#bryn mawr memes
browncesario · 2 years
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wedding photos dropped and i’ve spent the last two hours going through them consumed with loving my friends disease. yes it’s clinical. (fairmount park, august 2022)
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shitmawrterssay · 4 years
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current mood.
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*Looking at colleges*
Me: what’s the acceptance rate at Bryn Mawr?
Mom: well, it’s an all girls school
My closeted Gay ass:
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thesideeyebmc-blog · 7 years
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finnyboywolfhard · 6 years
The 4:11 Train pt5
summary:Train Number 9547 boarded at 4:11. A girl got on the train to escape her parents pressure. A boy got on the train to escape his superstar reputation. It was a train ride to remember.
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6
word count:1,853
“What are you’re biggest dreams Finn?”
“My biggest dreams?” Asked curiously, almost asking if she was serious. She shook her head gently and looked into his eyes.
He thought for a little bit before deciding to speak up.
“I want to become the biggest meme.”
       She laughed loudly and for a little while. She couldn’t believe he actually said that to her.
“I can’t believe you! That was so funny! I was trying to have a serious moment.”
“I know, I know I’m sorry. But it would honestly be pretty great to be the best meme.”
“I guess you’re right. But now seriously, what is your dream?”
“I really want to fall in love. I see all of these couples who are so madly in love, and I just wonder what it feels like.”
       What he said was one of his biggest dreams, but his biggest dream of all was to be normal. Even for just one day, and so far he was living his dream. He was finally known to someone as just Finn, not THE Finn Wolfhard.
“What about you? What’s your biggest dream?”
“I want to win an Oscar. Cheesy and predictable I know, but I just imagine the feeling of walking across that stage and accepting the small metal trophy and it’s almost euphoric. I don’t know who I’d thank other than my aunt. She’s the only one who believes in my dream.”
“That’s not true, I believe in it now too.”
       She smiled at him and for just the briefest second her eyes sparkled. She put her hands together and crinkled her nose out of happiness.
“Thanks Finn, that really means a lot. Now I have my speech, do you want to hear it?”
       He looked at her excitedly, telling her he wanted to hear more.
“Hello, wow, I really didn’t expect this. I want to thank all of the cast and crew who worked on this with me,but there’s two people I really want to thank. The only two people who believed in my dream. Thank you to my aunt Renee who took me in at 18 and helped me get where I needed to go. And thank you to the boy who I met on the train. Thank you for listening to me ramble and for listening and accepting my dreams. You have heard this speech before but none the less thank you. Have a great night everybody.”
       She finished her speech and laughed. She buried her face in her hands and laughed quietly into them. She couldn’t believe she just said those words to the boy sitting in front of her.
       He watched her and smiled at her as she said her speech and his eyes followed her when she became embarrassed. He thought it was adorable, and he was honored that he was going to get mentioned in her Oscar speech. He started laughing and reached over and gently lay a hand on her shoulder.
       She looked at him with bright eyes, and even brighter cheeks. His touch made her smile, and her smile made him smile. For that one instant they were very happy, and then they got even happier because she said.
“I want to fall in love too Finn.”
 Bryn Mawr
"What are some of your favorite things?"
       She looked at the boy carefully examining his features after he asked the question. He was a very attractive guy. Nice, sharp features. His dark curly hair and dark eyes contrasted his pale skin. His teeth were beautifully shrouded by his plump lips. She really liked the way he looked. She was quite zoned out, but was snapped back into reality by remembering his question.
"That's a pretty broad question, I have a lot of favorite things. But I can go through a list in my head."
       She smiled while rolling her eyes at the vast question set in front of her.
"To start, my favorite color is black because it goes with everything. My favorite movie is Rain Man, obviously. My favorite book is The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Nighttime. My favorite food is chicken nuggets. My favorite thing I own is my camera. My favorite word is magnificent, I don't know why I just love it. Umm I don't know what else. Oh! My favorite song is City Boy by some band called Calpurnia."
       Finn took in a sharp inhale of breath. He started to panic a little, because it turns out she did know him.
"But I can't say they're my favorite band because that's literally the only song I know by them. They seem like they'd have good music though."
"They do, I've heard quite a few of their songs."
       Technically he wasn't lying. But he was just thankful that she didn't know anymore about them.
       He talked about his favorites and they bonded a lot. They smiled and laughed, and talked very deeply. The people watching around them thought they had been friends for years. They had so much good energy around them and they felt at peace with one another.
