeds autonomously and automatically! These are much more effective and cheaper than expensive drones, in addition they need much less energy, since one can use solar balloons or zepellins. Since the climate conference in Glasgow and with the latest UN climate conference in Egypt COP27, it is finally more about the methane emissions caused by humans and direct influences of the economy or certain industries. Thanks to new monitoring programs and satellites, many of the methane emissions from global industries, such as agriculture and fossil fuels, can now be better tracked. The gas and coal industries, as well as agriculture, account for a very large share of global methane emissions. With many more people and nations now concerned about these factors and the role of direct man-made part to global methane emissions, the Methane Storage Organization program for methane storage and greenhouse gas reduction is now focusing on the planet's natural and largest sources of methane.
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For years, Greening Deserts has been researching not only drylands and arid ecosystems, but also wetlands such as floodplains, bogs, wet forests, lake and river landscapes. Long-term studies of marsh trees and wetland plants have been conducted, including photography in wetlands of Europe like in Germany, Poland and Lithuania. Swamps and bog forests were documented for more than 20 years. More details and results will be also published with the German projects and project developments such as Eichenwald.org, FeuchtWald and MoorWald in the future. The international platform will then be accessible under MoorForest and WetForest.org. For years we have been recommending the reforestation or regreening and expansion of peatlands or moorlands, which can store more carbon CO2 than all other ecosystems. In order to further reduction of greenhouse gases like carbon CO2 and methane CH4 emissions, trees should be planted, at least where methane emissions are very high or increasing due to warming. Swamp or marsh trees such as swamp oak and bald cypress grow relatively quickly. Together with organisms such as bacteria and fungi they regulate natural processes, stabilize water or wet soils - in some cases they even bind and convert methane. Some international studies and research showing that it is possible to prevent and reduce natural methane emissions. Sad that so many ignoring all these facts and scientific work which was published on Greening Deserts projects and social pages. Some officials and even corrupt politicians even harmed the founder and work several times during many years! Certain authorities, different parties and politicians ignored all requests, also some cities did not take the e-mails and urgent letters seriously. Strange was the blockade and even harmful interference with the life and work of the founder by Leipzig officials, authorities and state representatives of Saxony! We found many corrupt connections and relations of officials and politicians involved in dubious operations related to the coal and lignite industry. Since protests and publications because of the lignite and pollution problems in Saxony, Germany and Europe endless of questionable actions against Greening Deserts founder and work was documented. We climate and species protectors, conservationists and environmentalists, as well as human rights activists and defenders will never forget this and remind all each year.
Back to the main topics like the global climate emergency projects and programs like ClimateEmergency Europe Klimanotstand.EU. We researchers and scientists are recommending that international disaster response teams, nations, and UN agencies use data on climate change impacts, models, and environmental impacts of tipping points such as thawing permafrost to reduce disaster risk. At least some researchers and scientists with ties to international institutions have taken the work and projects somewhat seriously. Already in 2016 we wanted to establish first greening camps for re-vegetation and reforestation in Germany to establish more biodiversity, biotopes and wet forests in open cast mining areas like in Europe and our home country in Germany or Saxony.
A few more contributions from Greening Deserts project and social pages The demand for more peatlands or wetlands and the strategy of some organizations in Europe and Germany comes with high risks if rewetting of peatlands or new wetlands is not properly implemented things can become more worse as before. If the climate or weather does not play along and extreme weather events, forest fires, natural and human factors are underestimated these carbon sinks can turn into sources of more CO2 and CH4. The methane problem in wetlands cannot be ignored, as unfortunately so many have been doing for years. Emissions from drained peat bogs and from peat cutting are also not negligible. Similarly, the euphoric or unrealistic actions and trends for hydrogen. Methane is highly explosive and with the increased fire hazards, heated wetlands and peatlands can ignite more quickly, especially if they are no longer well flooded or watered. One should take the large moor and forest fires in the taiga and tundra in Siberia as a cautionary example.
In Germany there have also been many moorland fires, of particular interest being the large moor fire near the town of Meppen on the grounds of the German armed forces in Lower Saxony. This scandal has not been properly clarified to this day and those responsible have pulled out of the affair, including the current President of the European Commission. She was in fact the responsible minister, the Minister of Defense and the Bundeswehr have not made good the damage to this day. The German Armed Forces could have been deployed years ago for the protection and expansion of moorlands, as well as for reforestation throughout Germany. However, it was rather praised heroic missions and 'fights' of the Bundeswehr against the bark beetle, very questionable why one has not planted more new trees there in the same course? In Germany, after all the forest dieback and forest loss due to droughts, pests and forest fires, reforestation do not keep up. Too little tree breeding and planting activities in winter, lack of seeds and tree species does not noticeably increase biodiversity and significantly reduces the reforestation rate. Germany loses more trees than new ones are added.
