#caleb yaxley
vawobefanart · 1 year
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Theo & Draco: 🎶 You are Athena! Badass in the arena! 🎶 Marcus: How do you put up with this all the time? Caleb: Most times I’m with Draco his mouth is busy with better things if you catch my drift. Marcus: Bwahahahahaha! Blaise: Ugh, you’re disgusting…
… I drew a whole ass bathroom and like practically 7 people… just so Draco and Theo could sing under the shower… what is wrong with me?
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juliesmuses · 7 months
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CALEB YAXLEY; 21 anos; Bruxo e Lobisomem; Ocupado
Caleb é neto do Comensal da Morte Yaxley. Seu pai era um lobisomem e por isso foi separado da família purista. Caleb perdeu a mãe cedo e o pai ele perdeu recentemente em um dos ataques contra mestiços que estavam acontecendo no mundo bruxo. Agora, Caleb sabe que precisa se juntar com os amigos, porque provavelmente, ele também é um alvo.
Caleb x OC purista
Caleb x OC também mestiça ou nascida trouxa
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maledictushqs · 4 years
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Olá, meu nome é CALEB RORY YAXLEY e eu tenho DEZESSETE. Curso o 7º ANO e minha casa é a CORVINAL. Minha matéria extracurricular é RUNAS ANTIGAS,  também participo do clube de DUELO. Faço parte da MONITORIA, SENDO MONITOR-CHEFE. Meu status sanguíneo é MESTIÇO e eu fico ao lado da RESISTÊNCIA. Minha parte mestiça é PARTE LOBISOMEM. Dizem que me pareço com o trouxa GAVIN LEATHERWOOD, mas não acho que seja verdade.
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Prestígio era uma palavra recorrente a ser vinculada com a família Yaxley. Porque era exatamente esse o grande objetivo da família. Receber prestígio, serem conhecidos na alta sociedade bruxa. Isso podia ser observado no modo como os mais velhos que carregavam esse sobrenome andavam, falavam, comiam… Era criados para serem reis e rainhas. Corban Yaxley não era para ser diferente, mas ele tinha um pequeno agravante. A longa linha de limitares que sua árvore genealógica trazia. A postura dura, as palavras fortes e a disciplina os levou até a diretoria do departamento de leis no ministério da magia, nos tempos de Voldemort.
Corban teve dois filhos homens. Alexander, o bravo bruxo que queria lutar ao lado do seu pai, defendendo a supremacia bruxa ao custo que fosse, e Reginald, o doce filho mais novo, medroso e covarde aos olhos do pai. Os dois tiveram a mesma formação, a mesma infancia, mas devagar até Corban foi percebendo que Alexander tinha muito mais a oferecer do que Reginald, que não demorou para começar a ser neglienciado pelo pai. Nas festas exuberantes das famílias puras, apenas Alexander era levado com o pai, e aos poucos, “Alexander” se tornou o nome mais ouvido, e o único a ser relacionado com herdeiros dos Yaxley.
Quando a segunda guerra bruxa estourou, Reginald estava feliz por estar fora dela. Ele não tinha os pensamentos puristas do pai, mas não podia de jeito algum expressar o que pensava. Acima de tudo, a criação militar estava presente na casa dos Yaxley, e violencia era tudo o que aquela família conhecia. Corban a essa altura mal considerava Reginald seu filho, e quando ele ouviu boatos que Greyback estava caçando pessoas para criar um exercito de lobisomens, Corban viu aí um final para seu filho renegado. “Que sirva para alguma coisa, afinal” era o que se ouvia enquanto Corban levou Reginald a força até Greyback, e permitiu que o filho fosse mordido e transformado em uma criatura da noite, um filho da lua.
Reginald conseguiu fugir e não precisou lutar. Alexander não teve essa sorte, e morreu na batalha de Hogwarts. Corban foi preso em Azkaban. Com muito pesar, Reginald concordava que aquio era um alívio, assim como finalmente poder se casar com a mulher de sua vida, e ter uma vida mais próxima do normal possível. Normal, para um Yaxley. Por mais que Reginald não fosse purista como o pai e o irmão, a violencia fazia parte dele, e era tudo o que ele sabia passar ao filho, quando Caleb Rory Yaxley nasceu. A criança carregava os olhos extremamente escuros do pai, mas os cabelos negros e enrolados eram como os da mãe.
Caleb teve uma criação parecida com a do próprio pai, e se isso não fosse suficiente para justificar sua personalidade explosiva, talvez os gene de lobisomem herdados do pai fizessem bem o trabalho. Era nítido que aquela parte estava tão encrustrado em Caleb como o orgulho de seu sobrenome. Madison, a mãe do menino rezava todos os dias para que a parte lobisomem de Caleb se fosse magicamente, e todas as noites ela ouvia baixinho o marido murmurar sobre aquilo não ser uma doença, e sim uma maldição de sangue.
