#ava's an early childhood educator
falcqns · 2 years
im on early childhood educator tiktok and i love it but some people in the comments know nothing about child development, and the importance of social and emotional learning and it fucking shows.
let me explain something:
children cannot gaslight. this is especially true for those who are not school-aged, so 0-4. them crying or throwing a tantrum is not them trying to get their way through manipulation. they are not overreacting, they do NOT need to stop crying, especially when they are hurt.
children are allowed to be upset. they are allowed to cry, scream and shout. they are allowed to feel their emotions. when you tell a child no, and they flop to the ground and throw a tantrum, they are not trying to manipulate you into giving them what they want. they don't know how the world around them works yet, so yes of course a child is going to get upset you tell them "no, you need to wear your coat." or "no, you need to sit on your bum while you eat." they don't understand that if they don't wear their coat they could get hypothermia because they are little and cannot regulate their body temperature as well as we can, and they don't understand that running around and playing while eating can lead to choking. they don't understand things like that.
it is our jobs, as adults, educators, parents, family, etc. to teach them these things. to help them to understand, to help them to regulate. by telling them things like "stop crying," "you've got no reason to be upset," or "i'll give you something to cry about," you are telling them that them, and their feelings don't matter. that they have to go along with what you say no matter what, and that they should be respecting and trusting you no matter what happens, which is NOT true. they don't need to respect and trust you. exactly like how a child needs to earn your trust, YOU have to earn theirs. if they don't trust you, they don't have to respect you. it's your job to show them that you are someone they can trust, and with that trust comes respect.
going back to if they are hurt, instead of saying things like 'you're fine,' try saying 'you're going to be fine,' or asking 'are you hurt, or are you scared?' or even a simple 'are you okay?' is better.
if they are throwing a tantrum, don't do anything. let the tantrum happen. if someone was having a seizure, would you be standing over them while they seize and tell them to suck it up, that they're fine?? no, you wouldn't. you'd make sure the area around them is safe, put them in the recovery position, and you'd wait it out. the same thing is true for children. they cannot process information when they are upset. yes, it might be frustrating, and yes, it always happens at the most inopportune time, but it's not their fault. so when they are melting down, just sit and wait for them to finish. if you need to, walk away from them to take a breather for yourself. when they calm down, tell them you're there, that you love them, and offer comfort. don't force it, offer it. children deserve autonomy. my body, my choice, remember. try to remember that the reason for the tantrum is because they can't communicate what's wrong. they can't explain 'hey, im sad because i can't wear my crocs in the snow.' they have to show it, and crying is how they express that.
children cannot gaslight. they cannot manipulate. they are tiny humans who didn't ask to be brought into this world, and therefore as the adults in their life, it is our jobs to help them navigate and learn the world around them. there are going to be setbacks and tough moments. there are going to be times when you want to yell at them to stop and behave. there are going to be times when you feel like you can't do this, but it's important to remember that you can. it's even more important to remember that if they are acting out/throwing a tantrum, etc. with you, it means they trust you, and you are a safe place for them. just as you learned to express your feelings without throwing a tantrum, so can they, they just need it to be taught to them, and more importantly, modelled to them. the moment you view them as competent and capable, trust me, your view of them will entirely change.
'It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world, it is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.' - L.R. Knost
'Tantrums are not bad behaviour. Tantrums are an expression of emotion that became too much for the child to bear. No punishment is required. What your child needs is compassion and safe, loving arms to unload in.' - Rebecca Eanes
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wisteriashq · 5 hours
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Chloe Ashworth || The Stepford Smiler || 32 || Addison Timlin FC
Affiliation: One of the Five Main Families (The Ashworths)
Occupation: Housewife / Stay-at-home mom
Chloe Ashworth grew up in a loving but demanding household, where her father, a disciplined marketing executive, and her mother, a compassionate nurse, instilled a strong sense of perfectionism in her. This upbringing shaped Chloe into a diligent and meticulous individual, always striving to meet high standards. She excelled academically and participated in various extracurricular activities during her school years, setting the foundation for her pursuit of excellence.
After graduating from Fairview Community College with an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education, Chloe married Ethan Ashworth, an aspiring chef. Deciding to focus on family life, Chloe became a stay-at-home mom, dedicating herself to creating a nurturing and well-organized environment for her husband and their three children: Ava (4), Noah (3), and Ivy (1). Her days are filled with managing household chores, school activities, and supporting Ethan's culinary ambitions.
Despite her seemingly perfect life, Chloe's world is far from flawless. The recent death of one of her best friends, Audre Thompson, has exacerbated her long-standing struggles with an eating disorder. In a desperate attempt to cope, Chloe has started taking her children's ADD medication to get through the day and curb her appetite. This secret battle adds immense pressure to her already demanding life, making her facade of perfection increasingly difficult to maintain.
Chloe's relationship with Ethan is loving and supportive, but the strains of her hidden struggles and Ethan's demanding career create underlying tensions. Her friendships with neighbors like Lily Walker and Isabella Sanchez provide some solace, yet Chloe remains guarded about her deepest fears and insecurities. As she navigates the complexities of suburban life, Chloe strives to keep her family together while silently battling her inner demons.
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Criminal Background: Chloe has a clean criminal record. Her life has been meticulously maintained, both to present a perfect facade and to avoid any legal troubles. The only potential issue could be a few minor traffic violations from her younger years. Potential Red Flags: While her criminal record is spotless, police might uncover her history with an eating disorder and recent therapy sessions, which could provide insights into her current mental state.
Suspicions: Chloe was seen leaving Audre's house late at night a few days before her death, looking visibly upset. Neighbors reported hearing raised voices during her visit, suggesting a possible argument or confrontation.
Alibi: Chloe was at a parent-teacher conference at the school, a scheduled meeting that was confirmed by other parents and teachers present.
The Girl Next Door: Chloe's close friend and confidante, Lily is always there to lend a helping hand or a sympathetic ear. Their friendship is a source of strength for Chloe, though she hides her deepest struggles even from Lily.
The Head-Turning Beauty: Another close friend, the former model's flirtatious and glamorous nature contrasts with Chloe's more grounded demeanor, but their friendship provides Chloe with a sense of normalcy and support.
The Glamorous Diva: An old sorority sister of Chloe, the former's glamorous lifestyle and social prowess are both a source of admiration and a reminder of the pressures Chloe feels to maintain her own facade of perfection.
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xxblossomx · 1 year
𓆩Little Devil𓆪
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Name: Akara Lilith Melania
Nicknames: Satan, Little Devil, or Raven
Human: 20-23
Demon 780
Species: Demon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthday: October 13th, 1297
Zodiac: Libra
Powers: The dark arts, Blood arts, and witchcraft
Nationality: Greek, Japanese, and British
Ethnicity: White/Asian
Languages: Greek, Latin, English, and Japanese.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 126
Hair Color: Jet Black
Eye Color: Crimson red
Skin Color: Pale
Battle Marks (Scars, missing body parts, etc.): Has a few on her body, but prefers to let them be unknown
Tattoos: Raven wings with a crescent moon on her upper neck, behind her hair.
Clothing Style: Casual Medieval Gothic. Her clothing is close to what Zero wears, but more feminine.
She wears a black tank, that has no sleeves and has a high neck. It is tight against her upper body for battlefield purposes. Akara would have a red crop top like coat over the upper half. She has black shorts with a belt, leggings sat underneath and they were either dark blue or black. For her feminism, she has a red half skirt that laid on her left side. A set of black or red belts lock it in place around her hips.
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Overall: Akara personality is the same as Zero’s but with bits that are never seen in him. She can be sassy and very annoyed with others. She
Positive Traits:
Neutral Traits:
Negative Traits:
Greatest Fears: Unknown
First Impression: She can be a bit open when she first meets. She also tends to be very judgmental of others at first.
Default Expression: Akara has resting bitch face or a smirking look.
Habits: Likes to be sassy a lot.
Pet Peeves: Unknown
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Likes: Witchcraft. Black cats, Roses, Blood, Raven's, Night time, reading and gothic themes
Dislikes: Supernatural Hunters, Sexist men, Bright themes, Surprises, Politics, and The bible.
Hobbies: Hunting for herbs, making potions or spells, training, and growing plants.
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Theme for Personality:  Splinter Wolf - Kohta Yamamoto
Theme for their story: 怪物(Monster) - YOASOBI
Social Media, if they had any: Instagram and Tumblr.
Typical Hours of sleeps: Eight to more. Tends to sleep in day time more then night though.
Worst nightmares: Unknown
Best Dream: Unknown
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☽ LIFE ☾
Occupation: traveling Witch/Stationed witch
Thoughts on occupation: She was fine with it since she could help others around, but also hated the lack of battles.
Dream Job: Unknown
Education: She learned bits from her mother, then soon became close friends of her mother.  
Past Relationships: She knew Zero when she was little, including his parents.
Family: Mother: Lilith Eve Melania
Hometown: Sparta, Greece
Current Residence: Athena, Greece
Housemates: Her gang, Sakura and her friends.
Financial Status: Unknown
Source of Money: Jobs for hire and selling herb medicine
Health: Fair, she doesn’t really get into fights nor battles. She does, however; will fight if needed.
Akara was born to her only parent, Lilith. She was born on October 13th, in the year 1296. Her birth was so difficult considering Award was too stubborn to come. When she was born, Akara looked like she was dead due to her pale skin. Zero's mother Ava was there for the delivery and to help Lilith. Zero ended up meeting her when he was three years of age. Akara and her mother would soon be around the Uzumoto's a lot and would let the children get to know each other. By the time Akara turned three, Zero was six. Akara would watch him train with his father on some days and others would be to learn about magic and witchcraft from her mother. Akara showed early signs of her abilities by the age of three.  
During that time, her mother went to make her a demon sword; since it was a custom for demon parents. Akara showed much in her witchcraft abilities and would go on to show the same in swordsmanship, she was able to use some of her witchery with her weapon just like Zero could.  
Her childhood was a bit of the unknown after this point. When she turned a year older than Zero turned eight. Both their worlds came crashing when Kratos came. The night when it happens, Lilith became very worried and ended up leaving her daughter with her friends; that were witches. Akara knew that her mother ran because she would have been next on Kratos killing list since she was a part of the Savior’s. She didn’t mind and just let her leave and seek safely.  Akara would continue her training with the witches in their home between the ages of five to ten years old.  
Pre-teen/Teenage/Young Adult:
When Akara became a pre-teen, her abilities began to show more than when she was younger. She would learn all types of witchcraft skills, including those that she wasn’t able to use herself. Which is good, so she knows what her enemy is using or going to use in a battle against her. She was very good at listening and learning so that it didn’t have to take over five years. When she had time to protect herself from witchcraft, she would train in her swordsmanship. She was able to complete her training by the age of fifteen.  
Akara wanted to leave her mother s fellow witches, to which she would. She became a traveling witch and would make medicine to anyone humans or other. She became known as the witch doctor by those she helped. Beyond her travels, she would soon meet Jace first. Jace was a bit different than she expected him to be at first, but she did like him. He was able to get her to laugh at his jokes, when he joked around. It lightens her mood. Both would travel together for a bit longer, soon meeting the other three.  
Akara views on Riza was a bit oddly, she judges her on how she flirted with everyone around her. Akara ended up calling her a lust manipulator, to which Riza was annoyed about it. Akara viewed Zash as an older, older brother who was a bit of a father figure for her. When she saw that Zero was with them, she was excited due to the fact of not seeing him for a long time. Zero didn’t even remotely remember Akara for a little bit, but soon realized it was her. Akara was very shocked he didn’t remember her, but then again; they both were so young. Akara and Zero would pretty much catch up more than the others, talking about what their lives were after the incident.  
Seeing that he was different from before, she felt bad for him. They all were very agreeable on staying together for a little while and travelling as a group. Akara felt amazing about it since she didn’t have to be alone. They were together for a good while before splitting. The only one that really left was Zero, due to him wanting to be alone. Everyone was a bit fine with it but knew that he left due to no leads knew Kratos.
When Akara turned eighteen, she stopped aging. Making her purely immoral like the others. She was still with Zash, Riza, and Jace, living in a home that was on a temporary basis. This was in part due to Zero since he completely disappeared from then, but only Akara and Zash knew where he was.  
Zero trusted them more, even if the other two were trustable too. Akara felt the same way she did when her mother disappeared, she couldn't jump in against his choice. They all continue to find leads on Kratos afterwards, including traveling to the whereabouts of it's location. Akara was able to quit after the twentieth lead they've found, they were all met with dead ends. It became clear that if they wanted him, they needs to wait and see if Kratos showed up.
Akara and others made the choice to head for a kingdom, where the last lead was know to be. During this, the festival of the blooming blossoms was happening. They were so fascinated by it, that they joined in for the celebration, while Zash went to find leads.
Zash was able to learn a new lead, it immediately made him go to the others. Akara, Jace, and Riza were told; soon that they then went into combat mood. Zash sent out a messenger for Zero, sending him the information. Kratos was after a human and they had to get to her, before he did. Akara and Jace immediately went straight for the princess. But by the time they got there, kratos had attacked the kingdom.