We have nothing against the Bundeswehr, charitable and social missions. But if such actions are thwarted by various problems and scandals of responsible politicians, one does not need to wonder about the balances, consequences and results. The climate balance of the Bundeswehr and the military in general is another important story. See more on Greening Deserts project pages such as the Trillion Trees Initiative for Europe and the European Forest Health. Wetland drainage and increased evaporation from droughts, heat waves and warmer years have contributed significantly to the annual increase in emissions - whether carbon CO2, methane CH4 or nitrous oxide N2O. "As much carbon is stored in Germany's peatlands as in forests, even though peatlands make up only about five percent of the land area and forests about 30 percent; When the water level is lowered by water drainage systems (drains), air enters the peatland body and bacteria and other soil dwellers begin to break down the plant material (mineralization). Large amounts of carbon are then released into the atmosphere. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is also emitted, which is 265 times more harmful to the climate than CO2. Drained peatlands thus become a source of greenhouse gases and contribute significantly to climate change." - Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
We all have no time for bureaucratic or political theater; the clock is ticking. If we don't act now and establish and implement national reforestation plans for wet forests and wetlands, it will be too late in just 10 years. Serious scientists estimate that global warming will be 5 to 8°C in the next 20 years due to rising methane emissions and triggered tipping points. Special wetland plants, grasses, shrubs and trees can cool these areas. Bog or swamp trees are the key to holding and storing carbon and methane for the long term! NASA has discovered many methane hotspots, these should be regions to focus on reducing methane emissions through cooling, capture or storage with natural and engineered solutions. More info on Greening Deserts project pages and social sites. Check also GlobalGreening.org, MethaneStorage.org, TrillionTrees.eu and TrillionTreesInitiative.org for more updates in future.
Short summaries, further information and important details:
Stakeholders and the United Nations should finally help us establish climate adaptation, ecosystem restoration and greening camps in the Nordic regions with the largest methane emissions. There we can plant millions of marsh plants and trees with germinated seeds that are then sown using seed balloons and airplanes. If the seeds need some ground cover, we can use seedballs. Greening Deserts and the Trillion Trees Initiative have begun developing major projects for these large-scale carbon reduction and methane storage programs. They are called #MethaneStorage, #MoorForest and #TundraForest - the latter for permafrost regions. Establishing peatland and tundra forests as quickly as possible using seed planes and seeding balloons could reduce global carbon and methane releases in the tundra and thawing permafrost regions with the highest emissions. People forget that the 1.5°C goal and story is very imprecise, partly in a regional or global context. There are regions, land and sea areas which are already above 2.0°C! Some heat islands and cities have even already exceeded 4.0 degrees! #DRR #HeatIsland #HeatWave #UrbanHeat The MethaneStorage.Org program should be initiated and supported immediately to reduce the future impacts of thawing permafrost with high methane emissions. In as little as two years, the spread of these plants, fungi, and bacteria can significantly reduce methane releases by stabilizing the soil and water cycles.
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Im mexikanischen Costa Grande de Guerrero gibt es wieder Jaguare - was die Einwohner einerseits freut, andererseits sorgt. Die örtliche Naturschutzorganisation Wild Felids Conservation México arbeitet daher mit den Einheimischen zusammen, damit beide Gruppen sichere Rückzugsräume haben, in denen sie gut leben können.
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insidebw · 1 month
Der Zoo Karlsruhe baut eine "Luchsschmiede", die den majestätischen Wildkatzen den Weg zurück in die freie Wildbahn ebnet.
