#asoiaf aegon iii targaryen
sweetestpopcorn · 3 months
Hi, hope you're well. I love reading your works and reading through your blog.
Since you talk about canon events/relationships on here sometimes, I was wondering what you think Daemon thought of the 'Velaryon' Princes. It always seems to be a heated debate in fandom, some thinking Daemon was too 'valyrian supremacy' to want to see Jace rule, and others thinking them being half-Harwin wouldn't matter to him since they were also half-Rhaenyra, so I am interested to hear your take.
Unrelated, but I'm also interested in why you chose Vermithor as Prince Viserys' dragon, if there was any specific reason behind it? I love his dynamic with Daemon and him reminding him that his dragon was bigger than Caraxes was amazing :)
Hi there and I hope you are well too :)
Let me start by thanking you so much for your beyond lovely words and please know it gives me a lot of happiness to know you enjoy what I write ❤️
Going back to your two questions, yes, I talk about canon events/relationships because this is the base to everything I write and I make this a strong base because as a fan of the asoiaf books, I want to honour said books and to make what I do as close to them as my limited skills allow me. And as a fanfiction reader, my condition to read fanfiction is to be made to feel as if I am reading about the same characters as I did in the original story. If I demand this of others, I make this demand of myself as well when I am writing, again with the skills I have.
About Daemon's relationship with the "Velaryon" princes I have lost count of the number of asks I received about this. I am in the process of compelling all of them and answering everyone in a single go. I might disappoint some people but I never hid this and I will make it ver clear now -> I am not particularly interested in Daemon's relationship with his stepsons, I am much more interested in his relationship (like infinite times) with his actual sons Aegon and Viserys who were the son(s) he waited so long for. I also do not think that said relationship with the "Velaryon" princes is that important.
However, if you read what I write you know I am currently writing "The Year of the Red Spring" which follows the (asoiaf) canon events for the Year of the Red Spring, 120 AC. I have already included several scenes showing Daemon's relationship with the "Velaryon" princes before he married Rhaenyra, so you and other people asking me about that can refer to that and stay tuned for more :) as it will be far more complete and detailed than any answer I give here.
Still on this relationship and Daemon's potential thoughts about the boys, you pose me two sides, I disagree with both and say neither. The issue was not that Daemon was too 'valyrian supremacy', the issue was that the "Velaryon" princes were not his sons and that actually, funny thing, he had his own sons with the Princess of Dragonstone, so nothing in the world would be more natural than for him to want said sons to be her heirs, especially when the other sons his wife had actually did not have a true claim to the throne - their claim was based on a lie. Daemon is in most ways just as other men of his time. I see nothing about him being very different or particularly feminist or progressive, if anyone is interested there is plenty of research out there showing the different dynamics and outcomes in relationships between full parents, adoptive parents and stepparents with their children, and such research shows that blood speaks louder. I also see no reason what so ever to believe nor any textual evidence that Daemon would care about his stepsons more than his own sons and daughters. And because evidence is absent and what is there points to the contrary, I don't think Daemon liked or cared about his stepsons more than his actual children.
As for the other question about Viserys and Vermithor, as I have mentioned and explored either here or in comments in my fics, I am not shy about saying I don't like the Dragonseeds plot. It was a sh:t idea that turned to an even bigger sh:t and besides Addam and Alyn I don't really care about any of the other seeds, Nettles might have some potential but Hugh and Ulf are 100% a steaming pile of trash. Besides, in my AU, Viserys is much older at the time of the Dance. It would not make sense for him to still be dragonless when there were several dragons available lying around.
Of all of these dragons Vermithor made the most sense, not only because I do like how their two names go together (y'all know my petty a**), but also because Vermithor had been Jaehaerys's dragon. Jaehaerys and Viserys have a lot in common personality wise and Viserys would be someone that Jaehaerys's would be happy to see Vermithor go to - in my humble opinion. Furthermore, there is something poetic about Aegon II having Sunfyre and Aemond Vhagar and Aegon III having Stormcloud and Viserys II Vermithor -> storms can be foes to the sun in a sense, and Vhagar belonged to an enemy of Vermithor's rider. Aegon II and Aegon III were firstborns and Aemond and Vermithor second sons.
All the best to you and one less ask to answer for me!
