#backyard remedies
kiwicribby40 · 11 months
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Title: Unveiling the Green Remedies Fad: Separating Facts from Fiction
In recent years, there has been a surge in popularity surrounding green remedies and natural health products. With the increasing desire for holistic approaches to wellness and the growing concern for the environment, many individuals are turning to green remedies as an alternative to conventional medicine. However, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction in this booming industry. In this blog, we will delve into the green remedies fad, exploring its benefits, limitations, and the scientific evidence behind these natural health solutions.
What are Green Remedies?
Green remedies encompass a broad range of natural health products, including herbal supplements, essential oils, organic foods, and alternative therapies like acupuncture and Ayurveda. Proponents of green remedies believe that harnessing the power of nature can promote overall well-being and address various health issues without relying on synthetic substances.
The Appeal of Green Remedies:
a) Holistic Approach: Green remedies emphasize treating the whole person rather than merely addressing symptoms. They aim to achieve a balance between mind, body, and spirit, focusing on preventive measures and self-care.
b) Environmental Consciousness: Choosing green remedies aligns with the growing awareness of environmental sustainability. By opting for natural solutions, individuals reduce their reliance on chemical-laden products, which can have adverse effects on both personal health and the planet.
Examining the Facts:
While green remedies hold promise, it is essential to approach them with a critical eye and consider the scientific evidence supporting their claims. Here are some key facts to consider:
a) Limited Scientific Evidence: Although some green remedies have been studied extensively, the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness varies. While certain herbs, such as ginger for nausea or chamomile for sleep, have shown positive results, other remedies lack robust research or have conflicting findings.
b) Potential Side Effects and Interactions: Natural does not always mean harmless. It's crucial to recognize that green remedies can have side effects and may interact with prescription medications. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advised before starting any new treatment regimen.
c) Placebo Effect: The placebo effect can play a significant role in the perceived effectiveness of green remedies. It's important to differentiate between true therapeutic benefits and the placebo response when evaluating the efficacy of these remedies.
d) Regulatory Concerns: The green remedies industry is not immune to regulatory challenges. The lack of standardized regulations and quality control measures can make it difficult for consumers to assess the safety and efficacy of products.
Integrating Green Remedies Responsibly:
a) Consult with Professionals: When considering green remedies, it is essential to involve healthcare professionals. They can provide valuable guidance, evaluate potential interactions, and ensure that the chosen remedies complement existing treatments.
b) Evidence-Based Approach: Look for green remedies that have been subjected to rigorous scientific studies and clinical trials. Seek out reliable sources of information, such as reputable scientific journals and reputable healthcare organizations, to make informed decisions.
c) Personalization and Moderation: Every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experimentation and personalization are crucial in finding the right green remedies. Additionally, using them in moderation can help mitigate any potential risks.
The green remedies fad represents a shift towards holistic approaches to wellness and sustainability. While there are benefits to incorporating natural health solutions into our lives, it is vital to separate fact from fiction. Understanding the limited scientific evidence, potential side effects, and regulatory concerns can empower us to make informed choices. By integrating green remedies responsibly, consulting professionals, and relying on evidence-based information, we can unlock the true potential of natural health solutions while safeguarding our well-being.
Remember, maintaining an open dialogue with healthcare professionals and continuously educating ourselves will pave the way for a more balanced and effective approach to green remedies.
To Read More Go Here
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healthy-world1 · 6 days
A Path to Independence: A Review of "The Self-Sufficient Backyard Book (printed)"
I recently purchased "The Self-Sufficient Backyard Book (printed)" by Ron and Johanna, and it's quickly become my go-to guide for anyone interested in taking control of their own food production and reducing their reliance on external systems.
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Packed with Practical Projects
The book is brimming with over 100 DIY projects, making it a treasure trove of practical knowledge. From constructing raised garden beds and rainwater harvesting systems to crafting natural remedies and even generating alternative energy sources, the authors provide clear, step-by-step instructions that empower readers to transform their backyards into productive havens.
One project that particularly piqued my interest was the one on building a chicken coop. Having fresh eggs readily available is a dream for many, and the book outlines the process in a way that's approachable even for someone with limited DIY experience. The plans are detailed, with helpful diagrams that make the construction process easy to visualize. There's even guidance on selecting the right chicken breeds for your needs and caring for your feathered friends.
A Resource for All Yard Sizes
What truly impressed me is that the book caters to a variety of property sizes. Whether you have a sprawling acreage or a modest city balcony, the authors emphasize that self-sufficiency is achievable. They offer ingenious solutions for small spaces, like vertical gardening techniques and container planting, proving that even the most limited square footage can yield fresh produce. For instance, the section on vertical gardening explores various methods like trellises and hanging planters, maximizing vertical space for growing vegetables, herbs, and even some climbing fruits. This approach allows you to maximise your harvest without sacrificing precious ground space.
Inspiration for All Levels of Experience
"The Self-Sufficient Backyard Book" is a fantastic resource for both seasoned homesteaders and curious beginners. The authors share their extensive knowledge gained from over 40 years ofexperience, but they present it in a way that's easy to understand and implement. Even if you're entirely new to the concept of self-sufficiency, this book provides a roadmap to get you started. The opening chapters offer a comprehensive overview of the core principles of homesteading, from sustainable gardening practices to water conservation techniques. This foundational knowledge provides a solid base for tackling the more intricate DIY projects.
A Sustainable Future Starts Here
Beyond the practical aspects, the book inspires a sense of self-reliance and connection to the natural world. The authors' passion for sustainable living is contagious, and their philosophy resonates deeply. They advocate for reducing our environmental footprint and highlight the satisfaction that comes from producing your own food and essential goods.
"The Self-Sufficient Backyard Book" is more than just a collection of DIY projects; it's a call to action. It empowers individuals and families to take charge of their well-being and create a more sustainable future, one backyard at a time. Whether you're yearning for fresher produce, a reduced dependence on external systems, or simply a deeper connection to nature, this book offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help you achieve your goals.
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healthness24 · 7 days
My Backyard Oasis: A Review of the Medicinal Garden Kit
I've always been fascinated by the idea of natural remedies. The thought of using plants to soothe everyday ailments or promote overall well-being held a certain allure. However, venturing into the world of herbalism seemed daunting. That's where the Medicinal Garden Kit came in, offering a beginner-friendly solution to cultivate my own "homegrown apothecary," as the product description phrased it.
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Unboxing a World of Possibilities
The kit arrived neatly packaged in what seemed to be recycled cardboard, a nice touch that resonated with the product's focus on natural healing. Inside, I found everything I needed to get started: an assortment of seed packets boasting colorful illustrations and clear labels. There were classics like chamomile and lavender, alongside intriguing options like echinacea and calendula. Each packet included a brief description of the plant's medicinal uses, piquing my curiosity to learn more.
A Seed for Every Season
The kit also included a comprehensive guide titled "From Seed to Remedy." This beautifully illustrated booklet provided a wealth of information, from planting instructions specific to each herb to detailed explanations of the plants' potential benefits and harvesting techniques. It even offered basic recipes for teas, tinctures, and salves, empowering me to transform my harvest into usable remedies. The guide addressed potential challenges like sunlight requirements and pest control, making it a valuable resource for every step of the gardening journey.
Cultivating Knowledge Alongside Herbs
One of the most delightful aspects of the Medicinal Garden Kit was the educational experience. As I planted each seed, meticulously following the guide's instructions, I found myself delving deeper into the world of medicinal plants. I learned about their historical uses, their active components, and even their folklore. The act of nurturing these little green allies fostered a sense of connection to nature and a newfound appreciation for the healing power of plants.
From Seedling to Self-Sufficiency
Within weeks, my backyard transformed into a thriving miniature herb garden. The satisfaction of witnessing tiny green shoots emerge from the soil was unparalleled. Following the guide's harvesting tips, I was soon able to snip fresh chamomile leaves for a soothing evening tea or brew a pot of echinacea to support my immune system. The sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment this brought was truly rewarding.
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A Rewarding Investment in Wellness
The Medicinal Garden Kit proved to be more than just a gardening starter pack. It was a gateway to a deeper understanding of natural remedies and a commitment to a more holistic approach to well-being. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a curious beginner like myself, this kit offers a rewarding and enriching experience. With its high-quality seeds, informative guide, and eco-conscious packaging, the Medicinal Garden Kit is an excellent investment for anyone seeking to cultivate a healthier lifestyle, one herb at a time.
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healthpro786 · 16 days
Exploring the Uses of Medicinal Plants: Nature's Pharmacy
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Introduction to Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants have been integral to human health and wellness for millennia, offering a treasure trove of natural remedies that continue to play a crucial role in both traditional and modern medicine. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the diverse uses of medicinal plants, from their historical significance to their potential future in research and innovation.
Definition and Historical Significance
Medicinal plants encompass a broad spectrum of botanical species that have been utilized for their therapeutic properties. This practice dates back to ancient civilizations, where healers and shamans discovered the healing potential of various plants, laying the foundation for herbal medicine.
Importance in Traditional and Modern Medicine
Throughout history, medicinal plants have been the cornerstone of traditional healing systems across cultures, from Ayurveda in India to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Native American herbalism. In modern times, these plants remain vital, providing sources of active compounds for pharmaceutical drugs and serving as natural alternatives for health and wellness.
Common Medicinal Plants
Overview of Well-Known Plants (e.g., Aloe Vera, Ginseng, Turmeric)
Certain medicinal plants have gained widespread recognition for their health benefits. Aloe vera, known for its soothing properties, is used to treat burns and skin irritations. Ginseng is prized in traditional Asian medicine for its apoptogenic properties, promoting vitality and longevity. Turmeric, has potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects due to its active compound curcumin.
Their Traditional and Current Uses
These plants have versatile applications. Aloe vera is used in skincare products, herbal remedies, and even beverages for its cooling and healing properties. Ginseng is incorporated into tonics and supplements to boost energy and enhance cognitive function. Turmeric finds its way into culinary dishes and dietary supplements, offering support for joint health and overall wellness.
Health Benefits of Medicinal Plants
Overview of Various Health Conditions Treated
Medicinal plants address a wide range of health conditions, spanning digestive issues, skin disorders, immune support, respiratory ailments, and more. Each plant contains unique bioactive compounds that target specific areas of health.
Examples: Digestive Issues, Skin Disorders, Immune Support
For digestive health, plants like peppermint and ginger aid in soothing upset stomachs and relieving nausea. Calendula and lavender are prized for their skin-healing properties, used in ointments and creams for eczema and wounds. Immune-boosting plants such as echinacea and elderberry are popular during cold and flu seasons.
You may try this kit for your better health through herbs.
Phytochemicals and Active Compounds
Explanation of Phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are bioactive compounds found in plants that contribute to their medicinal properties. These include polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenes, each with specific health-promoting effects.
Importance of Active Compounds in Medicinal Plants
The efficacy of medicinal plants hinges on their active compounds. For instance, the polyphenols in green tea exhibit antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative stress. Alkaloids like caffeine in coffee and tea contribute to their stimulating effects on the nervous system.
Antioxidant Properties
Role of Medicinal Plants in Fighting Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress contributes to aging and disease by causing cellular damage. Medicinal plants rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries and green tea, help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage.
Examples of Plants with High Antioxidant Content
Berries like goji and acai are celebrated for their antioxidant-rich profiles, offering protection against chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Turmeric, with its potent curcuminoids, also exhibits strong antioxidant effects.
Anti-inflammatory Effects
How Medicinal Plants Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation underlies many chronic diseases, from arthritis to cardiovascular conditions. Medicinal plants like ginger, turmeric, and willow bark contain compounds that inhibit inflammatory pathways, offering natural relief without the side effects of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs.
Plant Examples (e.g., Ginger, Turmeric, Willow Bark)
Gingerols in ginger and curcumin in turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, making them popular choices for joint pain and muscle soreness. Willow bark contains salicin, a precursor to aspirin, which eases pain and reduces inflammation.
This kit may help you to maintain your health better through herbs.
Digestive Health
Medicinal Plants for Digestive Disorders
Plants like peppermint, chamomile, and fennel seeds are used to alleviate digestive discomfort, including bloating, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These herbs promote healthy digestion and soothe gastrointestinal distress.
Natural Remedies for Common GI Issues
Peppermint oil relaxes intestinal muscles, easing spasms and discomfort. Chamomile tea reduces inflammation in the gut lining, while fennel seeds aid in digestion and reduce gas.
Immune System Support
Plants That Boost Immunity
Echinacea, garlic, and astragalus are renowned for their immune-enhancing properties. These plants stimulate the immune response and help the body fend off infections.
Apoptogenic Plants and Their Role
Apoptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and holy basil help the body adapt to stress, which indirectly supports immune function by reducing the negative impact of stress hormones on immunity.
Skin Care and Healing
Use of Plants in Skincare Products
The beauty industry incorporates medicinal plants into skincare formulations for their nourishing and healing effects. Aloe vera gel, shea butter, and rosehip oil are popular ingredients in natural skincare products.
Healing Properties of Medicinal Plants for Skin Conditions
Calendula soothes inflamed skin and promotes wound healing. Tea tree oil is used for its antibacterial properties in treating acne. Rosemary extract acts as a natural preservative and antioxidant in cosmetic products.
Pain Relief
Natural Pain-Relieving Properties of Plants
Plants like cannabis, willow bark, and capsaicin (from chili peppers) are effective pain relievers. They work through various mechanisms to alleviate pain without the adverse effects of opioids.
Comparison with Pharmaceutical Options
Medicinal plants offer a gentler alternative to pharmaceutical painkillers, with fewer side effects and a lower chance of addiction. For chronic pain management, herbal remedies provide sustainable relief.
Stress and Anxiety Management
Plants for Calming Effects
Lavender, passionflower, and valerian root are used to reduce stress and anxiety. These plants have sedative properties that promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Role of Herbal Teas and Aromatherapy
Herbal teas infused with chamomile or lemon balm have calming effects on the nervous system. Essential oils like lavender and bergamot used in aromatherapy alleviate stress and uplift mood.
Cardiovascular Health
Plants for Heart Health
Hawthorn, garlic, and flaxseed are beneficial for cardiovascular health. They support healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and overall heart function.
Impact on Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels
Garlic contains allicin, which helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Hawthorn berries improve blood flow to the heart and strengthen its contractions.
Respiratory Health
Medicinal Plants for Respiratory Issues
Eucalyptus, peppermint, and thyme are valued for their respiratory benefits. They relieve congestion, soothe coughs, and support lung health.
Examples: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Thyme
Eucalyptol in eucalyptus oil acts as a natural decongestant, while menthol in peppermint oil opens airways and relieves sinus pressure. Thyme contains thymol, an expectorant that loosens phlegm.
Cancer Prevention and Support
Role of Medicinal Plants in Cancer Prevention
Certain plants like turmeric, green tea, and berries possess anti-cancer properties. They inhibit tumor growth and protect cells from oxidative damage.
Complementary Use with Conventional Treatments
Medicinal plants complement conventional cancer treatments, helping to manage side effects like nausea and fatigue. They may also enhance treatment efficacy and improve overall quality of life.
