#but thats a whole can of worms to discuss. but if you know. you know about *THAT* anonymous ask sent to every wlw user/blog
moonlilyshipping · 3 months
people continue to follow this blog????
if anyone goes through the old posts of this blog, my warning is that 2015-2017 were dark times for the sapphic community
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silverislander · 2 years
i honestly would drop this fucking writing course if i still could i'm so goddamn frustrated with it, and yall KNOW how bad i wanted this/how much i love to write so that means smth. it's like it was set up to torment me specifically. "oh here's everything you want to learn but it's actively adhd/autism/nd-hostile"
no schedule, prof is LITERALLY making it up in class in front of us from week to week and frequently forgets/gets confused in making them herself
no grading guidelines- i had to ask for a rough idea of how we're getting graded and even then, she didn't give a very informative answer
only received my first grade after doing four assignments already, which isn't exactly fucking helping me improve, esp since our grades are based on continuous improvement
prof doesn't appreciate fantasy or horror... this is a comparatively v small complaint bc she still allows us to submit whatever we want to write but like. man. even the horror i would sort of get, everyone has limits and it can be a tough read, but all of her prompts are really only applicable to modern-day realism bc you have to base them on smth you experienced and "make us question the line between fiction and reality" so.
the amt of work varies WILDLY due to the schedule issues- this week (beginning of midterms!) i have a 2000 word story and at least 10 250 word reviews due by tomorrow, which i've only had a week to complete... during fucking midterm study. IT'S A CREATIVE WRITING COURSE. i get more notice for 2 page essays in any other course jesus fucking christ
has moved physical rooms bc. she didn't like the first one, so now i'm confused half the time and don't remember where to go. she also doesn't have a key to the new room, so we have to call a security guard to unlock it and it frequently makes us late to start and subsequently late getting out, which is Upsetting for me, why can we not stay on schedule i am on campus for 9+hrs
did i mention this class is 7pm-9:30pm. with one less than 10min break.
prof fucking REFUSES to answer emails despite making email the one way to contact her... i emailed her once on a thursday afternoon and didn't get a response until tuesday afternoon, which was one day before the deadline and too fucking late to change shit if i had been wrong
no clear guidelines as to where/how to submit work, which is a weekly struggle
prof is literally making up terms i am NOT KIDDING. she's speaking in fucking riddles my god. nothing she's requested us to write has been a real term, and i've googled them to check
also writes her assignment guidelines in her creative writing style instead of just giving us the basic info, i.e. one page rambling abt the topic, one paragraph of actual vague guidelines
0 forgiveness for missing dates/being unable to make class/etc. one girl said on the first day that she couldn't make next week's deadlines bc she has a full time job and a family and the prof's response was "well, i guess you're going to have to drop this course". and she DID
if you email her a question she Will make it obvious in front of the class who asked
all i wanted was to enjoy meeting other writers and to try to improve my own work but i'm stressed out of my fucking mind bc she can't be assed to actually do her job. i've had genuine actual stress dreams about this fucking class (among others but besides the point). the total lack of consistency is killing me
and i didn't get that one singular grade until after the 75% drop date, which means if i drop it now i at BEST get 25% of my money back, and it's way too late to try to pick up another class as a replacement. this is all bullshit i fucking hate this
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Fruit babys?
you get the sfw version of this rant
basically, logan's relationship to gender is Weird, in that his gender is not really "man" but "brother" - he has no idea what gender he was assigned at birth (none, because fae dont gender infants but i digress) or what his physuical situation was before the changeling glamour
by the time he was old enough to get curious, he'd grown into the body he thought he should half, which is a hard mirror of Thomas.
So logan considers himself cis but he LOVES discussing his situation
and then someone made a joke that since he's a plant, and doesnt know what his body situation was at birth, its entirely possible that logan has internal nymph reproductive organs and could get pregnant
of course i found this delightful because who doesnt get a laugh out of the "cis man who didnt know he could get pregnant becomes so" mpreg trope so that gradually congealed into joke au where logan gets pregnant
however because my brain is full of worms and i cant let anything go unexamined, this eventually evolved into a whole set of worldbuilding for nymph reproduction.
nymphs can be female, male, or dioecius (in the botanical senses of the words). they have external stamens or pistils (similar to penises or vulvas, though not identical) or both. stamens connect to nothing and produce pollen, but pistils connect to an internal ovary that grows and gets reabsorbed on a yearly cycle after the nymph reaches reproductive maturity.