PS: I do not plan to open my inbox to Anons any time soon because I still have about 50 answers to get through and I also have tons of updates to consider. Thank you for understanding :)
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trupniy · 2 months
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strangesmallbard · 2 months
aegon 2 and 3 are such. wildly tragic characters. your name is aegon you were never a person because your name is aegon and your father sacrificed everything for a son. not you, though. you were his duty. so your name is aegon. and your mother loves you, but you were also her duty. she resents you for it as much as she loves you. who cares what type of person you become? you’ll still become aegon and you’ll sit on that throne. you’re simply a reflection of every violent act such a throne requires. history will remember that you lost, and history will remember that you are aegon II targaryen; you were king and then you died. who are you?
and then! your name is aegon. your mother named you aegon because your uncle is aegon and your mom needed another aegon. your mom loves you desperately. she keeps you like a shadow. you watch your mother die in fire. you watch your brother die in the ocean. you watch your brother die in the air. men you don’t know put you on the throne that killed your mother and your father and your brothers because your name is aegon and you are king. you try to be a good king. you marry the daughter of the man who killed your family. she’s the only person who can possibly understand you. and she dies too. your name is aegon and the people know you as the dragonsbane, a destroyer of legacies, sullen and angry. you only smile once in recorded history: when your little brother unexpectedly comes home alive. but then he has a son. and he names that son aegon. and all the dragons die, but the fire that killed your mother spreads.
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ladyofthebears · 1 month
Do you ever think the dragons get sad that they arent small enough to be held by their riders anymore?
Do you ever think Syrax longs for the days when she and Rhaenyra were young and she could curl herself on her riders shoulders and feel her heartbeat through her skin?
Do you wonder if Dreamfyre ever misses when she was still slender enough for Rhaenas arms to fit around her neck and hold her, when she was still small enough to rest her head in Rhaenas lap and longs to be able to be that close to Helaena?
Do you imagine that maybe Silverwing longs for the days she spent curled around the baby Alysanne as they grew together?
Do you worry if in his last moments of panic and pain, Stormcloud wished he was tiny enough to be carried around and doted on by Aegon iii one last time?
Do you think that as Tessarion died, her mind reached out for the one person she had never known a life without?
Cause i think about it all like a lot.
Ps if you like dragons you should def go look at my dragon inspired makeup looks, namely my latest of Meraxes https://www.tumblr.com/ladyofthebears/748888503847403520/finally-finished-my-meraxes-makeup-look-hope-you
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sisyphusmile · 2 months
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I held her once, right then and there, needing to hold something tangible, something alive, so that in death, I wouldn't be so lonely. She struggled to live, I struggled to die, neither of us could win the other. How do I put it? I sought to absorb some scent of life from her, holding onto her tightly, craving her breath, her scent, her restless movements. Behind me was death, so I held her face to face, refusing to let go, afraid to turn away. For if I turned back, I shall turn rigid, cold and rotten.
commission art by @wowerero on lofter
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cosmiart · 6 months
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During the hour of the wolf he can oft be found standing by a window, gazing up at the stars, but when I presented him with Archmaester Lyman’s Kingdoms of the Sky, he showed no interest.
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tenthmuseondine · 4 months
TW: death/blood
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ekkkkey · 5 months
Aegon II & Aegon III
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faeporcelain · 9 months
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wodania · 2 months
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aegon the third for @/littenislife on twt
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littlest-gemini · 3 months
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King Aegon III and Queen Daenaera Velaryon
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drakaripykiros130ac · 5 months
This should be the final scene from House of the Dragon:
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The extremely emotional reunion of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s sons.
Aegon III Targaryen married to Daenaera Velaryon.
Alyn Velaryon and Baela Targaryen as the Lord and Lady of Driftmark.
Rhaena Targaryen (the rider of the Blacks’ pride and joy, the dragon Morning) and her husband, Corwyn Corbray (Brave valeman and Team Black supporter).
Alicent Hightower’s horrific, well-deserved end and the treacherous Green line permanently ended.
A new beginning for the true members of House Targaryen.
And I want Rhaenyra’s theme to play in the background, just as it did in the first episode, because this is after all, her victory.
