#baby gorn
spatulahat · 9 months
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Strange New Worlds should have kept the same Gorn design from the 60's, including for their young. Imagine these guys chestbursting out of crew members, fully clothed and ready to slow wrestle.
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hrisrizz · 8 months
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Here it is! Featuring chubby claws of a baby Gorn. @adarkroomandawallflower But now I don't know what to do next with it. 🤔
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Baby Gorn, Baby Gorn, Baby Gorn
Based on the redesign from Star Trek Strange New Worlds
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green5quirrel · 2 years
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Just a heckin' cutie with his bébé.
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glue-enjoyer · 1 year
I know that the fandom treats Arena like a joke (rightfully so) but I think it’s an untapped market for spirk shippers. Nobody talks about Spock practically drooling over kirks “impeccable logic” ON THE BRODGE while he builds that stupid fucking canon.
“City on the edge of forever” this and that but Like Guys ignore the rubber lizard guy and let’s focus on the fact that Spock just casually murmurs “good good” in front of all of his coworkers??? and none of them question is???? somebody needs to write a fic I stg
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pinazee · 10 months
I think i finally figured out why disco/SNW Spock interpretation irks me. I couldnt figure it out because Peck is a good actor and his character hasnt diverged so much that it should anger my TOS loyalty. Plus im usually pretty open minded about creatives doing their thing.
TOS gave the impression that spock only ever let his guard down with Kirk. He was his best friend minimum. He was the most human, the most emotional because of Kirk. And SNW is nearly retconning their relationship. So you see, its my loyalty to spirk thats getting in the way. I want to preserve his special relationship with jim so im struggling to allow spock to show his humanity with anyone but him.
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commanderpelia · 21 days
There’s a farm on my way to work that’s selling corn and they have a handwritten sign that says ‘Sweet Corn’ but the C looks like a G so the sign looks like it says ‘Sweet Gorn’. So instead of delicious corn they look like they have a litter of mild mannered, adoptable, Gorn babies.
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milfleeta · 2 years
personally i think next season should include a twist where hemmer is actually alive. turns out his physiology interacted with the gorn babies in such a manner that not only did he survive them hatching out of his skin, but because he’s an aenar, he’s now also telepathically linked to them. he’s the parent of five lil baby gorns and he’s teaching them to act RIGHT. also hemmer has gorn super strength and his aenar-gorn babies are frost resistant.
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federsturm · 2 years
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A happy (and very alive) dad with his kids🥰
(this post from @milfleeta lives rent free in my mind, so I had to draw something)
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idk, I kinda think about the “conundrum” of killing baby Gorn like this:
I am afraid of scorpions. I don’t like them. But sometimes I see a scorpion mama carrying her widdle babies on her back and I don’t mess with her or them. I could kill them, but I am so much bigger than them that they are not an imminent threat to me, and as long as they stay away I can magnanimously decide to let them live.
Now scale up a scorpion to the size of a human. Scorpions are predators. Being so small normally, they naturally cannot hunt humans and as long as they aren’t stinging me, I can ignore them. But if they were my size they would absolutely see me as food. So would their young, which would be the size of dogs. Their hides are tough (though nymphs have softer shells) and my weapons may be of limited use against them. Scorpions are TOUGH motherfuckers. I can’t afford to be magnanimous now. These DOG SIZED SCORPION BABIES ARE TRYING TO KILL AND EAT ME, I don’t care if they’re children. This is the only opportunity I’ll have to gank em before they become HUMAN SIZED and indestructible. Also, they just popped like rat-sized tsetse flies out of my friend and they want to maybe do that to me next.
Now assume that the scorpions are at least as intelligent as you—and they are using that intelligence to better hunt and eat you. They have no interest in you for any other reason. Why would they? You are a weak, fleshy food bag. We don’t ask our chickens if they’re okay with being killed for supper. We don’t even consider trying to broker peace with chicken-kind for even a second. The thought doesn’t even cross our minds. Why would we? Chickens are barely threatening at all and they are also delicious. Humans believe we have a right to feed ourselves with the fruits of our planet and the blood of its “lesser” species. And we as a species are capable of building spontaneous empathetic bonds with paper cups with faces drawn on them. Our brains are quirky like that.
According to SNW lore so far, the Gorn either are incapable of empathy and compassion or see no reason to extend it to other sentient species. We are part of their lifecycle. We are food and incubators. If their genetics borrow strengths from their incubator species’ unique DNA, that’s even more reason to feel entitled to our bodies. This is how the Gorn proliferate. A good portion of humans treat half of their own species as incubators who should have no say about whether they are used as such; that’s just their “purpose.” The Gorn don’t even have the hurdle of recognizing their incubators as their own species and maybe feeling a pang of recognition or remorse (which hardly seems to matter to the Gorn anyway, since they kill each other without hesitation). They do not see themselves in their hosts. The galaxy is their hunting and breeding ground, and they are at the top of the food chain. They don’t have to care about anything beneath them, and they don’t see any reason why they should.
These babies want to eat you, they are not interested in becoming friends with you, they cannot be tamed or reasoned with. Their driving instinct is to kill you. Even as infants, they are frighteningly stronger and faster than you. It doesn’t matter if they’re sentient and intelligent: the dog-sized scorpions are hunting you. And even against these stacked odds, this is the only stage at which you have any chance of surviving them, and they have no reason or interest in stopping to chat.