Akara and Jace was able to get to the princess and her group, forcing Kratos from avenging onwards. Akara had to hold him off until Zero got there. Akara told then to escape, but non wanted to. Sky was very problematic as he started asking her "Who the hell are you?". She was pretty annoyed by this human male. Akara and Jace soon were left to protect the princess as she froze in placed due to Kratos.
While this was happening, Zero got the information and immediately headed there. Akara kept straight, waiting for Kratos to either attack or pull a move; to which he would. Before he could even get closer, Zero appeared before them all. Zash and Riza soon meet up afterwards. After the attack, Zero and them choose to stay. Even if Sky protest against it. If they weren't there, they would all be dead.
Afterwards, the tension between everyone became oddly. Zero and Sky hated each other for different reasons, the rest were pulled into the middle of it. Akara noticed that Sakura was starting to get close to Zero or at least be friendly with him. She would soon speak to her about how Zero would push her away, but that didn't stop Sakura. Akara support her with her feelings and started to like her, they both were polar opposites of each other. Sky on the other hand, didn't like it and would try his darn hardest to stop Sakura for feeling that's at towards Zero. It was like a battlefield with a love triangle in the middle.
Akara ended up catching feelings for Sky, but would soon deny it. 
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Stats (10 of 10)
Confidence: 8/10
Strength: 9/10
kindness: 7/10
Self-Esteem: 10/10
Neatness: 10/10
Agilify: 10/10
Persuasiveness: 4/10
Gullibility: 6/10
Luck: 8/10
Dexterity: 10/10
Constitution: 8/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Temper: 10/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Charisma: 10/10
Weapons: Katana: Night-Blood.
Other weapons: Thin needles, daggers, and spells
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𓆩Demon Abilities𓆪:
Demonic form: Sorceress of the Night.
Form look: Her hair is longer, length is to her legs. A black witches hat covers the top. A medium crescent moon brooch wit a chain rested around the seam.
Blood Magic: The user is able use a form of magic that allows them to cast magical spells related to blood.
The user is able to use Blood Magic in two ways: to gain access to (esoteric/mystic/magical) blood-based powers/abilities (E.g., Blood Manipulation) or to cast spells that require or are related to blood (E.g., an astral projection spell or healing spell).
Limitations: The spell can last on O blood for a hour, AB blood for 30 minutes, B blood for 20 minutes, and A blood for 10 minutes. If the user can gain more blood then the amount of each, can make the spell last longer.
Binding: User is able to use supernatural powers/traits that bind, imprison, paralyze and/or otherwise stop targets moving normally and possibly completely freezing them where they were. It can be achieved using various means including energy-based or physical restrains or mental effects.
Limitations: Binding can break by enemies that knew about to break them. Bindings also will break if one or both that is binded dies.
Abilities: Caging and restraining.
Limitations: Users of Freeing and Unfixed Movement cannot be bound. Depending on the way used to bind the victim, they may be able to overpower/break their bindings. Users of Teleportation/Intangibility can escape. May be unable to generate the ways to bind and be limited to existing material. May have to stay close to the victim or the binding may break.
Freeing: The user can free themselves or others from being bound, chained, shackled, imprisoned, caged, etc. by binding powers whether mental, physical, spiritual, etc., setting oneself/others free from whatever method is being used to bind them, and keep one from being shackled or tethered to something.
Limitations: Some binds may be too strong to break free from. May require concentration. May have to stay close to the bound person to free them.
Abilities: Sealing and Omni-Cleansing
Curse Magic: The user can use magic relating to curses.
Limitations: Anti-Magic and Blessing Magic can be used against it to stop it.
⊱Witch Abilities⊰
Spelling Casting: The act of changing and controlling events through the use of incantations, ritual and more by magical influence.
Limitations: Only can be use close to the person or thing that is close by or a mile away.
Spiritual Sensing: The ability to feel spiritual activity.
Limitations: Can feel her enemies spiritual self-nearby or are close by. But cannot feel it if they placed a sell to block her from sensing them.
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alphapockets · 3 years
Discord: New Message Infodump
Yes this is not getting put in the widofjord tag because I don’t like filling up others’ searches with something that is not “directly” linked. *jazz hands* anxiety. BUT here is all I could think of and a sprinkling of things I have seen asked about or mentioned in the comments! May this and the last chapter hold you over <3
Q: Why a text fic?
A: Honestly? I have only ever seen one from VM (there may be others, but I don’t read many fics out of my niche sections?) that was between Grog/Vax (I don’t ship it but when it’s a bar shift #3 in a row that’s 14 hours long, you need entertainment). I had read also Call Me, Beep Me from the VLD fandom as well as Misuse of Stark Technology and thought that it was a strong platform for conversation and storytelling that shows multiple perspectives at once without the constant POV whiplash that can happen otherwise. And with the strong and chaotic personalities of TM9 and the diverse ways the NPCs interacted fit in, I hoped it wouldn’t be that hard to pull off.
I’ll be honest, I was not sure if it would work out or catch on as it is not the most popular form of storytelling. As many people said in the comments of chapters 1-5, people generally don’t enjoy texting fics and skip past them. I am glad I took the risk and that everyone has with me.
 Q: Is it true you have not watched past Ep. 40?
A: Yes. Campaign 2 came out just before I started school, and I decided school deserved my full attention. I was also not as attached at large with the cast as an ensemble as I was with VM. This combined with having anxiety and needing something to be finished before I can enjoy made it difficult to get back into C2. I was lucky that I started Campaign 1 a few weeks before that ended. I will probably watch it when everything is over, but I mostly follow through spoilers and Arsequeef’s gifs.
 Q: What are some of your influences for this?
A: I have seen a lot of people loving the realism of the conversations. I don’t watch TV or movies, but I watch streamers mostly, especially group streamers. Because of this, I tend to hear nothing but natural conversations. I also have been in group chats since the old AIM days and was a bartender for 6 years, so I have pulled from interactions that I have experienced around me. Often when something perfect happens in a chat with my friends I screen shot it for use later (the look spam and how do you uwu are both examples).
 Q: Why that area?
A: I like to use locations I know well if there is a lot of real-world interactions. I am from Massachusetts and I had used Savannah, Ga., for Here’s To Us, where I lived for 4 years.
 Q: Will the chat be renamed to The Mighty Nein or something similar?
A: No. The chat existed before Caleb as that and was set up originally by Fjord and Beau with Molly, Bryce, Darrow, and Yasha. It’s been the Game Hoes for too long in their life to change. There will be some side chats that appear and disappear.
  Q: Didn’t Veth work with Caleb?
A: Originally that was the plan, but halfway through the first chapter, I decided to space everyone out better and missed her name in one paragraph at the beginning of the chapter. I wanted them to know each other but avoid the trope of “direct connection” with strangers to lovers and text fics.
  Q: How tall is Fjord (and the rest of them by proxy)
A: I changed the heights because Caleb is canon “Average height” which in DnD is different than the US. So, he was given a few extra inches to put him at 5’10”. Fjord was scaled up because we love height differences to 6’3” because of that. By order of height:
Veth- 4’11, Kiri- 5’, Keg and Yeza- 5’3, Jester and Rissa- 5’4, Astrid- 5’5, Bryce, Beau, and Wulf- 5’9, Beau, Caleb, Molly, and Ava- 5’10, Yasha- 5’11, Darrow and Essek- 6’, Fjord and Gunther- 6’3, Cad and Enzo- 6’5.
I’m probably forgetting some people.
  Q: Why did Enzo’s arc allegedly end that way?
A: I’m not sure I’m done with him just yet, but the reason it had to be let go like that is simple: legality. Real world consequences to acts would have kind of thrown a wrench in how this all unfolds. And Molly was the character who I felt could bounce back the best from getting a solid ass kicking.
  Q: Why was Astrid faster at accepting than Wulf, and why is he so possessive?
A: Wulf was Caleb’s first real friend and that meant he was the redhead’s world. Astrid came second and she realized how quickly jealousy can sour something. Wulf’s jealousy fed into the break-up. So, despite the awkwardness, she wanted to show Caleb that she meant it when she said they could still be friends.
Wulf was Caleb’s first friend, and he has that sense of seniority in his mind and has a hard time accepting he is not being replaced when new people come around. And as a more dominant person, it was hard for him to have the normally docile friend speak out against him. He is still immature and needed to grow, but has a hard time seeing that is okay right now.
  Q: Where does everyone attend?
A: Amherst College- Astrid, Caleb, Essek, Wulf. Boston College- Cad. Emerson- Beau, Gunther, Enzo, Fjord, Keg, Molly, Rissa, and Yasha. Princeton- Bryce. Hofstra- Jester and Kiri. UConn- Yeza (Graduated). UMass/Boston University/Tufts- NPCs not brought in yet.
**Caleb has stated Jester lives in the City early on because Jester has all her locations on social set to NYC
 Q: Any reason why you picked those schools?
A: I’m a BC fan (and Providence College), my childhood friend went to Emerson, and I was accepted to Hoftstra before I joined the military instead. Amherst was a perfect “nearby” city that was another college town/I am maybe looking at Amherst for a PhD. Program.
 Q: Where is Darrow stationed when not crashing Bryce’s life or deployed? What does he do?
A: Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He was attached to the 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) that goes through the Mediterranean. He currently is on hospital duty as a temporary “relaxation period” for people who are deployed often. As he is a paladin, I thought it’d be a nice touch to have him as an FMF Corpsman.
  Q: Where is everyone from? The holidays showed people all over and it’s mentioned some people were not born in the US or where they were located.
A: This is where that spreadsheet I made comes in handy. Most of the people either grew up in or intend to stay in Massachusetts for a long while. As there are some of the major schools in that area, obviously people would be out of state.
Boston TM9 Party
The Clay Family is in Jamaica Plains, which is just outside of Boston proper. They are from there, minus Toya who is adopted as well and from Maine.
Molly was the godson of Cad’s mother, who is from England and his father had been stationed in England for some time, so when he was essentially orphaned and given up by the indirect family, she put through the paperwork to take him in. Fjord and Yasha stayed with them.
Fjord is originally from Texas, outside of El Paso. After he joined the Navy, he never intended to move home as he hated it there. He fell in love with New England when he was sent TAD (Temporary Assignment of Duty) to the naval base in Newport. He stayed and continued his education at Emerson.
Yasha is from Jamaica Plains as well and went to school with Molly and Ornna, who is the same age as them. Her dad is from South Carolina and her mother is from Okinawa. They moved up north for her dad’s work.
Beau is from Kentucky and her family is unreasonably wealthy. She decided to go to school someplace as un-Kentucky as she could fathom and was stuck between Berkley and Emerson but chose the former because the weather meant her mother would never visit.
The Amherst Crew (Astrid and Wulf) are all from the area except for:
Caleb, was born in Poland to a Polish/German family. They moved and when his family died in a fire (he was at a sleepover at the time) his grandparents took him in. Wulf was still there with his large family and
Essek had returned home to California for the break.
Astrid and her family spent 10 days in Key West for the holidays, which is why she missed the New York trip. Wulf stayed locally for winter break.
The Conn/NY/NJ Groups are pretty straightforward.
The Brenattos stayed in New Haven, where they moved when Luc was born from Amherst. They had moved so Veth could start fresh.
Jester was surprised by a visit from her mother on Christmas Day and spent it with her. It was the first time her mom came from the Ukraine, as Jester’s dad is the one who she moved with. She lives on Long Island not far from her school.
Kiri is from upstate New York and was home for the Holidays.
Bryce drove down to Louisiana. They and Darrow are from Marietta, but they were at their grandmother’s place in Lafourche Parish. Darrow returned to Jacksonville NC.
Others Keg and Gunther were in Rhode Island but separately, where they are both from, Rissa is from Maine and went home, and Enzo was in jail (he is from Lynn, Ma).
  Q: How old is everyone?
A: 5- Luc. 19- Kiri, 20- Jester, Rissa, Keg, and Enzo, 21- Beau, Molly, Yasha, Essek, and Astrid, 22- Caleb, Cali, Reani, and Wulf. 24- Cad, 25- Fjord and Bryce. 27- Veth and Darrow. 28- Yeza.
  Q: If Fjord has the GI Bill why does he live on campus or have a job?
A: For those who don’t know how the GI Bill works, the government pays for education and sends some money based on housing in the zip code of the school. Boston is insanely expensive and student living is easier. Essentially, he wanted the “college experience” and it was cheaper. He needs the job more because he knows better than to let himself get idle. If he does, he won’t focus on school. Like Travis, my Fjord has ADHD.
  Q: How did Veth and Caleb meet?
A: In a Juvenile’s in-patient program for at-risk teenagers and those suffering from mental health issues. Caleb’s depression and anxiety following the death of his parents and the constant bullying for numerous things and previous attempts or ideations had him labeled “at risk” for self-harm. He was in for 3 weeks. Veth was in for her kleptomania and possible signs of disruptive BPD or other developing personality disorders but aged out of the youth section when she turned 18. As most diagnoses cannot be done for those until adulthood, she was being watched for early onset signs.
