#because when i talk about my misspent youth i often think of that song
rustbeltjessie · 3 years
we weren’t kicked out of our houses / we were let loose / left to roam / left to haunt / the basements & garages / we didn’t run away from / our families we just sorta floated / like ghosts in the cabbage fields / corn fields / in the basements & garages / our parents didn’t hate us they just / sorta didn’t know what to do with our anger & sorrow & / lust so they left us to our own devices / or they were too busy with their own rage & sadness so we / tried to build our own homes / (in the basements & garages) / but we brought all that brutality / all that / destruction with us / cemented it into the fucking / foundation cuz our blueprints were a testament / to dysfunction / & we sang we’re a happy family / huddled / together sniffing glue & snorting speed / in our basement & garage-land / started bands that only lasted for one day / with distorted guitars / half-broken drum kits / & bassists with no / sense of rhythm / we fucked on sofas belching / stuffing & springs (these things hooked themselves / to our nerve endings & to this day / a damp whiff  of mildew / a sharp gust of gasoline turns us / the fuck on) / made plywood skate ramps in suburban driveways / skinned knees / broke bones / we drank cases & cases & / circles & marathons of Blue Ribbon / High Life / Milwaukee’s Beast / listened to d-beat records & slammed into / each other / it was all about slamming / the beer / the sex / the hardcore / anything that could bruise the blues out of us & into / someone / anyone else / sometimes we made jokes about suicide (we were only half / joking) / about the gun in the basement / the exhaust pipe in the garage / our laughter choked us / we didn’t so much wanna die / we wanted to escape / the crash-course trajectory of our town / get off the shit-job growing-old path  / get out of our basement & / garage tombs / we emerged into suburban dusks / a gang of filthy kids / we lurked in the downtown of boarded-up windows / spray painted slogans / baseball bats swinging we smashed trash cans & cracked / the skulls of nazi skins (anything to bruise / the blues) / we drove down county roads in the summer-dark / parked / in the middle of nowhere / we did it in cornfields while nighthawks swooped & hollered / their electric peent our mating / song / we wandered tiny old graveyards / spooked but too tough to admit it / got stoned in the fetid rows / of cabbage fields (see us comin’ thro / the fog into the fracture between night / & dawn) then back to the basement / back / to the garage / & yes that was all so long / ago it’s just a legend / a ghost / story / & here I am growing older despite / those teenage stabs at living fast & / I know one day I’ll die here / in the homeland / so / let it be known old friends / if you’re reading this / you sad drunk hoodlums better give me a viking’s funeral / build a raft of plywood & beer cans / use punk piknik flyers (torn from / basement walls) for kindling / douse it all with the gas can / nicked from the garage & flick your lit / cigarettes onto my corpse until whoosh / push the pyre out onto Lake Michigan / watch me burn the way we all did once / until I’m nothing but an after-image / seared behind your eyes / tell the next generation of kids about me / (& the one after that) so when they / creep out of the basements & garages / to haunt the town / they’ll see the red-gold flash of sunrise on the horizon / over the lake & say / it’s that old lady / that ghost girl / that legend / & say look at that motherfucker who finally / escaped the basements & garages
—Jessie Lynn McMains, from Wisconsin Death Trip
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somecunttookmyurl · 3 years
gonna need you to elaborate on those 'famous people you've met' tags, queen. like what. what is your life.
god sorry this has probably been here all day but i’ve been belting out chicago songs all morning (the musical not the band) @scimmymunkeh can verify that my life, especially from like 2009-2014 (before i moved to scotland) was like. so weird.
in my misspent youth i travelled around the UK and europe seeing The Horrors just like. so many times. they were cheap enough to follow around on tour and i like travelling so that’s what i did. and i’m sufficiently not weird (lmao, i know right) as a person that i got to know them decently well (mostly rhys, tbf) so a some of it happened from that. side note - this actually gained me an honest to god real life stalker from tumblr who also lived in london and would like... see me out at the weekend and then send me anons about what i was doing? very weird time. anyway.