Caleb cresceu e recebeu sua carta de Hogwarts, sendo selecionado para a Corvinal. Perdeu a mãe muito cedo, e não tem muitas lembranças vividas dela por conta disso. A falta materna só colaborou para o garoto ser o que é atualmente, porque por mais que Reginald condenasse o pai pela sua criação, ele repetiu os mesmos erros com Caleb, repassando a única coisa que havia conhecido naquela família: a violência, o orgulho, a arrogancia. Mas uma coisa Reggie se orgulha de não ter passado para o filho: o purismo desenfreado de seu pai. Por conta disso, Caleb se tornou uma pessoa extremamente acessível. De uma personalidade forte mas um tanto instável, ele não julga as pessoas pelo sangue, não vendo a diferença entre elas em relação a isso. E por mais que seja aberto com seus sentimentos positivos e pensamentos, alguns assuntos ele se sente extremamente desconfortável, como sua parte lobisomem e sua relação com o pai, que nunca fora fácil ou muito amorosa, e ele prefere simplesmente  guardar para si do que ter outras pessoas o julgando por seu nome ou passado, e relações famíliares.
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Costumava ser do time de quadribol da Corvinal, mas devido ao seu temperamento, não era raro Caleb se enfiar em brigas físicas com os adversários. Na última vez que ele entrou em uma dessas brigas e quebrou o nariz de um colega, ele foi convidado a se retirar do time, e ser afastado por um tempo, ficando no banco de reservas.
O cabelo do garoto parece seguir sua personalidade. No começo do dia, está quase sempre extremamente alinhado, de um jeito que seu avô Corban Yaxley teria orgulho. Mas a mão passada frequentemente nos fios negros logo vão liberando os cachos negros ao longo do dia, que ele pouca motivação tem para por no lugar novamente, fazendo-o acabar o dia com uma aparencia largada, o deixando ainda mais parecido com Reginald.
É meio lobisomem, mas ele não passa as luas cheias em paz. Caleb sente todas as dores de uma transformação de homem a lobo quando a lua cheia aparece, e durante a noite inteira a febre é sua melhor amiga, agarrando seu corpo e o fazendo tremer com a temperatura inumanamente alta, até que ele sinta novamente a dor da transformação, desta vez de lobo a homem, e todo o sofrimento passe como mágica. Tudo isso, sem se transformar de fato na criatura, mantendo completamente sua forma e consciencia humana durante todo o processo.
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camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
Cecelia “Cece” Ottesen-Taylor
born 1906
younger sister, daughter of noah and skadi
faceclaim: jessica brown findlay
Lady Viola “Vi” Ellis
born 1904
elder sister, daughter of georgia and adam
faceclaim: alicia vikander
brave, headstrong
Chance Lestrange
born 1978
nephew of bellatrix lestrange
faceclaim: caleb mclaughlin
a bit cold, very proud
Elizabeth Yaxley
riddle era, born 1935
daughter of margaret and vincent yaxley
faceclaim: keira knightly
cunning and independant
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olivieblake · 7 years
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The Letters of Lord Voldemort | The Dark Lord attempts to wrangle the inimitable twat brigade (also known as the Death Eaters) via letter, by magnificent goons @drsallysparrow and @olivieblake.
My goodness Lucius you do go on at length, don’t you? I’m quite bored already and if Lord Voldemort the CONQUEROR OF DEATH can fail to be entertained by his own majesty, then humanity has lost all hope. Just - I don’t know, send Severus for the Divination job. He’s got eccentric hair, right? And, you know. A requisite oddness? He’ll fit right in at that wretched school. IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME but it is wretched ENTIRELY WRETCHED and someday I shall burn it to the ground.
Read the latest on AO3 | Start from the beginning
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bluemoon-writer · 3 years
Slytherin Students List
If you’re writing a fic and need Slytherin names for a certain year feel free to use this list.
Note: This list was created for my Slytherin! Harry fanfiction, The Snake Inside. This is a list of all the Slytherin students throughout the 7 years that Harry is at Hogwarts. I stole some names from the wiki and the rest were generated with a Victorian name generator. I aged down a couple characters that were listed on the wiki to have extra characters, and gave some background canon characters siblings. There should be at least 10 students in each year. I also designated who in my story is Head Girl/Boy or a Prefect, but if you’re just borrowing some names you don’t have to keep that part.