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wildbeimwild · 2 months
Deutschland: Petition mit 86.000 Stimmen gegen Importe von Jagdtrophäen übergeben
Mehr als 86.000 Menschen unterzeichneten einen offenen Appell an Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke, die Einfuhr von Jagdtrophäen bedrohter und geschützter Arten nach Deutschland endlich zu unterbinden. Dieser Aufruf unter dem Hashtag #SchuetzenStattSchiessen wurde von 35 bekannten Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur und Wissenschaft, darunter Guido Maria Kretschmer, Maria Furtwängler, Ranga Yogeshwar…
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leben-familie-kind · 2 months
Viel Grün auf wenig Raum
So lassen sich auch kleinere Dachflächen nachträglich bepflanzen   (DJD). In dicht bebauten Wohnsiedlungen und Innenstädten ist oft zu wenig Platz für Grün. Die Folge der Flächenversiegelung: An heißen Tagen steht regelrecht die Hitze zwischen den Gebäuden, bei Starkregen wiederum staut sich das Wasser in der Kanalisation, da es nicht mehr versickern kann. Begrünte Dächer können diesem Trend…
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tberg-de · 2 months
Tag des Artenschutzes sollte an jedem Tag sein!
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Der Tag des Artenschutzes wird seit 2013 an jedem 03. März offiziell begangen. International wird dieser Tag als World Wildlife Day bezeichnet. Wieder einmal wurde ein Tag im Jahr für etwas Wichtiges benannt. Doch Tag des Artenschutzes sollte an jedem Tag sein!
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Tag des Artenschutzes soll uns an das Massenaussterben erinnern Wir leben im sechsten Massenaussterben der Weltgeschichte. Täglich verschwinden Tier- und Pflanzenarten unwiederbringlich von der Erde. Die Folgen, welche dieses Verschwinden mit sich bringt, können wir bisher nur ahnen. "Ohne das Zusammenspiel der Arten gäbe es kein Leben auf diesem Planeten. Es braucht Pflanzen und Pilze, die aus unbelebter Materie Biomasse erzeugen können. Es braucht Tiere, die sich davon ernähren und andere Tiere, die sich von Tieren ernähren. Und es braucht Lebewesen, die tote Lebewesen wieder ersetzen und darauf wieder neues Leben ermöglichen." Verein Pro Natura Besser und schöner wird diese Welt dann sicherlich nicht werden. Denn das Leben auf der Erde ist ein riesiges System, welches sich gegenseitig bedingt. Alles hängt irgendwie von allem ab. Der Tag des Artenschutzes soll uns an dieses Massenaussterben erinnern. Wenn Arten wie das Breitmaulnashorn, der Gorilla oder der Eisbär aussterben, ist das zwar traurig, aber für uns Menschen noch nicht existenzbedrohend. Wann und an welcher Stelle bricht das fragile Netz des Lebens zusammen? Darauf hat die Wissenschaft noch keine Antwort. Unsere Politiker noch weniger. Aber wenn es weiter so geht mit dem Artensterben wie bisher, wird der Tag des Artenschutzes ein Tag der Erinnerung an unsere Artenvielfalt. Lies hier bei anderen Bloggern, welchen Arten heute das Aussterben droht: - Der Kauri in Neuseeland stirbt aus - wegen Dummheit und Ignoranz - Schweinswale in Gefahr - Wale beobachten auf Sylt - Bye Bye Gelbaugenpinguin Gerade kleine und unscheinbare Arten wie der Krill, unsere Wildbienen oder der Regenwurm spielen eine grosse Rolle im Naturkreislauf. Über die Bedeutung des Artenschutzes hat das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU) einige Informationen auf die eigene Webseite gestellt.