When fertilized, the ovary grows into a fruit about the size of a small melon, which then gets laid like an egg, and ripens outside the body for approximately 2 weeks. at this point, a teeny tiny fruit baby the size of a teacup squishes out of the now-soft fruit rind (typically eating it) and thats how tab a slot b babies are born for nymphs
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chloeangelic · 7 months
thoughts re: Rendezvous series and forgiveness
ive had some thoughts recently about how people might react to part 5 of rendezvous when it comes out, ie the final part, and i wanted to share for no real reason
discussions about forgiveness, infidelity and such below the cut
firstly, i want to say that zero iteration the word "forgive" appears in part 5. there is no discussion about forgiveness really at all, and i dont think there needs to be. one of the reasons is that i think the concept of forgiveness can oversimplify complex situations, as well as assign unnecessary value judgments to things. i often feel like being forgiven for something means that you have to label that thing as 100% bad and terrible, and theres no space for what sort of positive change it couldve initiated. this is often the case when it comes to infidelity - which is a whole different can of worms.
on the topic of forgiveness, however, whether its mentioned explicitly or not, ive noticed an extreme allergy to joel being forgiven for any indiscretions towards the MC in fics on this website. it seems like the MC herself can do anything and nobody really questions it when joel takes her back, we can cuck tommy into oblivion, joel can cheat on his wife etc, and all of that is cool and hot and encouraged until joel is the one making dumb decisions. people will literally forgive him for being a mass murderer but not for fucking someone else.
the discussions of morality, which are a huge focus in tlou, seem to stop short when it comes to fictional relationships between joel and MCs. we can all discuss why he merked that hospital full of fireflies, and most tlou fans will justify his actions, saying he did it for a good reason, but any relationship related indiscretions do not get the same treatment. i understand that people are sensitive about cheating, being cheated on is awful, but its unproductive to shut down all discussions about it
just to make it clear: i do not consider his actions in rendezvous cheating, not on katy and not on the MC. the MC feels more cheated on because she has an unhealthy attachment to him
am i defending his actions in rendezvous? no. do i think they need to be defended or condemned? also no. i choose not to see things as binary good/bad - even if i thought everything he did was terrible, whats he supposed to do? be alone forever because of indiscretions towards one person? i know this is fic, and i could write him living under a rock for eternity if i wanted, but this is supposed to be a realistic (in my definition) series, and realistically, thats not what happens to people who fuck up in interpersonal relationships. they move on and live their lives. we all hurt people at some point - its juvenile and delusional to think that just because someone hurt another person, theyre bound to suffer for all eternity.
i think there are a lot of nuances when it comes to relationships especially, and trying to label what hes doing in this series as cheating on the MC/katy, and then saying CHEATING BAD is an oversimplification and ignores the scope of emotion im trying to cover here. even calling it cheating ignores the depth of unlabeled relationships. i think the MC deserves more than that, cause if we say hes cheating on katy, were basically calling the MC the other woman, and the other woman is ALWAYS vilified - except in this case where shes the "reader" character. what if i wrote this entire thing in a different perspective, and katy was the reader?
im in the brainstorming stages of my next big series after love me back, and if i go with the idea thats simmering in my head right now, its gonna be a completely infidelity focused series, about when its acceptable to cheat, who is allowed to cheat and why, etc. joel will not be fucking anyone else in that series or cheating on the MC calm down
this might not be very interesting, and its not addressed to any anons in particular at all, ive just been thinking about it as the parts have been posted and thought id share my thoughts in case anyones interested. its hard to give my full thoughts without spoiling ch 5, so after thats posted i might write another reflection on it for anyone whos interested in my thought process behind the decisions ive made.
