#but the little glimpses are okay
mcflymemes · 1 year
use ask meme replies as starters. if starter calls stress you out, encourage your followers to send memes instead! that way you can pick and choose which meme suits you best, searching for the little sentence prompt in your inbox that most inspires you in the moment. at the same time, not every ask meme reply needs to be continued. sometimes they make better one-shots and drabbles, and that's okay! as long as you and your writing partners are having fun creating and telling stories together, that's all that matters!
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silverskye13 · 1 year
Just gotta say, I’m someone who doesn’t dress up very much. And I didn’t dress up today, but I do have one (1) outfit I put together specifically because I thought it would look cool. It’s not a lot. It’s a la morte knight t-shirt [surrounded by skull-faced angels and a church facade, probably the most metal thing I own] plus sword earrings, a big heavy knight pendant [mimicking the knight pose on the shirt] and a couple black rings. It’s very goth, very knight, and it’s my comfort outfit in that it hits that nice niche of “you’re fucking bizarre” and “you probably listen to too much punk music”.
Anyway, I’m someone who doesn’t dress up much, and an outfit with 2 bits of coordinating jewelry qualifies as “dressing up” for me. And I wore that to breakfast with my sister today.
We go out, and this poor, poor waiter we ended up with looked absolutely -- not starstruck, it’s not that cool, but he did look kinda floored. He started his schtick of “Welcome to X how many people -- you have a knight on your shirt.” and then he squinted and leaned in, and said, “You have a knight on your necklace. That’s so cool.”
And then he proceeded to like, stumble over his words whenever he came to wait on us, until about the third go round he gasped, “YOU HAVE SWORD EARRINGS THATS SUCH A LOOK??”
And, so, as someone who doesn’t ever get dressed up. I’m. I get it now.
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isabelguerra · 2 months
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i didn't appreciate these isabel expressions as much as I should have when they aired. Look at how dilated her pupils get compared to the first picture. That's her excitement at ending this game by mercilessly slamming RJ and johnny with dodgeballs. in their faces.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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"Fernando Alonso enjoys some apple juice"
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month
If you have the muse for it, could we maybe get a circus au or life interrupted update? Missing those two lately! Thank you!!! 😘
"Huh?" he turned, ruffling his hair with his free hand. "Uh, s-sorry, what were you saying?"
But his friend just frowned, "you sure you're okay? I know you're a doc to the animals, but are you really qualified to diagnose yourself?"
Gil subconsciously shifted his arm in his sling. He was no expert, but he did know how to reset a shoulder. Granted, it was because of getting into fights in his school days, but still. "Yeah, it'll be fine, really."
He shrugged, picking up some of the coiled ropes, "y'know you can take it easy if you want. We can finish setting things up for tonight."
Gil nodded, looking around them. Technically, all he did was light stuff to help out here and there. He wasn't really a regular crewman. But he had hung around all morning on the excuse of checking on the animals and helping out wherever his one good hand could help. "You, uh, seen Thena yet?"
He heard a few quiet chuckles and blushed; everyone knew why he was hanging around. He was eagerly and desperately trying to get even a glimpse of Thena. He hadn't seen her since the night she had admonished Kro - and her beast of a husband had dragged her away by the arm - and he was going nuts.
Of course, no one else knew that she had kissed him, either.
He was lying awake at night! And part of it was the pain, but another part was thinking about how she had leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't just a mistake of a peck, either, it was a real kiss. He could feel how she meant it, no matter what that really meant for them. She was a married woman, and married to the man who was both their boss, in a way.
"No one's seen her," another crewman shrugged. "Assumed boss had given her some time, I guess."
It was a reasonable guess. She had suffered quite a scare, after all. But her husband was not a reasonable man, and Gil was confident in guessing that Kro would sooner put on her costume himself than give her a day of rehearsal off without injury.
Gil picked himself up and tugged at one of his suspenders. "Thanks guys, I'll grab some lunch I guess."
They sent him off with well wishes. He wasn't in any shape to do any of the usual heavy lifting he could be asked for anyway. But rather than go in search of the group lunch being cooked behind the main tents, he slipped away towards the train.
He hadn't seen Thena in two whole days. She had once said that Kro would never really hurt her, but that was the only time when Gil wasn't really inclined to have confidence in what she said. He didn't trust anything about Kro. And he was really trying not to let the kiss influence that thinking in him, either.
He couldn't let it. She was a married woman. Whether she had kissed him or not, it wasn't his place. And he was concerned about her regardless. This wasn't about him and his feelings, it was about making sure she was okay.