7th years – Gemma Farley (Head Girl), Merula Synde (Prefect), Harper Selwyn (Head Boy), Barnaby Lee (Prefect), Ernst Dolohov, Levy Holland, Caleb Avery, Elliot Gardiner, Emelia Steen, Velva Shackley, Della Cowen, Rose Eade
6th years – Ismelda Murk (Prefect), Aurora Yaxley, Alda Treadway, Ophelia Wood, Ivy Howe, Duncan Ashe (Prefect), Elijah Grimwater, Arthur Withers, Eldon Rookwood, Charley Beley
5th years – Felix Rosier (Prefect), Calvin Gibbon, Vern Synde, Arley Eade, Lyman Gardiner, Liz Tuttle (Prefect), Letitia Avery, Phebe Lawlor, Sadie Askew, Marie Connell, Marcus Flint (Quidditch Captain), Terence Higgs
4th years – Lucian Bole, Peregrine Derrick, Miles Bletchley, Gregory Grimwater, Lawrence Mulciber, Tabitha Bainbridge, Lucinda Selwyn, Annette McNab, Diane Carter,
3rd years – Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey, Cassius Warrington, Darius Berrow, Fergus Cowley, Sadie Baldock, Zoe Accrington, Yurika Haneda, Amy Frome, Adelaide Yaxley
2nd years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow, Hestia Carrow, Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey, Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
1st years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
7th years – Ismelda Murk (Prefect), Aurora Yaxley (Head Girl), Alda Treadway, Ophelia Wood, Ivy Howe, Duncan Ashe (Prefect), Elijah Grimwater, Arthur Withers, Eldon Rookwood, Charley Beley
6th years – Felix Rosier (Prefect), Calvin Gibbon, Vern Synde, Arley Eade, Lyman Gardiner, Liz Tuttle (Prefect), Letitia Avery, Phebe Lawlor, Sadie Askew, Marie Connell, Terence Higgs
5th years – Lucian Bole (Prefect), Peregrine Derrick, Miles Bletchley, Gregory Grimwater, Lawrence Mulciber, Tabitha Bainbridge(Prefect), Lucinda Selwyn, Annette McNab, Diane Carter, Marcus Flint (Quidditch Captain) 
4th years – Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey, Cassius Warrington, Darius Berrow, Fergus Cowley, Sadie Baldock, Zoe Accrington, Yurika Haneda, Amy Frome, Adelaide Yaxley
3rd years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow, Hestia Carrow, Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey, Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
2nd years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
1st years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier, Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington, Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
7th years – Felix Rosier (Head Boy), Calvin Gibbon, Vern Synde, Arley Eade, Lyman Gardiner (Prefect), Liz Tuttle (Prefect), Letitia Avery, Phebe Lawlor, Sadie Askew, Marie Connell, Terence Higgs
6th years – Lucian Bole (Prefect), Peregrine Derrick, Miles Bletchley, Gregory Grimwater, Lawrence Mulciber, Tabitha Bainbridge (Prefect), Lucinda Selwyn, Annette McNab, Diane Carter, Marcus Flint (Quidditch Captain)
5th years – Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey (Prefect), Cassius Warrington, Darius Berrow, Fergus Cowley, Sadie Baldock (Prefect), Zoe Accrington, Yurika Haneda, Amy Frome, Adelaide Yaxley
4th years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow, Hestia Carrow, Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey, Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
3rd years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
2nd years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier, Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington, Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
1st years – Simeon Travers, Alfred Mcnair, Roy Wilkes, Edward Grimwater, Buck Higgs, Astoria Greengrass, Mazie Rookwood, Lettia Howe, Arie Daley, Winifred Mulciber
7th years – Lucian Bole (Prefect), Peregrine Derrick, Miles Bletchley, Gregory Grimwater, Lawrence Mulciber (Head Boy), Tabitha Bainbridge (Prefect), Lucinda Selwyn (Head Girl), Annette McNab, Diane Carter, Marcus Flint (Quidditch Captain)
6th years – Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey (Prefect), Cassius Warrington, Darius Berrow, Fergus Cowley, Sadie Baldock (Prefect), Zoe Accrington, Yurika Haneda, Amy Frome, Adelaide Yaxley
5th years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow, Hestia Carrow (Prefect), Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey (Prefect), Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
4th years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
3rd years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier, Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington, Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
2nd years – Simeon Travers, Alfred Mcnair, Roy Wilkes, Edward Grimwater, Buck Higgs, Astoria Greengrass, Mazie Rookwood, Lettia Howe, Arie Daley, Winifred Mulciber
1st years – Mathew Flint, Edmond Rowle, Ernst Mcnair, Merle Ashthorn, Alec Davis, Elsa Vaisey, Annabell Bole, Anita Ross, Lorraine Vear, Elizabeth Gillis
7th years – Graham Montague, Adrian Pucey (Prefect), Cassius Warrington, Darius Berrow (Head Boy), Fergus Cowley, Sadie Baldock (Prefect), Zoe Accrington, Yurika Haneda, Amy Frome, Adelaide Yaxley
6th years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow, Hestia Carrow (Prefect), Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey (Prefect), Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
5th years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott (Prefect), Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson (Prefect), Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