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felidaefatigue · 7 days
im sure anyone who had tt has seen a snippet abt the whole man or bear thing. i feel like we are probably all on the same page. bUT. i just saw one where a woman asks her husband or w.e. if he'd leave his daughter alone in the wods with a man or a bear and he asked "how old is she" and based on further discussion its clear he was asking to figure out like where the kid would be at with communication and if he would have taught her abt bears yet-
but what got me was the wifes response to it cause there was a moment of "wh-ah-uh-mmm..." before she decided on 11 and i just like. i wonder what went through her head in that moment. because the woman asking knows shes asking a hypothetical where the point is largely abt r*pe. And like you know this is a presumed 'safe' man so you know youre meant to presume his question isnt from the perspective of man-as-perpetrator. But it is also meant as a sort of "test". Not to accuse them but to see where their minds go, ehat holes they have in their worldview. etc. So you want the answer to still fit the test. And the test is abt putting a female they feel wholly responsible for in danger. but like. part of you is already at the butt of the joke and is now hearing that question as how old are you going to make your hypothetical daughter be when shes left alone with a strange hypothetical man in the woods. aND THATS WILD. Because most of us know that like. age literally does not matter. So her answer is purely about finding an age where a 'safe' man might unconciously "get" the "risk" while still being young enough to be "helpless" and THATS A WHOLE OTHER CAN OF WORMS and just WOOOOOOF. WOOF. WOWZA. the depth of YIKES WOW in .5 seconds of "um"s. not in the sense im saying the woman is bad or anything not im the slightest its just wild to think abt.
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sunbeargames · 10 months
I know I post on Reddit to promote my homebrew and products, but for anyone interested in getting better at homebrew (at least for D&D) I BEG you to stay off of reddit.
I got so much better as a designer when I went to communities that gave constructive, insightful advice.
Like. I disregard 90% of the feedback I get on reddit. Sometimes it's obvious they didn't read the feature properly. Sometimes they misunderstand what makes something "unbalanced" (thats a whole other can of worms tho). Sometimes they personally wouldn't use a feature and therefore consider it to be badly made.
This isn't a jab against anyone in particular in reddit ttrpg communities, its just an aspect of the culture I (and others) have observed there.
Personally, the biggest sea change for me was joining Indestructoboy's discord. Taron himself is really nice and a great designer, but more than that he built a community that includes a number of other experienced designers. Getting feedback from people like Heavyarms who know what they are talking about is so, so, so valuable when doing this kind of design. Also, that's shaped the culture and tone of discussion there, so I've been able to get thoughtful and useful feedback from lots of people there, even those without professional design experience, just because the server is more focused on improving designs together than giving a yay or nay based on your personal first impression.
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quizzically · 6 months
i'm so over gender like actually. I am not third wave of being over gender i'm like 88th wave gender neutralhead for my own self. My physical presentation is a little more complicated and while obviously tying into my identity is a whole nother can of worms. and on a basis of pure, like, in my head secretgender what i actually feel inside, i literally could not care about it less and thinking about my gender identity brings me no joy or gratification at all, infact it feels like a roadblock in my head that i hate when people make me reckon with. it's not like i'm repressing something or have a problem cause it's not like i'm trying or wanting to figure it out anymore. i've figured out my gender a thousand times for myself but now it's come to the stage that i have to project it externally
I Just Dont Care
there's nothing that will make you hate the gender binary more than being maverique-adjacent and just wanting zero part of it, not just not wanting to choose but not having to have to choose in the first place. like leslie feinberg said "ill never be a boy or girl as long as thats a question that has to be asked". nothing will make you hate it more than just not wanting to be GENDERED. EVER. STOP HAVING IT BE RELEVANT, KILL IT. i dont want gender markers on profiles or licenses I dont even like being called trans most days it's just like a clinical thing that i pull up in discussions it's like my blood type.
i like being a butch on a pure like my-role-position-in-society level it's like having a job. i like being butch to women and men. i like people thinking im a boy because i was born a girl and its like, i want to just be defiant in any way i can, i like defying expectations. and also i love "boy clothes", more comfy and practical and less revealing on the whole than presenting in "girl clothes", i know thats old headed talk but just to get a message across. I like being chivalrous and acting masculine and proud and standing up for myself but even then not all the time, im kinda a pansy. i know that will never unmake me a butch but you know what i mean. that's literally as far as it goes.