alex turner & miles kane - would go to cave club (a night ran primarily by rhys monthly) sometimes and because i am, again, not A Weirdo i’d be chilling with them. mostly miles, bc alex is pretty shy actually. but for some reason i truly do not know like don’t ask i have no idea every time miles and i got drunk we’d make plans to... buy... a pig? and raise it together? i think we were going to call it penny or peggy or something idk. quite what our plans were for co-parenting a FUCKING PIG in LONDON when we didn’t even live together were but. we really wanted to get a pig for some reason. technically i’ve also met alexa chung (this was WAY BACK when she was still dating alex) but she was deeply sus of any woman in his vicinity so just. left that one alone.
peaches geldof - was dating/later married a guy called thomas who was in a band called S.C.U.M. that rhys’ little brother was in. due to them being around all the time (also they were good listen to them) thomas and i knew each other. we weren’t friends or anything - mostly i was pals with sammy seven - but knew each other to talk to each other. something peaches apparently had a massive problem with because every time she saw me she’d shoot daggers at me across the room like oh my GOD i cannot express enough that i’m not interested in tom. chill. anyway she’s dead now.
i forgot about bobby gilespie (primal scream) and lou hayter (new young pony club) who also used to hang out at the cave.
adam ant - the first time i met him was at a 60s night. like literally an event called ‘le beat bespoke’. he was just... there? for some reason? i dunno. had a drink and a smoke with him. nice man. LITERALLY 2 weeks later on my actual 20th birthday i was at a night called ‘stay beautiful’ which was a heavily-manics-inspired regular event ran by music journalist simon price... adam ant turned up and did a ranom guerilla performance. which??? anyway he recognised me and we hung out for a bit again. he was VERY manic and off his meds at the time (adam ant is bipolar). invited me back to his hotel, nudge nudge wink, but uh. did not do that. as funny as “i boned adam ant once” would be as a story in my life............... no. dude’s old enough to be my dad. haven’t seen him since, just weird that it happened twice so close together in a city of 9 million people.
damon albarn - there was a very bizarre period of maybe 3-4 months where every time i went out i bumped into damon. like literally. every event i attended he was there. again, city of 9 million people, and we lived on opposite sides of it. permanently drunk, and asked me for a lighter every single time he saw me even though (at the time) i wasn’t smoking. at one point i bumped into him at waterloo train station like “okay that’s it i have to leave the city. i can never go outside again. this is getting fucking weird”. haven’t seen him since, either. on a related note i’ve met paul simeon as well.
richard oakes (suede) - saw suede a bunch of times and as one of the few people who love and appreciate richard oakes i always spoke to him and he was really excited about it and would remember the smallest details. had a backstage pass to a show in paris once. richard also has a side project called artmagic that i’ve seen and no matter how many years pass, he still recognises me and will run over like an excited puppy. met his parents twice, who are lovely people.
simon gilbert (suede) - similar but less dramatic, but will add fans on personal facebook if he’s seen you often enough bc he’s a lovely guy.
obviously i’ve also hung out with the rest of suede but didn’t interact with them as much. it’s mostly me x richard brotp 4eva.
sean patrick flanery (actor, boondock saints/mongolian death worm) - i made a joke about his hair being stuck in the 90s on twitter once and he’s followed me ever since which is at this point LITERALLY YEARS i really don’t understand.
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Tagged by @sopml, so you all know who to blame for me talking about myself again.
Name/Nickname: Some of you know it, but I’m not going to post my name here just like that. I don’t really have any nicknames anymore, either.
Gender: *siiiiiiiigh* Do I have to explain the median thing again? Do I? Demi-woman, to a first-order approximation—specifically, one of my facets is a cis woman, and one is agender (uses he/him pronouns for convenience, to distinguish from the she/her female facet and the they/them whole).
Sexual Orientation: *siiiiiiiigh* Aroace, to a first-order approximation. Specifically, the cis woman facet is aro and...something akin to demi but not quite it, and not so much “into men” as “put off by women, more so the more Prototypically Woman the person is”, but honestly, she’s so seldom attracted to anyone that the consideration is really academic. The agender facet is just plain aroace. So...depends who’s driving, but a lot of really basic things like “a person’s appearance is something you can be attracted to” are completely foreign to me.