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yan!Targaryen Men (Jacaerys, Maegor, Aemond, Aegon I, Baelon, Daemon, Viserys III, Aegon II, Rhaegar) with sister!Darling 
Note-I hope this doesn’t get a rating like my other posts. Also, I don’t specify if the reader is adopted or not to be exclusive  
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There’s no greater love than one found at home 
Tags: Pure filthy smut, unhealthy/toxic relationship, obsession/possessiveness, a kinda bloodplay, breeding kink/fantasy, fingering, oral (m&f receiving), pussy slapping/spanking, marks and cuts (sexual), co-dependency, skincare (don’t ask) 
Any lady would wish to have a brother like yours. So sweet and gentle. A brother who listens to every word of his sister. Always dancing with her at feasts. Giving her flowers just to make her smile. They find his protectiveness over you to be adorable. Not knowing it’s from a fear of losing you to another man. 
Naturally, like everyone else, you were an admirer of many handsome bachelors. Whether it was a lord, a knight, or some blacksmith. Yet each turned you down. They made sure to be careful with their words, as you were a princess. And each time you ran into your brother’s arms in tears. Utterly unaware, he whispered threats into their ears.  
The two of you shared a bed. Something your mother disapproved of. But no matter her attempts, the servants report finding you wrapped in each other’s arms. There was a reassurance it was merely innocent and harmless. The act under the sheets begs to differ from the way your brother is humping you from behind. 
There was a sense of shame in Jace’s actions. But who else deserves to take your maidenhood other than him. Though he waited and waited. Still, the two of you found a way. Light shared and moans shared between-his hardened cock covered by loose fabric as you grind your pussy against it. 
There’s also you two tangled in the sheets, messaging your tongue with his own. You clench tightly around his fingers that’s buried deep inside your core, pumping you relentlessly. All while his hips thrust into the grip you have on his cock. Groaning louder each time you squeeze at the head. 
When it finally happens. Jace has become addicted to the warmth of your pussy. He was already addicted to the feeling of his fingers playing with your dripping folds. Already addicted to his tongue lapping up your pussy, drinking in your juice. This was nothing like he ever experienced, and if Jace could, he’ll die with his cock buried deep inside of you. 
Learning Valryian was necessary. It is your mother’s tongue. The lesson, however, becomes difficult when Jace presses the head of his length against your entrance, slowly filling you up as you sit down on him. You and Jace try to recite what you know. Resisting the urge to roll his hips and your squirming doesn’t help, either. It all ends the same each time with Jace having enough, gripping your waist and moving your hips. 
Jace sometimes dreams of seeing your belly swollen with his child. He can't imagine being with anyone else but you. He wants the perfect life, to be an adoring husband to a devoted wife surrounded by children who resemble you more. It will all come due in time.
To you and everyone else, your brother let it be known of his desire. It is within his right to want you, to have you. What man would have a better claim for his sweet sister than her own brother. Even more who dares to refuse him, to refuse the dragon. 
Your brother wanted to be the first of your everything. Your first love. Your first kiss. Your first fuck. From your mind, to your body, to your heart, to your soul. They were all his. Every inch of you belongs to him. He will give a fate worse than death to a man who dared to steal his ‘right’. 
Maegor breeds you at every chance he gets. Filling your little cunt with his massive cock. Tears coat your eyes at how he pounds into you so mercilessly. Broken moans slip from your bruised lips, feeling his hot cum flood your insides. Numbness taking over your senses. 
There’s no rest even in your sleep. Waking up to Maegor buried deep inside you. It happens so often that you merely lay there and have him do all the work. His cock squelching into your heat, moaning his name as the two of you inch closer and closer to an orgasm. Maegor loves the sight of your pussy as cum oozes out of it, pushing the tip right in front of your  entrance to keep it all in-not wanting to waste a drop of his seed. 
As much as he hates wasting his seed, he also loves the view of you on his knees, eagerly taking him. A hand on your head guiding you up and down on his cock. His sheer size makes you choke and gag every time. When it’s done as a form of punishment, you’re pulled until your nose nudges against his balls. 
Obedience is expected from you. Not only is he older than you, he’s your king. Disobeying him will result in your ass feeling sore, a burning sensation from his assault. You’re to count each one, otherwise, he’ll start all over again. Your pussy is also swollen and drenched from his hand, slapping it when you move too much. 
After making such a mess of you, he has you join him in the bath. The water so warm, it almost stings your skin. Sitting in Maegor's lap, your head resting on his shoulder as his hand traces your back. It’s an intimate moment filled with silence. Peace. 