4th years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier, Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington, Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
3rd years – Simeon Travers, Alfred Mcnair, Roy Wilkes, Edward Grimwater, Buck Higgs, Astoria Greengrass, Mazie Rookwood, Lettia Howe, Arie Daley, Winifred Mulciber
2nd years – Mathew Flint, Edmond Rowle, Ernst Mcnair, Merle Ashthorn, Alec Davis, Elsa Vaisey, Annabell Bole, Anita Ross, Lorraine Vear, Elizabeth Gillis
1st years – Mitchell Wilkes, Lyman Runcorn, Walter Hopkirk, Clem Crabbe, Valentine Treadway, Therese Cowley, Lucia Derrick, Hannah Carson, May Heard, Georgia Nealy
7th years – Patricia Lynch, Aletha Farley, Flora Carrow (Head Girl), Hestia Carrow (Prefect), Adolphus Urquhart, Everette Vaisey (Prefect), Yatin Bhagat, Uchi Akimbo, Sebastian Daley
6th years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott (Prefect), Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson (Prefect), Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
5th years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier (Prefect), Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington (Prefect), Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
4th years – Simeon Travers, Alfred Mcnair, Roy Wilkes, Edward Grimwater, Buck Higgs, Astoria Greengrass, Mazie Rookwood, Lettia Howe, Arie Daley, Winifred Mulciber
3rd years – Mathew Flint, Edmond Rowle, Ernst Mcnair, Merle Ashthorn, Alec Davis, Elsa Vaisey, Annabell Bole, Anita Ross, Lorraine Vear, Elizabeth Gillis
2nd years – Mitchell Wilkes, Lyman Runcorn, Walter Hopkirk, Clem Crabbe, Valentine Treadway, Therese Cowley, Lucia Derrick, Hannah Carson, May Heard, Georgia Nealy
1st years – Maxwell Hopkirk, Holden Pyrites, Florian Withers, Graham Gillis, Gabriel Vear, Agnes Daley, Scarlet Turner, Rose Moore, Samantha Willoby, Penny Ledbury
7th years – Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott (Prefect), Blaise Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson (Prefect), Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis
6th years – Malorn Ashthorn, Nathan Rosier (Prefect), Raymond Pyrites, Jules Rowle, Harper Ross, Bridget Powall, Elizabeth Warrington (Prefect), Joan Accrington, Annis Berrow, Polly Barnett
5th years – Simeon Travers (Prefect), Alfred Mcnair, Roy Wilkes, Edward Grimwater, Buck Higgs, Astoria Greengrass (Prefect), Mazie Rookwood, Lettia Howe, Arie Daley, Winifred Mulciber
4th years – Mathew Flint, Edmond Rowle, Ernst Mcnair, Merle Ashthorn, Alec Davis, Elsa Vaisey, Annabell Bole, Anita Ross, Lorraine Vear, Elizabeth Gillis
3rd years – Mitchell Wilkes, Lyman Runcorn, Walter Hopkirk, Clem Crabbe, Valentine Treadway, Therese Cowley, Lucia Derrick, Hannah Carson, May Heard, Georgia Nealy
2nd years – Maxwell Hopkirk, Holden Pyrites, Florian Withers, Graham Gillis, Gabriel Vear, Agnes Daley, Scarlet Turner, Rose Moore, Samantha Willoby, Penny Ledbury
1st years – Grant Runcorn, Alex Sykes, Gideon Cowley, Titus Carrow, Bastien Morcott, Megan Rowstock, Hayley Quentin, Ursula Penkridge, Cassandra Frey, Miranda Travers
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yaxleb · 4 years
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vou ceder e fazer aquele esquema dos vários starters (três na verdade, paciencia comigo). vocês podem escolher um e responder <3 preciso muito de mais inter com o caleb, ajuda a tia vega aí, namoral. (os starters estão abaixo do read more, todos são relacionados ao plot drop) amo vcs.
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1. ❝ você acha que é uma sociedade secreta ou coisa assim? ❞ ele suspirou. estava falando falando do pronunciamento, claro, enquanto folhava o livro que tinha nas mãos, apenas fingindo o desinteresse. ❝ quer dizer, eram várias vozes, claramente eram muitos, esses ‘herdeiros’ ❞ dizer o nome em voz alta deixava tudo muito real e ainda mais assustador.
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(closed) 2. A SALA DE DUELOS ESTARIA SUPOSTAMENTO VAZIA, E ERA SÓ POR ISSO QUE CALEB estava indo para lá. sua suposição estava um tanto errada, porém, porque assim que abriu a porta uma varinha foi apontada para si. ❝ não vai me matar, vai? ❞ a pessoa estava provavelmente com medo, e não era para menos. aquele pronunciamento sinistro deixara todos extremamente nervosos, e o céu escarlate era como um lembrete de que algo maligno estava por vir, só não sabiam exatamente o que. ❝ veio treinar ou se esconder? ❞
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3. AQUELA VOZ SINISTRA HAVIA ACABADO DE ECOAR NA MENTE DE TODOS ALI, E YAXLEY ainda estava devidamente em choque. estava próximo da grande porta de entrada do castelo, e por isso viu as sombras que se formaram, de um segundo para outro, assim que as vozes se calaram. ❝ mas que porra... ❞ ele soltou, andando devagar até lá fora, como outros alunos que estavam próximos de si. seus olhos se arregalaram quando viu com seus próprios olhos o céu ficando vermelho, um sinal de claro mal presságio. ele fitou a pessoa ao seu lado, negando com a cabeça, nervoso. ❝ isso não é bom sinal ❞
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dxddyprincess · 4 years
with @yaxleb​
As coisas não estavam fáceis para ninguém, ela era a que mais sabia daquilo. Cada dia que se passava as coisas ficavam ainda piores, e era cada vez mais difícil acreditar que “tudo vai ficar bem” e “em pouco tempo vão pegar o culpado por toda essa confusão”. Ela havia acordado cedo durante aquele dia, bem, era fácil quando não havia dormido nada na noite anterior, como em muitas outras noites durante aquelas semanas.
