archangelsammy · 1 year
oooo 🎶 for the writing asks? <3
hello friend!!!! good choice :)
🎶 - dancing
done with Sam & Gabriel! slight angst tho whoops
"May I have this dance?" Gabriel asks, hand held out.
"You know I can't dance," Sam replies, but he takes the offered hand anyway.
All Sam could do was smile as Gabriel tugged him to the centre of the motel room. While Sam can't dance, it's clear that Gabriel knows what he's doing. Which isn't very shocking, all things considered. He wouldn't be surprised if Gabriel was there when dancing was invented.
Despite the height difference, Gabriel leads. Sam places a hand carefully on his waist, and Gabriel leads them around softly, carefully, twirling around the room. There's no music playing but they find their own pace, twirling around the room and laughing softly. All Sam can feel is the warmth of Gabriel's body pressed against him, and for a moment he has hope. They can get through this apocalypse, he can have a life with this angel.
But at the end of the dance, with his hand in Gabriel's, his hand on Gabriel's waist, he felt like had a piece of the life he'd always dreamed of.
He should've known, he thought to himself as they drove away from Elysian Fields, Dean's silence and Kali's rage in the backseat, he should've known how foolish it was to think he could have what he hoped for.
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lord-angelfish · 1 year
Aww thank you!!!
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heavenssexiestangel · 9 months
"I need words, love."
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
This ask motivated me to write 85 words
Experiement Total: 472
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maggot-monger · 2 years
Ohhh tissue paper for the wip tag game? 👀
tissue paper <3 i'm so fond of this partial scene that i wrote ages ago, but i don't know how or when it will finally emerge from the WIPs folder. initially it was sabriel, then i rewrote it to be dean&gabriel so i could include it in Lay Me Down, now i have it in its own file to see if i can turn it into something standalone. probably this will depend on if i decide i am motivated to work on Lay Me Down again ever 😅
anyway, it's just a snapshot of a quiet bedsharing moment, reflecting on the differences between receiving comfort/support from a human compared to angels or gods. the file is titled that because of the sentence, "For a human being, Dean is tall and strong, but in the scheme of things, he’s very, very small, and so fragile that Gabriel might as well be wrapped in tissue paper."
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16, 24, 43 for the ask game? <3
Blue hi hi hi
16. I can drive, yes! I had to learn right when I turned 16. I was taking community college classes during the evenings for the last couple of years of high school, and because I lived in the middle of nowhere at the time it was not close by. So I claimed my family's beaten-down Astro van as my own (ideal teenage vehicle btw, nothing will keep you humble like driving a barely-fuctional hulking monstrosity) and away I went.
I still like driving, provided I can blast music while I do it. "Singing alone in my car" is a forever favorite mood.
24. On the roof we're sitting side by side with our laptops writing. I think we'd be working on our own stuff but periodically stop to compare blorbo notes, or grumble about editing to each other, or go "what's a better word for...?" Or we might just hang out and talk about Why Fucked-Up Fictional Women Are The Best, Actually 💕
43. YES to spice! If my food casually sets the inside of my face on fire and low-key makes me feel like I want to die, it's just about right.
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ramseynatural · 4 months
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“Maybe that was why he wore red - why his TARDIS was constantly bathed in that deep crimson light. The blood he spilled was too thick, too much, to stay confined to his hands.”
Google search does @artoodeeblue’s alternate universe Master of It Wasn’t Me Who Ran fame know I love him. Because I love him.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @roxannepolice :3!!! and for my own sake, I've gone with my actual fics and not my daily drabbles.
"Rose is always surprised by how barren Jack’s room seems compared to her own." - New Discoveries, in Good Hands (my transmasc!rose/jack fic)
"Amy watches her boys, a grin on her face." - up a creek without a paddle (and the water rushes so loudly) (the uhm. amy/eleven/rory watersports fic. that happened.)
"He should be better at knowing when Jack is scheming." - tell a story, make it a good one, make it come true (human!doctors au where they are siblings, inspired by some of lazer-screwdriver's tags on those posts, i swear i'm gonna write the chapter about ten soon.)
"'Don’t look at me like that,' Even says, softly." - i was not taught forgiveness (OC fic, starring Even and Twelve reconciling. poorly.)
"Even stares at Clara until she gets uncomfortable and looks away first." - love is a promise, trust is a feeling (Also OC fic, with Even & Clara this time.)
