#bem become human
markiefiles · 3 months
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fem reader x jaehyun
avisos: android!au, inspo de dbh, menção de biocomponentes, bigdick, sexo desprotegido (aqui isso não é um problema, mas não façam irl☝️), jaehyun soft + dom, uns apelidinhos aí, reader confusa com sentimentos reais.
notas: assisti a série todinha de detroit: become human e achei interessante trazer a temática de androids, primeiro pensei em como seria o jaehyun android, mas a reader coube perfeitamente na ideia que quero passar, boa leitura amores. <3
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Havia uma inquietude que insistia em brincar com sua barriga, você diria perto do estômago ou peito, avoada. Não era incomodo, parecia algo aflorando de dentro para fora.
Talvez fosse a recente volta para a casa após um pequeno acidente doméstico.
Jaehyun te tratava com mais cuidado que o normal, a mão tocando-lhe os ombros, vez ou outra checando seus sistemas, o humor, revisando seus bio sinais.
Certamente que não havia nada de errado. Você poderia voltar a fazer suas tarefas, aquelas as quais Jaehyun te designou: limpar a casa, fazer uma boa comida e aproveitar o tempo livre.
Diferente de outros humanos, Jaehyun não era hostil, tratava-te como igual a ele, uma humana. E essa consciência inconsciente pareceu te assustar.
Os dias costumavam ser solitários, a rotina corrida de Jaehyun te impedia de interagir como propriamente queria, mas você sentia o carinho dele por ti, suas bochechas até passaram a corar com frequência.
Você não entendia muito bem. Não estava programada para sentir qualquer coisa que fosse, mas com ele era algo mais. Reviver algumas memórias era cômico, claro.
A primeira vez foi um batucar esquisito no coração azul que te fez ligar imediatamente para Jaehyun e ele foi rápido para teu amparo, verificou cada sinal vital seu. Num alívio te abraçou, disse suavemente “Você está bem” e em seguida despejou um beijo sobre sua pele de silicone.
Você sorriu, guardou o beijo na memória, compulsivamente revivendo o momento, os lábios molhados e cada componente que saia do perfume dele, cada hormônio produzido e dividido pelo teu cérebro.
Então, curiosa, passou a fazer algumas tarefas para que propositalmente se machucasse ou sentisse instabilidade no sistema, todas elas relacionadas ao tipo de sentimento que Jaehyun pudesse despertar no seu campo de emoções, divergente das suas programações. Gostava de Jaehyun e isso era uma completa disfunção.
— Você está bem? Eu espero que sim. Seus biocomponentes só podem ser recuperados pela empresa fabricante.
A fragilidade na voz te quebrou, mas você não respondeu. Mesmo que Jaehyun não pudesse te entender, você sim, você conseguia sentir o quão quente era a palma dele, conseguia sentir o morno na voz e a calma nas palavras, aquilo amolecia todas as suas peças.
Voltar para casa encarando os edifícios da grande cidade nunca tinha sido um problema, ser consertada também não, porque sabia que Jaehyun estaria lá por você.
E essa sensação estranha te acompanhando pela boca do estômago era paradoxalmente difícil de digerir, sentir era tenebroso e bom, isso te corroía.
Vocês voltaram para casa num silêncio estranho, não exatamente dito, porque ainda que não tivesse verbalizado nada, Jaehyun sabia que você tinha algo para falar.
Ele esperou, mas você não fez o que ele esperava, claro. Correu para seu quarto e ficou em modo de espera até o anoitecer. Jaehyun não insistia, era carinhoso.
Então algumas lembranças na sua memória pareceram bagunçadas, você não somente acordou com aquele frio desesperador na barriga, mas também com algo quente entre suas pernas.
E mais uma vez, ainda que fosse uma máquina, com todas as informações que podia ter, sentir era inexplicável. O desespero tomou conta de ti, você sentiu o salgado das lágrimas na boca e alarmado, Jaehyun te atendeu.
A primeira coisa que fez foi se agachar, Jaehyun tomou seus dedos nos dele, muito quente e te perguntou “Aconteceu alguma coisa?”
Você não soube como exatamente responder, apenas apertou os joelhos, desesperada e abaixou a cabeça, talvez envergonhada, constrangida.
Jaehyun precisava de diálogo, você precisava dizer o que acontecia.
O fio de voz pareceu atormentá-lo — E-eu não sei, e-eu… estou estranha, estou… sentindo.
Te escutou, compreensivo, relaxou a palma na sua pele e com a outra mão te tranquilizou, carinhoso.
— Tudo bem.
— Não, Jaehyun… É horrível, parece… algo na minha barriga, nas minhas pernas, eu…
— Por que não se acalma e me explica melhor? — Você o fez.
Engolir o bolo que formava-se na sua boca foi intrigante. Você apertou a mão dele, apreensiva, mas, se expressar seria o melhor, certo?
— T-tem… isso. — Você abriu as pernas. Não teria sido um problema, mas as roupas que usava mostravam muito, muito. — M-meus… ‘Hmmm, biocomponentes estão estranhos.
— Seus biocomponentes?
— Minhas, hm… áreas erógenas.
O olhar de Jaehyun pareceu mudar, imediatamente. Ele limpou a garganta, correu a ponta da língua contra a pele da bochecha e suspirou, te observou pelo pequeno amontoado de luz e algo em ti pareceu acendê-lo, não de um modo ruim. Jaehyun observou seus mamilos eriçados, notou seu colo completamente exposto, o pequeno sensor de emoções mudando de cor ao lado do pescoço.
Respirar perto dele era como sentir na boca cada feromônio que emanava, seu plástico era sensível, seus sensores eram tão piores quanto.
Você sentiu a pélvis revirar, seus lábios salivarem.
— Por favor, Jaehyun, por favor… me ajude, isso é muito… estranho, eu, eu… só quero que acabe.
Jaehyun sentou-se na cama, passou a palma pelo teu joelho e perguntou, mais uma vez — Tem certeza?
Você não tinha certeza de nada, mas confiava cegamente em Jaehyun, então concordou, silenciosamente.
Ele suspirou, jogou os fios castanhos para trás e abriu os botões da camiseta que usava, pediu, educado “Abra as pernas, por favor.”
Você obedeceu, deixou que os dedos dele escorregassem pela sua virilha e aquilo te causou um choque delicioso, você gemeu, entretida.
— Sabe exatamente o que estamos fazendo, não? — perguntou ele.
Mais uma vez você concordou, a alça do vestido que usava caindo de seus ombros, deixando Jaehyun hipnotizado.
— Nossa...
Ele praguejou e seria mentira dizer que nunca tinha feito aquilo na sua frente, não era um problema, sim. Mas, todos os seus sensores definiram o tom, o rastejar erótico da voz, enquanto você sentia os dedos dele brincando com sua calcinha, colocando-a de lado, somente pra ele ver.
— Você 'tá… pingando. Tem noção disso? Eu nem sabia que podia ficar tão molhada assim.
Jaehyun se pôs de joelhos, te olhou e caminhou os olhos alucinados pela tua bucetinha. Separou os lábios, analisou, beijou a pele exposta, te apreciando em completa quietude. Você não conseguia ler os pensamentos de Jaehyun, mas sabia exatamente o que ele sentia, a temperatura do corpo dele entregava excitação.
Com a ponta dos dedos, Jaehyun explorou tuas dobras encharcadas, provou a umidez e revirou os olhos, compulsivo. Você era viciosa.
O vestido que usava se desfazia, a cada contraída que sua barriga dava, os ombros recuaram e seus mamilos ficaram expostos. Jaehyun se afundou no seu clitóris, você cedeu imediatamente, as pernas pro’ ar sentido um prazer irreal, disfuncional.
Aí, ele desfez o cinto, sentou-se na cama, a respiração irregular.
Disse condescendente — Senta.
Confusa você o fez, esfregou a bucetinha na calça dele e sentiu a grossura, o tamanho, perguntava-se ‘Como nunca notei isso…’, distraída.
Ele expôs o pênis, seus olhos brilharam e ele soltou um sorriso, talvez convencido.
Você se esfregou, debaixo para cima, de cima para baixo, revirou os olhos e Jaehyun sentiu o tremelique de suas pernas, impediu que seu quadril ficasse suspenso. Tinha que ficar grudada nele.
— Eu quero que você faça o que quiser no meu pau, boneca.
Ordenou. O tom era firme, a voz era áspera, como se as cordas vocais dele estivessem fazendo um esforço para expor a ideia que tinha, tesão impedindo-o de pensar racionalmente. Você, claro, corou e sentiu um formigar perto das omoplatas e gemeu.
Você gostava de Jaehyun assim, boca… suja.
Assim, ele tocou nas suas coxas, transmitiu o calor para teu corpo e você se lambuzou, suas paredes úmidas provando do pré-gozo de Jaehyun. As bandas da sua bunda balançaram, ele rosnou, apertou sua pele plastificada e você, a princípio, pareceu instável, revirou os olhos e gemeu.
— Espero que–
— Hm?
— N-não se importe–, e-eu… quero seu pau sempre que puder.
O repuxar no canto dos lábios dele revirou seu sistema, você entrou num completo limbo, apertando o pau dele densamente, sua bucetinha sendo partida ao meio.
Jaehyun praticamente afundava em ti, mergulhava em todo seu corpo, os dedos dele perfurando sua cintura.
— Vou precisar de mais, Jaehyun, eu quero mais, por favor.
Jaehyun mordeu os lábios, pensativo, parou os movimentos e muito rapidamente disse para você ficar de quatro.
Você empinou a bunda, sua pele brilhava por entre os poros siliconados, Jaehyun abriu sua fenda e observou de perto, despejou beijos pelas tuas costas e logo em seguida, você sentiu o peso do pênis dele contra sua entrada traseira.
Uma risadinha pode ser ouvida e Jaehyun alavancou o quadril, você tinha uma profundidade que o enlouquecia.
— M-mais rápido.
— Não quero te machucar.
— Não vai.
Você sentiu todo seu corpo amolecer, sentiu o suor de Jaehyun escorregando pelo peito e parando nas suas costas. Ele inclinou o tronco, apaixonado, procurando seus lábios, despejando beijos molhados da nuca até seu cóccix.