  Q: How did Jester/Veth get into the group?
A: Jester met Beau, Yasha and Molly at NYCC two years’ prior in line for a panel. They met again at Anime Boston after exchanging Twitter handles a few months later. Jester had worked NYCC a year ago and helped Veth to a quiet room for Luc, who was fussing, then stayed with her as she was on break soon. She invited Veth to play a few games of Don’t Starve Together with her and Yasha before she was brought into the main group.
  Q: This is a really diverse cast. What is everyone and why?
A: Some were obvious choices such as Caleb being from Germany, Jester being from Eastern Europe (Ukrainian), and Molly as Irish (and English).
Others I did to flush out to make a group in a major city make more sense. Wulf and Astrid both have French/ Germanic backgrounds because in canon, they were raised in a similar way. Astrid is Jewish along with Caleb to hint at why it may have been easier for them to date if her family was stricter than his.
Fjord and Yasha faced some racial issues early on in the show (Yasha from where she was from and Fjord for being a half orc), so I wanted them to be people of color. Yasha is half Japanese because of her name and because US troops often marry someone from Japan when they are single and stationed there. Her father is Jamaican in decent. Fjord’s dad he figures is Black but they’ve never met, as his mother’s side are Mexican. I chose that because I wanted to keep the Texan because a lot of people in the service are from Texas. Also, as previously stated, I had too many naturalized or foreign students already and needed to not stress over how they would be around for the breaks.
Cad is English, Norwegian, and Swedish because Cad is a god, who why not make him a Norse god? Veth is half Cambodian partially because there is a decent population size in Massachusetts. Beau is the not white-passing cousin of her family which will come in later because rich families have secrets, yo. Her family has some Cajun/Creole in her like Darrow but it shouldn’t be there according to her family lineage. 
Essek is Persian, Rissa is Puerto Rican, Bryce and Keg are “Confused American Mixes” of everything. Cali I have not decided yet, but will probably have some English in her, Reani I have decided on Moroccan. Kiri is Korean. 
Enzo is an asshole (he’s also mix of random European heritage.) I feel like I missed someone.
  Q: Is Widofjord the only pairing we will see?
A: There are some others forming, including BeauYasha, which was one of the possibilities when I started. Molly/Essek/Astrid were a shock and some others I won’t spoil just yet are starting to bud as hopefuls.
  Q: Do you have an end game in sight?
A: Honestly, as this whole fic has taken on a life of its own, not entirely. It was originally mapped out to be 12 chapters long and have much of this condensed down with all the side characters removed, no Enzo or hockey games, and the extra fluff cut out. As I wrote it, I found I enjoyed that almost more than the Widofjord specifics. So, this has really evolved away from a Widofjord ONLY fic, I am aware. Endgame wise, when I feel the story is told, I will wind it down, but there are more elements evolving with every chapter and I want these characters to get the moments they’re aiming toward. I also don’t want it to drag on too long, so I know that this will eventually come to an end.
 Q: Did anything change relationship wise while writing?
A: 100%. Beau and Jester were originally who I expected to pan out, but my Jes couldn’t seem to devote to that because she had developed more attraction to Molly and Fjord than I expected. Beau and Yasha just clicked better. Molly was the next option for Jester, but then I decided to make Essek and Astrid actual friends with the TM9 and we see how that went.
 Q: Is Jester going to find something happier? It kind of sucked seeing her so down and withdrawn these last few chapters. And where is Nott’s role now?
A: I am trying with Jessy. I am. Here’s to hoping she behaves? As for Nott, she is shining as the mom friend, but her coming into the fray more means bad things are happening. And yes, that is on the way.
 Q: You keep hinting at something in both Caleb and Fjord’s pasts. Are we ever going to see that?
A: Yes. I am trying to space out the angst as much as possible. This was never meant to be a hurt/comfort type story, but people have mental health issues and those because pivotal to the story more than I intended. Maybe the curse of having complete access to everyone’s conversations? But they will be coming out.
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avclns · 4 years
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(TAYLOR HILL, CIS FEMALE) - Have you seen AVALON LAUDER? AVA is in HER JUNIOR year. The POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR is 21 years old & is a LIBRA. People say SHE is EXUBERANT, HEADSTRONG, MANIPULATIVE and JUDGEMENTAL. Rumors say they’re a member of CALLOWAY SOCIETY. I heard from the gossip blog that SHE WAS INVOLVED IN A HIT AND RUN. (B. 23. GMT. SHE/HER.
heyyyy hi 🤠 its been a MINUTE since i was in a group rp but you know how this goes hit the like if u wanna plot!!
ok, so what a girl wants (Dir. Dennie Gordon) ,,, that’s basically Avalon. kind of
coming into the world, avalon wasn’t planned by her parents. her mother was a photographer who lived in istanbul and her dad was an ivy fresh grad there on vacation. they met, fell in love for a couple of hours and nine months later avalon came into the picture
with that being said, avalon grew up in istanbul with her mother and thinks of it as her home. her dad knew about her and made an effort to see her during her childhood and in her early teens, but as she got older and his life grew busier their relationship grew to become more and more distant. she always thought the best of him though and believed that he was doing the very best with what he got, so she tried not to let her image of him skew as the visits became less frequent 
her relationship with her mother was the opposite. as she grew older, they only became closer. 
when she was nearing her senior year and it was time for her to choose which college to attend, options were slim on her moms budget and so !! pops had to pay
her dad had one condition tho: she had to finish out her HS education in the US and attend a university there
long story short bec i dont want this to get too long!!! she never wanted to leave her mom and wouldve much rather studied and stayed in Turkey but didnt want to burden her mom w college expenses so she moved to the US with her mouth sealed shut. with that came a whole lot of resentment for her dad and their relationship only became more estranged when she moved in w him, even though the whole point of it was to bring them closer 
MOVING ON here’s more on her personality:
growing up, avalon’s mom didn’t have many rules set for her so she’s mostly used to living life according to however she pleases
she loves, loves, loooves spending time out . whether it’s actually going out or scaling a mountain or going to the grocery store for no reason- she just loves being outside of the house and will go anywhere w anyone as long as she’s not sitting at home for hours at a time
since she was taught to make her own decisions at a very young age, she’s super head strong but almost to the point where it becomes irritatingly stubborn
also deep down she still feels like an outsider in the US which can translate into her being standoffish or bitchy as a defence mechanism whenever she feels uncomfortable or out of place
i think thats all i have for now!! will add more to her character as i go along. some plots i think would be interesting to play out are:
attached at the hip
partner in crime
awkward family friend
fake friend—someone she thinks is genuine but really isn’t
protective friendship
practically siblings
a friend she secretly dislikes
a friend she can vent to about anything and vice versa
someone she enjoys arguing with for the sake of it
banter banter lots of banter. love to tease one another
secret friends with benefits or not so secret fwb/booty calls
takes his virginity away/someone’s first time
a fella who friend zoned her
someone she friend zoned
ex fling
hook up that was kept a secret for whatever reason
someone she corrupts
drinking buddies
smoking buddies
hit and run partner lets go
her biggest competition: another student she loves to compete with. literally everything and anything would be a competition between these two. could be on good or bad terms
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romanatticus · 3 years
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( roman beckett ) is a ( twenty eight ) year old, ( cis man ; he/him ), who prefers to go by ( ro ). they were born on ( july 31st ) making them a ( leo ). currently they live in coast city and have lived there for ( three years ), they also work at ( the film studio ) as a ( actor/host ).most people would describe them as ( outgoing, and charming ) & ( stubborn, and insecure ), but they are best summed up as ( a modern day, less hateful joan crawford. ). you might recognize them as ( harry styles ), or from their aesthetic; ( chelsea boots, burnt food, and classic films. )
name roman beckett
pronouns he/him
age 28
faceclaim Harry Styles
occupation Actor, known for his hosting on long time running television show Modern Fashion, and his infamous performance of Mick Jagger in Rolling Stones biopic.
orientation pansexual
sign leo
height 6'1
status single
(( TW: mentions of mental illness, past child abuse, substance abuse, kinks ))
Roman Beckett was born Christopher Jacobs in a classic sob story of a situation. Mother was a prostitute, father was some random deadbeat who of course had no interested in raising a bastard child, and split with no second thoughts. Blah blah blah, yada yada yada, said young mother didn’t really want a kid either. She tried at first, or so he heard, but eventually he and his twin sister were passed on to a family friend, a couple who had been wanting children of their own, and never had any luck. He was given a new name, one his adoptive mother thought fit better, one sounding grand, and worthy of a good new start. Ro really couldn’t complain much about his childhood, and often felt guilty whenever he would get down, and wonder why he wasn’t good enough to be kept around by his actual mother. He had a lot of emotional issues deep down thanks to her, and he’d never get closure for that, because she signed a form saying she never wanted her information given out, didn’t want to be found, nor did she intend to ever reach out herself. Maybe that was why he got into acting, a way to hide behind a different face from time to time.
Roman acted in small theaters to audiences of 2 to 3 people across London and other various places before deciding to settle in Cali and make it onto the big screen. California was a culture shock for the actor between getting used to the Hollywood way of life, and having his feel of being too broke to eat more than ramen noodles. However, he did manage to work his way up until he was landing bigger roles, mostly a few episodes here and there on major television shows, supporting roles in movies, and eventually starring as Mick Jagger in the Rolling Stones biopic, as well as hosting the show “Modern Fashion”.
FULL NAME: Roman Atticus Beckett
NICKNAMES: Ro, Rome, Roroyaboat, Roro, Royo, Ramen noodle, Roman candle, Beck, Romeo
AGE: 28
DATE OF BIRTH: July 31st
PLACE OF BIRTH: Manchester, England
HOMETOWN: London, England
LOCATION: Kingsboro, Brooklyn, New York City, NY
RELIGIOUS VIEWS: There’s a happy place somewhere.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Graduate of The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
MENTAL CONDITIONS: depression, anxiety, substance addiction
PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENTS: glasses, contacts, bad back
BODY TYPE: athletic, slim, and soft…somehow?
STYLE: All the latest fashions - always has to have a new outfit for each day, will only repeat lounge clothes - but even those are in style. TATTOOS?: ( over 52 )
POSITIVE TRAITS: outgoing, funny, intuitive, empathetic, humble
NEGATIVE TRAITS: gullible, emotional, addictive, insecure, stubborn
WHAT DO THEY CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST AND THE WORST PART OF THEIR PERSONALITY?: Roman is probably the best friend to have. He’s always there for anyone who needs him, which is great, but in turn also stresses him a little thin, as he doesn’t know how to say no. His fashion sense though? Always on point.
ANY TALENTS?: Acting, singing, anything involving his mouth ;-)
WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS?: making a bad decision, hurting the ones he loves.
ANY ALLERGIES?: codeine, squash
DO THEY HAVE ANY PHOBIAS?: clashing colors
LIST 3 PET-PEEVES THEY CAN’T STAND: not having a routine, chewing with mouth open, no sense of humor
BEST MEMORY: Spending summers in Italy with adoptive family
WORST MEMORY: the child abuse that went on before he was adopted.
BIGGEST SECRET: He was given up for adoption separate from his twin sister, because his mother was a prostitute, and subjected them to a toxic environment.
BIGGEST WISH: Being a father someday.
BIGGEST FEAR: Losing his loved ones
FIRST LOVE : Doesn’t know if he’s ever been in love.
TURN ONS: dirty talk, choking, slapping, bondage, flirting, confidence, hair pulling, degradation, roleplaying, dom/sub
TURN OFFS: anything involving things that should be done on a toilet.
RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTHER: Birth mother is estranged, adopted mother, they are on good terms, but not as close as they have been in the past.
MOTHER’S NAME: Kate Beckett
RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER: Birth father is estranged, adopted father, they speak at least three times a week.
FATHER’S NAME: Pat Beckett
SIBLINGS: Athena Beckett, and Ava Lancaster
PETS: A pug named Luigi
ROLE MODELS: David Bowie, Elton John, Mick Jagger
FAVORITE BOOKS: Harry Potter, any good biography, or philosophy read.
FAVORITE MOVIES: Mommie Dearest, Gone With the Wind, A Star is Born (every version)
FAVORITE MUSIC: Classic Rock, 60′s-80′s
WHAT LANGUAGES DO THEY SPEAK?: English, French, Italian
DO THEY DRINK OR SMOKE? HOW FREQUENTLY?: Drinks socially, smokes weed.
HOW TIDY IS THEIR ROOM?: Organized to the Gods
HOW LONG TO THEY USUALLY TAKE GETTING READY?: For a quick errand, ten minutes. A night out, an hour or more.
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amma-castaignede · 4 years
Name: Amélie Sylvie Castaignède
Nickname: Amma
Birthday: January 31, 1995
Age: 25
Gender: Female.
