#author: adelth
adelth · 5 years
I’m finally posting my story from the @yoihorrorzine! It was a really fun project, and I’m glad I got the chance to participate. On an unrelated note, I’m now 2/2 for all my zine stories having filthy puns for titles, which I’ve decided I’m rather proud of.
Title: The Unlaid Ghost of Haesindang Rating: M Warnings: Past Character Death Summery:  Victor and Chris are ghost hunters, Mila is their camerawomen, Georgi is a psychic, and Yuuri is the thirstiest ghost in all existence.
This story turned out to be 70% Horror Comedy, 30% Romance, and 100% dick jokes, just so you know going in.
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yoihorrorzine · 5 years
Introducing author Adelth!
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Some ghost stories are stranger than fiction! With a witty sense of humor and an eerie subtext, @adelth invites you to come along for the ride on their fabulous, phallic ghost-hunting adventure.
You can find Adelth on Ao3 / Tumblr.
In The Dark of Night is available now on Tictail. 
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bthump · 6 years
adelth replied to your post “adelth replied to your post “sobadpink replied to your post “When...”
Well, not like I can argue that sexual violence is handled well in Berserk. Tangential, but I once read a book where shit was a motif. Like, literally shit. And that sounds super gross but the author knew what he was doing and it served a very intentional literary purpose. I would have (quietly) been okay if Miura was doing something similar, but it really does seem like he just breaks out the rape card whenever he needs to up the stakes.
imo the really annoying thing about rape in berserk is that sometimes it actually is well done but most of the time it’s... just not lol. Like I think Guts and Griffith and Casca’s (with a few caveats) backstories all work really well, depicted in varying degrees of graphic but for the most part effectively so, they inform the characters and their current values and motivations, and thematically their backstories potentially inform like, the entire story.
Which imo just makes it worse that so much of the rape we see in Berserk is so badly done and gratuitous. Like as a theme I think it could’ve been strong and effective, and like, sometimes it is, but overall there’s way more bad than good. So yeah I p much completely agree with you.
and lol I’m kinda curious now, what book was that?
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seventhstar · 6 years
Fanfic Author Appreciation Day Rec List
in no particular order, here is some stuff i’ve read recently and really enjoyed:
in light of you (i am undone) by writingpenguin
This is one of those lyrical, magical pieces that sticks with you after you read it. From the first words of the summary to the last words of the fic, the writing in this is like the light of souls it depicts: true and bright. I would recommend this to pretty much anyone, including people who aren’t YOI fans. I think about it a lot.
in which otabek is a (dog loving) criminal by sshibal
Otabek and Seung-gil’s ridiculous friendship, plus the tact that this fic revolves around Otabek sucking at lying and an illegal dog-cuddling enterprise, makes this one of the funnest things I’ve ever read. You can tell the author carefully pinpointed every opportunity to make the reader laugh, and then took it.
The Tale of Two Yuris by Thia (Jennaria)
I love fairytale AUs, and this one is special to me because of the style. It’s one part traditional fairytale, one part sly humor, and it makes excellent use of both Yuris. 
we know the game and we're gonna play it by Piyo13, smolmerci
It’s Phichit/Chris fake dating. At his sister’s wedding. Surrounded by people they have to fool 24/7. And if that doesn’t sell you, let me just say: this is some of the best characterization of Phichit and Chris I’ve read anywhere. It’s funny. It makes you feel like you’re actually at the beach with these two losers. If you don’t ship Phichit/Chris, this fic will probably convert you.
Crowned in Silver by Adelth
What would have happened if Viktor didn’t cut his hair? This fic turns that mysterious haircut into a chance to explore Viktor: his relationship with his career, with Yuuri, and of course: with himself. This is one of my favorite Viktor-centric fics.
I Like Me Better (When I'm With You) by whatsup_buttercup
I love omegaverse aus, I love soft, heartwarming romances, and I love it when the conflict in a fic is solely based on Yuuri’s inability to remember anything that happens when he’s drunk. This fic has all three and it knows how to use them. 
winner, winner by crossroadswrite
This fic takes a mildly hilarious premise and takes to the logical--and incredibly funny--conclusion. I also love that the author took one of Yuuri’s canon traits--he hates losing--and flipped it in the funniest way possible: clearly Yuuri is turned on by winning.
i long and seek after by kevystel
This take of Eros and Psyche is strange and twisted. It opens midway through the story and drags you in. The language is precise and evocative. This is one of those fics that I read once for pleasure and a second time to dissect, because the writing is so interesting that I want to learn from it.
Let's Say You Left a Lasting Impression by fmo
I remember the exact moment I finished reading this, because I immediately sent it to all of my friends. It features matching tattoos, the phrase “Cthulhu-level hangover”, an social media post that escalates, and also the phrase “the gorgeous Loch Ness Monster of the skating world”. This is one of those fics i have downloaded for a pick me up.
If you read any of these fics--or any fics today--or any fics any day, for that matter--please like/reblog/kudos/comment on them! It means a lot to the authors.
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This short story is lovely. The writing itself is beautiful and the story is woven together perfectly. @adelth did an amazing job keeping the characterization on point within the Russian and Japanese inspired mythology. I can’t wait to see what else the author has to offer!
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halujalanninjaku · 3 years
Aku yang terlahir sebagai Heroine Otoge
CHAP 1.2
Aku buatkan tehnya, di sebuah gazebo taman rumah ini. Ia terlihat tertawa dan berbicara dengan seorang gadis yang terlihat lebih muda darinya.
    [Maaf atas keterlambatan Layla, ini teh buatan Layla]
Aku menyajikan teh yang sudah kuseduh ke cangkir di meja, setelah itu aku diperintahkan unruk tetap di gazebo ini.
    [Layla, sendokku jatuh. Ambilkan.]
Ku menunduk dan menjangkau sendok yang terjatuh itu, lalu aku sadar ada cairan sedikit panas menyucur dari atasku. Aku tau ini teh, karena beberapa tetes tak sengaja mengalir ke bibirku.
