#beverly wooten
texancomics · 4 years
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The daily stars front page covers the Perry house story but since the Harkles are privacy loving the blacken their faces and never use their names in the story. Total snark. Shows them for the ridiculous hypocrites they are. Dan Wooten is loving it. Not a peep from Harry on VE day. Think he'd at least have put out a message of solidarity. He has a guy at BP handling communications. There are no more bridges left for Harry to burn. He got them all.
LOL. It’s ridiculous because the Tyler Perry story was pushed by all her pr outlets.
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They’re not even renting, they are “house guests.” It’s a freebie in exchange for publicity and that’s why her pr is pushing the story.
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It’s crazy how I overestimate her at every turn. I figured they would get a freebie, but I thought they’d be in one of the Hess Malibu houses. Instead, they are couch surfing with a friend of a friend in some obscure Beverly Hills villa from the 200s. LOL, at least she now has the right platform for a my dream reality show. Bravo needs to sign up Fergie and Tessy and make “Royal Housewives of Beverly Hills.”
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conartecomunica · 7 years
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Maimouna Youssef y Amigos darán Concierto en La Nana, Fábrica de Creación e Innovación
** El sábado 21 de septiembre, impartirá una Clase Magistral para músicos, a las 15:30 horas y a las 19:00 horas dará un Concierto de Hip Hop en el espacio de la Colonia Guerrero, mismo que abrirá Ehya Disonante, Ensamble de La Nana. Ambas actividades son gratuitas            
 El Consorcio Internacional Arte y Escuela A.C. (ConArte),  se honra en recibir a la cantante y compositora estadounidense Maimouna Youssef aka Mumu Fresh, quien ha causado sensación en la escena musical independiente como solista. Desde que recibió una nominación a los Premios Grammy por su participación como cantante en el éxito musical “Don’t Feel Right” de The Roots en 2007, Maimouna Youssef ha asombrado al mundo con su calidad vocal y su personalísima forma de interpretar el Hip Hop.  
El próximo sábado 21 de octubre, a las 15:30 horas,  Maimouna Youssef aka Mumu Fresh impartirá una Clase Magistral dirigida a profesionales y estudiantes de música. El acceso es gratuito, basta con inscribirse en los teléfonos 5518 5424 y 5518 7841, Exts. 112 y 115. Y a las 19:00 horas del mismo día, se llevará a cabo un Gran Concierto de Hip Hop: Maimouna Youssef and friends, en el que participarán, además de la cantante, A. D. Harmon, Eric Parker, Jabari Exum y John Pollard. Abrirá el concierto Ehya Disonante, Ensamble de La Nana, bajo la dirección de Enrique Jiménez y Antonio Basurto. La entrada es libre y ambas actividades se llevarán a cabo en La Nana (Segundo Callejón San Juan de Dios Núm. 25, Col. Guerrero).
La Embajada de Estados Unidos hace posible la llegada de Maimouna Youssef  a México, gracias a la Oficina de Asuntos Educativos y Culturales del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos,  que se ha asociado con American Voices para colaborar, a través del programa American Music Abroad (AMA).  AMA se basa en el legado histórico de los embajadores del jazz del Departamento de Estado, que viajaron por primera vez por el mundo durante la década de 1950, para establecer lazos a través de la música. Los grupos de AMA llevan a cabo conciertos públicos, actuaciones colaborativas con músicos locales, conferencias con demostraciones, talleres y encuentros informales de improvisación musical con estudiantes y asistentes. Los grupos de la American Music Abroad han actuado ante públicos de  42 países y se seleccionan de acuerdo con la calidad artística y al compromiso educativo y cultural.
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MAIMOUNA YOUSSEF Maimouna ha sacudido los escenarios de muchos lugares de renombre como Denver, el Red Rocks Amphitheater de Colorado, el legendario Carnegie Hall de Nueva York, el Radio City Music Hall, el Kennedy Center y el Carter Barron Amphitheater de Washington D. C., así como festivales nacionales e internacionales y escenarios como el Montreux Jazz Festival de Suiza; el Cape Town Jazz Festival de Sudáfrica; el legendario New Africa Shrine de Lagos, Nigeria; el Art of Cool Festival de Durham, CN; el Capital Jazz Cruise, el Grammy Festival At Sea y el Beverly Bond’s Black Girls Rock. En 2016 fue elegida para ejercer el cargo de gobernadora en la sede de Washington D. C. de la junta de la Academia Nacional de Artes y Ciencias de la Grabación.