"Thena?" he whispered, sticking his head out and between cars and looking around like a common cat burglar. He crept around, picking his boots up lightly.
Maybe Kro had her chained up like a ruffian. Not that he really thought he would, but he wouldn't be as surprised as he would like to be by something so barbaric.
"Thena!" he whispered again, slowly making his way to their shared sleeper car. If he was found, Kro would probably feed him to the lions. But he had to know.
Once at their sleeper car, he checked around him one more time. He knew Kro was in the main tent, snapping his cane against the ring and shouting up a storm. No one had been able to ask how Thena was without getting a real earful.
Gil knocked on the door with his good hand, pressing his ear close, "Thena, are you in there?"
She didn't sound hurt, or teary or anything. He gulped, "can...are you hurt? Can I see you?"
"I'm fine Gil, you can come in."
Part of him still imagined a nightmare in which he would walk in and find her on the floor, sitting crumpled like a bird fallen from the sky. But Thena was no fallen angel. He closed the door behind him as he saw her seated at the little table barely big enough for a single plate.
He had never seen her in a normal dress, but the soft, creamy fabric looked just like her hair.
"I'm sorry I worried you," she professed immediately, still sitting primly at the table. "Kro told me I wasn't to leave for the next two days. People should think I'm in recovery."
Which was very different from actually wanting her to recover from her fall, but it would make people think of the monster more favourably.
"Have you eaten anything?" he asked, still almost whispering as he dared to come a little closer. "Are you resting?"
She smiled at him, like having not seen him for days was completely normal and expected. "I'm resting fine. Kro has been bringing me food twice a day."
So, she was missing a meal, Gil surmised. He frowned, but that was the least of his worries. "Why won't he let you out?"
Thena's expression finally cracked, and he saw her eyes drift to his shoulder. "He asked if there was anything...with you."
The words she didn't say weighed a lot more than the ones she did, and Gil found himself flustered again. He had always known what his feelings for Thena meant. But he had thought it was a harmless crush on his unattainable and lovely boss' wife. The implication that she cared for him too...it was enough to have his stethoscope picking up his own heartbeat from ten paces.
"I assured him there wasn't," she looked down at the little table, tucking some hair behind her ear. "He said then there should be no reason I should want to leave."
There should be no reason for her to ask to see him--that was the threat that had kept her in here. If she asked to see him, or probably even ran into him accidentally, Kro would have grounds to suspicions. And Gil wasn't sure which one of them would face worse consequences for them.
Gil looked around the sleeper car. It was larger than the others, of course, or maybe it was just arranged neater. It had a small but proper bed, rather than just a cot and some hay. The little table, there was a trunk that probably held their collective things. There was even a little radio on top of it, as well as an oil lamp.
"It's not a prison."
He didn't feel comforted by that. She was unharmed, sure, in a physical sense. But sometimes animals could seem fine, then they'd give out the next day of a broken heart or some such. He moved even closer, even kneeling down to face her better (he wouldn't dare move the chair across from hers). "Birds get real down if they're in cages too much."
She laughed a little at the insinuation.
"Really," he whispered. Without him telling it to, his free hand drifted up to hers, feeling the softness of her pretty linen dress. "They're meant to be free. Clipping their wings...it seems harmless, but it really hurts them, even just a little bit, everyday."
Thena tilted her head at him, her hair slipping over her shoulder. She was so beautiful, and far too delicate for a cage like this.
Gil sighed as she brought his hand from resting over hers on her lap to her lips. In another life, he could imagine this would be a beautiful moment.
It was brief, but for just a split second, her lip wobbled. She whispered, "I wish I had met you a lifetime ago."
Gil's heart broke inside his chest. It fractured, just like his stupid shoulder. Oh, to have met her a lifetime ago. To have met her as a student, to have scraped and scrimped for pennies so he could buy her flowers and take her on swan boats on the lake. To have swooned over her everyday until he could kneel just like this and hold up an embarrassingly modest ring and ask for another lifetime.
He wasn't sure when it happened, but he rose from his knee, tilting her head with his palm and kissing her as if she weren't married. As if they had this lifetime to get it right. Which wasn't true, but it wouldn't be something he would regret, either.
Thena sighed against his lips, her hand moving to his hair. She kissed like she hadn't drank in days and he was an ice cold lemonade. "I wish I could love you."
He loved her anyway, wishes be damned. "Thena-"
She pressed her fingers to his lips, breaking the spell around them and forcing him a precious few inches away. "He'll be back soon. If he catches you in here-"
He gripped her shoulder, "I won't let him hurt you, Thena. Never-"
She grasped his hand between hers, "I am not worried about what he will do to me."