His wives mean nothing compared to you, and they were reminded of this every day. Any night he spends with one of them would be returned tenfold. A whisper in his ear is all it takes to get rid of each of them. A sweet sister is all he needs to love him, to satisfy him, to bear him heirs.
You and Aemond standing side to side may have looked nowhere alike, but the two of you were attached to the hip as though you were twins. Even when each had different duties. Your brother being taught to wield a sword while you were taught to courtesy and dance. 
Your brother believed the two of you were meant to wed one day. It was tradition with Aegon wed to Helaena, so it’s only fair for him to wed you as well. The two of you shared a bond like no other and who else understands, loves, and cares for his sweet sister as he does. 
Aemond wants the best for you. It’s his duty as your brother. Demanding that you read, that you study philosophy and history. That you learn the language of your ancestors. Though you’re not to blame when finding those lessons to be boring, your brother is furious when you refuse to pay attention. Your stomach on his lap, ass sore from the strikes of his hand. It’s for your own good, he tells you. 
When it comes to reciting what you know, your brother makes you lay over his lap. His hand on your cunt. Fingers caressing your folds when you get the answers right. Halting his movements when you forget or get the answers wrong. But in the end, he’ll give in to your begging, helping you reach your release. 
Aemond likes to believe he’s giving. Cheeks messy with slick as his tongue laps up against your sensitive pussy from the many times you reached your release. Reaching it once more when his fingers thrust in and out of you all while his mouth sucks on your clit. But it’s never enough for Aemond, continuing to sloppily feast on your cunt until you can no longer take it. 
Your brother wasn’t only obsessed with the taste of your tongue, but the feeling of it wrapped around his cock. There should be shame; Taking your maidenhood, but it’ll be bound to happen so why not indulge himself now. Besides, you tempted him like a seductress, latching onto him, yearning for the heat of his cock, and who is he to deny you. 
There’s no greater feeling than this. The feeling of his cock sinking into you, filling you up so well, and stretching you with every thrust. Pushing his hips as deep as he can, wanting to drown himself in your cunt. Groaning when the blunt head of his cock grazes your cervix. Your nails dig into his back, and Aemond hisses when feeling lines of blood-forming. It arouses him even further. 
Aemond was a man whose actions were said better than his words. But there are times where confessions are made. Bodies drenched in sweat, calming itself from the violet highs. And in the dawn of night, you hear the whispers, so faint. And you realize just how deep the love Aemond has for you. The madness in his eye showing its blazing intensity.
Aegon I
Your brother Aegon, as he did with Visenya, married you out of duty. His true love was Rhaenys. A sad truth you must accept. As the youngest sister, you looked up to your big brother, always following him around, eager to please him, to make him happy. 
Aegon finds himself indulging in your eagerness. Allowing you to scrub his body in the bath or undress him late at night. His most preferred is when you’re helping him shave his beard. Seated on his lap with his hands on your waist, and Aegon can’t help but watch you be so focused and take great care to be careful. 
Unlike your sisters, Aegon didn’t want you to fight. Even preferred it if you didn’t claim a dragon. Insisting your purpose was to wait for him when it was time to visit your chambers. And when he did, Aegon smelled like dragon and his eyes widened in lust at the sheer nightgown wore. In mere seconds, it was ripped to shreds. 
His reason for visiting you late at night is before you was Visenya, and before Visenya was Rhaenys. The night is spent with you bent over, his hips ramming into yours. Hands gripping the sheets as his cock pumped in and out of your tight hole. And when it was all set and done, the two of you reaching your high. He always left, and you knew deep inside, it was right back to Rhaenys. 
But soon Visenya notices Aegon’s presence lessens and more shocking when Rhaenys does. The chambers of your room are filled with everything your heart desires, from the rarest of books to every instrument and painted color imagined. The dresses becoming more and more lavished, all in the house of colors. What catches most attention is the valyrian steel necklace placed around your neck. 
His jealousy was one of fire. Easily ignited and hard to put out. Pushed to the wall with Aegon lifting your dress up. A dark look on his face as he lines his cock to your entrance. Making you adjust to his size and brutal pace. He demands to not hold in your moans, to let every single person in the castle know who you belong to. The poor bastard that caused it is currently residing in Balerion's stomach. 
