#but watching them try to keep their marriage secret was funny
ladyminaofcamelot · 1 year
Secret marriages are one of my most favorite tropes. All the sneaking around and tension of adultery with none of the moral clutter. (well, almost none. There’s still the lying thing, but y’know, that can be played off for laughs if so desired) It’s hilarious. It’s adorable. The tension’s built in. They’re so in love, they’re constantly pining, they’re utterly loyal even when others think they’re available. It’s just *chef’s kiss* so much FUN, you know? 
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That’s My Future Wife
Summary - You and your friend overhear Vasily bad-mouthing you after your formerly-secret relationship with Nikolai is discovered. Nikolai isn’t having any of it.
Notes - I don’t know where this is going. I am watching Season 2 again and Vasily sucks, and I personally think there is a shortage of Nikolai fanfics. I know it’s short, but it felt more effective that way. *Don’t repost without my permission. And as always don’t own any of the characters, including you.* 477 words
👑 ♥️ 👑
It was simple, the word was out. Rumors spread quickly. The relationship that began soon before he and Dominik joined the First Army, the one that grew when he convinced you to leave for the True Sea with him, the one that stemmed from a companionship since childhood, it was the new gossip. It seemed everyone knew, and if they didn’t, you were sure they would soon find out. The King and Queen knew, Vasily knew, the entirety of the court knew, the staff knew.     
You were walking down the hall with your friend Shadame, when you overheard Nikolai saying something behind closed doors. You pulled her in next to you to listen to the conversation at hand. You recognized Vasily’s voice. “You really are the stupidest of them all,” you didn’t have to see Vasily’s face to know he was sneering.       
“This is my life and you only seem to take care when you wish to ruin me,” Nikolai responded, trying to keep his cool.       
“She is Grisha. You can’t trust that she will be loyal to Ravka,” Vasily seethed.      
“She hasn’t attempted to start a civil war, unlike some people. Your pride and stupidity shall ruin all of Ravka.”         
“No. She’s worse. She is a commoner . She is Grisha. She is Grisha scraps –” Vasily spat out before being interrupted by Nikolai, which had you holding your friend back from marching into that room and punching Vasily.     
Nikolai quickly stopped Vasily before he could go any farther, not afraid to hold his anger back. “Watch yourself, Vasily. That’s my future wife you are talking about.”        
You looked at Shadame who looked more giddy for you than anything else reaching to squeeze your hand. You and Nikolai had discussed the idea of marriage, but there was something inside you that swelled when he said that. You swore you were listening as much as you could. She is a woman who is more fit to rule this country than you will ever be. I love her and I do not care what you say to me. I will always choose her.”       
You then heard footsteps and the door swung open to reveal Nikolai standing there, he looked almost shocked upon seeing you standing there. The look in his eyes were saying something like, ‘I wish you hadn’t heard that.’ He immediately stepped forward reaching for your hands. “Lapushka.”       
You went to speak before the pair of your heard someone grunting and then quick footsteps as Vasily went running from the room clutching his cheek looking shocked, your friend standing in the doorway with her hands raised. The funny part was that she was a tailor, and wouldn't have been able to set Vasily on fire if she wanted to.      
The look of fear in his eyes had you burrying your face into Nikolai’s shoulder, trying not to laugh.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Winter Sun
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Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Targaryen Reader 
Warnings: Cursing, death of characters, medieval and asoiaf customs, death at childbirth
Wordcount: 1.4 k
Notes: Reader’s mother is a Stokeworth, I chose this house because they are from the crownlands, they are mentioned in the current stories, and their sigil is a lamb and their motto “proud to be faithful”, i think is funny. Reader will be very shy and naive… so there it is jeje
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110 AC.  4 years after King Viserys marriage to Queen Alicent 
The night was cold, a storm raging outside the castle, its winds seemed to shake the very foundation of the huge castle.
The King was awakened, as was the Queen who was sleeping right next to him
“Your grace, a noble lady has died in childbirth tonight”, the guard whispered. Viserys grumbled, with the sleeve of his nightshift he rubbed his face, trying to shake sleep away from him 
“That is unfortunate Ser Harrold, but I truly doubt that is a reason to wake up the King!”, he said
“It was the daughter of Lord Stokeworth, your grace”, he whispered, but Viserys still couldn't understand what he meant
“What is it, Ser harrold?”, Alicent asked 
“The babe, your Grace, was born with Targaryen features, and the Lady’s mother had confirmed it… the babe is your niece”. Viserys then finally understood it, jumping form the bed and dressing quickly in a robe 
“How could you let this happen?”, he barked at Ser Harrold
“You had forbidden them from seeing each other, but he did not listen, they must have been using the secret passageways”. Viserys had betrothed his brother to a Baratheon girl, but apparently, he was in love with someone else, this girl from House Stokeworth
“I understand”, he grumbled
Ser Harrold guided the King through the corridors of the Red Keep, Alicent soon followed. They walked towards the chambers of members of the court, and from outside of one of the rooms, they could hear the wailings of a newborn baby
“A girl you say?”, Lord Westerling only nodded. Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King met them there
“Your grace I have been briefed on what happened”, he said efficiently
Viserys nodded, and entered the room
A Midwife and a Septa were both there, calming the babe and placing her in her crib from them to see, and they bowed as they saw him. The king and queen walked until they leaned in, to watch the babe, she had the silver hair of the Targaryen family, from old Valyria
“She is a bastard your grace, we can take her to the Septas, or the silent sisters”
“She is not a bastard!”, the king whispered, “she is my brother’s child”
“They never married your grace”, whispered Otto
“You are the King”, Alicent whispered, her hand gently caressing his arm, “she is your niece…”
“Of course, as King, you are entitled to declare her as legitimate”, Otto said, looking at the baby in her cradle.
Aegon, King Viserys and Daemon’s younger brother had, apparently, been having an affair with a Lady of a lesser house, who in her state was kept in secret by her family. She died in the birthing bed, and the child? a small, silver haired beauty, growing in her mother’s belly right in the Red Keep, under everyone’s noses 
The whole situation was troubling, and was proven to be a headache to the Hand of the King as he watched the babe wiggling in her crib. She wasn’t crying, but the little noises she made were proving to be a future storm, like the one that was raging outside.
Otto thought long and hard about this one… she was a nobody, a bastard, a silver haired one at that… Did she mean trouble? he didn’t think so.
“You can always send her to dragonstone, to be raise amongst other Dragon seeds”, Otto whispered, but only one look from Alicent and Viserys shook his head
“Never”, he said firmly, “she is my niece”, and Alicent smiled. “Call in my brother…”
“He is in Braavos my lord, negotiating with the Iron Bank…”
“I don’t care”. He said with a faint smile, looking down at the child 
The very next day, they gathered the court in front of the Iron Throne, right in front of it, in the center, a cradle was placed, with the baby girl inside it
Viserys stood from the Iron Throne, coming down those treacherous steps, until he was standing right in front of the baby girl, who looked up at him with eyes that reminded him of his brother. 
“I present to the court this day, (Y/N), daughter of Aegon of house Targaryen, and Lady Falena of house Stokeworth their legitimate daughter, they had been married in secret, therefore I Viserys Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the first men, lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and protector of the realm, declare this child a legitimate heir to her houses, and I present her as Princess (Y/N) of House Targaryen!”. He gently place the blade of Blackfyre in the rail of the crib, and the court applauded
A small lie, that nobody was going to question
The Stokeworths wanted to see her, only after he legitimized her, but he wouldn’t let them, taking the baby girl in his own chambers, where Helaena, of only 2 name days and Aemond, his own newborn, where living. 
The babe was a Targaryen now, a dragon, not a sheep.
Aegon was known for his wild character, he took after his mother, Alyssa Targaryen, but contrary to Daemon, his own brother, he also followed his father, he was a joust, responsible man, and Viserys had relayed on him many of the diplomatic missions. He had this easiness to him, but he was a dragon trough and trough, so he helped greatly to the crown in as many aspects as he could. 
When he heard what happened in the Red Keep, he flew back on his fearsome dragon Vhaelar, a white she dragon, fearsome beast, hatchling of Vhagar, his father’s dragon, her egg placed in his crib when he was born. 
He felt mixed feelings on his belly, for one, happiness, he had a daughter, a healthy daughter who looked just like him, and on the other side, terrible sorrow, the love of his life was dead. Falena was dead and he wasn’t there on her side as he should have. He thought he could go to Braavos and return before the ninth moon, but the baby came early.
Nothing could stop him, the maester said he jumped off the carriage that awaited him in the dragon pit and he ran all the way to the Red Keep.
He trampled everyone on his path until he reached his nieces’ rooms inside the Red Keep, where he saw her, his baby girl, on her crib, being accompanied by her cousins. 
A breathed a relieved sigh when he saw her, healthy, beautiful, so tiny, so cute, looking back at him with eyes just like him, but filled with innocence.
He grabbed her gently and placed her against his chest. The baby cooed in his arms
“Hey you”, he greeted gently, he touched her little hand and she grabbed his finger with strength, “hey little one”
“Brother, you are home”, greeted Viserys, entering his rooms, “I’m glad, how are you going to name her?”, he asked softly
And with a long sigh, he named you. 
“You can stay here, brother, she can be raised alongside her cousins, she will lack nothing… no love, nor comfort, nor food, she will…”
“I’m taking my daughter home”, he sentenced 
“And where is that?”, the King asked. Aegon only smiled.
Viserys never saw his brother again, he had said he had a castle whe bought from a broken family in the Vale, where he raised his daughter there. He was a father now, so he relinquished all his responsibilities as a representative for his brother, his only job now was going to be to care for his child, his only child, who he loved with all his heart
The next time Viserys saw his niece, her ten year old’s face was covered in tears and snot running down her nose dangerously towards her mouth. 