Women’s Health
Plants for Menstrual Issues and Menopause Symptoms
Black cohosh, dong quai, and chaste berry are used to alleviate menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. These herbs regulate hormonal balance and support reproductive health.
This guide may also help you to keep yourself fit through nature.
Safety and Efficacy Considerations
While herbal remedies can be effective, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider, especially during pregnancy or when managing chronic conditions. Proper dosage and quality control are crucial for safety.
Memory and Cognitive Function
Plants That Enhance Brain Health
Ginkgo biloba, bacopa, and gotu kola are known for their cognitive-enhancing effects. They improve memory, concentration, and overall brain function.
Impact on Memory and Concentration
Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing cognitive performance. Bacopa monnieri supports neurotransmitter function, improving memory retention and mental clarity.
Metabolic Health
Plants That Support Metabolism
Cinnamon, bitter melon, and fenugreek aid in metabolic health. They regulate blood sugar levels, promote insulin sensitivity, and support weight management.
Effects on Weight Management
Green tea catechins and capsaicin from chili peppers boost metabolism and promote fat burning. These plants are valuable additions to a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Sustainability and Ethical Harvesting
Importance of Responsible Sourcing
As demand for medicinal plants grows, sustainable harvesting practices are vital to preserve biodiversity and protect natural habitats. Ethical sourcing ensures the long-term viability of medicinal plant resources.
Promoting Biodiversity and Conservation
Cultivation of medicinal plants through organic farming and wildcrafting supports ecosystem health and maintains genetic diversity. Conservation efforts safeguard endangered species and promote sustainable use.
Cultural and Ritual Uses
Traditional Practices Involving Medicinal Plants
Medicinal plants hold cultural significance in rituals and ceremonies worldwide. Indigenous cultures have preserved ancient healing traditions centered around plant-based medicine.
Significance in Various Cultures
For example, Ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant brew, is used by Amazonian tribes for spiritual healing and enlightenment. Native American tribes employ sage and cedar for purification rituals.
Future of Medicinal Plant Research
Trends in Herbal Medicine
Advancements in technology and scientific research are uncovering new applications for medicinal plants. Phytopharmaceuticals and herbal supplements continue to gain popularity in mainstream healthcare.
Potential Discoveries and Innovations
Research on plant genomics, bioavailability of phytochemicals, and synergistic effects of herbal combinations offer promising avenues for novel therapies. The future holds exciting prospects for harnessing the full potential of medicinal plants.
The multifaceted uses of medicinal plants span ancient traditions to cutting-edge research, demonstrating their enduring relevance in promoting health and well-being. As we navigate an era of holistic healthcare, incorporating these natural remedies into our lifestyles fosters a harmonious relationship with nature and unlocks the profound healing potential of botanical medicine.
Here you may try this kit for your health care through herbs.
Wish you the best of your health!
Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you purchase through those links.
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beautyhealthsworld · 1 month
Make green your Backyard
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Cultivate Wellness at Home: A Look at the Medicinal Garden Kit
Ever wished you could have a natural pharmacy right outside your door? The Medicinal Garden Kit promises just that, empowering you to grow a variety of medicinal plants at home. But is it a vibrant path to natural healing, or a weed in the garden of well-being?
Blooming Benefits:
The kit boasts a curated selection of seeds, often including calming chamomile, immune-boosting echinacea, and soothing lavender. With proper care, you can harvest these herbs for teas, tinctures, or even culinary uses. Proponents highlight the advantages of:
Natural remedies: Having a steady supply of herbs for common ailments can feel empowering and reduce reliance on over-the-counter medications.
Cost-effective: Compared to buying pre-made herbal products, growing your own can be a budget-friendly option in the long run.
Freshness and quality control: You know exactly how your plants are grown, ensuring you get the most potent and beneficial herbs.
Sustainability: Growing your own herbs reduces your environmental footprint.
Mind the Patch: Important Considerations
While the concept is enticing, there are factors to consider before diving in:
Not a cure-all: Medicinal plants can be a great supplement, but they shouldn't replace professional medical advice.
Knowledge is power: Research each plant's proper harvesting and usage to avoid potential side effects or interactions with medications.
Growing commitment: These plants require sunlight, water, and proper care to thrive. Be prepared to invest time and effort.
for more details plz visit
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moneyxpertreviewer · 2 months
How to Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Your Backyard: A Review of The Self-Sufficient Backyard (by Ron and Johanna Melchiore)
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Master the Art of Self-Sufficiency
If you are looking for a comprehensive, impressive, and engaging guide to self-sufficiency, look no further than The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For the Independent Homesteaders. Written by Ron and Johanna Melchiore, who have been living off the grid for over 40 years, this book offers a wealth of practical advice and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle.
What is The Self-Sufficient Backyard about?
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The Self-Sufficient Backyard is a book that shares the firsthand experience and knowledge of the authors on how to grow your own food, collect your own water, make your own energy, and much more. The book is divided into 12 chapters, each covering a different aspect of self-sufficiency, such as:
Gardening: How to plan, plant, and maintain a productive and organic garden that can provide you with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers all year round.
Animal Care: How to raise and care for chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, bees, and other animals that can supply you with eggs, meat, honey, milk, and other products.
Renewable Energy: How to harness the power of the sun, wind, and water to generate electricity, heat, and hot water for your home and appliances.
Natural Remedies: How to use herbs, plants, and essential oils to treat common ailments, injuries, and infections, and to boost your immune system and overall health.
Food Preservation: How to store, can, freeze, dry, and ferment your food to extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage and waste.
Home Security: How to protect your home and property from intruders, thieves, and wild animals, and how to prepare for emergencies and disasters.
Each chapter is packed with detailed information, tips, and illustrations that guide you through the process of setting up and maintaining your own self-sufficient backyard. Whether you have a large or small property, urban or rural, you will find something useful and applicable in this book.
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What are the benefits of reading The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
By reading The Self-Sufficient Backyard, you will learn how to:
Save money and resources by producing your own food, water, and energy, and by reducing your dependence on external sources and systems.
Improve your health and well-being by eating organic and nutritious food, by avoiding chemicals and toxins, and by using natural remedies and treatments.
Enhance your skills and creativity by learning new techniques and methods, and by doing things yourself instead of relying on others.
Enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment of living in harmony with nature, and of being in control of your own life and environment.
Visit the authors’ page by clicking here
Inspiring quotes from The Self-Sufficient Backyard
Here are some quotes from the book or from the authors that show their expertise and insight on self-sufficiency:
"We have learned that self-reliance is not only possible, but immensely rewarding. We have discovered that living simply does not mean living poorly, but rather living richly in ways that money cannot buy" - Ron and Johanna Melchiore, Introduction
"Gardening is not a hobby for us, it is a necessity. It is the source of most of our food, and therefore, our health. It is also a source of joy, beauty, and peace." - Chapter 1, Gardening
"Animals are an integral part of our homestead. They provide us with food, companionship, entertainment, and sometimes, frustration. They also teach us valuable lessons about life, death, and nature." - Chapter 2, Animal Care
"Renewable energy is not a luxury, but a necessity for off-grid living. It is also a smart choice for anyone who cares about the environment and the future of our planet." - Chapter 3, Renewable Energy
"Natural remedies are not a substitute for modern medicine, but a complement to it. They are based on centuries of tradition, observation, and experimentation, and they work with the body's natural healing abilities." - Chapter 4, Natural Remedies
"Food preservation is not only a way to store food, but also a way to preserve culture, history, and diversity. It is also a way to express creativity, flavor, and artistry." - Chapter 5, Food Preservation
"Home security is not only a matter of locks, alarms, and weapons, but also a matter of awareness, preparedness, and common sense. It is also a matter of attitude, confidence, and self-respect." - Chapter 6, Home Security
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What are other reviewers saying about The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
The Self-Sufficient Backyard has received rave reviews from other readers and reviewers, who have praised the book for its:
Depth and breadth of information and advice on various topics related to self-sufficiency.
Clarity and simplicity of writing and presentation, making the book easy to read and understand.
Practicality and applicability of the tips and techniques, making the book suitable for beginners and experts alike.
Honesty and authenticity of the authors, who share their successes and failures, joys and challenges, and stories and anecdotes from their own journey of self-sufficiency.
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Here are some examples of what other reviewers have said about the book:
This book is a treasure trove of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle. The authors have done an amazing job of covering every aspect of self-sufficiency, from gardening and animal care, to renewable energy and natural remedies, and more. The book is well-written, well-organized, and well-illustrated, and it is full of practical tips and examples that anyone can follow. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in self-sufficiency, or who simply wants to learn more about it.
This book is a must-read for anyone who dreams of living off the grid, or who simply wants to reduce their environmental impact and live a more simple and natural life. The authors are experienced and knowledgeable, and they share their wisdom and advice in a clear and engaging way. The book is not only informative, but also entertaining and inspiring, as the authors share their personal stories and experiences of living self-sufficiently for over 40 years. The book is also very comprehensive and covers everything you need to know to achieve self-sufficiency in your own backyard.
How to get The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
If you are interested in getting The Self-Sufficient Backyard, you can:
Visit the authors' website by clicking here
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Thank you for reading this review of The Self-Sufficient Backyard by Ron and Johanna Melchiore. I hope you found it helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And if you enjoyed this review, please share it with your friends and family who might also be interested in self-sufficiency. Happy reading!
Disclosure: This review contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you purchase through them, but it doesn't affect my opinion. My review is based on in-depth personal evaluation and experience. You have the freedom to buy or not, clicking on the affiliate link does not cost you anything extra.
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livelyproducsblog · 3 months
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For more info follow the link and get it now
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blondephenobarbitol · 4 months
A list of Nightmare Time episode ideas that I thought of and I think would be cool:
1.) Mr. Chasity has been trying to sell the old Waylon Place for far too long. After trying and failing over and over, he decides to take matters into his own hands by going in himself to see what all the fuss is about. But nothing could have prepared him to meet the real ghosts of Waylon Hall. And boy oh boy do they have shenanigans in store. (The episode would be called 'Unholy Ghost') .
2.) It's been a few months since Hatchetfield was destroyed in that awful 'accident'. Emma and Paul have been living under the aliases Kelly and Ben Bridges. (there can be a joke where Emma doesn't even pretend to care about her alias and Paul cares too much.) They live in Colorado now. Emma's finally started her pot farm, and Paul is working in marketing. For the most part, they have a good life. Only Paul's acting a bit different lately. Emma caught him humming company jingles, tapping his foot to a beat she can't hear. Maybe those spores he inhaled had some effect on him. It's probably nothing, but he's never sung in the shower before...(I don't have a name for this one yet.) .
3.) Max Jägerman is failing remedial algebra. In fact, he's doing so poorly that his dad shells out and hires him a tutor, PJ. (Bryce's nerd from 'Literal Monster.) He reluctantly lets her help him. At first it seems to work and his grades are rising steadily, but as PJ lets her guard down, Max starts to notice some things. Strange symbols scribbled in the margins of her notebook, almost like...jagged smiles? Weird stains on her hands, when she gets too close she smells like roadkill. And there's this white spider that keeps showing up in his room. Sometimes he feels like it's trying to tell him something. Or warn him. Without knowing what he's gotten himself into, Max has to evade getting his soul swallowed by a hungry god of darkness. (The episode is called 'Dirty Dude Soup') .
4.) Charlotte Sweetly is jealous. Her church friend, Carol Davidson, has exactly the kind of life she wants. Charlotte's seen the way her boss talks about his wife, and would give anything for Sam to feel that way about her. One day, Charlotte finally gathers her courage and asks her how she does it. Carol takes pity on her, and decides to reveal an important secret: it's all the product of a ritual, an ancient spell she stumbled upon on a trip to an amusement park. She claims that ever since she did it, her husband can't get enough of her. "I am all he sees. He calls me the apple of his eye." Charlotte doesn't believe her at first, but Carol gave her the instructions, and why the hell not? She tries it. Unfortunately, Charlotte messes up the wording. The spell still works, but not quite as intended. And an all-seeing police officer could be a good thing, but Sam is not a good police officer. (maybe let's call this one 'Omnipocop'. But that's awful to spell so suggestions are welcome) .
5.) While trying to be an assistant, Steph accidentally botches one of Pete's science projects. He forgives her, but she still feels bad even as he assures her it's no big deal, throwing the mix of chemicals out his window just to prove it. What he doesn't know is that the last family that lived in the Spankoffski house buried their dog in the backyard, and Pete's chemical slurry just brought it back to life. On a probably unrelated note, Paul has been trying to ignore the damage he's finding in his apartment. He's been chalking most of the tipped over garbage cans and torn apart cushion up to rats--giant rats?--or maybe a squirrel. But when a decades-old "missing dog" poster shows up on his doorstep, he can't ignore the truth for any longer. (the episode would be called "Patches' Revenge" and I thing it would work because it's just the right amount of weird. It would end with Paul teaming up with the nerds to defeat undead Patches with science.) .
6.) To his utter delight, Miss Holloway finally agreed to go out with Duke on a proper date. Nothing huge, just some ice cream and a walk on the beach. They're both enjoying themselves when Miss Holloway hears something. Duke can't hear it, but he still follows her down the shore to some kind of cave grotto, where she claims the noise is coming from. She tosses a pebble into the water, testing how it might react. A few moments later, the pebble come flying out again. Duke is stunned, but Miss Holloway tosses her ice cream cone. Sure enough, a few moments later is comes flying back, perfectly dry. They've clearly discovered something, and over the next few days, Duke and Miss Holloway experiment and try to learn about the grotto and the water in it. It's too deep to see the bottom, so their tests mostly involve tossing different things to see how they'll react. Little do they know, there was a reason Miss Holloway could hear a noise coming from the cave. There's a reason it drew her in, too. There's something singing to her, something that lives at the bottom of the grotto. And with each thing they feed it, it becomes a little bit stronger...(and then it's called something unassuming like "Wavecrest Cave")
So that's Nightmare Time season four all lined up. Please tell me if you have a good name idea for episodes 2 and 4. Also if anyone wants to use these as writing prompts, be my guest (just tag me so I can read them)
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Stable Girl!Joel and Sunshine
Joel trying to take care of her pregnancy cravings and needs. Massages, carrying her to see how the horses are doing, I googled how to make oatmilk ice cream and it could be doable, just need like butter or cashews to make it creamy ♥️♥️ I like the idea of Joel being taught how to do it by hand♥️ just for her!
Ah Strawberry ice cream?!
Love Language
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pairing: The Stable Girl-Verse!joel miller x f!reader (Sunshine)
rating: F (talks of pregnancy/symptoms, joel is perfect)
a/n: AHHHHHHHHHH this SENT me anon 😭 the strawberrrriesssssss 😭
the stable girl masterlist | joel masterlist
“Again?” Joel’s voice sounded from behind you as you sat at the dining table in the middle of the night, scarfing down the chocolate cake Ellie baked as a “congratulations” for your newly announced pregnancy. You froze as he flicked the light on to get a better picture of the scene he was walking in on—you in your nightgown, your belly as round as a watermelon, chocolate frosting on your mouth.
“I had a craving,” you meekly justified your current state, bringing an amused grin to his face as he walked over, sleep tousling his hair and softening his eyes. Pressing his lips to your forehead, he pulled up a seat beside you and plucked your fork from your hand and shoveled a piece of cake into his mouth. “Who said I wanted to share, huh?”