i'm just a person. i'm a human. that is so cliche. but like. humans are incredibly smart animals while we are animals our emotional intelligence is like through the roof 300 times over. We could afford, to not do this. bleh.
gender is so totally important to so many people though. this is not like a global righteous statement for the state of the world its just my ideal. Idk maybe in an ideal world where we never invented the gender binary it wouldn't be such a priority to lots of people to be understood as one thing or another...at all. maybe gender dysphoria is a lot more of a biological thing idk im totally not qualified. U ever see a trans person get their driver license or id changed. crazy stuff it warms your heart it's so nice. bt again a lot of the reason they might want to be one thing or another is because of this...ridiculous, colossal, thousand million year empire or stereotypes, and standards, and ideas and rules that we've made up, for these two little boxes. that we either want to stay in or leave.
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not to derail the discussion about transmasc comphet but i do feel my experience ties in...sorta? info: im not really out and do not pass
i'm glad there's never been any real negativity around me about men/attraction to men. so ive been fine being into to men to a degree. what ive had most problems with is coming to terms with how i may want to be with women and my relation to femininity. a previous ask talked about how they were scared of being the woman in the relationship, and this is ramped up greatly for me should a woman be next to me.
im aro, 100%, and i want to date so there's no real direction that desire goes in. but i'm so averse to that desire being aimed at women because then it would only appear sapphic and i hate that way more than i would if it appeared i was in a het relationship with a man. because, im a trans man. i dont want femininity for myself but i just cant escape it/my body. its stupid and a tad homophobic, i know.
a sapphic relationship is the ultimate form of femininity to me (i can see how false that is). but thats the thought that prevails. so as i come to understand how i feel more and that i may be into to a woman, i have a lot to unpack ig.
as opposed to gay, i'm now calling myself achillean due to its mspec aspect while still prioritizing being mlm. just saying im gay was my way of rejecting women and femininity altogether but to just say mspec is to release the feeble hold i have on masculinity and...its just a whole can of worms. dont like myself.
sorry and thank you.
That's a valid experience anon, thank you for sending this to me!
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hungwy · 2 years
long-winded anon from earlier, like you say, there arent many major issues, but its a lot of little things that piled up overtime that just pushed me further and further from the game. it also wasnt just issues with the game, but also largely the community and their reaction towards any criticism, and how any discussion of what could be improved for apex (no matter how civil) was practically shut down by people who held the notion that criticising the game was a personal attack on them. i wont get into it cause thats a whole can of worms i dont want to reopen, but my heart genuinely aches to return to apex sometimes. it IS a great game. but watching over two years of dedicated play and forum and reddit engagement seeing myself and others constantly suggest improvements towards design issues like loot distribution per map, the loot pool in general, fixing map hotspots, etc etc. go unheard coupled with a lot of community feedback being ignored, and baffling choices regarding player engagement and offering everyone different ways to play apex, it just soured the experience overtime and eventually pushed me from the game entirely.
yeah suggesting improvements to respawn feels kind of hopeless because they communicate so little with their player base. i wish theyd take community interaction more seriously instead of leaving maybe two guys on the dev team to keep people updated. the design philosophy is kind of cryptic and it doesnt make very many people happy being kept in the dark. even a list of priorities released every so often -- just so that we know to sit back and simply deal with stuff like loot distribution until its a focus -- would be preferable to the headless chicken act they got going on
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thewickerking · 2 years
forgot why i avoid the rwde tag... like i wanted to get other opinions from ppl critiquing rwby bc i do it myself all day long and can surely miss some things and its good to keep ur mind open etc etc.
but somebody said smn along the lines of "if rwby had come out five years earlier i wouldnt claim its as homophobic as it is" (???? awful start) "but rwby came out in 2013. you know what else started airing in 2013?? Steven universe. korrasami become canon in 2014. Something about garnet in 2015. rwby has no excuse" LIKE WHAT.... yall gay marriage wasnt even legalized in the us like....
im not defending the homophobia of cast and crew members behind rwby and whatnot but theres very little homophobia in the actual show (i am not talking about promotional material or queerbait type discussions i just mean the actual show by itself) like theres not nothing, like jaunes man in a dress thing in volume 2 wasnt great and there couldve been a much better introduction of ilia and reveal of her being a lesbian (but ultimately shes like. a misguided teen who makes mistakes and changes for the better in like. a single season) and im sure some other tidbits im missing but like.
