#but there's this idea that if we openly share our work then we all benefit
nhaneh · 28 days
funny thing is I don't really have any interest in hoarding knowledge or resources for myself in any way, I'm just bad at publishing stuff because I feel like that'd require a bit more stringent quality control than what I might expect of something made largely for my own use.
sometimes I think maybe I should set up something like a google drive or a git or something to just throw my personal- and work-in-progress stuff for people who are interested, but I dunno what limits for space or bandwidth or anything are like.
like I'm sure some people would possibly find the ColorSet unpacker python script useful?? It kinda sucks through and I want to make a better version of it and maybe one that could work as a standalone executable instead? and possibly a packer counterpart to the unpacker?? But also I keep thinking like "would this even be useful to anyone lmao??"
in theory you could probably make some kind of art program plugin that does all of this for you - even the bit with loading actual colorset information into layered colorset pairs, but I mean that's a lot of effort and I still largely use a 20+ year old version of Paint Shop Pro myself so...
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drunkkenobi · 12 days
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Hi bb, ty for the prompt to write my thoughts!
So I can't get on tumblr at work anymore unless I go outside to get good signal on my phone so I have only been privy to what's going on here today from friends on discord. So maybe I'm missing some nuance or the what my mutuals think and I apologize in advance for that but I'm going to speak plainly.
This is the only way Watcher is going to survive.
The view counts have been steady through Mystery Files season 2 but they aren't, like, astronomical. A video with a million views nets a channel between $10,000 - $30,000. Guys. That's nothing for Watcher. They have to pay each of their 25+ employees a salary with insurance and benefits and for everything else their channel requires. Steven said in the video today that a season of Ghost Files costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't think everyone is hearing that part and understanding how much money that is, especially compared to many other YouTubers they watch. I'm not an expert on other YouTubers but I look at the Sims people I watch. They are successful with views in the hundred k range because they are a company of one. Themselves and maybe paying a freelancer to help edit their videos. For one person, the stakes are lower and the potential for profit is higher! Especially for gamers that are filming in their homes. YouTubers like this, making niche content on the cheap, are who is going to make it in YouTube now.
Watcher is none of those things. They have, from day one, wanted to make high quality unscripted content. All of their shows are shows. They aren't just "Ryan and Shane do [thing]" or "Steven eats [whatever]". They are shows, like ones you see on cable TV or any streamer. And shows are not cheap. Unscripted is cheaper, sure, than scripted. But that doesn't mean cheap. Especially not with the sheer production value we've seen on all their shows, in particular Ghost Files (hundreds of thousands of dollars). That is how much something like Ghost Adventures costs, which is on Travel Channel, an actual TV network that puts up all those costs.
So. That's why Watcher has to pivot to survive.
I think it's a great idea, personally. And yes, I am in a position where I can financially afford it no problem, which I know is a privilege! I am very lucky in that regard. And I understand that many people are upset they won't see the boys as easily on YouTube anymore. That is valid! But they have openly said they are totally fine with password sharing and I think that's a great way to cut down on costs for some folks. Also right now there's a great deal on the yearly sub for early subscribers. $40 for a year is cheaper than any streaming service and it doesn't go to anyone other than Watcher.
I understand that people feel hurt and blindsided, but I think Watcher is also feeling this too. They have been so excited about this and being able to make whatever they want without having to worry about sponsors and now they're mostly seeing anger directed their way. Especially at Steven. Steven is not rich. You know who's rich? David Zaslav, a man who is single-handedly ruining Warner Brothers and making himself a billionaire while he's at it. THAT is the kind of person we should be directing our anger at streaming prices and quality of the media landscape at. Not one small business that is just trying to survive so they can continue paying their employees.
And one more thing. I've seen folks saying they'd rather watch more ads than pay and while I get that, that's not going to help Watcher make what they want. YouTube famously demonetizes videos with swears which is why I can't watch a video with DRAG QUEENS without every other line being bleeped and Watcher has been so good about not bleeping their content because they know we would hate it. And YouTube does this because of advertisers. Advertisers only want to appeal to the most broad of audiences so that means not supporting anything slightly left of center. Having to deal with ads sucks from the creator perspective and does not help them in the long run.
Anyway, this is all a bit rambling, but these are my thoughts on WatcherTV. I'm extremely excited to subscribe and make them make more Weird Wonderful World. I hope to see you all there.
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- I HC him as being definitely taller than your average man, but not his fanon height. Many people go with the narrative that he’s 6’10/2m 08cm’s, for what I understood this is a made up data, nowhere is it specified that he’s actually 6’10, so what I actually assign him is a height of 6’7, we know how Ghost is somewhere between 6’4/6’5 which it’s still pretty tall (1,89 cm), but we also know by comparing the models, that König is a bit taller, so I am kind of basing his height on this difference between him and Ghost. Also, knowing he could not be a sniper because of his height motivates me even more to think that he is indeed a guy bigger than your average. Again, it’s a personal HC, may or may not be shared, it’s not a canon attribute.
- As I already specified in some of my other posts, I view him as a clean individual, in a sense than he has a routine and will try to maintain it even on duty. Being at the barracks will not obstruct his routine, he washes his hair with shampoo and conditioner, he uses a particular face soap, made for his type of skin, and he uses body lotion instead of a bar of soap. It has to be said that he wasn’t always this organized, for example, thanks to you he got to buy the face wash that he now brings everywhere he goes, you kinda talked to him about using a bar of soap for all the body and explained to him how unhygienic was to use the same towel for face, body and cock/ass, because despite you being ‘clean’ after the shower, you’re still dragging bacteria form around your body onto your face and hair, overall you kinda motivated him to uplift his already good habits. He sometimes lets you do his skincare too, and when he remembers, he will actually put some face cream on. He’s still a bit fearful of coming as not very masculine, but you’re making him work on it, so he can accept that taking care of himself will never be a turn down for you, not when he’s already so hot for his age, he better maintain himself!
- Another critical point about our Köni is his age. We have a vague idea of how old he could be, many HC’ing him from 35 to late 40’s. My guess is he could be somewhere between 38 and 43, I do prefer him as a 39/40 years grandpa tho. Again, personal HC, do not take it as canon! I’d be happy honestly if they would reveal his age, probably because no matter what, I’d still simp even if he turned out to be 50 years lmaooooo.
- Yes, he does come from a village in the country side, but he did join military pretty young, so I HC him as being actually a pretty open minded individual. Remember he gets to work with technology every day, he knows what’s going on around the world, and him joining young actually was a benefit, because he got to form his own opinions in a place that welcomed every kind of human beings. He didn’t get to grow up from the hate he received at school so he kind of escaped a life where he could’ve easy became what we call an inc€l today. He grew some balls, got his priorities right. He was for sure subjected to some kind of morally wrong opinions that grew into him, that’s why you’re spending time on him, being patient and trying to explain to him many things he considered undeniable reality until he meet you. The classic ones are: males should not cry because only girls do, women can work but they would be better at home, men don’t pay attention to their physical appearance that’s for feminine boys, and many similar things. He’s slowly getting out of his habits, and you’re proud of him.
- Listen, people have mixed feelings about this one but imma say it, aside from shipping and all, König is not and will never be Homophobic. He does not have any problem with lgbt+ nor is he disturbed by couples openly showing affection in his presence. Early access to internet and a very religious family could have created the worst possible outcome for him, but he was never big into religion, already redeeming it a waste of time at a young age, but still attending church because of his mom. He knows some recruits are openly gay, he doesn’t see a problem nor does it bother him knowing he could be someone’s crush. Now I do HC him as completely straight, but again it’s MY way of imagining König, I still think that in an orgy or threesome with reader, if he trusts the other male part, he would not be against having their cocks in the same hole, rubbing against each other, or in general he would not be against having some skin to skin contact with another male because at the end he does it because it only benefits you.
