#but kuni would make sure there was some crabbed can
bnesszai · 2 months
.......kunichuuzai grocery trip
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mysticmercurial · 1 year
Astro Observations: Duality 🤍🖤(2 of 2)
This is a continuation of the previous Astro Observations: Duality (1 of 2) and will cover the remaining sister signs 😁
✨Fair warning this thread is a bit lengthy compared to the first thread...enjoy :) ✨
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CANCER/CAPRICORN - To start, water is memory and earth is how we connect to our Spirit/ancestors/guides. I say this to say they do not forget, life goes on but water and earth remember, they were here in the beginning. Analogy aside, Cancer is often *inaccurately* portrayed as an emotionally manipulative crybaby and Capricorn is *also inaccurately* described as an emotionless rock unworthy of time. In reality Cancer is what people think Capricorn projects; Capricorn is the meat inside of the crab whilst Cancer is the tough outer shell.
The moon, which represents emotions and that which makes us feel stable, finds it's home in Cancer. To feel is human, to error and make mistakes is human. The moon finding it's home in Cancer shows us that Cancer is aware of emotional currents, the ebb and flow of human emotion. They understand that nothing is merely on the surface and that it is okay to feel. Capricorn, on the other hand, is ruled by Saturn the planet of lessons, perseverance and endurance. Saturn often places pressure on his children to do things by themselves or to establish things on their own so they can learn. Emotionally this can cause issues since Saturn doesn't seem to find value in emotional outbursts or tantrums, even though it's in those outbursts and tantrums that real pain is released to make room for growth. Also be weary of looking for lessons by causing issues for yourselves, life will throw you curveballs without you subconsciously seeking them out.
From Cancer, Capricorn can learn that there is peace in freely expressing yourself, you are all you need to validate your emotions. Ultimately, Capricorn has to learn that their repression of emotion is what leads them to rely on the validation of others. Also that emotions are not meant to be rationalized, they are meant to be felt freely and to flow through you like water. From Capricorn, Cancer can learn to assert some boundaries and learn that although they can empathize with someone, that does not mean they always should. Empathy is your superpower but be sure not to allow others to manipulate that gift. To understand someone's pain without taking on their pain would be a good lesson for this axis.
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LEO/AQUARIUS - *I have had difficulties analyzing this axis more than the others. I have come to admire and learn more about them so please lmk what you think*
These placements often keep their eccentricities and unique sense of humor to themselves and their chosen people. Consider famous Leo/Aquarius placements like Beyonce, Jason Momoa, Mila Kunis, Jennifer Aniston, Christian Bale; they are all recognizable and garner attention but it can often be unwanted. Beyonce and Christian Bale, as prime examples, both take immense pride in their craft but prefer to keep their home sectors private. I think this is because to a certain extent Leo and Aquarius both find comfort (12H Cancer) and stability (12H Capricorn) in being obscure (12H). This in turn makes people want to know more about them as people are most curious about the things that aren't readily available to them.
Leo is unashamedly themselves in the same way that Aquarius embraces eccentricities and uniqueness in others. Leo placements, at their best, know their worth, are confident and assured. There is an inner sense of knowing when it comes to the house that Leo sits in but also a sense of being seen even when you might not want said attention. Aquarius, more often than not, faced some kind of experience in which they struggled to be embraced for their own eccentricities. This caused them to be for others what they wish they had; Aqua 3Hers might encourage others to embrace being heard and communicating, Aqua 11H might embrace people in their circles that dismiss the status quo and seek individuality amongst a group.
The lesson for these signs resides more in how they present themselves and their creative selves. From Leo, Aquarius can learn that you can't find your people by dimming your eccentricities or making yourself small. The world will feel you and you must embrace that and transmute it into something that works in your benefit. From Aquarius, Leo can learn that every part of them is worth seeing, not just the parts that are palatable or "trendy". There may be a subconscious urge to always remain somehow beyond the trends which, of course, requires you to stay on top of what is trendy. Stop it. You guys are timeless and your ability to make even the most odd things acceptable is your gift. Leos and Aquarius don't dim your light.
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VIRGO/PISCES - these sister signs keep themselves away from the masses and at any time can disappear as though they never existed. These people are often in their own world whether it be Virgo busying themselves with their day-to-day responsibilities or Pisces losing themselves in their daydreams or other realms. When I say 'other realms' that can mean TV shows, movies, books, meditation, anything that allows them to slip into another state of being. For Virgo, those responsibilities aren't always the things that should be worked on, but rather things on their mental list that take precedence over everything else. Virgo is a meticulous sign but that often gets misinterpreted to mean productive when in actuality Virgo can become overwhelmed with their duties to the point of complacency or procrastination. Similarly, Pisces can often be seen as one foot in the spiritual realm and the other here on Earth. When they are overwhelmed they retreat to the realm that provides them the most comfort which would be movies, books, vices, writing stories or daydreaming.