Você gemeu desesperada, os olhos banhados de lágrimas cobertos pelo seu antebraço enquanto ondulava o quadril tortuosamente contra o pau dele. Era tão grosso que só o movimento das suas pernas não parecia o suficiente para invadir todo o seu canal.
Sua língua rodeava confusa contra a boca de Jaehyun, ele te fodia, assim, puxava agressivo o pano esmurrado ao redor da sua cintura, impulsionando seu corpo, mas te beijava com doçura e carinho, todos os seus bio-líquidos te deixando uma completa bagunça com esse contraste. Você até pensou ter esguichado.
E, quando estava pertinho do limite, seu sistema de emoções, não só ficou instável, mas mandou sinais para todo seu corpo, Jaehyun murmurou “Porra, porra— Você tá praticamente chupando meu pau com sua bucetinha” ao sentir as ventosas sugando ele.
— J-jaehyun…
Era quente, muito molhado e fez uma pressão tão absurda que Jaehyun não se conteve, não segurou o revirar dos olhos, a gota de suor caindo da ponta do nariz, nem mesmo a saliva escorrendo pelo canto dos lábios, a mente no limbo, completamente limpa.
Jaehyun deitou o peito contra suas costas, te beijou mais uma vez, afetuoso. Verificou se você estava bem, examinou seus sensores.
— Consegue… levantar? — sussurrou.
— Uhum.
Mas, você não levantou, ainda aérea, sentindo algo morno, agradável e com uma acidez levemente agridoce vazando de suas pernas.
— Fica aqui mais um pouquinho, Jaehyun.
Ele te escutou, te acariciou e beijou, aficionado…
E talvez… ele fosse o melhor para lidar com suas disfunções.
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Adoro como Percy é comparado às pérolas, sua beleza e delicadeza são sempre exaltadas lembrando dessa joia preciosa, Apolo a descreveu literalmente como tendo uma aparência moldada diretamente de uma
é ironicamente adorável que sua cama tenha o formato de uma ostra, fazendo alusão a Percy ela mesma sendo uma pérola, pois pérolas só são encontradas dentro de ostras.
Pensando bem, as pérolas devem ser as joias mais raras e preciosas para o ser humano já que é proibido ir ao mar para coletá-las, outras joias como diamantes e esmeraldas podem ser encontradas e até fabricadas artificialmente mas as pérolas não podem pois duvido que Poseidon deixaria pescar uma única ostra, encontrar uma pérola deve ser mais do que raro e o preço de uma deve custar mais do que uma porção de diamantes, rubis e esmeraldas juntos
Na verdade, pensando bem, a falta de acesso ao mar deve ter prejudicado muito a humanidade, a medicina deve ter retrocedido vários anos em relação ao universo PJ porque dezenas de medicamentos e estudos são baseados no mar e nos seus animais
algo que também seria muito afetado seria o setor agrícola já que sem possibilidade de pesca , países, especialmente países como o Japão que devem depender fortemente da pesca para alimentação, teriam que se concentrar na criação de animais e nas plantações, uma grande parte do território do país teria que ser reservada exclusivamente para alimentar sua população e isso poderia fazer com que o país o desenvolvimento fosse prejudicado, uma vez que grande parte dele teria que permanecer intocado sem se deixar evoluir, as terras destinadas à agricultura deveriam estar esgotadas e pobres em nutrientes devido à procura constante.
Seria especialmente pior para um país mais pequeno, uma vez que uma parte considerável dele seria reservado apenas para culturas e pecuária, afetando assim o tamanho da população que não conseguia se reproduzir muito, este seria um bom motivo (além dos óbvios massacres anuais devido ao humor inconstante dos deuses) para o mundo ROR população seja tão pequena em comparação com a população mundial da PJ
google translate froze for a bit when i tried to translate this LMAOO 💀💀💀
here's the translation for anyone curious
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did you know that most of the pearl-related jewelry sold at stores are cultured pearls?? as in, pearls grown in pearl farms through human intervention? natural pearls grow in the wild (as in, actually in the seas/oceans) and are EXTREMELY rare and becoming rarer every year. because of this, they are usually 10x more expensive than cultured pearls we see in stores.
^ and that's in OUR universe (or pjo universe), so imagine how much more expensive pearls are in ror verse 💀💀💀💀
which makes apollo's compliment towards percy's beauty 100000x more flattering, not that she's even aware of it cuz she's so used to seeing a bunch of rich ppl walk around new york dripping in pearls. hell, even maria di angelo had one in that flashback scene in tlo 😂😂😂
imagine poseidon finding out that people in her og universe are walking around with PEARL jewelry, he'd be so pissed like "that does NOT belong to you, filthy mortals 😠🔱"
i thought about the agriculture thing (specifically most asian countries that rely on seafood), BUT I HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT THE REPERCUSSIONS ON MEDICINE????
but YES you are so right, now that i'm thinking about it, ror universe population (in midgard at least) is probably sooo small compared to the pjo verse 😭😭😭😭
(but hey, at least there's no overpopulation issue like what we're having)
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chilumitos · 21 days
OIIII CHILUMITOS pd fazer layouts do Connor d detroid Become Human ??? agradeço desde ja !!
oi meu bem! :P aqui esta ♡🖐🏼
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scruffyplayssonic · 10 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80's/90's syndicated cartoon? Episode 47: Evil alien invasion (Part 1: The Xorda)
Welcome back to my look at the ArchieSonic comic series, and how it shared a lot of the same story tropes as a typical ‘80s or ‘90s syndicated cartoon! 
I know it’s been awhile since my last episode, but I’ve had a lot to catch up on at work that’s been keeping me occupied. I was expecting to come back to find some of my assigned work had not been done while I was on leave, but I wasn’t expecting none of it to get done. Hoo boy, what a mess. Anyway, let’s get back into it. Today’s episode is:
Episode 47: Evil alien invasion (Part 1: The Xorda)
So this isn’t my first time mentioning alien races in this series...
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I’ve already gone over Car-Heem of Wheet pretty extensively, and he wasn’t really evil so much as misguided. We also don’t know if the rest of the Wheetens are like him, as we only saw them in a brief cameo when A.D.A.M. summoned the Chaos Emeralds from their planet, so there’s not much point going into them.
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There’s also the Bzzzz which I’ve previously mentioned from Sonic’s Tossed in Space arc. The Bzzzz were an evil race raging war on the peaceful Blodex, and were wiped out by Super Sonic, who appeared as a separate and chaotic entity to Sonic himself due to him using red chaos emeralds.
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So those guys have been covered too. But there are two other alien races that I’ve mostly skipped over so far, so today I'm going to have a look at the first of those.
The first evil aliens to invade Mobius were the Xorda, who debuted in the Sonic Adventure 2.5 arc in Sonic #124 and 125.
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The story was that thousands of years ago these guys sent an emissary to Earth to make peaceful contact and offer an alliance. But the humans who made first contact  (naturally including an ancestor of the Kintobor clan) captured the emissary and dissected them. The Xorda were justifiably upset about this, but they may have overreacted slightly when they decided to commit planetary genocide. Just a little planetary genocide, as a treat. Bombarding the planet with gene bombs, they left after they assumed that they’d wiped out all life on the planet. But they were unaware that there were pockets of survivors, and the gene bomb radiation resulted in most of mankind slowly evolving into anthropomorphic mammals, aka Mobians. 
In Sonic Adventure 2.5, the Xorda returned to Earth (now known as Mobius) thousands of years later and discovered that they hadn’t wiped out all life on the planet after all, so they started the war anew.
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This also marked the return of Shadow the Hedgehog to the comic, who had been missing and presumed dead since the events of Sonic Adventure 2 (partially shown in Sonic #98).
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It turned out that Shadow had been saved from his fatal fall from the Ark by an alien race called the Bem (more on them later) who nursed him back to health. When the Xorda attacked, the Bem imbued Shadow with enough energy to become Super Shadow again so that he could fight the Xorda off while they escaped.
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…yeah, that didn’t exactly work out. But at least the Bem got away safely.
With the planet under attack by the Xorda, who were still yelling about the murder of their emissary thousands of years ago, Sally and Nicole researched what had happened and found out that all signs pointed to them being truthful - Mobius used to be Earth, and the Xorda’s attack on the planet coincided with history’s accounts of the Days of Fury that ravaged the planet.
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Sally tried to plead a case with the Xorda for them to spare the planet, pointing out that humans were no longer the dominant lifeforms on the planet and that the Mobosapiens were inadvertently created by the Xorda’s previous bombing. But the Xorda could not be swayed and continued their attack.
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It was Dr. Eggman who brought the solution - a giant robot that was totally not a Transformer and was strong enough to fight back, but needed Sonic’s speed as a power source. 
Just an aside note here, but my headcanon for this mech was that Eggman originally intended to power it with his own people. When a colony of Overlanders (aka humans) suddenly returned from space without warning, Eggman temporarily tricked them into taking refuge with him and his robotic forces in Robotropolis. At the time ("the time" being Sonic #95) Snively was curious about why Eggman hadn’t just roboticised them and been done with it, and so Eggman showed him exactly what he had planned for his guests.
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We never did find out exactly what Snively was shown, as Sonic and Sally showed up and evacuated the Overlanders to Knothole (then later, Station Square) before Eggman could go through with his plan. But my theory is that Eggman was showing off his Giga-Bot Prime to Snively, and after losing the Overlanders he converted it to run on the power of one speedy blue boi rather than a hundred odd mediocre humans.
Anyway, back to the Xorda. In desperation Eggman called Knothole proposing a truce, asking them to send Sonic so he could save the day. But King Max had a rare W moment here (yes, he was very occasionally awesome, mostly depending on the writer) and demanded that in return for Sonic’s services, Eggman surrender half of his territories to the Acorn Kingdom. With no other choice, Eggman reluctantly agreed.
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Sonic and Sally raced off to Eggman’s base to check out his newest toy, and sure enough, with Sonic powering it the Giga-Bot Prime was powerful enough to beat back the Xorda.
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Predictably, as soon as the threat seemed to be gone Eggman turned on Sonic, remotely trapping him inside Giga-Bot Prime to be its eternal fuel source as Eggman used it to conquer the planet. But he didn’t get a chance to do so, as the Xorda dropped off their deadliest weapon: the Quantum Dial, which once activated would create a black hole that would engulf the entire planet.
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Both heroes and villains alike across the entire planet travelled to the Quantum Dial to try and stop it, but were unable to get past its defenses.