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Meine eigenen Erfahrungen Wenn ich mir eigene, zwanzig Jahre alte Fotos aus meiner Heimat anschaue und mit dem aktuellen Zustand vergleiche, fällt mir einiges auf. Die Ortschaften sehen bunter aus, es ist vieles saniert und restauriert wurden. Es gibt neue Straßen und Autobahnen. Die Auslagen der Geschäfte sind heute bunt und übervoll. In den Dörfern und Städten tobt das Leben - auch die Natur kommt hier in gewissen Maßen auf ihre Kosten. Je weiter ich aber in die Natur hinausgehe, in die Felder und Wälder, umso steriler, eintöniger und langweiliger wird das Leben dort. Riesige Felder, Monokulturen oder Industriegebiete vernichten die einst abwechslungsreichen Lebensräume. Jenseits von Nationalparken und Naturschutzgebieten ist kein Platz mehr für unser wildes Deutschland. Außerhalb Deutschlands und Europas sieht es für die Natur noch schlimmer aus. Das natürliche Artensterben weltweit läuft durch menschliche Eingriffe 1.000mal schneller ab! Und nur wenige Menschen interessiert es wirklich. Das Artensterben muss mehr angesprochen werden in allen Bereichen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass es den Tag des Artenschutzes gibt. 1991 habe ich zusammen mit einem Schulfreund die Gemarkung unseres Heimatdorfes hinsichtlich natürlicher Lebensräume abgesucht und erfasst. In der Anfangszeit wurde ich deswegen als "grüner Spinner" belächelt. Aus dieser Erfassung heraus sind jedoch Vorschläge zur Gestaltung und zum Biotopverbund in der Gemarkung entstanden. Vieles davon wurde in den Jahren darauf durch die fleißigen ABM-Kräfte des Ortes umgesetzt. Spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt, wo für die Naturschutzmaßnahmen auch Arbeitskräfte benötigt (und bezahlt) wurden, war das Projekt im Ort angekommen. Lies hier bei anderen Bloggern über Artenschutzprogramme weltweit: - Gute Nachricht! Es gibt mehr Große Pandabären
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Was kannst du tun? Arten können nur überleben, wenn sie die für sich notwendigen Lebensräume weiterhin vorfinden. Viele Arten werden aber auch wegen Wilderei, Übernutzung oder Ressourcenverschwendung aussterben. Jetzt kann man sich natürlich entspannt zurücklehnen und sich darüber Gedanken machen, warum ausgerechnet ich gegen das Artensterben kämpfen soll. Oder man wird selbst aktiv und handelt! Und das am besten nicht nur am Tag des Artenschutzes, sondern an jedem Tag des Jahres! Hier findest du einige Ansatzpunkte, um selbst etwas für den Artenschutz zu tun:
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... mit persönlichem Engagement Am meisten kannst du für den Artenschutz erreichen, wenn du dich für einen nachhaltigen und bewussten Lebensstil entscheidest. Alles, was du kaufst oder verbrauchst, muss irgendwie und irgendwo produziert werden. Unter den vielen Möglichkeiten, die sich dir bieten, hast du auch immer die Wahl, dich für ein nachhaltiges Produkt zu entscheiden. Oder letztendlich für keines. Kauf dir nicht irgendwelche billigen Sachen, die du eh nicht brauchst, die nach wenigen Tagen wieder kaputt gehen oder die bald wieder unmodern und uncool sind. Nebenbei sparst du mit dem Nichtkaufen auch eine Menge Geld. Kaufe Lebensmittel aus nachhaltiger Nutzung, aus ökologischen Landbau oder aus regionaler Herkunft. Damit sparst du lange Transportwege, die Lebensmittel sind frischer und du unterstützt Bauern aus deiner Region. Achte auf unnötigen Verpackungs- und vor allem Plastikmüll. Kaufe so etwas erst gar nicht, denn es kostet dein Geld. Glaube auch bitte nicht an die Recyclinglüge. Auch aus Deutschland wird viel Müll in andere Länder exportiert und landet dort dann unter Umständen im Ozean. Veranstalte einen Flohmarkt gemeinsam mit den Menschen aus deiner Nachbarschaft. Du kannst dort Dinge verkaufen, die du nicht mehr benötigst. Damit bekommst du Platz in deiner Wohnung und füllst dein Sparschwein auf. Und du lernst dabei deine netten Nachbarn kennen. Schalte deinen Kopf ein! Letztendlich belastest du mit überlegten Handeln nicht die Umwelt und machst dich auch nicht mitschuldig an der Ausrottung ganzer Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Du sparst jede Menge deines Geldes und somit deiner Lebenszeit. Lies hier bei anderen Bloggern, was sie machen: - Wie nachhaltig sind Schnittblumen?