rwby isnt super homophobic ??? and saying its only bad cause it came out at the same time as steven universe but wouldve been ok if it was older is so??? bizarre???? like steven universe discourse aside (pls do not send me asks about steven universe) like. steven universe got censored and cut short for being as explicitly gay as it was. hell the owl house is having the same thing done to it right now, several years later.
anyways ive got a long list of issues with rwby i will recite at the slightest inclination someone wants to hear it, but homophobia isnt an issue i have WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL, EXTERNAL MATTERS ASIDE (thats a whole other can of worms) and its such a footnote compared to other issues
oh also i scrolled a few posts down after quitting reading that post and they wrre having a conversation about someone on twitter posting an image of harley quinn and poison ivy with an editted image of crackers next to them and they said the tweet was ignorant bc of harley being jewish and implied the only reason harley quinn is pale is bc of the toxic chemicals she jumped in like..... shes literally blonde with blue eyes like yes shes jewish but shes still white and jewish people arent a different race.... why would you act like they are and frame it as progressive like. you do realize not considering factually white jewish as white is like. beginners antisemitism talking point..... like im not jewish so please let me know if im overstepping but harley quinn is white and i dont think someone calling her a cracker is suddenly antisemitic (if you disagree i am completely open to listening)
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codeform · 11 months
I just saw your posts about gender for that Clu person, and based on their responses, I think this is someone who is dealing with a lot of uncertainty and they were hoping for a certain answer for their question. Maybe not a permanent one, but a springboard or starting point. They are probably looking for a starting point that's a little more specific than 'whatever u want' because I think they might've said (or suggested) they aren't sure what they want.
Your answers are correct, of course, but speaking from personal experience on other topics, it can be frustrating asking for a simple yet specific answer (in this case, that would be an answer like 'cis male' or 'transfem') and getting only broad generalities. Might I suggest supplying them with some terms that seem to be a pretty close fit to what they described? You wouldn't be labeling them, you'd just be giving them some things to Google so they can see if it fits them. A place to start their gender identity journey from (because some people do feel more secure when they have that 'label' and this person might be one of those. And that's completely okay if they need that.)
Hope this helps you and them!
i Absolutely agree w u anon! but (and i am speaking as sm1 whose early exploration was almost entirely based off of discussions w highschool friends— all 2nd hand information. which is its own can of worms hsdfjkjs) i do think its important to like. do that initial footwork yourself?
bc (n im glad u agree!) there is just no neat answer!! esp not w nonbinary genders!! I (a man who has a very weird gender itself) am still constantly learning!! and i did edit one of my rbs but idk if Hal saw, but i think a very good place to start is less "what is upsetting me abt my gender" but rather "what is making me happy" — this is just generally a less painful jumping-off point too, bc its usually easier to work through when you're confused (its a lot to unpack upset/pain/confusion at the SAME TIME!!! not fun)
i will stick by honestly wikipedia as a genuinely useful surface level resource. install shinigami eyes so u dont wind up on transphobic sites and it has a solid rundown of both your "basic" terms and the history of the community, especially bc it is very hard if impossible to get an answer when youre asking sm1 else "heres what i feel now what am i." skhsdhf
and no hate!!! genuinely!!! thats a very easy place to wind up in, where u just WANT a clear-cut answer from sm1 else, but like i said b4: nobody knows you better than YOU!! i think theres like. this idea that we all just Knew and the truth is no, i promise we did not. we have all googled "nonbinary definition" "demigender definition" "neopronouns definition" i went thru 2 whole entire genders b4 i settled on Man and MORE AFTER THAT before settling on Man But Weird
AND ALSO. i am open to questions!!!!!!! but i am A WEIRD DUDE W AUTISM AND I AM NOT BUILT FOR MAKING SENSE!!!!! i promise i AM trying!!! and will continue to try!!! but it is abt to be June and pride is this month and wholeheartedly go to your local pride events if you are confused!!!!!! take to queer ppl who are both prepared to answer questions AND can provide much more relevant, local(!!!) resources — and talk to queer elders!!!! meet the coolest people in the world forever!!!!
but yea to circle back 2 th point i was like. Trying to make. doing that initial footwork yrself is the easiest i think bc you know you. i promise even tho it seems daunting it WILL ultimately be less confusing than trying 2 play 2nd hand telephone even if yr playing w friends (like i did. not ideal — wasnt safe for me to research myself but still Not Ideal)
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scalpelsister · 1 year
Hey i just saw u did the tarot oc ask game!! What about feilan and the hanged man?