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On top of having sentry turrets that shot at anyone that got close, it also emitted a field that caused all technological weapons that came into range to just fall apart before they could do any harm. Giga-Bot Prime was no exception and disintegrated as soon as it was in range, but on the plus side it at least got Sonic and Sally past the outside defenses. The Quantum Dial had one last defense though, a quantum wave designed to incinerate anyone who got too close. But Sonic and Sally were saved by some literal Deus Ex Machina, as Knuckles came back from the dead in a massive wave of power, stopping the quantum wave.
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However Knuckles could not help any further, as returning from the Chaos Force had stripped him of his powers. It was left to Sonic to destroy the Quantum Dial by doing a speedy thing and running around it counterclockwise to reverse the dial’s direction and cause it to implode.
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Sonic appeared to have been killed in this last sacrificial act of heroism, but he’d actually been transported across the universe and was completely fine. This kicked off the Tossed In Space arc, which I talked about during the “We’re in space now!” episode.
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So that’s the Xorda in a nutshell, but there was one other alien race that caused trouble for Sonic (and to a larger extent, Shadow), not just in the comics but also the games. So come back next time, when I’ll be talking about the Black Arms!
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sonicasura · 1 year
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SonicAsura's Doodles #72
Leon couldn't help but stare at the fluffy paws that were once his human hands. He knew what had happened. The man done it to himself after all by grabbing that weird...ghost. And he knew in his heart this wasn't the end. Raccoon City taught Leon nothing can ever be that simple. Change won't stop until every bit of him still human was dead.
During his adventure to stop Saddler's twisted cult, Leon stumbles across a recent local legend known as 'Conejo De Los Perdidos' (Rabbit of the Lost). A mysterious entity that resulted in many getting lost trying to document the being. Even Ganados has been mislead by the apparition and often vanish without a trace.
Leon had the misfortune of encountering the Conejo Perdido (Lost Rabbit) when seeking shelter. He does the stupidest thing and touches the strange yellow rabbit. It immediately dissipates but not without leaving Leon on edge. 30 minutes later he vomits the Las Plagas parasite that had wrapped itself against his heart.
20 minutes later Leon suffers a sudden fever and passes out. In 10 minutes, he wakes up completely changed into a visage of Conejo De Los Perdidos. What was the apparition?
Something I call a 'DigiEcho', the remnants of a fallen Digimon. The one in question being Angoramon, a Rookie Level whose data is based on Angora Rabbits.
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To sum it up, completely bad idea for a sentient creature to touch a DigiEcho as it'll result in the two merging. What comes out is called a Haunted, a Curse Type individual bearing the traits of the Digimon the echo took.
In Leon's case, he became an Angoramon Haunted. His body heavily altering to fit his newly obtained DigiEcho. Ashley had to find Leon new clothes as the man's thick fluffy coat ruin his old outfit. They did shave the lower half of his fur and it was so awkward looking that the skirt was added. Luis meanwhile documents any developments that come from this new form.
He has an inkling there is more to Conejo De Los Perdidos legend than first perceived. An intuition that grows as Leon's actions will determine whether he fully becomes a monster or this curse is a greater blessing in disguise.
If you guys are curious about Angoramon's Digivolution Line, aka what Leon could potentially become, then here's a little link to the BEM Memory Card for the Vital Bracelet.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the wake of Raccoon City.
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dashnite · 2 years
Since I’m noticing a new influx of followers, hi, hello, willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! Bem-vindos! ❤️
Quick about me: My name is Skyler, I live in Brazil and work on a call center. Not the most glamorous of jobs, but it allows me to buy stuff for my Drag Queen. So yeah, desk jockey by day, drag queen by night.
I am transgender and occasionally gnc. I’m bisexual, and I love to explore those themes mainly by poems. My preferred methods are Terza Rima, Sonnets and Free-Form.
I also happen to draw art and fanart of OCs and I am absolutely obsessed with Caravaggio in particular.
Shitty stuff: I suffer from Bipolar Mood Disorder and Hidradenitis Suppurativa. I am on medication for bipolarity, so I rarely have mood swings or fits of mania anymore. With HS I just hope and pray.
Please challenge me to a match of chess, you will make my day.
Now, to more important things:
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Thank you for the incredible past 11.500 followers mark!!! I feel so blessed fr! I’m gonna make a list with my Special Interests so you can decide more easily if you want to follow me! Under read more because it got longer than expected
Hyper-Obsessions 👀 (Things I think about all of the time, core memories)
Percy Jackson
Phantom Of The Opera
High School Musical
Musicals in general
Mass Effect
Hana Yori Dango
Saw (I don’t reblog things about it though, so no gore in this blog unless it’s psycho-pop)
Alice In Borderland
Assassin’s Creed
Captain America
Les Miserables
Super-Obsessions 🚀 (Things I think about a lot, subject to fluctuations)
DRAMAtical Murder
Detroit: Become Human
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Legally Blonde
Lolita/Sweet Fashion
Fairy/Elf Fashion
Love Live
Drag Queens
The Sims
Diabolik Lovers
Madoka Magica
Normal-Obsessions ✌🏼 (Things I think about often, subject to fluctuations)
Gender Issues
Classical Books
Youtubers (namely Wendigoon, coffeehouse crime, GT Live, Clare Siobhan and brushesandbunnies)
Grand Chase
The Boys
Pastel aesthetic
Grunge/cigcore aesthetic
Those lil fuckin poem lines that make u feel gross things like emotions
No-No List 🚫 (I actively boycott this)
Harry Potter
Killing Stalking
Sonic the Hedgehog
Katamari Damacy
Steven Universe
Johnny Depp and/or Amber Heard
(Ps: if you are in any of those fandoms that’s absolutely no problem to me, I’m not judging you. I just don’t consume this media for personal and sentimental and even triggering reasons)
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shaolinda · 15 days
Game: Detroit Become Human
Olá, pessoas! Como vão vocês? Bem? Mal? Mais ou menos? Eu tô legal, mesmo quando eu não tô legal eu digo que estou porque dizem que a gente atrai aquilo que pensa e fala né? Então, tô bem pra caramba! Espero que vcs também estejam! Então, bora para mais um texto aqui no blogue? Estou escrevendo este texto diretamente das minhas férias em novembro. Quando vcs forem efetivamente ler ao texto já vão…
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bwhitex · 20 days
The Embracement of the Dandy Persona: A Strategy for Social Mastery and Self-Expression
In an era that values individuality and social influence, the dandy as archetype, has made itself more relevant than ever. Robert Greene’s concept of the dandy is no longer just about looking good, it’s now seen as a sophisticated social and sexual strategy for personal differentiation and power. Gone are the days when only gentlemen can own this persona of meticulous dress and cultured tastes. The modern understanding on dandies incorporates both traditionally masculine and feminine attributes, drawing inspiration from Sandra Bem's psychological androgyny (Bem, 1974). According to Bem, individuals who possess traits from both ends of the gender spectrum have higher chances of mastering their social lives.
When you embrace this so called “psychological androgyny”, known best by Robert Greene as the “Dandy” archetype, you acknowledge that both gender-based and sex-based differences exist between you and others in terms of stress responses and coping mechanisms (Matud, 2004). This makes you more adaptable to life’s challenges because it allows you to respond more holistically. You become resilient yet emotionally sophisticated at the same time.
But how does power come into play? Keltner et al. (2003) claim that power is what makes people action-oriented yet less socially vigilant. So in psychological androgynous terms, the Dandy is one who is action based, adventurous, talkative and full of positivity, yet socially aware and intelligent about it. By using this concept to their advantage, dandies can act decisively while exerting influence effectively. French and Raven's bases of social power (1959) provide further insights into how they navigate through various social hierarchies.
You might think that embodying this kind of persona only involves dressing well,— but it doesn’t stop there. As Robert Greene says, in “The Art of Seducation”, Dndy is an archetype of seduction that represents an individual who captivates those around them because of their unique and magnetic personality. The physical presence of dandies also plays an important role in influencing others (Niedenthal et al., 2005). According to Niedenthal et al.’s theory on embodiment in attitudes, social perception, and emotion), people rely on body cues in perceiving others’ attitudes or emotions.. To fully embrace being a modern-day dandy, one needs to integrate emotional and social intelligence as well. According to Riggio and Reichard (2008), these are some of the key elements in becoming a successful leader.
To sum it all up, Greene’s dandy is a paradox that we can’t resist: conspicuous yet nuanced, authoritative while emotionally attuned. This introduction will allow readers to think about how they can become dandies themselves — making use of psychological androgyny, an astute understanding of power, and an embodied physical presence. The physicist Richard Feynman once said that there is a “pleasure in finding things out.” This pleasure, he explained, is not just about the workings of the physical universe. It comes from understanding other human beings too. So let’s take a closer look at Gandhi and see how we can learn from his methods of social mastery and self-expression to embody our own inner dandy.
Psychological Androgyny: The Power of Balance
Psychological androgyny is about power, the symmetry and balance, or the shape of power itself. In the context of effectiveness and power. In this context, psychological androgyny, is going to be defined as an integration of fully, the positive feminine and masculine virtues, with power, to reproduce and continue power. You know what? It’s actually common already and was apparent in the Civil Rights era, and Martin Luter king used this strategy in the civil rights. Someone named Bayard Rustin, a well known Black and Gay activist, borrowed this social strategy, passive resistance, a type of psychological androgyny, from Ghandi. (D'Emilio, 2003, p. 45)
The planning of the media to give attention to the “Fairest one”, the ones who did nothing wrong, the sincere, the children getting hosed for going to school? Who was wrong in that context and why, and how? Martin Luther King Jr. had a way of grabbing the spotlight, and he knew it. During the civil rights movement, MLK demonstrated a masterful use of media to show how peaceful protestors—many of them children—were being treated inhumanely for simply trying to attend school. The image of men with hoses spraying children is chilling, and it makes it clear that no matter what anyone said about the southern states’ policies, nothing justified these acts. By highlighting innocent victims on such a large scale, MLK was able to show who was truly right and wrong in the eyes of America.
Within the passive resistance box where both dandies and fairest ladies are found, Martin Luther King Jr.'s campaign runs parallel to the finesse of the dandy archetype. While he wasn’t persuading people through his looks or mannerisms like a classic dandy would do, MLK did captivate attention through his unique blend of qualities that struck a chord with anyone who possesses even an ounce of basic human fairness. His leadership abilities can be compared to societal seduction tactics—the kind that make people want change simply because they feel it’s right.