In the throne room, where the halls are empty. Safe for the King and his sister-wife who’s on top of him, bouncing on his cock. Your hips gripped by Aegon, moving you up and down as he drives himself deeper into your aching cunt. Moans, groans, and skin slapping echo through the great halls. Some cuts occur, a few stings, but the pleasure helps in numbing them. 
A true testament to your brother’s love was when the two of you were standing in a mirror. Both bare as you gazed at your reflection. Stunned when Aegon places the crown, the king’s crown on your head. It’s all yours, the kingdom, the throne, him; they all belong to you. His hand reaches down to your belly. It also belongs to them. What if it’s a girl, you ask him. It’s still theirs, he claims.
Such a sweet and kind princess you were. Loved by the court and the common people alike. Your parent’s pride and joy, a sentiment your brother shared. Baelon’s fondness for his sister was well-known around the realm. If one needs to find Baelon, they must first find you, as your brother rarely left your side. 
It doesn’t arouse any suspicions when your brother shoos any of your suitors away. Nor when his hands are on your lower back as you dance. Not when he kisses your cheeks at your name day. Neither when he rubs his thumb on your lower lip to wipe the frosting or cream. They all believe it’s just Baelon looking after his innocent and sweet sister. 
Then again, there are no eyes under the table where your brother’s hand is buried between your legs. Your thighs squeeze the hand to restrict its movements, but all it does is make him dig his fingers even deeper into your core. Baelon has the nerve to have those same fingers in his mouth afterward, tasting your release all while his eyes are on yours. 
With Baelon, most of your mornings are awakened by a sensation between your legs and a knot in your stomach. Opening your eyes to see your brother sucking the clit into his mouth. Pulling away with your arousal coating his lips as he teasingly greets you with a ‘good morning’. 
Any time you are soaking yourself in warm water. It’s almost as if your brother has a sixth sense. Coincidently being there, and he doesn’t even bother asking. Sinking in the warm water and immediately pulling you onto his lap. And somehow it always ends with most of the water spilling out on the floor. You eagerly moving up and down on your brother’s length. 
The dragon’s blood courses through Baelon’s veins and you’re reminded by his fire when he’s green with envy. Making such a mess out of you as he slams his cock into your hole, hand making contact with your ass cheek. Overstimulating you as he pumps a load after another. In your broken moans and whines, your brother makes you repeat that you belong to him over and over. 
Sometimes you wonder if Baelon wants others to find you in these compromising positions. With how often he drags you out of feasts and tourneys. When the two of you return, you’re forced to lean on him as your knees are wobbly and your whole body feels sore. Not to mention the mixture of our arousal sliding down your thighs. 
Baelon worships the ground you walk on. He might even worship you. You certainly taste like nectar on his tongue, a nectar created by the gods. You’re a perfect creature in his eyes. If Baelon could, he’ll gift you the whole  world in his hands. But if you were ever to leave, Baelon will want to burn it all down and himself so he can see a glimpse of your face again. 
Viserys and Daemon loved their little sister. They took you wherever they went, their protectiveness and love clearly seen. But Viserys knew the bond between you and Daemon was nowhere near the one he had with either of you. It was evident even to the court.
You were his. A constant reminder that loomed over you. Everything belonged to him, everything. Your eyes, only for him to gaze at. Your lips, only for him to kiss. Your body, only for him to touch. Your heart, only for him to keep. Your cunt, only for him to breed. 
No other man deserves this. Deserves you. You were made for him. Carved and sculpted by the gods as a gift. Any man or woman who takes what is rightfully his. He’ll behead them and fuck you right next to their corpses, or better yet, he’ll make them watch. Letting it be the last thing they see before meeting their timely demise. 
Daemon takes joy in bullying you. Railing you from behind as your hands grip the window rails. Taunting you on how much of a slut you’re, taking his cock like your pussy was made for it. When he notices you biting your lips to hold your moans as those under will hear, he will spank your pussy every time you do so. He wants them to hear, to watch his sister being so drunk on his cock. 
At tourneys, you’re in the front, thighs clenched together at the sight of your brother’s prowess. It doesn’t matter whether he comes victorious. Daemon makes it a ritual to fuck you after each tourney. When victorious, every time he crowns you as the queen of love and beauty, later in his chambers, having you ride him to your liking. But when he loses, your ass is left sore and bruised as Daemon ruthlessly pounds into your dripping hole, fucking you full of his cum. 