 Lanzó su primer EP en solitario: “Black Magic Woman”, de manera independiente, en marzo de 2011, y su muy esperado y ampliamente elogiado primer álbum en solitario, “The Blooming”, en septiembre del mismo año. En el proyecto de Maimouna de 2014, “The Reintroduction of Mumu Fresh”, se pudieron ver sus grandes habilidades de rima como maestra de ceremonias y su gran compromiso por ofrecer una visión equilibrada sobre temas actuales de índole social, racial, política, de género y de clase social. Maimouna tiene tres proyectos programados que saldrán a la luz a lo largo del 2017.
Youssef no es solo la típica artista, promueve talleres en conferencias e instituciones de aprendizaje para los jóvenes sobre diversos temas como la justicia social a través del arte, la educación innovadora, la técnica vocal, el entrenamiento del oído y la composición de música para que cada uno encuentre su propio sonido único. En noviembre de 2011, la organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Washington D. C., One Common Unity, otorgó a Maimouna el título de “Artista del año” por su dedicación y compromiso con el empoderamiento de los jóvenes con pocos recursos. La actuación en directo de Maimouna te lleva por un emocionante paseo a través de sus muchas influencias musicales, abarcando los lejanos rincones del rock, el jazz, el soul vintage y acústico, el R&B y el duro hip hop. Ya sea acompañada sólo por voces o por su banda, su encanto magnético, su presencia electrizante en escena y su estilo vocal único demuestran que tiene el tesón de una estrella y seguro que convertirá a cualquier no creyente en creyente.
La muy solicitada vocalista de apoyo profesional, Amber “A. D.” Harmon obtuvo el título de licenciada en Música por la Universidad de Talladega en 2008 y el título de máster en interpretación de música por la histórica Universidad Estatal de Morgan en 2011. Desde entonces, ha estado viajando a nivel nacional e internacional junto con grandes artistas como Vashawn Mitchell, Regina Bell, Maysa, Maimouna Youssef y Jason Nelson. Ha viajado como vocalista de apoyo a países como Sudáfrica, China, Canadá, Columbia, Sudamérica y Países Bajos. Algunos de los escenarios de festivales que ha pisado son el “Art OF Cool festival” y el “African American Jazz festival”, en Carolina del Norte, el “Capital Jazz Festival” en Washington D. C. y el “Capital Jazz Super Cruise” con el que recorrió las islas del Caribe.
A. D. Harmon es vocalmente versátil y se adapta rápidamente a nuevos estilos y géneros. Harmon tiene amplios conocimientos sobre la teoría de la música y es una rica fuente de conocimiento musical que espera ser compartido.
La discografía de Harmon grabada en un estudio de grabación incluye coros en los álbumes “Secret Place” de Vashawn Mitchell, “Tell the world” de Amos Saint-Jean, “Don’t let go” y “Incredible” de Gerald Scott y “Soundz of Afrika” de Sonnie Badu.
Aparte de sus esfuerzos musicales, Amber estudió cursos de nivel Avanzado de español de noveno curso hasta su primer año de universidad en Talladega. Se siente cómoda cantando en español, así como en otras lenguas como el lakota, el portugués y el zulú.
ERIC PARKER En 1999, Eric fundó su propia editorial, E-Styles Publishing. En 2002, compuso y produjo “Will You Stick With Me”, primer sencillo incluido en el primer álbum de Mike Phillips “You Have Reached Mike Phillips” (Hidden Beach/Sony Records). Eric es el director musical de Mike Phillips y continúa haciendo giras con él en diferentes partes del país, durante todo el año.
 Eric Parker ha sido teclista de artistas legendarios como Stevie Wonder, George Duke, Lalah Hathaway, Keri Hilson, Chrisette Michelle, así como de otros artistas conocidos del Jazz, Gospel, R&B, Soul y Hip Hop. Eric formó parte también de la banda de los premios Soul Train Music Awards durante dos años consecutivos a partir de 2010.
En 2010, Eric pasó a formar parte de Spur of the Moment, una banda de smooth jazz y R&B éxito de ventas en la que lleva más de 20 años. El nuevo CD de Spur está programado para que salga a la luz en marzo de este año. La canción titulada “N 2 Deep” aparecerá en una película que se estrenará a finales de 2014. Spur of the Moment ha sido la “superbanda” de la casa durante los últimos 8 años en el Capital Jazz Cruise, que zarpa anualmente en otoño.
Cuando Eric no está de gira trabajando con otro artista, está en el estudio componiendo canciones y música para su propio proyecto. Así que como puedes ver, estamos hablando de un artista extraordinariamente talentoso y profesional, que solo ha empezado a mostrar la punta del iceberg de su promesa musical.