Thank you for the ask bestie! <3 This is going to be messy because of writers block, hope thats ok 😅
🗿 XII - The Hanged Man : Allowing what will happen to happen, accepting the future, pausing to reflect, sacrifice and martyrdom.
In baldur's gate 3 canon, Feilan is constantly oscillating between radical acceptance of the mindflayer parasite (which, mind you, has a distinctly fatalist quality to it, and is born more-so out of pessimism and a 'yanno? this might as well happen to me' mindset rather than a genuine love for the damned thing), and deep set existential panic and the feeling of being violated. She would absolutely try to paint herself as very nonchalant about it- 'allowing what will happen to happen', if you will, and only occasionally snapping, blowing up, having a panic attack, etc about the whole matter- she's absolutely someone who bottles up emotions until she explodes. In that sense, pausing to reflect is... not her thing very often. While she does tend to be incredibly cautious (to a fault, even, as it leads to inaction on her part), she's.... not as keen on reflection or looking at things too deeply. It would require her to look at her own emotions and motivations much too closely for comfort. Tldr; she pauses in matters of physicality and safety, but is entirely impulsive and non reflective emotionally.
Sacrifice and martyrdom are extremely tasty in terms of Feilan however, so they get their own paragraph. She would LOVE to die a martyr- truly. Her self esteem and sense of self worth are, frankly, abysmal- and while she tends to be overly cautious and keenly concerned with saving her own hide most of the time, she also inherently devalues her life in comparison to her companions. Her planned romance is currently Shadowheart, and I can already tell that Feilan would happily die for her (living for her? she would find that harder). This also gets into discussion of butch lesbian identity and perceived self worth, which is a whole other can of worms, but that undertone is... very present. Some of these themes come up in her backstory as well- being born to a half elven woman in Luskan, having her mother leave when she was still very young, being raised by her older sibling, and then later them leaving- while all of this counts more as 'loss' rather than sacrifice properly, it definitely has shaped her into her current form- how she loves, how she sees herself, how she knows to show love.
tldr; v pertinent, gold star for u <3 thank you again!!!!
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insomniaticvoids · 1 year
Ohoho I am not done with my madness of system be headcannoning fictional systems because I can and its either a a plot point or B is just really shown everywhere...
Is this series a hyperfixation and I've had around 5 system members be like wait a minute yes...
I feel like the games Persona don't get discussed enough because as stated
Personas are linked to or are ones "true self"
Hence in theory and practice every protagonist is in fact a system Akechi as well...
It's not really doven into seeing as this is a game and I doubt they'd have the energy and knowledge to include this part but it really does make one think system...
Especially cause we know persona can influence and communicate with the person they are part of...
Just saying that sounds lot like a system when especially you have say more than one persona and that's the point..