Starsign: Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising. (Misspent youth, I tell you.)
Height: 5′4″/163cm
Time: 4:47 pm as I type this.
Birthday: December.
Favorite Band: ...don’t do this to me. (A short list right now would include Villagers of Ioannina City, Puta Volcano, Piqsiq, Helium Vola, Adjágas, Arvvas (I just think Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska is neat no matter who she’s working with, really), and while I haven’t listened to much CMX recently I’d feel extremely strange leaving them off.)
Favorite Solo Artist: Seriously, please stop. (That said, Giannis Haroulis, Alkinoos Ioannidis, Mari Boine, Lenine, Miquel Gil, Lídia Pujol, Savina Yannatou, and I do have a lingering fondness for Vasilis Papakonstantinou.)
Song Stuck In My Head: “Kjærleik” by Gåte, which popped into my head as I was looking things up for some of the other questions and happened across the list of their stuff.
Last Movie: Bits of I Am Dina (2003), still. I don’t watch things often.
Last Show: Nope.
When Did I Create This Blog: 2013
What Do I Post: ...yeah. The big ones are Pillars of Eternity, music I like, language stuff, and lately some IF things.
Last Thing Googled: Lyrics for the songs I posted earlier so I could translate them.
Do I Get Asks: Sometimes, when I’ve posted one of those send-me-an-ask things.
Why I Chose My URL: From Paul Celan’s poem “Die hellen Steine” (”The bright stones”), as translated by Michael Hamburger.
Following: 1868 (too many, yes)
Followers: 316
Average Amount of Sleep: About 7 hours with no alarm, usually a bit less than that when I’m working because I get distracted by shiny objects and stay up later than I should. I wish I could get more, but what can you do.
Lucky Number: 7
Instruments: Not anymore. Piano, once upon a time, and as a teenager I made a brief attempt to pick up guitar, plus there were a couple years of singing lessons in my twenties.
What Am I Wearing: An old T-shirt with flecks of paint on it and some palazzo pants. I had today off from work, yes.
Dream Job: I do not dream of labor.
Dream Trip: I traveled enough for three lifetimes as a child, I’m quite done.
Favorite Food: It’d probably have to be some form of pasta, wouldn’t it.
Nationality: USA
Favorite Song: Come on. (Perennial favorites I’ve had on heavy rotation lately: “Gulan Du” by Mari Boine, “Barganaz” by Hevia, “Ξανθή εβραιοπούλα” by Savina Yannatou, “Ogan Erê” by Lenine, “Τι περιμένεις πια” by Alkinoos Ioannidis.)
Last Book Read: I started in on Realm of Ash by Tasha Suri lately. Not sure if I should be side-eyeing the noble auntie who’s giving our heroine a masterclass in getting what you want out of social interaction, or rooting for her.
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: Hm. As myself? I’m not so sure there are any I’d do very well in. Star Trek, maybe. Or the world of Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers Trilogy.
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ashtrayfloors · 3 years
Things I forgot to say in my last post, + some new things:
1. On that trip to SF/Oakland where I met P., I performed at an event called the Big Gay Cabaret. (That’s when I mainly performed music, both after and before my spoken word years, but I digress.) Part of the reason I made the trip out there at that time was so I could be part of the BGC. Now, the organizers called it that because there’s a nice rhyme to “Big Gay Cabaret;” ostensibly it was an event for all us LGBTQIA+ folks. After the fact, I heard that some of the organizers complained that not all the performers were “queer enough,” and I’m pretty sure I was the most egregiously “not queer enough” performer. I was wearing a very “girly” dress that night, and I played a song I’d written about P.—I introduced it by saying: “This is for someone who’s in the audience. Hopefully he won’t run screaming away when he hears it.” So, yes, I was very feminine-presenting and mentioned that the song was about a “he,” but like: the song itself didn’t have any pronouns in it, so it could’ve been about anyone of any gender. Not to mention, they didn’t know my gender identity and sexual orientation, or P.’s. For all they knew, P. could’ve been bi or non-binary or trans, and I’m bisexual and non-binary, no matter what I look like or who I’m with. Yeah, I wear dresses and fuck dudes sometimes. Still here, still queer, get over it! That whole thing made me a little salty. But whatever, the other performers dug my shit, and after the cabaret a group of us went to a burlesque show, and P. and I drank absinthe, and a bunch of half-naked burlesque girls told me I was gorgeous, and when we went outside to smoke P. let me wear his leather jacket (because June in San Francisco is cold) and he took a photo of me that’s one of my favorite photos of me, ever, and then later that night I told him I loved him.