In front of others, it is almost as if your brother’s arousal heightens. Teasing you under the table, his eyes never leaving your face just to watch how it twitches and how your lips are pressed in a thin line, doing everything to not break, not to fall apart from his fingers playing with your cunt. 
No matter how many tongues are silenced or people sent away, it doesn’t stop the rumors that circulate around the castle. The servants claim to catch the two of you in intimate positions. Found in some hall with you between your brother’s legs. A messenger once walked on him thrusting hard and deep into you, still counting his pace the rogue prince simply asks who sent for it. 
You can never deny your brother. For his violence, ruthlessness, and arrogance. There was the intense love and loyalty he had for you. One you will never find in another man. Daemon didn’t need to utter the three words. When he claims that he’ll burn cities to the ground, it’s not an empty promise. It was also his gentleness that was granted only to you. 
Viserys III
There were only three-you, Viserys, and Daenerys. They were all you had-your father, mother, and big brother all gone. Your memories were still there, the good and the bad. And most of all you remembered your brother before he became the man he was. The sweet and devoted Viserys, now cruel and mad. 
To Viserys you are his greatest strength as much as you are his greatest weakness. You are his to have, his to claim, his to fuck, his to hurt, his to love. A wine for him to drink and drink until he’s drunk under your sweet words and touches. Away from him in a day is a day to you, but to Viserys, it’s as if months have passed without your presence.
Your body belonged solely to him. The mere idea of anyone touching or gazing at it will send him into a frenzy of rage. It wasn’t the servants dressing you instead; it was your brother Viserys, styling you in the way he sees fit. Even bathing you, scrubbing your body as he joins you, expecting you to return the favor. 
You weren’t ignorant of your brother’s lust. Noticing where his hands trailed when he’d undress you. How he pulls you to sit on his lap. And your brother’s meanness was seen in how he shoves his fingers in your mouth, watching with great entertainment as you gag and drool all over his fingers. Scolding you for the noises you make and how you’re moving your hips against him. 
Viserys will marry you against Illyrio's advice. It was his destiny and duty. There’s no better suitor than his own sister and no better suitor for you than your own brother. Almost every day Viserys breeded you. It’s up to you and him to continue your bloodline, to bear him heirs when he claims the iron throne. 
Viserys’ jealousy was a dangerous one. Receiving his known saying, do not wake the dragon. Even your sister Daenerys wasn’t safe from his jealousy. Viserys already resented her for killing your mother. He tells her it’s only he who deserves to touch you, to hold you. It’s one of the reasons he was so eager to marry her off to Khal Drogo. As it means having you all to himself. 
Viserys is hardly slow and gentle in his thrusts, and how can he when feeling your insides wrap around his cock, clenching him so tightly. Feeling as if he’s losing his sanity at how drunk he’s on your pussy. With any other, he’d be embarrassed at how loud he is. But with you, his dear sweet sister, Viserys isn’t ashamed to cry out your name. Moaning how good you feel around him, demanding you call him your king. 
Tell me you love me. Was something you often heard from your brother. When he heard them call him ‘the beggar king’. After he caused a tantrum because you were too ‘nice’ to another person. When he lays his head on your chest every night. It almost is a recital, where you tell him you do love him, cradling his face and kissing him to ease any of his doubt.
Aegon II
As children, Aegon teased you as any brother would. But he was far more attached to you than Aemond, and certainly Helaena. Your mother thought the relationship was a harmless one. It’s until your brother became a man and you a lady, did your mother start to separate the both of you. 
It never worked. Aegon made you come to him at any time of need. Your finger is cut, no worries, he'll help you. Placing the said finger in his mouth, sucking on the blood as you watch him. At the time of your month, he’ll press kisses on your tummy to make you feel better, only for his lips to go lower and lower. 
Aegon’s intentions are never good. Such as when your brother sweetly offers you to taste your favorite pastry, only for him to dip his fingers in the said pastry. Having you lick and suck his fingers clean to which you start gagging when he shoves it further inside your mouth. 
His greatest weakness was the sight of your breasts. No matter how big or small they were, it’s a sight to behold. Only for his eyes to see. Capturing your nipple into his mouth, sucking harshly leaving you with the feeling of soreness afterward. 