Although King’s methodology differs from Gandhi's satyagraha given their cultural and historical circumstances, both leaders relied on their unique brands of passive resistance to gain respect and support from those around them. In this sense, both movements were similar to how dandies operate, a psychological androgynous state which demands attention and power in any social situation you put them in.
Moral Authority (Power) Underpins: Passive Resistance
Passive resistance, These two words are often associated with weakness, meekness, even. But as we’ll see, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, passive resistance demands an extraordinary show of strength not physical strength, but moral strength. Gandhi’s campaign against British rule demonstrates the power of psychological androgyny something we’ll explore more deeply later on. This idea essentially merges typically feminine qualities like kindness and compassion with more masculine traits like courage and strategic thinking. The resulting blend creates an authority that is hard to challenge because it taps into both the oppressor’s suppressed conscience as well as broader public sentiment. But it was through nonviolence, Gandhi was able to reflect society back onto itself—forcing people to confront their own inhumanity. He showed them that power need not come from brutality or sheer force but rather from moral high ground—a firm belief system tenaciously held through peaceful means.
When first explored by French philosopher Pierre Bourdieu in 1979, habitus described frameworks for understanding shared cultural phenomena like language or fashion sense. This concept has been built upon over time by other scholars, expanding its meaning to include experiences within a certain society or culture (e.g., privilege), ways of being (e.g., masculinity), embodiment (e.g., body movement or gestures), historical context influence on contemporary practices (e.g., racism), and even its interactional potential with agency. As you can see, habitus remains difficult to solidify, but many have tried since its birth.
Habitus is understood to be both durable and changeable. On one hand, it is difficult for socialization efforts to erase previous habitus instead they just add on new layers of culture. On the other hand, we see changes in behavior, ways of being, and thinking as people adapt to different environments within a society or between cultures.
Bourdieu’s work was trying to address questions about why certain areas in France produced the majority of politicians and bureaucrats while others bred more artists or criminals. He argued that the environment people grow up in passively shapes who they will become placing limitations on their future opportunities. For example, if you grew up in a neighborhood that did not receive proper education funding your chances of becoming a lawyer are slim because at no point along your life journey have you been exposed to logical reasoning skills or trained how to effectively communicate with others.
However, as stated earlier, habitus isn’t fixed forever people can learn new ways of being through different experiences. This means another individual might grow up in the same underprivileged neighborhood yet still manage to learn logical reasoning and communication skills elsewhere (e.g., spending most waking hours at a well-funded library). Because habitus encompasses practices like language and dressing oneself, even seemingly small cultural details can greatly impact personal expression through clothing (fashion sense). A 2015 study by Griskevicius et al found that individuals from countries with high prevalence rates for diseases are more likely to avoid eye-catching clothing items compared to those living where disease rates are lower. These seemingly irrational practices can be explained through survival instincts as they reduce attracting attention from dangerous predators (e.g., humans) seeking healthier hosts.
In the realm of dandy personalities, passive resistance holds a valued spot as an essential strategy. The dandy is keen on being influential and navigating complex social landscapes using contrasting traits to their advantage. When activists adopt passive resistance principles, they engage in a type of protest that doesn’t involve violence but disrupts what’s normal. They then use emotional intelligence and social finesse to convince others that what they are fighting for will benefit all.
It is important to point out that Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy and practice of passive resistance—satyagraha—can be linked conceptually with psychological androgyny because it integrates virtues from both masculine and feminine traditions. Modern movements can follow in Gandhi's footsteps by balancing assertiveness with empathy, strategic planning with moral conviction, and more. This approach has the potential to enhance the impact campaigns have as well as build trust and authenticity which is beyond crucial during times of change.
Passive Resistance Power in Personal Growth
On an individual level, people can use passive resistance principles to be more effective at personal or professional conflicts. Balancing assertiveness with compassion allows individuals to navigate these conflicts with ease while embodying a dandy-like persona. Weakness isn’t found within this trait balance but strength through striking equilibrium between commanding and kind, influential and inclusive — something we could all learn from.
Passive resistance isn’t just a tactic for political movements but also an interaction template for personal growth. A powerful combination of integrity, consistency, commanding presence, kindness, influence, inclusion exists within passive resistance practices which are essential when confronting challenges in life.
The Dandy persona is an intriguing and enigmatic character that embraces the softer characteristics often associated with femininity. It encourages sensitivity, intuition, and emotional expression to draw people in, and can be used by anyone regardless of gender. Its appeal lies in its mystery; the persona prompts interest in others who seek to understand it better. Creativity-wise, the Dandy opens up opportunities for innovation while offering flexible social navigation in tandem. This persona also challenges stereotypes by blending masculinity and femininity together, leading to a more balanced integration of power. It offers freedom from societal constraints based on gender and can be a powerful tool for personal branding. Confidence is boosted through adopting this mysterious personality while influence is enhanced through charm and seduction.
Incorporating the Dandy
The Dandy persona can be applied to different aspects of daily life such as fashion, communication style, hobbies, professional settings, artistic expression, networking tactics, public speaking methods, personal relationships, online presence or approach towards conflict resolution. By implementing the Dandy into fashion choices one might blend masculine clothing styles with feminine accessories. In terms of communication style it could involve being assertive while still maintaining emotional expressiveness. Hobbies could range from activities that are traditionally associated with men or women but enjoyed by both sides. Leadership can also adopt this persona by combining assertiveness with empathy when needed while artistic expression allows one to explore their emotions freely without any boundaries pertaining to gender roles. Social interactions may challenge traditional expectations set upon us today by society which are largely influenced by media or peer pressure- instead let actions speak louder than words while accepting vulnerability into your friendships.
When it comes down to networking we should focus on making sincere emotional connections rather than just business prospects because remember- we make friends first before we do business with them! Online presence should showcase strength as well as sensitivity so you won't have to try so hard appealing towards all genders since your authenticity will shine through. For public speaking the narratives should be relatable and resonate across gender lines while conflict resolution may require a balance of directness and compassion. Lastly, personal growth is not to be reserved exclusively for emotional development but also physical too.
To incorporate the Dandy persona into one’s life, people can use it to differentiate themselves from others and make it easier to express their openness to new experiences. The enigmatic nature of the persona sparks interest in others as they work harder to figure out who you are and how your mind thinks. It's no secret that people want what they can't have, so by presenting this mysterious character trait, individuals will subconsciously draw more people in than they would if they were just like everybody else. Their intrigue at your unpredictability will keep them engaged with you
The Dandy’s freedom is what makes it so alluring. It enables those who embody it to navigate a wide variety of social situations with ease. This trait is derived from the Big Five personality trait that is open to experiences and ideas (John & Srivastava, 1999). The ability of the Dandy to adapt themselves is also a sign of their intelligence in social settings and allows them to read situations better than most people do. These characteristics are perfect for anyone living inside of our globalized society where norms and expectations differ.
Strong Sense Of Fairness
To be a dandy and a paragon of the best qualities, aspiring to grasp and nurture certain personality traits in oneself can help one meet the ideal. The dandy’s sense of fair play and psychological equilibrium is mirrored in terms of Big Five Personality Attributes. Here is how you can develop these characteristics within yourself.
Embracing open t experience, by leading with your curiosity and search for novel experiences. Broaden your intellectual and artistic taste by diversified reading, study art works or travel the world. Moreover, they should learn to tolerate diverse perspectives thus improve your understanding about the universe. Questioning established norms and thinking beyond accepted standards allow you see more justly fairness thus making it easier to behave with others.
Building conscientiousness by investing your time, and close attention to details such as how you present yourself and what you do. Establish a disciplined schedule that reflects your values as well as principles. This involves being dependable, principled individual who acts according to moral compass that values fairness above all things else. In addition, by behaving with integrity and by committing yourself to social sense of fairness, not necessary “social justice”, as that is often carrying to much subjecting, or weight in the most important, of the most important ideas of “social justice”, in this time location and era. Objectively, in this particular context of social fairness and “social justice”, rather than aligning with a single view point, fairness and “social Justice” is universal, across different communities and cultures. The type of universalism found in weighing all evidence, and arguments with even hand, with doubt towards might is right. This type of fairness, requires different treatments for different situations, equal opportunity fo everyone to achieve similar outcome, with respect to dialogue, which are open conversations that invite diverse voices and perspectives under a universal reality of ‘social fairness and justice” concept for all.
Extraverted qualities such as the competency in cultivating social skills needed for winning over others through charm and confidence-inspiring behavior. While it is not necessary that one thrives on spotlight focus their propensity towards engaging others in meaningful dialogues around subjects like impartiality or righteousness. Thus having influence over societal ideas and norms that lead it toward a just society.
Higher levels of agreeableness, would mean learning how to cooperate harmoniously, versus competitiveness, in all engagements with other people in your life. Be friendly kind-hearted, thus promoting goodwill plus equitable treatment .This usually helps many people during social functions become persuasive since good manners are strong forces influencing human psychology hence enable other individuals better understand concept of fairness without violence or manipulation.
Developing reflective strategies to manage neuroticism, and develop emotional resiliency hence ability handle criticism well especially when confronted with tough times.It often comes under scrutiny to be dandy which means different from others. This is shown by a great sense of justice and low neuroticism that makes someone stand still with confidence even when questioned.
When you build these qualities, you do not merely wear a mask but incorporate fairness into yourself as a philosophy. Openness to experience will help to widen your horizons, conscientiousness will see that your actions are fair, extraversion will enable you to disseminate this value, agreeableness will make your argument for equity appealing and neurosis stability can keep you going no matter what opposition faces you. Therefore, this is how one can be a dandy in life and maintain inherent fairness as part of his or her personal branding.
They say creativity leads to innovation and artistic expression, which is why the Dandy persona encourages both. A creative mindset goes hand in hand with the Big Five personality trait that involves being open (McCrae, 1987). People who have a hold on this persona often think outside of the box while expressing themselves uniquely at the same time. Since this attitude can be applied in multiple areas such as fashion or art; growth in one’s personal life and career isn’t far off when adopting this persona.