    [Ah, maaf tanganku gak sengaja. Tehku jadinya tumpah]
Disaat itu juga, aku rasanya mau meledak. Kuambil sendok tadi, ketika ku berdiri. Sisa isi teh yang di teko kulemparkan semuanya ke wajah kakakku.
    [Panas! Panas!]
    [Ah maaf, tanganku gak sengaja juga. Jadinya seisi teko kelempar ke kamu.] Ucapku
Kakaku menatapku dan mengayunkan tangannya menuju arahku, aku yakin ia sepertinya akan menamparku lagi. Jadi aku tahan tangannya sebelum mencoba melukaiku lagi,
    [Kuberitahu satu hal, aku muak diperlalukan kayak budak sama kamu. Kalau kamu merasa seorang bangsawan, mendingan kamu hentikan deh semua perbuatanmu sebelum kamu mempermalukan dirimu lebih dari ini.]
Ia menarik tangannya, mengambil cangkir minumnya dan melemparnya kearahku. Aku mengihindar secepat yang ku bisa,
Dan gelas itu langsung pecah, namun tidak melukaiku.
    [Beraninya kamu memperlakukanku seperti itu!! Kau pikir kamu siapa, anak haram!?]
Agh, gue muak dengan omongannya yang nyebut gue anak haram, anak haram itu.
    [Saya memang anak haram, tapi saya juga punya hak untuk membela diri saya. Lagipula kamu duluan yang menyiramku dengan teh, jadi bukan hal salah jika aku membalasnya.]
    [Udah, udah jangan kalian bertengkar. Layla kamu boleh membalas tapi gak begitu caranya, Aurora juga, kamu gak boleh menumpahkan teh bahkan melemparin saudarimu dengan cangkir]
Hee, nama kakak gue Aurora? Kayak nama putri tidur di dongeng dongeng gitu, sayangnya perilakunya gak sama kayak yang di dongeng.
    [Nona Eurika! Apa menurutmu sopan seorang adik menumpahkan satu teko teh ke kakaknya? Lagipula aku cuma mengajarkan kepada anak haram ini mengenai kedudukannya]
Oh, jadi nama temennya ini Eurika. Hapalin, hapalin.
    [Memang tidak sopan, tapi awal dari semuanya kan kamu duluan, Aurora. Dan Layla, kamu gak boleh membalas ke kakakmu begitu. Gak sopan,]
Aku langsung tersenyum, mengejek ucapannya yang seakan menceramahiku itu.
    [Ho, jadi kamu tipe yang kalau di bully bakalan diem aja gitu? Mau nunggu ada pangeran berkuda yang nolongin gitu? Maaf aja, aku gak sebodoh itu. Dan aku tau kok emang gak sopan, tapi setidaknya dia bisa ngerasain rasanya ditumpahin teh panas itu kayak apa.]
Dan dengan keributan yang kami ciptakan tuan besar rumah ini alias bapakku datang,
    [Ada keributan apa ini? Hentikan Aurora, Layla tidak sopan didepan tamu kalian bertengkar.]
Aku menunduk hormat kepada bapakku,
    [Maafkan Layla papa, tapi Layla hanya memberitahu rasanya ditumpahin teh panas kepada kakakku Aurora, agar ia tidak melakukan hal serupa di kemudian hari.]
Dan kakakku mencoba berbicara kepada bapak kami,
    [Aku hanya mengajarkan Layla untuk berlaku sopan dan mengajarkan dirinya untuk berlaku sesuai derajatnya.]
    [Tapi gak perlu pakai numpahin teh panas dan ngelemparin cangkir kan?]
    [Jangan asal bicara kamu anak haram, kamu duluan yang numpahin teh ke aku!!]
Aku dan kakakku terus beragumen saling menyalahkan satu sama lain,
    [Tuan Adelth, begini kejadian sebenarnya...]
Kami terkejut ketika suara keras muncul, aku melihat bapakku menundukkan kepalanya di hadapan kami.
    [Papa sudah dengar apa yang terjadi dari nona Reincorn, Aurora kembali ke kamarmu dan renungkan apa kesalahanmu kamu tidak boleh keluar sebelum kamu minta maaf dan menyesali apa yang kamu perbuat kepada adikmu.] Lalu bapakku menatapku,
    [Kau juga Layla, renungkan dan minta maaf ke kakakmu.]
Aku mau aja meminta maaf ke kakakku, tapi aku gak salah jadi ya... maaf aja, aku sedikit egois. Walau ogah,
    [Aku minta maaf kakak, tapi kurasa apa yang kulakuan hanya meniru apa yang kamu lakukan. Jadi tidak sepenuhnya aku yang salah, dan kumohon hentikan membullyku bahkan memanggilku dengan sebutan anak haram. Aku punya nama,]
    [Jadi kamu mau menyalahkan aku gitu?! Lagian kamu emang anak haram, jadi udah pantas dipanggil begitu.]
Dengan begitu cepat aku melihat kakakku terjatuh dan terduduk di lantai gazebo, kulihat juga bekas tangan ayahku yang dengan cepat baru saja menyentuh wajah kakakku.
    [Hentikan ini semua, Aurora. Kamu mau sampai kapan memperlakukan adikmu dengan buruk? Sudah cukup kamu melukainya hingga parah, mau sampai kapan lagi? Sampai ia meninggal?] Oh? Informasi baru lagi, jadi kayaknya tebakanku bener deh. Cewek asli si Layla ini harusnya udah meninggal, tapi malah gue yang masuk ke badan dia buat gantiin dia.
    [Apa maksud papa? Aku gak melakukan apapun ke dia!] Sambil ia menunjukku,
    [Papa dengar dari kepala pembantu dan beberapa pembantu lainnya mengenai perilaku burukmu kepada saudarimu.] Wow, gercep juga si bapak dapatin informasi soal ini.
    [Aku gak melakukannya papa, mereka pasti bohong. Mereka hanya gak suka sama aku.]