His brother, her father, had died from a fever. And she was now on the doorsteps of the Red Keep, with trunks of her clothes. 
And she was an orphan now 
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inmyhorrorsera · 10 months
S5E8 "The Roast" thoughts:
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Ok, I watched this episode three times and I'm still smiling. I love when you think and episode is gonna be about something because of its title and then surprise you when its all a misdirection (see also: Succession's "Connor's Wedding").
At first Laszlo's err… state intrigued me, love everyone projecting and imposing their own insecurities (Guillermo's secret, Nadja's hex) as a reason on why he is behaving like that. And of course it's a stupid reason 😭.
"And a flat pepsi for Guillermo". Oh Nandor, that's the worst thing you ever done to Guillermo, that's the worst thing you could do to anyone. And yes, I remember a certain S4 episode.
I screeched like a bird when Colin mentioned dreaming about being a baby under Laszlo's care, not only because I wanted this shit to happen since the past finale, but also I really thought the episode was going on that direction (and also bc its another W for my predictions).
Having said that, LOVED the nonchalance of Nadja and the others when they were like 'no, it wasn't a dream, that totally happened'.
I mentioned it in a separate post: they really had a Sweet Dee in IASIP moment when The Guide gave the roast idea, only to be ignored and then the same idea being stolen by a dude who is celebrated.
Seanie's poor brain it should be soup at this point, we don't know if he can hazily remember the event like it happened before.
What can I remember is his line after Nadja's roast because it was one of the biggest laughs for me: "Women CAN be funny!" I fucking loved it so much, it's the perfect condescending shit straight men say all the time, even when they're trying to be complementary to you they can't stop being garbage. It was a simple line but Anthony nailed the delivery and timing. Seriously, rewatch that part.
At first I was confused why all the jokes were so mid, but shortly I realized this episode wasn't about the roast at all, lol.
Just by watching screenshots of other users I noticed that in the scene of Nandor resting his head on Guillermo's shoulder there's a BIG flame between them. LMAO. There's no way that is unintentional.
Good for The Guide being the catalyst of Baron Afanas learning the truth. I was demanding more screen time for her lately, so having some incidence in the main plot goes on the plus column.
The other guests present at the roast being shocked at the knowledge of Guillermo killing vampires surprised me; I always assumed Guillermo being a familiar/slayer was a known fact in the vampire community after his very public massacre at the Théâtre des Vampires.
Fuck yeah when I realized this is a Doug Jones spotlight episode, I just fuckin ahgdjkaksdf, love him, perfect, no notes.
The Baron being terrifying!! Guillermo was seriously scared for the others and he barely tried to show off his Van Helsing abilities.
Nandor and Nadja begging the Baron to not hurt Guillermo!! 😭 Them being dragged while grabbing the cape!! 😭 They're spiritual siblings to me!! 😭😭
They really reminded me a little bro and sis begging their mom to not hit their beloved older brother with the chancla for talking back or something.
I fell for the two fake-outs with the sack lol I'm so gullible when it comes to vampires I guess.
"At least he died doing what he loved: beating off in the toolshed."
A wonderful small detail: After Laszlo opened fake Guillermo with the knife he cleaned his hands on The Guide's dress.
Idc if you think its dark, the whole 'Nandor will kill you and then kill himself' bit becoming a recurring joke it's peak writing.
I wish I can say something more serious about Baron Afanas' sadness over how boring his life is now. But I just keep thinking that the way he talks about his homelife with The Sire and the Hellhound sounds exactly when a dude has a middle life crisis and suddenly he doesn't enjoy his marriage anymore. They're husbands!! And I loved how cunty he looked at the end all half-charred (see posted gif) Queen!
Now, the Nandermo of it all: What more can I say than incoherent screaming and foaming from the mouth? Episodes 8 are all about them again!! Nandor on the window looking all cliched melancholic heroine of a romance novel?? How relieved he was when he found him in the coffin??? Him still remembering Guillermo's card word for word???!! Knowing that this toxic dark sided devotion goes both ways???!!! Borrowing the words of Fleabag: THIS IS A LOVE STORY.
Seriously, I know all these soft Nandor moments are here so the heartbreak when he learns about Guillermo being turned it's even bigger. But still denying that there is a romantic undertone between these two it's just being purposely adamant at this point (i'm looking at you wwdits reddit). Even if nothing explicitly romantic happens on screen, just by watching these moments, I know, we know.
Now, go listen to the ending song again. You will not regret it.
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dannystattoo · 2 months
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I Like Shiny Things but I'd Marry You With Paper Rings
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Warnings: None
We love a drunk Vegas Wedding 🥰
“This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever suggested,” you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend as you stumbled through the streets of Vegas, both more than a little intoxicated.
“Did you say no?” Danny asked you, lacing his fingers between yours and swinging your arms. 
“Well…no” you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as you approached the gaudy Elvis themed chapel you’d found on Yelp. 
“What’s so funny?” You were both laughing now. 
“We’re gonna be such a cliche, oh my god,” the words came out slightly slurred. “We got drunk and ran away from our friends to get married in Vegas?” 
“We didn’t run away from them, they wanted to go back to the hotel. They’re kinda boring, aren’t they?”
“Probably smarter than us. The drive to the show tomorrow is gonna fucking suck.”
“As long as I’m good to perform tomorrow and you’re good to come and watch,” Danny shrugged. 
“Can I pass out on you in the bus tomorrow then?” 
“Of course”
“Perfect. So…are we doing this?” You’d been standing outside the chapel for a few minutes now and had yet to go in.
“Ready if you are, babe” 
“Danny we…we fucked up” you slurred slightly.
“What’dyou mean, honey?”
“We need witnesses, our friends left” 
“Shit. Ok, what if we just grab a couple people, I’m sure we can convince someone into witnessing a wedding in Vegas.” Danny, being the charismatic motherfucker he was, found a couple who was more than willing to follow you into he chapel and witness the ceremony. You promised them you’d be in and out as quick as you could, knowing you only needed a couple minutes.
As you both spoke with the Elvis impersonator out front, you took a minute to thank your past self for choosing something cute to wear tonight. It wasn’t a white wedding dress (not that you’d wanted a white one anyway), but you had chosen a flowy black romper that you thought fit the part well enough. Danny had worn his typical outfit for nights out, jeans and a button-up shirt (which was currently about half unbuttoned), but he could have worn anything and looked perfect to you. 
“Whatever service gets us out of here quickest. We promised these fine people we wouldn’t keep them for more than a few minutes.” 
You followed the Elvis-minister back into the chapel, which was as tacky as you’d expected. 
“So will you be doing your own vows, or would you like the traditional ones?”
“Ummm, traditional I guess, seeing as we don’t write any?”
“We’ll do our own,” Danny said at the same time.  
“What, babe, do you have secret vows written or something?”
“No, but you’re absolutely not vowing to honor and obey me.” You nodded, not really able to argue with that point. You remembered when the topic of marriage had come up previously, you’d mentioned how much you hated traditional, antiquated vows and insisted you needed to write your own. 
“You first, then” 
“Ok,” Danny sat for a second, tongue dancing across his lips as he thought. You were about to give him shit for being so confident about pulling vows out of his ass, but you thought better of it. 
“I’m not gonna come up with anything groundbreaking, but y/n, when I tell you meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me. I promise you’re stuck with me forever, I’m not going anywhere. I’m always gonna support you in the same way you have for me with music, no matter what. I promise we’ll go to so many concerts togther, I’m gonna take you all over the world - some day, I swear I’ll be touring and you can just travel all over with me…if you want, that is. I promise I’ll always try to be home on Halloween, I have to spend your favorite day with you, I could keep going, but really I'm just gonna do everything to give you the best life I can. I love you so much, y/n” 
Maybe it was the alcohol, as you weren’t usually an emotional person, but you caught tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. God, you didn’t know what you’d done to deserve someone like Danny.
“Well now I’m crying, you asshole,” you laughed. “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to top that. I love you.” You suddenly realized you were most certainly still tipsy and you couldn’t think of a single other thing to say. Holding Danny’s hands, you leaned forward into his chest and started giggling. 
“Danny, I wonder every single day what I did to deserve you because you’re too good for me. I promise to you’re stuck with me forever too, through literally anything. I’m always going to your band’s biggest supporter, I’ll never get mad at you for having to spend time in the studio or on the road, and I’ll be at every single one of your shows I possibly can. I’ll always watch your sports with you, even if I don’t always know what’s going on. I might even consider learning how to golf so I can do more than sit in the cart and look cute. I'll be up for any new adventure, and we’re gonna live life to the fullest, I promise. I don’t have words for how much I love you, how much you mean to me, and I’m never gonna stop showing you that.”
The ceremony finished a few minutes later, with Danny quite literally sweeping you off your feet when he could finally kiss you. 
“Now what,” you asked once you’d left the chapel. It was the middle of the night, but being Vegas, you could have gone anywhere. 
“Back to the hotel?” Danny looked at you with a smirk. 
“Consumate the marriage?” you dished it right back. 
“Wait, babe, we need rings.”
“What?” you were so caught up in the moment you didn’t even process what he was talking about.
“We never got rings. We need rings. Well, actually, I have a ring for you when we get home, but we need ones now.”
“Baby, no we don’t, we can always get them later. We’re legal, we don’t need rings. I will need you to back up though, what do you mean there’s a ring at home?” 
“I was actually planning to propose to you sometime soon, I wasn’t exactly sure when, but I’ve known I wanted to marry you for a while. So there is a ring in my drawer, I just wasn’t sure when I wanted to do it. But then tonight I decided I didn’t wanna wait. I know I want to be with you forever, why put it off?” 