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... mit gesellschaftlichem Engagement Wir in Deutschland haben den Luxus von soviel Freizeit wie noch nie. Teilweise arbeiten Angestellte und Arbeiter nur 35 Stunden die Woche. Den Rest der Zeit kannst du für dich persönlich nutzen. Auch zum Wohle unserer Natur und Umwelt. Informiere dich über Projekte zum Natur- und Artenschutz. Engagiere dich bei einem lokalen Naturschutzverein. Diese kümmern sich vielfach um den konkreten Naturschutz vor der Haustür. Gehe in Schulen und Kindergärten erzähle und zeige den Kindern dort die Natur. Wer schon frühzeitig begeistert ist, wird sich auch später engagieren. Nimm an Demonstrationen für die Natur teil. Egal, ob gegen Atomkraft, gegen das Abholzen von Wäldern oder zum Klimaschutz. Für dieses Bürgerrecht haben unsere Vorfahren lange gekämpft! Spende für konkrete Naturschutzprojekte. Dabei hast du die Wahl. Auch international gibt es spannende und tolle Artenschutzprogramme. Lies hier bei anderen Bloggern, wie du dich gesellschaftlich engagieren kannst: - Spenden mit Spaß: Vögel retten in Neuseeland mit der "Squawk Squad" - Wir haben den "Erdüberlastungstag" erreicht - Ein Rant und 7 Tipps zum Handeln
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... mit praktischem Engagement Auch durch viele kleine praktische Maßnahmen kannst du den Arten bei uns und weltweit helfen. Vielfach brauchst du gar nichts zu tun, denn das ist manchmal das Beste für unsere Natur. Erhalte deshalb einfach vorhandene Lebensräume. Ein Vorgarten mit einheimischen Büschen und Blumen sieht einfach geiler aus als ein steriler neumodischer Steingarten. Und die Insekten freuen sich darüber. Oder schaffe selbst große und kleine Lebensräume: baue ein Insektenhotel oder einen Froschteich im eigenen oder im Schulgarten zum Beispiel. Lege eine Blumenwiese an. Trage im Herbst einen großen Laubhaufen zusammen, in dem Igel und andere Kleintiere überwintern können. Hänge Nistkästen auf oder hilf Frösche über die Straße. Lass im Garten einmal alle Finger gerade sein und das Unkraut in einer Ecke ruhig wachsen. Nutze bei deinen Reisen umweltverträgliche Transportmittel. Oder mach einmal Urlaub zu Hause und entdecke deine Heimat neu anstatt für ein paar Tage in die Sonne zu fliegen. Hilf während deines Urlaubs bei Artenschutzprogrammen mit. Ich selbst war zum Beispiel unterwegs auf den Spuren der wilden Wölfe in der Lüneburger Heide. Geh mit offenen Augen und Ohren durch die Natur anstatt mit lauter Musik im Ohr. Sammle den Müll auf, den andere Leute achtlos weggeworfen haben. Oder besser: sprich die Leute an, wenn du sie dabei erwischst. Lies hier bei anderen Bloggern, welche Erlebnisse sie im Artenschutz haben: - Südliche Spinnenaffen im Staatspark in Brasilien - Mongolei: Kann man überhaupt politisch korrekt verreisen?
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Mach etwas, damit jeder Tag ein Tag des Artenschutzes ist! Wir haben jeder viele Möglichkeiten, uns für den Umwelt-, Natur- und Artenschutz zu engagieren. Dabei müssen wir nicht alle alles machen. Die Hauptsache ist, dass jeder Einzelne von uns seinen Kopf einschaltet und einfach vorher einmal überlegt. Man braucht sich nicht in sinnloser Askese zu ergeben oder als totaler Minimalist zu leben. Aber man muss schon in die Hufe kommen und selbst etwas machen. Von allein passiert nicht viel und wir sollten auch nicht warten, bis andere für uns handeln. An den obigen Beispielen und den verlinkten Beiträgen siehst du, dass du selbst viel machen kannst für den Artenschutz. Noch ist unsere Welt bunt und vielfältig. Möchtest du nicht, dass das so bleibt? Jetzt bist du dran: Kennst du spannende Projekte, von denen andere Menschen erfahren sollten? Wie und warum schützt du unsere Natur? Was sind deine Tipps und Möglichkeiten für mehr Artenschutz im Alltag? Schreib mir in den Kommentaren oder per Email. Gern verlinke ich auch einen Beitrag von dir hier zum Artenschutz. Und abonniere doch meinen Newsletter, damit du keinen neuen Beitrag verpasst.
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Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du meinen Beitrag hier weiter teilst und wir somit noch mehr Freunde für den Artenschutz gewinnen! Dafür Danke! Read the full article
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 2 months
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Facebooks Nutzer handeln mit gefährdeten Arten
Stoppen Sie Facebooks Handel mit gefährdeten Arten
Eigentlich hat auch Facebook ein internationales Abkommen unterzeichnet, das jede Art von Handel mit gefährdeten Arten verbietet. Trotzdem laufen in WhatsApp und auf Facebook der Handel z.B. mit Pangolinen als wäre es das Normalste auf der Welt.
Pangoline sind das meist gehandelte Tier auf dem Planeten! Bis zu 2,7 Millionen dieser kleinen Tiere werden jedes Jahr von Wilderern ermordet, die hoffen, davon zu profitieren, sie zu schlachten und ihre Teile an traditionelle Medizingeschäfte zu verkaufen.