- He is a perverted dog, not only because he is ‘old’ and has fucked young girls (not minors! He is not morally fucked up like that), or generally his sexual history is pretty normal for a man that age, he was just always eager to see, learn and search for what he felt was exciting to him. He had threesomes before us, he has sex, he did many things that gave him the skills and experience he’s been using on us, but yes overall I HC him as being the one that always had a porn journal under his pillow, he would even lend them around the barracks.
- He loves pussy. He eats it for HIS own pleasure okay? He would die between your legs. He cums only by eating you out. He gets drunk on pussy. Pussy is what he lives for. He’ll never die on field, living purely out of spite, because he’ll no! What do you mean he’s never gonna enjoy your pussy again if he dies! ABSOLUTELY NOT! He’ll get home, beaten, cut, stabbed, whatever, but he’ll be home to you, and he will lick your pussy for the rest of the night saying “this what’s keeping me alive honey”. And truth is you can’t deny it to him, because it’s so good, no matter the circumstances, it always brings him back home.
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nanowrimo · 7 months
How Finding the Right Writing Community Can Support You as a Writer
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. Novlr, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is the world’s first writer-owned creative writing platform, built by writers, for writers. Today, professional writer and Novlr Community Lead Pamela Koehne-Drube shares some of the benefits a writing community can provide:
I’ve been a storyteller since I first learned to speak and a writer since I first held a pen. The writing journey is an emotional roller coaster, and no single day is ever the same. 
There are moments of delight, like when a scene I’ve struggled with finally comes together, or the satisfaction of building a character who comes to life on the page. There’s the sense of accomplishment when my first draft is finished and I get to read my completed story, and the nerves of putting those same words in front of readers for the very first time.
There are lots of silent rooms, the soft tapping of keys, or the scribble of a pen. Sometimes the isolation gets too much, and that’s when I grapple with writer’s block, wrestle with stubborn plot holes, or have to slog through edits I’m just not in the mood for.
In my years as a working writer, the most important thing I’ve learned is that while only I can do the writing, I don’t have to go on the journey alone. A writing community can make all the difference in keeping me motivated. 
What is a writing community?
Writing communities are as diverse as the writers who are part of them. Every writer will have a different need from their community, but what they do share is giving writers the opportunity to interact, share knowledge, and provide mutual support.
Some communities come ready-made. NaNoWriMo is a prime example, where diverse writers all rally together to achieve a common goal and support each other along the way. It has been one of my biggest encouragements over the years. And at Novlr, we’ve built an entire writing workspace around the idea of community, not only offering a virtual space for writers to come together and share their wins, struggles, ideas, and techniques but also giving our writer-owners a real say and influence in how our platform grows and develops.
Why are writing communities important?
Writing communities are a lifeline for many of us, offering a nurturing environment where we can learn, grow, and find kinship. Whether it's seeking feedback, gaining inspiration, or just breaking the isolation often associated with writing, they play an invaluable role in any writer's journey.
Sometimes, as a writer, all you need is someone telling you you’re doing a good job. Positive affirmations and encouragement can make all the difference, not only to your confidence but also to motivate you to stick with it. Being able to share ideas, troubleshoot plot holes, and celebrate even the small victories with people who get it is the perfect motivation.
Being part of a writing community that openly shares its goals and commitments is a surefire way to motivate you to follow through. Again, NaNoWriMo is a perfect example of this; announcing your intention to the world and to the wider NaNo community makes your 50,000-word draft more than just an idea you have. It makes it real.
This accountability works for smaller goals too. Just sharing them with people makes them a tangible thing to work toward, keeping you accountable and on track to achieve your writing goals.
Become a better writer
Writing groups offer the perfect opportunity to get real-time feedback on your work and expose yourself to diverse and unique perspectives from fellow writers. Not only can they learn from you and your experiences, but you can learn from theirs by championing supportive and constructive criticism.
Rediscover the joy of writing!
There’s something truly special about the collective joy and camaraderie of sharing your writing journey. Writing groups help foster friendships where you can celebrate your shared successes. The challenges of writing become less daunting and more like puzzles to be solved together, and if you involve group activities, like writing prompts or collaborative projects, the process of writing becomes much more vibrant and enjoyable. 
What types of writing communities are there?
Writing events
Writing events foster writing communities where each member shares a single goal or focus. NaNoWriMo is, of course, the biggest and most well-known goal-focused event in the creative writing space. I have lifelong writing pals I’ve met over NaNoWriMo, and we still regularly get together for critiques. Last year, I even did a 24-hour novel challenge where we took the NaNo goal of 50,000 words but tried to fit it into a single 24-hour period. It was one of the toughest writing challenges I’ve ever done, but the community that came from it is amazing.
Similarly, online communities, like our Discord, that host regular writing sprints, often attract goal-focused individuals who enjoy the thrill of time-bound writing challenges. 
In-person writing groups
In-person writing groups meet at a dedicated time and place, like a local coffee shop, library, or someone's home. I host a writing group at my local pub on one of their quieter afternoons, and there’s a handful of us who get together, exchange ideas, play writing games, provide real-time feedback, and just generally share our work in the spirit of improving our craft. 
The value of personal contact can't be underestimated, as it does allow for more nuanced discussions about works in progress and provides a structure that many writers, myself included, find beneficial.
Critique groups
Critique groups, as the name suggests, focus primarily on providing constructive feedback on members' work. These groups are all about sharing drafts and receiving detailed criticism about your writing — anything from accuracy to style and accessibility.
Peer critiques can offer a variety of perspectives on your writing. It’s a great way to find plot holes, character inconsistencies, or stylistic improvements that you might have overlooked early on. Furthermore, by critiquing others' work, you learn to sharpen your own editing skills and gain fresh insights into the writing process.
Writing retreats
Writing retreats are designed to provide writers with a break from their everyday environment and immerse them in a space dedicated to their writing. These retreats can range from weekend getaways to month-long residencies and are often situated in inspiring locations, from country houses to beachfront cabins.
The tranquil and focused atmosphere of a retreat is designed to spark creativity and reduce distractions, allowing writers to concentrate solely on their craft.
Online writing communities
Not everyone lives near other writers or is comfortable seeking out strangers in person. Online writing communities offer a digital space for writers to interact and learn from each other, extending the possibility of collaboration regardless of geographical location.
Platforms like Reddit, Discord, and the NaNoWriMo forums are popular for hosting vibrant writing communities, providing a dynamically interactive space that keeps writers connected, inspired, and motivated in their writing journey, even if they can’t be with other writers in person.
Social media
Social media channels offer various ways for writers to connect, exchange ideas, and foster communities. On Twitter and Tumblr, writers can follow trending hashtags like #writingcommunity, #amwriting, #writeblr, #writingtips, or #NaNoWriMo to engage in conversations, share inspiration, or get advice. TikTok has also recently emerged as another hub for writers, with the #BookTok and #WritingTok trends really taking off. 
To sum up
Writing communities come in many forms and serve different purposes, but each offers unique benefits to support and enrich your writing journey. They provide the encouragement, accountability, feedback, and camaraderie needed to navigate the often solitary path of writing. It may be your journey, but you don’t have to take it alone.