“Babe, what the fuck.” You were absolutely speechless hearing how much this man loved you. You grabbed his hand and nuzzled your face into his chest.
“We don’t need a ring, but we can get one somehwere if you want. You need one too. You know what, we can get them when we’re home, I think it would be fun to keep this our little secret for a while.” 
“You sure?”
“If you’re ok with that?” You immediately worried he thought you were ashamed that you’d eloped, or that you regretted it. 
“Oh yeah, if you are. We don’t need to tell anyone til we’re both ready. I know nobody was expecting us to get married, we weren’t even engaged.” 
You caught an Uber back to your hotel, you curling into Danny’s side the entire drive back. It was apparent you were sobering up, and the inevitable crash was coming. When you arrived at the hotel, Danny insisted on carrying you bridal style of to the room. You insisted right back that you could walk up, you were almost completely sober now, just exhausted, but he said it was part of the experience, there was no way he was going to make his bride walk up to the room herself. 
The whole ride up the elevator, you were both ready to start going at each other, but sadly, someone else got on with you all the way up to your room on the top floor. The second the door was closed and locked, Danny threw you on to the bed and you reached up to pull him on top of you. Just as he’d settled his knees between your legs and practically attached his mouth to your neck, his phone started buzzing on the other side of the room, a call clearly coming through. However, neither of you registered it. Not even a minute later, your phone started vibrating and the only reason you noticed it was because you’d forgotten it was still in your pocket. You reached down, but didn’t bother to see who it was, throwing it on the nightstand. At this point you heard Danny’s phone go off again, and you both realized at the same time someone was definitely trying to get a hold of you. 
“Go see who it is, make sure it’s not an emergancy.,” you sighed, letting go of his shirt you had been trying to finish unbuttoning. 
“Hey man, what’s up, is everything ok?…you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, I’m kinda busy…ok, ok, fine, I’ll be to your room in five, you owe me.”
“Who was that?” 
“Sam. Apparently he brought that girl he met earlier back to his room and the dumbass didn’t think to bring any condoms.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your mouth upon hearing this. 
“Go help him out, I’ll be here waiting, maybe get changed into something else for you.” 
“Don’t, I wanna take you out of that myself,” he called from the bathroom. “Ok, I’ll be right back. Keep that on, Mrs.Wagner.” 
“I love the sound of that, get your ass back here soon baby.”  Oh, that man was going to run to Sam’s room and back. 
Somehow, all of your rooms had gotten completely separated and Sam just happened to be multiple floors below you on the opposite side of the hotel, so it would probably be about ten minutes until Danny returned. Of course, the second he was gone, you were hit the same exhaustion you’d felt in the Uber and you decided to get comfortable for a few minutes. You’d wake up the second Danny was back, you knew it. Of course, you’d underestimated how tired you were and within minutes you’d passed out. 
“Babe, I’m back, sorry about the -“ Danny found you curled up in bed, arms wrapped around the pillow and fast asleep. He smiled to himself, taking in how adorable you looked and thinking about the fact that he was going to get to come to bed with you every night for the rest of your lives. He striped down to his boxers, not caring about putting on anything else.
“Hmmm?” you answered, half concious. 
“Let’s get your PJs on, huh?”
“No, I’m good,” you said, rolling further into the bed.
“You sure? You couldn’t stop complaining about having to wear a strapless bra all night.”
“Fine, you’re right.” You slowly, begrudingly, sat up, and let him help you get your romper off and change into one of his t-shirts. 
“Not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to get you out of that,” Danny laughed. 
“Sorry,” you said, already feeling yourself falling asleep again.
“It’s ok, bug, we have literally our entire lives.” He laid down next to you, pulling you right against him. You curled up right against him, tangling your legs in his and tucking your head into his chest. 
“I’ve said it so much tonight, but I love you so much,” you said, slurring your words now to to sleepiness rather than drunkeness.
“I love you too, Mrs. Wagner…god, I’m never gonna get tired of saying that. 
“I’m never gonna get tired of hearing it.” That was the last thing you said before you fell asleep, happie than ever about your drunk, impulsive decisions. 
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xanthippe74 · 5 months
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The mood this year, as this header photo demonstrates, was Le Tired. Just physically and emotionally slogging along. Brain stuck on perpetual static. A pull-the-covers-over-my-head sort of year. I read a few books, watched a lot of shows, found new songs to listen to on repeat, and spent way too much time futzing around on Tumblr.
But that's not what this post is about! This is to remind myself that I did accomplish writer-ly things this year, even if it didn't feel like it sometimes. So here's my 2023 Fandom Year in Review:
🐈 A Dreadful Invasion (of the Feline Persuasion) rated G | 6K words
Most of the time, it’s easy for Harry to forget that Draco Malfoy is his next-door neighbour—until the night Malfoy seemingly goes round the twist in his back garden. Of course Harry has to investigate. A birthday gift for @caroll-in.
🍷 Under the Table rated T, 4K words
A string of nearly-insufferable dinner parties has made Draco acquainted with Harry Potter’s completely insufferable, social-climbing boyfriend. But tonight it seems like Potter’s finally had enough, and Draco’s more than happy to watch it all play out from across the table.
Microfics: Different  |  Thalassophile  |  Role play  | Careless |  Mama’s Gun  |  Raven  |  You Should Probably Leave  |  Afraid of the Dark  |  Eerie
WIP progress: I added about 25K to my Drarry retelling of Howl's Moving Castle. The working title is "Skybound" and it will be about 55 to 60K words when complete (by spring 2024, god help me!). Featuring: lots of banter, secret identities, adventures and misadventures in a floating house, a plucky house-elf, and (of course) a fire demon who wants to make a bargain.
9-1-1 fics, HP recs, and 2023 highlights under the cut!
🌧️ It pours, man it pours rated T | 11K words
An endless rainstorm. A head-on collision on a dark canyon road. Eddie and Buck find themselves stranded with a woman in labor after they’re cut off from the rest of the 118 by a flash flood. With the fate of their team unknown, can they weather the night ahead—and mend the rift Buck caused by trying to kiss his best friend?
💣 A Few Good Pranks rated T | 4K words
The firefighters of the 118 decide to give Bobby a turn at pranking them after seeing how disappointed he was to be left out. And since two heads are better than one, why not three? Or four? If only they could figure out who's pranking and who isn't, and who the intended victim is. It's all in good fun, though—as long as everyone is too distracted to notice that Buck and Eddie keep sneaking off alone.
❤️‍🩹Let It Be Me rated T | 1.8K words
After another Buckley Family reunion-turned-disaster, Buck makes a decision about his parents. Of course the 118 has his back. Or, Bobby employs some LAFD equipment to help Buck out—and tell him something he needs to hear.
Episode codas/fix-it ficlets: 1x01 | 1x03 | 2x01 | 2x03 | 6x10 | 6x11 | 6x12 | 6x13 | 6x15
WIP progress: First chapter of a season 3/canon divergence Buddie fic. Featuring: angst with a happy ending, a secret marriage of convenience, and pandemic bed sharing.
HP Rec List
I was inspired by this post to rec twelve favorite fan works from 2023 in twelve days in December. It actually took fourteen days, but I did it!
💖 12 Favorites from 2023 💖
(after posting those twelve, of course I thought of a few more faves that I missed. I'll try to share them soon!)
2023 Highlights
I'm so very grateful for the wonderful, funny, imaginative people here who shared their creative works, the memes that made them laugh, photos of their pets, gif sets of shows I didn't know I needed to watch, and insights into the characters we love. You all got me through the year, honestly.
I had a good time doodling some Halloween treats for Inbox Trick-or-Treating. I hope it will become an annual Tumblr event! Thanks to the folks who rang my doorbell that night and the other blogs who gave out treats.
I truly treasured every kudos, comment, and rec I received this year. I was also very fortunate to receive a few special gifts:
🎙️ EllaMcSmellBella recorded a Podfic of "Spooked in Salem," my Drarry 'Round the World fic.
🎙️ Spades/bumblingbees recorded a Podfic of "Crimson Neon."
📕 @cheriecherishchen wrote a lovely rec for "Vortex" and designed gorgeous book covers for that fic and its sequel, "Riptide."
✏️ @saijordison drew this incredible piece of art for "Riptide."
And finally, if you read all the way to the end of this post, I'm grateful for YOU. 😁
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and an excellent 2024!
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
I’d Kill for You
Vi x Werewolf!Reader
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Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Soft Dom!Vi, Fighting for Vi, Graphic Violence, Killing a werewolf, someone’s throat gets ripped out, eating a heart, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamic, forced revealing of secrets, pack dynamic, biting, claiming, werewolf venom, turning Vi
Summary: You’re keeping a big secret from your girlfriend. You’re a werewolf. Thanks to a family Thanksgiving dinner gone wrong, you’re forced to reveal your secret.
Author Note: This makes me want to watch Teen Wolf again..
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“Y/n! Do you have enough steaks?!” Your aunt shouts from the backdoor, “I can bring some more out if you need them!”
“Y/n! Do you have enough steaks?!” Your aunt shouts from the backdoor, “I can bring some more out if you need them!”
“The grill is full Aunt Lettie! I’ll let you know when I need them!” You shout back, putting the ones that you have onto the grill. Your father was the one who did the grilling, but after you learned how to do it, your family insisted that your food was better.
“Any chance I can sneak one?” Your cousin Richie slides up next to you.
“Not a chance.” You shake your head, “Everyone eats at the same time. You know the rules. We have to make sure that everyone gets food, especially with humans coming.” He groans and runs back to his little group of friends. You spend the next half an hour grilling, kicking away annoyances, and enjoying a drink on the side. Your aunt Lettie is the one carrying them back and forth, taking the finished ones and giving you new ones. With your last batch, you pick up the tray and make your way into the house where your mother and aunties are hanging out. You place the tray down by the rest of the steaks, grinning at the large amount of food laid out on the counters.