       She loved to watch him talk. He was a very dynamic talker. He would go from excited to serious to slightly confused in a span of a minute. And she loved that about him.
       He loved the way she listened. She was a very active listener. She would change her emotions based off of what he said and she would always respond when necessary. And he loved that about her.
       It was the perfect scenario, truly perfect.
The girl looked at the boy with a new sense of companionship. Their similarities came in mass numbers and he understood all of her obscure references.
The boy looked at the girl with a new sense of adoration. He saw this person who was just like him, but also independently their own person.
"Okay, so let me get this straight, you've seen the statistics rap by Timothèe 'Timmy-Tim' Chalamet. I knew fangirls watched it, but teenage boys? This is new to me."
The girl said with a sly smile and light laugh. She thought about the first time she had watched it with her good friend Jaqueline. Jacky made her watch it after they watched 'Call Me By Your Name'. She instantly fell in love with the silly man.
The boy remembered going down a deep hole with his good friend Sadie when she became obsessed with Timothèe. He remembered thinking about how now this guy is a heartthrob. He also thought about how a whole bunch of fangirls out there, thought the same thing about him.
"Funny story, I watched this my friend Jacky after we watched Call Me By Your Name. She joked about he went from rapping about statistics to fucking a peach in the span of like 5 years. It really made me laugh. You kinda look like him, ya know?"
"I do? I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or...?"
The boy brushed his hand over his curls laying his hand in the nape of his neck.
"Take it as a huge compliment, Timothèe is my biggest celebrity crush."
She said it with a small smile, as pink spread across her cheeks. She just told him she was attracted to him. It felt good to her however to say something so confidently.
The boy thought to himself for a few seconds. She's just as attracted to me as I am to her, but he didn't know how to show that he felt the same way.
"Anyway," the girl said abruptly,"Jacky is my best friend. She moved to Chicago for school which makes me pretty sad, I miss her a lot. We talked for hours about our futures. We also could go hours just quoting vines to each other. We have variety I guess."
"Jacky sounds like she'd get along with my friend Josh. He really liked vine. He even made some of his own."
"Any that I might know?"
How could Finn approach this, yeah he made one of the most recited vines of all time and was a huge viner, or he could say,
"No, probably not."
"That's alright."
The girl in that exact moment got a text from her ex, James. She pushed her phone away with a roll of the eyes.
The boy saw her annoyance and let his curiosity take over.
"Who's James?"
The girl sighed and began to fiddle with her hands. She tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. Where could she begin about that boy who destroyed her?
"He's the biggest asshole you could ever meet. He ruined my life."
"What did he do?"
The girl took in a deep breath thinking about it all.
"We only dated for a few months. We had been really good friends for a while and one night he got drunk, and decided that it would be fun to make out with me, as his way of telling me he was interested. After that night, we began dating. Things were all good until one night he flipped out at me because I said I wasn't interested in some fling. I wanted it to mean something. He got really angry and broke up with me, which I was sad but I was also kinda okay with it."
The girl noticed tears slowly trickling down her face. She knew she had to tell him the rest but something was stopping her.
"Hey, Y/N. If you don't want to tell me the rest you don't have to. Okay? You can stop if you'd like. I promise to you that whatever he did was absolutely terrible and you didn't deserve it. I've never been in a relationship but I can promise you that not every guy is like him. I'm not like him."
The girl thought about how the next day at school people turned away from her. They all had heard that she told him to kill himself and that he'd never be happy in a relationship. Which wasn't even close to the truth. That's what he said to her. Everyone began to despise her because of it, even though it wasn't true.
She also thought about how caring and gentle Finn had just been with her. She thought about how nice he would be in a relationship. She imagined herself wrapped up in his arms and having their eyes lock right before a kiss. She imagined how he would always ask if she was alright and how he would never show her anything but love.
The boy thought about how nice it would be to be with her. He thought about how it would feel to lay next to her watching a movie. He imagined walking through the streets with their hands interlaced. He imagined what being in love with her would be like. He imagined that he would fulfill his two biggest dreams.
The girl looked at him gently and smiled, telling him a silent thanks.
The boy looked at her adoringly, telling her that he is right here to listen.
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techno-sorcerer · 6 years
I kept being mad about the "gays can't do math" meme but then I realized that you and the other Bryn Mawr math majors just stole all the gay math skills 😂
Excuse me, We did not Steal the Math Skills. They are Merely on Loan. We are Happy to Share.