So, Kro had threatened him to get her to comply with his sick delusions of ownership. And Gil hated to admit it, but in his current state, he wasn't so sure he would in a fight against the ring leader.
His heart groaned in his chest, begging not to be separated from her. He made a face, "I can't just leave you like this."
She looked him square in the eyes, and the frosty, fiery acrobat he knew - and loved - was back. "You can, and you will--for both our sake."
She was right, he would because it would be best for her, if not both of them. But he didn't have to like it. He gave her hand another squeeze, even as he picked up his feet again. "When will he let you out of here?"
"I don't know," she whispered back, their hands dragging apart like lines of a frayed rope snapping string by string. "Until he's satisfied he has nothing to fear from you."
Kro had everything to fear from him, and as soon as his shoulder was better, Gil would see to it, too.
"I'll try and find you when he does."
He turned back to her, his hand on the car door. "Don't do anything risky. If he tries anything-"
Their eyes both shot to the side. It wasn't dangerously close yet, but it was definitely Kro's voice drawing nearer. Thena eyed him, begging him to leave before their lives were changed irreparably.
Gil nodded, dragging himself out and closing the door as quietly as possible. He held his arm as he slipped away, the muscles screaming at him like a storm was on the horizon. He stopped on the other side of the car.
"What?" Thena's softer voice came, but Gil was relieved to hear her usual sharpness in the demand.
"Usually you're begging to know how your little boyfriend is doing!" Kro barked at her. Gil heard the rattle of a container being tossed down, perhaps one of Thena's meals for the day.
"You told me to stop bringing him up," she fired right back at him. There was a pause before she added, "dearest."
Gil felt his gut clench. He had seen Kro use that term of endearment for her, and it never failed to make her squeamish.
"Very well then," Kro snarled back at her, "darling."
Gil waited a little more, but that seemed the end of it. And he had no choice but to leave it at that, at least for now. He dragged himself away, feeling just a little bit of a coward for it, too. His shoulder was aching again.
"Hey, Gil, you get some yet?"
It was lunch time. He eyed the pot of stew. Maybe that would be just the thing. "Say, will you do something for me?"
He was heard out as he explained that he was worried about Thena--heard she was on bed rest and all. It didn't come from him, but maybe - just if there were leftovers after everyone had their share - if someone could ask the boss nice and casual if Miss Thena would like it...?
Again, everyone saw right through him. But Thena was not her husband, and the crew agreed readily that they would ask in a very normal and friendly way if Miss Thena wanted any of their extra portions for the day. The lady needed her strength and all.
And Gil needed his too. The quicker his shoulder healed, the faster Thena could stop worrying about him, and the faster he could confront Kro about the treatment of his wife.
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currentlyonstandbi · 1 year
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#OKAY there were 2 versions of this post and i spent so long trying to decide which one to go with#and im STILL undecided on it but i went with this one primarily because of the comparison in the train scenes my beloved <3#i'm not great at cinematic or literary analysis but i am great at going completely off the shits about things so hold on to your hats#because the train scenes in this movie drive me insane okay the way that everytime we're shown them on screen#they're accompanied by some important shifts in character dynamic or crucial introductory set ups#it's the fact that we have that first scene with alex (and josh) and nigel#and the way that both alex and the audience are being introduced to who nigel really is as a person for the first time#before then it was surface level understanding . glimpses into the character as maybe a little strange and off-putting but nothing drastic#but that scene where nigel chooses to let josh fall??? that's the first genuine insight both audience and alex get into his character#and how it will go on to shape the story#and then we have the 2nd train ride with them! and the way it's almost like the dynamic flipped from the first time#now alex is subdued and disengaged while nigel has become animated#and i know there's completely rational explanations as to why ofc alex doesn't want anything to do with nigel after josh#whereas nigel is excited to introduce alex to his 'world' and their shared history#but the little overly-obsessive voice in my head likes to think it's an allusion to the fact that these two have begun to blur#and the delineation between their personalities becomes harder and harder to define when so often they're capable of mirroring the other#and then we have the final train scene!!! which has me chewing on the walls! my gohd the reveal of it all#the realisation that alex isn't as much of an innocent victim to it all as he'd painted himself to be in his retelling#the fact that his introduction to us was on that train and so to is the conclusion to his story#that first scene of him on the train lays out the basics of his character - the rule breaker and thrill seeker#and then the end of the movie with that final scene? when you compare it to the alex we started with? that's nigel#that is nigel's ghost wearing the face of alex and you cannot change my mind#maybe i'm just thinking into it too much like am i really gonna give greg read all this credit by saying he deliberately intended#to have the train be such an important point in the film. to serve as an environmental symbol of their character progression????? for real??#he was probably like haha trains go brrrrrh#anyway .#song rec? uhuhhhhh 'tear you apart' by she wants revenge ?#like minds#murderous intent#like minds (2006)