Place of Birth: London, United Kingdom
Places Lived Since: London, United Kingdom; Oxford, UK 
Current Residence: London, United Kingdom
Nationality: British & French
Parents: Emanuel & Colette Castaignède
Grandparents: François Castaignède (grandfather, paternal)  Marie Castaignède (grandmother, paternal, deceased) Henri de la Croix (grandfather, maternal) Ava de la Croix (grandmother, maternal)
Aunts & Uncles: n/a
Number of Siblings: one brother, Mathis Castaignède
Relationship With Family: Amélie is incredibly close to her family, particularly her older brother. Or at least she had been. He was the one person who could draw her out of her shell, her family home the place where she felt safest and most able to be herself. They were happy, once. Her parents were devoted but not overbearing, encouraging of their children. Mathis was the golden boy, outgoing and athletic but always went out of his way to encourage and include his painfully shy sister. After he pulled away, the relationship has become colder and her parents have essentially purged him from the house leaving his bedroom locked in some sort of half mad shrine or perhaps a tomb. Her father is quicker to snap, her mother to cry, and Amélie has withdrawn back into herself.
Happiest Memory: On her fourteenth birthday Mathis convinced her to skip out of school for the afternoon, the only time she’d ever dabbled in truancy. They went to see a movie, to her favorite cafe, and then on a long walk in the rare January sunshine. It was a perfect day.
Childhood Trauma: Crippling shyness, few close friends, the loss of her brother.
Height: 5'4”
Weight: 120lbs.
Build: Slim, lithe ballet athletic, surprisingly strong.
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Usual Hair Style: a messy bun held by a velvet scrunchie or half up half down
Eye Color: Blue grey
Glasses? Contacts?: reading glasses when she gets tired or works into the night. She doesn’t wear them as often as she should.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Oversized sweaters and mom jeans, blazers over tailored slacks when she needs to dress up more. Big ‘dark academia’ vibes as she tends to stay away from bright colors or things that would draw attention. She usually doesn’t wear particularly revealing or form fitting clothing.
Typical Style of Shoes: mostly ballet flats or boots, heels only on very special occasions.
Jewelery? Tattoos? Piercings?: She has both her ears pierced and no tattoos. She wears simple studs in her ears, a small gold cross necklace, and an apple watch with a pale pink band, other jewelry only when dressing up.
Scars: no physical ones, only emotional
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: Amélie has a particular speech pattern taught by a well meaning child psychiatrist in an attempt to overcome her shyness. She constantly has a notebook and tends to write down observations as they occur to her and has an annoying habit of tapping her pen when thinking.  
Athleticism: Amélie is a classically trained ballet dancer, it's something that she excels at but did not wish to pursue professionally. She still practices as almost a meditation in control and discipline and is thus surprisingly strong for her size and look.
Health Problems/Illnesses: Social anxiety and depression
Level of Education: Degree in journalism from Oxford
Languages Spoken: English and French
Level of Self-Esteem: It tanked when Mathis left as he’d always been the one to encourage her. She feels better about herself when she has a goal, something she can achieve and point to.
Gifts/Talents: Writing, ballet, making herself invisible. She also has an incredible memory from listening more than talking.
Mathematical?: Not particularly but she was tenacious enough to work at it in school.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: She likes to think its logic, but recently her choices have been much more emotionally influenced although she will find a way to logic through them.
Life Philosophy: Anything can be done if you have enough dedication.
Religious Stance: Catholic, it is something she clings to out of habit mostly
Cautious or Daring?: Hella fucking cautious, but once committed to something she will do whatever it takes but always plans things through
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: The mortifying ordeal of being perceived, her brother
Optimist or Pessimist?: Pessimist but stubborn and committed to changing what she can.
Extrovert or Introvert?: Introvert
Current Relationship Status: a very single and shy pringle
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, she hasn’t particularly had the chance to explore this but her very secret crushes are more often on women than men.
Past Relationships: Only unrequited crushes
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: n/a
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: n/a
Ever Cheated?: one would have to be in a relationship in order to cheat, so no.
Been Cheated On: see above
Level of Sexual Experience: Amélie is very inexperienced, soft baby  
Story of First Kiss: Her name was Charlotte and she was in Amélie’s ballet class. She seemed to take Amélie’s shyness as a challenge and persisted until she opened up. They were sixteen, walking home after class and caught in a sudden downpour. Charlotte pulled Amélie into a doorway for shelter, both laughing over the surprise. Charlotte kissed her, and then ran back out into the rain.
Story of Loss of Virginity: She was visiting her brother at university and he was one of Mathis’s friends. It was also her first time drinking, but he was kind and made her laugh.
A Social Person?: HECK NO, only when forced and usually only around her brother. She forces herself to be more social in order to effectively do her job.
Most Comfortable Around: Hands down her brother, but she hasn’t seen him in years. She is growing more comfortable around Felicity and Maria. 
Oldest Friend: Mathis, obviously.
How Does She Think Others Perceive Her?: Amélie would prefer not to be perceived, thank you very much. Although she believes most people tend to overlook her or not take her very seriously. She thinks they look down on her for her shyness and the measured way she sometimes speaks.
How Do Others Actually Perceive Her?: When they do notice her, they tend to think she’s reserved or perhaps if they are being less kind, think she is aloof and stuck up. Those who know her well see her as tenacious and almost obsessive.
Life Goals: To get her brother back and expose the mob for what they really are, saving the city and the nation from their violence.
Dreams: Amélie wants to no longer be so afraid and to maybe be happy. To publish a bestselling novel and live by the sea with the love of her life, some tiny village where she feels comfortable and happy.
Greatest Fears: Being perceived, losing her brother for good
Most Ashamed Of: her shyness, how she didn’t realize what was happening with Mathis sooner and didn’t do enough to stop him.
Secret Hobbies: Amélie likes to write little stories about strangers she sees on the underground or in a cafe, little one page fantasies in her journal (its not as creepy as it sounds i promise)
Crimes Committed (Was she caught? Charged?): None.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: night owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: light sleeper.
Favorite Animal: owls
Favorite Foods: chocolate ice cream, her mother’s green beans
Least Favorite Food: anything too greasy 
Favorite Book: the house of the spirits by isabel allende
Least Favorite Book: she doesn’t have one really
Favorite Movie: Casablanca
Least Favorite Movie: trashy rom-coms
Coffee or Tea?: coffee
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: smooth
Type of Car She Drives: Amélie does not drive!
Lefty or Righty?: righty
Favorite Color: pale green
Cusser?: nope!
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: no smoking or drug use, she doesn’t drink often, maybe a glass of wine at dinner on occasion.
Biggest Regret: Not being there for her brother like he was always there for her, not chasing after Charlotte after her first kiss
Pets: a cat named Edgar Allen Poe, called Poe who is very grumpy
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krismusings · 4 years
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Roman Beckett was born Christopher Jacobs in a classic sob story of a situation. Mother was a prostitute, father was some random deadbeat who of course had no interested in raising a bastard child, and split with no second thoughts. Blah blah blah, yada yada yada, said young mother didn’t really want a kid either. She tried at first, or so he heard, but eventually he was passed on to a family friend, a couple who had been wanting children of their own, and never had any luck. He was given a new name, one his adoptive mother thought fit better, one sounding grand, and worthy of a good new start. Ro really couldn’t complain much about his childhood, and often felt guilty whenever he would get down, and wonder why he wasn’t good enough to be kept around by his actual mother. He had a lot of emotional issues deep down thanks to her, and he’d never get closure for that, because she signed a form saying she never wanted her information given out, didn’t want to be found, nor did she intend to ever reach out herself. Maybe that was why he got into acting, a way to hide behind a different face from time to time.
Since moving to Kingsboro after getting a steady job as a barista, and an acting job at a small theater close by his apartment, Ro really felt like he was starting to thrive. This was the perfect window into catching his big break, hopefully, and in the meantime - he just wanted to try and enjoy life. Sex, drugs, strippers, it all seemed to come so naturally to him. It never feels like a risk, and if he suffers any consequences, it never lasts long. Men, women, he’s not picky, and hell, he blurs the lines himself. Rome likes what he likes, does what he wants to do, and has absolutely no filter. If he likes you, he likes the hell out of you, and if not, you’ll fucking know it. Maybe he’s morally “good” deep down, or maybe he only thinks he is, but he’ll kill for his friends. Well, maybe that’s dramatic, but dramatic is the best word to describe him. Psychedelics help him be creative, sex eases the stress, hand and hand - it’s a winning combination. He’s not a selfish lover, he wants his partners to enjoy it as well, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t usually a heartbreaker. At least he’s charming and eadearing. (( TW: mentions of mental illness, past child abuse, substance abuse, kinks )) FULL NAME: Roman Atticus Beckett NICKNAMES: Ro, Rome, Roroyaboat, Roro, Royo, Ramen noodle, Roman candle, Beck, Romeo AGE: 28 DATE OF BIRTH: July 31st ZODIAC SIGN: Leo PLACE OF BIRTH: Manchester, England HOMETOWN: London, England LOCATION: Kingsboro, Brooklyn, New York City, NY ETHNICITY: White NATIONALITY: British RELIGIOUS VIEWS: There’s a happy place somewhere. EDUCATION LEVEL: Graduate of The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama OCCUPATION: Actor MENTAL CONDITIONS: depression, anxiety, substance addiction PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENTS: glasses, contacts, bad back ADDICTIONS: cocaine PHYSICAL APPEARANCE HEIGHT: 6′1 BODY TYPE: athletic, slim, and soft…somehow? EYE COLOUR: green HAIR COLOUR: brown STYLE: All the latest fashions - always has to have a new outfit for each day, will only repeat lounge clothes - but even those are in style. TATTOOS?: ( over 52 ) PERSONALITY POSITIVE TRAITS: outgoing, funny, intuitive, empathetic, humble NEGATIVE TRAITS: gullible, emotional, addictive, insecure, stubborn WHAT DO THEY CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST AND THE WORST PART OF THEIR PERSONALITY?: Roman is probably the best friend to have. He’s always there for anyone who needs him, which is great, but in turn also stresses him a little thin, as he doesn’t know how to say no. His fashion sense though? Always on point. ARE THEY MORE EXTROVERTED OR INTROVERTED?: Extrovert ANY TALENTS?: Acting, singing, anything involving his mouth ;-) WHAT ARE THEIR FEARS?: making a bad decision, hurting the ones he loves. ANY ALLERGIES?: codeine, squash DO THEY HAVE ANY PHOBIAS?: clashing colors LIST 3 PET-PEEVES THEY CAN’T STAND: not having a routine, chewing with mouth open, no sense of humor PAST BEST MEMORY: Spending summers in Italy with adoptive family WORST MEMORY: the child abuse that went on before he was adopted. BIGGEST SECRET: He was given up for adoption separate from his twin sister, because his mother was a prostitute, and subjected them to a toxic environment. BIGGEST WISH: Being a father someday. BIGGEST FEAR: Losing his loved ones FIRST LOVE : Doesn't know if he's ever been in love. ROMANCE & SEXUALITY TURN ONS: dirty talk, choking, slapping, bondage, flirting, confidence, hair pulling, degradation, roleplaying, dom/sub TURN OFFS: anything involving things that should be done on a toilet. MISCELLANEOUS SPEAKING VOICE CLAIM: Harry Styles SINGING VOICE CLAIM: Harry Styles RELATIONSHIP WITH MOTHER: Birth mother is estranged, adopted mother, they are on good terms, but not as close as they have been in the past. MOTHER’S NAME: Kate Beckett RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER: Birth father is estranged, adopted father, they speak at least three times a week. FATHER’S NAME: Pat Beckett SIBLINGS: Athena Beckett, and Ava Lancaster PETS: A pug named Luigi FAVORITE PLACE: Tokyo ROLE MODELS: David Bowie, Elton John FAVORITE ANIMALS: ALL THE ANIMALS FAVORITE BOOKS: Harry Potter, any good biography, or philosophy read. FAVORITE MOVIES: Mommie Dearest, Gone With the Wind, A Star is Born (every version) FAVORITE MUSIC: Classic Rock, 60′s-80′s FAVORITE FOOD: Sushi QUIRKS ARE THEY RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED?: Right WHAT’S A WORD THAT’S ALWAYS ON THEIR LIPS?: “Gucci” WHAT LANGUAGES DO THEY SPEAK?: English, French, Italian DO THEY CURSE?: Yes. WHAT’S THEIR WORST HABIT(S)?: Weed DO THEY DRINK OR SMOKE? HOW FREQUENTLY?: Drinks socially, smokes weed. ARE THEY AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL?: Night owl HOW TIDY IS THEIR ROOM?: Organized to the Gods HOW LONG TO THEY USUALLY TAKE GETTING READY?: For a quick errand, ten minutes. A night out, an hour or more.
