Looking for women and their stories!!
So this is really weird and I doubt it'll come to anything, but I'm writing a play. It's called "Running". It's a series of monologues about women running to and from each other for various reasons. For example, women of color trying to find camaraderie and sisterhood with white women but being afraid of them/ not understanding how they can work with them. There are experiences I don't have that I want to put into monologue form because I think it'll make the work more compelling as a whole. So, I'm looking for women who are willing to speak to me specifically about their relationship to other women. Right now, I am really looking for transwomen who are willing to talk about that relationship and are willing to help me translate their experiences into monologue form. Other experiences I could definitely use help on include: Being called "bitch" Being "too nice" Outdoorsy women whose femininity is questioned Literally anything, positive or negative, about your relationship to other women I'm willing to send people samples of the monologues just so that you can get an idea of what this play could be, and to show that this is something I'm actually working on. (Also you will get special thanks/contribution credit if you help influence a monologue.) Feel free to comment on this post or message me personally. Also feel free to talk to me if you have questions about the play. Any insight or anecdotes would be greatly appreciated! Just sharing this post can be a big help. Thanks!
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emetophobiahelp · 6 years
Does anyone know if Future Man on hulu is safe?
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slyhterpuff · 6 years
song shuffle tag game :)
tagged by @argentsxarrow, thanks chance!
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire library on shuffle and report the first ten songs that pop up, then choose ten victims.
feelings - hayley kiyoko
natural - imagine dragons
in a week - hozier
i want to break free - queen
easy - commodores
luck - american authors
young volcanoes - fall out boy
figure it out - royal blood
sky full of song - florence and the machine
no good - kaleo
tagging: @asttralhell @brokenchameleoncircuitliving @johnswicks  @readingravenclaw @you-didnt
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affictionatedreams · 10 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers. (Non negotiable)
Okay this is really late, but thank you so much for sending this to me! I almost never get messages on here that aren’t spam, so this means a lot. Now for the list:
1. I am still pretty awkward, but I feel like I’ve come a long way when it comes to self-confidence. I like what I like and who I like and I’m not afraid to admit that it’s who I am anymore. 
2. I have good days and bad days, but for the most part I’ve come to like the way I look, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job of not being swayed by other people’s comments.
3. I’m set in my values. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself and what I want even when it’s against my parents, and I will fight for my family and my friends.
4. I feel like I’m a pretty open person. I used to be pretty judgmental, but I think I’ve come a long way.
5. I’m a passionate person. I feel like it shows in my writing, and I hope that it will help me become a great writer some day.
I’m a work in progress, but I’m getting there, and I think I like the person that I’m becoming. Thank you so much for your message! 
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I've Been Tagged!
Rule 1: Always post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
1) Which characters do you ship the most?
    THE SILENCE Not being successful in life. Not having a job and living homeless and disappointing my friends and family.
  4) What is your favorite song at the moment?
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frenchshark · 11 years
Aww thanks. And I love meeting follow Whovians! You totally get extra cool points
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Check out this thing I'm doing with my roommate. She draws. I write. We're each doing our thing to prompts every day of 2017. This one is probably my best thing I'll ever write. Follow us on Instagram!
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emetophobiahelp · 5 years
Is Netflix's Mowgli safe?
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slyhterpuff · 6 years
music tag game, tagged by @argentsxarrow, thanks sweetie!
rules - we’re snooping upon your playlist. set your entire playlist on shuffle and report the first 10 tracks that pop up and then choose 10(ish) friends
gravel to tempo- hayley kiyoko
i wanna get better - bleachers
know who you are - auli’i cravalho
twist and shout - the beatles
these boots are made for walkin’ - nancy sinatra
into the woods soundtrack
think about it - american authors
thnks fr th mmrs - fall out boy
stand by me - ben e. king
love song - sara bareilles
if you want to do this, feel free <3
@damagedwriter  @brokenchameleoncircuitliving  @lloydoholic  @readingravenclaw @sabacc @skorppan @timelordinaustralia  @undomielle @you-didnt 
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healthyshadeofgreen · 12 years
Hey I'm Kristen I don't know you but I show your post about the Gallifreyan and I thought it was really cool.