As you seek to join or create a writing community, consider what you want from the experience and explore various options that align with your needs, preferences, and schedule. Remember, writing doesn't have to be a lonely endeavour. In the company of fellow writers, the journey becomes a shared experience, making the process less daunting and far more rewarding. Happy writing!
Novlr is free to use. However, for those who need the extra bits, there’s a 40% discount on Novlr Pro for 12 months for NaNoWriMo writers. Simply add the NANO23 coupon code when subscribing at Novlr.org. Offer expires December 31st, 2023.
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Pamela Koehne-Drube is all about building creative writing communities where imagination thrives and writers achieve their goals. As a professional ghostwriter and editor, Pamela has first-hand experience in the book trade, from supporting fledgeling writers all the way through to working with the Big Five publishers. She’s an expert on all things writing. In her role as Writer Development & Community Lead at Novlr, you'll find her organising challenges and chatting about writing in Novlr’s Discord and building a repository of amazing writing, editing, publishing, and marketing resources for the Reading Room.
Top photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash.
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theskeletontarot · 2 months
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In The Skeleton Tarot Deck, the Three of Coins emerges as a collaborative masterpiece, where artists come together to create something greater than themselves. The key phrase of this card may be, "Never work alone."
Imagine this: three people coming together, each with their own unique talents and skills. They put their hands in the center, as if they are completing a team huddle, about to break, having agreed on their next steps together. Between each hand sits a coin, representation of each hands contribution to the final work.
This card glorifies the skill it takes to make a physical creation. It also underscores the personal benefits of producing quality work with others. It reminds us that a team working together, may be able to keep each others eyes on the goal, more easily than when we work alone.
This card is giving you a nod to embrace collaboration and teamwork in your endeavors. It suggests that by pooling your talents and resources with others, you can achieve greater success and recognition for your efforts.
In terms of social justice work, the Three of Coins encourages us to consider the power of collective action and collaboration in creating positive change. It prompts us to seek out allies and partners who share our vision, and to work together towards common goals. It reminds us that by combining our efforts, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.
So, let this card inspire you to collaborate with others, to share your talents and ideas openly, and to celebrate the unique contributions that each individual brings to the table. Together, we can create something truly remarkable. 💀🔨🎨
When this card appears, consider:
If you are not already working with others, consider at least seeking someone else's input on your situation
Develop a plan for your project if you have not already.
Re-double your efforts to do all your work with integrity, really focusing on quality in the final output.
when the three of coins appears in reverse:
Consider if you have been doing the best work you can, or if you are cutting corners
Have you been working without the net that goals and priorities provide?
Are you caught in the trap of thinking that you have to do everything by yourself?
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sheocheese · 6 months
I think more teens / young adults should have adult friends, and more adults should be open to being that friend.
Let me explain:
I know the internet has thought us that everyone over 29 who as much as TALKS to someone under 25 is a groomer and a creep and what have you, but the reality is just. Not like that? (obligatory "Yes bad people who will take advantage of younger folks do exist and yes still be careful who you trust and all that" disclaimer)
We are 4 trainees at my job, the youngest of us is 19. I'm the second oldest at 31. At first I felt kinda weird hanging out with and talking to the 19yo because of what the internet taught me, but I learned very quick that not only is she genuinely interested in my experiences and opinions and often actively asks me for my input, but that there is really nothing weird about it. Heck, it's normal!!* and the best part: We both benefit from it! Today I took her along to go grocery shopping after work. She has no car/driving license and thus no way to do a bigger shopping trip, and I had to buy a few things before the weekend as well so I offered to help out. She asked SO MANY questions, like how do I find out which option is the cheapest? What do I have to look out for when buying fresh fruit and veggies? Where do I find what and why do they keep changing it? Stuff that she could never ask her abusive mother. And I was happy to tell her! It helped A LOT with my anxiety I usually battle with in public spaces, and I felt SO useful, like heck yes! Let me teach you! Let me help you understand the stupid world that we live in so you can navigate it better! Let be be a positive influence! And after not even 3 months of working with this girl, I can already see that I really am having a positive influence on her. That I (and our other coworkers) have changed her somewhat conservative views on things, because before taking on this job, the only adults in her life were shitty. She had no idea how diverse and colorful and different other people can be, and that that's a good thing and nothing to be afraid of. She wants to quit smoking now, not because I or someone else told her she should, but because she has heard our coworkers who smoke openly regretting that they ever started.
So yeah I really, really think that older teens and young adults can greatly benefit from just. Hanging out with someone who is 10, 20, or even more years older than them and not their parent. Getting some new input/perspective on the world. And while an adult hanging out with a teen may not learn a lot other than some new words and the newest tiktok trends or whatever, I think they can benefit from the experience of being a positive influence. Of teaching others, even if it's about mundane things like grocery store queing etiquette. Especially if you struggle with things like depression, seeing how much you can help someone just by sharing your own experience can be great.
*A bit of context here because I feel it's important, especially for US americans: I live in Germany. If you want to get into a job, especially an artisinal one but this really applies to most fields, you have to work as a Trainee for 3 entire years and pass some tests before you can officially call yourself a "baker" or "gardener" or whatever your field is. So seeing a 16 yo fresh out of shool working and hanging out with the adult workers of the company is normal, especially if they learn their craft at a smaller business where they are the only trainee.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Something about the Liberal mind is broken by Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Trump.
Trump is right when he says we need to bring this war to an end. It's not about winning or losing, it's about bringing an end to the bloodshed.
Something Liberals and their Neocon allies don't seem to be able to comprehend: you get rid of Putin, and you're virtually certain to bring a bigger hardliner to power on Ukraine and NATO than Putin ever was.
Has anyone been listening to some of the shit Medvedev has been saying??? About Nukes?
The idea that Liberals would think it's okay to try to take out Putin and this is somehow magically going to mean a Ukrainian victory marching into Crimea.
It's a complete fucking fantasy!
What you're more likely to get is the rise to power of a Medvedev, chomping at the bit to let loose the Russian military on NATO assets they know are just sitting on the other side of the border with Ukraine in Poland.
I mean, let's be clear. When we're talking about overthrowing Putin, we're talking about the unleashing of what will likely be a series of events that lead straight to WWIII and Nuclear Holocaust.
And some of the people openly discussing these kind of ideas, ideas we know will lead to disaster, are people with major influence in the halls of power. People in organizations like the Atlantic Council, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Brookings Institute, all openly calling for the US to do MORE for Ukraine, and NOT to find a way to end the bloodshed.
These people are quick to call you a Putin apologist, a Russian puppet, all these cliché gotcha names that allow Liberals and other supporters of the Ukraine Proxy-war to completely ignore facts about the war and dismiss any news they don't like (such as pointing out the very obvious heavy losses Ukraine is sustaining, and their inability to continue to suffer losses at these rates for much longer) as Putin's propaganda.
While these internet "soldiers" enjoy the moral high ground (or so they imagine) online, and truly the largely Western online audiences applaud them and cheer them on, rewarding them with likes and shares and pats on the back.(Good work!)
Meanwhile Ukraine is suffering unimaginable loss: hundreds upon hundreds of casualties every day, expending far more manpower and ammunition than is capable of being replaced by Ukraine and the West. And the Ukrainian economy is barely treading water despite Billions in Western aid, the US even going so far as to fully fund Ukraine's Public Pension system. (Even while our own citizens remain homeless by the tens of thousands and most Americans are struggling without the benefit of a public pension system.)
But point any of this out, easily provable information if you're willing to spend a little while sifting through the propaganda... and you're a Putin puppet, because apparently Americans cannot think beyond the Democrat talking points being spoon-fed to them on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and in the pages of the NY Times and Washington Post.