Also how personas can be agreed over a journey and enduring hard ships... I mean not to be like a no shit the story lines for any persona game makes all them go through alot of traumatic shit
Ie p4 for example your dumped into a new place were very much inpli3d to be neglected heavily as a child and then go to a new town get dragged into a TV murders happen a shit ton and then shadows and seeing all these peoples feelings and breakdowns like yeah that sounds like it'd fuck up a person
And p3 and p5 are a whole other can or worms like don't even get me started it's just kdjskekkss
Anyways thats my ramble on why I think the protags are system in layman's terms I could go more in depth but I'm tired
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I like how m*geko c*stle is objectively irredeemable media yet due to me playing it when I was like idk 11? I how a really strong nostalgia to it like yes its very awful and disgusting but i can't help to still get a bit of serotonin when i think of some of the characters
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rb16b · 3 years
certain accounts liking that post SURELY NOT 😭😭 you sick evil people
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wiihtigo · 3 years
Could you talk more about sam and max being autistic idk I just like hearing your thoughts about it your doc was cool
you come to me on the day of my daughters wedding and ask me about sam and max autism headcanons, forcing me to open tumblr and start writing what ive been thinking recently about maxs autism in relation to him in 305
i talked about this in private a bit but i think 305 could be taken as an allegory for maxs giant autism and thinking you dont feel things the right way with ASD
-max turns into a giant horrible monster in 305, this could be taken as him literally seeing himself as a monster and the whole town, all their friends, see him as such and want him DEAD all except sam whos constantly vouching for max this entire episode. at the end when superego was like "wow! max is actually capable of self sacrifice! amazing!" sam says "told you so." very smug because he knew all along, he always knew max was capable of kindness and love because he sees it firsthand every day!
theyre partners and best friends, of course he knows him better than he knows himself. Literally in this case, where superego, personification of part of maxs brain, thinks hes not capable of feeling things in a normal, proper way, max doesnt think that about HIMSELF, superegos issue with max (maxs issue with himself lol) is that he thinks hes capable of more and max is just ignoring him he says specifically hes tried to push max towards the finer things in life and being more proper (max trying to push himself? talking about max and superego as separate when theyre essentially the same is so hard #HELP.) he thinks hes selfish and cruel and not capable of a selfless act.
theres even a line superego says to sam where he says "you of all people should be able to understand my frustration after years of being partnered with a creature driven by pure id" which is like. does max think sam gets frusterated with him and doesnt want him as a partner because of the way that he Is. max. this is a nice little parallel to sam just last episode having that thought "max is getting so powerful now soon he wont even need me :(" but thats getting away from my point a little. (veering into max depression discussion which is a whole can of worms on its own, but it is worth mentioning autism and depression often go hand in hand and some of maxs self worth issues can be attributed to feeling weird about his autism traits)
anyways of course max was capable of a selfless act, of course he would save sybil and her baby, he loves sybil and he loves babies and he has a lot of love in his little heart. so skipping ahead a bit to the biggest scene in sam and max that baffle and confuse millions, maxs reaction to coming back to sam.
a lot of people are confused by maxs nonchalance and casual retelling of the horrible events that apparently went down in his timeline where he had to kill his sam. (interestingly but a little off topic, he specifically says HE blew sam up, whereas in this tl, max killed HIMSELF, sam didnt do a thing. in fact he wouldve probably stayed trying to save him until they both blew up if superego hadnt convicned him itd be tooootally fine to leave. seriously sam its OK hes NOT going to blow up i promise. ok bye bye."
so max comes back, immediately tries to jump back into normalcy and jokes and feels unsure and uncomfortable when sam doesnt reciprocate. he looks confused when sam hugs him even. a lot of people are like "what the hell did he mean by this" but TBH as someone with ASD and lots of experience in the "getting bad news over the phone and then going to a funeral" pipeline i really felt a mind and soul connection with max there! this is mentioned somewhere int he sam and max bible for the cartoon but steve purcell writes something along the lines of "max sees things differently from anyone else" on the topic of his strange reactions to things. which is like. You have autism ->
theres an unskippable line in 305 right before you get to the endgame where sam says "why does max have tear ducts? i cant remember the last time ive seen max cry." and then immediately gets into maxs juxtaposed reaction to sams death to sams absolute MISERY over maxs. max might not feel grief in the way people would expect from a person. he might not even be sad. he might not feel things in the "proper" or "normal" way but that doesnt make him a 50 foot shambling eldritch monster, hes just wired differently. as someone with autism ive felt it too where i dont think i feel things in the right way. if something really sad and fucked up happens to me i dont feel sad and the only thing im immediately concerned with is feeling uncomfortable with watching the people around me crying which, as im typing this, makes me feel like a monster freak for being so cold and cruel, but thats the point im trying to get at, 305 could be read as an allegory for this exact feeling.. because at the end of the day max is just max and sam is happy to see him and accept him as he is. hes not a monster, hes just sams partner and best friend and its ok to be exactly the way he is without feeling the need to change
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