    [Sudah cukup, Aurora. Minta maaf sama adikmu.]
Nih cewek kayaknya bersikeras banget gak mau mengaku akan kesalahannya. Yaudah sih,
    [Gak, aku gak mau!]
Dan si Aurora langsung lari masuk ke rumah lagi, ninggalin kami bertiga doang di gazebo.
    [Saya minta maaf atas ketidak sopanan yang dilakukan anak-anak saya, nona Reincorn.]
    [Tidak apa tuan Adelth. Mungkin Aurora hanya kelelahan. Dan melihat reaksi Layla tadi juga membuatku kaget, Layla sekarang udah pemberani, gak penakut lagi.] Tuturnya, kok rasanya kayak ngeledek ya? Perasaan aja kali.
    [Yasudah, saya kembali ke rumah untuk membujuk Aurora. Apa perlu saya panggilkan kereta kuda untuk mengantar anda pulang?]
    [Gak perlu paman, sesekali aku ingin ngobrol dengan Layla.] Huh? Mau ngomong apa sama gue? Jangan-jangan dia diam-diam mau balas dendam soal kakak gue. Siap-siap kabur.
    [Baiklah kalau begitu, papa tinggal dulu ya. Layla, jadi anak baik.] NOOO BAPAK!! Jangan tinggalin hamba!! Nih cewek pasti mau balas dendam.
    [Oh iya Layla, besok kamu bakalan datang ke pesta ulang tahun pangeran Rodelf?] Huh? Apaan itu? Mana gue tahu soal begituan,
    [Soal pesta saya tidak tahu menahu, tapi saya pikir mungkin hanya kakak Aurora yang datang.]
Ya, aku juga gak mau datang sih ogah + mager. Pesta begituan pasti bakalan banyak orang, terus bakalan sumpek dan panas.
    [Begitu ya, padahal aku mau ngundang Layla biar ada temannya]
Kuhhh, sialan nih cewek. Dia tau mukanya bagus, tapi harus gitu pasang muka kayak anak anjing gitu? Imut banget pengen unyel unyel jadinya, awas bahaya inget dia ini temen kakakmu. kamu gak akan tau kalau kalau dia ternyata licik.
    [A, aku gak tau apa boleh tidak nanti, kalau kakak mengajakku. Mungkin aku bisa datang,]
Kaget nih cewek megang tanganku,  apa lagi ini?
    [Tenang aja, bakalan aku bujuk Aurora buat ajak kamu juga! Aku pulang dulu ya, pokoknya pesta besok kamu pasti bakalan datang!]
Dan, dia ninggalin aku gitu aja. Gila nih cewek optimisnya kelewatan tinggi, ya kali kakakku  yang egonya setinggi gunung itu bakalan nurut.
    [Layla, besok kamu ikut denganku datang ke pesta ulang tahun pangeran Rodelf]
    [uhuk!] Beneran terjadi dooooong!! Tuh cewek bagaimana bisa?! Naklukkan kakak gue? Tuhan, cobaan apa lagi ini.
author note:
Hyaaa... akhirnya terpublish juga chap pertama, maaf yang nungguin karen kendali saya gak ada kosakata buat lanjutin. sama saya juga sibuk ujian jadi laporan disana-sini. tapi saya menghargai semua yang udah baca. jadi terima kasih banyak!
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adelth · 5 years
Signs of Life
It’s mermay! I love me some mermay! (But honestly I’ve got too many WIPs to start another one) Luckily, I remembered I had a 2k ficlet that technically qualifies sitting around on my drive. I don’t think this will ever be a full story, maybe a series of one-shots once I finally wrap up some of my other projects. If that doesn’t scare you off, here’s my very sci-fi contribution to the fine tradition of writing about mermaids in may.
Title: Signs of Life Rating: T Warnings: one vicious swear? Relationship: Yuuri Katsuki/Victor Nikiforov Summary: Victor Nikiforov just needed a place to repair his ship, but landing on a long-abandoned planet leads to discovering the mystery of its sole remaining inhabitant.
“No,” said Victor, eyeing the warning that flashed across his center console with dismay. “No, no, no. Don’t do this right now.” The console responded by chiming out a stall warning, in contradiction to the overspeed alarm that was still active, and the fact that a stall was impossible outside of an atmosphere anyway.
Already suspecting the source of the error, Victor turned off the autopilot. The alarms silenced themselves, but his brow didn’t unknit. He reached up to flip the switch for his secondary autopilot to take over, a partitioned backup to the system that was currently failing. The alarms immediately started up again, this time including a particularly shrill siren that warned of a hull breach. He’d only just managed to slap it into silence when a truly dire dangerous terrain message came blinking across his viewport, though apparently only the midship attitude control sensors could tell he was about to slam into some catastrophic obstacle.
Victor growled a credible impression of a Hexxii curse his favorite techmonger was fond of. The language wasn’t particularly friendly to human vocal cords, but Victor had a bit more leeway than most in what he could pronounce. He wasn’t entirely sure what the expletive meant, truthfully, but based on usage he’d gathered that it was more or less equivalent to “motherfucker.”
Perhaps due to the circumstances of his exposure, it had become Victor’s customary reprimand when hardware failed him at inconvenient moments. Inconvenient but not disastrous he reminded himself. At least it was one of the sensory control modules that had gone haywire, and he wasn’t actually at risk of sudden decompression or crashing into a non-existent terrain feature.
Theoretically Victor could still finish his journey if he was willing to pilot the whole way manually, but that would make for a very long trip. He was flying single-handed, as was his preference, and even he could only go so long without sleep. He’d lose time looking for a safe place to berth, on top of the time he actually spent sleeping. He also wouldn’t be able to travel through the most convenient spaceports, where traffic control mandated the use of autopilot to prevent accidents.
He slouched back in his seat, blowing his bangs out of his face as he stretched his legs. He wasn’t stiff, neither he nor the pilot’s station were designed for that, but the stretch still felt good.