What exactly are all these Liberals and Neocons going to do when Trump wins the election and Ukraine collapses??? I mean, this is looking more and more likely to happen in less than two years.
I mean, how do you reckon with all the Russiagate garbage, the censorship, the Jan 6th obsession, the lies to make it look like Ukraine ever had even the slimmest of chances against the Russian Federation, the absolutely UNBELIEVABLE turnaround in the media on the existence of Nazi paramilitary forces in Ukraine, all the fake investigations and nonsense around Trump over the last too many years, as though any of it was going to stop him from running for, and winning, the next Presidential election, it's all going to collapse like a ton of bricks in their faces.
But the saddest part of it all is that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and Russians will have to die because of the sheer HUBRIS of Liberals and Neocons in the US and Europe.
And THAT is a War Crime that should always be remembered.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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@dynamoprotocol sent: 💕Clarissa and Rick back when they were dating ,,uwu,, Ship meme: in-depth edition || Selectively accepting !
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How did they meet? ~ "O-One night we ran into each other a-at this random seedy pub in space. I-I guess that we bonded over having had a shitty day an-and a shitty life in general."
Who flirted with who first? ~ "I-I think it was me, that very same night, b-but shit, we were both so drunk. I-I don't fuckin' remember. I-It would track. S-She was a beautiful, witty, available woman, w-why the fuck I wouldn't have flirty with her, i-if she had let me?"
Was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? ~ "D-Definitely a fuckin' slow burn...even if not that slow. W-We started off as drinking buddies, an-and it didn't took much to get to friends with benefits. A-As for the romance part...tha-that took a while. T-The feelings were there, b-but...neither of us though tha-that dating was a good idea...u-until we decided that we didn't care."
Did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? ~ "A-As I mentioned it was a long road to the dating stage, s-so...yeah. I guess you could say tha-that we've been friends first."
What was their first date? ~ "I-I took her out on the beach, o-on this planet tha-that's basically made of crystals. T-Thinnest emerald sand, f-fuckin' spectacular amethyst waters an-and three suns setting. I-I wanted to go all out b-because...she had made me feel alive for the first time since...i-in a very long while. W-We went for a swim, had a picnic, danced under the stars...an-and had a real wild night of sex there too."
What are their favourite things to do on date nights? ~ "W-We usually go out to drink or-or I take her to concerts and parties. I-If we're not not in the mood for a crowd, w-we take my ship and go for a drive. I-I know a lot of cool places, i-in different dimensions, and...I-I want to share them all with her. I-If we do something more 'domestic', w-we stay in for some shitty soap opera an-and booze or I go to her place an-and we work on our projects."
Do they still go on dates after being together for a while? ~ "O-Of fuckin' course! W-Why the hell would we stop j-just because we've been dating a while? Tha-That's demented. D-Dates and sex are the most fun shit in a relationship. I-If I have a say in it, w-we'll never stop having on dates."
What is their love language? ~ "W-We don't...you know, say shit out aloud. O-Or well, I don't, Clarissa is a little more...vocal. B-But I think we show it by spending time with each other. An-And being there to offer a sympathetic ear an-and share a bottle of liquor a-after one of us had a shitty day. I-I get her random presents too, sometimes. Y-You know, the 'this made me think of you' sort."
Who kissed who first? ~ "I-I did. As soon as she showed that she was interested, I-I cornered her against a wall an-and kissed the hell out of her."
Who started the relationship? ~ "Uh, t-that was her. S-She said...the words first. I-I didn't say it back, I-I wasn't ready, but...I asked her if it meant tha-that she was my girlfriend now an-and that's how we made it official."
Monogamy or Polyamory? ~ "M-Mandatory fourth wall break for this one, pffffft. W-We never openly said that we were exclusive back when we dated, b-but we still didn't sleep with anyone else. I-In a universe where there's both her an-and Rick...Damn. P-Poly would be the fuckin' best choice."
Are they/do they plan on getting married? ~ "A-Absolutely no. After...I-I will never marry again. I-I haven't even told her that I-I had a wife. I-I mentioned during a drunk talk tha-that I don't believe in marriage. B-But that's the only time the subject had come up."
Who proposed? Was it a yes or no?
Do they want kids? Who brought it up first? ~ "W-We've never talked about it. S-Shit, our relationship is a whirlwind. An-And our lives are a fuckin' mess, f-for a lot of reasons. K-Kids wouldn't fit in it. An-And I don't want any. I-I doubt that she does."
Do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? ~ "...I-I had a daughter. C-Clarissa doesn't know, I-I haven't told this either. An-And I'm not planning to."
Do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? ~ "K-Kind of? I-I mean, shit, we both live pretty messy lives, s-so it happens that we don't see each other for a while. An-And we don't live together an-and we both have our own shit to take care of, s-so...routine isn't really our thing. B-But I make her breakfast if she stays the night, an-and we always bring each other a bottle w-when we pop in for an unannounced visit. An-And we sext when we can see each other for a few days."
How do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? ~ "W-We...don't. Not really. I-I guess we're both stubborn that way an-and we'd rather deal with it on our own. B-But I got her some alien medicines an-and painkillers a few times an-and she kicked me to bed and kept me there a-after I had caught a bad case of Atlaxian flu. S-So I guess that we're willing to stick around an-and take care of each other, b-but we do only when the other allows it."
How do they like to spend time together? ~ "D-Doing all the stuff I mentioned. G-Going out, drinking, making out an-and fucking, working on shit, exploring a little. I-I take her with me when I need a hand o-on adventures. An-And sometimes she takes me along to break into...s-some facilities or shit. I never ask. I-It's fun, I get to blow up shit, an-and that's all that matters to me."
What are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? ~ "I-I don't know about Clarissa, b-but mine is laying my head in her lap an-and just stay there. S-Sometimes she feeds me popcorn or shit, i-if we're watching TV, o-other times she plays with my hair. I-It feels...quiet. I-In a good way."
What are some of their favourite things about their partner? ~ "S-She's one of the most headstrong people I know. S-She's smart, witty, bold. I-I like that she doesn't mince words, an-and that she isn't scared to say what she thinks. I-I like how she can play me, an-and that she knows exactly how to make me do what she wants. S-She's just...her personality is fuckin' electrifying, an-and yeah, that's on purpose. An-And she's gorgeous. A-A hot hothead, damn. S-Sign me up."
How do they comfort the other when they are upset? ~ "W-We mostly sit with each other and drink. S-She never asks me to talk about it, an-and neither do I. I-If we feel like talking, w-we do, otherwise...we just keep each other company."
Who buys the other spontaneous gifts? ~ "I-It's mostly me. A-As I said, I get her shit I find around w-while I'm doing my thing. S-She doesn't always like them, b-because, well...s-some stuff is objectively disgusting, b-but hey, I find it cool."
What position do they sleep in? ~
Do they bathe/shower together? ~ "F-From time to time. U-Usually the morning after we slept together or-or after a messy outing."
Do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? ~ "F-Fuck yeah, lots of other things. ~ An-Add we take our time, i-if neither of us has to run."
In the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? ~ "S-She can literally make electricity. W-What do you think?"
For applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? ~ "W-We switch. I-If I have some particular craving, I-I let her know, but I mostly go with whatever she's in the mood for. A-As long as she makes sure to shock me at least a bit e-every time we fuck."
For applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? ~ "S-Same as the top/bottom thing."
What is their favourite sex position? ~ "S-Shit that's a tough one. I-I think it's a tie between me lifting her up, p-pressing her against a wall and fucking her like that, an-and she is fucking me while keeping me pinned down."