"I should be dead." - Stalemate (....look. writing about my silly little OC is fun, okay. this time starring even & simm!master)
"Toshiko knows something is up from the moment Jack begins to grin from across the table." - put a ring on it (fake proposal with real kissing jack/tosh fic)
"'No. I'm not doing this. It's humiliating,' Owen protests, slapping Jack's hands away whenever he tries to get a grip on him." - if you follow your friends off a bridge, better hope they pick you up afterwards (jack/owen fic that i am cheating for and including more because otherwise the first sentence would just be 'no')
"'There's no way we're getting inside without getting soaked,'" Gwen says, as if she isn't already dripping. - the forecast calls for (silly gwen & ianto fic about getting caught in the rain)
"Harriet Saxon is not having a good day." - go looking for ghosts (my post-amy & rory leaving mourning fic where eleven makes bad choices and paradoxes are considered. and they were both girls.😳)
double-tagging @lazer-screwdriver to peer pressure them into sharing their oc fics to everyone again, and also @fandom-space-princess, @artoodeeblue, @buddyapologist, and @a-shard-of-quartz-lol (have fun :D)
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gay-impressionist · 10 months
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beaucoup trop contente d'avoir fait cette pride avec @maikanna @wolfsnape et @artoodeeblue 🥳
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tedthetalk · 28 days
Tagged by @quietwingsinthesky :333
Last Song: No Light, No Light by Florence + The Machine <3
Favorite Color: YELLOOOWWW HELLO YELLOW ⭐️💛🌟🌻🌙🐝🧀🍋🍯🌕🧅🚸
Last Movie/Tv Show: watched Alien w da besties for Easter (egg movie)
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: used to be sweet but I’m growing out of it 😔 now savory all the way I wuv u lemon parmesan
Relationship Status:
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Last Thing I Googled: “i have several blank in rotation meme” jdbsbsvsvs
Current Obsession: Stardew Valley, Doctor Who, and my bfras storyline (“Lee that’s too many things” I KNOW)
Last Book: LABORATORY MANUAL for Clinical Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians: Third Edition by Thomas Colville and Joanna M. Bassert
Looking Forward To: we got the good cookies in the freezer again :]
Tagging: @spacelesscowboy @mychemikuromance @maggot-monger @artoodeeblue @fandom-space-princess and YOU READING THIS RAHHH THIS IS A THREAT DO IT OR ELSE 🔫
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vampywriter · 1 year
Find the Words tag
@littlepatchofhell made it an open tag, and I wanted to play, so... thanks for leaving it open! :D
I'm tagging @writerfae @saintedseraph @eccaiia @littlehaize @artoodeeblue and whoever wants to do it! Your words are wall, sure, scent, haste, find
Full disclaimer: I could not find the five words, much less in a single wip so... with the words spoon, fundamental, song, answer, drawn, I've got 4 different wip, no 'fundamental', and 'draw' instead of 'drawn' ^^
Amy knew she had some magic in her because she had been able to use the mirrors without help. Magicless people relied on magicful people or on cars and such. So, yeah, she had magic, but she had never played with it until now. And now Lord Bailey was trying to get her to find it inside her, to listen to it, and to invite it out, to use it on purpose. It was weird. She could not touch it, she could not press on a button and see what happened, she was just… kind of… standing there. They tried meditation. They tried doing something else like cooking and trying to  use the magic to move the spoon to mix the ingredients. They tried forgetting about it for a day. Still, Amy did not get it.
-- A Magic Quest (nano2022 project)
A few days later, Roman and Denis were brainstorming a song for an assignment, except they were tired, and Tony felt just as tired, and he had not even tried to brainstorm with them, but now Roman and Denis were still pretending to brainstorm an actual assignment except they were saying dumb shit, and of course speaking of dumb shit they had to end up improvising a stupid song about Dover. Tony felt sick. He needed a change of air. Maybe he could drink some water? No, it did not pass. He needed… he needed…
-- Three Real Dudes and a chemist
Rory went to sit down on the bench, next to his grandparents. He politely greeted them, and asked about the child, and if she attended a nearby school, and answered the same questions about Archie. He was on that bench, talking to his grandparents as if they were strangers, as if he did not know all the answers already. Oh, yes, Amy, she was such a tomboy, and she was just with her grandparents for the weekend, of course. Every answer hit his heart a little more.
-- My Best Friend's Dad
'Who said I'd only have one child?' 'We only have time to imagine one of them, Karl, don't be greedy.' Ike laughed out loud at that.  'Wait wait wait, I'm going to draw that,' he said. As Ike grabbed his sketchpad and his pencils from his bag, Bruce kept talking.