Procurava Caleb com o olhar o tempo inteiro, de maneira inevitável. Não queria ser a garota grudenta que não largava de Yaxley, sabia que aquele posto já estava ocupado, mas ele era praticamente a única coisa boa em meio a toda aquela maré de notícias ruins, e ela queria aproveitar. Quando ele finalmente colocou os pés no Salão Principal, no entanto, não durou muito tempo, e logo Neville o levou para fora do mesmo novamente. Curiosa como só a Potter, não pensou duas vezes em seguir os dois para onde quer que estivessem indo.
A primeira coisa que pensou ao ver o moreno entrando na sala da diretora foi que alguma coisa errada ele havia feito. Não podiam culpá-la, não era como se ele soubesse como não se meter em problemas, mesmo que torcesse que fosse apenas alguma coisa relacionada a monitoria. Ele havia levado menos tempo do que ela pensava que iria ali dentro, e estranhou quando viu Neville tentando o seguir. Seu coração acelerou, e ela novamente nem ao menos pensou quando se pôs a segui-lo para entender o que estava acontecendo.
“Caleb!” O chamou, precisando dar uma leve corrida até o alcançar em um dos corredores. “Ei, o que aconteceu? Are you in trouble?”
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thegoldenyearsrp · 4 years
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                    ( RECUENTO : 14 de septiembre de 2020 )
→ reservas
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Baptiste Travers, Bertram Aubrey, Edgar Bones, Frank Longbottom, Ivan Davies, Jacob Davies, Lily Potter, Gladys Gudgeon, Ludo Bagman, Edric Brown, Jason Denbright, Zephyr Parkinson, Andrea Prewett, Benjy Fenwick & Sirius Black ( s ) — 18 de septiembre
Cassia Clearwater, Brigitte Delacour, Mina Lima & Charlie Mulciber ( s ) — 20 de septiembre
Dorcas Meadowes, Gideon Prewett, Hestia Jones, Agatha Figg, Glenda Chittock, Aurora Rowle, Jonathan Nott, Rosalind Bungs, Doris Purkiss, Stubby Boardman,  Alyssa Abbott & Alastair Montague ( s ) — 20 de septiembre
Barty Crouch Jr., Kenta Akiyama, Peter Pettigrew & Tiberius McLaggen ( s ) — 20 de septiembre
Alice Longbottom, Fabian Prewett, Zabrina Davies, Grace Fitzgerald & Ellie Dowson ( s) — 20 de septiembre
Andromeda Tonks, Darcy Brown, Minerva MacMillan, Daisy Hookum, Alecto Carrow, Molly Weasley, James Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange & Corban Yaxley ( s ) — 20 de septiembre
Remus Lupin & Rabastan Lestrange ( s ) — indefinido
→ follows recientes
Katherine Ollivander
Nirvana Dawlish
Olivia Avery
Sturgis Podmore
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Amelia Bones ( inactividad )
Scarlett Travers ( inactividad )
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Arthur Weasley ( inactividad )
Cora Bones ( decisión del usuario )
Gwenog Jones ( decisión del usuario )
Narcissa Malfoy ( decisión del usuario )
Ophelia Wilkes ( decisión del usuario )
Pandora Lovegood ( decisión del usuario )
Penelope Goldstein ( inactividad )
Ted Tonks ( inactividad )
→ personajes liberados
Arthur Weasley
Cora Bones
Gwenog Jones
Narcissa Malfoy
Ophelia Wilkes
Pandora Lovegood
Penelope Goldstein
Ted Tonks
→ fcs liberados
Caleb Landry Jones
Grant Gustin
Laura Harrier
Lucy Boynton
Natalia Dyer
Park Chaewon
Sophie Skelton
Valeria Vera
orden del fénix
Alice Longbottom ( Florence Pugh )
Benjy Fenwick ( Nick Robinson )
Dorcas Meadowes ( Kristine Froseth )
Edgar Bones ( Joe Alwyn )
Fabian Prewett ( Maxence Danet-Fauvel)
Frank Longbottom ( Dev Patel )
Gideon Prewett ( Miles Heizer )
James Potter ( Alex Fitzalan )
Lily Potter ( Bree Kish )
Peter Pettigrew ( Michelangelo Fortuzzi )
Remus Lupin ( Andrew Garfield )
Sirius Black ( Jacob Elordi )
Sturgis Podmore ( Rome Flynn )
Alecto Carrow ( Emma Mackey )
Amycus Carrow ( Freddy Carter )
Baptiste Travers ( Daniel Sharman )
Barty Crouch Jr. ( Bright Vachirawit )
Bellatrix Lestrange ( Margaret Qualley )
Corban Yaxley ( Cody Christian )
Rabastan Lestrange ( Gavin Leatherwood )
Severus Snape ( Avan Jogia )
Agatha Figg ( Marilyn Lima )
Alastair Montague ( Lorenzo Zurzolo )
Alyssa Abbott ( Kim Jiwoo )
Amelia Bones ( Merritt Patterson )
Andrea Prewett ( Jane Levy )
Andromeda Black ( Katherine Langford )
Aurora Rowle ( Lily Collins )
Betty Braithwaite ( Kiernan Shipka )
Bertram Aubrey ( Asa Butterfield )
Brigitte Delacour ( Meg Donnelly )
Cassia Clearwater ( Danielle Rose Russell )