Ein neuer Bericht bestätigt, dass Facebook es noch schlimmer macht und Menschenhändler Schuppentierteile direkt auf ihrer Plattform verkaufen lässt! Aber es ist egal, um welches Tier es sich handelt, ein Messenger ist darf nicht das Mittel sein, um illegale Geschäfte zu machen.
EKO fordert in einer Petition "die Durchsetzung der konzerneigenen Wildtierhandel-Politik zu erhöhen und sicherzustellen, dass keine bedrohten oder gefährdeten Artenteile auf Ihrer Plattform verkauft werden".
Mehr dazu und zur Petition bei https://actions.eko.org/a/stop-facebook-s-endangered-species-trade-0?source=campaigns
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3z7 Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8690-20240222-facebooks-nutzer-handeln-mit-gefaehrdeten-arten.html
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lapalma1 · 5 months
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ruhrkanalnews · 6 months
Arbeiten und Artenschutz am Tunnel Schee.
Sprockhövel – Wie bereits in den vergangenen Jahren wird der Tunnel Schee, der die Wuppertaler Nordbahntrasse mit der Sprockhöveler Glückauf-Trasse verbindet, auch in diesem Jahr von Montag, den 30. Oktober 2023 ab circa 12.00 Uhr bis Donnerstag, den 2. November bis circa 10.00 Uhr geschlossen. Gründe hierfür sind Wartungsarbeiten an den Rückhaltebecken sowie der Mittelentwässerung, die aus…
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naturugarten · 6 months
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Noch immer sind 🚁 #Schwebfliegen unterwegs. Sie sind nach den Bienen die zweitwichtigsten Bestäuber und deshalb auch wichtig für die Ernährungssicherheit. Leider sind 314 von 890 Schwebfliegenarten in Europa vom Aussterben bedroht, so die IUCN: https://www.iucn.org/press-release/202210/over-one-third-hoverflies-threatened-extinction-europe-iucn-red-list Dr. Francis Gilbert, Co-Vorsitzender der IUCN-Fachgruppe für Schwebfliegen, sagt (gekürzt): "Der wichtigste Weg, den Rückgang zu stoppen, besteht darin, ihre Lebensräume zu schützen… Am dringendsten ist es… alte Bäume, Stammhöhlen, umgestürzte Äste & Baumstümpfe enthalten – die Mikrohabitate, in denen sich die Larven einer Vielzahl von Arten ernähren…". …und ich füge hinzu: Damit könnt ihr auch im eigenen #Garten anfangen und einen kleinen Beitrag zum #Artenschutz leisten. 💚
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kirchnerart · 7 months
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Tag des Gorillas
Heute könnte sich der Gorilla am Ehrentag zurücklehnen, wenn nicht … sein Lebensraum und seine Art selber so bedroht wären durch Raubbau der Landschaft in Afrika und Wilderei. Und keine Unterstützung durch Aktivisten mit der Klebetube!
Die Wilderer und Umweltzerstörung verursachenden Konzerne mit teils kriminellen Methoden sind natürlich ein anderes Kaliber als verzweifelte Autofahrer oder zornige Gorillas… Autofahrer sind momentan nicht direkt vom Aussterben bedroht…
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hoerbahnblog · 8 months
Fiona Arenz stellt "Tier x Vier" vor und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick und Frauke Bagusche über das Kartenquartett, Tierschutz, ihre Intentionen und die Zukunft.- Hörbahn on Stage
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Gespräch zwischen  Fiona Arenz, Frauke Bagusche ( Co-Moderatorin) und Uwe Kullnick (Hördauer ca. 78  min) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/HoS-Fiona-Arenz-4xTier-upload-X.mp3 Moderation Uwe Kullnick. Fiona Arenz stellt “Tier x Vier” vor und spricht mit Uwe Kullnick und Frauke Bagusche über das Kartenquartett, Tierschutz, ihre…
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Wilderer hatten die meisten Raubkatzen im Malawi Liwonde National Park getötet, wodurch die Geier kein Fressen mehr fanden. Dadurch verbreiteten sich Krankheiten, weil Aas liegen blieb. Nach Rückkehr der Raubkatzen kamen auch die Geier wieder: Weißrückengeier, Kapuzengeier, Weißkopfgeier, Lappengeier und Ruppellgeier wurden wieder gesichtet. Der Weißrückengeier brütet sogar vor Ort.
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