“Look out everyone! There’s a little Beta in the kitchen!” Aunt Jenna says teasingly.
“Ha, Ha. Funny, Aunt Jenna.” You say dryly, but you’re escorted to the dinner table and sat down at the head of it. All ten of your aunts and your mother sit down and you know you’re in for a long conversation.
“Speaking of our little Beta. I heard that you have a human coming today.” Aunt Berry grins at you, “Tell us about her.”
“Do I really have to?” You bite your lip.
“Y/n, darling. Of course, you have to!” Aunt Hester snorts, “You’re part of the main branch! It’s our job to make sure you’re choosing the right partner.”
“Besides, we like being nosy.” Aunt Rachel winks, “Now spill!”
“Ugh, okay. Her name is Vi. I met her at the University a few years ago. We had Ancient Shuriman history together and I asked her for her number. She’s my age and has three siblings.” You relent and tell them. If you didn’t tell them something about her, they’d ask her a ton of questions when she arrived. That was the last thing you wanted since she was supposed to be coming for a relaxing time.
“That’s all you’re going to tell us?” Aunt Bella complains, “What does she do?”
“She works as a tattoo artist during the week, but she boxes in her free time.” You smile.
“Ooohhh, a fighter? She’d be an Alpha if she was a wolf.” Your aunt Gretchen grins, “You must be very serious if you’re bringing her around.”
“I am very serious about her.” You nod, “I wouldn’t be bringing her around if I wasn’t thinking about marriage.”
“That’s wonderful!” Your aunt Lettie reaches over and pats your hand, “Have you thought about having pups with her?”
“What?” You blink. You weren’t expecting them to ask that question. Those things were usually reserved for the engaged couples that would be getting married. You and Vi had very briefly pondered what it would be like if you could have children together, but you mutually agreed that you didn’t want to have any.
“Lettie!” Aunt Rachel gasps, hitting her sister on the shoulder.
“Oh, come on! We’re all thinking about it!” She snaps at her. You try to get your aunts’ attention but they start talking to each other about what was said.
“It’d be no issue for Y/n. She can always get her pregnant. She’s a Beta.”
“Or if we turn her and she’s a Beta or Alpha, she can get Y/n pregnant.”
“OKAY! This conversation is over.” You get up out of your chair, blushing furiously, and move back into the kitchen as your aunts laugh. Having a big family isn’t an issue for you until they all want to get into your business. You didn’t want to talk about your relationship with Vi because it was the only private part of your life. As a werewolf, you couldn’t hide anything from your parents so you learned to be honest with them. Your parents tried their best to give you privacy even if they could tell something was going on. You appreciated that because when you started seeing Vi, you weren’t ready to bring it up.
You go back to cooking with your mother while trying to distract your mind. Your focus was elsewhere as you made the filling for the apple pie. You were nervous, more anxious than anything, about Vi coming. She’s aware that you have a big family but telling someone is different than seeing it. You didn’t want her to get overwhelmed. Besides, you were hoping that no one said anything embarrassing. There are too many stories about you from when you were younger. Anything goes in a family as close as yours, and there’d be more interest knowing that your partner is human. You were lucky that all the other nosy werewolves were outside when your aunts were grilling you. The soundproofing of the house saved you.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you stop mixing the apples to pick it up. ‘Hey, baby. I’m on my way! Be there in ten.’ Your anxiety shoots up and you respond with a heart before shoving it back into your pocket. The next ten minutes are filled with you shakily rolling out the pie crust and putting it into the oven as the doorbell rings. Your pulse jumps as you weave your way through your aunts and practically sprint to the front door. You skid to a stop, take a deep breath, and open the door. Your inner wolf growls happily seeing Vi in a dress shirt and a shining at her mouth draws your attention. ‘Oh, she got spider bites?! Did she do that because I mentioned how hot I think they look?’
“Hey.” You both say at once, laughing softly at it.
“Thanks for coming.” You smile at her, stepping aside to let her in, “I know it must feel weird to be away from your family.”
“Eh, we did a Thanksgiving lunch instead so I could come here for dinner. So, I’m definitely not missing them.” Vi chuckles, kissing you once you close the door. You grab her hand and hesitate, glancing towards the living room while biting your lip.
“So…before I take you out back. My whole family is here along with close friends. If you feel overwhelmed at all, tap my hand and we’ll go up to my room. I don’t want you to feel pressured to talk to anyone-” Vi silences you with another kiss, knowing that you’re about to break into your nervous rambling. She gives you an amused smile as you let out a long breath.
“Don’t worry. If I’m not feeling comfortable, I’ll let you know. Your parents love me already and their opinion is the only one that matters to me.” Vi leads you down the hallway, rubbing your hand with her thumb, “Besides, you’ve met my family and you haven’t run for the hills.” She grins at you.
“Having water balloons thrown at me was a shock, but a welcome one.” You laugh, remember the first time you met her siblings, “It was a good thing I had my bathing suit on under my clothes.”
“Violet!” Your mother shouts excitedly, a wide smile on her face as she rushes over to you.
“Hello, Mrs.L/n!” Vi chuckles, hugging your mother. Your aunts peek their heads out of the kitchen before they come out to greet your girlfriend. You smile to yourself as Vi is tugged over to your aunts and introduced to them. The surprised look on Vi’s face as she’s given a hug by each of your aunts makes you giggle. You had warned her that it might happen, but she probably didn’t believe you. They compliment her on her beauty, re-asking the simple questions you answered for them earlier as a way to confirm what you said to them. You sheepishly tugged Vi away when they started to tell her about how anxious you were waiting for her. ‘Oh, you’re all insufferable!’ You groan through the family pack link, making them snicker.
Vi follows you to the backdoor, a teasing smile on her lips as she holds back the urge to comment on what your aunts told her. You open the door and eyes are on the two of you as you step outside. You tighten your grip on Vi’s hand, making her glance at you and you give her a reassuring smile. The cousins closest to you approach and you start the painful process of introducing your girlfriend to everyone. It’s a bit disorienting trying to talk while the pack link is flooded with questions and teasing comments from your cousins and uncles. They force you to cut the connection so you can be present when you miss the question Vi asks you.
You’re impressed by how easily Vi can converse with everyone who approaches her. You know your girlfriend is a social person, but the fact that she’s not nervous is something you’ll never get used to. She took the lead in social situations, keeping a hold of your hand or wrapping her arm around you so you’re comfortable. Your current situation was oddly the same, but you relaxed once you realized that she wasn’t having any issues. Vi was having an avid conversation with one of your uncles about parkour. When Vi mentioned that she was preparing for a tournament they took interest in it. So she explained what it is and how she ended up doing it in the first place, strategically leaving out that she used to be a gang leader.
“Y/N!” You hear your cousin Kelly scream your name from the other end of the yard, “Y/N! COME HERE!” You groan. You didn’t want to leave Vi’s side but you knew they’d keep shouting for you until you did.
“Babe.” You nudge her, “Is it okay if I go to my cousin? She’s calling me.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll be okay.” Vi smiles. You nod, kiss her cheek and make your way to your cousin. ‘What does she want to talk about? I bet it’s to tease me or something. She’s known for doing things like that.’
“What do you want, Kelly?” You huff, crossing your arms when you get to her pack.
“So the pink-haired girl is your girlfriend?” Kelly raises an eyebrow, “I don’t believe it. She’s way too hot for you.”
“Vi absolutely is, but that makes it all the more special.” You grin. You and Vi had gotten into a playful argument about that when you first started dating. She insisted that she thought you were too attractive to date her while you called bullshit because you thought she was too attractive to date you. It was hilarious to you and made you laugh every time it got brought up.
“Have you claimed her?” One of Kelly’s packmates asks.
“No, not yet. She doesn’t know that I’m a wolf.” You shake your head.
“Why haven’t you told her?” Kelly furrows her brow, “You’ve been together for two years. Your heats must be unbearable with her being unclaimed.”
“The two of us haven’t talked about marriage. I don’t want to jump the gun so I’m waiting for that conversation.” You shrug. It was true, you haven’t talked about marriage, but you’re also scared. You’d be telling her something big, and if that caused her to run from you… you didn’t know if you could stomach that. You were in love with her, and even if your heats were unbearable you’d struggle through it for her.
“That means she’s anyone’s game.” Monica, your cousin’s Alpha steps forward. Her words agitate you, making you click your tongue to stop yourself from snarling. ‘I should get back to Vi before I end up in an argument. We’re supposed to be on our best behavior this evening.’
“You wish.” You chuckle, “Anyway, I’ve got to head back to her. Uncle Sal will keep her talking forever if I don’t save her.” Your words make the others around you snicker. You wave to your cousin and make your way back to Vi.
“You sound cocky about that Y/n!” Monica shouts, making Vi turn to look in your direction. You smile at your girlfriend and she returns it. ‘Vi wouldn’t leave me for anyone else. She loves me too much to.’
“Not cocky! Just stating a fact!” You shout, not turning around.
“Then, I challenge you to a claiming rite!” You jerk to a halt as you snarl internally, whirling around to glare at the wolf. ‘She did not just say that!’ Startled shouts come from everyone around you, and you hear someone sprint inside yelling for your mother.
“Monica, are you crazy?! There are humans here!” Kelly shouts at her Alpha who has a smug smirk on her face. The tables are hauled away from the middle of the yard to make room for the impending fight.