Charlie Mulciber ( Alisha Boe )
Daisy Hookum ( Eleanor Tomlinson )
Darcy Brown ( Candice Accola )
Doris Purkiss ( Abigail Cowen )
Edric Brown ( Mena Massoud )
Ellie Dowson ( Kaylee Bryant )
Gladys Gudgeon ( Lana Condor )
Glenda Chittock ( Elle Fanning )
Grace Fitzgerald ( Madelyn Cline )
Hestia Jones ( Kacey Rohl )
Ivan Davies ( Thomas Brodie-Sangster )
Jacob Davies ( Lucas Till )
Jason Denbright ( Reece King )
Jonathan Nott ( Tyler Young )
Katherine Ollivander ( Madelaine Petsch )
Kenta Akiyama ( Johnny Seo )
Ludo Bagman ( Wolfgang Novogratz )
Mary MacDonald ( Bae Suzy )
Mina Lima ( Sofia Carson )
Minerva MacMillan ( Freya Mavor )
Molly Weasley ( Karen Gillan )
Nirvana Dawlish ( Elizabeth Olsen )
Olivia Avery ( Milena Tscharntke )
Rosalind Bungs ( Maca García )
Scarlett Travers ( Halston Sage )
Stubby Boardman ( Willem De Schryver )
Tiberius McLaggen ( Chance Perdomo )
Zabrina Davies ( Virginia Gardner )
Zephyr Pakinson ( Louriza Tronco )
Zoe Nettles ( Katherine McNamara )
→ cantidad de personajes
TOTAL: 62 personajes.
Pequeñxs, les pedimos mucha paciencia dada la cantidad de hiatus. Ahora mismo la actividad en el dash puede flaquear, pero volverá a restablecerse. Algunas de nuestras usuarias se encuentran ausentes por razones personales o escolares, sin embargo cada una se ha comunicado con nosotras para avisar de su inactividad. ¡Gracias y buen inicio de semana!
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vawobefanart · 2 years
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Okay, let me introduce:
Caleb Yaxley aka Draco’s possible Daddy-Issues boyfriend who’s totally a good influence to my little dragon (not): Son of Corban Yaxley, has two older sisters (’cause daddy Yaxley only wanted to stop after he produced a suitable heir) Pure blood supremacist, feels superior af, loves fashion. He’s ambitious, proud, dominant. Has little patience for basically everything and lusts after power, while being a pragmatic and cruel Voldemort supporter, just like his loved father.
Marcus Flint, well y’all know that little fucker.
Sahil Shafiq aka why-arent-you-more-like-your-little-brother: Has one younger brother (in Draco’s year), who is severely more interested in pleasing their parents and who is therefore more loved and announced as “the real heir to the Shafiq name”. While he still believes, that pure bloods are superior to others, he does not take active part in treating them badly. He just kinda does nothing about it (Which also is not good tbh). Still, he does not act like an entitled brat when he has to team up with non pure bloods for classes and while he sort of ignores non pure bloods whenever he is around his friends, he is seen having normal conversations with exactly those ignored people when his friends aren’t around. (He also excuses his friends behaviour, not helpful at all but whatev).
All of them graduate in year 1994 (4 years before Draco does)
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calebyax · 4 years
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get to know: caleb yaxley
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smokehqs · 4 years
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To celebrate releasing all of the skeletons, SmokeHQs is going to be doing instant acceptances from now until June 15th! If you apply for any of the following characters, your application will be reviewed and your acceptance will be decided on immediately instead of waiting for set acceptance days, so I hope you see someone you like!
Caleb Goldstein
Constance Corner
Danica Yaxley
Faiza Shafiq
Gilderoy Lockhart
Griffin Reed
Gwenog Jones
Ian Holmes
Imogen McLaggen
Kveta Yaxley
Kyo Amano
Lisbet Almstedt
Madailein Brown
Noah Warren
Oberon Marchbanks
Quinn Brown
Rita Skeeter
Silas Podmore
Walden MacNair
Xiomara Rojas
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sdhqsecrets · 5 years
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halloween costume contest ‘23 →  teddy lupin for best costume (overall)
with a crazy amount of votes, you were undoubtedly the most voted on costume of the night !! while that’s a win for you, sounds like it’s a win for ashcroft too. kudos to you for that landslide win dear !!
2nd place - Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini
3rd place - Tallulah Abbott
the rest of the runner ups are below !!