JABARI EXUM Jabari “Factor-X” Exum  es un cantante impresionante nacido y criado en Washington D. C. Es un experto percusionista en la tradición latina y de África Occidental y es un prolífico compositor y artista de hip-hop. Desde 1997, Jabari ha sido también un artista pionero de un movimiento llamado, “Hip-Hop Theater”. La manera que tiene Jabari de hacer las cosas es única y poco convencional, ya que es capaz de sacar influencias de muchas fuentes diferentes. Ha estado actuando, tocando la percusión y rapeando desde que tenía dos años y ha sido bendecido con la oportunidad de ser asesorado por algunos de los grandes de muchos campos del estudio creativo. Algunos de sus mentores han sido Debbie Allen Chadwick Boseman, Reggie & Roy Wooten, Mamady Keita, Grady Tate, Djimo Kouyate, KRSOne, Sonya Sanchez, Glen Turner, Chucky Thompson, Bill Summers Leon Mobley, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Robert Nothern, Mamadi Nyasuma, Baba Barnett y Marc Cary.
Actualmente, el Sr. Exum es miembro del dúo de hip-hop “Hueman Prophets” (Estados Unidos); Farafina Kan (orquesta de percusión del África Occidental) (Estados Unidos); HHP (pioneros del hip´-hop de Sudáfrica) (SA); y SAHEL (conjunto de música del mundo). Es profesor de percusión, mentor de escritura y músico y compositor a tiempo completo. Ha trabajado con artistas como Chadwick Boseman, Raheem DeVaughn Nova Nelson, Dr. Cornel West & The Cornel West Theory, Larry Mitchell, Tarus Mateen, Mark Cary, Maimouna Youssef, Carolyn Malachi, Dawn Avery, Federico Pena, Weedie Braimah, Michael Bowie y Ayanna Gregory. Es el creador de la Underground Mobile Store, “Congo Square” (diseñada para aumentar la accesibilidad de artistas positivos e independientes de todas partes del mundo). Es un producto de orgullo tanto del programa de música de la Howard University como de la Duke Ellington School of the Arts.
JOHN POLLARD John Pollard nació el 28 de octubre de 1975 en Philadelphia, PA y es hijo del Rev. y la Sra. James A. Pollard. John se graduó según el sistema escolar del distrito de Lower Merion y fue a la Howard University de Washington D. C., en la que obtuvo un título de grado y de máster en Educación Musical. John ha sido profesor, intérprete y productor musical durante más de 20 años y padre orgulloso. Planea continuar con su legado de actuar y enseñar música durante muchos años.
En La Nana, Fábrica de Creación e Innovación, ConArte trabaja por los derechos culturales de los niños, niñas, jóvenes y adultos. Aquí también formamos maestros, brindamos educación en artes en las escuelas y hacemos comunidad.
ConArte cuenta con un laboratorio metodológico y pedagógico, ubicado en La Nana, Fábrica de Creación e Innovación, su sede y centro formativo, donde se exploran nuevas prácticas educativas, se forma a maestros de aula, artistas y comunidades urbanas. Ahí se trabaja también en torno a nuevas prácticas comunitarias y por la recuperación del entorno urbano. De esta forma, existe un intenso diálogo entre escuelas, diversas comunidades y La Nana, espacio donde se transmiten las metodologías ConArte.
Ehya Disonante es el resultado de la convocatoria que ConArte hizo en 2016 a jóvenes, adolescentes y adultos para crear un colectivo donde la música fuera explorada desde la diversidad y la convivencia, con el sello propio de ConArte.
Su nombre evoca el impulso que los nutre al tocar la música, pues “Ehya” proviene de la palabra Ñañu (conocido como Otomí) que significa “alegría”.
Ehya Disonante, Ensamble de La Nana, integra a 16 ejecutantes de diversos instrumentos, los cuales oscilan entre los 15 y 64 años, bajo la dirección de Enrique Jiménez y Antonio Basurto, artistas y formadores de ConArte.
Ehya Disonante está Integrado por: Liliana Islas Flores, Roberto González López, Anel Cristina Zenteno ilchis, Antonio Álvarez Pineda, César Daniel López García, Diego Jiménez García, José Gilberto Hernández Dorantes, Jesús Elser Alfaro Sánchez, José Luis Ramírez Rosano, Miguel Ángel Villanueva Aguilar, Oscar Daniel Pompa Chávez, Perla Hernández Cortés, Yurenka Hernández Vazquez, Jimena García Martínez, Rodolfo Tonatiuh Zamarrón Mosqueda, Nahielly Acevedo Martínez. Bajo la dirección artística de Enrique Jiménez y Antonio Basurto.