Maybe it’s tempting for some to see the Gorn babies as cute, hyper lil lizard tykes with sharp teeth and some impulse control issues. But me? Nah. The reason humans extend kindness even to the babies of other apex predators on our planet is because we have the luxury to do so. Our technological superiority makes us so much more deadly that we can afford to be merciful when we feel like it. Back when that wasn’t the case and there were less of us with less lethal technologies and we were surrounded by other hostile animals who absolutely could and would kill us (either for food or just because we were trespassing), we couldn’t afford the luxury of that mindset.
That’s where the Federation races are with the Gorn. So forgive me if when you say: “this smart, sentient baby with adult strength and sharp teeth is trying to eat you 😃 what do you do?” my instant answer is “KILL IT. KILL IT.” I’m not interested in the “buuut they’re kiiiids!” 🥺☹️😭 argument. Don’t do that thing where humans project ourselves and our values onto everything. These are not anything like baby humans. Handwringing gets you killed.
Anyway, I find it intriguing that Star Trek is exploring an enemy that’s more like an implacable force of nature: unrelenting, unyielding, and utterly unswayed by begging and pleading. From the human perspective, they are evil—but they aren’t evil in and of themselves. They’re just doing what they do. But that doesn’t change the fact that what they do is destructive, and when faced with that, how should we respond? How can we?
I can tell you right now the answer isn’t to just roll over and die. But what is the solution, then?
The thing is, humans have had to grapple with this question before and there are still ways that we are grappling with it now. It’s a nuanced question worth exploring, because yeah, sometimes you can’t reason your way to a mutually beneficial solution. You can’t plead with a tsunami and expect it to move. You can’t reason with entities that want you dead and don’t care about you at all, full stop. What do you do then? This is new territory for Trek, and I’m looking forward to seeing their answer, if there is a clear one at all.
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sheriffspookypants · 2 years
This weeks Strange New Worlds episode was sooo good but I just need to say I understand why theyre making the Gorn so scary. Like I get it right, theyre the bad guys, ruthless big scary lizards, I get it.
But I cannot tell you how unbelievably funny it was to watch this episode knowing full well that in about 10 years Captain Kirk beats the shit of one with his bare hands. Just a fully grown one by himself. I know this is a ‘new’ canon so the Gorn of TOS arent the same as SNW but i still choose to believe Captain Kirk is just built different and 1v1s an adult Gorn and wins
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skenpiel · 2 years
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theyr like the same to me. but one is like a really cheap cosplay
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neil-gaiman · 5 months
Dear, God
Can you give us false hope on a happy ending for season 3. Please I’m begging you.
At the end of Season 3 Sadie and Dottie sail away into the sunset together in search of their long-dead husbands, while a chorus of indigent chinchillas sing "A mother's lament" AKA "Yore baby 'as gorn dahn the plug'ole" in three part harmony. It will be so happy.
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cozyforjate · 10 months
It surprises me when people say Chapel doesn’t have a trait, personality, or plotline other than being Spock’s love interest... Let me list all the things we know and have seen about this amazing character.
Christine Chapel is a nurse on The Enterprise. She is on civilian exchange from the Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project. She is also a part of Starfleet’s initiative to better observe alien cultures without contamination.
M’Benga treats her as an equal. Pike called her “doctor” in the very first episode which suggests that her medical knowledge and experience must be impressive.
She is an expert on genetic modification. She can mess with your genome and temporarily turn you into an Alien. And she makes it look easy.
She is also interested in archeological medicine. She is doing fieldwork, making discoveries, and writing papers on the subject while doing her other duties on the ship.
Long story short she is quite the genius!
She is outgoing, friendly, witty, funny, adventurous, strong, brave but also compassionate and emotional.
She doesn’t judge, she accepts people for who they are.
She is confident in her abilities. She doesn’t take anyone’s BS. “I don’t think the Vulcan Fellowship is ready for me”… No one, not even Vulcans can bully or make her feel insecure.
But when she was a kid she was bullied. Milo, her Malamute, bit one of those bullies. Good boy!
As it was implied in one of the episodes she is most probably bi.
She has a vulnerable side. She is afraid of commitment. Afraid of romantic relationships getting deep. Perhaps even afraid of falling in love. She uses humor when things get too serious or personal for her. There is a story waiting to unfold in time. And i can’t wait to know more of it!
She was in the Klingon War with M'Benga. They witnessed the ugly face of war and had to make some hard decisions. They used (perhaps even developed) an illegal serum that temporarily gives them enough power and stamina to survive against Klingons. This left a scar on her as much as it did on M'Benga. We will revisit this story in episode 8 (i guess).
She knows how to fight. She is a quick thinker during stressful situations. And she is a badass. For example, she can handle space pirates and all she needs is a hypospray! She can deal with baby Gorns and survive!
She is heroic. She would jump into space without an EV suit to prevent a war.
Oh and she is also Spock's love interest and it's a delicious relationship that enrichens both characters.
This is what we got in 15 episodes. I'm sure we'll learn more about her and she will get new storylines in the seasons to come.
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tinderbox210 · 3 months
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Happy Threshold Day 🦎🦎🦎
*the Gorn wouldn't kill the salamander babies because they look too much like them and they would adopt them
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The new adult gorn design is cool and all but they missed out on the funniest option which would be that the adults really do look like the old rubber suit gorn from TOS, it's only the babies that are creepy and scary
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