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whiskeyrated · 4 years
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Now introducing... LEX CRAWFORD
Page / About / Timeline / Inspo 
Full Name:  Alexander Keene Crawford
Nickname(s): Lex
Birthday: June 13th, 1975 (45) 
Hometown: Scarsdale, New York
Education: Harvard Law School
Occupation: Lawyer, Sr. Partner
Faceclaim: Ben Affleck 
Content Warning(s):
Emotional Manipulation, Divorce, Cheating, Affair(s), Drug Use, Alcoholism 
Last Update: November 22nd, 2020
Born at Lenox Hill Hospital to Madden Keene Crawford and Vivienne Renée Crawford (née Townsend), Lex Crawford is the second eldest of the Crawford family. Crawford has three additional siblings. One older brother (Christopher Keene Crawford, legal advisor), and two younger sisters (Annalise Brigitte Crawford & Lillian Louise Crawford-Kingston, both socialites) 
Madden Crawford was absent and distant as a father, mostly appearing to criticize his sons. Had a tendency to favor Christopher for his efforts even though he was less successful than his younger brother in academia. Christopher’s personality was well received as he was not nearly as cold nor as aggressive as Lex. 
Vivienne Crawford, quite frankly, did not want anything to do with the children. For all of their childhoods they were propped up as pawns in her bid to outshine those in her social circle. The children were primarily raised by a variety of nannies, one of which would have a longstanding affair with Madden Crawford. 
Madden and Vivienne were very clear on their lack of devotion to one another. The two photographed well and their interests aligned well enough to put up with being married to one another. Most of the married adults were also having affairs which were, sometimes, 
Overall, the family is mainly composed of politicians, lawyers, advisors, and judges. A majority of them still have investments located elsewhere. 
With a family like that it can be difficult to keep up or stand out. This has proven to breed a highly competitive nature amongst siblings and cousins in order to prove their value and worth within the family. While the patriarchs may be the ones judging sons for their selections of education and professions, it is the matriarchs that rule the roost with an iron fist. 
Lex would attend The Dalton School in New York and then go on to attend Harvard. His choice and acceptance to Harvard was deeply criticized by family members and his father who claimed he was not good enough to attend Yale instead. 
Lex has three children with ex-wife Liana Drayton-Crawford. Theodore Crawford (1999), Ava Crawford (2002), and Benjamin Crawford (2015)
While attending Harvard Law, Lex met an undergrad (Liana Drayton) from the nearby Northeastern University and the two began dating within roughly 6 months of meeting
Right before each of their graduations, she found out that she was pregnant 
The two both graduated and had a rushed wedding later that summer. They would go on to have a total of three children. 
Lex and Liana remained married for over 15 years before splitting in 2018 as a result of irreconcilable differences. Liana was the one who filed for divorce after issues that arose in 2015 after the birth of their youngest son. 
For a majority of the marriage the two got along and enjoyed their time spent together. Lex was not necessarily an outstanding father by any means, but in comparison to what he had been raised with he did well for himself. Most of his life ended up being consumed by work which would not leave him with adequate time to see his children. 
The Crawford family ensured that Lex was aware of their great disappointment in him for marrying Drayton who was not of their same social standing. They had attempted to convince him to get Liana to get rid of the baby or pay her off early on after finding out the news.Slowly over time he ended up being convinced that it was an issue which led to other issues within their marriage. 
Around their 10th year of marriage he had some sort of meltdown after waking up one day and believing himself to be old and to have sacrificed his freedom of his 20′s on having a family that he never saw. This issue lasted roughly a year which would eventually include increased alcohol usage and drug use. These issues were found out (quickly) by his wife at the time and they worked together on these problems to keep ahold of their marriage for another 5 years before issues arose again. 
Lex began to resent Liana for being one of the few people who had seen him at weaker and emotional points in his life. His family was keen on the concept that emotions made a person weak - while this issue had always been with him since childhood he had enjoyed being himself around his wife. Of course, with his slowly and ever increasing responsibility at the firm he became more distant and difficult to deal with. 
Around their 16th year of marriage Lex was actively caught sleeping with one the law associates at work who was 10 years his junior 
After this, as a guilt gift, Lex purchased his wife a Range Rover Sport Supercharged and had it delivered to the house with a large red bow. She was not impressed. 
This led to immense bouts of fighting that made living together difficult. Eventually, Lex moved out of their family home and lived in an apartment by himself as the divorce was handled.
In a power grab, Lex ended up with full custody of the children and accused his then-wife of keeping his children from him (as he was sure the children would not want to stay with him even in split custody) 
They fought about this custody in court for quite some time before the money ran out on his ex-wife’s side and she could no longer fight with him for it 
At their departure, they had certain items split between the two as per the prenup. 
Lex is a senior partner at a lucrative law firm that spends a great deal of time working on high profile cases
His competitive nature has helped him move up in the ranks at the firm and as a result he is often rewarded with some of the better cases that come in
Lex has a secretary and overall the firm usually has a few interns that come in throughout the year. At any given time there is usually at least one if not two interns at the firm 
His ambitious with the firm ended up being the reason that he and his ex-wife drifted apart so significantly. It was also a part of why they got divorced. 
Lex can have a tendency to behave rather erratically when he becomes upset. This has caused a great deal of issues with him and his personal relationships. He has also been described as aggressive and demanding to those generally outside of his social circle. Though even people within his circle have had no qualms with these adjectives. 
However, he has great ambitious and is confident in what he wants and his abilities to get these things. He is also extremely well organized for the most part and uses his skills to his advantage often.
If he had not been so stubborn and set in the idea (that had been burned into him since childhood) that feelings = weakness, he could have probably fixed his marriage. Instead, he has a tendency to be resistant to these concepts which makes him cold. 
Additionally, therapy could probably be of use to Lex to deal with his deeply rooted issues that really were planted by his family long ago. 
Avid smoker. Has attempted to quit multiple times and has been unsuccessful each time. He has managed to cut-back in some ways. Though it is often replaced with vaping instead.
The only pets that were ever had in the house were Great Danes. Before their divorce, Lex and Liana had two Great Danes. One was a fawn female named Bijou and the other a brindle male named Bruno. Somewhat near the end of their marriage they had adopted two more Great Danes. A black male named Salem (who now lives with his ex-wife) and blue female named Summer who remains in New York with Lex and the children (primarily cared for by Theo Crawford) 
Though a lot of his traits can be perceived as negatives, they have always worked to his advantage in the workplace and for clients. 
Although he does not express this, one of his greatest regrets in life is what happened with his marriage. 
Lex is a case of Nature vs. Nurture where both do not lend themselves to a bright future. His family was cold, manipulative, and back-stabbing. His parents did not love one another and bad behavior was often encouraged between his father, uncle, cousins, and older brother. The criticism of his actions were often bothersome and did well at laying the groundwork for his meltdown over his marriage. Though it was still possible for him to avoid most of what went wrong, his family holds unchecked power over the younger members of the family even if the younger members are in their 40′s. 
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raybansandcoffee · 5 years
Adventure of a Lifetime: Chapter Two
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I quickly hit send on the email I'd been typing on my phone as soon as I heard the bell ring. I shut off the car, grabbed my purse and got out to go grab Ellie from the sidewalk where she knew to meet me. I slid my phone into my back pocket and pulled my sunglasses down from where they'd been resting in my hair. It wasn't long before the kids started running out. It wasn't the orderly filing I was used to. It was last day adrenaline rush running with a lot of yelling and talking added in. I remembered how the last day of school felt as a kid, I got why they were so excited. An entire summer to do whatever they wanted.
"Hey, there munchkin. How was your last day of school?" I asked as the five-year-old girl with brown hair and brown eyes who ran and jumped into my arms.
"It was fun and I'm so happy for summer!"
"I am too. We have so many exciting things to do this summer, Ellie Bellie." I squeezed her tightly before putting her back down on the ground.
"Hey Ellie, my Dad said that if it was okay with your Mom that you could come over tomorrow." The little girl was right about Ellie's height and had a smile that lit up her entire face.
"Uh...Mom, can I go to Ava's house tomorrow?" Her little eyes looked up at mine filled with hope, she'd hesitated when she spoke. This year had been extremely hard on all of us. For Ellie going through everything we had would've been tough enough but she had to start kindergarten and find friends at not only a new school but in our new town, it had been tricky for her.
"Well, I think we could do that."
"Daddy! Ellie's Mom said it was okay." Ava yelled as she had turned to look towards what I assumed was her father. He leaning against a very large black truck with a black leather jacket on and his eyes hidden behind aviator sunglasses. As his daughter spoke his face broke into a giant smile.
"Great!" he replied as he started to walk over. "Hi, I'm Jeremy, Ava's Dad." He slid his sunglasses up into his hair and it was that moment that I put everything together. Ava Renner. Dad named Jeremy. Dad with gorgeous blue eyes. Her Dad is Jeremy Fucking Renner.
"Hi, I'm Ellie's Mom, Charlotte." Saying that still seemed odd, but it was becoming a little easier every time I said it. "I have heard so much about Ava from Ellie."
"Likewise, I thought with school being out that maybe the girls could have a playdate. Staying in touch over summer is always important."
"I would love that and I know Ellie would too. Being fairly new to the city and school she's still trying to get acclimated. Ava has been great to help with that."
"She loves Ellie. What works best for both of you tomorrow? I've got a pool, it would be nice to have you both over so they can play together and we can get to know our kids' best friend's parent." I grabbed my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and pulled up my schedule.
"Well Ellie has the day open after her piano lesson at 10 but I can do that with her tonight instead of tomorrow. I can probably get our nanny to stay with her little brother."
"I didn't realize that Ellie had a little brother. How old is he?"
"Axel just celebrated his first birthday last week." I smiled remembering his face covered in frosting as he shoved his cake in his mouth.
"Axel, that's an awesome name."
"Thanks." I often struggled to accept compliments like this one. I wasn't ever really sure I'd know how to either. Axel was a great name and I loved it so much, but accepting the compliment would always be hard as I didn't pick it for him.
"Well, why don't you bring Axel along. I love kids."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah of course. The more the merrier. How about 11:00? We can feed the girls some lunch and they can have the afternoon together in the pool. And that way we don't disrupt Ellie's piano lesson, music is important."
"Piano lessons with my five-year-old are essentially me trying to get her to pay attention and her pounding her fists on the keys or refusing to play anything but chopsticks for a half hour. It's great, let me tell you." He laughed as I rolled my eyes and smiled at Ellie and Ava who were looking in the bags their teacher had sent them home with today.
"You teach her?" he asked.
"I do. I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea but I am evidently a masochist." He laughed again, this time slightly louder and loud enough that both of the girls looked up at us. "Ellie, you, me and Axe are gonna go hang out with Ava and Jeremy tomorrow. That's gonna be fun, right?"
"Yeah!" I loved how excited she looked. Her smile was one of the things that had gotten me through the last year.
"Here, put your number in my phone and I'll text you our address and see you tomorrow." He handed his iPhone to me and here I was entering my contact information into Jeremy Renner's phone. Hawkeye from The Avengers. Sergeant William James from The Hurt Locker. William Brandt from Mission Impossible. Aaron Cross from The Bourne Ultimatum. Then there was that one time he played Jeffrey Dahmer. I was going to focus on Hawkeye rather than the others for a moment. Being a "mom" meant that there were a lot of superhero things in my house, even if they were only 1 and 5 because I was going to raise my kids right and teach them that comics and superheroes were awesome. I created a new contact and entered my information in.
First Name: Charlie
Last Name: De Luca
Nickname: Ellie's Mom
Phone: 213.555.7643
"Text me your address and we will see you there," I said as I handed the phone back to him.
"Cool. Hey, 213 area code. You're from LA?"
"Yeah, I am. We moved here about a year ago. Needed a change of pace."
"I get that. I grew up in Modesto but moved to LA after college."
"I'm the rare person originally from LA. Not living there has been a pretty life-altering experience." That was putting it really fucking mildly.
"Well, we can talk all about that tomorrow. I'll text you once we get home."
"See you tomorrow." I watched as Jeremy grabbed Ava's hand and took off across the parking lot. I looked down at Ellie. "Well look at that Ellery, you have a playdate tomorrow." I held my hand up and she high-fived me.
"I like Ava. She's really nice." Ellie and Ava had bonded fairly quickly when the school year started. She'd even gone to her birthday party a few months ago, though I'd sent her with her nanny because Axel had been running a fever and I felt horrible leaving him at home.
"She seems really nice. So does her Dad."
"He is super nice! He was really fun at her birthday party." He was easy on the eyes so I wasn't going to be too disappointed about this playdate. The last few we'd had were with moms who feared the idea of a peanut butter sandwich or gluten more than the measles and I just couldn't handle that. I wasn't exactly cut out for the whole #momlife so we'd clearly not made it long with the crunchy mom group and hadn't quite found "our people" here yet. Luckily, Ava seemed like a totally normal and reasonable kid. I walked with Ellie back to my car, helped her climb into the back passenger side seat and buckled her into her seatbelt. We took off towards home.