“Why don’t we show her what you are, since you’re so confident she won’t leave you for someone else?” Monia walks forward, her eyes turning red, “If I win the challenge, you break up with her and have to stop contact with her.” You feel the anger coursing through you, your inner wolf howling in rage. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?! She’s calling this right here? In front of five humans?!’ You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. You wouldn’t be able to back down from the official challenge, nor would Kelly or your mother be able to call it off. If you did, or if anyone interfered, you’d automatically lose. An Alpha challenging a Beta. ‘She expects to win.’
“Where the hell is this coming from?” You grit your teeth, feeling the ache in your gums as you try to hold back from shifting. You hear your uncle tell Vi something but you’re too focused to make it out.
“She’s hot. Maybe I want to mate her instead.” You snarl in anger, the sharp pain of your claws emerging only makes it worse.
“Step up, then!” You shout, spreading your arms out, “I’ll tear your fucking throat out and dance in your blood! You’re fooling yourself if you think I’ll let you lay a hair on my girl!” Your mother steps in between the two of you, her eyes glowing red as you’re tugged backward.
“Are they fighting over me?” You hear Vi's question.
“Things will make sense in a minute, but I’m going to need you to move over here.”
‘Y/n.’ Your father grabs your attention and you turn to meet his golden eyes, ‘Remember. If you don’t kill her, she’ll challenge you again if she believes Vi should be hers.’ You take your shoes and socks off and toss them somewhere behind you.
‘I don’t intend on letting her live, father.’ You narrow your eyes at him. ‘No one who challenges me will. Alpha or not!’
‘That’s my daughter.’ He nods with a smile on his face.
“Monica has challenged Y/n to claiming rites!” Your mother announces, “Monica, name your official terms.”
“If I win, you give up pursuing Vi…” Monica grins, “and you can’t contact her again.”
“What the fuck?!” You hear Vi shout, making you dart your eyes over to her. She looks at you with a mixture of disbelief and anger, her face twisted into a glare. You feel your heart ache in your chest, hoping that she’s not angry with you.
“Y/n, name your official terms.” Your mother demands.
“When I win.” You say darkly, “You’ll be dead.” Shocked murmurs come from the wolves around you at your terms. You only call for death terms if you’re confident about winning. Monica scoffs and your mother slowly backs into the crowd, putting a hand on your girlfriend’s shoulder. There’s silence as you and Monica stare at each other, waiting for your mother to call the fight since she’s the higher alpha in this situation. You meet eyes with Vi one last time as your irises turn to gold and give her a small smile. ‘Please. Please don’t let this scare her away.’
“Fight!” Your mother shouts. You growl as your body shifts, limbs elongating, and muscles tightening to reveal your werewolf form. The moment your transformation is complete, you’re running across the circle and colliding with Monica in a whirlwind of teeth and claws. You snap at her, trying to catch her hind leg in your mouth while keeping her face away from you. She snarls and slashes at you with her claws, forcing you to jump back, but it doesn’t keep you away for long. You get a few deep slashes on her, making her snarl and put some space between you two. The smell of blood in the air makes you feel murderous. ‘She thinks she can take my girlfriend? Big mistake.’ You snarl, taunting her as you slowly circle each other. She tackles you to the ground and you’re rolling around again. You can hear everyone shouting, some encouraging you, and others cheering Monica on. You manage to get your jaw around her neck when she slashes at your face, making you yelp in pain and let go. She kicks you off of her and you land on your hind paws, crouching down as she gets up. Your snout stings and you’re positive you’re going to have scars over your lips after this. ‘Her guard is down because she’s not taking this seriously. She’s confident I won’t win this. That. That’s my advantage.’ You flex your jaw as she stands up to her full height. You take a deep breath, getting a glimpse of Vi before Monica steps in front of her.
‘You’re dead.’ You snap at Monica. If this fight continues any longer, you will lose so you have to end it now.
‘Big talk from a Beta-’ Monica scoffs, but you spring at her and catch her off-guard. You shove her back by the shoulders, opening your mouth wide before locking it around her throat. You bite down hard, rupturing her arteries and causing blood to flood your mouth. Your bodies hit the ground and you use your claws to hold her down as you yank your snout back. The snap of muscles and tendons fills your ears as they give away and you find yourself clenching her throat in your mouth. You watch her bleed out for a moment before tossing her throat into the dirt next to her. Your werewolf side has you clawing at her chest so you can eat her heart to solidify that she’s dead. You’re vaguely aware of people telling the younger children to look away as you consume the heart. A victorious howl bubbles up in your throat and you feel a wave of exhilaration knowing that you succeeded. You feel a heat go through your body and you feel stronger.
You look up and feel your whole body freeze when you see Vi staring at you with an unreadable expression. You let out a whine, your ears flattening onto your head as you shift back. Your aunt Jenna rushes forward and throws your robe over your shoulders to cover your naked body. She stands in front of you while you put it on and the blood clinging to your skin soaks into it. The reality of your situation sets in as the humans gaze at you in shock and horror. Monica’s challenge didn’t just expose you to your girlfriend, but to the other humans as well.
“Y/n wins the challenge, becoming an Alpha.” Your mother says softly, and everyone can hear it since it’s absolutely silent. Your lip trembles as you feel the tears pool in your eyes. Vi had yet to move, to even say a word, and you fear that you’ve lost her. A sob forces its way out of your throat and you’re sprinting into the house before anyone can stop you. You slam your room door shut behind you and start pacing back and forth. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid! I should’ve- I should’ve- I shouldn’t have brought her here! What was I thinking?!’ Vi’s scent fills your nose right before you hear a knock on the door.
“Y/n? Baby?” Vi mutters, “Can I come in?”
“Y-Yeah.” You stutter out, sitting at the edge of your bed, “Come in.” The door opens and Vi gives you a gentle smile, ignoring the bloody footsteps on the tile, and approaches you. You jolt in surprise as she grasps your chin and lifts your face. Her eyes wander over your face, her thumb coming up to brush across the cuts on your face. From your cheekbone, all the way down, over your lips, and to the edge of your chin. You anxiously gaze at her eyes trying to figure out what she must be thinking.
“Let’s get you cleaned up.” Vi kisses your forehead, “We don’t want those cuts to get infected. After that, we can talk. I promise.” She helps you off of the bed and leads you to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind her. Silently, she takes your robe off, turns on the shower, and coaxes you into it.
“Vi-” You whimper, not liking the silence.
“-Shhhh. Not right now.” Vi shakes her head, “Wash off the blood, cutie pie. I’m right here.” You meekly nod and do as she says, taking care to wash the blood off of your face and body. You can hear her shuffling around in the cabinet, most likely getting out the isopropyl alcohol. When the blood has been washed from your skin, you turn the shower off and nervously step out of the shower. Vi wraps a towel around you and you sit on the edge of the bathtub as she kneels in front of you.
“This is going to sting, okay?” Vi caresses your cheek and you nod silently. You hiss as she takes a gauze pad and dabs the alcohol onto your cuts. She takes care to clean the whole thing, applying pressure to help stem the blood flow, and even holds her hand there as she cleans your other cuts. You lean into her touch, a needy whine leaving your lips and making her chuckle. Vi bandages your other wounds before re-checking your face and nodding to herself.
“Come on. We can talk in your room.” Vi puts the stuff away and leads you back. Once the door is closed, you hang the towel up and sit on your bed.
“I know what you saw out there must have terrified you, and it’s probably hard for you to stomach and I completely understand. I-I just didn’t know how to tell you or when to tell you-” Vi puts a finger against your lips.
“You’re rambling.” She smiles in amusement.
“S-Sorry.” You stutter, blushing.
“Learning that werewolves exist wasn’t on my to-do list for Thanksgiving…” Vi bites her lip, “But, learning that my girlfriend is a werewolf is something else entirely. I’m not upset or anything, just confused. What- What happened out there?”
“Monica called for a Claiming Rite. It’s a challenge where two werewolves fight over the right to claim the person of their conflict. The werewolf that loses stops pursuing the person and is forced to cut off all contact with them. I guess she took an immediate liking to you and decided to challenge me.” You sigh, “I couldn’t allow that. You’re mi-” You pause at Vi’s raised eyebrow, a teasing look in her eyes.
“Go on.” She nudges you, “Say it.”
“You’re mine.” You state, “I wasn’t going to let her have you.”
“So you killed her and… ate her heart?”
“Yup.” You nod slowly, “It sounds so fucked when you say it out loud.”
“I don’t know.” Vi shrugs, giving you a grin, “That’s kinda sexy to me.” You blink.
“I violently killed a werewolf and you think that it’s sexy?” You ask in disbelief.
“My werewolf girlfriend fought another werewolf for the right to be with me and won.” Vi snorts, “Yes, I think that’s sexy.” You giggle and find yourself smiling at her. You feel something warm run down your cheek, and Vi reaches out to wipe up the blood.
“You’ll need stitches for that. Your cheek is torn open.” She gently caresses the skin, “It’s gonna be a pain in the ass to eat with it if you don’t.”
“It’ll be healed in the morning, and I think I’m full after that heart.” You joke, “I’ll have some wicked scars to remind you of tonight… I’m sorry for ruining your Thanksgiving.”
“I’d kiss you to shut you up, but I don’t want to make your wound worse.” Vi huffs, “I love you, Y/n. Hell, I’ve been thinking about talking to you about marriage. You didn’t ruin my Thanksgiving. You haven’t ruined anything. I am very much in love with you… and I want you to claim and turn me.”
“What?” You gasp, your eyes going wide.
“You’re an Alpha now, right? Your dad was explaining everything to me during the fight. That means you can turn me, and if you claim me, you won’t have to worry about that happening again.” Vi moves closer to you, taking your hands in hers, “I want you to.”
“You’ll be forced to turn into a werewolf every full moon.” You warn her, “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s so much to tell you.”