“My apologies,” he smiled as he lifted a piece to your lips, his lazy grin growing wider as he watched your lips wrap around the fork, cleaning it off. His thumb brushed against your bottom lip to collect the chocolate frosting that rested there before sucking it off with a satisfied hum. “I love seein’ you like this.”
“Yeah?” You laughed and rolled your eyes at the compliment. “I’m sure I look like an absolute goddess right now.”
“You do to me,” he crooned, his hand reaching down to rub over your stomach through the cotton of your gown. “Carryin’ my baby. You couldn’t look more beautiful to me than right now.”
“You’re awfully sweet for being woken up in the middle of the night,” you cooed back with a smile, pinching his chin.
“One more bite and then you’re comin’ back upstairs with me,” he ordered, reaching for the fork to feed you a satisfying final bite before doing the same for himself.
Obeying his command, you let him take you back up to bed for the night, your sugary craving now satisfied and a new, sweeter craving dawned—a craving for Joel’s arms wrapped around you, lulling you to sleep.
“How’s baby Miller doin’?” Joel mumbled against your shoulder as he kept his lips pressed there, holding you from behind and rubbing your stomach.
“Starting to kick a lot,” you chuckled through your sleepiness. “And they apparently have quite the sweet tooth. I haven’t stopped craving sugar since the third trimester started.”
“Oh, I know,” he chuckled and hugged you closer. “Can’t wait to have her here with us.”
“Me neither.”
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Joel stood in the kitchen, a piece of paper in front of him on the counter with a messily scribbled recipe he’d jotted down courtesy of Maria. With the cake long gone by now, you’d gone days without something sweet to fulfill your cravings. Though you didn’t make a fuss over it, Joel took it upon himself to remedy the situation with an attempt at homemade ice cream—strawberry, thanks to the community garden’s latest impressive harvest.
“Oof,” you came waddling inside the house from the backyard, your hands still wearing your gardening gloves as they supported your lower back. “I think I’m getting too pregnant to take care of my flowers,” you pouted as you found yourself a seat at the dining table to watch Joel as he shuffled around the kitchen. After a beat of no response, you huffed out, “Hello? Am I a ghost?”
“Huh?” He turned around with a frantic, flustered expression and seemed to just now realize you’d come inside. “Sorry. I’m just…why are recipes so damn hard to follow. What’s the damn difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon?”
“Well, one’s bigger,” you chuckled and found the strength and energy to stand up and waddle over to the sink, your gloves coming off so that you could wash up. Peering over his shoulder, you nosily studied what he was working on before catching a glimpse at the recipe sheet. Though his handwriting wasn’t the cleanest, you could clearly make out “Strawberry Ice Cream” as the title. “Are you making ice cream?”
Joel whipped his head over at the sound of your bright voice, your smile wide with delight.
“Yeah,” he sighed, disappointed that his surprise had been ruined. “Was tryin’ to keep it a surprise until after supper but—“
You tugged him into a hug so tight he worried for a moment that you’d crush him.
“Thank you,” you mumbled against his neck as your face buried there. Joel chuckled and peeled himself from you enough to look you in the eye, his smile soft as he studied the appreciation written all over your face.
“Don’t thank me yet,” he laughed, leaning in to peck your lips. “Might fuck it up.”
“I have full faith in you,” you assured with your thumb and index pinching his chin. “Especially when I call Ellie in here to help you because I need that ice cream, my love. More than I need anything.”
“Oh, anything, huh?” He crossed his arms over his chest and turned playfully jealous in an instant. You laughed and stroked over his beard until his pour turned into a smile.
“Fine, almost more than anything.”
“Thank you,” he smiled into the kiss he planted upon your lips before tapping your ass lightly. “Now what were you sayin’ when you walked in?”
“Oh, I was just saying I don’t think I can look after my flowers anymore. My back is so sore these days—“
“Is it sore now?” He slid his hand up to rest on your lower back, his warm palm soothing over the aching muscle. When you let out a sigh of relief and rested your head on his chest, Joel felt a frenzy of affection swarm in his belly. “Baby,” he cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Let me take you upstairs and fix you a bath.”
“No,” you objected, lifting your head off his chest. “I really need to fix up the nursery. Baby girl is gonna be here in six weeks.”
“I’ll get someone else to do it—“
“No, you already got someone else to cover my shifts at the stable, and the garden, and now you’re trying to take away my nesting?” you playfully scolded him, a smirk on your face.
“I just hate seein’ you work too hard. You’re already workin’ a miracle by bringin’ my baby into the world,” he frowned a bit, something he’d only ever let you see. “I’ll leave you to your nestin’ but not until you sit in a hot bath. Your back’ll thank me later.”
“Fine, it’s a compromise,” you grinned and pulled him down for another short but satisfying peck. “Okay, I’ll go upstairs for my bath while you and Ellie finish the ice cream.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Later on that night after having spent at least an hour in the bathtub and twice as long fussing over the nursery, Joel forced you to relax at the dinner table, bringing you a plate of the most tender roast you’d ever seen.
“Oh my god,” you beamed as you looked from the plate to his eyes. “You did this?”
“I’ve been workin’ on my cookin’,” he shrugged bashfully. “It ain’t exactly fine dinin’, but I thought you deserved a fancier dinner than what I normally throw together.”
“You—“ You grabbed his chin and turned his face towards you, your smile still bright and beaming. “You are the love of my life, Joel Miller.”
Joel looked touched, his smile soft and sweet, just like him—or at least the side of him that you knew.
“And you are my life. Everything I do, everything I got—“ He placed his hand on your thigh and squeezed. “Everything. It’s yours.”
“Don’t make me cry on my food,” you chuckled and wiped the tears that filled in your waterline. “It looks too good to ruin.”
Joel laughed. “You started it.”
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boobo13cambridge · 11 months
A Mother's Remedy | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: none just Papa Kylian fussing over his “perfect hattrick”
Summary: You fall asleep on Kylian after spending the whole day taking care of the triplets who had the flu.
A/N: Hello, everyone! I’ve been trying to get all my previous requests done. I hope you guys like this one, it was way too cute to write. My requests are open again if you guys want to send me more. As always, please leave me feedback and don’t forget to reblog. I would greatly appreciate it. Enjoy, lovelies ❣️
The room was filled with a soft glow, courtesy of the bedside lamp casting its warm light upon the scene. The day's exhaustion had finally caught up to you as you lay nestled in the comfort of Kylian's arms, your head resting against his broad chest. It had been a long and arduous day, one that tested your strength and patience as you cared for your three precious children who were struck down by the flu.
The abrupt shift in weather proved overwhelming for your spirited young boys, whose boundless energy knew no bounds. They loved playing football outside in your backyard, and wouldn't miss a match at the Santiago Bernabeu if they could help it. Watching their father play was their greatest joy, and you couldn't help but fall in love each time seeing your precious four-year-olds donning their father's jersey proudly, their voices joining in unison with the fervent chants reverberating throughout the stadium. Ali, being the eldest among the trio, would often lead his younger brothers, Zain and Ilyas, in a rendition of the French national anthem before playing their ‘friendlies’, as he liked to call them, in the yard. Kylian found it absolutely adorable, officially dubbing them his ‘favourite hat trick’.
Kylian's fingers gently caressed your hair, soothing away the remnants of stress that clung to your tired mind. His touch was a balm to your weary soul, bringing you a sense of peace and tranquillity. The rise and fall of his chest against your cheek served as a rhythmic lullaby, coaxing you slowly to sleep.
As your eyes fluttered closed, the image of your children flashed across your mind. Their little faces flushed with fever, their once lively eyes dimmed by illness. My poor babies, you thought as you snuggled closer to your husband. You had spent the entire day tending to their every need, feeding them medicine, wiping away tears, and comforting them through the long hours of discomfort. 
A few hours earlier…
As the sun cast its golden rays across the room, you woke up with a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. Stretching lazily, you slowly tried to get out of your husband’s embrace, the latter’s arms tightening his hold not wanting to let you go.
"Bébé, stay just a few more minutes," he murmured softly, nestling deeper into the curve of your neck. Letting out a quiet giggle, you turned towards him, placing a tender kiss on his nose and gently caressing his cheek.
"Kyky, I have to go wake up the triplets and get them ready for school," you explained, a fond smile gracing your lips.
"Mmmhhh, d'accord. But give me a kiss first," he playfully whined, his lips puckering in an adorable pout. Shaking your head affectionately at his antics, you indulged his request, pressing a chaste kiss on his waiting lips, before deftly extricating yourself from his embrace and making your way towards the room where your precious cubs slept.
The triplets' room was conveniently situated just across the hall from your own, one of the many reasons you both decided on this house after Kylian signed with Real Madrid. As you opened the door to the bedroom and stepped in, the sound of faint whimpering halted your movements. 
Alarm surged through your veins as you rushed towards the beds, the scene that greeted you shattered your heart into a million pieces. Lying in their beds, your little ones were flushed and perspiring, their small bodies consumed by fever. The sight of their usually bright and energetic faces now pale and tormented sent a wave of panic coursing through your veins.
Laying your hand on their sweaty foreheads, you felt how warm they were.
“Maman…” whimpered Ilyas the youngest of trio, slowly opening his eyes, “Je me sens pas bien.”
“Oh, mon pauvre petit chou. Maman’s here now,” you said, gently caressing his face. 
As you continued to caress Ilyas's flushed face, offering him reassurance and comfort, the other two boys, Zain and Ali, began to stir from their sleep. Their delicate brows furrowed in response to the discomfort that plagued them, their faces contorted in the grip of illness. The sight was a poignant reminder of their vulnerability, igniting a fierce determination within you to ease their suffering. 
With a heavy sigh, you braced yourself for the demanding day that lay ahead. Gathering your strength and summoning the resilience that only a mother possesses, you whispered soothing words to Ilyas, gently coaxing him to rest as you hear the distinct sound of Kylian’s footsteps approaching.
"Ils sont où mes petits footballeurs?" your husband boomed, entering the room with a wide smile that quickly faded upon witnessing the state of his babies. His expression transformed into one of deep concern, etching lines of worry across his handsome face. "Mon dieu, what happened?"
"They have a fever, Ky. They're burning up real bad," you replied, your voice laced with concern as you watched Kylian's eyes flicker with worry.
"Papa... Arrête de parler si fort, t’es pas un haut-parleur là," Zain weakly croaked, his voice barely audible, but still managing to convey his cheeky spirit, even in the midst of illness.
Kylian, ever the doting father, couldn't help but chuckle softly at Zain's response. "Roh là là, regarde le tit gamin," he remarked affectionately, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Even while sick, he'll give his dad cheek, eh?"
Moving softly across the room, Kylian approached Zain's bed, his presence exuding a comforting warmth. His large hand gently rested upon Zain's fevered forehead, the contrast between his cool touch and the heat radiating from the young boy's skin sending a shiver of concern down his father's spine. Soft words of comfort and reassurance spilled from Kylian's lips, offering solace and a father's unwavering love.
After giving Ilyas a soft kiss on his cheek, you stood up, knowing you needed to make some food for your little ones and help them regain their strength. Your heart ached at the sight of Ali, still sleeping restlessly in his bed. You quickly made your way to his side, gently brushing his dark tousled hair away from his forehead, and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. 
"Ky, can you stay with them? Get them a wet towel for their foreheads. I'll make them some porridge and give them their medicine," you suggested, softly running your hand through your oldest’s hair.
"Sure, mon amour. You go ahead, I'll take care of them," Kylian reassured you, his voice filled with tenderness. With a gentle squeeze on his shoulder, you left the room, your mind racing with the urgency to prepare a comforting meal for your hungry little ones.
In the kitchen, you swiftly gathered the necessary ingredients, your hands moving with practised efficiency. As the porridge simmered, you took a moment to grab your phone and dial your mother's number.
With years of experience as a mother herself, she was a source of guidance and wisdom in times like these. You explained the situation and sought her advice on caring for your sick cubs, soaking in her comforting words and practical tips.
On the other end of the line, your mother's voice greeted you with warmth and concern. "Hello, my dear. What's going on? You sound worried."
"Hi, Mom," you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of relief and anxiety. "The triplets are down with a high fever, and I'm not sure what to do. They're feeling really miserable."
"Oh, sweetheart. I'm sorry to hear that," your mother empathized. "First, make sure they stay hydrated. Offer them small sips of water frequently. And if they have any appetite, light, easily digestible foods like porridge would be good."
You nodded, taking mental notes. "Yes, I'm making them porridge now. It's almost ready."
"That's a good choice, my dear. Warm and comforting. It will help soothe their throats too," your mother advised. "And don't forget to give them their medicine. Keep a close eye on their temperature and monitor their symptoms. If things worsen or if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to call their paediatrician."
"I will, Mom. Thank you so much for your guidance," you expressed your gratitude, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over you.
"You're welcome, my love. Remember, you're a wonderful mother, and you'll get through this. Trust your instincts and remember the best remedy is a mother’s love," your mother encouraged.
As you hung up the phone, you turned off the stove and took a moment to collect yourself. The conversation with your mother had given you a boost of confidence, reminding you of the strength and resilience within you.
Carrying the tray of steaming porridge and Tylenol back to the bedroom, you found Kylian gently coaxing Ali to wake up from his restless slumber. Your heart ached as you saw the worry etched on Kylian's face, his focus solely on their oldest, who seemed to be more affected by the fever than the others.
"Ali, mon petit lion," Kylian murmured softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "Wake up, Maman is bringing some food. It will make you feel better, je te promets, mon coeur,"
Placing the tray on the table near Ali’s bed, you placed a hand on Ali's forehead, feeling the heat radiating from his skin. His eyelashes fluttered, and his drowsy eyes slowly opened, revealing a mixture of confusion and discomfort. His weak voice quivered as he tried to speak.
"Mama... Papa," Ali croaked, his voice barely audible.
"We're here, mon amour," you reassured him, your voice gentle and soothing. "You're going to be okay. Just take your time and try to eat a little. It will help you get better."
With Kylian's support, you lifted Ali into a sitting position, propping pillows behind him to provide comfort. The fragrant aroma of the porridge filled the room, its warmth wrapping around Ali like a healing embrace. Kylian scooped a spoonful and blew on it gently to cool it down before offering it to Ali.
"Open wide, Ali," Kylian encouraged, his voice laced with both concern and determination. "Just a little bite. It will give you strength."
Ali hesitated for a moment, his tired eyes meeting yours and Kylian's. The love and support shining in your gazes seemed to embolden him. With a deep breath, he parted his lips, allowing Kylian to feed him a small spoonful of porridge. The taste brought a flicker of renewed energy to his weary body, and he managed a faint smile.
"Good job, Ali," you praised him, your voice gentle. "You're doing great."
As Kylian took care of your eldest, you attended to your other two brave little boys, who patiently waited as you served them each a bowl of warm food. Zain and Ilyas were capable of eating on their own, but as the ever-doting mother, you couldn't help but worry, despite their constant reassurances that they could manage. You moved back and forth between your sons, gently wiping the sweat off their foreheads and assisting them in drinking water. Once all three boys finished their meal, you and Kylian administered fever medicine and gently coaxed them back to sleep, hoping they would recover soon.