When looking at the exaltations of these signs we can further understand their function and lessons for each other. Mercury exalts in Virgo and Venus exalts in Pisces while Venus detriments in Virgo and Mercury is debilitated in Pisces. What we can infer here is that Virgo has no issue learning, assessing and planning but can falter when it comes to relaxing and doing things for self simply because it feels good. Essentially Virgo struggles with incorporating a sense of wonder, luxury and imagination to their lives. Pisces on the other hand has no issue with indulging, doing things only when they feel like it and dissociating from the everyday mundane activities. Where Pisces struggles is finding order within the chaos that is excessive indulgence and excessive wants. The 12H does also does rule dreams, escapism, vices and rehab while the 6H rules daily activities, working out, diet & nutrition etc.
From Virgo, Pisces can learn to organize their time and to add some structure to the madness. While daydreaming is a great way to enhance brain function and overall creativity, doing so in excess can cost you greater things and experiences. You can't avoid responsibilities forever Pisces. From Pisces, Virgo can learn that everyday activities don't have to feel like a laborious chore. Add some fantasy to your everyday life; imagine you are on a cooking show when making your meals, think of taking your vitamins as a potion or tonic. Maybe adding some wonder and relaxation to your day will help with the digestion issues Virgo 🌚. A good lesson for this axis would be not burying your head in the sand whilst also not overburdening yourself to the point of burnout.
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Thank you for being patient with me during this intermission between posts😂 As always feel free to comment or ask questions and thank you for reading :)
-- mysticmercurial
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whatnotmemes · 7 years
--------------------------------Chris Fleming ‘Car Rants’ Sentence Starters some may be nsfw or triggering. change pronouns as needed.
Adventure Dad “It is such a turn off to see a family have scheduled fun.” “Witnessing an adventure family in the throes of an outdoor activity makes me want to put myself in a pelican’s mouth and tell him ‘Just drive.’” “The smile of a father with three sons- all of whom snowboard- is so confrontational, it reads as indecent exposure.” “Connecticut is like the high-schooler wrestling with whether or not he can pull off a baseball cap.” “You know that kind of ‘I’m gonna go through a shoplifting phase and get away with it’ shade of blonde.” “You’re looking at me like a greeter at the Apple store.”
The Majesty of Homophobes (& Makeup Tutorials) “The thing I’ve always admired about townie homophobes is how effortlessly they hold a beer can.” “This is the kind of body you look at and you’re like ‘he’d probably be okay in space without a space suit.’” “I almost envy that beer can- to be held like that.” “That’s the next Pixar movie right there. The story of one homophobe with the cards stacked against him on a journey to prove that he is just as backwards thinking and emotionally repressed as his crew.” “She’s one of those girls who looks like she might be lip gloss disguised as a person.” “I happen to have really big pores. As you can see, I have two really big pores here at the bottom of my nose.” “They call me Popcorn _____; I don’t know why. I know why. I eat all the popcorn.” “What I love about this eyeshadow is it says ‘the only song I’ve ever heard is Pour Some Sugar On Me and I’m not sure where Seattle is.’” “This is a great blush if you’re serious about robbing a TGI Fridays.”
What To Do If Your Boyfriend Proposes on Christmas Eve “This may seem harsh, but he needs to be treated like the night lizard that he is.” “It’s a partnership. You think Ben snuck up on Jerry one day with a waffle cone and took a knee?” “For a guy who thinks that musicals are ‘kinda gay,’ you’re behaving a lot like the kind of guy that Rogers and Hammerstein would dream up while sixty-nining on a piano.” “Nothing gives me the heebies and the jeebies like when the boyfriend consults the parents before he consults her.” “Unless you rode out of your mother’s uterus on a BMX bike, popping a wheelie, there is no excuse to be named Zach.” “Quiche is just pizza that went to private school.” “The Boston Globe should be written in size 72 comic sans. You get more information by reading the cover of Cat Fancy.”
Theater Kids “Theater kids keep to themselves for most of the year- giving each other back rubs in black box theaters or three-way kissing at cast parties in Chinese buffets- but every so often, when Broadway goes Hollywood, they will descend upon Regal Cinemas like locusts in jazz flats.” “If you ever see a theater girl in a sling, just know that it was a Frozen soundtrack related fender bender.” “It’s like Minotaur; you don’t wanna make it mad but you certainly don’t wanna turn it on.” “Enlisting your facebook friends to help you choose your headshots is on the same moral level as taking people and keeping them prisoner in your house for fifteen years.”