Do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? ~ "H-Hell yeah! Y-You should see the stuff I find around, s-some people out there are goddamn crazy. A-At times in a really good way. W-We don't try everything I-I bring back, but Clarissa is pretty adventurous, s-so...let's say that we have a lot of unconventional fun.~"
Favourite place to have sex? ~ "F-For me? The back of my ship. I-It's messy and there's not much room, b-but it's intimate. An-And I just love how hearing the echoes o-of the sounds she makes."
Most adventurous place they’ve had sex? ~ "N-No gravity chamber. I-It's trickier than it looks, trust me."
How often do they fight? What about? ~ "W-We do, but not too much. U-Usually is about random shit, l-like if I touch something of hers I shouldn't touch or-or if she presses some subjects too much. B-But it's never big fights. M-Maybe we give each other the silent treatment for a day, an-and that's it. T-There was this one time we fought over our hair, pfffft. I-I don't even remember what I said, b-but she got offended an-and she mocked me for my bald spot."
Have they ever broken up? ~ "A-Again, fourth wall break...Y-Yeah, we did. An-And we didn't see each other for eight years after that."
Messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ~ "C-Calling it 'messy' is a fuckin' understatement. I-It was ugly, almost violent. T-The worst break up I've ever had. W-We hurt each other so badly tha-that we still feel it, e-even after all those years."
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argyrocratie · 1 year
The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation  
‘Meaningful action, for revolutionaries, is whatever increases the confidence, the autonomy, the initiative, the participation, the solidarity, the equalitarian tendencies and the self-activity of the masses and whatever assists in their demystification. Sterile and harmful action is whatever reinforces the passivity of the masses, their apathy, their cynicism, their differentiation through hierarchy, their alienation, their reliance on others to do things for them and the degree to which they can therefore be manipulated by others – even by those allegedly acting on their behalf.’  
- Solidarity, ‘As We See It’
In understanding that the revolution must be made by the whole of the working class, the revolutionary organisation has a number of tasks to perform.
As members of the organisation we must embody a set of shared aims and principles in the task of building towards revolution. We must work to actively dismantle structures of oppression that have been carried over from society. We must organise federally as opposed to centrally and have decision-making processes that are directly democratic. This encourages the active participation of all members and prevents the formation of unnecessary bureaucracy.
We put forward the message that the working class must destroy capitalism and establish an anarchist communist society. We do this by giving practical examples of working class self-organisation. We are internationalist and make links with other groups in order to build solidarity and increase class effectiveness. Working class history is deliberately obscured and excluded from mainstream media by the structures of the ruling class. We work towards the rediscovery of past struggles, their successes and mistakes, sharing the lessons that develop our class consciousness.
However, we cannot see ourselves solely as a propaganda group. We work to achieve local victories in our communities, building solidarity between those who rent, those who own, those on housing benefits and those who are squatting or homeless. We are involved in workplace disputes, attempting to make links between unionised, non-unionised and unemployed workers, as well as demonstrating common purpose between different workplace struggles against our shared class enemies. We join groups formed around fighting at particular intersections of oppression within the working class (such as women’s groups, queer collectives, disability campaigns, etc.).
We point out the anti-capitalist and libertarian tendencies in these struggles. We agitate for a break with reformism, hierarchical forms of organisation, and the idea that we share an interest with members of the ruling class on the basis of a common identity. We work towards the fullest mass participation inside groups and throughout the working class as a whole.
Ultimately, we aim to show the way in which all these struggles are interconnected and help build a sense of understanding, respect and practical solidarity between working class struggles so that different groups can work in mutual aid against common enemies.
While seeking to openly spread our ideas as part of these movements, we do not try to make them appendages of the revolutionary organisation. Liberation is achieved by building autonomous groups that work together in class solidarity.
 Finally, we must continue to develop anarchist communist theory and practice during a time when many hold relatively conservative ideas and values. To this end we must be sure that these are not merely abstract theoretical concepts but are in fact real strategies developed through struggle. It is not the case that ideas must necessarily come before action; we learn through struggle and this in turn influences developments in our theory. It is vitally important that we are constantly assessing and revising our ideas to reflect changing material conditions.
- the Anarchist Federation, “The Role of the Revolutionary Organisation” 
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bartlettflowers16 · 6 days
Important Leadership Skills For Office Success Blog
Risk and Opportunity Management Find out about threat administration systems and learn to benefit from opportunities. Capture the ideas effectively and discover ways to assume outdoors the field. Sport teaches useful life skills that can set individuals up for success in many features of life. This course additionally covers differentiating between imaginative and prescient, mission working ideas and objectives whereas assessing widespread strategies for facilitating innovation and creativity. It is important to be the sort of leader who addresses battle when it happens, ensures that each celebration has been heard, and works to resolve all of the issues. Vulnerability – the willingness to share openly and fully with mutual belief. As we’ve coated, robust leaders have a constructive impression on worker retention, efficiency, engagement and morale. Every group faces challenges that would threaten success. Leaders excel at pinpointing obstacles and finding artistic ways to beat them. Improving leadership skills Whether you are new to the supervisory position or have prior expertise, this course will give you the abilities in communication, coaching, and battle that you have to achieve success. At its core, worker retention is linked to the standard of staff leadership. Employees typically don’t leave firms; they go away their managers. The pace of disruption is accelerating, and it's impacting leaders. We also dive into a deeper discussion around communication skills on this publish. Motivation and Questioning Methods A team is most productive when it's motivated. Similar to a profession path, it’s a set of steps an employee must take to advance in their profession as a leader. Fire department leadership training is part of the essential core of a hearth company. Firefighters work together as a team underneath administration to protect each other and the public. In order to develop strong leadership skills, there are key elements to assume about. We need to hearken to learn what's going on around the lab, to know the interactions of the people, and to build efficient work relationships. If we really want to take finest advantage of all the skills, knowledge, and experience of our gifted staffs, we need to take heed to them, and encourage them to talk openly and actually. We need to ask them to tell us what we need to hear, not just what we need to hear. When it comes to leadership, we will safely say that no two leaders are the same. This guide covers important leadership skills, including worker engagement, the artwork of delegation, constructive feedback, and succession planning. Each section is filled with useful ideas and methods you could put to make use of right away. Anyone will aspire to turn out to be a fantastic leader whose imaginative and prescient is taken significantly and is capable of delivering results. Results are certainly the one thing that matter most for a frontrunner and tips on how to achieve results is precisely what you will be taught in this course utilizing efficient sensible workout routines. Creativity As a pacesetter, you want to make a quantity of choices that don't have a clear answer, so you need to have the ability to think exterior of the field. Many staff may also be impressed and impressed by a leader who doesn't at all times choose the safe, standard path. Improving leadership skills Understand the critical communication skills and practices required to indicate up more effectively as remote leaders. The alternative at hand is to reshape organizations for sustainable excessive performance. A leader with robust team leadership skills possesses the flexibility to articulate a clear imaginative and prescient for what their group should be focusing on. By doing so, they be certain that each team member understands the course in which the organization is headed.