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Nov. 6, 2019: Obituaries
James Bowman, 92
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Mr. James Fred Bowman, 92, of Burlington passed away at the Presbyterian Home of Hawfields on Thursday, October 31, 2019. A native of Guilford County, Mr. Bowman was the husband of the late Dr. Betty Lynch Bowman and son of the late William Daniel Bowman and Nannie Neese Bowman. In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by a son, Dr. Zebulon L. Bowman and daughter, Freda Bowman Black; three sisters, Minnie Bowman Windham, Verda Bowman Euliss, Mada Bowman Brown; two brothers, W.O. Bowman and Joe Bowman; two half brothers, Bozie Bowman and Willard Bowman; and one half sister, Vallie Bowman Hudson.
Mr. Bowman is survived by his children; Dr. Tom Bowman and his wife, Dr. Karolen Bowman, of North Wilkesboro; Nan Bowman Wooten and her husband, Steve Wooten, of Guilford County; 11 grandchildren, Dr. John Daniel Bowman, Dr. David Neil Bowman, Paul Thomas Bowman, Kathren Bowman Lundy, Daniel Jefferson Bowman, Michael Jameson Bowman, Joshua Steven Wooten, Maria Dee Wooten, Elizabeth Kaye Wooten, Jordan Leigh Black and Jeanette Bowman Black and 5 great-grandchildren,  Deborah, Abigail, Elijah and Caleb Bowman, and Flynn Lundy.
Mr. Bowman graduated from Nathaniel Greene High School in Guilford County in 1944. He received Bachelor of Arts Degrees from Elon College in 1951 and 1959, majoring in Physics, Mathematics, and Business Administration, and a Masters in Science Degree from Duke University in 1967, majoring in Electrical Engineering. He completed certification in Mechanical Engineering in 1954 and certification by the North Carolina Board of Registration for Engineers and Land Surveyors as a Professional Engineer in 1963.
Mr. Bowman began a career of over 30 years with Western Electric in 1952, where he worked as a Senior Engineer. His work included management and design of government projects as well as communications.
Mr. Bowman believed strongly in service to his community. He was active in local politics his entire life. He served as Precinct Chairman of the Alamance County Democratic Party as well as served on numerous committees within that organization. He was elected for five consecutive terms to serve the citizens of Alamance, Rockingham and Stokes counties as a Legislator in the North Carolina House of Representatives. He served as an elected member of the Alamance County Soil and Water Board for 24 years prior to his passing. Mr. Bowman was an active member of the Burlington Civitans Club from 1978 until his death, serving on many committees and serving as President 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. He had over 22 years of Perfect Attendance with the Burlington Civitans and was active in all Civitan community projects. He also served on the Advisory Committee of The Salvation Army of Alamance County. Mr. Bowman was an avid gardener and loved to fish.
Mr. Bowman was a man of strong faith. He was a member of Beverly Hills United Church of Christ in Burlington for over 70 years, where he served as a Sunday School teacher for over 60 years, Chairman of Board of Trustees and Finance Committee and was very active in Men's Fellowship.
The family  received friends  November 4,   at Rich and Thompson Funeral and Cremation Service in Burlington,  followed by a   graveside service at Magnolia Cemetery in Elon, NC. Officiating was  the Rev. Norman Whitney and the Rev. Jim Mitchell.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Burlington Civitan Club, PO Box 568, Burlington NC 27216.
Charlotte Hill, 58
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Mrs. Charlotte Louise Hill, 58, of Moravian Falls, passed away on Sunday, November 3, 2019.
Charlotte was born on Sunday, September 10, 1961 in Wilkes County to Dwight Staley and Annie Mae Harris Staley.
Charlotte is preceded in death by her parents and husbands, Lester Jack Eller and David Wayne Hill.
Charlotte is survived by her sisters, Judy Cockerham (Paul) of Tobaccoville, Mary Jane Porter (Jerry) of Laurel Springs, Sharon Mathis (Monty) of North Wilkesboro; brother, Donnie Staley of Wilkesboro and many nieces and nephews.  
Visitation will be held at Shady Grove Baptist Church, Wednesday November 6, 2019 1:00-1:45,   Funeral Service will be at 2 p.m. at Shady Grove Baptist Church. Burial will follow the funeral in the church cemetery
Pastor Tom Moore and Rev. Monty Mathis will be officiating.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes P.O. Box 396 Moravian Falls, NC 28654.  The Family requests no food.
Condolences may be sent to:  www.adamsfunerals.com
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Hill Family.
  Dare Shumate, 76
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Dare Ann Shumate, age 76, of North Wilkesboro, NC, went to her heavenly home, Saturday, November 2, 2019. She was born January 28, 1943 in Surry County to Carl and Flossie Mae Myers Harris. Dare was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church on LuRay Road; she believed in God and loved Him very much. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Her passion was cooking for her family. Dare was preceded in death by her parents; and a brother, Donald "Bud" Harris.