Adabella Skeeter 
Adeline Mulciber 
Aiden Wolffe 
Alastair Watson 
Albus Potter 
Alexander Hawthorne 
Alice Longbottom 
Amara Bones 
Anthony Rosier 
Archer Selwyn
Ariadne McLaggen 
Ariella Belefleur 
Aryana Robins 
Ash Rookwood 
August Fawley 
Aurora Claremont 
Avalon Mulciber 
Benjamin Ollivander 
Bentley Lockhart 
Brianna Avery
Caleb Cresswell 
Callista McGonagall 
Camille McGonagall 
Candice Cresswell 
Casey Abrams 
Caspian Berrycloth 
Cassius Cresswell 
Cecily Prewett
Charles Villiers 
Charlotte Watson 
Chase Sayre 
Clara Arquette 
Colm McCarthy 
Darcy Mulciber 
Declan Rowland 
Delilah Flume
Dev MacMillan 
Diana Rosier 
Dominic Whitehorn
Elaine Greengrass 
Electra Carrow 
Elide Weasley
Elijah Nolan 
Elizabeth Greenwood 
Ember Fortescue
Emma Pickering 
Evan Parkinson
Everett Pickering 
Ezra Bishop 
Finley Murray 
Fletcher Duke 
Freya Avery 
Frank Longbottom 
Gabriel Larkin 
Grace Turner 
Harley Burke 
Hazel MacDougal 
Hudson Burke 
Hugo Granger-Weasley 
Isabelle Crawford 
James Ashcroft 
James Potter 
Jasper Locklear 
Jaxon DuQuan 
Jonah Finch 
Josephine Goldstein 
Joshua Selwyn 
Julia Kominek 
June Finch 
Laurel Ollivander 
Lena MacMillan 
Liam Kominek 
Lily Potter 
Lorcan Scamander 
Lucy Weasley 
Lyra Malfoy 
Lysander Scamander 
Lysandra Rowle
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas 
Maeve O’Hare 
Manon Flamel 
Marcus Carson 
Matthias Vallois 
Meredith Wayfelle 
Michael Thorne 
Milo Fox 
Molly Weasley 
Mortimer Claremont 
Natalie Davies 
Natalya Dolohova 
Nesta Greenwood 
Nile Harb 
Octavia Coleman
Odette Flume 
Orion Yaxley 
Peggy Carson
Penelope Hawthorne 
Pepper Rosewood 
Perseus Mulciber 
Pippa Rosewood 
Poppy Zabini 
Reid Anderson 
Rhiannon Prewett 
Rosalie Fleur 
Rose Granger-Weasley 
Scorpius Malfoy 
Sebastian Nott 
Seraphina MacAuley 
Seung Krum 
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander 
Sofia Clarke 
Tallulah Abbott 
Theodore Dubanowski 
Theodore Oliver 
Theseus McLaggen 
Tiberius Flume 
Tobias Atwell
Toby Anderson 
Verity Nott
Victoire Weasley 
Vivian Chang 
Wesley Martin 
William Ashcroft
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alterxgos · 5 years
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starter call? starter call!
below is a complete list of my muses, even though i haven’t finished my muses pages yet. if you’d like a starter, please like ( or reblog ) this post and comment below which muse / fandom you’d like ( if you don’t, i probably won’t write you one )!
asoue muses!
beatrice baudelaire
beatrice baudelaire ii
bertrand baudelaire
dewey denouement
duncan quagmire
ellington feint
ernest denouement
frank denouement
friday caliban
isadora quagmire
jacques snicket
kit snicket
klaus baudelaire
lemony snicket
uncle monty
moxie mallahan
quigley quagmire
sunny baudelaire
violet baudelaire
marvel muses!
alex wilder
alexi shostakov
amadeus cho
america chavez
anya corazon
anya lishkeva ( oc )
brock rumlow
carol danvers
cassie lang
chase stein
curtis hoyle
feliks castle ( oc )
frank castle
gert yorkes
hope van dyne
james barnes
james rhodes
jane foster
jemma simmons
kamala khan
karolina dean
kate bishop
leo fitz
lily fitzsimmons ( oc )
lorna dane
luke fitzsimmons ( oc )
mapone romanova
marcos diaz
melinda may
molly hernandez
monica rambeau
morgan stark
nedezhda shostakova ( oc )
nadia pym
nico minoru
nina gurzsky
phil coulson
sam wilson
scott lang
viktor romanov ( kinda oc )
cassandra clare muses!
alastair carstairs
alec lightwood
alexei de quincy
aline penhallow
amélie pontmercy ( oc )
anna lightwood
annika kreigsmesser ( oc )
beatriz mendoza
cameron ashdown
cecily herondale
celia whitelaw ( oc )
charles buford fairchild
charlotte fairchild
christopher lightwood
clarissa “clary” fairchild
cordelia carstairs
daniel highsmith ( oc )
diego rosales
eoin leifssen ( oc )
erec kingsson
fenya kreigsmesser ( oc )
freja carsmith ( oc )
freida kreigsmesser ( oc )
gabriel lightwood
gaia erdersen ( oc )
gideon lightwood
grace blackthorn
henry branwell
isabelle lightwood
isobel konigsson ( oc )
jace herondale
jaime rosales
james “jem” carstairs
james herondale
jeremy starkweather ( oc )
jessamine lovelace
jesse blackthorn
jessica beausejours
jocelyn fairchild
jordan kyle
josiah kreigsmesser ( oc )
josiane pontmercy ( oc )
kaelie whitewillow
katherine whitelaw ( oc )
kieran kingsson
lina kreigsmesser ( oc )
louis pontmercy ( oc )
lucas whitelaw ( oc )
lucie herondale
luke garroway
luna starkweather ( oc )
lydia crews ( oc )
maia roberts
marisol ( rojes ) garza solcedo
matthew fairchild
max lightwood
oscar kreigsmesser ( oc )
rachel haynes ( oc )
rafael lightwood-bane
raphael santiago
raven ( oc )
reinhardt kreigsmesser ( oc )
robin ( oc )
saul highsmith ( oc )
sebastian verlac ( not jonathan morgernstern )
solomon highsmith ( oc )
sophie collins
sparrow ( oc )
tatiana blackthorn
tessa gray
william herondale
wren ( oc )
various muses!