The drive from school to home was short but incredibly scenic, it almost made me wish we had longer to drive on streets that wound their way around Lake Tahoe and up into the mountains. Today at least we had an excuse to stop at our favorite ice cream place for a treat on the way home, which made for more time to enjoy the landscape we called home. To go from living in a condo not far from Sunset Boulevard to living in on a mountain, in a forest, with the view of the most gorgeous lake, in what felt like the middle of nowhere Nevada had been culture shock for me at first. I think I called home to my parents crying daily for the first two months. Then Ellie started kindergarten, Axel finally started sleeping through the night, I found our amazing nanny, and I got back to work. It still didn't feel like I was living my life, it felt like I'd been written into a Hallmark movie, scenic location, tragic circumstances and all, and was living the life of someone else. If I thought long and hard about it I was technically living someone else's life. I finally made it to our way too long driveway and parked in the giant garage before grabbing Ellie and her bags from the back so we could head inside.
"Hey! We're home," I called.
"We are in the family room," the voice of our nanny, Savannah, echoed through the far too giant house. I watched Ellie drop her backpack in the mudroom, kick her shoes off and bolt for where she knew Savannah and Axel would be. I slowly picked everything up, taking a few moments to myself to breathe before following her.
"Did he nap decently?" I asked as I entered the room seeing Ellie and Axel on the floor playing together.
"He did. How was your afternoon?" she asked.
"Good. It was nice to get out for a while. Thank you." I'd done some shopping and spent most of my afternoon hiding in the basement to get work done.
"Of course," she replied. Savannah was the best thing that had happened to me in the last 9 months. She is the daughter of a friend who needed a job while she took classes online after graduating from high school. Despite getting into USC with scholarships she had dealt with some issues her senior year of high school and knew she needed time to figure out just what she wanted. So I offered her a free room and a well-paying job to her and thankfully she jumped at the opportunity. Her Mom, Alex, was happy that she'd decided to take classes at a local community college this spring after a semester of online classes there. But most importantly, she wasn't running around LA aimlessly, she was working toward something. She'd decided to start focusing on early childhood education starting in fall, she said living with the kids and helping me had helped her pick her path. Alex knew I'd watch out for Savannah, give her a safe home, and steady income. She also knew that Savannah was essentially saving my life by being here to help with the kids.
"I am going to get dinner started."
"Okay, I'll watch the kids." The kitchen looked into the family room which was one of the things I loved most about this house. I could cook and still keep an eye on the kids, though at 1 and 5 it was more of a contact sport than just sitting back and watching. I dug around the kitchen pulling everything out that I'd need to make dinner. I was stirring the spaghetti sauce I'd decided on when I heard my iPhone vibrate on the counter. It was a message from an unknown sender.
Charlie huh?
Yeah, most people in my life call me Charlie. It's a force of habit. Charlotte is only used professionally or by my family if I'm in trouble. There's still some residual trauma from having Charlotte Marie De Luca screamed at me followed by a string of words in Italian I barely understood by my grandmother.
That's great!
*Pin Drop*
Thanks for that. I've now got my Apple Maps ready to go for tomorrow. Ellie is super excited.
Ava is too. She was the new girl in town once, she knows how hard it can be.
Yeah, Ellie (and I) are both grateful for Ava. The first few months of school were pretty rough.
I can imagine. Moving from LA here was an adjustment for Ava and I. The privacy is nice though.
I 100% agree about that. It's part of the reason for our move too.
Do you want me to bring anything tomorrow?
Just you, the kids, and your bathing suits.
Fantastic. My nanny is pretty excited about having the day off now. She says thank you for giving me a life. She's lucky I like her or she'd not only be out of a job but also a house.
Live-in nanny? You must be kind of a big deal.
Far from it. A friend from college's kid who wasn't ready to completely grow up but needed out of LA pretty badly. The agreement was she could live for free if she helped me watch the kids and enrolled in online classes. The classes part was her mother's requirement. The downside of having a college professor as a parent I guess.
Well, you're a good friend to take your friend's kid in.
HA! If you only knew.
Well, I've got dinner ready along with a hungry 5-year-old and teenager. We will see you tomorrow at 11.
See you then.
"Alright everyone, let's get ready for dinner." Ellie came running into the kitchen and jumped up into her chair at the island while Savannah carried Axel in and got him strapped into his high chair at the end. I served up everyone's plate making sure that Axel's dinner was ready for him as well. He was at the point where he was really enjoying eating the noodles with a little bit of sauce with his hands, usually resulting in a baby covered in spaghetti sauce. Ellie was pretty great with silverware for being 5. Thankfully Savannah was nearly a fully functional adult so I didn't have to worry about her. I did my best to eat my dinner and also make sure that Axel didn't completely cover himself and the kitchen in spaghetti sauce.
After dinner and getting the kids cleaned up it was time for a bit of snuggles before they headed to bed. They both got books, songs, and tucked in bed before I quickly started laundry. These kids loved spaghetti, their clothing did not. I picked up my phone and went to the text messages with Jeremy earlier and added him into my phone as a contact in case I needed to call tomorrow while we were on our way. After changing clothes I headed downstairs to find Savannah doing the dishes.
"You didn't have to do that," I said as I grabbed a glass of ice water for myself.
"No worries, you had a long day." She was right. It had been a long day. "Did you get your work done?"
"Not nearly enough of it but I got a start on it."
"When is your deadline?"
"Thankfully, it's flexible," I replied. "But the goal is for them to have it in three weeks."
"Well, what I heard you playing that was coming from the basement sounded beautiful."
"Thanks. It's been tougher than I thought it would be but I'm enjoying it."
"Are you headed back downstairs to work?"
"Yup. I'll get the cameras turned on downstairs to watch and see if the kids wake up. You can go to bed or go out or whatever."
"I had thought about going out but I don't know."
"Savy, go meet that boy you've been hanging out with. You're 18. Have fun. I've got everything under control with the kids. I've got them all day tomorrow. Hell if I don't see you until Friday I won't be offended."
"Are you sure?" Savannah asked. She was really a good kid.
"I'm positive. Get the fuck out of here or I'll call your Mom and tell her you need a life."
"You're gonna call her anyway," she replied laughing. She was right. I'd go downstairs and call her Mom. It was a near-nightly ritual, especially when I was in the middle of a work project. She'd listen as I talked in circles about what was going on. "I'll check-in and let you know if I'm not coming home."
"Be careful. Use a condom!" I said before heading downstairs to the basement. It was the one change I'd made on the house when we moved in. Not being in LA and having access to my studio anymore I'd converted a large part of the basement that had been a fairly large guest suite and an office into my domain. The perfect studio. It was better than the studio I put together in LA because this one I could come to any time, day or night, in my pajamas and work. "Alright, Charlie. Let's figure out what is going on in your head with this." Before I could hit playback on what I'd recorded earlier in the day the predictable FaceTime call came in on my giant iMac screen. I hit accept. "Hiiiiii!"
"Working late?" It was my best friend, Savannah's Mom, Alex.
"Of course. The tiny humans are in bed so I'm monitoring their movements on one computer while trying to figure out what the fuck I recorded earlier today."
"Anything good?" she asked. She was in her pajamas in her house in the hills with a glass of wine. This was how she called me most nights. Her husband traveled during the week from Monday morning through Thursday night. Like clockwork, every night I got to talk to her while she was relaxing after Savannah's younger brothers were in bed.
Savannah had been a happy accident during our freshman year of college. Sam and I essentially helped raise Savannah until she was in school. I lived with them until Alex was done with her master's degree. By the time she was in school for her doctorate she was married to Max, Savannah's step-dad, and I was living on my own for the first time in my life. Sam had fallen in love after college and followed her love to England. When we hit 28 she realized her love was not that lovely and she moved back to LA and in with me for a few months until she fell in love...again, got married, and started making babies. We had been the three musketeers from the moment we met at orientation at USC. They were my everything.
"I'm not sure anything is good. I'm on the struggle bus. I should've had the first draft of this score to the director and producers at least a week ago. I should be working non-stop but today was Ellery's last day of school so tomorrow I'm taking the day off to celebrate the start of summer with the babes."
"What are the plans?" Her kids had been out of school for a few weeks. They were planning a trip to come to visit for 10 days at the end of the month to come to stay with us, enjoy the mountains and see Savannah. Alex had been able to fly in to be here for Axel's first birthday while her husband and the boys went on a camping trip that she was happy to skip to help celebrate her godson, and sort of namesake, as he turned one. We were just waiting on Ellie's end of school for the full family vacation, which seemed to just keep getting stretched out because of how much snow we'd had all winter.
"Ellie's best friend Ava invited her over for a playdate. Ava's very hot, I believe very single Dad invited me and the Axe Man to come with. He evidently has a pool and since the weather is FINALLY warm here I am fully prepared to take advantage of it."
"Very hot, very single, huh?"
"Yup. So, of course, I'll somehow end up fucking it up because I just don't know how to do this shit. Nothing in my life makes any fucking sense anymore."
"You've had an incredibly tough year, Chucky. It's totally fucking reasonable for your life to not make sense. You're going to be completely fine. You're getting better and stronger every day."
"Thanks. It's just starting to get really lonely here. I know that the move was the best decision I could've made for me and the babes but it's just hard. Being alone fucking sucks. I'm so used to being one-third of the three musketeers and now I'm a lone fucking wolf and a mess."
"You only have to be a lone wolf for two more weeks."
"I am so excited about that. Though I wish you could stay for more than 10 days. You aren't teaching a class this summer. You and the boys should just move here. Max can fly into Reno on Thursday nights and you can all just live with me all summer."
"As amazing as that sounds and as much as I'd say fuck yes, I feel like all of us in one house would drive you crazier."
"You've been to this house. I swear on my fucking life that there are full days that I haven't seen your child. It's way too big."
"It will be nice when the kids get older."
"I know. I tell myself that every time they are with their grandparents and I'm here alone because Savy is 18 and has more of a life than I do."
"Well, maybe you won't screw it up with the very hot, very single Dad of Ellie's best friend or at least maybe you'll get an adult friend out of it." She shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh, I will. I 1,000% will. You know me. When have I managed to not be awkward in front of men without the assistance of alcohol."
"I don't know that I can answer that."
"See!" I took a drink of my water and leaned back in the chair I was in.
"Wait...are you drinking water?"
"This is supposed to be our nightly glass of wine." I rolled my eyes at her before standing up and walking out of the studio into the area just outside that was a bar. I grabbed the bottle of wine I'd opened last night and poured a glass before going back into my studio.
"This can be the only one. I sent your kid out so if something happens to the kids it's all on me."
"Is she still hanging out with that guy? What's his name? Theo?"
"She is. She told you that."
"I know but I feel like you know more about her than I do. But she's always felt comfortable talking to you about the uncomfortable shit because you changed almost as many of her diapers as I did."
"Sort of true. I think if I hadn't lived with you and Savy when she was a baby there's no way I would've remotely survived the last year."
"You would've," Sam replied. "You're one tough chick, Chuck. I've never seen you turn away from a challenge. Typically you look a challenge in the eye, wink and then kick that bitch's ass."
"The last year has been different. I'm a mess. An absolute fucking mess."
"No, you aren't. You're doing great."
"Thanks. I'd be lost without you or your kid. I'm literally only surviving because of you two."
"That's not true but I'll accept the compliment." We talked for a while longer before I needed to get back to work. I spent the night between the piano, keyboard, a guitar, and my computer trying to figure out whether I liked what I was writing. I'd done some small projects up over the last year but this was the first big project I was taking on. A full film score was always a massive undertaking for me. While it was nice to get back to work on something that gave me energy, I was also paranoid that I wasn't doing enough for the kids. I had a lot of guilt that I'd been dealing with since I started back to work and no matter how many times my friends, family or therapist told me I was doing the right thing, it just never felt right.
Thank you for giving "Adventure of a Lifetime" a chance. If you've read my writing before this is going to be a little bit different, not just because there are different characters.
Charlie has become something I really enjoy writing and I'm looking forward to diving deeper into her life, what makes her tick, and what the circumstances of the hard year were.
I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to hear what you think.
xx. AM
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falcqns · 1 year
the irony of me singing along to The Hammer by Emma Thompson while doing an assignment about being a good and positive ECE is really funny to me
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catherinestuart · 5 years
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HSHQ TASK THIRTY SIX —– NOBILITY. the current members of scottish senior nobility
with 13 dukedoms in total, members of scotland’s highest landed gentry enjoy permanent position at court and close relationship with the ruling royal house. currently, there are eight senior houses in their family seats, with the rest of five reserved for use in the royal family ( three of which are in current use ). absolute primogeniture has been in affect since the act of succession of 1970.