Surviving are her husband, Jerry Lewis Shumate; daughter, Sharon Call and spouse Steve of North Wilkesboro, NC; sons, L. Allen Shumate and spouse Phyllis of Clayton, NC, Jerry Wayne Shumate and spouse Melinda of Galax, VA; sisters, Ila Mae Combs, Rosa Lee Holbrook both of Ronda, NC; brother, Jimmy Dale Harris and spouse Carol of Devils Lake, ND; grandchildren, W. Christopher Call and spouse Tiffiny of Hays, NC, Kayla Shumate and spouse Timothy Rodriguez of Nashville, TN, Jonathan Call and spouse Chelsi of Huntersville, NC, Ryan Shumate of Morrisville, NC, Paige Watson and spouse Anthony of Galax, VA, Bradley Shumate of Clayton, NC, Lauren Shumate of Galax, VA; great grandchildren, Carson Call, Camren Call and Caden Call.
Funeral service was November 5,   at Mt. Zion Baptist Church on LuRay Road with Pastor Kent Wood officiating. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mt. Zion Baptist Church, PO Box 1603, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Wanda Shew, 69
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Mrs. Wanda Ferguson Shew, age 69 of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, November 2, 2019 at Kate B. Reynolds Hospice Home in Winston-Salem.
Funeral services will be held 2:30 PM Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. David Wellborn, Rev. Kenneth Griffin and Rev. James Ferguson officiating.  Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens.  
Mrs. Shew was born January 6, 1950 in Bramwell, WV to John Henry and Eleanor Jane Carlton Ferguson.  She retired from Wilkes Vocational Center and was a member of Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church.  
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by five brothers; SFC Edwin Ferguson, John Henry Ferguson, Jr., Julius Jerome Ferguson, James William Ferguson and Baby Boy Ferguson and five sisters; Arbdella Dula, Brenda Barnes, Naomi Jones, Esther Hailey and Gwendola Ferguson.
She is survived by her husband Walter Shew of the home, one daughter; Jessica Lomeli of Wilkesboro, two loving sons; Leander Ferguson of Wilkesboro and Kenneth Carlton of Georgia, three loving step-sons; Michael Shew, Jeff Shew and Timothy Shew all of Wilkesboro, special friend; "Daddy" Warren Brown, three sisters; Barbara McVay and Jeanette Lomeli both of Wilkesboro and Evangelist Carline Horton of Lenoir and two brothers; Minister Arthur Ferguson and wife Elizabeth of North Wilkesboro and Joseph Ferguson and wife Liza of Wilkesboro and a host of nieces and nephews.
Flowers will be accepted.
Helen Walsh, 93
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Mrs. Helen Bumgarner Walsh, age 93 of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, November 2, 2019 at her home.
Funeral services were November 5,   at Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Reach Center with Rev. Kevin Brown officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. Walsh was born June 15, 1926 in Wilkes County to William Isaac and Mamie McNeil Bumgarner.  She was a member of Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church.  
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband; Ernest Clay Walsh, two daughters; Elaine Walsh and Melanie Lynn Walsh, three sisters and one brother.
She is survived by two sons; Jeff Walsh and wife Gail and Mike Walsh and wife Carol all of Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Nicole Walsh Vidrine and husband Lorne, Joshua Clay Walsh and wife Caroline, Luke Michael Walsh and wife Megan and Mathew Millner, three great grandchildren; Ryder Lane Walsh, River Knox Walsh and Ezekiel Justice Walsh.
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Care At-Home Hospice, Suite 110, 126 Executive Drive, Wilkesboro, NC or, Ebenezer Christian Children's Home, PO Box 2777, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Bobby Marley, 72
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Bobby Dean Marley, age 72, of Ferguson, passed away Friday, November 1, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. He was born March 11, 1947 in Wilkes County to Woodrow Wilson and Elizabeth Hamby Marley. Mr. Marley was a member of Full Gospel Tabernacle. He enjoyed the outdoors. Bobby was a loving husband, being with people, his family, son and grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Junior Marley, Billy Joe Marley, Robert Lee Marley, Franklin Dee Marley and Tommy Marley; and sister, Anna Sue Marley.
Surviving are his wife, Louella Hamby Marley; son, Michael Dean Marley of Ferguson; grandchildren, Amanda Lynn Laws and spouse Jeremiah of Ferguson, Matthew Gene Greene of Boomer; great grandchildren, Michael Griffith, Emma Laws, Josie Laws; brothers, Richard Marley, Clayton Marley, Grover Marley all of Ferguson, Boyd Marley of Granite Falls; sisters, Nina Mae Beavers of Ferguson and Ethel Greene and spouse Danel of Lenoir.
Funeral service was held  November 3,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Cecil Hamby and Sister Vera Watson officiating. Burial was in Full Gospel Tabernacle Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Billy Griffin, 68
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Mr. Billy 'Bill" Martin Griffin, age 68, of Millers Creek, passed away Friday, November 1, 2019 at Accordius Health Care.