Seeing them in such a state made you feel helpless. Usually lively boys, they now lay there, struggling with high fevers. Observing your worry, Kylian tenderly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him and planting a kiss on your hair.
"Don't worry, my love. They'll be fine," he whispered softly as you sought solace by burying your head in his chest. "I can't help but worry, Ky. Especially Ali, I've never seen him like this before."
"Shh, he'll be alright," he soothed. "If you stress too much, you'll make yourself sick, and that's the last thing you want, right? The boys will be back to normal soon, my heart, okay?"
You nodded, releasing a faint sigh, as Kylian slowly closed the boys' room and led you to your shared bedroom. He was right; there was nothing more you could do but allow the fever to run its course and nurse your children back to health in the meantime. You felt grateful to have your caring husband by your side, knowing that despite being in the middle of a busy season, he always prioritized his family.
As you gently lay down, resting your head on Kylian's chest, you prayed for your family's well-being, filled with immense gratitude for your own mother, who had spent countless nights fussing over you to ensure your well-being. Your mother's words echoed in your mind, reminding you that a mother's love is the best remedy. With that thought, you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, serenaded by the soothing rhythm of your lover's heartbeat.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
The Aftermath || LN4 {7}
Pairing: Lando Norris x widow!reader Summary: Your plans for the day go awry when Max shows up but it all works out in the end. Warnings: 18+ only, smut, spanking WC: 2.3k
F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten || Eleven || Twelve || Thirteen || Epilogue
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Another Questionable Penalty For Norris. The headline caught your eye because it wasn’t under the sports section that you avoided when you opened the newspaper. Instead it was under the entertainment and gossip section and you scanned through the column, growing angrier with each sentence. 
“Can I take this?” you asked the barista as she handed over your coffee order. 
“Whatever,” she shrugged and went back to her station without a care. 
The newspaper burned a hole in your handbag the entire way home and Lando jolted back in surprise when you tossed it onto his lap. He almost fell out of the wicker sunbed that he was napping on beside the pool with how fast he sat up.
“Is this true?” 
“You’ll have to give me a bit more information than that, love,” he said as took the tray of coffees from your shaking hand and placed them on the table that also held his phone and drink bottle. 
“The article.” You pointed to the page in front of him. “You’re getting penalties because of me.”
 “What?” he laughed and picked up the paper, a smile growing on his face as his eyes darted over the words. “I mean, Andrea would probably be happier if that’s what happened, but it’s all on me, baby. I lost the inside line on a corner and it pushed Alex wide.”
He caught your hip and pulled you onto his lap, still grinning as he tipped your chin back to kiss you before teasing, “I do like that though, getting penalties because of my girlfriend.”
“It’s no secret, they aren’t my biggest fan,” you chuckled as you tucked your head into the curve of his neck while your fingers stroked the stubble that was slowly spreading across his jawline. “Are you really planning on growing this out?”
“Why, don’t you like it?” he asked with a smirk before rubbing the sharp hairs on his chin all over your cheek. “Doesn’t that feel good?”
“Ugh, it burns,” you complained between laughs as you tried to pull away but he locked his arms around you and stood up.
“I know just the remedy,” he promised and you barely stopped laughing in time to take a breath before he leapt into the pool with you trapped in his arms. The pool was cold compared to the temperature of the hot summer's day and you gasped when you broke the surface, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Is that better?” he asked as he wiped the water from his face. 
“No, I’m wet and cold.”
“You’re what now?” he asked as his lips twitched in amusement. 
“I’m cold.”
He bit his lip to stifle his laugh. “And?”
“Dihydrogen monoxide has permeated the layers of my clothes.”
“You’re no fun,” he groaned playfully as he dropped his head to your shoulder. 
He didn’t see your teasing smile as you kissed his temple and whispered in his ear. “I’m wet, Lando, all because of you.”
He peeked up with a twinkle in his eyes and captured your lips as his hands trailed down your back to cup your ass as he deepened the kiss. A deeply satisfied sigh tickled your cheek as you trailed your lips over his racing pulse and you grazed your teeth over the sensitive skin.
“No, go away,” Lando groaned suddenly and you pulled back confused as he pointed to the house. “Not you, baby. That muppet.”
You looked over your shoulder to see Max walking through the backyard, covering his eyes as he stumbled over the pebble footpath. 
“Can you please open your eyes before you hurt yourself?” you asked when he nearly took out your roses that had slowly been nursed back to life. “Or my flowers.”
“Depends, are you still sucking Bob’s face?”
“Could have been more but you showed up,” Lando muttered under his breath. “What’s up, bro?”
“What’s up?” Max echoed in disbelief. “It’s Tuesday, tell me you didn’t forget-”
“Shit, the photoshoot,” Lando swore as he unhooked your legs from his waist and kissed your cheek. “This isn’t over, love, you’re mine as soon as we get home.”
You sighed longingly as you followed him up the pool steps and watched the rivulets of water running down his tanned back. “I can’t believe you forgot your photoshoot.”
“Really?” he laughed as he looked over his shoulder. “This is me we are talking about.”
“You’re right.” You looked at Lando’s best friend who was finally looking where he was walking. “Max, next time tell him he has a game of golf booked instead - he never forgets golf.”
“That’s actually genius. Or, I can send the meetings to you and you can remind him?”
“Whatever stops any future interruptions works for me,” you said as he took a seat on Lando’s sun lounger and made himself comfortable. “You can have my coffee but it’s probably cold by now.”
Max grinned as he picked up the takeaway cup and saw the order. “Ooh, my favourite. Thank you!”
You rushed through the house not wanting to drip too much water on the carpet and reached the master bathroom as Lando grabbed two towels. “Can you help me get out of these?” you asked as you looked down at your skinny jeans and he grinned mischievously. 
“With pleasure.”
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“What’s taking so long?” Max asked as he knocked on the bathroom door after ten minutes had passed. “You’re not banging in there are you? Come on, Lando, keep it in your pants for five minutes.”
“It’s not me!” Lando shouted back. “Y/N recklessly jumped into the pool fully clothed, now her jeans won’t come off.”
“How immature, that sounds just like Y/N,” Max stated sarcastically before you could and you smirked at Lando as Max took your side.
“How immature,” you mouthed, looking down at Lando where he was knelt on the floor trying to pull the tight jeans down. 
“I think I’m just going to have to cut them off,” Lando admitted.
“Seriously? They’re my favourite pair,” you pouted as you looked in the floor length mirror. “They make my ass look good.”
“So good.” A resounding slap bounced around the room before warmth spread over your backside and your lips parted with a gasp as Lando covered his mouth in shock. “That was so much louder than I expected.”
“What was that?” Max asked. “Wait, I don't want to know. I’m going to wait in the living room.”
The heat on your ass was spreading and you bit your lip as a soft moan escaped. Lando’s hand fell away from his lips at the sound and he looked at his pink palm with a sexy smirk. “You like that?”
There was no denying it as your nipples peaked against the material clinging to your skin. “Maybe you could try again to be sure?”
“Fuck yes.” Lando was on his feet in an instant, turning you to face the vanity as he bent you forward before opening the drawers and finding a pair of hairdressing scissors. 
“This’ll do,” he murmured as he cut away the denim until he could pull them off and throw them onto the laundry hamper. 
You were trembling with anticipation as he soothed his hand over your burning cheek, his eyes holding yours in the mirror as he raised his hand before bringing it down with a sharp slap. Your response was instant as you bit your lip and moaned loudly, pushing your hips back for more. 
“You are unbelievably sexy, babe,” Lando praised as he spread your legs wider with his knees and felt how ready you were when he buried two fingers in your pussy. “And so fucking wet.”
“Please, Lan, I need more than your fingers.” You didn’t care how wanton you sounded as you begged him to fuck you, he had a way of releasing the audacious side you hadn’t known was there. And he was more than happy to give you everything you wanted. 
Your hands braced on the mirror as his fingers were replaced with his cock and your fingerprints smeared the glass when he thrust his hips forward and filled you completely. 
You tried to keep your voice down but the voice of reason fell silent when Lando brought his palm down on your ass again and his name fell from your lips with a needy whine. 
“Oh god, Lando, harder, please,” you begged as you rocked your hips against him and licked a finger before finding your clit with a gasp. Pleasure spiked as he snapped his hips faster and harder, the sounds of your bodies meeting roughly filling the room as much as your mewls and moans did. “That’s it, babe, oh fuck, just like that.”
Your head fell forward with a cry as your legs began to tremble and the heat in your core flooded your body, warmth dripping down your thighs as you came. Lando moaned and he pulled your body against him, leaving sloppy kisses over your shoulder before sealing his lips over the crook of your neck. 
Your core clenched as he marked your skin and he broke away with a primal sound. “Fuck,” he rasped as he shuddered before spilling himself deep inside you. “Fuck, I love you.”
You froze as you stared at his reflection, his eyes half-lidded as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You weren’t sure if he even knew what he said, or it was just a spur-of-the-moment-while-he-came sort of thing, but you needed to know. “Lando?”
“I love you, Y/N,” he murmured softly as he placed a kiss on your temple and retreated slowly from your body. “It’s okay if it’s too soon for you to say it. I just couldn’t keep it in anymore.”
A smile grew on your lips as you turned to face him and draped your arms around his neck. “I didn’t think I would ever be able to love someone again, but I love you too, Lando.”
Max was sitting on the sofa beside his phone that was playing music loudly, shaking his head with eyes full of judgement, when you finally emerged from the bedroom showered and fully dressed. “I expected better from you. Lando, not really. But you, definitely.”
“Why does it feel like my mother is scolding me?” you asked Lando with a giggle, the high of your orgasm and confession still leaving you giddy.
“Mother Max, has a ring to it. Mummy Max? No, Mother Max it is.”
“No, no more nicknames,” Max argued as he turned the music off. “And definitely don’t call me that on stream, you know that shit sticks around for months. Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you should not,” Lando said with a dark laugh that promised it was exactly what he was planning to do now. He took your hand and started heading to the garage before calling out to Max who was still sitting on the sofa. “Bro, look at you sitting around, we’re gonna be late now ‘cause of you.”
“You’re such a dick,” Max said with a shake of his head before catching up. “Why are we even friends again?”
Lando tossed his free arm over Max’s shoulder and brought him in for a side hug before ruffling up his hair. “Because you love me.”
“Like a headache,” he said as he shoved Lando away with a laugh, trying to fix his hair up as he skipped ahead down the stairs to the garage. “Hurry up!”
It was a miracle that there was hardly any traffic heading out of the city and, with a few speed violations, Lando got to the location of the photoshoot only a few minutes later than planned. He still had to run off to the trailer that was set up for hair and makeup as soon as he parked but he didn’t seem too worried about being late since he sent you a wink over his shoulder along the way.
“You sure you don’t want to jump in some shots?” Max asked as he grabbed a bag full of Quadrant gear they were promoting from the backseat. 
You shook your head and locked the car before following him to the gazebo providing some shade from the heat. “I prefer to work on the other side of the camera.”
“You can have this then. Catch.” Max barely gave you time to react before he tossed Lando’s personal camera and you clutched it to your chest as your heart beat erratically.
“What if I didn’t catch it?” you half shouted as you checked the Leica Q2 hadn’t been damaged. 
“I trusted you would. Now make sure you get his ugly side.”
“I’ve tried, he doesn’t have one,” you said as you turned the digital camera on, spending a few minutes going through the photos Lando had taken. 
There were so many images of you filling the memory and half of them you couldn’t even figure out how he had taken them without you noticing. Some were completely random and made you laugh, like the picture of you dancing in the kitchen, a large knife in your hand since you had been dicing onions when he started DJing on his mixer set up on the table. You had spent most of that night dancing to the music he made, the living room becoming a makeshift nightclub with just the two of you.
“You like that?” Lando asked with a knowing smile as he appeared over your shoulder, watching you flick through the pictures.
“You really captured the murder in my eyes,” you giggled as you zoomed in on the picture to see they were red from the onions. 
“It takes a lot of talent, but what can I say, it just comes naturally to me.”
“Such a modest artist you are,” you teased as his arm curled around your waist and Max called his name from the rally car that was parked on the dusty road. “How will I be able to even compare?”
His hand slipped from your waist as he turned and walked backwards to Max, his sunglasses falling down his nose as he looked at you over the rim and gave you a wink. “Well, lucky for you, you have an excellent model today.”
Click here for part eight.
Tagging: @yunnie-f1 @neiich @zendayabelova @stillbreathin @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alwaysclassyeagle @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @lightsoutletsgo @pleasantducktimetravel @pierre-gasllllllyyyyyy @holy-macncheese-balls @belennasif @ophcelia
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cherry-velvet-skies · 10 months
Strawberry Lemonade
Gardener!George Harrison × GN!Reader
Genre: About as close as it can get to smut without there actually being any sex
Warnings: Heavy makeout session, lotsa hickies, and a bit of a spit kink but who's counting, eh?
Words: 2.3k
Summary: 1971 era; Reader hires George as a gardener and quickly falls in love with him (Reader is wearing a dress but gender is unspecified)
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You had been trying to get closer with him for several days now. He was always busy working. After all, he was technically working for you.
To be fair, you had hired a gardener, and you didn't know what, or rather who, to expect. Although, had you been given a selection based on appearance, you would have gladly chosen him anyway.
There was something about him that was positively alluring. You thought he was so handsome. And in the three Saturdays he had been working in your backyard, all you managed to find out about him was his name. George.
George looked like your typical gardener, with his scruffy hair and worn out denim, his only focus being his craft. In all honesty, your favorite thing about his appearance was how little he cared for it. He had no desire to be neat. He found beauty in the natural world.
You enjoyed staying with George while he worked. He didn't seem to mind either. He loved telling you all kinds of things about each type of flower, such as where they originated from and which ones could be used for natural remedies in certain teas, soups, and medicines. You didn't even have to ask any questions. He was just ready and willing to share the information, which benefited you as you were still too shy to say much to him. His extensive knowledge was undoubtedly adorable. When you saw how excited he got every time he told you a fun fact, it only made you want to extend the conversation.
You loved George's voice. The way he spoke, slow and sultry, was so calculated in the best possible way. Every word he said was uttered with meaningful intent. He never spoke just to speak. He always spoke to connect. You noticed George licked his lips a lot when he spoke. You weren't sure if it was just a quirk, a nervous habit, or a flirtation technique.
Your fascination with him began on his first Saturday of coming to work. He noticed the rather large section of orange lilies in the center of your garden, acknowledging them as being your favorite. Before he left, he handed you a singular petal from said flower that had fallen off, placing it in the front pocket of the creamsicle colored dress you were wearing. After closing the gate behind him, he turned to look at you one last time.
“Orange is my favorite color, too.”
You allowed George to decorate the garden however he wished, which he was immensely appreciative of. If he felt that certain flowers looked better beside each other, or grew better in certain types of soil, who were you to oppose his artistic vision?
On this particular day, you had chosen to stay on the patio while he worked. You had prepared a plate of fresh strawberries, but knew that fruit could attract bugs that might eat your flowers. You had paired it with a tall glass of lemonade, and as you sat down, you questioned your decision. It was a particularly warm day, and George had already been working for a while. You thought he could use a refreshment too, or at least maybe some company. 