Taking a long moment to gaze through his viewport, he let himself be entranced by distant pinpricks of light while he reminded himself why he traveled this way, instead of in one of his parent’s well-staffed schooners.
He reached across the small flight deck and tapped his fingers against the hull of his ship, a reinforced strut just within reach. Titanium alloy over a high carbon nano-ceramic, warm fingers against cold metal. Withdrawing the hand, he set a finger against his own mouth; the texture was soft and giving this time, warmth against warmth.
He discarded the thought of calling his family for help.
On balance, these were his options: he could take the long way home, he could suit up for an EVA, or he could find a place to land and do this the easy way. There’d been a similar failure not long after he’d purchased the cruiser, and he’d replaced the entire module not five years ago. Aware that the three other modules were still original, he made a point of carrying a mostly built spare, ready to be modified as a replacement as needed.
Still, although he had an electron beam gun on board, he wasn’t eager to try welding in a hard vacuum. He’d much rather land somewhere with enough of an atmosphere to make a more conventional arc weld viable. Better yet, he’d like a garage where he could just pay someone else to do the work, but he was a long way from that kind of amenity.
There wasn’t a planet chartered for habitation within several days travel, he knew that already. Humans hadn’t claimed so very many worlds that they were hard to keep track of just yet. There was a siderophilic asteroid mining operation, but unless they were feeling very accommodating, they weren’t going to help him. It was more than likely a fully automated enterprise anyway, without even disgruntled employees he could bribe. His techmonger had opinions about the kind of law-skirting that happened on the far edges of civilization, where obscure businesses might avoid either decommissioning or emancipating the almost-AIs they relied on for decades.
Changing his parameters as he flipped through the ship’s directory, Victor started looking for any nearby planet that might suit his needs. His new search brought up Proxima-b, a rocky planet with a breathable atmosphere, which looked to have gone uncolonized due to the 200 km deep ocean that covered the entirety of its surface. It was tidally locked, one face continually scorched by close proximity to its sun, so tight was its orbit around the small red dwarf.
His cruiser was reasonably versatile, but it didn’t have pontoons. If Proxima-b was entirely undeveloped, he would have to move on. That said, there was a long expired commercial exploration charter attached to the planet. Very long expired, Victor realized, hunching forward with interest. The project had been abandoned almost 200 years ago, and given where they’re located…
Scanning through the registry, Victor sought out the corporation that had filed the charter, and cross checked the dates. He whistled in appreciation. Proxima-b had been claimed for exploration by interests located on Earth, back when it would have taken 20 years for a spacecraft to travel between the two. It must have been one of the first commercial planetary charters on record. They’d gone all that way… to harvest semiconductors and dopants?
And here Victor had been under the impression that platinum group metals had been the elements sought out by space’s first prospectors.
The now defunct venture seemed to have been focused on boron in particular, which was downright odd. Chemically uncombined, elemental boron was only found on Earth in small amounts deposited by meteoroids, and might well have been worth mining. What could have been extracted from the waters of Proxima-b, however, seemed unlikely to differ all that much from what could have been extracted from Earth’s own oceans.
Astrobiologists, on the other hand, had a decided interest in extraterrestrial boron. When combined with water it became borate, which stabilized ribose in a way that made the formation of RNA, and therefore the storage and replication of genetic information, possible.
It was, in short, a sign of life.
Victor hesitated to assign motives to people who lived centuries ago, but a for-profit enterprise secretly seeking out proto-life seemed dubious. Maybe it was easier to do so as a resource management company than a research firm for some reason? Victor had little knowledge of contemporaneous space travel policy, only lingering disquiet.
Why Proxima-b had been abandoned, at least, wasn’t mysterious at all; intense solar flares were eating through the atmosphere. That wasn’t entirely surprising behavior from a red dwarf like Proxima Centauri, but having the brightness of the star suddenly increase by a factor of 1000 during a massive flare certainly was. For a span of seconds Proxima-b had a sun 10 times brighter than Earth’s own, and that had been enough to scare the prospectors away. They’d been planning to build their operation on the dark side on the planet, but no one wanted to be exposed to that kind of radiation.
Happily, they looked to have left a landing platform and maintenance facilities behind, the bare beginnings of a testing site. They’d be ancient, but all Victor needed was somewhere to land. Repairs would only take an hour or two, and the chances of Proxima Centauri happening to do something unfortunate during that time were minimal. Cautiously optimistic, Victor charted a course and engaged his thrusters.
Victor had been prepared, been half expecting even, to have to scupper his plan. There was every chance the centuries-old facilities on Proxima-b would be unusable, left to the seaworld’s irradiating flares and briny fathoms.
Instead, they looked pristine. They weren’t modern, they didn’t look like they’ve been updated in 200 years, but they’d been assiduously maintained.
Victor almost forwent landing, worried he was about to drop into a very cleanly smugglers nest. His sensors weren’t detecting any lifeforms, but he wasn’t entirely confident they were to be trusted given his current troubles. The landing pad was right there though, and truthfully Victor was loath to leave the mystery unprobed.
The landing itself was uneventful, save for the moment the platform lit up to welcome his arrival. He’d nearly pulled up in shock, but the process seemed automatic, rather than a herald of hostile intent.
He armed himself before leaving the ship, taking time to poke around the floating base before beginning his repair. There wasn’t much to it, besides the landing pad, there was a combined hanger and workroom, along with a barebones office and washroom. There weren’t even bunks, though he supposed cots might be stored somewhere. The whole structure rolled with the waves below, nearly sending Victor tumbling more than once.
He was testing the shower, which somehow still ran fresh water, when a loud creak from the workroom made him snap to attention. It was followed by a heavy clang, which sent shivers snaking up Victor’s spine. There was nowhere to hide - the shower didn’t even have a curtain - and he couldn’t go for his gun without being terribly obvious. Caught out, he raised his hands and turned slowly around.