“After what I saw tonight, I’m well aware of that.” Vi chuckles, “You’re not going to sway me from my decision so you might as well do it now and tell me about it later.” You sigh, shaking your head at your girlfriend’s stubbornness. ‘She said she was thinking of marriage so she’s serious about us…’
“Okay, okay.” You chuckle, “Take your shirt off and lay down. I have to bite you twice to turn and claim you, and it’s going to hurt badly. We can save the mating for another time. I need to know your rank first and teach you about the things that come with that.” Vi takes her shirt off and lays down on your bed.
“I’m all yours.” Vi winks at you, making you roll your eyes. Your gums ache as your fangs push through and you hold Vi down. ‘Please. Let this be successful.’ You glance up at her, feeling the venom fill your fangs before you bite down on her side. A shrill scream - that you didn’t know she was capable of - sounds as your venom gets injected into her. Breathing heavily, you let go and hold her down tighter as more venom fills your fangs.
“Forgive me.” You whisper as Vi thrashes in your hold. With another deep breath, you sink your teeth into her shoulder and get another pained shriek from her. It pains you to hear her screaming because of you but it terrifies you more when Vi falls limp underneath you. You put your fingers to her neck and feel a pulse that rapidly picks up. ‘Come on. Come on. Open your eyes. Open your eyes.’ You plead internally. ‘Come on, baby. I know you’re strong enough to survive this.’ You jolt back as Vi’s eyes snap open and she lets out a gasp. Her eyes glow gold before you watch in awe as it bleeds into a vivid red. ‘An alpha? That… That shouldn’t be possible unless she’s a True Alpha. I guess my aunts were right. She is an Alpha.’
“Y/n?” Vi mutters in confusion. You affectionately press your forehead to hers.
“You’re a werewolf. An Alpha.” You smile at her as her eyes widen, “When you mate with me there’ll be two Alphas in our pack or you can make your own.” Vi delicately pecks your lips, the desire to kiss you too strong to ignore.
“You love me that much, huh?” Vi gives you a cheeky smile.
“Didn’t we just establish that I’d kill for you?” You smile in amusement, “I ate someone’s heart… That whole situation?”
“You’re right.” Vi nods, “I forgot to mention… I’d kill for you, too.”
“I think you should have told me that before I turned you into a werewolf.”
“Should I have? You didn’t tell me to.” You laugh and properly kiss her, not giving a damn about the gash in your face. It’ll heal in the morning anyway.
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yellow-dejavu · 2 months
Do you miss him? I think I miss a notion of him. - Jonas and Hannah (1x02)
In all the worlds, Peter finds his way to Benni because he was always meant to be with her. I think something like that also applies to Hannah, but even more chaotic. Her love interests were a Nielsen and/or a policeman, so it might seem like Hannah was somehow looking for Ulrich. Since i watched the last episode, I don't think so.
All the similarities and differences in Hannah's romances are interesting to me. I think the ending was really fitting for her character, and now I have a different interpretation of her relationships.
Don't you think it'd be good if you got out? Won't you at least try? For me. - Hannah to Michael (2x06)
Michael Kahnwald: He was a really kind person. Hannah thought he was cool when they met. He was really nice to Hannah, and she was nice to him when others weren't. Even in his worst moments, Hannah was there for Michael. She didn't know who he really was, but she knew how he was before. Hannah just wanted to see her husband get better. Hannah loved Michael.
He loved Hannah.
She started a family with him in Adam's World.
Michael keeps secrets from her.
He is the father of her child (Jonas) and he loved their child so much. Michael would even give his life for Jonas.
They are not just romantic partners. He is also her descendant (great-great-great-grandson).
Mikkel is a Nielsen.
I tried to remember if you ever said "I love you" to me. - Hannah to Ulrich (2x07)
Ulrich Nielsen: He wasn't very nice most of the time, but he really tried his best. Ulrich and Hannah were friends since they were young. Hannah was obsessed with him. Ulrich had an affair with Hannah that didn't end well for them. Their relationship seems like it was never meant to be in any world. Ulrich always loved Katharina.
He didn't love Hannah.
She tried to start a family with him in Eva's World.
Ulrich keeps her as a secret and keeps secrets from her.
He loves his kids (Magnus, Martha and Mikkel).
Ulrich is a policeman.
They are not just romantic partners. He is also her descendant (great-great-grandson).
Ulrich is a Nielsen.
I love you. - Egon to Hannah (3x04)
Egon Tiedemann: He was a good man, and he was really nice to Hannah when they met. They had an affair. He told her he loved her, but Egon was holding on to a broken marriage. More than Doris leaving him, I think Egon was more affected by ruining the opportunity to be with someone who really wanted to be with him. But things probably worked out better for Hannah and Egon in Eva's World, Egon being a traveler was probably more able to think outside of the box.
He loved Hannah
She started a whole cursed family tree with him in Adam's and Eva's Worlds.
Egon keeps her as a secret.
He is the father of her child (Silja) and he loves his child (Claudia). He didn't know Silja in Adam's World, but I think he did in Eva's World.
Egon is a policeman.
They are just romantic partners.
Egon is not a Nielsen, but Egon and Hannah are technically the origin of the Nielsen family. Actually, she used the name Katharina Nielsen when they met in Adam's world and she is Hannah Nielsen in Eva's world, so Hannah is the Nielsen.
Egon's existence is not tied to the knot.
As a traveler, Egon's mission was to create his past to preserve the family tree. In order for his younger self to fall in love with her and have a child with her, he had to save Hannah from the apocalypse. I find it interesting that Hannah & Egon is the one Hannah relationship that's always necessary in Adam and Eva's World. I think Egon is the closest to Hannah's husband in Origin World.
Actually, no one here understood why she married him. She's very pretty. She could've had any man she wanted. - Wöller to Clausen (2X04)
Hannah is with Wöller in the Origin World.
Torben Wöller is funny and kind. He is a good man who loves Hannah. They are just romantic partners. He also happens to be a policeman in all the versions we have seen of him at his job. His profession didn't change from Adam's World to Eva's World, so I think he's still a member of the Winden police in Origin World. Wöller is not a Nielsen, so his existence is not tied to the knot. The series ends with Hannah starting a family with Wöller.
I just think that maybe all along Hannah was just trying to have what she was always supposed to have.
And I wish I could say that Wöller is different from Hannah's other love interests when it comes to secrets, but I can't. Not really a secret to her, but we don't know something very important. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYE???
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kindaorangey · 3 months
I don’t even know what sxf is but your art makes me want to watch(?) it so bad. (Feel free to pitch it to me!)
EEK THAT'S SO LOVELY okay here's the pitch:
spy x family is a manga-turned-anime comedy series - do not let ANY of what the fandom says let you forget this, because people tend to talk about it like it's some serious dark noir/forbidden love story - NO! it is a COMEDY SERIES first and foremost! and while the comedy obviously translates better in the anime, the manga is still mega funny. it takes all the best parts of comedic manga and anime - i.e. the hyperbolisation of everything to an absurd degree - and does it perfectly and consistently throughout the whole show. there's a lot of serious stuff i love about sxf, but the biggest appeal is just how fun it is to watch. it's silly, it's funny, it's fucking adorable and heartwarming. each episode is 20 minutes of joy.
and the premise is basically that a spy, loid, has to put together a fake family to pose as a regular citizen as part of his spy mission. and so he adopts a kid, anya, and then enters a marriage of convenience with a woman called yor, who agrees to it because living as a single woman in their country makes her an easy target for the secret service (which was a real phenomenon with single women in history btw!). so yor doesn't know loid is a spy and thinks he just agreed to help her out.
but yor is also leading a double life. she's an assassin, a very good one, and so she has 10x the reason to want to keep the secret service off her back. loid does not know that she is an assassin, and so they have a mutual thing going on where they try to hide their secret lives from each other while maintaining a fake relationship
and on TOP of that, anya, the daughter loid adopted, was a victim of wartime experimentation and has telepathic powers as a result. so she knows loid is a spy, knows yor is an assassin, is herself 4 years old and thinks they are the coolest people alive, and tries her best to help out with her parents' missions without letting on that she can read their minds. but most of the time she just uses her telepathy to manipulate her parents into letting her get, like, the snacks she wants. again, 4 years old.
very silly, very sweet, they're all hiding their secret identities from each other and form a united front to pretend to be a normal family to the rest of the world
and it ends up being like the fake dating trope (with loid and yor, obviously) where pretending to be married leads to sitcom shenanigans and eventually real romantic feelings developing. but the fun of the fake dating trope is expanded to the whole family, where the three of them have to pretend to have known each other and loved each other for a long time, have to work together to avoid suspicion from outsiders, and in doing so form very genuine familial bonds. this is particularly significant for loid, who intends to leave the other two behind once his mission is complete, so he has incentive to not get emotionally attached. but he can't help it. he grows to love them both. which is a very juicy emotional dilemma, and the impending choice loid will have to make about prioritising his family, or his work as a spy, is the emotional crux of the show.
yeah. it's an absurd setup done completely unironically with boatloads of tenderness and cuteness and comedy. it's sort of my favourite thing to watch ever and i highly, highly recommend it.
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bethanydelleman · 8 months
Northanger Abbey Readthrough Ch 24
My emotions while reading this chapter: 😬🫣😳😖🙄
Catherine being like, "I know you can fake a funeral and a body! No one can fool me!"
After trying one more time to see the mysterious mother's room and failing because of the General, and seeming to make him angry, Catherine resolves on going alone. Which is kind of noble of her, but girl...
I don't know what exactly Catherine was hoping to find in that room, like bloodstains on the floor, a locked-up Mrs. Tilney, a series of clues? But whatever it was, the actual room breaks her out of her fever dream and she's desperate to get away. Unfortunately she runs into Henry and then questions his stair climbing abilities:
“Good God!” she continued, not attending to his address. “How came you here? How came you up that staircase?”