abigail dudley ( the haunting of hill house )
akkarin ( magician’s guild trilogy )
aleksis kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
allison hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
amara namani ( pacific rim )
anyi ( traitor spy triology )
beatrice “tris” prior ( divergent )
ben hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
caleb prior ( divergent )
cameron weiss ( sense8 oc )
carmen cortez ( spy kids )
ceryni ( magician’s guild / traitor spy )
coraline jones ( coraline )
cosima neihaus ( orphan black )
dannyl ( magician’s guild triology )
diego hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
eleanor crain-vance ( the haunting of hill house )
five hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
hugh crain ( the haunting of hill house )
jake pentecost ( pacific rim )
jayan ( magician’s apprentice )
juni cortez ( spy kids )
kala dandekar ( sense8 )
lena knowles ( sense8 oc )
liesel meminger ( the book thief )
lito rodriguez ( sense8 )
lorkin ( traitor spy triology )
lorlen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
mako mori ( pacific rim )
mei lin gao ( pacific rim )
mia davies ( sense8 oc )
nathan “nate” lambert ( pacific rim )
olivia crain ( the haunting of hill house )
osen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
raleigh becket ( pacific rim )
riley blue ( sense8 )
rothen ( magician’s guild trilogy )
sarah manning ( orphan black )
sasha kaidonovsky ( pacific rim )
shirley crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sonea ( magician’s guild trilogy )
stacker pentecost ( pacific rim )
stephen crain ( the haunting of hill house )
sun bak ( sense8 )
theodora crain ( the haunting of hill house )
tobias “four” eaton ( divergent )
uriah pedrad ( divergent )
vanya hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
viktoriya malikova ( pacific rim )
will gorski ( sense8 )
wolfgang bogdanow ( sense8 )
zeke pedrad ( divergent )
wizarding world!
albus dumbledore
alecto carrow
amelia bones
amycus carrow
andromeda tonks
antinoch peverell
arthur weasley
atticus mulciber
augustus rookwood
aurora sinistra
bellatrix lestrange
cadmus peverell
charity burbage
charlie weasley
claudius crabbe
corban yaxley
cornelius fudge
corvus lestrange
cuthbert binns
edward “teddy” lupin
evan rosier
felix rosier
filius flitwick
frank longbottom ii
fred weasley
fred weasley ii
george goyle
george weasley
ginny weasley
horace slughorn
hugo weasley
ignotus peverell
james sirius potter
john dawlish
kingsley shacklebolt
leta lestrange
lily luna potter
lucius malfoy
ludovic bagman
madam pince
mafalda hopkirk
malcolm mcgonagall
marcus avery ( sr )
marcus avery ( jr )
minerva mcgonagall
molly weasley
narcissa malfoy
percy weasley
peter pettigrew
pius thicknesse
pomona sprout
porpentina goldstein
regulus black
remus cedric potter ( replaces albus severus )
remus lupin
rolanda hooch
ronald weasley
roxanne weasley
rufus scrimgeour
septima vector
sybill trelawney
theolonius nott
thorfinn rowle
ulysses travers
victor rosier
walden mcnair
bill weasley
fandomless ocs!
micah thompson
various others pls ask me about them
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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mnalohomorapodcast · 5 years
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Alohomora 'Episode 272: DH 1 - Dinner with the Death Eaters' - is now available! http://alohomorapodcast.com/episode-272-dh-1-dinner-with-the-death-eaters/
All good things must come to an end, including our seven-part anniversary series. Join hosts Alison and Michael along with guest host Caleb as they discuss the quietly disturbing first chapter of Deathly Hallows, “The Dark Lord Ascending.”
On Episode 272 we discuss…
→ Dedications and Epigraphs worth reading → If you haven’t read the other books, screw you! → Jo’s writing at its peak → Showing the bomb under the table → Harry Potter vs. Game of Thrones → Yaxley? Who dis? → Disdain for the peacocking Malfoys → Cursed Child – “Yeah, we just did that.” → Did Pettigrew lose his voice along with his hand? → Worst marriage announcement ever → Let us all toast the bravery of Charity Burbage → DH pt 1: Just as much Hermione’s movie as Harry’s?
To listen to the show, simply click the player below or direct download the episode. You can also subscribe to us on iTunes. For more information about the podcast and to find out how to be on the show, check out our Be On The Show! page.
Skype users can send us a message to username AlohomoraMN. And as always, be sure to continue the discussion below!
Listen Now:
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