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
#3 am and talking with a friend about the last con I attended and thinking about all the girls cosplaying Chuuya and Dazai I saw...#How as re they doing. Do they know I would die for them#random rambles#Looking at that photo were I'm in the middle of them all awkward and happy and like.#I caught them with beer cups in their hands AND YET THEY WERE SO FABULOUS ABOUT IT. THERE'S THIS DARK ERA DAZAI STANDING SO MAJESTICALLY#WITH A FREAKING PLASTIC CUP IN ONE HAND AND A BRIGHT YELLOW PLASTIC BAG IN THE OTHER AND THEY'RE SO IMPOSSIBLY COOL ABOUT IT.#And Chuuya has this little crouched down pose that is so in character akdvdbakdvjebsks I don't know what those two people are doing now–#but I hope they're sleeping well and no worries will ever hit them#That other skk couple I caught with cotton candy in their hands!!!! I now feel so stupid for offering to old it for them off camera while–#my sister took the photo because it was literally the most adorable skk date scene ever.#But it's okay cause I'll keep it ingrained in my memory forever <3#Anyways if you're a cosplayer of any kind I love you#also shout-out to skk cosplayers for making me ship skk on instant without hesitation or second thoughts#Literally my only regret from that comicon is catching a glimpse of Servant Of Evil Rin#(like. Victorian costume and everything)#from the bus and not urging the driver to stop the bust and go to them#Ghost Evil Kingdom Rin a saw for half second from my bus sit you'll always be in my heart#*Daughter of Evil I don't know why I said servant (actually I know why it's because it's 3am... )#** Also the style of the dress is clearly Baroque-inspired not Victorian that's a whole different thing. Girl go to sleep
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cha1cedony · 6 months
I'm gonna ramble about fic writing (while taking a break from actually writing, but I'm making progress this time! I promise! woohoo. knock on wood). ANYWAY, one of my favorite things to consider as far as characterization goes is self-awareness. Because there's so many different ways and degrees to which a protagonist can be self-aware, and I just LOVE seeing how characters shift (not necessarily 'grow') over the timeline of a story. I love thinking about where a specific character would choose willful ignorance, where they would choose to come to terms with a harsh reality, where they would be entirely oblivious, where they're NOT oblivious but can't even verbalize it in their own internal monologue... chef's kiss. My favorite stuff to write
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
This angsty dewther fic I have been writing has REALLY gotten away from me and is becoming increasingly long, so enjoy a tiny no context snippet (involving a little post-elemental transition angst).
Who is talking to Dew here? hmmm who indeed ;)
“Shut the fu-” Dew’s protests were cut off by the river plants growing up and into his mouth, gagging him.
“Ifrit’s essence was used up to ignite the pathetic kindling inside you. Used him all up until he was a burnt husk of a ghoul, sort of like how you use everybody. He had to go back to the pit to recharge for only The Dark One knows how long.”
Dew felt the plants gripping him start to jerkily yank him closer to the water’s edge.
“Then there's Zephyr.”
“Now him, you let float after Ifrit while you lie there all pathetic and weakened from the exchange. I don’t remember you even leaving that room for a week.”
“Have you even bothered to try and check on either of them? Or are you too self-absorbed to think about it before now?”
The cold water had completely soaked his clothes at this point. He felt the lake start to lap at the tops of his thighs.
“Omega. We still don’t know what happened to him. Just walked out into the void of the night never to be seen again.”
“Tragic really, Aether was so torn up to lose a mentor like that. Did you even help your mate look for him, or will you leave him to wander just like Omega did?”
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lady-stormbraver · 2 years
book-honoring period drama adaptations of L.M. Montgomery’s The Blue Castle and Rilla of Ingleside W H E N
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pda-blog · 1 year
Breakthrough - I think I finally kinda get money. It's taken a lot of hard work to figure it out, but I think the problem was that I fundamentally could not focus on money. Like it made sense, but how it motivated people just made no sense.
But I had a moment of clarity today, that my financial situation is bad(??) And I should probably make more choices that result in me obtaining money.