Honestly, I get the appeal of the joke somewhat since I kinda enjoy the ‘gays can’t drive’ piece, but at the same time, both aspects are huge parts of my life, so it just feels :/ 
(Also, it’s not like straight people don’t make ‘lol can’t do math jokes’. Tell any person that you are interested in math and there is a good chance you will hear some version of that in response. So, the whole thing also feels somewhat recycled.)
New thing: Queer culture is acknowledging math as simply another skill set.
Some disabilities such as dyscalculia can make it more difficult, while some people can take to it easier or harder than others. But, with time and effort one- even those who find it challenging- can improve, and even those with some talent still often have to spend some effort themselves so not getting things right away is ok.
If one chooses to spend that time and effort elsewhere, that’s cool too! Math is put on a pedestal, and other skill sets such as art, history, communication, ect. are also extremely valuable and should be recognized as well. A part of getting math recognized for what it is, should, in fact, be taking it off of the pedestal and encouraging the development of other less acknowledged skills. :)
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i hate scrolling
i like it, it’s helpful sometimes, my therapist says it is a healthy coping mechanism sometimes, but at night before bed i fall into a trap where i’m not **doing** anything, just scrolling facebook or insta and feeling bad.
i found maddy from bryn mawrs insta and she’s still doing the same thing, internet famous but obv sad and shit, just made me feel sad and shit
a lot of lesbian memes, i’m less invested in reiterating and reproducing lesbian stereotypes and stuff lately i guess, i feel like it comes from a place of anxietyand needing to define things and i feel a lot of power in lesbian identity but idk, eh
therapy is helpful, i think my therapist and i are figuring out how it’s gonna work and maybe shes accepting that i’m just gonna be tense but that doesn’t mean it can’t be helpful
me and kai have been having more sex a little bit, that i really like, i still maybe wonder about having more, idk. idk if i reallydo want more or if i want more kinky shit but i dont want anything to do with the community. we did some more kinky shit yesterday where she was a little more toppy and called me boy n i called her mistress (weve been doing that a lot lately, at least when we do have sex, which hasn’t felt like a lot lately). i feel complicated about parts of it (is it too hetero?) but i fucking love it. i love feeling submissive but not like we’re acting out misogyny. i love butch bottom stuff n always always have, from both perspectives. i used to be more intersetd in being femme when topping, maybe i still ike that sometimes. 
i was reading some queer erotica that was better than the shit i used to read, about a mistress-boy relationship, but it was more cis woman / trans guy kinda thing and also about meeting at a play party and stuff and i’m not into that community, the bdsm or the trans-man-centered one. or the man/woman dynamic really. although i guess i am interested in the mistress/boy fantasy but only during sex, and because it subverts patriarchal roles
when i was a kid and fantasizing without rly knowing what i was doing i’d think about being a tiger in captivity that scientists were doing cruel tests to, sometimes a boy and sometimes a girl, sometimes i could change between, or maybe it was something like the scientists would pull a lever and i’d be one or the other. (I guess thats’ like the porn that imogen binnie wrote about in nevada) sometimes i had a dick and theyd do torturous things to it, like pull it really long like a snake and wrap it around bars or something.sometimes they’d force feed me, or they’d make me run around a track while whipping me. i think the penis part maybe had a lot to do with the fact that penises are seen as inherently sexual and cunts aren’t, especially not for kids, especially not in the 90s or something. many of the “cis” bi women i’ve been with have been interested in wearing strap ons. i think when i first started dating my partners were a bit more intersted in it than me, for wearing and/or for being fucked. i like it but i still feel a little complicated about it but i love it. i love fucking kai, i love my cock inside her. i love rollicking and grunting and making her feel good and i love when i come just from fucking her. i love it submissive or dominant. i wish i had more energy when fucking her, i wish i could go longer. 
scrolling is empty, anxiety-ridden, distraction seeking without much real benefit. 
ive been more interested in being genderfluid or nonbinary or nonconforming or androgynous or whatever lately. i want to be a boy/boi during sex, or else not gendered. in most of my life i hope i’m seen as an androgynous lesbian, i hope theres things about me that people can’t pin down. i hate boxes (not just gender ones, in general). at work i want to show masculine and feminine traits, or i hope i do. gender is hard for everyone, even “straight cis” people like my coworkers, who say things like “im not a macho man” (a guy) or “the man i should have been” (a gal) im interested in expressing gender nonconformity and being a dyke and a lesbian but i’m interested in not feeling like that makes me all that much different from everyone else i guess. idk. 
i don’t have any body dysphoria. i feel eh about how i look or about how i present myself, more how i present myself, but i feel mostly good about my body and actual appearance. i feel very complicated about how i want to look. 