-- [this wip needs a title]
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learning-to-think · 2 years
17 People, 17 Questions
thanks @kat-grows!
nickname: Nate [I've also had Nat, Nath, Naël]
sign: scorpio
height: 4'9
last thing i googled: Bob Ross Covered Bridge
song stuck in my head: none, not tired enough for that yet
no. of followers: 555
amount of sleep: Usually, 8h a night, but Thurs to Fri I get 4h, and Fri to Sat I get a bit more than 8 to cope 
lucky number: 13 
dream job: actor, primary school teacher or private tutor, or secretary or assistant manager
wearing: mustard yellow trousers and a washed up green sweater that reads "Let's do Revolution" in some girly font (that's my pajamas) 
movies/books that summarise you: Love, Actually & Le Dîner de Cons & Coraline
favourite song: I guess at the moment it's Shut up and dance 
favourite instrument: Piano I guess? (picking favourites is so hard)
aesthetic: dark academia meets cosycore meets Mom Friend meets Dad Friend meets Space Gay
favourite authors: @aliceoseman @neil-gaiman @wolfieartsandwrites
favourite animal noise: my cat snorring
random: I've got a cat whose name is Marbrée, and I chose her, and I decided I would love her so much, even if she didn't get to choose me and was scared and all, and now she loves me back and I'm ready to live the next 15 years with her, and maybe even more <3
Tagging: @culmaer @starryellis @thisismystudylife @par-merlin @hatcrufle @evelynhug0 @fluencylevelfrench @artoodeeblue @wolfsnape @jezatalks @zine-e @ravenlesslangblr @mediocrelanguagelearner @larosezen @the-optimistic-idiot @fysyx and anyone seeing this who wants to do it, you're tagged :D
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Butler for the oc ask game?
butler ⇢ is there a character you wish you could develop further?
Uhmmm I need to develop them all further, to be honest. I haven't thought about my original projects in a while. Currently, the original project I'm most interested in working on is a T4T mob story set in the 60s in the US, but the main characters, Luca and Arthur, are Italian (well, Arthur is Italo-Americano). I'd love to actually just. Take the time to know them better and do one of those writer games where you answer a bunch of questions from the character's perspective.
There is also another project I really want to work on, a "monsterfucker" (let's call it that) romance. Another queer romance. I want to develop both characters further, and I still haven't picked a name for the human, so...
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maggot-monger · 1 year
Spotify wrapped ask!! 5, 16, 35 and 100!
yessss ok
5: flesh, by babychaos 16: razors edge, by digital daggers 35: teeth, by dirty d'sire 100: gun in my hand, by dorothy
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1, 6, 10, 32 for the ask game? 👀
1. here!
6. what kind of music would you listen to if you could only choose one?
Oh mannnn, that's so hard 😩 I love music,and my tastes are very broad. Ugh. If I only had one genre to work with, probably soundtracks. That's still a ton of variety, and leaves me with everything from nonverbal focus music (game scores) to dramatic singalongs to "Little Shop of Horrors" at the top of my lungs, ha ha. Is that cheating? Oh well.
10. what do you wish you hated, but actually like?
Superna.... nah, jk. Hellshow (affectionate). Hmm. I don't think I wish that I hated anything I like. I'm a very "let people like what they like and leave them alone about it" person, and I'm not generally ashamed to be weird in public (I am here, after all).
32. do you have any strange interests?
My metric for what counts as strange might be skewed, but. Hm. One of my strange - in the sense of simply being uncommon and pretty nerdy - interests is the broad concept of transhumanism/posthumanism: the advent of AI, the idea of the technological singularity, and the philosophy surrounding what humanity means as human bodies become more integrated with technology. It's partially because I love science fiction, partially because I love thinking about questions of identity and autonomy, about what it is that makes us human and sentient in the first place.
ask me things!
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paper-and-stardust · 1 year
I was tagged by @evangeliamerryll to do this! This is the last thing I've written, thanks for the tag!
Solaris stifled another yawn. It had been another long night full of nightmares, and it was shaping up !to be another long day. All he had to do was get through this meeting without falling asleep and he'd be home free.
The rule is to tag as many people as there are words, so I'll tag some people here (I have no idea who writes and who doesn't, so feel free to ignore if you don't want to!):
@ioworx @thotsyndrome (it won't let me tag you for some reason) @fukindork @teddy-feathers @yandereswaps5 @paddypadcake @artoodeeblue @sylphella @kirnmons @r0-boat
If anyone sees this and wants to do it, feel free! 🥰
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
fic tag game!
@artoodeeblue tagged me! thank you sm!
Rules: post the most recent sentence you wrote for a WIP, then tag your writer friends.
Let him rest in my arms till his bones turn to dust - and would not that be a far greater punishment?
Tagging my opera fic bitches! @dormirosol @smile-at-the-stars @vera-dauriac @carlodivarga-s @revedebeatrice and @notyouraveragejulie <3 have fun you guys!
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