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stanleyvasquez19 · 6 days
Important Leadership Skills For Office Success Blog
Risk and Opportunity Management Find out about threat administration systems and learn to benefit from opportunities. Capture the ideas effectively and discover ways to assume outdoors the field. Sport teaches useful life skills that can set individuals up for success in many features of life. This course additionally covers differentiating between imaginative and prescient, mission working ideas and objectives whereas assessing widespread strategies for facilitating innovation and creativity. It is important to be the sort of leader who addresses battle when it happens, ensures that each celebration has been heard, and works to resolve all of the issues. Vulnerability – the willingness to share openly and fully with mutual belief. As we’ve coated, robust leaders have a constructive impression on worker retention, efficiency, engagement and morale. Every group faces challenges that would threaten success. Leaders excel at pinpointing obstacles and finding artistic ways to beat them. Whether you are new to the supervisory position or have prior expertise, this course will give you the abilities in communication, coaching, and battle that you have to achieve success. At its core, worker retention is linked to the standard of staff leadership. Employees typically don’t leave firms; they go away their managers. The pace of disruption is accelerating, and it's impacting leaders. We also dive into a deeper discussion around communication skills on this publish. Motivation and Questioning Methods A team is most productive when it's motivated. Similar to a profession path, it’s a set of steps an employee must take to advance in their profession as a leader. Fire department leadership training is part of the essential core of a hearth company. Firefighters work together as a team underneath administration to protect each other and the public. In order to develop strong leadership skills, there are key elements to assume about. We need to hearken to learn what's going on around the lab, to know the interactions of the people, and to build efficient work relationships. If we really want to take finest advantage of all the skills, knowledge, and experience of our gifted staffs, we need to take heed to them, and encourage them to talk openly and actually. We need to ask them to tell us what we need to hear, not just what we need to hear. When it comes to leadership, we will safely say that no two leaders are the same. This guide covers important leadership skills, including worker engagement, the artwork of delegation, constructive feedback, and succession planning. Each section is filled with useful ideas and methods you could put to make use of right away. Anyone will aspire to turn out to be a fantastic leader whose imaginative and prescient is taken significantly and is capable of delivering results. Results are certainly the one thing that matter most for a frontrunner and tips on how to achieve results is precisely what you will be taught in this course utilizing efficient sensible workout routines. Creativity As a pacesetter, you want to make a quantity of choices that don't have a clear answer, so you need to have the ability to think exterior of the field. Many staff may also be impressed and impressed by a leader who doesn't at all times choose the safe, standard path. leadership presence Understand the critical communication skills and practices required to indicate up more effectively as remote leaders. The alternative at hand is to reshape organizations for sustainable excessive performance. A leader with robust team leadership skills possesses the flexibility to articulate a clear imaginative and prescient for what their group should be focusing on. By doing so, they be certain that each team member understands the course in which the organization is headed.
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hobsonsbayau · 1 month
Why Venue Hire Is Crucial for a Successful Corporate Retreat?
When it comes to organising a corporate retreat that not only inspires but also rejuvenates your team, the importance of venue hire Williamstown cannot be overstated.
Imagine this: a serene environment where ideas flow as freely as coffee, where every facility and service is tailored to foster creativity, collaboration, and relaxation.
This dream can only be turned into reality with the perfect venue hire. In this blog post, we'll explore why selecting the right venue is the cornerstone of planning a successful corporate retreat.
Through seven detailed sections, we will uncover the multifaceted benefits of careful venue hire, ensuring your next corporate retreat is nothing short of spectacular.
The First Impression Matters
The moment your team steps into the venue, it can set the tone for the entire retreat. A well-chosen venue speaks volumes about the company's values, attention to detail, and dedication to its employees' well-being and professional growth.
Venue hire is your first opportunity to make a powerful statement - that this retreat is important, thoughtfully planned, and designed to offer a unique and beneficial experience. It's about creating an environment that feels removed from the usual office space, one that stimulates openness and creativity.
Fostering Creativity and Collaboration
The physical space in which we work has a significant impact on our mental space. A key benefit of thoughtful venue hire Williamstown is the ability to select a space that breaks down the usual office hierarchies and barriers to communication.
Venues with open spaces, natural light, and comfortable seating encourage informal interactions and spontaneous brainstorming sessions.
Additionally, venues that offer breakout rooms or outdoor spaces provide the perfect backdrop for team-building activities, workshops, and deep-dive discussions.
The right venue can transform the way your team interacts and collaborates, leading to breakthrough ideas and strengthened relationships.
Customisation to Suit Your Needs
One size does not fit all when it comes to corporate retreats. Different teams have different needs, goals, and preferences. The flexibility to customise the space and services is a critical aspect of venue hire. Whether you need technology-equipped meeting rooms for presentations, spaces for physical activities, or quiet zones for reflection and relaxation, the ideal venue will accommodate these requirements.
Customisation also extends to catering, with venues offering a variety of meal options to suit dietary restrictions and preferences, ensuring everyone is well-fed and energised throughout the retreat.
Location, Location, Location
The adage rings true for venue hire as well. The location of your retreat can drastically affect its success.
Whether it's a tranquil countryside setting, a beachfront resort, or a mountain lodge, the right location can enhance the retreat experience by offering a refreshing change of scenery, opportunities for outdoor activities, and a sense of escape from the daily grind.
Proximity to nature, in particular, has been shown to boost mood, reduce stress, and increase creativity, making the choice of location a key consideration in the planning process.
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Ensuring Privacy and Exclusivity
Privacy is paramount during a corporate retreat.
Venue hire plays a crucial role in ensuring that your team can discuss, debate, and share openly without the fear of being overheard or interrupted. Venues that offer exclusivity not only safeguard your company's confidentiality but also create a more intimate setting where employees feel comfortable expressing themselves.
This is particularly important for sessions that involve sensitive topics, strategic planning, or personal development workshops.
Facilitating Rest and Rejuvenation
A corporate retreat is not just about work; it's also an opportunity for your team to relax, recharge, and reconnect with one another on a personal level.
Venue hire that prioritises wellness facilities such as spas, fitness centres, and recreational activities can greatly enhance the overall experience.
Downtime is crucial for mental health and productivity, and by choosing a venue that offers these amenities, you signal to your employees that their well-being is a top priority.
The Value of Professional Support
Finally, the success of a corporate retreat often hinges on the support provided by the venue's staff.
Venue hire at venues with experienced, professional teams can take a significant load off your shoulders.
From planning and setup to catering and technical support, having access to a dedicated team can ensure that your retreat runs smoothly and any issues are swiftly addressed.
This allows you, the organiser, to focus more on the content and objectives of the retreat rather than getting bogged down by logistical details.
In conclusion, venue hire Williamstown is far more than just booking a location for your corporate retreat. It's about creating an environment that inspires and facilitates creativity, collaboration, and rejuvenation.
It's about making a statement that this time away from the office is valuable and meaningful.
With the right venue, you can significantly enhance the experience and outcomes of your corporate retreat, making it a memorable and productive event that your team will appreciate and benefit from.
So, take the time to consider your venue options carefully, keeping in mind the needs and well-being of your team, and you'll be well on your way to organising a successful retreat.
Source: https://hobsonsbayhotel.blogspot.com/2024/03/why-venue-hire-is-crucial-for.html
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onyxtherapy1 · 2 months
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Why Grief Doesn’t Move in Stages
Accepting that grief has stages is a comforting thought. Losing a loved one is a jolting and disorienting experience. Hence, it can offer a hint of solace to envision the ensuing mourning period as having a structure. In a general sense, it does. But we’d all be better served if we didn’t expect grief to be linear. The stages usually arrive but not necessarily in order, and they have a tendency to come and go.
With all this in mind, every single one of us could benefit from a more nuanced perception of bereavement. Grief is something that all of us experience, yet we choose to leave it mostly unexamined.