Hello, Kristen!
Thank you for your appreciation! I have written your name as a thanks. :)
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slyhterpuff · 7 years
I was tagged by @timelordinaustralia, thanks!!
Rules: Tag ten people you would like to get to know better
How old are you? 24
What’s your current job? i’m a student, but i’ll get my bachelor’s degree in a few months (yikes)
What are you talented at? procrastinating, that’s where my true talent lies
What’s your aesthetic? clear night sky with stars, warm summer rain and bare feet, half crumbled castles and walls near the ocean, movie screenings with an almost empty audience,
Do you collect anything? not really. i mean i buy books more than my bank account would like me to and i own more than two dozen nail polishes, but i don’t intentionally collect anything. i used to collect rocks and minerals when i was a kid cause i was cool back then
What’s a topic you always talk about? politics, tv-shows, human nature, life in general (especially about how i still don’t know where i’m headed and what i want to do blah blah blah - somehow i always end up there pfft)
What’s a pet peeve of yours? general rudeness and thoughtlessness, i guess.
Good advice to give? i really like ‘do no harm but take no shit.’ be kind to people. don’t give up because then you won’t be there to see the change. also brush your goddamn teeth
Three songs you would recommend: well here’s songs i’ve been listening to lately: 1. it’s time by imagine dragons 2. be ok by ingrid michaelson 3. king of anything by sara bareilles  
People I tag: @brcuewyane @brokenchameleoncircuitliving  @leiareys  @ohstarlings  @you-didnt    
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slyhterpuff · 7 years
Things I’m currently in love with
i was tagged by @timelordinaustralia, thank you so much!!
ONE SONG: how far i’ll go by alessia cara (i haven’t even seen moana yet, but i’ve been listening to this a lot)
TWO MOVIES: fantastic beasts and where to find them & the man from u.n.c.l.e.
THREE SHOWS: luke cage, the good wife, & teen wolf
FOUR PEOPLE: fictional, celebrities or just ppl i know? if celebrities, then probably gina rodriguez, carrie fisher, sebastian stan, and chris evans
FIVE FOODS: hummus chips, carrots & dip, milk chocolate, this indian take-out i’ve ordered a few times, chili sin carne with a twist (the twist being that i use whatever ingredients i have lol)
SIX PEOPLE TO TAG: @brokenchameleoncircuitliving @byckybrnes @damagedwriter @lloydoholic @shrlockhlms @queenclintasha
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I made a new writing blog! Come join me over there for some of my writing and general literary shenanigans.
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slyhterpuff · 8 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the inbox of the last 10 people that reblogged from you! Spread happiness xx (But of course if u don't like these sorts of thing there's no pressure at all)
1. Spring!2. People who are open to different opinions and world views3. Hugs4. Cooking in good company5. Today I read this amazing text that dealt with body positivity and different body types and it was so amazingly written that it made me really happy
Thank you, I love getting these! ♥
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i think when they meant 'racist' they meant excluding poc from 'teen culture' or even the 'teen norm' by calling it a 'white girl starter pack.' It seems like just another way to distance poc from what is the 'normal' look for a lot of girls - it casts poc more into the distinction of 'other' when we are seen as not exhibiting these 'normal' looks/activities. i think they were pointing out that poc mostly act like everyone else so stop alienating us from the norm. hope that helped darling :)
That’s a really good point but I’m sure that’s not what she was saying. When she responded it became a discussion about the definition of racism in terms of whether or not white people can receive it. She meant that saying that the “all white girls do this” nature of the starter pack was racist. It is a rude and unfair accusation, but the humiliation that the post could have evoked from white girls does not equate that of sociopolitical oppression of racial minorities. Thanks for being so understanding and respectful :)
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Words cannot describe how much I love Jane Elliot and every trial of her experiment. I think she is so relevant right now and I don't know how more people don't know about her.
A white woman ferociously talks about racism and prejudice and still white people want to rebuttal racism doesn't exist or isn't an issue.
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