He was born January 26, 1951 in Wilkes County, to the late Howard Martin Griffin and Martha Wilma Jones Griffin.  
Bill was a member of Vision Baptist Church.
Including his parents, he was preceded in death by: his wife, Linda Gail Griffin; sister, Katie Griffin and brother, Roy Griffin.
Those left to cherish and honor his memory include: sisters, Georgia Griffin Sheets (Johnny), Bonnie Griffin Perez; brother, Jackie Griffin( Michelle), John Griffin (Glenda), all of Millers Creek, Lewis Griffin of McGrady, and Mark Enos of Charlotte.
The funeral service was November 5,  at Vision Baptist Church.  Pastor Joel Gray  officiated. Burial was in the Griffin Family Cemetery on Shoe Road in Millers Creek.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in Billy's memory to Mountain Valley Hospice, 401 Technology lane, Suite 2001, Mount Airy, NC 27030 or Medi Home  Health Agency, 180 W. Main Street, Taylorsville, NC 28681.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes and cremation services is honored to be serving the Griffin Family.
  Lloyd Burgess, Sr. 70
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Mr. Lloyd Harold Burgess, Sr. age 70, of North Wilkesboro, husband of Jessie Nichols Burgess, died Thursday, October 31, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
Graveside services were November 5,  at Congo Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery with Rev. Scott Wagoner and Rev. Thomas Bumgarner officiating.    
Mr. Burgess was born July 14, 1949 in Iredell County to Ivory Conrad and Donnie Vee Church Burgess.  He worked for Terry Huffman Logging as a driver.
He was preceded in death by his father and mother. .
He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Jessie Nichols Burgess, of the home; three sons, Lloyd Harold Burgess, Jr. of North Wilkesboro, Charles Eugene Burgess and wife, Kimberly, of Pisgah Forest, and Eric Andrew Burgess of North Wilkesboro; six grandchildren, Wesley Charles Burgess and wife, Theresia, Miranda Nicole Burgess, Kasey DeAnn Burgess, Joshua Ryan Burgess, Megan Elizabeth Burgess, and Erica Mitchell and husband, Justin; four great-grandchildren, Leah Mae Shew, Ryan Lee Burgess, Gavin Rylee McKinnley Mongold, and Justin Junior Tyler Mitchell; three sisters, Glenda Hargett and husband, Jerry, of Purlear, Cynthia Jones of Moravian Falls, and Gloria Jean Medlin and husband, Paul, of Kinley; two brothers, A.C. Burgess and wife, Edith, of Wilkesboro, and Buddy Burgess and wife, Jan, of North Wilkesboro; and many precious nieces and nephews.  
Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 9, North Wilkesboro NC 28659 or the donor's choice.
 Ruth Royal 92
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Mrs. Ruth Inez Huffman Royal age 92 of Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, October 31, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.
Funeral services were November 4,   at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Eddie Tharpe officiating. Burial was in Mountlawn Memorial Park.
Mrs. Royal was born December 27, 1926 in Wilkes County to Minnie Huffman. She was a homemaker and a member of Stony Hill Baptist Church.
In addition to her mother, she was preceded in death by her husband; Paul Worth Royal, brother and sister in law; Herman Huffman and Ann Yates.
She is survived by two daughters; Shirley Royal Pennington and husband, Paul of North Wilkesboro and Judy Royal Johnson and husband, Rex of North Wilkesboro, a son; David Paul Royal and wife, Sharon of North Wilkesboro, five grandchildren; Tim Pennington, Paula Inman, Beth McNeill, Brian Johnson and Jennifer Childress, thirteen great grandchildren and three great great grandchildren, two brothers; Ernest Junior Yates of Wilkesboro and Hobert and wife, Diane Yates of Purlear and sister in law; Betty Huffman.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Donor's Choice.
 Doris Wagoner, 80
Doris Aldean Wagoner, 80, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, October 30, 2019, at Forsyth Medical Center.
The family will conduct a service in Pennsylvania at a later date.
  Robert Pless, Sr. 85
Robert  Pless, Sr. 85 Mr. Robert Eugene Pless, Sr. age 85 of Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, October 30. 2019 at his home.
Private Graveside services will be held.
Mr. Pless was born August 24, 1934 in Houston, TX to Roy Lamar Pless and Helen Pugh Pless. Robert served his country in the United States Navy during the Korean War. He was retired from the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother; Francis Pless.