Careful not to startle him, you walked over and offered him the glass of lemonade. Looking up at you, he smiled and reached for the cup, his gloves leaving a trace of fresh soil along the bottom. You thought it was quite endearing. You admired the way the short, dark brown hairs of his mustache grazed the top of the straw.
After taking a single sip, he handed the glass back to you, smiled again and went back to work. You figured maybe he wasn't thirsty, so you returned the cup to the patio table. Instead, you plucked a single strawberry from the plate and offered him that as well. He hesitated before taking it, but decided to accept it, removing his left glove so as not to dirty your hand. The way George’s fingertips brushed your palm when he reached for the berry made you shiver, but you tried not to show it. You think he still noticed.
He ate the small fruit in one bite, leaving only the piece with the leaves. Seeing that a few seeds were still left on the tip, he moved to the edge of the garden, scooped out a small patch of dirt, and placed the fruit inside, covering it up. You looked down, accepting the fact that you owned a strawberry bush now.
You turned to walk back to the patio again, but he motioned towards the large tree next to where he was working.
"You can stay." His voice was almost a whisper. "I don't mind."
You fetched your snack from the table and sat down against the tree without a second thought. You knew you were going to have dirt all over your mulberry colored dress when you stood up, but you didn't care. You would do anything to spend time with him.
You didn't talk, but just being there with George felt like heaven. You would occasionally glance over at him while he trimmed the thorns from the rose patch. Or the way he moved the marigolds next to the daisies to create a pastel gradient. He turned around just as you were staring at him and made eye contact with you. Feeling your cheeks blush, you offered him another strawberry to ease the tension. He showed you his gloved hands as if to say he couldn't, to which you held the berry up to his lips, requesting he take it from you directly.
George leaned forward, lacking hesitation, and took a bite. His plush lips, which were now stained with strawberry juice, kissed your fingers as you held the heart-shaped fruit, the red pigment dripping down your hand. He gazed at you so intensely you felt like you were shaking. You placed the stem back on the plate and set it on your lap.
Returning his piercing stare, you placed your fingers in your mouth, sucking them clean. Three weeks ago, you didn't even know his name, and now you were licking his strawberry flavored spit off your fingers. But you could tell this had an effect on him.
You took another sip of lemonade, and, noticing the rapidly emptying glass, offered him the final sip. He accepted, finishing the rest and placing the cup on the grass beside you. Once he was close enough, he tucked his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up to place his lips against your own. He tasted like strawberry lemonade. When he pulled away, a thin string of saliva was bridged between your lips, the sunlight revealing the slightest tint of rose gold from the fruitful concoction. Your eyes widened when you looked back at him, perplexed by his actions despite you wanting this more than anything. You didn’t expect him to feel the same way.
Without saying another word, George removed the glove from his other hand, placing the now bare hand on the back of your head, his other hand resting on your shoulder. He gently guided you to lay back, his hand protecting your head as you made contact with the grass below. He briefly stroked your hair before removing his hands, instead placing them on both sides of your hips. He stared down at you, rubbing his hand over your stomach through the fabric of your dress.
“Do I have permission to touch you, my flower?”
You nearly moaned at his new name for you, although you were a bit confused as he was technically currently touching you. But still, you nodded, intrigued by what he would do next.
George trailed his fingers up your torso towards your shoulders. He stopped at your chest, eyeing it for a short while. Normally a position like this would’ve been quite compromising for you, but you were surprisingly comfortable. 
He hooked his fingers under the straps of your dress, dragging them down your shoulders, stopping right before they had completely fallen, preventing the fabric from leaving your chest entirely bare. He leaned forward to place small kisses across your chest, neck, and shoulders, occasionally biting softly. In one particular spot on the crease of your neck, he bit down a little too hard, but you didn’t even care. The gentle brushing from the coarse hairs of his beard provided a wonderful contrast between pain and pleasure. You threaded your hands through his hair, the loose waves beautifully framing his face. You felt his hands firmly massaging your hips with every breathy whimper that fell from your lips. 
Once George decided your upper body had been marked thoroughly, along with a few wine-colored shapes ever so slightly bubbling to the surface of your skin, he ended with one final kiss to your lips. Your hands moved from his hair to cradle his face, raking your fingers across his beard. He pulled back to look at you again, every monochromatic tone of his heavenly brown eyes twinkled in the evening sun. Even now, you were still utterly speechless.
Removing his hands from your hips, George began drawing small circles with his fingers on the exposed skin just below the hem of your dress. He looked back up at you, a small “May I?” leaving his lips, to which you nodded again. George shook his head.
“I need to hear you this time, flower.”
You felt your heart skip a beat. You were so overwhelmed by the current situation that even forming a phrase of one simple word felt like an arduous task.
“Yes.” You whispered. George nodded slowly, placing his hands flat against your thighs, sliding his fingers up underneath your dress until he reached your hips, rubbing his thumbs along the fabric of your underwear. Holding you by the hips over your dress was not enough. He wanted to feel the warm softness of your skin. He wanted to become one with you in any way that he could.
George laid on top of you, knees at your sides to support his weight as he resumed kissing you. But you wanted him closer. Lifting your legs, you locked them around his waist, pushing him flush against you, forcing his arms higher towards your chest. This caused the straps of your dress to fall completely down your arms and the hem to scrunch up past your hips, your entire dress rolled in the center of your body like a belt, rendering you almost fully nude while George was still fully clothed. But you didn’t care. Your actions could be so brave and bold, yet saying a single word to him felt far too intimate.
“So beautiful…” His words were lost in thought right along with him, his lustful stare raking over your neck and chest before moving back up to your face. While he may have had his full weight on you now, you tried your hardest to move your hips beneath him. Your body ached for the slightest of friction, wantonly arching up to grind against his clothed crotch. He looked down as you did this, the corners of his lips curling into a slight smirk, almost mocking your neediness. But as you moved, you could feel the outline of him, slowly nearing full hardness, straining against the confines of his jeans. He wasn’t fooling anyone. He wanted this just as much as you did.
You softly gripped him at the shoulders, massaging your hands up his neck and back into his hair as he laid atop you again, burying his face in your chest, adding more blushing roses to the already blooming garden just above your nipples. That was one place George would look, but never touch. He repeatedly got quite close with both his mouth and fingers, watching as your eyes pleaded for him to touch you everywhere, but decided to save that journey for another time. He opted for keeping his hands firmly at your hips, guiding you while you continued to grind against him, your eyes closed and your head tilted back, completely willing to lose yourself in the immense pleasure.
Just as you felt yourself beginning to falter in rhythm, nearing the edge, George pulled back and stared at the sky. Noticing the change in the amount of daylight, he sat up, much to your confusion.
“Unfortunately, it’s time for me to go.” He said matter-of-factly, pushing the straps back up to your shoulders before moving to pack up his tools.
“Already?” You whined. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“That wouldn’t be fair to my personal schedule, now would it?” He teased. You thought he was walking toward the gate but instead stopped at a small patch of red violets he was tending to earlier. He was there for a few seconds before returning to you, who was now standing up, dusting the dirt off of your dress. George reached for your hand, and you felt something touch your palm. He placed a small kiss on your lips before gazing into your eyes again with the same intense stare.
“We’ll make more time for each other next week, my flower.”
You opened your mouth as if to reply but was consistently halted by some invisible force. By the time you felt like you could respond, George was already closing the gate behind him. You peered down at what he had left in your hand: a single petal from one of your red violets. You looked back up to see George still standing at the gate, predicting your confusion. He met your puzzled expression with a punctuating wink before walking to his car. You twirled the plum-colored petal between your fingers as its inspiration caught your eye out of your peripheral. Your cheeks immediately blushed a light pink as you saw the same color in a series of small love bites that were currently forming across your chest.
I just got a new computer today, and I thought what better way to celebrate than to finish one of my fics! This was the one that got the most votes in my poll of which WIP y'all wanted first. And I know it's quite long overdue, but I hope you enjoy! 🥰
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moneyxpertreviewer · 2 months
How to Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Your Backyard: A Review of The Self-Sufficient Backyard (by Ron and Johanna Melchiore)
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Master the Art of Self-Sufficiency
If you are looking for a comprehensive, impressive, and engaging guide to self-sufficiency, look no further than The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For the Independent Homesteaders. Written by Ron and Johanna Melchiore, who have been living off the grid for over 40 years, this book offers a wealth of practical advice and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle.
What is The Self-Sufficient Backyard about?
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The Self-Sufficient Backyard is a book that shares the firsthand experience and knowledge of the authors on how to grow your own food, collect your own water, make your own energy, and much more. The book is divided into 12 chapters, each covering a different aspect of self-sufficiency, such as:
Gardening: How to plan, plant, and maintain a productive and organic garden that can provide you with fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers all year round.
Animal Care: How to raise and care for chickens, ducks, rabbits, goats, bees, and other animals that can supply you with eggs, meat, honey, milk, and other products.
Renewable Energy: How to harness the power of the sun, wind, and water to generate electricity, heat, and hot water for your home and appliances.
Natural Remedies: How to use herbs, plants, and essential oils to treat common ailments, injuries, and infections, and to boost your immune system and overall health.
Food Preservation: How to store, can, freeze, dry, and ferment your food to extend its shelf life and prevent spoilage and waste.
Home Security: How to protect your home and property from intruders, thieves, and wild animals, and how to prepare for emergencies and disasters.
Each chapter is packed with detailed information, tips, and illustrations that guide you through the process of setting up and maintaining your own self-sufficient backyard. Whether you have a large or small property, urban or rural, you will find something useful and applicable in this book.
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What are the benefits of reading The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
By reading The Self-Sufficient Backyard, you will learn how to:
Save money and resources by producing your own food, water, and energy, and by reducing your dependence on external sources and systems.
Improve your health and well-being by eating organic and nutritious food, by avoiding chemicals and toxins, and by using natural remedies and treatments.
Enhance your skills and creativity by learning new techniques and methods, and by doing things yourself instead of relying on others.
Enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment of living in harmony with nature, and of being in control of your own life and environment.
Visit the authors’ page by clicking here
Inspiring quotes from The Self-Sufficient Backyard
Here are some quotes from the book or from the authors that show their expertise and insight on self-sufficiency:
"We have learned that self-reliance is not only possible, but immensely rewarding. We have discovered that living simply does not mean living poorly, but rather living richly in ways that money cannot buy" - Ron and Johanna Melchiore, Introduction
"Gardening is not a hobby for us, it is a necessity. It is the source of most of our food, and therefore, our health. It is also a source of joy, beauty, and peace." - Chapter 1, Gardening
"Animals are an integral part of our homestead. They provide us with food, companionship, entertainment, and sometimes, frustration. They also teach us valuable lessons about life, death, and nature." - Chapter 2, Animal Care
"Renewable energy is not a luxury, but a necessity for off-grid living. It is also a smart choice for anyone who cares about the environment and the future of our planet." - Chapter 3, Renewable Energy
"Natural remedies are not a substitute for modern medicine, but a complement to it. They are based on centuries of tradition, observation, and experimentation, and they work with the body's natural healing abilities." - Chapter 4, Natural Remedies
"Food preservation is not only a way to store food, but also a way to preserve culture, history, and diversity. It is also a way to express creativity, flavor, and artistry." - Chapter 5, Food Preservation
"Home security is not only a matter of locks, alarms, and weapons, but also a matter of awareness, preparedness, and common sense. It is also a matter of attitude, confidence, and self-respect." - Chapter 6, Home Security.
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What are other reviewers saying about The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
The Self-Sufficient Backyard has received rave reviews from other readers and reviewers, who have praised the book for its:
Depth and breadth of information and advice on various topics related to self-sufficiency.
Clarity and simplicity of writing and presentation, making the book easy to read and understand.
Practicality and applicability of the tips and techniques, making the book suitable for beginners and experts alike.
Honesty and authenticity of the authors, who share their successes and failures, joys and challenges, and stories and anecdotes from their own journey of self-sufficiency.
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Here are some examples of what other reviewers have said about the book:
This book is a treasure trove of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to live a more self-reliant and sustainable lifestyle. The authors have done an amazing job of covering every aspect of self-sufficiency, from gardening and animal care, to renewable energy and natural remedies, and more. The book is well-written, well-organized, and well-illustrated, and it is full of practical tips and examples that anyone can follow. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in self-sufficiency, or who simply wants to learn more about it.
This book is a must-read for anyone who dreams of living off the grid, or who simply wants to reduce their environmental impact and live a more simple and natural life. The authors are experienced and knowledgeable, and they share their wisdom and advice in a clear and engaging way. The book is not only informative, but also entertaining and inspiring, as the authors share their personal stories and experiences of living self-sufficiently for over 40 years. The book is also very comprehensive and covers everything you need to know to achieve self-sufficiency in your own backyard.
How to get The Self-Sufficient Backyard?
If you are interested in getting The Self-Sufficient Backyard, you can:
Visit the authors' website by clicking here
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Thank you for reading this review of The Self-Sufficient Backyard by Ron and Johanna Melchiore. I hope you found it helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And if you enjoyed this review, please share it with your friends and family who might also be interested in self-sufficiency. Happy reading!
Disclosure: This review contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you purchase through them, but it doesn't affect my opinion. My review is based on in-depth personal evaluation and experience. You have the freedom to buy or not, clicking on the affiliate link does not cost you anything extra.
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Quiet My Fears (With The Touch Of Your Hand) Ch. 2
Steve Harrington x f!reader
Description: You have this amazing talent of knocking the wind right out of Steve's chest with words alone.
Warnings: pregnant!reader, mentions of being sick (among other scarier pregnancy symptoms), language
Word Count: 3614
Previous Chapter! - Next Chapter!
My Masterlist! - Series Masterlist!
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Rain slammed against the window panes of the Harrington house like bullets. The cold seeped through the walls and ate straight through Steve’s pajamas, and the cup of coffee in his hands was doing little to remedy it. There was zero hint of sun in the sky, it seemed like there would be none all day, and Steve was really regretting coming out from under his covers. 
Steve had only slept in his own house three times over the past two weeks; he’d made quite the home for himself on your couch, living out of a backpack of clothes he’d stuck in the corner of your living room. You had asked him not to leave you alone, and what kind of man would he be if he had said no to that? He probably wouldn’t even have been able to, anyway.
He didn’t know if he would be allowed to sleep in your bed with you, and he had been too afraid to ask. 
While his father never really bothered to care where his son was, and his mother trusted him enough to let him do his own thing most of the time, he was still expected to show his face at home every once in a while. He’d been stuck with the closing shift last night (even though it was outside of his availability, so thanks for that, Keith), and he knew you’d be fast asleep by the time he made it back to your apartment. You’d called the store after you got home at the much more reasonable hour of six thirty. ‘I think I can live with being alone for tonight’ you’d told him. ‘I’ve got a paper to write, anyway.’ 
Fuck, Steve really needed a better job. Preferably one that paid him more and wasn’t open until eleven p.m. on a Thursday night. 