Whatever he’d been expecting, it wasn’t an equally stunned man half protruding through a hatch in the floor, dark hair wet and chest naked. They both stared for moment, then the stranger nearly sent himself back down the hatch he flinched so hard.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t…I didn’t.” He stopped, looking up at Victor as if he was the inexplicable element in the room. “I didn’t think anyone was coming.”
Without giving Victor a chance to come to terms with his own confusion, the stranger began hoisting himself onto the platform. Victor got a brief view of skin moving over flexing muscle, before being entirely distracted by the black tentacle that infiltrated through the hatch to grip a handhold on the wall and help pull the…man…through.
He didn’t have legs. What came through the hatch after the man’s torso was a mess of thick, black, prehensile coils. Victor had a hard time keeping track of what they were all doing, but one reached out to close the hatch behind the man as he moved away, familiar with the space and how to navigate it.
He bustled around - opened a locker here, replaced something in a drawer there - incredibly industrious with his many limbs. It had the distinct air of nervous busy-work, which alleviated some of Victor’s fear, if not his shock.
“I tried to keep everything running, but I’ve had to prioritize essential systems. I ran out of containers for samples, so it made sense to cannibalize the testing equipment for parts. I know it was expensive, but not even my batteries can be recharged indefinitely, and I’ve lost more than half the solar panels to weather and wear.” The man didn’t look at Victor as he spoke, half facing away to monitor his tentacles working.
“What are you?” Victor asked, perhaps insensitively, but unable to parse through his confusion to find any other question.
The man slowly put down the screwdriver he’d been holding, transferring it from hand to tentacle to workbench. He turned his head, one eye meeting Victor’s over his bare shoulder. His eye was brown and normal, but the pupil rapidly swelled and shrunk twice, dilating in a way that was thoroughly artificial. His torso sagged, even the tentacles seemed to wilt.
Then he was gone, back down the hatch in a rush of black, without even saying a word.
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adelth · 5 years
Update - Ch. 2 is now up!
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Rating: M Warnings: Violence, implied threat of assault/torture, about an par with a modern Bond flick  Summery: Viktor Nikiforov is an infamous FSB agent, a dedicated and proficient operative since his days as a teenage cadet. No one knows what to make of it when he walks into an American embassy and offers to turn in his signature gold-finish makarovs in exchange for asylum. Obviously he can't be trusted, but he also can't be turned away, even if he has some strange requirements.This is how Yuuri Katsuki, disgraced field agent, ends up fake-married and living in suburbia with a former(?) Russian spy who won't stop telling their neighbors he's Yuuri's mail order husband.
Link to Ch. 2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16514447/chapters/45210826
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adelth · 6 years
Soulbound Preview!
So, we’re approaching the end of the working period for @yoisoulmatezine, and I’m so excited to see it come together. Here’s a little preview of my piece in the meantime. 
Yuuri feels guilty every time he takes clients to dine at the lounge in Fukuoka Tower; he can sense his family’s worry radiating all the way from Hatsetsu. He’s been smothered in that loving concern ever since they’d deciphered the foreign chicken-scratch of his mark, not long after it first bloomed across his skin.
Imagine the scene: your young son bursts into the family home, babbling with uncharacteristic excitement about his new mark. His best friend has already met her soulmate, so you’re relieved he won’t feel excluded any longer. You’re not up to translating the messy script, but luckily your trusted friend Minako is around. She takes your son’s arm gladly, but then squints, smile fading. She prevaricates, says it’s too personal to reveal, her voice carefully blank.
Later she pulls you and your husband aside, tells you those indelible words read, “please don’t jump.” Your heart breaks, vividly, graphically; you feel it fall and shatter against the ground. After taking a moment to adjust everyone smiles, reasons that it’s not what it looks like, anticipates laughing once the truth plays out.
Still, Yuuri senses the fear they can’t entirely squash or hide. It’s in the softly spoken words and always attentive gazes. The latent anticipation of impact follows him like a shadow.
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adelth · 6 years
Congrats on 500 kudos!! How about a magical coffeeshop viktuuri AU? With dragons 😁
My writing process: Uh-oh, a coffeeshop AU? I’ve worked enough customer service jobs to know it sucks, and domestic fluff isn’t really my wheelhouse.
…Wait did you say dragons?
Dark Roast 
The best part of Yuuri’s job is the smell of coffee. He doesn’t understand the attraction, given his total lack of interest in drinking the beverage, but the roasted beans did smell amazing every morning.
He’s been doing this so long he hardly notices the attendants scrambling to run straps across his body. They’d been afraid of him at first, unaccompanied as he was, but they’d long since grown used to each other. They don’t hesitate to lean against his body or nudge him to move these days. Sometimes children even sneak in to hide behind his legs, much to their mother’s loud and ongoing disapproval.
The man in charge - or perhaps the woman, Yuuri finds it hard to differentiate when not given obvious cues like children calling “mother” - shoos the workers off him and gives him the signal that he’s clear. Yuuri rouses himself with a lurch, somnolent in the dawn’s early light, but ready to proceed with the second best part of his job. Flying.
He spreads his wings, revealing the dramatic red fans that are otherwise tucked away against the black of his body. He’s not really a daytime creature, but this is the industry. He knows the children must not be here today, they can never resist shouting their excitement when he unfurls his wings. He suspects all three of them will be dragon riders someday, no matter how much their mother shouts.
Sometimes, you can just tell when someone longs for the sky. For wind and speed and endless horizons. Yuuri can taste the feeling now, as he tests the currant beneath his wings then launches himself into the air with a great downward shove, insisting the earth release its hold on him.
He’s aloft and gaining altitude with the next few wingbeats, a very dark shadow against the rising sun, vanishing into the sky with incredible speed.
His first delivery is fine, it’s to the nearest coffee shop, built over the plantation for convenience’s sake when the whole idea had still been a mad plot. It hangs suspended between wispy clouds, the glinting spellwork lattice that holds it in place a true marvel.
The workers up here are largely cadet hopefuls, which counterintuitively makes them more uneasy around him. His refusal to carry a rider is only part of the problem, the other is turnover meaning there are often people unused to him. Nonetheless, the crew is entirely professional and all goes well.