He is survived by three sons; Robert Pless, Jr. and wife Glenda of North Wilkesboro, Glenn Pless of Wilkesboro and Stephen Pless and wife Denise of Montrose, IL, five grandchildren; Ian Chandler Pless, Alex Ryan Pless, Amy Lauren Speer, Jessica Renee Connor and Katelyn Marie Stancil, four great grandchildren: Marleigh Jo Connor, Magnolia May Connor, Harper Grace Stancil and Owen Andrew Speer and a brother; Dr. Charles Pless of Knoxville, TN.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Wake Forest Care at Home Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
 Edith Sidden, 66   
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Edith Sidden, 66    Miss Edith "Gaye" Sidden age 66 of Winston Salem, passed away Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center.
Funeral services were November 2, 2019 at Old Roaring River Baptist Church with Mr. Jerry Sidden officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Miss Sidden was born August 27, 1953 in Surry County to Cyrus Columbus Sidden and Wilma Edna Hicks Sidden. She retired from Novant Health as a Medical Transcriber. Miss Sidden was a member of New Friendship Baptist Church in Winston Salem.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
Miss Sidden is survived by two sisters; Janet Moser and husband Ken of Rural Hall and Cheryl Rogers and husband Terry of Lantana, TX.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Old Roaring River Baptist Church Cemetery Fund 11156 Longbottom Road, Traphill, NC 28685.
 Lloyd Castle, 85
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Mr. Lloyd Edward Castle, age 85 of Wilkesboro passed away Monday, October 28, 2019 at Mtn. Valley Hospice Home in Yadkinville.
Funeral services were October 31,   at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Dean Crane officiating.  Burial with Military Honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 was in Walnut Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Moravian Falls.  
Mr. Castle was born December 2, 1933 in Wilkes County to Wade and Mattie Leigh Laws Castle.  He retired from Gardner Mirror and was a member of Cub Creek Baptist Church.  He enjoyed everything outdoors and always had a task that needed to be done around the house. Monday was Cow Sale day and visiting with old friends.  He served in the United States Army and received the Defense Service Metal and completed 8 years in the Army Reserve.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a granddaughter; Amanda Castle, a sister; Gladys Castle and a brother; Ward Castle.
He is survived by his wife; Loriene Eller Castle of the home, two daughters; Sherry Vogel and husband Mike of Spartanburg, SC. and Terry Castle of Wilkesboro, one son; Jerry Castle and wife Lisa of Moravian Falls, six grandchildren; Daniel Castle and wife Kristen, Beth Ellis and husband Dillon, Amy Helms and husband Adam, Andrew Castle and wife Makayla, Justin Vogel and wife Emily and Dustin Castle, six great grandchildren; Katy Castle, Brian Vogel, Easton Ellis, Karson Ellis, Natalie Castle and Audrey Helms, four sisters; Mary Mash and husband Jim of Wilkesboro, Evelyn Anderson and husband Turner of North Wilkesboro, Grace James and Ann Bishop both of Wilkesboro and one brother; David Castle of Moravian Falls.
Pallbearers; Daniel Castle, Justin Vogel, Andrew Castle, Dennis Bishop, Christopher Bishop, Dillon Ellis, Johnathan Davis and Tommy Eller, Honorary Pallbearers; SGT Adam Helms and Chris Eller.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mtn. Valley Hospice, 401 Technology Lane, Suite 200, Mt. Airy, NC 27030.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
    Veva McClane
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Mrs. Veva McClane of Ferguson passed away Monday, October 28, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.  
Private Graveside services will be held.  
Mrs. McClane was born in Wilkes County to Dallas M. and Katrina Eller Triplett.  She was a member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Ferguson.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death her husband; Ellsworth (Mac) McClane, a sister; Inez Caudill and a brother; Vernon Triplett.
She is survived by a son; Dr. William E. McClane of Marietta, GA, two grandchildren; Laura McClane of Washington, DC and Lindsay McClane of Paris, France and one sister; Iva Peak of Mint Hill, NC
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Mt. Zion Baptist Church, PO Box 7, Ferguson, NC 28624.
 Lula Spicer
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Our loved mother, Ms. Lula Blanche Spicer, departed this life on October 21, 2019 at the golden age of 97. She was born on February 19, 1922 to the late Cleave and Maggie Spicer of Traphill, North Carolina.
Due to the challenging life that Ms. Spicer lived, she was only able to complete the 7th grade, but her life experiences and faith in God allowed her to live a comfortable, yet humble life.  As a single parent, she raised two successful daughters, Joann and Diane. She worked as a domestic in many homes in the Elkin area; however, during a period of over fifty years, she worked in the home of Robert and Elizabeth Lankford, where she established a very special bond with their three sons, a bond that lasted a lifetime. She was a member of Sandy Creek Baptist Church whereas she served for many years as Mother and missionary.