Traditional gender roles and societal expectations are both defied by non-conformists, a characteristic inhibiting within the Dandy persona. It’s related to openness and has been found more commonly among people who don’t follow norms or traditional rules (Costa & McCrae, 1992). By ignoring conventional expectations that society puts on us, those who are living as non-conformists have no trouble being authentic and genuine about how they approach things. Being able to express oneself without worry allows others to break free from confinements that society tries to put us in.
There seems to be an unspoken connection between empathy and deeper relationships which is possessed by those within the Dandy persona. This quality helps them relate with others on a level that most people never reach due to their lack of agreeableness (Graziano & Tobin, 2009). The wider range of emotions the Dandy feels allows them to understand human interactions and relationships on a much deeper level. Empathy tears down barriers and creates a space for genuine connections.
The Dandy persona is the epitome of balance as it finds harmony between masculine and feminine energies that coexist within them. This trait comes from the Big Five personality dimensions whose goal is to exhibit a mix of characteristics (Digman, 1990). People who find their equilibrium within this persona better understand themselves on a more holistic level. Life becomes easier since one with this balanced approach can be strong yet sensitive, assertive yet compassionate.
A striking component of the Dandy persona is its ability to free individuals from the constraints of societal gender roles. This freedom corresponds with high scores on the Big Five personality trait of openness to experience, which signifies a person's autonomy and self-reliance (McCrae & Sutin, 2009). When they disregard traditional gender expectations, these people are embracing an approach to life that is more liberated and self-guided. The level of psychic liberty that that enables them to be their most authentic selves and grow personally.
Personal Branding Through Differentiation
By setting you apart, this persona helps others remember who you are when they're reflecting on social or professional encounters. It brings people's attention to an individual's uniqueness—a quality which the Big Five personality trait known as openness to experience examines (McCrae & Costa, 1997). Part of this trait has a person exploring new ideas and unconventional behaviors. When you take on qualities from both traditionally masculine and feminine personas, your inner Dandy becomes a unique brand. Standing out in this way provides a niche for you in unforgiving environments where everyone is competing against one another. Eventually your uniqueness will make others see you as a trendsetter or thought leader.
The enigmatic nature of the Dandy persona attracts people because it can be so multifaceted. People’s curiosity about it engages them on psychological levels related to intrigue—a quality associated with the Big Five personality trait known as openness to experience (McCrae & Sutin, 2009). If someone does not know what to expect from a person with this persona, then he becomes interesting. Its unpredictable aspects capture attention while stimulating interest because human beings have always been curious creatures who want knowledge simply for entertainment purposes. You then become their source of intellectual stimulation; making yourself seem like someone who can provide them with a unique perspective on things. When people see you as the person they have to constantly think of, then you become their main topic in conversations.
The Dandy persona is known for its complexity and depth. These traits are associated with the two Big Five personality traits called openness to experience and agreeableness (Graziano & Eisenberg, 1997). Once again taking qualities from both traditionally masculine and feminine personas, someone with this inner Dandy will exude a captivating presence that attracts many people. Attraction regarding this person does not simply stop at physical appearance because it extends into intellectual and emotional realms too. Knowing that these persona types encompass confident self-awareness and an understanding of social fabric makes them attractive qualities for anyone involved in them—whether you’re wearing your own Dandy hat or interacting with one. A sense of nuance in someone's interactions often leads to stronger social connections; which builds more trust among friends.
If you're fluid when it comes to adapting yourself around different social groups, then you're probably a Dandy (John, Naumann, & Soto, 2008). This flexibility is an indication of how well one is able navigate complex social landscapes—especially when it’s tied to the Big Five personality trait known as openness to experience . Regardless if it's personal or professional life environments require us all to build relationships with others. When we are versatile enough to effectively communicate and understand others no matter what click they come from helps us succeed in those environments. It makes us resilient enough so that even if things do not go our way, we can bounce back quickly because we know we have other reliable connections waiting for us after each attempt at integrating failed.
Creativity is at the core of the Dandy persona, which encourages original and innovative expression. This Big Five personality trait rooted in openness to experience (Kaufman, Quilty, & Peterson) stems from a rejection of conventional norms. Through this freedom, individuals are permitted to explore and express unique ideas through various mediums like art, fashion or problem-solving (Kaufman, Quilty, & Peterson). Creativity contributes to personal fulfilment while positively impacting mental health. By promoting creativity in others it has a domino effect that also inspires outside-the-box thinking.
The Dandy persona challenges traditional gender roles and societal expectations through nonconformity — which reflects high levels of openness to experience (Silvia & Kashdan). By rejecting these established paradigms, those who embody the Dandy persona assert their independence while encouraging others to question norms as well. Nonconformity leads to more self-discovery and authenticity while promoting diversity and tolerance for different lifestyles. Challenging the status quo fosters innovation and is also a powerful tool for change.
Embracing emotional expression enhances empathy in all interactions which relates to compassion and cooperativeness found in agreeableness another Big Five trait (Graziano et al.). Demonstrating empathy allows for deeper connections with others as well as better understanding them emotionally. Trust is built through these connections which then strengthens relationships. Emotionally driven conflicts can be resolved more easily due to this level of understanding. It should be noted that showing empathy isn’t limited to sensitive or serious situations; even casual encounters can benefit from such engagement.
Balancing both masculine and feminine energies yields an adaptive personality capable of drawing from a full spectrum of traits that make us human (Bem). Found within our personalities this balance leads to higher psychological well-being levels according Bem's research in 1974.. The Dandy persona promotes a balanced approach to life, which is beneficial for stress management and overall life satisfaction. Taking this view of the world instead promotes flexibility and resilience by transcending traditional gender roles. The need for greater gender equality and fluidity in personal expression is also emphasized.
The Dandy persona embodies freedom from conventional gender expectations, which links to the Big Five personality dimension of openness to experience (McCrae & Costa). In a society that values conformity, individuals are discouraged from expressing themselves authentically due to fear of judgment (McCrae & Costa). By being free to express their identity without constraint — individuals can explore different aspects of self and life leading to immense personal growth and fulfilment. This liberating freedom allows those who embody the Dandy persona to break free from societal chains.
The Dandy persona is an effective personal branding strategy that plays off the Big Five personality factors, most notably being open to new experiences and being conscientious. By creating a personal image that’s unique yet consistent, an individual can separate themselves from the crowd in their career and personal lives (Roberts, 2006). The sophisticated and carefully crafted aesthetic of the Dandy persona shows how dedicated someone is to quality work and attention to detail. This dedication has the potential to create opportunities for professional advancement as well as social recognition. In a crowded marketplace, a strong personal brand can be what sets you apart from your competition.
To recapitulate, the Dandy persona presents itself as an approachable option for self-presentation that is applicable to multiple aspects of the Big Five personality traits. It fosters differentiation, interest, and attraction while promoting flexibility, creativity, and non-conformity. Furthermore it encourages empathy, balance, freedom; it significantly enhances your personal brand overall. Adopting this persona can become one of your most powerful tools when it comes to your own development into success.
Personal Branding (continued)
The use of the Dandy persona for personal branding taps into another one of Big Five’s traits: conscientiousness (Judge et al., 2000). Through demonstrating meticulous self-management and discipline in maintaining such a curated image an individual can increase their visibility not only online but offline too.. Taking these measures shows others that they are thoughtful about their choices as well as intentional about their interactions with others. In terms of advancing ones career this distinctive image will differentiate them away from their competitors potentially leading them towards unique opportunities and collaborations.. Personal branding through the Dandy persona isn't just about setting yourself apart from others but also crafting a reputation that aligns with your values skills and dedication towards self-expression.
When individuals embrace this persona, they’re embodying Big Five’s personality traits in order to cultivate a style that connects with current values. It’s a pathway that allows one to express themselves in a way that is unique yet resonant with other people. Whether it be through fashion, behavior or communication, the Dandy persona promotes challenging conventional standards and celebrates the complexity of our human experience.
All-in-all: Conclusion
When we reimagine the modern dandy through Robert Greene’s lens along with psychological theories we uncover an incredibly strategic character archetype who knows how to be socially influential. This persona coated in principles of power dynamics and embodiment reveals a guide for self-definition like no other.
The dandy loses itself within neither masculine nor feminine traits, but their combination. And it is within these blends that we find a resilient archetype that speaks louder than the limitations of gender roles.
If we draw parallels to the world of social activism, passive resistance almost mirrors the dandy's psychological androgyny concept as well. Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent strength—satyagraha—resists oppression not through force, but with kindness, sincerity, compassion, and trustworthiness. These traits offer a powerful strategy for social movements because they appeal to humanity’s better nature. The best impact may be achieved through steadfast peaceful protests.
Using the dandy persona in social movements can provide a very effective and morally grounded strategy. It displays that there is more strength in being balanced between introversion and extroversion than being all one or the other. By leading through example, inspiring others, and understanding the human psyche we're able to achieve influence without having to be domineering.
In personal development, using Gandhi's passive resistance and adopting the dandy's psychological androgyny can lead to a more authentic self expression. Combining resilience with grace allows you to approach and concur modern life while sticking firm on your conviction but avoiding aggression.
The point of this article is to show that by combining the dandy persona with passive resistance, it creates a blueprint for engaging with others that was as relevant today as it was during Gandhi’s time. This combination requires you to embrace qualities from every part of the human spectrum, influence things through character alone, and enact change gently yet unyielding. These skills are embodiments of strategic sophistication — an art form that combines timeless aspects with contemporary ones.
Reference List:
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McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (1999). A five-factor theory of personality. In L. A. Pervin & O. P. John (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (2nd ed., pp. 139-153). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Judge, T. A., & Bono, J. E. (2001). Relationship of core self-evaluations traits—self-esteem, generalized self-efficacy, locus of control, and emotional stability—with job satisfaction and job performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 80-92.
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aspencovehq · 3 months
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bem vindo a aspen cove, CONNOR. espero que aproveite o seu tempo aqui e nem pense em ir embora... sem dizer tchau! lia, você tem 24 horas para enviar o tumblr do seu personagem. não se esqueça de seguir o passo a passo da checklist, e divirta-se!
ei, aquele ali é PARK SUNGHOON (ENHYPEN)?     não, é só "CONNOR", um personagem CANON de DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN.     ouvi dizer que ELE tem VINTE E UM ANOS, mora em aspen cove há TRÊS ANOS e é um ESTAGIÁRIO em WAGGING TAILS.     ele NÃO TEM suas memórias, o que pode justificar o fato dele ser um pouco SOCIÁVEL e FRANCO sempre que o vejo andando pela cidade.  
