kailjoi · 2 years
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dw homie no one's taking him from you
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
Do you ever make a post so good you're like 'this would do numbers on tumblr dot com' and then it gets like 18 notes. 23 likes. 3 likes 1 reblog. Like sir I put effort and love and my expectations to that post why is it not doing good. Then I make a shitpost and boom 700 notes instantly like wtf. People dont like my great posts they like shitposts. But then I also see someone make a post get similar to mine and their post does numbers and I'm sad.
And when I say this it feels like I want attention but no I actually care about a post and nothing happens to it I want things to happen this is very stupid I I just wanted to rant before I went to sleep
This has been sitting in my inbox so long I'm sorryyy but yeah I totally get that feeling more so back when I used to actually try to post analysis and meta and stuff
It's just an universal truth that whatever low effort thing you make will get a ton of more attention than whatever high effort thing you make it happens with literally everything
But don't beat yourself up too much for it while the obvious line here is you post for yourself first and foremost and whatever else but I think it's really normal to want attention and expect it I get that feeling a lot even if you can't control that there's no need to call yourself stupid for feeling it
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prismartist · 11 months
cellbo's a protege for the feds now? huh. interesting
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
Sorry to bring up the shit that happened yesterday(he says, discussing a situation in which he was repeatedly sent disgusting anons and was targeted by a weird stalkerish ableist with no hobbies other than being weird about mentally ill people's vent posts), but can I just say that the reason it doesn't bother me as much as I know that it should is because I've become so used to this sort of shit happening in this fandom.
Like. cBenchtrio mains have always gotten some of the weirdest shit thrown at us for a variety of reasons from a variety of parts of the community.
c.dream stannies are the biggest culprits, right before c.emerald fans who got really nasty after doomsday happened, and sadly enough even certain cwilbur fans who, in an attempt to defend against ableism, circle around into infantilizing him to the point of throwing a fit at people who point out Genuine Things He Did Wrong when talking about his character.
It's mostly a combination of cbenchtrio being very young, very traumatized, and oftentimes so in a way that isn't "cool" or "cute" or "badass", which also leads to the community demonizing them to different extents to defend their adult favs and absolve them of fault for the ways they've hurt cbench over the course of the lore.
this translates to fans who relate to their characters being targeted quite often. usually in a fake nice "don't you wanna see the NUANCE of this grown adult being horrid towards a child?" way that's just....really gross....
if i had a nickel for every time i got a victim blaming-filled comment on my fics...............so many nickels..............so many
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arkirei · 3 years
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Lil dream sketch
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dreamonminecraft · 2 years
Here’s a tiny headcanon for you all, the hey there delilah-sweater weather karaoke stream happened right before the disc war finale, right?
It’s c!George’s last memory with c!Dream.
C!Dream had been so evil for so long and c!George couldn’t stand it, and yet, his very last memory with Dream is so human, and fun, and genuine. It was almost like how everything was before Dream became so obsessed with Tommy. 
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mephiles-the-jester · 2 years
/rp I'm rewatching the first stream with c.Sam in prison and I noticed in the part where c.Dream says he doesn't have c.Sam's food, he then says "Again, karma" and now I'm wondering if that's what c.Sam did to c.Dream, if he also held food in front of him and refuse to give it because "It wasn't his"
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kailjoi · 2 years
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fellas, is it queer to hover your hand near your homie's waist and lean in close?
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moved-19871997 · 2 years
i want to pick dream’s brain apart how did he create a character who sent himself off to prison and is a baby necromancer and torments teenagers and plays five dimensional chess with himself and his foes and also a character who’s a god, also has a hand in necromancy, wants people to worship him ? and talks in a silly goxlr voice and can control dreams and feeds off souls and somehow theyre both in love with resident nap taker georgenotfound
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
My.c!Dreamie he's jsut anlittle snake boy
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asweetlime1 · 2 years
The netherite looks good on him and his green little skin
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
wait genuinely curious, have any c.dream apologists tried to use the face reveal to start shit yet?
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fxllingout · 2 years
hello does anyone have any c!dream or c!dnf playlists im in a mood rn
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floridabaiter · 3 years
having "i can fix him" thoughts
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lee096 · 3 years
c.dream and dreamxd
personal headcanon that manhunt was a friendly annual tradition between the manhunt team and occurred before the events of the dream smp. so when c.dream eventually escapes prison, its all him recollecting memories of when things were simpler back then. personal headcanon that c.dream’s mask belongs to dreamxd. it is stainless, pure, unbreakable. it is an object of pure luck, blessed by the god itself. its what keeps c.dream lucky during his manhunts. c.dream offers the dragon’s egg at the end of every manhunt in exchange to keep the mask and reset the world for another game. personal headcanon that c.dream’s mask and its granted abilities factored into his god complex throughout the events of the dsmp, up until the point where the only thing he had left with him in his imprisonment was the mask. and even then, just like with everyone else, c.dream doesnt need it. he doesn’t need a god’s blessing, not when he already believes he is one.
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