He used his legs, Catherine. Poor Catherine tries to get away, but Henry keeps talking to her until she's compelled to tell the truth. Henry quickly recovers from the surprise of being told that Catherine thinks his father is a murderer and describes Mrs. Tilney's last illness.
The amount of hedging in this paragraph, Tilney has become a horticulturalist:
You have erred in supposing him not attached to her. He loved her, I am persuaded, as well as it was possible for him to—we have not all, you know, the same tenderness of disposition—and I will not pretend to say that while she lived, she might not often have had much to bear, but though his temper injured her, his judgment never did. His value of her was sincere; and, if not permanently, he was truly afflicted by her death.
He loved her... well as much as he can love... well he's not very nice but... I mean she didn't exactly have a happy marriage... but you know, he was fine... I guess.
And then he launches into his whole speech about how they are ENGLISH and the English have LAWS. You know there are still murders in England, right? Mr. Tilney?
Other funny parts:
"No, and I am very much surprised. Isabella promised so faithfully to write directly.” “Promised so faithfully! A faithful promise! That puzzles me. I have heard of a faithful performance. But a faithful promise—the fidelity of promising!"
You know who else promises faithfully and doesn't keep their word? Lydia Bennet!
“Oh, yes! he was to come there with Wickham, you know. But, gracious me! I quite forgot! I ought not to have said a word about it. I promised them so faithfully! What will Wickham say? It was to be such a secret!” - Pride & Prejudice
And Henry Tilney calculating out the time Catherine needs to dress:
“It is only a quarter past four,” showing his watch; “and you are not now in Bath. No theatre, no rooms to prepare for. Half an hour at Northanger must be enough.”
It would be not long enough for the Netherfield ladies, by the way, they take a full hour and a half to dress, even in the country! At five o’clock the two ladies retired to dress, and at half-past six Elizabeth was summoned to dinner. (Pride & Prejudice, Ch 8)
Some cuteness in with the dread, she has never before wanted to leave him!
She could not contradict it, and therefore suffered herself to be detained, though her dread of further questions made her, for the first time in their acquaintance, wish to leave him.
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tennessoui · 9 months
honestly doctor who! ahsoka having her own companion is very galaxy brain. i actually have some other suggestions for ahsoka time travel companions:
1) sabine
(she just becomes increasingly smug as the mission goes on and ahsoka keeps failing, then increasingly frustrated because she realizes that she is stuck with ahsoka. i do think she would shoot anakin or palpatine in at least a couple of the timelines.)
2) bo katan
(bo katan spends most of the time fighting with ahsoka and obsessively trying to obtain the darksaber. this backfires when anakin begins to suspect bo katan of being the secret sith lord. ahsoka and bo katan are forced to fake a relationship in order to get him off their back at one point. they accidentally become jedi-mandalorian married in at least one timeline before a humiliated ahsoka resets the timeline anyway. now bo katan is uoset because their fake marriage isn’t real anymore and brings it up saltily at least once every reset.)
3) kaeden
(no coherent thoughts just kaesoka 😔)
4) mace
(at first he is shook because of how truly degenerate some of the timelines get, but also he manages to kill palpatine in at least one of them and he’s pretty pleased with himself. other than that, i feel like he would take a “we should stay and fix the damage we’ve inflicted” approach as opposed to ahsoka’s “hit the reset button now” mindset. he would also pick up at least one hobby along the way, like idk crocheting or fishing)
5) yoda
(ahsoka spends most of the time miserably trekking around with a little green gremlin in her swagpack, aka swag backpack. he keeps giving her cryptic advice on how to deal with the situation until she realizes the best action is inaction. by the end, they decide to sit on the beach and just eat sandwiches together while they watch anakin throw a tantrum over the sand while obi wan sighs because he just wanted to try out surfing)
6) luke
(this is actually the canon backstory for how ahsoka and luke met. dave filoni just didn’t tell us because he didn’t think it was important enough to mention.)
7) count dooku
(this one doesn’t really have any explanation, i just thought it would be funny. bonus points because count dooku approves of obi wan but fucking hates anakin and so this is basically his personal hell. he nearly tries to kill ahsoka at one point, thinking that he will be freed, only to realize he’ll be stuck in the timeline with anakin and obi-wan forever. thus causing him to rescue her and hit reset. while ahsoka tries to matchmake anakin and obi wan, count dooku is constantly trying to break them up. at one point anakin accuses him of being homophobic and obi wan attends a support group for lgbt adults whose parents won’t accept their marriage and count dooku gets offended because he is NOT homophobic, he is just a hater. if anakin and obi wan have 1 opp, it’s count dooku. if anakin and obi wan have 1 million opps, it’s count dooku + an army of 999,999 droids. if anakin and obi wan have 0 opps, count dooku is dead. etc etc)
Note: I would put also R2 or Chopper as candidates but they don’t really seem like good companions to me on account of them being aggressively Dalek-coded.
i think all of these work in different ways and you have put it together so beautifully - i think it makes so much sense!
in my mind since none of this is really happening, ahsoka's companion could definitely change every so often as the Force pairs her with different people in an attempt to show her a different lesson....it's not actually the person but an aspect of their personality that could help ahsoka heal and maybe even appreciate the love obi-wan and anakin share
(except dooku. dooku wasn't supposed to be there and it's his actual force ghost. he's just such a strong hater that the force could literally not keep him out of this liminal space)
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jessi4branchifer · 2 months
Have you seen Frozen 2 and if so what do you think of it?
YES I have seen Frozen 2 😌
For a movie it was honestly pretty good. When it came out I had passed my Frozen phase (I was OBSESSED with it right before Trolls came out) so I wasn't as interested, but it is a really great and funny movie.
I love Kristoff and Sven and I love how he fails throughout the movie to propose till the end. What I didn't like was how after "Lost In The Woods" Kristoff just wasn't in the movie till he happened to be there when Anna was being attacked by the troll. I MEAN BRO HES HER TRUE LOVE YOU'D THINK HE'D GO LOOKING FOR HER OR SOMETHING
I also didn't like how Olaf temporarily died. Not cool.😑
I loved the proposal at the end, I kinda hope that's how the Broppy proposal turns out, though maybe a little more exciting...
I am honestly not a huge fan of Elsa, though. Her character is kinda confusing, and she is pretty bossy at times and acts like she knows what's best. Ig it's supposed to be some kind of moral, but I don't like how she's always pushing Anna away and keeping secrets. I wish they would have her open up a little more to Anna like DreamWorks did with Branch, and kind of start to trust her a bit more.
The plot for Frozen 2 is kind of confusing as well. I'm still trying to figure it out 😭🤣🤣
Overall, I love the jokes, it's a fun movie to watch, especially with the family, and it is that kinda movie where I'm like "eh" rn but when I do watch it I'll be like "I LOVE THIS MOVIE". But it is an awesome movie, and I hope that it'll show more of Anna and Kristoff's wedding or marriage if they make a third one.
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justanotherspeck · 1 year
s1 my beloved
transcript below the cut:
CASPAR: Anyway, this is Midnight Burger. I’m Caspar.
AVA (Outside): FUCK. YES.
CASPAR: That’s Ava, she’s always here.
CASPAR: And this is a... diner.
GLORIA: Are you sure?
CASPAR: The huge murder beast is having a coffee break
ZEBULON: For our marriage is made strong by a singular truth.
EFFIE: That divorce is an abomination.
ZEBULON: … And that we love each other very much.
EFFIE: Yes, also that.
THE EX: You can’t let that stand in the way of true love.
LEIF: Honey, you lay eggs.
THE EX: Why do you keep bringing that up?!
LEIF: It’s an important detail!
GLORIA: Do you ever feel like Leif is almost too relaxed? He goes with the flow no matter what, it’s weird.
AVA: Oh yeah? Watch this. Hey, Leif?
LEIF (In the kitchen): Yeah?
AVA: I’ve been thinking about it and, I don’t know, I still feel like a hot dog is a sandwich.
LEIF (In the kitchen): For fuck’s sake!
MARY: Can you help me?
CASPAR: What’s happening?
MARY: The officer outside, he’s been looking for me for days. I’ve managed to avoid him so far but now that’s him outside. Can you hide me somewhere? This desperate plea is brought to you by Arby’s. Arby’s, we have the meats.
LEIF: This Molotov Cocktail is brought to you by communism!
EFFIE: Yes, yes, of course. Our Lord is a God of peace.
ZEBULON: Indeed.
EFFIE: Unless you’re a merchant outside the temple, then look out for the chokehold of Jesus.
CASPAR: Ava, what are you doing?
AVA: I’m getting this jug of moonshine and going out in the parking lot to watch a fist fight. Suck on that, Stephen Hawking.
CASPAR: Oh, no. What are we going to do without all the essential work you do around here? Who will do the incredibly hard work of being an asshole to people?
AVA: That’s not work, that’s how I relax.
CASPAR: Well you must be really relaxed.
STEVE: We had come upon a binary star system. I looked upon these two stars rotating around their barycenter and my thoughts turned to my wife. We were like these two stars, locked into an eternal dance only due to chance and gravity, unable to recall a moment where we chose each other and unable to escape this rotation. Knowing that to move closer would obliterate us both.
CASPAR: This went from fun idea to Russian novel real fast.
STEVE: Hello, my friends. I am about to go on a date.
CASPAR: Yeah, we heard... uhhh nice work, buddy.
LEIF: Go get ‘em, tiger.
STEVE: I have no idea how to go on a date.
LEIF: Shit, okay, uh...
CASPAR: Um... Ask her about her job.
LEIF: Yeah, her life in general.
CASPAR: Listen a lot.
LEIF: Don’t try and be funny.