He thinks some of the elder workers may give up on a dragon and pursue a more conventional career soon, perhaps even within the Air Corps. Most members were not dragonriders, but it was still a large organization that needed many hands at many tasks, though most of those tasks kept one’s feet firmly on the ground.
The man who built the coffeeshops had accepted not being a dragonrider, but refused to give up the sky. He’d studied the magic in dragon bone and breath with the Air Corps’ endorsement, and had unexpectedly devised the means to fix structures in the air. It could only be done above certain terrestrial points, and those were not easy to find, making floating cities unfeasible. The first structure, only accessible to those with wings, became a place to meet and rest for dragonriders, and shortly after a coffee shop. They’d developed as a strange sister institution to the Air Corps themselves, separate but entwined.
They aren’t conveniently located or easy to supply for the most part, and that’s where Yuuri comes in; he flys in fresh coffee everyday. Not carrying a rider means he can take that much more weight in supplies, and he has the stamina to make the entire circuit. He’d replaced several dragon and rider teams when he’d taken over this duty, allowing them to make themselves useful elsewhere.
It’s not glorious work; he doesn’t fly in full regalia like the honor guard. He’s doesn’t tell wild stories from patrolling the border, and he’s alone for the most part anyway. There are reasons he’d refused a life in the Air Corps though, and at least everyone is happy to see him when he shows up.
He’s in the air again before the sun has cleared the distant mountains, on the way to his next delivery, somewhat lighter than before.
It’s the second delivery where everything goes wrong, confirming his ongoing dislike of the Ashentop coffeehouse.
The problem with Ashentop is that it’s busy. It was erected very close to a towering butte that dominated the surrounding steppe, and the Air Corps had wasted no time in building across the gap and taking advantage of the extra space. There were barracks and an aviary for dragons to rest and recover here, as well as a small assortment of businesses geared towards the personnel passing through.
Yuuri doesn’t care for the crowds, but at least the bustling activity lets him go unnoticed for the most part. Perhaps people whisper about him as he wings past, or perhaps no one cares enough to notice; there’s no way to know and Yuuri endeavors not to care.
The entrance here is a bit tricky, tucked beneath the bridge, and Yuuri has to roll out of the way of traffic before he drops into the waiting gate. A less maneuverable dragon, or one who wasn’t familiar with the landing, might have had to circle back around. Yuuri does this every day though, in all sorts of traffic and weather, he could probably make the landing half asleep.
The working crew at Ashentop is larger, and they unload what they need even faster than the Plantation coffeeshop. Considerably lighter now, he gives his wings a shake and prepares to be on his way. He jumps prematurely, back on his hind legs, startled when a long white neck arches around the corner into the recessed cubby, and he finds himself face to face with another dragon.
A lovely dragon, their pearlescent white scales shining and delicate across their face, leading to blue horns that darkened almost to black at the tips. The neck is strong but supple, the head gracefully dished. Yuuri is caught staring into bright cyan eyes, the pupils elegant slits.
Victor. Yuuri knows who Victor is, everyone knows who Victor is. There’s not a living dragon more famous for their exploits, and frankly the more storied dragons from the past are probably at least partly apocryphal. Why is Victor here?
‘That was a very good landing.’ The appreciation Victor pushes at his mind is so clear it’s almost like words, as if he had vocal chords running down his throat instead of acid sacks. Startled again, and already off balance, Yuuri has to dodge around Victor and push off into the air to stop himself from landing on either his face or the supplies he’s carrying.
Already aloft, he can’t bring himself to do anything but flee, winging away from the cliffside where Victor is spread wide and clinging to the rock face in his bid to disrupt Yuuri’s equilibrium.  
‘Alright, bye.’ He feels Victor’s farewell only faintly due to the distance he’s put between them, and thinks himself even more the fool, clumsy and mean as he flys away.
He makes it almost a week without anymore foolish bungles on his part, and he’s starting to settle into his usual routine. Seastack may well be his favorite coffee shop, positioned over a lively reef where waves crash and there’s always food to be caught. He takes a rest here most days before making the final leg of his journey.
He’s roosting comfortably on the roof when Victor comes out of nowhere, more silent than is plausible for a dragon his size, and settles down beside him. The roof isn’t small enough to justify how close he perches, but he doesn’t bother explaining himself this time. Yuuri can’t bring himself to make contact, to apologize for his rudeness, despite the perfect opportunity.
He’s not as eloquent as Victor, doesn’t have the practice interacting with a squad and speaking mind to mind. All he’d be able to do was push his tangled confusion and anxiety at Victor, and he couldn’t bear compounding his shame that way. Instead they sit in silence, close but not quite together, until Yuuri can’t take it anymore. He ends his break prematurely, leaving Victor behind him once again.
It becomes a pattern. Every so often, once or twice a week, he’ll run into Victor during his rounds. If he’s busy, Victor will tilt that finely sculpted head in acknowledgement and that will be all. Yuuri nods back after the first few times, unable to be so purposefully discourteous as to not return the simple gesture.
If Victor manages to catch him while he’s resting at Seastack, he’ll join Yuuri on the roof. Yuuri is still too nervous to strike up a conversation, but the silence grows more companionable as he adjusts to Victor’s ongoing presence. He may even miss him a little, when he’s not there.
One day, just before he needs to leave, he thinks a little ‘farewell’ at Victor as he prepares to go. The other dragon responds by bumping his head against Yuuri’s cheek, a shockingly bold gesture, as if they were close friends or clutchmates instead of barely acquaintances.
Yuuri nearly spits fire he’s so surprised, and he feels that heat in his chest for the rest of the day, a bolster against the cold wind.
Victor continues his strange campaign, undeterred by Yuuri’s general confusion and frequently spastic responses. He edges closer on the roof every time they meet, until they’re almost leaning against one another. Yuuri’s starting to wonder if Victor is just cold up here, and glad to shelter against a warm fire-breather while he enjoys the view.