You worked a big girl job at the Roane County Historical Society museum. You were just a secretary, but you had a salary, insurance, and all that other grown up stuff. Nine to five, four days a week, and they helped with your college tuition, too. Come May, you’d have a History degree and a teaching certification, and word on the street said Hawkins Middle was about to have a need for a  new History teacher. Unlike him, you had the perfect five year plan laid out right in front of you. 
Y’know, as long as Steve hadn’t ruined it for you. 
By the time he woke up on Friday, his father was long gone. It was nearing one in the afternoon, and the big empty house felt extra big and extra empty today. Steve glanced out the window as he poured a second cup of coffee and saw the rain collecting in the bottom of the long-since drained pool in his backyard. A handful of stray leaves sat mixed with the rainwater, some stuck in a brown mass on the bottom, some floating lazily atop the puddle. 
He was startled out of his trance by his mother’s voice and nearly dropped his full mug.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” she said as she walked into the kitchen, heels clicking along the tiles. “Or, good afternoon, rather.”
Meredith Harrington was the opposite of her husband in more ways than anyone could count. She actually enjoyed spending time with her child, for one, but there had never been an angry bone in her body. She wasn’t immune to frustration, or worry, but it was never unfounded. Yet still, for every wild flame of rage that shot from her husband's mouth, she counteracted with calmness. Or, more accurately, quiet, fearful resignation. Her husband never put his hands on her or their son, but Steve could always tell that she had spent her whole marriage walking on eggshells, waiting for the terrifying moment that he did, as if it was a simple inevitability. 
Steve loved his mom, but fuck, he wished she would just stand up for herself for once.
“God, Mom, you scared me,” Steve responded, leaning against the counter. 
“I do live here, too, y’know,” she poked back with a smile. “When did you get so jumpy?”
If she ever found out the real answer to that question, she would probably never let her son out of her sight ever again.
“Haven’t seen much of you these last couple weeks,” his mother observed. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” he insisted. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Are you sure?” she asked. She put the pocketbook she was holding down on the marble countertop of the island and crossed the room to lean against it, opposite her son. “I can tell, there’s far too much going on in that big head of your’s.”
Steve snorted at the well meaning insult. 
“It’s nothing mom, I promise.”
“Come on now, you know I don’t buy that,” his mother asked with arms crossed. “Talk to me, kid.” 
“I-I don’t know.” Steve was absolutely, in no way, ready to talk about any of what was going through his head, especially to his mom. ‘You might be a grandma come September’ wasn’t really something he could just drop in the middle of casual conversation.
“Is it a girl, maybe?”
Steve’s quiet was proof enough that his mother was, at least partially, right. She gave her son a knowing smile.
“Tell me it’s not Nancy again, right?” she asked. Meredith was generally a pretty forgiving woman, but Nancy had really broken her son’s heart. So, while she would always show nothing but kindness to the eldest of the Wheeler children, she didn’t have to like her. 
“Oh, no. Definitely not,” Steve assured. “That ship sailed a long, long time ago.” 
“Good,” she replied. “Will I ever get to meet this mystery girl?”
Steve just shrugged, deciding it best to omit the fact that the “mystery girl” had lived across the street for eighteen years and swam in their pool every summer for a decade.
“You should invite her over for dinner some time,” his mother said. She leaned forward and pulled a piece of errant lint off of Steve’s shoulder with perfectly manicured nails. “I’ll roast a chicken. It’ll be nice.”
“She doesn’t eat chicken.”
“She doesn’t eat chicken?” she parroted back. “What kind of person doesn’t eat chicken?”
“She’s a vegetarian, mom,” he explained. 
“Ah,” his mom accepted. “Then I’ll make that broccoli cheddar casserole you like. You know, the one I make during Lent every year? Think she’d like that?”
“Yeah, I think she would.” Steve was trying his best to hide his smile, though he wasn’t doing it all that well.
“Alrighty.” She patted her son’s shoulder as she walked past him and gathered her purse. “Well, I have to go run some errands. You’re more than welcome to join me if you’d like.”
“No, thanks.”
“Right. You’re much too cool to tag along with mom to the grocery store. How could I have forgotten?”
“No! No, it’s not that, I-”
“I’m joking, Steve,” she assured with a smile. “Make sure that cup ends up in the dishwasher, okay? Not just in the sink.” 
“Dishwasher. Got it.”
“I love you! Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone!”
With that, the heavy front door shut and Steve was plunged into the silence of deserted suburbia. 
You were at work, he had the day off with no plans, and the idea of being at all productive sounded absolutely exhausting. He finished his coffee in two big gulps and decided the best way to spend the day would be to crawl right back into bed and wallow in his feelings.
Steve had, very much on purpose, kept most of his thoughts about your current situation to himself. Partially because every time you two did start talking about it, you ended up a slushy pile of tears in his arms. The other reason, though, the bigger reason, was that he was terrified that you would put all of your own wants and wishes to the side and do whatever he wanted you to. The concept of you having a baby you didn’t want just to appease him made him sick to his stomach.
His parents only got married because his mom ended up pregnant at nineteen, and having a baby out of wedlock in 1967 was a social sin of the highest order. So they planned a wedding in two weeks time (a small family affair, exclusively to save face and avoid the questions that arise with courthouse ceremonies), and moved into a big, fancy house so that everyone knew the Harringtons were a normal, run-of-the-mill, perfect American family. His father loved to point out all of the things he didn’t get to do all because Steve came along and got in the way, and his mother. . . 
She loved him. He knew that. He also knew that she had to pack up her life to play house with a man she was always a little bit afraid of, all because of him. His father always resented him for it, but his mom never did. At the very least, she never told him she did. 
The thought of doing to you what his father did to his mom absolutely fucking terrified him, but ‘terrified’ had been his baseline state of being pretty much constantly over the past two weeks.
Steve was no stranger to fear. He’d had extensive experience with the feeling; that sharp heaviness that settled itself behind his ribs and sucked every drop of oxygen out of his lungs. When it came at him hard and fast, that was when he could handle it best. This was not that. This fear was slow and achy, all-encompassing. It sealed itself onto his bones, like some sort of emotional slime. Like a fungus.
And, honestly, most of that fear was for you, not him. The worst thing that could happen to him was that he could end up being a shitty father, and while he would hate that more than pretty much anything in the entire world, it did sort of pale in comparison to your worst case scenario. You could die.
Yeah, maybe he was being a little bit dramatic, but you still could. It wasn’t all that far outside of the realm of possibility. You were already horribly sick, you had been for the past few weeks, and while you had been taking the constant nausea and incessant dizzy spells like a fuckin’ champ, it wasn’t like a positive attitude would be able to save you if you started hemorrhaging. 
Steve really hoped, for your sake, that you had yet to go down this train of thought, but he knew you most likely had. As terrified for you as he was, he understood that you were probably feeling all of it tenfold.
And yet, behind all of that, he was having a very difficult time squashing that tiny inkling of reckless hope that had been planted in the back of his head. He was still a 21 year old dick-head who had zero business taking care of a baby, and he definitely wasn’t allowed to be excited about it. For, like, a million different reasons.
Eventually, he fell back into a heavy-limbed sleep, but was woken up however many hours later by the shrill ring of the phone. A bleary eyed glance at the clock on his bedside table told him it was just passed six o’clock. His mother should be back by now, right? He let it ring.
 A moment passed, and it rang once more. He debated for a moment if he even had the right to answer it anymore, but he begrudgingly pulled himself out of bed and picked it up anyway.
“Harrington Residence,” he grumbled, hoping whoever was on the other side could tell how frustrated he was to be awake. 
“Steve?” Your voice came through the line. It was strained, and he heard you trying your best to disguise the sobs coming from your throat. “It’s me.”
“Hey, woah, what’s going on? What happened?” he questioned, any annoyance gone. 
“Are you able to come pick me up?” you stuttered out between sniffles. “I’m at work. I-I have a flat tire.”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course I can,” he said.  
“I’m on my way, alright? Five minutes, tops,” he told you. He had the earpiece of the phone tucked between his cheek and shoulder, and the cord was stretched as far as it could go to reach into his bedroom as he haphazardly swapped his flannel pajama bottoms for a pair of jeans.
“Thank you.” Another sob.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he insisted. “Hang tight, I’ll be right there.”
The rain had slowed back to a dismal drizzle that splashed into the puddles stretched across Steve’s driveway. The drive to the museum was usually short, but the evening rush (as if the barely-there Hawkins traffic could ever be called that) slowed him down just enough for it to be annoying. The museum had officially closed an hour ago, though stray patrons and evening administrative duties usually kept you back after hours. 
Steve saw you shivering underneath the awning that hung over the front doors, comparable to a lost kitten stuck in a thunderstorm. The shoulders of your sweater were soaked through, and as Steve pulled into the parking lot and stopped his car, he could see the angry black rivers of runny mascara that dribbled down your face. 
“What the hell are you doing waiting for me out here in the rain?” Steve asked as he jogged up to where you were standing. He removed his jacket and wrapped it around your shoulders. “Why aren’t you inside? It’s freezing.”
“That creepy research assistant is in there and I hate being in the same room as him when there’s nobody else around,” you choked out, syllables broken up by wracking sobs. 
“Alec?” Steve asked, and you nodded. He pulled you tightly against him before adding, “I’ll fuckin’ kill him.”
“Please don’t do that,” you squeaked. 
“Let’s change your tire, huh?” Steve said, though he made no move to let you go. “Do you have the spare?”
“That-” your words were cut off by a pitiful sniffle. “That is the spare.”
“Of course it is,” Steve sighed, though he most certainly should not have, because it just spurred on more crying from you. “Hey, it’s alright. I can take you home and we can get a new tire on it in the morning, okay?”
“I just had a really bad day,” you wept into his shoulder.
“I know, baby. It’s okay.”
“I spilled the hottest tea in the universe all over my legs,” you croaked. Steve winced at the image. 
“I’m sorry,” he said into the top of your head.
“And since it was so hot, I accidentally said ‘motherfucker’ in front of a tour group that consisted exclusively of second graders!” you added. Steve would have laughed at that if you weren’t so wildly upset. “And Creepy Alec was being creepy all day long-”
“My offer still stands.”
“And then I came out here and my fucking tire was fucking flat!” you exclaimed, punctuated by another bout of wailing, the kind that made your whole body shake and your voice stutter. Steve took it the best he could, petting the back of your head and holding you tight, wishing he could go into your brain and dig all of the bad bits out. 
“Let me get you home, and we can get you into some dry clothes and deal with your car in the morning, okay?”
“Okay,” you whimpered. 
Steve let you go, but when he went to pull you along to his car so the pair of you could leave, you stayed planted right where you were. You lifted your watery eyes to meet his, and he gazed at you from where he stood.
“Steve?” you quietly asked him. 
“Yeah?” Steve responded. A silence fell between the two of you, though the lazy rain and evening downtown traffic poked holes through it.
“I wanna keep the baby.”
You had this amazing talent of knocking the wind right out of his chest with only words alone.
“That-” came out of fucking nowhere, holy shit!, he didn’t add. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you muttered over a wobbly lip.
Steve was paralyzed. The soles of his shoes had been superglued to the pavement and his arms had been turned to stone. It was somehow both exactly what he did and did not want to hear all at the same time, because deep down in his gut he knew he wanted that too, but there was a laundry list of reasons why it was a bad idea, why it was irresponsible, why it was maybe everything he ever wanted, and- 
“Steve, if you don’t want to do this, that's okay, but I need you to tell me. Now.” Your voice, shaky and full of fear and yet so, so determined, pulled him up and away from his thoughts once again. 
“I do!” he exclaimed, maybe with a bit too much fervor. He regained his ability to move and closed the gap between the two of you in one wide step. “I do.”
You stood silent with your glassy eyes staring bullets into his. 
“Look, I’m gonna start talking, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to stop, so if it gets to be too much, just shut me up, okay?” Steve said. He brought his hands up to grace your shoulders.
“What?” you questioned, confusion laced throughout your miserable expression.
Steve had spent the last three and a half years doing everything he could to drown out the sounds of his feelings for you, and Robin was right. It was destroying his brain. 
“I’m really, really in love with you,” he said. “And I have been for a really, really long time. Since way before this, fuck, since before Starcourt, and I’m so fucking sorry for not having the guts to say it until now. I’m the universe’s biggest coward for that-”
“You are not a coward!”
“-And I know you deserve better, but for some reason that still eludes me, you’ve stuck with me through all the bullshit, anyway. You could’ve run away whenever you wanted to, you could’ve gone with your parents when they left, but you didn’t, and that has to mean something, right?”
“Steve,” you wept.
“I promise, there is nothing in this world that I want more than to do this with you, alright? Not a single fucking thing,” he assured you. “I meant what I said. Holding your hand the whole time.”
Steve took your trembling hand into his own, fingers fitting together like lock and key. 
“If you’ll have me,” he added.
Your lips wobbled, you let out another shattered sob, and you kissed him like it was the only thing keeping you alive. Like you would drop dead right on the spot if not for his lips on yours. Steve kissed back, because he knew he would drop dead if he didn’t, and now he had tears to match your own.
“I’m really, really in love with you, too,” you blubbered after the pair of you pulled apart. You had a hand on either side of his face, fingers ghosting over the junction of his jawline and neck, and Steve had his wrapped delicately around each wrist.
“You really wanna do this?” Steve asked you. “You really mean it? You’re not just saying it?”
“I really mean it,” you said definitively. You were still very much crying, though you were infinitely less miserable than you had been five minutes ago. The pair of you stayed swaying in each other's arms, protecting each other from the cold.
“Good, because I really mean it, too,” he responded. 
The thick, foggy haze of emotion was beginning to dwindle, and despite the warm bubble of affection the two of you had created, you were still standing out in the rain. And Steve was pretty sure he could see Creepy Alec spying on them through one of the second story windows.
“Let’s go home. I’ll make you dinner,” Steve murmured to you, and you nodded in agreement. 
Steve drove you both back to your apartment and made a feast of plain scrambled eggs and buttered toast, because it was all your stomach could really handle right now. Turns out, he very much was allowed to sleep in your bed with you, and after he’d finished doing the dishes in the sink, he joined you under the pile of blankets that adorned your mattress. Your cat curled itself up at the end of the bed as you drew yourself into his side. He didn’t remember you being this cuddly, but it was a change he was more than happy to welcome.
After a few minutes, when he’d thought you had fallen asleep, your voice pierced through the quiet of your bedroom.
“You’re gonna be someone's dad,” you muttered into his pajamas. Fuck. He was, wasn’t he?
“You’re gonna be someone’s mom,” he shot back.
“Weird,” you responded. “I think you’ll be really good at it.”
“You think so?”
“Mhm. Definitely.”
And of course Steve was still fucking terrified. Terrified of the monsters, and of his dad, and of all the different ways this could go south, but he had you tucked up against his chest, and he was gonna be someone’s dad, and he couldn’t really bring himself to care about any of the scary stuff. In this moment, for the first time in as long as Steve could really remember, the underlying current of fear that ran along his thoughts was finally overpowered by just how much he fucking adored you.