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shitmawrterssay · 4 years
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thesideeyebmc-blog · 7 years
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shitmawrterssay · 5 years
the two genders
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shitmawrterssay · 4 years
do y’all follow @historicallywomens.c0m on instagram? if so what do u think of Bryn Mawr’s portrayal lmao
i (mod natasha) do and from what i understand a lot of posts are submitted so it’s not entirely consistent across the board - i think a lot of times the memes are spot on and a lot of times they’re just meh. 
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thesideeyebmc-blog · 7 years
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thesideeyebmc-blog · 7 years
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tag yourself “things my friends boyfriend has called Bryn Mawr” edition
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thesideeyebmc-blog · 7 years
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Letters from the Editors
Dear Chastity
News Stories
Margaret Atwood Spotted on Bryn Mawr Campus In the Early Morning, Again (Ally Freemond, ‘21)
Creative Content
Untitled Earthquake Reflection (IJ Bauman, ‘19) A Collection of Poems (Evie Grupp, ‘21)
From the Department Store (j.e.t. ‘21)
Meme 1 (Tori Hatchell, ‘20)
Meme 2 (Tori Hatchell, ‘20)
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ritahanson · 7 years
18, 21, 25?
❄ meme :: different headcanon questions :: accepting! ☼
18  ::  What is their preferred weather? What would be a perfect weather day?
Answered here! :) 
And whoops this got long so I’ve stuck the answers to the other two questions under a read more, anon!
21  ::  What were they a part of in high school / college, if they went? Were they a part of any clubs, did they play any sports? What clique would they have been considered a part of?
At high school, Rita was an incredibly conscientious student. She took various AP classes, became a member of the National Honor Society (taking part in the required volunteer work each year to achieve that), and went on to be her class valedictorian. She was a member of the student council for the entirety of her high school career, serving as one of the two vice presidents in her final year. She worked and wrote for both the school’s newspaper and literary magazine, as well as being a member of the creative writing club and, of course, the French club.
I genuinely don’t think I have enough knowledge as to what a high school clique constitutes to give a proper answer to that part of the question, but with that being said… From what I know of them (solely from the media I’ve consumed - at my (British) school, at least, they weren’t a thing), I don’t really think Rita would have ‘fit’ with any of the cliques I know of.
As an undergraduate at Bryn Mawr, she was a staff writer for the college’s newspaper from her sophomore year onwards, and was frequently roped into helping the Bi-College theatre group thanks to her best friend / roommate Karen’s involvement with it. When she undertook her second MA at Kent State, she was once again a staff writer for their college paper, as well as participating in the French club and becoming a member of the organisation for graduate students who were enrolled at the Institute of Applied Linguistics. Through writing for the paper, she also ended up writing for the college’s independent, student-led TV station and, during her second year, also worked as an assistant producer for the channel’s daily newscasts. Upon graduating from Kent State, she was inducted into the National French Honor Society (Pi Delta Phi), of which she still remains an alumni member.
25  ::  What do they prefer to do in the summertime? Do they like going to the beach, do they prefer camping, staying in the city? Do they like to stay indoors and away from the heat?
Rita enjoys summer, although she’s not hugely fond of very hot weather; on days like that, you’ll find her hiding in whatever shade she can find with a cold drink as often as possible. But on your average summer day, she’ll very likely be in the city - either Pittsburgh, if she’s working, or Manhattan if she’s managed to get a long weekend to go and see Karen. Cities in the heat can be a bit of a nightmare, but she’s used to it by now.
She rides her bike a lot more in the summer, whether that’s to and from work or something a bit more leisurely. And when she’s with Karen, they’ll often spend a lazy, bright afternoon in a park (and they’ll inevitably be joined by however many of her other friends in the city can make it).
She’s not desperate to spend time at the beach, but doesn’t mind it every now and again, especially if she’s on vacation. She still sees her extended family over the summer, which was always a big thing when she was a child; her father’s side of the family tended to congregate at her grandparents’ lake house in southern Erie County, New York. She enjoys those days because they happen so infrequently, and it’s a nice opportunity to see the cousins she grew up with (and, in more recent years, their kids).
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