2. Last week, on a night when I couldn’t sleep because it was too hot, I was sitting out on our back steps, and I saw a shooting star flash its green length partway across the sky before disappearing. (Yes, I made a wish.)
3. Our date on Saturday was really nice. It was so good to be out in the world. There was hardly anyone else in the bar we went to, and the staff are all fully vaccinated (they have a sign on their door stating so) and so are we, so we got to sit at the bar, and talk to the owners, and oh my god! A conversation with other humans not in my pod! In a bar! And we loitered a bit in my favorite alley (what, you don’t have a favorite alley?), taking photos and looking at all the scratchings people had left. I saw the names of three old flames, all of whom were people I met and fell for in ‘03 or ‘04, which is a time period I have been thinking and writing about a lot lately, and it felt a bit spooky. Later on, we sat out on our patio, and our neighbors across the street were having a graduation party for their son, and they had a DJ spinning old soul and R&B, and so we got to enjoy their music while we sipped our fancy cocktails.
4. I love that people are having parties again, and going out again (I know, some people never stopped doing those things, but I am talking about the world-at-large), but I hate the uptick in mass shootings that has come with it. I’m no longer so scared of catching CoViD when I go to a store, but I am now, once again, scared of getting shot. Fuck the NRA and all the politicians who are paid off by them to further their agenda. That’s all I’ll say about it for now, or I’ll get too angry and upset.
5. Saturday night, I had another intense dream. This one wasn’t sexy or fun-weird or even melancholy, no, this one was straight-up horrific. It involved a cursed house, and floods, and murder, and suicide, and the murders and suicides were extremely graphic. It’s been a while since I’ve had a nightmare like that. I used to have graphically horrific nightmares at least once a month, if not more, and thank god they’re more infrequent now—but when I do get them, oh, they’re still just as awful as they ever were. Sometimes horror films don’t do it for me because my subconscious creates way more horrific stuff on its own. Maybe this is a sign that I need to start writing horror. If I could create a discernible plot to go with my dream from Saturday night, it would make a pretty damn good piece of horror fiction.
6. My area is going through a terrible drought; the worst we’ve had in about 16 years. I hate it because it’s ruining crops, and I worry about the environment, but I also hate it on a personal level. I love summer rainstorms, and I love walking barefoot in the grass when it’s all lush and cool and soft—but right now it’s dry and brown and dead and scratches my feet. I’ve been doing rain-summoning spells and I guess they worked a little bit—rain wasn’t in the forecast for today but wind and dark clouds came up out of nowhere about an hour ago. I stood out in the backyard and talked to the sky, and it did rain. It rained hard, but only for about 15 minutes. Better than nothing, and I immediately threw all the windows open because that is another thing I’ve been missing—the smell of rain on dirt, the smell of rain on hot pavement. I’m going to continue with my spells; the more I do them, the more rain they’ll bring.
7. One of the best things about being full vaccinated, and this summer as opposed to last summer, is that, though my allergies and sinus issues are in full effect, I don’t freak out thinking I have CoViD every time I have the slightest tickle in my throat.