The 5 Stages of Grief
The common stages known and discussed in books and articles are as follows:
There are other models that include shock, pain, guilt, reconstruction, and hope — but you get the idea. The journey from denial to acceptance is a bumpy, winding road that may double back a few times. No GPS can discern a straight line, so you must buckle up and acknowledge that each person’s journey is unique. Someone or something you love is gone, and it’s wise not to expect this event to pass smoothly or structured.
Some Under-Discussed Realities of Grief
You will feel misunderstood and alone — as if no one can comprehend what you’re experiencing.
There’s no “right” way to grieve. You have to follow your heart but remain open to support. But remember that grief can become complicated and may eventually require professional help.
Well-intentioned folks will stumble through platitudes and clichés in a desperate attempt to offer solace. Clumsy lines about how your loved one is no longer suffering can inspire you to do better when it comes to your turn to comfort those who mourn.
Stages or no stages, grief can be triggered and re-triggered at any time. Events like birthdays and anniversaries can be particularly challenging.
Do not withdraw from your social support system. Your loved ones can be indispensable as you bounce from one stage to another over and over.
In the end, it’s most wise to cultivate a steady and self-loving respect for the formidable experience of grief. Do not suppress your emotions. Give yourself permission to feel what you need to feel.
Don’t expect clear signs of progress. Grief will stay with you, but fortunately, it will evolve into versions that are more manageable over time.
The Downside of Looking for Stages
The concept of stages creates expectations. When these unrealistic expectations are not met, the bereaved person is left to feel even worse. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just grieve like everyone else? When will I finally attain acceptance? Obviously, this is not productive. That’s why the stage of grief must — at most — be used as a very basic sketch of what you may experience.
The stages can also offer solace to anyone who feels odd that they’re so often angry or denying reality. When faced with the knowledge that most folks who suffer a loss go through something similar, there can be deep comfort in that realization. Translation: Neither ignore the stages of grief nor treat them like a blueprint.
So, How Does One Navigate a Season of Mourning?
Just as there is no one way to grieve, there is also no one way to resolve grief. A skilled therapist understands this reality and can be of immense help in a time of loss. The session room is where you can share openly and strive to better understand what you are feeling. If you are currently mourning and feeling confused about it, connect with our office and we can get you talking to a therapist who is specialized in working with grief and loss.
We invite you to schedule a free and confidential virtual consultation to find a good fit therapist for you.
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houseofremodelinginc · 2 months
Your Guide to Hiring the Best Kitchen Remodeling Services and Contractors
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Embarking on a kitchen remodeling project is an exciting yet daunting task. Whether you're looking to update your kitchen's aesthetic, improve functionality, or increase resale value, finding the right remodeling services and contractors is crucial to achieving your vision. In this guide, we'll explore the steps to hiring the best Kitchen Remodeling Contractors Lake Forest, CA. At House Of Remodeling, we understand the importance of a well-executed kitchen remodel and are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today at 866-940-2494 to learn more about our services and schedule a consultation.
1. Define Your Goals and Budget:
Before embarking on your kitchen remodeling journey, defining your goals and establishing a realistic budget is essential. Consider what aspects of your kitchen you'd like to change or improve, whether it's updating cabinets and countertops, installing new appliances, or reconfiguring the layout. Determine how much you're willing to invest in your remodel, considering the initial costs and potential long-term benefits regarding home value and functionality.
2. Research and Gather Inspiration:
Take the time to research different kitchen styles, layouts, and design trends to gather Inspiration for your remodel. Browse home improvement websites, magazines, and social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram to discover ideas that resonate with your taste and lifestyle. Pay attention to cabinet finishes, countertop materials, lighting fixtures, and flooring options, and compile a mood board or visual reference to share with potential contractors.
3. Seek Recommendations and Referrals:
Ask friends, family members, and neighbours for recommendations and referrals for kitchen remodeling services and contractors they've worked with. Personal referrals are often the most reliable way to find reputable professionals who deliver quality artistry and excellent customer service. Additionally, check online review sites and business directories to read reviews and testimonials from previous clients.
4. Verify Credentials and Experience:
Verifying their credentials and experience is essential when evaluating potential kitchen remodeling contractors. Ensure they are licensed, insured, and bonded to work in your area. Inquire about their experience with kitchen remodels, including the scope and scale of projects they've completed and any specializations or certifications they may have. Ask for references and portfolio examples to assess the quality of their artistry and design expertise.
5. Schedule Consultations and Get Quotes:
Once you've narrowed down your list of potential kitchen remodeling contractors, schedule consultations to discuss your project in detail; during these meetings, communicate your goals, preferences, and budget constraints openly and clearly. Ask questions about the contractor's approach to project management, timelines, and communication processes. Be sure to request a detailed written estimate or quote that outlines the scope of work, materials, labour costs, and any applicable warranties or guarantees.
6. Review Contracts and Agreements:
Before proceeding with your kitchen remodeling project, carefully review and sign a written contract or agreement with your chosen contractor. Ensure all terms, conditions, and expectations are clearly outlined, including project milestones, payment schedules, and dispute resolution procedures. Verify that the contract complies with local building codes and regulations and that necessary permits are obtained before work begins.
7. Monitor Progress and Communication:
Throughout the kitchen remodeling process, maintain open lines of communication with your contractor and monitor progress closely. Regularly communicate any concerns, questions, or changes to the project scope and promptly address any issues or delays. Establish a communication protocol, such as weekly progress meetings or updates via email or phone, to stay informed and involved in the remodeling process. Hiring the best Kitchen Remodeling Services Orange County, CA is crucial in achieving your dream kitchen. By defining your goals, conducting thorough research, seeking recommendations, verifying credentials, scheduling consultations, reviewing contracts, and maintaining open communication, you can ensure a successful and satisfying Remodeling experience. At House Of Remodeling, we're committed to delivering exceptional results and exceeding your expectations. Contact us today at 866-940-2494 to discuss your kitchen remodeling project and schedule a consultation. With our expertise and dedication to quality craftsmanship, we'll help bring your vision to life and transform your kitchen into the heart of your home.
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goodmanlantern · 5 months
Top Practices to Follow to Foster Inclusive Remote Teams
The workplace has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, driven by the rise of remote work. What was once considered a flexible exception has become a norm and often a requirement in the modern workplace.
Technological advancements, coupled with the unforeseen challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the adoption of remote work, blurring the lines between the office and the home. As we embrace this new era of work, we must also acknowledge its implications for our teams.
The online workspace provides great opportunities for a diverse remote team. It allows for flexibility, global collaboration, and better work-life balance. However, it also has challenges in making everyone feel included and connected when team members are far apart.
In this blog post, we will discuss why inclusive practices are important for remote teams. We will also explore how to create a connected and fair work environment.
Understanding Inclusivity in Remote Work
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Defining inclusivity in remote teams is the first step toward creating a workplace where every team member feels valued, supported, and empowered. In this context, inclusivity means ensuring that all employees have equal access to opportunities, resources, and a sense of belonging, regardless of their physical location. Inclusivity goes beyond just acknowledging diversity; it’s about actively promoting and supporting it within the virtual workspace.
However, remote work can pose unique challenges to achieving inclusivity. The physical separation of team members, reliance on digital communication, and different time zones can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion. It may also limit casual interactions and water cooler moments that often foster a sense of belonging in a traditional office setting.
Despite these challenges, the benefits of cultivating an inclusive remote work environment are immense. It promotes diversity of thought and remote work collaboration, fosters innovation, and leads to a more engaged and motivated workforce. When team members feel included, they’re more likely to collaborate, share their ideas, and contribute their unique perspectives. Inclusivity is the cornerstone of a harmonious, equitable, and high-performing remote team.