13th duke of queensberry, lord archibald douglas ( ewan mcgregor )
married to the queen’s sister, the princess royal, the duke of queensberry became a member of the royal family right before his ascent to his family’s ducal seat. he fell in love with princess isabel and had courted her as if his live dependent on it, at the time, the princess had a difficult time fending admirers off, left and right. when she finally caved and gave lord archie the time of day, she realised that the kind of love he gave her was the overwhelming kind that she could only dream of. they got married a month after their formal courtship, and sebastian, the earl of drumlarig was born not one year later. catherine loves her uncle very much, and secretly felt jealous at their bond. it was certainly different in seeing her parents’ formidable partnership and fondness, and compare it to her aunt and uncle’s actual love. ( royal family page )
21st duke of sutherland, lord bruce macalpin ( alexander skarsgård )
house macalpin ruled scotland in the early 9th and 10th century, before fading in prominence to houses dunkeld and bruce, however, they still retained their familial seats right up on the scottish border with england. historically very wealthy landowners, the macalpins had always enjoyed favourable positions in the scottish court, many past dukes being the right hand advisor of the monarch. lord bruce macalpin was catherine’s godfather even in his young age ( the king and queen preferring to think much, much ahead ) and had been a second father to her when the princesses were growing up. when catherine felt it impossible to speak to her father for fear of him relaying the message to her mother, lord bruce was there to soothe and talk the ambitious little princess from letting her drive run herself -- and her country -- to the ground. 
9th duchess of roxburghe, lady madeline innes-ker ( julianne moore )
a neighbour of the duchy of sutherland, the duchess shared the position of ‘the richest landowners in scotland’ with lord bruce macalpin. she had always been a shrewd capitalist, and had her hand in many, many businesses that had significantly enlarged her personal fortune as well as roxburghe as a whole. when catherine had her formal society début, lady madeline had given her shares to numerous fortune 500 companies in the world, amounting to a small fortune. at her behest, catherine hired a much recommended harvard-educated business manager, who had turned her small number of shares and personal fortune into something quite significant in the space of six years. 
12th duke of atholl, lord george murray ( mark consuelos ) 
lord george murray had been prince james’ close friend ever since childhood, both of them getting into mayhem and trouble that had made their parents run after them, cleaning up their mess. now much older, lord george fancied himself the ‘fun uncle’ of the royal set, spoiling his best friend’s children; little princess léa-marie, princess ava, and prince edmund, as if they were his own. the duke is currently on his third marriage with still no issue of his own, meaning that the heir presumptive fell upon his niece. of course, he did not mind letting the family title fall upon her, feeling himself having all the time in the world before succumbing to the pressures of his station.
10th duke of buccleuch, lord walter scott ( peter capaldi )
the duke of buccleuch was the queen mary’s godfather, and was described in catherine’s aunt’s all too truthful words: ‘will he ever die?’. lord walter scott already has his lineage secure, with four children of his own and an army of adult grandchildren. as a child, the princess had heard her parents, aunts, and uncles gossip about how the duke would retire from his position after the death of his wife, letting the title fall to his ambitious son. however, such whispers held no weight as the duke held steadfastly strong until this day, a close personal advisor to the queen. rumour has it, the close relationship between the duke and the dowager queen is more than just mere friendship, although catherine herself would never be impetuous enough to ask.
16th duke of hamilton, lord hector mcintosh ( arón piper )
the dukedom fell upon lord hector far too soon. the 15th duke, hector’s father, had just passed in a boating accident that left his young son in charge of the family affairs. hector had always been careless in his privilege, a spoiled son of an ancient house that sought a marriage that would put him in the duke of queensberry’s position, or even higher. he had been one of the front-runners of a public-based vote to who should be catherine’s prince consort, even though catherine never looked twice at him ( she was otherwise occupied during her early twenties ). now, the young duke sought after the next best thing, cajoling with the youngest scottish princess in hopes of earning himself a spot in the royal family.
19th duchess of montrose, lady cecilia graham ( carla gugino )
the duchess of montrose had been a society darling in her time, rivalling even princess isabel herself. the eldest daughter of the 18th duke of montrose and his italian-model wife, the lady cecilia had no problems with finding an appropriately untitled husband, although she really did take her time in doing so ( because she definitely could ). however, her lofty approach to marriage was soon dashed when she found herself unexpectedly pregnant with the child of a lowly earl’s second-born son. her ambitious parents were livid, and demanded their heir to deal with it appropriately. they were soon married, and lady cecilia found herself increasingly unhappy. it was with her second marriage that she found love and happiness, an older english gentleman that was neither titled nor important, who was the father of the rest of her five children. the youngest of whom became the communications secretary & spokesperson for the crown princess. 
11th duchess of lennox, lady frances gordon-lennox ( bianca lawson )
if the young duke of hamilton was woefully unprepared for his title, the young duchess of lennox had been nothing but. the 10th duchess of lennox had prepared her eldest daughter for the task for as long as she could remember, bringing her to meetings and letting her pour over proposals even as a child. so when the 10th duchess decided that she would rather retire to her vineyard in southern france, lady frances stepped right up to the task. although there is over a decade’s difference between their ages, catherine was close to the lady frances growing up, finding her focus and intelligence admirable as a prominent woman in the position of power. 
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renee-writer · 5 years
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Jamie and Arabella ( Jamie as a Single Daddy) Chapter One. Day Care
He hates this. Hates waking his daughter up to take her to his first day of daycare. All her eighteen months, she has spent in the loving care of her auntie, Jamie's sister Jenny. But she, six months gone with her first and on bed rest, is no longer able to do it.
He sighs and reaches down to lift her up out of bed. She curves around him, her chestnut curles tickling his nose. Her blue eyes, his eyes, slowly open.
"Good morning daddy."
"Good morning Arabella."
"No, remember. You get to go play with other children today?"
"Want auntie." She declares as he changes her nappie and dresses her for the day.
"I ken love. But, you will have fun with the other children. Come, let's go meet them."
Beauchamp Child Care is highly recommended and just a kilometre from his office. He has no choice but to place his precious child in the hands of stranges and wants to be close. He had done primary reasearch and Arabella had been accepted. But, he will not be leaving her here until he meets the proprietor, a Miss Claire Beauchamp. He needs her to understand the precious child his daughter is.
They enter the cheerful play room and Arabella looks around in wonder. A young lady walks up. "Hi, my name is Ava. This must be Arabella."
"Arabella, can ye introduce yerself?" He felt a need to prove to these stranges how bright she is.
"I am Arabella Jamesina Fraser. Daughter of James Fraser."
"Very nice to meet you. Would you like to come play?" She looks up at Jamie and he lets her hand go. He really hates this. But ken's it is necassary. And he must speak to Miss Beauchamp.
"Go lass. Daddy must speak to Miss Beauchamp."
"She is in her office. Through there." The young lady directs Jamie to a door on the other side of the room while leading Arabella over to an area where a group of kids are playing with clay. "She will be just fine." She says when he hesitates. He squares his shoulders, turns towards the door and walks over. He briskly knocks.
"Come in." An English voice calls out. He does. She sits at her desk and raises when he enters. A beautiful lady with hair a shade darker then his daughter's, honey colored eyes that are full of light, and a smile that draws him in, removing a trace of the fear he feels about leaving his child with strangers.
"Miss Beauchamp."
"Claire please. And you are James Fraser?"
"Jamie, aye. Arabella's daddy."
"Yes. Such a beautiful name. Have a seat." He does and is happy to see her office has a huge window in the front. It allows him to keep an eye out for Arabella.
"Thank you. It means 'prayful'. We fought hard for her, ye see."
"Tis why I wished to meet with ye. She is my whole world. Her mam, Lily, died an hour after she was born. They couldn't stop the bleeding. I lost my brother at age seven. My own mam at age six and ten and my da three years ago. It is just my sister Jenny and brother-in-law Ian, their bairn, if God wills his survival and Arabella. Tis all that is left of my family. I tell ye this so ye ken how precious she is. She has never been with anyone but family. My sister Jenny, her precious auntie, was taking care of her. She was just placed on bed rest. So, I had to find day care. You are highly recommendated and a mere kilometre from my work. I am going to try to trust ye with her. But, tis hard."
"I understand Jamie. We have an open door policy here. You are welcomed to come by any time to check on her."
"That..that is good. How do ye handle disciple?"
"Redirection and time out. We will restrain any child that is to out of control. Hold them tight until they calm down. If Arabella is disciplined, you will receive a full report."
"And if she sobs when I leave?"
"We comfort them, try to redirect them. But Jamie, if, after twenty minutes or so, she is still crying, we will ring you. We don't let our children stay upset."
"That is good to hear."
"I know it is tough leaving her with people you don't know. We try to make it as easy on the children and parents as possible."
"I can see. Are the blinds always open?" He gestures to the blinds over the big window overlooking the play area.
"They are, as long as there are children on the floor. I keep a close eye. And Jamie, I go above the National requirements when doing background checks on my employees. I hire only woman over 21. They are checked out through the National and international child abuse registers. They are required to take classes in early childhood education and child abuse awareness once a year. I pay for them."
"That is impressive."
"I know your daughter is precious to you. They are all precious to me. I will see them cared for and protected."
"I feel better. Thank you for talking with me Claire."
"You are welcome. My door is always open. I can't imagine how hard being a single father is."
"Tis verra hard. But she is worth it." He looks down at his phone," I need to be off. I will be late for court."
"A barrister?"
"Nae. I am a counselor for at risk youth. One of my bairns is due in court on a shoplifting charge. I will be with him as he has nae family."
"What an awesome job. Don't worry to much about Arabella. She is doing fine." She is. Happliy squashing and molding the clay under the watchful eye of Ava.
"Thank ye again. You've my cell?"
"We have and your office and sister's numbers. We will ring if there is trouble." He nods, stands up and shakes her hand. He slips out of the office and, with one last longing look at his daughter, out the door.
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capes-and-cowls · 2 years
Profile: Peregrine Falcon
Vital Statistics
Name: Ava Gentil
Nickname: Peregrine Falcon
Reasons for name: Name given to her by her Warrior     family
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Nationality: American
Disabilities (if any) None
Glasses/contact lenses wearer? No.
Physical Appearance
Height: 5’0”
Build: Athletic
Weight: 110lbs
Complexion: Fair
Color of hair: Blonde, with streaks of brown
Quality of hair: Shoulder length, thick.
Usual hairstyle: Let down, unless pulled into a battle     helm
Color of eyes: brown
Facial features: Longer nose, larger eyes, full lips
Distinguishing features: Wings
Scars/birthmarks (if any): Many scars from various     battles.  She has a lotion that she     uses to cover these.  From a distance,     nothing can be seen, close up, she’s definitely seen war.
General health: Excellent health
Style of dress: Usually dressed for combat. Even in casual     wear, it still has a combat feel to it.
Grooming: Well groomed.
Early Childhood
Birthplace: Paragon City, the Faultline district
Father occupation/attitude: Howard Gentil, Lawyer, aloof     in his parenting
Mother occupation/attitude: Amber Hurley-Gentil, Stay     at home Mother, strong bound with daughter
Siblings (if any): None
Relationships with family members: Distant from father,     learned everything from her mother, including magic.
Family feuds (if any): None
Financial situation: Family is well off. She is looking     to make it on her own.
Happiest memory: Spending time and learning magic from     her mother.
Childhood traumas: Lacked real friends in school as she     was “different” from everyone else. Never fit into the schools and     livestyle her father expected them to have.
Childhood event that still affects him/her: Her first     fight, leading to her learning her magic leanings.
Biographical Details
Education: Private school training, until she was homeschooled.
Occupation history: Worked at her father’s lawfirm     during the summer while in high school.
Personal Life
Past key relationships:
Marriages/divorces: None
Sexual orientation: Open
Why did relationships end? Her school relationships     ended after being bullied, and she was pulled out of the private school     for homeschooling instead.
Any recurrent themes
Past convictions (if any): None, kept her nose clean,     aside from a few fights from time to time.
Hobbies: Music, both listening to and playing. Loves     flying over the city to just experience the city.
Favorite food/drink: Salad, black cherry soda
Usual haunts: Spends time either in the forest, or at     Paragon Pizza.
Philosophy in life (carefree, cautious?): Everything is     possible with the right attitude.
Religion (if any): Mother is a witch, and she is     magical. Draw your own conclusions.
Present Situation
Marital status: Single
Quality of marriage/partnership: N/A
Issues in marriage/partnership (infidelities?): N/A
Occupation: College student, superhero
Is s/he happy in occupation? Very.
Relationship with work colleagues: Likes her colleagues,     and hopes that they like her as well.
Issues at work (if any): None so far.
Secret Life
Phobias: Afraid of being left alone, left out of     things.
What is the worst thing that could happen to her?  Being isolated, not being allowed to be     with her friends.
What is the best thing that could happen to     him/her? Acceptance
Addictive behavior: Bites her nails, possibly ADHD
Personal detail most ashamed of: Her nose is a little     longer than most. Was nicknamed “The Falcon” as a child.
What she mostly wants from life: Acceptance, and free     living.
Personal strengths: Magical attraction to fire and     radiates energy.
Personal weaknesses: Does not like going solo, not a     leader in any way.
Sexual transgressions: None to speak of yet, but she is     curious in experimenting with the right person, someone she trusts.
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rileycommittee · 7 years
Girl Meets World Season 4
I may or may not have just spent an unreasonable amount of time doing this…..