8. Last night, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, and noticed a post from N.—photos of who she was hanging out with. And one of those people was D.S. When I knew N., she lived in Wisconsin. And when I knew D.S., he lived in Austin. Now they’re both in New Orleans. N. was an almost-lover of mine, and D.S. was a lover of mine (and in fact he asked me to move to Austin to be with him, and I did consider it at one point). It just freaked me out, because—I’ve often been accused of holding onto the past, but even when I’ve let it go, I inevitably get reminded of it. This isn’t the first time (not even close) that people I know from completely different times and places encounter each other without my introducing them. Is it that I’ve had too many lovers/almost-lovers and not enough friends, or is it just a small fucking world? Anyway, after I saw that, P. and I were trying to be intimate, and I had a hard time getting into it because I was thinking about N. and S. and— It’s not that I was wishing to be with either one of them, truly. N. and I have become great friends and I no longer have romantic feelings for her; I barely think about D.S. these days, and when I do, it’s only as an amusing anecdote from my misspent youth. It’s just that I felt haunted by, to quote Lynda Hull, that vast hotel, the past. And I recently read 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell, and the whole concept of that book is that, when you’re in a room with a lover, both of you bring all your ghosts with you. Queue the Laura Marling: these are just ghosts that broke my heart before I met you.
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adriansrib · 3 years
i been missing it lately. my eyes just linger on the dandelions too long and only now, in discomfort and darkness, do i realise how many lost memories they’ve kept hold of for me. i feel, many nights, and days at that, that i’ll go mad unless i talk it out. it don’t fucking matter. need to keep repeating that to myself, it don’t fucking matter, not one bit
yesterday, i remembered something. as a kid i remember being terrified that i was a boy, that i would figure out some day that i was a boy. i’d stare at my vagina, not knowing what boys had in place, and i’d just be scared. my hair wasn’t short then, it was long. i was scared i’d turn out to be a boy after all that time. it was such an irrational fear and it don’t mean anything, but so scary still to look back on it.
can’t remember what triggered it but— just remembered. had dream by miley cyrus stuck in my head all morning yesterday, it was a song off the hannah montana movie soundtrack and that fucking cd was something my mum would let me play endlessly in the car. i knew all the words to every song, and i listened to the soundtrack again yesterday. thinking about the drives to and from my saturday dance where i’d play it. then i listened to a little of the hannah montana cd she got me that she’d wake me up with. listened to the one song that reminded me of my first crush, because it woke me up after i’d dreamed about him. i was 8-ish, and the song was rockstar. and the flavour of those days, of my mother buying me the hannah montana dvd and watching it in my room, of the cd, of the purple cd player, of the car rides, is so vivid in my mind that i could cry. how scared i am that i’ll lose that, because those memories make me feel so clean. in spite of everything that was wrong with me as a small, fragile, thin and sensitive and emotional child, those days were clean and happy, like they should’ve been.
dandelions were everywhere growing up. in the cracks of the concrete. such a distinct visual of my childhood in an urban area. a one constant for me. i’d stay with my mothers mum most days, and when she couldn’t take me i’d stay with my dad’s mum. a very different visual. i’d often play in her front garden, my dad would freak because it was a bad area and anyone could just snatch me right out of there. don’t let her play in the front, i remember him saying, and when he turned up i’d be out there, ripping the dandelions out of the ground and tearing them open like some sort of mad scientist. they’d be dewey on the inside and my hands would taste bitter afterwards, like ear wax or something.
hey. i’m a virgo. it’s in my soul.
i began reading bradbury’s dandelion wine over the summer. it stunned me. it stoned me, the way he writes about douglas lamenting the loss of it, and it reminded me so much of the it i was trying to achieve in late ‘18/early ‘19 (the it i was trying to achieve, looking back on it, was just a black hole of self loathing i was trying to avoid.) my copy of the book is covered in pen and pencil and thoughts and feelings, it really is amazing.
it’s dandelion season again, so i’m seeing them everywhere and as a result, thinking strongly about the childhood i never feel like i had. i’m thinking i’ll pick some and bring the childhood inside with me tomorrow. put it in some water.
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Coastal pigs are Jeff Kainz (JK), Scott Terry (ST) and Leigh Newton (LN). They just released their fantastic album, Becomes a scene, becomes the nothing, at House of TARG and we got to pick their brains about their history in the scene, their prolific writing approach, and ideal tour-mates (both local and not!). Read on and give the record a spin!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coastalpigs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coastal_pigs/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/coastalpigs
Latest Release: Becomes a scene, becomes the nothing (LP, Sep 2017)
Upcoming shows: Stay tuned!