He’ll also fuck your tits. Fisting his cock as his tip nudges the stiff buds, smearing them with pre-cum. Or better yet rubbing them against the skin between your breasts. Spurting his release all over your chest and some splattering into your face, making him hard all over again as soon as your tongue makes contact with his cum.
With Aegon, there’s never a dull day. Always wanting to try something new. Forced to eat fruits such as strawberries and pineapples all day by your brother until your stomach aches. All because Aegon overheard they will make your pussy taste sweeter. 
During tourneys, you and Aegon are nowhere to be found. Using this opportunity to fuck you in the chambers of those who angered him. Some lord judgmentally looked at him. He will have your back laid on their table with him pounding into you, having all their works scattered on the floor. His brother made a comment on his drinking. He’ll plunge his cock into your dripping pussy on his bed. Leaving behind such a mess for Aemond to find. He’ll even sneak you into some of the lord’s carriages, so when they are to leave, they’ll feel something sticky and wet on their seats. 
When he became king, Aegon would have you ride him on the iron throne. Your stomach is still in knots and your legs are on fire when he and you reach your high. Your brother then makes you sit on the throne all while he’s on his knees, face surrounded by your thighs. Aegon may wear the crown of the conqueror, but it’s you who pulls the strings.
In the stories where you hear of tall handsome princes, Rhaegar was one to come to mind. All ladies seem to think so. Eagerly surrounding and pursuing him. With the customs of your house, the ladies saw you as a competition for their prince. They were not far off, as the handsome Rhaegar’s heart was yours to have. 
The gods have blessed your brother with such beauty. That is a work of art. Compared to his, yours seemed inadequate. A thought that you believed almost broke his heart. Morning to night, your brother’s delicate hands trailed your body, soft lips brushing against the skin. All done to prove you were worthy of such a title, a title of beauty, and one deserving of his affection. 
Though the violet eyes that watched you always held a fondness. A fondness reserved only for you. Watching you do the most mundane things, even eating. Chuckling when the food’s remains would adhere to your lips or trail down, to which your brother wipes it for you. A certain gleam in his eye. 
Every morning, it was your brother who took care of your hair. Whether it’s brushing, braiding, or dipping his fingers in the coconut oil to apply it to your hair. Rhaegar loved taking care of your skin as well. Having you completely bare while he spreads the lotion at every inch of the skin, trailing dangerously close to your lower region. 
There was some resistance against his temptations. Rhaegar will be a patient man for a time, yet his father refused to announce the union. It was seen in how he’d check for you at night, tucking you in and giving you a gentle kiss on the head. Each time, it took all his strength to deny your request for him to join you. But when his patience ran thin and his strength weakened, he slipped behind the covers. A habit came to be with the prince leaving your chambers every early morning. 
With the night sky being your only witness, Rhaegar lays between your legs. Drinking you in like a starved man. The chambers’ walls echo the sound of your moans, hand down pushing his face even further. Your brother groans when you gush against his tongue, arousal coating his cheek and chin. 
Clutching him to your body, your eyes find his. Rhaegar presses his forehead to yours as his cock sank into your pussy. He could worship the sight of your face contorting to pleasure, worship the sounds of your moans in his ear. Your back arches and legs weakly wrap around his waist as he pounds your cunt. Your brother whispers nothing but sweet praises.
Outside the covers of your sheets, your brother also worshiped you. His heart was in your hands. You can break it over and over, and it still beats for you. You are his and he’s yours till the end of days, how he dreams of reciting your wedding vows to one another. How he dreams of you giving him a prince. The three-headed-dragon, words your brother muttered more than once.
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riotarttherite · 6 months
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Another Daenaera commission for Khulaaaan on twt, the prompt was "Daenaera giving a nameday gift to Aegon. Since she didn't own many things of her own she gave her father's compass to Aegon, which her father left to her before his last sail to his death"
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thatscruelsummer · 13 days
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The princesses in the Maidenvault. Sisters Daena, Elaena and Rhaena. Inspired by The Three Robinson Sisters (1846) by George Theodore Berthon.
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scaly-freaks · 1 month
Alternate Universe - Jaehaera lives.
Both of them were ruined. But to be the only ruined thing in a room full of people who are whole, is awfully lonely. There was safety in being ruined together, an understanding that neither had to struggle to be whole again. They could sit together in comfortable silence and do nothing at all.
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