Jimmy Buffett “Everyone thinks the biggest threat to America right now is ISIS, North Korea, global warming. Nope, it’s Jimmy Buffett.” “On the eve of your fiftieth birthday, Jimmy Buffett slides down your chimney and tries to convince you to throw in the towel.” “Let’s get fat tonight. Shit out your dreams in a TGI Friday’s.” “Get in a fistfight with your son at an Applebee’s. When the waitress breaks it up, plant one on her cheek and complain about the president.” “Quit your day job and help me throw chicken nuggets at my neighbor’s fruity son.” “Every day is a vacation when you are a huge fuck up.” “I used to have dreams and hopes and ambitions, and now look at me. I’m at a poolside bar and I couldn’t name a book if I had to.”
D Batteries “Anything that requires D batteries needs to get over itself.” “Here is a list of things that would make sense to power using a D battery: a mini cooper, a small plane, Bjork, a Carnival cruise ship, a fucking lighthouse, Disneyworld.” “I would have bought neither and saved the money for a cruise where I can get close enough to suck on the coral reef and tell a platypus my secrets.” “I need to you to make it near a popsicle because I want that summertime vibe because I miss summer and I miss my girls.” “Everyone talks about how great the working conditions are at Google but no one will go into specifics. What does that mean? One word: Pokemon. They’ve bred Pokemon.” “Wait until Diglett realizes he doesn’t have a mouth. Then you’re gonna have to call up Laura Dern and Dennis Nedry ‘cause you’re gonna be in a whole world of bullshit.”
Halloween Candy Countdown “What kind of a prude eats a Crunch bar? You might as well just eat toast.” “Charleston Chews should be sold at Home Depot in the lumber section.” “This is a candy that predates women’s suffrage and it tastes like it.” “I feel like Area 51 is just 3 Muskateers headquarters and it’s where they keep their filling.”
Blocking Your Ears in Public “I’m talking about the kind of guy you’d see at a Home Depot kneeling down in the lumber section, just praying that his son’s not bi.” “She is in the eighth ring of Dante’s Inferno where you have to jack off a Minotaur while eating a jalapeno.” “I firmly believe that president Michelle Obama and first lady Joe Biden should send them to Epcot center to live and die on the teacup ride.” “You can’t name yourself The Edge, especially when you look like a shut in trying to muster up the courage to go to a little league game.”
Baby Got Back brings out the worst in people “Does everyone think that they’re the only person who knows all the lyrics to Baby Got Back?” “Look, I’m happy that you know all the lyrics but please don’t scream them into my cheeks.” “The pride and rage that these people are feeling; it’s a real cole slaw of emotions.” “I’m just alone on the dance floor. I’m in the middle of what, to a non-English speaker must look like a prison riot.” “Everyone’s looking at me like I’m at an Eyes Wide Shut party uninvited.”
Purple Cauliflower “Barney’s stuck under the veggies and only his pubes are showing." “We gotta get Barney out of here! Let’s not make Baby Bop a widow tonight!” “We’re gonna have to make Grimace breed with a cauliflower.” “This is not a veggie. This is an STI that Tinky Winky picked up in a jacuzzi.”
NYU “Oh my god, NYU? Lena Dunham’s crabs went there.” “If only we could find a way, as a nation, to harness the power of the erections that NYU students have about going to NYU.” “NYU is just girls in fedoras trying to get addicted to cigarettes.” “Whenever anyone gets to the end of those Buzzfeed quizzes, their laptop camera should just miraculously turn on, forcing them to confront that haunting, pasty image of themselves.” “Why do I look like an owl prostitute?” “I am thrilled to announce that I have a five year unpaid internship changing Marina Abramovic’s diaper.”
Bread Bowl “Panera is just McDonald’s that studied abroad in France and came back wearing a beret and cigarette jeans, thinking it’s the shit because it got fingered by a mime.” “Was nobody gonna tell me that a bread bowl is just a Trojan horse for soup?” “Who owns Panera? Ashton Kunis?” “I need to see an angry movie. I need to watch Hercules, I’m so mad right now.” “Somebody call Wayne Brady ‘cause I’m gonna die tonight! I don’t know why I brought Wayne Brady into it but I did.” “Ben Folds’ music is just him screaming people’s names, banging his elbows against a baby grand.” “I love to get post traumatic stress during my lunch.” “Somebody send me into space because I can’t be a part of this world anymore. It’s getting too embarrassing.” “If I wanted to be publicly humiliated, I would stand outside Macy’s and announce that my husband doesn’t have a happy trail but that my daughter does.”
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