SA: How did Coastal Pigs start, and when did you start playing together? JK: Version 1 existed from June – Dec 2014, me, Scott, Tom Werbowetski (drums) and Paul Stevens (bass gtr). We all lived in Quebec, centred around La Peche. I hadn’t played music for 12 years, this was a good re-introduction, then I moved to Ottawa, followed by this version of Coastal Pigs ending and followed later in 2015, by Scott moving back to Ottawa. By March 2016, I was better prepared to again, try and start a group. It had to be a three piece and wanting to keep playing with Scott, I asked if he would be willing to play bass guitar instead of 6 string. Like the good punk kid he is, he swore and kicked at me, and with a smile said, sure. Leigh, I would see him every so often and would bring up the idea of playing together, which he liked, along with the dormant name. I eventually got to a place where I felt ready and arranged a rehearsal, and it felt right, it felt great, Version 2 began. Having Leigh on board is something special, he keeps Scott and me in line, our attitudes fresh and is musically so smart, it pushes us all. Without Scott and Leigh, this wouldn’t exist.
SA: What bands or musicians would you say are the biggest influences on your sound? LN: I've been trying to take a really different approach to the drums in this band than just about any other I've played in before.  Trying to keeps things really simple, let the song speak for itself without punctuating every little shift in the music with a drum fill or whatever. Influences with regards to that approach would be Joy Division, Public Image, early Cure, Killing Joke, Sonic Youth, Spacemen 3... ST: limp biz........kidding: FAITH NO MORE, KILLING JOKE, SMITHS, MORISSEY, BAD BRAINS, BLACK FLAG. JK: As a kid, I watched The Lawrence Welk Show every week, and that made me want to play the accordion, and I got one, so, that got me into music when I was 6. It wasn’t necessarily about the music, it was the style, the entertainment with a smile. But it seemed like behind all those smiles, there was tension, mischief, secrets & mystery of other lives. I liked that. Smile, have fun, be professional, everything is fine…  I eventually began to play guitar and the first Clash album was a big influence. It sounded bad, in a great way, an honest way, in a way that made it seem attainable to a novice. From there, Keith Levene (PIL), Robin Guthrie (Cocteau Twins), Eric Johnson (Archers of Loaf) and Sterling Morrison.
SA: Thus far in the band's career, what has been your biggest accomplishment? LN: Being featured in Brooklyn Vegan and mentioned on CBC Radio are both pretty neat but honestly, for me it's our high rate of productivity - lots of quality songs in a very short amount of time. I love that. ST: WE WROTE AND RECORDED OVER 30 SONGS IN A YEAR. JK: I would also say our productivity, which isn’t obvious from an outsiders view. Personally, it’s important and really shows off the talent, patience and resilience in Leigh and Scott. And it’s very nice being mentioned in the media, press when that happens. Friends being positive and supportive feels good.
SA: On the other hand, what is the biggest challenge you have faced, and how have you dealt with it? LN: The usual - trying to fool people into giving a crap about the band. ST:  THIS INTERVIEW....PREFER NOT TO SAY JK: The internal option of not doing it, not rehearsing, it’s an easy option, but, I’m still drawn to standing in a small room, with friends, turning the amps up loud and destroying my hearing for a few days. It’s an energy, it’s fun, and playing with Leigh and Scott is great motivation to keep producing and not caring too much about what my ears have to say. Playing shows, recording, sending out digital copies of an album, that’s all easy stuff.