Blanche, as she was affectionately known, enjoyed cooking, sewing, baking, cleaning and spending time with her family and friends, who raved over the special meals she prepared for them: country ham biscuits, southern fried chicken, pound cake, cinnamon buns, and lemon meringue and coconut pies. The constant sparkle in her eyes was even brighter as compliments flowed from the mouths of many.  
After living with her sister Mabel for several years, she relocated to Lansing, Michigan, where she attended Abundant Grace Faith Church under the leadership of Pastor Louis Dixon and Pastor Pamela Dixon. Her final move was made to Copperas Cove, Texas where she attended Christian House of Prayer under the leadership of Bishop Nathaniel Holcomb (deceased) and Pastor Valerie Holcomb. Lula Blanche Spicer spent her final days with her two daughters, two grandchildren and their dogs: Jay, Carmel (deceased) and Que (deceased).  
       Ms. Spicer leaves to mourn: two daughters, Maggie Joann Reynolds (Retired Sergeant First Class Dennis C. Reynolds/Deceased) of Copperas Cove, Texas and Cynthia Diane Spicer formerly  of Lansing, Michigan; two grandchildren, Tamika L. Reynolds of Killeen, Texas and Dennis T. Reynolds (Todd) of Dallas, Texas; three God given sons, Bobby Lankford of Elkin, North Carolina, Barry Lankford (Becky) of Greensboro, North Carolina, John Lankford (Linda) of Raleigh,  North Carolina; two God given grandchildren, Molly Lankford Campbell, Barbara Lankford Rogers and a plethora of nieces, nephews, special cousins and friends.  
She was preceded in death by her parents, siblings: Hebert Simpson (Eleanor), Arnold Simpson
(Martha), Turner Simpson, Verna Spicer Harris (Millard Sr.), Alton Spicer, Grady Spicer (Ella), Lillie Spicer Dalton (Hillary), Sam Spicer, Baby Girl (Deceased at Birth), Mabel Spicer, and her favorite son-in-law, Dennis Clay Reynolds. Ms. Spicer was the last of her siblings to be called home to glory.
Homegoing services were November 3rd,  at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home Chapel in North Wilkesboro, NC with Reverend Millard Harris, Jr. and Minister William R. Clement officiating. Interment will be in Sandy Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, 9054 Traphill Road, Traphill,  NC        
 Linda Canter, 72
Linda B. Canter, age 72, widow of James F. Canter,
Jr, passed away at home peacefully on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019.
She was born Nov. 21, 1946, in Greensboro, NC, to Paul McClee Blackburn and Geniveive Vivian (Sparks) Blackburn.
She was the co-owner of Time Testers of Elkin, NC. She was a devoted wife and mother, a loving grandmother and great-grandmother.
She is survived by her daughter; Mary
LaVonne Canter Warder and husband James (Jimmy), of Mechanicsville, MD, three grandchildren; four great grandchildren; and one brother.
A graveside service was held  Nov. 3,  at 2 at White Plains Baptist Church Cemetery with Pastor William Souther officiating.
Flowers will accepted or memorials may be made to donor's choice.
  Clarence Boyd, 66
Mr. Clarence Wayne Boyd, age 66, of Wilkesboro stepped into the light and God's loving arms on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at Duke University Hospital, following complications from double lung transplant surgery.
Memorial services will be held 3:00 pm Sunday, November 10, 2019 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church with the Rev. Kedron Nicholson and the Rev. Ken Asel officiating.  Inurnment will follow in the columbarium.  The family will receive friends at St. Paul's from 1:30 until 2:30 pm in the Commons prior to the service.
A reception will follow in the Parish House.
Wayne was born March 25, 1953 in Eden, North Carolina to Clarence Willard and Margaret Harris Boyd.  He was a graduate of John M. Morehead High School in Eden, North Carolina. He attended North Carolina State University, where he majored in textiles, and was a member of the Glee Club.
He never met a stranger, which served him well in the insurance business for over 40 years, and enabled him to help many people and make numerous lifelong friends.  He was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, where he previously served as Senior Warden of the vestry, and was active in the choir for many years.
His outgoing personality and desire to be of service to others, coupled with his love of sports, allowed him to be a coach and mentor for over twenty years to numerous boys and girls who played soccer in Wilkes County.
He had a tenacious personality, and a never give up attitude which served him well the last years of his life as he dealt with the progression of pulmonary fibrosis disease. He was strong and unwavering in his faith, his love of his family and friends, and his loyalty to the N C State Wolfpack.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by his wife, Beth Mastin Boyd, and one daughter Maggie Boyd, both of the home, one son, Josh Boyd and wife Emily Boyd, of Clayton, NC, and three grandchildren: Henry, Ollie, and Bennett Boyd of Clayton, NC.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Donate Life North Carolina at donatelifenc.org.
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