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4myneeko · 3 months
Querido Neeko,
Hoje eu vou escrever sobre a gente em outro universo, ok? Um dos meus jogos favoritos é Detroit Become Human e nesse jogo tem três personagens jogáveis e os três são androids, um deles é policial e investiga o caso de androids divergentes que tem ganhado consciência, então escreverei sobre isso.
Neeko e Theodore eram androids de uma família rica, ambos sendo presentes para as duas crianças da casa, e como qualquer coisa com consciência, ambos se apegaram nas crianças.
Neeko cuidava de Aurora enquanto Theo cuidava de Aurean, os pais das crianças eram péssimos, mas os androids eram perfeitos, qualquer pessoa poderia dizer que eles eram ótimos pais para as crianças apesar de que no fundo ambos não passavam de pedaços de metal e sangue azul.
Apesar de ter toda essa diferença entre os humanos e Androids, Neeko e Theodore tinham princípios, eram programados para serem babás e por isso faziam tudo o que os pais mandavam, como qualquer outro Android eles eram programados para servir e eventualmente quando os donos se casassem dos dois poderiam simplesmente descartar como se fossem um lixo comum. Seus donos no fundo eram sádicos para saciar um prazer nojento em torturar Androids eles os comandavam para machucar os filhos, mas o que seus donos não sabiam é que na verdade os androids eram muitos apegados às crianças, assim como elas eram por eles e a partir do momento que os dois não aceitaram tal pedido dos donos ambos se tornaram divergentes, sendo assim criando sua própria consciência e podendo fazer o que bem entendesse.
Neeko não era cruel e Theo muito menos, mas eles viram o que essas pessoas faziam com os robôs, os seus inúmeros "filhos" que eles compravam e faziam se machucar até que não sobrasse nada. Os divergentes sabiam o que tinham que fazer para sair daquela casa e salvar as crianças e foi o que eles fizeram, tiveram que matar seus "donos" para que pudessem sobreviver e salvar as crianças que com o tempo eles perceberam também serem divergentes.
A jornada de Theo e Neeko foi algo realmente difícil, eles tiveram que fugir não só da polícia como depois do campo de desligamento, mas eles conseguiram, eles foram para o Canadá onde os androids podiam viver livremente, eles criaram como podiam as enchendo de amor que humanos jamais lhe dariam.
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postersdecinema · 3 months
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Ruusujen Aika
(O Tempo das Rosas)
SF, 1969
Risto Jarva
Rosas e Espinhos Democráticos
Um surpreendente filme finlandês, do final da década de 60, que propõe, num ambiente de ficção científica que poderia ter inspirado Sleeper, de Woody Allen, uma reflexão sobre o conceito de democracia e as utopias por ele suscitadas, que mantinham o mundo dividido e suspenso, ao tempo da guerra fria, que não deixava, ainda assim, de originar episódios de enorme violência, ameaçando permanentemente com a destruição total da humanidade.
A conclusão parece ser a de que a democracia totalitária aniquila o indivíduo, e que só a imperfeição da luta social democrática, garante a liberdade individual, ainda que gere violência e confronto social.
Não obstante, o totalitarismo impõe-se, inevitável, numa aniquilação do indivíduo, perante o bem coletivo.
Uma reflexão interessante e que reflete bem a ambiguidade do pensamento político da época, que não deixa de ser pertinente, mesmo em tempos atuais, em que a guerra fria passou à história.
O que é a democracia afinal? Serão verdadeiramente democráticos, estes regimes em que vivemos presentemente?
O fantasma do totalitarismo não permanece suspenso, à espera da falência das sociais democracias, vitoriosas da guerra fria?
Democratic Roses and Thorns
A surprising Finnish film from the end of the 60s, which proposes, in a science fiction environment that could have inspired Woody Allen's Sleeper, a reflection on the concept of democracy and the utopias it gave rise to, which kept the world divided and suspended at the time of the Cold War, which nevertheless caused episodes of enormous violence, permanently threatening the world with the total destruction of humanity.
The conclusion seems to be that totalitarian democracy annihilates the individual, and that only the imperfection of the democratic social struggle guarantees individual freedom, even if it generates violence and social confrontation.
However, totalitarianism inevitably imposes itself on the annihilation of the individual in the face of the collective interest.
An interesting reflection that well reflects the ambiguity of political thought at the time, which is still relevant, even in current times, when the Cold War has become history.
What is democracy after all? Are these regimes, in which we currently live, truly democratic?
Doesn't the ghost of totalitarianism remain suspended, waiting for the bankruptcy of social democracies, victors of the cold war?
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eva-sparda20 · 5 months
Live - Detroit Become Human Parte 3
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10 interesting Brazilian fiction books
1- A pediatra by Andréa del Fuego
Com humor mordaz, o novo romance de Andréa del Fuego apresenta a história de uma personagem muito peculiar: Cecília, uma pediatra nada afeita a crianças.
Cecília é o oposto do que se imagina de uma pediatra – uma mulher sem espírito maternal, pouco apreço por crianças e zero paciência para os pais e mães que as acompanham. Porém a medicina era um caminho natural para ela, que seguiu os passos do pai. Apesar de sua frieza com os pacientes, ela tem um consultório bem-sucedido, mas aos poucos se vê perdendo lugar para um pediatra humanista, que trabalha com doulas, parteiras e acompanha até partos domiciliares. Mesmo a obstetra cesarista com quem Cecília sempre colaborou agora parece preferi-lo.
Ela fará, então, um mergulho investigativo na vida das mulheres que seguem o caminho do parto natural e da medicina alternativa, práticas que despreza profundamente. Em paralelo, vive uma relação com um homem casado, de cujo filho ela acompanhou o nascimento como neonatologista. E é esse menino que irá despertar sentimentos nunca antes experimentados pela pediatra. (www.goodreads.com)
2- City of God
Paulo Lins, 
Alison Entrekin
Cidade de Deus, the City of God - a place where the streets are awash with drugs, where violence can erupt at any moment, but also where the samba beat rocks till dawn, where the women are the most beautiful on Earth, and where one young man wants to escape his background and become a photographer. (www.goodreads.com)
3- The Most Popular Girl in the School
Bessie Marchant
Mary Devain loves Raglan School and would be content to see out her schooldays there. If only she wasn't being bullied by a group of girls from Brazil who believe Mary's father is a spy because he works for the Brazilian government. With unrest in the South American country rising, and an unexplained shipment of ammunition arriving at the school, suspicion abounds. When Mary disappears, light is shed on more than one mystery. (www.goodreads.com)
4-The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao
by Martha Batalha
Euridice is young, beautiful and ambitious, but when her rebellious sister Guida elopes, she sets her own aspirations aside and vows to settle down as a model wife and daughter. And yet as her husband's professional success grows, so does Euridice's feeling of restlessness. She embarks on a series of secret projects - from creating recipe books to becoming the most sought-after seamstress in town - but each is doomed to failure. Her tradition-loving husband is not interested in an independent wife. And then one day Guida appears at the door with her young son and a terrible story of hardship and abandonment. The Invisible Life of Euridice Gusmao is a wildly inventive, wickedly funny and keenly observed tale of two sisters who, surrounded by a cast of unforgettable characters, assert their independence and courageously carve a path of their own in 1940s Rio de Janeiro. A deeply human and truly unforgettable novel from one of the most exciting new voices in world literature. (www.goodreads.com)
5-The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley
Maia D’Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, “Atlantis”—a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva—having been told that their beloved father, who adopted them all as babies, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalizing clue to her true heritage—a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of her story and its beginnings.
6 -Pursuit: An Inspector Espinosa Mystery
When his daughter disappears and a patient emerges as the prime suspect, a troubled psychiatrist comes to Espinosa for help, in the fifth novel in the beguiling Brazilian crime series A hospital psychiatrist feels he’s being stalked by a young patient. For as long as possible, he convinces himself that the young man is harmless, but when the doctor’s daughter disappears and the patient goes missing, too, he calls on Espinosa for help.
Soon after, the patient turns up dead. With his death begins a chain of other deaths, each more mysterious than the one that preceded it, each seemingly linked to the doctor and his former patient. As Espinosa learns more about the doctor’s history, it becomes harder to discern the stalker from the stalked, reality from fantasy, and the sane from the diabolical. In this installment of the “seductive, fascinating” (The New York Times Book Review) series, the sultry maze of Rio de Janeiro’s streets conspires against Espinosa, confounding his judgment, stymieing his search, and, somewhere, concealing a murderer.
7 A Breath of Life by Clarice Lispector, Johnny Lorenz (Translator), Benjamin Moser (Preface by)
A mystical dialogue between a male author and his creation, this posthumous work has never before been translated, and is a book of particular beauty and strangeness.
A mystical dialogue between a male author (a thinly disguised Clarice Lispector) and his/her creation, a woman named Angela, this posthumous work has never before been translated. Lispector did not even live to see it published.
At her death, a mountain of fragments remained to be “structured” by Olga Borelli. These fragments form a dialogue between a god-like author who infuses the breath of life into his creation: the speaking, breathing, dying creation herself, Angela Pralini. The work’s almost occult appeal arises from the perception that if Angela dies, Clarice will have to die as well. And she did. (https://www.barnesandnoble.com)
8 The Words That Remain by Stênio Gardel, Bruna Dantas Lobato (Translator)
"Disarmingly tender and feverishly sad, Gardel's love story is a delirium of a novel that reminds its readers of an uncomfortable truth: that even a life of regret can be a beautiful one."—Patrick Nathan, author of Some Hell
Longlisted for the 2023 National Book Award in Translated Literature
A letter has beckoned to Raimundo since he received it over fifty years ago from his youthful passion, handsome Cícero. But having grown up in an impoverished area of Brazil where the demands of manual labor thwarted his becoming literate, Raimundo has long been unable to read. As young men, he and Cícero fell in love, only to have Raimundo’s father brutally beat his son when he discovered their affair. Even after Raimundo succeeds in making a life for himself in the big city, he continues to be haunted by this secret missive full of longing from the distant past. Now at age seventy-one, he at last acquires a true education and the ability to access the letter. Exploring Brazil’s little-known hinterland as well its urban haunts, this is a sweeping novel of repression, violence, and shame, along with their flip side: survival, endurance, and the ultimate triumph of an unforgettable figure on society’s margins. The Words That Remain explores the universal power of the written word and language, and how they affect all our relationships. 