SA: How do you guys approach the song-writing process? JK: For the most part, I’ll bring finished songs or ideas to rehearsal and we then start playing, that simple, straightforward. We only rehearse once a week, sometimes, every other week, so, not a lot. We’ve become very efficient, and I’ve loosened up a lot from past ways, giving the idea over to Scott and Leigh, let them at it, let them develop the song, it’s a real confidence booster, for me. It’s bouncing ideas around, trying things out, editing out what we think might be dragging a song or passage down. Keeping the lyrics tight, melodic, not overly repetitive. We have to like it and want to play it, or else it’s forgotten about and we move on to the next bits. Scott and Leigh both write songs, music in other projects, so, the 3 of us have a solid understanding of what we want to make happen in each song of ours. We draw from both our shared and different musical tastes, so, there is a good chance that we’ll land on something good. The Process, (insert smile).
SA: You guys are veterans now: what are your thoughts on the Ottawa music scene, from your beginnings in it until now? LN: I think it's great. ST: If someone walks into the scene now and says its difficult to break in, it isn't. The folks who whine its non-inclusive are dreaming. And fuck them. Ottawa is strong, inclusive, and very open to new ideas , it always has been. anyone whining has a chip on their shoulder. No one comes to our shows, all of our friends have kids and don't give a fuck. You can't expect to be loved right off the bat, regardless of anything. We've worked hard, we've networked, we've been at shows, we've played festivals. In some cases since the 80's. You can't expect the world to be your oyster if you just storm in with a manifesto. The scene in Ottawa is good, but its fucked. Do we care? No. do others? who fucking cares. Do certain people wish they could make more money off our backs? Probably. JK: It really is great, there is something out there for all tastes. It’s cyclical, all the good, the bad, the ugly, the positives, negatives, the danger, the safety, has always been there and every so often, different elements pop through and get some exposure. I’m sure if you spoke with musicians going back to the club days of the 50s-70s, you’re going to hear a lot of the same stories and issues, maybe peppered with a few more fist fights. Find the good, there is always good out there, and there is a lot more good than bad.
SA: You guys just released "Becomes a scene, becomes the nothing", your debut full length album, at House of TARG. What's YOUR favourite song off the record, and why? LN: On a Map because I think it's got the best vocal of any of the songs on the album. ST: Landlocked, by rivers. CP bottled essence. JK: Today, it’s Cut Gums, it has a great feel and energy and a good chug to it’s rhythm. There’s no place for us to hide in it.
SA: Also on the topic of the live show, what is the band’s favourite song to play live (and why)? LN: I like Skull Fuck Summer (non-album track) because it's easy and a lot of fun. ST: Skull Fuck Summer, it’s fun and catchy and reminds me of my misspent youth, throwing dirt on cars from the side of the Sir John A. Parkway. JK: Kill the Killed, which we’ve only just started to play live. It reveals itself and keeps on revealing itself, it’s a one trick pony with 4 packs of playing cards. And for me at least, it’s a challenge to play and sing. My talent as a young, frustrated accordion player didn’t fully transfer to playing the guitar, the subtlety of picking single strings and notes mostly escapes me.
SA: Now, a question just for fun: Your three dream tour-mates (active or defunct, local or global), who would they be and why? LN: Ottawa's own Expanda Fuzz because they're awesome and playing with them is a blast; No Joy because I think they're one of the best Canadian bands going right now; and then some really shitty-but-popular band like July Talk just to ensure that we'd be playing in front of a crowd. ST: John Coltrane, the music. Bob Weir, seems like a nice guy. Greg Ginn, seems like a total douche. JK: For a tour of the western provinces, I like what Leigh chose. For a few shows around the Newport Jazz festival, 1\3 of Scott’s choices, and for me, a Maritimes tour with Andy Kaufman, ¾ of Fugazi (Guy, Brendan, Joe) and Lester Bangs (all defunct). All of the down time around sound checks would be pretty interesting and fun, something it never usually is.
SA: Lastly, what’s on the agenda for Coastal Pigs moving forward into 2018? All the best, guys! LN: The songs that ended up on the album represent about half of what we've got recorded so I imagine more releases will be on the way. Hopefully lots more shows, hopefully some out-of-towners, maybe a video. We'll see! Thanks Pierce! Always a pleasure! JK: Writing, rehearsing, more releases, album , ep, whatever works. Live shows and some out of town shows would be good. A video? Yeah, what Leigh said! Thanks Pierce!
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