Just when he’s making peace with that hypothesis, Victor chooses to brush his tail against Yuuri’s, wrapping the tip across when Yuuri doesn’t object. He settles in with almost palpable contentment, pressed against Yuuri’s black body at shoulder and tail, lowering his head against his forearms so he can rest more deeply.
Yuuri, for his part, is so afraid to move he’s almost late to his next delivery.
Yuuri doesn’t get it until Victor brings him the fish. It’s an enormous tuna, and Victor carries it as if the weight doesn’t interfere with his balance at all, landing lightly on strong hind quarters. He drops the fish and noses it towards Yuuri, tail flicking happily against the roof.
Yuuri blinks, once, twice. Was Victor courting him?
He must have wondered loud enough for the pale dragon to hear, because he perks up immediately, head rising into the air. ‘Yes!’ He is, and he’s happy Yuuri noticed.
Yuuri feels cracked open, unable to stop projecting his confusion. ‘Why? Why? Why?’
‘I want babies.’ Their minds so open now, Victor pushes thoughts of a warm nest and mottled black and white eggs at him.
Yuuri does snort fire this time, and Victor cooes at him like he’s impressed. Maybe he is, it’s not an entirely common ability, but it only makes most bitter about his disinclination towards militant pursuits. Why would Victor want Yuuri, the dragon who choose not to be a warrior, when there were so many fiercer dragons among the ranks of the Corps?
‘You’re strong and you’re fast and you breath fire,’ Victor’s thoughts are clear in his head. ‘And I think knowing what you want is quite fierce.’
When Yuuri doesn’t interrupt, listening with rapt interest, Victor continues his ode. ‘You fly far and well, you have the dedication to make a good partner, and also…’ Victor leaves off, neck bending in an elegant arch so he can bump his snout against Yuuri’s shoulder. ‘You always smell like coffee.’
…There we go, domestic dragons and magical coffeeshops. Nailed it. 
(This probably wasn’t what you were asking for, but I hope you like it anyway.)
That’s one prompt down, another 2 to go I think. I’ll probably get around to posting these drabbles to AO3 eventually, but I’ll worry about that later. Writing Moar now. 
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adelth · 6 years
Prompt: Victor spots himself in the picture frame on Yuuri's desk after they come back from the Cup of China. Yuuri had turned it around and pushed it back, forgetting its being there under his shelf. His mother dusted his room and turned it around, placing it in easy sight. Victor enters Yuuri's room and notices it before he does. This leads to a fumbled explanation and a kiss.
This is the first thing I’ve ever written that could, theoretically, be canon compliant. Huh. I feel out of my depth.
Get a Room
Yuuri at 23 is a much different boy than Yuuri at 18, Hiroko is both proud and a little wistful when she sees the ways her son has grown up in the time since he left home. It’s not just the success he’s had as a skater, it’s the way he can look customers in the eye when he talks to them now. It’s how he’ll push back when Mari pokes fun at him, how he’ll speak to strangers in a voice loud enough to hear. She remembers a time when Yuuri was too shy to speak to store attendants or even teachers, being on his own had forced him to come out of his shell.
It’s not unusual for the children of Hatsetsu to move away young, they have to if they want to pursue an education. It is unusual not to see your child for 5 years, but Hiroko can’t bring herself to resent the time away when it’s obvious how good it’s been for her son. Good but not easy, she knows, but then Yuuri had never been one to pursue the easy path.
When he’d been a teenager he’d defended the privacy of his room fiercely, which she’d thought reasonable given the general lack of it in the onsen. In the intervening years though, she’s grown used to coming in to dust and tidy up. With Yuuri away at competitions, she falls readily back into the habit. It’s nice to come home to a clean room, one of the few ways she feels she can make Yuuri’s life easier.
She’s dusting his desk when she notices the picture frame under the cactus. Well, she can fix that. She fetches a dish from the kitchen, something much better for catching run off, and swaps the two. She smiles when she notices the frame houses a photograph of Victor - Yuuri must have been desperate to put it under the flowerpot.
Luckily, it’s undamaged. She cleans if off and places in on Yuuri’s bedside table, ready for his return from China.
Victor Nikiforov had kissed him.
Victor Nikiforov had come to Japan, had announced that he’d be Yuuri’s coach, had spent months bossing him around, had tackled him to the ice and kissed him.
None of this has been adequately explained to Yuuri, but he’s afraid to ask in case it means he’ll lose whatever this is. He has to stop himself from staring at Victor all the time, both because he’s beautiful and because Yuuri never knows what he’ll do next.
It turns out he should have been watching even more closely, because the second Yuuri takes his eyes off the man to greet Makkachin, he makes a beeline for Yuuri’s room.
Victor has a thing about Yuuri’s room. Perhaps because Yuuri had previously denied him entry, he makes a point of finding his way inside whenever he can, peering curiously at Yuuri’s old textbooks and handwritten notes, asking for translations of the utterly mundane. He’s so far stopped short of prying into closed drawers, but Yuuri isn’t sure what he’ll get up to unsupervised.
He’s concealed his various fan merchandise from casual inspection, but there’s only so well you can hide things in a small room. He’d moved the posters from his closet to under his bed, because he’s absolutely certain Victor is going to go rummaging through his clothes one of these days. He’s already not entirely sure where his favorite tie went, and Victor had only said something cryptic about a coach’s prerogative when he’d asked.
When he catches up to Victor, his coach is predictably in Yuuri’s room, staring at something. At first Yuuri thinks it’s the bed - which is the same as ever Victor - but then the full horror of the situation unfolds.
One of his framed pictures of Victor Nikiforov is proudly displayed on the bedside table. It’s not even one of him skating; he’s in casual clothes, leaning against a wall. Victor picks it up, moving it closer to his face so he can inspect it, either not noticing or not caring about Yuuri’s entrance.
“Give that back, it’s not mine!” Yuuri sputters, making everything worse as he tries to protest and come up with an excuse at the same time. He’s never operated well when panicked.