9 Selected Crônicas by Clarice Lispector
"In 1967, Brazil's leading newspaper asked the avant-garde writer Lispector to write a weekly column on any topic she wished. For almost seven years, Lispector showed Brazilian readers just how vast and passionate her interests were. This beautifully translated collection of selected columns, or crônicas, is just as immediately stimulating today and ably reinforces her reputation as one of Brazil's greatest writers. Indeed, these columns should establish her as being among the era's most brilliant essayists. She is masterful, even reminiscent of Montaigne, in her ability to spin the mundane events of life into moments of clarity that reveal greater truths."—Publishers Weekly (www.goodreads.com)
10 Água Viva by Clarice Lispector
Lispector at her most philosophically radical. A meditation on the nature of life and time, Água Viva (1973) shows Lispector discovering a new means of writing about herself, more deeply transforming her individual experience into a universal poetry. In a body of work as emotionally powerful, formally innovative, and philosophically profound as Clarice Lispector’s, Água Viva stands out as a particular triumph. (www.goodreads.com)
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messier45-suporte · 8 months
Did you know that... / Você sabia que...
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Did you know that…✨ Thousands of souls who voluntarily incarnated on Earth (Starseeds) are present on the main social networks and provide alternative knowledge of all kinds to help humanity to get out of the material hypnosis that governs (enslaves) the collective mind. An acquaintance or friend of yours might be one of them, cosmic beings who are using the internet and social media (or any mass media) to help awaken humanity's consciousness… Believe it or not, it happens. They do it discreetly, they don't seek fame, wealth, they don't want to appear as idols of the masses and much less appear on television, it is a group that currently constitutes less than 10% of humanity, they can be defined as messengers, channels of high vibrations, bringing the light of knowledge with understanding, trying to make people understand the Love and Respect to Life. This does not mean that they are perfect people, without flaws or problems to solve, on the contrary, they are very normal people but with a powerful creative energy, people who have lived this world intensely, for better or for worse, in order to understand it in in their entirety, but who resisted any kind of mental distraction from the matrix, without knowing it, until they matured and reached the moment of connecting and becoming aware of who they are and what they came to do in this world. Perhaps you are one of those evolved cosmic beings who live here as humans, maybe that's why you're reading this article so carefully, or do you still believe in coincidences?
Você sabia que…✨ Milhares de almas que encarnaram voluntariamente na Terra (Starseeds) estão presentes nas principais redes sociais e fornecem conhecimentos alternativos de todos os tipos para ajudar a humanidade a sair da hipnose material que rege (escraviza) a mente coletiva. Um conhecido ou amigo seu pode ser um deles, seres cósmicos que estão usando a internet e as redes sociais (ou qualquer meio de comunicação de massa) para ajudar a despertar a consciência da humanidade… Acredite ou não, isso acontece. Eles fazem isso com discrição, não buscam fama, riqueza, não querem aparecer como ídolos das massas e muito menos aparecer na televisão, é um grupo que atualmente constitui menos de 10% da humanidade, podem ser definidos como mensageiros, canais de altas vibrações, trazendo a luz do conhecimento com compreensão, tentando fazer com que as pessoas entendam o Amor e o Respeito à Vida. Isso não significa que sejam pessoas perfeitas, sem defeitos nem problemas para resolver, pelo contrário, eles são pessoas muito normais mas com uma poderosa energia criativa, pessoas que viveram intensamente esse mundo, para o bem ou para o mal, para entendê-lo em sua totalidade, mas que resistiram a qualquer tipo de distração mental da matriz, sem saber, até amadurecerem e chegarem ao momento de se conectarem e tomarem consciência de quem são e o que vieram fazer nesse mundo. Talvez você seja um desses seres cósmicos evoluídos que vivem aqui como humanos, talvez seja por isso que você está lendo esse artigo com tanta atenção, ou você ainda acredita em coincidências? ~Massimiliano
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10 Principles of Psychology You Can Use to Improve Your mencari mainan
Being able to speak efficiently with others involves people competencies, and Here is eight important ones:™
1. Knowing individuals
Folks not merely come in all styles and sizes, However they have distinctive temperament kinds in addition. You might want to brush up on how to talk to the 4 major identity styles by reading through this article. In fact, committed pupils of conversation could do minor much better than acquire Bem Allen's exceptional introduction to personality sorts, 'Identity Theories'.
Consumers are people today, with as a lot of similarities from one human being to another as differences. To communicate most efficiently, each will require you to definitely talk to them in their particular individual preference design, utilizing their language, their system gestures, and their pace and intonation.
So How will you find out how most effective to talk to another person? Spend time with them! Will not hope to fulfill a person off the road and talk intimately with them in a minute. Being familiar with a issue normally takes time -- no matter whether that subject matter is an educational just one or another individual.
2. Expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly
Our brains can only just take a great deal info in at any one time. We're bombarded with messages each and every 2nd of the working day, so to contend Together with the barrage of 'noise' anyone faces, your concept must be crystal clear, succinct also to The purpose.
It is rather worthwhile taking time to plan your conversation -- it does not matter by what system it's sent -- to make certain that you happen to be taking the minimum amount of time to precise the ideal level of imagined in essentially the most receptively simple way.
three. Talking up when your needs are not becoming met
Just as significant in business associations as in domestic types, speaking up making sure that your preferences are achieved is usually a basic part of any romantic relationship.
You could possibly wish to browse this short article on assertive, not aggressive, interaction, but in a nutshell you will find 6 various ways it is possible to be assertive rather than aggressive as part of your communication: by rehearsing your conduct before the interaction; by repeating your communication (the 'broken file' approach); fogging; asking for unfavorable feed-back; tentative agreement with negative responses; and making a workable compromise.
Assertiveness is usually a useful conversation Device. It is really software is contextual and it is not ideal being assertive in all predicaments. Keep in mind, your sudden usage of assertiveness can be perceived being an act of aggression by Other folks.
four. Asking for comments from Some others and giving top quality feed-back in return
Alongside assertiveness procedures, the giving and receiving of responses can be a important communication talent that should be learnt if you'd like to have any hope of producing extensive-time period business associations..
Toastmasters International train a practical responses and critical evaluate system -- 1st provide a honest compliment, observe this with any simple suggestions for enhancement, then wrap up with further sincere praise. It is recognized as 'CRC', or 'Commend, Recommend, Commend', a three-action product for excellence in providing excellent feedback.
Bear in mind, way too, that truthfulness is actually a subjective perspective. Everything you may obtain distasteful in an individual may very well be Similarly desirable from another's point of view. As I learnt, by dwelling via a series of IRA atrocities in England and looking at the US political and media reactions, a single male's terrorist is another person's independence fighter.
5. Influencing how others think and act
All of us have the opportunity to impact how Other folks Feel and act. Each of the way from Cialdini's Persuasion concepts all the way down to uncomplicated violence (of a verbal or Bodily character), we've been every day capable of form the thoughts and actions of These close to us.
From a little something as simple as smiling and expressing, "Hi there!" to be a strategy for influencing a person's temper, to foremost by instance all through an intensive period of improve, there are many means of either leading to or drawing from Other individuals necessary behaviours and attitudes.
Keep in mind that an Perspective results in an emotion, which in turn causes an action. Shape the attitudes and you have a more trusted method of predicting steps.
six. Bringing conflicts towards the area and acquiring them settled
I confess: I am not a 'pure' at managing conflict. It is taken marrying into an existing household of 3 children to assist this only child come to phrases with conflict.
It really is taken me three several years of residing in my family to realise It truly is probable to co-exist in conflict and never get personally involved. But it surely wasn't a straightforward lesson to learn, I'm able to inform you!
But currently being a phase-father to teenage little ones has helped me find out the value of bringing conflicts and resentments for the area in which they can be more conveniently managed.
Your employees may be harbouring mystery resentments of you, and Except you discover out the things they are, bring these 'dim techniques' out into the light of working day, you happen to be never going in order to productively deal with them.
It truly is uncomfortable, potentially humiliating and requires a potent amount of endurance to not launch straight into a defensive manner, but offering persons the opportunity to Categorical their considerations, disappointments and anger, facial area-to-confront, will give you incredible possibility to place matters right, or support them see wherever their ideas and inner thoughts are misplaced.
7. Collaborating with Many others rather than performing points by on your own
I am a shocker at this, but Studying to delegate and share has been instrumental in rising my own small business.
The fastest strategy for burying on your own in extra detail and workload is to try and do almost everything on your own. Yet sharing the workload may be the neatest matter you will ever do. Here's why:
Leverage is having your competencies and talents and allowing others to Amplify your function capacity. You coach them to accomplish Anything you do and you do another thing.
One particular bricklayer can only lay a particular number of bricks in an hour, but that very same bricklayer can practice 15 mates to put bricks and out of the blue All those fifteen bricklayers are making monuments though the first bricklayer is out securing extra get the job done for them.
Even though the fifteen are laying bricks, the first bricklayer could be Mastering the best way to perform Superior bricklaying, or learn profits strategies, or find out supervision expertise.
The lesson is easy: attempt to do it all you as well as 'all' will bury you; teach Some others to do Whatever you do therefore you make a monument.
Jesus taught 11 Males how you can do what he did. Then he left them to hold on although he moved on to other things. From The straightforward act of one gentleman educating eleven others, a church and the biggest, most influential religious movement the planet has at any time known was born.
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8. Shifting gears when associations are unproductive
From time to time you should walk absent. Occasionally you'll want to jettison unhealthy cargo. And sometimes you have to just take drastic ways to get back balance and momentum.
'Shifting gears' may be as simple as altering the location of the supervision Assembly from the darkish office to a close-by cafe. Occasionally it might be shifting the Assembly from straight immediately after lunch to initial thing following morning, when clearer heads may well prevail.
Often it could suggest raising the level of assertiveness to be able to make sure the position you are generating is being been given. At times it might necessarily mean bringing Other individuals to the Conference to ensure that the other particular person understands the implications in their attitudes or steps.
And from time to time it may necessarily mean helping them look for a a lot more meaningful and satisfying purpose outside of your sphere of affect.