Tiny Little Taglist: @sheisjoeschateau @hazydespair @damon-loves-pie @pariahsparadise @anislabonis-love @e0509 @alexa4040 @starsforviolet @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @plk-18 @hoesbloated
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builtbybrokenbells · 4 months
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The seven capital virtues, also known as contrary or remedial virtues, are those opposite the seven deadly sins. They are often enumerated as chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility.
Listen while reading: bed of roses - bon jovi
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 7k
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of drinking, grief/loss of a parent, mentions of bad past relationships, fear/anxiety, mentions of sickness/illness, swearing, but mostly just fluff! sorry if i miss any!!
i couldn’t end this without a little sweetness to carry over until the next time. thank you all for every bit of love this story has received; you have made capital vices what it is, and i would not be here without you. sorry for any heartbreak I’ve caused, but I hope this suffices! this is finally the end, and although it is a chapter, it also serves as the epilogue. I love you all so very much, and as always, enjoy, be kind, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
The morning came as it always does, bright and unsuspecting, sneaky and sometimes even hostile. When you opened your eyes for the first time on that sunny Sunday morning, dangerously bordering the afternoon hours, you were in a better mood than you had ever been. Not even the disruptive rays of light washing over your face could irritate you, nor the cluster of birds chirping in your backyard. Your chest was light, free from the weight of sadness and finally relaxing after relentless tension. You could inhale and fill your lungs without a stabbing reminder of what you missed so dearly, and the scent of Jake lingered in your pillows and sheets, even clinging on to the fibers of the shirt you were wearing.
The morning can not be bad when you wake up to such an abundance of love and all things that come along with it.
You turned, half expecting to see Jake sleeping soundly next to you, hoping to catch sight of his peaceful expression as the sun illuminated his beautiful features. When you looked next to you, you were not met by soft snores and a mess of long, brown hair. The bed was empty, only a divot in the mattress to remind you of him and his company. Your stomach sank, wondering if he’d gone back home already. You tried to ignore the nagging disappointment that came along with the thought of him leaving without a goodbye. You rubbed sleep from your eyes, begging your body to wake up the same as your mind had. With an outstretch of your limbs and a long, exaggerated yawn, you managed to throw the blankets from your legs and face the cold air.
As you stepped out of bed, you noticed more signs of another human life housed inside your home. The disappointment fled your body, replaced with an urgent sense of excitement. Quiet clanging of pots and pans could be heard from the kitchen, as well as light footsteps and the soft sound of music. The closer you got to your bedroom door, the more you could hear it. You grabbed a pair of shorts to slip on as you walked towards the exit from your room, advancing slowly so you could soak up the sight and sear it into your memory. A smile blossomed on your cheeks as you slowed to a stop. Leaning against the doorframe, you gazed out into the kitchen, watching Jake, shirtless and unsuspecting, tend to a pan on the stove. The coffee maker was lit up with blue lights, signaling its own anticipation to be used. From his phone played a slow melody, and his movements were so gentle and calculated, almost as if he was trying his best to remain undetected.
You wanted to run to him, wrap your arms around him and kiss your way through the morning. You craved his hand on your hip and your arms slung around his neck, clumsily dancing to the soft music. You wanted to hear him speak your name, to let the low tone settle deep in your bones and make home there, just so the memory could remain indefinitely. Instead, you stood and stared. You wanted it so badly, but your body would not allow it. He was a person meant to be admired, and that’s exactly what you intended to do.
He did not notice you, nor did he even think to look over his shoulder and check. You had no idea how he was so oblivious to your eyes burning holes into him, but you were grateful for his ignorance. It allowed you to watch him, unashamed and uninterrupted as you familiarized yourself with all of the small details. The way his hair swooped down and settled on the bare, tanned skin of his back. The way the defined outline of his muscles showcased every flex and tense that happened with every small movement and sudden motion. The pair of sweatpants, settled low on his hips and leaving little to the imagination. You listened as he hummed the lyrics to himself, every so often growing increasingly more passionate about the song. His inability to multitask allowed for the toast to pop from the toaster and make him jump in surprise, then drew his attention so much that the pan became long forgotten.
He was perfection, and you were just the lucky one who was able to appreciate it in such a way. You did not deserve such an angel, gracing your kitchen in the late morning while you dozed away in another room. It was staggering, the difference between Jake Kiszka during the day and in the late hours of the night. In the darkness, his skin was as red as blood, a pitchfork in hand as he tried to hide the devil horns settled on his skull. In the light of morning? He omitted an aura of white light, appearing blessed by god himself as the shiny, golden halo sat perfectly atop his head. He was the most confusing entity you had ever encountered, and for some strange reason, it only made you fall for him harder.
As you watched him, you began to second guess every notion you had previously concluded about him. The glass seemed to unfog, quickly becoming crystal clear as you viewed him in a whole new way. The man in your kitchen did not seem unholy, or like he held any wicked power or desires. He was a man, unfathomably perfect in everything he did. His beauty was blinding, and his heart was full of love waiting to be given to you. There was no possible way the man in your home was anything less than angelic, and your earlier fear of the unholy seemed to deconstruct itself the longer you watched.
The constant unease that was so often felt in your stomach was gone, as was the fear that normally accompanied it. For the first time since you met him—no, for the first time in years, life seemed perfect.
The feeling you felt before succumbing to sleep was gone, replaced only with love and happiness. Jake was not an evil entity, and with your new found strength, it now seemed completely possible to repent for the mistakes you had made.
With him by your side, you knew you could do anything.
You could not resist the urge to touch him any longer, stepping out into the brightly lit kitchen and approaching him with caution. When you were close enough, you extended your arm and placed your hand on his back, just over his shoulder blade. He jumped only slightly, realizing immediately that it was you from the calming effect of your touch. You placed your other hand on his bicep, stepping even closer and cornering him into the counter. You pressed your chest against his back, turning your head downwards placing a small kiss on his shoulder.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He said, his voice still laced with sleepiness. He let you stay in your position only for a moment before turning to face you. You gazed up at his face, stars dancing in your eyes as you gave him a soft smile. “How did you sleep?”
“Good,” you hummed, neglecting to tell him that it was only because he was with you “and you?”
“Fantastically, ‘cause it was with you.” He did not seem to have any shame about the fact. Your cheeks dusted red at the sweetness of his words. He leaned down, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. He lingered there for a second, but eventually had to move on to tend to the food cooking on the stove. You couldn’t help but frown, wishing that the moment could have lasted for a little while longer.
“Breakfast?” You asked, moving to the coffeemaker to hit the brew button. You placed a cup underneath before turning to face him again. He looked back over his shoulder, a sheepish look on his face.
“Is that okay?” You thought about it for a moment, pretending to ponder the question.
“Of course it is, Jake.” You assured him, giving him a nod.
With that, the first heavenly virtue began to fill the room. Pride was non-existent, now replaced with a newfound sense of humility. Before, you were so stuck in your own ways that the simple idea of breakfast made you sick to your stomach. You could not digest the idea of showing or sharing emotional intimacy with him, but now, it was easier than falling asleep. In truth, humility had began to take over long before that moment. The night prior, when you bit your tongue and allowed him to speak his mind despite your belief that you were doing the right thing, your prideful behaviour was long forgotten. As he poured his heart out to you over a dozen roses and countless tears, you were no longer the most important, nor the one with the right answers. You swallowed your pride and allowed yourself to view things from his perspective, thus allowing the two of you to communicate effectively.
But, humility was not the first; in fact, the first virtue had appeared the night before, blooming alongside the begging of humility, when you were still convinced that evil coursed through his veins and bled into your own. When he showed up at your doorstep with nothing but love in his heart, you responded with patience instead of the wrath the two of you so often found yourselves in. You held the capacity to accept and delay your own suffering in an attempt to listen to his. You could have slammed the door, or argued until you were blue in the face without ever acknowledging that you might not be right or know best. It was something you so often did, but you loved him enough to hear his words without allowing your own emotions to get in the way. You loved Jake enough to be patient, which was something you had never done before in your entire life.
“Unless you had something else in mind?” He asked, switching off the element of the stove and pushing the pan to the side. He made sure that there was no fire hazards before returning to you. His hand settled on your hip and his index finger moved to your chin, guiding your head upwards. He was so close that it made your head spin and your heart thud against your chest dramatically.
“Like?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. His nose was brushing against your own, his lips just barely parted from you.
“Continuing what we were doing last night?” He offered. You let out a small chuckle, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his. The kiss was short, sweet but effective in its simplicity.
“As tempting as that is, no.” You shook your head, your lips still lingering over his. “I want to have breakfast with you, Jake.” At the sound of your words, he nearly fell to his knees. “I want to be with you, just like this.”
“We can do that, angel.” He breathed, smiling down at you. “Go sit, I’ll be right over.” He motioned towards the kitchen table.
“Okay.” You agreed, giddy at the thought of domesticity with him. As you sat down, you felt an oddly warm feeling wash over you. It felt like freedom, and it felt so good. Not once had you approached Jake and shown him such vulnerability without hopes of something sexual in return. Actually, you weren’t sure if you had ever approached him with vulnerability first; he always seemed to be the one to pry the emotion from you. It was a beautiful thing to be able to love someone with no hesitation, and loving him made it all the more special.
Just like that, lust was destroyed by chastity. You had overcome the biggest obstacle that was in the way of opening your hearts to each other. You could rely on one another without the need for sex, and you could show him and express that you cared for him without taking your clothes off. Lust was the very thing that created your relationship, yet if you continued on the same path of prioritizing sexual pleasure over emotional connection, you would meet a tragic end. In that one fraction of a second, you had shown him that he was more than sex, and what he offered did not solely exist within the bedroom. You even believed that you could live a long and happy life without ever having sex with him again, because sitting down and sharing a meal was just as fulfilling as anything else.
You loved Jake for all he was, but the urge to sleep with him was still pressing despite your desire to do something as simple as share breakfast. Instead of acting on it, you surpressed your desire for him and gave him a warm smile as he placed a plate in front of you. It would be too easy, too predictable to throw everything else aside for something as superficial as sex. In the last five years of your life, sex had grown into something completely meaningless to you. What you were doing, sitting down, sipping coffee and sharing laughs, was the most meaningful thing you’d ever done. It was coated with meaning, almost so much so that you struggled to wrap your head around it.
You were done with superficialities; you wanted him to know you wholly and completely, without any defence or fear. You were tired of just sharing enough to keep him around, but never enough for him to know you. As you watched him eat the meal he had prepared for you both, you knew that Jake was the person you wanted to share your soul with. He was the only person who you trusted with it, and he was the only person who would protect it as if his life depended on it. The last three months had shown you enough of him for you to fall in love, but now you were the one who needed more. You needed every secret, to know where his body held scars from his childhood, and what his favorite subject in school was. You needed to hear about his parents, and all of the funny stories about his siblings from their youth. You needed it desperately, and you needed it now.
“Were you always close with your siblings? Or did that come with age?” You asked, looking at him over the top of your mug as you took a sip. He gave you a questioning look as he pondered your words.
“We’ve always been close.” He deducted, nodding his head as he answered. “I mean, we fought, but we’ve always been best friends.”
“Hmm,” you smiled, looking down at your plate. “I think the idea of you and Josh fighting is hilarious.”
“Well, there’s been lots of fights, and I’m sure there will be more to come.” He laughed quietly at the memories flooded his mind.
“What was your favourite subject in school?” You asked, catching his gaze again.
“Nothing.” He chuckled.
“Oh, come on.” You rolled your eyes. “There had to be one class you liked.”
“Music class in the ninth grade.” He said, smirking at your annoyed expression. “And I liked gym class.”
“Typical teenage boy.” You smiled.
“School wasn’t really my thing, but I made it through. Turns out you don’t need calculus to play a guitar, so it didn’t matter much in the end, anyway.”
“Guess so.” You agreed. “Did you break the rules a lot? You seem like the type.”
“Every now and again.” He shrugged, giving a sheepish smile. “What about you?”
“Never.” You laughed, finding the thought blasphemous. “My parents would have killed me. I liked school, and I was good at it. Did lots of extracurriculars and stuff, and always went to bed at ten.”
“Goody-two shoes?” He teased, making your cheeks burn red. “I’m just joking, sweetheart.” He said, reaching across the table and giving your hand a small squeeze.
“I was,” you sighed. “My sister was, too, so I guess my parents did great at their jobs.” You reminisced on your younger years as you spoke. “My favorite class was calculus, though, so watch what you say about it.”
“Calculus was your favorite?” He held back a laugh at the idea. “I didn’t think anyone’s favorite class was calculus.”
“What can I say,” you shrugged “I like math. It makes sense to me.”
“Okay,” he agreed, feeling no need to challenge it any further. “What about you and your sister? Were you always close?”
“Yes and no.” You pondered back on your relationship with her. “When we were very young, we fought all of the time. For a little while, we could barely even be in the same room. When we hit double digits, I think we finally realized we were stuck with each other, then we tried to be friends. By high school, we were inseparable, save for a few fights. Now I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without her.” You explained, leaning back in your chair and smiling at your own shenanigans. “My dad used to say we got along like a house on fire. When we were small, he called us little devils.”
“Hard to believe you would fight with anyone,” he smirked, sarcasm dripping from his tone. You gave him a small chuckle, unable to find an argument. You loved to argue, and you loved being right. Unfortunately, he had seen that side of you more than he’d seen anything else. He was quiet for a moment, then he took in a long breath, as if he was debating whether to speak again. Then, he found the courage and opened his mouth again. “Tell me about your dad.” You looked up at him, stunned at the bluntness of his words. “If you want to, of course.”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered. You were shocked at his desire to know, because you had envisioned a life for yourself in which you would never be asked that question, and by doing so, you thought that you would never have to answer it. You dreaded talking about it because it was the hardest thing you had ever gone through, but now that you were faced with it, the prospect of telling him seemed enticing. Your dad was your whole world, and sharing his memory with Jake only made sense to you; he was the only person you felt would honor him the same way you did.
“He was the best man you could ever meet, and I don’t think I’m saying that because I’m biased.” You treaded carefully, trying to find the best way to phrase your thoughts. “He was loved by everyone, and the only people that didn’t like him were the ones who did wrong first. He was funny, he was caring, and he was so smart. I don’t think I ever remember him raising his voice, and even until the very end, he was as happy as ever.” Jake nodded along as you spoke, showing you that he was listening to every word. “He loved sports, and music, and he got up hours early to make us all breakfast on Saturday mornings without fail.” You smiled at the memory, wondering if you would ever taste another pancake that was as good as your father’s recipe.
“He was there for every school event and parent teacher meeting, and he was always so excited to help us with homework. He watched football religiously and he drank margaritas because he thought beer was disgusting. He used to play us guitar when he put us to bed, and he read us stories with the books upside down so we couldn’t read ahead of him.” Jake laughed at the thought, a real one that came straight from his chest. You caught his eye, the glisten of tears quickly turning into adoration for him. Suddenly, you wondered why you ever wanted to hide your life from him at all. You wanted him to know everything, and you wanted him to share the laughs and the tears and most of all, the love.
“He was my best friend, and to this day, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who understands me like he did. He taught me everything I know, and I am who I am because of his love. He knew the words to every Van Halen song and he dedicated all his spare time trying to play one song as good as Stevie Ray Vaughan.” You closed your eyes, remembering the relentless riffs that floated through the morning air in your childhood home. “He never could, but we always told him he did.”