Victor turns to him with the evilest of all his smiles, the one that’s wide and close mouthed and says he’s just devoured the canary.
“Yuuri,” he purrs, deliberately thickening his accent, “you should have just told me if you wanted me next to you in bed.”
Yuuri crosses the room to take the picture, not even sure why he thinks that will help at this point, but Victor just holds it above his head, taking advantage of his extra 3 inches. “We can still have that sleepover!” he continues, eyes closed in delight.
Look, Yuuri’s never been good at backing off from a challenge. He climbs on top of the bed and starts trying to pry the frame out of Victor’s hands. Victor starts laughing while he does, almost teary eyed with glee, and Yuuri has to hold on to him so he can’t back out of reach.
Demonstrating that he’ll also make unwise choices in pursuit of a meaningless victory, Victor grabs Yuuri around the waist and tries to throw him over his shoulder single handed, retaining his grasp on the frame with the other. For a moment it almost works, a testament to Victor’s upper body strength, but then they both go tumbling.
They manage to direct the fall mostly towards the bed, which creaks ominously at their joint landing, and Victor is still chuckling giddily against Yuuri stomach in the aftermath.
“Not yours?” he asks when he manages to catch enough breath for the words. “Are you saying you’ve been framed?” Then he peels off into laughter again, shoulders shaking with mirth. Yuuri stares at the ceiling sullenly, refusing to acknowledge the terribleness of the joke, or that any of this is happening.
Victor hauls himself up the bed so he can hover over Yuuri and block his line of sight. He’s schooled his face into a mask of seriousness, which Yuuri doesn’t trust one bit. “Maybe it was me,” he whispers conspiratorially, voice only wavering a little. “Maybe this was all a plot to get into your - Umpf!”
Yuuri shuts him up by pulling him down into a kiss, deliberately mussing his carefully styled hair as he does. What a ridiculous man.
I think maybe I don’t know how to balance fiction this short, but so help me I’m going to get another of these out tonight, so I’m not fussing with it anymore. 
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adelth · 6 years
Chris and Yuuri get kicked out of the GPF banquet, but Yuuri wanders into another party that’s out-of-this-world. He still manages to make an impression.
“Well, I want my dog back. And not to have bombed my free skate and ruined my career. And I’d like to dance with you, but I don’t think he can give me that either.”
The most beautiful man in the world bites his lip on a smile, “Maybe later.”
“Gods.” Yuuri can hear the small one’s eyes rolling, even though he doesn’t bother to look. “What kind of dog?”
“He was a miniature poodle.”
“Fine,” grinds out the small, angry blond. “Fine.”
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adelth · 6 years
Enchantment Ch. 3: The Walk of Shame (part 1) is up! Ahead of schedule even. Yay! 
Story Summery: 
Chris and Yuuri get kicked out of the GPF banquet, but Yuuri wanders into another party that's out-of-this-world. He still manages to make an impression.
“Well, I want my dog back. And not to have bombed my free skate and ruined my career. And I’d like to dance with you, but I don’t think he can give me that either.”
The most beautiful man in the world bites his lip on a smile, “Maybe later.”
“Gods.” Yuuri can hear the small one’s eyes rolling, even though he doesn’t bother to look. “What kind of dog?”
“He was a miniature poodle.”
“Fine,” grinds out the small, angry blond. “Fine.”
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adelth · 6 years
I updated Enchantment! Chapter 2: The Morning After
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adelth · 6 years
Preview - Victuuri Big Bang
Since I’m posting previews tonight (ha, I haven’t just been lazing off the past few months) here’s a preview of my fic for @victuri-big-bang. It’ll be going up on Nov.3, so keep an eye open if you’re ready for another spy!AU. 
“Katsuki, thank you for coming.”
It’s not as if Yuuri had a choice, but he answers politely, trying not to let it show how freaked out he is to be called into this office. Facing his boss would be bad enough, but the other man in attendance is even more foreboding, if only because Yuuri has no idea who he is. “Of course sir. Is this about my last report? I know it’s a retread of the same issues as the previous analysis, but honestly the situation hasn’t changed below the surface.” Despite political optimism, he thinks but doesn’t say. That isn’t his job.
“You’re last report was fine Katsuki, clear and well reasoned. The Agency appreciates the good work you’ve done over the last several years, and my colleague is here today to offer you a unique opportunity.” With that thoroughly insufficient introduction Yuuri’s boss stands up, nods to the unknown man, and vacates her own office.
The other man doesn’t take the seat, but stays looming in the corner, like exactly the kind of spook civilians imagine when they think of CIA agents. His posture is ramrod straight, and after letting the silence linger well into uncomfortable, he cuts straight to the point.
“Have you ever considered transferring to the Directorate of Operations?”
Yuuri chokes on his tongue, expelling an ugly huffing sound while demonstrating exactly why he belongs far away from HUMINT collection. “No!” he says, overly loud and shocked. “I mean - no sir. I’m not ex-military, my degree is in communications. I’m just...an analyst.”
“Not all of Operations is paramilitary, but I take your meaning. The fact is I could use you on a job Katsuki. I want a report officer to join a team in place, and with your tenure in the The Office of Russian and European Analysis you have the background I’m looking for. I’m sure you’ve heard how limited field reports written by station chiefs and their deputies can be. These men get promoted for their success at tradecraft, and then we expect them to do an analyst’s job on top of their supervisory duties.”
“With all due respect sir, it has to be easier to teach a field agent to write a legible report than to-“ Yuuri stops, vaunted ability to communicate stymied as he waves a hand indicating his general being. “- than to make me qualified for Operations.”
“If all I wanted was a glorified secretary that would be true, but great report officers do more than amalgamate and convey information; they analyse. I want someone who can look at the information a CI is bringing in and offer useful opinions on the potential depth of information available, and the pitfalls of its reliability. I want someone in the field who can reliably spot holes in a network and determine the shape of what’s missing.”
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