As being a administration psychologist I Evidently don't forget one organisation I consulted to: the only real way outside of a team deadlock was to eliminate the impediments to progress. Which meant encouraging critical protagonists discover new do the job outside of the organisation. Sometimes tradition alter can only be effected in A fast way by bringing in an entire new group and throwing absent the lifeless wood. But only as a last vacation resort.
The complete concept of getting persons proficient is recognizing or getting the way to convey out the most beneficial in Other individuals in any predicament, rather then their worst. By mastering these 8 necessary folks skills you significantly raise your likelihood of achieving the best outcomes out within your interactions and organization difficulties.
Cleansing your Lionel model trains railroad tracks is really a undertaking that needs to be conducted if the tracks are significantly soiled or if the prepare appears to be to stay and pause throughout operation. There are many methods that do the job perfectly and you may want to experiment to find the one that suits you the most beneficial. The more you make use of your model trains, the fewer generally you will have to clean up the tracks. Conversely, with rarely employed tracks, chances are you'll discover you should complete heavier-duty cleansing almost every time you make use of your toy model trains.
For HO scale trains, you should buy a track-cleaning car. You fill the car with mild oil as well as keep track of-cleaning automobile is pulled around the track by the engine. Be careful that you don't overfill the monitor cleansing motor vehicle, for in doing this, oil may spill above on to the tracks or perhaps the surroundings. Add oil sparingly to avoid the mess. The cars and trucks incorporate a small tank with protrusions that rub on the rails, cleansing the rails as being the coach travels the duration of your keep track of. The track-cleaning car or truck can hunting kereta api be employed routinely. If you use a brass monitor, you could possibly discover oxidation forming. If that is so, a far more comprehensive cleaning with the track could be vital.
For heavy-duty cleaning and removing oxidation from brass tracks, you will want a product like Walther's Bright Boy. It's a hand-held cleaner that appears like a small flat eraser, measuring about 2" x 1.5". You rub the bar throughout the rails, allowing the grit to get rid of dirt, paint, and oil out of your model tracks. When you've got brass tracks for the toy model, this cleaner will eliminate most of the oxidation in the tracks. Making use of sandpaper or emery isn't advised as these goods could leave pits in the tracks of one's toy product trains.
Upon getting cleaned the tracks While using the bar, you should rub a gentle fabric along the tracks to get rid of any residue remaining driving in the cleaner. Cleaning your tracks regularly will continue to keep the toy trains managing easily, providing you with far more time and energy to delight in playing and fewer time cleansing.
Yet one more cleaning alternative is to make use of a liquid product or service that is manufactured for track cleansing. LifeLike is a single this kind of merchandise and can be acquired at your local pastime retailer. Dampen a tender fabric with the liquid and rub the tracks. Retain switching places over the cloth when you go so You're not using the similar place frequently. Dry the train tracks when you go. As you are cleansing, inspect your monitor for symptoms of harm and mend or change them as required.
After your design trains tracks are cleanse, you must carry out typical servicing to maintain them that way. A product for instance Pacer Technologies's Rail Zip is a great cleaner to maintain your keep track of's cleanliness. You squeeze a drop or two about the keep track of in a handful of locations and Allow your toy model trains run for a number of minutes. This allows the products to generally be distribute fairly evenly throughout the keep track of. Furthermore, this merchandise will continue to keep the wheels thoroughly clean. Rail Zip will even restore the electrical conductivity by avoiding and lessening sparking.
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edgarntch474 · 1 year
Why We Love membuat palang pintu kereta api (And You Should, Too!)
Being able to speak effectively with others demands men and women capabilities, and here's eight necessary ones:™
1. Understanding individuals
Individuals not only come in all shapes and sizes, but they include distinct identity styles in addition. You might want to brush up on how to communicate with the 4 most important identity forms by reading through this article. Certainly, focused college students of interaction could do little a lot better than purchase Bem Allen's outstanding introduction to individuality varieties, 'Identity Theories'.
Men and women are individuals, with as lots of similarities from a person person to the next as distinctions. To speak most successfully, Every single would require you to talk to them in their own individual desire fashion, employing their language, their physique gestures, and their pace and intonation.
So How will you Discover how finest to communicate with anyone? Invest time with them! Don't count on to meet anyone off the road and chat intimately with them inside of a moment. Being familiar with a topic will take time -- no matter if that issue is an instructional just one or another human being.
2. Expressing your views and emotions Evidently
Our brains can only take a great deal of information and facts in at Anyone time. We're bombarded with messages every next from the day, so to compete Together with the barrage of 'noise' anyone faces, your concept should be distinct, succinct also to the point.
It's very worthwhile having time to strategy your conversation -- it does not matter by what system it's shipped -- to make sure that you happen to be using the least period of time to specific the proper level of considered in the most receptively very simple method.
3. Speaking up when your preferences are usually not being achieved
Equally as important in business relationships as in domestic kinds, Talking up to make sure that your needs are satisfied is often a essential part of any relationship.
You may wish to read this text on assertive, not intense, conversation, but in a nutshell there are 6 alternative ways you are able to be assertive instead of aggressive as part of your interaction: by rehearsing your behaviour ahead of the communication; by repeating your conversation (the 'damaged history' technique); fogging; asking for destructive feed-back; tentative settlement with detrimental feedback; and making a workable compromise.
Assertiveness is a valuable communication Resource. It is really software is contextual and it's not proper to become assertive in all circumstances. Keep in mind, your unexpected usage of assertiveness may be perceived as an act of aggression by Some others.
4. Requesting feedback from Other individuals and supplying top quality opinions in return
Along with assertiveness tactics, the giving and acquiring of feed-back is really a critical interaction talent that needs to be learnt if you need to have any hope of building long-term company relationships..
Toastmasters Intercontinental train a handy responses and critical review strategy -- initial provide a honest compliment, adhere to this with any functional suggestions for enhancement, then wrap up with even more sincere praise. It is referred to as 'CRC', or 'Commend, Endorse, Commend', A 3-step product for excellence in giving high quality feedback.
Don't forget, also, that truthfulness is actually a subjective view. Anything you may well locate distasteful in an individual may be equally desirable from A different's point of view. As I learnt, by dwelling by way of a series of IRA atrocities in England and looking at the US political and media reactions, a person person's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
five. Influencing how Other people Feel and act
All of us have the chance to influence how Other people think and act. Each of the way from Cialdini's Persuasion concepts right down to uncomplicated violence (of a verbal or Bodily character), we have been every day in a position to form the feelings and actions of All those close to us.
From a little something as simple as smiling and indicating, "Howdy!" like a way of influencing anyone's mood, to top by example in the course of an powerful period of adjust, there are several means of both leading to or drawing out of Many others necessary behaviours and attitudes.
Do not forget that an Frame of mind brings about an emotion, which subsequently brings about an action. Form the attitudes and you've got a far more trustworthy strategy for predicting actions.
six. Bringing conflicts on the area and finding them solved
I confess: I am not a 'purely natural' at dealing with conflict. It can be taken marrying into an existing household of a few small children to aid this only boy or girl arrive at phrases with conflict.
It's taken me three a long time of residing in my spouse and children to realise It really is doable to co-exist in conflict and never get Individually included. But it really wasn't a simple lesson to discover, I'm able to show you!
But staying a phase-father to teenage children has served me learn the value of bringing conflicts and resentments for the surface in which they may be much more conveniently managed.
Your workforce is likely to be harbouring magic formula resentments of you, and Unless of course you find out the things they are, provide these 'dark secrets' out into the light of working day, you are never heading to be able to successfully deal with them.
It is embarrassing, perhaps humiliating and requires a potent degree of patience never to start straight into a defensive mode, but supplying folks the opportunity to Specific their concerns, disappointments and anger, facial area-to-encounter, provides you with incredible chance to put things ideal, or aid them see the place their ideas and thoughts are misplaced.
seven. Collaborating with Some others as an alternative to executing issues by you
I'm a shocker at this, but Studying to delegate and share has actually been instrumental in escalating my own small business.
The quickest means of burying oneself in excess depth and workload would be to attempt to do all the things by yourself. Yet sharing the workload may be the smartest point you might at any time do. This is why:
Leverage is using your techniques and talents and permitting Some others to Enlarge your do the job potential. You educate them to perform That which you do and you also do something else.
A person bricklayer can only lay a certain range of bricks in an hour, but that very same bricklayer can teach fifteen mates to put bricks and instantly Individuals 15 bricklayers are setting up monuments even though the first bricklayer is out securing extra perform for them.
Whilst the 15 are laying bricks, the initial bricklayer could be Studying ways to perform Sophisticated bricklaying, or master gross sales tactics, or understand supervision expertise.
The lesson is easy: attempt to do everything oneself along with the 'all' will bury mencarimainan you; train Some others to complete what you do so you develop a monument.
Jesus taught eleven Adult males the way to do what he did. Then he left them to hold on although he moved on to other issues. From The straightforward act of 1 gentleman educating 11 others, a church and the largest, most influential religious movement the planet has at any time recognized was born.
eight. Shifting gears when associations are unproductive
At times you must stroll absent. At times you must jettison unhealthy cargo. And at times you need to consider drastic steps to get back balance and momentum.
'Shifting gears' is often as simple as modifying the location of your respective supervision Assembly from the dark Business office to a close-by cafe. In some cases it may be transferring the Assembly from straight soon after lunch to very first thing up coming early morning, when clearer heads could possibly prevail.
From time to time it may possibly imply growing the level of assertiveness so as to ensure the place you're making is remaining obtained. At times it'd signify bringing Other people in the Conference to ensure the other man or woman understands the implications of their attitudes or actions.
And from time to time it could possibly suggest assisting them locate a much more meaningful and enjoyable purpose beyond your sphere of influence.
To be a management psychologist I Plainly remember 1 organisation I consulted to: the only way away from a staff members deadlock was to remove the impediments to development. Which intended supporting essential protagonists obtain new work beyond the organisation. From time to time society adjust can only be effected in a quick way by bringing in a whole new crew and throwing absent the lifeless Wooden. But only as a last vacation resort.
The full idea of being men and women skilled is recognizing or locating tips on how to provide out the most effective in Other folks in any situation, as an alternative to their worst. By mastering these eight critical individuals competencies you substantially raise your chances of obtaining the best results out of your interactions and business problems.
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