CASPAR: Try sharing a secret with her.
LEIF: If she asks you to do something illegal, it may be a test.
LEIF: Really gauge the situation at that point, is she kidding or does she actually want to do crimes?
CASPAR: What are you talking about?
LEIF: This is good advice.
CASPAR: Where, the Pirate Isle of Tortuga?
EFFIE: Caspar, thanks for being with us today.
CASPAR (Whispering): So great to be here, go fuck yourself.
CASPAR: Gloria, we’re going to have to go.
GLORIA: Oh, man. Okay. Guys, gather round.
CASPAR: What the hell is that music?
GLORIA: V, Jungkook, Jimin, Suga, Jin, RM, J-Hope. I want you to know that I love you all very much. But I have my own pack, and I have to go run with them now.
EFFIE: (Fighting back tears) It’s... so hard to hear her say goodbye to the wolves.
ZEBULON (Also crying): I didn’t realize she named them after the members of BTS.
CASPAR: We should get one of those signs that says “This many days since an accident”.
LEIF: Yeah, except ours would say “This many days since your sentient radio quoted the Egyptian Book of the Dead, switched personalities, or steered you into a supermassive black hole.”
CASPAR: ...That’s way too long for a sign, Leif.
GLORIA: Yeah, Leif, that’s—
CASPAR: As a straight white male you know one thing about me: I’ve watched a lot of History Channel.
GLORIA: Okay, I’m thinking a chair, some rope, and I’ll pour hot coffee on her, let’s do some Guantanamo shit.
JANE (Overlapping): It’s no use, guys.
GLORIA: Did the doors to the diner just lock?
CASPAR: They did. Effie, what in the Amityville Horror is happening right now?
JANE: Does having you kidnapped maybe count as a romantic gesture at all?
CASPAR, narrating: In Ava’s defense, she was unilaterally putting everyone in danger... That doesn’t make it better, does it?
AVA: I am going to rip your balls off!
CASPAR: Oh, don’t threaten me with a good time.
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
Unpopular opinion probably but I'd find it so cool and funny if Loid and Yor never do start romantically dating each other genuinely but just stay best buds married out of convenience.
Tell me that doesn't make sense when at any point when these two were supposed to "prove" that they love each other, or even tried to engage in romantic physical intimacy they (granted, mostly Yor) flounder so hard they can't even kiss each other. In a pretend marriage. (Never mind that Yor is drunk for almost all of these occasions.)
In fewer words:
AroAce Loid and Yor.
My specific headcanons are Aro/Gray-Ace Loid and Ace/maybe-somewhere-on-the-aro-spectrum-man-idk Yor.
Reasoning incoming:
A big part of their setup and the upkeep of their respective secret identities is the fact that they have no idea what is considered normal. Loid understands fundamentally that sex is considered a big part of marriage but he thinks Yor wouldn't enjoy it due to her "past" as a sex worker, but he does not understand or notice that he's supposed to have a problem with that. Of course he loves Yor dearly and thus respects her wishes, and when it comes to his own needs he thinks he "can keep himself in check", not realizing that he barely has any, not like "other people" do. He enjoys physical intimacy with Yor occasinally but if Yor doesn't want to, that's fine, shrugged, and forgotten about.
Later, once they figure out each other's secret identities, they can way more openly refer to each others as partners. In mission, in crime, in life, they trust each other deeply. But romantically? Loid was so busy with getting Yor to like him in their pretend marriage, he never considered whether he likes her. And he does, you know, she's his best friend in a way even Franky never was. He trusts her with his life. But does he like her romantically? And he'll think, no of course not because of his job. And then their secrets are revealed and they stay together and he still doesn't love her romantically, the way it's depicted in all the novels. But now he doesn't have the job as an excuse, because clearly, that's not it.
It takes him a minute to figure out, but he sees nothing wrong with loving Yor the way he does, she is already the person he trusts most in the world, so that must be enough. No saccarine romantic feelings involved.
Yor, meanwhile, gets easily flustered at the idea of physical intimacy and romance, and gets easily defensive about it. By accident, of course, and it's only inexperience, surely. Except, you know. Most other people wouldn't make that much of a fuss if they got to kiss their hot pretend husband. Most people wouldn't try to slap the living shit out of him on reflex. On different occasions.
So, you know, at some point after the reveal, they sit down and have a long and healthy discussion about their wishes and boundaries. And Loid asks her about her physical boundaries specifically, given her reactions in the past. And they do kiss. And it's kinda nice. Not half as good as everyone told her it'd be. Not as bad as she's dreaded it to be either, on occasion, when the self-doubt got too strong. But that's it.
But once Yor is free of all the expectations she's created in her head about how to be a good wife and what other women her age expect and want, she gets to think about it. And Loid asks her if she wants to kiss again. And honestly? Not particularly? She could, and sometimes she'd like to, but it's not that vital to her. And that starts a whole conversation about their wants and needs in the bedroom.
They keep their seperate bedrooms, because that's what they're used to and between Loid's healthy paranoia and Yor accidentally kicking him in the shins in her sleep, it's just better for them if they don't share.
Sometimes they fall asleep on the couch watching a movie curled up with each other but that's the extend of it. They both prefer it that way.
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oldtvandcomics · 18 days
Hot take, but Hollywood has been going waaaaay too soft on the Lancelot/Guinevere affair. The general convention has kind of become that they silently pine after each other for most of the movie, then one of them has enough and starts pressuring the other to do something. They kiss ONCE, are caught immediately, and Arthur is very upset about his feelings being hurt. Which is inaccurate for multiple reasons, but mainly:
These two HAVE BEEN SLEEPING TOGETHER. FOR YEARS. And infidelity is still scandalous today, but back in the Middle Ages, it was a crime punishable by death. I don't think that modern movie audiences quite get the full experience, if you focus in on feeeelings instead of talking about the sex. (Also, Arthur, WTF do you mean "you having feelings for Lancelot is a betrayal and personal attack, you can only love one man"?! YOU'RE NOBILITY. Romantic feelings were NEVER a part of this marriage.)
What I am trying to say is, I want these movies to up their game. If you already have to make a movie about the love affair causing the fall of Camelot, then I want to watch Lancelot and Guinevere sneak around everybody's backs doing hardcore BDSM and getting away with it, for years.
This would have a bunch of benefits:
It increases the tabooness of the situation to somewhere easier to understand,
It would be a good reminder of the part of chivalric romances where a knight is supposed to serve his lady with everything he has. Courtly love has become too much of an aesthetic to be of any meaning. Making Lancelot Guinevere's sub could be very symbolic for that whole culture, if written right,
Based on the way US-Americans act on the Internet, more stories with people having healthy, consensual sex definitely would do them some good.
You could arguably adding in friends who know what they're doing and keeping the secret, which: Nice!
It would be really funny and unexpected
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one-strugling-bean · 9 months
OFMD Random Commentary (Ep 4)
I like that you can see that they are both extremely uncomfortable at the wedding
Oh of course he was a father that played with his kids...
Ah yes, very kind of BB to watch over Stede as he sleeps
Not Lucius beating on the ship's handrail with a tiny hammer and the biggest bitch pose in the world
"Izzy, Izzy, come, they've got a bird guy!" Why is he precious
Oh, but Mary is actually trying and putting effort into their marriage, nouuu that makes it even harder for me to like Stedeeeee
The painting is honestly quite pretty too
Yeah, this is not a relationship I can take sides in...
Okay, he's Edward then
And he's got anger issues alright
He's looking at Stede so tenderly, my god
My boy Lucius really came in at a bad time
Stede would wear a hat to bed
Mary really tried for them... I really do feel bad for her...
Wow that hellish dream sequence was super scary ngl
Ed. Ed is nice, I like Ed
"Fuck off!" "Fucking mental..." Ed is me right now
Also, of course, Stede would build secret passages into his ship for fun
Omg, I get why she's annoyed, but the crew's questions keep getting dumber and it's honestly a little bit funny
So, one feels trapped in the aristocratic life and the other feels trapped in the pirate life - what a match
"You're a fucking lunatic and I like it" I get what he means I think, I also fell for Stede's lunacy in ep 1
I will say tho, I won't be surprised if this ship goes up in flames by the end of the season. They've been hinting at it so much
Omg, they switched clothes, this is amazing. They are so silly I love them both now, it's official
Not Ed playing with the wavy sleeves - I would do it too
Hmmm but Ed is a ticking bomb waiting to explode isn't he
Lucius with the countdown..... that was very good
Damn, so Ed really is a genius sailor
I feel like we might see more of this lighthouse metaphor
He brought them breakfast.... that is genuinely such a sweet thing. Stede just won a few more points with me
Bringing more marmalade instead of gunpowder, I love him
Ed is playing double trucies..... I know he'll regret it eventually, but still, that's meanie
Or maybe not?
Yeah, Ed is very much playing for his own side here. Just can't tell which one that is, yet
Okay, it's time for predictions. I honestly have no clue where this story is going but I'm gonna take a couple guesses anyway.
Stede will eventually find out Ed planned on betraying him and he'll be sad.
Stede's crew will at some point have to choose between sticking with their captain (aka staying loyal) or betraying him - honestly not sure what they would choose.
The Revenge will catch fire, and it'll start in the library.
This season won't end happily. And probably it'll end on a cliffhanger.
Stede might go back to his family by the end of the season. Something along the lines of "You go back to your old life and we'll spare your crew and paramour (Ed)"
Ed will have a rage outburst in front of Stede and depending on how seriously it's treated, it'll push Stede away.
Izzy will fuck things up on purpose thinking he's doing the right thing.
Aaaand that's about it I think. I can already feel my future self laughing at my idiocy from beyond the veil of time, but we'll see how wrong I am when I get there.
For now, let's keep watching :>
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