“Not many can,” Jake corrected, defending his talent. You nodded in agreement, knowing he was right.
“He taught me how to love art and music and most of all, photography. He used to take pictures of us all on those disposable cameras all hours of the day. I’m sure he went through ten a week.” You nearly rolled your eyes at the thought of how many ridiculous pictures existed of you. “When he started getting sick, it didn’t seem like anything changed until… all of it did.” You let out a shaky breath, the strength of the emotion so strong that it made your stomach churn. “He got sick when I was in the tenth grade, and it took a while for him to realize that he was sick. He came home from the doctor and he didn’t change a thing. He did homework with us, he played guitar, he drank his margaritas while he watched football, and I think that all of us had a hard time processing that something was wrong because he never acted like it.” He hummed, giving your hand another gentle squeeze to encourage you to keep going.
“When he went to the hospital for the first time, I was in the eleventh grade. I think that was when I finally understood that something was wrong. He only stayed for a couple of days, but when he came home, we could finally see the difference in him.” You paused, looking down at the table to gather your thoughts. “He stopped playing guitar, and he stopped drinking margaritas. Football still played on the T.V., but I don’t think he was really watching it anymore. He took pictures, but not as often, and breakfast on Saturdays was very much on the back burner compared to everything else going on.”
“He was there, but he wasn’t.” He tried to put your ramblings into the proper words. It was like living with a ghost, and that was the only way you knew how to explain it.
“Yeah, exactly.” You breathed. “We had him for longer than we deserved, but I can’t help but feel selfish when I wish that we could have had him forever.”
“I don’t think you’re selfish at all, beautiful.” He shook his head. “It sounds like he was fantastic, and I wish I could have met him.”
“He would have adored you.” You chuckled, smiling softly at the idea. “He always told me to find someone who encourages me to stand up after I fall, rather than someone who picks me up off the ground. He wanted me to find someone who made me laugh, who listened, and most of all, who loved me like he loved my mom. If I knew my dad, he would have known that you were that person the minute he laid eyes on you.”
“I don’t know how your dad loved your mom, but by the sounds of it, it was with all of his heart.” Jake said, waiting for you to look up at him. When you caught his eye, he continued on. “And with you, that’s all I plan to do.” He gave you a smile, one that spoke louder than any of his previous words.
“I, uh,” you paused, clearing your throat to rid yourself of the tears rising in it. “I don’t talk about my dad a lot, not because I don’t want to, but because I’ve always felt like nobody was worth it. To know, or to know about him is a privilege, and I don’t think a lot of people deserve it. I know that you do, and I’d love to tell you all about him.”
“Whenever you want to tell me, I’ll be more than happy to listen.”
Temperance crushed any gluttony that remained within the two of you. How easy it would have been to forgo breakfast and take him to bed, and how badly you wanted it was incomprehensible. The two of you had solidified the notion that sex was most important many times, but now it no longer seemed to be so pressing. Knowing him, and him knowing you was the only thing that mattered. You were able to put your gluttonous habits to the side and show enough self-restraint to look beyond the surface. There was more to Jake than a pretty face and a devastatingly intoxicating charm. There were thoughts, values and beliefs that you did not know a thing about, yet craved to hear. But, temperance was only getting started, and there was so much more you wanted to discover.
“Can you play guitar for me?” You asked, almost out of nowhere. You’d been desperate to hear his hands work magic on the fretboard after using his music as lullabies all week.
“Oh, y-yeah.” He said, excited but caught off guard. There was so much you needed and wanted from him, and you felt like you had already wasted too much time. You weren’t willing to miss out on another moment of knowing him.
You reached your hand out to him, blinking away any sadness still remaining in your eyes as you both rose to your feet. You abandoned whatever was left on your plates and took off down the hallway in a mess of hushed giggles and smiled. You opened the door to the room that held so many memories, the last one not so pleasant in your mind. Instead of focusing on the hurt, you made a promise to yourself to replace all of the bad with the good. You took a seat on your piano bench as he grabbed the guitar from the stand, stopping for a moment to admire the frames hung on the wall.
“You take stunning pictures, y/n.” He said, taking a long look over a few photographs you had hung from a photoshoot you’d done with your sister and her dogs. “I’ve never seen such a good picture of a dog before.” He laughed, leaning it to get a closer look at the portrait of her Golden Retriever.
“Thank you.” You smiled, allowing him to take as much time as he wanted. Before, you were afraid of him knowing you so well. Your work was your most precious treasure, and him knowing all about it broke down a barrier you had worked so hard at building. Now, watching his wondrous expression and a charming smile, you wanted to share every photograph you had ever taken. He made you feel a pride in your work that surpassed anything you’d ever felt before. As he walked around the room, studying the frames, you hit a couple notes on the piano. Eventually, it sparked a desire in you to play more.
You began a slow descent into song often heard over the car radio when your father drove you to school. You drew it out, having fun with it after going so many days without playing. You did not notice, too caught up in the echoing sound of the piano bouncing off of the walls, but Jake's head turned away from the frames and was now pointed in your direction. His eyes were fixated on your face, drinking in the small expressions you made as your hands glided across the keys. A smile was on his lips as he settled the guitar strap around his neck, listening intently as he adjusted the tuning pegs. As you continued to play, he began plucking the strings in time with your hands.
“Sitting here wasted and wounded
At this old piano
Trying hard to capture
The moment this morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of Vodka's still lodged in my head
And some blonde gave me nightmares
Think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm dead.” You sang, looking over the top of the piano to catch Jake’s eye. He was already looking, sending you a smile as if to say ‘keep going’.
“With an ironclad fist
I wake up and french kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love, the truth, what you mean to me
And the truth is
Baby you're all that I need.” The subliminal message in the lyrics was astounding, and he felt it just as strongly as you did. You played a small run, watching him as he took a step closer to you. As you opened your mouth to keep singing, he joined in, too.
“I want to lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
Oh I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses.” The two of you finished together, stars dancing in your eyes and hearts hanging in the air. You were so in love with each other that it was hard to think of anything else.
“Well I'm so far away
Each step that I take is on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes, I'd give each night
To see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
I'll just close my eyes and whisper
"Baby, blind love is true".” You let him sing the next verse alone, completely enthralled by his voice. He was such a beautiful singer that it made you wonder why he did not do it more often. You could listen to him sing songs of nothing but tragedy and still shed tears over the beauty.
“I want to lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
Oh I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses.” You began to trail off early, both of you done singing and ready to lay the song to rest. You wanted to kiss him more than you wanted to finish the song, and when it came to Jake, you knew he would always be the most important. He played a tiny riff on the guitar to finish it off, smiling to himself as he looked back up at you.
“Bon Jovi?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.
“My dad loved him.” You shrugged. “You should sing more often.”
“So should you.” He retorted without missing a beat. You both failed to bring up the fact that you had just shared so many intimate details with each other without even trying. “So, you think you’ll finally give my music a shot?” He asked, coming over to sit next to you.
“Don’t have to ‘give it a shot’,” you laughed, air quoting your words, “that solo in ‘The Weight Of Dreams’ could make anyone fall in love with you. I fell in love with it the minute I heard it.” The look of surprise on his face was apparent, and he could not seem to hide it. He certainly wasn’t expecting to hear you say that you had already listened, but especially not to hear you say the name of one of his songs.
“Y-you… you, uh…” he blinked a couple times, trying to process the new information. “You listened to it?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, speaking softly. “Every night after… yeah.” You cut yourself off. “It helped me sleep.”
“Oh,” he breathed, looking over your sheepish expression. He felt sad that he was not there to share the experience with you, but he was touched to hear such sentiments. “Well, you don’t have to use Spotify anymore, sweetheart. I’ll play you guitar until my fingers fall off.” He chuckled, reaching over and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Whatever you want to hear, whenever you want to hear it.”
Slowly and quietly, generosity began to emerge and greed began to fade. Before, you had been so greedy that you wanted all of him without having to give anything back. Now, you wanted all of him, and you were willing to give him all of you in exchange for it. You no longer had a guard on your heart, wanting to bear it to him in the most intimate displays. As much as you wanted to know him, you wanted him to have all of you just the same.
“I’m sorry that I was so difficult, Jake.” You said, leaning into the soft touch of his hand. “I wish we could have done this a long time ago.”
“I’m sorry, too.” He said, running his thumb across your cheek. “That girl at the bar… I was so stupid, angel. You are the only thing I have ever wanted, and I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am for hurting you.”
“Scott wasn’t anything, either.” You confessed. “I just wanted to make you feel the same way I felt. It was gross, and I don’t want to do that again. I want to love you, Jake. I want to put all of the bad stuff aside and start over. I want us to be happy and I want this to be healthy, and I’m willing to do whatever I can to make it work.”
“I am too, sweetheart.” He leaned over, careful not to disturb the guitar in his lap. He pressed a kiss to your lips, lingering for a moment to enjoy the sweetness.
Charity replaced envy, allowing the two of you to show kindness and tolerance while judging each other. In the moment, emotion was so powerful that it was difficult to see the truth behind the situation. Now, you could both clearly understand that the hurtful words and actions stemmed directly from your own broken hearts. You did not want to hurt each other, nor did you want to make things worse. You were doing what you thought was best at the time to heal your own heartbreak. The pain had settled and allowed the two of you to see each other exactly as you were. You were so in love with each other that it made your head spin and your stomach twist with butterflies, and you were so regretful for how you treated each other. Moving on was what you intended to do, and leaving everything in the past was the only way to do it.
“I love you, y/n.” He whispered, his lips still lingering over your own.
“I love you, Jake.” You replied, smiling at the thought. “Thank you for taking a chance on me.”
“The only person that deserves to be thanked is you.” He corrected. “I want to love you better than anyone ever has. You deserve the world, and I want to be the person who can give it to you.”
“You already do.” You assured him. “More than you’ll ever know.”
“Be mine, angel?” He asked, pulling back with a hopeful expression. The three simple words took your breath away. The prospect of being his was more comforting than anything you’d ever felt before. You didn’t know how to love, or even what it meant to be in a relationship anymore, but you knew you wanted to try with him. For him, you would do anything.
“Of course, Jake.” You nodded, leaning in and pressing another kiss to his lips. In that moment, all of the sin seemed to wash away. The evil you had done was replaced with your virtuous love. The devil was not before you, nor was he within you. You were two people who loved each other endlessly and equally, trying to atone for the mistakes you had made while navigating such a profound journey. “I would love nothing more.” With one last smile, he pulled you into one last kiss, showcasing just how happy he was to know that he was yours and you were his.
You were not people of god, nor were you the devil's disciples; you were yourself, and Jake was Jake. You were two regular human beings who could make each other happy, but also had the luxury of making mistakes. There was no evil in the room, nor was there a white light and halos above your heads. You had sinned, and you had practiced virtues, but most of all, you learned to love each other efficiently and properly. You could communicate clearly, and you could open up without fear of rejection or disappointment. He was a charming man with an intoxicating personality, and you were a witty hot-head who stole his heart. Your skin was not red, nor were there devil horns atop your head. Your fear of him had little to do with any wicked powers, but everything to do with your inability to understand the effect he had on you.
Jake made it easier to fall in love than anyone ever had, and falling in love had never been your forte. You were terrified of love, but loving him was too euphoric to deny. With time, you knew that you could grow comfortable with all the things you once feared, and it was because he was the one holding your hand and helping you through it. Jake would not solve your problems, but that was okay. You can be your own worst enemy, or you can be your biggest inspiration; this time, instead of letting your fears paralyze you, you decide to lead yourself into an era of love and light. You guided yourself through the darkest times, and you would continue to do so until the end of time, but he would always be there to support you through it.
In him, you found a best friend and a confidant. You found something you did not believe existed, and something you thought was only true in fiction. You found a safe place to rest and somewhere to call home, a hug on the coldest of days and a rush of fresh air when it was difficult to breathe. You wanted to love him until you collapsed under the weight of your own adoration, and until you were long forgotten and had become one with the earth. In every lifetime, you would search for him, and in every universe, you would love him just the same.
Your sin had caught up to you, but you were strong enough to repent from the wrath of the devil. You were equally as virtuous as you were wicked, and it was the whole point of being alive; making mistakes and struggling is to be expected, but to go forth despite the failure is the only way to survive. You were human beings with apparent flaws, yet you loved each other enough to see past the mistakes and move forward despite them. Past the darkness, you found something you worried you would never experience, and now he was the only thing that mattered. You would go through every struggle and all of the pain all over again if it meant you would end up in his arms. He was worth it, and you had no doubt in your mind about it.
Your last virtue took over as you rested in his arms. Sloth had caused neglect in the grand aspect of your lives. You avoided telling each other about your feelings, and you avoided the yearning felt in your hearts. Now, diligence was in the air, and it was much more powerful that any of the sins you had committed. You were committed to happiness, and you were both able and willing to put careful and persistent work into making the relationship as happy and as healthy as possible. You would work until your body collapsed from exhaustion, and you would not complain about a single thing, because you were the lucky, and the only one to be able to fall in love with Jake Kiszka.
The End
TAGLIST: @sacredjake @profitofthedune @thewritingbeforesunrise @sacredthethreadgvf @klarxtr @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @freefallthoughts @jaketlove @clairesjointshurt @ageofbajabule @dannys-dream @earthgrlsreasy @starshine-gvf @brujamagik @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire @twistedmelodies @gretavangroupie @alwaysonthemend @edgingthedarkness @gvfpal @sinarainbows @writingcold @starcatcher-jake @literal-dead-leaf @takenbythemadness @gretasfallingsky @hsfallingsky @freyjalw @itsafullmoon @lyndz2names @blacksoul-27 @i-love-gvf @vikingsisthenewsexy @mp0801 @mindastreamofcolours @indigogvf @sparrowofthedawnsworld @jordie-gvf @cassy-face @highway-tuna @creadliz98 @dancingcarbon @do-it-jakey-baby @lallisonl
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whileurmine · 1 month
@icarian-carrion said pain and chaos
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he hadn't even thought about it. why would he anyway? this wasn't the type of thing he ever thought about. james had read a poem once, when he still hoping for an english degree. from now on, that hurt for which there is no remedy is considered null and about it— perpetual silence. he wished everyone could read it, that he'd think to tattoo it on his body as a warning sign, a rule of engagement, read it before interacting. in here there is hurt that you can't patch and about it not a word can be said. but he didn't. he didn't tattoo it anywhere. he didn't think about it. he took tisha for the stupid barbecue because she was his friend and at that point there wasn't a single human being in his life that wasn't aware of his feelings so he might as well enjoy his time with her.
he couldn't believe that was all it took. a pool, jason playing water polo with the boys with the large H on display on the left side of his chest. him and jack with a tattoo over the exact same place. at least he had added some more to the rest of his body, made it disappear under everything else. jack couldn't even pretend— fuck. he couldn't believe that was it all it took. he saw it. he was watching her, smiling, laughing about something jack had said. he saw the way her features changed, the moment the information clicked into place and suddenly he just wanted to throw up. "i'll, i'll be right back." leaving the backyard abruptly to find something in the kitchen that could get him as drunk as possible as quickly as possible.
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