One problem, fuck it's hard to focus on money. Like I'm happy as can be to make a little budgeting sheet, track my spending, record my savings it's a walk in the park, I fucking love paperwork. But that's not actually Getting Me more money. Even if I write it all out, the problem is that I'm struggling to react to money.
The moment of clarity came to me, when I wrote down all of my little online stores I made over the years in a list. I have a goal of making a certain amount of money this year (I've calculated it and everything). So I made a goal for each online store: how much do I want each store to make this year so I reach my financial goal?
Guess what I wrote down? $5. $10. $50. $100.
I was fucking happy the whole time to just sell One. Thing. A. Year. And that would be a success to me! In my brain that would flip the switch that goes "Yep I made money. Don't need any more!" And I would be satisfied with those amounts and not even THINK about making more.
SO, those whole time working on these online stores, I thought I was setting up something financially stable, because it FELT stable. If I sold a few things in one day and made $10, I was like "hell yeah". But, that doesn't fit with my financial goal. But it seriously felt like it was. I know intellectually this makes no sense because it's simple math, but basically I had a freaky moment where I could tell my perspective was warped somehow. Like, until I wrote it down, I SERIOUSLY thought those stores would make enough money to reach my goal. Because it FELT like they would, everything felt fine! Nothing felt stressful or 'not enough'! I never felt the need for more, even though factually I need more!
That really, REALLY gave me some pause.
It made me realise, "Wait, I am not processing the concept of money like most people... I think"
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hubba1892 · 2 years
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jameszmaguire · 11 months
I finished The Bear and I have many thoughts
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marjiandco · 2 years
8. Tepid
Time/Place: Post Stormblood, Marji does not take kindly to slavers, especially when she puts her whole being into the redemption of a woman.
TW: mentions of Suicide, violence, blood
Word Count: 456
“Tsuyu!” Marji shouted, running through the maze of the Doman enclave.
The moon was bright, its pale light marred by the trees branching shadows. Asahi should never have been allowed near her, and Marji knows something has happened. His face contorted, his promise to make this prisoner exchange a test of her beastial nature. Of course he never meant to goad her, but he would goad others, and Tsuyu is vulnerable in this state.
Her ears flicked to the rasping voice. Around a corner, two people were lying prone on the ground. The woman already stiff with rigormortis, but the man struggled and coughed. His eyes squinted in pain, but upon spotting her they grew wild. She bent over to check him and his nails dug into her skin. Marks welt as he pulled her down, and as she opened her mouth the echo enveloped her.
It was only 15 minutes before she discovered Tsuyu went missing. Tsuyu was fleeing the castle, her memories reborn. The tears in her eyes, the pain in her voice as she reached to cut herself free of their kindness interrupted by the elders she found on the floor.
They berate her, announced that she was the bane of their existence, that she could make it up to them if she could still sell for a high price. Whatever whisp of consciousness Marji turned into in the echo roiled. It was them. All it took for her to become Yotsuyu again was them. She stabbed into their gullets, and watched them fall. What once were eyes wide with possibilities had deadened. Her future where she could feel kindness died with them.
When Marji returned to the present, the man had dragged her to her knees as he reached for her grimoire.
“Heal me, heal me heal me, save me you’re the savior save me help me.” His voice fevered.
His grip on her collar pinched at the base of her throat, his other hand fumbled and trembled through her pages and stained parts of it. He grinned when he stopped on the page for physik, and slapped at her chest as his hand trailed up to the other side of her neck.
When he gazed into her eyes, he shrank. They were cold, and empty. Her hand raised, an ugly red and black glow about them as she placed it over his wound and pressed down. He gurgled out as blood dripped down his chin, his savior now his murderer.
His face was contorted, then slack as he fell to the ground. Hien came not a minute later, and asked what happened.
“I found them like this.” Marji said.
A Tepid response as her hand rested on the mans wound.
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sheliesshattered · 2 years
I think alcohol is a fantastic invention.
Because sometimes it’s fun, and sometimes it’s reckless, and sometimes it’s necessary because your father just died and you’re spending ten days living out of a hotel five minutes from your mother’s house so you can be there to help her go through all his books and clothes and trinkets and old birthday cards and the little scattered handwritten notes he wrote as he was slowly losing his mind and even more slowly realizing he was losing it, and there’s so much to get done and her grief is so overwhelming that you can’t even really feel your own, and you just think--
Bourbon. Bourbon would make this better.
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violetcancerian · 2 years
hELP I'm getting emotional about the Paleolithic era again
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