Building a Culture of Inclusive Remote Teams Creating an inclusive culture is a leadership responsibility. Leaders are the architects of the team’s values and behaviours. As such, their influence significantly impacts the overall inclusivity of the remote workspace. To promote an inclusive culture, leadership must proactively champion diversity and equality as ingrained principles. This process includes conscious efforts in recruiting, developing, and empowering a diverse team.
Clear communication, transparency, and trust are the pillars of inclusivity, which encourages remote team productivity and well-being. Leaders should communicate openly about the organisation’s commitment to inclusivity, regularly sharing updates on related initiatives. Transparency in decision-making and resource allocation underscores the commitment to fairness, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all, irrespective of location.
Trust, cultivated through consistent support, recognition, and empowerment, is fundamental to making every team member feel valued and respected. Regular check-ins, anonymous feedback channels, and forums for discussion can help uncover and address issues effectively. Besides these core practices, below are seven more practices to follow to create an inclusive environment for remote workplaces.
Prioritise Remote Work Equality Within inclusive remote teams, the need for equal opportunities and treatment cannot be overstated. As leaders, you should encourage remote work equality, regardless of the physical location of employees, to ensure a level playing field.
To achieve this, you must implement strategies for fair work assignments, promotions, and recognition. You can do this by establishing clear criteria and a transparent process for evaluating performance and contributions, focusing on merit rather than proximity.
By adopting a meritocratic approach, remote teams can guarantee that talent and dedication are the primary factors in determining success. Ultimately this approach fosters an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to their fullest potential and improves remote work collaboration and productivity.
Embrace Diversity and Celebrating Differences Diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s an invaluable asset in inclusive remote teams. Embracing diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences enriches ideas and approaches, leading to innovation and holistic problem-solving. To foster inclusivity and diversity in remote teams, celebrate these differences in the following ways:
Encourage open dialogue, where team members feel safe sharing their unique viewpoints.
Implement team-building activities that showcase and honour diverse talents, traditions, and cultures.
Create initiatives that promote cross-cultural understanding and remote work collaboration.
By celebrating differences, remote work productivity improves while teams become more creative and adaptable and develop a deeper sense of unity, where each member’s distinctive contributions are recognised and cherished.
Leverage Technology for Inclusivity Technology plays a pivotal role in bridging gaps and enhancing inclusivity in a remote workplace. Collaborative tools and communication platforms are the linchpin in connecting team members across distances. Video conferences, instant messaging, and shared document spaces facilitate seamless interaction and idea exchange.
Furthermore, technology provides essential accessibility features, ensuring that remote work is accessible to individuals with diverse abilities and needs. Screen readers, closed captions, and keyboard shortcuts empower all team members to participate fully.
By harnessing these technological advancements, remote teams can create an environment where every voice is heard, regardless of location or individual circumstances, fortifying the foundation of a truly inclusive and equitable workspace.
Encourage Remote Work Collaboration Remote work can sometimes breed isolation and loneliness due to the lack of face-to-face interaction. Combat this by fostering a sense of community. Regular virtual check-ins, remote work collaboration, team meetings, and social gatherings offer opportunities for connection while promoting open communication and shared experiences can create a sense of belonging within inclusive remote teams.
Provide Resources and Support Prioritise mental health and well-being by providing resources like employee assistance programs, counselling services, and wellness initiatives. These can significantly enhance the overall health and morale of remote teams.
Managers must be proactive in identifying potential concerns and addressing them promptly. By fostering a supportive environment that values mental and emotional wellness, organisations empower employees to thrive and contribute at their best, regardless of their physical location
6. Educate and Raise Awareness in Inclusive Remote Teams
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Education and awareness build an inclusive culture, especially among inclusive remote teams. Team members should be well-informed about the importance of inclusivity and its benefits. Encouraging training and workshops on diversity, equity, and inclusion fosters understanding and empathy.
A commitment to ongoing learning and growth in this area ensures that remote teams remain dynamic, adaptable, and dedicated to cultivating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.
Measure and Monitor Inclusivity Measuring and monitoring are vital for progress, so evaluate the impact of your inclusivity efforts. Key metrics and methods include tracking representation, analysing promotion rates, and assessing engagement levels.
Regular feedback through surveys and open channels for discussion helps gauge the effectiveness of inclusivity practices, allowing teams to adapt and evolve, ultimately creating a workspace where every member thrives.
The Bottom Line of Inclusive Remote Teams Remote work, though advantageous, can pose challenges like isolation, bias, and a lack of belonging. To counter these, you must build an inclusive culture through leadership, clear communication, and open dialogue. Organisations must prioritise inclusivity to create a virtual workspace where every team member feels valued, respected, and engaged. Explore the Goodman Lantern blog for further insights on the evolving workplace.
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scavengerhunt-toronto · 7 months
The Hidden Benefits of Corporate Team Building: A Deeper Look
When you think of team building, you might imagine some relaxing day at a spa or the office. But corporate team building is more than just a bunch of people getting together to go hiking—it can be an essential way for your business to grow and thrive. Why? Because teamwork is the cornerstone of great businesses. And if you're looking for ways to improve your company and make it more successful, then all it takes is a little bit of planning (and maybe some snacks). Corporate team building activities toronto.
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What is team building?
Team building is the practice of improving a team's performance. It's not just about improving the team, but also its ability to work together and communicate effectively. This can be accomplished through activities that promote trust and cooperation among members of your group--and it doesn't have to involve ropes courses or paintball!
How does team building improve morale?
Team building ideas toronto improves morale by helping employees feel more connected to their team. It builds trust and respect between team members, which is essential for a successful business. Team building also helps people feel like they are contributing to the success of the business, which makes them feel good about themselves and their work environment. Finally, it helps people feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves--and we all need that kind of support!
How does team building increase employee engagement?
Team building increases employee engagement and retention by helping employees work together more effectively.
Employees who have strong relationships with their coworkers are more likely to stay with the company, because they feel supported by their team and have a sense of belonging. Team members who feel like they have no support from their colleagues will be more likely to leave the organization if given the opportunity.
In addition, corporate team building helps build trust among co-workers by creating an environment where people can share ideas openly without fear of judgment or retaliation from others in the group. This type of environment allows teams to tackle problems together instead of working independently on separate tasks that don't necessarily align with each other's goals or objectives (which often happens when there isn't enough communication between employees).
How does corporate team building benefit the company as a whole?
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Teamwork is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved.
Teamwork can help you achieve your goals more effectively than working alone.
Teamwork makes the dream work.
Teamwork is important at all levels, whether you're trying to win a game or make your business work. When you're working with others, it can be tempting to think that your job is just about getting the right results and achieving success. While this is true--and there are many benefits of corporate team building--you should also take into account how teamwork affects those around us.
Teamwork makes the dream work! It's not just about winning but having fun while doing so! No matter what field or industry you work in, teamwork will help bring out the best in everyone involved (and make them better people overall).
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Scavenger Hunt Anywhere offers scavenger hunt Toronto in corporate offices.
Scavenger Hunt Anywhere has designed our scavenger hunts to be short and sweet, so you can get your team out of the office and on their feet, interacting with each other, learning about each other's strengths and weaknesses, and having fun! Our customized scavenger hunts will help you build camaraderie among your employees while also getting them to explore new areas of your city. We can even customize a scavenger hunt for you if you want it to be themed around a specific industry or interest (for example, if you're hosting a tech company retreat).
Scavenger Hunt Anywhere 36 Toronto St. Suite 850 Toronto ON M5C 2C5 1-866-994-6832 https://www.scavengerhuntanywhere.com/
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