1. Girl Meets Summer - It’s the end of summer and sophomore year is approaching soon. The gang, along with the rest of their classmates, head to the beach for an end of summer bonfire. Cory shows up and gives them a lesson about the importance of change. 2. Girl Meets Science Fair - Farkle and Smackle are entering the science fair as partners, but begin to find it impossible to work together and decide to do their own projects. When Farkle enlists Riley to help him, she begins to examine their friendship in a new light. - Lucas, Zay, and Maya are on a job hunt. 3. Girl Meets Disappointment - When Riley doesn’t make the high school cheerleading team, she learns a lesson about the difference between giving up and accepting outcomes. - Auggie and Ava have their first fight. 4. Girl Meets The Friars - The gang finally meets Lucas’s family when his mom invites them over for dinner. The Friars are not what anyone expected. - Auggie makes a new friend, Lucas’s little brother, Jack. 5. Girl Meets Pressure - Maya and Riley are invited to their first high school party. Cory and Topanga give them a long lecture about making good choices and let them go. All is going well until they’re asked to drink more than soda. - The boys have a guys’ night and get real with each other.
6. Girl Meets Homecoming - The gang attends their first high school dance. Farkle asks Smackle, Zay asks Maya to go as friends, and Riley and Lucas realize that they don’t exactly know where they stand anymore. They decide to go together as friends as well. - When Lucas has to leave early, an old familiar face (Charlie Gardner) swoops in to dance with Riley. (Is Farkle jealous?) 7. Girl Meets Thankfulness - What us does for them. The gang volunteers at a soup kitchen for thanksgiving. - Topanga, Auggie, and Ava hand out free baked goods to passersby. 8. Girl Meets Hanukkah - Having learned about his newfound culture, Farkle invites his friends over for Hanukkah. - Auggie spends Hanukkah with Ava’s family. 9. Girl Meets Encore - Charlie’s back in the picture and asks Riley out on a date yet again. She says yes, but actually wants to go this time. Farkle is noticeably jealous. Smackle is upset. - Zay takes ballroom dance classes and has his first performance. 10. Girl Meets Romance - It’s Valentine’s Day at Abigail Adams High School and love is in the air. Cory gets stuck teaching sex education and reaches out to Topanga for help. - Charlie asks Riley to be his valentine, but Riley begins to acknowledge certain feelings for someone else.
11. Girl Meets Trust - Riley breaks a promise she made to Maya years ago. Smackle tells Lucas a secret. - Cory teaches the class about WWII and how people don’t always keep their word. 12. Girl Meets Talent - Maya meets an art critic who tells her she won’t make it as an artist. Lucas is the only one who’s able to comfort her. - Ava practices her song and dance routine for the school talent show. 13. Girl Meets Gossip - A false rumor about Maya spreads across the school. She tries to ignore it, but Riley wants to put an end to it. Lucas defends Maya. - Auggie and Ava learn a lesson about the effect lies can have. 14. Girl Meets Zay’s Birthday - The gang throws Zay a surprise party for his birthday. Smackle wants to give him the perfect gift to thank him for his secret santa gift last year. 15. Girl Meets Spring Break (Part 1) - School’s out for a week! The gang heads to Shawn’s cabin. Farkle and Smackle have been acting differently. Smackle goes to the Philippines to visit her family.
16. Girl Meets Spring Break (Part 2) - It won’t stop raining at Shawn’s cabin, looks like they’re stuck inside for the week. Maya pretends she’s on a beach. Zay gets everyone to play truth or dare. - “But this version is different. We ask a question, and if the person doesn’t want to answer, then they have to do a dare. Get it?” 17. Girl Meets Discrimination - Zay is on his way to meet his friends at Topanga’s, when he gets stopped by a police officer. Cory teaches the class about the civil rights movement. 19. Girl Meets Ask Abby - Ask Abby is an advice column on the school newspaper. Riley asks for help regarding some newfound feelings. When her friends read the column, they all have an opinion. 20. Girl Meets Creative Writing - Turns out Riley’s done really well in her creative writing class. When she’s asked to present her latest work, there’s only one question: who’s it about? - Farkle and Smackle announce their breakup. It happened just before spring break, but they didn’t want to tell anyone just yet. They’re friends. They’re good at being competitors.
21. Girl Meets Family - The Matthews hit the road to Philadelphia for the weekend. Riley and Auggie learn more about their parents’ childhoods. - Maya’s working at Topanga’s with her mom. Lucas stops by, as does Shawn. 22. Girl Meets The Other Side - “Up until now, every historical event you have learned about has been taught with this country as the protagonist. This week, your assignment is to do research on an event involving us, but with with focus on the other side.” - Riley learns about putting herself in someone else’s shoes. 23. Girl Meets Lucas - Lucas almost gets into a fight after losing a baseball game. The gang finally finds out what bad, bad thing Lucas did at his old school. Someone besides Zay already knew. 24. Girl Meets Growth - Cory teaches his class about the growth of America. Growth has caused change, but it’s a positive one. - Riley questions what her growth will lead her to next. She teaches Auggie about butterflies and how they become something different at the right time. 25. Girl Meets Feelings - Sophomore year is coming to a close. Riley’s feelings for Farkle are making her crazy and she decides to tell Maya once and for all. Maya knew all along. - Lucas is going to be in Texas the whole summer, and he decides to confess his feelings for Maya before he goes. Maya’s confused about her feelings and doesn’t know how to respond.
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octaviaspvcks · 6 years
                                             TASK [ 003 ]                                             QUESTIONNAIRE
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Name: Octavia Monraue
Nickname: Octi, Octopus, Tavie, Ava.
Birthday: 17/01/1994
Age: 24 Years Old  
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Great Malvern, Worcestershire, England.
Places Lived Since: Manhattan, Washington, LA, New Orleans, Santa Barbra &  Jehirco. Arizona.
Nationality: English, Greek, American.
Parents’ Names: Elimarie & David Monraue
Number of Siblings: None.
Relationship With Family: They had a close connection, especially growing up. They were pushing her hard to be the greatest she could be but she loved every second of it. Now of course there is no relationship after their early  demise. She misses them terribly but very rarely speaks of them.
Happiest Memory: The day she achieved her first ever award for making Lucas proud.
Childhood Trauma: Early childhood Octavia was struggling with her learning,  although extremely clever it was almost impossible for her to concentrate which really destroyed her confidence. This later came to be a condition called Low Latent Inhibition which affects the way in which the brain perceives    things around the person. It took a lot for her to get used to and overcome this obstacle in her life. And of course the death of her parents was something that completely rocked her world. With such a close family and not many friends this seemed to shatter her and the world around her.
Height: 5’7  ( 1.72 m )
Weight: 112 pounds
Build: Athletic and Lean
Hair Color: Brown with flecks of ash
Usual  Hair Style: Drop curls
Eye Color: Hazel
Glasses? Contacts?: She only ever wears glasses to add to a disguise.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Octavia can be seen with two different kinds of wear, one of  her typical day wear tends to be battered black or grey jeans paired with a band-t-shirt or racer tank, black doc martins and her black leather jacket. While her nightwear is a contrast where she tends to wear lavish gowns and expensive designer dresses. This comes from when she used to work as a high class con artist alongside Lucas.
Typical Style of Shoes: Day time you will always find her adorning her doc Martins, she has an array of different colours but her evening she always sports a pair of Louboutin black heels that she received as a present while spending some time in Paris. She has a large array of heels that she likes to wear.
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: Although not exactly a believer in god she very often wears a cross around her neck that belonged to her mother, she has a nose piercing and wears a lot of rings on her right hand.
Scars: She has a large scar that runs down the side of her rib cage, and one above her lip.
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: She has a lot of British slang and mannerisms from living  most of her childhood in England and still holds her accent very thickly.
Athleticism: Octavia is a big fan of running and she is often seen going for a 6AM run to clear her mind, she loves listening to music and working out as much as she can. She attends the gym at least three times a week and loves boxing for sport.
Health Problems/Illnesses: Octavia has a condition called Low Latent Inhibition which affects her ability to concentrate solely on one thing and affects the way in which the brain perceives and maintains information. Because of her high IQ she manages it very well but it is a challenge at times.
Level of Education: Octavia only ever got her GED, although when she was a con     artist in New York she used to go and sit in university classes under fake names and take classes, she even sat exams under false names just so she could see what she could achieve,
Languages Spoken: English, Russian, Korean, Spanish, French, German,     Icelandic, Hebrew & Latin.
Level of Self-Esteem: Octavia  has a high self-esteem and she tends to take pride in herself but when it comes to finding love just has little to none at all.
Gifts/Talents: Languages, Music and Numbers are a big part of Octavia’s talent; multi-instrumentalist and bilinguals as well as her ability with numbers and equations. But these are only a few of her talents,  manipulative when she needed also learn a lot of things when she was working for Lucas as a Luxury Black Market Art thief. She was good with Racketeering,  Bond Forgery and Identify Forgery as well as computer hacking.
Mathematical?: Octavia is a lover of numbers, she could sit and do numbers all day and gets a thrill out of getting equations and quizzes complete as it challenges her     mind which she often feels she doesn’t do enough these days.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Most of the bad decisions that Octavia  makes are based upon emotion. She is a rather logically person, so when she does make mistakes or bad decisions it is usually emotionally fuelled.    
Life Philosophy: Always, always trust your first gut instincts. If you genuinely feel in your heart and soul that something wrong, it usually is.
Religious Stance: Atheist. She believes that everything happens for a reason and in reincarnation.
Cautious or Daring?: Daring when needed, she likes to take a risk and loves     adrenaline and thrills but she is cautious when it comes to her heart and things that could affect her mentally.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: She is vulnerable when it comes to the death of people close to her and the fact that she feels inexperienced when it comes to love and letting people in past the shield she has created around herself. She     worries that after Roberto’s passing that she could lose other people.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist towards everything but her own love life.
Extrovert or Introvert?: She is neither of these but in fact a Ambivalent. A     combination of the two. She likes people but needs to be alone. She’ll go out and vibe and meet new people. But it has it’s expiration, because she has to recharge. If she doesn’t find the valuable alone time she needs to recharge she cannot be her highest self.
Current Relationship Status: Single.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Past Relationships: One Night Stand with Russell Johnson and Crush on Lucas     Price.
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Nothing to compare it too.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: There has never been a break up.
Ever Cheated?: No.
Been Cheated On: No.
Level of Sexual Experience: Octavia has only ever slept with one person, once.
Story of First Kiss: In The Howling rooms drunk on Whiskey and Music while     laughing about how much life sucked at times. She kissed Russell in hopes it would dissolve the constant feeling and yearning in her stomach for Lucas.
Story of Loss of Virginity: Octavia lost her virginity recently to Russell
A Social Person?: Octavia is a very big people person and gets/feels better whenever  she is around people. But she also likes her space to read and play music, although, she doesn’t mind doing this with people around as long as they     leave her be.
Most Comfortable Around: Leo, Lucas, Russell, Mia, Sophia, Camille & Jack
Oldest Friend: Lucas Price.
How Does she Think Others Perceive Her?: Octavia has different opinions, but those close to her she believes see her as someone with an open mind who is willing to do what  she has to do to get a job done. She is respectful and loyal and will now bow out if someone needs her.
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: Octavia really isn’t sure what peoples formed opinions of  her are.
Life Goals: To meet someone who she can spend her life with, she does not want anything extravagant  in terms of money but she does want a love just like she reads in her favourite books and love films--- she wants to have adventures, night walks on the beach and laughter with a glass of wine around a piano at night; all she hopes for beside that is to one day have a little boy and be a mother just like her mother had been.
Dreams: Octavia has a dream that one day she’ll be married.
Greatest Fears: Trypanphobia, Claustrophobia & Pseudodysphagia
Most Ashamed Of: Although she does love her life of Crime she is ashamed of     herself for never carrying on with her education and going on to be like her mother and work for the government in languages. She feels she let her parents down, even if they are not around to see it.
Secret Hobbies: She collects stamps from every place
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): The list of Octavia’s crimes is extensive especially from when she used to work with Lucas. Some of them contain Forgery, Racketeering, Identity Theft, International Sea Extortion, Mafia ties, Homicide amongst many more.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night Owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Heavy Sleeper
Favorite Animal: Wolf.
Favorite Food: Smoked Salmon Sushi.
Least Favorite Food: Prunes, Raisins ect.
Favorite Book: War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Least Favorite Book: 50 Shades of Grey.
Favorite Movie: Black Hawk Down
Least Favorite Movie: Star Wars.
Favorite Song: Misererer by Gregorio Allegri, Tebevrae. Allegri.
Favorite Sport: Figure Skating
Coffee or Tea?: Tea
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: She hates peanut butter with a passion.
Type of Car she Drives: Mercury Comet 1963
Lefty or Righty?:  Right.
Favorite Color: Burgundy.
Cusser?: Swear  words are used more often than normal words with Octavia.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: Heavy Smoker and Drinker but she will not touch drugs.
Biggest Regret: Losing her virginity while drunk.
Pets: Octavia has a dog called Yoko.
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